Newspaper Page Text
A. T. EMBREY Frederlcksburg Bar Recom ; mcndsHIm. HERR1NG NOW PLENT1FUL Hed Men's Bazaar Held in Fredericks burg Nettedthe Organization Nearly $4O0?The Fund Will Go to En tertaining the Convontion. (Speclal to The Timas-BlepatcJi.) FREDI3R1CK8BURG, VA., April 21.? Members of the bar here forwafdetl this afternoou to Senator Wnlloce and Dele gate Blscoe n petitlon recofnmendlng Hon, A-. T\ Kmbrey for Judge of the Corporntlon Ceurt to Bucceed Judge Wnl lacc, resigned. A petitlon has nlso been Bigned by promlnent clllsens and l?r warded. Tho Bcglelnturo will elect Mr. Embrey, who has agreed to scrvo and Wlll havo no opposltlou. .ludgo A. W. Wallace reslgned. and nutwlthslaiidlnii; an eamost oppeal from the cltiaens genorally to wlthdraw hls rcslgnatlon, ho odhered to hls decislon to rellro from of flclal life. Mr. Embrey ls at present CommonwcaTih's Attorney for tho clty. The Red Men's Baxaar held hero netted the orKJUiitation nearly WOO. This fund \rill bo used for ontertulnlng the Stato ' conventton of that orden, whlch nieots in this clty next month. Berring and other ilsh are becomlhg more plentiful, and prlccs havo fallou. Tho mountaln wacons are now coming down to tbo Potomao River shores to oaxry back their supplies of horring. Bhad and rock. whflo running moro frco Jy. are stlll soinowhat scarcc. At a haul jnado nt Widowater Bhoro on tho Po? tomao River last nlght 12,000 flsh wero caugiit This is tho largest catch this Boason thus far. Horsos aro ln gToator domand ln this feectlon tlian they havo been for many pears. Parties nro buying them up in Hroves to carry to other soction3 for ?ale, and horses, that were hord to eell at I7T) eacli somo months ngo aro now fcringtng *100 and $125 each. Tho local optlon peoplo aro stlll clr eulating their petitlon for Flgnatureg to present to tho Corporation Court, though Jt ls said that more than cnough havo already been securcd to assuro tho call Ing of an electlon. Tlie acreago in corn ln this part of tho Btato this season will bo much smallor than that of last year. This is due to two causes?tho unprecedented fall of raln, Selaying plowing. otc., and tho great scarclty of labor. It is slatod by somo that the exodus of negroea from this sectlon to New Jersey nnd other Slates is cansed by tho new electlon I.'iwh, by ?wliich many of them wero dlsfranchlwid. Whilst tho corn crop wlll bo smallor than usual. tho present prospect for n flne wheat yleld was never better. Mr. B. H. DeJametto. a promlnent lawyer of Spotsylvania county, has movca to Ornngo Courthon30 to practlce ? his profession. Messrs. W. II. Hnrkamp. A. B. Bolts nnd W. F. Coatcs, of this clty, havo pnne to Roanoko to attond a meeting of the Grand Councll of tho Royal Arcnnuin nt iSttt place. The play BIbl, whlch was prnducod hero with sq much success somo Weoks ngo. wlll be rcpeated :it tho opera on Frlday nlght, April 21th, the proceeds to he for tbo benellt of tho Mary Wash Ington Hospllal. Thero aro about. elghty peoplo ln the cast. all of this clty. MR. TARRY'S ESTATE Left Property Vnlued at Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars. rSpectal tn Tbe TlniBS-Dlspatcli'.l BOYDTON, VA., April 21.?The County Court of Mocklonburg bogan hero yester? day. Tho wlll of tho lato George P Tarry was admltted lo probato. His son, Albin R. Tarry, Is nainei] as exocutor, without security. Mr. Tarry left a hand pome estate, valucd at from ono hundred to ono hundred and thousand dollars. The l.njjper par.t of tho estate con pists of stockH.,.au.I ''honds, Mr, Tarry owned one of tho most valuable landed estates in tho county, Bltuated on Roa jioke River. Tho rontlnurd ralns havo serlously re larded farm opcratlons ln Mocklonburg/, pnd It would scein now Imposslble for tho farmers to make a full crop, ns but a very few of tlio farmors havo been able 1o make much preparatlon for thelr crops, Tho wheat crop Is also Injured by tho wet ?weatker, for in Borne localitles lt ls turn Jng yollow. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ovorhy gavo nn elegant progreasivo ouchro party a few rilghts hlnee to vnmc. thlrty of thelr young lady and pentlemon frlendfl at thelr honin Jn this place. A nplpudld supper was served about 31:80 o'clock. Mrs. BaBkor Vlll won tho ladles' prlz.o, and Mr, 13, D, Toom the gentleman's. Judge Bundley, of the Clrotilt Court, by a vaeation order, has appolntofl Mr. T. II. Boyd n member of tho Bourd of Penslon Commlssloners for Meoklenburg rounty, to flll the vacancy caused l.y tho leath of George V. Tarry. SHOT HinSELF tfoung Man Dies at Gato City from In juries Caused by an Actident. (Speclal loThe TJmes-Dlspatoh.) GATB il'IT, VA., April ^1.?Henry Btrong, tho nlnoteon-year-old son of lll ram Btrong, of uear SA'ayland, thla coun ty, accldentally dischargod a aliot-;yin into hia boiiy thla morning, from whlch he di.*i a few houra later, Ho went out thls morning wlth ???- gun to BhoQl jiawk. Be la tlie- grandaon f>t ex-Slierlff W. R. Strong, a merchanl of Onto Clty. Anoiher grandson of tho ex-aherlff was acoldentally ahot and kjlled a few yeai ago and a jlUle granddaughter was bun ed to!i AFTHK FORTY YEARS Well-Known Eniploye of the Baltimore and Ohio Retired at Winchester. (Speclal to The Tlmes-pispatch,) WI.NCHKHTKU. VA., April ^ 1 - .A 11, i eervinif tha Baltimore and Ohio Kai!r,,.ul for nearly forty yeara In varloua r-a pacltlea, Captaln Thomaa C. l3rinoa was to-day retired aa nx-rlntendent Bhenundoah Plvislon becauee of healtb. Captnin Prlnce'a flrtt poa the road was that -.1 newa poy Aucceedpd by J- B. Bpurrlcr, l .'. l-'irst Dlvlaion. C*ptftlri I'rin.-o i, ri-garded ca ono of the t>-m i.rr= the company. Wlsa Ouaale Conrad. daughter o Holmea Conrad, haa bccn eltctod ond Miss Annla Caitnv-ll. daug Oaunty Clerk T. K Cartmell. b'.nor, to reprea?vit T' Aahb; C V.. at tho Hcw OrltaiiK u-unlc Suddaniy out that tho clty was hecomlng qulte a blg money borrower tn ordor to mcot ctirrent exponnos, tho Clty Councll last tilght mndo n oonslderablo Inereaso in tho tnx on a number of in dustrles. Tho Fnlrfax Club. composed of many promlnont men. waa taxcd %no dollnr a head. and tlio actlve mcmbershlp Is said to hnvo rnpldly docreaaoa slnco lost nlght. ? Board ofTrade Offlcers. (Speclal to The Tlmrs-Dlapntcli.) NORTOl'lC. VA.. April 21.-H. A. Dun lop. of Richmond, was filocl.ed secrctaiy nnd trensuror of the Vlrgln a Bta e Board of Trado by the Ksecutlve ?. nuncll. whlch met hero to-day. C. W. Prlddy. of Nor folk. was elected presldent. nnc1 the place of the noxt annual mcotlng wlll b? Vlr? glnla Beach, June 23d. -1-* Verdict Agreed Upon. fSneclnl to Tlio TIm"K-l)l?P(iteh.) tfAJSawSfiu VA.. April 2f.-A verdict wns Itgreod upon this morning Whfeh.thS easo wa* callod ln tho County Co, rt of the Commonwonlth ngaliiBt John Joneq. charged wlth tbo kllllng of e*-?.?' John O. Watts. tho prlsonor nccopttng ono year In tho penttentiary. -1 NATIONALBANK IS ORGANIZED Charge of BlacKmall Agalnst Felt and Hutto Was DIsmissed. (gpcclnl to The Tlmes?Dlspalch.) NHWPORT NEWS, VA.. April 2l.-The Newport News Ntitlonnl Bnnk wns orgiui l7.ed to-day, the cnplial belng $100,000 nnd the Burplus $15,000. Tho otllcers nro K. Qulncy Smith, of Woahlngton, presldent; A. L. Powoll. vlce-prnsldent and manag Ing offlcer, nnd O. D. Balehclor, attorney. The bank wlll open for buslnesa In a fow WpokS nt No. 2TOI \Va.shlngton AVontto. Jtistlca Elam In Hampton to-day dls mlBfied the Chargo of blncknialllng agahmt 'F. F. Felt and Beon F. Hutto. '1 ho mon came down to testlfy In tho Oysart caso and aro alleged to have ottempted to ex tort money from Prltchardi who was ono Oi- tho defoiidants ln tho caso. Justlce Elam held that no caso had been modo out and that ho dld not havo Jurlsdlctlon, even had a caso been mado out. The battleshlp Toxas arrivod at Old Folnt Comfort to-day from Pensncola. Sho cnmo on ahcad of the squadron. which will nrrivo about May lst. A lettar ro celved from Rear-Admlral Parkcr statod that ono of tho battloshlps of tho North Allantlc Squadron probnbly would be docked at tho yard of tho Newport Nows company upon the nrrlval of tho squadron lu theBO waters. A largo delegaUon of businoss men ?* III leavo for Richmond to-morrow morning to work In behalf of tho Jnmestown lor Centenary approprlatlon blll. Tho lumber.shlp Francls II. Loggott wlll leave hero for Sari Franclsco Saturday to entor tho Rcdwood lumber trado out of Cellfornia ports.' Tho Loggott |B juot completod nnd ls equlpped wlth oll burn oni ln her bollor-room. Sho wlll tako out a cargo of steel ralls. WYSOR FOR CONQRESS Hc Is Named as a Candldate to Wln Against Colonel Slemp. (Spccial to Tho Tlmos-DlaptitcU.) TAZiaWBIiB. VA.. April 21,-Hon. J. C Wysor will reach hero Tuosdoy morn? ing to asslst Messrs. Alderson, Soxton and Beriator Ilarman in tho dnfonso of John Jones, charged with kllllng ox Morshal John G. Watts. Many Crionda of Mr. Wysor thlnk ho Is tho logloai Democratlo candldate for Congross in tho Nlnth Dlstrlot, and that ho could oaslly redecm tho dlatrlct from tho Ro publlcan vlctory won by Colonel Blomp. Others stlll closer to hlm thlnk that ho could not afl'ord to abundon tho c'rlmlnal practlce whlch ls now cothlng to hlm from all parts of tho Southwest. -c Railroad Company Won. (Slieclal to Tho TluH-H-Dlnpiitch.) POWHATAN C. II.. VA., April 21.? Cirouit Court, wlth Judgo Goorgo J. Hundloy presldlng, adjournod last n#ht. Tho only jury case at tho torm was thnt of Mrs. Ellon H. Fllppon vs. tho South orn Railroad, Tho jury brought ln a yordlot for tho dofondant company. A marrlage llconso was Issued by Clerk Tllman to Mr. W. T. Davls, who will marry Miss Ilestor F. Webb this evo nlng. Tho marrlage will tako placu In Rlchniond, Tho groom ls a son of Mr. W. R. Davls, of this vlllago, and the brldo is a eharmlng young lady and n dnughtcr of Mr. W. H. Wobb, of thln oounty. The young couple wlll spend a few days In Richmond, nflor whlch they wlll return tn Powhatan to tho home of tho groom, who ls a prosporous river fnrmor. BANK CHARTERED ? FORCLAREMONT Canncry and Wagon Factory Among tho Town's Latest Business Entorprises. (Spoclal toThe Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) CLAltUMuNT, VA., April 21.?A. Q. Wlnter Ims accured tho clnirtor for Clnro m'ont's now bank and a nioollns of the stockholilois wlll ba held In a fow days and nn orgnnlztttlon perfeoted, Work on tho new cannlng faotory is progrosalng rathcr alowty on account of the ..oontinueO wi-t woathor. The rtuasell wagon factory bulldlng la ni-iuiy cnclosed ???ii oporatlons wlll bo. gln ln ;i row y/t ? ?!.- . As Clarei..: I is over 500 populatlon, a locnl opth n olectlon \vl|l bo hold to dcter rnino whethor thn town- shnll havo a >a loon or not. Pelltlons are now belng clr oujatod lo that pffect and tho niatter wlll ba |ald brore Judge Rlner nt tho April t.-iin of court, Mr. nnd Mrn J. W, Metcalfe, wenllhy roaldenta of Mlainl, Fla., are guesta of Mr. Mid Mra, Wlll H. BUivens. 011 .\hl rlch Avenue. The Inoesssnt ralns havo Interfered wlth thn plnntlng of spilng crops and friimers are looklng depn ised, Thn increaswl llcense for ealoona win have tin- affeot of drlylng a majorlty of tho iiH'hsro.-ula aalooua out of p.xlstoiice in thla county. l'Mslu?rmi'ii nlOPS the Jimn-s ;ii-,. mm plalnlna of tho poor run of ahad nnd ?turgeop tbis aprlng, Thoy biama the v.-t weather, muddy water and tho nu merous saw mllla along tha haitka that einpty thelr refuso Into the rlver GE the WAR ~Pre?ori|ition 1 OUjOO^ NOW OVBH 40 YEAR8-ANO IIKEIV TO REMAIN THE ONLY REAL CURE FOR RhBumstisrn ?*d 't* biooo rciationb. M Uiuygltlt. 'I*, BuKle, I'ililul I ' ? ;: 6oC/4/?fc 1.1...;i. i'U.-e..-,,,. Vork. - Wk. ti.UDuUa |!? PASTOR IS Court's Decislon in Harrison Street Baptist Church Kow. IS IN COURT FOUR- DAYS The Affair Was the Occasion of n Great Commotion Among the Negroos of Petersburg and Also Aroused In terest Among the Whites. (Speclal to Tb? Tlmcfl-Dlapnti'li.) ' PISTISRSDURGI, VA., April 21.-1 n the cnse of the ,ReVi Ellls Wntts, the pn-Btor, and tho old dcneons of Hnrrlson-Htreet BapUsb Church, colored, against the so cedlng factlen, Judgo Mtillon thla uftei nuon decided that Watts is tho proper piiator and tho former doacons tho proper dcacons of tho church| that tho mootlng at whlch the paBtor aud deiieona wero turnod out was lllegal, tuid that tho to mnle members of the ohurch ahould bo entltlod lo vote ln suoh niottera, ln or der lo facllltalo harmouy among tho mem? bers a meetlng of the church wlll bo hold undcr tlio Biipervlslon of tho court and one of the commlsslonurs In cliunooiy wlll act as moderatoi'i Thls case lina oe cupled tha attontion of tho court for four daya. Tho Immodlato quostlou llivolved wna "\Yho\compoaos tho uliuruh at thls timo?" Tho troublo began ovor tho rotusal of tho pastors nnd tleacons to permlt tho funeral of a former deacon to tako placo ln that church becauso an undertakor, not a jnenibor of the church, had ohargo of tho funoral. Many Indlrcot chaigoa of arbltrary acta wero .brought against tho pastor, but the only spoolfic charge '.vas that In reference to tho refusal to por ailt tho funoral of Deacon Oroen. Mr. Bornard Jinnn, for Watts and tho old doacons, oponed tho caso l'Tiday ln n. spooeh of threo hours. Ho was tollowed by Mr. R. B. Davis and Mr, Qoorgo Ma son yestcrdavi tho counael for tho seced ing faotlon. Mr, Georgo S. Bornard, for tho Watts factlon, was apeaklng when tho court ndjourned yesterday afternoon. Ho conchidod hla argumont to-doy, and tho judgo wlthin a short tlmo rendcrod the oplnlon, The affair has causod conslderable in tcroHt among tho colored peoplo. and alnce tho case haa occupled tho court for such conslderable tlmo. many whlto peoplo have manlfcstod a live Interost In tho affair. MR. DUNLOP'S YACI1T. Mr. Davld D'unlop arrlved ln Polersburg thls morning from Poughkeopslo, N. "i., on his handsome new stoam yncht ven tura" Thls Is ono of tho hnndfiomest yachts over ownod ln Vlrglnla. It was bullt last Juno by C. D. MIHor. of Pougjh koepslo. N. Y., at a cost of about $2d.OO0. Its full lengtli is nlnety-olght teo.t, its width Is thirteon feot, and It draws flvo fect of wotcr. There aro bcrth accommo dutlons for slx. ???.?., Tho yacht. ls handsomely flnlshed throughout In mahogany and furnlshed wlth every oonvenlenco to add to tho com fort nnd pleasuro of passengers. Work ls now under way on tho club houae to bo built at Cogglns' Polnt, oppo Bite Westover, by Mr. Dunlop. Ihls Is said to bo ono of tho prottlcst Bites on the James, and the plans for the hulld iiiKS would indlcato thnt fow cluh-houses In tho South will oqual tho ono to be orceted by Mr. Dunlop. Messrs. John Snwnrd, E. P. Goodwyn and Prank K. Clemonts wlll meet Mr. John K. Pooples this evening and go over tho plans for tho'now hotel. It ls very liltely that tho plans wlll bo glvon to tho bldders to-morrow. Tho now Board of Governors of tho Countrv Clttb mot lnst evenlng ln tho ofTlcn of tho secretnry, Captaln N. 1. Pattcson. Tho board transnctod regulnr bulsnoss nnd dlscHssed many moAtcnrf of lriterest to tho club. They detormlned to bulld a water tank on tho grounds, to cnntlnne to Improvo tho golf llnks, and to this end wlll purchaso a heavy roller to ho run over the grounds. They alsodecided to glvo a danco at the cluh-houso each weok durlng tho summor, Tho club now hns a neat sum on ha.nd, whlch wlll ho spent for tho hencflt und pleasuro of tho menibors, _? REV, GEORGE STUART. Rov George Stuart. tho tliBtlngulshed Southern evangollst. wlll hold revlval ser vlces ln Petersburg durlng Mny, *ho flate and place havo not been dednltely detormlned upon, but wlll bo known this work. It seoms that It wlll be Imposet ble to got the Vlrglnla WnrchouHO for thr-so servlces, and tho prospects now are that thoy wlll bo hold at Centor Ware hotiBe. ? About slxty-flvo dolegates to tho Grand Councll, Roval Arcanum of Vlrglnla. Whlch bogan ln the Exchango hulldlng. ln Roanoko, this evenlng at 8 o'clock, pitBSed through PoteratiuriB this morning for Roa? noko. They wero jolned ln this clty by Mr. James'R. Blanks, grand secretnry of the Stato; Mr. James P. Banks, membor of tho Stato Plnonco Commlttee; Mr, Ger mnn Gill, seeretary of the Southslde Coun nll. nnd Mr. W, T. Parhnm, of Sycamoro Councll, Very aucysssful revlval aorvloos nre new ln progresa at Hlgh-Street Methodlst Church ln thla clty. Tho pastor, Rev. 'Georgo K. Bookor. 1b belng aaalated by Rev. Oeorge Wesley Jonea, of Norfolk. Thc Hlnglng oach cvenlng Is oonductod by Rev. John Bure, of Mntoaca. Thoro were four profosslons of falth last evenlng, From tho fnrmcrs of thls vlclnlty who linvo recently boon in Potorsburg lt is loarnod that rnrming oporatlona aro de layed two or tlirco wooks by tho pre valllng rnlns. Many of thn fnrmors who had preparcd thoir landa ready for crops wlll havo lo replow, they havlng hnen beaten togothor agnln by a bonvy raln fall. Farmora flo not report any aerloilB dumngo to frult thus far, but tho orop ln thln vlclnlty wlll donbtlcss bo short by reason nf tho rc-ont cold wcuthor. IN PETKRSHURG. Colonoi Benjuniln F. Montgomery, for tntily of Poteraburg, at one tlmo mnnnger of the Wositi-ni Union Telograph olllco ln thln clty, nnd now chiof of thn Tologrnph nnd Clpher Huioriu nt tho Whlto Ilouao ln Wnshlngton, wns in PotorRburg yester? day and recolved a warm welcome from many frlonds, Tho Ropubtlcana expect to begln tho publlpatlon of thelr papor lu Roanokc vt-ry soon, (Venoral Htlth Rolllng. nf Pc toraburg, who ja Interoated ln thls publl catlon, waa ln Roanoka the latter part of lust week, The company wlll havo avallablo neseta amounting to about |50,* coo. Kxoiivatlon for the largo wnrehouse to ba buiit by Ropor and Company on tha Blle of tj?0 old I'nioii-Btroot Methodlst Church la now noarly completed, nnd work on tho biillillng la expcr.tod aoon to begln. The buUdlng w)ll bo two storles, wlth a basement. and wlll be orected at a cost of about 110,000. Mr. lt R. Haylmrn, nianagor of tho w.'Htcrn Unlon Telegraph n'h>? '? thla clty, has purchaaod inivatoly tho dwell |r,g houao of Mr Plerson, on Mndlson Btreet, m?i' tho liomo for tho Slck. No Llcensa Granletl. IS.I>1 to Tha 'l'liiK ?-HUputil>.> CHATHAM, VA.. Aprll 21. -fm Monday, tho flrat of thu Ai>rll torin of Plttsylvnnla c.unty Court, no llquor llcciiBoa wero grnntcd, whlch waa not ln keeplnu wlth tho past, Nearly every llqnor dealer ln tho county was present to nmko motlons, but Judpto Tredway.ieftifled to hear ony, ns ho had not recelved a copy of the Monn blll. nnd would not pro.scd until he had aoquftlnted hlmsolf wlth tho new law. , IN ALEXANDRIA Dr. R. H. Pltt Dellvers an Address nt Ohurch Centennlal Meotlnp;. (Speclal to Tho TlmoB-Dl'spatoh.) ABEXANDHIA, VA., April 81,~Exor clses under thet ausplces of tho Dadlos' Ald and Mlte Soclcties this cvening tnnrked the thlrd day of tho ccntonnlnl colfcbratlon of the Flrst Baptlst Church. Tho normon of tho evenlng wns tlcllvercd by Rev, O, F. Fllppo. of Phlladolphla, a formor ptlstor of tho church. Ho was followod ,by Rov. Dr. R. H. PHt, of Rich? mond, edltor of tho Rellglous Horald, who dellevorod an nddress. Others on tho pro grnmmo wolo, Ilov. I. B. I.nko, D, D., In vccatlon; Rov. T. S, Dunaway, readlng of Hcrlpturo; Rov. E. He)!. Bwotn, prnyer, and Rov. A, W. Gravos, hlstorlcnl Bkotoh of tho soolettos. Tho Mlto Socloty was oiganUed ln 1866 and tho Aid Socloty ln 1685, HOFH EIMER-HIRSCHLER Brllllnnt Weddlhg Cercmony ln Ohe Sholom Templo, Norfolk, (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatcli.) NORFOLK! VA., April M.?Ono of the most brllllnnt wcddlngs of tho Moason wns that of Miss Boaalo .May Hlrsohler, daughtor oC Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hlrschler, to Mr. J. CnoBar Hotholmor, a promlnont young buslnoss man, colo brated thln aftornoon In Ohef Sholom Tomplo. Tho coromony was pnrrormod by tho Rnv. Br, S. R. Cohon, rabbl of Ohef Sholom, and at lts; concluslon an elo gant recoptlon was' tondorod tho wed dlng party and guests at tho homo of tho hrldo's paronta ln Bank Streot. Tho mold of honor wtls Miss .A'ddlo HlrBchler, of Ponnsylvanla. Tho bcst man was Mr. Hnrrlson Hotholmor, of Norfolk. Tho ushors wero Mosars. Ed, Rohr, Harry Hofhotmor, Mllton Hlrsclilor, Bavld Oood mnn nnd Joff, D, Hofhelmcr, of Norfolk; Bam. Bondholm, of Richmond; Dr. D. Doo Hlrschler, of Now .York; Phll. Storn, of Baltimore,' Araorig tho guosts woro tho followlngi Miss J. Hnfliolmor. Mrs, M. Kntz and Mr. Mllton K.-itz, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mra. M. Hofholmcr, Mlsa Kauf man and Mr. Charles Straus. Jr.. of Richmond; Mrs. M. Thnlhelmer, Mrs. K. Schwab and Miss E. Haas, of Newnrk, N. X; Miss Addle Hlrschler, Mr. Albert Hlrsclilor. of Harrlsonbnrg. Pa,[ Mr. A. Goodman, of Phlladelphla. Hardon?Mlller. (SpocWl to The Tlmes-DlapatchO NORFOLK, VA., April 21.-A V.ry pret? ty weddlng took place tr ls aftornoon at tho rosldonco of the brido's slstor, Mrs. Charles E. Bradshaw, Vicksvillo. South ampton county. when Mlsa Gortrudo A. Mlller, youngont daughter of tho lato JUS tico Goorgo Mlller, and Mr. Devt T. Har den were marrled by tho Rev. Dr. Smith, of Black Creek Baptlst Church. dones?Morgan. rsnoetnl to Tho TlmeB-DlBpatch.) ARVONIa! VA, April 21.-Tho Arvon Daptlat Church waa orowdedv-}?-*?X?? wltnoss the marrlago of Miss Uuto Mor? gan and Mr. Michaol K. Jones. Tho cer emeny was beautlful and^mpressve.. Rey. C. P. Scott offlclatlng. Tho brlde la tho bright and uttractlve daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Morgan, and tho groom a progreaslvc merchant of Penlan. Roblnson?Wllson. (Spocial to Tho SPOTBYIA'ANIA C. H., VA., April 21. Mr John M. Robln3on and Miss Iaa. C. Wllaohi daughter of Mr. B. W. Wllnon. both of tho county, woro marriod Inat Sunday moinlng at tho home of tho brldo's father, Rev. B. P. Hawklns ofll clating. Mr. Roblnson is a thrifty young farmer. and tho young couplo wlll resldo ln the county. *? ?? Garrett?Walkor. (Spocial to Tho Times-Dispatch.) VABHTI, VA., April 21.?Miss Ellsa Walker and Mr. Thomas Garrctt -were marrled Sunday evenlng at the home of tho brido'a brother-ln-law. Mr, John Mltchell, at C'allands. The hrldo Is the daughter of Mrs. Salllo Walker. Tha groom is n prnmlnent farmer of the Grady communlty. -? Sanders?Mills. (Speclal Eo The Timea-Pispatch.) FRKDER1CKBRURG, VA., April 21.? Mrg. Lucy R, Mills, or thls city, and Mr. Robert C. Baunders, of Rlchmond county, wero marrled horo last nlght at tlio rest dohoe of Mr. B. W. Spnln, Rov. W. ?. Bmlth offlclatlng. e ;-? Harper?Rogers. (Spocial to The TImes-DlBpatch.) VASIITI, VA., April 21.-A boautlful marrtngo wris eelebrated at tho homo of Mr T. T. Rogers Sunday morning. Miss Otella Rogera becomlng tho brlde-of Mr. 10. P, Harper. Tho ceremony was pcrformed by Rov. Goorgo Ilundlcy. Employe Recovers for Injury. ? (Speclal to The Tiines-Dlspatch.) BYNCHBURG, VA? April 21,-ln tho Circuit Court here to-day Judge Haunders ovor-ruled the demurror of the doienso ln the sult of Fltzhugh Stnnley vs. the Bvnchburg Cotton Mlll, thus Klvlnj? Stan le'y a Judgment for J5.O0O. Stanlny was li-.Jured whlle at work ln. tho cotton mlll. -+-1 RICHMOND GHOSEM FOR NEXJMEET1NG Jurlor Order Unlted Mechan Ic's in Session In Lynch burg Yesterday. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BYNOHIUMtG, VA? April 21,?The Stato Councll of Vlrglnla of that eeetion of tho Junlor Order Unlted Amerlcan Mo obanlcB loyal to the Natlonal Councll. met here to-day nnd waa called to order by Counclllor James R. Mansf.eld, of Alexnr.drla. Richmond waa choson for next place of moetlng. To-nlght an ad? dress was made by Natlonal Counclllor George B- Bowers. of Altoona, Pa. The. followlng ofllcors were elected for tho en sulng year: Stato Councll or, J, W, Forbcs Norfolk; State Vlce-Counclllor, G c ' Jewell Rlchniond; Junlor Past gtate Counclllor James R. Mansfleld, Alexandrlai sute Secrotaiy. J- n. Boehrn, Roanokoi tftato Treasurer. J, ". Thlmeycr. Alexandrla; State Conductor, |T. W. Jones, Vlennas State WardOO. R. I I, Crockett, Tangleri Stato Inslde Seri tlnei. B. B, Rott. Berklcy; Stato Outsl. e fiontlnel, 0 P. niunt. Dynchburg; State Chnplaln, Rov. W, F. Shoppnrd, ( lare Impntl Represontatlve to Natlonal Counc.l. ' e. H, Ueaton, Doudoun. woodward'ason LUMBER jgffl-ri iKTrAr) roUGH AND DBE8SED HlJiiVl!li?>HP. COLLEGE AND Scheme for Now BuIIdings at Washlngton and Lee. A TRIBUTE TO INSTITUTE General J. C. Beckinrldge, Inspector General of the United States Army, Paystho Young VirginiaSoldiers a Splendid Compllment. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatoh.) LKXINGTON, VA? April 2L?The vlslt last woek to Washlngton aud Loo Unl verelty of Mr. Thoodoro Carl Llnlc. the cmlnout archltect, of St. IajuIs, haa re nultod In orystallzlng tho scheme for new buildinga at tho Unlveralty. ln addttlon to the soionco hail aa tlio home for the departiiients of phyales and ongltiuerltig, ? ma/da poaalblo by tho llborallty of a Cbl cugo phllanthroplst, two other bulldlnss , wlll at no dlatunt day /be oreoted?tho i Wllaon Moinorial bulldlug, for the de partmont of eoonotnltja, and a dormldjry 'to accommoUato tho lncreaaed number of atudonta at tho Unlveralty. 1'he sclence hall wlll bo iocated Just ln tho rear of Nowcomb hall, faclng tho ralltoad and wlll bo a handaomo structuro of brick wlth Btono trlmmlngs, 00x110 foet, nnd three atorlos hlgh. Tho eatimated cost of tho bulldlug nnd Xurtilshlnga of modcrn, up-to-dato up paratus la nbout JIO.OjO. Immedlatoly ln tho rear of the Tucker Memorlal hall wlll bo locatod the Wlli?on Memorlal bulld? lug, whlch Is to bo bullt at a cost of ovor J20.000. Tho auggcstloii haa been mado to borrow monoy for tho erectlon nt onco of thls bulldlug, and payins for tho snmo by tho creatlon of a nlnking fund from tlio incomo of tho Wllson on dowmont, whlch nmounis to nbout $?.00() a year. Hhat fund of ?100.MOO Is now Ih vestod nnd ylcltls a rcventio of sotnethlng llko $G,000. The dorlmtoryfl to bo bUllt ln tho tiear futuro. wlll bo locatod just in tho rear of Prealdent Denny'a r?sl ?denoo and frontlng on Wcshlnuton Street. Mr. S. A. WIthorBpoon, of Washlngton and Leo Unlvoraty. who la arranglng for tho Un.vorslty annual. has put on tho mnrkot for salo a college song. wrltten by Mr. Ifowoll C. Feathcrstone, of L.ynch burg, Va., and is dedlcatod to tho alumnl of tho Unlvcrslty. Tho tltic of tha eong is "Wo aro. the Boys from Wnshlng-ton and Lee?tho Upper Crust." Tho frlonds of the instltuto are vory proud of tho testimony of General J. c. Broncklnrldge. Inspector-General of tho Unlted States n.rmy, beforo tho House Milltary Corhmittea, when questlonod ns to the cfllcloncy of milltary colleges of tho country. He pald tho followlng trib ute to tho efflciency of the grnduntes of tho Vlrglnla Milltary Institute fl.tld the school. Mr. Esch?"The milltary tralnlng at somo colleges is a mero farco?" Genoral B.-"Yes, slr; it 1b not ns good as lt ought to be, but yet Bomo of them nre flne. Tho Vlrglnla Milltary Institute whlch ls nlmost tho jicarest one hero, turns out just ns good soldlers ns you want. Have you soen them?" Mr, Esch-"No slr." ;? ?? ? General B.?"Tako a look at them ir 'you want to seo good soldlers." Mr. Parker-"ls tho Milltary InstJtiito nn ugrlcultural cbllogo?' General B.-No filr. But nrmy offlcers havo beon detailed on duty thero and my corps has inspected lt." ONLY TWO LICENSES Applications Held In Abeyance by Lunen burg County Court. fRnreliil to The Tlmes-blaiitttcli.) BUNENBtTRG, VA., April 21,-Two ap? plications for llcenfio to sell Hquor wero made to tho court, but the *our has not acted on them, ns tho Mann blll has no vct been rocelvod here. lt Is said that the appllcaiits ln both cases have a petl lon slgncd by a mnjorlty of tho regls e "d voters ln thelr respectlvo aistricW, "sklng tho court to grant llcense, There were four bar-rooms ln the county under the old law, but so far only two of them, nave flled not lee of appllcatlon to ren*w thelr llconsos. , . ... . 7n tho caseof SlaUghtor, charged wlth tbo rntirdor of Bnwon In this county. nn n dlctment wns found agalnst Slaughter to dav but aa tho Commonwealth was not ready to go to trlal. owlng to the nbsonce of witnesses, tho cnHO was cotitInucd to tho May torin of tho court. Motloii was made or bnll for Slaughter, the.p^On?, hv W H Noblett, hls counsel, but ufter hcarlng ovldonco tho court rofused to erant hnll and remanded Slaughter to fauTto awat hls trlal at tho May tcrm Alroudy many candidntea aro ln the noM for\ho vnrlous county ofllcea at the Novombcr okctlon. . Owlng to tho contlnuous ralna, but Ht ,lo fnnn work has boon dono anil very fcw gardena ovon havo boon plantcd, and hosc that havo boon plantod aro comlng u, bad y and Wlll havo to be r^ptaW, and but iitto corn h>is bccn plnntcd aa tho ground for tho most part has been too wot to plow. IN WILUAMSBURG Cannery to Be Built on Chesapeake and Ohio Property. (Spoclul to Tho Thnes-DlspatchO WI1.MAMSHURO, VA.. April 21. Captaln 1"'>!' R. MoMurdo, of tho Chea apenke and <lhln Itallwny Company. was hera to-dav to rneot Mobbi-b. R. P. Pcachy and T R. Mnhone, for tho seloLtlou of n sito on tho rallroud proporty for a can nlng faotory. Tho alto was locatod near tho Chesapeako and Obln dopnt. It sOQTns now that WilllainKburg Is to have a can ning fnctory. Tho Board of DIroc.tors of tho Kastern Blnto Ilnspllal met to-day nnd awarded contracts for Biippllos for the instttution tho BiisuliiK quartor. Many Rlchmond morolianta were awarded contracts. and Messra. !'? Wi I-ano, Sr.. and B, F. Wolfe of thls olty, woro also fortunato blddera, Tho mombers present wero Judgo G. T. Garnett, presldonti Messrs. a II Clowon. of Rlchmond. nnd IT. P. Colo, of WHllamsburg. ,_.- m Union Seminary Students. rSnorlul to Tlie Timtia-Plspatcli.l I.PXINCl'I'ON, VA., April Jl.-Messrs. J, L, Uueweavcr und M. F. I'llson, r,f tha mlddlo olnss ln Unlon -.loologlcol Soml nury, Rlcluiiond, havo been engagod by tho Homo Mlssionary Commlttoe of I.ex IiiKl.m l'rcRliytery to labor durlnrr the oomltig suniinci- ln Randrlph county. W, Va., tho fniincr nt Plckens, tho Intter at llirdlng, Miihle. ctc. .-?* Nowberry's Family. fBnaclal ta Thn Tlme?-lll*t>alch.1 WYTillOVIl.I.K, VA.. April 21.-Thc Newbevry U'lal was watched wlth tlio olosost lntcrcat. Tho pronilnonco of tho (Pf.n.hint nnd lil* f.imlly made It of ln Urest throughout tho Southwest, and lialsoy la I. well known rcsldent of Wythe CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD By Boianlo Blood Balm?Worst Old Cases Soliclted?Achlng Bones and Jolnts, Palns In Back and Legs, Etc. To Prove It Cures Medicine Sent FREE. We want overy Tlmcs-Dlspatch reader Who has rheuniatlsm to f/tnd us hls or her namo. Wo wlll send tloun by return mall a anmple of Botanlc Blood Balm, tho wonderful Blood Roined.y whlch has cured more old deep-Bcated, obstlnuto cases of riietiinatlsm than all other refn cdlos, doctors. hot sprlngs or "nnienta comblncd. Botanlc Blood Balm kllls tho poison ln tho blood, and ln lts placo glves pure, rlch blood, and in this way makes a 'perfect, pormanont curo. Botanlo Blood Balm sends a rlch tlngllng flood of warm blood .dlroct to tho parolyzed ncrves, bonos nnd Jolnts, glving warmth and strcngth Just whero lt Is necded. No mattcr how long you have truftered nor who or what has falled. B. B. B. (Botanlo Blood Balm) wlll curo you. SYMPTOMS. Bono palns. Bclatlca, or shootlng psJns up and down tho leg, nchlng back or uhoulder blndea, swollcn Jolnts or swollcn musclos, dlfflculty In movlng around so you havo to uso crntches, blood thln or Bkln palo, skln ltches and burns, slilftlng fpalns, had brcsth. etc, Botanlc Blood Balm wlll remove every symptom, glvo qulck rcllcf from tho flrst doso and por manently curo ln a few wcekB' tlmo. Thousands cured. B. B. B. especlally ad ylsed for old chronlo cases, OUIL OVAllAS'i. . Itiiy n lnrc*> tiottlo r?r 8 OruBElat, t nk?- n? illi-rt'tril. Illmitl Ital.i. Ill when tlio riiilit, qimiitil If not enhed yr 4,Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is Pleasant and safe to tako. Thornughly tesled for 30 years. Oomposed of Botanlc Ingrodlonts. Strengthens weak kldneys nnd weak stomnehs. cures dys popsla. Completo dlrectlons go wlth oach bottle. Prlce U at all drug storcs. SENT FREE. Bamplo Bent freo by wrttlng Blood Balm Co.. -418 Mltchell St., Atlanta, Ga. ?o Bcrlbe your troublo and apeclal freo med lcal ndvlco to sult your caso also Bent ln Boaled lettcr. Enough B. B. B. la sent freo to prove lta marvollous curatlvo powers. county. Nowborry la a son of Rnv. Rob? ert Nowborry, a promlnent cltlzon and local proacher of Bland county. Ho la, thorefore, a nephow of Mr. New- . birry, pcrhaps tho wcalthlcst realdcnt of Bouthwcst Vlrglnla. and nephow also of Hon. Samucl IT. Nowborry, who Is, wo bt-llevo, tlie. Oiily survivlng member of the famous quaruito known as tho "Blg Four" ln the days of Mahonclsm. Tho prlsonor, Kewberry, marrled a daughter of Major Updike, also a promlnont resl dent of Bland. Nowborry Is mnklng tho bost of hls sltuatlon In tho Wytho county jall, bollevlng that elther tho Circuit or thn Suprome Court wlll grant hlm a. now trial. GREAT INJURY TO THE POTATO CROP Incessant Ralns on Eastern Shore Have Greatly Les ened Crop Yield. (Spocial tb Tho Tlmcs-Dlspatch.) BBLt. HAVKN. VA., April 21,?It Is feared that the Irlsh potnto crop on tho Kastern ShoiW of Vlrglnla wlll bo an ab soluto failuro thls sca'son on account of tho incessant rnlnfall dUrlng thls month. Truckers In vnrlous sectlons havo plowcd them up and sowed othor crops In ordor that they may utllizo tho fertlllzor. Thoso who plantcd In extremoly hlgh and well dralnod lands, and havo been fortunato cnoiigh to. got a fair stand, foar tlio yleld wlll bo small on nccount of heavy frosts last week. Tho ncreago was unusually largo. ,? .Wlll Flomlng, of Mappsburg, omployed by a rallrnad cotnpnny of Phlladelptiln, wns kllled Sunday morning whllo coupjlng two frolght cars. His remnlns wero brought homo. Prepnrations aro belng mado for a brllllant bnll to be hold at Town Hall, Bell Havon. on Frlday evonlng, tho 2-lth InBtnnt, undor tho management of Dr. 11, ti. Mason. FIFTEEN YEARS FOR HAM1LT0N Convlcted of Wrecking tlie Southern Fast Maii at Ravensworth. (Speclal to Tlio Tlnice-Dlspatcli.) ALFXANDKIA. VA? April 21.-Thc trlal nt Robert llamllton for traln-wreck Ing at Falrfax Courthouso ended abrupt ly thls afternoon by tho case bolng sub mlttod wlthout argument to tho Jury, whlch brought in a vcrdlct of gullty and flxed tho punlsbmont nt fii'teen years in tho ponitentlury. Motlon of hls tutor neys, Thornton and Thornton. for a new trlal was ovorruled, but tha Court grant ed a stay of exeeutlou of slxty dnys, In whloh to noto an appeal, The star wlt ness for tho stato, Slmon Douvers, got twlsted on crosa-examination, and In tho afternoon only one wltness waa oxamined for tha dofenso, I,. A. Denty, who dls paragod tho veraelty of Doavers, Coun ael then agroed to aubmlt tho caao wlth only ono lnstniotlon and wlthout further nrgument. AfApr nn hour and a liulf tlio verdlct was aWnounced. Tho caso, whlch has nttraoted wldespreud notlco, waa oon ducted for tho Stato by Commonwenlth's Attorney C. Vernon Ford. Tho verdlct gava gonoral satlsfactlon. Hamllton was chaigod wllh wio.eklug a Southern Ra.ll way Ravonsworth. ln whlch two men wero killod. DEATriS OF A DAY. (lly AMKicluti'd Prcas.) CHATTANOOOA. TTCNN., April 21. Colonel A. M. Jolinson. for many years promlncnt In publlc. nffalrs here, ldentl. tlod wlth a number of lnduatrial concoriiR and ono of tho woalthlast rosidonts of thls clty, died to-day, aged seventy-three. POLITICS Senator Martln's Vlslt Stlrred Polltlclans to Actlvlty. BATTLES OF THE FUTURE Both Sldes Fully Appreclate the Pr?? emlnent Importanceof Making Ready for the Comlng Electlon of Del egateato General Assembly* (Speclal to The Tlmej-E-lspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., April 21.?Senator Mar? tlu'n vlslt here hao apparcntly stlrrcd the polltlclanti to a dcgreo of actlvlty that foreshadows a bot contcst hero for tho candldates to the General Aasembly aud a general movemont all aloag the llnes ol the factlons. Whlle tho Trehy foctlon hat! tho Btute lcader and candldate for thi Hi-natorship, Senator Martln hlmsclf, hero, the Montaguo sldc uf tliu old contest Tm< Captaln Gcorgo O. Caboll, Jr., 'of bau> vlllo, to confor with tho Bey factlon or at loafit tu leurti what the other wtdo wo* do. Ing. Captaln W, W. Boy does not besltaU jto deularu that Governor Montngue ls u candldato (or tho Sunatu, but ho hosltates to uay what the ebanuoB of support ar? from tho Tldowatcr soctlon, becauso tho tholco Ja too far off to oBtlmatc. The tlmo is not too far off', however, for ull of tho catidldatos to bogth thelr offorts to bocuio the advantage of popular ?entl ment here, That ls what nlt of the can* dldates liavo begun to do. They havo be? gun to nppear here in pvrsoti and by rep resentatlve, They liavo begun lo con? Blder what wlll be tho local quostlons on whlch the Dey ond the Trehy fuctions wlll contoBt for tho control of the admlnls tratlon of thts clty and for tho cholc* of delegates to the General Assembly. The Bey factlon Vas been trylng to atrengthen lts hold on the clty by tho Rlddlck admln latratlon. It met a great loas ln tho de foctlon of Prlnce. next to Bey, lts uhlef lcader. Whether It can recoup that loss or not ls tho questlon. Meantlmo both factlons are trylng to lcarn whero they Btand ln tho sentlment of the people. The Ollver 011 Mllls, tho largost rnanu factory of cotl:on seed oll ln tho country, made 11b flrst shlpment of ftnlshod pro. duct to-day frorn the plant here, sendlng several hundred borrels to New York and to Ea8tport, Malne. v Thla flrst slilptncnt wlll be followed by othora and largMr ones, nnd the trade wlll bo extcndcd to forelgn countrles. Much of, tho Ollver afls wlll go to Rottcrtlam, Holland, whoro lt Is mlxed wlth ollvo oll nnd roturncd to thla country for con H.imption. Thc plant haa a storago ca paclty of about 1W.00O barrcls, and nd dltlonal tanks aro belng erectcd. Tho^ company has flfty largo rallrood tank cars, ln whlch the erudo oil is brought from the mills in tho Bouth, but no shlpmonts wlll be mndo In cars, but in barrols. The Holmes Company, which haa a large and comploto plant hero, has a contrnct with tho Olivera to furnish from 20X(XO to EOO.COO barrcla a year for a pe? rlod of flvo years, and thla company Is now omploylng n largo forco to keep ahoad of tho rnlll's domand. Mrs. John Plckcn, whlle In Elmwood Cemotery yesterday afternoon. was strick cn wlth paralysls and her condltlon waa regarded as crltlcal thls afternoon by the attonding physlcian, Br. MeredTth. Mrs. Plckens residba ln South Park Avenue. Mra. Plckon, who was tho widow ot Congressmdn Dozendorf, was on hor way to vislt hor parehta' graves, whon sho suddenly foll to tho ground. Cemotery at tondants plcked Mr. Plckcn up and had her roinnved to her home. Mrs. Plcken has throo chlldren?two daughters and a son. Mr. Albort Dezendorf, hor son. is In Washlngton, co:inected wlth tho De partment of Juntlce. Hor two daughters aro Mrs. Trlmmer and Mrs. Austln, ona of whom llves In Pcnnsylvanln. Mr. Plckoir was formerly in tho martno hospltal servlcc. Rev. Mr. Frlsco. of Chnttanooga, Tenn., may bo called to the pastorate of tha Fourth-Strcot Baptist Church. Ports mouth, to sueceed Dr. W. F. Flshor, wh? wlll leavo on June 1st, to becomo an evan? gellat of the Stato Mlsslon Board. Flana for a new parlnh houao aro dls ctiHHoiby tho vestry of St. Puko's Epls copal Church. A parlsh houre costlng about $30,000 would illl all thc needs nnd It la practlcally decldc-d to apend thll amount on a modcrn structuro. ,. Tho largest bnnkruptcy petltlon that hai been lilod in the Unlted Stntes Court ln many months was admltted to rocord to ,i?\. uh?n Arlolnh Mlcliolaohn asked to bo relleved of hls debts. Mlchelsohn con ducts a brokers olflco lu W'est Maln Street. Ho ls also a notnry and ls corn rnlssloner of deed for vurlous States. Tho petitlon glvcs tho llnbllltles as $74,532.37 wlth $1,001.70 assets. Of tho llabllltlcs $t. 830 aro for socured clalms; unsccured clalms, $15,?6.09 and notes and bllls, ?2j. 035,88. Tho assets conslst, nccording to tho petitlon, of an Insurnnco pollcy fol $100 nnd $1.70 ln cnsh. .Mlchelsohn hat many credltors in this and other cltlel and most of tho dobt? nro fnr notes. Tho petitlon wlll bo referred to Ref. eree ln Bankriiptcy Groner, who wlll np polnt a recoiver. In tho Unlted Statos Court to-day out? o'-town cretlitors of B. Mlller filed a petitlon asklng that Mlller bo declared a hnnkrupt, tho clalm belng that Mlle* wns lnsolvent. Mlller keeps a clothlng Btoro at No. 381 Maln Stroet. The potl tloners were R. Kantor, N. Block and Tohn B Benry. whoso clalms reancctlvo. ff'aroi Kauter. $125; XMock $350; and llonry, $&3-&ri. Royal Arcanum Councll. iw.wwini tu Tho TlmcB-PlanatchO nnANOKB VA Aplll 2?.-Tho twenty. n n?^n?,iai sesalon of tho Grand Councll nrt)o Roytil Arcanu.n of Vlrglnla mei tn nighUn Pythlnn Hall, wlth Grand Ro ?nt R W Ainold, of Aloxandrla, pre ?.*},,* The' Besslon was brlef, devnted to ,haa'ppolntment of commlttees. Thora nro about ono hundred dolegates in at tendance, wlth more to come. Tho elec tlon of otllcera was sot for to-morrow at noon. ? _ 7HE STOCK EXCHANOE W. H- Uucke, Presldent; Fred W. Scot^ Vice-President; R. W. Maur,, Sec'y. At the annual meeting of tho Richmond Btock Exchange, held yesterday, the fol? lowlng offlcors wero re-elected for tho ensulng year: W. H. Eucko, presldenti F, W. Scott, vlce-presldont; Rlchard W. Maury. seorotary and troasuror.