Newspaper Page Text
AVIS1TT0 CHASE C1TY The Splendld Mecklenburg Was Vlslted Yesterday. WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE Rallroad Men, ^hyslclans, and Others from Richmond and Elsewhere Made Welcomo?Lunch eon and Speeches. "The Meoklonburg," the now, all-tho ? year-round botel, pleasure rosort and eanltarlum at Chase Clty, ln Mecklenburg county, Va., was tho sceno of.a ycry pleasant ocoaslon yesterday, when about a hundred physlclans and surgcons, rall ,oad and nowspaper men from Richmond ond other Vlrglnla and North Carollna oltlea and town gathorod thero to partake of the hospitality of tho Jefforson-Meek ' lenburg management nnd lnspect tho magnlfloent property, whlch bos been bullt up on the suburban hllla of the county. oloso by Healing Sprlngs, fa moBS ln their locality and dostlned to gatn renown throughout tlie world whon eome of their ostonlsblng curcs becomo better known. DIRECTED BT MR. FRY. The excurslon wae undor tha' dlrectlon of Mr. P. M. Fry, manager of tho Jef feraon and the Mecklenburg. Tho party left by apaclol train from tho Southorn depot at 10 A. M., arrlvod at tho Meck? lenburg- at 12:80. atarted back at 4:30 nnd - arrlvod tn Bichmond ogaln at 7:30 P. M. . ,TMs aJlowod plonty of.tlmo for a aom plete InspecUon of tho handsome hotel. wlth lts homo-Uke and yot thoroughly ? up-to-date appointmonts, Ita broad vernn das ond halls, receptlon and ploasuro rooms, to try lts elovator sorvlco, lts . tolephono, tolcgraph, postal and other facllitles of communlcation, drlnk of tlio sprlng waters (notably the rare chlorldo of calolum and llthla), look at tlio Bar uch system of batha, and laat, but most enthusiastic feature of all at the mo ment, to partake of ono of tlio most ' agreeablo lunchcons ever scrvod. At the' concluslon of thls refreshment Dr. George Ross wns called for, and tn hls usual happy manner he ncaultted hlmself of a pat nnd wltty exprcsslon of the appreclatlon of the assembled guests for tho prlncoly hospitality of tholr hosts. Dr. Ross then called upon ono of the brethren from North Carollna, Dr. B. F. ?Hayes, of Oxford, who refuaed to allow the old North Stnto to be precodod by nny othor than Vlrglnla ln appreclatlon of courte3y.\ Dr. Hayos osked to hear the sc-ntlmonts of Dr. J. Alllson Hodges, of Richmond, and Dr. Hodges spoke elo quently, to the froquent applauso of hls hearers. Dr. J. C. Walton closed the speech maktng wlth a few happy remarks, aftor whlch ho rond a lotter from Dr. Slmon BaniBCh, of New York, who wns expect cil to be prcsent but who was dotalned ln |"Ne-w York. Tho lotter was vory intorest 1 lng to the medlcal fraternlty, ln that lt r^plained the valuo nnd success of tho Barusch system of baths in uso nt thls eanitarlum. SOME GUESTS. Among thoso who wero present wero the followjn'g doctors, rallroad and nowspa per men: O. F. Wclslger, J. Mottauor Wlnfrce, 1. B. Hloks, F. L. Chbrry, Edwin I.. Hob son, Jr., W. Lowndes Pepplq, C. W. P. Brock, Paulus A. Irving, A. L,. Mnrcy, Edward J. Warron, W. O. Warthon, J. Fulmer Brlght. W. F. Moreer, John P. Davldson, A. L. Grny, Wllllam P.jMath ows, Ben. T. August, J. T. 1-Inll, of Chl? cago; C. W. Westbury, P. Whltlock, Wll? llam B. Grny, A. t>. Wollford, H. Cabell Tabb, Joffrv Montngue, L. M. Cowardln, E. Davldson, C. H. Bosley, J, N. Upshur, Danlel J. Coleman, Charles R. Roblns, Wllllam G. Gordon, Charles A. Dabenburg, Harry A. Coroy, S. D. Booth. Oxford, N. C.; li. Btown.rt McLean, J. R. Glldcrslecvc, Tazewell, Va.; Thomas Jefferson Rlddoll, J. AlllRon Hodgos. J. S. Wollford, Gcorgo A. Tellor, John F. Winn, James H. Mooro, Frank S, Woodson, E. J. Moseloy, Jr.. James A. Robinson, Durhnm, N. C,; J. T. Brttt, Oxford*-N. C,;.Greer Baughman, J. M. O'KelljV DiSrlinm, N. C; Jullus A. Smlth, Durham, X. C; A. G. Carr, Dur ham, N. C; M. E. Nuckols, G. W. Tlller, ?Wllllam B. Jones. Dandon B. Edwards, J M. Bookor. Philip Taylor, T. A. Mlller, Benry R. Mlller. Thomns F. Joffress, P. M Fry M. D. Hoge, Jr? Alfred C. Palm or, George Ross, Frank X. Burton, Dan vllle. FAIRMOUNT WEDDINGS Well-Known Young Couples Unlted. Pretty Coremonles. ' Mr. John H. Cottrell nnd Mrs. Bessle V. Harpor were marrlod Wednosday, Aprll 14th, at noon, at tho pdrsonago by Rev. J. 0.: Babcock, of tho MethodlBt Church. Aftor the cer?mony, the couplo were drlven to the brlde'H hnsue, No. 307 North Twcnty-Klxth Street, wSicro dlnner was Bcrvod. Those partlclpatlng woro rel atlvea of tho couple. nnd a fow Intlmnto frlonds. I.atcr Mr. and Mrs. Cottroll loft for Brln Shado Postoillco, Henrlco coun? ty, thelr future homo, One of tho prettlcst weddlngs oncurrcd at ChrlBt EplBcopnl Church last nlght. tha* has been ln tho Rnat Bnd for ?omo tlme. whon Mr. Henry A. Whlte led to the altar Mlss Roberta Hondorson. At 9 o'clock tho woddlrig march, rendered by Mr. Bornnrd Hurton, annauncod tho en tranco of tho brldal party. The brldo woro whlte organdy, nnd carrlcd n bouquot of brlde'B rosos. Sho was neoompanfed by her sUter, Mlss Kutlo Hondorson, In whlte organdy, over plnk, carrylng plnk onrna tlons. Thoy entered tho church by the muln alsle, preceded by the ushors, Messrs. Wllllam Hudson, Robort Acroo, Jainns T. Gary nnd Mr. Solnman, and were met at the altar hy tho groom, accompanlnd by hls heBt man, Mr. ITnnk uary who eniened from thu vistry room. ReVi'o, OiIb Moado performefl tho coro mony. The hride ih the daughtor of Mra. Kato Hondorson. of Ugon'a HIU. Mr. Whltn ls a popular young man. Ho ls an employo of tho I.ocomotlve Wnrka. Mr. and Mrs. Whlte loft on tho Cheaa penke nnd Ohlo traln for Washlngton |nd other cltles for a brldal tour. Committee Work. The Committee on Hoaltb mat at 8 o'clock and approved the pay-rollg und bills of thfi department The chwlrmau of tho Bubcomtnlttoe on gtabloH reported that flve mules had beon purohased from the ltlctcnnnd Hauaar atahlea for the street cleunlng depart? ment. Of thls number two woro found to be unsatlBfactory nftor trlal. and wero orderod to be returned, but tho proprle tor ot fhe stables refused to take tl?era back. The mules. sald tho chalrman, were now at the stables of the depart? ment, belng carod /or. It was declded by tho commlttoo to glvo the mules a further trlal, and the blll of tttt Rlchrnond Bazaar was paesed by for future eonBlderation. The prlce pald fof the mules waa $200 each. The Committee oti Cemeterlos ttiet m the Clty Hall yet-'erday at B P. M.. and nudlted tho pay-roll of the clty eerno terles nnd adopted a motlon requcating the Comtnlttco on. Btreots to ropalr thtf road-bod Of Onkwood Avenue noft* F Street . \ . . A reflolutlon prohlbltltig any stoolt to be kept wlthin the oemetery groundB cxoopt such os way be ownod by tho keepors who reslde at tho cemetnrles wns ntloptod nnd tho meetlng thon adjourned. MR. SIMMERHAN TALKS Says He ls Opposod to Any Tax ort Mlnerals. Mr. S. S. Simmorman, of Wytho, Who offered tho substltttto for tho tonnage tax blll, maltlng tho amount JW cetits on tho $100 of value instoad of $1, aald last nlgMt that ho wns opposod to any tax whatever, and had only offered thejmb atltuto In tho hopo of breaklng tho force of the orlginal blll. Ho thought tho taa now upon tho mltjoral landfl was aufll clcnt, and hopod tho blll and tho substl? tttto would both lio dlsmlssod. Up to a lato hour last nlght no ogroo mont had beon renched betweon tho op poBlng' forcos. i _-?-? Damon Lodgo To-NIglit. Damon todgc, No. 7, Knlghta pf Py thlns, wlll confor tho rnnk of knlght am pllfled form on two promlnent young buslness men to-nlght. li'-l.i, Aftor, adjoitrnmcnt ot the lodge refrcsh ments wlll he served nnd spechcs mado by Pnst Grand Chnnoellor James W. Gordon. Grand Chancollor George C, ca bell. Jr., Orand Prolato Dlckerson, Su premo Ropresentntlyo D. C. Rlchanlson and many others. A plcnsnnt, over, ng is In store for every Pythaln who attonds. Snap Shots TJaksn Sn Jfotei Xobbios &?????????????.??????g Colonel T? W, Lnno, Jr., tho now State Hospltal Commlsslohcr, nnd a promlnent buslness man and Democratic. leader of Wllllamsburg, wns n dlstlngulshod nguro at Murphy's last nlght, and was wnrm ly cbngratulated by hls friends uppn-be Ing appolnted to nn offlco for whlch he wasMn no sonse a cnndldnte, by hls long tlmo personnl nnd polltlcnl frlend, Gov? ernor Montngue. '? '??;.''.? , "Ho Is golng to mako ono of the flnost otneors ln tlie Stato governmont." snld Judge G. Tnvlor Garnott, of Mathews, to a Tlmos-Dlspatch representatlve, ro ferrlng to Colonol Jjane. "Ho Is a man of wlde buslness tralnlng nnd experlonce, Is an oxpert accountant, nnd ls In evory wny worthy of tho conll denco of tho pnople." Among tho dlstlngulshed visltors at Murphy's last plght, wero Dr. Ployd J. Grogory, of Keysvlllo, Judge W. A. Ayers, of Rtissell, and Judgo J. D. Tredway, of Plttsylvnnln. Dr. Grogory, who wns not many years ngo a pngo In tho Houso of Delegates, nnd who |k now a promlnent physlclan, Is belng urged to run for tho Houso from Charlotte county thls fnll. Hon, Josoph S. Glllesple, of Tazowell, has been spendlrig a few days In the clty. He ls a wealthy farmor and grnzler, and is one of tho now membors of tho Board of Agrlculture. It Is understood thnt hls friends were urglng hlm to permlt them to advocate hlm for tho next Stato chnlrmnn of tho Ropubllcnn party, Thoy Inslst that ho ls emlnently quallfied ln overy wny for the posltlon, as ho is not mtxed up wlth any portlon of hls party; he would bo sntis factory to all. Mr. Glllosplo represented hls dlstrlct In the State Sonnte from 1SS5 to 'S9, and ls well posted In public af falrs. Hon. Kaynes it. Morgnn, former mom ber of tho House from Smyth nnd-Bland countles, and d rocent appolntee of Gov? ernor Montngue on tho Board of Visltors of tho Southvvbstern Stato Hospltal, Is ln tho clty nnd Is stopplng at Murphy's. Mr. Morgon was upon tho floor of the Houso yestorday, and was warmly grected by hls old collcngues. Judgo F. W. Slms, of tho County Court of Txiulsa, wns among hls friends at Mur? phy's last nlght. Other dlstlngulshed Vlrglnlans In tho lobby woro Captnln W, W. Dey, nf Norfnlk, nnd f). Tnvlor Onrnott, Judgo-elect of tho now Thlrteenth clrcuit. Colonel ' H. C Aldorson and wlfo, of Tazowell, Vn., are ln tho clty for a few days, on a combination trlp. for buslness nnd ploasure. Colonel Aldorson Is a law? yor of obllV. nnd stnnds ln tho front ilno of the leadlng progresslve men of his sectlon'. Pormer Senator R. A. James, owner nnd edltor of tho Dnnvlllo Rogister, Is In tho clty, nnd was mlngllng wlth IiIb friends nt Murphy's last nlght. Vlrglnlnns horo last nlght wero: Murphy's?H. Ij. Morgan, Saltvlllo; John W, Korr, Cllntwood; J, W, Cttld woll, wlfo anrl ohlldrpn, Vlrglnla; J. J. Honrlckhouae, Vtrglnla; H. D. Oole, Wll llamsburg; John S. Osborno, Radtord; C. C. Talln.ferro, Rnanoko; R. B. Cooko, Norfolk; Robort Gllllam, Potorsburg; W. A. Jonklns, Nowport Nows; John T. Wost, Norfolk county; J. M. Ruflln, Hnnover, Now Ford's?W. B, F. Leech, Rock brldgo county. MARSHALL UPDFKE LEFT THE GAS ON Fact That He Left the Door AJar the Only Thlng That Saved Hls Llfe. (Spoclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) BAl/n.MOlll.0, MD? Aprll ld-Mnrshall Updlko, aged forty-nlne yeara, a merchaiit of Bentoiivlllo, Warron county, Viu, had' n niirrow eacnpo from dnath by iisphyxl ation at the rtandolph, a boardlng-houaq on West Fayotto Streot, thls mornlng. Mr. Updlko arrlvod hero yestonlay, and dld not rotlro untll 2 o'clock thtB morn? lng, whloh fnct, tho dootors bolleve. in the only tlilng that Biivod lila llfe, Whon ha went to bod ho elatrus ho turnod off tho gns. but In somo inmi nor It raust 'havo boen turnod too far. As was hla r.ustom, ho left tho bed room door Hllghtiy ajar. At 8:20 O'ClOck'thls mornlng Harrls Biminnna, brother of tho proprlotor of tho house, notlclng thut gas wiis os caplng, wont to Mr. Updlko'a room, iie found tho gas turnod on and M-. I'pdIUo In bed unoonaclous, Ho snmmonod Dr, llenry J. Ulnkel, who, after an hour'a hard work, pronounced Mr. Updlko out of danger. *~STREETKAIRAN D LALlNCHlnG'" At Newport News To-Morrow. C. &. O. Excurulon. i\ round trlp. | ljeavea lUoluhond ' A. M, MANCHESTER IS LEFT OUT Norfolk Takes Her Place ln the Four-Clty League. MAGNATES HOLD MEETINO Sessteri nt Newport News Yesterday, Durlng Whlch the Detalls of tho Coming Bnll Season Wero Arranged. At a meotlng of the magnatos of tho Vlrglnla Four-Clty Bnaa-Ball Leoguo, held yesterday at the Gr,aiid Contral Hotel, Nowport Nows, lt was unanlmously do? cided to drop Manohestor from the nsso clatlon, tho franchlso belng transforrod to Norfolk, whloh clty wlll come up wlth a toam of ita own. Thls nows wlll bo rooelved wlth surprise and aorrow by muny Manchesterlans b,ut lt wns deemed best by all partlos concerned, the, ro prosentatlves of tho villago ovor the rlver concurring in tho oplnlon of tho other membors. THOSE PRESENT. "Wnon tho meotlng was callod to or? der by Prosldent V. Donatl, of Richmond, thoro wero prosent W. B. Bradloy, of Manchestor; E. N. Grogory, soorotary of tho associatlon, also .of MunchostcrrE. \V. Milstead, Clty. Sorgeant of Nowport News, vlce-presldont nnd bncker of tho shlpyard clty team; A. D. Clomont, Now? port Nows; E, W. Denny, of Newport News. Before tnklng up any matteer, Presldent Donatl st'ated that he ropresontcd Peters? burg by proxy, having consulted wlth tho mariagors the nlght provious. Ho thon annoenced that negotlatlons were under way wlth promlnont business mon of Norfolk. In regard to coming into the loague. He endorsed tho scheme, stat Ing that ho would bo glad to transfor tho franchlso held by Manchester to. Nor? folk. | MBET NEXT WEEK. The Nowport News contlngont was heartlly ln favor of the plan, nnd tho Manchester delegatlon oplned the samc way, as a result of whlch Messrs. Mil? stead, chalrman; Denny and Clement woro aopolnted as a '.commlttee to take the mattor up wlth tho Norfolk gontlomen and roport back to a speclal meetlng, whlch wlll bo hold noxt week In Newport Nows. Prosldent Donatl says that tho partles ln Norfolk. who aro Interestod ln the nroject. are promlnont and influentlal buslnoss men, who havo nlroady secured Hiifao'otto lleld and propose uslng theso grounda for the season. Speclal arrange ments havo been mado wlth tho car com panles and fast schodules wlll be Inaii. gurated on the llnes leadlng to the park. Owlng uo tho probablo chango ln. tho formatlon of tho associatlon, the schedulo for the season was not made out, ns wns Intcnded and had been announced al though tho questlon was discussed at somo lerigtn. It ls aafe to say that no ovor two gamos a week wlll bo played ln any clty ln the associatlon, wlth a baro probablllty that Newport News and Potorsburg'wlll only get one each. PERFECT HARMONY. Harmony prevalled throughout the meetlng, the reprosontatlvos. of the In? terestod cltles agrocing that ovory vlslt Ing team shall bo guarantced exponse money, whlch wlll protect them agalnst loss ln tho ovent of raln. Many matters of a prlvate nature wore brought up and fully dlscussod, tho body docldlng tbat no team shall bankrupt itself by excessivo pnymont of salarios. although no statod flguro was named. Umplres woro talkcd of, but no flnal cholces wore made. Tho dlrectors of tho associatlon wlll meet noxt Thursday at Nowport Nows. The vlsltors yesterday wore well ploasod wlth the troatment extendod them I by tho mngnntes In that clty, nothlng belng left undone to mako their vislt pleasant. Thero wns to have boen a gamo of bnso bnll yesterday afternoon thoro between Newport Nows and the Artillery School toam nnd Prosldent Donatl was to um? plre, 'but raln lntorforod and tho contest was called off. BANKERS ASSIQN J, Overton Paino Judged In Contempt of Court and Placed in Custody. ? (By Assoclated Press.) KBW YORK, Aprll 10.-J. Ovorton Patne and Arthur B. Palno, formerly car "ryihg on buslness under the nn'mo of J. Overton Palno and Company, bankers nnd brokera, to-day asslgned for the benoflt of crcdltors. j Overton l'alne was cxamlnod ln sup plementury procecdlngs ln tho Supremo Court to-dny to. satlsfy a judgment for $? 290. The order doharrcd hlm from dls p'oslng of hls proporty. A\ nen the court dlsovorod that ho had madonn nsslgn ment lt ndjudgod hlm ln contempt, and plnced hlm ln custody. Iviter Mr. Palno gavo bond and wns rcleasod. A stutomont was glven out at tho ofllcos of tho Palno Company, plnclng liabllltles of all klnds at about $100,000 and assets $086,898. Tho causo of tho fnllure Is Ina b'.llty to collect amounts duo or to rcallzo on Kflsots. Evory Just clalm wlll, lt is said, bo pald In full. ? i m Richmonders In New York, (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-ntupiitcli.) NEW YORK, Aprll lO.-Wuldorf?W. IT. Purrlsh; Flfth Avonuo-E. S. Trudowlck; New Amstordam?A. Bowor and wlfe; Orand?H. O. Wllllams; Hoffman?T. ,13.. Owen. A. B. Blnlr, J. Slttordtng; Barllng tcn?G. C. Bldgood; Vendome?B. A. Car? ter. PRESIDENT SPENCER Head of tho Southern Road In tho Clty for Several Hours. Presldent Samuel Sponcer, of tho South? ern Rallway Company, Bpont last nlght In tho clty, ln hls prlvato car, whlch was slde-tracked at tho Byrd-Street Stiillon. Presldent Sponcer camo frou) Allnnta yesterday afternoon by tho Southoru, Ho ls uccompanlod by sovoriil gontlemon, but no ladles. His cur wns hiindled thls monilng by tho onrly north-hound traln ot tho Rlchrnond PredorJcksburg and Po tomao road. It could not bo learned what Mr. Bponcor waa "up to" ln golng South. Some tlmo ago lt was roported that ho was to glvo up tho presidonoy of tho Bouthem, but thls was promptly donled by hlm. Oakland Glee Club. . Tho rogular woekly meetlng pf the Oak? land Qlea Club wlll be held to-nlght at tho resldenue of MIrh Beaslo Ilaru, No. iiioi Eiwt MarshaJl street. it is r?iuosled that 0.1] nuimbors bo present. as sbuslnc.-s i.f much Importanuo to each indlvlduat incmbcr Is to bo trtiiisactod. Wlll bo Repeatocl/ Tho Easter muslo at tho Orovo-Avenua Jiaptht Churoh wlll bo repoatod next Sunday mornlng. Vhe slnglng by tho llno quartettu of qrovn-Avcnuo wua partlou jarly Jlne last Sunday. MOTICB. NOTICE. to those Who have not PA-to THEIR OlTY, TAXES FOR UXK? TAKE That between the houre of 10 ln tho mornlng atldj Inthe nftoriioon. nt tho Broad-Stroot front of tho CltyfHall, on M.ONDAY, MAY t, 1903. J that bolng the flrat dny of tha, May torm oC tho HUetings dourt for tho clly of Richmond I wlll'sell AVh REAI; ES TATE IN BAID OITY D1CL.1NQUENT FOR TAXES. FOR THE YEAR 1002, or ho muoh thereof aa Bhnll bo aurtlclpnt to satlsfy tho taxes, asBessmonts, lntorost, costs and ohnrgea duo thoroon, uiiioss thoro bo proviotisly pald tho taxos and n?' sossmotits oh the samo, wlth iritorest and ponnlty, . In^conformlty wlth tho nbovq. I hereby glvo notlco that tHo DED1NQUENT L.I8T wlll bo publlehod ln tho News Loader on tho 22d day of Aprll, n.nd In Tho Tlnies Dlspatoh .on the 23d day of Aprll. 1003. Partles deslrlng to nvold tho publlcatlon of tbelr namea muat pay on or bofore tho 20th. as on that day I will hand tho llst to the printer. THOS, C. WAfjrpRD. . Col. of Del, Taxc* C. of R, Apl 17,10 j Offlce Cotleotor Clt;- Taxos, Clty Hall, Ricljpond, Va.. Aprll 1E, 1008. ICENSE TAX. for (he Year 1903. havo beon/ placed ln ray handa tor colloc tlon, and are dtlo now, as follows: Ex AOENTS? Baggage ond press. Collccting, , Fcrttllssera, Insurance, Labor; liiind, ? , 'Mnnufaetured Ar tlcles, Rentlng Houses, Rn 11 road Tlckot, Steamshlp .Ltnes, Typewrltora, ARCHITECTS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AUCTIONEERS? General. Roal Eatato, Tobacco, Coinmon Orler. BAR-ROOM, 13ILLIATiHDES. 13OARDlNG-ugEg BROTCERS? Cattle. Commerolal, Insurance, Merchandlaej Pawn, m, , . Rallroad Ticket, Shlp. Stoek, Tobacco, Bulldlng and , Doan Assoc'ns. CHBMISTSi CH1ROPODISTS. COMM'IBSION MERCHANT8. DENT1STS, DKTECTIVBS.J ELECTIUCIANS. EXPRESS COMPANIE3. FISH AND OYSTERS. FRU1T STANDS, &c. HOTEL9. s IMPOUNDING LOTS. INTKDklGBNCB OFFICES.' JUN.K DEABERS, MQUOR DEADERS Wholesale, Rotall, Bottllng. Wholesnlo Malt. UVERY STABDES. LOAN OFFICES. IAJMBER MRASURERS. MERCANTIIiB AGENCTES. PHOTO- _? CrRAPHERS. PHYSIOIANS. PR1VATE BANKERS. FRTVATE EN TERTAINMENT) PUBIitC ROOMS. RESTA.URANTS. 3NACKS. STORAGE. TELEGRAPH & T15L.EPHONE COMPANIES. VETERINARY SURGEONS, &c.,-&c. Partles failing to pay thls tax on or before APRIL 30, 190S. wlll be subject. to the panalty prescrlbod by the C'tJ""1' nancesi whlch Is not less than.11 nor moro than ?20 per day for oaphday a busl ness oarried on after Aprll 30, 1903, the Se l? b? "T^ &N%8haV? Apll5-20t Collector Clty Taxes. SEALED PROPOSALS. CONTRACTORS. SEADED PROPOSALS wlll be reoelved at my offlco ln Lynchburg Va untll U n'pinnk (noon) APR1B ?0m?, jjua, iu? ORADING MACADAMIZING some three nfmlles more or less, of the Publlc Road Prbm'Kp of NaturalRrldge to Natum SrtfJ? Scoauln0tnv,0n/a.&toyKotr?er fetoSS, hecessary. Cul'verts, Dralns and Brldges. Bond wlth approved securlty wlll be re rmlr d Md a certlnod cbeck to the amount of Two Hundred Dollara muat ft^ha.^vliegf lsbUreserved to rejeot any aForalspecdlflcatlons and furthor partlcu lar?i?L BRIDGB PARK CO? By John Stowart Walkcr Pree.. No. 817 Maln Street, Lynchbwg, Va. Notice io Contractors. SEADED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved ln Room 11. ThlrdI FloorClty HaU, untll 12 o clock noon MONDAY, AprtldJ, 1903, for repnlrs nnd improvemonts at the Second Pollco ataUon^hOTBB. Inoludh B PAlNTfNG, PAR 3RING, CARPENTER S WORK AND RoYjF TINNING. ^/ ... No blda conslddred'unless a Bepnrate bld ls submltted on eaoh closs of work. Speci flcatlons cn.n bo had by appllcatlon to tho Clerk at the nbove offlce. The Committee on Ropalrs of tho Pollco Committee re serve tho right to roject nny or all blds offered ADF. H. MTDOWELL, Apl 15,17 Clork Councll Commlttees. FOHT MONROE, VA., MARCH 20, 1903. Sealod Proposala, ln tripllcato, for lur nlshlng a I2-T?.i Steam^Locorno Ivo here wlll l>e rocelved untll 12 M; APRIL, 20, 1903. U S reaerves rlght to o>ccept or roject anv or all proposals .or any part thereof, Ihftrmaton furnlshed on appllcatlon. Enwlnpes cnntnlnlng proposals should bo marlcec "Proposals for Docomotlve," ad drcssod C. P. TOWNSLKY, Q. M._ Clork and Suporvlsor, i Room 2, Clty Hall. Rlohlimnd.Va., Aprll iy90| an\AT vt> PROPOSAI-.S vVILT, BE RlUr OIT.he,PBoard?nreBerves the rlght to reject tt^P^er1o!'^eJf^i'RDi Apl 15,17,19,21.23 Clerk and Suporvlsor, A BTATED CONVOCATION OF Wtiffi WASIHNGTON ROYAL ARCH l^CHAPTISR, NO. 9, wlll bo hold ln m*& Mnsonic Temple THIS EVENINO at 7:30 o'nlock, Aprll 17. 1903. Mombors of slstor chaptora and visltlng compnnlons aro cordlally invlted. Bv order of tho M. E, Hlgh Prleat, uy orut-r mui^ SNEJAD, Socretary. Atlantlo Coast Llne Rallroad Company, Offioo of tho Secretary. NOTICE IS IIEUEBY GlYEfc THAT' A general or speclal mee Ing of thej Stock holdorB of the ATLANTIC COAS1 LINE RUi'ituAD COMPANY haa beon cnllod by tho Board of DireotorB lo bo hold at tho offlco of tho Company ln tha Clty of Rlchrnond, Vlrglnla. at 11 o elook A. M.. on TUESDAY, THE 21ST DAY Ot APRIL, A. D.. 1903. for the purposo ot consldorlng. and actlng upoji the pur ohaso of tho rallroads and other proper tv rlghts. privllogps and frnnchlses of the pforlda Southorn Rallroad Company, and nlso for tho purpose of consldor ng and actlng upon the P"?",^* ?' .J.1',0 rallroads and othqr ppoperty, rlghts, P I\ llogQB and frnnchlsos of tho Snnford nnd St. Petersburg Rallroad Company, both corporatlons oreatod and ?????? undor the laws of tho Stato of Florlda. whioh wlll be submlttcd for theh- ^jovg}^ Secretary. Mutual Assuranoq Spoletyof Vlrglnla. Rlchrnond, Va.. March 20. 1903. NOTICE IS! 1IEREBY G1VEN THAT Nt,,e?nnu?l meetlng of tho nieinbor., ot thls Soooty will be hold at the oirice of the Sooloty, In Rlchrnond, Va., MON? DAY, the 20th day of Aprll. 1903. EDWIN A. PAL-MliiU, ^"^"p^nolpal Agent. ^ TH1?" ANNUAL MITO'INQOP? Stockholders of the STAND Alin TO BACVO HTDMMER COMPANYw 11 be .held at the olTIco of the bocrotnrj und Treasurer. Koventii nnd Cury Streets, Rlehmoml. Va , on TH'DRSDAY, May 7, 1903, Ut 12 o'clock M. ?,,,????oo T1IOS. F- JEFFRESS, Secretary W* Trcasurer, AUCTION SALBS-THtS DAY. By The Valentlno Auotlon co., Atlctlonoers. p .fflcarvran's saijW of w*b bntirb J$ BT0C1C OVr 1MPORTED, ANDi DO ME8TIC WINBS, BHANDIIDS, GINB, WHtBKBYS, BOTTLE GOODB, CIGARB, 0MBR0OT8, BAR FIXTUREB, DECAN TBRB, GDA8BB8,^FURNITURE, ETO. IN RBAR OF NO. 1710 EAST FRANKLitN BTRBET, j ? ' tn pursuanco of an ordor entbred orL.the icth day of Mnrch, 1008. ln tho -DUrtrlot Court of tho Unlted Statps for tho Ennt ern Dlstrlct of Vlrglnla, ln tho matler of John B. LoJng. bankrupt, I wlll sell at publlo auctlon, on tho promlBes of the eald Johh B, Balng, bankrupt, ln tho renr of No; 1710 East Frnnltllti Stroot, Rich? mond, Va., Itidotall. on .?-? THIS (FRIDAY), APRIB 17TH, commonclng at 12 o'clock M? the ontlro Btook ond Flxtures in sald plaoo of bu?l nnas In rear of No. 1710 Eoat Frankhn Stroet, oonslstlng of In part, vi?, ! Chorry Valley Whlskoy, Wostmoroland 'Whlskey, Chloken Cock ciln, Corn Whlskoy. Appie Bi-nndy, Old Kontucky Smilo WhlBkoy, Good Luck Whlskoy, Cntawba and Black-j borry Wlno, Bottlod Blquors, Clgars, Cne 'roots, Docantors, Glnaawaro, Copper Measures and Funnols, Tobacco . Knlfo, Jugs, Cuspadors, Bnrrel Btnnd and Empty Barrols, Bar Flxturos, ctc, oto. TERMS-CaBh. W. D. OAY, Recelver. The Valontlne Auctlon Co., Auctloneers. Api 15-at T RUSTEES' AUCTION 8ABE ; OF FOUR <<0 FRAME DWEBBtNOS, Nos. 1519, 1521, 1623 AND 1025 BDAIR STREET. In executlon of a deed of trust fr&rn B. R. Colgin and wifo to tho Homo Bulld ing Company (Perpotual), dnted May 8, 1805, and rocorded ln Henrlco County Court, In Deed-Book 140 "B," pnge 75, whlch wna glvon to socuro tho pnymont of a oortaln bond theroln mentloned, 'and dofault havlng beon mnde In the pny? mont of a portlon of tho monoy secured thoreby, nnd belng dlrected so to do by tho Board of DIrectora of tho Homo Bulldlng Company (Porpetunl), we wlll sell at publlc auctlon, upon tho promfsee, ?" FRIDAY, APRIU 17, 1003, at 5 o'clock P. M? tho PROPERTY de sorlbed In sald doed ns follows: "All that lot of land, wlth the lmprovemente tnere on, lylng and belng in tho county of Honrlco, Va., noar tho wostcrn llmits of tho olty' of Richmond, boglnnlng nt a polnt on tho south llno of Blalr Street, dlstant 228 feet ea*?t of lts lnteraectlon wlth the east llne of Washtngton Street, thonco runnlnK eastorly olong sald south llne of Blalr Street ond frontlng thorcon ?188 feet, thence running Bouthwnrdly be? tween parnllol llnes 125 feet to anralloy nbout 18 feet wlde." This proporty wlll be offored in pnrccls. TERMS: Cash as to cxponses ofsalo, any past-due taxes and a pro-rata part of taxos for 1!)03. By conaont, only ono third cnsh wlll bo requlred and balanco at slx and twelvo months or moro, or all cnsh, at optlon of purchoaer. ? . H. SBLDON TAYBOR, N.: D. HARGROVE, P. T. SUTTON, B. A. CATLIN, TruBtees. A By The Valontlne Auotlon Co., G12 East Brood Stroot. UCTION SAJLB OF' HOUSEHO-BD GOODS OF DARGE BOARDINO ' HOUSE. ? , THIS FRIDAY MORNING, APRlD17th, ,wo wlll sell at our auctlon wareroorns, No. 012 East Broad Stroot, beglnnlng at 10:30 o'clock for tho owner, the entlra house hold goodB of a largo boardlng houso. conslstlng of ln part, 6 GoodMarblo and Wood Top Chnmber Sulta, In poplar: 3 Nlco Oak Chamber Sults. 2 Flne Marblo Top Walnut Chamber Sults, 0 Oak, Wal nut nnd Poplar Wardrobes, Scparato Oak and Poplar Beds. Separato Bureaus, Largo Ice Choat. Fino Cloao Oak Refrlg ? erator. Oak Chiffonier. Hondaome Oak Buffet, Dlnlng Tables, Wood and Cane Seat Chairs. Wlllow Rookors, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishos of all klnds, Glossware, Knlves, Forkfl and Spoons, Counterpanos and QutlUi, Halr Mattressos, Sprlngs, Pnrlor and other Clocks, Hand ? sorne Plctures, Bed Loungc, B*.mps, Comblnatlon Book Caso, RugB. Druggots, Art Squares, Mattlng, Cots, Btovcs and numorous other artlcTos. At 11:30 o'clock wo wlll sell a flne Solld Oak H gh RoUer Top Offlco" Desk, wlth RovolvlngOlnce Chalr, both comparatlvelv now. The la dlos Invlted tb attond thls'salo. THE VABENTINE AUCTTCW^CO LEGAL NOTICES. TO ANNA SfM'PTCINS: You are hefeby notlfied that a lot of land descrlbed as follows: Lot No. 11, ln Robln Park, Fairfleld Magiatorial Dlstrlct, Henrlco county, Va., waa sold on the ?? uny 0f-for dblinquent taxes, levles, In terests and cost due thereon for the year 1892 to the Coxnmonwealth of Vlrglnla, an appllcatlon for the purchose thoreof has beon flled in thls office and lt appear lng from the records ln thls office that you aro Interested in sald land, you are further notlfied to appear here ln four monthB from the datc of this notico and do what may bo necossary to protect your "clven^mder my hand thls 2fith day of March. 1903. g^^ P. WADDILL Clork of the County Court of Honrlco county, Va. A WPy~8AMDBfc P, WADDILL, Clerk. TO W. F. ROSS: ' You aro horeby notlfied that a lot pf land descrlbed as follows: Lot No. 8, ln tho Plan of Robln Park, Falrflold Magts terlal Dlstrlct, Henrico county, Va.., was sold on the -day of- for dellnquent taxos, levles, Interests and costs duo thereon for tho year 1892 to the Cotnmon woalth of Vlrglnla; an appllcatlon for tho purchoso thoreof has beon nled In thls offlco, and lt nrmearlng from tho records of thls otflce that you aro Interested ln the Bald land, you aro further notlfied to appear hero ln four months from the dute of this notico and do what may bo neces sary to nroteot ycair intorests. Olven undor my'hand thls 26th day ol March. 1903. BAUimXj P. WADDILL. Clerk of tho County Court of Henrlco county, Va. A C?Py_STAlirj!EL P. WADDILL. CTerk. TO T. S. WHE15LWRIGHT: You aro herehy notllled that a lot of land doscribed aa follows: Lot No. 15, ln Robln Park, loc&tod In Fnlrflold Mngls terlnl Dlatrlct, Henrlco county, Vn., was sold on tho - day of- for dollnquont, lovloa, InteroBts and costs due thoroon for tho year 1892 to tho Commori woath of Vlrglnla; an appllcatlon for the purchaso tboroof has been flled ln thls offlco, and it furthor appoarlng from the records of thls offlco that you aro Inter ostod in tho snld ln.nd, you nrp furthor notlflod to appear hero ln four months from tho dnto of thia notlco and do what may bo necossary to proteot your Inter P6Gfven under my hand thls 2?th day of March.ttOB. SAMUJ5I, p.'WADDIM Clerk of tho County Court of Henrlco county, Va, . A copy?Teste: BAMUEL P. WADDILB, Clerk, TO R. C. WTLMAMS: You aro horeby notifled that a lot of land deBcrlbed as follows: Lot No. 7, ln Rnbln Park, locatod in Falrflold MagiH torlal Dlstrlot, I-lonrloo county, Va., was sold on tho-day of-for dollnquont taxes, lovles, Interests awi costs due thoroon for tho year ltt>3, to tho Common. wealth of Vlrglnla: an appllcatlon for tho purohaeo thoreof has been llled in thls oftico, and it furthor appoarlng from tho records ln thls offlco that .you are Intor ested ln tno Bnld land, you aro furthor notlllod to appear horo ln four montha from tho dato of thls notlco and do whaf may bo necesBary to protect your Intor eBGlven undor my hand thls 26th day of March, 1903. _?? _ ? ,^?,r. SAMUEL P. WADDILB. Clerk of the County Court of Henrlco county, Va. A f?W^aJ?Bli P, WADDILB, Clerk. Gi.AND MIUITARY PARADE AND LAUNCHINQ At Newport Newa To-Wlorrow, Richmond Bluos &nd other Richmond, conipanles to attend. $1 round trlp vla C, &,' 0. Leaves Richmond 9:16. A. H, AUCtlON ?ALl?^r*UTU?l DAYt. ; j By 3. B. ElamA Co,, I f Rnal Eatatn Auctlonoors. PUBL1C AUCTTON BALT3 OF TNE LIRQE Four-Story Brlok Tobacco Factory, Wlthlhe Large and Val? uable Lot on Whlch H Stands, ? WE^^T^^NffPol.D, BTRlSBT BETWEBN _"' ? MAIN AND FRANKLIN 8TREJETS, Lately occupled byMcasra, Butler* Boaher THE A^TRACTr|g?vl^ATED AND Corner Residence Lot AT NORTirWBST CORNER Franklln and Twenty-seventh Street*, FRONTINO ABOUT 09X150 FEET. ? On Tuesday Next, April 21, 1903, wo shall, by dlrectlin of tho non-resi d^nt partlos ln> Intoroflt, sell by nubllo auctlon. on tho premlses. rospcctlvoly, Uio propertlos aboVo referfcd to ln the followlng order: AT 4:30 O'CLOCK P, M? Jl I ?( OXLOCKP.Mm , ?PI-TO LOT AT NORTHAVIiJST CORNER FRANKIJNANI) TWENTY-SEVENTH 8aSlS^-LlberaJ, and to be announcod n? Bnin J, B. ELAM & GO.. Apflfl-tda . , Auctloneers. By Douglas E. Taylor, Seller nnd Rentor of Resl Estate, No. 1115 B. Mnln Street. pUBLIC AUCTION SALE A SMALL TRUCICmG FARM ON THE NORTH S1DE OF CHARLEfi' CITY . ROAD, ABOUT 2% M U33 EAST OF CITY LIMlTS. I wlll,. at tho reequcst of the owner, 8611 ?" MONDAY. APRIL 20. 1003, , at 12 M. In front of the .Henrlco County Court, tho proporty nbovo located, con tnlnlng 5V4 acres of land, moro or esa. wlth a comfortable framo.dwol^g and outhousea thereon. Thla proporty wlll cet talnly bo sold to the hlgbest bldder. TER^IS-Anmnmcod^t ^jgftofc Apl 15-tds Auctloneers. By C. L. & H. L. Dcnoon, Rcnl Estato Auctloneers, 821 Main Street. Trustee's Sale of NEAT FRAME DWELLINQ In Jackson Ward, Being No. 8 Easl Duval St. Bv vlrtuo of a certaln deed of trust dated Novembor 1. ^." "JUr^Chai? n n us "A " pag-e 204, Richmond (jnan co'rf'court dcfault hnvlng beon made in C'Snt of cortaln notea seoured [borem? and belng requlred by the hcddo of some so to do, I wlll sell at publlc auc ^'w^Md^VpW 22, 1M, at 6 tfelock P.M.. the, abovo property de scrlbed as followe: All that lot of lana, wlth Improvomenta thereon, on the north llne of Duvnl Stroet. commftnclng 00 feet east of St. James Street, thetice ninnlng cnstwordly and'frontng or^DuvaUStreet 20 foot, and oxtendlng back botweon parallel llnes 84 feet. ?????:?? :??? Tho Improvements conslBt of a very heat two-story Frnme pwelllng of about slx rooms. Thls is good rentlng property. and partles deslrlng to lnvest in small dwelllngs can anfely miy hare. TERMB-Cash as to exponHes of sale, any taxos that may bo due nnd siiftlclent to pav a debt of J730.C9. wlth Intereat from Aprll .15, 1WB. ^ ^ DENOON, T^ee. C. L. & H. L. Denopn, Auctlonecrs. Apl 17-tds /'OURT SALE TERMINAL HOTEL PROPERTY AT WEST_POIHT, VA. borSrt? oH^ vViina^^Sn?; Sorf Apr 1 ?. 1903/ ln tho consolldated causes of Andorson Bourgeols vs. D. L., RWoi, Annle Estollo Bourgeols vs. Same. an 1 L. C. Rothwoll vs. Same et als.. wo shall. as Spoclnl Commlssloners thoreby ap? polnted; sell by publlo auctlon. on tho premlsesg.AonuRDAyj ^ ^ ^ ? at 12 o'clock M., tho Termlnnl Hotel Prop? orty ot Wost Polnt, Va., together wlth tho pcraonal proporty thcroln nnd thorcto bolonglng and uscd ln operatlng the samo ThlB hotel Ib sltuated on the boach at the head of York Rlver, connected w th clty of Rlchrnond by rallroad and wlth clty of Bnltlmoro by stcnmers. nnd con Blsts of a largo throo-story bullding. wel located. wlth amplo grounds and fialt water bathlng prlvlleges. Thls ls an opportunlty to securo a mod orn and up-to-dato summor resort, fur ntshed and equlpped for buslness, wlthln thlrtv-nlne mllos of tho clty of Rlchrnond; Artoslan Wolls, furnlshlng drlnklng water. TERMS?Cnsh n? to about 117,000, belng oxponses of salo. costs of sult and llens on proporty, and ns to any balnnce of purchaso prlco torms mado known on day "' '""'"' THOS. H. EDWARDS. H. J. LEWIS, Spoclal Commlsslonora. I .horoby cortlfy thnt tho bond roqulred of the Spoclal Commlsslonora by the above montloned decree haa been duly glven. B. C. GARRBTT, Clerk. C. Hlll. Doputy Clerk. Apl 17-Frl.-4w AN ORDINANCE (Ap'proved Aprll 10, 19030 TO PROHIBIT M1NORS FROM. HAV INO OR CARRYINO IN THE STREETS. ALLBYS. PARKS OR LANE8 OP THE CITY ANY TOY PISTOLS OR TOY RIFLES OR FIRE ARMS OF ANY K1ND. Bo It ordalnod by tho Councll' of tho clty of Rlchrnond: 1. No mlnor shall have, koup or carry ln tho Btreets, nlleys, lanos or pnrks of tho clty any toy plstol or toy. rllle rtdapted to t|io uso of exploslvo caps, cartrldges or pellets, or whlch, by niontiH of oxplo hIvos, pnoumetie prossuro. or mechanleal contrlvnnco oxr.elu or dlseharges any hall, mlssllo. or projecllle; nor shall ony mlnor havo, keep, or carry upon tho stroets, alleys, Innes or pnrks of tho clty any flro nrms. of nny klnd or descrlptlon what over. , , Any vlolatlon of any of tho provlBlons of thls sectlon shall subjeot tha offendor to a llno or not less than flvo nor moro than ten dollars, to bo imposed, upon convictlon, by the pollce Justlce. 3. No person shall sell, glvo, present or lend to any mlnor ln tho clty any toy plstol or toy rltlo ndapted to tho uso of exploslvo caps, enrtrldges or pellets, or whlch by meiins of oxploslvcs. pnoumatlc pressure or mechanleal contrlvnnco ox pels or cllBchargos any hall. mlssllo or projectllo. nor any flrearms of any de Borfptlon whatover. Any person vlolating tho provlsions of thls Bection shall, upon convictlon In tho Pollce Court. be flned not less thnn ten por moro than twenty dollars. 3. Thls ordlnnuco sthnll bo in force from andufter lts passago. , ,?',. ' BEN T, AUGUST, AplH-Bt Clty Clerk. AU6TI0N 8ALES^FUTURi DAVfc : By C. U St. M. L, Donooti, Real Kfltnte Auolloncera, 821 Maln Street, Triiiloo'o~filo of Hio Ittrictlve Brlck Dwellin* No. 105 1*1 Em! Oonol ttrooT. By vlrtue of tho pr?vlB|oiis of a cerliljj daod of trust daled" APfJ 4. 1.tl0iiiM,mnn<i cordod h tho, elerk's offlco of Kohmona Chanoery Court, D. B, 170 13, l?5?p jzs. dofault havlhg been mado n Iho payw?t? of certnln holos socurod theretti, and uo* Ing requlrod by tho holdor of ?a'no so to du, 1 wlll soll at publlc auotlon, on tu? Pr6tnlSeMO?fiDAY, APR1L ?. 1W. .? at 6 o'clock P. M? tho above Pfoperty. doBorlbcd In sald deod n*, follows, to'Wltt "All that cortaln lot of land, wlth tho Improvomcnts thoroon. lylng and belng m tho clty of ItlchmomLVn., on the iouth flldo of Canal Stroot between Flrat and Becond Btroots, frontlng on tlio aouth atdt of sald Cnnal Btroot nlnoteon (19) feet atifl runnlng back wlthln parallol llnes 10? fabt" t TBRMB?Ca?h BUftlcient to pay the **? ponaes of oxocutlng thls trust, and anr taxos dUo, and to pay tho mira ol IM72.tM>, wlth Intorest from Aprll 4, 1903; balanco nt ono and two yenrs, In equal payment* wlth Interost, nnd aeeurod by a truat dee? ?n U,? Pr0P?rt& L. DENOON, Trurte* C. L. ft.H, L. Donoop, Auotloneors. Apl 15-tdfl T By AugUBtlno Royall & Co. and T. M. ^Wortham & Co., , Real Eetato Agcnts and Auctloneort* Manchester, Va, RUBTBE'S SALE ? OF _ HOUSE AND LOT IN "CHALKLBY't ADDITION" ON MONDAY. APRIL 20, 1903. AT 0 O'CLOCK P. M.. ON THE PREMI8E8. By'vlrtue of a deed of trust dated Juno 13, 1889. anfl of rocord In tho Hujtlngo > Court for tho clty of Manchestjr, Va., Tn' D. B. 10, p'agb 270, belng requlrcd ao to do, I wlll sell at publlc auctlon on tha day, hour and place namod abovo, Lot frontlng 30 foet on Twenty-Kocond Btreet, between Balnbrldge and Pprtor Btreots, by 114 feet deop, .on whlch thoro lu a nlco cottage of four rooms. TEB.M8?Caah aa to expenses ,of aale, taxes, If any be duo, and to pay off th; balanco due on the noto accurod ln sald deed, $200, and Intorest from June 13, 1901. tlll pald; realduo. if any, mada known upon torms at sale._. _, ??? ALBBRT J. BRADLEY, ApllC-tds_ Trmrtee. ^ By Sutton & Co., Real Estate Auctlonoors, Corner Tenth nnd Bank Btrceta. AUCTION SALEo7a MA RB1IALL BETWEEN MUN FORD AND GILMER STREET8, NO. 729 W. MARBHALL STREET. At the reqtiost of the owner we shall offer for snlo at publlc auctlon, on tha premlues, on ._._,.' .? ,,*,? THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1903, nt 6 o'clock P. M.. tho above-dcBcrlbed PROPERTY. Tho property ls In good ro palr, and the lot fronts about 21 feet, runnlng back 147 feet to an aOloy 17 feet ^This offers a good opportunlty to any ono looklng for a good buslnoes stand or an Investment. . , V. ? TERM8? Llberal, and announced at the hour of ?ales.uTroN &CQ Au'o0onoar,. Apl 12-tds Owlng to tho Inclemency of the weather the above salo !? poatponed to MONDAY. APRIL 20, 1903 AT THE 8AMB HOUR SUTTON & CO., Auctloncerw. By H Soldon Taylor, Real Estato Agont and Auctloneer, No. 8 N. Eleventh Street. *T?RUBTEES' GALE A Valuable Farm of 360, Acret. Calledl "Brookwood" (formerly "Chfttsworth,). In Henrlco county. about 2>A mlles oast of the clty of Rlchrnond. on James RIvcr and OBborno Turnplke. havlng extansjya frontage on both, wlth a large, Comfort able Brlck and Framo Dwnlllng and other Improvements thoroon. Thls place adjolna Chaffln's Dalry Farm. In executlon of a cortaln deed of trust to tho underslgnert Trustees. datod Bep tombor 8. 1900, and duly recorded ln tho clcrk's office of Henrlco fJounty Court n D. B. 1C0 "B," page 28, dofault havlng been mndo ln the payment of several of the notes secured by sald deed. and belng requircd bo to do by tho holdor of sald noCfwo wlll off?r thls deelrable Farm for sale at publlc auctlon In front of Hen? rlco County Courthouae on FRIDAY, APRIL 2A, 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M., belng tho Bamo tract of land, contalnlng 860 acroB, morei or?lesB. conveyed by sald deed of trust. Thai dwel llng 1b a largo Btibstantlal one of KI or 13 rooms, and surrounded by a beai tlful otk KTove. There aro stables and othor out houses on thls place nnd an abundant sup ply of pure sprlng water. ' In lleu of tho terms Pr,eac.r,lbe^r}J,Lthn deed and by consent of all Pttrtles in lnterest. theNorms of sale^ wlll be ono; thlrd cnsh. balanco on a oredlt of one and two years. for notes with lnterest addcd and sectued by a fJ?^#u.ft-l0R> A." W. PATTERSON. Apl 17-tds_ TrUBtees. ( By Augustlno Royall & Co. . and A. L. AdajnBon. Real Estate Auctloneers, Manchester, va. /"OMMISSrONBRB' AUCTION SALE Colebrated "Rennie & McTntosh" Cranlta Quarry, togcther wlth tho Bollers, Dor rlcks. ToolB. etc. thereon. lpcated at Oranlte, on the Southern Rallway, ln yChestorfiold county, Va. By vlrtue of a docreo of tho Clrcuit Court of Cliostcrfield county, Va., dated February 25, 1897, In the sult ot Emma U. Ronnlo, Admx., va. John Mclntosh, survlv. Ing pnrtnor, etc, we wlll sell at publla auctlon. on tho promlses. on ? SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 1903 , at 12 o'clock M? t.ho nbove dencr bed val? uable Grnnlte Qunrry, contiilr.lng 103'A acres. conn'ectlng wlth tho Southern Rail way by a spur track. All local quarrymen know thot tho qunllty of tho nbove de Bcrlbed grnnlte Ik unBurpassed, and that thls qunrry cnn be worked at less eost than nny In thls dlstrlct. Only four mllcs from Rlehmnnd nnd lldewater. TERMS-One-thlrd cnsh, nnd tho bal? anco in 0, 12 nnd 18 monthB, deferrod pay montB benrlng lnterest at 6 por ccnt., tltlo to bo retnlned untll all of tho purchaso money ls pald, ^ WORAM; CHARLES L. PAGE, Speclal Commlsstoners, Tho bond requlrod of the Commlsslonera ln t.ho nbove sult hnB beon executod. Glven tincVer my hnnd ns clerk of tho Clr cu.t Court of^hoste^l^comi^ Va,k Apl 17,10,21,23:25_ By N. W. Bowe, Real Estato Auctloneer. npRUSTEES' AUCTTON SALE MARSHALL C0TT0N MILLS, ? MANCHESTER. OPPOSITE RICH MOND, VA, j3v vlrtue of a cortnin'deed of trust, dated December 30, 1899, to the underalgneol trustccs,- recorded in Manchester Hustlnga Court ln Deed-Dook, volumo 21, pnge 80, nnd ln pompllnnco of a doerco of tha Lnw nnd 1,'qulty Court of the clty of Rlch? rnond. eiilored March -2, 1901, In tho .sult of "Noltlng's Exucutrlx vs. Marshall Mnnufncturlng Company et nls," wo wlll sell by publle auctlon. on the premtaes, on MONDAY, APRIL 20. 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M., tho VALUABLE PROP, ERTY nhovo reforrod to, commonly known ns "Mnrshnll Cotton Mills." Tha hulldlngs, qultn large and substnntlal ln charnefcr and emlnently well sulted for maniifnctarlng purposes, are sltuated nn ? perpetually leased gronnd. tho water power belng furulshed by tho lossor at tho rate of about $10 per horso-powor por aimum, wlth tho prlvllego of worklug day and nlght. Tho mllls aro nlso convenlent ? to shlpplng fngllltlos by rall as well us by water. Wlth tho hulldlngs wlll bo sold tha wutcr-whee.Is nnd maln llne of shaftlng, TERMS?Caah. or as may bo otheri wlso nnnouncod at the tlme of sale. E. C. MASSIB. A j o \, A. W. PATTERSON, Ap) Mds Trustw*