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PRICES WENT DOWNWARD There Was No Definite Rea? son for Decline. PROFESSIONALS AT LIMIT They Hive Been Bidding Up Prices, and Find Themselves Without Com? pany - Market Closed ist.ady, but Low?Uonds Irregular. (By Associated Pre**,) NEW YORK, ?May 7.-i'rIces Went downward on tho Stock ?xchar?go to-day without any very clear reason, although the theories current for tho dncllne took a wide tango over the whole financial Held on the purl of tho" bnntd-room traders who hud the market to thom.elve?, The ?imple explanation seems to be that thfeso profeJsKlonal operators who' havo been buying und bidding up stinks to a mod? ?lale extent during the week find thorn Solves \ i.ii little Company -nid feel that Inoy have reached tho llinlls of their couiflgiS in spactilatlve commit monis, The process of sclllfig to talca profits find? us narrow n participation In the market ns that during the advance, Tho factor which wime In for most discussion to-day In 'coking an explanation for tlio decline Was the problem of the foreign exchange and possible gold exports. The develop? ments In connection with the new Trahit v.i'il loan; for which subscriptions were opened to-day, were ?if the utmost slgnl fi-unie mm ijitvirlng on the exchange ques? tion. The tr-nr.s of the loan are much as ?jcp_etciJ, and the strength of sterling re ! erteil the continued direction ?3? funds towards London. Subscriptions for Amer? ican account are email, but the maturity Df foreign loans In this marke*, make, the London pressure for money effective in !s-W York. Meantime, the question of i'old exports ?a still open. Another cause to which the day's depression i?i attri? buted ivn? tlio ?lump in the pinking fund bonds of the Un H ot. Stale:. .Bhlpbtilldlnii Company. These bonds have never had" more than a nominal markil, hut their last aale price on the oxchanpe wag M. They wort?, offered nt that price to-day, nnd thf.n at successive concessions us large ag five per cent, at a time. Sale? were made'as low as 43 No explanation of thl? Incident wag offered. The activity of the bear faclion wag ap parent In tho circulation of rumora of the serien". Illness of n conspicuous operator In storks, r.nd also in vague assertion* of a coming bond Issue fay n Wettern railroad for ns much ns 151.003.000. Neither of these rumor? was substantiated. Vi\v arable factors wer? wholly ignored. There v.u.?! B much greater ghow of nuthorlty tn-dny for assortions thnt the suspended Hock Island and St. Louis and Sin Fran? cisco deal wns about to be ciii^ummated. Tee market cloned. In fact.'with a general conviction that an announcement wag im? minent, Tile decided liquida lion in the wheat markrt was calculated to relieve nny acute fears of dams?.'? to that crop by lagt week's weather but the Ornng ers nnd PncUlcs were notably affected by the Inte liquidation. The admitted weak p?s* of the foundry Iron market and rc rorts of labor disputes on the Oreat Northern and the Southern Railway mny nava had some Influence In d^precglng the market. Tho retention of the Hank nf Kurland rate caused some reflected !.>iireg?ion In the London market. Arnal f.amated was well sustnlnod. apparently >n the r!?e in the London price of the mclfll. The market closed steady, but anly *llr.?*itly above the lowest. Bind?, were Irregular. Total sales, par value. ?,410,000. United State? Ts. coupon, advanced V, per cont.. and the new 4's declined M per cent on the last call. Th? totnl r-aleg of stock?? toy tho day Government bondg Irregailar. MONET AMD BX CHANG E-CLOSEJ: Money on call easy at _V,?i_V_ per cent.; .hislng offered at 2^? por cent.: time money, weak; sixty days. I per cent.; ninety days. I per cent.; six months, ?il in, per ctnt.; prime mercantile paper. 4*?1? 6*ri tier cent. Sterling exchange steady With actual business In bankers' bills at t?j_7.0J?M.?S Tor demand and at ?4.S1 ffiff t.H.lft foi sixty days' bills; posted rates, H-?5W and 14.fS^; commercial bills. JH.SI&? i.UY* Rar silver, &l; Mexican dollars, 43. bonds Irregular. EDITORS' VIEWS V/hat New York Afternoon Papers Say of the Market. (8r."<,lnt te Thf TIrai'it-lili'intch.') NEW YORK. May 7.?The Evening Post say?; Without any very Immediate cause prices wero lower for stockB to? day, both hero and In London. Conceiv? ably, the rush of capital Into the loan ap? plications hud some Influence there;- the movement certainly forced up money ratbs. It also Jacked up a trille higher the various foreign exchanges on to duy. Plainly, therefore, tho real position of Now York's money market in relation to the others cannot yet be surely stated. A rather noteworthy f.ct wus tho Bank of England's failure to lower Its discount rate, despite the fact that so large a government operation was Impending, and the further fact that to-day's percent/:e of Its reserve to liability reached much Uie highest figure of the year. This pol? icy Is perplexing, and suggests the query, what the bank Is aiming at. There Is a rather Impressive contrast now between the -?li per c?nt. maintained by our Now York banks against their deposits and ro deposlta and the ?-M, per cent., which the Bank of England hol?B as tho Joint-stock hanks depository. No one was specially Interested In the New York market, It declined most of the dnv Iri the leisurely fashion In which It has risen these two past days. Profos operators who bought then sold to-day. These may be cnlled the ripples of Hie stock markst?the aficrmath of the great waves of the post six months. Tho Evening Sun says: After t.'io open? ing transnctlons, which were upon a fall scale of activity, the dealings fell away in volume, and a further general declino took plane. 'Die sensational break In the four per cent, hoods of tho United Slates Shipbuilding concern, which wns an evi? dent reflection of urgent liquidation, pro duecd .an unpleasant effect, although there has never linen nny cons'dernhle partici? pation by thl? public In the securities of this comnnny. It was not particularly cany to discover oUior novel and sound explanation* of the heavy tone suffered by tho mnrlret In common. As n matter of fact the deollnn seemed to renull chiefly from the gales of the lnreer room traders who appeared to have nhnndoned their recent efforts lo Impart some Bill niB'Inn to the spcculitlon In slocks. Their sellliif alone corning tin on such n narrow market, accounted. Indeed, suiffl olently for ?he net results of the day's dealings Monev market and sterling ex "hnnfire condlt'ons remained uron the some gnneral levels '.hato revnlled nt lite ;ln?!c nt htls'no?s yenterday. The most nctlve feature? 'n the la''/' nuHrter were Missouri Pacific. Ultimi Pacific, ?he Erles. fit. Pnul and Rock iRlnnd. Very positive reports wore In circulation tn-flav Hint Ihn mueh-rtls c,i_HPd dos I bctwon th? Rock Island and the St. Loulg and Ban Francisco had bean -r_.Cli.itS BRAKCEI & GO (EBTAnusnicn ia3_,. MEMBERS Few York Stock ExoHa-r^, Kcw York Cotton E)*5hai.*?9. PRIVATE WIRES TO F FilOTAL MARKETS. ?..?vestment Securities. I OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS (N NEW YORK g R.A 3?J SOOT 100 1(X?J 111 41.? ,v,>! OS 49?70 M33 SOSO 31it0 t?2? ? 16?7S 4M0Q 41O0 4 ICO 2C0 ?V/l 2100 14900 CrOO Ci?O l?d 2T70 B370 I TOO 11-03 1?0O ?SO0 4? IS By Thomas LF,8: 0rett American Can com. 7? American Can pfd. i'JZ Amerleari O?ais Twlno. 15 Amerlrnn Cotton OH com. Amerlcnn Locomotive com. American Locomotivo pfd.... KV, Ahncor.da . 105V4 American Car nnd Foundry.... 40 Ameilcan Sugar . 126% A.. T. nn?l Hnnte Fe com. 81 A.. T. and Sanie Pe pfd. 87% Amalgamated copper.......'.... isv? H?illiniorc and Ohio. 83_4 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. B-rtJ Canadian Patullo.;.... 132% Chcapcnkp nnd Ohio. 4?V4 Canada Southern.? ? Colorado Southern com. 24V? Colorado Southern 1st pfd. Colorado Southern 2d pfd. Chicago. Mil. nnd St. Paul.... 1G2*4 Chi., Rock Inland and Pac... 45*4 Colorado Fuel and Iron. C4'_i Chicago Great Western. _?"* C. C, C. and St, Louis. 91 Consolldati-d Gas . ?Wi Delaware and Hud-on. L9'4 Del., Lack, and Western... Eric com . ??X Erie 1st I'M.,. K5? Erie 2d ju*d. Branch & Co., Bankers and Broker?, Glas? | SA va ?mm ??-ri?! ?u r?u,.-f. Oenernl Electric. Illinois Central . I .en t her .; ? ? ;???,;,??? Louisville nnd Nashville, Manhattan .' Metropolitan. Mexican Central ?????????; f ?TO; ^^^^^^^^^^ Missouri Paolflo . ???V? Mo , Kan. and Texas com Mo., Kan. and Texas pfd New York Central.,. N. Y., Ont. and Western Norfolk and Western. Penusy I va nia .,.., Pressed Steel ?Jar. Pr?ssei? Steel Car pfd. 82', People's Qas Trust. UAS, Reading coiri. 66? Reading 1st pfd. KM Reading 2d pfd. 70 Republic Iron nnd Steel com.... IJVi Republic Iron end 8teel pfd.... 7S-?4 Sloss ....,. Gl St. L. and San Francisco. St St. L. and San Fran. 2d pfd.... 71V?, urn "o i va TM 1100 0 IB'100 tttt W ?Il WM BTt? 4>5 93? 601" W US 2700 141%' IM 1C3 KlO Beaboard Air Line <*jm... Seaboard Air Line pfd. ... 6t. L. and Southwestern pfd.... 65 Southern Pacitlc. 66 Southern Railway com. 31 Southern Railway pfd. 92t'? TcnnosseeCoal and Iron. fil-l? Texas Paclllo..,. 3?j4 Union Pao.fio com. 91% Union Paclllo pfd.: 91 United States Steel com.. United SiaRia Steel pfd.. "/.??.-Carolina Chem. com. Va.-Carollna Chem, pfd.. Wabash com ,,. Wabash pfd .'. Western Union., Wisconsin Central. Wisconsin Central pfd...., U. S. refunding t%, registered.IM U. S. refunding 2's. coupon. 106 U. S. Vs. registered. 107*4 U. S. 3's, coupon . W714 U. S. New 4's, registered. \W% U. S. New 4's, coupon. 13?"?% old r n. registered. U0?t old 4'a. coupon. 110% U, 8. U. 8. U S. U. S. Mtliloied.".'.....'."...-...1?J| coupon. 102H Alchlson, Relierai 4'a . 100-")' Atchlson. adjustment 4'B. 91V? Baltimore and Ohio i's. 101% Baltimore and Ohio 3V4'b . &-T*? H.iltlmnre and Ohin Conv. 4's. 103 Canada Southern 2d'S. lOO*", Central of Georgia ?s...... 108 Central of Georgia 1st Inc. 78 Chesapeake and Ohio 4%'s. IW-li Clilcaro and Alton 3*4'a. TiTvi Chicago, B. and Qulney new 4's. 1MV4 Chicago, M. and St. Paul gen. 4's.. 103 CLOS1NO BOND QUOTATIONS? Chicago and Northwestern con. 7's.. lSl'/i Chicago. Rock iBland and Pac. 4'a.. 104 C, C, Q, and St. Louis gen. 4's.100?* Chicago Terminal 4's. 8IVi Colorado and Southern 4's. W> Denver and Rio Grande 4?.,. 8Mi Erie prior lien 4'a..,,.,. 88U Erio General 4's. SS% Fort Worth and Denver City Ist'B.,., 110 Hocking Valley 414'a.lOfa Louisville and Nash. Unified 4*9. 100J4 Manhattan Consolidated gold 4's. 101?% Mexican Central 4's. 23 Mexican Central 1st Inc. 55"4? Minn, and St. Louis 4'?. l?^i Missouri, Kan. and Texas 4's.,. 100 Missouri. Kan. and Texn? 2d'a. ?_?4 New York Centrnlgen. 3%'s. 101 New Jersey Central gen. 5's. 132*4 Northern Pacific 4'a . 102 Northern Pacific 3*s. 71*4 Norfolk and Western con. 4's. 83U Reading General 4's.,.,.. 87ft St. L.,and Irot^ Mountain oon. 6/a..,. 112V4 St. Louis and San Francisco I's. 9?U f?i. Louta Southwestern lst'B. S3V6 S(. Louis Southwestern 2d's. 81 San Antonio and Arkansas Pa?s 4's.. P0U Southern Pacific 4's. M\l Southern Railway B'b.HSU Texaa and Paolflo 1st'? .11"' Toledo. St. L. and Western 4's. 75' Union Pacific 4's .,. Union Pacific conv. 4's.,.100 Wabash lst's .?.115'/' Wabash 2d's .*. 107U Wabash Deb. B's. 75? WoBl Shore 4s.11014 Wheeling and Lake Erie 4'*. M'a Wisconsin Central 4'b. fll Continental Tobacco 4's . 02 Colorado Fuel ..,. ?1 Rock Island 4's . MH Pennsylvania. !B% M. and O.. collateral trust 4's. 93 Central of Georgia 2d Inc. ;!7H Vo.-Carolina Cherolca" Co. pfd.120 ? taken ?p. again, and, in fact, that It was practically concluded. The Commercial-Advertiser says: To? day'? stock market opened under a feeling of disappointment at tho fn'lnro of the Rank of England to reduce Its discount rale.. Prires were lower In the early Lon? don market, the declines averaging Jj point or so In IJic leading American stocks. At ihe outset hero the general list waa sustained for a time by heavy buying In a few special issues. Rock Island and St. Louis and San Francisco were bid up shandy on vesterdoy's rumors of a renewal of negotiations be? tween the two companies. Exceptional strength was also shown In Missouri Pacific, which reached the highest figures of thep resent movement, and In the In? dustrial group an advance In Amnlga tiaicd Copper wns a feature. But the diversion thus created lasted only mo? mentarily. After the Aral hour the mar? ket bepan to show signs of heavy realiz? ing, and In the afternoon the professional traders, who, an a rule, were operating on tho short side, succeeded In forcing prices down rather sharply. Atchlson shares were the Sfcrlnl object nf attack. but the rumors which accompanied the selling In them found no bclUvers. The day's decline seemed to ben ot."ilng more than a normal renrtlon after the prevlo?iB advance. It served to remind people, however, that the market Is ??till entjre |v in profesilonnl hands Early news of gold cngasemenla was what speculative sellers were mainly flsurlng upon. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. ?r Richmond, Va;," Ma/f?? 130?.' SAILED Slate Bank of Virginia?9 shares at 153. VinriniaCarolInn Chemical preforred-4? shares at 124%; 16 shares at 12'V 6 abares ; I at 124*4 ; 4 shares nt 124;A. Virginia Ootiturles-WX? at 92?; J2.000 at i at ?2'i; 14.000 at 33M: ?1O.000 at 8CV4. 120.000 at eZH; 110?? at D2\4. Metropolitan Bank of Vlrglnla-iO shares at 26. Richmond Trust A Safe Deposit Corn pan v?JO rilares at 162. Virginia-Carotina Chemical common?1 share at M'.-j; 1 share at MM? STATE Sl'ICIII'VrJlc? Rid Asked North Carolina 4's, C, 1910.... 102 North Carolina 6 b. C, 1932... "80 Va. 8\s. new, C. and R., 1932.... Bl>,4 ... Va. Centuries, 2-3, C. and R...-. P?H V-V\ IU>A'~. I'.liN'Hi Char., Col. nnd Aug. 2d Vs. C... 112 ... Georgia Pao. 1st 6's, C, 1922.. 130 ... Ga.. Southern nnd Fla., I94i..,. 114 ... Geurgln and Ala. Con. 5*s.... 110 Nor. nnd Western Con. E*s? 93 ... N. and W. Ry. Pocahontss ?'s.. B3 Pet. Class A 5's, R. C. lfi'-'C? 1H Pet. Class B 6's, ft. C, 1926.... 127 S. A. L. Con. 1st 4's. 1950. t?"J-)4 f3V4 S, A. L. Collateral Tr. 5'a ?HI.. 101*4 102 STREET RAILWAY BONDS, Norfolk Street Ry. 1st 5's. 1913.. 110 Noifolk Ry. and Light 1st, 5'?. W RAILROAD STOCKS. Par. Atltan a apd Charlotte.100 155 Atlantic Coast Une "A''....MO 13S Atlantic Coast Line pfd.101 10S Atlantic Coast Line com.100 127 Atlantic Coast L. of Conn.., 100 273 -05 Chesapeake and Ohio.100 45 .Gn.. So. and Fla. 1st pfd....100 ?S Ga., So. and Fla. 2d pfd....100 75 Gn.. So. and Fla. com.100 45 Nor. and Western pfd.10) 90 Norfolk and Western com.... 100 71 R. and P. and R.. F. and P. C.?0 ... 124 Seaboard Air Line pfd.100 43 44 Beaboard Air Line com.100 26*4 87 San thorn Railway pfd.100 92 Southern Railway com.K? 31 HANK ANl> TRUST C03. American National .100 124 128 Broad-Street Bank .25 a?V? i9 City .>.25 33 Hrst Nat'onal .,.1?0 ".in ... Merchants National .100 290 Metropolitan Bank of Va?25 ... 27 Planters National .100 310 Rich. T. and 6. Dep. Co....100 153 163*4 Southern Trust Co.100 ll-Vj , INSURANCE COMPfllSlEi, Va, Flro and Marine.25 37*4 . ? V l , t ' K American Locomotivo pfd....100 83^4 94*4 American Locomotive com...ICO 27 S.-S. S. and I. Co. pfd., 7s. 01 P3 Vn.-Car. Chem. pfd., 7 p. c... 100 12114 124?4 Va.-Carolina Chem. com,...100 6214 S3% Va.-C'ar. Chem. Col, Tr. B's.. 83v? ... BALTIMORE' STOCK MARKET. Baltimore, MD"? May 7.-Seaboard Air Line common, 20V,?j2t?.4? do. preferred. f?'.,?!('3'.?. Atlantic C?iaat Line common, 12KU1?9; do. preferred, unquoUd, Wall Street Q sslp. (Special In Tin? Tlmi'H.riUimtcb.l NEW YORK, May 7,-The opening on tlio Stock Exchange was somewhat irreg? ular.'as the lower range of lin?es from London Influenced realising |n piares nnd i tlio professional element wob a tittle bear- | Lsh. This waB offset, however, by strength I Ip special directions, and especially In ! the Gould Issues. ? 'FRISCO & ROCK" ISLAND: ! The marked strength In St. Louis and San Francisco and Rock Island, In cot.- I tinuance of the movement of the previous ' day, was taken ns confirmation thut the merger had been practically pill through. The Interference ?van probably correct, and an eariv announcement pf particu? lars was e?^rcled. ; T11E FIRST IIOUR:"' ! Tho more Important stocks were rather Inclined to sag In the first hour. In spite of tho activity In specialties. There was ! a very light supnly of commission house i business, and the possibility of direct gold shipments to London, together with uncertainty as to the position of the banks, made traders cautlous-and rainer beprlph, UNION PACIFIC A ST. PAULt Ti?ore was eoma Western profit-taking In Union Pacido and St. Paul t?urlng Oie early morning, THE SECOND HOURt The pmrlmt !? the seooud hour will steady, but very dull, and mostly a little off from the previous day s quotations. The theory that London mieht s?ll stocks against subscriptions Tar the now Trans? vaal loan seemed to bo nothing but a ver? bad guess. a$ the foreign transac? tions were not .6.000 shares all told. GAVE STRENGTH TO BRIE8: The buying of Erls by J. W. Davis & Company was considered good and gave strength to that stoclt at a time when other Issues of the kind wero inclined to sell off. GOULD BROKERB BUYING MO. P. : The Gould brokers wore the largest buyers of Missouri Pacific, and George P. Butlor & Brother were credited with the purchase of 10,000 shares. CHICAGO UNION TRACTION: The Chicago Record-Herald Is author? ity for the report that legal proceedings are to be begun to enforce a stockhold? ers' liability, of twenty million dollars against the promoters of tho Union Trac? tion and the original subscribers. A prominent corporation attorney says that the men who subscribed for traction pre? ferred and received the common as a tilft can he made to disgorge so as to pay the general Indebtedness. A similar case oc? curred In Los Angeles and a Judgment was secured for n?.OW.000. This would be a blow to tho Elklns-Widenor and Yerkes coterie. AFTERNOON, TRAptpTGl Jn the early afternoon the maTket was extremely dull and rather heavy, as there Eeemed to be some distribution of stock speculatively held, while the. extraordi? nary movement In United States Ship? building bands may perhaps bore had some sentimental effect, although It wa* clearly not much. WALDORF CROWD SELLERS: The Waldorf-Astoria crowd seemed to have been selling stocks, especially in Atchlson and Union Pacific. ar.d probaoly also In St. Paul. There seemed more de j sire to sell stocks than to depress prices 1 arid It looked as If a lino of shorts was being put out WANTED SOME ATCHISON: Somebody must hayo wanted some Atchlson stock, as the tip to sell It short was printed a-id distributed all over tho street. Various bear rumors accompa? nied the point and had about the sagte value. Npboqy treated It seriously. THE CLOSE: ~ The close was dull and featureless, but upon the whole the day's decline Beemed to have brought out very little long stock. The Bmall traders covered a few shorts before the close, and apart from this there was no particular activity. The buying In the Grangers on the declino looked better than the selling, ?0TT0-T MARKETS. NEW TOBK. May 7.?The cotton mar? ket opened firm at an advance of ZQ10 points, and following the call displayed still further strength under firm Livor pool cables, smaller receipts, the contin? ued strength of New Orleans apd renewed indications of an uncovered short Interest lb tho near months. May opened at 10.86 nnd sold up to lO.ffl agaihst 10.78, the clos? ing price of yesterday, thus showing an advance of 13 points and a now high level for the season. July reached 10.10, and the general list at this time was net 4J?1S points higher. The pew crop months agnln showed relative easiness as a re? sult of the favorable weather and the better tone of private orop advices. The bull pool sold moderately at the higher levels of the morning, feeding out May carefully, with the apparent Intention of preventing any more serious stampede of Ihe nearby shorts. Under this ln ? fluetice, In conneotlop with the favor? able weather, the whole list eased off, selling down to a level net 8 points higher tn 3 points lower, Following this, how? over, the market was again rallied by buying, based on Ihe sensational develup ments In the August option at New Or? leans, which sold up 83 points from yes? terday's clase. The Interior movement wns rather bullish, and this also helped the advnnco. which carried prices back to about the best of the day. and the market at the close was very steady nt a net advance of 8?lfl points, that being w|thfn a point of the best of July and | August, wlille May was within '8 points ? ?f the highest. The total sales oj! futures estimated ?U 160,<?OO bales, | May cotton opened to-day nt W.8o, es? tablishing a new hls-h rocprd for the present movement. From 10.84, the open- ' inn price to-day, May cotton went un to Ip.fB, then foil ofT to 10.80 and gathering sirangth went bock to 19.87. a point abpv? th> opening. previous to Ihe ourrsnt season the highest price of May and inly cotton In a decide occurred durliioc the season of 1f02-9S, when these positions, towards the end of November, sold a\ 10 43 nnd 10.80. respectively. The highest prlpe of cotton futuros during the last ten years was, reached on January 28, 1801. when Jan? nary ?old pp from 10,30 tQ l?.7"> on cover? Inif of belated shorts, Cotton futures opened flrni snd closed steady i Open. High. Low. q|o?e. May ..I0-K6 10.89 10.80 lO.fc June ........ .10.8. 10.24 10.3. 10.M July.,,10,14 10.18 18.06 10.15 August . .11 ??80 9.68 ? 8.W Beptember .... 1-22 28 H2 !'__ October. In 8.95 ?.68 ?.T4 November .... 8.05 B.?6 8.S4 M5 JONK -U WILLIAMS I sons ?ANKERS, Dealer? tjt WCUMONl*?. ?"?v, southed iwesirar SECURITIES. ?tfVMCIPAL eONPS A ePBCLWtfV, Corra-pondence luv?*" December .8.55 8.67 8.61 8.65 January ?..'.. 8.63 8.6? 8.61 8.66 Spot cotton closed dull. 10 points higher; middling uplands. 104?; middling gulf, 111.20; fajes, 0.121 bales. Cotton, dull; middling, 10.85: net re colpts, 6.360 bales; sales. 6,121 bales; stock, | 99,861 bales. i Total to-day at all seaports?Net re? ceipts, 9.80 bales; export to Great Britain. 2,260 bales; to France, 123 bales; to the Continent, 8,024 bales; stock, 812.144 ! bales. Consolidated at all seaports?Net re ! celpts, 66,835 bales; export to Great ? Britain, 28,853 bales; to France, 3.51S bales; to the Continent, 45,31.0 b^es; to Japan, 50 bales, Total. since Scnt-mber 1st at all sea? ports?Net receipts. 7.4.-8,297 bales; export to Great Britain, 2,618,39. bales; to France, 730,797 bale?; to the Continent, 2.656,776 bales; to Jana??, S3,f? "pales. NEW QRLH4N? Mfty 7.-COTTON The spot cotton market' was quiet, but very firm. The offerings were light and factors were holding for full prices, and In some cases higher grades were held ! He. above posted quotations. Quotations advanced l-10c. on all grades. Futures were active to-day with the ad? vance of the last two days continued. Both the New York and Liverpool mar? ket? were followers of New Orleans, and Liverpool reluctantly allowed a fairly wide advance in both spots and futuros. These conditions had the effect of greatly : ?strengthening the local market. ?\t the onneing July was 8 points and August 10 points higher. Prices then ascended with leaps and bounds. May selling up to 19.40. a g^ln o? 12 pointe over vesterdaj?'? clos? ing; JUTV? gained 5 points. July. 12; Au? gust. 33; September, 80; October 10; No? vember and December, each. In spite of the high level of futures fluctuations were wide, and the advance would prob? ably have been greater If profit-taking hid not been Indulged In by the longs. From the highest figures of the day prices receded 55?-8 points on the active months, the board at the close showh>? a pet loss on Mav of 2 points and a net gnln of 6 prints on June. 6 on, Jitly. 26 on August, li ?n September, and 8 points each on the ot"ier months. Cotton futures steady; May, lO.70ijno.72; June. I0.?8fi?0.60; Julv, 10.84?no,R!; August 10.88*0*10.871 Septemh/. 9-i.fi0.21; potober. i.WtKfl; Npv^mb?r, 8,4928.?! December, f}.49@8.60. PKODTJCE MARKETS. NEW YORK. May 7.?FI-OUR?Dull and about Bte^-ly. Rye Flour?Dull. Corn meal?Steady. Rye? Steady; No. 2.West? ern. 691.0. afloat. Barley?Quiet. Wheat?Easier; No. 2 red, SU_o, Options opened weaker because of poor cables and a favorable weather may. On Intimations of export domatid they rallied at noon, but titre a second time depressed by li? quidation, and closed weak at He net de? cline. May closed at 818-16c; July. 76%c; September. 74%c _ ? Corn?Easy: No. 2, B5<*4c. Option market showed considerable oarly strength on cold weather West, but eventually gava way w|th wheat and olosod unchanged. May closed at 53c.; July. 61 Vic; Septem? ber, 60H?. OatE?Steady; No. 2. 38c, Op? tions easy, May clnsrd at WJc. Boraf?Qulet. Cut Meats?Quiet. T-ard Btondy; refined, steady. Pork?Steady. Tallow-Steady. Rosln-SteV r, otraln ed. t-S?t.O.. Turpentine-Steady "M 49V.?1 Coffse? The marl'et for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of 5 points, but mied ve?;? qul> and showed no further change until the close, which wn8 dull on tho onening has|s. Sales, Jl.250 bags. Spot Rio. quiet. *"un?r?Raw. steadv; refined, steady. Rice-Firm- Mo. I lasses?Firm- ? Butter-Steadv; extra Crean,ery?.-J??i 1 State dnlrv, 17IT?31-.; renovated lB$ri8o. Cheose-Steady; State, full cream fancy, small, colored and white, old, J3?15o.? large, onlorfrl and white oldi JiSwic, Rubs?Firm; State and Pennsylvania, W^ i?lfJVic! ? Southern. lfifflM_o. Potatoes Rtondv; Florida rose. |3,eO<r)N,|f5^Sfa^O anfl Wosiorn. tier 180 pounds. fl.60irl.SS; I-ong Islnnfl. J1.7fi(T?s:i2; South Jersey sweets, f-7.VfW.7fi. Peanuts-Quiet; 'nnoy hand? . picked 4>4<r4V.o.; Other ,''*,?'i*!''a.,-%^i,>*o. Cahbages-eiendy; Norfolk. "Bcfffl.ft. ?ot ! ton-By steamer to i-Korpool. 12??. ! CHICAGO, ILD., Mav 7-T-feovY liqui? dation in wheat by prominent holders re? sulted In ? decidedly wenk msrkot to dav. and olos'ng prices were lo. lower for July, while Mav was off l'.o, July corn closed Vic. lower, with oats unchanged. Provisions were -teady, the Julv products closing from a shade to Wfi< higher. The Unding Mittlres ranm?,l us follow?: Opon. High. Uow. Close WllEAT-No. 8. May . 7Stt July . 72$ Sept. W\ May .,,,.,, ?HIV . Bent, ..,,.,, oats-No. I. May m.?!..? 84 July i?..,, i., 81 ft .?'.? Bent.'...,.,', m m M lasa PORK-per bbl Jtfly ??i???liW? alo Bent. ?,.18.63 1C.T7^ f.ArtD-|?er 100 lbs. May . 9.(? 905 inly ,",.. . ?PVA 91TIA M7V4 Burl ,.'....,,. ?.18*2 0.32V5 M$ Muy .,."?. O**'. ?30 9.80 Jllly , . , 8,fji 9-3 9.3.1* B.3?t? CAflb fluctation? were as follows: Flour dull ?rua ?tea^y, No_,3 "pr??_ ""i^AL.!?'* Caiib fluotatipn? were as follows: Flour _ull and steady, No. 3 spring wheat. 7??| 79p. i ?a. 3. tt'Ac.i No. ? rod. T?A?WW??, No, 1 ?orn, 44*?o.; No. 1 yellow, <6o. No. H oafs, V4Ha; fin, 8 white. 82<3?i5o. No. { ryo, 60c. (load feeding barley, 87@39o.; fair ta chotos malting 49-fA?t?c. No. 1 rtnx seed.Jl.11: No. 1 northwestern, 11.14%; prime Timothy seed. -83.4Titff3.5o. Mess pork, per barrel $17.75; lord, per joo pounds, ?9?E9.J0; short ribs sides (loose), l?i.-?qUS.; dry sallied shoulders (boxed), V)."fl<A<rte.W; short clour side? (boxed), ?,_3Vwf?.v. Whiskey, basis of high wines, ?JO; e\9vir, *ontTn?*. *io4?. WM. Pu.*? ter?Steady; creameries, l?ftenuc.; dairies, t?/ijlfp.. R?gs? !"1rmer at mark, casos in? cluded, H?UVaC. Cheese?Firm at 13014 to taVjC BALTIMORE MD.. Muy 7 .-FLOUR? Dnll and unchanged. Wheat?Weak ; spot, 7f>?tF?T>Hc.; May. 79ff79'4c.; Boutliern by sample, 75lfi7Pc. Corn?Enslt>r: sjiot. 49%'3 BO?!.; May. <9*'?f??V>o : Southern white corn. tojf?FA?. Onts-Quel: No. 2 whlto. 40Hc Itvo?bull; No. 2. 57c. Butter Eggs and Cheese?Unchanged. 8ugar?Strong and unchanged. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Va., May 7, 1903. W DOTATIONS li-llPJT Longbcrry .?.. 82 <fr?3 i Mixed . 82 ?J*3 Sbonberry . 82 ?S3 No. 2 r-4 .i.Kl Va. ba, lots. 75 (??83 i.( i i. \ - White (Va.) bag lots. M (flSG No. 2 w.blte . 55 No. 3 white.61 No. i mixed . 5-1 No. 3 mixed.53 tlATSt No 2 mixed .8t1 No. 3 mlx.d . 85V4 RYE .:.OS il?3 CATTLE MARKET. CHICAGO. ILL, May 7.-CATTLE? Steady and strong. GoM'to prime steers, t?.Doii',.50; prtor to medium. |l._"(BG.10; stockera and focders 13.av3I5.10i cows. ?1.50 ?4.73; heifers. $2.50<t??.2?'>; canners. 11.500 l.R); bulls, %3,?OQiM\ calves. (2.50@8.25j Texas-fed steers, 14(y4.75. llogs?Opened 10c. lower, closed strong. Mixed and imtchers, t8.K>S0.90? good to choice heavy, $i?.Kv?(7; rough heavy. i.O.i'tfiG '0; light. ??rt.4" 08.70! bulk of sales, $?.iO?t?.R5. Sheep and Lambs? Stea?*y. Good to choice weth? ers, J.V90; fair to choli? mixed, (3.7006; native lambs, W.60ii'7.25. NEW YORK. May 7.-BEEYB8? No sales. City drr-^.vl beef steady at 700V.sC. | per pound. Caivcs?No sales. City dress i ed veals, 7ffl0V;o. per pound. Good sheep, i 10f(l.?c. higher; othei? about steady; ? lamba In fnlr demand nnd firm. Clipped pheep. ??QTi.SO: unshorn. 15; dipped lamhs, (.*i.25ii(7.35; culls. H.50; unshorn. J?; a deck 1 of Virginia spring iambs at 18.75 and' a ! deck of common at $2.50 oaoh. Dressed I tnutton. ??310*40, per pound; dressed lambs. 10gi4c. per pound. EAST LIBERTY. PA., May 7.?CAT? TLE?Lower. Prime, f.?.lO?t>.26; ch?>lcc. ?5.30^6.45; good. U.fl'H??.lO. Hogs-Lower. Prime heavy and mediums. ?7.(b; vorKOrs, light yorkers and pigs. ?7; roug*, JGtgn.W. Sheep?Slow. Best wethers, $j.??53p?.lO; culls and common, r2it3; choice lambs, ?G.75S?7; veal calves. $5.i?CHge. CINCINNATI. O.. May 7.-H0?J?Quiet and lower nt (6.50S,?.7t5, Cattle?yulet at ?2.50S".75. Sheep?Strong at 53.4?-S3-T5. Lamb3~ Strong- and higher at $4^1.50. MISCELLANEOUS MARKET?. HIDE AND TALLOW MARKET. CHICAGO, ILL., May 7-(Allen-Mllea & Company'? Hide and Leather Letter).? Country market steady, fair Inquiry. Three cars heavy steers sold 9"4c. and SlAc. Heavy cows, buffs and extremes saleable at E*~c. and 7"4c as they run for No. 1; 2 cars No. 2 buffs sold at 7c.; other descriptions unchanged. Tallow and grease dull, weak. ?leo st?arine sold at 9"4c. Packer and April native steer hides strong. February dull with March no-; giccte_. The small supply of Texas steers and high prices are likely to cause sole leather tanners to use butt brands and Colorados. Twenty-five hundred January nativo steers sold at lll'c. ; 1.200 later Feb? ruary and early March native steers sold at 11 He; 1,200 early April Colorados hold at Ufl/j?. PEANUT A NU PEA MARKF.T. NORFOLK, VA., May 7.?The peanut market Is quiet lo-day. The only change In prices Is Spanish nuts, which have dropped In price to 77*4c a bushel. The prices are as follows: Fancy, qulot at 3r..; strictly prime. 2'ic; prime 2',c, low grades. ?i;.; ma? chine picked. 2?32i-'c.; Spanish. T*\4c. per bushel. Blackeye peas. $2.25 bag; black and speckle peas. {I; clay and rod peus, tyc. I'ea? m bag? In balef-i*' tn. 7 ?-'.?Je PETERSBURG, VA., May 7.-PEAt NUTS?Spanish new, market very dem at 71"4e.; sellers asking raor?*. Vlrginla'o? quiet at 3c, DRY GOODS M-VRKET. NF/W TORK May 7.?A slight Improve? ment Is noticeable In certain quarters In the dry goods market and buyers seem to be taking more Interest In future busi? ness. Reports from the western carter's are not encouraging for immediate busi? ness, however, as climatic conditions are Unfavorable to an expansion of retail trade. The hip)/- cost of raw cotton gives added warrant to sellers In their reluctance to yield to the Importunities of buyers. NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON. N. C. May 7.-SP?R IT3 TURPENTINE?Firm at 44V"c.: re? ceipts. 13 caeltR. Rosin?Nothing doln; re? ceipts. 45 barrels. Crude Turpentine? Qulot at ?2, (3-25 and (3.50; receipts. 59 barrels. Tar?Firm at $1.65; receipts. SI barrels. SAVANNAH. GA.. May 7.?TURPEN? TINE?Firm at 45c. b'd; receipts, SSO casks; sales. 529 casks; exports, COI casks; Rosin?Firm; receipts, 1.190 barrels; sales, 1.273 barrels: oxnorts. 1.094 barrels. CHARLESTON. S. C. May I-TUR PENTINE?Nominal at -He. Rosin?Nom? inal. PilTTOVlTCFti Of*. MARKET NEW YORK, May 7.?Cottonseed oil wsb steady. Prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 34'<.f?3jHc.; prime yellow, 43i743Vjc; off summer yellow, 37'{-ifr3Sc.; prime white. IftftN'o.; prime winter yellow, 4fr@47c. ; prime meal. (27<8'27.50. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, MAY 7. 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Berkeley. Guy, Norfolk, mer? chandise und passengers. Old Dominion line. Steamer Wlnyah. O'Neill. Philadelphia, P.a., merchandise and passengers, Clyde line. SAILED. Steamer Fncahnntns.- Gravis. Jamen River (h. |id j (IBS anil Norfolk, rrtchnncMsc and pnuBcneera. Virginia Navigation. Co. Steamer Berkelov. Cuy, Norfolk, mer ehHndlse and passengers. Old Ponilnlon line. PORT OF WEST POINT, MAY 7. 1903. AHItlVKI? Steamer Charlotte. Murphy. Baltimore, pasenger and general cargo. Steamer Elm City. Huynes, Mnttnponl Hiver landings, passengers and general cargo. SA ILF.B. Steamer Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passengers nnu general cargo. Steamer Elm City, "laynos, Mattnponl Rlvor landings, passengers and goneral cargo. PORT NEWPORT^KWS. MAY ?, 1903 Steamer Madrleno, "Jart Arthur. Steamer Falcon. Boston. Steamer Nvmpliala, Tiimtm. Schooner Henry. Siitton,, Norfolk. Bnrge Puritan, New tlnvf'i. Barge Tiieodora Palmer, New London. IMll.KI? 8teamer Madrleno, Liverpool. Steamer Nymptinla. Franco. Sehnoner M. P. Small, Bangar. Schooner M. E. Palmer. Bnngor, Barge Gwoiinle, New Haven. PORT BERMUDA HUNDRED, MAY 7. Balled. Bargo Elko, Mousey, loaded lumber, Claremont. Va. Schooner Cherullum, Neal, loaded lum? ber, Baltimore. Md. Barge Patapseo, Wolf, loaded lumber. City Point, Va. Schooner BeaMe Brown Smith, loaded railroad ties. Eauj Newark, N. J. Allen-Miles Co.. DEALERS AND EXPORTERS. HIDES, TALLOW, ?Sec. SVrlte for Prices. See our Market Letter on this Page. Ail-n-Mks Building, ATIAN l/A, GA. Financial. LA KOKST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ANT BANK OR TRUST COMPANY IN TUE SOUTH-ATLANTIC STATES Richmond Trust and Safe Dsoosil Company. Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond. Va. Capital and Surplus $1,712,188. Executes Trusts, Receives Deposits from $1.0(1 and Upward?. Allows 3 per cent. Intmrst on Daily 1', a l?meos Subject tn Cheek. Accounts Solicited. Correspondence Invited. JNO. SKKLTDN WILLIAMS, LEWIS D. CHENSHAW. Jit, President Treasurer. JAMES H. DOOt.EY. HENRY L. CABELL. Vlce-Presldonts. VlROINrUS NEWTON, President J. B. BEASI.EY. Cashier. M'fli ORGANIZED MAY 3, 1866. Deposit you" savlnprs with a Solid Institution. The strongs! In the South Capital.$219,750.00 Undivided Profit.?350,000.00 Deposits.$1,400,000.00 DIRECTORS: VinOINlTIS NEWTON. IV T. ARUINI3TON. Jr.. B. ALSOP. T. W.? PEM BERTON. N. W. BOWS. CHAS DAVENpORT. J. B. BEA8LEY. Small and Large Deposits Solicited. Interest Allowed. Loans Neero?ia?ed is easily provided by persistent and systematic savings. It is the duty of every person, voting and old, to save something. If you arc not alrenrly a depositor at this bank, we invito you to become one. AIX SUMS ACCEPTED. INTEREST ?ALLOWED. EBBBSn 1 911 East Main Street. S. OALESKI, President. W. GRAY WATTSOF, Cashier. aaaeBBsam LABOR MEN HAVE FEAST Annual Convention of the Federation Has Closed. MR. M'CALWM PRESIDENT Secretary-Treasurer Pace Was Re Elected?Next Convention Meets in Norfolk?Hearst Not Endorsed as Candidate?Speeches. With an enjoyable feast at Saenger Halle last, night the Convention of too State Federation, of La_or <*aroe 1? a ?l?se arter ona of the roost intajeatlpg and ??' structlve meetings ever held. The concluding Bess|?p,a we're held yes? terday morning and af|.ernoon, and wlih au business off hand the delegates wore ready when night came to enter Into the spirit of the farewell banquet. The plilcers _ho*ci| fqr the year are able and representative men, and cover the several sections of the State as fol? lows: ?fEW OFFICERS. ' President?Daniel _lcCa.llurn. Of Rich? mond. Vice-presidents?first. W, F\ Fields, of Norfolk; second, 11. F. Huiler, of New port News; third. Gulden .Kule, of Rja* i nolto. j Secratary-Treaaurer^M. R. Pace, of I Richmond. i S*rge?nt-at-arw8?T. V- Rudd. Of Rlph? , mopd. ' . Tue city of Norfolk was chosen ?a the next meeting-place. The new pies.dent, Mr. McCullum. Is a | well-known printer of the city, and Is I now president ett tlio Richmond Typo- ] ?iupti-cul Union. He was for two terms president of the ? loctu C'entrul Trade an<} Lu bur Council, | and ha? been identified prominent.y with j ltipur iiiuveiiiania iur many y?ars Up was closely opposed in the race i for president by Mr. John M- RyHl, also I n well-Known Rlchmondar, and prominent ? movei in U\iw clrpio^. coppacied wl.h the local lirunch of lite Pabst Brewing ! Company. I L'ANDIDACY NOT ENDORSED, I Tiie press commit!eo wera instructed at l t|io muri'injj session to correct the im- I Piesstop that hud pone put that the con? vention, In nd'j'puna certain resolutions common (ling tlio course o( Congressman W. R, Hearst in reforepoe to J.ibur mat- 1 ters, hud endorsed him In li.s candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of trie United Hinten. The committee was |nsl:i|ctcd to report that such was not the case, bin that the convention bad simply endorsed Mr, Hearst's pousse us a pn&iviplPn 9t labor, 'llm body allows no politice, INTERESTING HPKISCHES. During the sessions yesterday Interest? ing short speeches were made by proud, ut il l lu or men. Including Ortan vais Mul? len and Nolan. Mr. Ryall and the new president. Mr. Krank L Rouemus, grand secretary and treasurer of the brotherhood of Rail? way Cur-Men, wat ex?! (he Hour, and made a short apeech, urging t|ifi members of the convention to push on tU renewed efforts in the Ughi ??.?nlnet (lie opponents of labor. The convention endorsed Mr. William 9. Wandby, of the Typoaraphlca" Union ot Jersoy C|ty as a candidate for the position of labor cqminlnstoner of tho United Stale*. A vote of thanlm was e.s tended retiring President Thompson for the able manner In which be bad con dueled the oiHee dvrlng Ilia enouinbercy. and the thanks of the convcniiou ?ere extended th? local reprenontatlvsa i>?r Uiu Bpiondtd manner In which the dole-gates had been entertained. HANQUET l_A3T NfOHT. . At tho banquet -last night Mr John M it> ?H acted as to_stniaster (tad tg* ter I of ooiemonls?, and some bright r?inarks ! were made by leading spirit* i.f ibe c n- ; ventlon. and some entertaining song? ! .'. ei o sung. Most of the delegate? will leave for ibuir howeu tilla uipi-.\lac BUSINESS hm PERSONAL ACCOUNTS . SOLICITED BY THE OF VIRGINIA, (HIE. Wain St., Richmond, Va. IMVESTMENr SECURITIES. Virgin-a Bonds, Richmond Gi!y ilonJs, Chemical Siooks. WYNDH-VM BOLLIaG & BHO.. 'Phone -1?. IPIS East Main, Richmond, Va. MISS SCHLEY AT THE JEFFERSON Daughter of the Admiral Siif fering from Attach of the j Sore Throat. Mls9 Schley, daughter of Admiral W, S. Schley. Is at the J.ft.r-on, In cuinpiuiy with several (rienda. It fell 10 the rate of M'as Schley to pasa safaly through, the collision beiv.-umi the Hamilton and Um Saglnuw an Tucs day and tn??n lu be taken _.._, with a eo.d after -lia rtiach?d haro. She and the la? dies with hei ? ihe. Misses ?l.rilit and Airs. A. B. Li will, all ol Nuw York, wem all (hi. uld Doininiuu l|n-r ( 1 lon, bound (or fs'orfulk, when th- ?re-m or ran auo and sank in? ityinnuw ^'f v*i?a coast of Accomac. As told Le.?ire tho llnpillton came away almost unseathod and, wltli Urn other passong-rs th" l-dles were not Injur-d- l''rum utl accounts, Miss Schloy was nut ovon unnerved. Tho ol?anse In tho climate. liOivev.r, hod an 111 el't'oct upon her. She was taken sick w th u severo attack of sor? throat and during yesterday wus cunllu d to hor room at the hotel. Dr. Jaiob Mich? aux wan called In and treated liar. H? e-.ecta that her Illness wll fceeii h r nmllned to her room for u day or two. Last night at tha hotel It whs that Miss Schloy wn* progra-aln* satis? factorily. . ... .... 9 Mr. DufrV R si ns. Mr. T. W, OUlfln h"??"1 resigned as nsajst nnt secretary of the Y. M C A *;r. Duffln has been socrotyry for the |aat fourteen months during wh oh l|me ti? lia? made many Intimate Mewl*, f'e hfl? brought many now monitors n'o the Y. M. C. A., nil of who wish h ni mi _?? ? In Ids now position. Mr- Puffin lea??. May 31st. /, -M Sacrel - T* v Not*??! The members of M.';.lullI L"dBB. K of P.. and their friend? will h? fnt r tainwl ?t. Lea Camp Hall ??"i TuMd>y nl?liL The ?Vent Lud Aiuel?. -'>?> U i k ertiiff and Q. C. Jackson w II .nteitnln. Metropolitan Lndg?. I. O. O. .?.. rele bra led It* Bpiond ?innlvjrwy at Mar? shall Hall last niglit. Mrs, Tempi.)'. Il ne s, Mrs. J. T. Temple, of Penibeiton. after l-.ilng III for nvarly a month, la now nuf firlng from ? relapse. Governor in Norfolk. Governor Montague went to Norfolk jiMierduy on a flvng nip. and w;ll ra turn here this moiling. ers in N vv York. (Special to The Tlms*-Dlspinch.) NIJW YORK. May 1- S' U?nls, B. A. Davis; Bartholdl. C. W. Rex. Mr. .1. W. Shin wl>.i ht? b*?n mt?nr* tiiK the Medlr-al Co!leg? of Virginia Kir three year?, left last ?light for ch..i?r, a C. Mr Sloan is a .??alous ?tud?nt ?ui Uas won many Irland? In U?U ciu*