Newspaper Page Text
y li) i j*f \4 ??? GENT ? MINIMUM CHARGE 25 Bonis, Cash In Advance THAT BRING GREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 Gents, CashlnAdvanoo ONE CENT A WORD. HELP WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED. COOK, WHITE OR OOLOR ed. Apply 2217 West Main Street. WANTED, A HOUSE CURL; 201 WEST Grace Street. WANTED. YOUNG LADY. WITH SOMF, knowledge of book-keeping, to stay In shop; stato wage*, wanted, ote., In own handwriting. A, W. II., tare Carrier No. 3. city. 'wanted, A COMPETENT YOUNfl lrifly as stenngrephr-r. typewriter and office assistant. Address, In own hand _wrltliig. BROKEIt, p. O. Box 251, city. ""SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. IVANTED-A YOUNG WOMAN OF EDO? cation and experience In stenography nnd book-keeping desires a position! sho guarantees tn do first-class work; refers to W. C. Copulami, of Tho Tlmes-Dls pntoh. Address STENOGRAPHER, caro this office. '-' .?r--r.-? ' ; HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTED A FIRST-CLA?S WHITE RAUHER at IMPERIAL BARBER? SHOP, 024 E. Broad Street. tVANTED. EXPERIENCED HELP IN pnint department. Apply to W. C. SMITH, 314 N.' Fifth Streot. tVANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED SEW Ing Machina Salesmen! salary and com? mission. Address 11. CROCKIN, 4M Church Street, Norfolk, Vn. WANTED. TWO PERSONS TO TAKE orders, ti,M per day; sIro two persons to travel, tifi weekly} exocrine money ad? vanced. "REPRESENTATIVE," care this office. WANTED, FARM HANDS, WIHTE OR colored, to work on truck fnrm, four mllf.-H from Richmond, on Nln?-Mllo Road, near Now Bridge Church. 8TEIG LEDER BROS. WA NTEO, AN~~EXPERIENCED DRY goods and notions salesman to travel Southwest Virginia. Apply, with refer? ences. QUINN-MARSHALL COMPANY, Lynchburg, Va. BRICK SETTERS TO WORK ON OUR yard, two miles. East SufToIk. on South? ern Railway. Apply on yard or to STANDARD BRICK CO., Withers Building, Norfolk,_Va._ eiTU?TIONS'WANTED?MALET WANTED. BY YOUNG MAN, A POSI tlon as book-keeper, collector or office work; would like work rltrht away; first class reference furnished. Address HURRY, care this office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED WITH ?.OtTO'TO ??,??? In slavo und li?.-a<liiiic buBlnes?; money secured; Addrcvs ST. BERNARD, , care this offici?. FOR SALE?HALF INTEREST ?? nice, clean, retall business on Broad street, paying BO per cent, profit; good chance for hustling young man. Ad? dress MELVILLE DANIELS, this office. WANTED, ACTIVE YOUNG BUSINESS man, who can Invest $1,000 ln and take charge of branch of now business In Richmond, paying him ?5.0&0 to ?,000 an? nually. Address J. ?. K.. care this of? llco. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?HOUSE NO. 1910 EAST Franklin, containing; 8 rooms. Apply to F. M. CONNER. 1115 E. Main. t> OCCUPANTS OF A DESIRABLE WEBT Grace Street house wish to divide game with small family of adults, or will rent out several bright rooms. Address OC? CUPANTS, care this office. FOR RENT?THAT VERY DESIRABLE Brick Dwelling No. 2220 East Grace St.; seven rooms, with bath, water fixtures, modern nnd new. Apply No. 1415 East Main Street " ? I/O WING ROCK COTTAGE FOR rent. My furnished cottage, with nn aero lot, beautiful trees and rhododen? dron, nt Blowing Rock, In the moun? tains of North Carolina; elevation 4,000 feet: scenery nnd climate unsurpassed. JOHN M. WALKER, P. O. Box 941, Richmond, Va HOTEL ROR RENT IN VALLEY OF Virginia. Suitable for Summer BOARD ers or transient trade; brick building; nil conveniences; some furniture; rent low. Address P. O. Box 207, Waynes bo ro. Va. LEGAL NOTICES. t..?"?."' ."" ...?,?.?',??1..,?? Prince Georgo county. Va., March 31, 1903. To the Register of the I/and Office, Rich? mond. Vn. : Thla Is to certify that At an inquisition held the 20th day of May, 1902. at tho Courthouse of said county before me, Alex ?. Hobbs, Eschentor for tho said county, there was found; 1st. That one tract of land escheated; 2d. That the reputed quantity In said lraot Is elghty-flvo and ono-fourth (So1,?) 3d That said tract lies within the county of Prince George, Vn. ; 4t)i. That John Staples died seized and possessed of said tract of land, whence It CFcheated. , ? , -? Given under my hand nnd soal this - flay of April. 1903. (SeaD ALEX. ?. HOBBS. Cachea tor for the county of Prince George, Vn. Btato of Virginia, city of Richmond? To-wlt: > I, C. Loo Moore, a notary public for the ?rit y nforesald, In the State of Virginia, flo certify that Alex It. Hohbst, whoso hamo Is signed to the writing above, has isknowledged tho snmo bofofo me. Given under my hand this 8Ut day of ipril, 1903. C. LEE MOORE. Notary Public. My term of office expires on fifth day nf January, 1907. May 14-law6t K011CS, Richmond, Va', May 15. 1903. We have this day sold to Mr. GEORGE ?. GIBSON the good will and agencies of the lire Insurance business conducted by us for tho past thirty years. Mr. Gibson has had extondod experience In the lnsur. ?nee business generally, nnd Is most cor fllally commended as our successor to all r?f our patrons. T. G. PEYTON & SON. ? Roferring to the abovo announcement I hog to assure my friends, as well as tho latrons of the old firm of T, G. PEYTON Jt SON, that all business entrusted to me Will huvo prompt and careful attention, ?nd I respectfully solicit their orders. I will liavo In my agency the Liverpool ? London & Globe Insurance Co., The icottlsli Union ? National Insurance Co., .'he St. Paul Flro & Marino Insurance Co., and the Oeneral Agency of the Mary? land Casualty Company. With these leading companies I am able to offor the Very brrst facilities for the transaction ot Bro and casualty Insurance. OEO. A. GIBSON, No. 1 North Tenth Street. SUMMER RESORTS. ?VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS?THE HOME? stead Hotel will mako special rates from June 15th to August loth to parties stay? ing one month or longer. Amusements? Golf links and club-house, tennis and ?quash courte, swimming pool, fine Bud? die horses and livery, casino for danc? ing, Royal Polnclana Orchestra. Table unexcelled; Is supplied with fresh vege? tables and milk from Homestead gar aen und dairy. O. J. ??/AUGHLIN will he at tho Jefferson May 20Ui and list to show room plans; givo terms, eto. SmaD BTERRY, Manager. FOURTH PRIZE. DAVENPORT, 'Five prizes will bo awarded each week for the best drawing sub? mitted. Illusi rating that It i?ys ad? vertisers to use Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch wont columns. The six prizes will awarded In the following order. vl_.t First prize, J2; iiecond, third, fourth, fifth and sixth prizes. JI each. ALB DRAWINGS MUST BE ORIG? INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH 19 South Pine Street, City. BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD. AND MUST NOT EXCEED 5x6 INCHES IN WIDTH. Namo and address must be written plainly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send letters, but Inclose stamp if you wish drawing - returned. Do not fold, but roll, when mailing. Ad? dress all drawings to "Cartoon Con? test," Room No. ??. Times Building. SUMMER BOARDERS. I WILL TAKE SIX BOYS. OVER 11? years old. as boarders for the summer at my country home near Mlddleburg, Loudoun county. Va.; references given and received. Address Mrs. C. POW? ELL NOLAND. No. 1409 Linden Ave.. Baltimore, Md. _ "FLATS "WANTED. WANTED. FLAT IN APARTMENT house, centrally located; rent not ex? ceeding iff) per month; take unexplred le.iso between this dato and September 1st. Address "APARTMENT." care this office. _ _ BOARDERS WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED?LARGE AND beautiful country" homo, one mile of sta? tion on Buckingham Branch of Chesa? peake and Ohio. Mrs. P. P. AMBLER, Arvonla, Vn. wanted"occupant for pleas: ant ROOM, with board; bath conven? ient; centrally located and all car lines near; references exchanged. Address A. Vf. ?., care thle office._ LOST. LOST-TWO BLACK HOGS; ONE male, other female. Liberal reward If returned to Stall No. 12, First Market. LOST-A GOLD BELT BUCKLE ON Satin Belt. Liberal reward if roturned to U3 North Morris Street. SUMMER RESORT8. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS. The Homestead Hotel. will make special rates from June 15th to August 15th to parties staying one month or longer. AMUSEMENTS?Golf links nnd club? house, tennis and ?quash courts, swim? ming pool, fine saddle horses and livery, casino for dancing, Royal Poinclnna Orchestra. Table unexcelled; Is supplied with fresh vegetables and milk from Home Btend garden and dairy. O. J. M'LAUGHLIN will be at tho Jef? ferson May 20th and 21st to show room plans, give terms, etc, ?, FRED STERRY, Manager, WARM SPRINGS, Bath County, Va? nro now open for guests. Forclroulare and terms address EUBANK & GLOVER, Warn? Springs, Bath Co., Va. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In tho Alleghanles, 2,300 feet above sea level. Elegant swimming pools; cool nights; fine mountain ucenery; strongest iron and carbonated water in America. Write for booklet, B. F- EAKLE, Manager. Greenbrler White Sulphur Springe, W. V_ (The "OLD WHITE" Sulphur), opens June 24. Famous for Its sulphur baths. Modern Improvements, with private baths. Orchestra of 16 pieces. Terms, $15 to $25 week, $50 to $90 per month. Write for Illus? trated booklet. Address until Juno l, GEO. A. MILLS, Jr.. Mgr.. The Grafton. Wash., D. C. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE COM nilttee on Street improvements of the City of Charlotte-ville.? Vn., until 6 o'clock P. M, on TUESDAY, May 19th, 1903, for laying 30,000 Square Yards Bi? tuminous Macadam Granito Spall or Vitrified Brlok Pavement, end 45,000 Square Yards Mm end an? Pavement; usual reservations. Full details, blank forms of proposal, specifications, etc., can be obtained upon application to t'.iu Engineers, DH MOTT & WINFREE. Olty Hall, Chariottesvllle, Va, Muy 6-eod-2w Richmond, May ?, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Treasure??, Southern Branch, National Soldiers' Home, Eliza? beth City County. Virginia, until 12 o'clock _L, MAY 2?, 1903. a??d then opened, for furnishing nnd delivery of supplies In ac? cordance with Instructions and opeclflcar tlons, coplee of which, with blank p?-pos? ala and other Information, may bo had upon application to tho Treasurer. WANTED, TO BUY FEATHER BEDS for cash. Address J. W. CASPER, 218 South Laurel Street, city,_ WANTED, HORSES FOR PASTURAGE, price $5 per month, Addrese BARNEY, _Jam est own, Va._ WANTED. TO BUY HOUSEHOLD EF fects, Beather Beds, Merchandise; Btate quantity. Box 177. ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE DOLLARS per share will be paid for stock In For? est Lodgo Association. JOHN L. WIL? LIAMS & SONS. WANTED, A GOOD DRAUGHT HORSE; must bo large and ln good condition. Address HAULER, care this office. WANTED, A HOUSE OWNER OR ONE who has long lease to take charge at once of some parlor furniture, two large mantel mirrors and handsome wal? nut chamber set In Richmond. Address I. E. S, Fort Washington. Md._ LADIES' COLUMN. KAEMP-^-TCAN DI 1-_~~?_?_G~??_-??a frlends every day. Are you one of them? BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND MED? clnes?DANIELB' method of deep breathing and physical culture. It costs nothing to investigate; 627 East Broad. ONE MINUTE, PLEASE?WHEN YOU buy Candles are thev always pure and fresh? Try KAEMPF'S and see how you will be pleased. i 8EAL__> PROPOSALS. Office Superintendent of Public Charities, Richmond, Va.. May IS, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ccived at thle offlco (Boom 6. City Hall) until 12 o'clock M? MONDAY, May IS, or at the almshouso until G P. M. on that day, for furnishing tho almshouso with FRESH BEEF. LAMB, &c, tor ono year from June 1 next. Forms of proposal and probable quan? tity needed can bo had by applying at this office. The Committee for the Relief of the Poor reservo the right to reject any or all proposals offerod. Bond ln the pen ? alty of $200.00, for faithful compliance with contract, will bo required of the successful bidder. GEORGE B. DAVIS, Superintendent. Mny 14-Thu,Frl.Sat,Sun-4t Ofr?-e Superintendent of Publio Charities, Richmond, Va., May 13. 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at this office (Room 5. Clltv Hall) until 12 o'clook _I? MONDAY, May 18, lor furnishing the almshouso with sup? plies of BACON, FLOUR. COFFEE, SUGAR, RICE. JLARD, SOAP. HER? RINGS. SALT, MOLASSES. BUTTER, POTATOES, CORN, OATS, HAY, WHISKEY, STRAW. SHOES, CLOTH? ING ajid DRY GOODS for the quarter ending August 81, 1903. Tho Committee for the Relief of the Poor resorves the right to reject any or all proposals offered, and of giving the contract for eaoh artlolo required to the lowest responsible bidder therefor. Forms of proposals can be obtained at this office. GEORGE B, DAVIB. Superintendent, May 14-Thu,Frl,Sat,Sun-4t Offlco Superintendent of Publlo Charities, Richmond. Va.. May 13, 1903. BEADED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at this office (Room 5, City Hall) until 12 o'clock M.. MONDAY, May 18, 1903, or until G P. M. on that day at the nlmhoiiso, for furnishing tho almshouse with PURE MILK for ono year from June 1, 1903; milk to be delivered at the white and colored nlmshouses at such times and In suol? quantity as may be ordered by the superintendent. The commltteo reserve tho right to re? ject any and all proposals offered. GEORGE B. DAVIS. Superintendent, May 14-Thu,Frl,Sat,Sun-4t SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt the office of Treasurer Southern Branoh; National Home. Elizabeth City County, Virginia, until 12 o'clock noon. 8d JUNE. 19(13, and then opened, for u Frame Build? ing (officers' quarters), In accordance with plans and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals, and other Informa? tion, may bo-had upon application to the Treasurer, SCHOOLS. VIRGINIA MILITARY" INSTITUTE, L-_li?_?oi-, Va. The Board of Vleiton?, at their Annual Meeting on tbe 20th day of rex* June, will appoint 8TATB CADBT- to fill va?-ncU. in the ?id, 8th, Oth, l_th, 10th, _5tb, -Oth,, 38th, 80th _en_t _rlul Districts, and four vac?nele? it __kq_. These appointments enrry free board end tuition. Applications should be ad? dressed to the um?craned ou or before June loth, on form? that will be ?eat upon re-/ que?t. SCOTT 6J?IPP, ?upt. _FOR SALE. FOR SALE?LARGE ASSORTMENT. OF" New nnd Second-hand Wagons; New Single Trucks; one Socond-lmnd Double Truck. RICHARDSON UROS., C13 and Ci? Brook Avenue. FOR SALE OR RENT-THH OLDEST, largest nnd best business Rtnnd on the western Biiburbs; also a good stock Liquors and General Merchandise; li? quor and grocery license to April 30, 1904; profits will average J.T00 tier month. Ad dross BROADWAY DEPARTMENT STORE, 1831-33 West Cary. ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED, OCCUPANTS FOR NEWLY papered, newly furnished, large ROOM! terms moderato; references exchanged. Apply 224 South Third Street. FOR RENT?THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, third floor, suitable for offices, repair shops, etc.; reasonable rent. Ap? ply CZ7 East Broad. WANTED, TO RENT TO YOUNG MEN threo bright ROOM? on third floor, be? tween Fourth and Fifth on Main; occu? pancy June 1st. C, 110 South First St. . BUSINESS WANTS. 5,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER ?FOR noxt ten days at 5c. R. B. BRAUER, successor to If. L. Brauer & Bro. WANTED--WE TAKE YOUR OLD Watches In part payment on elegant new Wntches. JAHNKE UROS., Watch mnkers and Jewelers, 912 Kant Main. WAXENE. THE ONLY DURABLE floor polish, TANNER PAINT & OIL CO., 1419 East Main Street. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books, pamphlets, papers, etc.. I buy them. D. H. KEY. 732 East Cary. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USINO-IT grows hnlr on bald heads and restores gray hair to natural color. KOENIG'3 HAIR TONIC, 427 North Sixth. WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE and varied line of Watches In the city, and take pleasure In showing them. JAHNKE BROS., Watchmakers and Jewelers. 912 East Main. WANTED. THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that at STUMPFS RESTAURANT and Bar, corner Eighth and Main Streets, ?phone 753. you can got Soft Crabs, ex? tra fine Crab Meat (dally arrivals), and their own mako Deviled Crabs and all other delicacies. ?3.50 WARRANTED DREW SHOE, TF the solo don't wear three months, will half-sole them free, or If the vamps break through beforo tho first sole meara out, will give you a new pair In? stead. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 716 East Main. MISCELLANEOUS. DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. 6,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 5c. R. B. BRAUER, successor to F. L. Brauer &. Bro. SEND 25C. FOR A SAMPLE BOX OF KAEMPF'S Candies, prepaid; 110 North Ninth Street, Rlohmond, Va. PATRONIZE ???1? rNDUSTRY. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER COMPANY. Richmond, are the only man? ufacturers of Oak Tanned Belting and Raw-Hide Lace Leather In the State. Repair work neatly done. HARRY MADE PEACE WITH HIS motner-ln-law by taking her to DOYLE'S CAFE, where they serve the beet drinks In city to ladles and gents. Seventh and Broad. IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RE LOOK lng for and want the best at satisfac? tory prices call and see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER, 20S-210 North Fifth. TO BB AN ACTOR OR ACTRESS TAKE the shortest road to the stage via DAN? IELS' SCHOOL OF ACTING; most complete school In the South; private theatre In connection: S27 East Broad. CASH OR CREDIT. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY AND sell you Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothings. Hats and Furnishing Goods on easy terms. Do not compare our price with other cash or credit stores, but with the cheapest spot cash store In the city. BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE. 108 East Proad Street. Cash or Credit Clothing House. STEAMBOATS. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. * Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News,/ Claremont and James River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and the North. State-rooms reserved for the night at moderate prices. Electric cars direct to wharf. Fare only ft.50 nnd 51 to Norfolk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina, IRVIN WEISIGER, General Manager, \ ?. A, Barber. Jr., Secretary. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lino. Direct Route to Boston, Mass., and Providenoe.H, I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at 6 P. M. Passengers and freight taken for ali New England points. Tick? ets on salo nt C. ?fe O. Ry. and N. & W. Ry. offices and No. S10 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT. Agt.. Norfolk, Va. American Line. NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON Sailing Wednesdays at 11 ?. ?. ? St. Paul, May SO. Philadelphia, June 3. New York, May 27. St. Paul, June 10. Red Star Line. NEW YOR7C-ANTWERP-PARIS. Sailing Saturday at 10 A. M. Finland, May 23. Kroonland, June ?. Vaderland, May 30. Zeeland, June 13. Piers 14 and 15, North River, Office. 73 Broadway, ?. Y. W. B. PALMER & CO.. DIV1UEND NOTICE. ' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, Richmond, Va., May 8, 1903. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a DIVIDEND OF ONE AND ONE-QUARTER (Hi) PER CENT,, the same being dividend No. 27, on the Common stock of this Company, payable JUNE 1st. 1003, when chocks will be mailed to all stockholders of record at the close of business May 20th. The books for the transfer of Common stock will be closed from May 20th to 81st, last day Included. S, W. TRAVERS. Treasurer. ? ?-*--,? ??-. ... ) MEETINGS. '^^^Z^r?^S^coNvT?al^^??^^v XX WASHINGTON ROYAL ARCH ?/VN CHAPTER. NO. 0, will bo held In tho tabernacle In Masonic Templa THIS EVENING ut 7:30 o'clock, May lb, 1903. Members of sister chapters and vis? iting companions cordially Invited to to? present. By order of tho ?. E. H. Priest. \ R. B. '8NEAD, Secretary. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY BTHEE ? OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ADMISI?N, ISC, If REE ON BATpttDAYB. \ PERSONALS. SCOTCH KISSES, HOME-MADE CARA mels, nnd a hundred othor Candles at KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Stroot, Rich? mond, Va. MONEY TO LOAN ON STORAGE RE cclpts of all description; we also make personal loans; oMabllMied l>8i; nil business confidential. Address CO.N FIDBNTIAL. care this office. WRITE FOR OUR PRICE LIST OF Oak Tanned Belting and Raw-Hlda Lae? leather. The only manufacturers In the State. Repair work neatly done. THE VIRGINIA LEATRER CO.. Rich? mond. I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO I? crenso the chest expansion of any lady or gentleman to 6 Inches ln 6 weeks by my method of deep breathing an_ physlcnl culture. MELVILLE DAN? IELS' SCHOOL. G27 E. Broad. Bpeclat attention u'ven to children; lady always In attendance. LADIES' CHESTS AND BUSTS DEVEL oped (no massage); results positively guaranteed; best citv reference: lady al? ways In attendance. DANIELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE. G27 East Broad. HAVE YOU TRIED DOYLKS DEVILED Crabs? The bent you ever tasted. DOYLE'S LADIES' ? GENTS' CAFE, corner Bevonth and Broad. AWN ING8, TENT8 A?D FLAG8. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST; 'phono 2.r>7G and we will sail. M. G. COPELAND CO., 108 North Ninth St. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to; no trouble to call and give estimates, J. ROSS JONES ?_ BRO? Awn Ines. Tents and Flags, 902 East Broad; 'phone 2142. ANTIQUE8. BRASS FENDERS, ANDIRONS. ELE gant Clawfoot Tables of vnrloiiH kinds, and many other pieces of fine old furni? ture just nrrlved. May ho Boen at 1017 Semmos Street, Manchester, after 4:30 P. M. SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN DAYS Ol? several fino pieces of Antique Furniture 'and Brlc-n-Brac; 309 and 311 North Eighth Street, BARGAINS. ARE YOU LOOKING'FOR BARGAINS In Clothing? Try the BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE, 108 East Broad Street. Cosh or Credit Clothing Houso. BICYCLES, ?_C. JOE, JOE, THE BICYCLE MAN?AL ways something doing In lowest prices, largest stock, best workmanship; every? thing up-to-dafo In Bicycles, oto. BlCKERSTAFF'S-One Store?1803 East Main,_ BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, ?Magazines bound, lettering on Bibles, Hymnals, etc. S. B. ADKINS & CO., 6 Governor Street, BELTING AND LACE LEATHER. BEST OAK TANNED BELTING AND Rawhide Lace Leather. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Richmond, the only manufacturers in the State. Repair work neatly done. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLES, sundrlos at lowest prices; tires guaran? teed not to puncture, from $1 to $4; re? pairing a specialty. VAUGHN'S. GIS E, Main Street. BREAD. TRY THE PULLMAN LOAF. THE JEF.? ferson and other prominent clubs, ho? tels, etc., uso It: also Home-made French, Vienna and German Rye Brea* Cakes and Pies mado by MUELLER'S NEW YORK BAKERY, No. 410 West Broad; 'phone 2C89: free delivery. CAKES AND JELLY ROLLS. CAKES AND JELLY ROLLS, SPE clals, 3-pound for 2Sc; 25c. Layer Cakes 20c. Our 25c. Pound Cakes are dellcloue. Seven kinds of Cakes 15c. each, DRINKARD'S, 423 1-2 North Sixth St. DYEING AND CLEANING. LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOT-IING thoroughlv cleaned and pressed. THE MODEL 'DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS, 412 W. Broad Street. 'Phono 2905. RAILROADS. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M? NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:2i) A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. AVaverly and Suffolk. 9:00 A. St.; CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Potei_nurg to Lynehburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluedeld to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to KnoxvUle, and KnoxvUle to Chattanooga and Memphis. 12:20 P. M? ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmville, Lynchburc end Roanoke. 3:00 P. M., OCEAN'SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Connects with steamers to Boston, Providence. New York, Baltlmoro and Washington. 6:50 P. M., for Norfolk und all stations east of Petersburg, 9:35 P. M., NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleeper. Richmond to Lynehburg, Petersburg to Roanoko: Lynehburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and wow Orleans. Cafe Dining Car. Trains arrive from the West 7:36 A.M.. 2 P. M. and 8:56 P. M.l from Norfolk 11:10 A. M., 11:42 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Office No. ras East Main Street W. B. BEVILI,, C. H. BOSLEY, Gen, Pass. Agent Dis Pasa, Agent STEAMBOATS. j,] ^ Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M., stopping at Newport News in both directions, Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail? way, 9:00 A. M., 4 P. M? 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. by N. and Vf. Railway; all Une? connect at Norfolk with direct steamer? for New York, sailing dally except Sun? day. 7 P. M. V Steamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash -treet) Rocketts, K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent, 1213 E. Main Streot. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent, Wharf Foot of? Ash Street, Richmond, Va. II. ?. WALKER, V. P. & ?, M? New York. BAY LINE TO BALTIMOBE VU O, ?i 0, Rwy, und Old Point, U. 8 MAIL ROUTE. I.i'iive Itlchinourt .In 0. _ 0. dully except Siniilu?, lit 4 P. M., eut?, itcetlng ut Olii Point ?rlth ?u-uimr? of Old flay blue, lenvluj, 7:1B P, M., iiitIvIiib ]lullliii.i.-<? 0:80 A. M., connecting North, East and AVest. For tickets and information apply to C. & O. Rwy., Richmond Trausfor Company, or S30 East Main Street. Clyde Steamshio Go.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND ANDa NORFOLK STEAM. SHIP ?.INE. Appointed eulliug days: Every TUESDAY, EHI DAY and SUNDAY, at daylight Freight received daily till CP.M. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS?JAME8TOWN ISLAND can bo rented for excursions. For terms, etc., apply to L. J. BARNEY, Meadow vllle, Va. FISH, FRUIT8, ICE, ETC. FRESH EVERY DAY-FINEST FISH, Crabs, Fruits, otn. ; Ice ln any quantity. 'Phono (2271?) orders delivered quickly? E. C. WHITE, 612 East Marshall. FRESCO PAINTING, ETC. FRESCO PAINTING. SQUIRT WORK. Relief Werk. Tinting. Enameling, Sign Painting. Hardwood Finishing, etc. For fine work at moderate prices see A. ALPER1N, 207 North Fifth Street. FOR SALE?BARGAINS. PRIME CDT70NSE?D MEAL AND Hulia and Mtxerl Meal and Hulls. We have them for sale; prices right and quality guaranteed. KERSHAW OIL MILL. Kershaw. B. C. KEEP MONEY IN CIRCULATION AT home by using the VIRGINIA LEATH? ER CO.'S Onk Tanned Bolting and Raw Hldo Lace Leather of Richmond. The onlv manufacturers In the State. Satis? faction guarunteed. FLOOR STAINS. FLOOR STAINS. ALL SHADES, TAN? NER PAINT (k OIL CO., 1419 East Main Street GENTS' COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING THAT NEW SUIT come and see the nice assortment at Sixth and Main. Salts, J1S up; Trousers, ?5 up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chas. A. Spence, Manager. HAND-MADE SHOES. VICI, PATENT LEATHER OR KID shoes mnde to ordor; hand stitched: best material; workmanship and perfect fit guaranteed. for $3.50. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, 1719 East Main. LAWN MOWERS. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired at BLENNER'S, 310 N. Fifth Street. OXFORD SHOE? LADIES' FINE OXFORD TIES AT 11.00. ALBERT STEIN, corner Fifth and Broad Streets. PRINTING. CHEAPEST PRINTING HOUSE IN Richmond; work strictly flrst-clas and up-to-date. Telephone 3341 If you have any doubts, and wo will convince you that wo can save you money. This af ioctB your pocket-book, so keep us In mind. HARRIS PRINTING CO., 1303 East Franklin Street. UPHOLSTERING. C. C. LEVY, NO. W4 BP.OOK AVENUE. Upholsterer and Mattress makor. Old Hair Mattress mado good as new. I pack and ship furniture; also make Cunlilon and Slip Covers to ordor. ?Phone 1030. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE LATE CHANGE IN THE FISH BUSINESS?Having withdrawn from the firm of the JENNINGS Fish and Oyster Market Co. at No. 414 North Sixth Streot and opened directly oppo? site at No. 416 N. SIXTH Street and Stnl.s Nos. M and t?? SECOND MAR? KET as JENNINGS & SONS, I heg to say that we will now keep the best as? sortment to be liad In our line of busi? ness In the city, n.t tho samo time we guarantee personal nnd prompt atten? tion to all orders entrusted to us, and wo enly nsk a trial from nil our stock at present as follows; Freeh Mackerel, Pompano. Halibut, Smelts. Fresh Cod? fish, Irirge and small Rockfish, Rlack Bass, largo and small Blue Fish, larca and small Trout, White Perch, Spots, Shad, Shad Roe, Sturgeon, Flounders, Croakers, ntc. Live Lobsters, Soft and Hard Shell Crabs, Fresh Picked Crab meat, Little Neck Clams; large Clams. by the hundred or gallon, fresh opened; and will say our Snowflnko Crahmeat Is something ?rand nnd was never sold on this market before; It Is well worth anyono trying It, ana It Is pure crab and In largo whlto flakes, free of shells. Most respectfully, H. S. JENNINGS, and please remember that It Is now JENNINGS & SONS AND NOT THE JENNINGS' FISH ?: OYSTER MAR? KET CO. OUR 'PHONE IS 3S20. TO THE PUBLIC: It having come to our notice that cer? tain parties are going around town tak? In? orders for Portraits, Frnmee, etc., claiming to be agents for THE CRAIG ART CO., wo deslro to state thrvt we have no agents In any department and caution neoplo In giving their orders under this Impression, as all such parties are frauds at both onds of the line. Respectfully, _THE CRAIG ART CO. LADIES' DINING-ROOMS AT DOYLE'S Cafe (corner Broad and Seventh), whore best drinks ln city served to ladles and gents. MEN'S SHOES HALF SOLED, 7JC.? ladles, 60c.; restltehod, no nails, no pegs, best leather. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 718 E. Main Street. 'Phono 2607. Will call nnd de? liver. This advertisement good for 10c. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. EDGEWORTH BOARDING AND DAY School for Girls. Re-opens September 24th. 1903, 42d year. Mrs. H. P. LE FEBVRE, Miss E. D. KUNTLEY, Prin? cipals; 122-24 West Franklin Street, Bal? timore, Md. _PHOTOGRAPHS._ DAVIS GALLERY IS STILL THE MOST reliable place for photographs. Compare ? our work and prices. From 25c. up; 221 and 817 Broad. RUNABOUTS AND WAGONS. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RUnI abouts, Wagons, Phaetons, Surreys, Day tons, come to see me. W. C. SMITH, No. 314 North Fifth Street_' WOOD. ?1.25 FOR HALF CORD KILN-DRIED Cooking and Kindling Wood, delivered; oak and pine wood: cheapest cooking fuel. See or 'phono J. B. LACY. RAILROADS. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY BYRD-STREET STATION. 8:30 A. M. To all points South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 8:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t-:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 5:56 P. M. Petersburg local. 6:50 P. M. To points South. 8:35 P. M. Petersburg and N. & Vf. West 11:30 P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4:07 A. M.. 7:85 A. M., 8:26 A. M? except Sunday, 11:10 A. M? 11:43 A. M.. 2:00 P. M., 0:50 P. M., 7:45 P. M., 8:45 P. M. t Excopt Sunday. C. B. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pass, Agt W. J. CRAIG, Gon, Pass. Agt 10UTE 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. LEAVE ItlCHMOND?EASTBOUND. 7:48 A. M,?Week iluja?Loeul tu Newport News aud wtiy stiitlmm. 0:00 ?. M?Dully?Limited?Arrl'c? wllll?-?? burg 0:60 A M., Newport New? 10:110 A. M? Old l'-lnt 11:00 A. M? Norfolk 11 :_3 A. M. -:00 P. tl.?Week day??Special?Arri??? Wil. Uunibburtr 4:58 P, St., Newport Ne??? -:30 P, M.. Old I'olnt 0:00 1'. U., Norfolk 0:25 Pj M. B:00 P. M.?Dully?I-icnl to Old Point MAIN LINE?W-STliOUN?. 10:10 A. M. ?Week day??Local tu l.'llltim Forge und ?tray Ht a t Um _. 2:00 P, M,? Dally?Special to Cincinnati, L-uln?lllii, Rt, LoilU nnd Clilcnifo. B:iB P, M.?Week days?Local tu Dimw.ll. 10:30 P, M.?Daily?Limited to OlnelUMtL Luulavlllu, Bt. Lou!? and Cltlcu?u. JAM- HlVlMt LINK. 10:20 A. M.?Dally?E-preiia to Lynehburg, OlUton Korso nuil principal nation?. B:1B P. M.?lVi'i'k daya?Local to llreiiio, TRAINS ABIUVH lllCIIMOND ,???? Norfolk mal Old Polet 10:03 A. tl, dully, 11:45 A. M. Ex. Sun., aud 0:80 1'. M. dally. Newport New? Local 7:20 l>. ti. Ex, Bun. I''riiui Cincinnati und West 8:11? A. M. dally and .1:30 P. SI. dully, tluln Line Local from Clifton Forge 7:1B P. M. Et. Bud. 1 ..well Arrow. 8:ii& A. M. Ex. Sun. Junto? Itlvrr Line ?a???? from Clifton For? ?:?? P. M. dally, Unum Accuin. 8:40 A. U. Ex. Sun. 0. H. DOYLH, W. O. WARTHEN. Ui'ti'i Manager. Dim. fan. Act SEABOARD Air Line I_ajlw-_v TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. _:_J P. M.?Seaboard ??1?-10:8d ?, M. B.aboard Express?To Savannah, Jack Bonvlllo, Atlanta and ?Southwest B:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna mid Hatu jet. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:33 A. M.?No. 84?4:E- P. M.?No. 6_ Pun? Florida, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:110 (P. M,?Prom Norllna and local 'city"Ticket Of-co $30 East Main Street ?Phone 40$. nAILROADS. RE ?, ? Richmond, Fredericks', ? G? (? G ? burg & Potomac R. R Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 4:15 A. M., dally. Byrd St. Through. 0:43 A. M.. dally. Main St Through. 7:15 ?. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. M? Sunday only, Byrd St Through. 8:40 A. M? week days. Bryd St. Through, 12:05 noon, week day*. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. -M., week days. Byrd Bt Fred? ertcksburg aocommodatlon. 6:05 P. fil., dally, Main St. Through. 6:25 P, M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao conimuiliitlon. 8:05 P. M., daily, Byrd St. Through, 11:10 P. M? week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba- Ashland ac? commodation. 8;00 A. M., dnlly, Byrd St. Through. 8:26 A. M., week days. Byrd St.. Fred? ertcksburg accommodation. 12:00 P. M., week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. M., dally. Main St. Through. S:00 P, M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 6:40 P. M., dally, Byrd St. Through. 9:00 P. M? dally, Byrd St. Through. 10:28 ?, M., daily. Main St. Through. 11:00 ?, M,, week days. Elba. Ashland ao? commodatlon. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Car? on all trnlns except local accommodation?. W. D. DUKE. C. W. CULP, W. P. TAYLOR, Gen'l Man'r. Ass't Gen'l Man'r. Traf, Man'* SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APL. aO, 1003. TUAINH LEAVE lUClUlUND. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local tor Charlotte. 12:60 P. M,-Dally. Limited. Buffet Pull man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6 6:00 P. M.-Ex. Sunday. Keysvllle Local. 11:06 P. M.-Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M.. for all the South, YORK HIVER XINI. The favorite route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 8:15 P. M.?Local for West Point 4:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For We?? Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore anil river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and 6:26 P. M.?From all th? South. ? 8:2<3 P. fit 8-40 A.M.--From Koyeville. 9:15 A. M.-Baltlmoro and West Point 4:60 P. M-From West Point. C. II. ACKERT. S. H. ?IARDWICK, G. M, O: P. A. O. W. WKST'HJl.Y. II. ??. ?.. fllchruouJ.. v?. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April Ut. 1803, Car? leave corner Pwrry and Seventh Streets. ?Uiuieheatoi. every luur (ou U.m .hour) from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M., hut car 11:60 P. M. Cars U-ave Petersburg, foot of Byca? mare Street, every hour from 6:30 ?, M, to 1?:80 P. M. FR?DAi' AND SUNDAY BPECUI? EXCURSIONS. . (0 CHINTS-ROUND TRIP-*? CENT*