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THE MARKET WAS WEAK Important Railroad Stocks Mado Record Low Levels, ? ILLNESS OF E. H. HARRIMAN This Had a Direct Effect on Southern Pacific, and that Stock Declined an Extreme of I 1-4 Points?The Close Steady. (Hv A"orlntc.l Press.) NEW YORK. May lt?.-Tho Illness of E. H. linrriinnn made Its Inlluence felt In to-day's stock market, and this was sup? plemented by the showing made by the bni'ks, which wns Interpreted as poor by tho trading element, The. weakness ol Southern l'acino wns directly traceable to the condition of the of the pr?s? Went of the i/mipany. Tlio stock declined nn extreme Hi, touching a new low level for the year. Tills weakness Had some sympathetic effect elsewhere in tho mar? ket; St. Paul and Now York Central also made low record prices for the year. A light domniid from tho bears to cover shorts made am Impression just at the close, which was In consequence steady. Tho nominal increase la tho cash Item of tho banks was as much us was expect? ed. ? The fact that to-day's gold export of $1,??,000 to South America was withdrawn only yesterday nnd so llgured for only one' day in the weekly averages upon which the bank statement nro computed, left the probability that somo effect of the trans? action would bo thrown ovor into next week's allowing. Tho Increase In loans was generally regarded ns reflecting tho further transfer of obligations from for? eign to domestic lenders. During the money stringency of last fall tho recall of over-extended foreign credits wns nn Important fnctor In Upsetting tlio money market. Tlio tendency to cut down these foreign credits now Is view with satisfac? tion In flnnnclal circles. But the profes? sional sentiment on the Stock Exchnnge confined itself to tho bare showing of the statement wits its consequent lnrond upon tho surplus reserve. To-day's London discount market show? ed a hardening tendency, resulting from the paying ofl of the market's heavy obligation to the Bank of England, and the bank lost over a million .dollars In gold withdrawn for export to South America. This Increases the likelihood of further gold exports from New York next week. There has been an lrregulnr movement of bonds and only a moderate volume of business, but the Increased variety in tho dealings has indicated ?a search for invest? ments. United Stateri 2's declined Vi per cent, as compared with tno closing call ot last wook. ; ? "... ? . The total sales of stocks for the day wero 210,000 shares. MONET AND EXCHANGE-CLOSE: Money on call nominal; time money steady; sixty days, 3%tj.-l per cent.; ninety days, 3%rg?! per cent.; six months, 4V4 per cent.; prime mercantile paper, 4\?(&fy? por cent. Sterling exc/ango steady, with act? ual business In bankers' bills at $4.S8 for demand and at $4.S5 for sixty day bills; posted rates. $4.SSi? and M.SSMi! commercial bills. ,M.S4%<3vi.S4%. Bar silver, 54%; Mexi? can dollars, 43. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Irregular. WEEKLY BANK. STATEMENT. NEW YORK, May 16?The statement of averages of the clearing-house banks of this cltv for the week shows: l-rians, $928.939.200; increnso. $5,859,000. Deposits, ?9M,?Bf..&00; Increase. ?55.000,800. Circulation. S44.2C9.000: Increase. $321.000. Legal-tenders, $70.445,700; Increase. $508,300. '? Bpt-cto,' $10.8,700.400?, decreaso, $290.300. Reserve, $239.201,500; increase. $213,000. Reserve required $230,208,875; Increase, 0,250,200. Surplus, $S,!>29,C25: decrease, $1,037,200. Ex-United States deposits, $18,305,720; de erensc, $1,036,300. EDITORS* VIEWS What New York Afternoon Papers Say of the Market. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK. May 16.?Tho Evening Sun says: Tho dealings in this morning stock market wero conducted practically along the same lines ns tho earlier part of the week. Trading wns In small volumo, and chlelly of tho professional character. At the samo timo, it nppenred that the decline In prices hnd reached a point which hod brought about somo liquidation by commission houses, nnd selling of this character was observed in the day's mur kot. Declines woro common throughout the list and woro fnlrly uniform. The market opened at a slightly higher lovel, chiefly In sympathy with the slight advances shown in American stocks In tho Ijon&ui' market. After the Initial transaction?, hou'ever, reactionary tenden? cies developed, although they wore no moro definitely accounted for than was the general decline of yesterday. There wns a good deal of concern evident with regard to the henlth of iho president of the Union Pacific Rnllrnnd, but tho day's In? telligence in this respect wns reassuring Thero were otherwise few circumstances of lnvportnnco presented for consideration, other than thoso whloh have been engag? ing attention for tho past fortnight. It wa? expected that tbo bnnk statement would mako a rather negative showing, so the views regarding that document ?jut lt-ss than the usuili influence in this trade. Active features of the railway list were Union Pacific Southern Paclflo, Southern Railway, Bt. Paul, Atchlson and Missouri Pacific. Sugar Refining was ngnln heavy, while comparatively little was dono In U. S. Stool stocks, Th.n miscellaneous group moved in lino with thn general mar? ket, with moderale activity showing in Amalgamated Copper. The bank statement made ? rather weaker showing than had been generally looked for, owing to nn unexpected In? crease In tho loan account of $8,859,000, The cash item was u disappointment also, Inasmuch as ? gain ?if only $213,000 appear. ed there, whereas all tho preliminary os?' timotes had pointed to a much larger ftim. In consequence of thn Increase of loans Iho deposits rose $5,000,000 and surplus de? creased $1,(07,000. Tho bunks now hold $8,993,000 in excess of the lawful requirements. The Evening Post says: After a week of continuous liquidation on tho Stock Exchange, It Is perhaps somewhat dlscon. certlng to find an increase of $6,859,000 In loans on the bank return, That part of the showing cannot, how over, tie called mysterious. To pay off our foreign borrowings of two mouths ago, and at the name time provide for various capital Issues which are in contemplation, Now York'B credit fund must bo drawn upon sutistantlnlly. If as was estimated nt tho timo, our Berlin borrowings of the spring foot up $50.000,000, and if they are being all paid off with money raised In Wall Street, then that demand alone might account for the $43,???0.(??t? Increase in Now York's loans during the throe past weeks. Thoro & (KHTA1.LIRHKD 1839.' MEMBER? New York Stock Exchange. Hen? York Cotton Exchanpr PRIVATE WIRES ?* PRINCIPAL MftRKfcW, Envesfmenf Securities. I OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK g By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Brokers. SALES: Open. 100 American Can com. 7 300 American Can pfd. 4&14 American Grass Twine. 130 American Cotton Oil-com. 3S "W American Locomotive com. 2t>% AmorlCAn locomotivo pfd. Anncondn . American Car and Foundry.... 39 American Super . 121% High. Low. 45% ?0O lt?OO Clone? 6% 4614 18 :io% IZ?K6 ?., "?. nnd Sante Pe com. 3.1.? ?.. T. nnd Santo Po pfd. lOCt?O Amalgamated Copper . ?>17.i Baltimore nnd Ohio. 19575 Brooklyn Knplel Transit. 7350 Pacific ., 11-00 Che-rnpenke nnd Ohio. Canada Southern . 140 Colorado Southern com. Colorado Southern 1st pfd.,f... 200 Ceilcrado Southern 2d pfd. 210?) Chicago. Mil. nr.d St. Paul.... 117*1 Chi.. Rock Islniul and Pac. f/i? Colorado fuel anil Iron. ???) Chicago Great Western. ino C. C. C, nnd St. Ixiuls. 200 Consolidated Uns . 4"0 Delaware nnd Hudson:. 20e) Del., Lack, and AVestem. R500 Prie Com . sou ICrle 1st pfd. 1100 L'rl? 2d pfd. ,??) General Klertrlc . V:0 Illinois Central. lftio Leather . 000 Louisville and Nashville. 8?21 Manhattan 78% P0% 01' 4 Bl(fj 130% 3414 1GS14 42 ?es 22 PO 204% 173 2e"0 33% 07 66 187% 130% IT', 11'4 140'i .VX) Metropolitan . 129% 39% 124% 78% 90% 04 "? 91? 65 330% 42% 34?.*. ir.S% 42 OS 22 PO 204% 173 2?-.0 33% G7 f?r"?*, 187% 137?4 13t? 110H 140V4 130 39 124 % 77% 90% 03% PO Mi 03% 120% 157% 41V. 07 % zi?? 90 204% 17214 2"i0 avi 00% 54% 1S7 130% 13% 114% 139% 129% SALES Mrxlcnn Centrai 97G.0 Missouri Pacific . H? iWO Alo., Knn. nnd Texns com. 2{",% Jeio Mo., Knn. nnd Texns pfd. f,(?% \M'i ?New York Centrnl. 127% peu ?. v., Ont. nnd Western. 28% ??> | 1910 Norfolk nnd Western. 70 92W, iii.ViO Pennsylvania . 128% Pressed Steel Cnr. Pirssrd Sleel Cnr l>fd. 300 People's Gas Trust. ?t??O Reading com. Rrnillng 1st pfd. :?0(i Rrudliii? 2d pfd. .V.0 Republic Iron anel Steel comi 1?) Republic Iron and Steel pfd. "1 Open. High. Low. 124*1* 78? 90% 03? ?m'Ai 03% 129? 42 70 23 63 m Lu ?, 41% 07% 21% PO 20* 172 li 250 33% ecu M Vi 187% lac.-'i 13% life 140 129% 101 M, ?2V4 '?9% 17% 77Vi 111% 25% 10114 B2% 00% 17% eoo .'7(B) .1217 100 1020 lsoo IPeyjo 5?0 2SOI) 111? 2?? St. Ij. nnd Sun Francisco. Ft. L nne! San Frnn. 2d pfd.... Seaboard Air. Line com. Seaboard Air Line pfd. St. I., and Southwestern pfd..,; Southern Pacific . Southern Rftllwny coni. Southern Hallwny pfd. Tennessee Coni and Iron. Ti*xli? Pnclllc . Union Pacifie? com. Union Pacific pfd. United States Steel com. United States Steel pfd. A'n.-Carolina Chem. coin. A'n.-Carollili?- Chem. ?G??. AVnhnsh com . AVnbash pfd . AVestern Union . AVIsconsIn Centrnl. AMsconsIn Central pfd. 714 53% 29% | ?2% 61 83V4 88% 90% 34 S3% C2',i 47% B4% 23 Vi 61 3.1'!*, 88% 90% 34 ??'3% 47% 84% 23% 110V4 2f) 50% 127% 2S% 09% 12SI?, 100% 17% 77?5 r.2% 2S% 92% oo 33 >7% !*i% 33% 83% 02% ?17% 84% ?3 CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. V. S. refunding 2's, registered. U. S. refunding 2s, coupon. U. S. 8's, registered. U. S. 8's. coupon . U. S. New 4's, registered. U. S. New 4's, coupon. U. S. old 4's, roBlstcred. U. S. old 4's. coupon. U. S. C's, registered. U. S. G's, coupon. Atchlson, genernl 4's. Atchlson, adjustment 4's. Baltimore nnd Ohio 4's. Baltimore and Ohio 3%'s. Baltimore and conv. 4's. Canada Southern 2d*s. Central of Georgia 5's. Central of Georgia 1st Ine. Chesnpenke and Ohio 4%'s. Chicago and Alton 3%'s. Chicago, ?; nnd Qulncy new 4 s Chicago, M. nnd St. Paul gen. ? ?oev? 105<M 107% 107V* 185% 13,')% 110% 110% 102% 102% 100 . 102% 94 100 106% 100?% 77% 101% 77V, 91% 110? Chicago nnd Northwestern cem. 7's. Chicago, Pock Island nnd Pao. 4's_ C, C, C. nnd St. Louis gon. 4's... Chicago Terminal 4's. Colorado nnd Southern 4's. lien ver and Rio Grande 4's. ?SrIop flor Hen 4's. Erie Genernl 4's. Port Worth and Denver City lst's... Hooking Valley 4%'s. Louisville nnd Nosh; Unified 4's. Manhattan Consolidated Gold 4's... Mexican Centrnl 4's. Mexican Central 1st Ine. Minn, and St. Louis 4's. Missouri, Knn. nnd Texas 4's. Missouri, Knn. nnd Texas 2!I's...., New York Central gen. 3%'s. New Jersey Central genernl C's. Northern Pacific 4's. Northern Pacific 3's., Norfolk nnrl Western con. 4's. Reading Genernl 4's. St. L. und Iron Mountain con. 6's... 131% 100 100 73% 89% 99 99% . 80 - 111 107% 101% 102 80 27% 100% 99% 82 102% 132% 102 71% 100 07% 112% St. Louis nnd Snn Frnnclfe-o 4 s. St. Louis Southwestern lst's. St. Louis Southwestern 2d's.?<?? San Antonia nnd Arkansas Pass 4 a. Southern Pacl?c 4's. Southern Railway 5's. Texns nnd Pacific lst's. Toledo, St. L. Rhd Western 4 s. Union Pnclfle 4's. Union Pacific conv 4's. Wabash lst's . Wabash Zd's . Wabash Heb. B*s. AVest Shore 4'e. AVheellng nnd Lake Brie 4 s. AArls-consln Central 4's. Continental Tobacco 4's. Colorado Puel 4's. Rock Island 4's. Pennsylvania 3V4's .;. M. and O., collateral trust 4 s. Centrnl of Georgia 2d Ine. A'n.-Carolina Chemical Co. com. Ara.-Carolina Chemical Co. pfd. Is renson for such shifting, even if the New York loans were placed on time. Our Berlin loan paid 0 per cent., and It Is hardlv to be renewed at a very much lower figure. That market Itself lately pnld 4M? per cent, for two weeks' advance of capital. As to tho part paid In the loan expansion by such local operation as the steel bond underwriting, the approaching Pennsylvania subscriptions and the "Rock Island-'Frlsco deal," that is mere difficult to determine. Thoy all draw more or less on bank credits. Protty much all of what has occurred to disturb Wall Street's equnnlmity this week has been something that was clearly foreshadowod before hand. Certainly the labor situation did not come without warning, neither ?Jld tho gold exports. In the cotton market the explosion has been rnther moro violent than most people looked for, but tho stubborn maintenance of values by the New York speculative clique might at least have suggested something of tho kind. As for tho disap? pointing showing of the export trade, the course of wheat and cotton prices has made such results Inevitable. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond, Va., May 16, 1903. SALES. ViTglnla Centurlos-$200 at 92?: $10,000 at 92Vi? B. C.; $1.000 at 921/4. STATE SECURITIES. Bid. Asked. North Carolina 4's, C, 1910.... 103 North Carolina 0's, C, 1919.... 131 ?'a. 3's, new. t?. and R., 1932.... 91% ... Vn, Centuries, 2-3, C. and R. 92% 92% RAILROAD HONDB. A. C. L. R. R. Consol. Tr. 4's.. 94 95 Char., Col. and Aug. 2d Ts, C... 112 Georgia Pac. 1st 0's, C, 1922.. 120 Ga., Southern and Fla., 1945.... 114 Georgln and Ala. Con. 5's.... UO Nor. and Western Con. B's? 98 N. and Vf. Ry. Pocahontas 4's.. 93 Pot. Class A 5's, R. C. 1926.... 114 Pot. Class B 0's, R. C. 1926.... 127 Rich, and Meek. 1st 4's. 80 S. A. L. Con. 1st 4's, 1950. ?% 83V? S. A. L. Collateral Tr. 5s, 1911.. 101 RAILROAD STOCKS. Par. Atlantic Coast Lino "A".... 100 127 Atlantic Coast Lino com.100 127 Chesapeake and Ohio .100 47 Ga., So. nnd Fla. 1st pfd....100 98 Norfolk and West, com.100 G9% ... Sr-aboard Air Lino pfd.100 -12 43 Seaboard Air Line com.100 25 20V4 Southern Railway pfd.100 92 Southorn Railway com.100 28 BANK AND TRUST COB. American Nntionnl.1O0 12G 12?U} Broad-Street Bank.25 20% 27'? City .25 33 First Nationnl .100 200 Merchants National .100 290 Planters National .I'M 330 Savings Bank of Rich.26 ... (XV. Southorn Trust Co.100 112% ... INSURANCE COMPANIES. Va. Flro and Marine.25 37% ... MISCICLLANEOUB, Amer. Tob. Co., pfd., 8 p, C...100 ... 150 Amorlenn Locomotive com...100 92 93% Ca.-Cnr. Chem. pfd., 8 p. c... 100 123 124 I?2V? C3V? Va.-Cur. C. Co. Col. Tr 5's. 98!? ,; RALTIMORK STOCK MARKET. 'BALTIMORE, MD. May 16.?Seaboard Air Ulne common, 25?ft2?i; do. preferred, 42 bid. Seaboard 4's, 82M?iS2%. Atlantic Coast Linn common, 12fJVi???f 123; do. pro ferrod, unquoted. Wall Street Gossip. (Special to Tbo Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK, Slay 1C.?Tho stock mar? ket opened quiet and verv featureless. There wns some tendency to sag, but no? thing very marked, and tho belief that the short interest wii? Increasing bad somo effect In HtOOdylng prices, especial? ly expected that the traders would oven up over tbo end of tho week. Commission houses seemed to have very few ordere. HARRIMAN STOCKS: Mr. ! farri man's Illness had no very marked effect al the opening, and the streot scorns to be still In lirnoranee as to What Is the matter with him. There wns perhaps a Utile scattering Helling of the Iliiii'linaii slocks, but nothing of much consequence. TENNESSEE COAI, & IRON: There weio ?omo ear1-? buying ordors in Die market for Tennessee Coal und Iron, but thero did not seem to be much slork. 'Die recent buying Is snld to have been good, and Is presumably based upon the earnings, although somo peoplo con? sider an esumate of 15 per cent. Is rather large. CANADIAN PACIFIC: Brokers with Montreal connections seemed willing to pick up unv Canadian Pliclllc In the market, but did not find much stock. Tho followers of the pool do not seem to ho seriously concerned over the recent light liquidation boru. TJIK FIRST HOUR'S TRADING: Tho market became rather heavy lu tho llrst hour nnd wns Inclined to sag 011 moderate transactions. Thoro. was fair support In places, however, nnd somo linea of stocks ?cerned to bu rather sold out. The Helling appeared to come principal? ly from the lirger traders. THE GOULD S'?t?ckS; Thors was u. fairly determined attempt to test tho strength of the bull account In tho Gould stocks, which mot with mix? ed success. Tbo support In Missouri Paci? fie Heemt-d us (food ns ever, but Texas und Pool Ar: looked rallier weak. Tho pres? sure there was accompanied, by reports of bud weather, and a little long stock came out. U.NDON ????>???G~' London was a larger trader than had wen expected; and foreign houses took something llhe 6,000 shares, lncludinn Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and St. Paul. This materially increases tho long position on the other side, .where the .sentiment on Americans seems to bo get? ting steadily more bullish. THB CLOSE: The bank statement created an unfavor? able impression on the market and the close Vus heavy, only relieved by the cov? ering of a few shorts. There seemed to bo a fresh development of liquidation in stocks hitherto unaffected, notably Brook? lyn Rapid Transit, and the effect upon the rest of the market was not good. COTTON MARKETS. NEAV YORK. May 16,?Much less ex? citement and activity was displayed by the cotton market this morning, and the opening was by far the tamest of the week. First prices were at an advance of S points to a decline of 3 points, the gain being due to covering, while the trade seemed disposed to sell tho late positions In expectation of a further reaction and on the generally favorable tone of week? end crop accounts. Port receipts were es? timated to exceed last year, and thero were many reports of curtailed consump? tion. The closing Liverpool cables, while perhaps not so low ns expected on futuros, reported a subsiding demand for spots and a decline of 2 points In spot prices. These factors naturally encouraged tho early selling, but after showing ? little further weakness values wero rallied a few points by New Orleans buying orders. The rally noted after the opening was of short duration, nnd 11 o'clock found the market 8*g?10 points lower, with August leading the weaJirw^s under local boar pressure In the face of continued support from New Orle.lns. In the last hour, however, buying orders predominated, business became more ac? tive, the general tone even more unset? tled, and the market at the closo was net 4 points higher In May, while other op? tions were 3?10 points lower. May closed at 11.15, July 10.71 and August 10.46, the lntter being a loss of ten points from last night's final. Sales were estimated at 150, 000 bales. Cotton futures opened steady and closed steady : Open, High. Low. Close. May .11.10 11.14 11.10 11.15 June .10.78 10.78 10.72 10.71 July .10.76 10.77 10.G3 10.71 August .W.68 10.58 10.3?3 10.40 September .... 9.38 9.38 9.30 9.32 October .8.89 8.89 8.S4 8.80 November .... 8.80 8.80 8.77 8.70 December.8.78 8.78 8.74 8.75 January .8.78 8.78 8.75 8.76 Spot cotton, closed aulet, 10 points lower; middling uplands, 10.40; middling gulf, 10.65; sales, 398 bales. Cotton, quiet; middling, 11.40; net re? ceipts, 57 bales; gross, 8,631 bales; sales, 3,900 bales; stock, 133,185 bnlos. Total to-day at nil seaports?Net re? ceipts, 0,477 bales; export to Great Britain, 42? bales; tei the Continent, 5,235 bales) stock, 284.71 Shales. Consolidated at all seaports?Not re? ceipts, 0,477 bales; export to Groat Britain, 420 bnles; to the Continent, 5,235 balos. Total Blnco September 1st at all sea? ports?Net receipts, 7,409,053 bnles; export .to Great Britain. 2,090,084 bales; to France, 748,951 bales; te* the Continent, 2,694,490 bales; to Japan, 134,115 bales. NEAV ORLEANS, May 10.-COTTAON Thei spot cotton market wns very dull, only sixty bales being sold; quotations un? changed. Futures quiet and weak. It Is claimed thnt the market has been deliberately sold down by thoso In control for tho purpose of shaking out timid longs, and that the bull clique will buy back again as soon as the low level thoy desire Is reached. The present situation In cotton Is a puzzle tei every trader, no mtator how long ho has been In thn business, except those who aro on the inside .-?t tho opening June was down 10 points, July 15, August 9 and the now crop months 4in"? points lower. Later thero was a recovery of ? few points, tbe board at tho close show? ing net losses of G, points on May and June, 6 on July, 12 on August, 7 on Sep? tember and 3f!-l points on the other inemths PRODUCE MARKETS. NKW YORK, May 10.--FLOUR?Firm, hut quiet. Winter patente, *.3.70!??>4; Min? nesota patents, mil.30. Rye Flour?Hull; fair tei good, f2.Wile3.20. Cornmeal?Steady, yellow western, ?1.08, live?Qulot; No. 2 Western, 59%c. Barley?Steady; feeding, Wheat?Spot Irregular; No. 2 red, 83%c. The wheat opening, as an outcomo of heavy decreases In Northwest stocks and rumors of a possible 50 per cent, reduction in French duty, was steady. Tho market closed linn at V4ii")>i(- net advance. May cloned a( 83140.1 July, 78%c.; September, 75?,(!.; iJoeember. 70%c. Corn-Spot dull; No. 2, 54%c. Option market was quiet and easier, owing to favorable weather news and moderate II ?pildatlon. Tbe close was easy at %i(%c. net decline. May closed at 54%c. ; July. fin.; Beptornbeer, Mi%o. Oats?Spot linn; No. 2, 3%e?. Options epilet und barely steady,' lleef?Weak: family, Jlp??12; mess, *9'?|?0; beef haniK. J2o?21. Cut Meals?lO.isy; pickled belile?, 0*?>}094?,; pickled shoulders, t\v..; pickled bams. 11'//a IIV). Lard-Hull; wettern Hteamod, $9.85; refined, dull; com? pound, rr.87%/iffc. 1'ork-Qulel; family, Jlfl; abort olear, il8.COfi20.2r,; menu, fl8,2*5*g>18.76. Butter?Finn; extra creamery, 22c; State rHdry, 17??1?. ChecHC Firm; full cream, fancy small, colored miei white eild ISf/J'lSo.; large,, colored and whlto old, ll'.vHV. Kkks-DiiII anil weak; Blute und Pennsylvania, ???F??,; Hunt hern, 14%c. Tallow-Steady; city (|2 per package), 5%c; country (packages free), ?'.ty?*f?%e:. Rosin?Steady; strubied, common to good. t2.02%@2.05. Turpentlne-Stendy nt 49%? 50c. Coffee?Tho market for coffee futures opened quiet and unchanged, In keeping with tho featureless character of cable news, ruled Inactive In the absence of local operations on either side ontVclosed dull, not unchanged, with snles of 1,500 bags. Spot Rio, quiet: No. 7 Invoice. 5%c,; Cor? dova, 7%<itl2c. Sugar?Raw, Arm; fair re Anlng, 3 3-16C.; centrifugal, 9ii test, 9 1-10c; molasses sugar, 3c; reAned market steady. Confectioners' A, $4.70; mold A, $5.10: cut loaf, $5.45; crushed, $5.45; powdered, $4.95; granulated, $4.85; cubes, $5.10. Rice?Quiet; domestic, fair t? extra, 4\iii7c.; Japan, nominal. Molasses?Firm; New Orleans, open kottlo, good to choice, 3]iU'40c. Potatoes?Steady; new Southern. $3?3-?.75; old, primo, per 180 pounds, $l.S7??2.17; Jer? sey sweets, per basket, $1.12(31.25. Pea? nuts?Steady; fancy hnndpfeked. 4%@4%c; other domestic,' . 2%??M%c. Cabbages Quiet; Norfolk, $1?d?.12. CHICAGO, ILL., May 16.?Bullish crop roports gave strength to the wheat mar? ket to-day, and: oloslng prices were near the top figures of, the day, July being up %<fe%c. July corn was off yi?%c., but oats wero %?8".4,c. higher, with ?ieptembcr pro? visions from 2%@Cc. lower. The leading .futures ranged as follows: 1 Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT?No. 2. May ...,l.?..'. 1-7854 79& 78% 79% July ..?:. 7|?*-....73%, 72%-. 73% Sept. ...,...?... 76% '71 70% 71 CORN?No. 2. ?, , May ....46%. 45% ' .44% 45 July . 45% 45% 44% 44% Sept. 44% 44% . 44Vi 44?4 OATS-No. 2. May . 30% 36% 30W 36% July . 3?% 3314 32% , 331/j Sent.: 30% 30% 80% - 30% MESS PORK?per bbl. May .1S.90 18.90 1S.90 18.90 July .17.20 17.20 17.17% -17.17% Sept.lfi.CS 10.67% 16.00 16.62$ LAHD-Per 100 lb3. May .:. 8.85 July . 8.95 9.02% 8.90 8.92% Sept.8.97% 9.03 8.93 8.95 SHORT RIBS?Per 100 lbs. ?May . 9.32% 9.32% 9.25. -9.25 ' Julv . 9.40 9.42% 9.3S 9..T. Sept.9.22% 9.25 9.17% ? 9.17'? Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour dull and stendy. Winter patents, $3.50?? 3.60; straights, $3.20<33.4<i; spring patent, ?,'. r.<i3.90; Btralghts, $3 ?Uff... 40; patentH, t'i.3fV?'?M. No. 2 spring wheat, SOiflSc. ; No. 3, TififOc; No. 2 rod, 7S%^|79'/jC. No. 2 oats, 36%c; No. 2 whlto, 38%c: No. 3 whlto. 35Vii)37c. No. 2 corn, 4iVTf4fic; No. 2 yel? low, 47c. No. 2 rye, 50<?f,0'/.?c. Good feed? ing barley, ??f??. ; fair to choice malting, $1.11; No. 1 Aaxseed, %U<i; No. 1 north? western, $3.50. Mess pork, por barrel, $17.37; lard, por 100 pounds, $8.R5'R8.92%?, short ribs sides (loose), $9.204,9.30; dry salted shoulders (boxed), $8.25118.37?/?,.; short clear sidea (boxed), $9.50??9.1m% W.tiiskey, basis of high wines, $1.30. Clover, contract grado, $11.50(811.75; Butter?Steady; cream? eries, l(l?21Vtc. ; dairies, 16@18c. Clieese? Weak nt 12|,4rrfl3i>,(?. Eggs?Steady at mark, cases Included, 14%@14%c, BALTIMORE, MD., May Ifi.?FLOUR Qulet, unchanged. Wheat?Dull; spot and the month, f.oiM/RO%c.; Southern by sam? ple, 76V??Sic; Corn?Strong; spot, 51%4J62c.?; May, 51%1i02o.; Southern white corn. 47?i( 53c. Oats?Strong; No. 2 white. 40#i0%c, Rye?Dull; No. 2 56c. Buttor and Eggs Firm and unchanged: Choose?Steady and unchanged. Sugar?Strong nnd lower; coarse grnnulated, $5.00%: do. fino, $5.03%. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. WHOLESALE. Saturday, May 10, 1903. Official quotations of tho Richmond Fruii and Produce Exchange: LIVE POULTRY. Hens, per lb.$ 11 0$ 12 Roosters, each . 30 ? 86 Ducks, per lb. 11 t? 13 Turkey beiiH, per lb. 10 ??? 12 Turkey gobblers, por lb. 7 ?Qi 9 Geese, eiieh . 40 ? 75 Chickens (spring) small, Ib.. 23 if 24 Chickens (medium), lb. 24 (?t) 25 Chlckens( large), lb. 26 <& 27 EGGS. Crntes, nearby, fresh, dOZ..$ 14 @$ 15 Oilier sections, fretili, doz.... 14 Barrels and boxes, fresh, doz. 14 Guinea, fresh, doz. 32 BUTTER. Fancy, dairy packed, per lb,.$ 22 <?J$ Choice, dairy packed, per lb.. 20 ??> Choleo, family packed, per lb. 22 (fp Choice, sturo packed, por Ib., 18 ?r? Medium, store packed, lb.... 15 Common gradee, per lb. 13 LIVE STOCK. Beef cnttlo, very best, lb,,..$ Beef cattlo, extra, lb. 5 Beef cattle, good lb., Common to medium, lb. Snoop, nor lb. Hiirlng lambs, -ior lb. Hogs, Ilvo, per lb..... Bulls, per lb. Veals, best, per lb. Veals, common to prime, lb,, NEW COUNTRY BACON. Hams, small, per lb.$ Iti ?d-'? 17 ? Allen-Miles Co. j DEALERS AND EXPORTERS HIDES, TALLOW, .to. Write for Pri?es. * See our Market Letter on this J Page, Allen-Miles Building ATLANTA, GA. ? Review of 'S S?tterdjng Carnea! No. 10 Broad Street. Manufacturers of nil kinds of Lumber, nnd deniers In Lime, Cement, Faints, Oils, etc. THE GARDWEU. MACHINE GO. Mnnufncturers TOBACC} MACHINERY, ELEVATORS, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Richmond, Va. AVrlto for Souvenir. GORDON METAL E 1420-33 East Cnry St., Richmond, Va., Jobbers of TIN PLATE. IRON AN? STEEL ROOFING. BLOCK AND GALVAN? IZED SHEETS, TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, Fricfionless Melai Company, RICHMOND. VA? Owners and solo manufacturers of the FAMOUS FRICTIONLESS METAL. It Is tho best In the world. Smith-Courtney Co. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Southern agents for the Improved Bate Corliss Engine Machinery, Pumps, Belt Ins?. Steel nnd Wood Pulleys, Shafting anel Hangers, Hnilrond. Mine, Mill and Contractors' Supplies, Flint Kote Roofing. M'FC GO. The Lernest Blotting Mill In tlie United States. Our Branda; "Standard," "Imperial," "Sterling," "United States.' Virginia-Carolina 1 Manufacturers of Fertilizers. Fertiliz? ing Materials and Chemical."?. Importers of Potash. Salt? nnd Nitrates. Capacity: One thoiiBnnd cnrloads of Manufactured Fertilizers per day. Richmond, Vn. Richmond Stove COMPANY, 2e',02-2G0G Kent Main Street, Richmond, Va. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS STOVES. AVm. J. Anderson, Robert G. Rennolds, Prest. Sec. nnd Treas. Moon, Zirkle, Goodall Co., AVIIOLICS/ALE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. 1420 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. Tho only houso of Ha kind In Richmond. FINANCIAL. Hams, large, per lb. 12 ? 14 Sides, per lb. 11 ? 12 Slictildors, per lb. 10 ? 11 Lard; per lb. U ? 12 DRIFD FRUITS. Apples, bright, sliced, lb.$ 3 Bright, quartered, per lb. Dark, por lb. Peaches, peeled, bright, lb.. 12 Unpeeled, lb. 5 Cherries, pitted, lb. 13 Blackberries, per lb. 0 Whortleberries, lb. 15 Raspberries, lb. 16 WOOL. Tub-washed, free of burrs, lb.$ 23 @$ 24 Unwashed, free or burs, lb.... IS ? 19 Burry, per lb?2(?j4c. per lb. less. HIDES. Dry Alnt. No. 1. per lb.% 12 Dry salt. No. 1, per lb. 10% Green salt, No. 1, per lb. 6% Green, No. 1, per lb. 5% Gluo, per lb. 3 ? 4 FRUITS. Apples, fancy, hand-packed, per bbl.$2.75 ?$3.25 Choice, hand-packed, bbl.... 2.25 ? 2.50 Medium, hand-packed, bbl..?.. 1.75 ?2.00 Common, bbl.1.25 ?1.50 Grape furlt. per box. 5.00 Lemons, choice, per box. 2.75 ?3.00 Strawbcrroles. per'q'uartj.. 7 ? 15 VEGETABLES. Potatoes, white, now, No. 1, per bbl.$4.00 ?$5.00 No. 1 red, per bbl.;.3.00 ?4.00 Cabbage, per 100. 2.50 ? 3.00 Cabbage, Fia., per crato. 1.50 ? 1.75 Cabbage, S. C, por cratcN. 1.50 ? 1.75 Cabbago, N. C, per crato.... 1.25 ?1.75 Tomatoes, por carrier, fancy. 3.00 ?i 3.50 Tomatoes, No. 1. per corrlor.. 2.00 ?ir 2.5ft Tomatoes, No. 2. 1.50 ? 1.7k Squash, hamper. 1.50 ? 2.00 Beets, choice, per box. 75 ? 1.00 Boots, choice, por bbl. 2.00 ? 2.50 Boons, Fla., round, hamper.. 2.50 ? 3.00 Lettuce, per hammer. 1.25 ? 1.60 Asparagus, per bunch. 8 ? 25 Egg plnnt, per crato. 2.?? ?2.50 MISCELLANEOUS. Beans, navy, whlto, No. 1, per bus.$1.75 ?$1.90 Common, per bus. 1.25 ? 1.50 Colored, per bus. 1.00 ? 1.25 Peas, blackeye. No. 1. bus.... 90 ? 1.00 Blackeye, No. 2, bus. 75 ? So Black, per bus. 85 ?1.00 Clay, per bus. 75 ?sp 90 Flnxseed, per bus.1.30 ? 1.40 Beeswax, per lb. 26 Tallow, per lb. 6 Feathers, live, goose, por lb,. 45 ? 50 Feathers, mixed, per lb. 30 ? 40 Poanutp, No. 1. per lb. Sii? 8'? Peanuts, No. 2, per lb. 2%? 3 Walnuts, per bus. 25 ? 30 Wire chicken coops. 85 ? 90 Wire turkey coops. 1.00 ? 1.10 Egg crates . 45 ? 50 RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Va., May 16, 1903. QUOTATIONS WHEAT Longberry . 82 ?S3 Mixed . 82 ?S3 Shortberry . 82 ?83 No. 2 red . 83 Va. bag lots .75 ?82 CORN . White (Va.) bag lots....... G5 ?57 No. 2 white . 155 No. 8 white .54 No. 2 mixed.54 No. 3 mixed . 53 OATS? No. 2 mixed .3S% No. 3 mlxod . 35% RYE.55 CATTLE MARKET. CTIICAC?O, ILL, May 16.?CATTLE Markot nominal. Good to primo steers, $51(5.60; poor to medium, $4i|5; stockers and feeders, $3?5. Hogs?Market steady to 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers, $6.30? 6.00; good to choice heavy, $?.00'??6.75. Sheep and Limbs?Steady. Good to cholea wethers, $4.|?H>iJG.50; native lambs, $5'0@7.16. NEW YORK, May 16.?BEEVES Droesed boof steady. City dressed beef, nativo sides, 7?9%c. per pqund. Calves? Nominal. Sheep and Lambs?Sheep gen? erally slow. Medium to good grades about steailv; common rated easier; lambs. V4? nie. lower; spring lambs quiet, ?toady. Snoop, G3.50?(?.5?: a few for export at $5.75; lambs. $5.7G?6,75; Southern spring lambs at tVUO; dressed mutton, S@llc. per pound; dressed lambs, ll?14c. per pound. CINCINNATI, O., May 16.?HOGS-. Steady nt $4.6O?<5.30. Cuttle?Steady nt $2.75<fi4.90. Sheop?Stondy at $304.75, Lambs?Steady at $4.2&&0. TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va., May 10, 1903. The quotations of the Richmond tobacco market are ns follows: SUN-CURED TOBACCOS. Prlmmlngs .? 3.50?$ 4,50 Lugs, common . 4.60<?i O.OO Lugs, good to prime. 0.25? 9.00 Leaf, common. 6.50? 8.50 Leaf, medium . 8.50? 9.50 Loaf, Ann . 10.50?-13.00 Wrappers . 14.00? 16.50 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smokers, common .$ 4.50?$ $6 50 Smokers, medium . 6.50? 800 Smokers, lino. 8.50? 10.00 Cutters, common . 8.00? 10.00 Cultora, modlu.m. 10.00? 120. Cutters, Ane. 12.50? 15.00 Cutters, fancy . 14.00? 17.00 Fillers, common . 6.00? 7.00 Fillers, medium. 7.00? 9.00 Fillers. Ano . 9.00?12.00 Wrappers, medium. 13.00? 18.O0 Wrappers. Ane . 30.00? 40.00 Loaf, medium . 5.50? 0.50 Leaf, good . 6.50? 8.0 BROWN SHIPPING TOBACCOS. Lugs .$4.50?$ 6.50 Loaf, metllum . 6.75? 7.50 Leaf, good . 800? 950 LYNCHBURGTOBACCO MARKET, Lynchburg, ?'a., May If!, 1903. Receipts of tobacco In the warehouses of Lynchburg continue light, only 204,900 pounds being sold lust week. The condi? tion of tho offerings Is good ns to order, but mould and damago is found In many lota. Thoro la somo decline In prices, ex? cept in tho case of lugs, which aro moro than holding tholr own. Ciuotutloiis uro as follow?: , DARK GRADES. PR1MMINGS .% 1.50?$ 3.O0 LU UB Conimon and ?iark lugs. 8.60? 4.00 DARK STEMMING TOBACCOS. Lugs .? 3.50?$ 5.O0' Medium dork lugs. 4.00? 5.O0 Good dark lugs. 6.00? 0.50 LEAF? Common and dark leaf...,?.,. 6.00? 0.00 Medium dink leaf.. 6.50? 6.50 Good dark leuf. 7.00? 8.00 Pino dark leaf-.U.00?? 12.00 Extra Ano dark leaf.11.00? 18.00 Black wrappers .,..16.20? 20.00 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Common. 5??S ??9? 'common cutters.?l?00^*.??0^ Good cutters . 9.00? U.0? LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ANT BANK ?R TR?BT COMPANT IN THE SOUTH-ATLANTIC STATES Richmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company. Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capital and Surplus $1,712,188.69 Executes Trust?, Receives Deposits from $1.00 and Upwards. Allows 3 per cent. Interrst on Dally Rnlnnces Subject to Chock. Accounts Solicited. Correspondence Invited. JNO. SKELTON AV1LL1AM3, LEAVIS D. CRENSHAAV, JR., President Treasurer. JAMES II. DOOLEY, HENRY L. CABELL, VIce-PresIdonts. Is easily provided by persistent nnel systematic savings. It is tho duty of every person, young and old, to save something. If you are not already, a depositor nt this bank, we invite you to become one. ALL SUMS ACCEPTED. INTEREST ALLOWED. liiiSlfiilBl 911 East Main Street. S. GALESKI, President. W. GRAY WATTSCW, Cashier. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, Capital,.$200,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, . . $628,852.34 Designated State. United States and City Depository. KaSeass Collections a Specialty/ '"Air1 Largest Bank Depository South of Baltimore. .'OHN P. BRANCH, President, JOHN F GLENN, Cashlsr. JOHN K. BRANCH, Vice President THE SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND 1117 East Main Street, Next to Hotel Lexington. Dopoelts In sums of ONE DOLLAR and upwards, received and Interest allowed. Loans made on real estate. Negotiable paper discounted. R. A. PATTERSON, President. L. Z., MORRIS, Vice-Pr?sident; " JAMES M. BALL, Cashier. DIRECTORS?George L. Christian, N. D. Hargrove, P. AVJiltlook, H. Theodore Ellyson, Vf. II. Zimmerman, 13. Alsop, R. A. Patterson. L. Z. Morris, F. SlttordinB, H. Seldon Taylor, O, O. Owens, John AV, Gordon, G. O. Valentine. ?? BANKER AMD BROKER. 1015 E.Main St. Richmond, Va Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold (or Cash or Carried on the Most Favorable Terms. Investment Securities a Specialty. 'Phone 3T6. J.M.CUIT&CO.I Bankers and Brokers, 909 EAST MAIM STREET. BELL 'PHONB 397. Stooks and Bonds Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Margin. Correspondence Invited. Fine cutters . U.OO? 1200 BltlOHT WRAI'PERS Common.,.,, 6.0 Medium .,. 8.0 .. Good ., 12.00? Pine . 15.O0? MAHOGANY AVRAPPERB Good. H.OO? 25.00 Medium. 12.00? 20.00 WRAPPERS? Common.? c.00?il2.0!> Medium .12.50? 17.50 Good .17.d?@ 85,00 Fancy .35.00? 65.00 Sales of tobacco on tho Lynchliurg mar? ket for. the two weeks ??????? May 2, 1003, furnls-hed by John L. Oglesby, of Lynch's Warehouse: Bold week ending April 25th. 174.200 pounds; sold week ending May 2, 204,000 (Continued on Eleventh Page.) BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED BY THE OF VIRGINIA, MME. Main St.. Richmond, Va, MUBMm?mKmW?mWmmmUmW? POWHATAN CLAY M'FG, CO., 14 NORTH */TH STREET. ?I In All Colors. ?Fire Bricks. 16 Highland Park lot?, henutlful loca tlon, 6c cur furo, Monday 4 P. M. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO, Up-to-date Mining paper (fully llluHtrnted), containing all tho notvu from 'amous gold camps, Including BIO CREEK & U. S, Miniti).; Journal, ISONussilU St., ?, Y INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Virginia Bonds, Richmond City Bonds, ?homlcal Stooks. AVYNDllAM ROLLING & HRO? ?Phono 418. ? ? 101B lOuat Main, Richmond, Va,