Newspaper Page Text
NOT ENOUOH COAl/COMING Wlll^Be Some Tlme Yet Before lt Wlll Be Plentiful. PRICES ARE NOT H10H But the Wholesale Dealers nnd the Rall ways Take Thelr OWn Tlme In De jlverlng It?Orders Delayed by Orders from Larger Cities. , (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) NORFOLK, VA., Aprll 10.?A onnl dealcr Jtist returned from Baltlmore eays thnt lt will he somo tlmo boforo fuol wlll bo plentiful hero agaln. Thero fs a great denl of coal movlng In tho North, ho says, but tho consumors thero are buylng It ns fnst as lt Is offered fcr sale. Tho priccs aro not hlgh, but the ? wholosalo dealers nnd the rallways take thelr own tlme In dcllverlng it. That condltlon makos tne chancos of gettlng an nbtindant supply hero doubt ful, Tho ordors from hero dolnycd tlll the ordors ncaror tho mlncs or ln tho- larger cltles aro Ullcd, When tho ceiliirs and blns of tho northorn cltles nre full tho ovcrflow may como hero. Meantlmo thousnnds of tons of soft coal nre sent from hero by vessols whlch come Into port for bunker and curgo coal. ' Thero was a scono ln tho Pollco Court thls mornlng. when Sam. Greon, vaudo vllle actor, was sentenced to for thlrty davs on tho complalnt of hls Btage wlfe. Floronco Greon complaincd to' tho polico that Sam nssaulled and toeat hor. It was difllcult to arrost Sam. becauso ho jumped over tho foolllghts and atbempted to, escapo among the dollghted n.udltors, whom ho was enter tnlnlng from tho slnge. Hls wlfo np peared In tho Pollco Court. but lt seems that sho had no ldea that Justlce Tnylor ?would admlnister nnylhlng scveror than cood advlco to Sam. Henco, whon the Behtonco of a tcrm o? thlrty days for reflectlon was passed, Florenco's grlet overcame hor, and sho wept aloud. Her grlef was too late, howevor, for tho caso was trled and sottled. Durlng the torriflc raln-slorm of Tues 'day nlght the embanltment of tlio Gil rnerton out-off of tho Dlsmal Swamp Canal broko away, nnd now tho canal ls emptlng lts water in a trlbulnry of the soutnorn branch of tho Ellzaboth Rlver. When the water ls out of tho canal the-work of rcpalrlng the Uroak way wlll be startod. Trafllo has not been Buspondod, howovor, as largo vessols dld not ply through tho watcrs of tho Gll merton cut. Tho maln cnnal is not at fected. Truckers havo mistalned a great loss, the result of tho heavy raln. Tho flelds wero flooded- and the crops aro all moro or less Injurod. Tho Irish potato crop is greatly dnmaged. Tho flrst strawberries of the senson wero plcked at tho farm of W. H. Dcn nis of Wostcrn Branch, yesterday morn? lng. Thlrtv-two quarts wero gnUiered. The>( wero shlpped by Mr. Donnls to * the'northern markots. The jury, aftor threo days consumed in tho trlal of the sult of George M. Peed. adminlstrntor of Loroy Pccd, de censed, agalnst tho old Portsmouth Street Rallway Company, yesterday ovenlng re? turned a verdlct ln favor of tho plaln tlff, assesslng damnges at $5,000. The sult was for $10,000, and grew out of tho kllllng of Mr. Poed by a street car in Crawford Street, Portsmouth, on March Sth, ISOft. lt was- shown in tho trlal, by wltnesscs for tho plnlntlff, that to make the schednjo ln effect at that tlme the cara were run nt a r'nto of specd of between slxtecn nnd soventecn miles nn hour. Numerous excoptlons were notcd by counsel for the dofenso to tho rullngs of tho couit, and notlco was glven of appeal to tho Suprcmo Court. Sagetta Is tho namo of a fast and beautlful ploaaure sloop yacht just nr rlved here. Sho Is the property of W. C. Cobb and J. Leon Wood. She Is lo ho used for plen.sure and for raclng In tho ?wators heroabout. She ls 02 feet long, and'carrles a largo amount of sall. Two of tho" largo plate glassos ln tho show wlndows-Sjf' tho.^tore of S. Dozler ln Maln Street -wdro, cut, probably last nlght, with a dlamond. Tho glassos are rulned by thls nct of vandallsm, for whlch thero Is no excuso nnd no expla natlon. The damage is probably $1<X). IN CHESTERF1ELR Swift Creek Again High and the Abut rnents Were Injured. (Spoclul to Tho Tlmea-TJlspatch.) CHESTERFIELD, VA., Aprll 1(!.-The County Court has been in absston to-day for tho socond tlmo durlng tha pro'sont term, Judgo Tlmothy Rlvos, of Prlnco Georgo county, who waa doslsnalod by Governor Montngue for tho purposo, slt tlng ln tho placo of Juilgo Clopton, Tho caso occupylng tho court was that of A. Royall & Co., agents for tho Manohea te'r llomo Bulldlng and Loan Assoclatlon, vs. T. D. Porter, bolng an actlon to ro cover rent alleged to bo duo for a houso ln Burfoot's Addltlon. Judgo Clopton has for somo tlmo been eonnectod wlth the plalntlff company as counsel, und was, theroforo, Incnpacltated to slt ln hearlng of the caso. Tho Jury, ln tholr verdlct to^iay, found for tho plalntlff, awardlng tho full amount clalined of fifty dollars. Tho caso of Thmrnton Hughes ngalnst tho Vlrglnla Passenger and Power Com? pany is on dockot for to-morrow, tho ac? tlon belng to recovcr damages for u horso kllled by ono of tho company's cars. Swtft Creek, whlch sevoral wcuka ngo roso so hlgh nn to taka away a part of the county bridge, about ono mllo from tho courthouse, has agaln been vory hlgh and turbulent since tho honvy ralns on Bunday nlght and Monday, and a purtlon of tho earthwork around tho nliutments was washed away. Travol across tho Btroam, whlch was lnterrupted yostorday and thls niorning, was rcauinod durlng thls afternoon, though somo ropairs aro Btill to bo made. Mr. Archer Cheatham has returned from lils rccent fnx-huiiilng trlp, and re porta that wlulo tho gueat of Mr. Jullan A. Spears, near llallsboro, seven daya were spont huntlng and seven foxea wero raught by tho comblncd packa of Mr. Cheatham and Mr. Bpears, and flno \port was had. PRIZE WINNERS SOLD Uord Falrfax and Other Well-Known Loudoun Horses. (Speclal to The TimeH-Dlapatch.) LEBBSUKG, VA., Aprll 10. -Mr. John O. White, of thls place, haa s"ld. through Mr. W. D. Grand, of tlio Auiorlcun liorso Bxchanee, of New York, elght hlgh bred ,ior8as, half Jlackney. Among them wero jbe Vlrglnla Horse Show prlzo wlnners, jxird Falrfax; a prlze team, Thrcada und Patchw; Grey Eagle, antfi several othera. Thoso nnltn.tls were slred nt tho Selma Blablos, noar Lcosburg. Mr. Charles Alott, ovorsoor of the May fleld Slud Farm, noar l/cosburg, ownod bV/Mr. J', S. Curtls, of Englnnd, haa Just eold four handsonie two-yont-o ts for n largo stiin to Mr. Plorro Ixitlllnrd, of Now York. Thoy aro Bltlobuck, Planoln, Mlgnon and Rlsolo. Thoso colla b)iow wonderful spcod. Thoy woro dlsplayed al Boimlngn, itnd were ohlppod frtfln tUnt polnt by Mr, Lorlltnrd lo hls stablos ln Now Jorsoy. DIRECT0R5 ELECTED Ponlnsula Bnnk Adds Flve Well-Known Buslness Men. WIL.UAJMSBURG ,VA., Apr1 1?;-The Peninsula Bnnk roccntly dcclded to in creaBo Ha Board ,pf Dlrectors from ten to flfteon. Tho folWlng gent cinen, who nie wcll known throughout thls soctlon, wero eloctod yesterday: Mcssrs. J. W. Clo evardj C. M. fiorgh, E. T. Martln nnd Dr./ H. U. Stephonson, of Toano. Clrcutt Court convonos horo on May Btn. A numbor of lntorostlng casoa aro on tho docket. , , ,,, T?_? Commlsslonor of Hospltnls D. \V. Dane .Tr? and Mr. H. D. Colo lott thls mornlng lo nttend the flrat meetlng oC tho Genornl Board nt Murphy's Hot* , Richmond. Mlss Nannlo Davls, prlnclpiil of tho Modol School, has beon cloctcd to lectuio ln tho Unlvorslty School of Methoda dur? lng July, and in tho -Gcorgia Unlvorslty Sumrher School nt Athona durlng Au Biist. Both of thoso posltlons aro much sought after, nnd Mlss Dayls 1b to bo ccngmtulatcd. Mlss Davls has alao ro coived a vory fiattorlng ortor of tho prln ClSesUVoTnnd Hamlin, of Newport News, woro guesls of Mrs. H. W. 1 hil HpB thls woek. __. SURVEY1NQ THE LINE Mount Rogersand Eastern Engineers Cross Pittsylvania County. (Speclal to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspntch.) CHATHAM, VA? Aprll lG.-Tho engl ncerin'g corps of tho Mount Rpgors nnd B&Htorn Ballrbnd Company thls woek crussed tho southcrn ond of tho county. stnking tho llnc. Wcdnosdny nlght the storchouso of R. B. AIoscs, noar tho depot, unoccup ed, but u?od as a Blorngo houso, was burglarlacd, tho intruders ontorlng by cuttlng away tho mouldlng whlch hold tho glass ln nnd removing tho pnncs, whlch mado a holo lnrgo enough for a man to cntor VTho young lndios of tho Chatham Epis? copal instltute will glve a grand Shakos prnrlan and oporalio ontcrtainmont ln tho Acndomy of Muslc. Tho porsonnel of tho plny is vory flne for amateurs, and prom lscs a trcat. ? -? Basket-ball at Charlottesville. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.) CHAnr.0TT.E9VlDDE, VA., Aprll 10. At tho Montlcello Guard nrmory to-nlght a nmtch gamo of baskot ball was played between tho Readlng Room team, of Charlottesville, and that of tho Staunton Young Men's Chrlstlan Assoclallon. Tho fonnor won by tho scoro of elghtcen to thirtcon. Socrotary Ilogo, of tho Staun? ton Y. M. 0. A., umplrod tho contost. After the gamo tho playcrs were ontor tolned at the homo of Mr. Jtohcrt Ster llng. In tho flrst gnmo between the tcams, played In Staunton last month, tho Valley boys won by slxteen to one. a '-iB??? "aj Spoon Moulds From Ireland. (Speclal to Tho Tlines-Dlspatch.) STAUNTON, VA., Aprll 10.?Mr. J. W. Spleco, of thls clty, Is (ho ownor bf sev eral tablo spoons recently mouldod by Mr. D. C. Graham of Hlghland county. Tho spoons aro mado from a pewter pUito that was brought over from Scotlnnd by Mr. Graham soverily yoars ago and wore moulded in a pnlr of moulds whlch were brought to thls country from Dublln, Ire? land, by the groat-grandfather of D. C. Graham ln 1700. SOCIETY GATHERS IN WARRENTON Much Disappointment That the Point to Point Races Were Postponed. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WARRENTON, VA., Aprll IG.-Deppite tho stc.ady downfall of raln, visltors havo been pourlng Into Warrenton on ewory traln for tho pust flve days. Mttny on thelr arrlval. wero dlsappolrited to hcar that tho polnt-to-polnt races had beon postponed untll tho riders could bo thor oughly assurod of a dry oottrse. Seve? ral huui bronkfasts and hunt teas wero givon thls week by promlnehl sbolety leadors of tho tqwn. Thu hosts and hos tesses who Isstted invltatlons to three soparatq and dellghtful cntertalnments ot' thls*- haturo wero Mr. and Mrs, James K. Maddux, on Wednepday, tho l!itb/, Mrs. Robcrt Barry, Thursday, tho IGth, and Mr. and Mrs. Westmproland Davls, Frl duy, tho 17rh. Mr. and Mrs. Maddux cnterlalncd a houso full of guests whoso fncos aro famlllar ln the hunting Hold. Among those ln tho party woro Mrs, Adolph Landcnberg and Snmuol Wlllottes, of tho Meadow Brook Hunt; Mlss Mnry Doarlng, Cecil Lahdale and Mr. Plzel, of New York. Thu guests of Major and Mrs. Barry to-day wero Mr. und Mrs. Clarlio, of Now York, Stay ing wlth Mr, und Mra. H, Connolly Groome aro Mr. and Mrs. Chnties Daua Glbson. Dr. and Mrs. Jumos Korr havo cjulto a largo houso party, most of thelr friends belng from Washington. Among thoso who woro to rldo tho races were; Mcssrs. Evans, Clarlio, Curtor, Dundaa, W. Uavls, Stono, and Dlan Korr, All of tho' roBldoncea teemed wlth strangers, most of whom attendod tho elaborato ball glven by tho ludlos of Warrenton to tho inembera of tho hunt club and thelr guosls. All that Bklll und mojicy coniblned could nccoinpllsh waa spent ln an ofTort to make lt o brllllant nffalr, Tho intislo was furnlsheil by IJauiK'h's orchestra and tho suppor by Raitcher, of WuHhlngton, Great crodlg Is duo tho promoters of the schemo. Among thoKO who nttonded wero Mrs, H. C. Grooiiio, Mrs. J. K, Maddux, Mrs, Allco Carr, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs, 11. C, Spll raiin, Mrs. Thoinaa Smlth, Mis. \Y. C, Marsliall, Mrs. Kichard Wallaoh, Mrs. Grenvlllo Galues, Mrs. Jns. Kerr, Mrs. 0, D. Glbson, Mra. Landenborg, Mlss Wnl lach, Mlss Dcurlng, Mles Korr, Mlsa Char rlngton, Mrs. Wado-Dalton, Mlss Wade, Mlss Hlclis, Mrs. Scott Carter, Mlss H.iu Ktr, tho Mlsses Btone, -Mrs, lJuntor, tho MIssch Galnes, Mlss Jcnnlngs, Mlss Ken nody, Mrs. Novlllo, Mrs. Falr. Mrs. Wa|. liieh, Mrs. Whlte, Mrs. Charlos Snilili, Mlss Trescott, Mlss Ppuglas, Mlss Rlch ards Mrs. Johns. Mrs. Nelson. MI?B Bar? ry, Mrs. liool, Mlss ilerhert, Thomas und many others Among the gentlemen prosent woro seon Admlrul llJirvi'!!, Captaln Nevlllo, ,\1 fred Tyler, Judge Whlte, Ambroso I'larlfO, Mr. Craven, Mr. Plisel, Mr. Maddux, Rlchard Waiiach, g. B, ptono, h. c. Groome, Mr. Burker, $. AstUy-Cooper, Wllllam Moredlth, Norborn ftoblilBon, Colonel Bmlth, Greon Carter, Beott Car? ter, John Carter, Anton Kennedy, Lep Evans, John Galnes, Falrfax Galnes, Thomas Cochxfl.n and otlmia. PRITCHARD'S CASEDROPP'D NoJle Prosequl Entered in v Ellzabeth City Court. THE CASE AGAINST P1RKLE lt Wlll Probably Nover Be Brought Up. Wlth Shelby Thoy Were Chnrged Wilh Ihe Murder of Amos Dy sart In Prltchard's Saloon. (Speclal to Tho Times-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Aprll 16.-In tho Elizaboth Clty County Court to-day a nollo prosequl was ontcred in tho caso of A. H. J. Prltchard, 'lndloted wlth Willlam S. Shelby, tho Waahington po llceman, and Artiltoryman Plrklo, now in tho Phlllpplnos, for tho murdor of Amos Dysart In Prltchard's Phoebua saloon two ycars ago, Tho caso ngainst Plrklo was nof nollod, but It is not thought it over wlll bo brought up agaln, "Wllllnm Honry Smlth, a negro la-boror cmployed at tho shlpynrd, fcll from tho ticck of tho crulser West Vlrglnla to tho ground, a distanco of forty feet. Ho dlod on hls way to tho hospltal from lils injurles. John D. Slbley, ono of tho city's old est rosldents, had hla pooketa plckod in tho crowd at tho carnlval last nlght. Tho thief socurcd a purso contalning $60 in cash and a hanusome Odd-Fellows' charm. Durlng tho flerco northwost gnle horo Tucsdny nlght the bath-housea of the Young Men's Chrlstlan Houso woro washed off tholr foundatlon and floatod away down tho rlvor. Thero wero twelvo rooms ln the bulldlng. Tho loss was not dlscovored until to-day. Gcorgo H, Burton and a man named Hurlburt, promolora of a WJId Wost Bhow whlch was schedulod to joln tho 'carnlval, aro sald to bo misslng. The case was placed ln tho handa of tho pollco authorltlos to-day by ' the pro prletor of the Commorctal Hotel, who clalms that tho men owo hlm $100. Tho men are supposod to havo gono to Nor? folk. Advlces wero recelved .horo lnst nlght to tho effoct that Governor Whlte, ? of West Vlrglnla, lils party and staff, and a mnjority of tho leglslators of the State, left Charleston on a spoclal traln for Newport News to ntend ho launchlng of the armored crulser Wost Vlrglnla Satur day. Thoy wlll arrlvo here to-morrow after? noon. Vlsltbrs aro- .beglnning to arrlvo already for 1ho launchlng. Tho arulser has been proparod for tha evont, nnd on Saturday only tho flnal prellmlnarles will havo to bo attonded to, The battleshlp Malne dld not get away for Dcaguo Island thls aftornoon.and wlll probably sall In tho mornlng. Tho traln Ing ship Lancaster has sailed from York town for I.cnguo Island to transCer her crew to tho?-Yankco nn dto receivo tho Malno's crow on tho lnttcr's arrival thero. Charles ICVrtlcy. R. Hadesly and James Gentry, tfireo small whlte boys, who say that thoy aro from Richmond nnd had run nway from home to como down and seo the carnlval, woro plcked up by a dotectlvo ln tho Chesapenko and Ohlo yard earlv tTIIs mornlng. Tho boys pro 'tested that thoy wnnted. to return home at onco nnd they wero rolonscd, promlslng to leave tho clty nt once. THE~NEWBERRY TR1AL Letter of Baldwin, a Defense Witness, Offered by Prosecution. (Spocliil to The Tlmes-Dlflpateb.) WTTHEVILLE, VA., Aprll 16,-Whlle James W. Baldwin was on the stand for tho defonso to-day in the Newberry trlal, a letter was produced wrltten by Bald? win to Halsey, after Halsey had returned to Wyihovlllo subsoquent to the allegod oxtortlon. Tho productlon of the letter piwed a hlghly Intorostlng oplsodo of the trlal. In tho letter Baldwin advlsed Hal? sey to have Nowherry indlcted for exlor Uon. and says that slnco hls return to Wlso he found that the evldonco agalnst Halsey on tho larceny chargo was very g'mall Both Nowborry and Baldwin were on tho stand to-day nnd both testined that they uscd no throats agalnst Halsey to Induco hlm to dellver up hls money. Tho greater portlon of tho lotter roferred to was rulod out by tho court. LIOHTNINQ'S FREAKS Home of Sheriff Cogbill in Mecklenburg islnjured. (Speclal to Tho TImes-DIspatch.) BOYDTON, VA., Aprll lO.-On Tues day ovenlng durlng an electrlcal storm tho rcsldoncc of SherlfC B. 'E. Cogbill wns struck tho second tlme by llghtnlng ?wlthln tho past twolvo inonths, Tho curront entorod tha roof nhovo the room ot Mr. Cogbill and ran down the wall, tearlng and blackenlng tho wall. It alao struck tho eornor of tho cook-room. nnd passcd down Into the ground through tho porch. No ono in the bullding was Injurod, nlthough soveral ladlos woro prcsont. A most remarkablo fact ln con nectlon wlth thls oloctrloal freak la that It struck nlmnst in tho exnot spot where it struck lnst Biimmor. / -,-? Shooting Affalr in Carroll. (Spoclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlapatch.) GLADESBORO, VA? Aprll 10.?J', Har roll shot and mortnlly wounded a mnn named Grconwood about four rnlloa south of thls plnce. lt seems that Greonwood wns nt tho houso ot a nolghhor, noar "WIUow lllll" Moravlan Church, whon Harrell caran up, nnd they pnssed a fow angry words. Harrell shot Greonwood wlth a plstol. tho ball entorlng hls aldo just nhovo tho hlp. An old grudgo, lf 1h sald, wns tho cause. Harrell trled to mako hls ospapo, but 'phmto moBsagos woro acnt ln ovory dlrocthui, nnd ha wnH arrested at Fostor'H Falls, ln Wythe county, In Amherst County. (Spcolal lo Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.) LOWESVILLB. VA., Aprll 16.-Profes sor John 11. Masslo has accopted an aiipolntinont as colporteur undor tha Sundny-school and Bible Bonrd. and has gone from horo to Shonandoah county to ongago In colportuga work undor Dr, J. M, Pili'hor. Dr. J. lt. Wondson wlll loavo hnrc in n fow daya to mako hls homo ln Wnshlnglon, D. C. Mrs. Stophen I'olndextor ls qulte slck, and has beon alnce tho doatii ot her dapghter, MIbs, Opholla, who dled hpra last week after a protractod lllnetis. B, T. Gunter Nominated. (Spec|o| to Tho Tlmes-Pispatch.) CAl'10 CI1ARLI38, VA., Aprll 15,-Hon. BenJ. T. Gunter was nomlnuled by the Jolnt commltteeB pf Aeoomac and North nuiptou countleB, whlch met at Ea8tv|lle, to Buccecd the late Senator George W. Lo Cato. The eleotlon takes place on the 2Sth. Tbe nomlnatlon of Mr. Gunter 'I'fu seiiLral uatlsfactlon. gi\ NEWCHAMBER OFCOMMERCE Commlttee on Permanent Or ganization Ngt Yet Ready, DUES ARE RAISED TO SIO The Councll Adopts an Ordlnance Pro vlding for the Pavlng of Sldewalks Before Many Stores Wlth Gran olithlc Pavements. (Sooclnl to Tho TlmoB-Dlnpntch.l PETERSBtURG, - VA., Aprll Ifl.-The Commltteo on Conatltutlon nnd By-Laws is now ready to mako its report to tho Potorsburg Cluimbor of Cpmmorco, but tho Commlttee on Pormanont Organlza tlon Is not ready . to report. Ono of tho foaturoa of tho report of tho Com mlttoe on Conatltutlon and By-Laws, whlch is a departuro from tho formor Constltution, ls tho recommendiitlon tluit tho duos bo $10 por annum, instond of $5, as herotoforo. Tho qtiostlon bf elcctlng a socrolary wlll doubtlcas croato consltlor ablo lntorost, as thero Bccms at prcsent somo diverslty of oplnlon us to tho man for thls posltlon. Whatevor is the result, lt is .'certaln that the consolldated body wlll bo fired wlth new llfe, and that the lnterests' of 'Potorsburg wlll bo carcfully lookod aftor. At tho rcqu'ost of many property ownors, tho Councll last oventng adopted an ordlnance provldlng for the pavlng of sidowalks before many storos and rosl dencos wlth granollthlc pavement. Tho clty wlll pay ono-thlrd of tho cost. Mr. E. C. Kont was grantod, pormlsalon to construot an overhcad brl'dgo on Me chnnlcs Alloy. Tho Appomattox Rlyer Is stlll up. Thls la truo both aotually and flgurativoly. Tho rocent heavy rnins hoive oaused a considorablo rlao, nnd whllo no damngo has yot been dono, some may result to tlmbor on tho wharves. Tho ciucstlon of dlvcrtlng the freshot water has beon dls-' cussod many imes durlng tho pnst month by tho commltteo hnvlng tho matetr in chargo. The .proposltlon seoms to bo get? tlng on flnely, and thero ls overy ovl donco that tho plan so long contomplated wlll be a fact. f Tho Confedorate concert, to bo glven by local tnlont nt tho Acadcmy of Muslc to-morrow ovenlng under tho auspfcos of tho Ladlos' Momorlal Assoclntlon, wlll be an exceedlngly enjoyablo cntertalnment. Old war songs wlll bo sung by a flno quartette and.chorus, and thoro wlll also HENRY E. LEE, Of Crewe, Candldate for the H^use of Delegates from Amella and Nottoway, to Succend R. G. Solllhall. be a plcturesque drlll and sham battlc. Tho moriey derlved from tho ontertn.n mont wlll ho used to add to tho fuiid for Blandford Church. A "marrlngo and hox-party" was glven in tho locturo room of Hlgh Street Church to-nlght In tho- llllputian maniage, Koonie Adams was tho groom, and Mar garet Wllllams tho hrldo. There wero twenty-olght other chlldron who toold. part. Mr. I-I. V. Parham. chnlrman of tho committee, has mado all arrangomonts for tho celebratlon of tho appronchlng dla mond annlvorsary of Appomattox Cvrn mandery, Knlghts Templar. Tho pro grammo is now in tho hands of thct prlntor. Thero ls only ono folony case.. on tho dockot of tho 'Cnropratlon Court. whlch bp'on'ed thls mornlng, that of P. S. Rlves, oharged wlth altempted erlmtnal nssault. The case wns contlnued tlll tho next term of tho court, and Rlvos' ball bond ro newod. Tho wlll of Mrs. Marle Blolse Dimlnp was provon, nnd hor son, Danlol B. Dun lop, quallfled as cxocutor.' Tho estnlo of tho lato Thomas H. Bond, upon whlch thero had h,oon no qunllflca tlon, wns cotnmitted to tho Clty Sorgeant for admlnlstratlon. Tho Board of Reglstrars haivo doclded to hold another reglstrallon in Peteraburg from May ISlh to 2Sth, Inoluslvo. John Balloy, tho nogro Indiotod for nt lemptitiK crlmlnul nBSftUlt In Sussex coun? ty, ls stlll in jall ln Petorsburg. Ho wlll hardly bo trled tlll tho next term of tho ?County Court. The Htrrlson Street Cliurch (colored) trouble wlll r.omo boforo.the Corporatlon Court to-morrow, nnd tho . case fully heard upon lts merlts. LIQUOR MEN TO BEJANDS OFF They Pay Their Respects to Opponents in Wytheville. Town Will Oo Dry. /?spi'oIi.i to m- 'nw*-v\wW-> WYTHEVILLE, VA., Aprll 18.-A most Interesting lurn was glven the Jocal op tlou campalgu ln Wythovllle to-day, whon circulars appeared on tho atroots, Blgneci by two of tho leadlng llcruor men of tlio town, ln whlch thoy say they wlll bu "ha.uls off" and wlll not OPI"*0 ."J0, "rtiys" In tho comlng electlpn. They tako Tlits actlon, they .stato, for reasons Whlch aro sntlnfaetory to thpmsalves. Anei thanklng their frlm.ds who have stood bv thom ln spito of. undue I"?88"18, brought to bear upon thom, thoy-pay thon respects In no ..ncctaln sentoncea to thoso who, they clalm, havo ueefl liapW* incthods to defeat and dlsgrace thoae who wlshed to voto "wet," and W'1'"1'0' all such they "havo no thanksr to extend und no bouqueta to adorn their guiy nrearta." It ls now rogarded as ceitain slnce tho wlthdrawal of t^ese aealers that the "drys" wlll trlwmpb, ?R W? com tna wJani.'nru JURY FOUND NAILJUOLES Sensatlon ln the Trlal of Ex Mayor Edmondson. TESTIMONY IS IMPEACHED lnterest In the Case Isat Fever Heat, and There IsNo Telllng What Will Be Dono?It is Thought That More ' Witnesses Will Be Callod. (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos-DlBpatch.) WINCHESTER, VA? Aprll 10,?In tho trlal of cx-Mayor. Davld E. Edmondson, tho nllogod ? Mlddlotown flro-bug, to-day, tuiothor sensatlon. was sprung, and for hours tho Intorost obbed and flowodun abatod. The court-room ' was crowdod whon court convenod thls mornlng, and every ono cxpected to hoar tho argu monts. Tho prosocutlon, ulthough tho caso had beon closod, declared that James I. Larrlck, of Mlddlotown, would Impoach tho tostimony of Mrs. John Locko, Mrs. D. 13. Edmondson and her daughtor, Carrlo,1/ lf permltted to go on tlio stand. Those women had tbstlned that Ed? mondson was wlth them at hls homo whon tho llro occurrod, and that ho could not havo loft othor than by tho usual way. butl lt was suggcsted that ho mlght have gono out by way of a wlndow up stalrs. The testlmony of tho women showed that the wlndow waa nallod down. Larrlck declared that thoro wafl no slgn of nall holes. Tho court refuBed to allow the prose cutlon-to bring the wlndow In court, but dlrocted tho Jury to vlsit tho Edmond? son houso, twelve mlles away. Tho Jury the placo and found not only flvo fresh holes, but thoro wero many others. The prosocutlon clnims tho holes woro old, and tho defonso prslstently clalma that flvo aro now. lnterest ln the caso is now at fever hcat, nnd there is no telllng whnt will bo done. It Is thought, howevor, that.many wltneBsos wlll be summoncd. R1DDICK?GRIFF1N Beautiful Home Ceremony ln Ports mouth Yesterday Afternoon. (Siiocial to Tlio Tlmos.Dlnpatcb.) NORFODK, VA., Aprll 1G.-A protty weddlng occurrod yesterday afternoon at tho homo of-Coloncl and Mrs, IC R. Orimn. Court Streot. Portsmouth, whon tholr daughtor, Mlss Allce Vlrglnla Grlfiln, becamo tho brldo of Dr. Samuel S Rlddick, of Smlthfleld. Tho ceremony was porformed by tho Rev. Father T. J. Brady of St. Paul'o Cathollc Church. Tho GrlfHn homo was docorated ln grecn and whlte, whllo plnk and greon wns tho oolor scheme of tho llbrary andi dlnlng-room. Tho brldo Is one of tho most populnr young ladlna of Portsmouth, nnd tho groom a leadlng young practloner of Bmllhflcld. Ho Is rolated to a promlnent fnmlly of North Carollnn, for whlch tho town of Rlddlckvlllo is namcd. Among tho out-of-town guests present wero: Mr "W. H. Bagley, of Raloigh, N. C; Mr nnd Mrs. C. J. Edwnrds, of Franklln; tho' Bev. Robert S. Curter. of Smlthfleld, Mr. Waverly Thomns, of Smlthflnld Mr. ond Mrs. Jnmes D. McDemore, of Suffolk; Mlss Mnry Denson Pretlow. of New York: MIbs Julla Grlflln. of South'ampton countv: Mr. Joseph Majette,' of Rlddlcks vjllo,''N. C.l Mlss Dilllnn D. Riddlck. of Smlthfleld, nnd Captaln A. S. Johnson, of Smlthfleld. ? POWELL?FERGUSSON Beautiful Home Ceremony Near Mc . tKinney Yesterday Morning. '(Speclal to Tlio Tlmes-Dlspntch.) M'KENNIEIY, VA., Aprll 16.-At tho homo of Captaln James H. Fergusson. noar McKennoy, a heautiful marrlage was porformod thls mornlng, when tho Rev. E. riumo Powell, second son of Mr. N. Thomns Powell. attornoy of Com monwonlth of Dlnwlddlo county, won ns hls brldo Mlss Olivq Fergusson, tho young. ost daughtor of Captaln and Mrs. J. H. Fergusson. Tho ceremony was performed by tho Rev. Rlohard Fergusson, unclo of tho brlde, asslsted by.tho Rev. Mr. Pruden. Mlss Sallle Harpor was mnid of hnnor. Tho groom wns attended by hls brother. Dr. Wllllam Clalborno Pow? ell, bf Petersburg, best man. Tho brldea ?malds wero Mlsses Adollno Edmunds Pownll, Alborta May Powell, Myrtlo Fltz gerald, Dllllo IT. Henlng and Snlllo F. Kehmer. Tho groomsmen woro Mossrs. Robcrson, of Hulifnx county, Va.; Ev eret Chambers, of Petersburg. Va.; Percy T. nnd R. .T. Powoll, nnd Clydo, Black well, of Blackstono. Va. Tho rlng wns oarried on n sllvor walter by llttle Mlss Ollvo ForgiiBSon, nlece of tha brlde. Tho flower glrls wore IIttlo Mlsses Sudie Lou Fergusson nnd M'nry Black well. Nickell?Grisner. (Spo'clal to Tho Tlmcs-DlHpatch.) STAUNTON, VA? Aprll 1C?Mlss Mat tlo P. Grisner. daughtor of Mr. Thomas W. Grisner, of. thls clty, and Mr. Rnlph W, Nickell, n Dunsmoro Buslness Col logo studont, of Slnk Grovo, W. Va., loft on last Sunday for Washlngton, nnd be? fore any ono know tholr wheroabouts thoy wero marrlod In Wnshlngton Mon dny. Tho brldo and groom arrlved ln Staunton Tuosday nlght on the late Clwsapeako and Olilo traln, and Wednos dny Mr. Nlck.oll's follow-studonts soro ntidod hlm in grand stylo, Tho groom Is juat twonty-one yoarH old. Mr. and Mrs. NIckoll wlll Btay in Staunton a wonk or two, nfler which tlmo they will reslde in Hlnton, W. Va. ? Powoll?Morrisette. (Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PORTSMOUTH, VA,, Aprll 10.?At tho home of tho brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, James E. Powoll, Fayetto Htreot. last nlght, Mlss Sarah C. l'owell and Mr. WH Ilnm O. Morrlssotto woro marrlod, Messrs. Jnhn McLoan and CelonoiiB Boolo woro ushers. Rev, Goorge II. McFaden per formed tho cerotnony. Tho guests from out of town woro: Mra. John Wlllls, Mlss Evolyn AVillls nnd Mr, George Wlllla, B. T. W|so, Capo Charlea; Mrs. W. R. Ilay s',om, a Blster of tho brldo, and hor aon, Freddio, of Rtchmond, Va. ,-? i ? Dalby?Roblnson, (Bpeclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspntch.) NEWPORT NRWS, VA., Aprll 10, MIhb Ada Lalrd Roblnson and Mr. Mll lard Wnlklns Dalby woro marrled thls afternoon tit tho homo of tho bride's parents on Thlity-llt'th Stroot. An on Joyable lunehonn wns aervod, and tho young couplo left for a hrldal tour. Tho brldo ls tv chnrmlng young lady, and tho groom n woll-known young man em ployod iu tho oIUco of tho Morchants' and Mlnera' Transportatlon Company, ? . e . Utz?tllount, (Bpeclal to Tho Times-DlspatclO HAST RADFORD, VA? Aprll 16.-A beautlful wadrtiner waa <mUmnl*ad at t tha home ot Mr, and Mr?. 0. 0, Chart toti lrt KaBt Rndford Wedneeday eve hlng, tho oontraotlng partlea belng Mlss Mhmlo Bloutit, slstor of Mrs. Gharlton, nnd Mr, J, ?, Utss, ol! Martlnsburg, W. Va.,- Tho . eoromotty waa porformod by ReV, J. I* Prator, of the MothodlHt Churoh, _, ?. -. ? Booklng?Klnney. i (Jpociul to Tho TJhlOB-DlBpatdh.) CLl'FTON FORGB, VA., Aprll lU.-Tho Bnptlat parsortaBo at Irott Gato waa the scono of a batuitiful marrlage yesterday, when Thomas M. Booklng and Mlss Mary A .Klnnoy woro marrled. Tho young couplo Immodlaloly loft for Wost Vlrglnla, where they wlll mako thelr homo. ? i i -?? ? " Argenbrlght?Llndamood. . (Bpeclal to Tho Timea-Dlspalch.) STAUNTON, VA., Aprll lO.-MIss Mlt tlo.Llndntnood, daughtor ot Mr. Edward Llndamood, nnd Mr. Lee N. Argenbrlght, both of tlno county, wero marrlod at East End Mothodlst Church last nlght by Rev. H. W. Llndamood, brother ot tho brlde. Thoy wlll mako tholr homo In Staunton, ? ? Wyatt?Powell. (Sprelnl to Tlm Tlmoit.Wnnntcli.l OAPE CHARLES, VA? Aprll Nl.-Mr, Wolllngton Wyatt, ot Bello IlaVcn, and Mlss WlllJo Powell, daughtor ot Mr, Sohn Powoll, of Accomao oounty, wero mar? rlod at tho Prosbytorlan Church, Bello Havon, Tttesday, Rov. Robort Mclnturf offlolatlng. Thoy wlll mako thelr futuro homo ln/Bello Havon, > Klng?Walker. , (Hpoelnl io Tlm Tlmos-ninptiteh.) CAPE CHARLES, VA., Aprll Kl.-MIfls Eluncho Wnlkor, daughter of Mr. Georgo C. Walker, ot Bello Havon, im. Mr. Rob? ort L. Klng woro mnrrled at'tho homo of tho brldo, ln Bello Haven, TucBday. 'Tho happy couplo loft Immodlntoly aftor tho ceromony for n Northern tour, and oftor thelr return wlll rcslde at Exmore, Morrison?Goffigan. (Speclal to The Tlm-j.-s-Dlfipalch.) CAPE CHARLES, VA? Aprll 16.?A very pretty marrlago was In tho Presbytorlan Church ln thls clty at S o'clock last ovenlng, whon Mlss Adel nldo Gofllgan, daughter of Major John Gofngnn, beenrno tho brldo ot Mr. Georgo Morrison, of Phlladelphla. The ceromony, wa? porformod by Rev. A. S. Venablo, pastor of tho church. Two.Brothers Marrled. fSpodnl to The Tlnies-lllspatcb.> TWYMAN'8 M1LL, VA.. Aprll 10.?Two of Mr. Walker Splcer's sosn wero mar? rled yesterday, Mr. Robort Splcor wns marrled at 11 o'clock to Mlss Ellzaboth Llght, of Lcbanan, Pa. Mr. Samuel Splcor was marrled to MIbs Lula Rock, of Maryland, W. Va., at 0 o'clock. They left immedlately aftor itho cercmonles for a brldal tour. ? Tyroe? Dobbs, (Spoolal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) OL1FTON FORGE. VA.. Aprll 10,-Mr. Arthur L. Tyreo and Mlss Ella L. Dobbs were marrled at Callo^ Mlnes yestor day. Rev. E. T. Mason, Jr., of Iron Gate Baptlst Church. porformod tho cercmony. -a Bosher?Edwards. fSneclul ln The T1m<>?-I)liipatch.1 FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Aprll 10.? Mr II. H. Bosher and Mlss Ercle Ed? wards, aaughtor of Mrs. Walker Ed? wards, both of thls clty,: were rnarrlod hero nt tho rcsldence of Rev. I. L. Chcst nu'tt, who performed tho ceremony, Bell?Alger. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ORANGE, VA., Aprll 10.?Mlss Dalsy S Alger was marrled thls ovenlng at 5 o'clock to Mr. Joshua G. Bell, at tho homo of tho brlde. near Nason's, thls county. Rev, W. H. Camper ofClclated. ?.-? - Boyer?Corder. fBaeclnl to Tho TlmoH-Dlapntch.) CHILDRESS, VA., Aprll IC.-Mr M. E. Boyor of Grayson county and Mlss Vlr? glnla CorTTer, of Montgomory county, were marrled hero on Aprll Sth. PURSUERS FOILED BY YOUNG LOVERS Intcrccpted Once Before After aFortyMlleAU-NightDrlve Over Augusta Mountains (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dispatch.) STAUNTON, VA., Aprll lG.-Dr. George Hollar, of Roman, thls county, and Mlss Mattlo Montgomory, daughter of John W. Montgomory, of Deorf.eld, Va., elopod thls wcok for tho Becond tlmo; thls tlmo succossfully drovo from Dcorfleld to Fredcrlck, Md., nnd wero marrled. MIsb Montgomory ls only olghtoen years of ago, and ls consldered ono of tho hnnd somest and most attractlvo young ladlcs of thla county. Durlng thls wlntor. Dr. Hollar,. who was hoarding at tho tlmo ln Deerllold, and Mlss MBntgomery elopod together, nnd atartlng from Deorfleld ono nlght nbout 9 o'clock, drovo across tho moun? tains through tho northern part of tho county by way of Strlbllng Sprlngs, a dlstanco of forty-odd mlles, only to bo follcd In tholr attempt by Doputy ShcrJff Thomas A, Dawson and Dr, Lacy GI15 son, of Staunton, who Intcrccpted them at Cavo Station, Juat ns thoy woro about to catch tho 0 o'clock Baltlmoro and, Ohlo traln for Washlngton. Tho young lady was brought to Staunton, whoro aho was mot by her fathor and tuken homo. Whon Mr, Montgomory learnod of tho elopoment of hls daughtor on tho flrst oc caslon, ho kopt tho tolophopo wiros warm, nnd In two hours after tho clqpomont hnd partlcs on tho lookout nll ovor the county, and Deputy Dawso.. wns ro quosted to keop a, lookout down tho vnl loy, and wns on hls way to Harrlsonburg, when ho ovortook tho couplo nonr Cmro Blntlon. On tha last occaslon, howevor, tho young couplo had planned tholr olopo mont so well. thoro wns no Btopplng them. !N LYNCHBURQ Prof, Hopwood of Tennessee to Buy the Wostover Hotel, (Snoeliil to Tho Tliiios-Dlspntcu.) J/VNCHHURG, VA., Aprll 10-Tho op tlon whlch was reeentlv glvnn to Prnf, Josephus Hopwood, of Mlllegan ColJege, Tennesseo, by tho Lynchburg Tra'cllon nnd l.,lght Company, upon tha Wostovor Hotol property ln Wo3t Lynchhurg, wlll explro on tho 19th Instant. Prof. Hop? wood was ready to closo tho deal for tho placo yesterday, but nt tho laat momon|l lt wns found that ho had left tho ort? glnnl opllon papera at hls homo in Ten* nesseo and ns it was deemed best b) havo thoso, a tolegrnm was sent ordoring theso to bo sont hero at onco. Thoy aro ox peoted to nrrlve to-nlght or ln tha morn? lng nnd the purclmno w'lll be oonclucled to-morrow. Prof, Hopwood paylng $18, 000 for the 'WeBtover Hotel.^and about seventy-nlno aeres of land. Ab has b-sen alated tho purpose for whloh tho prop? erty wlll be used ls aa a State college for tha'Chrlstlans or Dlselplea In Vlrglnla, 'lt wlll be for both soxe? and as opnor tunity ofitere -wlll be enlarged and ln creased in usofulness. ALDERMENOF MANCHESTER Important Meetlng of Thls Body To-Nlght. HENDERSON ANNIVERSARY Entertalnment for Daughters of Llberty To-Nlght?Maddrea Sent to Jall for , Flve Months? Mlsaing. Boy. Rev, Mr. Moore. Manchestor fiureau Tlmes-Dlspatch, { No. 1102 Hull Btreet. J Tho Board of Aldermen wlll moot to nlght at 8 o'clock ln rogular sossloni A minrbor of Importunt' fnattors wlll como up for dLscusslon, among thom the dlsposltion of tho tolophono qUcHtlon tho concurrcnco ln tho actlon of tho Clty Asaombly Irt dlvldlng tho Btreet Comtnlt teo's npproprlatlon. Tho Iatter rcsoiutlon wlll bo concurrcd in, and wlth thla concurrcnco tho Btreet Commltteo' wltl At onco sot to work to mako aomo pormnnent strcot improvo motiB, whlch lt la thought wlll Inolu'do tho proposod lmprovements to Beinmca und Btockton Streols; whlch slrocta ura locatcd ln all tho wards. L.ODGE CELEBRATION. Honderson l.odge, I. O. O. F., colebratcd lts Jlrty-second anniverHary last nlght ln a blazo of glory. Tho lodgo was fully ropresonted und a numbor of promtnont Odd-Follows from Richmond wero preB ont. Tho affalr was n most ploasant ono and wlll long bo romcmbercd .ln tho nn-' nala of Odd-Followshlp, not only In Man? chestor, but In-lho Stuto at large. MADDREA GOES TO JA.l'D/ Mayor Maurlce Bcntenced Frunk Mad? drea to Jall for flvo months yesterday mornlng for taklng a waJch and rlng" belonglng to Joaeph Bavoy about n wcek ago. Ho pleaded guilty and enld he was tompted to tako the artlcles becauso ho saw them boforo hlm. Ho sald that drlnk and gambllng was tho causo of hla downfall. Georgo Mercdlth, who assaulled Mad? drea wlth a bottlo two wecks ago, waa flnod J3 and placocl under bond for twclve months and flned. W.B0 for assaultlng a negro boy. Both went to Jall. ENTERTAINMENT TO-NIGHT. Tom Charles and tho "Idcal Merry mnkcrs" wlll preaont. "Tho Noblo O.ut casl" to-nlght nt Ix>.a<lor Hnll for tho bcncllt of the Daughtors of Dlberty. Thls pleco has been seen In Richmond before, when it waa glven two years ago for tho benefll of a charltablo object. Much Interest has beon manlfested ln ihe porformanco to-nlght.' and a largo Kiidlcnco wlll' doubtless ?oo and onjoy tho Bhow, M1SSING BOY. Tho polico of both Mancheater and Richmond aro looklng for Layton Lawa, the slxteon-yenr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. LaWs, of Manchester, who dlsap peared from hls homo on Wedneaday mornlng. The boy wns cojwjdered a du-. tiful lad. and there was no re.ason for hls runnlng away. . <? Hc ls descrlbed as of dark brown halr, blue eyea'and ruddy chuoks and qulto large. for hlB ago. He is flvo tetl.tom Inches nnd woro a llght palr of trous ers. a brown coat and a grny cap. ARE V1S1TORS. Rev. and Mra. H. H. Moore. are guesta at tho homo of Mlss Agnes Ely, at Seven tcenth nnd Btockton Stroettf. Contractor Hena. Mr w lr Wlnston, momber,of tho uMi known llrmof Wlnston & Company. S5t!rffl^r?? MHoR-i",1onlhblMwfyr'from hls home, Mal ?K ^^\erboBOromember d. 'bullt and Devolopment Company, Only a Chlmney. The flro departmont was called out yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock.. ln an swer to an alann from Maln and Har vey 8 reets. Box M. Tho chlmney of a framo dwelllng ln Cherry Btreet, next to Randolph. was on flro. No water was used to quench tho flamcs, nnd no dj#n ago wns sustalned. Almost Recovered. Mr P B Stutz. who wns operated _on at tho Betreat for tho Slck somo wooka nLlfl vory much Improvod, and wna ablo" to leavo that Institutlon yesterday afternoon. S, A. R. Meetlng. The monlhly meetlng of tlio Sons of th? Amorcjn Rcvolutlon wlll be held VI tiiiicvenlug in tho rooms of the Vlrlllfla Historicafsoclcty, No. 707 East Franklln. ^_________ SUPER1NTENDENTS ALUEJLECTED First Meeting of the Board of Direetors of the State Hospltals. The General Board of Dlroctors of State Hospltals provlded for by tho now Con Btltutlon and Just croated, ho d lts flr.t meetlng at Murphy'a Hotol last nlght, orgnnlzed and olected suporlntender-ai of tho four Stata hospltals for torms of four yeara. All Incumbenta wero re-electod. Colonol D. Wlnder Lano, Jr? of Wll llamsburg, Commlssloner of Hospltals, presldod, and thero wero presont theso members of the Ooneral Board; Judga t D Tredway, of Chntham; Colonel R, S, Turk of Staunton; Mr, S. H. Gnnsbrough. of Wlnohester; Mr. J. B. Osborne, o| Radford; Mr. C. 0. Tnllaforro, of Roa nol<e; Mr, James L. Morgan, of Balfc ?vltlo; Judge C. Taylor Garnett, of Mathcws; Mr. E. H. Olowes, of Rich? mond; Mr, H- D, Colo, of WllllamBburg; Mr. Jullus Straus, of Richmond, and Mr. Robert Gllllam, of Potersburg. Mr, Gllllum was olected socretary of tho board, nnd Colonol Lano ls ex-olllcio chairtnan. A commltteo waa nained to draw up byr laws and report to tho board to-day. Ifc conslsta of Judgo Tredway, Mr, Clowea, Mr. Osborno and Mr. Gllllam. The board thon proceeded to the elee* tlbn of the superinteihlenta of tho fquf State hospltals for torms of four yeara from Aprll 15th. Tho Incumbenta wer?i re-elected, The board then adjourned untll tt A. it. to-day,