Newspaper Page Text
Miller 6 Rhoads. Miller Cf Rhoads. WEA THER FORECA S T? Wednesday. generally fair, Mexican Drawn Work For Shirtwaists. Havo you scen our Shirtwaists on exhibition in tho Art Depart? ment, mado with Mesican Drawn Work in front nnd Rleeves? It's tho lntest style In Llnen Walsts; looks very genteel. washes nlcely, and ls all hand-made. Tho work is done with Burcan Scarfs or squaros; tlio scarfs aro in two sizes?staaller ones $3.50: lnrger ones $0.00?the lattor scarl Uiaking two Shirtwaists. We nlso have tho dravm work by thoyard nt $1.Bo. It's Blx Inches wlde-fl rows of open work. Pretty Mednlllons of the snme work, 12% nnd 15c each. As wo said, this drawn work is all hand-made, and tho reason it's so low-priccd is tho fact thnt peasant labor in Mexico is very cheap? four cenfs a day being nbout tlio average price paid to the womon on gaged in tliis work?and then they consider thenisolves rretty well paid. tU^^t?^^^ 1 Social and ? | ZPersonal \ 000000000ooooeooooo0on?o0^ The weddlng of Miss Maltd St. Clalr Cnnrod, the dnughter of Mr,, Pnrkor T. Conrad. to Colonel Wllllam J. Perry. of Staunton. wlll bo celebrated nt 6:80 this evcnlng. In Grace. Eplscopal Church, by the Rev. Dr. Lnndon R. Mason. The brlde wlll he attended by her mald nf honor, Miss Theresa Bargamin, and by Miss Annie Mason Miss Dorothca Lee, Miss Chantpo Wollaco. Miss Cnrrlo l>ar. Miss Emlly Hutcheson. Miss Graco Conrad. of Danville: Miss Sue Porry, of Staunton, nnd MIsb Mary Bensley. of Petersburg. Mr. J. Martln Perry wlll offle.lnto ns best man, and the groomsmen wll b*: Mr. Pelham Blnckford. Mr. .Tohn L. de Trevllle, Mr. Charles Burnett, Messrs. George Hutchinson, R. M. August, Cap? taln Rudolph Bumgardner, J. Baldwln Ranson nnd Lee McBam. Tho bridal party ln cnterlng the church wlll be preceded by the two llttlo rlbbon liolders, Miss Katherlno Cnry and Mns ter Conrad Gentry. A receptton will he ter.dercd tho party afterwe.rds by tho aunt of the brlde. Mrs. John A. Hutcheson, of No. 91ft Floyd Avenue. Among tho out of-town guests to wltness the ceromony wlll be: Mr. and Mrs. ames .ITaylor. of Staunton; Mrs. Joseph Houck nnd Mr. and Mrs. T. Owen Jones, of llnrrison hnrg: Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Beasley, of Petersburg, Va. Mis Conrad is a most attrnctVvc young lady. promlnently and wldely connooted In Richmond nnd Vlrglnla; Colonel Perry is a yeternri of the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war and a Buccessful young buslncsa man of Staunton where ho is very popu ? ' ?: * lar. Bass?Kinsey. Miss Annie Rachol Kinsey nnd Mr. D. Edward Bass were mnrrled yesterday at 6:30 P. M. In Epwortli Church. Miss Stella Katherlno Bass acted ns mald of honor, and the brlde's brother, Mr. Isalah A. Kinsey, was best man. . The ring-beaver was Miss Jnnet Tyreo Wyatt. The muslc wns dlrectcd by Miss Annie TVhltmore, of Durham. N. C, nnd ushers were Mr. (Joorgo S. Rrirjgs, Mr, O. Beverly Wllllams, Mr. P. Pauf Wood lln and Mr. R. Bass A brllllnnt weddlng of last evenlng wns tliat of Miss Maud Dallman nnd Mr. Jacnb Myer, celebrated at 9 o'clock ln the par lors of tho Jefferson Club. The brlde is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dallman. Mr. and Mrs. Myer ?vill make thelr homer at No. 315 West Clay Street whVii.. thej?-return from thelr weddlng trlp!" Parker?Talcott. Tho weddlng of Miss Augusta Mc Vickar Talcott to Dr. Truman Alfred Parker will take plaoo ln All Salnts' Church at S o'clock this evenlng, the Rov, John K. Dowmnn olnclatlng, After n weddlng trip of n month to Florldd, tho young couple wlll return to llve in lifeh Snond. Mrs. Carollne Fo.,te *Marsb, the exe cutive otllcer of the Old Domlnlon PI1 grlmago Commlttoo, wlth her party, Mr, f.nd Mrs. Alexnnrler MoDpnald, Vice-presl dent of the Standard Oll Company, nnd the Mlsses Stallo, left thla morning for n trlp down the rla-er and to Old Polnt. Frorn present Indlcatlons Mrs. Mavh rieclares that ihe Old Honiiiilnn Pll grlmnge wlll Includo a number of dlstln ^.'Ulshel nnd Inftttentlal New Torkors, The Pllgrlmnge will reaeh Old Polnt about May 9th. Miss Fairfax Hngflged. An interestlng nnnouncement cotnes from Baltimore telllng of the engngement -if Miss J'rnnces Mnrlou Fairfax to Mr. I.owrjdcs Bhett, formerly of Cbarleston, K. C, l?i more recently of New York. Miss Fairfax, who ls tho daughtr-r i.f Ihe late John Conto Fairfax, l{nd her lianre both como frorn the most .l|n tJngulshefl famllles In tho South. The weddlng wlll probably take place rtuilng the fall. Jones?Lucas. Miss Irene Lu.-as, of this clty, and Mr. tV. J. Joneg of G.iyton. wero mar tlfl at 9 30 A. M. Monday In the hnrn* of tha Rev George P. Wilson, of No. [,)C M Btreot. N. W? Wnshlngton. D. C. Mr. Jones is lha mairig.j- of the Gaytop coal mlnes, und Miss Lueas ls the daugh? ter of Mr. A. G. Lueas. They returned frorn Washlngton Monday nnd left ' at once for Jlr. JonfW handsome home about fifteen mlles from Richinond. They were a to WashVitrton by Mr. John Tyler. of thfc Southern Trust Com (K-iny, this clty. Leach?Rudd. A very pretty weddlng waa sokimnlzed at Dr. Cell'a parlom, No. $08 jqtTsf Grace, yesterday evenlng at 8:15 o'clock. when Mlsa Ir.die Gertrude Rudd beeamo tho brlde of Mr. Wllllam Patrlek Jyeach, The brldo wa? becomlr.ely attired in gray mic! carried brfde's rqses. She w.-i* nttcudrd by her slster. Mi&J Datty B. Rudd. Mr. Victor Yowell acted as be?t man. The cerernony was wttnossed by u few frlend*, among' them Mrs. M. W. Rudd, the moth t:T of the b?'ide; Mlsses Ha.ttlr: perrj' and Inei Talley; Messrs. Elza- Ferrall. Berke b-y, Frank Rolfo and II. C. Bbeppard. Progressive f:uchre. Mrs. Beverly T. Oruwp was the hostrs.j pX *, vwry. b*nd?oaie ?rp?rw??H* eucaio party gfven yesterday afternoon ln hor home on West Orace Streot. The entlro color scheme wns In green and whlto. tho wholo lower floor bcing canvasod ln whlle, and the decoratlons overj'whcro belng In dogwood blos3oms, palms and mnldcn-halr fcrns. Slxteen tables wero cngaged, tho score cards belng mlnlaturo dogwood flowora. and the gamo belng countcd wlth leaves to corrcspond, so that when these were attoched a perfect spray waa formed, The rooms wore beautlful. and tho wholo sceno waa made prottler by the lovely gowns of tho ladles present ? ? ? Personal Mention. Pr. Alexnnder. of Tulano Unlveralty. Now Orleans, wlll reach Rlchmond thls morning nnd bo the guost of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Moseley Walker, of No. 314 Harrison Street. ? ?? * * Mr. J. Carter Walkor. the headmaster of Woodbcrry Forest School. wlll dur? lng tho meetlng of the Conference on Education bo entortalned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Rennolds, of No. 202 East Franklin Street. ? * * Mrs. Robert G. Cnbell is spendlng some tlmo at Hot Sprlngs, Ark., as a guest at tho Arlington Hotel. ? * * Mra. John P. Eubank left Monday for ihe Wnrm Sprlngs, whero proparationa aro going actlvely forward for tho open Ing of tho sprlng scason. The Rov. Wllllnm M, Dame. of Balti? more, has bccn visitlng hls daughter, Mrs. Walter II. Mlles, ln Rlchmond. Tlio many frlonds ot Dr. Marlon Bltting Konnedy, of New York. will bo glad to know that sho wlll bo In thls clty durlng the meetlng of thc Conference on Educa? tion, nnd will be tho guest of Mrs. G. Harvey Clarke, of East Grace Street. Dr. GUbert, of Washlngton, tho general sccrctnry of thc Amerlcnn Soclcty of Ite glous Educntlon, will be tho guest thla week of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. V. Dnnlcl. Mr. Bronddus, who has bccn spendlng hls Enster holiday wlth hls family ln Sussex county, roturned to Rlchmond yesterday. ? ? ? Miss Esther Clnrko spent Sunday wlth frlcnds at Hampton, Va. Miss Condo Bridgcs" namo ls leading In the contcst for the handsome palnt Ing now belng voted at tho Arkansaa table. Miss Oonnio Evana is ahead ln corn petihg for tho rific, whlch 13 belng flis posed of at tho samo tnblo. Itflss Margaret Myers and Miss Mary Carter Myers, of Norfolk, Va., nre In Rlchmond to attend tlio Lambert-Rnnkln weddltig.takliig plnce at 6 P. M. to-dnv. Among thn other out-of-town gucsts will be Mr. Charles Abe] Murphy, of Phllndel phln; Miss Pllllo Hebb, of Washlngton, D, C, and Miss Besalo Pambert, of Ashe vllle, N. C. Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kent nre expocted at No. 215 Franklin Streot, to bo the guosts of Mrs. R. T. Hunter for thla' week. ? ? ? The Mlsses MoICcnna, of New Cnnton, Jiave been *tnelent helpors at tho South Cnrolliin table. They are staylng wlth Miss Jennlo Hughns, In the West End. The "Dolly Vorden" glrla at thn Mlssls slppl table look axcaedlngly well ln tlmlr plnk hats and gayly flowered polonnlses, They are'O saleswomen, and hnndle | thelr wares ln a vory bualnea-llke and i enterprlaing way, thelr table having an j agreeable nlr of nctlvlty and llvollnoss, whlch comrnonda ltself to the bazaar vla Itor. ? ? ? Japaneae matdena, as all the wnrld knowa, havo come Into hlgh favor. A . Rinioun, plnk nnd ulilte rosea In tlc> I hair nnd an o>i| wltn a butterfly bow are nc I cessorlcs whlch render nitildens Jupaneso land otherwlsa wholly bewltchlng and thornughiy hard to wltlistand. Mra. Harvey P. flarrett, of Alleghnny, and Mrs. J. D. Elam, of Prunswlck, nro j In the clty nnd oceupled sonta ln the Houbo bealde thelr husbands on yesterday, PURCHASR RAT1FIED Meeling of the Stockholders of the At lan ic Coasl Line Yesterday. The ttockholdera of tho Atlantlo Coaat Plne at a meetlng yestorday morning at the Byrd-Street Statlon ratifled thn re action of the Board of Dlrectora ln pttrchaslng tho Florlda Southern, nnd tlie Sanford and Ht. l?t ??rsburg roads. The piirclia-so ln<rense? tho mlleage of the Atlantlc Coast by about llvo 'jiundyed miioa. After the inootlng of the Btochholders the rilreotora eonvene.1, but only routlne bualnc-aa was transacted, presfent were R- w. Erwln. prcsldrnt. of New York; Mlchacl Jenklns, of Baltimore; Willdo Newcomer, of Baltimore; F. W. Scott, of Rlchmond; K. H. Borden, of Goldsboro, N. C.i W. G, BJllott, of Bal? timore; Donald Macitae, of WilmliiKton, N. C: H. B. simw. of North Carolina, and-J. J- Pucaa, of South PUl, B, f. Riclimonders in New York, (Special to The Thc >-1 I i^i'ih.) NEW YORK, April 21.- W. T. Reed, I'lfih Avenue; J. p. Bowell, St. PenUj j l> 1'i-f.i.. F. HlMerding. S T. Meyan, lioJJuaau; U- P, PoUau, Gruud L'nlwa. ROASTED LIBEL_BILL Charles Emory Smith Speaks Agafnst the Measure. NEWSPAPERS REPRESEN'D Nearly Every Dally ln Stata of Pennsyl vania Had Some One to Appear at the Hoaring on the Blll Before Pennypacker. (By Anaoelated Presii.) HARRISBURG. PA., April 21.-Every important newspaper In Pennsylvanla was reprosented at tho hoaring on the Grndy-Salus Ubel blll by Governor Fen nypacker to-day ln tho hall of the House of Representotlves. Attorncy-Gcneral Carson sat wlth tho Governor throughout tho hearlng, but nelther lndlcated what would be tho Governor's actlon on tho tnensurc. Th? openlng spoech was mado by Charles Emory Smith, of tho Phltndel phia J'ress. At the outsot of Mr. Snilth'a nd dress Governor Pennypacker took oxcop tlon to hls use of the word "Insolently" and suggested that It would be well for the speakors to omlt the ntrong iid Jectlves. Mr. Smith accepted the mig gcstlon, say Ing at tho samo tlmo that he spnko strongly because ho felt strongly. Mr Smith said ln part: "This blll would Incorporate a new prln clplo In the Co.lo. It would ninko any publlcation nctlonablo In whlch thero 1ms been negllgenco, ovon whero there ls no? thlng of a defomntory or Injurlous cliar anter. It does not recjulro that the mnttor BhouJd bo libolous. And so this blll prac tlcally makes every Incorrect publlcation actlonable, no matter. what lts chnraeter. What unllmlted flelds of lilgaVion. what boundloss sourcos of annoynnco nro open ed In this oxtraordlnary provlsion. "In the presentatlon of th enews of tho day, errors wlll Inoi-ltnbly crenp In. The errors nced not under this blll be llbel ous. They necd only result from what may be called negllgence, and every error, every tnlsprint, every mlstako In any slnglo oiement of a statoment may bo made the lmsls of n. sult for dnmages. CLASS LISGISLATION. 'The blll Is speclal legislntlon in that Brights' Disease Bloatlng, Gravel, Dull Back Ache, Kldney Dlaeasea, Urlnary Affectlorn cured by taklng Stuart's Gln nnd Buchu. Tho worst forms ol Kldney and Blndrter Trnublo, after every Intfllllgent remedy lins fallcd, are alwaya curablo bv taklng Stuart's Gln and Buchu. lt is a.h nnd, fln Ilghtftlliy ploasant lastlng merflelno, that ncts dlrecllng on the kldneys nnd bladder, qulckly drnlnirig out every Impnrlty, heal Ing nnd strcngthenlng tho kldneys glvliiK them llfo and vigor. Stuart's Gln nnd Buchu' Invarlally cures Rrlgl.t'n Dlsonso and Dlabetea even when thn patient had glven up hope, or they had been t.ipped to draln off the accumulatcd ttOISEASED KIDNEY SYMPTOMS, T.gonlelhg palns ln the back, swollan legu or alidomen. discharges from thc urethra, neuralgla nf thc blftdder, burnlng sonaa tlon or dlttlcnlty In passlbg wnter, also a rreqtlent dcslre or even Involuntary dla charge of tho urlne, cnrnrrh of the blad der, stono in tho bladdnr, dlsagreeablo odor of tho tirine, seanty .md hlgh-col orcd; rheumatlsm. wlth nohcs and palns in bonea and back. Death may freqilent lr foilow these symptoms. ' For any of these symptom* tako Stuart's Gln and Buchu, and you wlll be rcstored to health. and your kld nevs and bladder perfectlv curcd. Btuart a Oin nnd Buchu swootens the urlne, clcanscs tho bladder. rcmoves all obfttruc tlons from tho kldneys nnd urethra, makes thc blood puro. The hlgheat grade kld? ney remedy made. Thoroiig ily tcsted for past 20 yenra in hospllnls nnd prlvato prric tlce. Dritpglsta or by express. Jl. MM' I'PE BOTTPE. also clrculnr. glvlng some of thc many cures mnde FREE, by wrlt. Ing Stunrt Drug Co., Atlnntn. Ga. Speclal medlCfll advlce glven If you descrlbc your trouble, Sold Vn Rlchmond, va.. by TRAOPE DRUO CO., R17 East Broad fitrent. Call or wrlte. Stuart s Gln and lliichu Fent 'by ex-press. of thren-tenths nt Vlcksburg. two-tenths nt Rod Rlver Landlng and two-tcnths n Dortaldsonvillo were Indlcatod by tn dav's readlngs. Tliero Is thereforo not llkely to be any Interruptlon of the do cllno here. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS COMPLETE SESSIONS (By Aueoclnted Tress.) WASHINGTON, April 21 .-Tho Nntlon al Puraber' Assoclatlon completed Its Ecssinn hero to-day. Thc nr-soclatlon urged nll lumber men to carc ful conslderation of tho efforts whlch nre bcing made to proservo tho futuro tlmucr supply, and pledged co-operatlori In cvcry practical plan for tho better handllng of forest propertles. Tho work sought to be done by tho government In tho Applachlan districts was- endoraod, and Presldent Roosnvelt was commonded for tho Intcrest shown by hlm In all queatlona rclatlng to the lumber Induatry. The conventlon nlso adi'pted a report provlding for tho re Can you flnd the man who Intends to klll the rooster? Solutlon of puzzlo In yesterdny's Tlmes-Dlspatch: Tho dog's head can be secn In the wlndow of tho auto. lt oxeludos weekly nowspapors. It treada all nround tho weekly, and carofully avolds stepplng on It. "Tho weekiles in Pennsylvanla numlier 951, and tho dnllles 209. To declaro that a statement ls a llbel when p'rlntod In D09 dallies, and not a llbel wfcon prlnted ln 951 weekiles, is simply grotosnuc. "This blll Is utterly powerless to Btop the partlcular klnd of publlcation whlch lt alms at, but lt encompnssos legitlmate puhlicatlons wlth nn unllinlted network of emharrassment nnd voxatlon; it would crlpple nnd ciirlall the prosontntlon of tho roKular and prnpnr news of tho dny; it would start up n whole swarm of spccu]n tlvo sbystors and ourbstone blackniallersi lt Infrlngoa tho .1ust nnd coustltutlonal llberty of the press. and would Impnlr thnt 'i-aluablo protectlon for publlo morola nnd publlc rlghts whlch ls found ln tho aearohllght of ptiblleity; It Ib speclal lngls lnllon In undertaklng to miiko a law for nowspapors whlle exceptlng tho weekly newspapers from Its operntlons; It perpe trates n grosa wrong ln seoking tn faaten the prlnclpal responslblllty upon the agent whero the ngent not only does not commlt tho offense, but whore ho has not even power to provent It." Alexander Slrnpson, Jr.. nnd Rleharfl C. Dnlo, both nf Phllarlelphia, spoke In fmi-or of tho blll, and Thnmas V. Coopej', a member of tho Leglslature, nnd.CyrtiB G. Derr. an attorney, nfuilnst lt. rnovisioNs of the rill. The Uhei blll provldes thnt clvll actlon mny he brought agalnst nny owner or mannglng edltor nf any newspaper pnb llshed ln Ponnsylvalii to recover damages resiiltlng from necllprnce on tho part of such owners or mannglng edltora ln puh? licatlons nffeotlni? the ehar.ioter, repu tatlnn or buslness of oltlzens, nnd thnt conipensatory dartiogea may also bo re rorr-red for "the physleal nnd nioutnl Hiiffr-ring endured by tho Injured par tlos," nnd whenever such publlcation Is gtven speclal promlnenco bv tho uso of cnrtoons, etc, a Jury shall have the rlght to nward punltlve il.iningos agalnst the defendanta, Jt also provldes that every newspaper publlshed In Ponrisyl vnnla shall puhllsh on the edltorlnl page, the name of tho ownur or owners. to fjcther wlth tha name. of tho monaglng e.lltor. WHARVES WILL SOON BE FREE OF WATER <rty AamoltitiM Prcss.1 NEW OUl.lCANS, LA., April -Jl.-Wlth sunshlny w..:itlier nnd a I'alllng river Loulslana lOVOO oontlliuu to grow brlghtor, Tho gauge hero to-day marked 11)3. a fall of a tenth. Tho river Is now a foot under the mnximum for th.- m:imju. nnd, if th.e decllne contintios u.. water \t\\\ Ipjya dlvappoared ftoni tho wbarveii ut tu? und ul' lliu wck. Jr'dlU cognltlon by the National Assoclatlon ot tho rules of classification and gniTHng now ln usn by tho dlfferent manufactur crs' assoclatlons, Tho present officers of tho onsoclatlon woro ro-clccted for the ensuing year, aa follows: F. C. Fnsburgh, Norfolk, Va., presldent; Edwnrd Hines, Chlcago, 111., vico-presl dent; J. A. Frnemnn, St. Pouls, Mo., treas urer; Georgo K. Smlth. Bt. EouLs, Mo., secretary, The Boord of Governors as now con stltutcd was re-elected. MR. STRODE SAYS HE IS SATISFIEO He and Hls Assoclates Have Donc Their Duty in the Campbell Case. Mr. Aubroy E. Strode, of Pynchbuie. who wns ono of the prosecuting attorneys |p tho Campbell case beforo tho Courta of Justlco Conimittee of tho House, waa In tho clty yostorday, on his way to Florlda, whero he goea to look after aomo legal business. .Mr. Strodo has fully recovered hls health and ls ln good aplrlts. Ho dld not i-are to discuas tho Campbell case for puli llbatlon, further than to any thnt he and thoso whom lio and hls colleaguos had loproaenied beforo the Commlttea of Courta of Justlco. folt fully vindicated In ilu-lr contentlons by the actlon of tlie foiunilttio of the House of Pelegales, and thul thero wns manlfestly notliing Blse loft for them to do. Mr. Strodo aald that ho thorefore felt ?o moro mterent ln tha flnal result ot the controveray. than any othor cltUen of tliat aectlon who boleved thnt Judgo Campbell should. be removed from offlce- Mr. Strodo wlll likely rotuiii from Florlda wlthl.i tha next week or ten days. Pbilippine Certiftcates. C?y Aasoclatod Press.) WASHINOTON, April tU.-Secrotnry Root to-day approved tho actlon uf tlio insulur liureau ln awardlng the corilll cates of I'hlllpplne Indebtudness tq Flak |..i,(l Roblnson, New York. upon. thelr bld ppened yesterday, Tlm pfflclala nf tlio Wur Depnrtmenl uro inue-h pleascd at tlie pjtb. preinluiu o? thelr *oriillcate?. RICHMOND FIRM'S , GREAT CONTRACT Butler & Bosher Will Again Supply the Needs of the Navy. Tba contract ror furnlshintr the Unlted States navy with tobaceo for tho ensuing year has ngaln fallon Into the hands of Butler & Bosher, the mnnufaoturers of this clty, who have upon severnl provlous occaslons succeedod In capturlng the rlch plum. The news traveled fnst orer Shotkoe Sllp yesterday. Mr. Butler was on the sales as usual, and at every turp ?ome body askod hlm nbout the contract. In the majorlty of cases ho threw off tha Inqulrles wlth some Joke, declnrlng thnt he could not dlsouss tho mattor. Flnnlly, bowever, he Indlented ovon more rcndlly thnn by hls rofusal to deny lt that the re? port was true. "Tou may sny for publl? cation" he declared, "that I have Just trotten Into my new factory and that I wlll probably start off wlth tho navy oon trnet." Tho contract Is * matter of very consld erable Importanco, and thoro Is always shnrp competltion for It. This year thero was a oall for 225.00(1 pounds of manufnetured tobarco, about 25,000 more thnn last yenr. Blds were oponod In March, nnd tho award waa mnde a day or two lator. Mr. Butler sllbmltted blds runnlng from JK cents to 43 1-2 cents per pound. Tho tobacco nt SS cents wns that chosen. Tho flrst drllvery wns to be mnde nn Mny 1st. but owlng to tho lato hour nt whlch the nwnrd wns made there wlll probably bo an extenslon of time. As usual, there were rjulte a number of other flrms competing for tho contract. whlch represerits In money somo tSB.OOO or IPO.OfO. Tho Richmond coneerns ln tho rnce wero tho Contlnentnl Tobacco Com? pany. C. D, Lnrus AV Company, W. T. Hnncock & Company. Paco Tobacco Com pnny, R. A. Paterson & Company, Unlted States Tobacco Company, nnd Butler & Bosher. Tho contract flrm bas Just moved Into a handsomn now fnctory, equlppod wlth all modern Improvemonts. The maln bulldlng ls f.vo storlos hlgh, monsurlng 1-10x40 feet, nnd has an anncx also five storlcs, 80x40. In spenking of hls new factory yestor dny, Mr. Butler referred to a recently publlHhed rumor that he had sold out to the Contlnentnl Tobncco Company. Ho mado a flat denlal of tho Btatement. An oxeceptlonnlly intcrestlpg report Is nbroad ln connectlon wlth the new fac? tory of Butler & boshor. It has been sug gested to Mr. Butler, lt ls understood, that he open somethlng after the fashlon of h tralnlng school nt hls plnnt. Whllo there can bo obtnlned no deflnite information upon this polnt, It Is unrler Klnod thnt Mr. Butler n-|<>ws the scheme with favor, and thnt ho will probably Ro ln for It MADAME MORRELLI TO AGAIN BRAVE DEATH The courageous llttle Frenchwoman. Madnme Loulse Morelll, has announced 'her lntentlon to renppear ln the nrena to-nlght wlth her vlclous and feroclous T.cts of the forcst glades of Brazll and Ir.dla?Jaguars, leopards nnd panthers. In a chat wlth t'no llttlo lady yester? day Bho exprcssed her porfoct wllllngness to ngaln nttempt her perllous featH, say ing that sho loved her pets and they loved her. Mndnme Morelll ls n drnwlng enrd nt Bostock's, nnd htmdreds wlll go out to hco hor to-nlght. -AND LEADERS IN OF QUALITY. SLIP COVEKS, "cool, breezy Sllp Covers." Yes, we make them, and will be pleased to estimate on covering your parlor Suit, odd pieces, couchea, &c. An estimata costs you nothlng. A choice se lection of Plain and Fancy Linens to choosc from, NOW is the best time to have your parlor suits recovered, your mattresses made over,, and tbere is no better place than here. Largest line of BABY CAR RIAGES, GO-CARTS and RE FRIGERATORS in the city, and the makes we carry sell the goods. Prices cut no figure, as they are always right. SYDNOR ?AND? 7og-11-13 East Broad. ?*>-?-? Men's Full Dress Weat. Whatevor "fashion" has stamped as corroct will bo found here. ? ? ' . , . Clawhamrner and Tttxedo Suils, Whiio Vests, Fofinshififts, Silk Hats, Opera Hats, Patent Iieathor Shoes, <tc. The Full-Dress Suifc is supposed to represent tlio ingliost ideal in tailoring. Oura are aa perfcct na lt l? posslblo to crealo them. Made of flnest mntcrlnls?cut wlth broad ahouldera, aniig-flttlng at walst and pcrfect-hanging pklrts. Our Tuxodo Coata nro mndo Juat a*f cnrofully aa the full drees. Frock Coats and Vests. Tlme waa when a perfect Frock Coat could not he bought rmdy-to wear. But now there Is no need to go to a tnllor?for tho smartcst Prlnco Albert Cont that can bo cut wlll bo found here. Our stock ls Buperb, lncludlng rvciy'slze for tnll, atotit or medlum-slzed mcn. Flne Btrlped Worsted Trouaera to be worn wlth thom. Aa atated above, everythlng for formal and ac-ml-formal drcss Is here, lf It'a correct and nt rlght p'lccs. omJ t -?-.?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-? HE REFERRED TO THE METHODISTS Dr. Bruner Compllmented Them in His Sermon at Calvary Church. In a sermon dellvorcd yesterday after? noon at tho Cnlvnry Baptlst Church, of whlch ho has recently become the pastor, tbo Rov. Weston Bruner took occaslon to refer ln hlghl yeompllmcntnry torms. to tho work and tho lnfluence of tho Metho? dlst denomlnatloii. Dr. Bruner was dlscusslng tho subject "Powor of Prayer." By way of lllustra tlng hls theme. he roferred to the great achlovemont of tho Mothodista last year, when they rslscd M0.000.000 for educatlon and other purposes, and In general to the great nnd growlng lnfluence of tho do nomlnaton for good. He declared that muolJ of tho \tallty in this great church depended upon Its praycrs. And here ho refcrred to Ruzanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles, the founders of Metb ortlsm, whose prayers, accordlng to John himsolf. were what mado of her sons tho men they proved to be. Over tho home of this holy womnn, Dr. Bruner said, there ehould bo erectcd a great monuinent to tako tho placo of tho presont modest slab. Kach afternoon and evenlng durlng tbe present week Dr. Bruner Is conductlng apeclol Bervlccs at Calvary. % Snap Shots TJakon I Sn Jfcotel jCobb/os Among tho promlnent visltors In the clty last nlght were Dr. D. L. Wln 5>ton, former member of tho Ilousc from Hanover; Profepfor J. H, Baden of Staunton, and Clty Attorney R. L. Jor dan. of Radford. Colonel James Mann, of Norfolk, was among hls frlonda at Murphy'a last nlght Hon Pembroke Pettlt, former membor of tho Houae from Fluvanna and Gooch land, la here on private bnalness, and waa at Murphy'a laat nlght. Hon and Mrs. Thomas N. Jonos, of Isle of Wight, aro In the clty. and are atopping at Murphy'.a. Tliey are here at tendlng tho Confederate Bazaar nnd mingllng wlth thelr leglslatlvo frlenda, Mr. Jonos having been a popular mcm ber of the House for several terms. Among thn promlncnt Republlcan le?d*>rs who nro~nere to attond t!>? Con federato Bnzanr, and. who wern reglstered at Murphy's la*t nlght. are Genoral Stltli Bolling, of Pctersburg, RTid Colonel R. T. Hubard, of Bucklngham. Congreasmnn Hal D. Flood, of Appomal tox, fn In tho clty and Is atopping nt the Jofferson. Mr. Flood was on the floor of tha Senate for a whlle on ye? terday. Among the prominent Vlrglnlnns in the clty ls Dr. W. H. Pyne, of Orango coun- , ty, formerly of tho Ambulanco Oorps of thls city. Dr. Pyne waa In tho lobby of Murphy'a last nlght, and was warmly grcote!i by many of hls old frlenda here. Judge G. Taylor Oarnett. of Mathews, la In tho clty and ls atopping at Mur? phy's. Vlrglnlans here lnst nlght were: Murphy'a: W. K. Carr, Ronnoko; John H. Bader. Staunton; Frnd. Palntor. Mari on; J. Baldwln Tlanson, Mra. II. R. Per ry, Staunton; Miss Pnura H. Early, Hllls ville. Now Ford's: John E. Nottlngham. Ts'orthnmpton; X). Bale, Essex; T. E. Parksdalo, Ifallfax; James Ilumc, Port.i mouth. l^xlngton: W. R. Stansol, Portsmouth; A. T. Arthur nnd wlfo. Aahland. <^M^^^,^^><^<^<'>:^^*'^<?><^y^<<^'^ X <j> The roll of honor for Mendow Statlon School Is as follows: Cloveland Bottoms, Tonimy Bottonia, pudley Chaddick, Valnntliio llurt, John Kock, Ellen Appcrson, uvlyn Eherhard. Miugio Brlghtwell. <*>???; vV?..Svi> iyini .<*-??-?> '..(iri,-. ?'.>'. <$-$. <?-<}<?-?> ,f Mr. McKlnncy is contlncd to hU homo cn account of lllness. j Mra, Mooro, of l.aurel Street, Rlchmond, linn romoved to Fulton Park to reslde. Kuth McKlnncy ls spendlng a few dnys at Falrmount. The followlng guesta vlsltod Mra. Mc Klnney tho past week, Mra. J. \f, Paw snn, Mra, E. F. l'oinclexter and Mr. Slm?, of Manchoster. WAS HISNAHE FULKS? Report Concerning tho Man Who Shot Himselfat Murphy's Hotel. The idenllty of tho man who commltied .sulcldo in Murphy's Holc-l lust Saturdny morning by shoottne hlmaolf through the hcnd contlnues ahrouded lu deopest mys tery, although ll lookud for u tlme ye? tciiiHy ns If the nnmo nnd home of tlie unfortuimte had been unearthed. Mr. E. W., an eniploye nt the Clty Hall, waa posltivo tlie tuan wus uamed Fulkf., hnlled from Petersburg, and wo* survlvcd by a motlicr and three childreli, hls wlfo belng den.l. After vlewlng tho remalna at Bllley's, Mr. Thornns Infortned a representatlvo of Tho Tl.nes-Dlspntch that ho recog nlzed the countenanco of the dcad man aj) n mnehlnlst nnmed Fulks, who forin erly worked at tho Trlgg shlpyard, an.1 who hoarded'nt a house wlth hlm oa Bast Maln Street. To snbstontlato this, Mr. Thomaa etated that Frlday afternoon Just at the hour Deputy Clerk lawton Crutohlield nn<$ Mr. George Bargarnln saw tho docoasr.1 about tho Oity Hall, the mnn erilered tha bulldlng nnd asked thnt he (Thouvas) nc company hlm to tho Hustlngs Court nnd swear the girl he wlahcd to marry" waa of nge. No verlflcatlon of this report could bo obtalned by tho Petersburg correspond cnt of Tho Tlmes-Dlsprtch. The remalns wlll be held for a few days longcr In tho hope thnt somo ono may ldentlfy them. COMINO MUSIC FESTIVAL The Last Day for Subscribers to Securo Seats?Much Enthusiasm. The announcement of tho programme.i that are to bo sung at tho muslc festl val to bo glven next week under tha ausplces of tho Wedncsday Club hat added a very declded fillp of interest tu the onthuslasm already engondered by tho prevloils announcement of the gen? eral scopo of tho celcbratioji of tho club'* tenth blrthday. Tho programmes are sure to make a strong appeal to tho popular tasto an4 that fact mado ltself felt at tho offlca of tho club, No. 621 Kast Maln Street; yestordny In the number of enqulrlea for seats made by non-subscrlbors. To-day wlll be the last chance of thesj. subscribers, by tho way, to secure their seats, for to-morrow morning tho sale will bo thrown open to tho general publlc, tho tlckets belng dlspensed from tho offlcd of the club whero tlio force of as slstants haa chargo of the salo. Tho elaborate scopo of this festlval has mado tho expenses nearly double what they have over been before, and the Wed? ncsday Club looks to tho Importanco of tho celebratlon of its tenth annlversary as an event that wlll contrlbutc, In somo measure, to the popular enthuBlasni, whfle the arrangementB for tho festlvnl aro such as to exclto tho wldest posslbl" Interest and patronage. RICHMOND ELKS Trip to Baltimore to Be Discussed at Meeting To-Night. An lmportant meeting of Richmond Lodge of Blks wlll be held at the Homs to-nlght. Plans for tho Baltlmoro trlp wlll bo discuBsed and a number of appll catlons wlll be p.iBsed upon. Property Transfers. Richmond; C. K. Coulling to Blandina Snyder, 3,0-12 feet on nortn side of pub? llo nlley. 20 feet wlde, extendlng from Mendow to Park Street, $100. W. H. Catlett to E. J. Dlctrlch, 40 feet on wst sldo Plckett Street, 300 11-12 feet south of Pleaaants, $625. A Jannetta and E. F. Hlgglns to Emma V, Hardesty. lot In renr of said Har desty'a lot on Clay Street, betweon Twen ty-flrst and Twenty-necond Streets, $100. Mrs. Mary E. Lenhey to Mrs. Marla K. Lllly Mahoney, 32 feet on south ?ldc Clay Street, 100 feet west of Twonty-clghth, $1,600. C. F. Sauer and wlfe to Fred W. Wen zel, 20 feet on north sldo pleaaants Street, 310 feet west of Mosby. $2,950. Thomas E. Stagg and wlfe, Wllllam B, Nowell and wlfo and E. A. Catllh and, wlfe, to Joseph H. Loltch, 1IM-7-8-I2 feet on north sldo Marsball Street, 07 7-12 feet east of Twenty-thlrd, $3,100. Henrlco: The Old Folks' Horno of rh Gran.l Fountaln I.'nlte.l Order of Truo Reforniera to W, A. II. Albnny, lot No, 10, on plan of Brownosvllle, $5050. Hnme to same, lot 9 ort plan of Urownos vllle, $51.25, The Slander Suits, Mr. John Carlaiul Pollard, representlnq C, B. Woo.l, statcd yesterday that tho Blande'r sults flleq by hlm for hls cllent against Loren Dicker.son nnd E, If. GII bert for $2,800 nn.l Jio.otto, rospectlvely, are tho outcome of eertaln fulso report* alleged to havo been mndo by them ln reference of tho flnancinl stan.ling and businoss Intogrlty of Mr. Wood. Both Wood nnrt Dlckerson nro stock brokerf!. onductlng establlshinents in S.mtb Twelfth Street. They nro nex6 door nelghbors. Visiting Here. Miss Campbell and Miss P.i'o Campbell, of 1 Itirrlsrinburg. Vn.. aro a'lslt Ing thelr rolatlve, Mrs. George R. Can non, No. 3C0 West Qraoe Street, this oily, Goes lo Brlstol. Tho Rov. W. L. Campbell, of this clty, wiii go to Brlstol. Va., to reprosent tlio Blble Socloty of Vlrglnla at the pieetlng of Ablngdon A LOSTTREASURE For Whlch All Natlons Have Bcert Searchlng. For centurles every olvlllzod natlon lm? been searchlng for a lont Jewel, wlthout Bi.ecess. Somctlmes h clue would bo dls oovered, only to bo lost agaln, until tln hopo of its over belng found lms nlrnost been despalred of. Tliis prjeolcss jewej is health. But to-.b.y I)r. Btirklmrl'S Vegetable Coinpoiuul. the greatcst hoaltll re.storer the worl.l lu.s over known, is be? ing sent into evvry Hvll'ssed country oii c-aith. In 1 !>om s.75?;,(iOn nersonH WOl'Q trontfd. Kighty per cerjt. nt whom wer? cured. If you sufl'er from IUii'.umiUlsm, Constlpntlon. Nervousness or any dlsens( of tho Blood. Llver or Kldneys/yb.u can i>< cured by thU great reniedy, 2a ctiila. All driutfilsu.