Newspaper Page Text
Miller 6 Rhoads. Miller O Rhoads. WEATHER FORECAST?Frtday fair. ' WARNER'S Rust-Proof Corsets, $1.50 No. 121. Made of English Jean, with hose-support ers at the side and new Princess hip. This corset is one of the best models made for medium flgures and will give the fashionable contour to the flgure, while at the same tlme it's the personification of comfoH. Remember; The Boning is Rust-Proof. il IT^RUST-PROOr^ 12 l-2c. PERCALES, 7 l-2c. 1,800 yards of the bosfc 12^o Peroale that's made will be sold to-morrow at 7 l-2c. One case of short lengths, but exaotly the samo iabrios we're solling in full pieces for 12 l-2c. Tnf Just when we oan get these mill cnds. M090a?aoat>e******1'*tfPtf** X Soa'ai and \ | jPersonal \ j* % WoopopoooaeQeoeoootietKititie* The Washlngton Post of yesterday _lves the followlng Interostlng account of the Jones-Truett weddlng . taklng plaoe |n Washlngton Wodnesday ??n[??l The maarrlage ot Mlss W.nlfred Truett. Baughter of the Rev. and Mrs. GeoYge H. ITruett, to Mr. George Jeter Jones of [Richmond, Va., took place last evenlng at the West Washlngton Baptlst Church, iln the prcscnce of a large ^"S-;0^0"' '"he ceromony was performcd b> R?. W Truett. asslstod by Rev C. C. Cole ?l_.n the pastor of tlio church.. cX ushers who seated tbe company SWra Mr. Brooks Blrdsong and Mr. Uuj.h; )f Richmond; Mr. Frank L. Gall, k,w pi hidiilDlita- Mr I-lerbert Ross Van ferel tn the strams of tho weddlng march nvimtl wore n tralned gown of whlto embrolderod nfoussellne on taffet., wlth tulle vell, fastoned by nnturnl or Tnse blossoms. atid carrlcd a bouquotjpf lllles and rosos. She was escortcd by her father and attended by the followlng malds: Mlss Lillie EL Truett,-.her slstert Mlss Mnrgaret. Vandenberg, Mlss Marle Su so Gnmwell. of thls clty: MIbs E o r enca Wlnkemolr. of New York; M as Katharlno PhllHps. of Rlchrnond: Mlss Macte Kolly. of Brlstersburg...Vn.^nll 0? whom wore wlilte crepe dc ohlne Snd car rled whlte roscs. At (he closejM ""' "" mon'v llie Glee'Club aand "'Twas ln tho Fragrant Summer Tlme" as the brldal party pnssed from the church. A roception followed nt the home of tho brlde's parents. on Thlrty-flrst. Street. ??er whlch Mr. and Mrs. Jones loft for the South, for several weeks' travel be? fore golng to thoir future home In Rlch mond. Hunter? Exall. ? Another weddlng In whlch a number of Richmond people-iurVe hjterosteu, took Tilace ln Balltnwre.."whon Mlss Llizabotl EUery Exall. the daughter of Mr. and Jdlss Turner Patorson Exall, of No. 121 fwest Twentieth Street. was marrled to Mr. Charles W. Hunter, formerly of thls Tlio ceremony wns pcrformed nt 4 P. tli In the Memorlal Eplscopal Church. the Rov. Wllllam M. r>ame nfflclntlng. _'he brldo. who wns gk'en away by her tather. woro a travellng gown of blue r.loth a whlte pleturo hat. nnd had a bouqiiet of brldo roses. Mlss Aiino -Hl? ter the groorn'R slster, wns mnld of honor She waa ln Kray cloth, and carrled matd's rosea. The Rev. Howard Jones, of New York. offlclated as hest man. 1 he Krooro was also attended by Mr, George Bldgood. Mr. .Garnott Tabb, Mr Charles Burnett and Mr. Mulford CrutchReUVof thls cltv. Mr. Eugeno Hoffmnn and Dr. Franl! Hamhlln. of Baitimoro. Amonc tho out-tif-town gtiests prcsent .t tho coremnny woro Mrs. C. W. Hun ter. of Ashland. Va.. mothar of tho groom: hh. slflt". Mlss Anno Hunterj Mlsses Holon nnd ?ll?abetti Wlun. and M,8S Randall. of Richmond; ?*.*?fi[ ?y. Mlllor nnd Mrs. Bonjamln Tuthlll. of Washlngton, D. C. Easter-Week Oerman. Tho Richmond Cotlllon Cluh wlll hnvo lts Eurter gerrnnn Frlday avanlng noxt ln the MaHonlc Templo. The Lartles* Ald* Snc'aty of Ontennry Churoh wlll postpone their handerehlef nhower entertatnment unt Frlday nnd Baturday. tho 24th und 26th of Aprll. whon thoy wlll bopvb relresh inents at No. 427 Eaat Broad Slreot. May-Day Qernian, Mr and Mr?. Adoiphus Rlalr havo Is BUed'lnvltatlona for a germaii to ha glven at the Maaonio Temple Frlday evening, May 1st from 9 to 12 o'clock. Thla goriiiHn Wlll be 'for the benoflt of tha Toxua talla at the Confederate Paaaar. It wlll be led by Mr. Adoiphus Blalr, dhd manv beautiful featura? upproprlale for May day customs wlll ha Introduood. A faivor lltiure wlll bo Introduced wlth a apoclal prlzo. Decoratlona wll ha both tastcful and liBiidsoino, und tho gurman blda falr to be tha most liitorostliig soclal bvent of the poBt-I.eiiten aeason. Patroneases of the ovenlng wlll bo; Mri. Jpscph Bryan, Mrs. John G. Parland, Mrs. W. Bep Pulrner, Mra. Charlea K. Bmlth, Mrs. Garrett B. Wall, Mra. 10. I* Banson, Mr*. W. B. P- Mayo, Mrs. Phlllp H Poworu, Mrs. J Scott Parrlsh ,;?_1 Mr?. Honry A. Wllllams. . The Board of Lady MunagorB of Chlm boraao Hospltal wlll hold a rummage _ilo Bt No. 1811 Eaat Maln Btreet tho weoK pommenclng Aprll SOlb. Mombers of tho board and their frlends can send pnelt agt-s for tha sait to Mlss t'orgusson. Twenty-thlrd and Broad Btruets; Mra. , ,W. E. Woody, No. J17 North Twenty nlnth Street, or Mrs. Rnmon D. Garcin, No. 2G1S East Brond Street. *'? White?Henderson. Tho marrlago of Mlss Berta Hotiderson to Mr. Harvoy A. Whlto took place ln Chrlst Episcopal Church Wednesdayovo nlng at 0 o'clock, tho Rov. G. Otls Meado balng the colobrant. _ Mr. Bernard B.i Burton was at tho or gan The brldo entored wlth her mald of honor, Mlss KaUe L. Hendorson. Sho woro white Paris moussellno and oarried whlte rosos. Tho mald of honor had on whtta abovo pink ellk. Hor^ flowers were a sheaf of plnk carnatlons. Tha groom awalted the brlde wlth his best man. Mr. Frank P. Gary. The groomsmen woro Mr. Wllllam Hudson, Mr. Robort Acroe, Mr. James I. Gary and Mr. Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Whlto left for a Northom brldal trlp last evenlng. Mrs. Sangster's Letter. The followlng lotter, wrltton from Mrs. Margarot Sangster to Mra. Myrta Lockott Avary, tho author of "A Vlrglnla Glrl ln tho Clvll War," wlll be appendod to nn ftutograph copy of Mrs. Sangstor's latost ond probably her bost book, "Whon Angels Como to-Jvfon." Thls book wlll be sold at tho Tounessoo tablo of tho Ba? zaar, whore Mrs. Avnry's book ls nlso among tho "iiuthorB' contrlbutlons," All Vlrglnlans wlll bo glad to hear through Mrs. Avary*3 publlshors, A.ppleton & Co., that her book has gono Into lts fourth edltlon, and Is vory popular. Mrs. Sangster's lottor says: Groon Rldgo. N. X, Fob. Oth, 1903. My Doar Mra. Avary,?I am so much obliged to you for aonding mo your beau? tiful book, "A Vlrglnla Glrl ln tho Clvll War." The moment It come I sat down and road It through. I knew every foot of ground In tho story, and I know, durlng tho Clvll War, pooplo Just ltko your hero Ino. The story Is singulnrly Intorostlng, wonderfully well told, and appoars at a happy inoment. I spont slx consecutlve yenrs In Nor? folk after tho Clvll War. I was in Baltl? more tho nlght when thn nows enme of Oenornl Leo's surrendor, and went wlth ono of tho flrst pnrtles who entored Rlohmond. A vory llttlo whllo, aftor thnt ovont I stoopod down. passlng over Port Hill. to plek up somothlng yollow that gloamod In tho sun. I havo always been short-slghted. Tho 'thlng was a lock of halr on tho hond of a poor dond eoldler .burlcd under thln earth and dobris." Deane?Bauers. Cnrds have beari rocelvod In Richmond announclng tlio rooont marrlago In Bauerstown. Pa., of Mlss Teresa Bauers, of that clty, to Mr. Robort C. Doane, formerly a resldent of Richmond nnd well romemborod by many frlends hero. Hostess at Cards. Mrs. Ilardln Temple Burriloy onter talned tlw Young Marrlod Ladles' Card Club yesterday afternoon at their Eostor reasaembling, Tho gamo was scorod In rabblts and> oggs, Mrs. I^inghorne Putney won the prlze tvnd Mrs. Edward Quarles was eon solod. Pecoratlons wore In beautiful Eastor llllea, and tho indlvldual lees Berved nftnr tho gamo wero nlso In tho form of llllcs. The club wlll nioot next week wlth Mrs. Edmund L. Benson. ? Personal Mcntion. Tho Mlsses Ollmour, of Scotland, and Mlss Pegram, of Rhode Island, aro mak I lng a vlBlt to their cotisin. Mrs. Josoph R. Anderton, at No. 930 Wost Franklln Streat, MIsb H. B. Loury. of Wnshlngton, D. C, ls at tho Jefforson Hotel. Mlsa Sndlo Jlurdenbergh, of Prodorlck llnll, Vm, loft Wodnouday for an ux tonded visit to relatlves und friends ln WttSljlnifton and Phlladelphla. Above tho enti-anon to tha Maaonlq Tomiilo, whero tho Oonfedorato Bazaar Is now belng held, ls a llfu-stza dr'aw- ' hiK of Koulptnr M. F. Welllngton ltuok Rtulil'B mugnlfloant deslpn for tha Dal tlinora C'nnfodoratn monuinant, whloh ls In be unvellod Mny 2d. Frohably thora aro many porsona who do not roallzo that Cllnton Dnlngordeld ls tho nom do pluiue of Mlss Bryan of Savaitnnh, tha daughtor of tho lato A1n .1or Hcury Bryan, of thut clty. Mlss Bryan ls the nuthor of tha inuoh-admlrad poem, "Tho Splrlt of thu Confednruny " whlch concludes wlth thesa lln_: "Splrlt of U>e Confodoraay, oh Uaop Thy flra nltght among us. that wo Unlo such helghts a? thoso whoroon our dead I.ald wllllngly tholr fnultless sacrlllce." 'Ilie Confadorute. tha Buzajr paiior, made lts *" appearance lasl avenlng It Is edltcd by tbo Mlssns Rowlund, and Mlssos Lucy Clalr Atklnson und Vlrglnla Bland aro the apslstants. Tha papor oontalns besldea tha ad vertlaotnepta many Intorestlng outs, tho dlrontory of tho Oonffdcrate Bazaar As? sociatlon, the edltorlal page und the ornclal bazaar programme. SWANSON A CANDIDATE No Doubt of Hls Standlng for Gubernatorlal Nomlnation. A JEFFERSON REVIVAL Loulslana Purchase Expoaltlon to Help Elect Democratic Presldent-Par kor Boom Bootnlng?Indlanola Postmaster Slll.l Draws Pay Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch Bureau, No. 1417 G Street, N, W., Washlngton, D. C, Aprll lGth. Represontatlve Swanson ls dotermliiod to mako the raco for the Domocratlo nom? lnation to tho Oovernorshlp of Vlrglnla to BUccoed Governor Montaguo. Ho ud mlttod thls to-day. "1 wlll make no formal announcomont of my .eandlclacy," ho told mo at tho Ra Kdgli this afternoon, 1'but 1 am a cundi dato, ln overy sectlon of Vlrglnla 1 havo friends who dld not support me in tlio last contest for the Gubernatorlal noml? nation." Mr. Swanson, who is cxccedlngly avorso to dlscussiug hls candldacy at ull for thu prosont, would not lulk lt further for jiubllcatlon. Ho proferrcd to dwell on general politlcul condltlons throughotrf the country. He Is on hls way home from Now York. where ho made an address Monuaj nlght before the Harlem Democratic "1 'am improssed with the wondorful Jeftorsonlan rovlval ln thls country, he sald. "In Now York lt ls most evident, Jefforson's plctures aro very generally displayed '< evcrywhore, and Jefturaon s name ls frequetitly seen, especlally on now nrilcles of munufaoture, showlng that tne country Is thlnklng of . the. founder ,ot Democracy. By the' tlme the Loulslana Purchaso ExpoBltlon ls opened next year we will havo roaclied the creat of the wave. 1 attrlbute the Jefterson revival lurgely to tbe exposltion, whlch ls to be held to colcbrate the acquisltlon o? Louls? lana by Jefforson. Tho revival ls golng to have a great doal to do wlth the elec? tlon of a Democratic Presldent. I sln corely bolleve that lf tho Democrats aro careful ln tbe matter of malUng the plat forra and the seloction of a candldato, wo can win In 1904. _?.>?C "I do not say that personally I prefqr Judge Parker to other men mentlonod for tho Deniocratlo nomlnation," Mr. Swan? son sald in atiawer to a questlon. but 1 do say that tho sentlmont for hlm ls on the increase, and that lt, looks now aa though he would be the nomlnoe. PRAISES CLEVELAND. Reprosentatlvo Swanson talkod ln moat lnterostltig fashion to-nlght regardlng Mr. Cloveland'a rocent speech ln New York on tho negro problom. "Tho address was tlmety and tnougtirui, and shows thnt Mr. Cleveland reallzes the proper way for the aottlemcnt of the nogro questlon." He sald, "He recog nlzes that tho problem can only bo prop? erly settled and f.'nally settled by tho whlte people ot tho Southern States, who aro most sorlously affected In the prom Isos. Tho South has always Inalsted that lts" prosperlty nnd lts wholo future has been deeply Interwovon with thls ques? tlon whlch have mnde paramount It to all other que-stlons In any soclal and polltlcal llfe. We ha.ue always held that we un derBtood the questlon botter than tbe peo? ple of any other sectlon, and that wo alone wero oapable of lts proper adjust ment and solutlon. "Mr. Cleveland clearly recognlses thls rlght. whlch has always beon argued for by the South. We are deeply oonsclous of the Importanco of the matter. and ro copnlzo that the questlon must be settled Justly nnd rlghtly for all conccrned. Otherwise," It wlll continne to be n dls turblng factor and eventually brlng us trouble. "Somo of the Southern States," con tlnued Mr. Swanson, "have taken tho flrst stap towards lts proper sottlement by tho ellmlnatlon of the nogro as a bo rlous fnctor In polltlcs of the South. Af? ter hls completo ellmlnatlon from" poll? tlcs and any posslblLlty of a treatonod dlstttrbance of buslness, soclnl nnd gov condltlons dlte to hls aotlve partlnlpntlon In the polltlcal fleld, the nex tstep In the-nogro's belmlf wlll be to utlllzo hlm as a flguro In tho lnduslrlal development of tho South, whlch dovel opment must rosult in mutual beneflt to tho whlte race nnd the negro. RUIN AND DISASTER. "Thn Issuo btween tho'Ropubllcans and Democrats upon thls questlon sefttis to haivo beon whether tho South shotild ho pormlttod to socure an opp'ortunlty to settlo tho nuestlon or whether the Fed ernl govornmont and the outslders Bhould ondoavor to do so. The Fedornl govorn? mont employod n.ll lts powers In nn en denvor to Bettlo It durlng tho days of reoonstruotloti. Tho rosult ontallod ruln nnd dlsastor. lts efforts at settloment ln the extonslon of suffrago to tho nogro nnd tho movome.nt to put hlm In control of affalrs wore comploto fallures. Tliat |s admlttod liy all. Tha South has shown that lt Is worlhy to ba trustod wlth tho HOlutlon of tho problom, and If not molest od, wlll do It ln Jiistlce and rlght. and ln n manner boncflclal to both races. "Mr. Clevolimd ovldently undorstnnflar thls fact Tho South has nlways ex hibltod for tho nogro a splrlt of tolern tlon and falrness and o dlsposltlon to iild hlm and adu-nnco hlm wherovar It hits boon found propor and safo to n,0.,B0* Tha strongost proof to bo furnlshed Uint tho Bouthorn paoplo ara worthy to ha entrusted wlth tho wlmlo quostlon ls tho fact that avon whon tho blaok man wns In slavory and completoly undor tho con? trol of tho oiitharn pooplo, he was Iront ed wlth klndnnBB. "Slnoe thn war." ooncluded Mr. Bwnn son, "tho whlto poopla of tho Bouthorn Statns have snfferod thomsolves to bo tnxod ln ordor thnt tho condlt.lons of tho negro tnlght bo Improved. Tho nrlmlnnl lnws of tho South have boon udnViilstsrnd wlth maroy and ehurtty tnward tho blnnk man. 1 havo froqiinntly Bfinii negroos oon ?vlctnd of larcony and othnr nrlmes, nnd only n sllght ponalty "impnsnd. whora. If tho crlmlna] had beon u whlto man, ho would havo sufforod a much honvlnr pon? alty. "Mr. Clovoland'B spooch can ha road wlth prof.t by tho ont.lro North. lt Is an ox~ oollont nrray or condltlons and what should bo done. "1 thlnk lt wlll commend lt?elf to tha er.tlro rountry. Porsonolly. I glvo lt my muat heartfnit approvul." STILI, ORTB PAY. Mlnnla Cox, tho nogro prnitmastor nt Indlanola, Mlss., hn-s Bufferod no |nss or salary slnoa Iho olllco was rlom-d ln tho latlor part ?f last vear. Thla stHtnmont was mado by Fnurth AsHtstanl Pontmlis ter-G?noral Hrlslow to-day. Ho sald tha oflloo had not been dlacontlnuod, und thnt It wftfi olosad only bncnuse lt wns boliaved tho llfo of tlio piwtmaflter wa* placod ln dangor by tho whlje nltiznmi Mii.nlo rcstgnod on tho ground thnt her llfo wi? In Jeopardy so long iiii ?lm ramalned in Indlanola. and r.ho left. The roslgnutlon waa not uccepted. Hn i tll tho offlce la rooponed or her torm \ explres the.; negress wlll coiitlniie to draW her salary. WILL'ATT_MD LAUNCHING. Sctintor Martln, who oame hero lastt nlght, left thls afternoon for nlehmond. Ho wlll go tb Newport Nows Baturday to attond the launchlng of the battleBhlp Wost Vlrglnla. ;, Judgo B. L, Payeon, who reprosents tho nhlpbulldlng eompHtiy'ln thla clty, in vltcd the Betmtor to go down on the steumor Nowport Nows, Whloh wlll car ry a litrgd ptirty from llis Navy Deparl men-t to-morrow nlght, but Senator Mttr tln sald ho preforred to wnlt It, Rich? mond for tho latihohlng Instend of walt lng ln Washlngton, ' "I llko to atay ln Richmond; Whether 1 havo btislnosB thoro w not," hesald, "but whon t am through work ln Wasli? ington I want to loavo." Sonntor Marttn was nttendlng to somo mattors for his oonstltunnts at govorn ment dopartments, nnd Mr. Swanson was alsn looklng aftor somo Fifth Dlstrict btislnoss. Sonator Martln hoa appolntod Honry Tnylor, of Richmond, son of tho woll known lawyer, Mr. Honry Taylor, Jr,, a cadot at West Polnt, wlth Tnylor Smlth, of Froderloksburg, alternnto. Theso young men were flrst and secotid atterttatos, re.v>ectlvoly, to .tho nppolntoe of Mr. Martln's last year. As oach atood tho mental examlnatlon thon, nolthor wiil havo moro than tho physlcn.1 examlna? tlon now. Mr. Swanson had renppolntod Edwln M. Watson to Annapplls from tho Fifth Dlstrict. Young Watson fallod nnd Mr. Swanson wants hlm glvon another trlal. Mr. Flood has. appolntod to Annapolis from the Tenth Dlstrlot, Hugh D. Coynor, of Augusta county, Although lt does not come from Mr. Mcllwalno hlmself, I have rocolved to day. tliorough oonflrmatlon of my doubt of the corroctnoss of tho ntory whlch I wroto yestordiiy to tho eftoct that ho would bo a candldao for tho Unlted Stntos Senate agalnat Senator Martln. , Tho story Impreasod mo bocauso lt ciutw from a gontloman who Is usually so well Informed. Tho pooplo of Petorsburg and Dlnwiddle wlll koop Mr. Mcllwalno In the Stato Senato as long as ho cares tq retaln hls soat, but ho wlll hardly aaplre to any othor ofllce. LICENSED IIIMSELF,. Mlohaol A. Clancy, the vonerable as slstant clerk ln tho marrlnge offlce of the Supromo Court of tho Dlstrict of Co lumbla, and who has Issund llconses to marry to hundreds, probably tliotlsnnds, of Vlrglnla couples, contrnctod the ninr rlage fever durlng tho stay of Mrs. Glll's excurslonfsts In tho clty last' week, when a dozon of them declded lo llvo ln doublo blessodness, So yestorday the old gentle man, who was born ln Iroland, seventy three years ago, applled to hlmself for a llcense to wed Mlss Myra Andrews, aged thirty-eight Tho nppllcntion, aftor duo conslderaton, \vap granted and to-day Mr. Clancy Is bolug congratulated by cvervbody who comes Into hls offlce. Tnis ls hls socond venture upon the ncklo sea of matrlmony. * POBTAL NEWS. Tho appolntment of the followlng rural frca delivory carrlers and alternates has been announeed by tho Flrst Asslstant Postmn-ster-Gonoral: Vlrglnla-Swansonvllle: Wllllam H. neynolda, carrlor.; Rtohnrd Vonable. sub stltute. Bedford Clty: Lafayette D. Overstreet. carrlor; Charles C. Over street, substitute; John D. Keeler, Jr? enrrier; John D. Keolar. Sr? substitute; Danlel F. Robertson, carrlor; Robort E. Rohertson. aubstltuto; John W. Mus grove, carrlor; Thomas G. Musgrove, subBtltute; John D. Teas3, carrler; R. Fnrkor Wnlker. substitute; Wllllam T. Walkor, carrler; Harry Walker, BUbstl tuto. k North Carollna?Reldsvlllo: J. Wlll Crafton, carrlef! James V. Waynlck, sub? stitute; Jamos R. Grogan, carrler; Wll? llam Laster, substltuto; James S. Piis chall. oarrior; Fxld. Paschall, substitute-. Hlgh Polnt: John R. Brown, carrler; J. C. Barber, substitute. Chadbourn: James A. Allon. carrlor; Henry A. Allen, sub? stitute. WERE MARRTED. Mr. O. Carponter Prlce, of Richmond. nnd Mlss Holon L. Ingram, of Louisville, Ky.. were unlted ln marriage horo to day by Rov. George F. Dudley. Mlss Ella Karn and Mr. Porcy Gwynn, both of Culpoper. came to Washlngton thls mornlng and wero marrled. Mr. W. W. Robertson, of Richmond, nnd brldo, who were marrled thero yos terday, aro at tho Mefropolttan, whore thoy wlll remnln.somo days before re t.urnlng homo. Mlss Kltty Mnddux, dnughler of Col onel" F. W. Maddux, ot Marshall, Fau nulnr county, hns roturned homo after a prolonged vlslt to Now York. ? W, E. H. TO BEQIN SHORTLY McGill Unlon to Have an Up-to-Date Club-House. Tho McGill Cnthollo Unlon propose to begln work at onco ropalrlng the house purchased from Major Otway S. Allen, No. 17 North Slxth Street, out of whlch they propose tn havo mado a modorn club-houso ln every respect. Whllo tho oxact detalls of tho plans havo not beon workod out, It Is stated on authorlty that what wlll be dono In tho way of ropalrs wlll make tho bullding of modern apponrance, both tn and out, nnd that It wlll be handsomely furnlshed from top to hnttom. TUo work wlll bo In the hands of a pushlng bullding cornmlttoo, and nolther mnney nor palns wlll be sparod to mako tho club-rooms up-to-date ln every re? spect. Tt Is expected that the houso wlll bo furnlwhod and ready for oocupanoy by July 1st. Plcnlc of Drulcls. At a meetlng of the Entortnlnment Commlttoo of tho dlfferotlt Groves of Drulds of the clty held Wcdnosday nlght nt Holvldora Hall, It was doclded to glvo n plcnln to Wost Polnt on Whlt Mondey, Jtino 1st. Tho dlfreront Orovos of Drulds of the clty wlll nint wlth Vlrglnla flrove, No. 15, U. A. O. D? at Weatham Hall eornor Lnurol nnd Cary Streots. next Tuesday nlght and attond tho Confederute Bnznar ln a body. That nlght has beon set aslde as "Drulds' Nlght." A prl/.o bns beon Offered to tlio order havlng the liirgest nttendunce at the bazaar. MANUFACTURERS ELECT OFFICERS Davld M, Parry ls Agaln Chosen Preslderit?Flnal Adjournment Taken, . (By Associatod Press.) NEW ORLEANS, Aprll lG.-Tho olghth nnnual convention of the Natlonal As soclation of Manufaoturors onded to-day wlth the unanlmous electlon of Presl? dent Davld M. Parry, of lndittnapolls. Thero hud beon much talk of a move ment to dofeat hlm, owlng to his PobI tlon on the labor questlon, but there were no sltrfaee Indlcations of dlssen alon when tho electlon ocourretl, the oonventlon ordorlng the seorotary to onat the bnllot of -tho delegates, wlth vlg orous cheerltig. Other offlcorB WBre elootod as fo"0^? Socrotarv, A are hall Cushlng, of jsow York- TroaWor. F. B. Stlllmon o New Vnrk Hamllton Carhart, of Detrolt, do cllned to stand" for ro-electlon ?*va?? nrnr Vlee-nres donts for tne vanous States ' wprokntod woro chosenr after a contest for the next p acc. o= tapotlna. n whlch T.oloclo, Huiituo, Mllwaukee mitt. PIttsburg took splrited parts, tho lattor 0|&.ffl>yUra dobato was ln pros-' poot whon John Klrby. of Ohlo movod that the resolutloii bo lald on tho tablo, the motlon provaJlhig by a largo ma? jority. _ ,. _. Tho speech doUvered by Carroll D. Wrlght yesterday, tloallng with tho la? bor questlon, wns ordored prlnted and dlstrlbuted as assoclatlon llterature. The convention thon flnally adjourned. .-?? m THE BARREL MURDER Pollce Belleve Vlctlm Was Decoyed to New York from New Orleans. (My As'noclnted Press.) NEW YORK. Aprll 16.?Vito Laduca, who was suijposed to have been tho pro prletor of tho butcher shop ln Stanton Street, \vhere nlno arrests were made last nlght. In connoctlon wlth the mur der of the man found In n barrel ln East Kleventh #lreet* ln?t Thursday morn? lng, flurrendorod hlmself at pollco head? quarters to-day and was held by tho po? llce aa a wltness. NIkola Testro, nlno teen years old, who llves wlth Laduca, also went to pollce headquarters and was' dntalned by tho pollce for tho samo pur pose. At the place In Ellzabcth Street. kept by Gulseppe Morrello, who was one of the men arrested last nlght, tho pollce havo locked tho doora and placed heavy padlocks on them. In the storo was found a qhantlty of sawdust and burlap and Detectlvc Petroslnlo took somo of It to pollce headquarters to-day for oxam Inatlon and comparison wlth that found In tho barrel and about tho murdered man's nock. The pollco aro now sald to belioVo that tho murdered man waa decoyed from New Orleans to Now York and mur? dered ln a cafo ln Ellzabeth Street They belleve ho brought wlth hlm, full of hls own clothlng, the barrel In whlch hls body wns found. The barrel ls' one of a shlpment of 250 sent to Now Orleans, A dcscrlptlon of the murdered man has been sent to tho New Orleans pollce and they aro expectod to try to Identlfy hlm. 0 .Crawford Unlon. The regulnr meotlnj? of the Crawford Unlon. of Hanover county. was held nt 1*0 resldnece of Mr. Ollver Miller Anrll Sfh. Owlng to tho ralny and wlndy day the meetlng was small, only four mem bers and three visltors were present. The meetlng opened promptly wlth de votlonal exerclses by tho presldent, Mrs. A. Joff Nelson. There was no report from clther tho correspondlng or rocordlng fiocrotarles. Ono new membor was admltted alnce last meetlng. The next meetlng wlll be held at Mrs. Dyke Gualdlng's May Cth. Syrian Priest Here, The Rev. Father Nomatallah Klfar tawy, a Syrian priest, wlll oonduct masB at St. Patrlck's Church Frlday nnd Sat urday mornlng at 7:80 o'clock and Sunday mornlng at 10:30 o'clock. Sale Postponed. Tho ladlcs of the Centenary Methodlst Church have pontponed tliolr hnndker chlef salo untll Frlday, Aprll 24th, owlng to tho lnclernency of tne weather, Contested Sult. Tho sult of tho Passengar and Power Company agalnst Morgan R. Mills As Co., for $218,93, ln tho Law and Equlty Court, wlll be contested. Tho funeral of Mra. Dora Lee Whlte rnan takes placo thls afternoon at B:30 o'clock from Falrmount Mothodlat Church. Llttle Zonla McNell ls very 111 wlth pneumonla at her grandmother*s. No. 1215 Twonty-socond Street. Rov. C, C. Cox's llttle son, Luthor, who hns been slck wlth whooplng cough, haa devoloped a had cuho of piiPumoniii. Mlss Annlo Abraham, whrt Iuih been vlsltlng Mlss Mary Pollard on the Avo nue, returnod to hor homo In KIng Wll? llam county Monday, Mrs. Bradloy, of No. 1200 Twentleth Stroot. Is expectlng hor frlends. Mr. and Mrs. Bopp, of Washlngton. D, C, to vlsit'lier on Saturduy, Mr. John Garrett, ot Vonablo Street, wlll soon oceupy tha houso No. 1209 Twonty-second Street, now oocupled by Mr. Torn Morrls. Tho oase of Mary Hill. tho colorad wo rrinil, ahargod wlth steallng flowors. frult treos, otc. was bofore Mayor Jetor Wod nosday ovenlng. but waa postponod untll thls ovenlng nt 1:80 o'clock. Mrs. Robertson nnd Mrs. Wood, of Lunonburg. are vlsltlng hor slBter, Mrs, Tvree. at No. 1312 Twnnty-flrst fstreot. Mr. Carroll Contos. who haa been vory hiuoh Indlsposod for n fow daya. Is bottor, , . ii'-\ ,t. Tlio flre oxtlngulsherB bought by tho Councll aro In tho oaro of Councllmun Grogory. NTo. 120i Twority-tlrst Stront, whoia thoy can bo had In caso of flro. A Sour Stomach an ImpossSbility DR. PRICB'S Tryablta KOOD does not produco, llke other cercal breaUfust foodH, a aogtry mh appro.xlinatiiuMi, tlueln their consistency und mucilagtiousln their tnnto.tliua wakiag by tliulr continued unc, lurinetitatlon or acldlty o( llie alonmch u possiblllty. D! PRICES TRYABITA XB-2E WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FO0D Por bieaUast-Ior ^$**?%^ ^ *"* '""" W Palatablo- Nutrltiou?-Ca?y of Digestlon and neady To ~-?t Mytixnaturvon (QA \ff//Sly' ry-* * Pr. Prlce. the creator of Dr. Price'* Crcaat flalclns Powder and Dcllclous I'lavorlng Extract.. Prepareg by PmcE CEtfAtV W~~ "?? fMi m? m}* Cr"k' Mlch" IW" 0flW P "?' When You Buy "Best" You Buy "Cheapest." * "Best is Interpreted in the Sans-&adu Clothing. I THE INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON POR APRIL 19. 1903. STJBJEOT?" Tho Law of Lovo."?Komans, xiii: 7-14. ? By Rev. J. K.Gtlbort,D.D.,Soorotaryof Ajiterican Sooloty of RollglousEduoation. I3XJPOS1SD ERRORS,?The exposttor of Scrlpturo muBt be falthful to the lntent and context 'of a *aBsa?e under treat? ment. Henoe, It ls proper here to expoae three orrors made by the tnternatlonal committee. In tho lesaon of the day. The tltle glven by them as above ls ap? proprlate only as eovorlng the flrBt three vorBes. Tho subject of temperanoe, ln the lntorest of which thoy deslre tho whole lesson to be usod. ls mentloned only tn one clauso of the thlrteonth vorso, whllo the soventh verso belonrrs wlth the slx procodlng vorses of the ohup tor, from whlch lt ls vlolently torn. The word, thereforo. of that vorao Is a pro teat agalnst such mutllatlon. Tho studetit wlll flnd thcso notes oast upon tho true construction of tlie soction. It will bo in every wny holpful to road tho enttre chapter. thoreby obtalnlng tho gcnorul drlft of thought that.-waa in the mtnd of tho apostle. In that woy alono ray tho several Items presented hero recelvo thelr propor sottlng.and thelr falr con slderatlon. . JTJST DUES.-(Verses 7 and 8.) The duty of tho Chrlstlan to the civll powors ls unfoldcd In versos 1 to 0. All the offlcors ot government are ordalned ot God?they aro torrors to evildoera, mlnis tcrs ot rtghteouanesa to the people, and aro worthy of all honor. (Dan., 11:21.) Thls Ib mado tho grojjnd for a general rule -which rhios above oven polltlcal Intorosts and covers overy condltlon and rolatlon ln llfe. Somothlng ls duo to overy human belng?to ono trtbuto, to an othor fear, to another honor. Llfe ls a notwork of influences. No one llveth to himBolf. (Rom., xlv:7). Every one ls obllgated to every other, and by these roclprocal dtitloa soclety Ib made a com pllcatod systcm, In whlch each must flnd a place and act a part. I-Ience, each must carefully consldor what ls Justly duo to each person wlth whom he comes In con? tact nnd rendor that wlth exactnesa and promptness. In thls way thero must be an effort to keep out of dobt, to owe no man anythlng, nnd to fcel that only ono debt la nllowable, nnmely, love. BRIEF LAW.?(Versea 8 and 9.) Thls concoptlon of human relatlons and dutlos puts now complexion upon tho law. In every country loglslatlvo bodlcs havo prescrlbed or prohlbited and so regulated conduct. The statutes enacted ln overy State are numerous and compllcatod, nnd tho many revlBions show that tho work has norer boen perfect. Tt fails to meet all clrcumstancos. On SInal (Ex. xx:3-17.) God gavo a code ln ten requlroments whlch havo beon admlred wherever they havo been publlshed as Blmplo, compre henslvo and Just. Paul Bhows that theSe may all bo compresscd Into one?"thou shalt love thy nelghbor as thyself." Lore fulfllls all tho enactments portalnlng to man. Thls Is only a repetltlon of what Jesus had sald (Matt. xxll:39), and, In dood, Is In full harmony wlth the teach lng of Mosos. (Lav. xlx:18.) It [b brotight Into thls placo to show that mechanleal conformlty to a law ls not a truo keep Ing of It. Be-hind the act there must bo a stato of tho hoart. HA^RMI^ESS LOVE.?(Verse 10.) But why ls love so essontlal? Why does lt glvo slgnlffcaiica and value to the act7 why is It, In fnct, equlvalent to all the obllgations Imposod upon men wlth reference to thelr fellows? Because lt la a regulative forco, and that ln two Bensaa?lt prompta to good deeds and restralns from orll deeds, The lator aro those tbtngs of whloh tbe law takes eognlrance, whlch ls punlshes with the -vlow to prevent u repetltlon. But love does moro than the lay. It keeps one from doingr any harm to hls nolgh bor, He who loves needs no law, and none ls formulated for hlm. He rises In an? other realm where he has respect to the rlghts and lnterosts of others nnd seeks to promotQ them. If all man wero prompt ed by love all thn crlmlnal lawB would bo dead lotters, and soclety would spued lly come to n most pear.oful and happy state, ThlH la one thlng boubM by tha Rospel fRom. xll:10), whoso attalnment wlll brlng ln that golden ora for whlch good henrts pray and earnest hands labor. (Malt. v|:10.) . QOSPEL TrME? (Verse 11.) Havlng Bhown tho power atf lovo ns a rogula tlve prlnclple ln human affairs the gos pel preaents a roason for ItB adoptlon bayond tho morn fact that It hrlngs good and prevonts evll. A now dlspemmtlon or era has como, a tlme of larger llght nnd prlvllego, when the gOBpel ln all lts purlty Is preoched to all. men. Remem berlng thla fact nll tlio followers of Chrlst aro nxpeclod to nwoke out of aleep. to oomn io thelr best Intelloctual nnd splrltunl state, tojlead aholyllfo and do Jnstly to all. Here Is a beautlful flg uro ot speoch. Thn now tlme was llko tbe dawn of the day, whon men leave thoir couohes.nnd go fOTth to duty. So says Paul must tho ChrlHftan oonsldor that ho Is to suminon hlmself to tho utmost posslhllltlM of good llvlng. And thla ho ought to do wlth grenter nlac rlty, becanso nt that tlme progress had beon mado and the rosulls wero nppar ont, Salvatlon. tho and sought, was noaror than when falth wns llrst exorr ciaod. Thore wns a dally approaoh to tho now klngflom. PAST TIME?(Verse 12.) Nntunglly tho mlnd of Paul turnod from the glory of Iho present tlme, tha gnspel day, to'con? sldor ln contrnst the darknesa that was piiHsed. The doplorable condltlon of tho hoathen had been portrayod by hlm ln tho eallor part of thla eplatle (Rom. I: 21-81). and tho .Tows were not far be hlnd. notwlthstandlng thoy had been so hlghly favored. (Rom. IHi 9.) But tfie tlme for such Ignnranoo nnd crlmo was far Bpent. lt was rapldly fltsnppearlng hoforo tho splondor of the dny, ot whlch montinri hi-.d Just boau mnde. Undor such ulrcumstances the hollovers are called to emergo from tho dnrkness to tho IlKht, to advanco from the past to the present. Tho exhortatlon Ib llk? that whlch mlght be mado now w)fh proprlety lo any who proposod to ilnger In tho gloom of the elghteonth contury which has wholly departed. forgotful that the twontlcth contury has como wlth all lts magniflcent bpportunltlos, lts hlgh Ideals and Hs aplendld proepeots. put on. then. the armor of llght, the" defense agalnst avil provided ln ,tho now day, HONEBT WALK. (Vcrso 13.) To walk ls an exprosslon donotlng to Uve. (Psalm I., 1.) Lot us walk mcaiiB let us conduct ourselvcs. Honestly means decontly or In a becomlng mannor, In a mannor ap proprlato to tho chlldron of llght, tho chlldrcn of God?as ln the dayj as If all our actloHH woro seon and known. Chris tlans ahould. IIva ns If thoy had nothlng to ooncoal. Thls rulo wlll excludo certain acts, as rlottng, tho nolny and obstreporoua mlrth, tho sconos of dlsordor and scnsu allty Indulged by tho ungodly; nlso drunk cnneaa, then common In tho hcathott world, moro common than now, evcn among tho notablos (Dan. v.. 2), and chamberlng and wantonness, lovvd, tm niodest behavlor, illlclt indulgenco of all klnds. It wlll bo notlccd that Paul horo onurnerates thoso dcbaslng practiccfl of whlch tho pagans wero gultty, so Inde cont that tfjoy cannot bo dcserlbod hero wlth proprlwty. And thoso aro Jolned wlth Btrife and envylng, oontentlons and dlsputcB leBS loathsomo but not less troublcsome, all whlch must bo put away from tho llfo of tho Chrlstlan as wholly unbocomlng to hlm. EXALTED AIMS.-(Verse 14.) Now comos In the closlng verso, the hlgh pur poso whlch ought to control tho Chrls? tlan. Thls is in two parts, posltlvo and ncgatlva. Mcntlonlng tho latter first wo havo "make no provlslon for tho lusta of tho flesh, for the iirpropor, excesslve nnd htirtful Indulgenco of anlmal appo tltes, Subordlnate the body to the. so.ul. (1 Cor. lx:27), and lay no plans and glvo no opportunlty for morely physlcal gratl flcatlonB not controlled by rcason and conaclenco. In thls prescrlptlon a blow Ib almed at a largo part of tho Immorall tles and vlcos of men that causo such mtaery. 0 Poter 11:11.) Now over,ngalnsc thls klnd of llfo whlch ls condamned tboro Ib placed another llfe. "Put ye on tho Lord Josus Chrlst." Horo Ib a form of exprosslon commonly omployed ln rofer enco to clothlng. To put on a pernon moans to imblbo hls prlnclplcs, to 1ml tato hls oxample, to copy hls splrlt, to becomo like him. So the Greek wrlters speak of puttlng on Plnto or Socr.-.tos. Thus our lesson closos wlth holdiug beforo tho mlnd tho matchless llfo of the Sa vlour of man. as a pattern to all of hla followers. CLOSING THOUOHTS?Our lesBon nat urnlly falls under three groat hcads. the ?splrlt, tho rnotlve. tho pattern of Chrls tlon llvlng. Tho splrlt must be ono of cx act Justlco and controlllng lovo, render Ing to every mnn what Is duo out of re gard for hlm, not beeause somo law oin pols but becauso a genoroua affectlon prompta, tha ntato of tho hcart rcgulatlng tho outwnrd llfo. Tho motlve to thls i? found ln tho fact that tho days of wlck edness, of wrong. of selflshness aro pass ed or aro passlng away and tho better day of llght and llborty, of peace:and good wlll has dawnod and ls far advanc:.), rendarlng such llfo approprlato and ne cossary. The pattern Is not to bo found ln a carnal mnn, movlng on the low plane passlon, a plano bolow that of tho benat, but of the splrltuol man who nsplrcs to bo confronted to tho' Image ot Josus Chrlst, the Idcal man. the noblost and best typo of our humanlty. who glorifies tho ' rncc In hls spotleBs purlty and-jifads It to God In the Bweetest fellowshlp (1 John 1:7). ^?^H-H-r-H'-f^'J-H-H^-t-J-r jfi the TSheatres, ? ^.^j~H-^'^J~H--H"H-I-H-W''I-J--IH-'j~!? Blaney's "AcroBB the Paclflc" played to two crowded houses at the Bijou yester? day, and wlll hold tho boards of that th?* atro to-day and to.-morrow. It ls a spec tacular trluroph, and It ls us full of ac? tlon, thrllls and senBatlon as an egg la full ot moat. Tho comparlson ls trlto, but It wlll aervo. The famous melodrama haa a way of ralslrtg onthuslnsm and ox cltemant to tho acreamlng polnt, and tho audlenccB yesterday wero no exceptlan'a to the rule. Harry Clay Blanoy Ib Inlmltablo as Wll lle Uve, and ho Is supported by a largo and capablo company. The plcco wlll uu doubtedly play to packod houses for tho rest of lts stay. lts roajlsiii, ita Intenso dramatlo force and lts excollont prescntn tloti Insuro that. Tho feollng that runs through tho play is not all tonso luid bbii sallonnl; thero Is much brlgltt comody. somo Bolntlllntlng songs and some excol Itnt nniBlo by the Blanoy band. Tho Academy MusTcal Comedy Company wlll apuoar at tho Aoaderny to-nlght for tho laat tlmo In "Tho Glrl From Parls." The company leaves for Norfolk tp-mni row rndrtilng. nnd^llLbo ^thatolty?f?r two wceks,,appoarlng In.VTha" 'IFrom Parla" and "Tho Frenoli Mald. whlch have been so succoasfully produced ln thla clty! Havarloy'n Mastodon Mlnstrals wlll be seon at tbo Academy on Saturilny, mat inee and nlght, coming dlroct from their snccessflu run at tha Motropolla The atro, New York olty. Tha attractlo'n at tho llijoii next weolc wlll bo the molodrnrnn, "Her Wrontj I'tlghtod," Tho titlo speaks for It. lt wlll bo presentad by ono of Mr. Jako Walls' own companlos. Iieaded by \V. A. Whlte. car, by wbom it has been Iranslatod and ndtipted. It wlll be glvon n siieclal pro ductlon, wlth sconery, wardrobo and propi ertles porfoot ln every .detall. Some of the thrllls aro to bo found Ib tho groat explosinn, lmrylng a huiiian bellim under tons of rook; tho wnndorful shlp'scopa, showlng an oeeun llner ln rnld-ocimn; tho thrllllng coJIIslon, whero two Bteamani como togcther and aro wrecked, and tho BOiiBatlonal rcsotio, wlth u hnat orow and moderu nppllances, ln a full-slzed bout ln a raglng sea. MEET ME AT NEWPORT NEWS TO-MORROW. Launchhig Crulser Woat Virginl.a. |1 round trlp vla C. _ O.