Inslde Vlew of tho U, S. Steol
Corporatlon Commlttees.
New Man from West Assumes Respon
slblo Posltlon and Averts a Strlke.
Rodmqnd as a Judgo of
Rallroad Bonds,
(Spoclat to Tho Tlinea-Dlapatch.)
' NEW YORK, Apii* hJ.?ln a corporatlon
aa lurgo us the Unlted Statea ateel truat
"tho' outsldora" aro not long In loarning
what "the Insldors" aro thlnkltig about oa
well aa dolng. For a year or nioro one
actlvo factlon has beon covorlly dcBlroua
ft ousting Charlos' M, Schwab from tho
prealdbncy. Beporta Induatrloualy clrcu
latod aa to tho health of tho young steel
ihagnate woro .followcd wlth ruinons that
hls roalgnotlon would follow. But Mr.
Schwab, robust and chcery after a long
vucatlon, Is back at hla d'esk dotormlned
to pcrform tho duly of hls great offlco.
Dutiug hls absonco many changos in
nianagement have boon wrought. They
aro wlso changoB In vlew of the onortn
oua dotalls whlch management of ao many
plants Involvo. Two largo tiommittees
dlvldo tho work, one tho Flnanco Com
, rolttoo, the otherSho lixccutlve. Mr. Mor
gan's purtnor, Georgo W, I'orkins, isv
tho chalrman of tho former, Judgo Gar
ry, of tho latter. Bosponslblllty for cor
porato acta rcata eltlior wlth ono or both
Of thcso eornmltlcos. Mr. Bchwab Is a
broad mlndcd r.,ar., and ho aurprlsed hls
opponenta bV heartlly approvlng tho plan
Inauguratcd durlng hla absence. Ho found
that lt relleved hls offlco of work and
lesponslblllty and brought to tho affalra
of the company tho . beat mental effort
of ita moat competent managera. v
Mr. Schwab la esaontlally a practical
rnamifacturer. Ho representa tho raiinu
facturlng elemcnt ln tho coiisolldatlon.
Hls knowledge Is of enormous valuo to
tho corporatlon whlch must rotaln Ita
preatlgo In tho iron and atcol Industry
by lts output and make lts showlng of
not proflta by able. oconomlcal and con
Borvatlve management. In thla labor ho
has tho support of tho Executlve Commlt?
tee, The showlng made In tho annual
report of nct earninga la an ondoraemont
of Mr. Schwab's ablllty aa a manufac
turer and of the wladom, prudonce and
forcalght of Judgo Garry, chalrrnan of tho
Executlvo Commlttee.
From tho eamlnga, the FInance Com?
mltteo, whlch Is controlled' by J. P.
Morgan & Company, dlvldonds of 7 per
ccnt. havo boen apportlonod on the pro
ferred stock and 4 per cent. on ttvi com
mon, and a haudaome aurplus Is ca.-rtiJ
on tho booka. But whllo tho pre'.arrcd
atock ahows iui 8 per cent. Invoatment
and the common an 11 por cent. Invoat?
ment on aharea at the market prlce. the
gcneral pubile Ts not falllng over Itaelf
to purchaao them. Early ln tha year tho
Flnanco Commlttoo aougbt to acqulue
Btockholdera for Ita prcforred atock among
Ha omploycs. Tho schome was devlaed
by George W. Perklna, a talontod young
man who workod hls way up ln tho
New York Llfo Insurance Company from
ng'ont to vlce-prealdent, and who Mr.
Morgan haa beon cndeavorlng to trana
form Into a llnancler. The schema. ao to
apeak. waa a modlflcatlon of a plan
udoptod by the Insurance oompany o
aavo for itself ronewal commlsslons to lts
agonta and to keep them.ln Ita scrvlce
for a long. contlnuous porlod by holdlng
over them a forfelturo of a prospectlve
"bonua"-ahould they leavo the company
Adopted by the FInance Commit oo. it
waa annou^ced broadcost aa a "proflt
sharlng plan." It was descrlbcd as "bo
novo"nt." "phllanthropic." It almed at
maklng omployea ahareholdera of pre
S atock on an 'natallmant plan. Tha
tnnouncement was made that It waa
emlnontly successful. Perhaps It waa.
Bvary -haro a.loted may_ havo be-n -old
. ,?,? ivnrkmen aa Btated. I nouoi n.
to tho *?n"?n r b0 lni8lnf0rmed,
JhTihp workmen^efuaed to subacribo
tha,Shat tlTo clerl"al force decllnad. Both
liml<0rrP,i to bo humblo tollera at a
pr?,f" !Hftand ln vlew of thla and tho
"^rfet vMues of tho aharos. It^would
m L He iay mlnd that the FInance
^m!t0teehehasaynot acored beavl.y dur
l0#hf Bevfn'mm.ona laft by Charlea L
,- ,, Z q?? Franclsco. tho brother of
lt'Hormann Oolrlchs and Mra. Wllllam
? WnS .Tr.. of New York. haa.be.
m? thla clty an object of Intareat
fn^lew of Vhe losal proceodlnga now bo
ng conducted here. Everybody knowa
!?,n? if Mrs Falr survU-cd her huaband
oven or a ow momenta sho Inberitad
rrom hlm. and her helra would poaseas
tneTe n llliona. Two Frenchmon, Monslaur
Maa nnd Monaleur Moranne had the for
tuno or misfortuno to be onj
tio road noar Trouweille, Frauco.
-t tho tlmo of tho automoblle
nccldent. Maa haa tostltlod that Mrs
Falr wVa breathlg when Falr had ceased
to oreathe. Counsel for Meartamaa Oe -
rlcha and Vnndorbllt proceedod at onoo
ta make lt ploasant or unplcasant for
MonTaur Mas. They wantefl to know
whoro thoy had been the nlght prevlo.ua.
Thls nuostion rovealwl nnother P7?o"?BB'
a lady. Her name? Alas, lt would "tend
to degrado, to Impllcato, eto." And now
IL curtnln Is rung up on 17??0'l/';I.,vftnot
trv In a dull court room In the clty of,
Now York. Amerlcan lawyors aeek to so
curo from a French "Monsleur" the name
of Uie Jullot wlth whom, on that ovont
ful nlght, ho llatenod to tho nlghtlngalo.
Jlo.e'B awoet seorot at the bar ?nd sevon
mllllona at atako. Now whero ara the
.wrltors of (lotlon7 To them I Blvd a
themo. Volla!
? * * 1
Onco more tho Weat haa contrlbuted to
thla matropolla a man to ttl a responsl
hle nnd Impnrtnnt posltlon. When Auguat
Bolmont found It nacossary to seoure a
rallroad man to manago and control tlio
Intorborough Systam, hottor lenown oa
tho aubway llnos, he named Edward P.
Bryan, who had proven hls ablllty ln
Loulsvlllo and Naahvlllo, and Bubsequent
ly In St. Louls, where he had charge of
the great brldgn over the Mlsslsslppt. Tho
recont ocqutsltlon of the "IV has glven
(mmedlato omploymont to Mr. Bryan, and
alngularly enough ho took hold at a mp
ment whon a goneral strlke waa threa't
onlng, Ho sald, thoro wlll be "no strlke-"
Dlfllcultlos wero ndjustod, and the stiiko
waa nn'ertcd, Mr. Bolmont sald of hlm:"
?'Ho has the hraina and the Btuft ln hlm."
Hls contract is for IIva year a( |20,08O a
year. Stich Is tho roward of patlent labor,
and tho aequisitlon of knowledgo. ,Ho bo
gan llfe aa a telograph operator In Ken
tucky, and becamo the superlntendent of
a dlvlalon of Loulavillo and Naahvlllo.
Hla ablllty ?ooipmanded tho attentlon of
tho hlgher oillclals, and ha haa pasaed
along untll now, hala and hear_ty, at tho
nge of llfty-slx, and possesaing enorgy
of a man of forty, he haa hecome tho
vlce-prealdent and generaj managor of
thp Interboi'ough, a company whlch wlll
Brebably carry tha larf o#i number of paa
But !f You Have Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble,
. You Wlll Pind the Oreat Remedy, Swamp.
Root, Just What You Need.
tt tiscd to be connhlered that only tlrinaryahd
bladdor Irotiblcs wcrn to bo trnccd to the kidneys,
but tiow inotlertl scloncd provcs that nearly all
dUoasos liavo thelr bcgimilng ln the dlsotdor of
thonc utost linpoitant orgatis.
Thereforo, when your kidneys aro wcak or out
of order, you cali tinderBtand how qulckly your
ctilirc body ls nfTcctfid, and how cVory orgau
acenm to fafl to do lts dttty.
Jf you are slck or "feel badly," bogln taklng tha
famotts now dlBfiovery, Dr. KIlmer'B Swamn-Koot,
bocatiBo as soon a? your kidneys aro well they
wlll lielp all tho other orgatis to health. A trlal
wlll convince any one,
.Doctors Prescrlbo Swamp-Root,
Gentlemen! "I have prosorlhed tnat wonderfwl
romody ifor kldnoy and bladdor contplalnts, Dr.
Kllmor's Swnmp-Root, wlth most beneflclal effeot,
and know of many cures by lts nse. Those patlents
had kidney trouble. as dlagnosed by other physl.
clans, and treated wllhout botieflt. Dr. Kllmer'a
Swamp-Iloot ulYooted a cure. 1 am a llberal mati
and nccept a spoclflc wherever 1 flnd lt, ln an ae
ccptod school or out of It. Vpr desporate casos of
kidney or bladdor complnlnt undor trofttment wlth
utiHntlflfactory reaults I turn to Dr. Kllmer's
Bwamp-Root wlth most flatterlng resttlts, I shall
conllntio to prescrlbo It, and from personal obser
vatlon stato that Swamp-Root hns greot curatlve
276 Oth Sl? Rorough of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wenk and ltnhcalthy kidneyB are responslb'e
for more Biekness and sufTeiing (han any other
diaeaso, and if permiUod ,fo continue much ouf
ferlng, witli 'fatal results, are suro to follow. Kid?
ney trouble Irritates the tterves, makos you dizzy,
rest.le.HH, slceplnss and irrltable'i makos you pass
wntcr oftnn dttrihg (he day and obligos you to
get up nlany timea dttring the nlght. Unhealthy
kidneys cause rliettmatism, gravel, catatrh of the
bladdor, pain or dttll aclto in-tho back.'joints and
mtisclesi rnitkes yotir hoad ache and hack ache,
causes indigesticn, slomach and liver trouble, y6tt
get a sallow; yellow couiploxion, makes you fcel
as thotigh you hrid heurt trouble; you may havo
pletiuy of ambilion, but no strength; get weak
tltaej, Urcr ao4 alaafer
eiucti on.
naftU ?od at bsd Uma.
CtilUno lui luxxmllnf te H,
M?r ?onnmm witb Mull
r rior?. M ib? <m* *auld
mm to mium
/ca IrotlbM *?4 4H0t4?rt
du*to*Mk fctta*/B, ?ucb 41
taurrk nf (he bJMStf, ?r?"i,
rtMWuUm. laabiio md
Urtcbfa IIimhi, "blob U tfca
won??ormofk*)oer4IB? "
ruMitia oklt rr
dsu smxaa * co?
lisMMIaa. a T,
s?M (.r all
and woato away.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to talie)
Tlio curo for theso troubles ia Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Koot, tho world-iamou.s
kidney remedy. ln laking ^Swamp-lloot you afTord natural lielp to Nature, for
Swanip-Root ia tho most nerfect healer nnd gentle aid to the kldncys that 1b known
to niedicaJ acionpo.
If Uiero'iB any doubt in yonr mind aa to your condition, take from yotir urino
on rising aboul four ouncos, placo it in a glnss or bottle and let lt stand twenty
four houra. Tf nn nxarnination it is milky or cloudy, if thore ia a hrick-dust-sefctling,
or if stnall ?pnrticlcfl-float ahout in it, your kidnoys aro in need of immcdiate at
No matter how many dootors you may have triod?no niattor how much moncy
you may liavo spent on other medicinea4 you really owo lt to yourself to at leaat
givo Swainp-Root a triaL . lts stanchest friends to-day are those who had almoat
given up hopo of over becoming well ngain.
If you aro alruady convincod that Swomp-Root is what you need, you can
]iurchasc tlio regular fifty-cent and ono-dollar aizo bof.Uea at the drug stores every
whcrc. Don't inako any tnistake, but rcmember tlio naiiio, Swamp-Root^-Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. and tlia'addrasa, Binghamton, N. Y., on cvery bottle.
Saniple Bottle of Swamp-Root Sent Frco by Mail.
EDITORIAL NOTE?If you liavo tlio alightest aj-niptoros of kidney or blad
tlcr trottblcH, or if thoro ia a trnco of it in your fnmily hiatory, send at oncc to Dr.
Kilmcr & Co? Blnghamton, N. Y., who will glndly aend you by mail, immediately;
VfJtli'out cost to you, a sample bottlo of Swamp-Root, and a book contajning many
of the thousands upon thousands of iestimonial letlors receivod from men and
women ctirod, In writing, bo suro to aay tliat you read this generons offer in
The Richmond Daily Timca-DJBpatch.
songers for the shortost dlstance, ln tho
most llmlted tlme of any raUrood ln tho
? ? ?,
Slowly, steadlly odvanclng, Honry 8.
Redmond, of tho flrrn of Redmond and
Kerr, ls now recognizod throughout the
Unlted States us an export atithority on
rallrond bonds. He began hls career ln
Wnll Street somo twenty years ago, and
he steadlly pursuod opo Une?that of
selllng bonds. Bearlng In mlnd tbe enor
mous number of bonds of dlffonent ls
suos rallroads have put upon tho market
an Intlmate knowledge of them cannot
be ncqulred In a year's study. The
customers of Mr. Rodmond aro located
all over tho country, and they aro known
by hlm to be investors. He has galned
thelr confldcnce and rospect. It is now
sald that Mr. Redmond can underwrlte
an entlre Issuo of bonds and dlspose of
them wlthln a fortnlght by slmply re
commendlng them. Thls ls more than
any other bankor can do, not exceptlng
Mr. Morgan. On the other hand, a flnan
cler sald: "It Is about as dlfficult to got
Rodmond to cndorse.n bond lssue as to
sell them, for If ho wlll endorso tho Issuo
they aro about tho somo ns sold." Thla
is a pretty strong recommendntlon for a
man who. undor forty-ftve, began llfo
wlth a smBll capltal nnd has become a
mllllon'alro by shcer pluck and lndustry.
(By Assoclated Press.)
ADGIERS, Aprll 16.?Presldont I^oubot
to-day wltnessed tho grand mllltary ma
noeuvres, In whlch 10,000 troops tonk
part, on Muatapha fleld. Thls forco had
been drawn, from all parts of the colony,
was relnrorced by aallors and marlnos
from the vlsltlng fleets und by many na
i tlve organlzattons.
(By Aosoclated I'reas.)
NEW YORK, Aprll 16,?Obod Paddock,
a drlvor, was shot and kllled In a ensa
in a Bowory resort early to-day. and the
bni-tender In the plaoe, Jauiea Carter,
was locked up. Tho pollcn suy that ho
confessed that he dld the ahootlng. Pad
dock's bady was tound ln tho hallwiCy of
tbe resort wlt ha bullet holo ln the baok
of tho head. and the olllcers'who arrestod
Carter say thoy found hlrn" standlng be
hlnd tho bar wlth a revolver ln hls hand.
Murder Corntnltted tosDefraui1 Insur
itnce Cornpany.
(Uy Aimieliitcd I'reaa.)
WARHTNGTON, Aprll 10.?ln lasulng a
warrant for tho surrotiOer to the Mexlcan
G-ov/oruiuont of Dr. Charles S. lltirle,
now held under Kl Pnso, Tox., on a
charge of b'elng an uocesory to a murctor
corntnltted In Chlhuahtia, Mex., tho State
TJepartinent took stepa o secure tho pun
islimen of a peciillarly atroclous ci;lmo
whlch has engaged tho attonllon of <tlio
two goveriimouts and one of tha blg New
ork llfe lus.uraneo cumpanlea for irmuy
inonths, ?
Tho papors nled at the State DeparU
ment allogod that he Mexlcan agent of
bo company, T. C. Rlchardaon, a man
named Moredlth and Dr. Harlo con
splred to murder a man ln order to col
lect the Insuiance on hls llfe, tho policy
for whlch had boen Issued by Rlchurdson.
The pnllcy wus made 'out payable to
Moredlth. The vlctlm wns slowly polson
od to death and the doctor who attended
hlm certlfled hat he dled from paural
t-auses. The doctor's defense Is that he
dld not hlmsolf admlnlster the drug.
RIohardson and Moredlth also arrest?
ed In Toxas, were dlseharged by he court
o nthe grnund nf Insultlclent but the Mex?
lcan governmont has sworn out new
charges and tho two men wl|| bo ar
rosted agaln and held for oxtradltlon.
At Newpprt Newa To-Morroyv,
1,200 Unlted States tioldlera and sallors
from. German warshlp to parade. ?1
round trip Yla 0. & O,
Dr. Lorenz Anounces That
Hls Operatlon onChildWas
Completely Successful.
(By AssocJjtted Press.)
CHICAGO, ? ILL., Aprll 16.?Dr. Adolph
Lorenz, the Austrian cpeclalist, arrlved
in Chlcago to-day for the purpose of re
movlng tho ,caat from the leg of Lollta
Amiour, tho young daughter of J. Ogden
Armour, upon whom an operatlon for con
genltal dlslocatlon of the hlp was per
formod last October. Upon removing ,the
cast tho llrob waa found to be ln perfect
conditon, suid the patlent was able to
walk around tho houso wlthout any dlfll
"Tho operatlon waa a completo buc
ccs6," sald Dr. Lorenz, "but I Bhall have
to be In constant attondanca upon the
llttle ono for threo or four weeks before
I ean bo cartain of a positive cure."
(Bj Attoelatad Prnss.)
NHJW YORK, Aprll 16.?Tho elevated
rallroad employna voted unanlmoualy to
nlght tb sustain tholr Exocutivo Com?
mlttee ln standlng out for a nino-Jiour
worklug day. Presldent Pepper sald' that
thls does not necossarlly mean n strlko,
as Prosldent Mahon, of tho Internatlonal
Assoclatlon. haa succeoded ln roopenlng
negotiatlona wlth General-Manager Bryan.
of tho company.
Prosldent Pepper sald also that he had
reoelvod a proposltlon from Mr. .Bryan
whlch he oould not mnko publlo Headd
ed that there wlll bo no strlko to-morrow.
(lly Assoelated Prcss.)
WELLSBURQ. W. VA.. Aprll 16.?Two
large stablea belonglng to Josoph B.
Vandorgrlft. were destroyod by flrehero
to-day. entnlllng a loss of $75,000. Thlr
toon of hls blooded horaoa wero bruned,
lnoludlng hls prlzo horso E<lna Copk,
valuod at $5,000. T ha (ire waa undoubt
edlv of lncoudlary orlglu.
Avhon tho flanias wore flrst dlscovered
two men woro seon runnlng from tho
hurnlug bulldlng. Thoy dlsappoared ln
tho woods nearuy^before thoy could bo
approhended. Tho Insurance, it la
thought, wlll nJmost cover tho loss.
Thls ls tho thlrd attempt in three
(ll.v Ausoeliitud I'rotm.)
ST. PAUL, oilNN,, Aprll 16.?Concorn
Ing tho report from tho East that tho
Oroat Northom dlroctnra wlll meet ln
thls clty in a fow days to taka nctton on
a divldond whlch inlght bo provonted by
tho gnvornmont autt, ono of tho board to
dav suJd:
"Tho Groat Northom deolares a dlvl
dend payablo tho lirst of May, and has
done ao for many yeara. lt wlll bo dono
thls ttprlng ns usual, as afr aa I know.
Thls ia the only roason for a meoting that
T know of."
(By Aisocluteil I'reSH.)
LONDON, Aprll lfl.-Miaa Ellon Thorn
oycroft Fowlor, the nuthor, was marrled
to-day to A. L Felkln at Totten'Hall.
Milton Smiley IVIissing.
(By AKsoi'luteil I'ri'sn.)
ATLANTA, GA., Aprll 1?.-Unlted
Statoa Immlgratlon Agont Milton Smiloy,
AVho oamo to Atlanta some time ago on
a aoorat mlsslon, ls reported na mtsalng
Binco last Monday. Mr. Smlley's pur?
pose In Atlanta was to nacertaln if nny
Greek boys had been bondod out as
alavea ln thls c|ty. Governmont oltlolals
are worklng on the oaae, Mr. Smlley's
foorno la ln, colmnbua, Ohlo,.
Attention of Spuihslde Farnv
ers Now Turning to Thls.
The Telephone Llnes In tho Oounty
Were Damaged Somewhat?8ev*
'eral Important Oaaes or> Docket
of the County Court,
. MBHBRHIN, VA, Aprll 16,-Corn
plautlng haa begun ln thla sectlon. The
tlrst eeedlng waa done thla week, eo far
as known, and the attention of the nu
meroua farmers la at preaent bent ln thla
dlrectlon. Preparatlons are belng made
for larger cropa of thls produci than
heretofore, and the ldea of the average
farmor at present ls to make oorn to
aell inetead of havlng lt to buy.. It U a
well-known faot that the stock of the
average farmer through thls acope of
country euffors for the want of graln,
and as a result the country is fliled up
wlth poor stock. The people, it seems,
are growlng more and more Interested
along thls llne, and wlth tho ldea of
ralslng more stock, come a natural one
to ralse moro graln. It ls an easy matter
for strangers to come f.o thls sectlon and
tell who has the good farms and ralses
the bulk of the graln by the numerous
teams that are driven hero and thero.
Whonever there ls a poor team the flrst
utteranco ot the stranger ls that the
owner of that palr has hls graln to buy.
When on the other hand a flne palr ls
drlvcn up ho wlll say at onco that the
owner of those has corn to sell, and as
a matter of fact, everyone agreos Wlth
Tho butchor Is gradually falllng ln the
same llne. Whonever he waritB fat beef,
pork or mutton he wlll always go to tho
mnn who ralses plenty of graln to/flnd
them, and as a result thls class of farm?
ers always fmd ready sales for thelr
Btock at good prlces. The farmers are
somewhat behind hand, at present, on
account of so much wet weathor of late,
but wlth a fow weeks of good weather
It is thought that they can get well up
in all of thelr farm work. The scarclty
of labor wlll hlnder them much, but it
ie qulte evident that they wlll overcome
thls by worklng overtime.
Durlng a storm that vlslted thls sec?
tlon ono nlght thls week, lightnlng
struck the telephone wlro that connects
the country home of the late Dr, W, E..
Edwards, . and the brlck store of Mr.
E. W. Dlckerson, and followed the wlre
Into the latter's storohouBO, tore away a
small portlon of the colllng and a small
flre was started. Mr. Dlckerson, who
had been ln hls bed on tho second floor,
only a short tlme heard the nolBe and
Immedlately went down and extlngulshed
lt before It had made any headway. A
small damage to the handles of hls saws,
and a few more arttclos belng burnt or
spllntered, and but for hls tlmely appear
ance hls flne structure would have been
entlrely destroyed.
Several important caaes were docketed
for thls term of tho county court. whlch
commenced on Monday last. The most
Important was that of Slaughter, oharged
wlth , the murder of hls closo frlend,
whlch happened near tho Brunswlck llne
a few weeks ago. He was lr?iedlately
arrestod and lodged ln Jall, and on Mon?
day last ho was indlcted by the grand
Jury, and Immedlately hls counsel had
hlm brought in the courtroom where ho
made a motlon before Uto county judge
to have hlm balled untll the trlal could
be gone Into. Thls was refused by re
quest of Commonwealth's Attorney W.
H. Perry, untll he could get more wlt
nesses In the caso, and thls was post
poned untll Monday next, when the wlt
nesses wlll be Introduced and arguments
It Is qulte evident that feellngs agalnst
the prlsoner have subslded very much
and that he wlll get off wlth a llght sen
tence. If any. It ls also understood that
hls plea wlll be self-defence,
Another Interostlng case was that
agalnst a negro of about twenty-one
years of age oharged wlth enterlng the
storehouse- of W,all & Hamlltom at Whlt
tettes Mlll and taklng goods and money
therefrom. Thls deed was commltted
several months ago. Strong counsel has
been engaged on both sldes and a great
flght wlll be had. It seems that the Com
monwealth has a very strong ense
agalnst the negro, and It Is qulte evldont
that ho wlll go down to the pon for sev?
eral 'years
Several other cases of less Importance
wlll bo heard, and court wlll be ln ses?
sion the best part of next week.
Several appllcatlons for llquor Ucense
were flled and held up untll a few days
later by the Judge, when he wlll take
them up for inspectlon.
Easter was unusually qulet In thls sec?
tlon on account of raln. The bnll whlch
was to have taken place at Llndon was
abandoned lato Monday ovenlng, whon
the raln began to fall In torrants, and the
day was spent moro qulotly than here?
Mlss Ethol Arvlne, of the State-Normal
School, aocompanied by two of hor
schoolmates, Mlsses Homes and Paulotto,
spent Easter at her home near thls
Mlsses Ossle and Edna Hardlng, of
Klnath, Va., aro tho guests of Mrs. M. G.
Mrs. Jullan Prlco and two chlldren, of
Groensboro, N. C? ls spondlng a fow
weeks as the guest of hor people.
Mlss Elslo M. Dalter returned from
Rlohmond last week, whero sho was un
der tretttmont at tho Shelterlng Arms.
Sho ls muoh Improved, and It Is hoped
that sho wlll soon bo entlrely recovered.
Ttttt's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Perfect Health.
Keep tbe syatem in perfect order
by the occasiona! tiae of Tutt'a
Mver Pills. T1>cy regulate tbe
buwela and produce
A Vlgorous Body
For ?iek headnche, malaria, bil
lousnese, constipatioa ead ktadred
lUeguet an abiolute ctttH. .
MlBii Mabnl tmnlftl, df Bmihoho, Va., la
th* fftip??t of Mra, M. *1i We?.
Captftlti cleoritaHh Frlufl, who wn* very
bttdly hurt ln n wraoK at Drakaa Branoh
laat wookj la ltnp?ovlnff Vnry aldwly,
Bevaral dnutora have baan ren/Ulat'ly at
tondlhH hlm and lt. wlll bo aavarnl
montha boforo lm oatt rnturn to work,
Mra. T. I., Jetor haa baan qulte Itl thla
wrtak, but haa aofflowhat Itnprovod ln tlio
pn/it fnw daya.
Meitdra. fl. WIHot Wnoh and Cllltord
Bratiuh, of Chnio Clty, wora hora a favv
daya thla weak.
Mr, W, B, Bhaakleton, of iouth Bo?
ton, Va? apent a few day* hero thla week
wlth hls poopla.
(Dr Auoolntod ProM.)
NEW YORI^ Aprll 1?,-At jk reoeptlon
to-nlght. to tho dalegatea attondlng tha
maatlng of tha Alllanoa of Reformed
Churohea a lettar of areetlng waa raad
from Prealdent BooieVelt. Bav, Dr.
Robert P, XeiT aald that Preildent Rooaa
volt waa tha groatoat man ln the country
to-day, lovlng Hla oountry better than ha
doea hla llfo, and of whora ovory Dutch
rnan la proud.
? ?
Muit the Racea Separate?
Edttor of The Ttmea-Dlspatchi
The profound Intereat whloh every. lovor
of hla oountry faela In the deatlny of the
negro roce ln the Unlted Btatoa la the
apology of your oorreapondent for broech
Ing the aubjeot agaln after a provloua e.r
tlcle ln your paper, and though we muat
presuppoae lapsos of long porloda of tlme
in lts oonslderatlon, thla ahould not
prevont us from trylng to reallze what
la before us and, bo far as may be, pro
vldo for tho futuro.
' Tho ultlmate separatton of the raoee
upon a1 mutually advantageoua baala, eo
far as we can aoo, la tho only aatlafao
tory solutlon of tho problom, and to pro
pose a plan for thlB purppBo the preaont
artlclo la writton.
When the partition of Afrlca among
the European powora took place, after
Stanloy'a wonderful exploratlon of the
Vnlley of the Congo, and whon thla val
ley was aaslgned to a company, of whlch
the KIng of Belgtum was the head, un
der the name of the Congo Free Btate,
llttle Intereat was then folt ln tho trans
actlon by the people of our country.
Aa shown by the maps, thla torrltory
compriaes an area about equal to all of
the Unlted Statos lylng eaat of the Mls
Blaalppi; lt ia unsurpaaaed in the fertlll
ty of lts soll, the valuo of Ita foresta and
the extent of its grazlng reglon, over
whloh roam oountlesa numbers of 'hcr
blverous animals of every descrlption.
The inhabltants are of a docilo, amlable
dlspositlon, e'ntirely dlfferent' from the
flerce, warllke trlbea of South Afrlca, and
these are the people from whom all
the negroea ln the Unlted States aro do
acended. Tho vartoua trlbea uaed to make
war upon each othor to get captlvea to
aell to the slave ahlpa, to be brought to
Amerlca, and thoy are to-day no furthor
ndvanced in clvillzatlon than they were
then; but they would make valuable la
borera in tha devolopment bf that coun?
try under clvlllzed diroctlon.
For thouaanda of milea the Congo and
lts tributariea aro navlgable, flowlng
through an elevated tablo-land, untll, up?
on approachlng tho coaat. their watera
dash down to the sea ln a serles of
falls and raptds. _
Throo or four yeara ago the Belglum
oompany completed tho rallroad from
the coaat to the haad of the raplda and
Introduoed atoam navlgatlbn and trad
Ing porta on the rlver. The enterprlse
ls of a purely bualnesa character, but
Ita succesB aeems to be not yet eatab
llshed. and the* KIng la sald to have
lost a good deal of raoney by It bo far.
Now. let tho Unlted States buy out
this company. Bend Booker Waahington
there aa Go-vernor-General. Make a law
that none but Afro-Amerlcana ahall be
appolnted to offlco; guarantee aecurlty
from moleatation by European powers;
make liboral aastgnments of land to set
tlers, and let them work out their own
destlny. ._ . , .,_
If doubt is folt ns to tho phyalcal dlffl
cultv of emlgratlon on auch a scale, look
at what hasooourred ln the Unlted
States, though previous to a llttle more
than flfty yeara ago only salllng vesaels
exlBted. Emlgrants could now embarK
from an Amerlcan port ,with their fam
llles and effecta and travel every foot
of the way to a plantatlon ln the heart
of Afrlca bv ateam in much less tlme
than It used to take to go from Waahing?
ton to New Orleans.
There are many Afro-Amerlcana who
have abundant capital, trainlng and
bralns to aucceed there aa planters,. mor
chants or profeaslonal men, taklng wlth
them such men ao thoy may need and
openlng the way for settlora of lessor
Thero la no roason why the negro raca,
ln course of tlmo, ahould not reaoh a.do
gree of clvillzatlon equal to that of any
other and the clrcumstancoa under whlch
tholr' lmmigratlon would be surroundod
would be highly corducivo to that ond.
When the better class ln thls oountry
roallzo that. thero Is no futuro for their
descendants hero, and a great futuro
awottlng them In Afrlca, thoy wlll not bo
slow In maklng their cholco, and the
foundatlons of the now colony would bo
lald wlth thls clasa of raon-mon who
would have the monna nnd the ablllty
to omploy largo numbers of tho natlvna
and work plantatlons of sugor, rlca, cot
ton and tobocco on a profltable scalo,
socurod In tholr rlghts of porson ond
property by lawa glvon tham nnd en
forced by tho Unltod States. untll they
can govern themselvea.
Such an outlot would work wondera
wlth tho racn In thls country; industry,
tlirlft and tho acqulsitlon of knowlodge
would then havo a doflnlto object, and
we would hear no more of valn longlnga
for soclnl and polltlcal equnllty hero.
Tho frlondahlp whlch onco exlstod be
tween tho racos ln tho South would ro
turn and tho whlto raco, both North and
South, would holp them In every way
In tholr power to bulld up a now omplro
In tholr fatherland.
Thero would be no dangor of a sud
den dcplotlon of tho lnbor aupply ln tha
South, for thla emlgratlon would, neces
aarlly, be gradod, apd vaoanoloa would
ho moro than flllort from othor aourcos.
Tlio presenco of the nogro has heretofore
been tho great repollant to an Incomtng
of whlte settlora, but wlth tho prnspaot of
hls rtaparturo the tldo of emlgratlon would
bo dlverted Southward, and tho value of
ovory descrlption of real ostato, both
rural and urban, would Inoroaso In valuo
boyond ani'thlng ovor known before.
Lynnhaven, Prlncesa Anne Co., Va.,
Aprll 13th, lfWl.
.-? i ? ?
Orlginal Curfew Boll Oracked,
A note from Rouen .states that the Rou
vel, the colebrated boil ln the bolfry of
tho Town Hall, whlch rlngs tho curfew
ovory ovenlng from 9 o'alook to a qtmrter
past, la cracked, and U la feared that
furthor uaa may causa It to fall to ploces.
The ourfow has been tomporarlly dlscou
tlnued In consetiuonoo. Tho Rouvel datos
frcm the thlrtoonth century, and la gon
orally oalled tho "silvor boll." In 1SS3
Charlea VI. ordered tho conllscatlon of
the bell beoause It had buan usod to glva
the slgnal of a popular rlalng, but a com-.
promlBe waa subso(iuontly arrlved nt, and
Ihe KIng uccapted a aum of monoy In
slead of tho Rouvel. lt upnears probablo
that tho boll wlll olther bo vocaat or pro
acrved ln the )ocal musoum,
Tempto 6 Co. Tenipla ?3? Co.
More Than a Thousand Yardi of
Fancy Ribbons
At a Thlrd Under Value.
Here is a feaflt for folkj who aro ribbon hiin
gry that is going tb bo long romembored.
' It is as tempting a display of pretty ribbons as
wo havo ever made, with the added ^ascination of
being lowor priced than any similar qualities.have
over sold at. , ,
Dainty Neok Ribbons, Hair Ribbons, Rjbbons
for Sashos, Ribbons for trimmings, for millinery
and a d'ozen other uses, An overstocked maker
offerod thero to us as a bargain and'we took them
because they were a big bargain. We have mark
od them, bo you can buy them the same way. ( Of
course, it is just a passing chance at these prices,
and onethat isn't,likely to be long in passing.
Fanoy Hair Ribbons, every wanted shade, 12% and 15o,
'Taffeta Ribbons, dottcd patterna, newest colorlngB, 24c.
Taffetes and Batlns, colora and black and whlte atrlped and
, dotted, 26o.
Tnffetas and Satins, blaok and whtto, Whlto and black, and
Bray strlpod, 38c, i
Taffetas", sollds,. wlth dotted satln borders, all ahades, 66c.
Sattn Taffotae, strlped and embroldered dota, 44c.
MoUBsellno Taffetab, warp prlnta, all shades, 490,
Liberty Sattn, with molre etripes and embroldered dota, 64o,
Stockings for Everybody.
For Now and For By and By.
Medtum weights for now, perhaps; but lighter ones,
even gauzes, for by and by. ,
The lighter kinds are on display to-day and they are
the ones we.want you to know abbut.
They are the gauzy, laoy oreations that stylish women
w'11 wearwith low shoes, and they are here in unusual
v iHety.
But whatever your preforence be?stockings of cotton
lisle or silk, whatever weight or quality?we have the kind
you want in grades that are reliable and at pricen that are
right. These in guaranteed fast blaoks :
Black Oauze Llslo Hose. full rogular, 26o>
Blaok Lace Llslo Hose, full reRular, 28o.
Blaok Maco Hose, extra flne, full regular, 26o. ,
Gauso Llsle Hose, extra flne, 8 palrs for $1.00,
Lace Llslo Hose, many new patterna, 60o.
Oauao Llsle Hose^ very llght and flne, M?- l
Brllllant Ingraln Gossamor Llsle Hose, 76o.
Brllllant Ingraln Oossamer Lace Hose; 76o.
Brllllant Ingraln Laoo Hose, nowost patterna, $1.00 to $2,00,
Silk Hose, puro spun silk, extra value, $1.80.
Sllk Hose, dropped-stitoh anklos, new doslgns", $2.60.
Silk Hoso, all laee, very olnborato and flne, $3.60 to $8,00.
Fancy Colored Stooklnga, ln a splondld vorlety of new pntfcarns.
We sell the best Ileavy and Medlum-Welght Hose for ehlldron ever
ahown at 2Bo.
Foiirqure&n, Temple ?$ Co.
429 East Broad and Annex.
t?)>iHIMMMIMMIIIMMtMHIt.tHMI?Mtj ? 11 M t ?>?'
% What Was Gaiued in the Venezuelan Affair. |
, Gibbon, ln hla Rlae and Fall of the P.o
man Bmplra, gave a new direotlon to hla
torlcal enquiry; and by hls study of the
philosophy of htatory, sought to trace tha
movomonts of the underlying forcea ln the
world'a progresa. Tha mtnd thua almul
taneoualy follows the march of eve.ntB,
and graaps the princlplo whoae belng and
forco reault ln them aa their outward
manlfostatlon. ?. . <? _. ??
Does not the Voneauelan affair offar to
tho student of tho world'a progreaa sug
geationB of aurpaaslng lnterest? Not ln the
dlsolay of Brltlsh and German naval pow?
er! Not iii a few old forts captured, but
?ather aa an era In tho world'a hlstory
probably destined to' be of great bouotlt
t0Therefffs37a dlat.not. galn apparently ln
many partlculars. and lt aoundsi well to
emphaslzo them. Flrat, in deflnlng tha
so-called Mo,nroe Doctrlno ln a noga
tlve Notlco la aorved on tho world by
,0 jolnt powers of tlio United^aa?
Great Brltaln. G'ermany and Italy that
the Monroe Doctrlno dooa not mean that
tho Unltod States guaran,teea South
AmcrTca immunity for clebt or wrong^uo
Inir- only that lt Inslsts and wlll Inslst
that Urrltory shall not bo takon by Eu?
ropean countiios. ??.?-th
In tho aocond pluoo. aa to tho strengh
oniViR of the Monroe Dootrlne aa thus
do nod The.pntiro tranaactlon davelop
od the fnot that tho three great powera
wVe |n perfeet aeoortf and that the doc
trlne waa accoptable to all. 1 hta ia
ihown from tho Inolploncy of the moyo
mont to Ita closo and we are tluia ad
"sed ha thoso powers are ready ln a
way W sustaln tho doctrlno when roa
Tnnnhiv annlled. Custom mokoa law, and
Ict boPt thfully sald that nevor be
foro^naa our posltlon been so flrmly ea
SLllshed or ao thoroughly rocognized and
'"galn?the raferonco of the mattor to
Tho Hague Trlbunal marka another and
important advanca. and one of apparent
War-reaohlns coneeauenoe.lt goas o.,i a
groat way towards ostab ah ng a world a
court of juatloa. Vattel'a Laws of Na
tions. whllo atatlng those prlnolp os whlch
wore demanded by the consolenco of
Chrlstlan clvillzatlon. had no power bo
hlnd them oxcept that of consclenco or
sontlment, but wo are rapldly approacli
SS tho "imo when tha complox and Intor
aced ln orasta of tho many Bovevnrnonts
of tho clvtllzed world demand that thoro
shall be such a court, and that ChrlHtlun
dom aball, stand pladgodi to -nforcoJU
iin..rfloa Formorly, as In the * ram"
Gorman War, tho conquoror Impoaed hla
o^SW-Jn tha conquered Hera we
have tho hltbarto unheard of ocountnco
o? the co quorovs arbltrating their ll<
fJranoeahl the vary moment of comple e
assortlon of their power, and attor the
miul Play of dlplomaoy accoptlng Imt
oourt of justlca that waa laughed at ln
ii ih that wlth ono acoord all intareaieu
na.Uesa.aTay >>g their olulms boforo the
tholty; to decroo and as to ita0W"J ?
P A^wMook into tha subjaot there we
are more and moro impreeeod l'nnJnI
ihnimht that tho conaclence of manklna
sTealngw th Intarnationol affal's; that
t mua beVookoned wlth aa the control
U factor and aolvent of futuro prob
lerus; that Ita dlctatee wlll bo heard not'
only suggestlvely. but potentlally as well,.,
and It Jb a remarkabe faot and also av
very gratlfylng one that the practlcal as
sortlon of the readliiess both to hear and
obey lts behests, comea from the great;
Teutonlo race as a whole. The fact la onei
not to cause surprlse, but rather pleasure,
for thla people from thelr lnfancy have
ever cherlshed and guarded the rlght to
freedom of conscience and tlie unlty and
sanctlty ot the home, and aro to-day en
Joylng these blesslngs in a dagree more
marked than any other race of people,
and It ls but natural that they should bo
the leaders of the worhT. ln extendlng tho
area of lts soopo.
But, aa so often happena, Other forcea
poworfully re-enforce ua in the effort to
solve tho questlon. Buslness, oomraer
clai lnterest, comes to our ald tremen
dously. If "no man Iiveth to hlmself" ba
truo, sd also muat It be in an age of inter
communlcatlon, that no natlon llveth to '
Itsetf; and communlty ot lnterest, busl-'
ness tles, assoclatlons and Interesta, blnda
the world together . ln bonds . stronger
than ever before, and from lts standpo'nt
war ls not only a wrong but a calamlty.
and every dlctate ot prudence forblds lt.
And buslness Interests are ln a posltton
to make themselvos heard as never be?
fore. The great banklng houses haver
thelr rcpresontatlves and corre#pondent? ?
everywhere. The represent themselves aa
comblnations of oapltal and tmineasurablo
forco; they are llnkefl togethor by a com
mon bohd of lnterest and hold thelr po
sltlon on a common basls ot buslness nndt
flnaholal honor and lntegrlty; they them?
selves represent to a great dogree tha
people of thelr rospeotlve countriea, and
aro largely ln turn tho educators of thelr
cllontnge. Thoy speak for peace, oiid
thelr volce cannot be ignored wlth safety
by any government on tho globe. There
la but one forco before whloh they must
bow on earth and that ls sentlment in Ita
broader senso. Wlth all theso forcea
worklng together who wlll say that wo
have not entered Into the outer clrcle a|
a world's court of Justlce?
Mr. Sutton Also.
Edltor ot The Tlmes-Dlspatch:
SIr.?I son ln your Manchester eolunina
ot yesterday that the announcement la
made that Judg* J. M. GTogory. of Man,
ohoster. has announced hlmself a canalj.
date for Commonwertlth'B Attornoy ol
Chestertlold county, for the comlng oleo
tlon for that pnsltlon. and that he Wlll
lmvo no opposltlon at the polla,
Klndly do me the favor to correot tha
latter portlon of thls statement ln tho
columns of your valuable paper. Mr.
Frank T. Sutton, Jr? of Bon Air, hu?
aureed to announco hlmself a candldata
for the posltlon, and already has a strona
followlng ln that part ot the county, and
hls many frlonds and aupportera feol
confldent that he wlll wln.
In addltlon to belng an excellent law
yur he ls a resldent of tha county prppor
and the conlldence ot the people pt Ches
terneld county In hls abllltv and lntegrlty
wtll certalnly spaak strqru;lv for hlm ln
the comlng eloctlon. ?.,,,_
yuurs very "*?<$?foRV,;
Bon Air, Va._
The Sunday Newspaper,
That the Sunday newapapar haa ooma
to stay is no longer dlsputed by InteltU
gent and praptloal people. The present
questlon ls whethar those who are *arn?
estly strlving for sootal betterment hava
i\\* Judgment to oxorclue a proper dls?
orlmlnatlon among Sunday newapapera.
Thoy ara not all allHo good or badj ooma
aro better than others. Aa a man la
known by the company ho Jteepa, ao ho
le known ~|n part, alao, by tha Bunday
newapapar ho roada ?nd recelvaa Into hi*
family.?Boston Herala