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CARLOADS OF BERRIES Big Shipments Made from Norfolk to the North. TRIAL OF MICHELSOHN Exercises of Confederate Memoria Yesterday?S. S. Lambert, Jr., Says He Will Not Run lor the Leg? islature Willi Whitehead. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., May 7.?The ship? ment of strawberries North In carload lots has begun. Four cars left yesterdny und three this morning, and heavy ship? ments are expected to-night. Tho Fruit Growers' Express now has on-the tracks hern between ClftGen nnfl twenty enrs Already iced for loading. Tho daily ship? ments are expected to Incroaso soon to twelve or fifteen cars a day. The ber? ries aro nil going North. The cars nro marked yesterday as follows: Boston, two cars; Troy, N. Y., one car; Worces? ter, Mass, ono car. This morning' one car each wns sent to Boston, Worcester and Providence, The loading to-day is for Now York and Plttsburg". These flrst shipments aggregate 1,120 crates, or (17,200 ?quarts. Tho esttmnte for tho ontiro crop Is 112,000 crates, or 0.720,000 quarts. More than one-half of those berries will go North by water, but all of them nro the products of tho Immediate vicinity of Norfolk. Tho crop this yenr is largo and tho quality of the berries Is excel? lent. Tho crop will bring about $700,000 here. The trial of Adolph Mlchelsohn, on the charge of grand larceny, preferred by W. Lindsay Bibb, was begun In tho Cor? poration Court this morning before Judge Hanckcl nnd tho Jury. The complainant was the witness for tho prosecution, and he stated that he made the charge of grand? larceny because tho clofendant had obtained $2,7(55 from him In chocks by giving other checks which were worth? less. The witnesses for the defense were B. Miller, who went into bankruptcy at tho samo timo; A. W. Goldsmith, a mer? chant who loaned tho defendant a check, nnd tho defendant. After the testimony wns heard, .Tifdge D. Tucker Brooke, attorney for the defense, made a motion for dismissal,\ on the ground that the checks on which the charge is based were worthless nnd therefore lhat no grand larceny has boon committed. The checks which Mlchelsohn took from Bibb were returned marked "payment stopped" nnd "no funds." Tho court adjourned with? out considering the question to allow the members of the Jury to attend the memo? rial services for the Confederate dead. Tho courts wero all adjourned after a morning session, and nearly nil business was suspended during the afternoon for the Confederate memorial ceremonies. The procession, consisting of tho old sol? diers In uniform, the. sons of soldiers, the Soventy-flrst Regiment, Light Artll )tv Blues, citizens in carriages, school children, the fire department nnd visiting camps of veterans from Portsmouth nnd Berkley, marched through the streets to tho music of many bands. _Tlie streets vera filled with citizens nnd strangers 'to witness tho parade. S. S. Lambert, Jr., ono of the Dey candidates for the Legislature eighteen months ngo, commenting on tho state? ment from Richmond that thn Doy and Trchy factions In this city had agreed that he and Hon. John Whitehead wore to bo tho Democratic legislative candi dntes this fall, said thnt ho knew nothing whatever concerning any such combina? tion, nnd that the report Is,news to him. Mr. Lambert, when asked If he would ho a candidate for tho Legislature, this fall, said he wns making no statements n't this time, but that he wished to be quoted as saying that under no consid? eration would bo enter Into any combina? tion with Mr. Whitehead or anybody. On this point, Mr. Lambert ..expressed him? self freely, S. B. Cotton, omployofl nt the nnvnl magazine on Julian's Creek, broke his leg yesterday . A hand car used In trans? ferring shells and ntlfer nrdnnnco Strunk Mr. Cotton, knocking him down, thus breaking his leg. NIQMT OFFICES CLOSED \n Old?-Landmark in Dog Town Has Passed, (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) IRWIN, VA., May 7.?The Chesapeake and Ohio closed seven-night offices in Rlvanna district last Tuesday, and ns many operators wero thrown out of em? ployment. Tho ofllces closed wore Vin ita, Leo, Irwin, Elk Hill, Boswelt. Man? teo, and Winglna, and tho position of second operator at Gladstone was also abolished. Since the death of Mr. William C. Kean last March tho ilrm of. Brooking & Koon hog been dissolved, and tho senior partner, Mr. W. B. W. Brooking, la now conducting the business undor his own name. Tho Arm of Brooking & Kenn began business at Dog Town in 1875, and continued to do business tlioro for twen? ty-eight consecutive years. Mr. Arthur Morris, of West Virginia, has been spending this week at Dog Town, being in this section to socuro men' to mlgrato to the coal minos, Ho Is meeting with only moderato success, as nearly all of tho negroes left In the com? munity aro too wise to givo up a sure tiling for an uncertainty. One of tho most prominent landmarks of Dog Town, second In Interest only to tho store, wns demolished recently. The uid wooden pump, which ims adorned tli? front yard of Mr. W. B, \v. Brboklnu for tho past twenty-four years, was ro pluced by on iron concern, which, while ?lot nearly so ploturesque as iho wooden on?, Is far moro serviceable. I^-on this quiet valley Is pervaded with the spirit of commercialism. Tho wooden pump, so poetic and quaint, has given place to a moro modem one of Iron, nnd.tho old Dog Town ?tore, famous for Its ding! nees?a relic of old times?has been given several costs of paint, sufilclent. In fact, to thoroughly modernizo lt. ROCK!.RI DGB FARMS SOLD P. I. Huffman Sells a Steer Weighing 1,46 6 Pounds. (Special tu The Times-Dispatch.) LEXINUTON, VA? Muy 7.?Sir. J. Bruce Tutwlh-r hau Bold privately his farm of __? acres, nituuied several miles northeast of Lexington, fo Mr. William M. tihowalter, for i}?,OX?. Thu farm 1? In a high stuto of cultivation and has good buildings. The Jktit-ses Eot-Dl. of Waync-?boro, Va., have sold to Mrs. 10. C. Wash their house nnd lot on Niii-.ou Street, ?ear the. Union depot; Tho price |#aid was fl.'JXt ca?h. Tilla property was 'once tlio residence of tho luto Professor Hurry ICallll. It vas also owned by Rev, John J. l^afforty, editor of tho Chri-tUu Advocate of Rich mond, whun a resident of Lexington, lin ni'?iuioly following tfes Clvl) Mur. while he was editor of (ho Lexington Oazetto. Mr. P. 1. Huffman, Of Alphln, Hocls bridge county, ho? sold a Meer that ?weighed 1,456 pounds, Tlio. prioo re? ceived was J0_. This Is the lar^st steer stdd In th-t section for Home time. The Fifth Huuday mt?otlnt; of tho South District Aujrutittt Baptist Association will te hold at the 'Natural Bridge ?'untist ?tiareb for two days, Utiflnulng Friday, May ?f?th. Among the speakers will be minister.? of the Baptist denomination of Rockbrldgo, as follows: Rev. John H. Harris, of Natural Bridge; Rev. Willis L. Way's, of Buena Vista; Rev. J. P. Cowherd, of Buffalo; Rev. R. J. Dngan, of Buchanan; Rev. n. D. Ragland, of Nalttrnl Bridge; Rev. Charles Manly, of Lexington; Rev. P. S wann, of Ooshen; and Mr. XV. D. GresTmm, of Lexington. * SUFFOLK POLITICS A. S. Ely Conducting Campaign for the M.iyornlity from Sickbed. (Special to The TlmoS-Plspntcb.l SUFFOLK, VA., May 7.?Prom present prospects Rtiffolk's legislativo and execu? tive branches of frovernmont will almost entirely be In new hands. In the prima? ries which will come off Mny 15th Mayor Brewer, who hns been at the hoad of the town for eleven years, is not a candidate. The only two nspirnnts aro A. S. Eley, a Justice of tho peace, and Robert W. Withers, a young lawyer. Ono tiling about tho campaign that's a llttlo unique Is tho fact that Mr. Eloy Is conducting his canvass from a sick bed. He hns boon confined to his homo for moro than five weoks, ns tho result of n surgical operation, and though he is Improving, tho chnnces oro ho will not bo on tho streets by primary, day, and It Is doubtful that ho will bo able to get to the polls to voto himself. Of the nine Councllmon of Suffolk, all but two havo declared their purpose of not standing for re-election. They get no pay, and It is regarded ns a sacrifico for a business man to ?ivc ro much time and to got only abuso and criticism as a re? ward. There likely will bo plenty of new candidates before tho primary, how? ever. The primary voto necessarily will bo very small. Not only Is tho Interest not strong, but more than ono-thlrd of Suffolk's voters are not on tho books. THE NEEDY RELIEVED West Point Has Received Assistance Sufficient for Immediate Wants, (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) WIEST POINT, VA., May 7,-Mr. Her? bert J. Lewis, chairman of tbo relief committee, Issued the following to-dny: "I am Instructed by the Relief Commit? tee of West Point, Va., to state to tho public that tho liberal responses from the sympathizers for tho needy and destitute from the flro hns been sufllclent to relievo tho Immediate wants of those who wore In need. With tho excursion to be given by the Sottthorn Hallway on Saturday next, nnd the Bostock Animal Show ben? efit on Monday, May 11th, wo will bo fully able to relieve thoso who are ren? dered homeless or almost destitute by reason of tho lire hero last Friday morn? ing." ? WEBB ESCAPED Charged With Working Ex-Slave Pen? sion Swindle on Negroes. CSpcclKl to This Tlnivs-blstmtch.) NORFOLK, VA., May 7.?S. B. Webb, alias Harrison Webb, tho alleged negro cx-slavc pension defrnuder, while be? ing brought from Richmond to Norfolk for trial In the Federal Court to-day, ?escaped from Deputy United States Mar? shal Bland, who had him In custody. It is believed that he is either In hiding In Norfolk, or somewhere on the "suburbs and the authorities hope to get him by to-mnrrow. Webb Is charged with de? frauding old negroes by collecting; ad? vance money upon t??e representation t lint lie could secure for them life pen? sions, "because the government had de? cided to pension all ex-slnves." THROAT WAS CUT Negro's Body Drifted Ashore at Plum Point Yesterday. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) PLUM POINT, VA., May 7.?Tho body of Emmet Coleman, tho negro man who wns drowned In the York River about three weoks ago, drifted ashore at Plum Point yesterday. Ills throat had been cut from oar to ear with somo sharp Instrument and It looked as if ho had been foully dealt with, but tho coroner's jury hod no evidence. LICENSES GRANTED South Norfolk Cases Turned on the Word "Contiguous." (Special to The Tinics-Dispnteli.) NORFOLK, VA., May 7.?Judge W. N. Portlock, of tho Norfolk County Court, has rendered a decision In tho South Nor? folk liquor cases nnd adliered to his former action in granting licenses to seven places in Liberty Street. Tho ques? tion at lssuo wtiB whether South Nor? folk was contiguous to tho city of Nor? folk. Judge Portlock in rendering ills decision, quoted mnny decisions from tho highest State courts defining tho word "contiguous.' Tho American and English Encyclopae? dia of law defined tho word ns "adjacent," "touching," "near," In several of the de? cisions quoted, rivers nnd wide stretches of water wero referred to, and the courts decided that land on tho one sido was contiguous to tho other. Tli's decision grants tho licenses on the ground that South Norfolk Is a community contiguous to Norfolk. LICENSES REVOKED Halifax County People Protest Against Grain Distilleries. (Spocial to The Tlnies-Dlspatch.) SOUTH BOSTON, VA., May 7.--Some of the licenses granted to grain distil? leries last week by Judge Bnrksdalo have been revoked this week by his honor, When application was mado for licenses tho people in the vicinity did not know thnt under tho now law thoy oould protest ngnlnst tho Issuance of license of distilleries when tho Federal govern? ment had given permission. As soon as It became known, strong delegations appeared In court against the granting, hewn the revocation. Tho liquor manufacturers nro greatly dis? gruntled that their occupation Is gone, All temp?rance people are in u very hap. py mood. Princess Anno Dry. (Special to aim Tlmi'B-nUpiitch.) NORFOLK, VA.. Muy 7.?Princesa Anne county has gone dry with the ex? ception Of il'? Senbourd lllstriet In which Virginia Reach Is located. Sixteen sa? loons hnd already closed because of tho now license luw. Out of twenty-ono su loon-kcopers In Princess Anno, only six applied for new licenses. Tho only ap? plicant who hnd a petition signed by the ii-otcrs lost. Ho had HS names out of tho required 107. Virginia Roach sa? loons got license on the "hotels by the bea" provision In Mann bill. ?-< To Test Screen Ordinance, (Special to The Tlmos-I>jsr>atoh.) CHARIjOTTKSVILLB. VA? May 7. The City Council, at a special moating last night, decided that the matter of appealing to the Corporation Court from the decision of Pollen Justice Kdwnnl O. McCuo, regarding tho ordinance ordering tho removal of screens from the front of saloons, be referred to tho City Attor? ney and to the Commonwealth's Attor? ney, with Instructions to take an appeal or such steps as may be necessary to lest tho validity of tho ordinance passed by tho body. Clifton Forge Licenses. - (?pedal to The 'flints-Dispatch.) CLIFTON FORGD. VA., May 7.?The County Court convened at Covlngton on Tuesday, with Judge Henry W. Holt In tho chair. At this session eleven liquor license?, were granted to the town of Clifton Forgo! Twelve were reconimciuled by tho Council, but one applicant droiped out, owing to the heavy tax Imposcn by the recent ?uusmr? of tho Munn bill,1 MERGER OF PINE FIRMS Wiloy, Harkcr and Camp Com? panies Consolidated. HALL-JOHNSON WEDDING The Elks of Petersburg Will Celebater Their Thirteenth , Anniversary This Month?Will Send a Big Dele? gation to Bedford City. (Special to The Tlmei-Dlspatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., May 7.?Wiley, Barker and Company, of New York, with branch offices in Petersburg and Norfolk, and tho Camp Manufacturing Company, of Franklin, Va., havo consolidated, nnd tho new company Is known as the Wiley, Barker and Camp Company. The large concerns mnnufaoturlng North Carnllnn pino have for sevornl years endomvored to consolidate. The successful consum? mation of tho donl between the Camp Company and the Wiley Harkcr Company means much to tho North Carolina pine Interests, This company is now tho largest factor in tho pine Interests In that Stato. Wiloy, Harkor and Camp Com? pany will handle upwards of two hun? dred million (200,000,000) foot per annum, with headquarters at Now York and branch offices at Boston, Mass., Phila? delphia, Pa-, Baltimore"; Md., Pittsburg, Pa., Norfolk, Va., and Petersburg, Va. This corporation will sell the entire pro? ducts of Camp Manufacturing Company's mills at Franklin, Va., Ajrlngdale, Vtu, DeWitt, Vn., and Norfolk, Vn. Also tho entire outputs of Cape Fear Lumber Comber, Angola Lu in bor Company and Northorp mills at Wilmington, N. C. ; the output of McKennoy planing mill, Mc Kenney, Va., and Tunis Lumber Com? pany, Norfolk, Va. Tho tlmbor holdings In Virginia nnd North Carolina are held In very few hnnds, not over'ten (10) con? cerns controlling at least So to 90 per cent, of the entire output. Tho following nre tho officers of tho Wiley. Harker and Camp Company; 13. M; Wiloy, president; R. J. Camp, vice president; John Barker, treasurer, and Citarles T. Strnn. secretary. Mr. A. B. Morgan, of Petersburg. Va., Is manager of tho Norfolk and Petersburg offices of till company. Mr.Jolin J. Hall, of Petersburg, and Miss Nnrelsse Johnson, of Greenville, Miss,, will bo married nt the residence of the bride-elect's uncle, Colonel Matt. F. Johnson, at Natchez, Miss,, Monday, Juno 36th, next. Miss Johnson Is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of tho late Colonel nnd Mrs. George John? son, of Greenville. Colonel Johnson, who died about a year ago, was one of the largest planters fn tho South. Mr. Hall is n trail-cling salesman for tho T. C. Williams Tobacco Compnny, of Rich? mond, and a grandson of Mrs. Robert Gllllnm. of this- city. Mr. M. B. Jones, a tobacco buyer at Chase City, Vn., has ontered suit in this city for 15,000 against Messrs. Crao flock and Jones, lessees of the "Virginia Wnrehmise In Petersburg. Tho plnlntiff maintains that Craddock and Jones agreed to pay such drafts ns ho might draw on them for the purchase of to? bacco, and that their failure to pay a draft drawn by him for tobacco pur? chased damaged his credit. Crnddock and Jones maintains that they did not enter into such agreement. The large shipments of lumber from Petersburg has caused a consMerable ad? vance In prices. Manufacturers nre buy? ing all tho standing timber they can find. Mr. Robert Gllllam, clerk of the courts 1n this city, has received tho honor of being appointed commissioner of affida? vits In Petersburg for North Carolina. The Elks of Petersburg will celebrate their thirteenth anniversary tho latter part of this month with a. picnic at "El lersilo,*' In Chesterfield county, near this city. The lodge will send a dolegntlon to Bedford City on the occasion of the dedication of tho Elks' National Home in Urn; city. Mr. Charles A. Clarke, who Is more widely known by the traveling public thnn nny man in Petersburg, has been made manager in Petersburg for the "Trilby" excursions. Sheriff Prince, of Sussex county, to-day carried to that county for trial John Bnl ley, the negro charged with attempted criminal nssatilt on' Mrs. Crokor. Bailey hns been In jnll hern Mnco bis arrest sev? eral weeks ago. IN CHESTER Effort is Made to Organize a Lodge of Odd-Fellows. (Special to The Timcs-Dlspatch.) CHESTER. VA., -May 7.?Mr. G. W. Jones, deputy of tho "Indopend(.-nt Order of Odd-Fellows,',' lectured bore last night at the public schoolhoute In tho Interest ?>f that order, and deslros to organize a lodge horo. There wore not a sufficient number of applicants received, and no lodge was organized, hut it Is probable that sultldlent Interest may bo excited Inter on to establish ono, Many are speaking favorably of the Bohotno. A called meeting of tho Woold ridge Confederate Camp hns been ordered by Commander John f, Brnnstord, of Bon Air, to be held at -Chesterfield CotirthotiKo next Monday. A meetings also of the Pen? sion Board will take placo nt tho saine time. Tho unveiling of tho Chesterlleld monument will bo considered then, und a. day set for tho unveiling*. APPOMATTOX ROADS Schoine of Commissioners and Work by Contract is Proposed. (Special to The Tiinon-Hispatch.) WISST APPOMATTOX, VA., May 7.?At it meeting of the citizens of Appomattox at tit? courthouse to-day resolutions woro passed requesting the representativos In bol h branches, of the (louerai Atyaombly to secure the onuctmont of a rond ?aw for the county. Tho law is to provide for tho Working of the roads by contract. A road commissioner for each district Shall lie provided for, lo b? elected by the people, These commisslonurs ahull divide the roads of tholr several districts Into sections, and shall preparo speclliea tloiis for working them, and shall then let tho working of tho roads to the low? est responsible bidder. It was recom? mended that tho commissioners shall re? echo for their aervicea a per diem of ft Heard in Boykins. (Special to Tin? Tlnus-lllnputrti.) HOYKJNS, VA., May 7.-R0V. W. C. Illiiir, of Qreonvlllo, Vu., who has ac? cepted tho call, to 'tho Raptist Church of this town, la now at work hi his now Held. Mr. John N. Sebrell, Sr., of Courtland, Va,, was in lioyklus a few days ago in tho interest of Ills candidacy us clerk of Suuthuinpton county. Soon to be Married. (Snei'hil to Tlia Tliues-lllspateh.) l-JEKSHURC. VA., -May 7.?Tho Wed? ding of Mr. Walter Gregg Leitli and Miss Carrie Loe Rollins, both of this county, Is announced to takes' place on tlio '?ist at tho buuVj residence ANNAPOLIS CADETSHIP W. T. Smith, of Fredericks burg. Successful Applicant? i TO VISIT BATTLE-FIELDS Pennsylvania Veterans to Como to Fredericksburg on May 12th?Tho Steamer Tourist Soon to Give a Trade Excursion. (Special to The Timea-Dlapatch.) d'TtBDERlcrjCSRURQ, VA., May 7. The competitivo examination for tho ap? pointment of a cadot to Annapolis from this district -was announced this after? noon as follows: W. Taylor Smith, Fred orlcksburg, principal; H. B. Parson, Ao coinao, flrst alternate; G. C. Scarborough, Onancock, second; IL M. Brent, Heaths? vlllo, third. A reunion of the Ono Hundred and Twenty-seventh (Pennsylvania Volunteers will bo hold hero next Tuesday, May 12th. Tho committee of arrangements hns notified Mayor M. G. Willis that a party numbering about ilfty will reach hero on an early morning train of that day, and Mayor Willis has responded, as? suring tho committee of a warm wel? come by our citizens. All of tho battlo llelds In this vicinity will bo visitad dur? ing tho stay of tho veterans. The Board of Pension Commissioner?, of Spotsylvahla county, at a meeting this week, approved soventeen applica? tions for pensions and declined twelve othors. Tho steamer Tourist, of the Foople's lino, will give a trado excursion on Tues? day. May 12th, from Urbanna and all Intervening wharves on tho Rappahan nock River to this city, reaching hero In the afternoon and leaving tlio following day at 11 o'clock. Mr. E. Leslie Spence. Division Com? mander of tho Sons of Confederate Vete? rans of Virginia, was tho guest to-day of Mr. Fleming G. Bailey at his historio Chatham, and to-night nddreasod R, 8. Chew Camp, Sons of Confederate Vete? rans, of this city. Mr. William Swift, of Spotsylvanla county, lost a few days ago a largo num? ber of railroad ties In a forest fire. ? NEGRO GIRL KILLED Run Over by a Train at Danville Yester? day Afternoon, (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DANVILLE, VA., May 7.?Blanch Car? ter, a colored girl, was run over and In? stantly killed by a shifting train in the yard of tho Southern Railroad here this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The Carter girl, in company with another woman named Hatty Brown, was walking on the track toward the station, when tho shifting engine on tho main line caused them to cross over on another track to avoid It. Tho Danvillo and Western train was bo ing backed Into the station at the time. The women's hacks were towards this train, and the noise made by the shifting engine bo deafened them that they wore unaware of its approach. Tho Carter girl was knocked down and horribly mangled, the trucks of tho flrst car pass? ing over hor breast. She died In two minutes. Hatty Brown mado an attempt to drng her from under the car, but was forced to release her to preserve her own life. A coroner's jury was summoned, and, after viewing the body, they ad? journed until to-morrow morning, at which time the accident will be investi? gated. Died From His Injuries. ?Specliil to Tho Tlmcs-DlsDntcli.) BLUEF1ELD, W. VA., May 7.?Ben Mills, who -wns caught under a moving freight train, near Ingleside, and had his right arm crushed off and severely bruised, died last night at a late hour. Ho wns a prosperous farmer and well thought of. CAMERON RUN HUNT CLUB'S FIRST SHOW Arrangements for Exhibition on Saturday on Grounds Near Alexandria. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ALEXANDRIA, VA.. May 7.?The Cam? eron Run Hunt Club ia completing ar? rangements for its flrst annual 1-lorsp Show, which Is to take place Saturday next on tlio grounds of tho club, near tlds city, It is expected that a largo number will bu In attendance Tho Committee on Arrangements is composed of Messrs. D. N. Rust, Jr., Alvln O. Portner, Courtland H. Smith, Paul V, Portner and Charles R. Hooff, Jr. Mr. Rust, as secretary, has charge of tho stabling and the carriage spaces about the ring. In order to be eli? gible for this show, horses must be owned by tho club, or by other recognized hunt clubs, or by residents of Virginia, Mary? land and the District of Columbia. The show will Inaugurate tho season with tho Virginia Horse Show Association, and tho performances will begin at 10 o'clock hi tho morning. Tho following will be tho classes: Farmer class-Best pair heavy draft horses shown In harness, to bo owned by bona lido farmers who reside In Alexan? dria or Fairfax counties. Horse and runabout?Horse to count soventy-ilvo per cent.: runabout und ap polntments to count twenty-flvo per cent. Pair of luirse??Over fifteen hands, to be shown to an appropriate vehicle. Tnndem-Tho wheeler to bo fifteen three or over. Four-ln-hnnd?Wheeler? to bo fifteen Combination-Shown fl?1 ,n harness and then under saddle by driver. Hacks-Fifteen hands or over, to bo shown at a walk, trot and canter, each to count twenty por cent.; conformation, thirty per cent.; manners, ton por cent. Roadsters-Beet gentlemen s roadster, speed and manners, fifty l"* oent-? _??n formatlon and manners, fut y per cent. , Heavy-weight hunters-Performance, fifty per cent.; conformation, fifty per "liodlo-welght hunters-Performance, fifty per cent.; conformation, fifty per Light-weight huntors-Performanoo, fifty per cent.; conformation, fifty per cent. Green hunters?For hunters that have never won :i blue ribbon In a jumping contest, Performance, forty por cont.: conformation and manners, sixty por ladles' h-inters-Performnnce to count seventy-live per cent.; manners nnd <|uul ity, twcnty-tlvo per cent. Thoroughbred hunters-Must bo regis? tered; performance, fl""7 per, cent.; con? formation, lifty per cent. Corinthian class-Open to all hunters; to be ridden In "hunt oolors" by moinbors of rccognl?ed bunt clubs. Performance, .-evenly-live, per cent.; appointments, twenty live per cent. _ ,_, ^hmiipionship?For hunters, heavy, mid? dle and light-weight, having won nrstnt this or Chevy Chuso Show, 1903 and 1W3. PAINTERS FIGHTING Two Leading Boss Painters Join the Contractors. CARPENTERS ON STRIKE The Contractors Say that if tho Men Do Not Return to Work on Monday They Will Fill Their Place?The Men Confident of Winning. (Special to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.) NDWtPOiRT NEWS, VA-, May T.-JTho painters employed by L. J, Neal, ono of tho prominent painters and, paper hang era of the city, cult work this morning because- Noal notified them that ho could no longer grant them an olght hour day at tho same pay thoy formerly received for nine hours. Up to this timo oniy tho painters omployod by J. T. Biallenllno, about seventeen In number, have boen out. All of tho other boss painters granted tho domands mado by the union, It wns thought yesterday that all of the trouble would bo settled loat night, but tho faot that tlio boss painters aro mak? ing tlio fight with tlio contractors, no agreement could be reached, and this morning Neal wont In with B<ontlne and tho contractors. Tho contraotors have "given the carpenters until Monday, and If they do not return to work by that time they say thoy will proceed to Uli their places, Tho trial of "W. M. Nagle, charged, with felonious shooting, waa sot tor trial In th? Police Court this morning, but jipon tho requost of tho Common? wealth's attorney, who said that he did not want tho caso token up until Bas? ket, who was nhot by Nagle, either dios or boglns to Improve, tho case waa again continued. Nagle Is still In Jail, no effort to secure bail for him having been made. There will bo a moetlng of the prop? erty owners of Nowport district, "War? wick county, at the Hotel "Warwick Monday, for tho purposo of discussing tho advisability of holding an election to de? cido whether or not bonds for ?35,000 shall be Issuod to improve the ronds In the dis? trict. The Legislature recently autho? rized tho supervisors to Ibbuo tho bonds, and tho property ownors havo asked tho supervisors to meet with them Monday. Tho police ?till have no clue to the iden? tity of the man who struck Hurrey, tho sailor belonging to tho Olympia, who was found In a pool of his own blood In an alley between two unoccupied houses beneath the Twenty-eighth Street bridge. Hurrey is rapidly recovering now, nnd, although twelve stitches had to be taken In tlio back of his head, the wound Is nothing like so serious as It was first thought it -was. m IN CLIFTON FOROE Interested in the Municipal Election to Be Held In June. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CLIFTON FORGE, VA., May 7.-Thero is quito a stir in political circles In Clifton Forge, and much Interest Is being mani? fested over tho coming municipal election In Juno. There are three* candidates for Mayor. W. F. Tinsloy, formerly of Rich? mond, who has been Mayor for the past several years, has decided to be a candi? dato for county treasurer, and will not enter the raco for the mayoralty. George "W. Warren, former editor of the "Clifton Forge Review;" J. L- Mlllner and JoBeph Llpop are the candidates for Mayor, and m> It will bo a threo-cornored fight the majority will be small. All are prominent In the business circles of tho town, and at this Juncture it fs difllcrult to tell who will be elected. The former Mayor. Mr. ThiBlcy, who has announced his Intentions to enter the race for county treasurer, has ! been chairman of the County Democratic Committee for a number of years, nnd hi? prospects for election aro exceedingly bright. Ho was for a number of years connected with tho treasurer's office In Richmond. Ex-Congressman Hon. Harry St George Tucker, of Lexington, spoke In tho Bap? tist Church here Tuesday night in the Interest of education. A large crowd -was present to hear tho eloquent speaker. The work of finishing the laying of the new granolithic sidewalks has boen re? sumed, and rapid progress Is now being made by the contractor, A. "W. McClay, of Richmond, who has a large force of hands at work. The commencement exerolses of the Cilfton Forgo Seminary will be held on Thursday and Friday, the 14th and lEth of this month. An Interesting programme has been arranged by the faculty, and the event Is looked forward to with much -pleasure by tho young people of tho town. i . ? WARRENTON AMATEURS Soon to Present "The Fascinator," Composed by Mr. Samuel Appleion. (Special to Tbo Tlrai-s-Dlspatch.) WARRENTON, VA., May T.?Through tho efforts of Mr. Samuel Appleton, this community will shortly be presented with a charming light opera, entitled "Tho Fascinator."? Mr. Appleton him? self has composed the music, which Is light and catchy. Tho flrst rehearsal was held at the residence of Mr. Thad deuB Fletcher, on Tuesday evening, and all who attnded were satisfied that tho affair will be a suocess. The entire cast will porh'aps he given an opportunity to show Its histrionic ability at the next rehearsal. The promoters of the Bcheme are making every effort to stago the opera Insldo of a month's time, Tho Southern Railway Is making ex? tensive Improvements to the station at tho head of Groen Street. The town has changed greatly during tho past six or eight months. Now buildings are going up and old ones are being repaired every? where . '' FIERCE PRIMARY FIGHT Liquor Men In Charlottesvllle Want to Control the Council. 'Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlsputch.) CIIARL/OTTESVILLE, VA., May 7.? Ono of tho fiercest primary elections over hold In the city will occur to-morrow, tho result of the recent local option elec? tion and the stringent ordinances regu? lating the conduct of saloons having caused the whiskey men to make a spe? cial offort to secure a Council friendly to tholr Interests. As far as It can be dono, the fight will be drawn on tho lines of "wot" or "dry," or the ndvocaoy of or opposition to tho res?rlctlve ordi? nances. From present Indications thore will ho a few changes in tho personnel of tho present Council, but It Is not prob ublfl thnt tho whiskey Interests will con-, trol, This Is the first time that there' has boon any open fight on the part of tho liquor men to control the City Coun? cil, and its result will be watched with groat Intorest. -? . , CHINAMEN ALARMED Several in Norfolk Have No Certificates of Immigration. (Hpeclul tu 'flu- TlnicH-nianufh ) *-. NORFOLK, 'VA.. May 7,?Charley Keo, of the government service, camo hero to-day from Boston and rounded up elcvon Chinamen i?us>,-ectod of not having cett-tlfleate* of Immigration. On examina tion It mi determined by the United States Court here that five of the China? men should o* deported Five were al? lowed ball for rurther Investigation and one was discharged. TiTo Chinamen wore all arrested here. Tho arrests caused a great sensation, and many Chinamen aro hiding. ' ? ? ? A. C. GORDON ENDORSED Staunton Alumni Want Him as tho University's First President. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) STAUNTON, VA., May 7?The local Alumni Association of the University of Virginia held a meating yesterday In tho olty clerk's office, Vlco-Presldcnt Thos D, Ranson In the ohalr, and Dr. Hampton Wayt secretary. Tho matter of seloctlng a presldont for tho Unlvorstly wns dis? cussed at length. A resolution endorsing Hon. A. C. Oordon, of Staun ton, for the position of president was adopted, and the secretary was directed to forward a oopy of the resolutions to the Board of Visitors of the Unlvenslty for their con blderatton. The association will meet again on Saturday. ALLEQHANY'S ROADS Their Improvement Will Help tho Bus? iness of Covington. (Special to Tho Tlmos-DIapatch.) COVINGTON, VA., May 7.?An un? usual amount of work will bo done on tho roads In Allegheny county this spring and summer. Somo of tho roads nro in good condition, but others, especially those In tho northrn and westorn parta of the county need work. Thursday work will be started on the road from Coving ton to Ilot Springs and after tho con? templated Improvements havo boen made thoro tho roods running from Covington through the western part of tho county will be Improved. Few peoplo from tho country visited Covington during the win? ter on account of the bad roads and so any Improvements which may be made will bo of value to tho business men of Covington as well as to tho farmers. GOULD AND SEABOARD Railroad Circles Greatly Interested ?n Reported Alliance. (Special to The Tlmen-Dlspatch.) PORTSMOUTH, VA., Mhy 7.?The live? liest Interest is felt in transportation cir? cles hereabouts regarding the publication In tho Star of Gould's intentions with re? gard to tho Seaboard. There appears to bo a well defined idea that nn offensive nnd defensive alliance will be entered Into between tho Goulds nnd the Williams' interest. It was reported from Gloucester last week that agents of John Bkelton Williams were buying land near tho ter? minal property of the "Wabash. It is believed by many well Informed transportation men that If Mr. Gould found a railway alliance necessary in his fight with the Morgan-Pennsylvania In? terests, he would In all probability chooso the young railway presldont who has twice defeated Mr. J. Plcrpont Morgan In his efforts to get control of the Seaboard. Tho recent visits of the Gould yacht to these waters aro taken to mcjin that the railway magnate Is investigating the nat? ural advantages of this port. > BRISTOL WEDDINGS Many Young Virginians Seek Parsons Burroughs and Baird. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) BRISTOL, VA-. May 7.?Miss Cora Rumbloy, of Glade Spring, Va., and Mr. Thomas J. Morris, of Chicago, wero mar? ried in this city Wednesday last. The ceremony was solemnized at the homo of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. J. Kcsner, on Virginia Street. Mr. Morris Is a suc ceflsful young business man of tho Windy City, and his bride is a. pretty and ac? complished young woman. They havo gone to Chicago to reside. Among tho young Virginia couples who have sought happiness and found It here during the past week were Mr, Whv Howcll and Miss Lucy Lawrence, of R?ul ford, married by Parson Burroughs; Mr. Carlos Fletcher and Miss Cora Small wood, of Brewster, married by Row Bnird; Mr. Truman Hurst and MIbs Mary Thollnson, of Pattonsville, by Parson Burroughs; Mr. London C. Haynos and Miss Victoria Collier, of Big Stone Gap, by Rev. Baird. HACGILL?MACGILL Beautiful Home Ceremony at Clalrmont, in Pulaski Yesterday, (Special to Tbc Timca-nisp-tcli.) PULASKI, VA., May 7.? aalrmont, the home of General James Macglll, of this place, was the scono of a boautlfttl wedding to-day, when his daughter, Miss Annie Stuart Macglll became the bride of Mr. Richard O. Macglll, of Baltimore. Tho woddlng was a very rnilet one, only the Immedlnto families of the bride and groom being present. Tho groom is a prom? inent young business man of Bnltlmore and the bride is well known In Virginia and Maryland. The bride was given away by her father, her only attentfant being hor sister, Mrs. W. W. Chaffln. Mr. Charles C. Macglll, brother of the groom, was best man. After tho ceremony an elab?rate Bupper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Macglll left on the night train for a tour of tho Northern altles. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A, Brown, rector of the Episcopal Church hero. Lunsford-Young. (Speelnl to 'Rio Tlmei-Dlspatch.) LEESBURG, VA., May 7.?Rev. Alex? ander T, Lunsford, of Round Hill, and Miss Evelyn L. Toting, of North Fork, wore married by Rev. W. M. FcrgiiBon In "WnBhington. Mr. Lunsford is pastor of "Wesley Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church. The attendants were Mr. II. Chlpley and Mrs. V. C, Williams, matron of honor. Hall?Agnor. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LEXINGTON, VA., May 7,?Mr. Sam? uel (p. Hall and Mrn. Agnes Agnor woro married yostorday .aftornoon at the home of tho bride, near Colllerstown, Rov. David 13. Mays, of tho Mothodlst Epis? copal Church, officiating. The nowly wedded couple will re?lde In that neigh? borhood. Adkins?Scruggs? (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHARLOTTRSVILLH, VA., May 7. Mr. William Adkins, of this city, and Miss Willie Scruggs, daughter of Mr. J. T. Scruggs, of tho county, wero mar? ried at tho parsonage of the First Bap? tist Church, tho Rev. John B. Turpln, D. D., officiating, The only attendant? wero Mrs. R. E. Scruggs and Mr. Tilden Brown. Gleen-Scott. (Special to The Tlmos-Dispatch.) LLESBURG, VA., May 7.?Mr, Aubrey C. Oleen, of this county, and Miss Annie N, Scott, of Vlonna, Fairfax county, wero married hi Leesburg on Tuesday. Epperson?Browder, (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) . LAWRENCBVILLE, VA.. .May 7.?Mr. 11. E, Epperson and Miss Manilo A? R. Browder wero married yesterday after? noon at Llborty Church, the Rev'. W. G. Boggs officiating Hart?Ray. (Unrein 1 to Ttio Tlnios-nUpstch.) ROYK.INS, VA? May 7.?Mr. R. M. Hart, of this town, and Miss Bessio Ray, of Windsor, N.' C, wero married iast night at the homo of the bride. There will be a reception ylvon to-night at l.Vutel Boyltlnu. , SIX LIVES CRUSHED OUT Landslide at Mouth of Tunnel' In Giles County. CAUGHT IN DEATH TRAP, l ! Tho Gang of Laborers, White and Col-1 orod, Were Double-Tracking tho West-End Tunnel, Near Egglo ston Springs, In Giles. (Dy Awoeloted Preis.) ROANOKB, VA., May 7.?Dotalls rcachedj here thlB afternoon of a fearful catostro-j pho which occurred lato yesterday eve* nlng in tho cast end of the West-EnJi Tunnel, known ns Tunnel No. 2, at Eg? glcston Springs, Giles county, on thefj Norfolk and Western Railway, in WhtchjJ six men wero killed and live Injured, three of them fatally, while two othcr< were almost miraculously saved. Railroad contractors were engaged lif double-trncklng tho two tunnels at th? point named, and It was duo to thoi(( operations that tho accident hnppencd. It scorns that when tho tunneling for?j# had removed tho earth and ptono foi^ the tracks at tho point where tho calutn-4 Ity occurred, a huge slide of solid stone gave way on the mountain sido and carn?^ down at an angle of about 4S dogreos3 striking tho gang fairly nnd literally; crushing the life out of six men. Three bodies have boon recovered, an?^ It 1b believed others will b gottn out bey fore morning. A wrecking car Is at work{ clearing away tho debris. Tho entrance to the tunnel Is now clear and safo andi? no further trouble is antlclpatd. Thai killed and injured aro all colored men?) Doctors wero on the scene within twenty/ minutes after tho accident and renden:?.: all possible aid to tho Injured men. This stratum of solid rock was foundV on examination to bo connected only by_? clay seams, and when tho foundations was removed tho stratum, some feeb long, came with a tremendous force andt without warning, catching the men In tho death-trap. Ono man was In a nicho o? tho tunnelway, and was only gmicd oa the face nnd head, and escaped wlttv-1 slight injuries. Ho was removed without great dlfllculty. A second man, who stood? on the outer edge of the slide, was onlyy slightly hurt, ?>ut thsy?o others wore j more unfortunate, and wero so badly In? Jurcd that It Is feared they will die. Tho bodies of the other six men, some of whom are whites, aro still under th< mountain slide. A wrecking car nnd dor? rick were taken out from Radford, bu| so far have been of no avail. There U? no likelihood that the bodies can bo re-: covered soon, as the rock will have to be? dynamited nnd removed bit by hit. Ths 1b considered dangerous, as the. length of tho stratum cannot be ascer-, talned, and there Is imminent danger, of a second crash as soon as the baso Is removed, and a consequent loss of oth?1 or lives. So far it has been Impossible to se? cure tho names of tho victims. Thoj arc, only known to tho contractors, and they can only Judge by tho mlsHing mem? bers of the force.. Ono thing that is knovrj Is that it was a mixed gang, compos?! both of white and colored laborors.,\ \ Tho accident did not materially delay J train trafile on the main line. The traira / were delayed, however, by another slid? In Big Tunnel, at Montgomery, twenty miles east of Eggleston, over four hours: The latest advices from an official source, bo far as tho Norfolk and West-' crn Railway Ib concerned, aro to thoi effect that only seven men wero killed \ outright, but a prominent contractor com? ing to Roanoke from the scene gave the facts substantially as rolated above. To Tost Mann Bill. (Special to Tlic Tlmti.Dlipatch.) FREDERICKSBURO, VA., May 7.-Th? first contest In Virginia to determine thw scope of the new Mann anti-liquor bill will be mado In the courts of Stafford) county. Licenses wero granted April 16tt?_ to several bar-rooms In the county undert the provision of the old liquor laws. April ltlth tho provisions of tho Mann bill went/ into effect, and tho temperance people o?, tho county claim that the liquor sellers,! In order to continue business, must com? ply with the provisions of the new law. An order for injunction to prevent tho parties who have received licenses from, continuing In business under their presenil licenses has been sued out uefore tho County Court of Stafford, and the issue will be tried May 12th next. -.- j TO UNION SEMINARY Virginia Theological School Gets Re? mainder of Washington Estate. (Special to The Tlmeo-Dlspatch.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 7.?Tho will of Ellzalveth Busoy, dated March 16, 1697, was filed to-day probate. Bequests as fol? lows are mado: To her sister, Ellen Dun lop, $'.,000; to her newphew, Henry D. Crampton, $2,000, and to tho Union Theo? logical Seminary In Virginia, the remain? der of the estate as an endowment, to ba( known as tho William G. Busey fund, th* incomo of which is to bo used for the edu-j cation of poor young men studying fon the ministry in the Presbyterian ChurctvJ THE FIELD DAY OF , RICHMOND COLLEGE _ I Richmond College field day will be heU' to-day, and there is more Interest In th* work than ever before. Following the athletic sports, President; ? F. W. Boatwrlght will tender a reception to the boys. EVER GO HORSEBACK RIDING? If so we can contri? bute greatly to tha pleasure of it, by out???; fitting you properly! and comfortably. We've khaki Riding Trousers, short and; long--$3.BO. j English Whipcor'dJ $7.80 to $10. . ) English Rldlngj Crops, $2,80. ?'THE STRAND" The Strand. LEQGIN. Tho simplest, coolost and most oouve? nlont leggln modo. \ Grain ami smooth leather. Blaok and, I Tan colors, fO. *