OHE CENT ? WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE Cash In Advance THESE ARE THE WONDER WORKING WANT ADS. THAT BRING GREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM ONE CHARGE CENT 25 Gents, a CashlnAdvanoe WORD. HELP WANTED?FEMALE. WANTKD, A WflMAN TO N??tSBi good home to right party. Apply 25 E. B. RICHARDSON, 116 Randolph Street, City. Five prizes will be awarded each week for the best drawing sub? mitted, Illustrating that p. pays ad? vertisers to use Tho Times-Dispatch want columns. The six prizes will awarded In' the following order, viz.: First prize, J2; second, third, fourth, fifth and Birth prizes, $1 each. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE ORIG? INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD, AND MUST NOT EXCEED 5x6 INCHES IN WIDTH. Name and address must be written plainly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send letters, but incloso stamp If you wish drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, when mailing. Ad? dress all drawings to "Cartoon Con? test." Room No. 17, Times Building. _FOR SALE._ FOB SALE-SODA FOUNTAIN.' COST ?1,300, In perfect order; *4?0 will buy It with all fixtures to run lt. H. ANDER? SON, West Point, Va. FOR SALE-FARM. 113 ACRES. GOOCH land county. 11,600, or will exchange for city property. Address Box 120, Rich? mond, Va. BOARDERS WANTED* WANTED. TWO OR THREE YOUNG men Boarders; private family; 219 East Clay; large, delightful rooms; homo? like; also table boarders. LOST. LOST?A GREEN ENAMELED WATCH; open face, on a green enamel pin. Re? ward If returned to 017 N. Ninth. LOST?ONE MALE SETTER DOG; white, with orange tick. Collar has name A. M. Pollard on and medal on lt_ Reward If returned to 1011 Floyd Ave? nue. BUSINESS WANTS. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING?IT grows hair on bald heads and restores gray hair to natural color. KOENIG'S HAIR TONIC, 427 North Sixth. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED. BOARDERS; WELL FUR nlshed bark parlor or room on second floor; first class tnblo and moderate terms; transient? taken. Mrs. A. F. CRAIO, 317 West Grace. WANTED. HOARDERS; WELL FUR nlshed rooms on first, second or third ? floors, with first-class table, at mod- I etate terms; reference exchanged; Grace i Street, near Tho Jefferson. Address IL j B? Btation A._ BUSINESS WANTS. FRESH COUNTRY EGOS 10 doz. at MOSELY BROTHERS. THE PLACE TO BUY FRESH CAN dles is at KAEMFF'B on Ninth Street, 5,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c. F. L. BRAUER & BRO._ WAXENE, THE ONLY DURABLE floor polish. TANNER PAINT & OIL CO., 1419 East Main Street._ DON'T THROW AWAY TOUR OLD books, pamphlrts. Papers, etc.. I buy them. 13. IL HEY. 733 Last Cary. * WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that at STUMPFS RESTAURANT and Bar, corner Eighth and Main Streets, ?phone 753, you can get Sort Crabs, ex? tra fine Crab Moat (dally arrivals), and their own make Dovlled Crabs and all other doilcaclos. ?Teo WARRANTED DREW SHOE, IF tho sole don't wear three months, will half-solo them free, or If tho vampB break through beforo tho first solo moors out, will give you a new pair In? stead DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 716 East Main._ LADIES' COLUMN. WHEN IN RICHMOND CALL AT KABMPF'S CANDY STORE, 110 N. Ninth Street. ,_ 6,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c F. L. BRAUER & BRO._ ARBUCKLES" COFFEE. IOC; POUND Granulated Sugar, 6c.; always call on us for bargains; shipping orders havo prompt attention. MOSELY BROTH? ERS, 604 East Marshall._ BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND MKDI clnes?DANIELS' method .of deep breathing and physical culturo. It costs ? nothing to investigate; G-7 East Broad. PERSONALST WRITE FOR OUR PRICE LIST OF Oak Tnnned Belting and Raw-Hldo Dace Leather. The only manufacturers in the State. Repair work neatly done. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Rich? mond.^_ FINE COUNTRY HAMS. 17C. POUND; California Hams. 11 l-2c. pound: Lard, 9c. 10c. and 12 l-2o. pound; Salt Pork, 10c. MOSELY BROTHERS. 604 East Marshall. _ T POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO IN creaso the chest expansion of any lady or gentleman to 6 Inches In 0 weeks by my method of deep breathing and physical culture. MELVILLE "DAN? IELS' SCHOOL. 627 E. Broad. Special attention given to children: lady always in attendance._ MORPHINE. LAUDANUM. COCAINE and Liquor Habits permanently and painlessly cured at home; no detention from business: action Immediate; leaves patient In natural, healthy condition without dosire for drugs; cure guaran? teed for 110,00. Writ? for particulars. Dr. LONG CO.. Atlanta, Go. PERSONALS. LADIES' CHESTS AND BUSTS DBVEL oped (no massage); result?! positively guaranteed; best city reference; lady al? ways In attendance. DANIELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE. 627 East Broad. ? ??-? , HAVE YOU TRIBD DOYLE'S DEVILED Crahs? The best you over tasted. DOYLE'S LADIES' & GENTS' CAFE, corner Seventh and Broad. 8AVE MONET AND ORDER YOUR Awnings now: remember tho hot wave si coming. 'Phone 2.'76 and we will cail.'M. O. COPELAND CO., IOS N. Ninth Btroot. Out-of-town orders receive prompt at? tention. MISCELLANEOUS. SEND OTC. FOR A BOX OF KAEMPF'S Candios by mail, prepaid. DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU see US. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. 6,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c. F. L. BRAUER & BRO._ _ BEST ELGIN BUTTER 2BC. POUND at MOSELY BROTHERS. 004 East Mar? shall. "TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW WAY TO repair shoes, we Will put on whole soles for $1 and allow you 26c. rebate If you bring this advertisement on Mon? day, May 4th only. DREW'S ELEC? TRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 716 Bast Main Street PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER COMPANY, Richmond, are the only man? ufacturers of Oak Tanned Belting nnd Raw-Hide Laca Leather la the State Repair work neatly don.1?. HARRY MADE PEACE WITH HIS motaer-ln-law by taking her to DOYLE'S CAFE, where thoy servo the best drinks In city to ladles and gonts. Seventh and Broad. IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RE LOOK lng for and want the best at satisfac? tory prices call and see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHEB. 20?-210 North Fifth. TO BE AN ACTOR OR ACTRESS TAKE the shortest road to the stage via DAN? IELS* SCHOOL OF ACTING; most complete school in the South; private theatre In connection: 627 Eant Broad. AWNINGS, TENTS AND FLAGS. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to; no trouble to call and glvo estimates. J. ROSS JONES & BRO., Awnings. Tents and Flags, 902 East Broad; 'phone 2142. < ANTIQUES. SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN DAYS OF se'roml fine pieces of Antique Furniture ' nn 1 Brlc-a-Brac, 809 and SU North Eighth Street._ BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. THAT'S HIM-JO BICKERSTAFF, THE expert?He .has one store, 1803 East Main. He ?sells, buys, rents exchanges or re? pairs anything In shape of a bicycle. 'Phone 3398._?_ ' BARGAINS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS in Clothing? Try the BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE, 108 East Broad Street. Cash or Credit Clothing Houso, BOOK-BINDING AND PRINTING. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER Magazines bound, lettering on Bibles, Hymnals, etc. S. B. ADKINS & CO., I 6 Governor Street. I BREAD. TRY THE PULLMAN LOAF, THE JEF ferson and other prominent clubs, ho? tels, etc., use It; also Home-made French, Vienna ana German Rye Proa*. Cakes and Plea mado by MUELLER'S NEW YORK BAKERY, No. 410 West Broad; 'phone 2599; free delivery. _ BICYCLES, AC._ JOE, JOE, THE BICYCLE MAN-AX^ ways something doing In lowest prloes, largest stock, best workmanship; every 1hlng up-to-date In Blades, etc. BICKER?TAFF'S?Ono Store?1803 East Main. BELTING AND LACE LEATHER. BEST OAK TANNED BELTING AND Rawhide T-nce Leather. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Richmond, thu only manufacturers In the State. Repair work neatly done. CASH OR CREDIT. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY AND soil you Men's, Boys' nnd Children's Clothings, Hats and Furnishing Goods on easy terms. Do not compare our price with other cash or credit stores, nut with the cheapest spot cash store In the city. BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE, IOS East Broad Street. Cash or Credit Clothing House, etc, 219 W. Broad Stroot EVERYBODY'S COLUMN. DUNLOP FLOUR, BAG, 27C; BARREL, $4.20; Whtto Star Flour. Bag, 25a; bar? rel,' ?3.P6. MOSELY BROTHERS. 604 East Marshall. FLOOR 8TAIN8, FLOOR STAINS, ALL SHADES, TAN NER PAINT & OIL CO., 1419 Eairt Main Street. _FRESCO PAINTING, ETC. FRESCO PAINTING, SQUIRT WORIC Relief Work, Tinting, Enameling, Sign Painting, Hardwood Finishing, oto. For ilno work at moderate prices see A ALPERIN, 207 North Fifth Street FOR SALE?BARGAINS. PRIMT1 COTrONSEBD MEAL AND Hulls and Mixed Meal and Hulls. We have them for sale; prices right andr quality guaranteed. KERSHAW OIL. MILL, Kershaw, S. C. \ KEEP MONEY IN CIRCULATION AT home by using tho VIRGINIA LEATH? ER CO.'S Oak Tanned Belting and Raw Hide Lace Leather of Richmond. The onlv manufacturers in the Btate. Satis? faction guaranteed. prT?T??q! cheapest printing house in Richmond; work strictly flrst-clas and up-to-date. Telephone 3341 if you have any doubts, and wo will convince you that wo can save you money. This af? fects your pocket-book, so keep us in mind. HARRIS PRINTING CO., 1303 East Franklin Street._. QAS AND LAMP FIXTURES. GAS AND LAMP FIXTLTRES REPTN Ishod In first-class manner. FLIPPEN PLATING WORKS. 1307 EaBt Main St. ORIGINAL ANTIQUES. ORIGINAL ANTIQUE FURNITURE, Clocks. China, Brass Goods. Glass? ware, etc L. N. ARNALL, 318 Brook Avenue. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND ON BROAD STREET, NEAR First a rare gem of art; the ownor 19 myself, and I would not sell It for ten timeo what I paid for It at THE ORA IG ART .CO. There are others. OXFORD SHOE0 LADIES' FINE OXFORD TIES AT *LM. ALBERT STEIN, corner Fifth, and Broad Streets. PALMISTRY. PROFEBSOR WEST GIVES A TEST OF his Psychic' Powers 'free. Advise? you on business, lovo, marrlagro, divorces, changes, family trouble, oto. Parlors, 914 Capitol Btreet. GENTS' COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING THAT NEW SUIT come and see the nlco assortment At Sixth and Mai.i. Suits, tlH up: Trousers, ft. up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chas. A. Spence, Manager. HAND-MADE SHOES. VICI, PATENT LEATHER OR KID shoes modo to order; hand stitched; best material; workmanship and perfeot 1U guaranteed. for ?3.50. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, 1719 East Mnln, PHOTOQRAPH8. DAVIS GALLERY IS STILL THE MOST reliable place for photograph?. Compare our work and prices. From 25o. up; 222 and 817 Broad. REDUCED PRfCBS. PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK: Cleaning. $1; Main Spring, Us twenty years' experience. WM. TOBIEN, Jr., 408 13. Broad Street, Richmond, Va, Speotaclos and Eyeglases, 260.; all work guaranteed._ RUNABOUTS AND WAGONS. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RUN abouts, Wagons, Phaetons, Surreys, Day tons, come to soe me. W. C. SMITH? No. 814 North Fifth Street SILVER AND NICKEL PLATINQ. Vf_ DO SILVER AND NICKEL PLAlC Ing. FLIPPEN PLATING WORKS, 1807 Bast Main Street._ SPECIAL NOTICE. LADIES DINING-ROOMS AT DOYLE'S Cafe (corner Broad and Beventh), whore best drinks In city served to ladles and gents, MEN'S SHOES HALF SOLED, 75C.J ladles, 60c.; restitched. no nails, no pegs, best leather. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 716 B. Main Street, 'Phone 2607. Will call and do? liver. This advertisement good for 10c SUITS TO ORDER. "EVElRY STITCH MADE IN RICH? hiond." Nice assortment of Suits, (II up. Trousers, $5 up. RICHMOND TAI? LOR1NG CO., Sixth and Main. Charle? A. Span ce. Manager. UPHOLSTERING. C. C. LEVY. NO. 644 BROOK AVENUE. Upholsterer and Mattress maker. Old Hair Mattress mado good as new. I pack and ship furniture: also moka Cushion and Slip Covers to order. 'Phono 1036. FOR RENT. THREE VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES. Newly arranged and papered, on tho THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janitor service. For price and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH office. Only three left. FOR SALE. FOR 8ALE-A HANDSOME VIRGINIA ESTATE. WITH HOUSE HAND? SOMELY FURNISHED, AT SOMERSET, ORANGE COUNTY, VA Under and by virtue of a decree of tho Circuit Court for Orango county, Va., en? tered on the 7th day of November, 1502, in the consolidated causes, Newman vs. Newman, the undersigned will sell pri? vately that handsome estate nt Somerset, Orange countq. Va., known as Mt. Athos, containing nbout 1,-00 acres, with hand somo buildings theroon nnd dwelling house handsomely furnished. The furni? ture to be sold as a whole with tho real estate. This property Is about one and one-half miles from Somerset, Va., a station on the main line of the Southern Railway, about 90 miles from Washington, D. C, and 80 mllos from Richmond, Va, This is one of the handsomest and best equipped estates in Virginia, tho dwelling house being of Tennesseo granite, throe stories high, containing 20 rooms, inrge reception hall, three hath rooms; the whoie house being supplied with water nnd Jieated with steam, also grates for open fires. The houso is lighted through? out with electricity, is Bltuatod on a high and commanding prospect, with splendid view of tho Blue Rldgo Mountains nnd thu Rapldan Valley. Situated nenr tho houso Is a gray stono water tower, with obser? vatory; largo gray stone stable, having stall room for 12 liorsos, with rooms for vehicles, harness, grooms und stahlo boys. A few hundred yards In tho rear of tho dwelling Is a largo framo barn nnd train? ing stable, In which Is room for 60 horses and room for storage for grain nnd hay, and also rooms for attendants; water ali through tho building. In addition to tho foregoing buildings, there are six good tenant houses on this property, two of them being nice residences, with barns and outbuildings attached. On the prop? erty Is a largo art?llela! lako, handsome brown stone lodge, houso for eloctrlo plant, training track and several beauti? ful groves In addition to other valuable timber, The land has been farmed as a whole, but can bo very advantageously divided Into small farm?. It Is well watered and fenced, tho fenco along thu public road being Iron pickets. The land Is fertile and productive and adjoins other handsome estate, among them being the Montpeller estate, the home of President MndlKon. Tho road from the house to tho lodge, about three quarters of a mile, be? ing lighted tho whole distance by electric lights. The olcctrlc plant Is new and of tlio most Improved pattern. This Is a moBt deiilrablo homo and can bo bought reasonably. For price, terms, oto., address C. J. RIXEY. Jr.. Culpeper, Vu,., or GEO. h, BROWNING, Madison, Va. May 1-eod-et We are buyers of "WOOL all year through and pay hlghe-t market prices and save you ox penses. Sacks furnished free. Write us for price?. , WALWR8TEIK PRODUCE CO., 19 and 21 South 13th St. MEETINGS. .* MASONIC NOTICE.-MEMBERS XX OF DOVE LODGE, NO. 61, A. F. /?\ & A. M, will - attend the stated communication of their lodge at the Masonlo Temple THIS (Friday) EVEN? ING at 7:30 o'clock. Members of sister lodges and transient brethren are cor? dially Invited. By order of the W. M. BEN T. AUGUST, See'y. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Baughmaa Stationery Company will bo held at the office of tho company, 1207 East Main Street. Richmond. Va.. Wednesday, May 13th. 1908, at 12 o'clock noon. JAMES S. FRANCIS. Treasurer. Richmond, Va., April 24, 1903. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LOT owners stockholders in HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY COMPANY will be held at the City Bank of Richmond on TUES? DAY', the 12th day of May, 1903, at 5 o'clock P. M. R. T. BROOKE, Secretary and Treasurer. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE COM mlttee on Street Improvements of the City of Chitrlottesvlllo, Va., until 6 o'clock P. M. on TUESDAY. May 19th, 1903. for laying 30,000 Squaro Yards Bi? tuminous Macadam Granite Spall or Vitrified Brick Pavement, and 45,000 Squaro Yards Macadam Pavemont; usual reservations. Full details, blank forms of proposal, specifications, etc., can be obtained upon application to the Engineers, DE MOTT & WINFREE, City Hall, Charlottesville, Va. May 0-eod-2w Richmond, May 6, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS of Northslde Dis? trict until MAY 15, 1903, for furnishing material and laying about 2,500 Square Yards GRANOLITHIC SIDEWALK in Chostnut Hill and Highland Park. Quality of work to be tho same as the Granolithic Sidewalks put down for the city of Rich? mond. The Board reserves the right to roject any or all bids. JOSEPH M. FOURQUREAN, CHAS. W. VAUGIIAN, ' Committee. Richmond. Va.. May 7, 1903. May 8-Fr,Tu,Wed PROPOSALS FOR GOAL. Headquarters Richmond Fire Department, Oftice of Board of Fire Commissioners, City Hall. Richmond, Va., May 8, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS (In duplicate) will be received by tho Board of Fire Commissioners until 0.o'clock P. M. MON? DAY, Juno 1, 1903, for furnishing the Rich? mond Ftro Department with 300 tons (moro or Ipbs) of BEST FREE BURN 1NO. WHITE ASH ANTRACITE BTOVE, BOG and NUT COAL, hi such quantities as the needs of the Fire Department may from time to tlnio require. For further Information apply to this office. _ , , The Board of Fire Commissioners re? serve the right to reject any and all bids; also to award tho contract ? as a whole or In part. ? . _ , - . Envelopes containing Proposals must be marked ''PROPOSALS FOR COAL," with name of bidder on outsldo. and addressod to !-?? B.. JONES, Secretary Fire Department, May 8,10,12,14 17_ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Treasurer Southern Branch, National Home, Elizabeth City County, Virginia, until 12 o'clock noon, 8d JUNE, 1903 and then oponed, for a Frame Build? ing (officers' quarters), in acoordanco with plans and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals, and othor informa? tion, may be ?bad upon application to ttta Tniaauier. SEALED PROPOSALS. N?TIGE TO CONTRACTORS. SEA LET) PROPOSALS WILL BE RB celved at Room No. 11, Third Floor, City Hall, until 12 o'clock noon on FRIDAY, May 15, 1903, for Erecting Sheds and Stalls, Painting, Plumbing, and for making cer? tain Alterations and Repairs at tho Sec? ond Market. Plans and specifications can be strn by application at the above office. Bids will be considered for each class of work sep? arately and for the whole, exclusive of the painting. Tho Committee on Markets reserves tho right to reject any and all proposals of? fered. ALF. H. MCDOWELL, Clerk Council Committees. May 8,10.12 NOTICE. \ have been placed In my hands for collec? tion, and are duo now. as follows: Ex AGENTS Baggage and press. Collecting, Fertilizers, Insuranco, Labor, Land, Manufactured Ar Rcntlng Houses, Rnllrond Ticket, Steamship Linos, Typewriters. ARCHITECTS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AUCTIONEERS? I General, Real Estate, I Tobacco, Common Crier. BAR-ROOM. ?**' BILLIARD TABLES. BOARDING HOUSES. BROKERS Cattle, Commercial, Insurance, Merchandise, Pawn, Railroad Tloket, Ship. Stock, Tobacco, Building and Loan Assoo'ns. CHEMISTS. CHIROPODISTS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DENTISTS. DETECTIVES. ELECTRICIANS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. FISH AND OYSTERS. FRUIT STANDS, &c. HOTELS. IMPOUNDING LOTS. INTELLIGENCE , OFFICES. JUNK DEALERS, LIQUOR DEALERS? Wholesale, Retail, Bottling, Wholesale Malt. LIVERY STABLES. LOAN OFFICES. LUMBER MEASURERS. MERCANTILE ? AOENCIES. PHOTO? GRAPHERS. PHYSICIANS. PRIVATE BANKERS. PRIVATE EN? TERTAINMENT. PUBLIC ROOMS. RESTAURANTS. SNACKS. STORAGE, TELEGRAPH & YELWPHONH COMPANIES. VETERINARY^,. SURGEONS, &o? &c. Parties falling to pay ?this tax on or before APRIL 30, 1903, will be subjeot.to the penalty prescribed by the City Ordi? nances, which is not lens than U nor more than $20 per day-for.oaoh day b busi? ness carried on after April 80, 1D0S, the samo to bo Imposed by the Police Jus? tice. F. W. OUNNINOHAM. Apll5-20t Collector City Taxes, ANNOUNCEMENT. THE LEXINGTON HOTEL will furnish Table Board for tlio sum? mer months at $20 por month. J. G. SPRATLEY, Manager. L. RODWELL, and Treasurer. Secretary arid Treasurer, GEORGE H. LEIGH, Head ?lerte, 10, G. ??IOMAS, .AwlsUnt STEAMBOATS. Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond dally at 7 P. M., stop? ping at Newport News in both dlreotlona. Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail? way. 9;00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3 P M. by N. and W. Railway; all line? connect at Norfolk with direot steamer? for New York, sailing dally except Sun? day. 7 P. M. Steamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rockotts. H. B. WALKER, Vice-President and Trafno Manager, New York. JOHN F. MAYER. Agent 1213 East Main Street. Richmond!. Va? Transportation Company. Steamship Line. Direct Eoute to Boston, Mass,, and Providence, R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at 6 P. M. Passengers and freight taken for all Now England points Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W. Rv offices and No. 819 East Main Street. R. II. WRIGHT. Agt.. Norfolk, Va. Clyde Steamshio Co.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP LINE. Appointed sailing daysi Every TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, at daylight. Freight recoived daily tlJJ 6 P. M. BAY LINE TO BALTIMORE Via 0. ft 0. Rwy. and Old Point. V. 8. MAIL ROUTE, honre KMinicml r?a ?. Si 0. dally except Kumluy, nt 4 P. M., con. at Old Point with Hti'iuncr.-? of Old Muy Line, learlng 7:15 l*. M., arrlrlnf Uultimore U:80 A, M., con. Nortb, Gnat and West. Vue tlckutu und Information up. ;>ly to 0. & O. Rwy, and Transfer Company. 1009 ?"ait Main ?treat. SUMMER RESORTS. Qreenbrler White Sulpher Springs WEST VIRGINIA. (The "OLD WHITE" Sulphur), opens Juno 24. Famous for Its sulphur baths. Modern improvements, with private baths. Orchestra of IB piece?. Terms, *16 to $28 week SMI to f90 per mont?. Write for Illus? trated booklet. Address until June 1, GEO A MII_LS, Jr., Mgr? The arafton, Wash., ?? C. _ WARM SPRINGS, Bath County, Va., uro now opon for guests. For otrotilara und terms addross BUUANK & GLOVER, Worm Springs, Datb. Oo., Vtt. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In the Alleglmnlei?, 2,800 feet above Bca level. Elegant swimming- pools; cool nights; lino mountain scenery*, strongest Iron and carbonated water. In America. Writ? for booklet. * 0. F. BAKI-E, Mrtiiuaotv RAILROADS. RE O 19 Richmond, Frederick? ? li Bl ?? burg ?Se Potomac R. R Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 4:16 A. M., daily, Byrd Bt. Through. 6:45 A. M., dally. Main St. Through. 7:15 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. 11., Sunday only. Byrd 8L Through. 8:40 A. M., week days. Bryd St. Through. 12:05 noon, week days. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. M., week days. Byrd St. Fred erlckaburg accommodation. 5:06 P. M, dally, Main St. Through. 6:25 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:05 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. 11:10 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. Train,-*".*rr'vo Rlohmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M.',' week days. Elba- Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. M., daily, Byrd St. Through. 8:25 A. M? week days. Byrd St. Fred erlcksburg accommodation. 12:05 P. M., week days. Byrd SL Through. 2:05 P. M., daily, Main St. Through. 3:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. G:40 P. M., dally, Byrd , St. Through. 9:00 P. M., dally. Byrd';St. Through. 10:2S P. M., daily. Main St. Through. 11:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cars on all trains ?ixcept local accommodations. W. D. DUKE, C. W. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR, Gen'l Man'r. Ass't Gen'l Mon'r. Traf. Man'r SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APL. a6, 1903. TRAINS LEAVE HIOKMOND. ; 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local lor Charlotte. 12:60 P. M.?Dally. Limited, Buffet Pull man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Bunday. Keysvtlle Local. 11:05 P. M.-Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M? for all the South. YOBK RIVER lINE. ? Tho favorite route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M?Except Sunday. Local mtsed for West Point. 2:15 P. M?Local for West Point. 4:30 P. M,?Except Sunday. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RIOKHOJID. 6:55 A. M. and 0:25 P. M.?From all the South. 3:25 P. M. 8-40 A.M.?From Keysvllle. 9:15 A. M.?Baltlmoro and West Point 4:50 P. M.-From West Point. C. II. ACICERT. S. H. HARDWTCK, G. M. G. P. A. O. W. WK3THUKV. D. H. A.. Richmond. V?. SEABOARD Am Line Railway TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.?Seaboard Mall-10:85 P. M.? Seaboard Express?To Savannah, Jack? sonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:85 A. M.-No. 34-4:55 P, M.?No. IB? From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:30 P. M,?From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Offloe 1006 East Main Street. 'Phono 403. STEAMBOAT-. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHO?TAS leaves MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport New*, CUrewmt and Jumos River landings, und connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved for- the night at moderate prices. Electric car? direct to wharf. Fare only 11.60 and $1 to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points In Eustorn Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEI81GBR, ' General.. Manag w, ?. A. Barbar, Jr., Secretary, RAILROADS. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY BYRD-STREET STATION. 8:30 A. M. To all points South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:?0 P. M. Petersburg and N. _ W. West 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t4:10 P. M. Goldoboro Local, f.l 6:60 P. M. Petersburg local. C:5C P. M. To points South. J 9:85 P. M. Petersburg and N. ?ft W. West 11:30 P. M. Petersburg looal. '???? TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. ?:07 A. M., 7:35 A..M.. 8:25 A. M.. except Sunday, 11:10 A. M.. 11:42 A, M., 2:00 P. M., 6:50 P. M.. 7:45 P. M., 8:45 P. M. t Except Sunday. C. S. CAMPBELL. Div. Pass, AbL W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Agt. LOBA VE RICHMOND DAILT. 9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only al Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. 9:00 A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS Bnffe* Parlor Car. Potorsburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanowtto Columbus, Bluedeld to Cincinnati: also Roanoke to Knoxvlllo, and Knoxvllla to Chattanooga and Memphis. 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXPREB8 tor Formville, Lynchbure und Roanoke. 8:00 P. M.. OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED, Arrives Norfolk 6:20 P. M. Stops only ci Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connect? with steamerw to Boston, Providence. Now York, Baltimore and Washington. 6:60 P. M., for Norfolk and all station? eust of Petsrsburg. 9:35 P.M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT INE. Pullman Sleeper, Hlohmond to Lynchburg, Potersburg. to Roanoko: Lynohhurg to Chattanooga. Memphis and Now Orleans. Cafe Dining Car. S few Orleans. Caf? Dining Car. Trains arrlv? from the West 7:85 A. If., 2 P. M. and 8:56 P. M.; from Norfolk lid? A. M? 11:42 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Otiles No. ?3R East Main Street._ W. B. BBVTLL. C. H. BOSLEY, Gen. Pass. Agent- Dis. Pass. Acrent. & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minutes lo Norfolk. LEAVE RICHMOND?BASl'llOUND. Ti4B A. M.?Week day??Local to Newport News mal war stations. 9:00 A. M.?Dally?Limited?Arrive?. William*? bur? 0:66 A M.. Newport News 10:30 a,. M., Old Polut 11:00 A. M.. Norfolk UM A. M. *:00 P. M.?Week day??Special?Arrives Wll Uuuisburg -i:Wl 1'. it.. Newport Mewe OiBO P. M? Old I'olut 0:00 P. W? Norfolk 6:-S I?. M, 0:00 P, M.?bally?Local to Old Point MAIN LINE?WESTUOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Wrok days?Loua] to Clifton Vorf? and H-iiv stations. 2:00 P. M.? Dally??pedal to Cincinnati. Louisville, Ht. Louis ?ml Chicago. 5110 P, M.?Week dnvs?Ixicsl to lioswell. 10:60 P. M.?Dolly? Limited to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis sod (lilcaxu. JAMB IUVElt LINK. 10:20 A. M.?Dally?Express to I.vnchbur?, Clifton Form? and principal stations, 6:15 P. M.?Week dsys?Local to Brsmo. TliAINS AltHIVIi ItlCHMONl) FUOM Norfolk am*. Old I'olut 10:03 A. M. dally, 11:45 A. M. Es. Sun., und t):30 P. M. dally, Newport News Local T?O P. M. Sx. Sua, Prom Cincinnati and West 8:15 A. 51 dally and 8:80 P. U. dally. Main Lin? Local froto Clifton Forye 7:18 P. M. Bx. Hun, Dcxwell Ai'iviii. B:SB A. M. Kx. Sun. Jaw** Hiver I.tue Looal from Clifton -or.? tvHfl P. U. dally, llieiuu Accoiu. B:-.0 A. H. Bx, Sun. 0. H. DOYLE. W. O. WAHTnEH, Qen'V Manager. Hint. Past. Act. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY, Beginning April 1st. 1802, Car? le a vu corner Perry and Seventh Strueu; -diuich.stui-, every hour (on the hour) from ? A. M. to 14 P. M.. hut cut U:6u P. M. Car? leave rpotur-burc, foot of Bye? inoio Street, ?vary hour from 6:90 A. il. to 10:80 P. -M. PKIDAY AND SUNDAY ?PECUIi EXCURSIONS. W CENTS-ROUND TWP-?0CBKT*