Newspaper Page Text
w?^iBfl^^:'l8BffiBft I WHOLE NUMBER, 16,221. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNKSI)AY,.APRIL 22, 1903. PRICE TWO CENTS. SMARY QF DflY'S NEWS FORECAST. WASII1NOTON. Aprll ?.l.-Korecast for Wednceday nnil Thursdny: Vlrglnla ntil North Carollna? Gonorally falr wedhesdny and Thiiraday; llght to frerh north wliids. Thore wns no complnlnt ori 1 h?j scoro of tlio wdftthcr yo.toiday. lt wna a ploasant, uprlnglikc da.v, wlth cnoiiKh ehlll In tho ntr tO mako lt Invlgoratlng. To-day wlll plobably bd llkowltio. HTATE OF THE THERMOMETER. ? .\. .M. 63 |2 M. 67 i r, m.cs 6 P. M. 61 ? P. M. 52 U tnldnlght . 6], Avcrago . Wi lllghpst lempernturo yostorday. fi5 Jxiwoat lomneraturo yontprdny. 52 Mean temperalure yeatcrday..... fil Normnl tcrhperaturo for AprlKTi. 65 Doparture from normal temporature. 09 ]'j?i-lp|talloii durlng pant 21 hourB... .05 MINlATuftB ALMANAO. A \ II 22. 1003. Bun rlaba.6:28 I IlIGH T1DE. Run sets ....r,!.V) Mornlng.12:43 Sloon rlaes...2:3fl | Evenlng. 1:01 RICHMOND. Pctltlona asklng lhat the Trlgg ahlpyard bi'. ndjudlr-ativl lnnknipt-Ynung lady i.. ..hlili- :i yVi'ing iik'.ii for (in allcRCd In tuii-Rlchnmnd flnn kpIh a preat to bacco contraot-Jall C'ominlsalon pro tioui.ois now KlrtU'lure Ineompleto, but llty iifcint pay for gatne-County saloona to pay clty flcorisea?Appcal to Flnanca Commlttco for monoy for Hattlc Abboy Rnd Btuart monumcnl?Nnmo of mnn who kllkd hlmsr-lf betleved tn be Fulks ?Alfred Sandrldge aont lo tlie grand Jury-Jamcatowri Mll auro to paaa thc tionate tO-morrow-Meaaure almed at ChrlKtiau SclentlalB adoptcd by both branchoB of tho Leglalaturc?Joseph Jct forsoil cornlng hore BOOn-Amherst coun? ty polltloB-Plcnty of miiHlc for Cou fedcrate Rctmlon at New Orleans?Blll on"or<d to femoVe the ipmalns of tho wlfe and daughter of Prcsldcnt ^mcj Monroo to Ilollywood?Splendld perfortnance of Mask and Wlg Cltib-brerich contraot for Vlrginia tobacco to bo awardcd fioon ?DfatinKulshod educatora reach Rlch mond; propramme for tho Educatlon Con vj'iitlon, whlch meots thls cv^nlng-Cor poratlon Commlsslon blll comes up In the Benate to-day?Kcv, I3r. Kcrr may ac cnpt a c.ill to Baltlmore-Weddlngra tbls pvcnlng-Plaha bclng conpldfr^d td ald tho Chriitlan Advoca,te. MANCHESTBR -Watch and clialn Htolcn In Swansboro ??lia?iar a crerit succcss; proRramme for to-nljjht-l^uncral scrvlccn-Trlp of ElKa lo Riltlmore-Appllcatlon for a pardon-Mr. RobertyRass br-tter. VIRGINIA. Wyaor menllbhed for Congroas from Klnlh Dlatrlct-Pfistor gustalncd by conrt I'n negro church row in Potersburg ?-Rov. Georpo Stuart to coxiduct rcvlval sen'tceB in Pi.-teraburg?Sew buildinga for Wasbington and L,oo?-General J. C. Brecklnrldge's triliuto to Uio InstltutP A. T. Emlr/oy recommcndcd for Judge In Frcderlcksburg-Rlchmond chosen aa i:cxt meetlng place by Junlor Ordor Amer lcan Mechanlca-Polltlcal altuutlon In Zv'orfolk-Klrst ahlpmcnts of eottnnsoed Oll from that port-Goo. P. Terry leavca valuable estatc ln Mccklonburs-Rob crt Jlnmllton convlctfd of Ravensworth triiln wrr-cklng and glvcn (Utoen ycara Kcv/ bank, canncry And waBon factory at Claremont-LIceDaea for saloon-s hcld In nbeyanco In lyiin^nhurg-Royal Arcamnn Councll In aopslon ln Ronnokt;-Great Jnjury to En?tcrn Shoro pottuo crop Toutig man dles at Gate Clty from accl (tcntal Injurlcs-No Unuor Hcr-rifiOK grant .<i ln Piif-ylvanla-Dr. R. IJ. Pitt de llvera addr?sa at Alcxandrla church con Lenrilal-;?Chargo of hiackmall at Newpdrt News dl^m!.".";. <i-Xciv n.itlonal bank or ganized at Nowport Nows-Cannery to b<? bullt on Cheaapcake and Oblo prop nly at Wllllifmsburg. Marrlages-J. C. Hofholmer and Mlss Bo>-slo Wtay Hlrsch l?r In Xorrolk; L, T. ITardnn a:id Mlsa Gvrtrude A. Mlllor In Southampton; R. C. RaundorR and:Mrs. I.ucy R. MIIls In Fred Bricksburtr; E. P. Harppr and Mlss Otella Rogcra ln Plttsvlvanla; Thomas Garrett and .Mis:i Bllaa Walker at Vaahtl; M. E. Joiics a?id MIsb Llzzlo Morgnn In Arvo r.Ia. Dcatha-John H. Parklnson at v\Varn?nton; Mtb. IxiuIb C. .Toaepb.In Terro Haute, Ind; Mra. N'owell Combs at Gladosboro; Mrs. Sarah J. Ruffner In Fau quler; John Wr. Pcrklnson In Warrenton; jiimes jratincv In Cliarlotte, N. C; Mra. J. M, Moonftv In Cha.-lotteHvllIo: G. L. nshlln ln Dahvlllp; I">r. W.'.S. RobortFon ln 1'lttsvlvanla; Wamer T. Gray ln Berry vllle. NORTH CAROLINA. Capltol Clty Club to apond monoy ln beautlfylng lis lino apartmcnt club-house a.t Ralcigb?Several charlers granted by tho Seorotary of stato?Corporatlon i 'ommlsalon hoars tho complalnts of ahlp t?.rs?Mothpr and child drowned near Eljzaboth Clty?Crownlng of tho Queon of Carnlval and tlio coronatlon ball at Fayottcville. GENERAL. I.lpiitenant-Goyernor L?o. Of Mlssourl, who la wantPd ln the boodlo caae ln St. Jyouls, la sald to bo ln Staunton, Vtt. Moro troublo In Metropolltan Club ln Washlngton cver tho rojectlon of tho natno of Adjutant-General Corbln, of thc army-Coinmandant Dunlap, of thc naval statlon ln Porto Rlco, daro not cciiiio out of tho Btatlon for fear of belng aircslcd on smuggllng clmrgo, and tb? nolko aro not allowod to po In to rnaka llm arrest-Now York pollcii aro puzzled atlll ovcr the barrol murdcr-Flve pcr nona kllled In wrock on tho 'Frisco road .?Mr. W. 3. Uryau ln Bpeoch to Prc-aa Aaaorlatlon makes a bltter nttaok on formor Prosldont Grover Clevpland-All the Pennsylvanla dally papcra had repro Bentntlvca at tlio hcarlng on tho llbcl blll beforo Gpvornor I'onnypuckor? Stuyvesant I^lah, ,lr., lma ut 'length auc ceeded ln gottlng on tbo Yalo "Varalty crew-Vlrginla liunlK-rman tnatlflca to cliokliiK inan Who is accuacd of iihIiis malls fimidiilontly In an ondoavor to col Ject monoy duo hlm-Niimber of army officers in Alaska aro to bo oourt-martlal od on chargo of mlauso of pommlssary BUPPlJeB-May whi'at dl'opa moro than throo centp on an ondoavor to tinload on tlio part of tho Arinoiir Intftrosts. but rally camo qulokly?Now York stork Bxchango to rnoyo into now cjuartera? |,uinliiT iniiiiuiai'turors oomplete tholr tesalona and adjourn?Miss stauffor ap pointcd Bponsor for Now Orleans at tlie comlng rpunlon?Mr. Rlrhard caivort raylor marrles a Maryland bride-Col. A M Johlison, oiio of tno moat promlnent riilzons of Chftttanoogn, iilod yestorday Report that \Y. K. Vandorhllt la to nriarry Mra. Rutliorfurd belleved, do?plto lnok of ?onllimatlon of tho roport-Uoarlng be foro Commerce Cornmlaplon of complalnta of discrlnilnation railroadf. TWO BIG BANKS ARE " TO BE CONSOLIDATED i" - (By Asaoclatod Preas.) NEW YORK, Apill 21.?Tho atockhold ira of tho National Broadway Bank voted to consolidate wltli tho M^orcantlle Na? tional Bank. The conaolidatlon wlll go Into offont tornorrow and the buaJllOBa af tho Broadway Bank from now on wlll be conductcd at the heudciuartcrs of tlia Morcantile National. MISS STAUFFER SPONSOR FOR_NEW ORLEANS (Hy Aiaoclnted Presn.) NFJW OREANS, BA.. Aprll 21.?Mlsa Myrllo Stauffor has been appointed iponsor for Now Orleans to lead the JTnitod Confcderata'Vetorans' parade wlth [he fourteeu lieralda for the Suuthem YET MORE SCANDALS 1N ARMY Offlcers Who Were in Alaska to Be Tried. COMMISSARY STORES MISAPPROPRIATED A1I Offlcers at Skagway a the Time Are Implicatcd. POTATOES PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART Another Alaska Caso Relates to an Al leged Shortago in the Accounts of an Officer Who Clalmed That His Safe Was Robbed?The Names Have Not Been Made Public. (By AaaoclBted Preaa.) WASKINGTON, April 21.?Secretary Root has dlrectetl the court-martial qt a number of army offlcers In Alaska who liavo been chargcd with maklng uso of commissury supplies for thelr Indlvidual proflt. The papers in the case have been roferred to Genoral Funston. cornrnand rig the Department of the Columbla, with Instructlons to proceed agalnst the of? flcers Impllcated. It has been more than a year slnoe the offenBes were committed and sinco that time tho offlcers havo been under Inves tlgation. TTTe report of the lnspector who flrst went ovcr tho caso. covors more than flve hundred pagos. One foature of the peculat!on3 was In connectlon with handllng potatoes. Large supplies of thTs vegctablc were sent to tho post and they were urned over to tiadlngcompaTnyat a high rate. Although In tho hands of the tradlng company the potatoes wero carrlod on the books of the comriilssary officer as stock in hand until some" officer made purchasfe3 from tho company, whcn the stock of peta toes was reduced to meet the credlt at the eompany's offlce and the officer mak? lng the purchnses would be charged with potatoes. A1I the offlcers statloned at Skag? way at tho time wero impllcated. though it ls stated at the War Department that there were dlfferent degrees of responsl Wllty. Another Alaska case relates to nlleged shortapo In tho occounts of an offlcor. The officer clalmod hls safo was broken nnd the money stolen. The authorltles declded on a court-marlal. The nnmes of tho offlcers wero not mado publio at the department. Most of them havo changed statlon slnco tho irregularitles are said to have occurred. NO REPORT MADE ON GEN'L BALDWIN'S TALK <H.r Aosociatud Preaa.) WASHTXGTON, April 21.?Secretary Root has heard nothlng from Genoral Baldwtn regardlng the alloged Intervlew a fow days ago In which the General spoko of colored troops and Flllplno sol dlers. Colonel Mllls, Inspector-General. was sent from Washington to Denver to make a complcte Investlgatlon of tho af falr nnd with a vlow of having a ca-=e prepared by tho War Department, shonld It be determtned to proceed further afler the report from General Baldwln ls re celved. It is not expected that Colonel Mllls will make a report until hls roturn to Washington. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MAY CALL ON COURTS There Is soma talk of tho OttWBtlan Rclentists taklng tho Ilarvey medlcnl blll to thn Suprcme Court In order to test lts constitullonnllty on the ground thnt It abrldges tho rtght of free rellglous bellef. They made a strong flght both In tho Benato and Houso ngalnst the blll and ln favor of an amendment to exempt MISSING OFFICIAL IS IN VIRGINIA Lleut.-Governor Lee Wanted ln Boodle Cascs Said to Be In Staunton. (By Assoctnted Preaa.) BT. LOUIS, MO? April 21.-The Bt. Louls grand Jury tomporarlly adjoumed to-day to enable Circ\ilt Attorney Folk to *rlve hls attentlon to the trlal of tho loeal bood lers cases. Folk held a conference with Robert E., respecting tho return or hls brother, Lleutenant-Governor Leo. Aftor the conference Mr. Folk said he ex peeted Govornor I^eo to return to St. Louls Thursday or Frlday," Governor Dookery telegraphed Clrcult Attorney Folk to-day that he ha<] reoelv ed word that Lleutenant-Governor Lee ls ln Staunton, Va. Whcn tho grand Jury convoned this nf ternoon, lnqulry was bogun Injo tho moth ods used to fnvor cortaln race-track In terests duilng the closlng days of tho forty-llrst general assombly. thrrn<>e)rea from lts ppor.lflcntfon.i, ftr.d In bolh thoy lost, tho Knllam Cnncer Hospltal, the Keeley InstltMlo nnd the os teopaths havltig secured tho protectlon they deslrod. 60 fur th^re hns heen no deflnlt'3 nr rnngemont looklng io taking the rnatter Into tho courts, but it would nauso no Riirprlse should it rvnnllj' be tnken np in nrdT that tho etatns nf the Chrlstlan Hclentlpts may be sottled onco for all. FINANCE COMA1ITTEE WILL MEET TO NIGHT The Flnnnoe Commlttee wlll meet to-' nlght at 7:3fi o'clock, whPn all appllcatlons for a reduction of llccnse tax submittrrt to the noard of Aldermon wlll be conRid tred. The Re-sslon promlces to bo qulto lenglhy, as an effort wlll be mnde to hear from all of the petltloners, nnd each man wlll bo accorded an opportunity to pre sent hls caso at length. MEN AND OFFICERS MINGLE SOCIALLY friy AJlBoeUted Pre??.> PENSACOLA. FI.A., Aprlt 21.?Tho cltlzens of Pensacola last nlght gave a smokor to tho enlisted men of the fleet nt tho Armory Hall. Over one thousand were present. A pecullar featuro of tho occaslon was the mlngllng of the men and ofMcers to gether nt a social gatherlng. Admlral rtigglnson alluded to thls featuro In hls rcsponso to Ihe toast "The Navy." and oxprPFsed grcnt satlsfactlon. Admlral Coghlan responded to tho toast "Tho Mon Bohlnd' tha Guns." Colonel T. V. Kesslor was toastmastoV. The other tonsts woro "Wolcomo," re? sponded to l>y Jnmoa R. Lnndrum, and tho "Lndies," to ?vhlch Midshlpman Bris bln responded. Tho fleet wlll leavo Pen? sacola to-day. VIRGINIAN CHOKED HIN Interesting Testlmony in Trial Jn Baltimore Court. USED MAILS FRAUDULTLY This is Allegation Made by Government Against F. F. Burgess, a Lumber Dealer?Bought Lumber With out Paying for It. (SpeclaJ to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BALTIMORE. MD., April 21.?Addltlon al wltne.'ses told Judge Monis and a al wltnesses told Judgo Morrls ana a. Jury ln the Federnl Court to-day of thelr deallngs with F. F. Burgess,-a lum? ber dealer, who Is on trlal on the chargo of uslng tho malls in a schemo to" de fraud. Henry T. Mason, of Bloxom, Va., said that he had sold a car-Ioad of lumber to Burgess and whcn he fallod to get re turns, Mason carne to Baltimore. By stratogy he go lno Mr. Burgess offlce and trled to havo hls account settled. Whon Burgess refused, Mason saya he yiok Burgess by the throat and threat ened to beat hlm. "I am lh your hands," said Burgess, ntatlng a patent fact and the soft answer seems to havo turned away wrath. The Hlnto Bhlngle Company, of Mun ford, N. C, sent threo cw-loads of shln gle3 to Mr. Burgess, so it was testlflcd. They were worth $540. Two visfts to BaltlmoTe to seo Mr. Bur? gess were mnde by a reprosentatlve of the company and on each occaslon $5 was re celvod on account. Burgess to-day took tho stand ln his own behalf, and testlfled that he had to sell lvnfi'bgr for i'ess than It cost him. Lumber, he said, was "not as good as promlffed shlpments. It Is alleged by the government that Burgess hy menns of correspondence ln dnced lumbermen throughout tho South to shlp hlm large qunntlties of lumber for whlch he pald Ilttlo or nothlng. MOVE REMAINS OF -MRST JAS. MONROE Blll Offered In the Senate Yesterday by Mr. W. B. McIIwalne. M!r. McIIwalne, of Peterslmrg, offbr ed tho following blll In the Bonate yes? terday, and It was referred to the Flnance. Commlttee: Whereas, Jamos Monroe, twleo Gov ernor of Vlrglnla and twice Presldent of the Unltad Stutes, dlcd In tha cjty of New Vork, where he was burled and Whereas, Just prlor to the Clvll War hls body was rmnoved by authorlty of tho Stato of Vlrglnla to tho city of Klchinond, and Intened ln Hollywood C'emotory, whero It no wrests; and Whereas, his wlfo and hls elriest duugh ter, whoee dfuth had preccded lils own, were burled at Oak i 1111. the old honie stead In Loudoun county, whlch lias long slnce passecl out of the possosslon of the family; und Whereas, It is fltling that Iowd onos, though doud, ehould not be Btpu rated; therefo'ro 1. Be It enuotcd by tho General As? sombly of Virginlu, That the Bum of Mve hundred dollars &m) or so muoh thereof as may be necessary, bo and the Bame Is hereby approprlated for the purpose of removlng the remalns of Mra.. Monroo and of her daughter from Oak HUl to Hollywood. 2. That the removal bo undor the direc tlon of John R- Hooper, superlntend ent of Hollywood Ceraoteiy, upon whoso reriulsltlon the Audltor of ]'uh|ic Ac counts Is liistructcd to hls warrunts upon tho Treasurcr of Vlrglnla. ln such suins as may bo requiied. for all tho ex penso eonneeted with tho removal and re intcrment, not to exceod, in tha aggrogale tho amnunt hereby approprlated. 8. This ftct Mltull be ln forco from lts passage. ' ACTION OF THE TRIGG CREDITORS Petitions Are Filed in the U.'S. Court. AGGREGATE OF CLAIMS 1,021,982.87 They Wish to Force Shlpyard Into Bankruptcy. WAS A CLOSE RACE BETWEEN ATTORNEYS Tho Trlgg Company Glven Until May llth to Filo lts Answer?Not Yet ' Known Whether the Petitions Wlll Be Reslsted-No Co Rjceiver to Be Appoint ed as Yet. The Wllllam R. Trlgg Company, ship bullders, who wore forccd lntc a recelver bhlp last fall and have ever sinco been eirSeavorlng to effect a reorganlzatlon, were yesterday made defciidunts ln a sult to have thcm declared Involuntary bank rupts. Petitions were fliecl by credltors, whose clalms aggregate more than a mil llon of dollars, aekir.g the Unlted Statcs Diptrict Court to adjuOicate tho company bankrupts, To bc more oxact, tho clairr.n of credltors, includlng lnterr^t. !n tho cases of the petltloners. amount to about JI,O4O,00O. Two petitions were filed wlthln a few moments of each other?one by Munford, Hunton, Williams and Anderson end R, G. Blckford, the latler of Newport News, and tho sccond by Jo. Lano Stern and Cary Ellls Stern, representing smaller credltors. A Close Race. There was a close race betweon the at torneys to fllo the llrst petitlon, Messrs. Munford. Hunton. Wllllams and Anderson presentlng their petitlon lirst. nt 4 P. M. Just ten mlnute3 later the Messrs. Stern appeared on the- sceno and filed a second petitlon. Clerk Brady <>.?au>d BUbpoonas ln eaoh caae, both returnable May Cth. Tho do fendant or respotident Is glven until May llth to fllo hls answer. No Intlmntlon had last nlght as to tho plans of the company. wether or not they wlll tcslst the petitlon. The flrst petitlon wns filed on behalf of tho Seahoard Steol Castlng Company, a corporatlon ehnrtered under tho laws of the Stnto of Ponnsylvanln, but tho attor r.eys represented half a dozen other cred? ltors, whose claims aro embraced in the petitlon. The Messrs. Stern filed thelr petitlon on behalf of thelr cllents, the Frederlck Post Company. of Chlcago. Here Is tho list of credltors uniting ln tho petitlon filed by Messrs. Munford. Hunton, Wllllams and Anderson nnd 7t. G. Blckford, nnd tho amounts of their clalms are as follows: Seahoard Steel Casting Co. 4.7SO 61 Jameson, McKenzIe & Evnns.. 1,387 19 Commerclal Trust co., deed of trust with intorest from De MR. JULIAN HILL W1LL WED TO-DAY To Be Married to Miss Lucy Coleman Delancy Kearney InWashington at Noon. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WASHINGTON, D. C? April 21,-Tho marrlugo of Miss Luoy Coleman Delancy Kearnoy, of this clty, to Mr. Jullan Hlll, of Richmrmd. wlll tnko place in this clty at noon to-morrow. It wlll bo a social event of note. The followlng Rlchmorid people arrlved here lo-ntght, In company with the prospoe tlvo brido-groom. and aro staylng at the New Willard: Miss Lllly Hlll. Miss Mlldrod Hlll, J. L. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W, M. IHII, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. P. Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hawi-s, Miss Donnan, Mias I.indsov. Mrs. W. K. Addlson, II. W. Elferson and Bev. P- rianisoru Another party of Rlchmond people wlll arrlve ahout midntght to ottend the weddlng. R. L. Pnrrlsli, Jr., of Coving ton, Va ' L. J- Owen, of Evansvlllo^ind., and Snm P- McFheeters, of St. Louls, ar? rlve to-nlght to witneea tho ceremony, ? WAS NEAR LYNCHING BY MOB OF NEGROES (By A?? ?clated l*rts?.) NASUV1LLE, TENNi', April 21.?Ilenry Scruggs, oolored, of Frnnklln, Tann., charged wlih murdorlng Slmon Jones, another liegro, no ir Franklln 8'iturday, had a nnrrow esrapo from a mob of hls own race lnst night. Shoflff Tuckor, of Williamson, lcarned yesterday aftornoon that a mob was rnpidly formlng for the purpose of lynohlntt Scruggs. Tha negro was seoretly rerqovocl last nlght to tha Jall in Nashvlllo. The murder of Jones ls said to havo been a most brutal one. ? WILL MOVE TO-DAY INTO NEW QUARTERS (Spefilal to Tha Times-Mspntoh.) NEW YORK. April 21.?This was tha last day on whioh tho Stock Exohango transuctod i)llslno*s on tha Proiluce Ex i'hange, whero they Hnvo had quartors durhig tho onn^iruotlon of thelr new bulldlug. TOrPiorrow thoy wlll move Into thelr iicHV bullding, but no buslness wlll ba transact.-.i, the d.iy being glven ?v?. to tha dcdlciitlon cc-rouionlea, cember 1, IM2. 1.000,000 00 MefOhaht & Co? Incorpornted. 12,W)2 76 Intornational Sprinklor Co.... 1R0 95 Atnerlcan Steol Castlng Co.... 1,24(5 60 Keosbey A Mattiaon CO. 1.183 85 $1,021,870 R7 To thla must be addod Intoroat on nne nillllon dollars at B por oont. from Do c<s:nber 1, 1902, to date Tho olalmantB roprescntcd by Mcssrs. Stern & Stern and tho amounta of tlioir olaims are: Thn Frcdcrlck Post Co. $124 00 Tho Amorlcan Scrow Co. ?. 258-.2 Eugone E. Nlce. 9 4S Hayden & Derlo.y. 11 R4 Kanawha Ftlel Co. 20S 34 I0U K Gran-Q tofaf of amounta of clalma fllod against tho '\V R. Trlpg Company In the two petltlona, S1,021,9S2.R7. exclttslvo of coata and Interost in tho case, The Plant Not Lost. Tho cffort to force the company Into bankruptcy doefl not mean thnt tho sh-lp yarda are to be loat to Rlchmond rte cossarlly. On tho contrary tho more op tlmlstic rcgard the Invohintary bank ruptoy procoedlng as moanlng ultlmatoly tho salo of tho plant and therpaftor tho reaumptlon of the s.imo wlth a botter prow pect of profltable oporatlon. Unleaa tho company can miike lt appear to tho couvt that lt haa a roasonable proapcct of 1 q udating Ita Indebtedncss. lt wlll bo forcod Into' bankruptcy and that wlll moan tho aalo of the plant to aatlnfy the clalma ogalnRt lt. These are tho supply credt tora. who hav? been waltlng llvo monthB for tholr money. Thelr actlon In apply Ing- for adjudicatlon of the company as bankrupts Is taken to moan that they aro not hopeful of the auocosa of tho ef forts to recognllo the company. The Rlch mond crcdltora oxprosaed a willlngneaa to mako any concosslon to insuro tho re sumptlon of tho plant, but othora wero unwllllng to mako the noccssary concea slons. Miss Louise Lovelace Cow hldes Mr. Atlee. HUSBAND HELD REVOLVER Young Lady Alleges That Mr. Atlee In sulted Hcr, but He Denies That He Had Any Intention of So Doing. As tho result of an allegod insult to Misa Louii-e Borelaco, formerly Mra. Clifton Bowera, ono of tho lady walt resses at klrkwood's djning roora, No. 1208 East Maln Street, Mr. Jacob Atlco, a woll-known young clerk eraployed at tlie Old Domlnion whaif, was cowhlded yesterday. Followlng up what Misa Bovelaco con struud as an Insultlng- remark, made to hor ln the presonce of two of hor com panlons at Klrkwood's on Monday nlght about S::V) o'clock, as they woro about closlng the place, early yesterday morn? lng she ,armed herself wlth a new cow hlde, proceoded to tho Old Domlnion wharf and struck M_r. Atloe a number of blowa. Mr. Bowera, her former huabind, wlth wliom hor relations are friendly, accom panled her and stood by wlth a pistol whlle the cnstlgatlon was ln progresa. Mr. Atloo sald Iart -.iluhf that he had not had any ldea of Insultlng Miss Bove lave; that she had mlscotistrued a chance remark ho had mnde whilo llghtlng a clgar prlor to leaving tho restaurant Monday nlplit. "Tho cowhldlng amountod to nothlng,'' ho sald. "There wore only three blowa. I then oaught tho whlp and Mr, Bowera drow lila pistol, threatonlng to ahoot mo If 1 struck Miss Bovelaco. whlch r had no ldea of dolng." Tho cmployors of Mj\._Atleo speak In tho hlgheat torms of hls chnractor. The samo is truo of Miss Lovelace, who la regnrded by Mr. Klrkwood as a most oxcollent young lady ln ovory way. JAIL ICOMPLETE SAYS_COMMISSION But City Attorney Declares Question Cannot Be Reopened. Candldly lt may bo statcd that the dlf forenoe ovor tho sottlement wlth tho Stewurt Iron Works for oxtra work dono on tlio now ctay Jn 11 has aasiimed tho pro portlons of a nualdlo, as a result of whlch Uhi-BB hlffiilly constltutod bodlea?two Counoll Oommlttees and the JalJ Coin mlssion?aro wondurlng whcre thev ar>?. Tho contractlnjj bullders, however," aeom to bo Bafe, and ara consoqiiontly wony lng llttle pver the stnte of affalra whloh eonfronia tho muntclpal governmont. City Atturney Pollard yesterday a'fter noon took the vlow that tho Jolnt coni'er ence betwenn the Coinmlttees on Grotnuls and Ruildlnga and Flnanco, authoilzefl and Instructod by thelr paront bodlea to thoroughly Invostlgato tho, question of pa 'inent for extrus, haa no vlght logally to formulate n report, or that any report mado by them wlll be of no valuo, He holds the lnatter has alroady been sottled b; the rtrst-named committee, under whoaa supervlslon tha prlson ha? been erooted. Thla rosult la regurded aa ilnal by the legnl ndvlser of tho qlty!" When the oplnlon was read yeaterdoy aftornoon, tlie two bodlea bolng ln ges slon, there was nothlng for them to do but adjouru. Thls Uiey did. Bo, for tho tlmo belng, lt looked aa ir the problom had been eolved, but now comea tlio Jall Coiiimlsslon wlth a lengthy report, ln wlih:h tlioy aot forth tliat the prlson. Is lnadoquato, tncornplete and poor ly construotert, Thoy uiro that the numey for oxtrao-4ti,000?bo not puld unlll tl.e eontvactors havo lmprovod upon tha woik. Just what tho Flnanco Commlttao dld wlth the "report coubi n<>t bo asc?rtalned, but lt \9 po.-Blbio an oflort wlll lie mado to peopen Ihe questlou, lf lt cun poaslblv be dono Icgally. MONEY IS GIVEN FOR THE ABBEY Prompt Actlon of the Flnance Gommittee. RESPONDED TO PATRIOTIC APPEAL Wlll Almost SurelyBrlngBat tle Abbey Here. TEN THOUSAND ASKED FOR STUART A10NUMENT This Taken Under Advlsement by the Flnance Commlttee?Some Telllng Speechas Made, Last Nlght byArdentConfederates. The Report at New Or lean s. Aftor hearing a delogation of promlnont cltlnons adVanco welghty nnd cloquent argumcnts, tho Commlttee on .Flnance Inst nlght unanlmously reeommended to the Councll a rosolutlon. providlhg for the approprlatlon ln the nmiual 'oudgot for next year $50,000 to be addod to the sum already lnsured for tho ereotlon of a Con federate "Battle Abboy" ln Itlchmond. Followlng thla actlon, whlch wlll meet with hearty approval from the people at large, and doubtless be passod by both branches of the Councll and slgnod by the Mayor, tho commlttee consldered a peti? tlon from the Voteran's Cavalry Assocla tlon, asklng an approprlatlon of $10,000 for tho proposed monument to General J7 E. B. Stuart. No fVnal actlon waa taken, the body deferrlng tho formulatlon of thelr report to Invostlgato tho mntter fully. A STRONG COMMITTEE. Among thoso who appearod boforo tho commlttee wero Messrs. George L. Chris tian, John Lamb, John P. Braucli, Joseph Bryan, Rev. J, Wllllnm Jonos, Charles T. O'Forrali, Joseph W. Thomas aitd John W. Gordon. All wero nilke Intorestod ln tho two cnuses. In tho Interest of nn approprlatlon of J5O.000 for tho "Battle Abboy" Messrs. Chrlstlan, Joncs, Brnnch and Bryan spoke earnestly nnd feellngly. urglng a gunran tco of tho rcquested sum, tho nionoy to come out of the budget next year. It was shown tho commlttee th;it It Is ab solutely necessary that Judge Chrlstlan, treasurer of tho Confedoratc Memorlal AsSoclatlon, report at tho Confederate reunlon at Now Orleans that Rlchmond had suhscrlbed an amount sufflclent to make up the needed $200,000, olse some other clty mlght bo deslgnated as the prcper plnco ln whlch to looato tho ah bt-y. A slmplo gunrantee from the Coun? cll would he sufTlclent. The spenkers assured tho body that once tho $200,000 wns ln slglit tho amount would bo materinlly lncrensed, as a ro sult of whlch n t?rand odlllce, costlng a hnlf more, would bo hullt withln tho gates o'f this hlstorlc old town. Several said that rather fhnn seo nnolher clty socure tho abbcy. they would stnnd an nssess ment for any sum, but they nrgued that Rlcnmond should pavo the wny by an approprlatlon. showlng to tho world lts clcslre to do hnnor to tho causo all South emers love so donrly. It wns shown that tho abbey wlll not only be n handsomo structure, where wlll he kept rolles of by-gono dnys, but In nddl tlon wlll sorvo tho purposo of a spnclouo audltorlum, givlng to Richmond some thlng slio hns never had and flUIng a long felt wnnt in this llnp. ? Tho munlfteence of tho Inte Charles Bioadwny Rotiss, who ga\o $100,000 to wards ostablishlng tho abboy, watf ro ferrert to timo nnd ngaln by Ihe speakors. REHOLUTIONS PRF.RKNTED. Followlng ls n cnpy of tho resolutlons prosented to tho oommltteo and whlch wlll doubtless bo favorably reported upon, In whlch event a speclal sesslon of tho Ccuncll may bo cnlled to conslder tlinm: Whereas. the Confedornto Memorlal As soelntlon has been ehnrtored nnd or ganlr.ed for the purpose of ?>HtahIlRhlnp a Memorlal Instltuto or "Bnttlo Abboy," In whlch nrA to bo gatherod nnd kopt sacred thn niomorlnls of the Confederato. causB nnd of struggle of tho neopla of tho Sont.h for constltutional freedom; And whorens, tho trusteos of said asso clatlon havo declded to locate said Instl (Contlnued on Thlrd Tage.) PLENTY OF MUSIC FOR THE REUNION Confederates Say They Wlll Have No Trouble at All on That Score. In referenca to muslo for the reunlon. Captaln Jamea Dlnklns, dlreotor general of tha Reunlon Assooiatioci, .,ow Orlouns, has wrltlen to a frl<end tn this clty the followlng; "I beg to s?y that thero waa not a word oi! truth ln It- Thero Is no tangle of any sort In our affalru, but, on the oontrary, everythlng ls worklng vory sat lafaotorlly and bouutlfully. Wa have all tho miiBlo we want, and. could get all tho muslc w? needed. In the beglmilng, the Musloians' Unton, feellng unable to oontrol the requlred number of bands, no tliled ue that no non-unlon bsnd would bo pfrroilttod to play ln tha parado. AVe, thereforo, gav* them notlce that w* would omploy such bands as we chose, whethor thoy agreed to partlelpate In tho parudo or not. It was thon suggest ed by them that tho Confederato Veto rans' Reunlon bo put on tha 'unfalr' l|st. Ttere was eueh a storm of protesta ugalnst it that notlilng more haa bnen beard of It," NORTHERN EDUCATORS ARE HERE Many Delegates to Gon ference Already Arrived PRESIDENT OGDEN WITH GOVERNOR. Agrees Wlth Cleveland on Edt , ucatlon of ihe Negro. PROPHESIES A GREA1 CONFERENCE HERE Mr. Ogdon Warmly Appreclates Recep tlon Here?More Than a Hundred Vlaitora Come In on Palatial Traln Specially Chartered, Programme forTo-Day and Rest of Week. TVDay's Programme. 3:30 P. M,?Buslncss meetlng for ?r ganlzallon and announcementa. 8 P. M.?The formal opening of Con? ference. Addreaa of Welcome by Qovernor Montague. Annual Ad? dreaa of the Prealdent, Mr. Robert C. Ogden. , 9:30 P. M.?Receptlon to membcra and gueata of the Conference by the faculty of Rlchmond College, at the college. All ae8slons wlll be held at Academy of Muslc, Elghth Street, between Grace and Franklln. The dlstlngulshed company of northern delegatoa to tho Conferonco for Education in the South, who were expected to usher In that perlod whlch Rlchmond haa set apart to tha graat meetlng, come last nlght, more than a-hundred strong, head ed by tho prealdent of the conference, Mr. Robert C. Ogden, of New York. Tho palatial traln of Pullmana reacbed Rlchmond Jtist beforo 8 o'clock, unques tlonably bearlng tho largest number of wldely known popple ever at a ainglo tlmo Rlchmond bound. A number of Rlchmond gentlemon from tho Executk^o and other Coramltteea ot tho Rlchmond education Assoclatlon went to Aahland on tho lato Beaboard train, and there boarded the apecial traln to boar the grcetlngB ? of ? the Rlch? mond organlzatlons and escort tho vlaitorB to the clty. Mr. Ben B. Valentlno. Mr. W. S. Copeland, Mr. R. A. Lancaster, Mr. W. A Crenshaw, Mr Lewla Wllliams, Mr. Meade and other3 com poaed tho Rlchmond delegatlon. They wore met on entering the traln by Mr. Ogden hlmsplf, who knew poraonally Mr. Valentlne, Mr. Copeland and others from thla clty. Tho brlef perlod between Aah? land and Rlchmond was apent In maklns lntroductlons and hand-shaklng TN RICIIMOND HOMES. At Elba many left the traln. GeneraJ Managof S. H. Bowman, of the Rlchmond Transfer Company, had carrlages there. and at the Unlon Depot for the con-i voyanco of tho -vl.sltors to thelr temporary homos. The far greatcst number went to prlvnte rosldences, only a few golnfir to tho liotels, Mr. Ogdon, wlth severnl others, wera drlven to the Executlve Manslon, whero they wlll be the guesta of the Gr/rernoTa Tha conferonco prealdent was seen nt the Manslon later ln tho evenlng. He Is tho vory Ideal In personal appo:irancn of tho phllanthroplst: haa a flne face, open. frank. dlroet In manner, corillal and affa blp, maklng you feel as if you have known hlrn long after belng wlth hlm but a fow mtnutes. Bvery one says of Mr. Ogden that ho Is a master of detnila. He wants to see personally to pverythlngr, and the lmportant facts arn at hls fln srora end. Thla Is often taxlng, doubtless, but lt la ona' nf the elements whlch mak? hlm the great executlve of affalra that h? Is, Many know lilm as n partnor of John Wanamaker and manager of tho grcal Broadway dopartmont store, but far mor<t as the phllanthroplst who flnds tltna tc help those around hlm, ehlef nf all to ad vance the causa>of popular education. ?WON'T BAVE ANOTHER. Tho "Conference for Education In tht Bouth" Is a Southern organlzatlon, ye( Mr. Offdon la a Nnrthorn man. Ife oftei feela as lf he wnuld llke <o glve the'worK. over to some one else, but hls aouthern frfends, approclatliig his ablllty and vrls* leaderahlp, will not let hlm. They wll| not let hlm thls tlmo. ira sald last nlgh( that ho thought the ' conferonco would have nnother prosidont sooti, diut iils re< eleotlon la cel'taln. Hls realgnalloft would not even bo eonsldercd. No man In thls ooiintry angaged In slmllar worfc, Is personally tnore popular and mor* warmly apprcclnted than he, Mr. Ogden sooms partlculnrly jubflanl over tho prospects for thls conferencei Somo thlrty-five yeara ago ho Irlcd t? got to Rlchmond and forji long tlmo wai unablo to aucceed, Hla feellng of apprex clatlon last nlght when he recolved from ovory one tho moat cordlal receptlon waa prouounced, and he so exprcased hlmself In hia frank and cordlal way. n? lUriv? Rlchmond and Rlchmond people and fr, i cordlallty of ever)' ona Is very gratafut not only to hlm, but to nll tha poople'.j guesta from the North and South. Aa typlcal of the mnn Mr. Ogd*n at once began to glve Informattnn In detalj about the conference. hlmself addlng ln wrltlng the name of n membar of thu party "whom the prlnters hid omlttefl from thirmip, and wrltlng down tho of? fleers of the confprence. ON NEORO QUESTION. Mr. Ogden is a broad-mtnded man, and Is able to eeo the questlon of tha propop relatlon of the r.ices to each other ln th? llght the South aeea lt. aa Mr. Cleve \?iv4 ??..?, !t, and aa thousand* and bun