Newspaper Page Text
MERE PAWN ON THE BOARD Cov. Odell's Nomlnee for Rall: way Com'r, So-Called. NOMINATION IS REJECTED Now York State Senators Indulge In Lnnguage That Would Soem to In dlcate Tholr Fitness for Mem* borahlp In a Hlgher Body. (By Aasoclated PreSa.) ALBANY, N. Y? Aprll 18.?Not slnco tho momornblo daya Of tho Cotilcllng Platt Insurrccllon haa tho Stato Sonato been tho sceno of moro blttor porsonall / tles or of a moro aensatlonal polltlcal Sj baltlo than that of thls mornlng and afternoon, when Governor Odoll's noml nation of Rnllroad CommlBsloner' Frank ? M. Baker to succccd hlmsolf was 10 Jccted by a coalltion of Bonators Brack ett, Brown and Elsbcrg, tho throe so called lnsurgcnt RopubiicaiiB, wlth tho ', Democrats, and an lntensoly personal confllct wna preclpitated botwoen Sena? tor Brackott and Senator Ralnes, tho Republlcan prcsldont pro tem.' It ls not llkoly that tho battle wlll bo endod to-morrow, whon It Is bXpectsd . that tho Judiclary Cornmlttoo wlll re? port tho nomlnatlon of George .Wilson Morgan to tako the place of John Mc Cullagh aa aupcrlntondont. of elocUons, aent In by Governor Odoll to-day. In oxplalnlng hls voto agalnst Mr. Baker's conflrmatlon, Senator Brackott uaid: "Mr. Baker is slmply a pawn on tno cheBS board. 1 voto agalnst thls nomlna? tlon In protcst agaln3t tho sowage and fllth that is bolng pourod upon the head of our worthy Goveronr . through tho ngonta of tho man who Insplred thls nom? lnatlon, And I vote against thls nomlna? tlon to emphasizo my dlsnpproval of the ' nctlon of tho man who causeB tho soal of party approval to bo placed on any mea Buro when cortain attorneys aro engaged ln favor of tho blllfl." In tho cournr A a. bittor roply, Sena? tor Ralnes sald; "When It'camo to the nomlnatlon and clecUon of Unlted States SenatorB. theso threo posed ns lndci?ndent Ropubllcans? ffod save tho mark. It would bo moreibe comlng to their dlgnlty aa Sonatora. to tholr lionor as men. and to tholr party obllgatlons to refraln from skulklng he hlndtheso excusos. from malntalnlng thls ?hollcr than tliou' posturo. Let them ceaso to bo tho 'Urlah Hoaps of thls Senate and to occupy a posltlon for whlch the. Btato and their owp cons u cntsi are damning thom with a bittcr condem natlon." PRESIDENT GOMPERS IN A BAD HUMOR (By AsBoclated Pross.) WASHINGTON. Aprll 16.?Prosldent GomporB1, of tho American Federatlon of Labor, to-dny gavo out a stateroent in reply to the annual report oT Presldent Parry of tho Manufacturors' Associa? tlon, whlch waa road beforo that body ln Now Orloans. ? "If thero wero any doubt that-Mr. Parry had takon leave of hls roason, tho roport (or rather haronguo) whlch ha haa inado to hls convention demonstratos It hoyond any doubt. If tho Manufacturors' Associatlon at lts convention at Now Or? loans endorscs Mr. Parry's unjustlfled, undlgested and mallclous antagonlsm to tho effort of tho workors to securo ma terlal and moral Impr&vomcnt, they slm? ply wrlto- themselves down to lts low level and atand commltted wlth him for ell the injury that must follow from hls rabld uttorancca, hls venomous and Ig norant antngonlsm, which must provokb only rcsentmont and retallatlon." SPECIAL GUARDS PATROLLED STREETS <Ry Assoclatcd Prrwg.) JOPLIN, MO., Aprll 16.?It was fearod all day that tho mob, whlch last nlght lynched a tramp negro hore, burned tho homo of ncgroes nnd ran alrnost every negro out of JopUn, would rcsumo the depredatlohs to-nlght. Mayor Trlgg ls sued a proclamatlon to-day calllng a moetlng of good cltlzens to organlzo R)U vlgllantes for prcserva.tlon of ordor ln tho clty. Thls was dono and although throngs began to flll tho streots by nlght. thero wns no dlsorder, Tho excltcmont ls Bttll Intense, but lt is belleved tho. Mayor*s nctlon has quloted effectually any doslro' to contlnuo tho rlotlng. BATTLESHIP MAINE HAS SERIOUS DEFECTS (By An?oclnted Press.) WASHINGTON, Aprll 1.0.?Whlle dony lng that tho battleshlp Malno has dovel oped tho sllghtost Btructural weakness, uslng tho term Btructural ln lts tochnl cal sonso, hlgh oftlclals at tho Navy Do partmont aro not dlsposod to mlnlmlze tho defocts ln tho Malno ns roportod by Captaln Loutzo and othor offlcers of .tho vossol. Tho roport of tho chlof englnoor regnrdlng tho b'ollers, it ls admltted, fur nlshes ground for groator concern than tho matter of tho gun foundatlons. Asslstnnt Socrotary Darllng wlll go to the Cramp shipyards noxt woek and wlth Chlof Constructor Bowles wlll make a caroful Inspectlon' of tho vesscl. If lt be found that tho bollors are a falluro tha Dopartment wlll recommend that tb?y be replacod, but a board of offlcers wlll be appolnted to Jook Into the question be? fore auch a radlcnl stop is taken. NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY SECOND IN CONTEST (By Assoeiatcd Prcss.) RANSAB CITY, Aprll Ifi.-M. Dlefen derfer. of Wood Rlvor. Nob., shootlng from tho slxteon yard Uno, to-day won the fourth grand Amorlcan handlcan at Jnanimato targots, wlth a scoro of 91 out of n posslbla 100. In wlnnlng ho ?vent ho dofoated praetlcally all of tha expert marlcsmon of tho country, as all the shooters of noto wore entered. Max E. Honslor, of Battlo Creok, Mlch., nlneteen-year-old boy, ahootlng from the upventeon-yard llne, was second to Dlefendorfor, maklng a ecore of 93. DEPUTY SHERIFF SHOT THE JUSTICE (By Xssoclated Press.) OATNESVILLE, FLA., Aprll IB.-As a result of a dlspute ovor a law sult be? tween two-negroos, Deputy Shorlff Chas. Winn ahot Justlco Balley through tho left thlgh at Newbury to-day, and Balley has a socond wound In the thlgh, whloh Wlnn olalms waa Inllicted by Balley hlmself ln an effort to shoot hlm. New York Toam Beaten (By Assoclate'd Press.) NBW ORLEA^S, Aprll Itl.-New Of a*o*. a: New York (American^. J, ASK FOR GREEH T1CKET. ThIiTlofcatliQivinwIthEvtry Palr at $1.00 and Owr, CASH VALUB OM TICKBT 7V3 CBNTS IN THAOB. SEE THE NEW PREMIUM UST. Cconomy Otoros, 311 B. tiroad. 1849 E. Maln. WILL REGULATE - CQMPANV STORES The Attempt, Defeated ln the House. Resumed ln the Senate. The questlon of company stores and commlssarles ln connectlon wlth great mMng and manufaoturlng entorprlses, whlch was a subject of prolonged dis cussion eartier In thls session of. the General Assembly, promlses to agaln occupy the attentlon of that body. Tho blll on the subject was barely defeated after a brllllant llght for lt. Now Hon. A. D. Watklns, rnomber of the Senate, from Prlnce Edward, has offered a blll whlch is desljfmcd to suppress oxtortlon by company Btorcs or commlssarles and ,to requlre payment of salarles or wages at regular scml-monthly intervals . and In lawful currency of tho Unlted Statcs. The moasuro went to a committee, but will probably be reported. It is under stood thut the blll ls favored by the or ganized labor bodles of tho State. Hero aro tho provlslona ot tho blll, strlpped of all unnocessary verblago: 1, lt shall be unlawfut for all persons, firms, companies, asaoclatlons and corpo? ratlons engaged in tho mlnlng of coal or Iron, or In tho manufacturlng of Iron or Bteol, or ln the manufacturlng of any other artlcle, and who shall llkowise be dirootly or Indlrectly, or ln any manner, Interested ln merchandislng, as owner or otherwlse, to sell such merchandlse at a hlghor prlco tha nrnerchandise or sup plies of llke character are sold by other dealers ln morchandlso In the county, town or clty, whoreln auch mine or man ufactory Is located. "Poraona vlolating the provislons of thls sectlon shall be deemed gullty of a rals demeanor, and upon convictlon shall bo flnod not less than $50 nor moro than $100, ono-half of sald flno to go to the inform "All persons, flrms, or companies en? gaged ln tho mlnlng of Iron or coal, or ln tho manufacturlng or Iron or Bteel, or ln the manufaoturlng of any other artlcle, shall settlo In full wlth thelr employes, at least onoo ln eaoh two weeks, and pay them tho amounts due to them ln lawful money of tho Unlted States; vlolatipn. ot tho provislons of thls sectlon shall be doomed gullty of a mlsdemeanor, and upon convictlon shall bo fined not less than $50 nor more than $100, ono-half to go to tho informer." TWO KILLED Fatal Wreck on L. and N. Road Near Montgomery, Ala. (By Xssoclated Press.) MONTGOMERY. ALA., Aprll 16.?The second sectlon of a southbound Loula viUo and Nashvlllo passengor train, whlch Jeft thls clty at 12:30 laat nlght, was wrecked at Castlebury. ten mlles south of Montgomery, thls mornlng, Two mein bers of tho crow were killed and the englneer of tho traln sustalned a frac turod skull. Tho dead: H. it. DONOVAN, Moblle, rallway mall clerk. i MAJOR KNOX, Montgomery, negro flreman. Fatally Injured: John Wrlght, Montgomery, Ala. Tho train loft Montgomery at 12:30. Almost In front Of tho statlon at Castle? bury the englne struck an open swltch and plowcd through un empty frei?lu car. Tho mail and baggage cars, whlch followed, caught flre and wero entlrely dostroyed, _ PATENT RIGHTS JN FEDERAL COURT Sult Now on Trlal There In volves Twenty Thousand Dollars. The Fodoral Court was engaged all day yesterday hoarlng testlmony ln the $20,000 darnage sult for alloged infrlnge ment' on patent rlghts on air artlflclal llmb, ln whlch James E. Hanger, a Vlr glnlan, now of Washlngton, ls plalntlff, ana A. lt. Petera, of thls clty, usfewl. nnt. Testlmony wlll bo resumed to-day, and the caso /wlll hardly be conoluda.1 thon. Thero ls a, brilllunt and formld able array of counBel in the case and wlt neflsea aro subjectod to a rigld examlna tlon and oross-examlnatlon.' . Mr. Petera loarned hls nrt with Mr. Hanger yoars ago, and now makos an artlflclal'llmb whlch the plalntlff clalms is an Infrlngement of hls rlghts. The testlmony ls largely oxpert, among tho wltnessos yesterday belng an oxamlnor of patents'from Washlngton, who proved an excellont wltness, standlng tho searching test of legal Inqulry wlthout dlfflculty and (answerlng the flre of questlons with ea3e and clearness. ln oonneotlon wlth the case drawings and dlagrams, showlng the constructlon of artlflclal Jimbs and tho dlfferences be tween them, wore exhtblted. and also a number of artlflclal legs and Joints. Tho case ls a'very Interestlng one. Evon lf tho testlmony be concluded to-day, the argumont wlll consume oon alderable ttmo and lt is not llkely that the case wlll be glven-to. the jury. Mr. Hanger, the plulntlff ln tho sult, becamo an Inventor of artlflclal llmbs from necesslty, havlng Jost o. llmb by the exploslon of a shell at Phlllippl, \v. Va., durlng tho war botweon the Statea, and whlle he waa but slxteen years old. He devlBOd a llmb for hls own use, and H waa bo satlBfactory that he began tho manufaoture' of them, havlng for merly boen ln buslness |n thls olty, Ten or twelvo years ago he rcmovod to Washlngton, und has slnce conducted the buslneaa troro, that clty, , CLOSING OF PRESBYTERY Tho Last Sesslon of the Body Held Yesterday. TO MEET AT BLACKSTONE Next Sesslon September 29th, Next Report of the Twentleth Century Fund?Report Is Made on Home Missions. .The fourth and last day's eesslon of East Hanovor Brosbytory was opened wlth.dovollonal exerclsoa, conducted by tho moderator, Dr. J. P. Smlth, Under call for reports from mlnlBtors not pastors, Rov, 'j. P. Smlth, D. D? made report of hls edltorlal work, Rav. Wllllam S. Campbell of hls work aa soc retary, and gonoral agont of tho Blble^ Socloty of Vlrglnla, and Rov. S. }<.: Winn, D. D., as agent of tho Twentleth Contury Educatlonat Fund. Tho Presbytery adopt td a resolutlon approvlng tbo falthfulnesa and dlllgonce of those mlnlstors. Tho rtext stated meetlng of Presbytery wlll be held at Blackatone, Septombor 29, 1903, at 7:30 P. M. Rev. D. IC Walthall presented a re? port on Twentleth Century Fund, show? lng about $24,000 ralsed ln thls Presbytery for thls purpose. A commlttee conslsting of Rev. J. P. Smlth, ;D. D., Rev. R. P. Kerr, D. D., and Judge George L. Chrlstlan was ap pointed to confer wlth tho trustees of Froderlcksburg Collego wlth reference to brlnglng the collgo under control of the Presbytery. Rev. H. W. Pratt was . appolntod to preach tho dcotrlnal sermon at the next meetlng of Presbytery on "Regeneratlon by tho Holy Splrlt," wlth Rov. S. K. Winn, D. D., alternate. HOME MISSIONS. The cbalrman of tho commlttee, Rov. Wllllam S. Campbell, prosentcd the re? port on presbterlal homo missions. Thla Bhowed that tho amount recelved durlng the year for-'thls causo-was $1,G81.ll, an increase of $627.61 over tho previous year. On motlon of Rev'. J. E. Cook, Presby? tery removed tho headquarters of tho Homo Misslon Commlttee from Richmond to Petersburg, and appolnted the follow Ing commlttees to havo charge of thla work: Rev. W. McC. Whlte. chalrman;' Rev. J. S. Foster, Rev. H, W. Pratt, Hon. W. B. Mcllwalno, Mr. Davld Callander, Mr. W. H. Camp, of Potorsburg, and Rev. D. IC Walthall, Rev! Russell Cecll, D. D? and Mr. James G. Tlnsloy, of Richmond. The former commlttee consl^ted of Rev, Wllllam S. Caropboll, chalrman; R~ev. R. P. Kerr. D. D%, Rev. Russell Cecll, D. D., Rev. Jero WItherspoon, D. D., Rov. J. C. Stewart, D. D.. Rov. J. p. Smlth, D. D., Rev. D. K. Walthall, Mr. W. S. Robert son, Captaln John A. Coke, Mr. W. T. Armlstead, Mr. C. D. Larus, alPof Rich? mond, and Rov. W. McC. Whlte, of Pe? tersburg. Rev. J. E. Cook presented the report on tho Blblo Causo, whlch showed the contrlbutlons of the churehes of tho Pres? bytery for thls cause to have boen $206, whlch ia $33.75 less than the 'precedlng year. At tho nlght sesslon of the Presbytery Rev. I.1- 8. McElroy, D. D., secretary of Minlsterlol Rellef, mado an address on the work of whlch he has charge, whlch was listened to very attentivoly and was much enjoyed by all that heard hlm. The atatlstlcal report presented by Rov. T. P. Epes, D. D., the stated clerk, gavo the followlng facts in regard to the Pres? bytery: Th?ro are thlrty-three churehes, thirty-ono mlnlstors, 152 rullng elders, 162 deacons, 243 added to tho membershlp of tho churehes durlng tho yearvon profes slon of falth, 250 added by letter; total membershlp, 5,322; baptisms?adults, SS; lnfants, 102; baptized non-communlcants, 1,093; in Sunday-schools, offlcers and toachers, 409; scholars, 3,041; contrlbutlons ?forelgn missions, $6,190; assembly's home missions, $790; local homo missions, $5,846; colored evangellzatlon, 5313; rellef fund, $1,577; educatlon, $3,810; publlcatlon. $486; Blblo Society, $200; Presbytorial fund, $450; pastors' salary pald, $24,505; congregation al, $28,374; mlscellaneous, $5,717; total, $73,234, or $14.70 for oach member of tho church in the Presbytery. ' VOTE OF THANKS. A voto of thanks was tondored tuo peo? ple of Barton Helghts for tho kind hos? pitality shown the membort of the Pres? bytery, and to tho organlst of the Baptlst Church, who moat efflclently preslded at the organ durlng all tho rellglous exer? clsoa. There wlll bb an adjourned meetlng of the Presbytery at the Second Presbyterlan Church of thls clty on Aprll 27th at U, A. M. Important and Far-Reaching Declslon. Edltor of Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch: Slr,?Tho recent declslon of the Unlted States Clrcult Court of tho casoof tho Gov ernment agninst tho Northern Socurltlos Company ls beyond all doubt the most far-reaclilng nnd Important that has ovor bofore boen made wlth reforonco to trusts and corporatlons. It conelUBivo ly shows that trusts and corporatlons aro complotely wlthln tho powor of the law and tho general Idea that they aro above and beyond tho palo of tho law whlch Is abroad In the country ls wholly wlthout ofundation In fact, On tho contrary a grave and sorious doubt may woll arlso ln the mlnds of thoughtful people whather or not the declslon goes too far ln restralnt of the power of trusts and corporatlons and ln restralnt of trado. Tha oplnlon of Judge Thayer Is able and well consldored; It Is forfolted by tho law and tlio factB nnd tha wrltor has noUtho least doubt of lts corroctness; legally speaklng. ' It Is almost nbsolutely certaln to be ap proved and sustalned by tho Supremo Court of the Unlted States; Indoed that court has ln tho "Addyston Plpe Llne ense"' already clearly mapped out and lnterprotod lts declslon In advanoe, and Is ono ot tho Greatcst Hculera ot tha SIcU on Karth. Curca all Dlaeasna or ao Cliargo. I curo all dUeaaea thnt are known to tbo huinan ruce or no charge, no roatter what your diaoiieo, elck noaa, or atflictlon niny bo, and n-at?ru you to uorfect healtli. I curo tho followlng dlaeoaus: lleiirt PUoubo, Coimuniptlon, {llancl,- Kidney. I.lver, Hladdcr, I'llea ln any form, Vorligo, Qulnay, Boru Tliroat, I.unga, Dyipvpalu, ludigea. tloii, Cointtpiitlon, lllieuuitttl8ia lu any fpriu. PalnH, and Artiea of any kind, Colda. itrouclilul TrnulilDB, Kori'?. fiklu Dlaoaaea, all Iteliliig Son aatlona. ha flrlppo, or I'nuumonlu) Uloor*, Oar> liiinuloa, Ilolla, Caii??r, tlio worat r.inna. wlth? out liu uso uf kulfu or liutriiinontH] Eoxumii, I'liiinlca pli fuco und lioily; Pluliuti'it ot Uliliu-ya, or Ilrlgbt'a Dl??a?? of tlio Kldnoyn, 1 curo uuy dUunaa, uo uiattor of whut uaturo, Mud|cii\a auut to puy addriwi liy iisptoiu. Kor full |iar< tlouliira aaiid u-li-nnit matr.p for nnaivor, No. 007 I'ouiiaylvaulu Avouuo, SutiUieuia, Wualilu* tou, 1). O. llnint'li atore, No. 404 Woat Uroiid UbceaL Blchniond, Va. ALTERATION Sale of Wo nre puttlng a new front nnd floor ln our storo. Work tnoti ttro bttsy with hiitnmur nnd Bftvv, We imist mnko qulok dlspoBltion of our atook lof now nnd UseU Pinnos. f Wo ofler soveral )iHtuls6mo i deslftnetl Btleff Plnnoa at great reductlon, Also 6ovoral Used Planos. ' lOne Hartlman Uprightj Piuno, beatitiftil rose wood case, $248.00. Terms $7 per month. One Kingsbury Piano, u p r I g h t mahogany case, $198.00. Terms $5 cash and $5 per month. [One Wellington right Piano, Up-, Terms $5 and $4 perj month. Wo have several Squaro Planos?aorne as low as 520.00 each, Thls ls n splcntlkl oppor tunlty to secure a bargain in a piano. Judgo Thayer in great part rests his de? clslon upon tho acton of tho Supreme Court ln tho last-mentloned case. The Northern Securltles Company is vlrtual ly dlssolved; lt cannot vote the stock of the Burllngton, the Northern Paclflc, or tho Great Northern nor any other road In the combination, nor crin lt collect tho divldonds. Well mjght Wall Street pause when that declslon caroe upon It liko an avalancho or llke a clap of thundor ln a clear skyl The case appears to have been splendidly ?' argued on both sldes; lt was one of those great cases whlch ap peals to tho hightest feellngs of eml nent lawyors and it was handled In a manner whlch does inflnite credlt to a great and noble professlon. It was con cluslvely proved thr.t tho combination for tho present at least had worked and was working for the benoflt of the pub 11c. but the court in the opinlon of the wrlter, properly held that tho. prlnclplo of tho combination was wrong. It is no now concluslon with the writer of thls paper that trusts and corporatlons are complotely wlthln the power of the present laws lf they are properly en Xorced. The Addyston Plpo Llne case completely settled this important fact. Tho Sherman law ls all that can be de slred; lt only needs to be enforced. It seems hecossary to the wrlter to sound a word of warnlng in the other dlreotlon. The effect of too great restralnt upon the law of trade may oporate adversely to tho lnterest of tho people. Every intel competltlon Wlll ' Vne lo tho rroht nnd properly rogulalo lt, And lf oompolltlon should fnll wn linVo tho proleotlng aogls ot Iho law an not forth In tho Northern Bocurltlns Company caBo. And thls de? clslon ought not to dlaturb oapltnlt It tlocn not hnmpor It oxcopt ln one dlrectloti atid It dooB It tho great good of dollnlng clettr ly lts rlghts, | I rogard tho eucooHaful formatlon of tho Unlted Statos -Company aa tho great 6Ht triumph of modorh elvlll&ailon mndo Blnco the dlscovery or Amorlca by Chrlfl topher ColumbUB. Tho TJomocratlo party clalms to bo tho party of progroga; l? It Is to maintaln that clalm It muat fostor and promoto tho aasoclatlon of capltul. . CAMM PATTESON. Bunnyalde Plnco. Bucklngham county, Va., Aprll U, 1003. ? lncome,Tax on Stato Officera. Edltor of Tho Tlmos-Dlapatch: Blr,?I read wlth doep lntorest your edl torlal of Suntlny, March 29th, on tho In come Tax. ?our rensoiilng was loglcal, your polntfl woll taken, and havlng cnllcd attontlon to thls Important mattor wlll bo fltrango lt lt docs not forco somo docldod actlon. j You mako uae of ono expresslort, howevor, whlch, ln vlow of other con struotlons placed upon It, roqulros moro Ught and olucldatlon. You Bpoak of thls Incomo Tax aB npplylng only to net Irt comes; you may bo entlrely rlght, I don t mean to dlsputo It, but slmply to ask for lnformatlon. IC tho act ln questlon ap pllcs only to not IncomoB. why is It that tho State offlcers or employes In tho btiBO ment of tho Capltol (1 presume ln other posltlons nlso) have thls Incomo tax do ducted from thelr salarles In cxcess of $G007 I don't mean that they are pald thoir salarios In full and allowcd to pay tho incomo tax back, or to construe tho law llke other cltlzens of tho Common wealth, but that the income tax ls with held, and they aro slmply pald thoir sala? rles In cxcess ot $600 after the Income tax has been doducted. Now, lf thls ls tho proper construction of the law, lt would appear to bo a tax on gross n comea. lf tho law applles only to not In comcs. then lsn't tho wlthholdlng of tho Income tax on salarles of State offlcers or employes ln cxcess of $000, Ulogal? Isn t lt slmply an asaumptlon on the part of the Bta,te that tho salarica In excess of SCOO are net lncomos to these offlcors or employes? If logal and rlght to tax State offlcers on thelr Incomoa . or rccelpts^in excess of eOOO, would lt not bo equltable and rlght to place all other cltlzens on the same footlng? The law Is rather obsctiro on thls polnt, nnd needs to bc construed nnd made so plaln thafthero can be but one construction placed upon lt for all the cltlzens of tho State. As it is now tho law is construed for the State offlcors, whllo lt ls loft to bo construed by the balance of tho tax-payers accordlng to thoir individual ideas. The Stato offlcors aro requlred to pay tho tax on thelr grpsa incomcs; tho great majority or tne remainlng cltlzens of tho CommonwenUhl construo It for themselves, and under tneir construction It menns not lncomos. AVhat does It mean? I trust you wlll call upon tho General Assembly or the Attorney General to construo thls law, and mako lt so plaln that allthe tax-payers, whether Stato olllceorr or not, may fare allko and bear thla burden equally. Very roapectfully, R Aprll C, 1903. , [It seems to us that the State ls arbl trarlly taklng a "rako off" from tho sala? rles of ita own offlcers, and thereby ro duclng thelr not salarles when thoy Im pose an income tax upon the gross Balti rlea of the State ofllcers or employes in excess of $000, becauso the law provides, ln assesstng the Incomo tax of all other cltlzena. that not only shall $000 be de ducted from tbe gross- Incomo, but tho lntorest due and pald durlng the year, and /also "all sume pald for tnxea and for labor, /fences, fertlllzers. clover or othor seed purchased and usod upon the lands from which vegotables or ngrlcultural productlons wero grown or produced," and "tho rent of sald land pald by sald person:-If'he be not owner thereof,1; and "ln addltlon to the sum of $000, nsnfore sald, thnfo shall be det'ucted from the income from the person nssessed all Iosses sustaincd durlng the year." ?We presume that tho Stato has a rlght to make any terms lt can wlth lts of? flcors and employes as to what salarios Bhall bo pald and what deducttons shnll be made, but lf a snlnry of the samo nmount as that nomlnnlly pald by tho State should bo pald by a corporatlon or rther employor, thnt salary would be llablo to deductions beyond $000 allowed whlch tho Stato does not deduct. The A policoman is trying to arrnst theso two nRhUng men. Do you seo Wml Sofution of puzzlo in yosterday's Times-Dispatch: A silhouelto of hls fathoe. ls formeil by tlio boy's cout, if you tuin tho piclma njisido down, ? llgent man must recognlzo tho fact that great rosulls can bo obtalnod by tho associatlon of; far grentor than by tho jndependent actlon of lndlvldunls. Modorn oivlllssatlon prooes thls fact, apd that Stato wlll lead ln progreas whloh wlthln Judlelnus Imlts grants tho must llbeml chartors to trusts and corpora? tlons. Our Vlrglnla Leglslatmo mado a groat and serlous mistake when lt re fusod to charter tho Amorlcan Tohaeco Company. The only result of the rofusal was a great nscunlary losa with nbso lutely no componsntlng advantago. Dom agogues, aoulnllsts, ward politlctuns, and many really good men who do not un derstand tho stuatlon do great harm by the Indlscrimlnnte war whlch thej nmka upon all rrusrs and corporatlons. Thoy diive away capital, All tho tendoncles of modorn clvillzatlon polnt lrreslstlbly to tho greater growth of trusts and cor? poratlons, , _ . . ., Thoy aro n norosslty, Groat Invontiona havo altored oconomio probloms; thoy havo matorlnlly clmngod the solonco of polltictil oronomy. Tlmo and Bpneo havo ln groat jinrt boen pnnlhllatad, If It-mny uso such a n*rm und Cnllfomla and Vlr? glnla aro pajiror togothor to-day than Vlrglnla and Kentuclty woro ono hiin drod yeara Blnco, Chemlat.vy haa nindo Bueh glant utrldes that spoolaliatH havo beciimo noooswiry ln many brunohos of biiBlnosd, lt doe? not appoar lo tbo wrlloi* that thot'o ln nny dangor tliut trusts wlll ohtaln too muoh power f"r they wlll ulways ho controllad by lugltt malo compelltlnii. 'I'he inonieat tha truat nlaees too hlgh a urlco upou uny nrtiule slmplo fnct Is thnt tho Incomo tnx law Is ln a stnto of hopeless confuslon and can not properly bo nsaessed or collected untll lt la clarlfled by preclse legislatlon on tho subject.?Edltor.] ? i A Reply to Mrs. Logan. Edltor of the Tlmea-Elspatqh: SIr,?Thero Beems to me to be tho,samo troublo wlth Mrs. John A. Lognn's artlolo on tho negro questlon, which tippeared in a roceut lasuo of your papor, that there ls wlth lha wrltlngs of most northern people on that subject, to-wit: a lack of knowledgo of tho real condltlons ln the South. I do not questlon tha lady's sln corlty, or her deslre to be falr e.nd just to our peoplo, und yet, lt Is palnfully ap parent to any one at all famillar wlth prevalllng condltlons, that hor artlcle ls based on hearsay, or second-hand eyl dence, Lot us nnalyzo Jier atatementa for a momont. She says that "thelr antugo nlBin3 nro toward the raoo and not to ward tho Indlvldnals of the race. Thoy do not curo how l'ortunate nnd sueeoHaeul a negro may bo, lndlvldually, provided ho nohlovo Hiiecuss ln tl'olda away from tho ( lt ls tho proBonco of the ne? gro In an olovatod i>osltlon that exoltes thelr nnlmoslty." In mnklug the abovo atutom'ent wlthout quitllfylng lt at all, Mrs, Logan rtous us un lujustloo, Our unlugorilBiu ln not urouaed agalnst tho elevatlon of the negro, unleas lt be to poNitlona whure he wlll he ln authorlty over iib, wo, our women ai)d OUV chlldrcn, wlll be cumuullcit tu> onma Thttlhlmer,& Thalhimer's, Zxtraordinary Jtf/Y QarqaltXS Our Qreat Juit Sate JVtf Continues. Aithough the sak of Mts has been utipredecented. as our patrons have been slow to take advantag* ofthn dls coiint wa are cjfering tn Ihe J'ult Pepartmmt M have many cholce styles for your selection. , Collarless Blotise Suits, gray and blue mbrtures, trimnied ln fancy braid, now flaro skirt over good mercemedlining, 0?#* /j/j $16.00 value, for.T. V/l/.l/l/ "Walkinfj Suits, cqlors light gray and( Oxford, collarlosa blouse, double shouldor capes, blouse silk lined, tuoked sleeve, flared Bkirt, with yoke trimming, <fr/? /)/) $20.00 suit reduced to.....?......,;/ 9i9,VYf Walking Suits, blue canvas witli lnvisiblo stripe, jackets col-1 ' larless, tucked, double-breasted eton, triple shoulder capeB, jackei silk'. lined, postilion back, kilted flare skirt, $26.00 ?*/) qA suits"reduced to.-.";... y>6V?W Skirt Qargains. Headquarters for Pedoatrlan Sklrta and all the new Idoaa In Vollo, Eta nilna and Sllk Sklrta. Podestrlan Sklrta. llght and dark gray, navy and black melton, par.el front, stltchcd seams, well tallorod, , nt. . $2-98 Black Cloth Dress Sklrta. /7-gorod flarei' each seam laffe'ta trlmmed, $5.00 vaiuea, for.$3.98 Pedestrian Sklrts, gray,' blue and brown. lnvisiblo plaid. lapped Beams. flnishod at bottorn wlth straps an.1 buttons, choice..*....$5.00 Etamino Dress Sklrts, full sweop, panol front, hlp trimming of tafteta bands, flnlshed at bottoni wlth threo bands to match yolco, for.$6.43 Silk Coats. Taffeta Plng-Pong Coats, plaltotl back and front, sailor ccllar, flnlshed ..wlth scart endsj klmona ^sleevea,' Btltched wlth whlte'or black, only $5,00 Peau do Sole Plng-Pong Coatu, plaited front, doublo box-ploat back, largo, fancy collar, tucked BIBhop sloeves, trimmed wlth black or whlte ullk brnld. for ./.$8.48 27-lnch Peau do Sole Box Coats, pleated front and back, collar trlmmett, ln oream laco medalllons,. front'ot eoi'.t flnlshed wlth silk ornaments, rfull sleeves, for.$10,0D Elegant assortment. of . Cloth, Cho vlot and Covert Jackets, from $5.00 to $20.00 ln contact wlth hlm upon tho foollng ot an equal. Whon negroes aro appolnted to pollUcal office ln tho South, whoreln, to alllntonts and purposes of tho nppolnt lng power, they aro our equals, then. and then only, is our anlmoalty aroused. When a negro, by hls our efforts or by appolntment, is raisod to elevated posl tlons whero tho dutlos.bring hlm in dl roct contact wlth membora of his own race only, we have napght to say oxeept to encourago hlm ln hla work. Take tho caso of Bookor Washlngton, for examplo. For years ho has beon the leader.of hla race in tho South, occupy lng one of the moat, lf not tho most, elo vated posltlons to whlch any have achieved, and yet, not a partlcle of an tagonlsm has no even aroused, nor has thoro beon the allghtest anlmoslty, hid dcn or manifest. The people of the South have stood by hlm ln every effort he haa mado for the upbuildlng of. his race. Hltherto, Booker Washlngton has known his place and kept lt, winnlng the frlond shlp and esteem of the vory best people of this sectlon. Whether tho wtnlng and dinlng ho re celved from Presldent Boosevelt and oth? er northern lovers <?) of tho race, wlll put, any fool notlons of social equallty ln hls head, remnins to be seon. So far they havo not, and he still retalns our respect and will rocelve our ald. Then take tho mlnlstors of the gospel of the nogro race, who havo reached posltlons of promlnenee ln thelr chosen calllng. Haa aught over been done by a southern man lndlcatlve of a splrlt of antagonlam to these? Why not? W.hy havo these, who havo reaohed tlie most elevated po sitlins in the calllngs montloned. recelved only the klndest treatment at the hands of tho southern pcoplo? The nnswer la easy, ln no s'enao of the word had we to deal wlth them as equals. Thelr work ls among membors ot thelr own raco ox cluslvely and instead of antagonlzlng them, we have glven of our meuna, our tlme and ourlnfluonco to holp them carry forward the work ln whlch thoy aro en? gaged. \ Mra. Logan questlons tho wlsdom xot the colorod race In "Insisting upon be? lng elevated to hlgh posltlons In tho South, or to undertako to force the South to accopt them, notwithatandlng lts pro judlco," and then says lt would soom "wiaar to avold oxoltlng these condlcta and to glve the colorod man rocognltlon in other fiolds where he wlll not be met at every turn wlth opposltlon and ln many casea wltla lnjuatlce," The wlsdom of the honored lady'a theory is beyond ques? tlon and should recelvo tho attontlon it doserVes from those vested with appoint lng powor, Wo of tho South. who havo sufferod muoh from tho ralslng of negroes to "hlgh posltlons" by Fedoral appolnt mont, would gladly welcomo the change suggested and hope it wlll be carrled out to tlie letter, but Mra. Logan falled to stato tho locatlon of that llold whero the negro may recelvo recognltlon to elevated positlons wlthout opposltlon. L'ot's seo lf wo can flnd lt. Doos she refor to tho North? How often has n nogro beon ap? polnted to office In a northern State wlth? out opposltlon? Does she for ono moment supposo thut lf Prosldont Roosevelt should so far forgot hlmself as to appolnt n negro poatmastor or collector of cus toms for the clty of Now York, ho would bo recolvod at all, to aay nothlng of wlth? out opposltlon? Mra. Logan doubtless knows tho stato ot the New York pulse wlth referenco to tho "Brother ln Blaclc" bottor than that, Thla Incldent recently ocourred in tho clty of Now York, and aervos well to illustrata tho general condltlons provall Ing thoro, At ono of tho leadlng thoatres, a negro troupe wns performlng, overy mombor bolonglng to the much dlscussed and highly-fnvored race. The swell negroes ot tho clty, taklng it for granted that' lf negro actors wore good euough to por form ln a theatro for whltos, thoy wero good enougli to ocoupy tho ground llood ut thelr porformanoa and lt would soom to a Southernor that thoy wore rlght. When they nppliod for sents, thoy were told wlth many exprossions of regret. that overy ono on tho lowor iloor was tuken. and they could only be accomtuo dated In tho gallory or "nlggor heaven" as it la oallor thero. From thls vnntugo polnt, they could catoli oooaalonat gllmpaes of tho stugo, whero tho actors woro dlsporting thomsolves for the beno flt of n small number of whltes nnd a largo number of empty seats below. All thls oocurrod ln the Metropolis, where the "sim" phlnes coutlnually nnd the "pa^t" stands squurely for the negro race. The Incldent ls glven for what lt ia worth. I read it In a Pennsylvanla paper and presume it ls true. The wrlter of the artlcle most aasurodly struck the key noto of the sltautlon when, ln commenting on the occurronoe, he asked, "can lt be that we really llke hlm <tho negro) bet tor at a dlstnnce? Is lt posalblo, after all, thnt the subtlo fragrnnco of tho Afrlean Is not us grntoful aa the violot, tho mog nolla or tho Chorokeo roso? Or la our natural hyprocrlsy just comlng to the Bitrface? Whother our prejudice ls natural or ao? qulrod wo aortatnly havo lt and It ls be uomlng more and moro IntensStled ln splte of ourselves." Kooim't that havo the rlght rlng to It, und Itn't |t wonderfully ye froshlng, comlng as lt dooa from a north? ern pon, , liivt to rolurn to Mra. Logan'a platt. If we cannot got "recognltlon wlthoul oppoeltlon" in the North,. where shall w? go? To tbe Eust, to--cultured Boston, whero our frlend BooKcr, Washlngton met with stichia cordlal recoption? Surely wa will flnd lt ln that State whero tho flrea of abolltlonlsm flrst burned, and the flrst . move was made for. the negro's free dom. i L'at us aeo. When Presldent Roose? velt' appolnted the negro Lewia to,! a.' mlnor posltlon ln tho Dlstrlct Attorney'a' orflce, I helleva It was, dld opposltlon develop. Wlth few exceptlons, the'press and tho people from Malne to Califorhln (excluslve of tho South, milnd you) ralsed thelr hands ln ,holy horror, saylng H would nover, never do. And this waa ? only a minor posltlon. What would they ? not have sald, aye, and done, had the.po- ; sltion been a "hlgh" one? True, the ap? pointment stood, and tho negro ls doumV less sorvlng the dear peopla to-day, bul still, lt was not recognltlon wlthout ojh .. posltlon. .??','?. .v We have lett only the mlghty Westl Surely, on her broad bosom there ls room. and recognltlon for all, and there the poor ? negro wlll flnd tho deslred haven. Thus^ ! far ln the world's hlstbry, no Presldent '? has soen flt to Infllotiupon the good peo- ; ple of the West ari appointment that moots the case ln hand, but thero haya been Omes when negroes aought honest work ln that land oE freedom, so we must';.: accopt thoir treatment as a sample. How about those poor black devlla, carrled to the great State of Illlnois to Work in the mlnes? What of the.treatment they re celved ln the house of thelr friends? \ Beaten. with many Btrlpes, stoned ana stamped upon and flnally drlven from tne State. , '?;???? ?'-'?'S Opposltlon of a rather Berlous nature wasn't lt? And thls, too, in tho adopted State of Abraham Llncotn the great ad-v vocato of froedom ;for the negro, and. tr. we mlstako not, th'o'natlve State of Mrs. Logan. Whero next shall we turn? Wa have clrcled tho globe; as lt were, wlth? out flnding that "flold" where tho negro . may go and "rocelve recognltlon, wlthout , meetlng with opposltlon at every turn.. True, wo havo not vlslted every State of tho soctlons namod, but we eelected tlre most representatlvo of each,. New York of the North, Mossachusetts of tha. Ensi and Illlnois of tho West and havo a rlght to conclude that tho condltlons exlstlng ln these, exist largoly ln the aectlOns thoy represent Isn't that the ?iy the South Is Judgert? Are not Iso lated casos of mistreatment of the. ne? gro taken by tho world at large to repre? sent the general condltlons proyalllng throughout the South? ??.-.;i .:??< "Sauce for tho goose. must be sauco for tho gandor," and we only ask that wo bo allowod to Judgo othors as they, judgo ua. :.<'-?"- - _ Ono further quotatlon from Mrs, Lo-1 gan's artlcle. and I am done. Towards tho close she says: "It has beon astpn- ; lahing that so many colorod men who have attalnod promlnonco by thoir In telllgenco and thelr nohlevoments in' the North, have gone bnck to the South to practloo thelr protesstoiiB,. or to pursua thelr vocatlons, whon thoy knew it would be imposslble to llvo down tho prejudlces agalnst thom." ' It isn't so very astonlshlng after all, when wo remember the opposltlon tha negro met wlth ln our search around-the globo for that "fleld"?; Evory negro who has over come back to tho South, haa dono so because ho knew, if he behaved hlmself and kopt hla place, ho would re? celvo botter treatment and flnd. the -door of opportunlty wlder open -here than ,???* .. where undor tho sun. . . . ,.'-, In quotlng from the arllole ln questlon I havo trled to do so ln auoh a way as to glve tho meanlng tho writor intonded] to conVoy. That ls, T have not solocted quotatlons that havo a dlfferent meanlng when used alono thnn when usod In connectlonwlth tho entlra artlcle and those who hava road lt, will, I wn sure, agree thnt noth? lng of tho klnd has been done. II. L. R. Mayodan, N. C. ...... a Not for Francls. Presldent Fruncls' doclnratlon to tha membors of tho Eaatern Mlchlgan Presa Assoclation visltlng the World's Falr grounds, to the effect that he ls not a, cundldato for tho Democratlo Presldent tial nomlnation ln 1904, and that he wlll not consldor sitoh an offer, should be con vlnoing to tho country at large. As pres, ldent of tha Loufsluna Purchase Expo sltlon Company, Governor Francls haa uudertaken to make the World'B Falr ot 1901 the blggast aucoesa ln the hlotory ot such enterprlses. Tha task demands his heat endeavor, and ha propoaes to meet hls obligatlons to tha ful!est Therefora he servos notico that the adlmnlstratton bullding on the World's Fair sita haa no, polltleal Presidoutlal llghtning rod aU tachod to it.?St. Louls Republlo, UAUNCHlN"<r7NgTMIUTABY PA? RADE AT NEWPORT NEWS TO MORROW, <. Unlted BUtus .troops. Rlchrnond roill tary end aelttts from Qanwan wawblp to parade, |i jound trip vl*. 0. A 0. ?*? eumloo.