Newspaper Page Text
VANDERBILT TO MARRY Report Is Belleved Desplte Lack of Conflrmation. IVILL NOT BE INTERVIEWED Bepresentative9 of tho Press Were Not Glven Any Information at Either tho House of Mr. Vandelbllt or of VI n. Rutherfurd. (By Aiaoclatert IVi-i?.j PARIS, April 21.?Tho Amerlcan Col ony horo has been considorably cxerolsed by tho perslstent roports of tho appronch lng marrlage of Wllllam ?K. Vanderbllt. Most of thcEO rcports camo from Now York, followlng tho court proceedlngs, but all pcrsons hero havo docllned to glvo any deflnlle Information on the sub Ject. ., At a late hour this aftornoon, whcn a call was made at tho Vanderbllt resl tlonco nnd a request sent ln for Informa? tion concerning tho current rumora, word was returned from Mr. Vanderbllt that ho was so bunlly engaged that he had been obllged to deny hlmsolf to all rep resentatlves of tho prcsn and to decllne either to afllrm or deny tho reports. Prac tlcally the samo responso was glven at tho rcBldcnce of Mrs. Rutherfurd. 'Jliofo occupylng contldcntlal relatloa* with Mr. Vanderbllt decllned furthor to dlscuss Iho roports of hls mnrriagc. Edmou.; Kelly, counsel for tho Unlted Btates Embiussy, and Secretao' VIgnaud, lald they knew nothlng regnrdlng Mr. Vanderhllt's lnterents In Paris, and ho has not been constiltcd rcgarding tho legal formalltlcs for mnrringos. whlch aro Indlsponsahle under tho Fronch law. N'o ofllclals of tho embassy or consulato ?ro aware of any pnpnrs relatlng tj bucU i mnrrlnge. When a request was mde to-nlght ut the resfdence of Mrs. Rutherfurd for confirrnntion oV denial of tho report. ,vord was returned that no answer would be glven. One of the women In the house expressed indlgnation at tho r-3:iiiest nnd characterlzed them ns sllly rumors. It ls understood thnt Mrs. Rutherfurd de nlea belng engaged to Mr. VanderbllL Notwlthstandlng tho rotlcence of all parlles concerned, the rnembers of tho Amerlcan Colony hold strongly to tho oplnlon thnt Mr. Vanderbllt shortly wlll bo marrled. J-r-f-H-r-H-l-i-H-H-^-l";-:-!-!-!'-!-:-?-?' I jft tho Uhoatres. >^H"H-!~!-!-l-!";"!"!"?-H"H~l"I"I-?-l";-H "Alabama" wlll be prcscntcd at the BI Jou this afternoon for the beneflt of tho Texas tablo of tho Confederate Bazaar. Tho plcce wlll be glvoa by tho RreTimond Collego Dramatlc Club. asslsted by Ftu drntfl of tho Woman's ColleR". Mnnagcr McKee han generously tendered tho uso of tho house for this occaslon. "Hor Wrongs Rlghted" contlnues draw Inrge houses at the BIJou. In aplto 6i its excoriatlon by tho crltlcs. Tho % MANY PEOPLE HAVE SEEN & m OUR AHNOUHCEMENTS jjjj ff IN THE VARIOUS V/ m PAPERS' </) m. or else heard of tho {{\ ...IN SOME OTHER WAY... Just ask nny muslcal frlend whoro tho be.'t Planos for tho least money can bo procurod, and tho answor wlll be -THE Take Your Ghoice p i A N O s Conover, Cable, King'sbury, Schubert, Wellington. For y ears wo havo been toll pjj you about'tho ninrits of our gooda. Now wo wnnt you to try thorn. A trlal wlll convlnco tho most exneting muslcalorltio. Small Musical Instruments and Sheet Music. Wo havo tho most complete and lurgest stock of Sheeb Musio and Small Muslcal Instruments in the South. OALL AND LKT US SHOW YOU OVER THI8LARGE8TOOK. ? THE CABLE The Oldcst Hrond-Street Huslc House, m 2l3Easf Broad Strae!. (? J. 0. CORLEY, Manager. iji During Convalescence Recovery is hastened, health restored and vitality renewed by the use of TAAOE MAHK. The perfect malt tonic. A food a c, .M.axw'i// ghi Hquid form. It quickly builds da^&fjflesh and tissue. iC^^I^^K^al All dragglBts eeU lt. Pwparsd by tlie Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. LouU, 0. 8. A. pince Is a typlcal Itallan melodrama, full of blood curdles and sonsatlona.' Thn prena notlces glven of the flrst np penronco of tho Acadomy Mualcal Comcdy Company In Norfolk aro hlghly eulogla tlc. The company wlll playi In that clty through thls wock and next, n.nd wlll ro turn hero tho followlng wock for tho bnlnnco of tho aeason, oponing ln tho vory popular muslcnl comedy, "Tho Pcarl of Pekln." "Tho Belle of Now York" wlll follow. "M'JjIss" has for a number of years been "a book ahelvpd play" untll two aoa sona ngo it was taken down) dustod and glven a moat elaboratn prodtictlon by Mpssra. Spenccr and Aborn. MIsb Nellle Mclfonry plays the tltle rolo and "Yuba Blll," anotlier equally Important part, wlll bo enactod by M. E. Helsoy. Its comlng engngernent at tho BIJou next week should provo a most lntcreatlng and profltablo 0116. |~:-M-H-3"H"H-H-* '\\Chostnui jfct'U and :: \ 7 Jfighland Par/cv. Mr. Frank R. Ratcllffe has juat re turned from nn extended business trlp North, and wlll not go out on the road ngnln for somo tlme. Mr. Mayo Wllls Is qulte alck at tho rea Idenco of Mrs. Charles W. Vaughan, on Thlrd Avnmie, Hlghland Park. Mrs. Stocklng, of Rlchmond, Is visitlng Mrs. Wllllam Spratley, ln Hlghland Park. Mr. Frank Netherland. who haa bccn visitlng at tho homo of Mra. Francia Pem berton. has rcturncd to hl3 home ln Wash Ington. Miss Rhynie Bong, of Third Avenue and Junipcr Street, is qulte slck. Miss Allco Ratcllffe, who has been teach Ing school ln Mathewa county for the past sesslon, has rcturncd to her homo r.ear Hlghland Park. Miss Katharyne Gatoa, who Is spendlng acme tlmo wlth Mra. Thomos Whitlng, on Flrst Avenue, has bccn visitlng frlenda ln Petersburg. Master Roy Todd, who haa been qulte slck at hls horne on Enslow Avenue, Hlghland Park, Is entlrely recovered. Miss Rosallo Holladay Shafer, who has bc-en spendlng thc wlnter South, 1s now visitlng Mrs. ' Walter B. Pcmberton, in Blttlo Rock, Ark. K4<s4^4-?>4^4 <M^>4<544>44>4?!>4?4^ % JFulton Tfews, | ^.+4444<?>f ^ 4^44>444^4^4S4S>4S> Mr. John Beomons, an employe. of the Virgjnla and North Carollna Wheel Works, was painfully brulsod Monday af ternoon whilo returning from work. Mr. Beoraons was attemptlng to pasa betwoen two cars of a llne whloh blocked tho road, when tho ongino attached started on*. Mr. Lcomons was thrown out wlth mucli force against a coal ear on another track. He was asslsted to the offlce of Beo Willlams, where, upon ex arninatlon. lt was found that hls hlp was badly bruised and he had sustained aeveral mlnor hurts upon hia body. He wlll t>e oonflnod to hls bed for several weeks, owing to his lnjuries. Tho Chesapeake and Ohlo Rallroad Company have completed thelr rnammotb yarda below Fulton, widch have beon under construction for aevoral years. Thn company is now movlng the statlon bulldlng. whlch formerly stood on Or loans Btreet, to the centor of the new yards near tho Vlrglnla and North Coro Hna Wheel Worka. An Important meetlng of Mattaponl Tribo of Rod Men wlll be hold to-nlght at Nelsen's HalL Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelsen are contem platlng a vlslt to thelr old homes In Den mark. Thoy wlll leave the latter part of next month nnd wlll be occompanled by thelr nlece, Mlaa Marla Koch, of thla clty. Thelr stay wlll embrace aeveral months, The preparatory work of movlng R. B, Harrlaon's drug store and the several houses attochod haa been completed and the houses wlll bo placed upon the rollers to-morrow morning. A largo crowd wltnesses the work every day, and when the real work sets ln no doubt the streets wlll bo thronged. Tho Bullders" Deague of Denny-Street Methodlst Bplscopal Church met yester? day nftornoon wlth Mra. Wllllam Beo nnrd, of Graham Street. Captaln B. S. Rlco Is conflncd to hls residenco wlth rhoumatism. Llttlo Inoz Hobson gavo a donkey party at hor paronts home, No. 130O Tw_entleth Btreet, Saturday afternoon frpm i to 0 o'olock, for tho beneflt of the Methodlst Orphannge. . Those presont were: Missej Mnrla Rlcb ersoa. Edlth. Corine, Glndya and May Gentry, Allco Bates, Marlo, Janlo and Holen Nuekols. Alma Aibberson, Edna Jones, Eouiso Dawronco, Ineg and Myrtlo Uobson, Manilo. Ida and 01a Bolaney, and Mosars. Clyde Thomaa, Wlllie Abberson, Steven Brlstow and others. Blttle Miss May Gentry won the prlzo for placltig the appendago nearest tho rlght placo, and the boy's prize fell to Wllllo Abborson. Little Etha and Gladys Dlxon are stlll qulte 1|1 at their father's rosldence, on Twenty-fhlrd Street. The case of Mary HIH waa ealled last nlght bofore Mayor Jeler, and as eho falled to appear, her bond was declared forfelted, and John Fantry, hor bohds man, paid up promptly. The funeral of Mr. James Searles, who dled Monday. wlll tako ploce to-day from the resldence. Nta. 1600 Twenty-thlrd Streot, at 3:30 o'clock P. M. Blttlo Blnda B., youngost daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CiVarlcs Blxon, dled yester? day afternoon, and wlll bo burled to-day at 2:S0 o'olock from tho ruatdence, No, fc?9 KKOfltx-iWra ftUwU, HAVE TO PAY JMUCENSE Announcement ComesWlth Somewhat of a Shock to Henrlco Saloonlsts. It comes Bomowhat ln tho naturo of a shock to many of tho ealoon keopers of Henrico county that they wlll be re qulred ln future to pay tho full $300 tix. Sinco tho passago of the now revonuo blll dlffercntlatlng tho two clasaos of saloons? country' and clty?requlring of tho ono a tax of $170 and of tho othor 5350, thoae saloons witbln a rdlus of one half a mile of Richmond have re3ted In tho hopo and bellef that they would have to pay only tho country llcense. But the commlBsloners of the revenuo wore furnlshed wltli a copy of the new law yesterday, and tho oplrlon Is held that the saloons In questlon, though ex empt from tne provlslona of tho Mann blll, wlll havo to pay tho clty licenso. It ls understood that Judgo WIekliam, of tho County Court, also holds to this viow. , Tho vast majorlty of the saloons in Henrlco nro wlthln a half mlle of Rich? mond. Tho fact that they will have to pay $350 in the futuro wlll put soveral of them out of the buolness. Owlng to tho fact that the Audltor has formally notlfled tho commlssloncns of tho pasoage of tho now laws tho grant lng of licenses can proceed on Frlday, and there wlll be no necesslty for further delay. The appllcatlon of saloons withln one-half mlle of the clty wlll be heard on the 24th. Tho appllcatlon of those further out, whlch como under the pro vlslons of tho Mann law, ? togethor with the contested caseB, wlll be heard on the 27th and 2Sth W00000000000000000000000 ? | ffiarton Jfceights. ? t> \ *> 0000000000000000000000000^ Mr. J. J. Feather has returned from a vlslt to Newport News. Miss Edytho Cosby. who has been vlsltlng in Newport News and Hampton, bas returned home. Miss Bllss, who has been vlnltlng Miss Hettie Kittinger, has returned to Pow hatan. Mr. Walter Buford wlll leave this even lng for Lynchburg. There wlll bo a class meeting to-night nt the Methodist Church, led by Mr. W. A. Llghtner. Mrs. T. B. Carter, who has been vlslt? lng Mrs. George E- Carter, has returned to Fredoricksburg. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Huff havo returned from a trlp to Baltimore. Mlsa Nannlo Halloway has returned to Carollne after a vlslt to Mrs. J. O. Jeter. Miss Hattle Wrlght, who has boen qulte slck. Is able to be out. Mrs. J. P. Haupt, who has been qulte slck, ls lmprovlng. Miss Ella Thorpe, who has been qulte Elck at Dumbarton, Is able to be out. Miss Ethel Coalter, who has bee.T qulte slck ln Brooklancl Park, ls lmprovlng. At a meeting of tho Ladles* Aid Socloty of Overbrook Church. lt waB declded to dlsoontinue tho sesBlon of tho organlza tlon for the present, as a majorlty of the members are preparlng to leave tho Helghts for the summer. Mrs. E. H. I-en, who ls movlng her fiomo to tho clty, tendered her reslgnatlon as presldent Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Munsen, of Bal? timore, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred. S. Jones. Colonel Moores, who has been vlslt? lng hls son, Mr. X. M. Moores, has re? turned to Charles Clty. Mr. J. J. Wright left yesterday morn? ing to attend the Qrand Counoll, Royal Arcanum. at Roanoko. Mlsa Newman, of Hampton, expecta to vlslt frlends on the Helghts Frlday. Miss Jennlo Cullen has left for Now York. Mra. C. T. Wllklnson left yesterday for Matoaca. MIbs Oladj's HIggerson, who has been vlsltlng Mrs. J. Y. Qreen, has returned to Chesterfield county. Cadet Edgar Roso, who has been vlslt? lng hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rose, hns returned to tho Vlrglnla Poly technlc Institute, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Woodwnrd. of Mld dlesox, are vlsltlng Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Woodward. Mr. .1. W. MItchell and daughter, who havo been visiting In Roanoko, have re? turned home. Miss Renu Flangan, who has beon qulte slck at hor homo on York Streot, Is able to be out, Ttitt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Kecp the syatem in perfect order by the eccaaional ubo of Tutt'p Liver PiUa. They regulat* tho bowels aud produce A Vlgorous Body For ftlek headache, mulurifc, bil iootmeaa, conetipation end kindred ftiaeaaea an absolute cwi* OTUTT'S LSYBR PILLS* YOUNG SANDRIDGE WAS SENT TO JURY Indlcatlons PointtoFactThat a Plea of Insanlty Wlll Be Made. Alfred Sandrldge was twnt on to the grand Jury from tho ollt-o Court yesterday mornln", after h!s case had been glven s thoiougH pr^llmlnary examir.atlon. He Is cbnrged wlth the mtirder of Nnn nle Morrls. on the nlght of Marc.t Hh. Fro;ei the manner ln whlch the wltness 09 wero examined, tho lltie of questlonlng ai'd tho general outllnc of tho dofenso as dlsclosod ln tho hoarlng of Mr. Harry Smi'.h, coui ?el for Sandrldge, lt was .?learly sten that tho kllllng nnd th* Ht tempt at sulcido wero altrlbutable to psy ohologlcn! causos and that nn effort wlll be n.ade to show that t! e young -haii was suflVorlng from tempomry Insanlty when tho rnsh cced was done. Mr. Smith endenvored to show, through the ts.'lnesses, that the prlsoner h.aa un dergono a sovore mcntal straln through a love pfialr, and thnt only two davs l.e *oi?i the r.hootlng. n ptningn Bcmj htd beon enncted In the parlor of Miss Moi < Wis ?boardinghouse. Mr. BandrldgO had been devoted In hls attentlona to' the young Ho had glven her a watch and chaln and two rlngs as presents and tokeas of his love. S^f. had at reptcd them, but when ho h'.O reached tho stago of a proposal she had "turiitf him down," bo to speak Then the fury of a broken-hearted lover assertcd Itself, Ho took tho watch, bi >ko tho cryntal and the ohaln and throw them In tho Ilro; ho trnmpled the rlngs under foot, and exhlblted for n few mlnuteil all tho slgns of nn tnsane man, made so by tho turn affalrs-had taken In n-fer once to his lovo. A chango took place, however, beforo the ovonlf closed, and when Iho two young peoplo partcd lt was wlth npnar ALFRED SANDRIDGE (Photograph Taken In Jall.) ently the best of fecllng towards each other. He called agaln tho next nlght, whlch was the Saturday before the shootlng. There were, others ln the parlor durir.g the evening, and nb one nbtissd that anything hnd gono wrong .with the heorc of Mr. Sandrldge. On the next ni^ht tho sceno ngaln changed. Thero wei . no witnesses to what was said or done In tho parlor at that last intervlew. "Lord, Mr. Cook, Mr. Sandrldge has shot mo and I am dying," was '.he last words uttered by the girl as sho lay ln the throes of death on the parlor lloor, when Mr. cook ran down Mnlra at ihe sound of screams and shotB. "I have shot Miss Morrls and myself," ls what Sandrldge said. Then as ho walked toward Dr. P*rk er's offlce, with Mr. J. S. Montgomery, he said: "I hopo she won't die, but I hopo I wlll. Go with mo to tho dock." And when he was arrested by O.Tloer Mol. Folkes, ho said: "I am not ln the habit of catryng a plsrtol, but I put this one ln my pocket for a speclo.l purposo to-nlght, n::d had mado up my mlnd that lf everythlng went all rlght, it would be well; lf not I would klll myself." This was the story as braught out by Mr. Smith ln his croBS-oxa-nlnaHon. Young Sandrldge looked pnl) and ner vous as he sat bcsldo his counsel. but ho was alert and closoly followod tho ovidence. By his sldo sat Rov. Mr. Cook, hls aplrltual adviser. Tho oourt-room was fllled to suffoca tlon, a number of ladles belnar present. Tho coso was tho last ono on tho docket, but the blg crowd wnlted for it, standing through tho long dockot of minor oases that preceded. Tho witnesses examined were Miss Rota Morris, a slster of tho dead girl; Mr, J. S. Montgomery, Mr. Goodmnn, Mr R. II Cook and Pollceman Folkes. ho Bldes Dr. Sandldgo, of tho Ambulance Corps, and Coroner Tnylor. QUITE A C01NCIDENCE Three Soldiers Meet on Anniversary of Their Musterlng. Hon. C. A. Heermans, momber of the House of Delegates from Montgomery, and forrnorly a oltlzen of Richmond, was relntlng an lnterestlng colncldonce to hls frlends at Murphy's last nlght, Tuesday was tho annlvorsay of the mustoring ln of tho young guard of the Commonwealth, nnd yesterday that of tho hattlo of Bethol. Mr. Heermans was ono of those who mustered In this well remembored company, and at the samo tlmo ciune in Messrs. Charles Young and Thomas Robertson, of this clty. They woro also together at the battle of Bethol. By tho morest accldont the three met at Murphy's on Monday, and they spent soveral hours In deallng on roml nlscences, and ln flghtlng over thelr bat tles. Mr. Heermans and his old comrndes greatly onjoyed tho occoslon, and they wlll llkely havo many more rounlons. DR. IKEDA LEAVES Last of the Japanese Delegatlon to Go. Tobacco Notes. Dr. nteda. who for the past two or three yeora has beon at the head of a delegatlon sent here by the Japanese gov? ernment to study Amorloan methods ln tho culture .and manufaoture of tobocoo, left yesterday. He wlll vlslt two or threo polnts, ond about Muy 16th wlll reach Ban Franclsco, from whlch place he wlll fiall for home. The delegatlon has beon recallcd, and ho ls tho last to leavo. Durlng hls rosidonco in this city ho has made many frlonda, who wlll rogret lus departure. It ls understood that Mr. Yezo. a Japaneso government ofitelal, wlll-Bh'irtly bo lu Riohmond. He is on a. tour of tho tobacco aections of tho country. Mr. Thomaa Gnllaher, tho blg manufoc turer of Belfnst. Irehitul, ls cxpoeted in tho clty wtthin tho ne.vt few days. Mr. R. <Lf Dlbrell, of Danvillo, wi? Jhp clty, y.estwduy^ - ? . . ? Crocker-Wheeler Company, JYlanufacturers of Washington Office: 1417 New York Avenue. and MOTORS. Electrical Engineers ^y for an economical drive of Pumps, Blowers Hoists, Printing Presses, /Vlachine Tools, etc. Offices and Works, AMPERE, N. J. And its rcturn prevented by USING ? Best on enrth for Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspcpsia 'and Liver Troublea. If a liver would live As a liver should live, And kcep froro all liver Hls,. lle miist take for his liver That certain health giver, Dr. David's Bost Liver Pills. Price, 25c. a box everywhere. Price, 25c. everywhere. owEiis & mnm drug go., Kichmond, Va. JUSTICE JOHN'S LONG DOCKET Pollcy Men Arrested and Glven Penalty?Fined for Working Lame Horse. Juatlco John had the most important docket of tho year boforo hlm yesterday. Besides the two murder caaos, referred to elsowhere, there were a number of other casea of some Interest. Tom Carter and Itorace Taylor, colorod, were found guilty of promotlng pollcy and were flned $20 and fient to Joil for one day. Tho caao. waa workod up by Ser geant Sowoll and Actlng Sorgeant Wyatt. Beslio Bowden was llned $6 for working a lamo horae, as reportod by E. R. Law ronce. of the S. P.-C. A. Mr. Bowdon protcsted that whon the hbrao went lamo ho orderod his drlver to tako it to tho slablo. W. B. Jenklna, colorod, on tho chargo of scrlously cuttlng Bouiso Jofforson ln tho back, had his caae contlnued to May 2d. Georgo Hunter waa placod under six nionths' security on tho chargo of cuttlng Archer Robinson three months ago. James Johnnon, a poor, forlorn-looklng whlto lad, waa sont to tho Reformatory for havlng two rallroad brasses ln hla possesslon. Nat Panzlo^went down for ten days for drunkenness.* Bell Tyler was charged $5 for belng dls orderly on tho street. J. C. Btpscomb was assesaed $10 for fast rld'lng. V- ?'' , For belng drunk and dlsorderly ln a bar-room, Aldor Ollver pnld $0. Bcsllo Rood, as a sitsplclous charactor, wont down for nlnety days. Emma Taylor, colored, wns chargod $2.50 for belng dlsorderly on tho street, John Wllllams abusod and struck Mary Bcckett; $10?both colorod. flAY FESTIVAL Many Attractlons Secured for the Chlm borazo Hospltal BenefiL Georgo O. Bltt, ropreaentatlve of the General Amusemont Company. of Cln clnnatl, Ohlo, who la co-oporatlng wlth tho ofllcers of tho Chlmborazo Hospltal in tho Interoat of tho May festlval to be held horo for the boneflt of that worthy charlty ln Brond-Stroet Park. May 18th ISId, hna returned from tho West, whero hu went to aecure addltlonal attractlona for the exhlbltlon . Mr. Bltt reporta tlvat ho aucceoded ln securlng a number of attractlons nover befora scon nt any slmllar entertalnmont held In the South. Theao attrnotlons are novol nnd promlso to be exooptlonably interestlng to amusoment lnvors. Preparations for tho festlval aro golng forward at a rapld rate, and tho clty morchanta iro ovlnelng tho groateat In? terest in tho undortaktng. Thoy promlso to mako an lndustrlal oxhlblt whlch has not beon rlvaled eluce tho daya of the old Stato Fnlr. Tho rallroads enterlng tho clty are ar ranglrig epoclal excurslong for festlval week, and It la eipocted that vlsltora from all parta of thls Stato and North Carollna wlll toke adv.antage of tho op portunlty to vtslt Rlchmond at that tlme. FISCHER DJSrilSSED Shootlng of Annie Lee Was Shown to Be Accidental, Mr, Caaper Fischor waa dlsmlssod of tho chargo of tho murdor of tho colored servant glrl, Annlo Loo, by Justlce Crutoh fleld ln tlie Pollce Court yesterday niorn lng. It was aihown that iho shootlug. whlch ocourred on Bunday morning, waa . purely aooldeutal, Tho fuct was ulso <rA\rou?tit outj ?t; tha jpoi'wioi'u la'iuoyt. ANNM.rAL 8TATKMENT FOH THT3 YEAR BNPINCJ DBCEMDfitt ?1. 1002. OF Tltn CONDft TION ANI) AKI'AIItR OF THE NOIIWIOH UNION FIIIH INSnRANCE SOCIBTi 09 BNOLAND, ORGANIZED tJNDBK THR LAWS OF TIIF. KINOUOM OF OUKAT BIIIT. AIN. MAIJB TO THE AlJIHTOR OF PUHI.IO ACCOUNTS OF THH COMMONWEALTH 09 VIHGINIA. IN POnSUANOB TO THE I.AWS OF VIRfllNIA. ,,,-?? . _??,. ?,,??.? Mniugcr fnr Unlted Stnteo. J. MONTUOMEHY HAIIE; Prlnclpnl Offlce ln Unlted HtntM,. 0(1 AND M PINB 8TIIEKT, NB\V YORK; Incorporatod, 1797; Commenccd Bnslneas ln tna Unlted Htatea, 1877. I CAl'ITAL. .... ?? ?. Araonnt of capttal paid np ln eanh.1/. $600,000 o? Morte?(ro loans on real eatnte flrat llena.'..? 40,222 22 Intcroat due on all aald murtgngo loana, $185; tntereat aecruod thereon, $160. *o o" B0ND8 AND BTOOKS OWNED AB80LUTELY BY THE COMPANY. Market Vnluc not Par lncludlng ac Valuo. criied lnteroat. Unltod Statea rcg. bonda. I 070,000 00 $ 400,087 00 Rlchmond Clty, Va? reg. bondu. 00.000 00 00,000 00 Hutler con.nty, O., rcg. bonda. 60,000 00 64,000 00 Cnpltol Rebulldliig Jlouds of New Mexlco. 6,000 00 0.400 00 Chlcago, nnrlliigton A Qnlncy Rwy. rcg. bonda. 100,000 00 107,600 00 , Chlcngo. Rnck lalnnrt and Paclflo llwy. rog. bonda.... 100.000 00 103.500 00 Pennaylrnnln Company reg. bonda. 100.000 00 100,000 00 N. Y., Chlcago A St. Loula Rwy. reg. bonda. 100,000 00 104,500 00 West Slioro llwy, rog. bonda. 67,000 00 02,700 00 Long laland Rwy. Oon. Mort. reg. bond. 20.000 00 21.600 00 Atclilson. Topeltn and Santn Fe llwy. rcg. bonda. 26,000 00 ^>^X 22 Contrnl of Oeorgla, Itwy. rog. bonda.i 80,000 42-Bj?? 55 Rnltlmoro and Oblo Rwy. rcg. bonda. 10,000 00 10-200 00 Norfolk nnd HVstorn llwy. reg. bonda. 50,000 00 59-955 55 Now York Clty Lonn. 100,000 00 52*922 22 Now York Lonn.*. 100,000 00 103.500 00 Unlted New Jeraey llwy. and Canal Co... 10.000 00 28.000 00 Chlengo and Northweatern Tlwy. Co. pfd. 20,000 00 40.000 00 Renssnlnpr nnd Snrntnga llwy. Co.. gunr. 27,000 00 60.700 00 rittabnrg. Ft. Wayno and Chlcago Rwy. Co? gnar.... 40.000 00 78'405 55 ChlMgo. Mll. and St Pnul Kwy. Co., pfd. 20.000 00 82-*92 22 . Chlengo, Mll. and St. Pnul Rwy. Co.. com. 2,000 00 ??'SS2 29 Illhinls Contrnl llwy. Co.. Lonsed Llnea. gnar. 50.000 00 -Ji'522 22 Twln City Ilapld Trnnalt Kwy. Cn.. pfd. 30.000 00 i?-555 52 Goorgla llwy. and Banklng Co., gunr. 20.000 00 5t,000 00 Totnl pnr nnd mnrkot Tnlue cnrrlod out at mnrkot ' ?? ? .? ?, ??. -, . vnluo....'.$1,407,000 00 $1,763,260 00 $1,763,200 01 Cnah ln tho comrnny'a prlnclpal offlco.?. ooo'ono nt Cnah belonglng to tho eorapnny In bnnk. ti'tm ni Interrst accrued on bonda nnd stocka.???. nin'rJr ni Agents' bnlnncca ropreacntlng bualnoaa wrltten nnbacnuent to Octobor 1, 1002. o'iSn 'ln Cntnmliislona on nnpalil return nnd rclnsnrunco prcniluma. rn -<% All other proporty belongbig to the company._!!___. Totnl aaaota.$2,411.474 89 LIABILITIES. Grosa loaaea ndjuatod and nnpnld due. $ 03,178 80 Groaa clultna for loaBca In proceoa of adjiiatment or In auspcnso, lncludlng oll reportod nnd auppnapd loaaea. 00,104 71 Groaa clnlins for 1ob9ps reslated. 82,100 00 Totnl.$182,478 01 Deduct rolnaurnnco due or accruod. 23,000 25 Not amonnt of nnpnld losacs nnd clnlma.?. 9 160,464 38 Groaa preraluma (leaa rclnaurnncc)) rccolvod nnd rocclvahlo upon all tinexplrod flro rlska ninnlnR one yonr or leaa from dnte of pollcy, lncludlng Intcrcst, prcmluma on perpetnnl flro rlaka, $l,42t-,044.00: _ unoarned promluma (60 pnr cent.). $710,55^85 Groaa promluma (leaa rolnaurnnce) rccolvod nnd recclvable upon nll un explrod flro risks runnlng more tlinn ono ycnr from dato of pollcy, $1,370,805.70; unonrncd preraluma (pro rntn). 731,854 05 Totnl tinearncd promluma ns computcd aboro. -'4i?'JTI 22 Duo nnd nccnied for anlnrlcs, ront, exponsea, tnxca, bllls, nccounts, iten, etc. 20,01- 60 CommPislona. brokcrugo nnd otber chitrgca duo nnd to bocomo due to ngenta and _ brokpra.. e2*T4S 92 Ileturn premluma, $0,750.00; relnsurnnce, $5,002.02.... 12,413 43 Totul amount of all llnbllltlca, oxccpt cnpltcl Btock and not aurplua. $1,685,710 4U Surplus orer all llablUtlea. 725,704 4? Total llnbllltlca. $2,411,474 83 tNCOME DURING THE YEAR. Flre. Groaa promluma.$2,502,270 00 Doduct rolnaurnnce, rchntc, nbntenicnt nnd roturn premluma. 070,020 00 Totul prcsmluma (other thnn perpetunla). *}>801,640 10 Intprest on mortgngo lonna. '.?? Intorpat on bonds nnd dlvldenda on ntocka. > StS ?? Proflt on aale or maturlty of ledgor aaaeta. onr'Si? r'S Preraluma In courao of collectlou Dcccmbcr 31, 1001....._207,007 oS Total income. $2,220,120 75 DI8BUHSEMENTS DTTRING THE YXAIt. Grosa amonnt pnid for loaaes (lncludlng $134,C06.;iO occurrlng ln prevloua yenra).$1,023,113 00 Doduct amount recolvod for snlvago, $0,470.34 nnd for rolnaurnnco in othor compnulea, $116,018.48. Totnl deducUon. 122.8S0 82 Not arnounc pnld for loaata. $ 000,723 13 Pnid for commission or broknrnge. 317.,00b SJ Pnid for anlnrlon, fcea, or otlicr chnrgca of offlcora, clerka, ngenta and all other cmployes. 188.140 57 Pnid for Stutc nnd locnl tnxoa In thla nnd other Stntes. 42.43-t 44 Pnid for ronta. JS'ZsMs All other paymonta and jxpondlturea. i3.njs 11 Caah romlttpd home offlc?. 101,403 88 Cost of collccllon, commiaalon and brokorago on premluma, ln courao of collectlon llBCCiubcr 81. 1001. 54,000 17 . Total dlaburBementa. $1,757,645 6J BUSINE88 IN THE STATE OF VIROINIA DURING THE YEAR. Flre. Iltska wrltten.,. *3'1S2'Iii ?9 Premluma recciTed. BQ.OM 41 Loaaea pald. 21,034 67 Lossoa lncurrcd. 20,880 84 (Slgned.) J- MONTGOMERY BARE, Rcsldent Manager. Stato of Now York; Connty of New York?bbi 6ubacrlbed and aworn to Janunry 2S, 1003, before GEO. R. COREY, ConimtaBtoner. T. L. ALFRIEND & SON, AGENTS, U15 E. Main. CLOVER, TMTHY, GRASS SEEO, SEED OATS, GORN, NORTHERN-liRQWN SEED POTATOES, Etc. Wo make a speclalty of Hlgh Grade FI13I-.D S13BDS, buy ln largo quantltles and are preparod to make low prlces, quallty consldered. Wrlte us when buylng. N. R. Savage & Son Graln and Sead Mercl ants, Richmond, Va. Jaw Mills! Yos, of course, wo manufacture them?and of the very best con atructlon! Wo have 'bullt many a suw-mlll during our vast experl ence of dver thlrty years! We know o. great deal about them. We also repalr them at reusomible prlcesl Estlmatea cheorfully glvon or malled upon request. Richmond Iron Works. (Estab'd 1S69. Incorp'd i902.) 15th & Brood and 16th & Grace Sts. Richmond. Va. plapo to havo your prescrlp llou llllod ls at THE BEST TRAGLE DRUG GO. 817 ESST B.IIWI). Bosher Vehicles are Popular and Old Frlend.* that havo never qunrreled and never wlll, It ls hard to get people to quar rol wlth style, qunllty, iinish and com fort, combiiied iti just tho rlght pro portlons, Moreovor, wo rIvo moro nctual car rlaBO oxoollonco to tho ilollur than any other llrm ln tho olty. Vlctorias, Depot Rockaways, Sureys, Phaetons, Runabouts, Wagons nnd all tho LATEST ST VIjKS. REPA1R1NO and KEPAINTINO. R. H. Boscher's Sons, 15 5. 9th St., Richmond, Va. TANNER PAINT AND OIL CO., li'.o East Man, Street, RICHMOND. VA.. COI.D WATBR PA1NTS. FI.OOR BTAI.NS, BRUBHKS, aiid PA4NT' iSitfir ewpywusfiaj