Newspaper Page Text
ONE MINIMUM GENT CHARGE A 25 Gents* WORD. Cash In Advance __. WORKING WIT ADS. THAT BRING GREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 Genfs, Cash In Advance ONE CENT A WORD. HELP WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED, LAC?f?S TO MAKE NBCK wenr irom sample, X! to fl2 weekly, ex? perience not necessary. Bond selt-ad riir-ssi-d ?tamp envelop?. IDE Ali MFG. CO. 508 W. 133d 8L, Now York. SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALE. WANTED, A POSITION AS HOURE koeper at onco. Miss 15. 1. T11ACKBK, caro Hov. P. II. Bennett, 814 North Twentieth Street. WANTED. EMPLOYMENT AS CLERIC or saleslady, by nn Industrious and -well educated young lady, who is very quick at figures. Addi ess "EMPLOYMENT," 410 Pearl Street, Lynchburg-, Va. HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTED, TRUNK MAKERS IN ALL hranche.i. II. C. 1IELBER. 152 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, THREE MALE STENOGRA? PHERS to fill position, payin ?from ?40 to *60 per month. Ap.My to B-HMING TON TYPEWRITER COv WANTED. ? BRIGHT BOY TO LEARN the printing trade. Apply ? P. M. to? day to FOREMAN, Times-Dispatch Composing Room (fifth floor). WANTED, TWO GOOD CEMENT FIN? ISHERS; must bo good men; steady work nnd good pay. A. W. M'CLAY, 1913 Floyd Avenue. FREE COURSE AND EXPENSES IN any college or university to worthy young man or woman. Bend addressed envelope P. ?. Box SOG, Phllada. WANTED, A REGISTERED OR REOI8 tered anslstnnt Pharmacist. Apply at onco to A. DRUGOI8T, Postal Station No. 2, Newport News, Va. WOTUC FOR US AT ROME IN SPARE time; no lettor writing or other fake soli?me. Send 10c. tsllvor) for particu? lars, etc. EMPIRE MFO. CO.. Box aC5, Bridgeport, Conn. COLORED LABORERS WANTED FOR excavation on B. & O. contract at Koy ser, W. Va.; wages, $1.40 per day and work, nil summer. Apfy nt onco to W. A. "LILLER, Koyser, W. Va. WANTED, GOOD, RELIABLE, EXPE rlenced hotel clerk; must have experi? ence; send reference, with application. GREENBRIER HOTEL, Roncevcrte, W. Va._ WANTED, A PARTY WITT. J3.000 TO 15,000 to Join adverlMer in an oil-produc? ing enterprise; guarantee against loss; mi annual incorno equal to the invest? ment practically certain; references ex? changed. Address B. It, care this of? fice._ WANTED. FOR THE U. S. ARMY: Able bodied, unmarried men between ages of ? and 85, citizens of United States, of good character nnd temperate habits, who can ?peak, read and write English. For infor? mation appy to RECRUITING OFFICER. 110 East Broad Street. Richmond. Va. TRUSTWORTHY PERSON IN EACH county to manage business of old estab? lished house of solid financial standing; straight bona fid* weekly salary of ?18 paid by chock each Wednesday, with all expensen, direct from headquarters; money advanced for expenses. ??-?? GER, SS2 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. MOLER'S RARBER SCHOOL. NEW YORK CITY". More students wanted; eight weeks completes; wnges Satur? days; ?10 to JSM5 weekly guaranteed grad? uates; can earn free scholarship, board and transportation before entering; spe. clal Inducements now; wrlto for cata? logue. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED. BY A GENTLEMAN WITH flrst-clasi reference a situation ns as? sistant bookkeeper. Addresa BOOK? KEEPER, care this offlco. REGISTERED PHARMACIST, AGED 28. single, desires position In good town of Bovoral thousnnd population; capable of managing store. Address DRUG? GIST. 28, care this office. 1 ? SALESMEN WANTED. BALESMEN-SIDE LINE, PAYS HOTEL and cigar money every day; goods paid i for when sold; pocket Bamples. Give present line and territory. MAER GUM CO., Memphis, Tenn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IJ.00O WTLL SECURE ONE-HALF InI ter<Mt In seven copyrights of MANU? SCRIPTS of heart-thrllllnc nschycologi cal love stories of the highest of re? ligious fiction and other works; an ad? vertiser would Join purchaser In form? ing Joint stock compnnv to bring tho hooks prominently before the reading public, or would Join In some other arrangement for bringing the books out promptly. For Interview address AUTHOR, care this office. _FOR SALE. FARM'VOR'SALE, 846 ACRES; DWEL-' ling, S rooms; good outbuildings. Furlher information address "P. H. J.," Relsches. Va., Sussex county. FOR SALE?CHEAP FOR CASH, A NICE PHAETON arm HARNESS, in good or? der. Call at 202 North Avenue, Barton Heights. FOrt HALE?BROWN LEGHORN EGGS," puro stock. ?5 per hundred, or 73_. for IS eggs. E. W. MOOREHOUSE. 18 West Marshal] Street. PRIME COTTONSEED MEAL AND Hulls nnd Mixed Moal and Hulls. We have t.hem for sale; pri?es right and finality guaranteed. KERSHAW OIL MILL Kershaw, B, C. TOR SALE?WINE AND LIQUOR store on prominent street nt market Large bottle and Jug store. Good rea? sons for selling. Address SHEA & Mc GUIRE. 60t? N, Gay Street, Baltimore, Md,_ .WANTED, TO SELL, OLD ESTABL1SH ed two-story Grocery and Liquor Stand, . cornor etoro, fronts 30 leet and runs back full square; also good stock Groc? eries and Liquors, etc.; liquor license for one year from May 1, 1903. Address SUBURBS, Station A, Richmond. BOARDERS WANTED. BOARD-I CAN ACCOMMODATE TWO or throe more gentlemen boarders. Ap? ply to Miss WOOD, 107 W. Clay. WANTED, GENTLEMEN OCCUPANTS for two large and nicely furnished rooms; convenient to board. Address "E.," enro this office, FOR RENT. FOR RENT, FOR THE SUMMER, MY delightful residence, furnished: at the University of Vinglrla. J. M. CULLEN, Charlottesvilla, Vft. COLONIAL COTTAGE TO RENT. FUR nlshed, for summer. For particulars, FRANK GREAVES, University of Vir? ginia. FOR RENT OR SALE-FORTY-ROOM HOTEL at Mnnassas, Vs.; will sell fur? niture, bar, stock and fixtures. Apply to Mrs. A. DAVIS, Manassaa, Va. POR RENT-AMELIA HOTEL. THIS popular summer resort and very desir? able hotel, containing 45 rooms, partly furnished: has Just been repaired and made ready. Apply to P. T, SOUTH ALL. WUliamsburg, Va. LOST. LOST. ON C. & O. TRAIN BETWEEN Richmond and Orange, Va., on Tues? day. 14 th inst. a small Hip Pocket-Book with small amount of money and some papers with pay mime on same. Finder will please write to me and got reward If desired. jj\ Jtf.. M, MULLAN. Madlaoa (X EL. YA* THIRD PRIZE. From J. R. CAMPBELL, Hinton, W. Va. Fire prizes -will be awarded each week for the best drawing sub? mitted, illustrating that It pays ad? vertisers to use The Tlmos-Dlspateh want columns. The six prize? will awarded In the following order, viz.: First prize, 32; second, 'third, fourth, fifth and. sixth prizes, ft each. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BB OIUO INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH FLAT8 FOR RENT. WANTED. TENANT FOR FIRST FT/DOR FLAT on South Fifth Street: suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 122 South Fifth Street. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED, "WITH PRIVATE FAMILY, in desirable residence section of city, ono or two nicely furnished',rooms, with bath attached, for bachelor; best refer? ences given. Address Box 543, Rich? mond. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, TO RENT TWO OR THREE rooms In basement or first floor on Grac?, Franklin or Main Street? for doc? tor's offices. DOCTOR, care this office. ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED. TO RENT OR BU?, SUBUR ban HOME; convenient to electric cars. Address T. L. DARNELL, General De? livery._ WANTED. WANTED. TO BUY A FEATHER BED for cosh. Address J. M, C? 91G% West Cary Street, WANTED, TO BORROW iWO ON 201 acres of Henrlco county land. Address F. a HOENNINGER, McCormlck Har? vester Machine Co. WANTED, A GOOD FARM. 600 OR over, near river or railroad, with brick mansion; state price and full particu lara, W. B. PLUM. Stevens, Pa._ BUSINESS WANTS. 6.000'ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c. F. L. BRAUER & BRO. WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE and varied line of Watches In the city and take pleasure In showing them. JAHNKET BROS., Watchmaker? and Jewelers, 912 East Main. DON'T THROW AWAY TOUR OLD books, pamphlets, papers, etc.. I buy them. D. H. HEY. 733 East Cary. SHAKE 'WELL BEFORE USING?IT grows hair on bald' heads and restores irray hair to natural oolor. KOENIG'S HAIR TONIC, 427 North Sixth. WANTED. DEAD OR ALIVE?ANIMALS moved from all parts; no charge. BICKERSTAFF; "'Phone 2811. DON'T -WORRY ABOUT FLIES; LET VAUGHAN fit your homo up with Screens. Doors and Windows, nnd'then you will be happy. C. W. VAUGHAN, C02 East Broad Street IF ROME DOCTOR DESIRES A STYL TO-DA-v not pub ish. safe nnd kind HORSE, ro TO-DAY to LASSITER'S. Baia private. He auction. THINK IT OVER. THE WORLD RB nowned ChtekorlnK Pianos, the oldest, the best. Call and see them, FURGUS SON BROS., 11 West Broad. DID YOU NOTICE IT7 MEN'S HALF~ sole, 86c.? ladles' half-solo, SOc. ; heels, 16c; all work guaranteed, called for and delivered free. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, 1710 East Main. DREW'S NEW WAY TO REPAIR SHOES; a whole solo; no Joint to leak, no nails to tear the sock; Men's, ft; Ladies, SRc. 'Phone 2607. Will nail and deliver. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER ???? FACTORY, 710 B. Main. WANTED?WE TAKE YOUR OLD Watches in part payment on elegant new Watches. JAHNKE BROS.. Watcrvemabera and Jowelors, 913 East Main. WniTE FOR OUR PRICE LIST OF Oak Tanned Reltlnp and Raw-Hldo Lace Leather. The only manufacturers in the State. Repair work neatly done. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Rich? mond. I POSITrVTEILY GUARANTEE TO IN crease the ehest expansion of any lady or gentleman to 6 Inches In ? weeks bv my method of deep brcuthlngi and physical culture. MELVILLE DAN? IELS' SCHOOL 627 E. Brond. Special attention given to children; lady always In attendance. LADIES' COLUMN, ?PHONE 634 IS KAEMPF'S CANDIES. Call them up when In need of Fresh Candles. 6,000 ROIjLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten day? at 6c F. L. BRAUER & BRO. _ BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND MEDI clnes?DANIELS' method of deep breathing; and physical culture. It costs nothing to Investigate; 627 East Broiul. WANTED, 500 SUITS OF FURNITURE to reupholster at great discount prices during dull season; no chargre or trou? ble to make estimates on work. J?R? GENS, 421 East Broad. MISCELLANEOUS. A^jT^RAG?-fiCO^CW ?USSEa ?t. BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD, AND MUST NOT EXCEED 5?? INCHE3 IN WIDTH. Name /and address must be written plainly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send letters, but Inclose stamp if you wish drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, when mailing. Ad? dress all drawings to "Cartoon Con? test," Room No. 17, Times Building. MISCELLANEOUS. 6,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAFEH FOR next ten days at d?. F. L. BRAUER & BRO. WE PRINT TO PLEASE. TRY US AND pee. RICHMOND FKINTNG CO.. 1208 East Franklin Street; 'phone 2662. DON'T THROW IT AWAY?SCKREMP. & TU MA, the parasol makers and re? pairers, can make It good as new for little cosL 817 North Sixth. WILL MISS T. TELL MRS. G. THAT J(URGENS) Is reupholstorlng furniture during dull season at discount prices? Everybody is Invited to take advantage of them. 421 East Broad. IT'S UP TO YOU. TO CALL FOR THE finest at the Palm Garden (next to I Bijou); Just opened; choicest fruits, finest confections and best soft drinks In the city. Bring your sweetheart LUCCHESI'S BROS. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER COMPANY, Richmond. aro the only man? ufacturers of Oak Tanned Belting and Raw-Hide Lace Loathor In the State. Repair work neatly done. HAVE YOU SEEM THE NEW CREA tion that has caused the latest and greatest sensation? The Davenport & Tracey Piano? Finest Piano made for the money. Strictly high grade. See the complete stock at FERGUSSON BROS', U West Broad. GET A NICE EMBLEM BUTTON FOR the Order ef Eagles at SM-TH~& WEB? STER'S, 626 E. Main. IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RE LOOK lng for and want the best at satisfac? tory prlceo call and see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. 203-210 North Fifth. TO BE AN ACTOR OR ACTRESS TAKE tho shortest road to the stage via DAN? IELS' SCHOOL OF ACTING: most complete school In the South; private theatre in connection: 627 East Broad. ARE YOU IN LOVE? IF YOU WANT to marry, or correspond with some pretty girl or handsome young man, for pieos uro or improvement, send lOots. in coin or stamps for copy of the Elite Corres? pondents' Guide, and wa will print your name and address In the "Guide" one timo freo. Address THE GUIDE PUB. COMPANY, Box CS5. Richmond, Va. PERSONALS. A BOX OF KAEMPF'S CANDIES WILL make your lady friend happy. DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. JANE. EVERYBODY IS PRAISING CORRY'S CLIMAX CLEANER: It make, house cleaning so easy. Go to 18 East Broad Street and get some, we'll try It 50 ENVELOPES, YOUR NAME, BURI nnss neatlv printed in corner for 25o, HARRIS PRINTING CO., 1203 E. Frank? lin Street, Richmond, Va. LADIES' CHESTS AND BUSTS DEVEL oped (no massage); results positively guaranteed; best city reference; lady al? ways in attendance. DANIELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE, 027 East Broad. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY, Suits 816 up. Trousers 85 up. RICH? MOND TAILORING CO.. Charles A, Spence, manager, Sixth and Main, WE DO PRINTING THAT 18 PRINT Ing. RICHMOND G?????? CO., 120S East Franklin Street. 'Phone 2602. WANTED. YOU TO CALL 'PHONE 26?2 and we will send nur representative to see you. RICHMOND PRINTING CO., 1208 East Frnnklln Street; 'phone 2662. GOVERNMENT CLERK, WASHING ton, D. ? , department; would exchange by transfer with clerk under Treasury Department, classified servico, In tha Onrollnoe. Address "EXCHANGE," care this office. WANTED, CLARA. KATIE AND ALL the reat of the girls to tell their beet fellows to buy our old fashioned Italian Cream Chocolates,? best In tha city, MARCHETTI BROS., two stores, ?06 E. Main and 617 E. Broad. AWNINGS, TENT8 AND FLAGS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MAKING Window Awnings. 'Phono us, 2142, and wo will gladlv oall and give estimates. J. ROSS JONES _ BRO., SW E_st Broad, W? MAKE AWNINGS-B A R ? ? ? Heights and Chestnut Hill?without ex? tra charge. 'Phono J. ROS3 JONES & BRO. __ SAVE MONEY AND ORDER YOUR Awnings now; remember tho hot wave si coming. 'Phone 2576 and we will call. M. O. COPELAND CO., IOS ?. Ninth Street. Out-of-town ordor* receive prompt at tention._ antique furmtljre. o?T?gTnal antTq'?Ve i7?;rn?ture'. Clocks. Chine. Brass lioods, Glassware. _&J_v **?- Afi-W ?$** J?L?_i* ?V0AU ANTIQUES. SPECIAL SALE FOR TKN DAYS OF several fine pieces of Antique Furniture and Brie-a-Brao, IM> and ill North Eighth StfeeL BICYCLER. IVBK JOHNSON BICYCLB8, BEST Wheel in Richmond, for the money. Only at TOMPKINS' CYCLE STORE, Sii west Broad. BARBER GOODS. MURDER! NO. NOI OLD RAZORS | mide ??*-", Hollowgmtind. Honed nnd Strapped to perfection. 409 East Brosd. BARGAINS. ARE YOU LOOKING TOR BARGAINS In Clothing? Trv THF, BALTIMORE j BARGAIN HOUSE, IM East Broad SL. Cash or Credit Clothlnc muse. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. THAT S HTM?JO BICKERRTA FF." THE expert?He has one store. 1803 East Main. He sells, buys, rents exchanges or re? pairs anvthlng In shape of a bicycle. 'Phone 8398. BELTING AND LACE LEATHER. BEST OAK TANNED PELTING AND RawhMe lAce Leather. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Richmond, the only manufacturers In the State. Repair work neatly done. "BOARDING AND LIVERY STABLES. FOR COMMODIOUS. DRY. WARM Stalls, send your Horses to the "Tem? ple" and "Madison" Boarding avid Sale Stables; first-class attention at rea? sonable prices; special rates for fancy horres. ?. D. KAY, Proprietor. CAKES AND JELLY ROLLS. CAKES AND JELLY ROLLS. SPTO clals. 3-pound for 25c.; 25c. Layer Cakes | ?Oo. Our 25o. Pound Cakes are delicious. Seven kinds of Cakei 16c. each. DRINOCARD'S, 423 1-2 North Sixth Sti BICYCLES AND MOTOR-CYCLES, TIRES GUARANTEED' NOT TO PUNC ture; bicycle repairing a specialty; If not pleased, no charges. Coaster brakes ?nmranteed against anything. D. W. VAUGHAN. 618-East Main. CASH OR CRED?tT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY AND sell you Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothings, Hats and Furnishing Goods on easy terms. Do not compare our price with other cash or credit storos, nut with tho cheapest ?pot cash store in tho ci tv. BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE. 10"? East Broad Stroet. Cash or Credit Clothing House. CARDS AND BILL-HEADS. CARDS, BILL HEADS. NOTE HEADS, etc., printed neatly and quickly: we never disappoint. RICHMOND PRINT? ING CO.. 1508 East Franklin Street 'Phone 2662. _ CONFECTIONS. ICE CREAM, tl PER GALLON; PIES, Cakes and Pastries in every style; Fruits. Tobacco, etc.: 'phone 2253, WIN? STON'S, 637 Brook Avenue. CLEANING. LADIES" AND GENTS*'' CLOTHING thoroughly cleaned and pressed. THE MODEL DYEING & CLEANING WORKS. 412 W. Broad Street- 'Phone 2905. COAL AND TIMBER LANDS. WANTED. OWNERS FOR INVEST ment?Tract of Pocahontas Coal Lands, on or near railroad, or would purchcae coal mines at Investment price; also tract yellow pine timber land; also plumbago mines, copper minos, mica mines. INTER* L. GUARANTY & INV. COMPANY, Washington, D. C. ~dy ? In g ?ncTcleaning. LADIES* AND GENTS? CLOTHING thoroughly denned and pressed. THE MODEL DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. 412 West Broad Street: 'phon? 2905. GENTS' COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING THAT NEW, SUFT come and see the nice assortment ai Sixth and Main. Suits, ftfi up: Trousers, ?3 up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chas. A. Spence, Manager. THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THE GIRLS are sweet, but they like the delicious phosphates of every flavor at "THE FOUNTAIN," 900 East Main. NO TROUBLE OR CHARGE TO MAKE estimates on reupholsterlng old furni? ture. Get your work done now at dis? count prices. J?RGENS', ?21"* East Broad. 76C! HALF SOLING MEN'S SHOES; Lad I i'.s, 60c; best leather; overy pair restltched: no nails, no pegs. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 710 E. Main; 'phone 2667. Will call and deliver. This advertisement good for 10c. payment half soling. FRESH CANDIES. KAEMPF*S CANDIES ARE FRESH every hour/ ? FRANKLIN HOUSE. FRANKLIN HOUSE. 1206 FHANKLIN, board and small singlo room, $3.60; larger rooms. $4/00; lodging, ??n. nnd P0o.: re? duction by week. Office always oajen; capacity CO; 'pilone 2655. FOR SALE?BARGAINS. KEEP MONEY IN CIRCULATION AT home by using the VIRGINIA LEATH? ER CO 'S Oak Tanned Belting and Raw Hide Lace Leather of Richmond. Tho onlv manufacturers In the State. Satis? faction guaranteed._ FOR SALE. A FINE ASSOUTMENT OF Grocery Wagons. If you need Rubber Tires, Runabout, call to see me. I can save you money. B. C. BRISTOW, 19 South Fifteenth Street PLANTS AND FLOWERS._ WANTED, LOT OWNERS TO KNOW that Growing Plants and Flowers can be had for beautifying their sections at the Cemetery's Green Houses, near the main entrance. PRINTING, PRINTING! PRINTING!! PRINTING!!! RCHMOND PRINTING CO., 1208 East Franklin Street 'Phone 2062._ I ?UR BUSINESS IS PRODUCING PRINT ' ing that Is a business brlnger for you. Try us nnd see. RICHMOND PRINTING CO., 1208 E. Franklin Street. 'Phone 2062._ 6? ITS T?' 0R DE R, "EVERY STITCH MADE IN RICH mond." Nica assortment of Pults, $15 up. Trousers, $*? un. RICHMOND TAL LOR1NO CO.. Sixth and Main. Charles A. Spence. Manager. POULTRY SUPPLI?S. TRY BABY CHIC FOOT), ?jTTT.E chicks. FANCIER SUPPLY CO., B17-519 Wast Broad Street, PLUMBING ANO TINNING. C. ?'h COSBY. i? WEST BROAD Street. You can have your plumblmf and tinning done promptly and stove repaired. Old 'phone 2736. SPECIAL. YES IT IS A POSITIVE FACT; JIIH. GENS' Bip Upholstering Department li offering big discount prices on roup holsterlng during the next two weeks. ?Phone them; they'll call make eetfr. ??-??? ire*} o? ctar*?.*. 4SI. Itati? Bt-bA. PHOTOGRAPHS. DAVIS GALLERY IS STILL THE MOST reliable place for photographs. Compare our work and prices. From 25a up; 222 and K17 Broad. POULTRY 8UPPLIE3. EGGS f?1?"t?tcUINO; ALL VARJE tles. FANCIER SUPI'Y CO., 617-519 W. Broad Street. 8ILVER AND NICKEL PLATING. WE DO SILVER "AND NICKEL PLAT Ing. FLTPPEN PLATINO WORKS, 1807 East Main StreeL ., . ._ . ? RUNABOUTS AND WAGONS. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RUN abouts, Wagons, Phaetons. Surreys. Day tons, come to see mo. W. C SMITH, No. 814 North Fifth atreet SUMMER RESORT8. IN THE MOUNTAINS, TUB BRANDON, BASIC CITY, VA_ ? OPEN JUNE 1ST. TERMS SAME AS LAST YEAR. MISS DODSON, 2901 Q St., N. W., Wash? ington, D. C, until June lsL SPECIAL NOTICE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND Silverware at wholesale prices Call at J. WElNSTEIN's, 1501 EV Main Street. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. RICHMOND PRINTING CO.. 1?0S B. Franklin Street. 'Phone 2682. Yards and sections seeded in lawn grass or turfed with beautiful green sod; flower borders made and beautified: nil work guaranteed. Ad? dress L R. TYTtEE, 1901 W. Main. TO MY FHIEND8 AND THE PUBLIC:' I no longer work for Taylor A Brown, J. A. Grieg Shoe Co. or the W, L. Douglas 8ho6 Co. Do not nooopt th? same as my work. For the same high grade shoe repairing send work direct: if It is not the neatest and best work done In Richmond there will be no charge. . J. G. LBLAND, 205 N. Fifth Street. 6EWINQ MACHINES. SIS BUYS A"SPLENDID $30 NEW. BALL Bearing Sewing Machine; 5-yoar guar? antee. NEW HOME SEWING MA? CHINE CO., 902 East Broad. STORAGE ROOM. FOR CHEAP AND DRY STORAGE room apply to Richardson & Chap pell, No. 501 West Main Street (Belvl dere Building). SAWED WOOD. SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR Wood at H. S. URBAN'S. Sawed Pine, $4.50 and $5.50: Oak wood, $5.75. Bowo and Marshall Streets. Old 'Phone 1820. ' TOWN TOPICS. ALL THE TALK ABOUT TOWN IS AT? KINSON'S Hot Rolla. Cakes. Pies, etc 827 Brook Avonue, 'phono 2619. "!?C G^NITNIRP DNOMRCIR; THAT means us. RICHMOND PRINTING CO., 1208 East Franklin Streot; 'phone 2062. UPHOLSTERING. C. C. LEVY, NO. 544 BROOK AVENUE, UpholFterer and Mattress maker. Old Hair Mattress made good as new. I park and ship furniture; also mnlie Cushion and Slip Covers to order. 'Phone 1030, BIG DISCOUNT PRICES ARE NOW offered on reupholstenng furniture by J?RGENS' Big Upholstering Depart? ment during dull season; no charge for estimates on work. 421 East Broad. JACOB UMLAUF, 708 W. MAIN STREET. We do all kinds of upholstery; make nice Hair Mattresses to order; make over Hair Mattresses like new; pack and ship furniture, China, otc. ; cut and make Slip Covers. Prices always rlg.nL Boll 'phone 3292. WATCHES, CLOCKS REPAIRED. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired at very lowest prices. J. WEINSTEIN. 1501 E. Main StreoL City Licenses for the Year 1903. havo been placed In my hands for .collec? tion, and are due now. as follows! AGENTS? Boggnge and Ex? press, Collecting, Fertilisers, Insurance, Labor, Land, Manufactured Ar? ticles, Renting Houses, Railroad TiekeL Steamship Lines, Typewriters. ARCHITECTS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AUCTIONEERS? General, Real Estate, Tobacco, Common Crher. BAR-ROOM. BILLIARD TABLES. BOARDING HOUSES. BROKERS Cattle, Commercial, Insurance. Merchandise, Pawn, Railroad Ticket, Ship. Stock, Tobacco, Building and Loan ?????'??. CHEMISTS, CHIROPODISTS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DENTISTS. DETECTIVES. ELECTRICIANS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. FISH AND OYSTERS. FRUIT STANDS, _co, HOTELS. IMPOUNDING LOTS. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. JUNK DEALERS, LIQUOR DEALERS? Wholesale, Retail, Bottling. Whol holesala Malt LIVERY STABLEB. LOAN OFFICES. LUMBER MEASURERS. MERCANTILE AGENCIES. PHOTO? GRAPHERS. PHYSICIANS. PRIVATE BANKERS. PRIVATE EN- s. TERTA1NMENT. PUBLIC ROOMS, RESTAURANTS. SNAOKH. STORAGE, TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE) COMPANIES. VETERINARY SUROEONS, /?a., tir.. Parties falling to pay this tax on or befoi. APRIL 80. 1803. will bo subject t? the penalty prescribed by the City Ordi? nances, which Is not less lhan $1 nor more than 520 per day for encdi day's busi? ness carried on after April 80, 1903, the same to be imposed by tho Police Jus? tice. F. W. CUNNINGHAM. ??_1___*_Collector City Taxes. MEETINGS. Richmond, Va,. April ?. 1903. THE MEMBERS OF VIRGINIA COUN? CIL, NO, 2, D. OF L, aro requested to attend a call meeting at Nelson's Hall nt 3 o'clock THIS (Wednesday) AFTER NOON to attend tho funeral of our de? ceased ?istor, Mrs. Martha Merrlduo. (Signed) Mrs. JAMES WADE, Councilor. FOR SALE. TOR SALE OR RENT. THAT EXTRA LARGE AND SUBSTANTIAL TWO-STORY NEW BRICK WAREHOUSE of B, 0. Chatkley _ Co,, Situated foot of Freo Brld.o; house 75x 125; granolithic lloors; lino offices nnd lullet rooms; two trunk linos H. It. ciii lu-.rii'iii? on lt.-, spacious lot; liic.ulc. me_ (i-ii_wi' and P. (>. facilities comnleAe. ?L 'XH.O_??fl?,U AUCTION SALES?THIS DAY. By 0* L. & Hi L. Denoon, Real Batate Auctioneers, 821 Main Street Trustee's Sale of.,_ NEAT FRAME DWELLING In Jackson Ward, Being No. 8 East_ Duval bt. By virtue of <i certain deed of trust dated November L 1PM, and recorded In D. B. 1R3 "A," page 204, Richmond Chan? cery Court, default having been ronde In the payment of cortnln notes secured therein, and being ?eoulred by the holder of same so to do. I will sell at publia auc? tion, on tho premises, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, 1903. nt ? o'clock P. M.. the above property, de? scribed as follows; All that lot of land, with Improvements thereon, on the north line of Duval Street, commencing 90 feet east of St. James Street, thenoe running eastwardlv end fronting on Duval Street 20 feet, and extending back between parallel lines ?? feet. The Improvements consist of a very neat two-story Frame Dwelling of about six rooms. Tills Is frncd renting property. And parties desiring to Invest In small dwellings oan safely buy here. TERMS?Cash a* to expenses of sale, any taxes that may be due. and sufficient to pay a debt of $780.69, with Interest from April 15, 1?T. C. ?? DENOON, Trustee. O. L. A H. L. Denoon, Auctioneers. Api 17-tds By The Valentine Auction Co j 615 East Broad Btraet Q ? O W-C A S ES. REFRIGERATORS, ?5 SCALES. BOOKS. SEWING MA? CHINES, NEW MATTINO, HOUSE? HOLD FTTRNTTURE. OARDEN TOOLS AND FARMING IMPLEMENT& ETC., AT AUCTION. TO-DAY (Wednesday), APRIL 22D, we will soil at auction at our auction ware room. No. 612 East Broad Street, at 10:30 o'clock. 2 Oood Oval-front Show-Coses, *i Good Refrigerators Counter Scales, 2 Good Sowing Machines. B0 Volumes of Books, Oarden Toolg and Farming Imple? ments, Bec*?-room Suits, Wardrobes, Side? boards, Extension Tables, Odd Dressers, Rugs, Druggets, Art Squares, China Case, Chlffonlors, Folding Beds, Tninks, 100 As sorted Chairs, Iron Beds, Hair Mattresses, Bed Springs. 10 Rolls New Alatttng. Stoves, etc. The ladle? Invited tn attend. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO. ? By N. W. Bowe. Real Estate Auctioneer. RUSTEES? AUCTION SALE OF THE MARSHALL COTTON MILLS, IN MANCHESTER. OPPOSITE RICH? MOND. VA. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated December 30, 1S99, to the undersigned trustees, recorded In Manchester Hustings Court In Deed-Book, volume 21, poco 80, and In compliance of a decree of the Law and Equity Court of the city of Rich? mond, entered March 2?. 1901, In the suit of "Noltlng's Executrix vs. Marshall Manufacturing Company et als," we will sell by public auction, on the promises, on MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M., the VALUABLE PROP? ERTY above referred to. commonly known as "Marshnll Cotton Mills." The buildings, quite large and substantial in character and eminently woll suited for manufacturing purposes, are situated on perpetually leased ground, the water power being furnished by the lessor at the rate of about $10 per horse-power per annum, with the privilege of working day and night. The mills nre also convenient to shipping facilities. by rail as weil as by water. With the buildings will bo sold the water-wheels and main line of shafting. TERMS?Cash, or as may be other? wise announced at the time of sale. E. C. MASS1E. A. W. PATTERSON. Api ?-tds Trustees. The above sale Is postponed on account of the rain until WEDNESDAY, APRII. 22. 1903, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. E. C. MASSI?. A. W. PATTERSON, Trustees. Geo. W. Mayo, Auctioneer. GROCERIES, SHOWCASE, ICE-BOX. OU, TANK. SCALES, FIXTURES, ETC.. AT AUCTIOfN. I will sell for account of the owner at No. 100 Y*rood Street. Chelsea Hill, at 10:30 A. M. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22. 1903, a small stock of Groceries, 3 Show-Cases, Ice-Box, Oil Tank, Scales, Counters, Shelving, and numerous other articles. A. R MAYO, Proprietor. Oeo, H. Valentine, Salesman. Api 21-2t_ "?U CTTp N~ S?LE S-^RJT U R ? DAYS. By J. D. Carnea! ? Son, Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF ? COMPARATIVELY NEW WELL BUILT 7-ROOM DETACHED DWELL? ING IN ONE OF THE BEST LOCA TIONS IN FA TR MOUNT. BEINO NO. 1110 N. TWENTY-SECOND STREET. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated June 2, 1902, and recorded In tho Honrlco County Court clerk's office In D. B. 1C4 B. page 31?. default having boon mado in tho payment of a portion of tho debt secured thereby, and having been re? quired by the beneilclory therein so to do, I will on MONDAY. APRIL 27, 19oS, at ? o'clock P. M., on the promises, pro coed to sell by public auction the property conveyed therein, via. ; That lot of land, with all Improvements thereon, In Fair mount, Honrlco county. Va., fronting 30 feet on the west line of Twenty-second Street, beginning 161 foot and ? Inches north of Q Street, and running back be? tween parallel lines 125 feet and S Inches to a 14-foot alley. TERMS? Cash sufficient to pay all cost of sal?, all taxes to day of Bale, and a debt of $111.60, now due, 30 payments as evidenced by 9 notes for $13.w> each, 20 notes for $40.60 each and one note for $44, all dated June 2, 1902, payable respectively nt 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 16, 18, 17. 18, 21, 24, 27, SO, 83, 88. 39. 42, 4fi, 48. 61, 54, 67, CO, 63, IM. 09, 72, 75. 78 and ono year nftur date, and residue at 13 months, to be secured by deed of trust on the property. ROBERT LECKY, Jr., Api 23-?t Trustee. FOR RENT. iit?oa_c0tt?eouoa?s?oa_QeaiQeoo SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat end Janitor cervice. For price and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH oiflce. ???F??(_??4>?00?15??????????3 SUBURBAN HOME. FOR RENT, ONE OF THE MOST D?Sr?ABLB SUBURBAN PLACES NEAR RICHMOND, rlsht on tho street ear line, goad FARM OF 70 ACRES; ele? gant dwelling. G:' roomaj double, cottage hi yard; bath, furnace, ..>?.. In nuua builiiiuxt fruit. ?lii.uU and good waten AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. By H. Seldon Taylor, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. No. 8 N. Eleventh Street T1 'RUSTEES? SALE OF A Valuable Farm of 8V> Acre?, Caned "Brookwood" (formerly "Chatsworth"), In Henrloo county, about 2H miles east oi the oity of Richmond, on James River and Osborne Turnpike, having extensive frontage on both, with a large. Comfort? able Brick and Frame Dwelling and other improvements thereon. This place adjoin? Chaff In's Dairy Farm. In execution of a certain deed of trust to the undersigned Trustees, dated Sep? tember 6, 1900, and duly recorded In the clerk's office of Henrlco County Court In D. B, 100 "B," pago 26, default having been made In the payment of ?evernl of the notes secured by said deed, and being required so to do by the holder of sala notes, we will offer this desirable Farm for salo at public auction In ftjont of Hen? rlco County Conrthonse on FRIDAY. APRIL 24. 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M., being the i-iia tract of land, oontalnlng 350 acres, more or less, conveyed by said deed of trust. The dwel? ling is a large substantial one of 10 or U rooms, and surrounded by a- beautiful oaj? grove. There are stables and other out* nouses on this place nnd an abundant sup ply of pure spring water. In lieu of the terms prescribed by the deed, and by consent of all parties In interosL the terms of sole will be one third cosh, balance on a credit of one and two years, for notes with Interest added and secured by a deed of trust IL SELDON TATLORi ?. W. PATTERSON, Api 17-tds Trustees. -1- ? By C_L. * IL L Donoon. Re_r"Estate Auctioneer?, 821 Main Street. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF Two Small Dwellings In Jaokson Ward. By virtue of a oertaln deed of trust dated November 18. 1897, D. B. 161 C, page 433, Richmond Chancery CourL default having been made In the payment of cer? tain notos socurod therein, and being re? quired by the holder of same so to do. I will soli at public auction, on the prem? ises, on MONDAY. APRIL 27, IMS, at ? oOlook: P. M., the following property % All that lot of land, with tho Improve? ments thereon, lying and being in the city of Richmond, Va., on the north side oC Spring (or Creole) Street, beginning 146 feet east of Brook Avenue and fronting on Spring Street 30 foot, and extending back! between parallel lines 70 feet. The Im firoveraents consist of two small dwell? ngs. Nos. 6 and 7 Crook Street. TERMS?Cash as to expense of sale? any taxes that may bo due, and suffi? cient to pay a debt of ?175, with Interest from November 18, 1901. C. L. DENOON, Trustee. C. L. & H. L. Denoon, Auctioneers. Api 21-td? ? By A J. Chewnlng Company, Real Estato Auctioneers. RUSTEES' AUCTION SALE \ OF NO. 711 LOUTSLVNA STREET. By virtue, of a cortoin deed of trust dated August 30. 1?92. of record in clerk's office of Henrlco County Court in D. B. 140 B, pago 272, default being made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, and, being required by the beneficiary so to do, we will sell by auction, upon th. promises, on SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 190S. at 6:30 o'clock P. Ml, the property fronting 18 feot on tho north lino of Louisiana Street, near Erin Streit, by a depth of 110 foet to an alley 10 feet wide. Upon said lot is a good stwo-story Framo Dwell? ing? TERMS?As per deed, cash, but by con? sent of tho beneilclary more liberal terms ?.an bo had if desired by the purchaser. Property In this section is enhancing in value rapidly, so attend this sale and woke money. A. J. CHEWNING. EDW. S. ROSE, Api 19-tds Trustees. .-??? By C, L & H. L. Denoon, Real Estate Auctioneers, ?21 Main Street ? RUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO ? \j _.? j. w \j f MEDIUM-SIZED FRAME DWELLINGS, NOS. 1211 AND 121S TAYLOR STREET. Rv virtue of the provisions of a certain! deed of triVt dated February U, 1003, and recorded in the clerk's office of Richmond Chancery Court, D. B. 174 C, page 37, de? fault having been made In the payment of certain notes secti'ed therein, and be? ing roqulreri by the holder of same so to do, I will sell at publio auction, on the promises, on SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1903, nt ? o'clock P. M*. the above property* described In said deed as follows, to-witl "All that certain lot of land, with the Improvements thereon, lying and being lns the city of Richmond, Va., on the south lino of Taylor Street between Reservoir and Randolph Streets, fronting on the south Uno or; Taylor Street thirty (30) foot and running back between parallel lines' ono hundred and twonty 020) foet to an nlley, being LoTTNo. 4 In Square No, 6 on A. Y. Lee's May of Bldnay and Harvle, made In 1?74. Improvements consist of two neat Dwell Inge, containing 4 and 6 rooms, respective? ly, and Is very desirable as small Invent? ili t>n ? property. TERMS?Cash sufficiently to pay the expenses of exocutlng this trust, any taxes that may be due. and to pay the sum Of ?M.0, with Interest from February 11, 1902; balance at one and two years la equal Installments, with Interest. C. L. DENNON, Trustee. C. L. _ EC. I_ Denoon. Auctioneer!. Api 19-tds By Pollard & Bagby, Roal Estate Auctioneers. NICE FRAME DWELLINO. NO. 484 ? yCTION 8ALE CALHOUN. STREET BETWEEN TYLER AND CABELL STREETS, We will sell by auction, on the xrrenw Ises, on THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1903.. at 6:30 o'clock P. M., the above-mentioned two-storv four-room detached dwelling. TERMS?Easy and to be announced at sale. POLLARD & BAO BY, Api 19,22,2. Auctioneer?. By Edward S. Rose Company, Real E_tato Auctioneers. 'RUSTE HT S SALE OF FRAME COTTAGI. NO. .10 SOUTH IU-RV1E STREET. By virtu? of _ certain deed of trust dnted 16th day of April. 1902, of record In tho dork's onion of Richmond Chancery Court, D. B. 178 B. page 471. default having been made In tha payment of the debt thereby secured, and being rersilred by the benoflolary so to do, I will soil by nuo? timi, upon the premise?, on MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1903. at ? o'clock P, _L, the property numbered as above.? The lot has a. frontage of ii feet on the west line of Hurvle Street by ? depth of 140 C-U foot; ul.o a lot of C0U foet south of and adjoining/ the shove lot in the rear. The dwelling is attractive in design and jnu.uully well arranged and con_U;uct?d. TERMS?Cash as to expenses of sai?, all jm.t due taxes, and balance du* ou notes of 11,719.16, the residuo as may b. named at time of sale. ED WAR? S\ ROSE, Trust*?. N. B.?The above property was sold by auction on March 1(1. 190S, at which ?si? It was bid In by V. S. Goodwin, who failed to comply. This i_lu is therefore made at his risk an* cost. EDWARD S. ROBE. Api 2Ctds Trustee. ^RAILROAD" BON OS. ATTENTION HANKERS, TRUST COM. panica and Investors. First mortgsce bond?; bust railroad enterprise In the South; *af*. sure, paying lu votaient i