Newspaper Page Text
Miller ?3 Rhoads. Miller <_ Rhoads. Some Extraordinary Reductions in Our Trimming Department. Women who've been delayed making up thoir spring gowns will bo able to profit by these sweeping reductions. Forehanded people who like to preparo somo finio ahead will not neglect such an opportunity. Lot I.5c Yard ?Jet Gimps, former prices wero 10e-15c-19c ami 22c. Lot II . ..10c Yard Jet Gimps, former prices wore 15c-19c-25c and 33o. Lot III ..10c Yard Steel Gimps, former prices 25c and ?J9o yard. Lot IV.5c Yard Jet Stool Gimps, former prices 19c and 25o yard. Lot V.25c Yard Odd pieces and colors of Mousseline Do Soie that have been 50c yard. Other reductions in Persian Eauds, appliques, drops and dangles. &tf ^wV^^^^^^ ? Social and ?Personal \ The Confederate Bazaar Association ha a delightful meeting yesterday nt noon i Lee. Camp Hall. Mrs. Joseph Bryan an Mrs. Stephiin Putney wore present, an the chairmen of- the different tables, wit their committees, were lnrgcly presen also. Smiles wreathed all faces, nnd the eat IsTnctlon felt over work finished and re suits reached was plainly visible In tb spirit of animation, cordiality and over flowing congratulation winch ruled th hour. The reportp of tho treasurer and of th different State tables wero heard will great enthusiasm. The ?mount now li the treasurer's hands is considerably ovo twenty thousand dollar?. The report t be given In by "Mrs. W. M. Wade, th chairman of the Restaurant Committee has. not yet been made out, owing t the factxthnt Mrs. Wailo has up to thl lime found It Impossible to have all ho bills sent In. Tho restaurant gross ro cripta were over two thousand dollars but the hills havo yot to bo paid. Norn ?if tho other tables havo yet rendered ex act report;?., ns money Is still coming ii nnd all sales have not yet boon completed A full statement will be mado later, bu yepteruay'B amounts, furnished by th< chairmen, aocredltcd Virginia with $3,112. 45, turned over; Maryland, with $820,32, an? her horse and runnbout yet .undisposed of North Carolina, with; South Car ollnn. with $1.625.75; Georgia, with S1.026.6S Florida, with $932; Alabama, with 5821.81 Mississippi, with J"f?2.r;0; lyoulslann, wltl $1.02S.G1 ; Texas, with 5580.50; Arkansas ?with $036.64: Missouri, with $1.183; Ten nessee. with $1.377, and ft check of $'S7 Ecnt by the N". n. Forrest Chapter, ant received after tho meeting was bosun Kentucky, with $1,200: the Solid South with $1 ??30.16; door receipts, $l,47?.7:i; sali of badges and private donations thrOugl bazaar officials. $1.009.37. Mrs. Kate S Wlnn, the treHsurer of tho Bazaar Asso elation. .?-Ill appoint a meeting with thi ti?-usurers'- of (be difTeront tables at nt ei'rly date, when totals can be. adjustet nnd an accurate estimate giren of th? bazaar profits as a wbolo. Much business was transacted yester day. Everybody ln the Bazaar Associa tlop was thanked and boiuiuots wer? thrown all ?round. Resolutions of sym pa thy were passed for Mrs. J. C. lia gnu (ho efficient chairman of th* MiBXOurl ta ble, on aeeount of th* Illness of her lit tin son. The doxnlogy was finally sung Then Mrs. Bryan rained h<?r hands am: j.roriounced the bazaar over. The Executive Committee of the Con? federate Bn?aar .' - ?toUotl will hold a final mooting In th* bom? of Mrs. Stcphon Putney n?st Tu??day at noon. At, 11 o'clock ? terday forenoon the Louisiana committee held a. final meeting in the. smaller committee room at the rear of l^*e Cair.p Hull. Mrs. Dnsbiell and M ? <-v..?t announced the sum to the credit of the table. The oemmltteo expressed much pleasure over entirely harmonious nnd hatisfactory as? sociation In bazaar work. A rising votn of thank? was given Inn number of Hin committee who had bum Specially zealous and to Mr?. Henry llarwood, the rhnlnrmn of entertain. mem?, who netted !.",".'l from "Charloy'u Aunt." given by the University Dramatic Club for Louisiana, and proved herself In every way a capable manager ol a banner bazaar Academy evening, W. C. A. Meet Inc. The nnnnnl mating of the Woman's Christian Association wna hold ypsterda; afternoon ???< *:80 o'clock In tho home of Ibc association. No. ?ua-?u K-i-t Fyanlc lln Btroet, The Rev, r>r. It. B. fjRsleaton, of the Third Prr<;iiytr.r'rin Church) t ho Rev. i>r. S-trango. of Bt. Paul's, and the Rev. rame? Morris, elso <if lhal church, oocu pjed seats on the rostrum, whloh wan instefutly deoorated, as was the ?ndito? rlum, wit) palme i.i:d rnn?s. Tho open? tbe which Inclii'lnd th? sing? ne of ' i ? readli g und prayer, were nducti ' " Egnleston, Ml** Mnb.-i McBiln sang with gr??l tendernofs and iwi.tnfsi twe solos, "yaca to f/aoe" ?iii'l "M'y.- i '.' Mr? Duncan,of Louisville, Ky., wn:rr-lnry <,t the international HwA of Woman's ond Youm; Woman's ChrifU?n Assnoltt l)on, del . i ' ???' an caras?) and slnnnont address, out ? l II -,?? ?nil oryani patlon r,f I ' ?? ?ssnel-atlpn, it- humanltn? linn ann philanthropic principios, Us up? lifting ur.d lielprul ir.nrt. She road, a strong appeal for th? broadening ?mi deepening of the w-rk done bv rJij niohmond Asnoolatlon mord? i.t-i?. After1 tho exercise? rlosad the i-'ic tl in (if iiffl'rr.? w-if held yvlih the fol? lowing result: Pr?sident, Mrs J. H. <?-.'. per?; Kirst ,Yle*-preyti_eht, k?r. J. Hill Moon; gscOfld Vc-.J'rfc'iliiei.t. I.Irs M. H. Quail?--; Third V'lceiPreslflent, Nisi it H. fiortvoed ; Fourth Vh ? -Pri? ;? ,- i Mr?. Coleroen Wortham; Pifth vj - i-i,?-..".. ; t :.!(.-, m. i ? Smith; ' o r??p i-J lug ?ecKstary, Mr?, o. \Y, 'In.v.r.; lit, cording Secretary, Miss Anna Christian; Treasurer, Miss Pearl Bodekcr. Tho Board of Directors was re-elected. An Informal reception he4d In honor of Mrs. Duncan was the closing fe.? ture o? the afternoon. Cnkc nnd Ices wero served and many ladies enjoyed the pleasure of an introduction to Airs. Duncan. H us i cal Reception, A charming musicale will be given at 8 o'clock under tlio auspices of the La? dles' Aid Society of Leigh-Street Baptist Church. The following excellent pro? gramme will be rendered: 1. Opening number, R, R. T. M. C. A. Orchestra. 2. Contralto Solo, Miss Pattle Isaacs. 3. Solo, Selected, Mr. Deo Menghor. I. The Story of Ben Hur, Miss Kate Elsmnre Puller. ">. Contralto Solo. Miss Isaacs. (V Pantomime, Holy City, Miss Puller; Sung by Mr. Meagber. 7. Section. Orchestra. Miss Isaac? has a very sweet contralto voice and Is a great favorite with Rich? mond music lovers. Miss Puller Is known I throughout tho city and Stale as an e?o cut'onlst of note'. She has taken several medals and is a graduate of the Bvron King School of Oratory and Elocution. Musical Soiree. A musical soiree will be given for the benefit of St. Peter's Cathedral this even? ing. May 8th, at 8:45 o'clock in the assem? bly hall of Murphy's Hotel Annex, nt which tho admission will be -Sac. Tickets can bo purchased of J. B. Wood. Jr. The following Richmond artists will take part In ibis musicale: Mrs. John Murphy, E, H, Clowes and Mrs. Yeamans. Messrs. Dunbar Keenan and Trlbhett. the First Raptist Church quartetto. composed of Misses Cofer. Moulton, Cunningham and Hunter. Prof, Cosby will be the accom? panist. Mrs, Brown's Tea. Mrs. Dr. Alexander G. Brown, Jr., en teralncd at ten in her home on West Oraco Street, Thursday evening. "The Young Married Woman's Club." The rooms were tastefully decorated with palms and wild honeysuckle and the col? or schemo of the dining-room blended harmoniously lo make the effect very plonslng. Those present were members of the club, all of whom have entered upon this happy cstato within Hie last few years. Tho guepts of the even'-n? w?re Mrs. James B. Cannon, Mrs. Arlol phua HInIr, Mrs, Frank A. Hohson, Mrs. D. B. Stringfollow, Mrs. R, Bruce Bowe, Mrs. Clay Drowry, Mrs. Lajighorne Put? ney, Mrs. Thomas S. Arm'ftead, Mrs. Hardln T. Burnley, Mrs. Edmund Benson, Mrs. Stuart Howe, Mrs. Chas. W. Spicer) Mrs C M, Knox, Mrs. Eghert Leigh, Jr., Mrs. Edward Quarlos. Mrs. E?lgar forty, Mrs. Walter Miles and Mrs. Henry C. Rloly. A, P, V. A. Excursion. The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities will give their nnnunl exctirrton to Jamestown next Wednesday, May 13th. They will leave tho Old Dominion wharf at 8 A. M. Mrs. ID. V. Valentino will bo tho chairman of the excursion, assisted by Mrs. Robert Lee Traylor and Mrs. W, S. Murray. Del'olous refresh? ments will bo ?orved by a number of prot ly young girls under the direction of Miss i. ?tile Bllyson, Mrs. Joseph Bryan ard 'bo members of the central committee of tho A. P. V, A. will be tho chaporonea ?f the occasion. The party will moot tho Old Dom'nlpn ?'Wrlniuge, who will come to Jamestown ???.ru old Point by special Btonnier, under ?lie leadership of Mrs, Mary Ilutoh W'l ard, Mr. lUieii Freeman, Mrs. Caroline Footo Marsh and Mrs. Henry C. Purton, ! New York, A prominent gentleman selected by the A. P, V. A. will make an address of welcome to the pilgrims at Jamestown, The beautiful season of tho your render? the excursion one of 'he most delightful affairs on 'he May calendar. T?ioho who have pot hitherto had an opportunity to vii ;i Jamestown should haston to make their loss good by going In such a riel!f;bt ti?! oompany as will assemble for tho annual visit. Personal Mention, At the mooting pf the Milton Work Club Wednesday afternoon, Die highest north rind SQUtll score was mailo by Mrs W. Hen. Palmor ?nul Mr.-. Benjamin II. Na?h. Winner? east nnd wost were Mr?. Waiter Martin ami MUa Ltwy Quartes. I 'J'hfi . Woman's Club Whist Club will I nvit 'to-day at 11 A. M. ! ... j .Mrs, Thomas L, w-st und bor aliter. Min Mary K?lner, who luit for Mexico : last week, hava reached their destina? ; 1.1,11 Tim trip way made by way of fc'l. l/.ul? anil pouglaa, Arlamja. and though ;. long and t?reteme Journey of a week, wat mu ?if interest, Miss. K?lner and Mis West h.v.e j ?Iried tin. bitter's hua bjnd. who is superintending tho opera? tion of a gold mlim In Mexico. . ? ? Thr- giies-ing WntWt for the lion'e and runabout for 'ho hwieflt of tho Confed? erate H/usr will be held In Uie parlor? or the Jofferiwn Hotel at - o'clock Bat unlay night, i.'?- Mi Instant, Tiifc follow 'Inji b'onUoroon havu kindly oouisunted to ? act ns Judges: Mr. Vlrirlnliis Newton, Mr. Wyndhnm Boiling, Mr. E. A. Cntlln, Mr. W. C. Urquhart, Mr, Legh R. Pa?* All those who have taken llckets aro invitea? to be present. Mr. R. F. ?Cutting! ?f New York, who attended the recent Oonferenco on Edu? cation in Richmond, bas sent a check for $M0 to a member of the Board for the Home of Needy Confederate Women. ? ? ? Mrs, W. M. Wado has been presented by her committee and Captain Whltlock with a beautiful painting, displayed at the bazaar undnr the title of "Stuart tak? ing charge of Stonewall Jackson's com? mand nt Chanceiloisvlllo." Mm. Russell Robinson, of Nelson coun? ty, Is spending somo time In Richmond. IMMIGRANT INSPECTOR A Civil Service Examination Will Bo Held May 29th. The United States Civil Bervlce Com? mission announces that on May 29, 1903, an examination trill be held for the position of Immigrant Inspector. Tlio examination will consist of the subjects mentioned below, which will be weighted as follows: Subjects. Weights. L Spelling (twenty words of aver ago difficulty In common use.)., 10 2. Arithmetic (simple tests in addi? tion, subtraction, multiplica? tion nnd division of whole num? bers, common nnd decimal frac? tions and in United States money) . 16 3. Letter writing (a letter of not less thfl.n\ l? words on snroo subject of general Interest, Competitors nro permitted to select one of two flulijects given) . 15 4. Penmanship (the handwriting of tlio competitor In tho subject of copying will bo considered with special referonco to tho elements of legibility, rnphl Ity, neatness, ganeral appear? ance, etc.). 16 6. Copying from plain copy (a sim? ple tost In copying accurately a few printed linos In the com? petitors handwriting) . 10 0. Practical questions In Immigra? tion law . 15 7. Training and exoerlenco (under this subject will be consldeied particularly such expnr.ence as applicants may have liad In po? sitions requirfnsr tact and dis? cretion In dealing with the pulilic) . 20 Total . "iM Ago limit, twenty years or ovor. From the eligible? resulting from this examination It Is expected that certi? fication will be mado to the position of Immigrant Inspector In the Immi? gra Won Service, and to othor similar j vacancies as they may occur. This examination is open to all cltl- I A BUREAU OF SPEAKERS Anti-Saloon League to Have One Hundred, JUDGE MANN ONE OF THEM Move Forced by Great Development In Work?League Defines Its Position With Reference to Politics. So remarkable has been the develop? ment of tho work of tho Antl-Salo-in Loague In Virginia and so great is the demand for speakers, whom It cannot supply, that the Leaguo has Just de? termined upon tho organization of a bu? reau to bo composed of ono hundred men?lawyers, doctors, Judges, preachers, business men?who will bo scattered throughout thp entire atnto, and who upon call may deliver addresses and lec? tures at whatever point needed. Tho bureau Is a curious outgrowth of , tho present wldely-agitoted temperance movement In tlio State. Dr. Gordon B. Moore, the distinguished new superin? tendent of tho League, declared yester? day that ha and his coadjutor, tho Rev. .1. VV. West, could not fill one-tenth of tho Incitations they recelvo, The work of tho League has grown enormously and there Is enough to bo dono In the J Office to keep one man there constantly. * Mr. West Is In the field, but ho can't fill a dozen cnKngomonts at one timo. Meanwhile, throughout the State there 1.1 an 'uprising of thi temperance folk. Mass-meetings aro being held, local op? tion fights being planhod or conducted, nnd so on. All of them want speakers and most of them want Dr. Moore him? self. But ho finds it Impossible to go. ONE HUNDRED MEN. Heneo tho bureau. One hundred men, chosen Trom all professions, will be se? lected. Thoy will live In different parts of tho State and when a moeMn? Is held In any man's particular section that man will he delegated to speak at It. He will nttonrt county conventions, ralllos, mass-meetings, local option olcc r?ch, 22 ?eet on south side Main Street. No. lOOO cast, $5. Henrlco?-N. W, Bowo and wife to Howard's fSrove Baptist Chureh's trus te-es, 29 feet on south sido Falrmount Avenue, CO 8-12 foet west o? Twenty first Street: grantors reserve a vendors' lien for $34S, part o? purchase money, $.177. [Preston Cocke. special commissioner, to W. L Brittle, 207.82 acres about one and one-half miles east of Richmond, on Gillies' Creek, Wllllamsburg and the County roads, $13.000. East Virginia Dand nnd Improvement Company to J. P. Sw.inn. 30 feet on north side Oarrlson Street. $106. WILL CONSIDER THE FLAT LICENSE TAX For tho purpose of considering the ordi? nance recently Introduced In the Common Council, fixing a flat license tax for the whiskey-dealers for next year, tho Com? mittee on Finance will meet this after? noon at 6 o'clock. -Then the question will be thoroughly dlsoimsod. A favorable re? port Is probable, In which event tho matter will bo settled by tho Board of Aldermen next Tuesday night. The ordinnnco fixes the license tax on all saloons at ?2?J0 por annum, and on all wholesale liquor houses at $100. HONOR IS DONE TO PROF. FRED. C. HAHR Prof. Fred. C. Hahr, the wen-known musician of this city, has beon appointed n delogato to tho Music Teachers' Na? tional Convention, which meets In Ashc ville, N. C June 30th-July 3d, This Is a well-deserved tribute to Prof. Ilalir. Alleged Policy. William Fry and Alfred Lflo, colored, were arrested yesterday morning by Pa? trolmen Wyatt Hnd Cary, of tho Second District, for conducting a policy Bliop. The men, It Is allogort, wore operating a Joint near Eighth and Cary Streets. They will be tried this morning In the Pollco Court. Electric Light Out. Those residing In the vicinity of Elvonth and Clay Streets complain thnt the electric light nt that place has been out of commission almost nightly for two weeks past. ? Mr, Kolner in Washington, Commissioner K?lner was In Washing? ton yesterday and to-day on departmental business. e-jQ&e9???o???e?c*_0?9??????oGu?o^ i ? ? Tale of the Mte? (IT BEGINS IN THE The Failure of Nana Sahib's Plot. Part Played by Zora, the Beautiful Daughter of Ghudra Singh. SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH) Story the Times-Dispatch is Proud to Present to ?is Readers. , - BY W. MURRAY GRAYDON. g 1*5 S zens of the United States who comply I with tho requlre.rnentH. Competitors ' will berated without regard to any : consideration other than the qualifies- , tkins shown in their examination papers, and ellglbles will bo certified strictly In accordance with tho olvll service law and rules. Persons who desire to compete should at once apply e.lthor to the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. or to tho secretary of the local board of examiners at tlio places men? tioned In the accompanying llHt for ap? plication, Forms ?AM and B7f,, which should be properly executed anil filed with the commission at Washington. Persons who arti unable to file their formal applications and who notify the commission of this fact, either by letter or telegraph, with the reuest that they bo permitted to take the examination, will bo examined, provided tberl requests are received at thu commission In suf? ficient time to ship examination papers. ATLANTIC COAST LINE ISSUES NEW STOCK (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, May 7.?The Atlantlo Coast Dine Company has sent a circular to its stockholders offering ?.ooo shares of ne wstock for sale at $259 a share. Each stockholder owning 20 shares of stook, or a fraction thereof, is entitled lo pur Chano one share of new stock- Tilla will provide $1,250,000 new capital for the company, but the purpose for which it will be used Is not stated. UNITED CONFEDERATE VETE RAINS' REUNION, New Orleans, May 19-22. Only 1 Cent Per Mil?, via N. and W. Railway, '?'lei'.?;ls will be ?old by the N' and Weilern Hallway on Muy 16th tu ?lnt Inclusivo, tjoud for return pas.a^e until Muy ?lih. bul may bo extended condi? tionally until June i;,tli. Bound tilp rale from H;i.hiooi,?i, 190.111*, Fpeclal through sleeper |eav*jM B?tur?i_y, May loth, wl h party of ludl?i? and Hetitlcinttn from ftlcli. i.'umd and Petersburg, B??Bt nnd mon plcturc?que route. Apply ??1 onco for r<i L'.-ivailoii P, a.- no.ii,i;y, iJlulrlct Pa.menaer Atc-nt. tions, and do general campaign work. ' Tho list Is parLiully made up but Is not yet oompjete. Judge W. H. Mann, of Nottoway C. II., will bo among the hundred. There l.i also a domnnd for temperance literature, which cannot be filled. The fund, of the League will not permit of large expenditures In this dlreotlon. Dr, Moore .sold yesterday that he could easily upend ueveral thousand dollars for tem? perance literature, and yet not have enough. i KAYS IT IS NOT POLITICAL?. j The first Issue of tho Christian Federa- | tlon, edited by Dr. Moore, Is now on the press, and will bo out within the next fow days. A brief editorial from the pen of Dr. Mooro will announoo Ids con? nection with tho paper and make some i statement! concerning It. In another place there will Vie pub? lished, with editorial comment, the state mont mailo publicly by B. E. Wagner, of Everotts, Va., that the League Is a political party, unjustly depriving sn looniots of their legltlmnto business, and that there should be samo "mutual pro? teo! Inn" organization in the Sfoond Con? gressional District. The comment Is In? teresting an giving lha attitude of the League tnwnr<1 politics. MORAL ORGANIZATION. It Is manifest that tho author of this appeal m the voters of the Second Con? groasional District has not foi for h xn solf Die of understanding the na? ture and inetthe-lH of the Antl?8?lpon Leaffiio of. Virginia. This orgnnizillin, as Is well known to tlio-n who hrtvo Informed themselves, rigidly and ho? vorely oschowa political or party ?111 onceH, und Ih not Itsolf In any sense a polltlenl party. It, is solely and singly n moral organization, plodi?od to tho righteous task of overthrowing the *a loon through the education of publia sentiment. And If this public sent'mont mnla-s Itself felt In tho nrenn of pol tica and affects tho conduct of tho adminis? trator? of law. th a resii t Is what Is anticipated and desired, it -eeks to en? lighten and elevate- the ellIzow fHn of our Stale, to focalize the light ot intel II..,.,.,.,. .,,,i of the Christian ooiixclonpo iinon the dark and threatening loature-i ?!J th.? ?? ilooii No one will be surprised If tho Anti-Saloon '..otiguo confronts- or? ganUed opposition. If those who own BtiiorTnH Hi.iill spook of our legitimate bin ni?., riiiY, If resistance shrill plead Dim ??''..? of law. l.xaclly this Is to bo looked for vmtll public nnflmenl shall ,,,.??,,11.,,, or even Iraiiffurm tho law, and thus render our Dullness Illegitimate. i' t ho niVunt?me. tho only .?latfo,',,, of .. licu? i thai of moral principle, v.. , mnnk'lnd soolal rlghioousno la, wlicl/ Is "ubverted by the saloon the ' low which Is even ro?r?\,,?[icl?' "{?? tho tablets of Mount SI nal, viz.. tho ethical Interest_of ^".i'i'Zl Property Transfers, nichmond-WllUam P? W^'Wm^ ?5* ' l?^? to Bamue? ?-ch? LION PRINCE WILL HAVE A GLASS EYE His Injured Optic Removed Yesterday by Dr. C. H. Epps. One of tho strangest surgical opera? tions in the history of modlcul sclenco took plaoo yesterday morning at tho Dotitock animal arena, when Dr, Charles H. Kppa, the local veterinary, removed the eye of "Prince," the famous neifool model lion in llonavlta s group, which is valued nt $20,000. During one uf tho recent fierce fights, which tho lions have been engaging in since tho first of the year, Prince had tho misfortune to have one of h s ?yes Injured. At first it was thought, witli the aid of medical skill, thul It might be possible to save tho oye und partially restore the sieht, but after resorting tu ovary known method to bring about a restoration, all efforts In this direction wero abundonod. yesterday morning Dr. (.'hurles fc*pj?s, with ihn u/mislume of Director Dostock, Captain I'onuvltti and Um attendants l'rlnco was lassoed, all fini tied and lushed to lhe bars of tue operating caute. and the udiigeious plier? ? itloit of removing the eyo Linll altogether was eona through, which was Indeed a. .painful and trying one for tlio au.mal. Tho dangerous period bus not been passed, us lliaro are llkoly to be gym? pathetic symptums, and should theso develop, ns la often the caso with man? kind; the ?floatest care will havo tp he observed to save tho sight of I ho other eyo. . Bestock s artist lias prepared a water color drawing of the sound eye and an o^ler has been plated for a glass one, and a? soon as the wound hua sufficiently healod to permit the placing of the eye. Prince will boar tho distinction of winning the only glass ofptlo over mude for a lion. This, of course, will partially restore the magni? ficent appearance of the "monarch of the forest," but will necessarily doci'euae ha vulue, although the slight defeat will not bo noticed by the casual observer. Only those who dea) in an,mala ran appreciate what this moans to the busi? ness, as often a sula ' is lost owing to some defect In the formation of an ani? mal's eye, and the new method of sub stltutlnir man's Invention for tho Crea? tor's work will cause all dealers ui.d buyers of wild an?mala to look twice be? fore ?nit chasing. Dr. Kppa said, when askod about tlio op?ration: "In all Mv expedience 1 have never been culled upon to perform a sim. liar one. and It looks now as If It would b? a splendid success and a proc?dent which followeis of my profession can safely act upon. Tlijs is iiometlilng that I have orten thought could be done with other animals, but I never ai earned that my first effort In this direction would bu with a lion." Vlnltors to Rostock's will remember the lion, a>i he accup'qf- tUo ilrat caj?e hi Jju'iuviU'a group, When the Newest Knox Hats Come Out about the first people to secure them are? hatters, Away go ilie newly-discovered treasures to the imitation hat factories, and soon we see in the shops a wonderful variety of Hats, ' newest shape Knox block." Every time that phrase is repeated in this broad land of liberty it drives in another of those little nails that help to fasten the Knox colors to the, masthead. Knox Hats'represent all that is good in headwear, that being the case,, we represent " Knox " in Richmond. FINALS OF THE COLLEGE Young Doctors Will Be Gradu? ated Next Week. DANCING AT RECEPTION Quite a Novel Feature Introduced at th Commencement This Year. Dr. Mitchell tho Orator, Tho flaal exercises of the Medical Col lego of Virginia Will bo held on Tuesday evening of next week In the Acadetn) or Music. Ono of tho handsomest pro? grammes ever printed hero has Just been Issued. Thero Is every promlBO of a series of commencement events unusually Inter? esting and attractive this yeur. At the Academy there will be, among other LhiiiKs, the usual conferring of degree? by the faculty and tho awarding of diplomas. Tho orator for tho occasion. Professor. Samuel C. Mitchell, M. A., Ph., D., of Richmond College. After -the exorcises thero will be a faculty reception at tho Masonic Temple. Special Interest attaches to this event in view of certain distinctly new and unique features which' will bo Introduced. Heretofore this reception has been fol? lowed by a banquet. Thin y??ar the ban <iuet will be eliminated and there will be a dunce Instead. Ladles will bo In? vited. Tho young utudents with their sweethearts, tho doctors with their wives, will havo a genuine good time In a big social gathering. THE CLASS J\01?U Tho roll of the graduating class this year Is ns follows: Class Roll?W. H. Boyce, H. B. Brlston. J. S Cahlll, C. C. Colotnnn, T. G. Cook. Edward Cummlngs. O. C. Daniels, J. W. Davis, J. A. Drake. Jr., J. 8. Harrison, A C. Herbert, R. R. Hosklns, W. H. How? ard. J. R. Huntor. C. C. Johnson. Harry Kellam. H. G. Latlmer, Herbert Mann, R. B. Miller. L- B. Morgan. A. E. Mur? ray, J. W. Nottingham. J. R. Pharr. J. A. Pllout, I_ C. Price, J. P. Re*, C. N. Rucker. B. M. Sandidge, J. B. Shlpp.' E. D Starke. H. B. Stone, W, J. Sturgls, C. W. Thomas. E. O. Thornhlll. Daniel Trigg, Jr., C. W. Tucker. W. E. Walker, E-. P. Whlted, B. V. Willis. Dentistry?B. C. Blackwell, J. S. Cahlll, P.. P. Copenhnver, H. It. Cromartl?. W. G. Delp, B. F. Eppes, C. S. Ooss. P. B. Hart, R. P. Hllliard. P. 8. Lester, J. M. (Lewis, F. B. Perkins. A. G. Plcss, R. L. Spencer, F. R. Talley, G. D. Taplor, A. C. Wright. Pharmacy?C. F. Glnrlitone, Preston Hundley, C, C. Martin, B. N. Moorman. J. R. Porter. THE CLASS OFFICERS. Tho class ofllecrs. with tho committees arranging for tho commencement, are as follows: Medical?Claude C. Colemnn. president: Oscar C. Daniels, vice-president; J. Sld ncv Harrison, secretary. Dental?Thomas S. Ooss. president; R. P, Copenhavcr, vlce-prnslilenl. Pharmacy?Clyde C. Martin, president. Invitation Committee?James R. Pharr. chairman; T. G. Cook, W. G. Delp, Harry Kellam, C. C, Martin, R. 11. Mllir-r. J. B. ShlpP, B. ?<? Spencer, II. B. Stono nnd C. W. Tucker. Reception Commit toe?J. R, Perkins, chairman; H. S. Rnkor, P. A. Sinclair. J, W. Sloan, 8. C. Boweh, 8. L. Crnlg. C. S. Howell. B. R. Tucker, W. D. Jeffer? son, F. A. Hughos, W. II. Crnlg, W. H. Street, Jr., nnd W. B. Lorrnlne. Orator?Samuol C. Mitchell, M. A., Ph. D Baccalaur?at o sermon?Rev. Carey E. Morgan, D. D. A FINE YEAR. The college is Just concluding the best year In Its history. Tho ntlondnnco hns boon largc-r than ovor .hoforo, somo 2l!l slurlents being on the roll. There Is ex? cellent prospect for a still better session next year. CALLAHAN LICENSED Was Recently Fined for r e'llnp o" Sun? day?Polico Mado No Objpction. Judge Witt, of tho Hustings Court, yes torday morning granted n license to Timothy F, Callahan, proprietor of the New Gladstone Hotel, at Seventh nnd Cary Streets, to conduct n saloon In his piare of business this year., Recently Callaban plead guilty to soil? ing whiskey on the Sabbath. Ho was I lined by Justlco Crutchflold In the Police I Court and It was nntlolpatod that Judgo i Witt would Issue n rule against Mm to appear in the Hustings Court nnd show ' cause why his lleenso should not bo v> | yoked, ho having declared a number of j months ago that any person oonvlcte < of ! violating tho Sunday law would lose his ' license. ? It developed, however, that the police of Hie Second District did n^t np ear \ hoforo Judge Witt yesterday to opnoso the Issuance nf n license to dip h n. Inquiry mado of Oapt. Hulee yesterday j nftornoon failed to throw nny llsbt on i the matter, ho lining unable to a" to i whether any objeotlon was offered by tho police FUNERAL TO-DAY Bccly of Sarah Elan?, Victim In Saglnaw Disaster, Br uajht H??r?*. The funeral of Sarah Elam. tho stew iirdess of the Saglnaw, who lost her Ufa In the wreck of the steamship the other day, will take place nt 1 o'clock this i afternoon from the Rising Mount '?.ion Baptist Church. The remains of tho woman reaehod hero I yesterday morning on th? eli-mer Bork -ley from Norfolk, nnd were taken to 'rice's undertaking estnlillshmoiiL They vtro accompanied by her daughter, Mary rClam. Tho fnmlly lived on East Main .-itrceL Mecklenburg Guerts. Among the guests of the Hotel Meo t onburg, ?l Chaso City, are tlio tollowinc! t;hnrles 11. Burgess, Richmond, Vn.j Or, II. Lumsdon, Now York; M. D. Slew art, Richmond. Vn.; A. H. Isaac, Urilll ?nore Md.; J. ?, Schrog, Defiance, Ohio; lohn S. Pookham, New York; Archibald Lynda, Richmond, V.; Tho?n t. F Jif | Cross, Richmond, Vn.; W. '~. i?t, t.oulsburg. Va.; It. P_ Roberts, Rich mOnd, Vn.; A. L. Ilugh?on, Chattanooga, I'cnn.; J. T. Jewell Richmond, Va.; J. 3. Realty, New York; L. J. Moore, New? born; N. C. ; Miss M. B. ModVe, Newbern, N. C; 8. B. Parsons. South Bend; J. L. Hopkins. Toledo Ohio; Mrs. Jahi A. 'oke, Richmond, Va.; Miss Ll.zlo Boyd, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. L. H- Walk'-r. Hprny, N. C.; Dr. nrid Mrs. Hodges nnd ??lilldren. Richmond, Vn.; W, H Tirqn ?i!b?-t nnd wife, Richmond. Va.; Miss Ur ?lqhart, Richmond Va.; J. A. Hodges, ?Richmond, Va.; Dr. P. \V. Beckham, Farm ville; Rev. P. StHngfolIow, Boyd *on; W. II. L. Nelms. Atlanta, G&.: A. H. Mnhool, Baltimore, Md.; L. L. Lynch, ??nil wife, Richmond; William Schmoele, Portsmouth, V.o.; VV. C. Tyreo. Raleigh, N. C; G. 'W. Davis, Philadelphia; R. A. Schoolfleld. Danville, V.,.; Mrs. R. A. Schoolfleld, Danville. Vn.; O. L. Rteames. Salem Va_; W. I* Prince. Rich? mond. Va.; Mrs. A. L. Rnulwnro. Rich? mond, Vn.; Miss L. Coles, Richmond, Vn.; W, \V. Wetib, Richmond, Va., Jarres FI, Sharp. Richmond, Va.; John B. Pr?? der Richmond, Va. Forty-fVve to fifty guests have come In during the past week. Social Sessional There will be a social session of the Richmond Council, United Commercial Trnvelers of America, nt Smlthdeal Hall to-morrow nicht at S o'clock, and mem tiers and their ladles are Invited. Thoro will bo music and refreshments, nnd a pleasant ovenlng Is In anticipa? tion. Street-Car Rides. A rldo on the cars In the afternoon or evening to Wosthnmpton. Seven Pines, Lakosldc or Forest Hill parks Is becorrilng quite the tiling ris tho days grow warm? er. These places all abound In delightful nooks, where ono can enjoy rest and fresh air. Covenanter Conference. Tho Covenanter Conference will begin this nflernoon at the Covenanter building of the Second Presbyterian Church. Dr. A. L. Phillips will preside. Tho sessions1 will continuo through Saturday and Sun? day. Captain Mitchell Bettor. Cnptaln C. F. Mitchell, of No. 710 North Twenty-fourth Street, who has been sick for nine weeks. Is improving and hopes to bo out again soon. A GREAT EVENT AT MARSHALL LODGE Splendid Programme That Is to Be Rendered Alay the Twelfth. The following Interesting programme will bo rendered on the night of May 12th by Marshall Uidgo, K. of P., Mr. J. D. Cralg presiding. Overture, West Knd Angols. Harry Lucy, Sim Harrison, Charlie Rawsrn. Bennle Holmes, Linn Luck, Willie Lucy. Address Brother G. C. Jackson, Selection, Mandolin Band. Tho Bquce-Jee, Mr, J. L. B'ckerstaff. Duot, Misses May and Georgia Ley. Song. "I Havo a longing In My Heart,' with chorus, Cnd /.ngels Banjo Solo. Master Harry Lucy. Selection, Mandolin Band. Refreshments. Tho following committees nro In r.hnrgm Arrangements?James R, Sheppnrd, TV. L. Dawlev, James W. Carr. W. C. Gray, If. A. Hawkins. H. A. Fr?stle, W. T. Smoot, A. D. Jenkins. Charles O. 8'ville. Invitation?J. R. Harmon, Wm. Tobl-'ii, G. L. Blunt, C. C. Mettert. John J. Mitchell, _?*?"? Reception?Hon. Bev. T. Crump. Gono rnl A L. Phillips. Dr. J. Fnlmer Bright, L W. Dorsett. J. 15. Gilman, John F. SoVllle, Walter Christian, l'Afieihmeii^-cTliao. Uonch. L. T. Pemborton. J. W. Cary, Geo. A. Jen? nings Nolson Powell, Hunter Blunt Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. ;<eep tile sysietn In perfect order by the occasional use of Ttitt'? Liver Pill?. ,Tlicy rejjalatc tho tiowelB and produce A Vigorous Body For sick heatlnche, malaria, bit? ionsnes?, constipation and kindred Aisrascs an absolute cut> i. .TUTI'S UYER P?LLS.J