Newspaper Page Text
TENDENCY WASUPWARD Could Group and B. and 0. Stock Led Movemcnt. BIG SPECULATIVE PARTY Campaign Based on Gonoral Condl /tions?Disposition to Tako Prof.ts Led to Moder&te Renction and Close Was Ensy and Dull. (By Ansoelnted rrr??.) NRW TORK, April 21.?Thoro waa quito a comprehensive upward movement of prlces to-dav, led by tho Ooubl group and Baltimore * Ohio. Aa other parts of the llat camo Into tho movement a dlsppsltlotl became mnnlfest to tnlte proflts In tho earlv leadors, whlch led to a o renction all through the llst, and the close was Cosy nnd dull. Tho iiiovoment was attrilmted lnrgely to nrofesslonnl oporntions. nnd commission nouses contlnued to complaln of ihc llght .volnmn of thelr Orders. lt was pl.-iln, however. that a speculatlve party had been organlzod to advancej the mnrkct, and thev mado thelr oporatlona etTectlvo to-day. Thelr campaign sccm? based on genornl conditlons. Tho Orcat Northnrn dlvldond camo off that stock t.hls morn-. lng, and tho nssembllng of tho Northern Paciflc directors during the aesalon of tho Btock Kxchnngo gave haatirnnce that thnt dlvldond would rJxo be proniptly dlstrl buted. Speculatlve operntions wcrc cspoc Inlly markerl In thc Gould group, led by Wnbash prcferrOl. and especl&l stress was laid upon thc April report of tho Kansaa State Board of Agrlculture confilrmlng tho very favorablo governmont report as to the condltlon of wlntcr wheat. Tho advance ln Sugnr was on accoUnt of the rlse In tho prlco of tho roflncd product, Southern Paciflc was llftod 2 pnints lato ln the day on nn unconflrmed rumor thnt a settlomcnt hnd boon effocted between the Harriman nnd Kecno Interests. Some early hcavlnoss In Am.ilgn.mntd Coppcr ?waa" nccounted for by the Uinesa of the prcsident of thc compnny. but tho stock recovored. Colorado Puel wn.s weak wlth? out explanation. Ren'dlng Inggod ln tho advanco on nccount of tlO> openlng of tho Interstnte Commeroe hoaring of chargea of suppresslon of cnmpetltinn by tho coal comliiuo, but thls stock nlso be? came atrong. An uniisual largo numl/r of lndustrlnl stocks wero advanced from ir$2, polnts nnd beynnd, thnt for Steel Foundry. whlch gnlncd 8; Sloss ShelYlcld Steel, 4%; Wostlnghouso Floo trlc. G, and thc flrst preferred 8. Tho pro fesslonal contlngont among tho tradera laid some stress upon to-triorrow's ontry Into tho new oxchango quartora as propor Bcntlmcntnl groiind for advanclng prlces. Purlng the last hour of tho market trnd lng was considerably neplected on account of the divorslons lndulgcd In by the brok ers ns nn Incldont to the oloslng of busi? ness In thoir tempornry quarters on tho Prodnce Exchange floor. An Incldont of the day wae the resumptlon of tho rccord lng of trnnsnctlons in odd lots on the tnpo. whlcli must be rognrdorl as n symptom of the relntlve dullnoss to whlch business ln the stock mnr.k?'t hns fnllon. Money contlnued to work cnsler with cvory prospect of nddttlonal relaxatlon, and tho reeent upward courao nf oxchango was also choCkod to-day. Fricea of bonds movod upwnrds ln sym pathy wlth stocks nnd on n fnlrly well dlstrlbuted dorhand; Totnl snles. pnr value, 13.110,000. Unlted Stntes bonds were all unphangdd on the lnst call. Tho'totnl snjos of stocks for thc day ?were Ttfiooo shnres. MONKY v"NTi r"CnA"~-F?Cl.nS'";: Money on call stondy nt 3@3V6 P?r cent.; closlng offerod at ^1 per cent.; tlme money, Bteady: sixty days, 5 per cent.: nlnety days. R por cent.; slx months, 4%ffW}J per cent.; nrlme mercantlle paper, 5^5V4 per cent. Storling exchange ooslor wlth not unl business In bankoTs' bills nt S4.S7.1fi@ 4.S7.M for demnnd nnd nt $4.S3.!W4.84 for Blxtv dnv bllls; postod rntos, $4.Stv.-rTy4.KT. and'?4.8S; enmmoroinl billp, $4.83@4.S4! 13ar ?ellver. 5051; Mexlcnn dollnrs. .10i{,. Oovern ment bonds stendy; rallroads bond3 flrm. EDITORS' VIEWS rVhat the New York Afternoon Pnpers Say About Yesterday's Tradiog. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Plspateh.l NEW TORK. April 21.?The Evenlng Post. says: Further progresa appeared to bo made to-day by the flnanclnl con.munlty In Its recognltlon of the fact that roal eon dit.ions In the lndustrlnl nnd Investmcnt markets nre unchanged by tho Northern Securltles declslon. lt ls poaslble; lndocd, that some of the dny's recovery ln prlces may havo been, indlrectly, a result of that declslon. The gravo trouble wlth the money markcts of a month ago was that In tho f;ico of atatlonnry demarid for aecurltlea, supply was Incroaslng nl a portentous rate. -One. of the rocognlzed ronsequoncoaj 0l.,th.e t^lrouit Cqurt's pro nouncement ?' ha's boon abnndbnment of pomo of these stock-iind-hnnd-mnnufnc turlng enierprlses. Insofar ns thla is a tanglblo result, lt ls reasohablo that nvernge prlces for outstnndlng aeourltloa should havo. recovored. No prinolplo Is more fln.ilv grminded, though nono la nt timc-? Imrder to beat Into Wnll Strect's hend, than tho prinolplo that. in tho Btock market, as elaowhoro, inorensod out put wlthout lncreaacd consumptlon sig niflos lowor prlces. The market wlll no doubt tnke heod of the other slde of the sittiatlon. Kvlls, which have, perbaps; been mitigntod, can not be wholly cured wlthln a fortnlght. Thls Is now well undcratood ovon by ?profeaslonol Wnll Street, and tlie randpm predietlons thnt nn "old faahlonpd bull market" la now about to atarl excltf ln the purlleus of the Stock Exehange, mere ly a lmiguld smlle. Tho Commereinl-Advertlaor says; The optimistie feellng, refreshed tiy yea topday's developmonts, boili ln and out of tho market, was stmngly matllfeat ngaln to-dny. Prlces contlnued rid vnnce wlth reinai knble atendlnes'aj ln fact up to the en.iy afternoon there waa Hcar'cely any reaetlon worthy "f n?nio, lt waa noteworthy that nn hicreaslng '?b.'iro of the buainees orlglnated ln com m'.sslon houses. nnd that lt favorr-d very deoldodly the buylng slde, it would f?m that the lnng-awnlte.1 particlnntlnn nf ihe otltalde publtc has at lnst bogun to bo realUed. To-day'a purchnaea convorgnd prlnclpnllv upon tho unndar.l rallroad aharea, tho grenbesl strength nnpearlng ln Mlcaourl Paciflc, fjnion Pnclflc, South frrn Paclfio :>n>l Baltimore and 01 n TiendhiL- nnd the other coal shnres tnnved fnrward more cautiously. reflectlng some llngerlng doubi as to what thla woeK'H Jnvestlgntion by tlre Intoratnte Cnmmercn Commlaainn inay reBUlt In. Hut the wlmlo llst wns extremely strong. nnd tha buv Ing everywhere oxprnsslvo of ronfldenca Although tlme money rate? wen- sllghtly flrmer than yesterdny. th<- noaltlon of Ihe money market rontlimeil hlirhlv an( Isfactory. The bnnks have tnknn ovnr S2.0OO0O0 from the Sub-Treamiry sn far or. tho week I' waa the r>a?lor tendpney of money whlch undoubtedly furnished the maln aupporl to t ln- atoek market, Profit-taklnK. nnturaj nn tbo evo of a (ESTAI1PIHHKI) 1K53.) MEMBERS Hew Yotk Stock Fxchange. New York Cctton Exchanga. PRIVATE WiRES TO PRIHRIPfiL figARKETS, teiyestmenl Secursties, CXXD0000000^000^^ | OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK 8 _ _ _ _ ?_i. ?. rn ra.-inkfrn and Brolcers. SALES: 2500 Amerlcan Con com. 7000 Amerlcan Can pfd. 100 Amerlcan Grnss Twine... 600 Amerlcan Cotton Oll com 8400 Amerlcan Loromotlvo com 600 Amcrlchn Loeomotlve pfd, 600 Anaconda . 1RT.0 Amerlcan Ctr nnd Foundry. 11S.VI Amerlcan Sugar . HSfiOO A., T. nnd Snntc Fe com... 2700 /A., T. nnd Snntc Fe pfd.. 8300 AmnlgR.mnted Cni.per . 88000 Baltlmoro and Ohlo. 12500 Brooklvn Knpl.l Translt... P7.-.0 Catiadlan Paclflc . 80ofl Chesnpeake nnd Ohlo. 800 Cannda Southern . 800 Colorado Southern com. 1100 Colorado Soutlieru lst pfd. 400 Colorado Southern 2d pfd, 3S2O0 Chlcngo, Mil. and St. Paul., 2800 Chl., Bock Island and Paclflc 2000 Colorado Fuel nnd Iron.. 2200 Cblcago Oreat Westent.. 300 C, C. C. ond St Lonlfl. 4100 Consolldnted GnB . 300 Delnware and Hudson.... Del., Ln.ek nnd Western., 2.132B Hrle com. 1300 Krle lst pfd . 4700 Erle 2d pfd. 1400 Genoral Electrlc. 2K5B llllnols Centrnl . 2(100 I^eather .'/'V.!'*1 Ff.00 LoulSVllle and Nnshville. 241.10 Mnnhnttnn . 2400 Metropolltan . Co., Bankers and Brokers. I SALES: I 10Y) Mcxlrnn Centrnl . I65800 Mlssourl Faolflo. 3000 Mo., Knn. nnd Texas com.. 3700 Mo., Knn. and Texas pfd.. 6S14 New York Centrnl..... 1 B200 N. Y., Ont. nnd Western... ! S900 Norfolk njid Westorn. S2D20 Pennsylvniila. i 100 Pressed Steel Cnr. PreRSed Sterl Cor pfd. 4CO0 Peopln's C.ns Trust. 85200 Beadlng com..... 100 Kr-adlng lst pfd. 300 Readlng lst pfd......*... 1500 Republlo Iron nnd Steel com 840 Republlc Iron and Steel pfd ISGO" Sloss .??.\. 2700 St. L. nnd San Frn.nclsco.. 600 St. L. and San Frn.n. 2d pfd Seahoard Alr Line com. Seahoard Alr Llno pfd. 5100 St. L.-and Southwestern pfd !72<X) Southern Paclflc. 8125 Southern Kollway com. 100 Southern Ballway pfd. 2175 Tennessee C6&I and Iron.... 8320 Toxns Paclflc . C4210 IJnion Pnellle com. 560 Unlon Pnclflc pfd....-.? 10240 Unlted States Steel com.. 3!)T, ITnlted States Steel pfd.... 3400 Vn.-Carollna Choin. com.... 8f<) Viu-Caroltna t'.hem. ]ifd.... 2UU0 Wabnsh com. 17!>oo Wabash pfd. 27oo Western unlon. 1??) Wlsennsln Centrnl. 1200 Wlsconslii Central pfd. CLOS1NQ BOND QUOTATIONS. U. S. refundlng 2's rcglstered. lOTi U. S. refundlng 2's, coupon.100>.i U. S. S's, reglstered.ln"^i U. S. 3's, coupon 10SH U. S. New 4's, reglBtered. !"? U. 8. New 4's, coupon. 186 U. 8. old 4'B, rogistored.\\\ U. S. old 4's, coupon. i'1 U. S. B's, reglstered.}<?} IT. S. 6'b, coupon . '"*-? Atchlson, genernl 4b....;. ?w. Atchlson. adjustnient 4 s. ,J5f? Baltimore nnd Ohlo 4 s. Baltimore and Ohlo 3V6 S....,? Baltimore nnd Ohlo Conv. 4s...*.1W Cannda Southorj! 2d's .]'^ Central of Georgia 6's.. w<}* Centrnl of Georgia lst Inc. ?M Chesaponko and Ohici.? s. to ChlcagO andi Alton 8f.B........;.. 'gft ChidagO, B. nnd Qulncy new 4 8...... .- j Chlcalo M. and St. Paul gcn. Ib.... 10S% Chlcago and Norlhwestern con. 7's.... 132H ClllcagO, Hock iBland and Pnc. 4's... lOuJi C. C, C. nnd St. Louls gen. 4's. ?!. Clitcngo Termlnal 4's. JjJ ColOradO nnd Southern 4'b. 8J Denver and Rio Qratlde 4's.v. ?,. Erlo prlor llon 4's. g?M Erlo General 4's . .<?., Fort Worth and Denver Clty lsts,... 109L Hocklng Valloy 4%*s. JSJJ4 Loulsvlllo and Nash. Unlfied 4's. 101W Manhattan Consolldatod gold 4's.... WVA Moxlcan Central 4's. 78 Mexlcan Central lst Ino.,. 2fl Mlhn. nnd St. Louls 4's.?. 9? Mlssourl. Knn. nnd Texns 4'b. 99V4 MlssOUtlj Kan, nnd Toxnn 2d's. 81 Now York Centrnl gen. 8V4's. 100% Now Jersoy Central gen. 6's. 130J4 Northern Paclflc 4's . 102W Northern Paclflc 3'b.l'y Norfolk and "Western con. 4'n..,. 9S% Readlng General 4's. P"V4 St. L. and Ir6n Mountaln con. 5's. 111% St. Lotiln and San Franelsco 4's. Pr;H St. Louls SouUiwestern lst's. 0*c* St. Louls Southwestem "d's. 8,' San Alitoirlo aJid Arkansas Pass 4's.. 83 Southern Paclflc 4's. &Q Southern Rallway b's. HJ Toxns nnd Paclllc lBt'a. B7 Toledo, St. L. and Western 4's. il'/i Unlon Pacinc 4's. If-'fc I'nlon Paclflc conv. 4's. 102*4 Wnbnsh lat'B. 117 Wabaab 2d's . 107V4 Wabash Dob. B's . 7tPA West Shore 4's .109JC Wheellng and Lake Erle 4's. 92ft Wlsconstn Centrnl 4's. 91 Contlnentnl Tobncco 4's.*. {>-% Colorado Fuel . 85 lloek Island . S7"A Pcnnsylvanl. 9S M, nd O., collatoral trust 4's. 94 Centrnl of Georgia 2d Inc. 3i> Va.-Carollna Chemlcal Co. com. 02*4 Va.-Carollna Chemlcal Co. pfd.123 holiday, caused some recessibns Vta. tho last hour, but tho close was decldedly strong. Tho Mall and Expross says: .????,,. The Now York Stock Exchango brought Its occupancy of part of tho Produco Exchange floor to a close to-day wlth a. feellng of cheorfulness, such ns has not beon wltnossod ln the stock markot for a lonc time pnst. There seomed to bo a dlsposltion on the pnrt of nrembors geii orallv to preparo tho sttuatlon for a Btron'g opening on Thursdny. when busl ness wlH be Innugurated in tho new homo of the Exchange. -?<??? To-day'n rnlher shnrp ndvance ln prlces, with an approach to ijWW^* garded as a necessary prcliminary to such n'ofOPceon.!r=Rc" condltlons that provnlled on to-day's mnrket could not havo been ot> talne.l except for an lmprovement ln the Bituatloii. and It cnnnot be denled hat imnrovement hna certalnly taken Pla?e of into Yesterday's modlflcatlon of the Northern Securltles decislon loglcnlly wns lisffr;?ri!,rs,:s beyond that time._ (Uv AssorlntP.l Pr'wui.) . ?N'FW YORK. April 21 .-All grades of ro hhed! sugar woro advanced 5c. a hundred pounds to-day.______ RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond, Va., April 21. 1003. Vlrglnla Ccntur'los-JV.OOO nt 92; $4,000 at <i*>- J3nn at 92: $2,000 at 92. , . ' Vli-B nla Trust Company-3 shares at 116. Vlrginla-Carollna Chemlcal common-15 ?M"TPATE I'ECURITIES. Bld. Aslced North Carollna 4's. O. 1910..- .102, ?;,?, Vn. 3's. new, C. and B. 1032.... M . Va. Centuries, 2-3, C. and R. 91% ?' Atlnnta and Charlotle lstTa R-. ... m A. C. L. R. R. Con. T 4s,'... 94 ... Chnr., Col. nnd Aug. -'d 7 s.-C... 11- ??? Georgia Paclflc lst 6's. C.|1922v, \f ??? Ga., Eouthem nnd Fln.. 1945..., "* ??? Nor. nnd West. By. 4's, 1996.... 9- ??? N W Uv. Poeahontns 4 s- Jl Pct. CTass A Fs. B, C.. ,920.... B2 .. Pet Class B 0 8; B. C., &*?'?? *f. '" Rlelt, and Meck. lst . 1948.... ^ ??? Sotlth-Bound lst 5's 1911.W ..? S A L. Con. lst 4's. 1950...... M * S A' L. Collatoral Trust 5's.. 102% 103 RAILROAD STOCKS *"*"V Atlantlc1. Const Line "A"?'.'.:..100 127 ... Atlantlc. Const Line com.... 100 127 ... Ga., So. and Fln. lst pfd....l00 98 ... Nor. nnd Western com.100 71% ... Seaboard Alr Line pfd.100 39% . Beaboard Alr Line com.100 .-Vj ... Southern Rnllway pfd.100 K. ... Southern r.f.lhvay.'om.......100 31 ... R/VNK AND. TRUST COS. Americnn Natlonal . ? ,?_ "<n BroadrStreot Bank .-? -W. -< First Natlonal .100 -UU Motropolltan Bank of Va....25 ... 2?j f'et. Savs. nnd Ins. Co.20 71 75 Planters Natlonal .100 S-12V4 85fl Rlch. T. nnd S. Dep. Co....100 150 157 Stato Bank of Vn.100 ... 100 Boiithern Trust C <>.100 11_*_ ... Unlon Bank of Rlchniond....50 UVIVs 165% I N SB lt A Nf F ' !OM I'A N1 E?. Va, FJre nnil Mai'lno.25 37% ??? . IHfi I I.ANliOIIB Anier Tob. Co. pfd.. 8 p. C...100 ... hfl Amerlcan Loromotive pfd....100 93V4 95 Amerlcan Locomotiyp com,,;.log -. ... Consolldotod Tob, 4's Uonds..l00 02% ... Old Domlnlon S. S. Co.100 130 ... Va.-Car. Chem, pfd, 8 p. c,,.100 122% ... Va.-Carollnn Cliern, com......100 ''-'.i 63 BALTIMORE STOCK' MARKET. BALTIMORE. MD., April 21.-Seahoard Alr Llno common, 24M<pi?.4V4i do. preforrod, :::."i. Seaboard 4'a, 81*u<PlV4. Atlantlc Coast Llno common, lWHwW: do, proferrcd, no salo, WALL STREET QOSSIP Higlicr London Prices He'p Tliings' Gould Brokers tlic Factor. (Sj...-liil to Ttic 'I'luit'a-niaiiuteh.l NEW YORK, April 21.?The openlng on i tho stock Exchange was gonorally ilrm, eneouraged by tli" hlghor Bondon prlcos ? and the buiiish ntlltude of n.e loadlng professlonnl Bueoulators Tho loaii crowd hnd i)<>r dlBclnsod any importani short 1 interest, l.ut [he lloor tradora were dls npHed i" b>'ii' tho advnnce. nnd upon the w.hole wore iiui.jsh. Tho marltot from '!"? outnet pald vor>' 1 i11U- atteiilloii to th" Intei-atntQ Commorce1 Inaulry Into tho . t ,ni of thn iinti.n.cltc coal roads, Th. earninge were a matter of conslderahly in ii. linportanco, and ;..> the Bhowlnga for March wero oxpooted t" bo very pood ,-iii thosa Ibsuos Improvod, wlth pernapa tl>. bo?i of the biiyliu! ln Erlo, BALT1m6rE ri OHIO: Tho sut't coftlers were genrrally stropg under tho load of Baltlmaro nnd ohlo. and wero matorially helped by the adjitstmont or all dlffl.iililcs wlth the tnlners, whlch w;is regardod ?'.* .. very Important polnt, (?spoclally by the Phlladolphlu houses, ST PAirL FIRM: St. Paul was flrm and was not material !v affectcd t?y lha lllness of Mr. II. H. Rogera, Hls frlcnds in the Btreei reported biill.-sritetniy n.-WH of I.Ih COIldltto.l. i'J.:.\Si)\'AI'.l,V ACTIVF.: T.hc flrst h,il"''s tradlng was reasoiiftbly actlve, i>ut ihc volumo deeroaaed grad< ually and there u.t> a tondenoy to rlull oi. the advancc. Hentlment w;.? hilr ly bulllsii, but on tha last day ln the Pro rtiic, Exchange there was nlready a hlut that prlces would be held ut, an<J that the members <ui tbc lloor iiiit'lii flo otlu-t ihlngB than buy and ,.m bI??? '<???? AMERICAN SUGAB B igar showfcd .. rather goo4 tone, ol though the speoulatlve accounl ln lt, ao? c/jrdlnjl to apt..-;: .:.!., ls uui cou&ldvrublo. Power Wali Stroet, however, was hullish nnd bought a llttlo stock. AMAPGAMATEP COPPER: A. C. P. aold off a llttlo on the lllneas of Mr. Rogers, but dld not act wonk, and the buylng on tho doclino looked better than tho selling. Boston anpenrs to be rather hullish, and the hlghor tendency of copper stock abroad ls regarded as cn couraglng. THE GOUPP BROKERS: Tlio Gould brokers wero fnlrly actlve and wero credlted wlth t.ho buylng In Wabash prefcrrod nnd debenture "B's" and Tcxaa and Paciflc. There wns no con flrmatlo.i of the rumor of an advance In tho Missouri PaolflC dlvldend. but some wcll-lnformcd people thought It would be Justifled on tho carnlngs. AFTERNOON TRAPING: The market waa flrm wlth nn advanclng tendency up to tho early afternoon. Tho Gould brokers seemed to bo the most nc tlve of the ropresontntlves of the larger Inlorests. but thoro was n gencrnl good iiMturori dcslre to advance prlces choer fully before thc closc, nnd thc room trnd ors'wero gcnerally hclplrig tho lmprove ment. RF.AP1NO COVERTNG: Rondlng reflocted thc covorlng of shorta on niniors of of tho trouble somc lf hor question. Thls wns moro cf fectlve than thc Interstnte Commerco ln qtilry. CANAPIAN TACIFIC: The strnngth ln Canndlan Paciflc nnd tho sympathetic advance in the "Soo" Issiies wero a plaln rcfloctlon of tho bull sentlment ln Montreal. Peoplo who represent the pool here. sav that there ls very llttlo stock floating In-the street. and thlnk thnt the pricn could bo advanced wlthout ninch dlfflculty. GOUPPS THE FACTOR: Thc afternoon tradlng was not speelnl ly actlve. but tho tone wns very flrm wlth an advanclng tendency. Gc/ild brokers contlnued the princlpal factor. But the prosence of a number of strangers ln town probably nccounted for a very falr nmount. of outsldo business. SOX1THKRN RAIPWAY: Tho bull tip on Southern Rallwny wns current and apparently traceable to b WesteVr. houso known to havo been lnter ested ln tho property slnco the tlme when Poulsvllle changed haiuls. SOUTHERN PACTFIC: The tnlk of Southern Pnclflc wns hull? ish, as lt was thought that tho market gave evldehoe that all tho pool holdlngs had been absorbed In ono wny or thn other. The Harriman-Interost was sald to hnve absorbed a good deal of stock ro cently. THE CPOSE: Tlie close wns flrm, and If not nt the bost of the day wns only n trlflo undor It, whero t.ho floor tradora look proflta; There was a llttlo real featuro to tlie market, ns thoro hnd been ln tho oarller part of the. day, nnd upon tho whole sentlmont wns choerful, nnd the early intcntlon to leave the old quarters In good apirlts was car rled out. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, April 21,?The cotton mar? ket opened Bteady nt unehangod prlcea to nn ndvanco of 2 polnts, but after a iiricf Intorval of ateadlncaa, dirvlng whlch the lato months showod rolatlve flrmnesa undor coverlr|r, turncd caaler, cllne waa duo to roi ewod ronllzlng and moro or less (fnoinl ftlllng, based 011 the contlnued tavorable wehther accounts nnd tho oxpectutlon thnt tho weekly Btate ment nf the Weatfier Bllroau would ro flect ,1 hlffhly favorahle outlobk for tho now orop, ln addltlon to thls us a soll Ing inotlve, the recelptR for the day were lieavy, nnd the outlook wns for smiill ox ports, wl.ile thero wns moro talk con cornlng tho llquldatln of tlie pool holdlngs. These fnctora brought about a decllno of S'BO polnts from the oloslng prlces of yes? torday, blll at thls levol the decllno sl.ieo the high polnt of lnst week proved at trnatlvo to Bhorts, nnd there was consld orilble proflt-taklng. Tlie Imylng from thls Hourna wns ii.sslsloil somewhnt by fresh purchauea for tho long account. orioour ugod by the rather less favorablo woather report. The report ruled rather steadler dui'lnu tho balance of tho soaalon, though m iimea Irregular, nnd was flnnlly very Bteady, nel uiiohliiigcc. on the neai' mont.lia to 4 polnls higlier ,in the Into posltloilB, Totnl sales futurea estlmatad at 150.000 hules. Uvurpool ln day wns just about aa Dxpeoted and exertcd llttlo Influence, Es 11iiiii 1 <->] recelpts for tomprrow wore mod erato and thls helped tho nfternoon rocov pry, Cotton tiitnres opened stendv nnd cloaod vory steady, Open, Hlgh. bow. Clos. April. .... 10.15 Mnv .#".10.23 10.22 10.10 10.1!) Jun'u . 9,77 . ?.7? ,Iulv . 9.S2 fl.82 9.71 9.711 Augiist . 0 4:t 8.40 D.Sii 1 8.43 Sei t.inber _ fc.95 K.7C1 8.71 h.'iV Octobor . 8.40 8 51 8.47 8.f<3 Nuveinber . Ji.3b 6.39 8.44 Pocember .8.30 8.44 s.3u 8.43 Bpot cotton oloaed qulet; mlddllng up landa, 10.35: mlddllng fs\\\t, lo.oo; snles, 245 bttles. Cotton, qulot! nilddllng, 10.35; not re? celpts. 111 bajoa; gniB*. 2.K2 balos; aales, g33 bnles; stock. K),UU7 baleu. Total lo-da,} .u all neaporu?Nel re? COlptB. 18.971 bnl.-s; expori to Qreitl Brltaln, 079 balep; to Ihfl * 'oiitinent, 100 balosi Btock, 168.418 bales. Coiiaolldated ut all BOiipo. ts?Not re celpts, K.847 bales; cxport to Q-r&at Brltaln. t-.i'-M baleol to tho Contluent. 9.558 balea. Total slneii Septembor 1st at all sea poit.s-.Ni-t recelpts, 7.20S.EC4 balea; ixport lo Grcat Brltuln. 'iWi.i% bules; to Franca. 720.700 balea: t<> the Contlnent, 2,091,197 bujei, N'KW OHI.EAKS. April 21 (MlTTON Svot coliuu wiw lu uuuiuwuut bottcr do mand to-day, though hoavy recelpts and an nasler Plverpool mnrkot hnd the effoct of keeplng tho iocni mnrkot qutet. The eommittee revlaed quotatlons rcduclng or dlnary and good ordlnary %o. each; low mlddllng l-lfic.; middllng nnd hlghcr grades unchanged. Futures at tho openlng were Kff3 polnts lower und durlng tho flrst hour of trnd ing May,, July nnd August decllned 9@i0 polnts, caused bv hea'y liquldation, whlch shoved out nsa.iy woak long?. Shorts covcred hoavlly. nnd as offcrings wero not any too free the market was soon sold out. Wlth tho domand gronter than offerlnga, prlces undor manlpulation of the long element were soon on the up? ward, and thls movement contlnued to t.ho close. whon prloo" wore about the hlghest of flgurcs of the day, showlng net ga.lns of 7@8 polnts compared with yea torday's closing. Cotton futures stoadv: April. 9.94 b!d; May, 10.01@10.03; June, 10.04^10.00; July, in.ri.irrno.07; August, 9.5W9.57; Scptembor. S..W,/S.K7; October, S.40S.S.47: November, 8.34@8.36; Occember, 8.34@8.35. PR0DUCE MARKETS. NiSTVV YORK, April 21.?FPOURr-Hold above buyors' llmlts nnd thon ruled dull all day. Mlnnesota uatent, ?l(ii4.30. Rye Flour?Stondy. Cornmeal?Steady. Rye? Steady. Barley?Qulet. Wheat? Easlor; No. 2 rod, S2Uc. Options opened easier, owlng to lower Freiich cablea, but obtnlned later streTf*0 through good support of May lit Chlcago, smnll Northwest recelpts and a blg de crease in world's stocks. Followlng a mid-dny brealc In May undor liquldation, tho market rallied a llttlo. nnd closed unesttled at 'Ati>%c. decllne. May closed at SlVic; July, 70% c; Soptem ber, 74c. Corn?Dull; No. 2, 55c. Optlon market wns steady to flrm thhroughout tlie fore noon on smnll recelpts, coverlng nnd steady cablea; Inter lt decllned partlally and closed Irregtilnr at unchanged prlcea to %c. not decllne, May closed at 53c.; July. oWc; Scptembfr, 49%c. Oats Steady; No. 2. 38c. Options dull hcro, but flrmor West. finally easlng off. May closed at 40%c. Tjoof?Qulot. Cnt Monts?Trregular; plckled belllos, 9%<J?109Sc. Tork?Steady. Eiard? Steady; rcflned, steady; Contlnent, $10.45. Talolw? Steady. Rosln?Steady. Turpentine?Oull at 52@52%c Rice?Flrm. Molassea?Flrm. Coffoe?Thc mnrkot for coffce futures opened steady nt unchanged prlces to n decllne of 6 polnts nnd contlnued dull and easy throughout tlbvo\>plhg further losses, flnnilly closing qulet on the openlng bnsls, wlth snles of 10.750 bags. Spot. Rlo, qulet; mlld. flrm; Cordova, 7%@12c Sugar? Ifciw, flrm; centrlfugal, f? tcst, 3 1110c: molassea sugnr, 3c; reflned, (lrmer, Confectioners' A, $4.70; mnuld A. $5.10; cut lonf, $5.45; crushed, J5.45; powdored; 54.95; granulated, $4.85; eubeaj $5.10. Butter?Steady; extra creamnry. 25c; State dalry. 17@24o, Gbeeso?Steady; Stnto, full cream, foncy small. colorod, fall mndo, 15c; do. whlto, fnll made, 14% c. Eggs?Strong; Stnte and Pennsylvanla, 10c; Southern, 15c. Po'tatoes?Flrm; State, $2@3; Pong Isl and, $1.75112; South Jersey awoets. $2.75'a 3.75. Peanuts?Steady; fancy hnndpicked: 4%i?4%c; other doin'eatlc, itfUMteo. Onb bagos?Stendy; Southern, 75c@J1.25. Cot? ton?By Hteamer to Plverpool, 12c CIHCAOO. IPP? April 21.?A aharp broak occurred ln MnS* wheat to-day, tho prlco decllnlng 3%c, fi/im the higli polnt on nn effort on tho part of the Armour peoplo to dlsposo of a pnrt of thelr Im inense llnc, 1ml tlie recovery was almost us rnpld as the hn-ak, and the close on May was only i<,fi%c. lowor, w.hllo July closed %'ri-Vio. lowor. Mny corn was %c, lower, wlth July unchanged, nnd May onts wore off Ue. Provlslons were steady, the July produota closing from a shado lower to a shnde hlgher. Thc leading luluies ranged ns follnwa: Open. Hlgh. Pow. Close. WHEAT?No. 2. May . 7P14 79 75% 77% July . 72% 73% 71',(. 72% Sept . 09% G9% 08% 6S7* CORN?No. 2. Ajirll. .. ?? ?% Mny . 44'J 44U 44 44 July . 41% 44% 44% 4W Sept. II 44 43% 43% OATS-No. 2. April. .. ?? S4?i May . 85?,1 35% 34% 31% July . 3I>7, 31% 81 31% Sept. 28% 2S% 28% 28% Mi"..JH PORK-T'er bbl. :, ? ? ' Mnv .18.15 18.15 18.07% 18.07% July .17.H0 17.70 17.00 17.00 Sept.17.2214 17.30 17.20 17.25 J.AHD?Per 100 Ihs. Ufay . 9 90 9.90 9.90 9.90 Julv .9 02% 9.85 9.82% 9.85 Sept.9,83% 9.85 8.80 9.82% BHQRT RIHS-Pcr 100 Ibs. May . 9.90 9.97% 9.90 9.97% .1,1 v ....... 9.77% 9.85 9.77% 9.80 Sept.9.07^ 9.75 j' 0.67V5 9.72% C.ish quotatlons wore aa follows: I'lour qulot nnd steady. No. 2 sprlng wheat. 79?f 80c: No. 3. 72c; No. 2 rod. 7507; c No. 2 corn 43% c : No 2 ycllow, Wl.c. iso. i onts, 84 %c; No. .1 whlto, 83%rcT37c. No. 2 rye. 50c Good ft-cillnK barley. 38c; fnlr to c.holco maltlng, 48<fif?4c No,, 1 llaxseed. 51.07; No. 1 northwostern, 81-H. prlmfl Tlmnthv Boed. $3.70. ? Mcsa pork, per bar rcl $17>.!2%W17.75; lnrd. P?r 00 poundj. MS7'W"0; shrirt rlbs sldos (looscl $9s.'o 9 9:.; orv .salf.l shniilde.^ 'hoxoc ?>???> ;?'' 8.60 ghort clear (boy/?. ?0. }''^"\( -'? Whiskey. basls Of IllBh-WJn^o^BuUar er, contract gnulo. $1l.50?li. 15utt'' woak; oroamerles. 18(fj/23%c: dnlrlea,160 22c Eggs flrm at mark, cnaes includcd, \\V(<QU%a. Cheeso stPHdy at Ijc. HAETIMORE, MD.. April 21.?KI.OTJrt? Fi,,n and unchanged. Wheat-Pult and lower; epot and tho iP,onth. iV^mw-, Bottthern by snmple. 77<jW16o. J ;" > Qulet und lower; spot and the mo. 11. 60V4?Cnt;c; Southern whlto. H>?; ??? ? flatH Flrm; No. 2 whlto, 41^U%o. ? ; E.iHl.-r; No. 2, 570. Buttor-Barely stoad.\ nnd lower; fancy Imltatlon. 2 .'>"??? ta"2\ creaiuei v. 20^i27c Kgg?. J < -hceao and Sugar- Fl. in und unchrnged. RICHMOND"ORAIN MARKET. Rlchmond, Va., April 21. 19uJ. QUOTA'I'lONd xVo^;::"v .?i w Shortberry . fl <5"M No. 2 red . ?* Va. bag lots..'. 's mi CORN? .. ?,, Whlto (Vn.) bng lots. W ??3 No. 2 whlto . ?2 No. 8 whlto . 51 No. 2 nilxrd . Wfi No. 3 *. *J" OATS- r No. 2 mlxed . *? No. 3 mlxed . ?' ?-, RYE . "" ?"s CATTLE MARKET. fltlCAGO, ll.L., April 21.-CATTLE Btwuiy Good t? vr|mn stoers, nomlnnl; boof "to medltim, $J.'.W(K>.W>i stnokerH and feeders. l4.BB0r6.l6i cows, J34H.75 h*VJr_T2j *l.B0eM.?il cannrrs, M.60H61 hulls, $1.60? 2.76; enlvos. ?S.??ff4.85j Toxns-tod steors, K.MVflC.W: Western steers. 844T6. Hocb Btr-nOV] doio weak. Mlxed nnd btitchors }7 lOlrt.SSi gt.od to choiee heavv, |7.40@ fraut m\Rb heavv. tMWMOl iiglit. tf.SWf 725; Imlk'of salea. $7.10ij'1,40. Sheep and Lntnbs Ettendv to 10c. lowed. Good to choico Wrtheti. $1 tv'n"6.B0; falr to cholco mlxed, Jt.fitv; native lambs, $4.60<?r7. NF.W YORK. Av?rll 21-BEEVES-No salev Pivssed beof steadyi clty dreaBCd, native wl.lea. 7<fr9%c. Calvcoft'tillB. Ve.tlt $ft.yi '.>'. .".?'; Clty dressed, 8f.1lc. por pnund. Sheep?Slow nnd Btendy: la.nhs Btromr. Ullpped sheep and unshorn lambs at $7.25. Dressed muttnn. 7M.?10%C, per potin.l; dressed lambs, E?itl3e. HogB?Flrm; State. $7.;<i'?/7.06. EAST BFFALO, N. Y.. April 21.?CAT TLE--Stoady. VealB, 25c. Inwer. Tnpa, $7'i.7.1'5; common to good. JB.ftWhJ.fiO. Horb? Falrlv actlv.y f/tflOc. Illgher. H?nvy. 57'a?7 70; vorlterB, $7.3,V<r7.40; ptgs, $7,40? 7 45- stags "$5.26^1.5.1. Sheep nnd Lnmbs? Steady. Top native lamhs. $7.30?(7J1.V. ctillB "to good, J5.50r.i7.26; Western lambs. $7'.'.Vii7.3:>; vcnrllngs. J6.25(JM.60l ewos, $5.85? fi gheep?'Actlvc, $5.6(X(jT>.75; ctilsl to good, }5.2fi'<ifi.40. CINC1NNATI. O.. April 21,-HOOS-Ao tlvo and hlKher at $6?7.23. Cnttln-Slondy nt J'-VBOItLSo. Sheep?Dnll and lower at S3_>5.35. Lamba? Dull and lower nt $4?0.2o, TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va.,' April 21, 1903. The conditlon of the tobacco morket durlng the weok endlng April 3d Cjoseu very flrm, nnd we cnn report hlgher prlces on nll grades ln good order. Th;J mnrket startod off the flrst of the wceK very nctlve and has kept up nbout top flglires nt prevlouB quotatlons, There were some good tobacco for sales and seve'rnl lots sold for flne prlces, ranglng from $15 to $23.60 per hundred?tho hlg-hest nrlce for the season for sun-curcd to bneco. The markot has taken on renowed actlv? lty and Ktrongtb. and Indlcatlons polnt toward hlghor prlces for good tolmcco. Dark stemmlng tobaccoa havo alno ad vnnced In prlces nnd are sclllng nhovo th* ti^tinl quotatlons. Wo nntlclpnlo a market abovfl the avorage for the cCming wnek. Total amount sold for tho week nt the four warehouses. 13R.131 pounds. Total amount to date. 8.737.727 pounds. Quotatlons nro as follows: tSUN-CURED TOBACCOS. Prlmlngs .$ 3.504M 4.5* Lugs, common . 4.50? 0.00 Lugs, good to prlmo. 6.2b? 9.00 Leaf, common . 6.50? 8.60 Lcaf. medlum . 8.50? 9.50 Leaf, flne . 10.50? 18.00 Wr?pper? . 14.00? 16.60 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smokers, common .J 4 50?$ 6.56 Smokers, medlum . 6.60? 8.06 Smokers, flne . 8.60? 10.03 Cutters, common . H.W'a 10.00 Cuttcrs. medlum . 10.00? 12.00 Cutters, flne . 12.50? 15.00 Cutters,1 fnney . 14.00? 17.00 Fillers. common . 6.00? 7.00 Flllers, medlum. 7.00? 9.00 Fillers, flne . 9-00? 12.00 Wrappers. medlum . 13.00? 18.00 Wrappers. flne . 20.00? 25.00 Wrappers. fancy . 30.00? 40.00 Leaf. medlum . 5.5T? 6.50 Leaf, good . 6.50? 8 00 BROWN SHIPP1NG TOBACCOS. Lugs . $4.60?$ 6.60 Leaf. medlum . 5.75? 7.60 Leaf. good . 800? 9.50 W. D. CUSHMAN. Supervlsor of Sales. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg. Va., April 21. 1903. Recelpts of tobacco ln tho warehouses of tho clty last Week amot.nted to 3S7.000 pounds, whlch was a conslderable falllng off as compared wlth several precedlng weelts. Tho condltlon of the tobacco of? fered shows Improvemcnt, though there wns a llttlo mould on much of It. Prlces showed a tendency to advnnce, and It Is expe.cted that they wlll be stlll botter. Quotatlons are as follows: dark grades. primings .$ 1.60?$ 3.00 lug:3? Common nnd dnrk lugs. 3.00? 4.30 DARK STEMMTNG TOBACCOS. Lugs .$ 3.50ft$ 5.00 Medlum dark lugs . 4.00? 4.30 Good dark lugs. 4.25? 6.00 LEAF? Common dark leaf. 6.00? 6.00 Medlum dark leaf. 6.50? fi.W C.ood dark leaf. 7.00? S.Ofl Flne dark leaf. tO.OO? 12.00 Extra flne dark leaf. 11.60? 18.03 Black wrappers . 16.00? 20.O-J BRIGHT TOBACCOS. BUGS? Common . 5.00? 6.0C Medlum brlght . 0.00? 7.00 Oood . 7-00? 8.00 LEAF? Common cutters .$ 7.00?$ 9.00 riood cutters . 9.00? 11.00 Flno cuttern . 11.00? 1200 BRIGHT WRAPPERS? Common . C.0A? 8.00 Medlum . 8.00? 10.00 Oood . 12.00? 18.00 Flne . 15.00? 20.00 MAHOOANY WRAPPERS Qood . 14.00? 25.00 Medlum . 12.00? 20,00 WRAPPERS? Common .$ 8.00?.$12.00 Medlum . 12.50? 17.50 Oood !?.? 17-50? 35.00 Fancy . 3o.00@ 55.00 Sales of tobacco on tho Lynchburg mar? ket for tho two weeks endlng April 18. 1?'j3, fnrniHheil by John L. Oglesby, of Lynch's Wnrehouse: ,?? ,? Sold week endlng April llth. 226,403 pounds; boI.1 week endlng April 18th, 298,000 pounds; Incroase for week endlng April 18th 71.000, pounds. Sold from October 1, 1003, to April IS, 1903, 19.102.400 pounds; sold from October 1, 1901, to Anrll 18. 1902, 17.r,'j9,700 pounds; incrense for 1903, 1,532,700 pounds. The condltlon of tho tobacco was falrly good as to ordor but thero ws many orops that showed more or less damago by mould or havlng boen hot durlner the very hot and dnmp woathor durlng Marrh. This was sold ns dttmaged tobacco, nnd there foro brought less than tho regntlar qtiotod prlce. Prlces oontlnuo nbout as herotoforo on all grades In good condltlon. Tho quotatlons aro as follows: DARK TOBACCO. Common lugs .$ 3.00?$ 4.50 Medlum lugs . 4,60? 6.00 Good lugs . 500? 6.00 Common lenf . 5.00? 6.60 Mr.llum leaf . 0.00? 7.60 Oood leaf . 8,000 10.06 Flno leaf . 10.50? 14.00 Wrappers . 16.00? 22.00 BRIGHT TOBACCO. Green lugs .$ 2.50?$ 4.0C Grecn leaf .00? 6,60 Common brlght lugs. 6.00? 7.50 Good brlght lugs . 7.60? 8.60 Flno brlght lugs . 8.50? 9.00 Common cutters . 7.00? 9.50 Good cutters . .f'SSSH-SS Flne cutters . 11.00? 12.60 No wrappers offered. PETERSBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Potersburg, Va? April 21, 1903, The ciuotatlons for this markot are as follows: . ? .._,. , ? Comrrtbn to medlum lugs.$ 3.00?$ 4.00 Good luirs . 4.00? 6.00 Poor iliort leaf . 5.00? 6.60 Medlum sbort leaf . 7.00? 7.a0 ?*~*-? ! Allen-Miles Co. DEALERS AND EXPORTERS. HIDES, TALLOW, &c. Wrlte for Prlces. Beo our Market Lotter on this Puge. Allen-Miles Building, j ATLANTA, GA. j FTNANCIAp. ORGANIZED MAY 3, 1866. Doposit your savlnBn wlth a Solld Instltutlon. The atrongest ln the South Capltal.$219,750.00 Undivided Profit.#350,000.00 Deposits.$1,400,000.00 D1RECT0RS: VIROINITTS NEWTON. R. T. ARRINQTON, Jr.. Ti. APSOP, T. W. TEM BERTON, N. W. BOWE. CHAS DAVENPORT, J. B. BEASPET. Small and Pargo Pepoaltai Sollcltcd. Intereat Allowed. LoansNeefotiated LARGEST CAP1TAL AND SURPLUS OF ANT. BANK OR TRUST COMPANY IN THE SOUTH-ATEANT1C BTATE8 Richmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company. Tenth and Main Strcets, Richmond, Va. Gapifal and Surplus - $1,71.2,188.69 Executea Trusta, Recelvca Peposlts from 11.00 and Upwards. Allowa 3 per cent. intereat on Pally Hnlances Subjoct to Chock. Accounta Bollclted. Corrospondence Inyltcd JNO. SKEETON WILLIAMS. PBW1S P. CBEN8HAW. JR.. Prealdent Trcasurer. JAMES H. OOOPEY. HENRY I-. CAPELP, Vlce-Prealdents. aasBBaBMnBgaBEPgmBgMBaaiggBKaaaaBBBg 1 nn later comforts and ovon luxurios. Evory per son should mako it a iixed rtile to savo somo thing ever.y vcok or month. Tlio "Prov/dent" is the ideal Bank for such purposes. All sums acceptcd. Intcrest Alfowed from Flrst Day and Compounded SemhAnnually, P 911 East Main Street. S.GALESKI, Prcs. W.GRAYWATTSON, Cashler B Hedlum to good wrnppora.10.00? 15.00 Good to flne wrappcra. IB.OOJr 25.00 Flno shlpplng . 8.50? 15.00 MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. HIPES AND TAEEOW MARKET. CH1CAOO. IPP.. April 21.?The country market la excltod, unaetted and hlgher. Nlno and three-quartcra ccnta hld for heavy stocrs. Ono car buffg rcported eold at &%c; if so. they wero probably all No. I'a; however. there aro none to be hnd undcr thla price. Heavy cowb might atlll be hnd at l%c. but extromes hold aame as buffs. Calf sklns caay, unchanged. Greaac atcady wlth falr demand. Tnllow dull. Packer Fcbruary and March butt branda dull neglected; moderate demand for na tlves and branded cowa.Forty-elght hun? dred Fobrunry, March and April natlvr-K sold at HMc, wlth twenty-flvo hundred butt branda nnd flfteen hundrod Colorados at 10V?c. Two thousand January ColoradOg sold at 10-Hc; twolve hundred Coloradoa sold at 10%c; twolve hundred Novembcr and Pecember heavy natlve cows aold at 10c; nlne thousand Fcbruary. March and April branded cows sold at 9Vic, and one thousand October branded cows sold at 9V6q. PEANTIT ANP PEA MARKET. NORFOEK, VA., April 21.?The pcahut market la qulet to-day. The only change ln prlces la Spanish nuts, whlch hayc dropped Jn price to 7714c a buahel The prlces nre aa followB: Fancy. qulet at 3c; strlctly prlme, 2%c: prlme. 2V4ci! low grndea. 2c; ma chlna plcked. 2?2V4c; Spanish 77V4c por bushcl. Blnckeye poae. 1225 nag: blnck and speckle peaa. Jl: clny ii'.id red-'Peu. SOc Peaniit bags In balca-G." ln.. 7 4-10c PETERSPURG. VA., April 21.?PEA NUTS?Spanlah ne.w, market very flrm at Tl'Ac; aellers asklng more. Vlrglnla a? Qulet at 3c. DRV GOOOS MARKET. NEW YORK, April 21.?YVhllo valuea arn steadllv maintalned the demand for dry gooda ls vory moderate and buyers seem Interested only for Immediato requlro ments. whlch nre very amall. Jobhers re? port a sllght lmprovcmont. aTthough stocks aro sald to he nf conslderable sizo In certatn sectlons. nnd the effort ls belng made to depletc these before maklng ad dltlonal purchasea. NAVAP STOP.ES. WIPMINOTON. N. C. April 21.-SPIR 1TS TURPENTINE?Nothing dolng; re? celpts 5 caaks. Rosln?Flrm t J1.90; ro celpts', 98 barrela. Orudo Turpentlno? Flrm nt J2, $3.50 nnd 13.75; rccelpta, 13 bar? rela, Tar? Flrm at J1.C5; recelpts, 11S bar r?SAVANNAH, OA., April 21.?TTTRPEN TINE?Steadv at 4Rc.; recelpts. 1.438 casks; sales 150 ca3ks; exports, 237 enska. Rosln?Plrxn; recelpts. 1.397 bnrrcls; salea. 9(17 hnrrels: exports, 211 barrela. CHAREEHTON. S. C, April 21.?THR PENTINE? Nomlnal at 47e. Rosln?Nom Inal. COTTONSEEO Olh MARKET. NEW YORK, April 21.?Cottonsecd oll wbh less actlvo and a Bhndo eaaler on prlme summer yellow. but flrm othorwlse. Prlme cludo, f. o. b. mllla, 345730c; prlmn Humtner yellow, 44V/rM5c; nff summer yel? low, 3Sr(J?9e.; prlme whlte, 47c; prlme wlnter yellow, 47c; prlmo tneul, $27<&'27.50 nomlnal. MARINB INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMONB, APRIP 21, 1903. ARRIVEO. Steamor Bnrlteley, Guy, Norfolk, mer ehandtso and paasengerB, Old Oomlnlon llne. Stfiamer Pocahontns, Gravc-s. James Rlver landlngs ond Norfolk. ir'trchandlao aud pasaongero, Vlrglnla Navigatlon Co, SAIPEP. Steamer Yemaaaee, Slmmons, Philadol phln, Pa-, merchundlsn aud passengers, Clyde llne. Steamer Berkeley, Guy, Norfolk, mer chandise and paasengora, Old Oomlnlon llne. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, APR1E 21, 1903. ARBIVEB. Steamer Pow.hatan, Pnndnn. Schooner M. P. Cresay. Bitngor. Bchooner Bertha F, Walkor, Allyn's Polnt. Schooner Jame8 B. Jordan, Penco. . Rargo Coal Klng, Boton. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN Very Slow Progress Made With Corn Planting. (Ily Assocluted Prcaa.) WASH1NGTON, April 21,--The Weather Bureau's weokly crop bulletin aaya: Vory alow progress haa been-raade wlth corn planting throughout tho corn belt and Ihe middle and south Atlantlo Statoa, owlng to cold weather, whlle dry weuth er has Impalrcd stnnds lu iho c-entrul und western CJulf Statea. , ? Thc prevlousl.v-rcported exccllcnt condl? tlon of winter whaat in fh? prlnclpal wln ter wheat States,, contlnuea uaimpalred, BUSINESS AND , PERSONAL AGCOUNTS SOLICITED BY THE OF ViRGINIA, II11 E. Maln St.. Rlohmond, Va. BALL & W9NFREE, Bankers and Brokers, III4E. MAINST. Private Wlres New Vork, Chlcago. COHSOLIDATED EXCHANGE Not Closed To-day; WeareOpenforBusiness. JOHN L WILLIAMS & SONS BANKERS. Dealers ln RICHMOND, VA^ SOUTHERN INVttTNENT SEGURITIES. MUNICIPAL BONDS A .SPECIALTY. . Correspondence Invited. Vlrglnla Century Bonds, Richmond Clty Bonds, Chemlcal preferred nnd common stock, bought and sold for cash or oc margln. BOTH 'PUONES 412, No. 1018 E. MAIN. WIRFJ.ESS NEWS. Tells nll about Wlreless Telcgraphy. Three months subserlptlon FREE. Wrltu "WIRELESS NEWS," ?8 Wall St? Now York Clty, N. Y. excaptlng to a sllght extont in portlona of the uppor Ohlo valley, whero ln somo localltles it Is turnliig yollow. Leas la vorable roports aro also rocelved from the rnlddlo and south Atlantlc States and parts of Texus. RuInK ln portlons of tho oastern dls ttlcts and dry wcather In tho central and western portlons of tho cotton belt have, to some extont, Interfered wlth cotton plantlng; this work has, howovor, been vlgorously pushed nnd has made ; <lr progress, Wnrmth ls generally neede.i throughoiit cotton belt. wlth genoral rniiiH ln tho central and western dlstrlots and dry weather in the eastern portlon. Tobacco plants aro plcullfuj and gene? rally well-grown, except ln Kentucky, whero they are late. Traiisplantlng con tlniiOB ln tho Carollnas and has begun ln Florlda. .-? SUPPORT MISSIONARY Meeting of the Flrst Church Society Work on the Annox. An importaut meeting of tho Young Men's Mlssloiiary Soclety of tho Flrst Baptlst Church was held Monclay nlght. Dr. E. M. Poteat. of Phlladelphla, has been secured to proach tho annual soi nion for tho young mon at tlio Flrst Bap? tlst Church, Suu.lay nlght, May !(d. It waa resolvod to push tho hulldliig of tho nnncx and a now commltteo was op pointod to sollclt KubscrlptloMs. Ono hun? drod dollars was approprjatec) to the sup port oft n native preicher in Chlna. Tho socloty is taking now llfe nnd onorgy. Dr. Poteat ln ono of the moBt liiterestlng and successful preaehors, lu the couutix, I