Newspaper Page Text
th? imrrinder. They were irlven TH: JorTal fcy hiomUeru uf the d^oe fainlly. Vlsltora All Day. NotwUh?l?ndmg lh? Immanae erowd of threo of tour thousaud paopli who ercwd ??d the fcuaaar Hall to Ita uttnost Onprj clty for the openlng ooremonlcB of Wou hesday hlght, wot-k wa? wall tindor wny at tho dlltM-mit tabloa at 11 o'olouk yen toiday tnomljig, All dttrlns tha day vlsltor* oamft in fttid tht> *nk? up to tlt? p'oaont have been ttnproce'diinladly floo.'The l-oulalnnn tablo ?WhJeh lmd a thrlvlng bualnoaa nt tho aoda wator touhtatn Wednesday evenlbg, had to Bond out an linperntlvo order for tho frosh praltnoa made by "Aunt Bukey of New OHenns, the llrat aupply bclng quile oxhauaieil. - - Soats 111 toulslana'B roof garden were ln domatid last night. At thla labla n road cart liaa honti donnted to tha chod"?u? nnd wlll be aold at aucUOn. Uttie bu ; J*4eplia. the patron anint of huabanda, iliay alwn-ya be found hera. I'lKitogi.tphs from the minlature or Grneral B. 13. Loe, polnted by the well known arllat. II. M. boury/ot WnMblng t.,i< IJ. C, aro solling rnpldly nt tho Jl.xle tablo. "Huneei'a," the Egyptan jinlrhlst, waa exerolslhg her myallo skll ln castlng horoacropes at thls table lHst nlght. Popular artlulos of salo wore tne Jabanoso wares. sent by thu Joirerstm l>avla Clmpter of Daughtera from Sati Friinclsoo. The Oarland-Bodca. B. E- I'OO and Plckett Voteran Camps have en I tered the conteal: for the heautlful fhiB nenl from Callfornla and dlaplaycd heio. The IContucky tnblo was ycry bus>. i Amon,g the articlea bolng dlapnaed of were a Pldcwlck aet of hahd-paltitod menu carda, bwiutlfully lllustrated works bVKenlucky autliors,' contre plncoH. and orange mnrmalade. one among many ftoud thlngs aant Kentucky from No w York. bv Mr. Charlea Dlmmock. A "P.en flld sllv'er punch bpwl sent by tho un-? clnnati Daughtors of the Confoderacywlll ho-votod to the most pbpular momber oi the Elks. The lndlca of thla tablo 1y- uppreclnte the tourtaalas oxtonded tliem by thomembers of thla organlza ?specla'll.v-wb?t haa boon flono by Mil ' nnd Mra. O. !U Wodonburg, who have boon most helpful ln aecurlng votoa for tho bowl. Afternoon Tca. Afternoon ton at the South Ca.roIIua tablo la n charmlng feature of the bn m whern bas*d?: teathor fana and South Carollna novelties are found most The baznar registw. contrlbuted by Mr. Walter Evana, of tho Couawell Oom ?.,,,. 0f Charleaton, S. C. Is horo. It Istbobnd ln red leather wlth the Btale. LoaTon oncl, P^ge. j All baaaar workers | ? and vlaltors wlll roglater tho r nAmea , and aftar tho bazaar. tho book will be ?ulnced ln the Confoderato rnuseum. Mltsl^lPPlwaa foremost In anles nmong : thi oazaar tableaV The King Bihy's cor ner waa porceotlbly donudad of Ita con m$, Work bnga. pcnnuta iuid horne- ; Zdo candy to aay nothing of a ahopk ; from nn olectric baUery, wore yondod , Ly the pretty Dolly Vnrdens , who lean ?>d on Mlsalsslppi'a counter. Medalllon of General Hohert E. Lea. At the GeorgU and Alabama tables aalea wuro excellent. Speelal mentlon ls due all who deuorated tho Georgta tablo wlth such cxcollent reaulls. Mrs. Kath erlne Barbour Howard was the poular chalrman of tho Oocoratlug Committee. Thoso who assi'sted liere vvere iMrs. Ste phen Beverldge, Mw, D. C. Rtchardsdn, Mrs. Thompson, Mlsaes Julle Ycager, LU llnn and Pcarl Qentry, Grace Schcrmer horn, Messrs. Hartman Morrlsotto and 'Xhompson. Dolls, candy, sofa pillows, Jd'ce, handkcrchlofs, fresh cakea nnd candy changed hands rapldly over tho Goorgia counter. Beautlful laco and fancy work were equally accoptabhj to purchasers at tlio Alabama. nible.. <?' Box Party Ench Night. The Tennesseo tablo, having lost her cornor ln oranges, wlll have a box-party, chaperoned each nlnlit by ono of the la dlea of tho table, every ovoning at tho tcnt- The bux'es are eontrlbuted by tho Handolph Paper Box Company, and wlll be sold at tlio popular prlco of llvo cents. Iioxe.H wlll contaln 'iiseful and oruamental prlzes. The Toxas table was rejolclng over tho aale of a luncheoh set of Brazillan polnt lace, center-plecoai neokwear of all klnds, Mexlcan drawn work on llnen and Indlan rooccastns. Tho bedutlful horn chalr, up holstered In green velvet, wlll bo voted to the mowt popular elub, tho W'eatmore 3and; Commpnweallh, Vlrglnla, Deop Hun, HermHagiv Jefforaon; MiQtll Unlon and'ifK enterlng tlio contost, The tobacco table was not only selllng tpbacco. Ir. waa dlsplaylng valuable rol lei> In a lock of Presldent Davls' halr, framed, a plcture of tho Davls famlly, a Gtorgu Wnshlrifflon pltcher, dating baek to 17N.1, nnd many llke valuable and beau tiful thlnss. The Florldn tnhle ls to have a humorous evciiing enterlnlnment, to he glvon ln tln hall, In whlch Miss I.llllau Taylor wll ning, MIks Evle Lee Bowcock wlll glvo jsome of her famous "coon songH," another young lady wlll appoar In a rake-walk, and tho Mandolln Gloo Cluli, under Mr. Belrten, wlll render a dellghtful pro gramme. A thoroughbred fox terrler ls alao to ho voted from the Florlda table to tho most ponlar young lady. MIks Margaret Bhields. Mlsa ttue Kpilman and Mlss Mary 3Drnk? have been mentloned In thls con nectlon A boaullfully dressed doil, glvon by Mlss ftuby Bodokar through Mlss El k-r, Jones, wlll b<< voted from thls fo the most popular llttle Itlehrnnnd glrl. The d'lii's name ls VVlnnle Davle, Phe has on a pink pk-tura hat wlth whlto rosr.s a'nd'a plnl: y\l\< gown trimmt-d ln whlte ar.pllquo. Her flaxen curla and charmtng fnce attraot rnuch attentlon. Groat Run in Candy. At the Mlasoiirl tablo a lovely center plece senl ,j5" Mrs. Valiiant from Mlsuourl l,u>' been dlspose-d of. J/iwr.ey's candy vus having a great mn la*t eveplng, A Jiandsomo aou,v?ulr box ls being kept for pome gallant gentleman who wlshes to mako hls sweetht-art un ll-mer glft. The door re^-olpts v.i-ii to Mlssourl lawt after noon on account of tho ?oap bubblo and pony party. whlch was affnrding tinlim Ited enjoymont to 'rowrls of llttle people. 4 boomlng busluess wa? htlr.g done In dime Wlll be rouwsd to Hs uatural dutlej pnd your bUlotitmess, headache uud couatlj/tii'-? ?<" vurt'd lf you Ulu MM by feii drui'sujw. V& ceuit, BOYS' CLOTHBS. Outstde or lnside our clothlng for boys ts made wlth the same onre as our garments for men. The smaller your boy, the rnore varlety we can show. $2.B0 to $9.00. For that dlfflcuit age to BUlt? the flrst long trouser age-we have spoclally des,igned trou sers that are made for boys. SultB, $10.00 to $20.00., Bvorythlng olso boye wcnr. tnuaeuni tlcketa. aold for tho Mlssouri enlortalntnont on tho evenlng of Aprll ?i'id. i ? At the Vlrginia tablo everybody was pxclahnlng ovor a hoautlfully cnrved hnll sent, aent from tho Stonownll Jaolcson Academv, ln Ablngdon.'Va., tho work be tng done by tho puplls thore, and ao ad mlrnbly done aa to exclto gront oorament One of the most notlcoablo thlngs nt the Arkari'saa tnble wna a bumt wood. beart shuped box. A nogro hoad ornamontcd tho outslde. Wlthln wna a card wlth these worda! . ? , "Youso aay Ise black ez do 'nca er spadea, . en hattor cyard moh klnky wool; Do 'Prosdent' aay Iao do 'drawin' cyard what'll wln hlm votea wen>ho mek de pnll. Misser Hannn'a got a 'penohant far mo, too; . . Dar, now, data one Cmm er comfort, gommon!" ACT ON PETITIONS TO GOUNGIL FIRST FInance Comrhlttee Wlll Not Hear Petltions from Saloon Men to Aldermen Yet. The FInance Commltteo had a far shorter aession last nlght than any ono thought. The commltteee mot in the In uor ofllco of the Commissloner of Rev enue, whilo not losa than 125 saloon Ueopora were on the outslde waltlng for a ctiance to presa tholr petltions for a re duction of taxes. A number of doalers were occompanled by counsel. But the committe* dld not hear moro than twen ty-flve, while the other^s walted their turn. About 9:45 tho commltteo rose, adoptlng tho motlon to report upon the petltions referred to lt from tho Councll before tak lng up those whlch came from the Board of Aldermen. The effect of thla wlll ho that a numbor wlll have their fates do cided ln a comparatlvcly ahort time. But a great many wlll stlll be In doubt for aorne time, as by far tho largest num? ber of petltiona wont to the Board of Al? dermen. Beforo adjournmont last nlght tho commlttee decided to advertise ln the papers when they would meet agaln to tako up the potltlons referred to It by tho Board, and that all should have an opportunlty of bolng heard. At tho vory next meotlng tho commlt? teo wlll formulate Its report upon all tho petltions from tho Comrnon Councll. WANT NO SALOON AT THE.RESERVOIR Passenger and Power Conv panyWIll OppoSeGrant lng of a Llcenso. Deyelopmenta at the meetlng of the Commlttee on Grounds and Bulldliigs last jjight Inflloate that certaln partles aro de Blroua of operatlng a ealoon at the Reaer vclr Park tertnlnal of tho two atrcet car llnes, as a rosult ox whioh the PaBsongor and Power Comapny haa announced Ita Ititentlon of opposing the iaBuance of a llcense for such a purposo to any ona. The informatlon waa brought out by a letter from Captaln Alexander B. Oulgon, counael for the corporatlon, naklng the commlttee to Inatruot the Clty Attornuy to alao appear ln oppoaltlon to tha grant lng of a llquor UoeuBe at tho tormlnal ln questlon. ^ After oarofully conslderlng the letter tho commltteo docided to tablo tho quos Captaln Oulgon eot forth that Judgo Wlckham, of the Honrlco County Court. would ahortly hear appUcatlona for llquor Ucenaea outslde of the clty. He aald the company was oppoBed to tha ostabllahment of any anloona at the Reaorvoir Park ler minal, as it would have n tendency to Dcsibly encourage rowdyism and iprevont ladlea from frequcntlng tho reuort. Fur thor, that lt mlght tompt tho emp oyes of tho compnny to drlnk between trlpa. Just who or how many people deslre to establlsh aaloons at the ReservoirJs not known, although It ls thought that nn effort la bolng mado to locato a placo of thls charnetor near the Caslno. Tho commltteo, after hearlng a potltlon from certain young ladles and gontlomen of Church Hlll, docided to have con Btructed on a plot of ground ln Chlmbo rnzo Park a publlo tennla court. Mr W N. BowmnJi, of the Btewnrt Iron Worics, iwaa prosent. Ho stated that all of tho mlnor dotalls at tho now Jnll would bo nttonded to, after whlch the comm ttce dcclded to meet wlth tho Flnanco Com? mlttee noxt Monday afternoon at 5 o clock. when the quosUon of payment for extrna on the prison wlll be aettled. ST. LOUIS ORAND JURY The Investigatlon of Alleged Boodling Resurned. (Ily AssoeintBd Presa.) ST L.OTJIS, MO? Aprll 16,-The grnnd Jury'a Investlgation of alleged boodling ln the Leglslature was reaumed here to day A Bubpoona haa been lssued for the cnahlor of tho StQelville (Mo.) bank. in whlch the baking powder comblne is snld to have kept funda and checks. Btate Mtorney HarrlB wlll ba exnmlned as to nls alleged knowledgo of theso funds. TWO OLD LADIES PERISH IN FLAMES (By Aasoclated Presa.) | TOMAHA, WIS? Aprll 16.?Mlsses Phoebe and Llbby Heeley, at Bear Creek, alx mlles eoulh of thla place, were burned to death ln a flro whlch destroyed their home. The two slsters were seventy-flve and olghty-slx yeari* of age, respoctlvely. They lived alone an a large farm, whlch they owned. A high wlnd fanned the flames, and before aaaistance arrlved all was destroyed. It was thought they had a large sum of money in the house,. ?.nd that they were robbed and murderei,-ond the flre started to covor the traces of the crimo. An Inquest wlll bo held next Saturday. ? Sailed for Norfolk. (By Asaociated Press.) PENSACOLA.. FUA.( April 16.?Tho vessels of tho North Atlantlc and ? Carlb hean fleets aro prnparlng to leave, and all wlth tho oxcoption of tho gunboats wlll be away by May Gth. The Texas sailed yoaterday for Norfolk, whero she wlll be the flngshtp of tho coast de fense squadron. Mr. Lee Dlsregarded Summons, (By Assocluted I'ress.) KANSAS CITT, MO., Aprll 16.?Lieuten nnt-Governor L.eo waa sorved wlth a sub poena to-nlght as he was loavlng tho clty. Ho left for Chlcago, Inatead of golng to St. I.ouiB. Tho deputy marahal, havlng learned that Mr. Leo was on tho Chlcago trnln. Bald to hlm: "Of course, Mr. Lee, you underatand that lf you dlsobey thla subpoena you wlll b? roitArtibd *? a Mffftlv* from Ju? tlOfl," ' l.oe ntmwnrwl Ana-rllyi "* UtluirHtfma thls tttnvft. tt'U'-on? of thnt felkm VoYnn, lln ln nlwnya nrnklnn ftn m? ot hlmiwlfr Tlte HtitittoMtii mved ??ion Mf. I.?o wM ln ft lootif oa*6y H wkh tmo" t? prevoiit hih irnttlna; hnyoml tho JurlhdJfitlon Ot tha MIsimtiH tipui'tn tjafor-s n Ht, I-?ula miffl* ni(m? eoultl. 1>? Mrvect Upon hlm. It Waa ricma upon tha rauviaat of Cifoult Altor liey rolltn, of fltcLouln. Mr, I'?? Itfndrod the aubpoena. when hn karnad to-aay thnt ? doputy ?,< loniting for htm wlth a n?ty>()m'a ,18 nroHfted the llne to Kiumnn Clty, X<w? whet'6 ho remalned tintH he oattia to tne Unlon Depot, WRIT.OP rtANDAMUS Oount May Force nelnttotemont of Catrtlllo Weldonfeld. CBy Aaaorliitml ProM.) NEW YORK, Aprll 16,-An appltofttlon was the flupr'ome Court for ay wrlt of mandnmus to compel .tha Naw York Stock Kxohange to rolnatate Ca tnllle Welndenfeld to tnembershtp, _ Mr. Woldenfeld waa suape'ndod by tne Board of Qovernora of the Stoolt , Kx ohangn for havlhg been lnterestod, lt waa allegr.d In the Uttgatton ln the Northern Seourltlea mergetv the charge bomg that hle lnterest was for tho purpoae of ex tortion. / ' - a Wachter Republlcan Cholca. (By Aasoclated Press.) BAI/T1MORJ3, . MD? Aprll 18.-Con gressmnn Prank 0. Wachter wos un n.nlmously nomlnated for mayor to nlght bv the delegates selectod at the Hepubllcan prlmarles ten days ago. Robort M. McXane, at present State s attornov, ls the Detnocrotlo nomlnoe. The electlon held on May 6th. i ? Mr. Merrlam the Orator. (By Aasoclated Presa.) ST. PAUb, MTNN., Aprll lO.-Wllllam R. Merrlam, formerly Governor of Mln r.epota, and utMSl recontlyvDIreotor of the Consiis. was tho prlnclpal speaker before the St. Paul Credlt Mon's Assoclation banquet ln thla clty to-nlghL 9-???~~ Dlvidend Declared. (By Asaoclnted Presa.) NEW YORK. Aprll IC.-The dlrectors of the Amalgamatod Copper Company declared a qttartorly dlvldond of'1-2 of 1 per cont. to-day. The last quartorly dlvl? dond also was 1-2 of 1 per cont. THREE YEARTbY MANHA'S GATES RIchmond Youth Who Enlisted Three YearsAgo Returns to Citizenship. Prlvate Horace Mallory, No. 700 South Laurel Street, late of the TJnlted States army, ha3 returned to the clty, hls term of three years' enlistment havtng ex plred. Mr. Mallory Jolned the regular army early ln 1900, when the Boxers were mak Ing trouble in Chlaa. He was asslgned to the Flfteenth Battery of fleld artillery, whlch was ordered to Chlna ln August of the yame y'ear: ? Tho battery went Imrao dlately from Chlna to the PhiUpplnes. Eortunately for hlm, ho and hla com rades were placed on guard qutside of Manlla, and here they remalned, hoaring vlvld accounts ot fights ln tho Interlor, but soolng UttU>-br none of lt. Ho wants to got work now and settle down to a cltlzen's llfo, but if not suo cessful- ho wlll try the fortunes of a soldler. agaln. WILL LOOK CLOSELY INTO ALL COIMTRACTS (By A-ssoclated Press.) WASHINGTON, Aprll 16.?Tho aetual overhaullng of tho work of the Buroau of Balarles and Allowances began hero to day, when Postolllce Inspector Waters started an active oxamlnatlon of tho af falrs of tho bureau. All tho contracts, loases, etc, not mado on the rccornmenda tlon of tho postmasters wlll be carofully consldorod. Postmaster-General Payne had sovoral conferences wlth hls aaslst ants to-day, ln whlch a nurnber of the ulfferent linos of Investigatlon wera dls cussed, but ho announced that there were no Important developments. NNESOTA tAUNCHED IN u TWIN-SCREW STEAMER "MINNESOTA." Largest American-Built Shlp Afloat tho Waves. Christened by- MIss Hill. (IlJ' Anuocliitefl I'rc'js.) NF.W I.ONDON. CONN., Aprll 16.?In the pieaeuca of thousands of apeclatora, Iricludlng many vlultora froin New York, Bnaiou and other cltltH, tho ttoumshlp Mlnnesota, the largest vejsel ever bullt jn this country, and the greatoat curgo carrler ln th* world, was launchud to-day at the yards of tho Kastern Bhlpbuildlng Company, at Groton, Tho apopaor of tho tnnmmoth hlilp was Mlas Ciara HIH. duughtur of J. J. H|l|, prcnldeiit of tho Great Northern Steam Shlp Company, for whom the veaaol was bullt, to bocome part of tho QGmpanv'a Paclf.c und Orlftnlal carrylng scrvtce, As the last reatr.ilnlng link that hold the ?hlp to Itu plaoo on tho waya waa toyered, Mlaa Hill broke a bottle of wlne ovor the BtauJ l-'.at and nair.od tho craft Mlnne Wlth a glldlng movcment. baraly per captlbla at (Jrst, tho vast inaas of ?tr:el, wolglilng ihout-nndH of tona, Btartud ...,wn tho waya, and jiatherlntf ?pced tapldly, pluuged Into the water wlth a wavo un? dor hor Btorn that sorlously threatonod the safoty of the hundreds of amall craft In the harbor. Although her motjipntum seomed euftlelent to carry her over to the other slde nf the wida harbor, the pre cautlona taken to alack her spoed were aufhXent to bring her to a standitlll wlthln a mllo of the Croton shoro. Tugs then took her In tow, and sbe was 'ffulded to a dock, where sho wlll bo flttod up for servlce. The "MinnoHota" ls 030 fept long, 73 fe?-t 8 Inohf's wido, M foo't high to upper deck, IX feet hlgh to caplaln's brldgo, 177 feet hlgh to top of mast, 8he Is rlgged as a four-masted schooner, wlth pola maHta, nnd has flvo contlntious d<-oks, named as follows: Orlop, lowcr, 'twoen, maln nnd upper, all pliitod wlth ateel. The four fleck* whlch are not contlnuous aro tho forcenstlo, prorno nade, brldgo and boat dccks; and on top of all comes tlio captaln's or navlgatlng brlde, rnaklng nlno dr-cks |n all. Tlio vex koI la rilvlded transvorsely Into thlrteen water tlght compartments: the englna and bnllor roomtt, belng dlvlded long1, tudlnully by a water-tlf.'ht bullihcad, mako lour waler-tlght machlnory com partmenta. The double bottnm |a >|y. feet and extends across the whnle bot tom of the ves.'el, Thls spaoe ean hold about fC'tfi tona of water bHlhisv when re qulred, and ls illvlded Into ?8 tvnter-tlghj comportments. Should any comparlmopt be dlsablod, tho water cun 1,b pumped at the tate of 25,000 gallona per rnlnute. The spaco occuplod by machlnery la tho amallest practlcablo, and tho artango mont of conl bunkora la a novel featura of tha ooristructloni It Is a departure whlch tho Ea8tern Khrpbulldlng Company have bfen tho first to moko In ocoan ves vels, There aro two vertlcnl lnverted, dlroot-aotlng, trlplo-expanalon, surfaeo coi'dcrislng marlno ariijlnes, wlth L, P. cyllndor ln tha rnlddle, drlvlng twln Hcrows. K-ich ongirie to havo thiea cranks nnd Hppnrato dlrect-actlng Btevnn non valvo gear. Indlcatod horao-power of tho two maln englnna wlll be abnut 10.000. at 7S roYolutlonaJ wlth a bollor atoain pressnro of 230 pottnda per aquaro Inch. Two three-bladcd propoller whoels, one rlght and one loft bladed, 20 feot ln dlnmeter nnd n foot pltch, wlll have h developtd hlade arra of 07 aquaro feet for. each propeller, Tha Immense ateol rudd<-r welglm nver forty tona. Tha stoorlng gf-ar onn be drlven elthor by stc-nm or alootriclty, Flrat eabln paracngora are looated ln houHf-s on Difi uppor. promenado and brldgn df<rks. Btnto-rboms aro large and alry, hnvlng nrtIflf-inl as well as natural vontljatlon In eaoh. Bultes ara nrranged w!th alttlng-ioom. bed-room and bath room. All tho pasnengora may be soatod at one timo ln tho dlning ealoon. Thero uro a flrsi cnhln llbrary, o ladios* bou do!r, amoKlng-rrinmsj, bar. tnllot-roorns, barbar rhir.a. a chiMren's plny-room, and (?vory Improvrment that Ingenulty, Hkill, and exporlRnco can devJso to pronioto comfort. . BRIBP ITBMS PROM THB SPORTINO WORLD. Rowlngi i , Al) tha boat oltih hotma* alona- tha Htirlotii nivor ln NeW i ?yrk? i*rii lt* be altuatdd "lu a new, athltsUu neld, Jp bo larlBin nivor Ih NeW ,Vyrk\ ata Id b Ituttted ln a hew atliltiUu llolil. to b ,iud out, ln Mtttiomb'M ijaiti Pnrlt,, Mayo. LoW, liold u, pilblla hoarltitf uti a blll aUj Ihnrlaliiir tho lnylna out ot minh a fltild and tha bUlldlllg thnrbun ol buut .housofl, Tho blll wtta favorod by Park Cpmmls elotier < YOUtiaf aitd raprommtnl ves oc many bottt ulubs, > The Mayor aald that ha, would hpprova lt, , ., , . Oruw" pruHpeuta at Wlsoonaln, whtoh last week woto nut eucuunmlng. caniiut bo aald, to have Improvod uny durlnif tha weok. Tha fault la not ao muoh wlth tha materlttl that in but. but wlth tha faot that there ls not ottoutfh pf lt, and durlna; the Kaator vaoation, tliere were not etiouxh mcn out, to flll two boata wlth 'varfilty oandldates. , . : ? Whlle thla la a state df affalra that haa not eilsted at Wlaoonaln for a number of ,yaara, It la at tha present too late to be remodied, and Coaoh O'Dea wlll have to make tha most of a poor altuatloii. The freshraan oandldatea are a Btrong lot, however,, and, whlle,they hav* ttot been taken out ln a ahell as yet, glyo promlse of doveloplng lato .one.of tlio strongost orews that ever repreaented a claas Of Wlsconuln. Turf and Track, ' The horsemon and roart drlvere of Pennsylvanla are forittlnjr a Btate, .organ - eatlon. Promlnent horsemen from all parts of the Btate are interested. Galbetor, 2sUl-2. haa been retlred from the turf at Conneaut Latoe, Pa., by hia new owner, H. J. Keenaii. The former Plttsburg matlnee trottar, Rubber, 2:10.'by Wllson, 2HB1-4. datu by Mambrlno Patchen, haa been ratlred for K?ltd'A 8mlth has returnejj from Callfor nla wlUi hls strlng, iuoJudlng ArtJculate. The stable ls now quarterod at Bheops U Donuve.' by Altivo. out of Douka (2), 2:21, purchased at a New York sale, has beon sold by Dr. Freed, of Sharou, Pa., t0ItoSaaSlfe. 2 U9 8-4, by Rovenue, 2:22 1-4, a son of Smtlggler, nas a foal at Headlng owued by W, Harry Orr and slfed by ^L'TFayr^Braddock. Pa. has sold hls roan lllly by Bxpliot to R. M._ Mc Annnulty. He Is a oloan-going paoer and has flhown specd, A?i?... tt "Bkeets" Martln wlll riOe Acoful. H. B. Duyea'a candldata for the Engltsh ETThey'Amerloan lookey won last year on Ard Patrlok, and, although hls rldlng of Gubblns' blg horae did,not. quJte pleaaa the Engl sh crltlos, Btlll he has rlsou greatlj" ln he estTmatlon of owriora and fratners across the water. the roports from the HugjrlriB Quartora Acuful. who. ls to bo prepared unlntor rapfedmtor the Bpsom meotlng, appears to be growlng a bit and ls,a good deal botter than he looks. Rock jfand, the prosont favorlte wlll bo rlddon by Halsey In tho Two Thousand Guineas oni Aprll 29th. Martln and Danny Maher wiftaport silk on a palr of oracks. Martln has been scheduVed to handle Rock Sand and Maher wlll manago rlo?ttm- ^I'S' tljS thlnks, has a roay chanco to land me Derby. , Golf. .; The Nassau Country Club.haa eleeted Harrv Murdock presldent. PeJffy?,i;n treasurer and F. B. Prabt WW^ Tho elghteon-hole eourso of tho Deai Golf Cluo ls belng .P^pared fw tho na Uonal tournament, to be Jield there w.ay ^The^mbershlp of the ^x'ngton Golf Club is rapldly ncroastng. Blx memoera were admttted at the last meetlngof the Exeoutlve Committee and the Umlt wlll P?nSrbiyta- ^nlo^'tSk ot llmlUng the Western Golf Assoclatlon open cham SHoTd^and^ olnfe'afrj $& ors Wise counsols have provailed. how? ever and the Eastern playors wlll. be co?dlaH? ln\"ted to entar for tho event at MUwaukoe. New Sporting Paper. Harry Payne Whltney, 1^|^C teVbury and others wlll rtart;a aP"^"* charga of lt. Base-Ball. A. L, Thayer has been eleoted tom norary captaln of th| Harvard Junlor Tol-'onto has turned flown M offered trade of Pltcher Bruoo for Pltoher Car r,iock?afleSL!<1t0he Indlan. who played wlth Cleveland some seasons ago, wants to ^r^ni^Gor'aonf mf8- the New York American" League fclub has doclded to namo the new grounds tho New iora ^TherlNenwartgN. J.fwam haspurchased Out lelder Pat Dillard. from Little Rock, ?nd has traded^Thlrd Baseman ^VllUam Hayward for George Bannon, ot ^ew HBlunfaahlem. of Brooklyn ls threatoned SS o"f barta?y^h3chhJ5ve3 g a, couple of weeks. . pittabure. Pred Clarke, manager of the 1,1"SDU{'? Na lonal League Club, ls so ^re that the ?pirntBH wlll once more land the iNtauonai Leawe pennant that he ofrered to wager si 200 on the three-tlme propositlon. Tho nltchers of the American J^eague are eafisWKl"attera napplng by toaaing up fast shoots betoro tho mon at the nfato reoover after a vlclous swlpe at tho Vall The rule states that the pltcher rnust pause before dollverlng the ball. bi t thls ls belng Ignored. Ono of these. days th bauer wl!l B BorloaBly Injurea ? not thls pracUce. and the rule wui bInnDug|1oby, Fraser. Mltchell and a aark horoa ol two among the fwr flln^ ors Manager Zlmmer. of Jhe Phlllles, w 141 have a rollablo corps of Pltcnera. witn hlmielf. Roth and Dooin to baok thom up. ______ PETUNIA WON ROSE STAKES IN A DRIVE (By ABHoclntert Preaa.) NBW YORK, Aprll 1G.?The Rose stakes for two-year-old llliles, the feature p? the card at Aqueduct to-day, waa won ln a drlvlng linlsh by Petunla, wlth Julia M. socond. Flve favorltes won. the other race gotng to a well-playod thlrd cholco. The weather was cold and the track heavy. Summarles: ,, ,,, Flrst race?for two-year-olds, solling, four and a half furlongs?Cyuttlca (evon) firBt, Termagant W to l) second. The Brown Monarch 02 to 1) thlrd. Timo. ' Boco'nd race?for three-year-olds, selllng flve and a half furlongs?Cranevtlle (8 to 6) flrst, B. Doyle (20 to 1) second. Anna Daly (20 to 1) thlrd, Tlme. UU. Thlrd race?the Rose stakes. for two year-old flllles. four and a half furlongs Petunla (1 to 6) flrst, Julla M. (6 to. 1) second, Contontous (7 to 6) thlrd. tlme, :6Fourth race-for Ithree-year-olds and upward. sellliig, slx furlonga-Ocalawha (3 to 1) fli-st, TiruBldora (2 to 1) second, Lookot i9 tq 3) th^d. Tlme, l:H 1-B. Flflh race?for malden ,?lU?s, tnree v/ar.o ds selllng. flve and a half fur ro'nra&donoufi' 03 to U? flrst. Albany GlrT (8 to l) second, Queen Dream (6 to "sfic'th4* ra^o^hre^year-olds and UP wards, eevon furlongs-New York H. (tt to 10) flrst, Colonlst n(8 to 1) aecond, Flara (10 to l) thlrd. Tlme. X:-3 2-6. ' Raclngat Memphis. (By Associaxod Press.) MEMPHIS TENN.. Aprll 16,?The Ten nesseo Urowl'ng Company stakes attraotod a fleld of nlne to the barrler to-day. Old Hutch anci1 FoA- Kane. the two favoruee cl'oser The flfth'race. a s^Plechase over tho ahort coursu, funilshed^ one of tne mostSe.oltfn? linlshos of the meetim,'. I,<.rd Radnor appearod tp be wlnning handlly when Saubor, well-backed. cam? w!th a burst of specd and won by a head, Bummary: . ,, ,?_???_ Pirst raoe-four and a ha f /urlqngs, terfi T^W?mX& , .eJUDb-B.?a?a Cream (20 to 1) flrsL MempWan 0 to 8) aecond, Palr tuss (7 to 2) thlrd. rimo, 1:ThVrd race-four and a half (^L^iffn' purae-Bonollcont (5 to 1) flrst. Mordel a (2 to 0). second, Eeher Son (6 tu J) thlrd. '''iK.urih8 wwi-stuvea fu,-ipnjf?\ Tonnessee liandloap, nlleit-flattbitr Time, j!MX-?. _ Mti i m i ? - RlfU Oorttt-at (By AaaocUted Praa*.) WAfiHINOaXDN, Aprll W,-Th? Na tlonal Blfle Conte?t Board^ oompoaod of army dmoera and national ?uwdamen, wlth whtofa Colonel Banger, the Aaals tnnt Seoretary of War, la tneat ng. gath ered hera to-day. Tha board la conald erlng the dlapoaltton of the ?2,000 appro prlated by Congraas for the putclutso of a national trophy and otber prbsea, tha conteat for whlch la to be partlo - pated in yearly by teama- from the m 11 tta, the army. tha navy and tbe marlne corps. X number of dealgns for the national trophy , ani* for Indlvidual medals aro belng examlned by the board, whloh wlll mnko * rojort of Ita oonolualona to the Seorotary of War. The flrat oontoat for the trophy, It la aald, wlll be held at Sea Glrt, N. JT. ? ' CADETS DEFEATED ' The Unlveralty Team Won by a Seoro of Soven to One, (Bpoolni to Tho Tlmea-Dlapntoh.) CJLLHX/DTTBSVlLLIu, VA.. Aprll 18.? The Unlvoratty of Vlrglnla defeated the Vlrglnla Mllltary Inattuto here thla af? ternoon aoven to one. The oadets acored their only run ln the ninth, aftar two mon woro dowm. Coupor reaohed flrat on a flelder'a arror, Btolo aoeond, and tal Uod on Hill'B alngle to* oenter fleld. In the flfth lnnlng Pdohard, tho Vlrglnla twlrlor, had a. frager on hla left hand brokon by a hot llner. "Whlle ho_ offl clated ln tho box, not a hit was Boaurod off hla dollvery, and ho had sovon atrlke outa to hla crodlt Cracraft, who auo caodod hiro. allowed the vialtora flvo hita. Tho cadet pltoher, Carneal, kopt hls hlta well ncatterod, but recolved poor Biipport, The featurea of tho contoat were the runnlng catchao of,, Johnston and Stearnea, and the aharp fleldlng of 8tucky. VIROINIA. R. H. O. A. E. Cooke, r. f. 8 8 0 0 0 Pollard, c. t ...?.2 10 0 0 Prlchard, p .~....l 10 0 0 Councll, o .1 0 0 11 Btucky, a. s .0 0 6 2 0 Stearna, 2b.?...0 0 15 1 RoBaor, 2b.0 0 0 0 0 Mason, Sb.0 0 0 0 0 Slaughtor, lb .0 1 9 0 0 Cracraft, 1. f. and p ....0 0 1 2 0 Munger, 1. f ............0 0 10 0 Totala -.7 6 27 10 2 V. M. I. R, H. O. K. E. Goodloe, o ..0 10 2 0 Porter, r. f .0 1 0 0 0 Couper, lb.1 0 8 0 0 Hill, 8b ...?.,....0 12 10 Love, . c; f .*.?.0 0 1 0 0 Johnaon, 2b ....0 0 8 2 1 Allport, U f .0 110 1 Crowdua, a. a ...-.0 10 12 Carneal, p .0 0 0 4 0 Totala.1 B 24 10 4 Soore by lnnlngs: V, M. I. J.00 00 0 0001-1 Vlrglnla .4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 ??7 'Stolen bases, Cocko, Coupor, Two-baae hlt, Prltchard. Hlt by pltohor, Pollard (2) Prlchard. Bases on balla off Carneal, Stearns. Struck out by Prlchard, Good? loe, Allport, Crowdus, Carneal, Porter, Coupor. Love., By Cracraft, Couper, Por? ter. By; Carneal, Btucky (3), Slaughter (2), Cracraft (2), Cocko, Mungor. Um plre, Colllflower. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY At CInclnnatI?The National League bnae-ball aeaaon of 1003 was Inaugurated horo to-day, when 12,000 neoplo aaw tho Pittaburg team glvo the Clnclnnatl'a ade clalve defeat. Phllllppl let CInclnnatI down wlth but two hlta, but comblnod wlth a wlld throw, thls enabled thom to escape a shut-out. Wagner made tho aonaatlonal play of tho day, taking down a lina hlt of Kolley's by Jumping into lnto the alr and then belng comnolled to jugglo tha ball boore flnally holdlng lt. Boore: "? H. E. Clndnnatl .00 0000100-1 2 2 PlttBburg .00 13 0002 1-7 11 1 Tlme 1:60. Battorls?Harper and Peltz; Phllllppl and Pholps. Umplre. Emslla. Attendanco, 12,000. At St. Loula?St. Louls National League defeated Chlcago ln a hoUy-conteated gamo. Tho local pitchor had Bllghtly tho boat of a pltchorB' battle, allowlng the vlaltors only four hlta, The foature of the game was Braln'a one-hand atop of Lowo's hot llner. Score: R. H. E. St Loula.0 0100100?-2 6 2 Chlcago .000 00 00 10-1 4 3 Batterles?Currle and Ryan: Taylor and Kling. Tlme. 1:68. Umplre, Johnston. Atttuidance. 4,676. MIDDIES WILL PLAY WITH THE 'VARSITY (By Aasoclatod Pross.) ANNAPOL13, MX)? Aprll 16.?Mldshlp man ^Vrthur G. Chaffoe, manager of Naval - Aoadomy foot-ball toara of 1803, to-day announced the sohedule for thla eeaBon, lncludlng Ootobor 10th, Unlver Blty of Vlrglnla, a Scores Yesterday. PIttaburg, 7: CInclnnatI, t 5t. Loula. 2; Chloago, 2. Phlladolphla-Boston, wet grounda. New York-Brooklyn, wet grounda. ? FORBES GOT DECISION Qlven the Declslon Over "Blz" Mackey After Ten Rounds. (By Aauoolutufl I'res*.) FJNDLAY, O., Aprll 10.?"Bla" Maokey and Henry Forbea, the ohamplon bafl. tam-welght of the world, fought ten fast rounds hero to-nlght and whllo both woro Btrong at the olose, Forbea was gtven tho declslon on polnta, Mackey fraquemiy fell to avold punlshment. Not a knook down waa acored durlng the bout tbough each boxer out hla opponent'a eyo and kept bloedlng after tho fourth round. a Yanger Won Over English, (By Asxaclated I^riMa.l KANSAS CrrY, Aprll Jfi.~Benny Yan? ger, of Chlcago. to-nlght got the declslon over Clai-onco English, of i\ebraska Clty, Nab., ln a tenrround conteat. Yanger outclaasad hla opponent at all Btagea of tho (Ight except U\ the second and nlnth rounds. when English moJa a falr ahowlng, a The Chicago Races, (By A?s(ic|nted Pre8?.) CHICAO'O. Aprll 16.-Resulta at Lake aldo: '.'?.'.-* . Flrat raoe-flve and a hajf furlong-s? Fako (!} to 1) flrat, Optlonal (8 to 6) sec? ond. Hayden (4 to 1) thtrd. Tjme. Itia 8-6 Beoondl raca-four furlong-a?Lawndale <3 to E Arat, PJea, (7 t? 6) aecond, Capjtol AMUiRMiNTi. .-. TO*NIQHT.% Laat Performancg. OIRL FROM PARIS. lilttolaugh. Don'tmliiH l J o TO-MIOHT. Across Thi Pacific. Next Waok. Her Wrong Rlghted Beataon aale, JMaJUEW."BSf?!f" MASK AND of the Unlvuralty of Pa,, WIU CLUU, ln tho now burleaque SIR ROBINSON CRUSOE. 1 Bonoflt of Va, Hospltnl and Va. Ta-ble of Ooufcderuto Falr, Huata on salo, BO?T*)C?VS SEASONCLOSES TWICB DAILY AT 2 AND 7 P. At ADMISSION 25c CHILDRBN 13c. (10 to 1) thlrd. Time. :64, Thlrd raqe?Hillo-War Cry (9 tolOl firsfc Doublo O (4 to 1) aocond, Prlnce of AfJ rlca (3 to 2) thlrd. Tlmo, 1:47 4-6. Fourlh race?four furlongs?OrcgoTy K, 11 to 3) flrst, Aflgloe (8 to 1) aecond, Dan Mackeno (4 to 1) thlrd. Tlme, 1:18 If. Fifth raco?four furlongs?Shaltan (6 W 2) flrat; MUa Mnlllo (4 to 1) socond. Caa? Ble Brbulor (B to 1) thlrd. Tlme. :55. Slx'h ruco?mllo and aovonty yardj, aoil lng-Doble B. (0 to 6) flrat. fhe Bobby (7 ,to 11 socond, Mlaa Llza (31-2 to 1) thlrd. Time, 1:64. .-? ? OBITUARY. Mra. Dora Lee Whltman. Mrs. Dora Loe Whltman dled at 8:45 o'clock "WodnaBday nlghtt at her home, No. 024 North Twonty-flrat Street. Bho waa ln the twonty-fourth year of her age. i _ ~L The funeral wlll take place at 8:80 o'clock thls afternoon from the Falr mount Mothodlat Church. Thomas F. O'Cormor. Mr. Thotnaa F. O'Connor dled yoaterday morrdrig at the roaldonce of Mr. Charlea Koaa, No, 2208 Baat Maln Btraet. Ha waa ln the thlrtloth year of hbj age. Tho funeral wlll take place at 4 o'clock thls afternoon from Bt. Patrlok*a Church. dohn B. Leddy. Mr. John B. Leddy dled at hls reetdence, No. 1123 Brook Avenue. Ho waa ln tha tblrty-fourth year of hls age. The funoral wlll tiake place at 8 o'clock thls afternoon from St. Peter*a Cathadral. Edward L. Ritch. Edward Llnton Rltch dlod Tueaday at Nowton, Mlaa., aged flftoan yeara and four months. Tho funeral wlll take plooa at 8 o'oioCM thls afternoon from the restdence, No. 120 South Fifth Streot Funeral of Mra. Atklnson. The funeral of Mrs. Ellae Davenport Atklnson took place at 11:80 o'clock yea? torday morotng from Bt Paul's Epiaco pal Church. Conaldorably before the arrrval of tha funoral proceaslon tho church waa fitled wlth aorrowlng frlonda and relatlves of tho deceaaod. Every aoat excopt thoaa in tho gallery waa taken. There wero many hoauOful floral offertnga. Tha aervlces In tho church and at the gravo woro conductod by tbe Bov. Dr. Morrla. Tho pall-bearerB were as follows: Actlve?Mesara. Henry C. Baakonrtlle. Rlohard H. Mcado, Patrlck Curry, J. IC Branch, Judgo Carter Scott, Haaklna Hobson and Reed. Honorary?General Fitzhugh Lee, Dr. .ToBephM. White, Dr. Isalah Whlto and Mossfs."Joseph Bryan, Edward C. Mayo, Eugeno Massle and E. P. Valentlno. Captain Charles R. Boyd. (Speclal to Tho Tlmea-Dispateh.) ' WYTHBVILLB, VA., Aprll 18.?Captaln Charlea R. Boyd, a noted mlnoraloglat, dled to-day ln">Ielson county, Va., whera ho auffored a stroke of paralyals a few days ago. Captaln Boyd was a son of the lato Colonol Thomas J. Boyd, known aa the "Father of ' Wythovllle." He was a captaln of englneers durlng tho Clvll War. Ho leavea hla wlfe, ?who waa a MIsb Splller, of Wythovllle, and threa chlldren?Mr. Charlea R. Boyd, Jr., an4 MIbb Cornella Boyd, of Wythovllle, an? Mra. R. R. Irlon, of MlaBiaaippI. Ho had been a noted mlnernloglat and metnllur? gl8t ln hls day. and mado topographlcal and mlneral mapa of many of the coun tlos ln Southweat Vlrglnla. Ho was tha author of many well known works on mlneralogy. He wna Blxty-threo yeara of ago. He wlll be burled hero. Richard F. Tuckor. (Spoclal toTho'rimos-Diapatch.) ALEXANDRIA, V., Aprll lO.-Rlchard F, Tuckor, a prominont merchant, dled! BUdonly thls afternoon at hls horno here. Ho was strlcken wlth haart dlaease In hla ofllce, and explred whllo bolng oar rlod Into hls reaidene*. He was forty nevan year.'Told and unmarrlod. ComlnaT. to thls clty ln early llfa from Baltlmoro, whero ha was born, Mr. Tuckor beoame a momber of the George R. Hill Cake an<J Cracker Manufaoturlng Company. Blnoo the bakory cloaod, he conducted an ln dependent mercantlle' bualness. He waa a steward in the M. E. Church, South, and a momber of Ahdrew Jaokson Lodga of Masons, Charlea Brldgett. CLIFTON FORGE, VA., Aprll 16.-. Charlas Bridgatt, an eroploye of tho Chos npoake and Ohlo Rallway, who had hla leg broken on tho yard hore aevoral woeka ago, dled hero thla evenlng at 6 o'clock At the tlme of tho accldent Mr, Brldgett waa taken to tho Cheaapeakt and Ohlo Hoapltal, where hls leg waa amputated. It is aupposed hls death waa due to heart dlseasa. Mrs, W. W. Rouas. (Speclal to The Tlmea-Dlspatch.) "SVirNOHESTER. VA., Aprll 'lfl.-The romalna of Mrs. W. W, Bouaa, who dled in Now York yeaterday, wlll be placed ln (ho Rouss mausOleum hero to-morrow. i a i ? ? ? DEATHS. O'CONNOR.?Dlad, yesterday niornlng. at the resldonce of Mr. Charlea Koaa, No. 2208 East Maln Btreat, at 8:16 o'clook, THOMAS V. O'CONNOR, in the thir? tloth year of hla ago. Funeral TO-DAY at 4 P. M. from Bt. PairiclCB Church. Frlendg and relattve* inyltedto attond. RITCH.?Dled, at Newton, Mlaa., Tuea? day, Aprll 14th. EBWARD LTOTON RITCH, aged flftqen yeara and four montha. Funeral from hla late resldence. 128 B. . Fll'th Btroet. THl'S (Frlday) AFTEJV