OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, April 22, 1903, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Capltal Club Wlll SpendMoney
on New Apartment House.
The Seaboard and Sou/hern Beforo the
Corporatlon Commission on Several
Chargos Advanced by Local
North Carolina Merchanta.
(Bpeclal to Tha Tlmea-Dlfipntch.)
RAJjaiGH. N. C, April 21,-The Captal
Club of thla clty. has dccldod to expond
12,600 ln boautlfylng tho lntcrlor of thelr
?plcndld club apartments In thelr bulld?
lug, corner of Mnrtln and Sallsbfiry
Btroets. 'Tho npartmenta are alreryly
among the handaomost and beat appolnt
?d In tho Stato and tho Improvcmenta to
bo mado wlll mako them oaally among
tho ilnest nnywhero ln tho South. Tho
bulldlug was orocted at a cost of ?50,000
four years ngo. Tho work la to bo undcr
tho dlroctlon of a spocial club cotnmltteo
oonslstlng nf Mc.-sra, II E Pltchford and
M. W Mlllor.
A charter was Isnuod to-day by tho
Socrotary of Stato to tho Oray, Galloway
& Barbo Insurancp Agency, f Wlnston
Salcm, capltal $25,000. Tho lncorpor.-tto"ra
nre Kiigeno E. Oray, A. H. Oalloway,
Jri, and Thomas Barbo,
Tho Camden Forry Company, of Ellza
bcth Clty, was Incorporatod to-day wlth
125,000 capltal to oporato forrlcs, toll
roads, hrldgcs, etc, C. H. Roblnson bo
Ing the largest stockholder.
The first prlnted coploa of tho revonuo
and muchlnory act, passed by tho rocent
Cloneral Assembly, uro belng mailcd to
day to tho tax llstors and assessors In
tho varioua cauntles so that thoy may
prepare thom.solvcs for thelr offlclal du
tles whlch begln Juno 1st.
Tho membors of tho f?orth Carolina
Corporatlon Commission loft last nlght
on thelr tour of oastorn countlcs to vlslt
county soats and Instruct tho tax llstors
pnd assessors regarding thoir dutlos. Thoy
wlll vlslt ovcry county in tho Stato on
thls mlssion.
Beforo leaving tho clty tho Corporatlon
Commiefslon on yesterday dovotod several
hours to hearlng testlmony of ahlppors
from varlous parts of the State and ar
Kument by rcprescntntlves of railroad
companles regarding tho maklng of rules
by tho commission to govern charg'ea for
nhortago rtnd demurago and flxlng a tlmo
lltnit for cars to bo furnishod to shlp
pera, whon requested by shlppors. Also
U petltion for reduclng the frelght rato
on brick ln tho Stato, Both matters
were taken under advlsoraent by the
They also hoard tho represcnbitlvcs of
tho Seaboard A'.r Pino ln opposltlon to
the flght belng mnde by North Carolina
thlppers ngalnat tho transfer and switch
Ing charge of $1.50 per ear for transfor
Ing car-load shlpmonts of Jolnt freights
from thoir road to a connectlng llne. Tho
Seaboard la the only road In tho State
that roakes such a chargo and dlspositlon
of tho commission secms to be to abob
lsh lt.
The buslnesa men who appearod before
tho commission wero princlpally from
Charlotto and RaJolgh. Horiot Clarkson,
of Charlotto, was thelr counsol. Tha rall
roads* wore reprosented by A. Popo, gene
ral frelght ngent for tho Seaboard AJr
Plne; T. C. Powell, traftlc manager and
IT. W. Mlllcr and J H. Prake for tho
At a prellmlnary meotlng of stocknold
ers ln thn Cltlzens' Flro Insurance Com?
pany of North Carolina horo to-day stepa
wore taken looking to tho early organlza
tior. of tho company. Interosted business
men from varlous parts of tho Stato sub
rcribed $75,000 stock and $20,000 aurplua.
Robert C. Strong was mado chalrman of
a speclal committeo of flvo to draft by
laws and perfect organizatlon, so tho
company wlll bo ready for business by
early fall.
Capltal Is to bo JIOO.OOO. Among out-of
town peoplo horo to-day for the meetlng
wero W. P- Ilolt, of Fayottovillo; Asholy
Hornc, Clayton; H. E. Frles, Wlnston
Ealem; Colonol J. S. Carr, Purham; Coi
Dnel J. S. Cunnlngham. Person county;
B. M. Armflcld, Hlgh Point; Jonas Oet
linger, Wllson.
in favettevilLe
Crownlng of Queen of the Carnlval and
Coronation Ball.
(Speclal to Tlio Tlmcs-Dlspatcb.)
FAYETTEV1LPE, N. C, April 21.?Tho
plne Product Constructlon Company, of
rvhieh Mr. Alfred A. McKethan ia gonoral
aianagor nt thls polnt, has bought valua
5lo propcrty ln tho southeastern outsklrts
>f town, comprlslng eight acres of land,
jnd wlll at onco eroct an expenslvo plant
for tho manufacturo of splrlttno and other
Sroducts of the plno, ono of neveral slm
ar plants to bo establlshed through thls
inctlon. Tho company will put In uso a
oew process, by which the tlmo necessary
jor dlstlllatlon in the manufacturo of the
iroducts will bo lessenod.
Past nlght robbers blow open tho snfo
>f tho Hopo Mills Manufacturlng Com
phny and carrled off between $80 and J100.
Cash socmod to bo all thoy wantod. as
they loft untouched plles of goods all
aiound. ?
Tho crownlng of the quoen of the
Knlghts of Pythias Carnlval Is to dako
placo on Thursday afternoop from tho
front of tho Knlghts of Pythias bulldlng
on Markot Square, after a stroot floral
parado, wlth Pr. J. V. McGorgan as chlef
marshal. Tho coronation spoech wlll be
deliovered by Mr. C. J. Coopor, caehlor
t>f tho Fayettevllle National Bank, tha
followlng knlghts oscortlng the quoen nnd
nialds of honor: Mr. P. A. Wllliamson,
wlth tho quoon, Miss Matthlas; Mr, W. II.
Pope, wlth Mlas Kato Broadfoot; Mr. N.
H McGeachey, wlth Miss Mnry Warrcn
Camcron; Pr. W. F. Buchanan, wlth Miss
Fannlo Wllliams; Professor J. A. Jones,
wlth Miss Mary F. Robeson. The coro?
nation ball will tako placo ln the armory
of the Independent Plght Infantry at
Mother and Child Lose Their Lives
Near Elizabeth City.
- (Spuclul to Tho Tlraes-DIapatch.)
FJPJZABETH OITY, N. C, April 21.?Mr.
V. F, Creot and wlfo and two boys, agod
Ihree and twelve, wore overturned ln a
imall shad boat near East Pake yes
lerday and tha woman and baby wero
Irowned. Tho child was Jammed in bo
iween the wreck of tho overturned boat
Mtd the mother has not been recovered.
the mast was torn away by tho wlnd,
jarrytng the father wlth it. The older
J>oy hold to the boat and was saved,
Congressmaii Small and a party of mll
'ionalres intorested lu the Plsmal Swamp
Canal wero horo last nlght in, a private
yacht. Colonel Allen, or tho Govcrnmont
Navlgatlon Survoy, was a metnber of tho
party, and It ls rumored that some no
fottatlon la afoot regarding tho sulo of
the Plsmal Swamp Canal to tho govorn
Biant, relatlve to the inland water way.
ttoa. John E. lWyburn, of i'hiladcl
are the best
On ils wearing
poinls ALONE the
outsells every other wrlting machlne
Remington Typewriter Company,
706 E. Main Street,
phla, ln hls prlvate yacht, "Grotohon.'
was at tho wharf to-day, on hls way to
Durant's Island, whoro ho wlll spond a
wcek htintlng nnd rocuporatlng, Ho wa.i
acoompanlod by tho Bcrgeant-at-arms of
tho Unltod Btatos Sonat^i. who Is onjoy
Ing Colonol Rayburn's hospltallty,
Only Two of the Twolve Who Tried to
Escape Aro Now at Largo.
fHpcclnl to The Tlmca-lllapatrh.) ?
WILMINGTON. N. C, April 21.?Hor
rlson Mortln Whlte, who planned the cs
oopn of convlcts from tlio Btockado at
Casllo Haynes, and who led the brcak
carly yesterday morning, surrcndered
hlmself, wlth two negroofl, beforo day
this morning. They had been ln a swamp
for many hours nnd wero wet, hungry
nnd almost frozon. Rcallzlng that they
had no chonco of cscapo, they deoldod to
Biirrender, Threo others aro stlll at
largo, one of whom Is a whlto man named
J. P. Hughes, who was shot by a guard
whlle escaplng. Ho has not been heard
fit elnco, and lt ls bolloved that he dled
ln the woods of his wound. The others
misslng of the twelvo who made tho
break aro two negroos. One negro waa
shot dead, elght captured and surron
dored. There ls llttlo chance for the ro
malnlng threo to cscapo.
? '
One That Would LlkelySweep
the Temperance
Mr. Harman, tho preacher-lawyer mem
ber of tho Sonate from Tazewell, ls hav
lng lots of fun out of the recent guberna
torlal boorh for hlm, orlglnated by somo
enterprlalng newspaper reporter. Tho
Btnator treats the matter as a Joke, and
hoa beon teased no llttlo by hls fcllow
mcmborB of the Commlttee for Courts of
Justlca. Ho promlsed those commlttee
mcti that when elected he would make
them all colonels on hls staff, and now
addrcsscs them all as "Colonel." At the
last meeting of the commlttee tho pros
pectlvo Governor called hls staff to or?
der and announced that ho had appllca
tlons for staff colonelcles from Mr. Wlck
bam and Mr. Halsoy. "What ls your
pleasure, gentlemen? Shall wo recelve
them?" aaked the Tazewell Senator wlth
mock gravity.
"I movo that they be recolved on pro
batlon," Buggested one of the colonelfl,
and tho motion was carrted wlthout ob
"Hold on," said Senator Ople. "Here is
Judge Mann, who hss also been men
tloncd as a candldato for Governor. He's
a member of the commlttee also. What
are wo going to do about that?"
"I'll ask you all to Bcrvo on my staff
when I am elected," chipped in Judge
Mann, and this happy solution of the
dlfilculty suggosted by Mr. Opio was
hailed with entliusiosm, for it meant two
chnnces of a colonelcy to each member
of tho commlttee.
Thereupon, on motion of Colonel McII?
walne, the staff meeting was adjourned
nnd the secrotary was dlrected to notlfy
Colonels Wickham nnd Halsey of thelr
electlon on probatlon.
Afterwards Sennfor Ople proposed as
a composlte gubernatorlal tlcket for 1905
a tlcket^ whlch he said would certalnly
please the tomperanco people: Judge W.
H. Mann- for Governor; Hon. J. N. Har?
man for Eleutenant-Governor, nnd Hon.
Graham Claytor. for Attornoy-General.
reads thus! "In overy clty thero shall bo
cleoted or appolnlod for a torm of four
years, In a mannor to bo provlded by law,
ono commlaslonor of revonuo, whose du
tlcfl nnd oompenflatlon shall bo prescrlbod
by law; but should ho bo oloctcd by tho
people, ho shall bo Inollglblo to re-oloctlon
to tho ofllco for tho noxt Biiccnodlng torm,"
It 1b proposed to Bubstltuto ln llou of
this tho followlng:
"In every clty thero ahall bo oloctod or
appolntcd, for a torm of four yeara, ln
n tnnnner to bo provlded by law, ono com
mUslonor of revenus, whose dutles and
compenBatlon shall bo proBcrlbed by law."
A slrnllar provlBlon 1b that suggested ln
tho case of commlBsloners of the revenue
ln countlos, sectlon 110 of tho Constltu
If thCBe two Jolnt resolutlons pass both
houBes, thoy must bo certlfled to and
passed by the noxt General Assembly
nnd then approved by tho poople at tho
"In the event of a free-for-all raco for
tho Governorshlp next time, wlth four
or flvo candldates ln the race, Judge Wll?
llam H. Mann, of Nottoway, would mako
a formldablo asplrant for tho posltlon,"
salfi a well known member of the Gen?
eral Assembly a day or two ago, whlto
speculatlng ln polltical futurcs. "If ho
v/ent Into the prlmary he would havo
the almost solld aupport of the temper
ance advocates in the Democratlc party,
and how numerous and lnfluentlal this
class ls the passago of that Btrlngent
temporauce meosur? of whlch Judge Mann
ln tho patron and namesake ls a subBtan
tlal ovldohco.
"I tcll you he would make the other
candid&teB hustle," said the legislator, as
he Btarted to boo a man.
"Would not the antl-prohlbltlon element
of tho party be a unlt agalnst hlm?" somo
one askod.
"Grant that they would," rotorted tho
flrst speaker, "lf Judge Mann were tho
party nomlnee, all who had partldpated
ln the prlmary would be in honor bound
to Bupport him, or certalnly not to opposo
hlm. Then, too, thlnk how many Repub
Jlcans who are temperance bdrvocates
would Ignore party tles and support hlm
lr, the rogular electlon, lf he wero noml
nated," eald the polltical Beer. "Mark
my words, he would certalnly Bcare some
Wlll Appear at Matlnee This
Afternoon for Texas Table
of Confederate Bazaar.
At the BIJou this afternoon at 2:80 the
Richmond College Dramatlc Club will
present "Alabama," the thrllllng play, for
the beneRt of the Texas table at the Con?
federate Bazaar. The cast wlll be aa fol
Colonel Preston, an old planter,
Douglas Freeman
Colonel Moberly, a rello of the'ConV'
federacy.Powhatan James
'Squlre Tucker. a Talladoga county
Justlce.Abner Pope
Captaln Davenport, a northern rail?
road man.Hlram Smith
Mr. Armstrohg. his agent..Porcy Alley
Eathrop Pago, a southern hoy,
Jullnn W^free
Raymond Page, a party of buslnoss,
Carey E. Morgan, Jr.
Deeatur, an anto-bellum servant,
Wnlter Tyler
Mrs. Page, who eherlshes an old love,
Lenore Duke Chandler
"Thoro's a, tlcket for you." aald Captaln
Oplo; "tho author of tho Mann blll, the
author of the blll for tho treatment of
hobltual drunkards, and the patron of a
dispensary blll."
"I object," sald Benator Harnian. "No
dispensary In my tcrneprance, If you
The companion Jolnt rcsolutlons, recent
ly passed by tho Senato of Vlrglnla and
sont to the IIouso of Pelogates for con
curreiice, proposlng to amend soctluns 110
and 119 of tho Constltutlon, havo not yot
boon ncted on by that body. One of these
proposcd amondments ls appltcable to the
Bclectlon of commlssloners of rcvenue ln
countles, nnd tho othur to . such ofucers
o* cltles, and thelr ollglblllty to re-elec
tlon. These sectlons of the Constltutlon
now mi'kn commlssloners Inellglblo to re
olectlon, lf eloctlvo by the popular vote.
The entlro purpose of these suggested
tmendments Is to reinove tho inellgibility
provitiion and leave to the Goneral Assem
bly tho cholco of the manner of soloctlng
Seotlon 119 of the Constltutlon now
Mrs, Stockton, a gay widow..Mary Harrls
Cary Preston, an Alabama blossom,
Pesllo Jeffreys
Atlanta Mobeiiy.Madge Bowlo
Real Es'.ate Sales.
Messrs. J. B. Elam nnd Company, real
ostato agonts, sold yesterday the vaca.nt
lot. 69x150 feot, cornor Twouty-sevonth
and Franklln Streets. for $2,950.
Tho aamo llrm also sold to Mrs, Marla
?E. P. Mahoney the two dwelllnga Noa,
l;709 and 2711 East Clay Streot. for $1,600.
Messrs. Elam and Company have also
recently sold flve lots frnntlng H4 feot
on Graco Street, near Allon Avenue, at
$53 per foot.
(S|iooiiil to Tlie Tiuio?-in?pntcli.)
Itandolph-Macon College, of Aahland, de
foated the Frederlcksburg Collogo team
ln a i'lno gamo here thls at'ternuou. Scoru
4 to 2
Kept the People Guosslng Over
Hls Puzzling Trlcks.
Voterans from tho Southstde Clty and
Thelr Ladlea Wero Numerous?Rlch?
mond Lodgo of Elks to Attend
To-Nlght?Bazaar Not09.
Ccfnfederate Bazaar.
Matlnee at BIJou Theatre?The play
"Alabama," o'ven by the Dramatlo
Club of Rlchmond Collene. Curtaln
rliea at B:30 P. M.
Bpeclnl Afternoon Tea at B o'clock.
EVENING?Auotlon of Eaater Hats.
Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Vlr?
glnla, Jefferaon, Deep Run, Herml
tngo and Albemarle Cluba Invltod
to be preeent.
Thoro waa an exceodlngly woll pleased
crowd at the Tcmplo last nlght, and all
the features of tho bazaar wore enjoyed.
Tho epeolal feature of tho oocaslon waa
1'rofesaor Brooks, tho preatidlgltateur
conneotod wlth tho Boatock ahow. He
astoundod and bewlldored the crowd wlth
hlB slolght-of-hand trlcka, and hia won
derful trunk trlck aet them all thlnking
of tho posslbllltloa of lcgerdeman. Pro
fessor Brooks pro/ed hlmseh one of the
moat expert and gracoful performera of
tha klnd ever soen here.
At tho varlous tablea there was a
constant flow of buslneaa, and nothing
aeemed to drag.
Yesterday belng "Petorsburg Pay' at
the Confoderato Bazaar, A. P. HI11 Camp
camo over early last evonlng on a apeclal
ear in a body. PeterBburg Company, No.
10, Knlghts of CPythlas, also were pros
ont, and the Arkansas tablo, whero the
Petersburg ladles wero ln chargo, waa
a great center of lntercst.
Easter Bonnet Sale.
Tho Maryland table wlll hold Its mll
llnery auctlon salo ln the baaement of
the Masonic Templo on Wedncsday ove
nlng at half-past elght.
Exqulslto "croationa" have been received1
from Madame Stuart, of Baltimore^
Hunt, of Washlngton; McBonnell, of Bal
timoro; Conly, of Baltimore, and Crelgh
ton, Morrls, Kaufmann, Bonnell nnd
Campbell and others of thls city, whlch
Colonel Stern will auctlon off on the
heads of some of the prettlost young
glrla ln Rlchmond.
Thls will not only bo ono of the moat
charm^ng featurea of tho bazaar. but an
excollent opportunity to purchaso sprlng
hata at reasonablo prlcos, and wlll no
doubt bo taken advantaee of by those
who havo not alroady capped thelr sprlng
wardrobes or who havo room for Just
ono moro delectable lmportation.
Kentucky Table.
Tho Kentucky table has received
through their agent, Mr. Cook, a barrol of
Obelisk flour from Ballard & Ballard,
Poulavllle, Ky. A handaomo dress sult
case and llght overcoat arrlved on Satur
day from Mrs. Joseph C. Bethel, of
The Kentucky Paughtors havo respond
ed nobly to the call for help, especlally
thoao of thelr metropolis.
All honor is due Mrs. Bazil Euke for
her untlring zeal and ready rosources,
whlch aro an Insplration to her co-work
ers hero.
Mr. Georgo Jullan Zolnay, the New
York sculptor, 1ms contrlbuted slx busts
ln plaster of tho young horo. Sam Pavls.
April 23th wlll bo Kentucky Pay. and
on that nlght a charmlng llttlo plny wlll
bo glvon under the ausplces of Mrs. C.
C. Walker. Thls wlll also bo rallroad
nlght, and a most cordlal Invltatlon Is
oxtended to all rallroad men.
"Tho Kentucky nnnox"?Ohio?has
many beautlful contrlbutlons, notably an
elegant sllvcr bowl from Clnclnnatl,
valued at 5100, now belng voted to tho
most popular Elk; a hnndsome palr of
bronzo figuros sent by McAlplne & Com?
pany, of Clnclnnatl, to bo votod to the
most popular Rlchmond glrl; three boxon
of handsome dolls sont by Mrs. Worccs
ter, of Clnclnnatl, an ardent Southerner,
to whom thla work hns been a labor of
love, and whlch she has accompllshed so
Kuccossfully In splte of very recotit fnm
lly beroavoment,
? ? ?
A beautlful horso and runabout are to
be sold for tho bonof.t of tho Confoderato
Bazaar. Tho horso Is Vlrclnla bred, Is n
comblnntlon nnlmal, havlng flno saddlfl'
galt, as well ns drlvlng, Ho ls slx years
old and Is a beauty,
Tho ontlro rlg may bo seon every day
on thn street, ns Mr. Wnlker, tho mnna
ger of tho Btandard Oll Company, Is
drlvlng It, so as to show It to peoplo who
would llko to tako part ln tho guesslng
The way In whlch the horse and runa?
bout, lncludlng, of courao, a ne.w aet of
harness, wlll bo awardod, Is as follows;
On the last nlght of tho bazaar somo
promlnent gentlemen ln tho clty wlll be
seloctod as JihIros. Pupllcntos of all tho
tlckots that have been sold wlll bo- put
ln aiwolopps, nnd tho ontlro lot put Into a
laruo bas'-ot. Tho Judgos wlll thon ap
polnt aonio ono to draw out a tlcket. The
holdor of thn tlcket eorrospoudlng to the
ono drawn wlll rocelvo tho prlze.
Tlckcts can bo bought fi-om Mrs. John
Moseloy Walkor. chnlrmnn of the Mary?
land table; Mrs- Thnrnns T.nnry, Mr. Ar
thur Mayo and Mr. John II. AValker.
Aa thls is by far tho most attractlve
thlng that tho Confoderato Bazaar has
had to offor. thoro wlll no doubt bo a
gr?;nt Bcramblo for these tlckets.
The Virginla Table.
Goneral Pnbnoy Mnury Chaptnr, Phlla?
dclphla, has Kont a box to Mr^. Andorson,
contalnlng moat beautlful hand-work of
all klnds?embroldery, laco-work, burnt
lontlicr. Notlcable among tho many
artlclea. Is a whlto satln tablo cover,
Perslan appllquo deslgna ombroldcrcd wlth
gold, sont by Mrs. Kolm, formorly of
dcslgna sont "V Mrs. Kolm, formorly of
thls clly, Wlth thls box camo donatlons
from John Wanamakor nnd Bnolllngburg.
of phlladelphln, U varlud and beautlful
colloctlon of nrtlcles.
In the mldst of the enthuslns.n of tlie
ludlos ovor thls box, anothor was rs
ccVi'cd and opened from Norfolk?many
handsome nnd dalnty thlngs-a lnrge Af
ghan or alumv>cr robe, anuther for an In
fant's bed and carrlage. Tho voteu for UM
People Get WillM
A cow or horso or oven a dog will refueotoeat
or drink what tho nnimal knows to bo harmf ul, hut
mankind will persiHt in pourlnri in coffoeoven nftor
hnving been fully assured that it is etcadily
killing him. Onco in a whilo they wako up and do
tho eeuaiblo tliing.
A lndy enys: " Why will peoplo wnit ns long as
I did, when it ia bo easy to savo onosolf tho auifor
ing cauacd by coileo drinking f Aftor using coffeo
aevoral years I diecovercd that I was broaking
down norvously. I consulted sovoral doctors, but
W ln epito of ovorythitig Btcadily grow woree.
/ "One physicinn adviBedniotoqtiitcoffce.and Itried
f quitting by tho ubo of will powcr, but ovory timo it was
a miscrablo fniluro.
"My stomacb was in dreadful ehapo, nnd I was
unablo to slcop at night, nervoua prostration Bet in and I
becamo barely able to drng about.
" Ono day whllo visiting a ruiuistor'fl wifo, a mothcrly old
lady, eho proposod to givo mo a cup of coffeo, tho kind eho
haa beon UBtng threo timos a day for throo yenre. Ho eho
brought out a cup of tho most frngrnnt, deliclous boverngo.
It waB coffeo and it was not coffeo. I tried it nnd waB eagot
to know how it was mado.
"Sho said: 'Fivo years ngo I wnBaffnctod much as you aro.bnt I qvtil; drinking coffeo and bognnuBing
Postum Pood Coffeo, nnd thnt produced tho rnault you sco and rcr.torcd mo to hcnlth.'
"Sho said a iot moro.nnd whcn I went homo I gotnboxof Postum and begnnusingit. Such nsoothlng
effoct took placo and I began eleoping nights nnd felt n rnllef from my nwful norvous tension. Oradually
nndeuroly Igot well, nnd now I feol aastrprig nnd boalthy as a woman nhould at my ngo, with nll myoldtimo
onorgy restored. I earnestly entroat all coueo drinkors to chnngo to Postum. What is tho usoof eufforing
day and nlght becauso of somo pnltry coffeo, when ono haB but to lenvo.it off nnii uso Postum to bo well.
and I think nny ono will ngreo with mo thnt hoalth is worth ovorything olso?inonoy, proporty or fame,
Namo givon by Postum Co., Battle Crcok, Mich.
most popular leader of the gcrman etand:
Adolphus Blalr, 0; Colonel Stern, 14;
Henry Hotchkiss, G3.
North Carollna Table Rolics.
At the North Carollna tablo can be seen
a lock of Presldont Davls' halr and a
photograph of tho rock from whlch Mr.
Davls was' speaklng when he heard of
Presldent Llncoln's assasslnatlon.
There ls also a shawl crocheted by Mrs.
SlohewaJl Jackson and photographs of
Mrs. Jackson. bearlng her slgnaturo. A
Goorgo Washlngton pltcher. mnde ln 17E3
to commemorate the vlctory of Yorktown,
ls Indeod a rare curlo, there belng not
more than two or threo of lts klnd ln
Thero havo already been aeveral blds
made for tho pltcher by prlvato partles
nnd others who represent art gallerles.
Ono of tho most beautlful artlcles sent
from North Carollna and -displayed con
splcuouslv ls a, plece of tapestry, the glft
of the Sailabury Daughters of tho Confed?
Tennessee Table.
The Tennessee tablo has Just recolved
from the Badles' Home Journal a eener
ous donatlon of somo beautlful llttlo plc
tures of General Doo on Traveller. The
picture appeared several yearB ago ln tho
"Journal" In connectlon wlth an artlcln
on Lee, and is ln every way partlculorly
pleaslng and satlsfactory. Tho lssuo of
tho Journal In'whlch lt appeared has been
for a long tlmo ontlroly out of prlnt, and
tho coples of the plctures sent to tho ba?
zaar wero made speclally for that pur?
pose and as a compllment to tho Bazaar
One of the most lntere3tlng visltors to
tho Tonncsseo booth yesterday was a
rcphew of Colonel W. C. Smltb, who fel
at tho head of hls reglment in a small
battle near Manlla ln the early days of
the Flliplno tnsurrectlon. Colonel Smith.
it wlll be remembered, wns a Vlrglnla
soldler durlng the Ctvil War and a man
of unusual cournge. After the war vvas
over he became an archltoot and llved ln
Nashvllle, Tenn., where ,he deslgned.
among other thlngs. the maln bulldlng nt
Vanderbllt Unlverslty and tho wondeiful
fac-slmllo rcproductlon of tho Pnrthenon,
the crownlng beauty nnd glory of tho
Tennessee Centennlnl of 1890.
The dally box party glven by tho Ten?
nessee table to all chlldren who vlslt. the
bazaar contlnues to bo a most popular
entortalnment, and crowds of cnthuslaB
tlc young guests nro constnntly made
hnppy by lts BurprlHOs.
The Tennessee table has among the
many troasures, artlcles of uso, ns well
ae of boautv and adornment. The Black
lock foundry,, of South Plttsburg, Tdnn.,
has donnted to this tablo a number of
Irnn cooklng utenslls of splondld mako
and most dnrnblo qunllty. This flrm has
sent also a case of sad-lrons,
Another attractlon of this table 1b a
doll stovo, ns comnloto ln every detall as
the most perfect of grown-up stoves, nnd
worthy of tho longlng admlratlon of nll
small glrls who behold lt.
Georgia Day.
At tho Georgia tablo a beautlful pleoe
of sltoer donatod by Tlffany. of New
York, was displayed. Sovoral other ploces
of Jewelry, Includlng a dlamond rlng, are
among the contrlbutions to this tablo.
April 27th will bo Georgia day. Thero
wlll bo a "novelty party" ln tho aftornoon
for chlldren Into whlch a number of
oharmlng features will be introduced. In
the evening the Mnsonlo Home ehlldron
and tho Shrlners with thelr Arab drill
will bo tho Btrlklng features of the pro
? ? ?
At tho Alnhama tablo, among many
pretty donsllons. Includlng Indltin pnt
tery from the Tndlan vlllngo nenr Mohllo,
aro coplea of tho "Princoss of Glondale,"
a stnry of the home llfo on a prlncely.
Alabama plantatlon durlng tho clvll war.
Tho book ls from tho pen of nn Alabama
nuthoress, "Mala Pottus," and Is said
to be a most Intorestlng romance,
Mrs Hagan, of tho .Mlssourl tablo, had
a beautlful lunoh cloth sent her yester?
day, ernbrnldored ln grapes nnd edged
wlth antlquo laca lts donor was Mrs.
Barn Parkor, of St. Botils,
* ? ?a
Tho souvonlr programmo for "Charley's
Aunt," to ho glven by tho Unlverslty nf
Vlrglnla Dramatlc Club at tho Academy.
April 29th, and for tho productlon of
"Chopstlcks and Spiklns'' by tho I^idy
Nleotlno Stock Company, ls belng rlls
trihutud. Tlckots for the doublo perforrn
anco are on Btilo nt Braneh Allon's, nnd
after to-day at tho Academy of Muslc.
(Py Aasoi'lutiiil I'rcaa.)
WASHINGTON. April 21.?The Balti?
more und Ohlo Railroad to-day llled wlth
tho Interstato Commorco Cornmlsslon nn
answer donylng tho complalnt of ilio
Clty Gas Company, of Norfolk, Va., tlmt
It ls Bubjectlug tho poinplalnnut to un
reaaonablo and unjust rntos of ttanspoi
tntlon, and thnt lts tariffs dlsorlmlnato
agalnat tho criiipliilnant and ngaiust
shlppera genorally at Norfolk, Newport
News and Hampton Roada. The rail?
road says dlfforont condltlona .at tlio va
rlotis polnts ninko it Inexpedloul to make
any nllowanoo for tho cost of barglng
c.oal shlpmentu to Baltimore destlnod for
Norfolk, Newport News aud Hampton
House Entered, but Stolen
Property Recovered.
Elks Will Try to Bring Back Prizea from
Baltimore Duringthe Meetlng of
tho Grand Lodge?Will Ask
for Pardon.
Munchostor Buroau Tlmos-BIapatch, l
No. 1102 Hull Btreet. J
A watch and chain, atolon from tho
resldonco o? Mr. C. P. Brookln, ln Swans
boro, on Monday nlght, was yesterday ro
coverod by Captaln Tomllnaon, of the
Rlchmond Secrot Sorvlco.
Mr. Brooldngr'a residonco was ontorod
through a rear* wlndow and tho house
runsacked. Tho watch and chaln were
tho only thinga mlssing, and prompt work
on the part of tho Rlchmond detocttves
dld the business.
The Bccond nigh'f of tho bazaar at Pead
cr Hall was a most pronounced success.
In addltlou to tho refreshmenta offcred
Thoro waa a flne vaudovillo programme
whlch was taken part In by Mrs. H. A.
Maurlce, Miss Gertrudo AJlen. r Mra. J.
C. Blako, Mr. W. M. Allen, Mr. Archle
Wllllamson. Mr. W. T. Hart, Mr. K. A.
jfihlplett and Mr. Bonjnmln Tobart.
" Tho bazaar is provlng ono of tho most
attractlvo nlaces for spendlng an ovonlng.
Tho attendance last nlght rwaa very
The programme for to-nlght will em
braco tho followlng attracUve features:
Tho Manchoster Gleo Club, wlth violln.
mandolln and gultar; flrst appoaranco of
Mr Mnx Frlodloy, tho Hebrow monolog
ist; Mossrs. J. E. Muim, T. F, Woodloy,
An'drow Meonl, C. Salvator and Mrs. E.
Tiradshaw ln a humorous sketch nntltled
"Tho Modlum. or All Thlngs Come My
? The funoral of Frank P, GIlos. who
dled at tho Sheltorlng Arms Hospltal
oarly Sundav morning, took placo from
Meado-Memortal Church at 4;30 o'clock
tho followlng day, nnd tho Internicnt waa
ln Hollywood.
Manchoster Podgo of Elks wlll entcr
tho pnrndo at tho Grand Ixidgo mootlng
In Baltimore In J'uly, and oxpoct to brlng
back wlth them one or two prlzoa.
Thoro ls the greatest onthuslasm
among tho Elks of Manchoster, and it
ln thoir hope to enrry on the Raltimoro
t'rlp at laast nlnety-fivo por cent. of tho
memborshlp, whloh would moan one
prizo almost to a certulnty.
Another attractlvo foature Is the
unlniio unlform proposltion. Tho lodgo
Is tho "bnby lodgo" of tho organlzatlon,
nnd Exnltad Ruler Plpscomb ia the
youngeat man ln tho ordor holdlng that
posltlon. It is proposed that tho lodgo
woar Kato Groenway costumes ln tho
ptirado, thus almost lnsurlng anotber
Both of these matters aro belng worked
up by tho Elks.
In nddltlon to mombers nf tho ordor, a
number of outsldo cltlzens have slgnllled
thelr Intontlon of golng on the trlp.
Among those who wore Inltlnted In the
Wood's Fann Seedg.
Coi Peas ?
j Soja Beans
Two of the most importnnt crops
for furtners everywhere, Wrlto for
leaflotH entitled ?< Soja Beans vs.
Coru" niul ?'Cow Peas?The
Clover of The South," glving
speeliu. inforniation ulmut these
eropa. Wo curry hirge utooka of till
SeetfCorn, filJIet, SorRhums,
Teoalnte, Late Seed Pota*
toes, Crhitson Clover,
Buckwheat, etc.
Wood'a Seed Hook ond Speclal Clreu..
tars b'lving prlooa and seacouuolo tw
forutatloa, niii .h-ii free,
lodgo on Monday nlght wore Judge Bh
gram and Mr. AuguBtlno Royall.
After havlng served an elght year ternt
ln the penltontlary tho negro John
Honry Carter wns yesterday taken to
tho Manchoster Jail to servo a year for
attomptlng to escapo whllo ho was awalt
lng tho trlal whlch rosultod ln his term
in tho penltontlary for felony. An <Sffort
wlll be mado to aocuro hls pardon.
Mr. Robert Bass, who was hurt by be?
lng blown from hls cngtno last Satuxday,
was reported as belng better last nlght.
MrB. P. S. Cooke, Mrs. John Ijatham
and Miss Ada Cooke havo gono to Wash
lngtoh on a vlslt to relatlves and frlends.
Mr. Wllllam J. Morrisotte wlll take a
promlnent pnrt tn Queon Esther at tho
Vonable-Street Baptlst Church on Frlday,
Mrs. Hattle T3. Kelly has Just returned
from Walker's, Now Kont county, where
sho has beon for tho past seven months
?eaching a publlc school. J
All Working Togetherto Brlno.
Advocate and Conference
Into Closer Relation.
Tho flrst meeting of tho commlttee ap
ponitod at the lato session of the Vlrglnla
Conferenco of tho Methodlst Eplscopal
Church, South, to oonslder plans for
brlnging the Chrlstlan Advocato, of this
clty, tho organ of tho conference,. Into
closer relationshlp wlth *be body, waa
ht-ld hi this clty yestorday.
All the members of tho commlttee ex
cept ono?Dr. \V. W. Royall?were pres-<
ent, ns follows: Dr. J. Powell Garland,
Rev. Rlshard Forgusan, Dr. B, F. Llps
ccmb, of Randolph-Macon, and Mr, Frank
Talbott, of Danvillo. Tho session was
held at noon at Centenary Methodlst
Church, nnd resulted In nothlng more
than a prollmlnary dlscusslon of tho situ
ntlon. There waa no actlon taken wlth
roteronce to tho formatlon of a report
for tho' next conference. Thero wlll ln
all probablllty bo another nicctlng Inatha
early futuro.
Indlcatlons polnt to a aaUafactory nd->
Juiitniont of tho inattor. Tho session yes?
terday was entlrely pleasant, and thero
waa manlfested by alla deslro to pull to
gether ln tho dlrectlon of estnbllshtng the
conforonco organ on a hlghor plane. Tho
Rev. Herbert M. Ilope, edltor of tho Ad?
vocate, appeared beforo tho commlttee
and mado a statement, tho chlef purport
of whlch wns to tho eftect that he and
hls assocltites wore roady1 and wllliug to
co-nporato wlth tho commlttee In auy
movemont looklujr to tho botterment of
tho paper. It was a ploaBiiro to Mr. Hopa
as well as to tho commlttee that lt could'
bo Btated that slnce the conference the
clrculatlon of the Advocate has shown a,
consldornbfe lnorease, and that tho paper
ls now, porhaps, on a more gonorally sat
Isfactory basls than it has over boen be?
It Will Be Tnken Up by the Senato To
Day as a Special Order.
The Senato wlll to-day taJce up Hous?
blll No. 102, known as tho corporatfon
blll, as a speclal order. This ls the rathei
volumlnotiB blll whlch has been undel
conslderatlon for threo weeks by fh?
Sonato Conimfttees on Roads nnd Court*
of Just lee, and has Just been reported ta
tho Senato. II ls framed to supplement
tho provlslons of nnd enrry into effect
tho corporatlon nrtlele of tho Constltu
tion, prescrlblng tho method and condl?
tlons of securlng the varlous classea at
charters and their government and con
trol by tho Corporatlon Commtsslon.
Tho flrst drnft of the blll was made by
a sub-cominlttco of the House Commlt
tecs on Roads nnd General Laws. of
whlch Mr. J, R. Caton, of Aloxnndrla, la
olialrinn, The nouso mado somo
changos in tho blll. nnd the Senato com
mlttees havo recoiumended others, Tho
chlef amendments mado to tho House blll
by the Senato oonnnlttoe hnve boen nien
tloned ln theso columns. Altogether,
comparallvely few ehanges havo been
made, and these nre chlelly In tho dlrec?
tlon of slmpllfyins tho provisiona relat
lng to tho granting of charters and tho
government of corporatlons,
Tho Senato commlttee has gone over
tho blll wlth great care, and lt is not
anMolpated. thnt tho Senate ltself will
amend tho blll further. In faot, the blll
wlll bo qulckly dlspoaed of, tho varlous
soctloiiB bolng read and passcd upon, utl
leas objectlon to some tectlon developa..
Cuivil .\hiloyimwalt. IragU'J
IL-auii huTablcts. lOo for ulghe
do.-e-. Vo ourono pay.
Tragle Drug Co..K!iBt

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