Newspaper Page Text
THEY MAY W1N0UTYET Compromlse Expected on the Tonnage Tax. SEtyATE AFTER MINERS Mr. Watklns Offera Bfllto Regulate But* Ineaa of Commlssarlos, and to Ro qulre Paymont of Mlners Twlce a Month In U. S. Currency. Thore wore but few aubjoots of geperal publlo lntoroat ln tho Leglslaturej yoa? terday. On, the Bonate alde aa well aa ln the Hoiibo, howover, subjoots wore up re latlng to tho mlnlng Intoreata of the Stato and tholr conalderatlon was earneatly watohed. Senator Walklna offered a blll muoh after Cho ordor of that heretoforo preaontod in tho House and defeated, deslgnod to break up commissartea and company atoroa at mlnoa, and to requlre that laborora ln such ralnes bo pald at rogular Intervals?twlce a month?oiid ln iaw7ul""currant monoy of t!ho Unlted States. | Tho blll waa referred to the Commlttee on Agrlculturfe and Mlnlng, and wlll causo a blg flght when it la conslderod. Anothor mattor of Intereat bi tho Sen ale was tho oonslderatlon of Mr. Hal ?6/8 subatltute for Houae blll to amend tho Mathowa dog law so as to apply lt to tho cltles of tho Btato. The Lynch burg senator deslred tho blll ao amend ed as to protect valuablo dogs In cltles, and It wont ovor wlthout actlon. Boforo tho tonnago tax blll camo up as a speclal ordor ln tho Houae Mr. Jen nings aocurod tho paasage of hls blll to authorlza tbo clty of Lyuchburg to eroct a now ?ystem of~wator-worka to cost $700,000. Mr. Folkoa conductod another auccosaful flilbustor nght agalnst taking a vote on tho tonnage tax blll, having held tho floor ag'inst tlme for over an hour. The Boulh*'t.O. peoplo flnally mado a partlal surronder and appealed for an adjournmant ln oraor to see if a satis factory compromlao - measuro could bo brought ln. Mr. Folkes haa earrled .on hls battle to the excluslon of all. other buslneas for two daya, and lt looka as ir tho Stato wlll got at leaat some tonnage tax aa a Unal reault. The Senate. There were twenty-ftvo Bonatorai nra *&?? ofnTwer. Introduced and aftor belng read wore referred to tho proper commlttoes. Tho So.iato thero upon proceedod to coaslderation of the Th'ese'senato bllls on the calendar were taken up and paasod: ?.??,..?? To amend charter town of tf?rtog;. ??. ? To eatabllah Joneavlllo Hl?b Bohool Dl.ntrlct in Leo county, To amend socUon 87W of Code In xe Jatlon to violatlon of tho Sabbath. To legallzo eleotion bold ln Charlotta C?Tota'mend fourth sub-divlalon of soo ^Tho^Scnate^bili on the calendar author Islnsr the clty of Nowport News to laaue bonds waa indeflnltelv postponed and a Houso blll accompllahlng the Burne ob ?,??> ^^5?dBrLL REPORTED. Mr. Koezell, from tho Commlttee for Flsh and Gorno. roportod wlthout ainend ment tho Houae blll to arflendlaeptlon 2 of an act approved Aprll 2, 1902, en tltled an act to deslgnata and aurvey tho nnturat rooka, beda and shoals-ln Ts'omlnl and Curriomaii Bays, n the county of Westmoreland, and to includo tho sarne ln tlio orlginal geodetlo aur? vey of the natural oyster rpeka. beds and ahoals of tho Comniouwealth. Mr. Wlckham, chalrman of tlio Flnanco Commlltoe. ofterod a Jolnt resolutlon au thorlzlng tho prlnting for tho Informo t on of the publlc the act formerly known is Houso blll No. 60, . preacrlblng tbo nowors of ? tho Corporatlon Commisalon. Tho resolutlon orderlng 2,000 coples prlnt ed was adoptcd, ^ , Mr. Koezell, of Bocklnghajn. offered tho report of the conforees on the dis nB-roelng votos of Uie Senate and Houso Sn the blll preacrlblng tho terma of town ofllcerfi ao aa to conform to the provialons of tho Conatltutlon. Tho Sen ato adopKd tho report of the Confor enco Commltteo. .. _ ..,, After somo dlacuaalon the House blll entltlod a blll "to prevotjt the fraudu lent aolo in bulk of morchandlso or any oortlon thereof otherwlse than ln tho ordlnary courso of trado. was recommlt ted to ,tho Commltte for Courts of Jua tlco. Mr. Mcllwalno oxp alned that the .amondmonta proposed to bo mado to tho blll mlght trench upon the bankruptcy law, and ln any evont thero wore dell cato questlona Involved._ TO PORTECT DOGS. Tho only dlscuaalon of tho aesslon was pn a bill offered by Mr. Halscy. of Lvnchburg, aa a Bubstltuto for the blll on the calendar ontltled a blll to amend tho aot Imposing a llcenso tax on dogs. Tho measuro ls deslgned to amend the Mathowa dog, law, and ls framed to pro tbet valuablo dogs In cltles from thloves .and from mallclous persons who may kill or InJuro thom. lt nrovldea for tho ? llsting ofdogs for taxatlon aa porsonal PMr. Koozoll waa incllned to oppoaa the blll, but lts patron defonded It, and ex Slalned ita objoct and lts effoots. Tho 1)1 was finalllv ordored to Ita ongross mont. but a rnotlon to reoonalder and ? another to pasa by wero mado, ao that tho blll la yot opon to amendmont. Mr. Lupton. in courso of tho rtlscua ?lou, mentlonod tho fact that one of tho courts had docided that a dog waa not property, but that the hldo of a dog had * markot valuo and was property. Mr. Claytor called attentlon to nn opln? lon of tho Court of Appoala. holdlng that a dog waa not property. BILLS INTRODUCED. Theae bllla were Introduced and r? forrcdi By Mr. Watklna: To rogulate tho prlce of morchandlso and supplles ln the coun tlea or cltlea whoreln coal or lron mlnea or manufactorlcs of lron pr steel and all other inanufaotorlos are locatod, and to aoDuro to operatlves and labprcra en gaged In or about auch coal and lron mlnes, manufactorles, etts., the payment of tholr wagoa at rogular IntorvaU ln iawful and current monoy of tho Unltaa Bv Mr. Tylor: To authorlza the Coun? cll of the town of Hampton to borrow 128,000 and to Issuo bonds therefor. Tho bonda aro to run from.twenty to forty years, and i bear interest not exceeding Flve per cent., and shall not bo apld for lesa than par. The monoy raised ia to be used for otreet improvomenta, Bv Mr. Tyler: To amond aeotlon 82S7 Df chapta'r 169 of tho Code of 1887, as Itnended, preacrlblng whon ludptnent en Wed ln offlce la to becomo flnal, how en larod, lts effeots as a-Hon, eta. The House, Tho Houae was called to order at noon by Speakor Ryan, and tharo waa no prayor, Mr. Duko offored.a resolutlon dlreotlng the Finahoe Commltte to prepare a blll at onco, aasoasing all coal and othor ni'n iral janda aectton 173 of tha Conatltutlon... The rpember from Albo tnarlo aakod tho. Immedluta conalderatlon of tho resolutlon, and Mr. Grnvoly ap poaled to tho Houae to refer the resolu? tlon. Mr. Gravely was asked a great imany questlona. and lt becama evident early ln the actlon. that tho old and |ong drawn out tonnage tax blll flght waa Vip ngaln. Mr. Boaz advocatod tlie rea olution, ond the Southwust mowbers trlnd to get hlm to agree to dlamlss tha tonnago tax blll, but ho would not, and the roll cail was domanded on the quos tlon of ivtcronco. The House vatod to refor?ayes, S7; noea, 23, Thla was flrat blood for the Southwest, and thoy on Joyed lt. A resolutlon was offered for 10 o'olock eesslona of the Ilouao ln futuro, but It was reiaotod?ayea, 23: noos/-S8. Mr. Caton moved that Senate blll 101 and tho aubstltua t.ierefor, relatlng to lt* fieatlon of u. bureau of luaurauce,.be reeomhilttod, and It waa Atrreed to wlth OUt d.VlBl0,}.LL8 pnmm*m. ?A , Tho followlng bllla woro offered and roferrcd* . ? ,, By Mr. Gont: To arnend the law Irt relatlon to tho eleotlon and terms of olflce of dlstrlot oincers. ?, id,-. , By Mr, C, C. Bnkort To prpylde for worklng and keonlhg ln rnpalr the ronds of Westmoroland and Northumbarland oottntleB, 4jiii..^?) By Mr, Branch: To allow an addltlcina tbvy ln folo ot Wighl coUhty for nchool tMny?Mr* Edwardsi To, amend thei Code so ns to roqulro rotall coal deal?W ..o glvc 2,210 pounds of anthraello coal for "nT'Mr, Churchman (by requeaOt To allow-tho lnformant a portlon of n. nno imposed ln tho dlsortillpn ot the oourt. Mr. Jenntngs seourpd tho pwwfj OM at Ita order, ot a blll to PW?LV,V,t$k. of Lynchburg to ercot a new water woTks syatom to cobi $t00,000, and another waa pasflod to Incorporale tlie towft Of Co lonlal Boaoh. U'H'hL* ,nn? The tonnage tax blll waa/callaa_{W^ apoclal order, and Mr. Folkes reaumed hls speoch bogun on Wedneaday ln faVor of tho meosure. Ho ylelded to Mr. Boaz for a moment and tho Iatter, who/waa absent on Wednesday, explalned brlefly that he underatood that there had boen an ngreemont to tho questlon of levylng a tax of thlrty cents on tho 1100. Here followed a great deal of crosa flrlng, lndulgod In by Moesra. Mort, Whltehend. Garrett atid others. but Mr. Folkes hoid tho floor, and proceeded elap orately to exploin agaln aa to theallegea agroornent. , ' . Ttfr. Huft Interjected* njotlon to ad Journ at thla polnt, Mr. Folkes havlng vlelded for thls polnt. the former stat Ing that ho thought a compromlse mea suro would be Itr by to-day. Tho motlon to adjourn r waa earrted? ayes, 88; noes; 1215. and the body atood aajournod untll noon to-day. GOINQ SOUTH } Bishop Olbaon to Asalst Blshop WaUon of North Carollna. ' Blshop Glbaon, of tha Bplaoopal Dloceeo of Vlrglnla, wlll go to Wlltnlngton, N. C., tha flrst part of May to asslst Blahop Watson, who haa been lndlsposod. On Tueeday of thla week tha Blahop went to New York to attand a meatlng of the committee, of whlch he la a m?ra ber, appolnted to arrange a programme for tha Mlaslonary Councll ot the Churoh, whlch wlll raeet ln Waahlngton In Ooto ber. Loat week he vlsited Trlnlty and St. George's Chur'ohea. in Fredericksburg. 9099999999909099990900000* g S&ar/on sKeights. \ \ * #000090000000000000000000* Colonel Wllllara IL Pryor, of Albe marlo oounty, Ib tho guest of Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Satterfleld. Mlss Bertha Hardpng has (returned home after a vlsit Co Washlngton. Tho C. M. A. Club, which was to have met at tho home of Mr. Overton Woodr wnrd yestcrrdtRj-, has (been postponod untll to-day at 4 P.JM. Mr. and Mrs. Lancastor have returned to Ashland after a vlsit to Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Martlnsteln. l Mr. C. H. Btaunton.. who haa been qulte Blck, ls able to be out. " Mlss Emlly Alfrlend. of Norfolk, ls visltlng her aupt, Mrs. J. V. Alfrlend Mr. M. F. Jones and family have rnoved to Baltlmore. Mr. Grovor" C. Edwarda has returned to Tettllngton, Va,, after a vlalt to friends here. Mrs. Owen. of Rockbrldge, who haa been visltlng her slstor, has left for Newport Nowb. , ? Mr. Webb, of Hallfax county, has re? turned homo after a vlalt to friends ln Brookland Park. Mrs. C. W. Francls has returned to Newport News aftor a vlsit to her sts ter, Mrs. C. L. Ball. The R. M. A. Club wlll meot at' the homo of Mlss Mary Wllllams Saturday at 4 P. M. Mlss Llbby Bllss, ot Prlnco Edwara. ts the guest of MIbs Hottle KltUnger. Bernard Blnford, who has been vislt? lng Mr. Othn KIttlnger, has returned to Prlnco Edward county. Mlss Ooodwiin, who has been qulte' slck at the horno of Mrs. W. G. Cosby, Is much bettor. The Epworth League servicos will be held nt-tho Methodlst Church Sunday at 7 P. M. Mlss Amy Moredlth is qulte slck at her home ln Brookland Paxk. Mrs. Winans and" Mrs. Crane, who havo boen visltlng Mrs. E. H. Lea, wlll leave to-morrow for thelr home ln Now Jorsoy. Mtb, Archer, who has been qulte sick, Is able to be out agaln. MIbs Ella Llndsay, who has boen qulte slck at her home, ls Improving. Mrs. J. M. Graves haa returned to Charleston after a vlsit to friends ln Brookland Park. Mra. Burrus8. of Powhatan, Is vislt? lng her daughtcr, Mrs. MoLelland. Mr. Sharp, of Blacksburg. ls visltlng In Brookland Park. Mrs. Johnson, of Rocklngham, who has beon visltlng friends here, has returned homo. Mrs. N. B. Croxton Is qulte slck at her home. Mlss Olndys Hlggason, of Chesterfleld, Is visltlng Mra. J. Y. Green. Mlss Norma Wnre, who has boen qulte slck, Is able to be out. Mrs. O. B. Hopklns and chlldren, who have beon visltlng friends ln Alexandrla, havf- returned homo. ^'a'ter Bowlo Ini 'efurned to hls home ln Carollne county after a vlsit to Mr. J;.(.? Jetor, of Ladla:(' Milo Road. Mlss Holen Crouoh, who has been qntta slck, ls Blowly Irhprovlng. MIbs M. Hala,/who haa been, visltlng ln Brookland Park, haa returned to Greeno county, Mlss Ella Thorpe, of Dumbarton, has not been able to attend school slnce Eastor on account of slcknosa. ?Mrs. W. C. Leadbettor wlll leaye for Norfolk to-day. Mr. W. N. J.onea, who is atopplng at Mr. Kellogg's near the Serolnary, will leave for hls home In Petersburg thls week, Mrs. Plerca, who haa been qulta aick, ls able to be out agaln. MIbs Janle Wnodson. who haa been vlsltjlng ln Brookland Park, haa returned to Clarksburg. Mlss Allco Crane. who hae been vislt? lng Mlsses Grace and ICdna Lea, will leave for her homo In Caldwell, New Jersey, to-morrow. SEATSON SALE TO-DAY Those Who Want to Sea tho "Wlggers" Should Get in Llne, Seats wlll bo on sale thls mornlng for tho general pnbllo for the performance 'to be glven at the Academy next Twos rtny, Aprll 21st, by the Mask and Wlg Club, of the Unlverslty of Pennsylvanla, for the beneflt of the Vlrglnla Hospltal nnd the Vlrglnla table at tho Confaderate Bazaar, The elub onmes hara ln tha lataat bur The Gorhfurt Co, guarantee it GOKH&NT SIBVER POLTSH Guaranteed to bo the best on the market b/ the Icading lUver' emiths of the world. JaaUS'^fflt * cflnu " t"c>,'g< The Up-to-datc Method of Biljjpg is to usc the New Remington Billing Typewriter RESULT i Ncntcr, more cotnpact nnd moro legible bills, and tlme and labor oaved ln every kind of bHHng work. The Ideal system of "Blll and Chnrge," BtlL and Salesbook charge both made at a slngle writlng. Send for Tllustrated Booklet, jttst fssued, on tlie New Remington BillingTypewriter Remington Typewriter Company, 706 E. Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. lesque, 'tJlr Boblnaon Cruaoe," whlch haa already tnet wlth tremendoua, euo cess In Philadelphla, whore lt waa pro duoed laat Monday nlght. There are a hundred people im tho stage, and the plece la pui on wlth gorgeousneas and TOagnlflcence aa to coatu/nes ond aoenery. The tlcket holdora had tho flnrt cholce of seats yesterday and Wcdnesday. Thoae to whom tlcketa woro aent and who henre not uaed thom aro requested to roturn them at onco to Mrs. Greanor Neal, tho treasurer of tho fund, or to aend tholr checkg In for the amount due, Judge Tredway Here. Among the visltora on the floor of'the Senate yesterday waa Jndge J. L, Tred? way, of the County Court of PIttBylvanla. Judge Tredway was formerly a momber of the Senate, and was glvon a cordlal greotlng by hls frlendo in that body. Judgo Tredway la and haa be?n for many years been a tnember of tha Board of Dtroctora of tho Woatorn State Hospltal fnr many yeara. and la thoroughly fat mlllar wlth tho management of thoae ln stltutlnns. Ho Is In the clty to attend the meetlng of dbrectors of lnaano hob pltnlB. ' '.' Falled of a Quorum. Tha House Commlttee 'on Prlvlleges and Electlons were to' consldered the G'ardneT-Whltohead State prlmary bllla yesterday afternoon, but no meetlng was held. owlng to tha absence of - quorum. , ' . The matter will como up at the next regular meetlng, whlch wlll probably bo held wlthln tho next few days. TWO MINISTERS DEGLINE CALLS Rev. Mr. Beckwith Wlll Not Go to Ashland. Nor Mr. Morrls to Fauguler. The Rav. 8. Cary Beckwith, asslstant to the Rev. Thomas Semmea, rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of thls clty, has decllned the call to the Church of St James tho Losa, at Ashland. Mr. Beckwith haa made many warm frlenda in Rlchmond, who wlll rejolce in hls declslon. The Rev. James M. Morrls, at presant ln chargo of St. Paul'a ln thla city, haa decllned the call to Trlnity Churoh, Fauquier, and tha Churoh of Our Re deemer and Emmanuel, Loudoun coun? ty. The veatrles have called the Rev. Andrew J. Grlnnan, of Weston, W. Va. THE FIREMENS RELIEF Bill Offered by Mr. Charles T, Bland , Pronounced Constltutional. A week or more ago Hon. George Wayno Anderson offered ln the Senate a reaolutlon calllng upon the Attornoy-Gen eral for an oplnlon as to the conatltutlon^ allty of an approprtatlon of the publlc funda for the rellef of dltsablod flremen and the famllies of doceasod flremen, as propoaed In what ls known as the Bland blll. Tho resolutlon waa forwarded to Attorney-General Ajidorson, at Chose Clty, ond ho haa wrltten from that olty on oplnlon on the subject. Tha oplnlon of tho Attorney-Goheral ls ln brief that the approprtatlon ls not unconstltulonal. Tho blll was offared ln the House by Hon. Charles T. Bland, of Portsmouth, and was paasod by that body. The blll was pendlng ln the Senate Flnanco Com? mlttee, but It may be noted ln thla con nectlon that that commlttee yesterday detormlnod to make an advoroo report on tho blll. The pasaage of the meaaure wlll nevertholess be urged upon the Benate, and lt may 'pasa that body, despita the uufavorable report, "v- ' BISH0P PETERKIN HERB On a Vlslt to the Clty?Tenth Annlver aary Oelebrated. Blahop Peterkln, of West Vlrglnla, ao well known hero, la on a vialt to the olty, He la on M? way homo to Parkers buTg from Florlda, where he haa been apendlng toma tlme ln a well-earnad reat. On Eaator day he preached at Emmanuel Church, In Henrioo. Next Bunday he wlll conduot sorvlcoa at Bt. James In thla olty, Laat Bunday -waa the tenth annlvor eary of the Rev, J. J. Gravutt as reotor of Holy Trlnity Episcopal Ohuroh of thla olty. The oongregatiou oolebratod the event by a large offerlng townrd tha payment of the dobt on tha church, Property Transfera, Rlohmond?W. B, Clark and wlfe to B. W. Lohmann, 6 B-12 feet op aouth slde of Holly Btreat, botwaon Balvldere jind Plne, 182.60. F. P, Flotohor and wlfo to George W, Gay, jr? 26, feet op east aldo of Twen ty-aeventh Btreet, 74 feet aouth of Lelgh, n,o5o, Sallle A, Heiskall to Letoher J. Morrls. 152 foot on west slde of Bt, Paul Straot, 817 feet aouth of Baker, >800, John 8. and lt. O. Montgomery to G. R. Nolde, 18 foot on north slde of Clay Street, 83 feet west of Twenty-elghth, *2,100. Henrlco?Laura M, Guertln to Llllle R. Elohelberger, 80 foot on north sido of Grove Avenue, between Gllmour Avepue dnd Roaeneath Road, ?6, Old Domlnlon Bulldlng and Loan As sociatlop to John B. Gaylo, 20 foot on. east aldo of Twenty-aixth Streot, between R and 8, ?U0. H. B. C Sonurloht to Goorge W. Schu rlcht, Intereat ln one and a miarter aores known ?a Marburg on road leadlng fr?mi New Resorvolr to the Pump Houso, H. Georgo W. Sohurloht to Charlea S. and Vlrglnla P. Wrlght, ono and a ouartor aores on road leadlng from the Now ltus .?KVOis. M tha New. Puni? Houae. 18,001). ,? WAS, FINED FOR SELLING TO MlNORS ?_ i Barkeeppr Took an Appeal. Case of Daughtry Went to Grand Jury. Joseph Largaronl, who keeps a bar on lower Franklln Street, was flned by Jus tlct Crutchfleld ln tho Pollce Court ln the Bimi of 1100 on the charga of selltng llquor to Fred. Elder, a minor. The boy was found ln the street by Offl cer Johnson ln an lntoxlcated condltlon, and aftorwards he told that he got somo beer at Largaronl'a. Tlio barkoeper sald tho boy waa drunk when ho onterod hla place, In company wlth anothor young man, and that be refusad to soU hlmi any thlng. ' Mr. Olenn, representlng Largaronl, took an appeal. Wash Doughtry, colored, was aent on to tho grand Jury on tho charge of shoot lng and kllllng Thomas Couslns on May 12, 1902, at tho eornor of St. Jamea and. Duval Streota. Tho ovldonce tended to show that Cous? lns and Doughtry had boon ln soveral qunrrels durlng the day, and that later in the day Couslns waa soen advanclng on Doughtry wlth a knlfe ln hls hand. The latter warned hlm to keop back, but he pushed on, and thon Doughtry drow hls plstol and flred once. The wound proved fatal and Couslns dlf-1 wlthln a The evldence was not very strong agalnst Doughtry, but Justlco John folt that lt was sufflclent to send the caso on to a jury, Mattle Valentinp and Nannie Scott pald $3.20 eaph for flghtlng. W, H. Harrls, for trespasslng and ours Ing. pald $10. James W. Thomas was flned $20 for cuttlng at Luther Borry and $20 for strik? lng Allen Thompson wlth a glass.. Julius Colo waB flned $10 for creatlng a dlsturbance In a bar-room. Joe Vaughan, for striklng .Rebocca Riohordson, pald $10 and costs. Jimmle Jones, a rogular, went down for *slxty days. He wanted to go to Phoebus and work on a truck farm, but agreed flnally on a compromlse t'o tako slxty days Instead of slx months. > Walter Maren waa flned $50 and sent to jail for twelve months for beatlng Alico Gordner. Alfred W. Thompson. a small whlte boy, who ran away from hls homo in the coun? ty, waa turned over to hls father. AT LAUREL-STREET The Revival Services Have Closed?Dr Johnson Leaves for Eastern Shore. The revival sorvlcos which have been ln progress at Laurel-Street Mothodlst Churoh for nearly three -.veeks have closed. Large congregatlons attended the services. Twenty porsons will be odd ed to the ohurch os the result of tho meetlng, and the church is greatly re vlved Dr. Johnson, the postor, loaves to-day for tho Eastern Shore/ whero on Sunday he will preach a dedtcatory sermon to the Wachapreaguo Church, of whlch Rev, J, A. Wlnn Is pastor. Rev. Frank L, Wells wlll occupy Dr. Johnson's pupllt on Sunday durlng hls absence. MR. CAVE COMINP Dlstingulshed Mlnlster to Hold Services Here Next Week. Beglnnlng next Sunday, Rev. R, Lln. Cavo, of Atlanta, Go., wlll conduct a spo clat sorles of meettngB ln the Thlrd Chrls tlan Church, eornor of Twenty-Blxth and Marshall Stroots. Mr. Cave ls an unclo of tho paator, Rov. Preston A. Cavo, and a brother of the Rov. Dr. R. C. Cavo, who was some years ago pastor of the Seventh-Btreet Churoh. He haa hold some of the lorgest pastorates ln the Clirlstlan Church. and was at one tlme presldont of Kentucky Unlverslty, ono of the leadlng oducatlonal InBtltutlons of th6 church, Mr, Cavo ls a strong and elo quent proacher, and the Thlrd Church oongrogation count themselves fortunate Indeed to eeoure hlm for these mootlngs. DEL1NQUENT TAXES The List of Namos Almoat Ready for Publlcatlon. Mr, T. G, Walford, Collector of Delln quent Taxes, has about completed hls llat for publloatlon. Tha Ust will be prlnted on the 22d and all who pay tholr taxea for 1?02 wlll be atricken from tho Ust, Tha sale wlll take place from the Clty Hall on Monday, May 4th. MR. WYSOR NAMED Russell Oounty Man Gets the Second Place. The mombera of the Corporatlon Com mlssion authorUo tlio announcemont ot the appolntinent of Mr. B. J, Wysor, ot Russoll county, as assUtant olerk to the Comtnlsslon, Chlef Clerk Upshur wlll retaln In hls offlce J. \V. Nowby as stenographer to tho Commlsslon. Duane dolna Qiffen. Mr. E. L. Puane, for three seasons tho successful fltage manager of tho Glrfon Company In thls eltyi arrlved hero yes? terday afternoon and Jolned tho Acadainy Muslcal Comedy Company forcos, to tuko tho place of Mr. W, F. Rochester. Mr. Duana ls so woll known hero, not only peraonally, but tht^ugh hla past achlovo tnents, that tho announcemeut wlll he heartlly wolcomed. _ WOODWARD 4 SON LUMBER ROUGH ANO DBe8?aWi GOVERNOR INJOlAND Had Yesterday to Decline ln vltatlon to Speak ln Boston. AtR. B, J. WYSOR NAMED He la the Second Asslstant of Oorpora tlon Commlsalon?A Stenographer Appolnted?Delegates to Qood Roads Convention. Governor Montaguo yesterday reoolvod an ln vltatlon from the Democratic State Committee and tho' Democratlo Club of Masaachusetts, lnvltlng hlm to attond a banquot of the club to be held In Bos? ton, May 14th, Hla Excollency was also asked to be ono of the speokors of the ovenlng, Ho was forced to roply that ho would bo unable to bo present on that occaslon. Tlio Loglslature wlll adjourn May,lfith, and hls Bxcellonoy will bo buay about Uio tlme of tho banquot readlng bills. The Governor yesterday afternoon'made tho appointments of delegates to tho In tornatlonal Good Roads Convention to bo held ln St. Louls, Aprll 27th to 29th, ln clUBivo. Quite a number wlll go, though not Ukely all, and yet those who do go will swell the Vlrglnla attendance on^tne dedlcation exerclses ot the exposrtloa grounda and bulldlngs Aprll 30th. A LONG LJST. They are: ' Flrat Dlstrict-R. L.' Aflworth, East ville Va; A. B. Ohandler. Bowllng Oroe'n; Herbert I. Smlther, Baluda; John N. Tabb. Roane; Wllllara F. Bagby, Klng and Quoen Courthouse; F. A. Shackle ford Warsaw; H. H. Hornor, Hornersj P. H. Eubank, Etna Mllls. Second Dlstrict-Wllllnm Shands, Court ?land: 'Thomas H. Wtllcox, Charlea Clty Courthouse: W. W. MoClelland, Cometj Dr H. Wood Campboll. Suffolki George W. Jones. Borkeloy; A. J. Acklss, Prln coss Anne CourUiousa; G. A. Bavage. Al llance; Dr. S. G. Cook, Ynrktown, - Thlrd Dlstrlct?John C. Robertson, Man chester; Dr. B. L. Wlnston, Hanover; john C. Easley, Rlver Viow: P. H. Sweet, Whlte Houso; Henry W. Andorson, Rlchrnond; H. B. Sralth, Jr.. Rlclunond; G-eorgo 'B. Cooko, Rlchrnond, Fourth Dlstrlct?Charlas , T. Lasalter, petorsburg; Dr. R. S. Powell, Woodvlew; Charlea F. Smlth. Marmora! John Chap lln Emporla; W. A. Land, Blackstono; W.' W. Davtes. Chaae City; W. P. Ven abio, Farravlllo, Fltth Dlstrlot?Jullan Moade, Danmie; James G. Ponn, Danvllle; J. G. Lestor, Floyd; W. H. Hale, Rocky Mount; R. Q. Bourne Rugby; Whlte Blair, Martlns villo: J. Hunt Hargraare, Chatham. Sixth Dlstrlct-George E. Murrell, FontellaL W. Fauntleroy, Lyneh's; Car rlngton Grlgsby. Charlotte C. H.; W. I. Jordan, South Boston: A. P. Craddook. Lynohburg; Captaln J. C. Langhorne, Salem; B. P. Huft, Roanoke. Soventh Dlstrlot-Robert B. Wayland. Crozet; Lleutenant Charlea A. Show, Charlottesvllle: Davld Meado. Whlte Post; S. L. Lupton, Wlnahester; G. D. Thomas, Hood; E. S. Strayor, Harrlson burg- W. B. Rlohards, Front Royal. Elghth DlstrlcWWIlllam D. Fltzhugh, Inlot- E. S. Turner, Warronton: G. W. Grlgsby, Igo; Charles P. Jannoy, Leos burg; Robert A. Hutohlnson, Manassasi Wllllam C. Duval. Bellfalr; Cqrnellus Shoron, Waterford. Nlnth District?B. L Nowberry, Bland; James W. Wllllams, Pearlsburg; W. H, Eads, Jonesville; James Duane. Pulaskl Clty J. C. Gont, Lebanon; George W. Rlch'ardson Marlon; W. H. Bond. Wlse. Tonth Dlstrlot?W. A. Rhinehardt, Cov Ington- A. F. Wlthrow, MUlboro: K. B. Stoner, Flnoastle; A. J. Terroll. New Canton; J. B. Wood. (The Alleghany), Goshen: B. R. Cowherd,.,Colunrhla: W. N. Flshburne, Waynosboro. i FROM LD3RART BUELDDNG. The State ? Board of Agrloulture con cluded lts meetings yesterday morning after a brief session, at whlch.. only routlne buslness was tranaoted. The new board went to work ln dead earnest and a great deal for the good of the de? partment was.aooompllshed. . The blll puttlng the Constitution re? latlng to the Corporatlon Commlsslon Into eftoot havlng been algnod by the Gov? ernor and thus beoomlng'a law, the com? mlsslon yosterday appolnted Mr. B. J. ?Wysor, of the Southwest, a noaTTtlnsman of Hon. J. C. Wysor, of Pulaskl, to an asslstant. Mr. J. W. Newby. of Norfolk is the tempornry stenographer of the commlsslon, The perraanent appolntment wlll be made lator. Colon'ol L. W. Lane, Jr., yesterday qiiallflod before Mr. D. A. Ritchlo aa com mlssloner of hospltals, to whlah ppsltlon he was recently appolnted by tha Gover? nor. ,, READY FOR THE FESTIVAL Wednesday Club's Offlce Kept Busy. Plans for Next Autumn. One of the busleat ofllces ln the clty at thls tlme la the headquarters of the Wed? nesday Club, whero the preparatlons aro belng mado for the antiual fostival of tho organlzatlon, whlch ocours Aprtl 27UH and 28th, at the Academy. The Ust of subscrlbers is belng mado up, and all rooords wlll be broken, lt ls hoped, at thls the tenth colebratlon of the blrth of tho organlzatlon. The festlval thls yoar ls to bo mado a sort ot testlmonlal benoflt affalr. ' . Arraiigoments nro now belng made oy tho managers of tho club to give a grand conoert In the autumn *> Jntroduce the Metropolltnn Opera House Orohestra, wlth De Resssko, Nordjoa, Sohuman-Helnk and others of the opera oompany, to ba glven undor tho ausploes of the Wednes? day Club ln Novomber next. A proposltlon haa also beon made to haive a oourso of stx leotures, wlth musl? cal and. steroptlcon lljustratlons on "Wngner, The Musla Drama," to be de llvered by Mr, Thomas Whltney Surette, durlng next Octoher. Both these mattors wlll be brought be? fore the club at lts annual meotlng to ho hold ln May,_ Aa Easter Soclnl, There wfll be nn Bastor soolal glven ln tho leoture room of Park Plaoe Churoh t ls ovenlng at 8:80 by the Epworth LeaKue. A muslcal programme wlll be rendVred whlch wlll bo followed by a nnvel Eastor hunt. There wlll be no admlsslon fee, and all are Invltad to at tend, ._ Dr, Dunaway Back, Ttev T. 8. Dunaway, D. D.. has re? turned to Rlclunond from Loulsvllle, whore he went as chalrman of the "Ex iiiniiiatinK Committee," of tho boutheru lVuntlst Theologloal Sumtnary. and s tho guest of Dr! tleorgu B. Steel. No ,00 Baat Maln Street. Ho wlll renialn hera untU tho ooovontlon of the Southorn Bap tlst Convention, whlch wlll be held ln Savanoah, G'a., May 6th next. Miss Stamper Roturns. Mtss Nanuie I* Stamper has returned to tha clty aftor uttendtng tho weddlng of her comrtn, Mlns Mary. N. Wariflg, .j*juti*. atwam **mu*. ** OUR ?:? SPR1NG : STOCK Now Ready for Inspection. Repainting and Repairlng Done in tbe Best Manncr. All 'the Latest Styles and NpveltieB. Harness, Robes, and Whips. MORE THAN 100 CARRIAGE8 TO SELECT PROM. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU PURCHA8E A VEHICLE OF ANY DESCRIPTION. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, M&Nmth'st.Rtchmond.v. The Up-to-Date Muslc House of the Southi Wo now offor groat bargalns ln sllghtly used; hlgh-grade Pianoa, Pianos. Wo are selllng more than over hefore T7??? AflffGlUS. of thls colobrated Plano-Player, the ao- -? MM%" ? .& knowledgedjperfeob playor of the world. We soll mnalo for lOo. that ooste you oleowhoro 25o. .Our atock ia nJwaya completo. < ' . . ) Wo aro expert Piano Makers and TuE-ars. Got your Planp tuned and mado oven like new. - Fergusson Brothers, No. 11 West Broad Street. t ^lA4a,a^4^ftMia^,^^^4W**^#^4^MHi|| Hantels / Chandeliers Baths Plumbing Tinning Qas-Fitting Pasteur Filters Instnntaneous Wate'r Heaters Gas Ranges QUICK REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. RlCHMOND PLUMBINQ & MANTEL Co. 26 NORTH NINTH STREET. PHONE 636. V&BBSW "nriiMinn SSBSHBmnfflBBg Numbers of RichmoncTs Best Dressers have oxpressed surprise at the olass of nierohandise oarried here Now, to thoso whom I have not had au opportuiuty to surprise, I want to say I am showing the noweattliinga out us Smarfc Tailoring, Hats and Haberdashery. Each clepartraent always showing Bome new ideas whioh are oarried m all swell Bhops in largo citiea. An inspeotion of my stock wiU con vince you that to obtain the Neweat Oreationsin Men s Wear intc Apparol yon must go to Z. ^ua. 1 Tr% AA AMJCV TAILOR, HATTBK AND SCHNURMAN SjT furn.she?. 907 Main Street. Summer Board. A aeleot few can ohtaln ogreeable BOARD now and durlng the comlng aumraor at "THE EXCHANGE," QLOUCBSTBR COUNTV, VA. Tho plaoo la ImmedlaUly on North Rlver, withln a few inlnutea' walk of Dixondale wharf and poatofllce, whero tho ateamer Mobjack landu dally, and la In a most reflnod communlty, There is a telephona In the rejiidence. For partlculara addreas THE MISSES DABNEY, Dixondale PostoMlcc, qiuuceatcr Co., Va SPECIAL LAUNCHING TRAIN Vla C.&. O, to Newport News Saturday. Leuvo Rlchniona 0:15 A. M. Aprll ISth for Newport News. )1J round trlp. Train returnlug wlll Btart from Old Polnt ut 6:80 F, M. aud Nowport'Newa 6:00 p. M. aamo day, Fast tratn, wlthout stops. Grand milltary parado at noon. l-auneh ItiK Crulaor WV*t Vlrglnla 1:30 P. M. Btrout Fair, Caxniva.1 and I'ubllc lioliday .lu tb?-BWpy.???,,-SiltA v "Jbrw MHbi Vfs, of course, wa rnanutaoture them?and of the very best con Ktructlonl Y-\? have bullt many. a saw-mlll durlng our vast axporl onco of over thlrty yearsl We know a gre4-t deal about them, We ulso rapalr them at reasonable prlceal Batlmatea cheerfully tflvuu or malled upon rnqueat. Richmond lron Works, (Bstab'd 1860. lucorp'd 1803.) liith & Oroad and 15th & Qraoe flta. Richmond, Va, M. A. WHITTY. BROAD AND NINTH STREPTS. 'Phones 509 and 9389. FLORIST. 100,000 Bedding Pbuits. La.Tgeat Stock In tho South.