Newspaper Page Text
DONT WANT UNION DEPOT Aladlson. ln Rocklngham, Complalns to Commlsslon, GOOD ROADS CONORESS Oovernor Aycock Appoints Twenty nlne Oelegatos from North Carollna to the Meetlng to Bo Held in St. Louls on Aprll 27th. (Bpeclal to Tha Tluic.?-I)l?p?tch.) RALE1GH. N. C, Aprll 10.-A Very unusual caso comes from Madlson, Rock? lngham county. Tho cltizena fllod wlth tho Corporatlon Commlasloh a petltlon protostlng agalnst a unlon dopot botween the Nortolk and Woatorn and tha- South ern Rallrooda. The cornmlBSlon has taken Iho mator up wlth the rallroad cOtn panles. ! ? . - Governor Aycock' to-day appolnted !twcnty-nIno delegates to the lnterna tlonal Road Congress to bo held at BU Louls, Aprll Wth to 30th. Leadlng clll tsons In all parts of tho Stato are ln cluded. Prealdont Wlnslon of tho A. and M, Collcge, haa acceptcd an luvllation to ad drcss tho Muryland Teachers'.Assoclalion July 1st on "Agrlcultural Inslructlon In tho,Publlc Schools." ' Ho was obligod to dccllne an Invltallon to <|ellver tho commcncoment oratlon at tho Rlchrnond Medlcal Collcge, bccauso of a provlous cngagement for tlie uatne date at Marlon, N. C. Tho Board of Trustecs ot tho Bap tlst Fernolo Unlverslty. adjourned thelr annual meetlng wlthout Itlllng tho re malnder ot tho faculty vacancleB, and wlll select for tho chulr of cychology, Greck and Krtgllsh at an ndjournod meet? lng ln Juno. They elected Mlss Grace Lord as vlolln Instructor In place of Mlss Martln, reslgned. Tho Bccretary of Stato chartered flve now stock companfes to-day. The Mounlaln Island Lumber Company, capl tal, $10,000; tho Henry-Tcrry Real Estate Company, of North Wllkosboro, capltal JIOO.OOO; tho Umberger York Company, of Concord, capltal $2,500, and the Purdlo Hooke Company, of Dunn, capltal J12.O0O, Shoriff Bond, of Watauga county, brought Roblo Warren, colored, to the State prlson to-day to scrvo a flve-year Hentence for kllllng hls fnther. Ho sub iinltted to tbe chnrgo wlthout a Jury trlal, snd nccopted tho Judge's sentence^ Mr. C. H. Belvln, a merchant tallor of thls clty, arrlved thls mornlng wfth hls brlde, MIbs Nclllo Grubb, of Norton, Va. They wero marrled at Norton yesterday. Invltatlons wero Issued yesterday by Mr. T. T. Hay. of thls clty, for the mar , flago of hls daughter, Mlss Mary Seaton, to Mr. Wllllam Branch Jones at Christ Eplscopal Churoh, Aprll 22d. Thls wlll be one of the most fashlonable wcddlngs of Uie scason. ' Workmen began to-day tho ercctlon of Mie carnlval arch on Fayettovllle Street. In front of Capltol Square. There ls every promlBe that tho street falr and carnlval wlll bo a great success. ' i Work has been resumed on the splondld new church of tho Good Shepherd. It Is to cost JI5.000. The congregatlon h'ns ten tlercd1 to Hon. Rlchard H. Butler, a mar Me memorlal plllnr, several of which nre lo bo features of the Interlor f.nlBh. Mr. Butler Is to havo any Inscriplion ho wlshes put on It, nnd the memorlal |n Kcrlptlon Is hot to bo put on It untll Mr, Butler's death. Tho plllar is glven in ap preciatlon for air. Butler's labor In behalf pf tho church from lts Inciplency. CAPT. KENAN'S FUNERAL Conducted from the First Presbyterian Church in Wilmington. (Sptflal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON,. N. C, Aprll 1C?Tho funeral of Captaln Wllllam R. Kenan, conducted thls mornlng from tho Flrst rrosbyterlan Church, was ono of the largest nnd most Impresslvo ever hold ln thla city. Tho church was crowded to overflowlng and tho vast assomblngo boro vlslble slgns of great grlef. Tho services wero conducted by Rov. Dr. J. M. Wells, of thls clty, and Rov. Dr. Feyton H. Hogo, of Loulsvllle, Ky. Tho la'tter's eulogy on Captaln Kenan wns ono of the flnest ever dellvored hero. The re malns wero Interred In Oakdalo Come tery. In honor of hls memory all the publlc schools suspended exerclses to-day, Tho Suporlor Court took a rccess and the Camp of Confederato Veterans and tho Wilmington Llght Infantry attended thp funeral in large bodles, the latter flritig three volleys over tho grnve and a bugler hlowlng taps. Among those who attend? ed tho funeral woro Mr. and Mrs. II. . M. Flagler, of Now York; Colonel Thos. B. Kennn, Dr, V. E, Turner, and Chas. M. Busbeo, ot Ralelgh. SPRINGER ELECTED Defeats Waddell in Primary in Wilming? ton for Mayor, (Bpoclnl to Tha Tlracs-Pisputch.) WILMINGTON, N. C, Aprll 10.? In tho second primary electlon to-day, Wm, 13. Sprlnger defeated Colonol Alfred M. Waddell for mayor of Wilmington. by a plurallty of 401 votes. Sprlnger recolved 1,215 and Waddell 811. Colonel Waddell has beon Mayor for four years, havlng beon flrst elected after the memorablo race rlot In the fnll of 1S0S. tu tho flrst prlmnry. hold Tuosday, thero ?were flve candidates for the mayornlty. Waddell and Sprlnger had to run over to decldo lt and lnterest In the electlon has beon Intonso, Mr. Sprlnger ls one of tho leadlng bus? lness men of tho clty and ia falrly woulthy. rio served on tho Board of Aldormon two years ugo, Hls friends aro havlng a rouslng celobratlon to-nlght on account of tho Blgnal vlctory. Two years ago Colonol Waddell defeated Mr. Sprlngor ln the race for Mayor and to. flay the tablos wore roversed. UTLEY'S LETTER Wrote lo Tell Sheriff Where to ftnd Locks of the Jail. (Speclal to Tho Tlmcs-Dlsputoh.) FAYETTEV1L/LE, N. C, Aprll 10,-Ed iwnrd L. Utley, whose appeal for now trlal was latoly refused bytho Supremo Court ot North Carollna, who ls un der sontenco ot twenty yeara at hard labor ln the penitentiary, and who lt Wlll bo remembered escapod from Jall ln Fob ruary and voluntarlly returned and sur-. rondored hlmself, has wrltten the follow? lng remarkable letter to the 6heriff ol Cumberland county: "FayettfivUlo, N. C, Aprll 15, 1&0U, '?Sheriff W. H. Marsh, clty: penr Slr,?lf you wlll look In the hole jn tha wall of hospltnl rootn, you wlll pnd the locks I took otf my cell door Bpmetlme ago.. r took them oft wlth a penknlfe. whloh was ln tho pocket of a coat whlch came tq mq from the botol ln Ootober. *t tlilnk thls wlll satlsfy anyone who a^> ??*? Ungerlng UjuU* about the way, Ir Thls Cold Snap BUggeats a pair of go-in-be* tweou Shoea Our 11.60 line. Look llke somo 12.00 o n ea and wearqultoaa well. Hofheimer's Economy Stores, 311 Broad. 1549 Maln. j j I got out. I put the Iockb ln the hole myself. Maxwell dld not know of lt. ''Yours truly. "EDWARD L. UTLBY." The locks were found as descrlbed and soap had been usod from day to day to cover up all traces bf the Illlng, whlch roqulred. abotlt a week's work. At tho last meetlng of the Board of Aldormen a franchlso ? waa granted to lay an electrlc street rallway through the prlnclpal stroots of Fayettevlllo, the company conslstlng of Captaln D,H. Ray. Messrs. H.' L. Cook, W. L. Holt and other promlnent buslness men. -a THE BILTMORE BAZAAR Mlss Roosevelt Present as Mrs. George Vanderbilt's Guest (Speclal to Thu Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. Aprll 16.?The Blltmoro Bazaar,' glven thla afternoon and undor tho personal dlrectlon of Mrs. George Vandorbllt, was a blg success, | Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbtit and the guests of thelr housa-party, Includlng Mlsa Allce Roosevelt, were at tho bullding early aftor 2 o'clock, the openlng hour, and by S o'clock the houso was well fliled wlth vlsitors. From thon on untll the (hour of closjng the sceno was ono of tho greatest activlty, and allver pour.ed rap ldly Into the.con*ers ready to recelve the offerlng for charlty's sake. Mlss Roosevelt set tho fashlon for hav? lng fortunes told. Sho was J the flrst to approach the gypsy tent, and waa onthuslastlo over the uttcrances of tho fortunc-teller, Mrs. Gazzan. Hor merry laughter and Interested questlons were ochoed by tho rlng of onlookers around her and other members of tho Blltmore houflo-party. v Mrs. Vanderbllt was drcssed ln a pleat ed gown of tan chlfton trlmmed 4n lace, and 'wore a large black hat and a boa of whlte and black chlffon. Mlss Roosevelt, whose cnjoyment of cach booth and amusement was evi? dent, wore an afternoon gown ot whlte chlffon encrusted Wlth lace. Her hat was of trlmrqed ln' plumos. Durlng the afternoon a thousand guests passed in and out tho doors, and the evenlng attendance was larger than that In tho afternoon. The charitles for which the bazaar was glven wlll receivo a large amount from the very successful affalr. .-?-? OFFICERS ELECTED R. B. Crawford Elected Temporary Sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. , (Speclal to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatcb.) WINSTON-SALBM. N. C, Aprll 16. The annual meotlng ot tho directors of the Frles Manufacturlng and Power Com? pany was held thls mornlng and an elec? tlon of offlcers gono Into, resultlng as follows: Presldent. H." E. Frles; Flrst Vlco-Presldent, Wllllam A. Blalr; Sec? ond Vlce^Presldent, F. H. Frles; Secre tary and Treastiror, B. J. Pfohl. Mr. R- B. Crawford, presldent of the Young Men's Clirl/jt'lan Assoclatlon, wlll bo elected tcmpofary secretary to flll tho vacanc/ untll a permanent Be<?etary can be se^-.ired, A call was recently ex lended to Mr. W. M. Colbert, of Baltl more, but lt ls not known yet whether he wlll accept. Winston Lodge, No. 110, B. P. O. E? Installed the followlng recently elected; offlcers last nlght: Exaltod Ruler, J. E. Aloxander; Esteemed Leadlng ICnlght, A. M. Coleman; Esteemed Loyal Knlght. A. B.' Bynum; Esteemed Lecturlng Knlght. T. H. Tlae; Secretary, Thomas Barbor, Jr.; Troasuror, Georgo D. Hod gln; Tller, W. L. O'Brlen; Trustee, H. W. Kronhoimer. * > THE COMPTON BURNED Was Undergoing Repairs at a Wilming ton Shipyard, (Speclal to The Ttmes-Dlapateb.) WILM1NGTON, N. C, Aprll 18,-The frolght and passenger steamer Comptbn, owned by the Wllmlngton and Llttle Rtver Tran8portatlon Company. thls clty, was burned to tho . watcr's edge, thls mornlng at 1 o'clock at Sklnner's ship? yard, whero sho had Just undergone oi tenslve overhaullng. The steamer was valucd at $10,000 and ?10.000 waa carrled In Insurance. Tho loss Is almost total. A holstlng scow and pllo tlrlver, ownod by L, H. Sklnncr, was damaged to the extont of $500. A tug boat, a small launch, a small frelght steamor and two coastlng schwoncra ? narrowly escapod burnlng. All woro tled up ln tho Bhlp yard, and by dnrlng efforts on the part of othor steambpats ln the harbor the cr.aft wero towed out Into the streanv Tho orlgln ot tho flre ls unknown. a H1D IN GARRET Wrote Father That He Would Never , See Hor Again. v \ (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlapatch.) GOLDSBORO, N. C, Aprll 10.?Tho clty was conslderably stlrred to-day over tolo graphlo advlcos from Smlthfleld, N. C., conveylng lntolllgonce of tho dlsappeai nnco ot Mlss Mlldred Saundors, daughter bf Mr. W. M. Saundors, who loft homo tlils mornlng aftor havlng addreased a note to her father saylng he would "novor bco her agaln," Tha young lady was found thls evenlng by the ald pf bloodhounds, who would not leave the Saundors home, hld awuy ln the garrot of the bullding. .-a-a Tarboro Convocatlon, (Speclal to Tho Tlinei-DUputcb.) WELDON, N- 0.i Aprll 1U.?Tha second day's session of tho Convocatlon of Tar? boro was called to order thls mornlng at U o'clock, at whlch hour a buslness meetlng was held and an escellent sejN mon was proached by Bev. Charles Fltter, of Rocky Mount. Tho weathor here has boen oold and rainy all the week, ar#. farmers uro set hack consldeyably In thelr work, Mlsses Edlth Hatcher and Martha Snead, of Rlchrnqnd, Va.. wlll glve a plano and volco recltal hers Frlday nlght for tjio boneflt of tl^ Eaotist Church organ fund. i V. M. I. BOYS IN THE LiST Deslgnated for Examinatlon for Marlne Corps. ? t ONE RICHMONDER IN LOT Frederlck O. McOonnell Is One of Those Named by the Secretary of the Navy?Dewey'a Ordorly , Wlll Have a Chanco. CBy Aaaoelated Preaa.) WASHINGTON, D. 0? Aprll 16.?The Becrctary of tho Navy,to-day made the \ followlng deslgnatlona for, examtnatlons for appolntmcnt to second lloutenants of the Marlne Corps, under tho provlaions of tho rocent naval approprlutlon blll: NON-COMM1S3IONED OFFICERS. Wllllam O. Mondenhall, corporal, Now 'port, R, I., barracka. Ellaa Beodle, flrat aergeant, Unlted Blatea ateamshlp Atlanta. Eugene P. FortBon, corporal. formerly at Unlted States Mllltary Acadcmy. Clarence B. Owen, sergeant, prlvate sec? retary to tho cbmmandant of the Marlne Corps. Robort,0. Undorwood, corporal. Andrew Gunter, sergeant, marlne bar? racka, Washlngton, D. C. Georgo L. Hogap, sergeant CharleB J. Guggenhelmer, on duty at tho Naval Acaderny as gunnory sergcant. John A. McDougal, sergeant, orderly for Admlral Dewey on the Oiympla ln tho battle of Manlla Bay, FROM CIVIL LIFE. ' Porcy F. Archer, of Maryland. Maurlce Vlol Campbell, son of the lato prcaldent of Rutger's Collego; Berved. in Bpanlsh-Amerlcan War. Harry B. Cann, Plttsburg. Pa., member of tho Phlladelphla Clty Cavalry durlng tho Bpanlsh-Amerlcan War. R. B. Creecy, durlng Bpanlsh-Amerlcan War 8crved on the Panther. Jesse F, Dyer. Mlnneapolls, Mlnn., dur? lng Bpanlsh-Amerlcan War Berved seven teer montha ln Thirteenth Mlnnesota Volunteers. Hugh McCormick-Howard, graduate of the Vlrglnla Mllltary Instltute. G. N. KInkade, of Gloucestor, Mass., flrat lleutenant ln Elghth Massachusetta Voluntecr Mllltia, Wllllam A. Howard, Grand Raplda, Mlch. Frederick O. McConnell,. graduato of tho Vlrglnla M'Htary Instltute, resldence ln Richmond, Va, Sldney A. Merrlam, of Portland, Malne. Alexander B. Mlkell, of Charleston, S. C. Arthur B. Owens. of Annapolls, Md. Harrlson T. Swaln, of Nashua, N. H., perved as a teacher ln tho Phillpplne Is lands. Nelson T, Vulte, of New Rochelle, .N. Y. Cliarlea F. Wllllams, son of the late Colonel C. F. Wllllams, of the Marlne Corps. Seth Wllllams, student of the Unlverslty at Northfleld, Vermont. > ' Broadnax to Hang May 22d. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) REIDSVIL/LE, N. C, Aprll 16.?John Broadnax, the murderer of Sldney Blalr, wlll hang for hla crlmo on May 22d, be? tween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. The Jury reached a verdlct wlthln flfteen min utes after thoy had retlred. Tho sen tonco was passed by Judge Long to-day. Counsel for the defense made a hard flght. The apeech of Solicltor Graves was exceptlonally flne. a THE DEPARTMENT, OF AGRICULTURE Criticised1 by Mayor Oaines and Defended by Board . Members. The Jolnt Commltteo on Agriculture of the Sonato and House met yesterday af? ternoon and had wlth them by invltatlon the Stato Board of Agriculture to secure tho beneflt of the vlows of those gen tlemen on tho subject of tho leglslatlon relatlng to the agriculture department, mado necossary by the new Constitutlon. Tho members of tho Board present were Messrs. J-eeoh, Heator, Bevcrly, Ruffln, Eggborn, Barker .Cowan, Dr. J. M. Mc Bryde J. H. Cowan and Commlsslonor of Agriculture Kolner, and Professor S. B. Helges, managar of tho Stato Te3t Farm. Tho blll relatlng tt> tho dopartment was road and submltted to tho board, and was unanlmously endorsed by tho mem? bers. Tho most Important changes mado by tho Conatltutlon aro In maklng tho com? mlsslonor electlvo by the people and ln maklng hlm tho exocntlvo ofllcer of tho board, but wlth no vote thereln. Dr. Mc Brydo, of tho Vlrglnla Polytechnlo In? stltute, Is ex ofllclo a member of tho bonrd. After tho mootlng Chalrman Feathor ston Invlted any of thoae prosent to ad dresa the board, and Major R, V. Galnos, of Charlotto, responded, speaklng at aome Icngth and glvlng a history of the Agri cultural Departmont slnce lts Inceptlon. In the olosa of It he orltlclsod tho de partmont somewhat as to tho tost farm and lts management. Mr. Barkor, of Honry, and Profoasor Hplge3 responded brlefly, defendlng the board agalnst tho crltlclsms of Major Galnos, THE IRimACCEPT l THE LAND BILL (Contlnued From Flrst Page.) commlttee stagg, wlth the nmoudmenta. EVQKED ENTHUS1ASM. Whllo bogglng tho delegntoa to let their porllamentary represontatlves Bottle the muttor, Mr, O'Brlen attaeked the land? lords, Irlah Judgca and Brltlsh rulo wlth the sama vlrulenco aa haa alwaya markod hla spcoches, to tha Intonso dellght of tho ndulenco, whlch, swayod by hls eloquepne, hlEBod and cheered allornately. Uo oon cluded wlth aay lng that (r prop'jrly nmended Mr. Wyndham's blll would "make the poasants as safo as tho King on hls throne ln tho pogsesslon of their land." Thoy wpuld ncver agnln havo to Bland trombllng ln tho rent office. Pleadlng for a frlondly splrlt ln the dls cusslOn, Mr. O'Brlen remarked: "If all goes well lt wlll bo as great a resurreutlon, cf hope, joy arid' happlnoss as has over vislted. {hla country ln a thousand yeara. it ia the blgsost thlng English stutesuiuu shlp has over dono towards restorlng the sbll-of Iretand lo Irlshmen," Mr, OJJrlen conoluded with saylng that whllo Mr, Rodmond hlmself dld not want to entnnglo the land questlon wfth home rule, thoy mlght ae woll "try to turn honest irlsh blood Into red Ink as to allay hla own and traland's doslre for eventual homo ruto," ; A motlon by Patrick Whlte, M. P? to rojcot Boofotnry Wyhdhtun'n Irlah land blll, as hot moritlng tha eupport of tho Irlali party, waa defeated by an ovor whotmlng majority, Tho announcement of the voto created trcmendous enthual-' nfltn, Only a fow handa woro held up In favor of Mr.. Wblto's motlon, whllo hun dreds wero w'aved when "to tho contrary" waa called, andhats Wero thrown up and tho convention enthunlastlcally commttted itself to tho land blll, subject to euch amendments aa tho Irlsh parllamontary party can Bceuro. TREMBNDOU8 OVATION. Mlohaol Davltt- then recelve'd a great ovatlon. Ho domanded tho reloaso of Col? onel Arthur Lynoh, who Is undorgolng a Hontenee of llfe Imprlsonment, after hav? lng beon convlcted of hlgh treason, and one other agltator, who ln stlll ln Jall and whose contlnuod Imprlsonment, Bald Mr. Davltt, waa unbecomlng to tho splrlt of pcace between Ireland n'd England, Mr, Davltt expreased many dlfforenceB of oplnlon wlth Mr. O'Brlon, Mr. Redmond nnd the majority of tho deloRates, but ho promtsed to ablde by tho declslon of the convention, volcod hls undylng hatred of Irlah landlords, and sald he doubtod lf Mr. O'Brlen was rlght In bollovlng that they would settlo down and holp In the developmont of the country aftor tho pas sago of the blll. Mr. Davltt moved in frlondly terms an amendment to Mr. O'Brlen's rnotlon, pro vldlng that the. Natlonallat members of Parllament refer tho blll back to the con? vention for flnal approval, after passing the committee stago In tho Houao of Commons, so that the people themselves may Bay lf thoy accopt it as amended, and that the convention bo adjourned in Btead of merely dlssolved. Mr. Redmond, in reply, pald a trlbuto to Mr. Davltt's fatrness and tho beneflt de rivod from hls presence and support, but he sald ho bellevcd hls amendments would bo construod as a voto of wantof con fldenco in the Irlsh parliamentary. party. Mr. O'Brlen followed wlth an lmpas sioned appeal on tho same llnes. He de? clared Mr. Davltt's amendment monaced tho Irlsh party. Mr. Davltt then, amld trcmendous cheerlng, -wlthdrew. hls amendment, on whose merlts tho convention seemed fair ly equally dlvlded, and the threatoned spllt was averted. The dbnventlon then unanlmously adopt cd Mr. O'Brlen's motlon to entrust tho parliamentary party wlth the power and responslblllty of eventually deallng in committee stage wlth the amendments, and adjourned untll Frlday. BILL AL tCdntinued From Flrst Page.) habltants that iii the oplnlon of many It wlll result ln practical prohlbltlon ln the country distrlcta. The appllcatlon ln such cases is referred to the court, whlch then hears testlmony for and agalnst tho appUcatlon and determlnes the ques? tlon of grantlng Ucense. It must be shown to the swiieiZactlon of the court that the applicant is a flt person; that he wlll keep an orderly house, and that the place is a sultable, convenlent and approprlate one for the sale of llquor. A bond of from $250 to $600 ls requlred of the applicant. The court may then grant Ucense, and tho. commissioner shall issue the In case the applicant ls refused the money deposited is to be re funded. POST WRITTEN NOTICES. Appllcants for Ucense outslde of towns of over ,600, havlng adequate pollce pro tectlon," are roqulred to advertlse thelr intentlon to apply by posting a writton notlco at tbe courthouse and at tho place where ho proposes to sell for thlrty days before the appllcatlon is presented. Any ono may contest the applicaUIon who feels that he would be aggrleved by lts grant? lng. Tho further proceduro for tho secur Ing of a Ucense to sell in rural sections is thus outiined by the blll: "lf tho court be fully satisfled upon the hearlng of the testjmony for and agajnst the appUcatlon that the applicant Is a flt person to conduct such buslness, and that ho wlll personally superlntend the same, nnd will keep an orderly house, and that tho' place at whicb lt ls to bo conducted ls a sultable, convenlent and approprlate place for conductlng such a buslness, and one at whlch pollce pro tectlon is afforded, and it shall further plalnly appear to the satlsfaction of tho court that a majority of the quallfled voters of tho dlstrlct or town In which tho prlvllege ls sought to bo oxorclsed nre in favor of the appllcatlon, that tho sale of nrdent splrlts at that place wlll not be contrary to a sound publld pollcy or Injurlous to tho morals or the matorlal lnterests of tho communlty, tho court may, upon oxccutlon by the applicant of bond ln tho pena{ty of not less than $350 nor moro than $600, wlth socurlty, condltlonod for the fnlthful compllajico witb all tho requlremonts of thls sectlon, grant such llconso." FEES FOR LJCENSES, Tho fee for wholosalo llcenso Is $350; for malt llquor llconso only, $150; for selllng by retall ln the country or ln towns of 1,000 of loss, $175; retall llconso ln towns, cltles or vlllagos of over 1,000 people, $350, and elght per cent. of the rental value of tho proporty utllizod for selllng up to $1,000; flve per cont, on rental ot from $1,000, to $2,00O, nnd three per cont. on rental value over that sum; tho Ucense tax for a hotel or ordlnary In towns of 1,000 or less. $175; In towns or cltles over that numbor, $350, and a tax of $5 for oach room for lodgers. For vlolatlon nf the provislons of tho law a flne of from $.'>0 to $100 for oach of fenco ls provlded, and In tho dlscretlon of the Jury Imprlsonment not oxceedlng slxty days. For Kolllng to mlnors a flne of from flfty to ono hundred dullars, wlth revooatlon of llconso, ls tho ponalty pro vldod. Soclaj clubs aro taxed two dollars per memlier, provldod the tax does not excoed $350, and shall not sell dlrectly nor lndlrectly to non-resldonta of tho county or clty In whlch such club ls located, unless such person be a bomi fldo membeir. No club-house shall be mnlntalned ln tho'samo bullding with a bar. A memborshlp Inltlatlon fee of not less than $10 is roqulred, and dues of not less than $1 per month. MISS JOHNSTON HERE Well-Known Authoress Among Visltors to the Bazaar Last Night. Major Johnston nnd hls daughtor, tho father and slster ot the authoress, Mlss Mary Johns'ton, wero among the visl? tors at tho Bazaar last nlght. Mlss Johnston haa roturnod wlth them from Nassau and ls now at hor home on Gruce Streot. C. & O. EXCURSION TQ NEWPORT IsjgWS TO-MORROW, \ Leayos Rlchrnond 9H5 A- M, $1 round trlp. Traln retunilng, leaves Old Po'.ai, 6:30 P, <U.t S^ewport News f> P. it, I Our spring atock is now at ita bost. All that is new and doBirablo in liousc-furnishmga is horo. Every article worth more than you aro asked to pay. Economy m pnce and roliable service guarantoed._ ? , Pretty Ohlna Oasc8,wlth bont gluHB ands, pluln and swoll frouts, *13 .50 Onnnot bo mntchod for Iosb than $10.00. Others at $18 to$35. New Royal Sowlng Ma ohlnofl havo proven favor ltes?n rollnblo iniichliio at (i very Bmnll cost. A $20 raachlno ls tho equal'of. any $86 nrfclolo.. $35 for the best drop-hoadauto tnntlo,: Monarch Rcfrlgeratora.. You* 11 enjoy good health lf you uso ono of theso loo and food preservora, Economlcal, snnltnry, and durahlo. Ohnirtbor, Pnrlor, Dlnlng Booni and Kltchon Furniture, Matting, Oarpote, Rugs, Ingraln and BrussclB1 Druggots. Houscb furnlshcd at small cost. Small wooklyormonfch ly pnyinents wlll-make you conifortablo. , Qo-Carts, Baby Cnrrlagcs. ?Tho good fcaturcs of our llnos are caally Beon. Bulltforcom forb and wear. Prlced to Btilti all purses. ROTHERT & COMPANY, fouRth and broap. Crocker-Wheeler Comp&ny, Manufactiirers of DYNAMOS and MOTORS. Electrical Engineers for an economical driv;e of Pumps, Blowers Hoists, Printing Presses, Machine Tools, etc. Washington Officel 1417 ^ew York Avenue. Offices and Works, AMPERE, N. J. DAILY NECESSITIES AT EXTREMELY LOW PR1GES. Sugar Corn, 4 cans for.:.250, New Cut Herrlngs, per dozen........12o. Large cans Pie Peachea.. .7^ Best Granulated Sugar, pound..... .4%?' Quart bottle Tomato Catsup....10c Small Smithfield Hams, pound.15c T. M. Shoo Blacking, 2 boxes........5c Best City Meal, per peck.18c. or, buahel .-65C Large Canned Virginia Tomatoes.8c Early Roso Potatoes, bushel.76c. or, peck.20c. Arbuckles' Coffee, pound..10c. Cordova or Lion Coffee, pound....gyac. 2-pound can Grated Pineapple.7c. Imported Macaroni, pound.6c. Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart. ,ioc. Enameline ,Stove Polish, box.4c. Cuticula Toilet Soap, a for-..-5c. Snowllake Patent Family Flour, bar rel, ?3-9?; **&.2SC Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound. ...25c. String Beans, can.-........6c. Carolina Rlce, per pound.5c. Best Tea Dust, pound.aoc. Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen.15c. S. ULLMAN'S SON Downtown Stores, 1820-1823 East Maln Street. Uptown Store, 506 East Mar shall Street, 'Phones at our two Stores. MAY RE-ENACT WHARTON LAW Senator R. P. Bruce Wlll Call UpHis Blll Next Week. "No, I have not abandonod my blll deslgnud "lo ro-cmtct tho provislons of tho antl-compaot Insurance law," Bald Senator R, P. Qruco, of Wlse, to a ro preaontatlve of Tho Tlmea-Olspatch. "1 havo only boon waltlnu for It to gathor strength, and Jlt luuj gathorod lt ln great voluino. Sufllulout, iudeetl, l thlnk, to cirry lt throngh, nnd 1 shall try to fctet It up before tho Senate, Ooneral Uiws Commltteo ono day noxt week." Tlio agltatlon of tho blll ut thls tlmo la liuvlng ?'? Important boarlng upon tlio uctlon of tlio Sonthoustorn Tarlff Associatlon, whlch was driven from Vlr? glnla aomo yeara aeo by tho passugo of tho Wharton act. Thls act was repealed about a your ago, but tbo Leglsluturo slill lioing |n Bosiilon, tho associatlon d1d not rosumo lts opemtlons, Membora of tho oxecutlvo commltteo woro horo from Atluuta tho other day wlth tbo vlew to ro-ostubltahlns a atamp otllco In thla olty, but docided to awall tho ndjournmont of tho Lealslaturo, on tho groimd that tlio body mlght poss tho Uruca blll and cutcli tho associatlon nupplng. Sonator Bruea doclaros that tho pas sugo of tho bill 1* earnestly doslred by bUi consUtu.en$jfc JIIEBI ,710 Main Street. Blue=Flame Oil Stoves, Gas Ranges, . Gasoline Stoves, Ovens for Stoves, Steatn Cookers, Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, ' Hose, Hose, Hose, . Sprinklers, Filters, Filters, Cooking Utensils, Garbage Cans, Oil, Oil, Oil, Gasoline. All Kinds of Stoves Repaired. Orders from the Country Qlven Prompt Attention, I II I 710 Main Street. Present tiokob No. 1054 aud gafc tlio Ton Dollars' wortli of Wall Paper absolutoly free. P. A. ARTHUR & C0. 302 E. Main Street. J, O. U. A. M. Annual session Btate Councll of Vlr? glnla, Lynchburg, Va., Aprll 21st to 25th lnclus^'o, $3 round-trlp vla Norfolk and Westorn Itailwuy. Only lltio wlth three (3) dally tnitns ln oach dlrectlon.' Tlcketa on salo Aprll l'Jth, goth nnd 21st, good untll Aprll 27th. Eor tlckets and, further Jufortnatlon, npply.nt cnmpauy's oltlce, 838 East Maln Street; John E. Wagnor, Pqssenger Agont; C. H. Uosluy, Dlstrice i' Agojilu CURED And its return prevented by )r. David's Liver Ptlls, Wi Boat on carth for Constipation, Biliousness, Dyapupaia nnd Liver.' Tr'oublea. If a liver would live As a livor should live, And keop from all livor ill3j IIo must take for hia liver That corfcain hoalth giver, Dr. David's Bost Liver Pills. : Price, 250, a box every where.. UFEISW0RTHLIVIN6 Prico, 250. everywhere. OWENS & MIMOR DRUQ CO., Piichraond, Va. MONEYTOLOAN $10 and upwards loaned on Planoa uid household furniture, on tha bullding and loan assoolatlon plan, whlch makes tho cost much less than you pay elsewhere. and allow you to pay It off ln monthly pay. ments, runnlng from ono to twejve months, Get others' rates, thon eeo ua. Tldowator Loan and Trust Co. Sulte 83-34, Yhlrd Floor, Merchants' National Uank Uulldlng. 11CS ISast Maln Street. Take Klevator, wmawmmammmmm H, V. rOSTBR USIIE ?, fOSTBI FOSTER & FOSTER Undertokers. 307 North 7th St< Telephone 2823 Uesidenco 3289 IMPORTANT NOTIOgf 0, & O. wxcurslon to Iwtunohing ft* Newport News to-morrow- $t round trlp. I.oave lUchmond 8:16 A. M.. tteturnliiif. ? leave Old Polnt 'i-W P. WV tivw?Qti