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Representative Women From All Sections Proclaim PE-RU* of Special Benefit for Catarrhal Ailments Peculiar to Their Sex. > *? _ _ ?-??^???*?!-?????!./?????^-^?1?-??????.????4???.?G?*?^ ? OK>r*O^OK>K>?OK>?0^4>OS^^ O MISS MURIEL ARMITAGE. Miss Muriel Armitage. 30 Greenwood Avenue. Detroit, Mich., district organ? izer nf tho Royal Templars of Temper? ance. In ? recent letter says: IT?? ivrutin Medicine Co., C?luinliu?, O. Gent lome??:?"I think thnt - woman nnturnlly n'urlili.? freiin mu.h.s tier tremble?? publie, Iiut re?toreel health hm tnennt wi much tei in*? tleiit I feel feii the? ?nke of other lufferlne itomeli II I? my eleily tee teli what l'erunn he? etimi' fe?r me. "I HifTi'ii??] for ?Te year? with Irregular! Hen, ?rblch liiiiiitlit on h.viterln ?ini limile? i?" a pbynlcal wreek. I tried ilnetor? fremi thn differ? ent ?eheeoln of medicine, hut without nny per eeptlblo chauffe In my conilltlon. In my eie. ?pair I e-nlleil on in olii nume, who ndrl??'d me tei try reruns, nnel promln-e] ffond r?unit? If 1 would l'unir??, mil tnke It regularly. I thought till? ivm tlie lent I cernid ele, miel procur?e] ? iKittle. I knew an ?ewn .?>? I 1 ? ? ? j: -? 11 in.Ii.,r It tint it wn? affertilii; me differently from finy thlnff I hnd line-el before, nnel ?o I kept on taking It. I kept thl? up forielt month?, nnd Meiieilly Kilned htreeicTh lend lienltb, nml when I linei ii-.-d fifteen bottle? t considered tnyneir entirely cured. 1 am a cruteful. happy woman to-dny." MISS MI'HIKI. AIIMITAOK. Peruna hns cured thousands of cases of female, weakness. As a rule, how? ever, before Peruna Is resorted to, Seve? rn] other remedien hnve been tried In vain. A great many of the patients have taken local treatment, submitted them? selves to surgical operations, nnd taken all sorts of doctor's stuff, without nny result. fnct that diseases pecullnr to the fornaio sex nre not commonly re? cognized n? being caused by catarrh. ?""~??-???-??? Thoso organs The reason of so many failures Is the nre lined by mucous membrane's. Any mucous membrane Is subject to catarrh. Catarrh of one organ Is exactly the shine as, catarrh of any' othetv}organ, what will cur? catarrh of tbe head ; will also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs. Peruna cures these cases simply because it cures the catarrh. Female Trouble Noi Recognized as Catarrh, MISS RUTH EHERSON. M?as Ilutli Kmerson, 72 Bycnmore Street, Jluffulo, N. V., writes: "I suffered for two yenrs with Irregular and pnliiful perlutls ?nel PerUlitt cure-el me within six weeks.' I ennaot tell you how grntntul i feel, Any ngcncj wlilch brings heulth and strength lo the iitTlleteel Is ulwuys a we'leoino frlciiil, miei tu-diiy tbe inurket Is no nileil \vi\h useless nuil Injurious medicines Unit It ls o pleasure' III Ull.iW of su ll'lllllil" II llll'llll'lllf 1?? you pince beforo tho public.".?Miss itulh emersoli. Mrs. Anna B. Klehnrty, recent enpcrlntend cnt of tho W. C. ? l?., lieHiliiUirtfrs nt Gules bure, III., whs for ten ynurs ono of tho lend? ing women ttioro. Her husband, when living, wns ilrst preslilout of the Nebrimktt Wceleyuu University ut Lincoln, Neb, In it letter written from 401 West Sixty-seventh Streot, Chlcugo, III,. Mrs. Kit? bu r ? y suya tbo folio? Ing in regimi to Peruna: "Iluvlug lived u very urtivi? Ufo us wife and working purtaer of u busy minister, my beallli fulled me u few years lego, I hut my tnishuni] u l,?ii t tho suino Unii?, nnd grillimi Ily I seemed to lose lleu?th und spirit. My daughter Is a ruutuniod Invalili, und wo both felt gruut ueeel Of UH Invigorii tor. "One of my neighbors advised me to try Peruna. A bottle was Immediately uecurcd and a great change took place In my daughter's as well au In my own health. Qur appetites Improved very greatly, the digestion eeenied much helped, and restful sleep .soon Improved us, so that we seemed new women, "I would not be without Peruna for tun tlmee ite cost."?MRS. ANNA B, PJ-EHARIX* y-'?v-vvY *v??: NOTABLE CURES THAT ARE THE TALK OF THEIR LOCALITY FEMALE WEAKNESS IS PELVIC CATARRH. Always Half Sick Are the Women Who Have Pelvic Catarrh, Catarrh of nny orsini, If allowed to progresa, will affect the whole body. Cntorrh without ' nprroiimie.ii In ver? rere, lint ?loll-lc ridurrli and nettouineii go band in lumi. \Vbat li ?o tllatreaiing a Mght un ? poor hilf? ?Ick. Herr?n? ?ornan, ?ufferlng from the many nimmt unbenrnhle symptoms of pelrlc catarrh. .Sii? doce not conalder herself 111 enough to go to bed. but ?be fa far from being able to do her work without the grcnteat exhalation. Till? I? a rery common sight and Is almost always due to pelrlc catanb. It la Ironic Iban foul Wh for ?o many women to suffer yeur after year with a dlaeaae that cut) be permanently cured, Perniili curca cutarra permanently. It curea old rbroule canea ne well ?? a allgbt attack, the only difference belili; In (he length of time that It ?hould be tiikcn to effect ? cure. Mary I?', Ilortholoinew, St. FriDclarllle, III., aaye: "About twelve years ago I was afflicted with temalo trouble (pelvic catarrh). I doctored with several skillful physicians, but kept getting worse, until I became bedfast. 1 was In this condition about two years, under the attendance of four physicians. I got no better during this time. Finally looking over Dr. Hartman's female book, I concluded I would write for advice. I am not sorry I did so. I owe my life to Dr. Hartman and Peruna. My friends and neighbors never expected to see me well again."?Mary F. Bar? tholomew. MRS. J. E. FINN. Mrs. J. ?. Finn, ? 82 East Uifjb Street, Buffalo, ?. Y., writes: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen,?"A few years ago I had to give up social life entirely, as my health wes completely broken down, The doctor advised a complete change and rest for a year. As this was out of the question, for a time I began to look around for other means of restoring my health. "I had often heard of Peruna as an ex? cellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to see what It would do for me, and It certainly took hold of my system and rejuvenated me, and in less than two months I was In perfect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a dose or two of Peruna Is all that I need."?MRS. J. E. FINN. ,Munt of the women afflicted with pelrlc die eauea hnve no Idea thnt their trouble la due to catarrh. Tbe majority of the people think Unit cutnrrb la a disease confined to tbe bead alone. This is not true. Cntnrrh Is liable to attack any organ of the body? throat, bronchial tnbea, lungs, stomach, kldneya, nnd especially the pelrlc organ?. Many ? woman hna made this tlfacorery after a long siege of useless treatment. She has made thn discovery thnt her diseuse is catarrh, und that I-erunn can be relied upon to cure catarrh wherever lucuteci, Mr?. Kwther M. Millier, Dp Orati, O., wrlten! "I wns u terrible sufferer from female weak? ness: ami Inni the headache continuously. I was not able to ?lo my housework for myself nini husband. 1 wrote you and described my condition nil near as possible. You recommended I'lriina. I took four hnttlen and wa? completely cured. I think Poru?a ? wonderful medicine," ?Mrs.^Esther M. Millier, /IRS. ANNA ?. FLEH ART Y, Mr?. Nelllo Wearer, 20.11 fi. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pi., writes! "Having heard ?nd rend of Prrunn, when my system becnine lo run down thit 1 thought 1 wotilel neTer regain tny health, I decided to glvn Prrunn ? trill. 1 (tallied In health nnd strength nnd combler Pnmnn the belt remedy on th? market," NKI.MIJ Wr.AVF.H. Mr?. ?, G, Bill*, Curve. Tenn.. writes: "I irlah to ndd my testimony to the life? iiTtntr vsluo of your moat excellent tnertlclno, Ponine. "? wu lick with Indigestion nnd bowel trou? ble, tried ? good phyilclin anil ninny kind? of medicino, hut grew wone ?nd weaker nil tho while, "My ion ndvlscrt" me lo try l'ertimi, m It wm good feir io miny nllment? nnd might be beneficial to mo. I lent for a bottle, nnd I wai no wpnk thnt I could not lit up tn bed. After taking Peroni for two days t wn? ?bla to ?It lip nnd ent anything thnt 1 ?vented. "1 nm now well and getting ?trongnr nnd gaining In flesh every ???t. Thank? to Peruna, the King of Medicine?." MIIS. ?. F. ELLIS. Superior for Worn-Out Women. Mr?. M> Van Vnncken. Chalrlady of Sick Committee of Lndy Standard Mutimi Dcncflt Aiioclstlon of New Orienti?, 821 Fourth Street, New Orle;nni, La., writes: "In connection with my official work I have repeatedly found I'eruna a most reliable remedy. In enses, of catarrh of the system there 1? noth? ing which will enre nny quicker, anil ?? ? rem? edy for wornout women It Ii superior to nny? thing G know. "It restore? ? mother after severe ehlldblrth and prevent! pnln nnd Irregularities in a very short time. I bave founel It of much value, both nt a preventive of colds and a? a tonic when I hare been feeling badly, nnd although I neTer give a testimonial for anything. I make an exception in favor of Perun?. as 1 consider It of exseptlonnl value."?Mrs. Van Vranck? en. Peruna Invigorates. (n all auch c?sese Peruna Is ? godsend, Peruna comes to those who nre unable to af? ford tbe expensive luxuries of change of ?cene and climate. I'cnini comee to euch people wlU* rerresliment, recuperation nnd a renewal ?? Nervous Women. No nervous woman ought to neglect to give Peruna a fair trini. It Is almost absolutely certain to help her, and In sonm cases the re? lief Is magical. Margaret llelmer, 21 Ceflira Terrace, Ilot Springe, Ark., writes: "I was very much run down about a year ago nnd alti medical treat? ment failed to bring tho required relief and toning my system needed. I was advised to try Peruna, which I did only when everything elso felled. One bottle really mnde an en? tirely different woman of me and four bottles toned up the system and restored me to perfect health. I shall always speak In the highest prslae of Peruna and cheerfully recommeoid It to any and all In need, of a tonic. With th* very beat wlibee for your auccess.'?Margaret llelmer. o ? MISS FLORENCE MURPHY, g Mlaa Florence Murphy, ?70G? Second Avenue1, Seattle Waal)., write?: "I Buffered for over a year with female trnu , ble, and allumigli I tried several physicians' none of them seemed able to help me per? manently. "It look only ? little over three bottles of reruna lo make me well "ad strung. I never hove biieksoho. Iieud.-iche or hearing down pains any mon?."?Miss Florence Murphy. Mrs. Judge McAllister writes from 1217 W. Twenty-second .Street, Minneapolis, .Minn., as follows. "Il Buffered feir years with u pnln In tho hinnil e,f my buck und right side?. It Inter? fered often with my domestic unel social limits, und I never supposed thut I weiulel tie cured, ns the doctor's medicine did nut seem to help mo uuy. "I took Perunu faithfully for seven weeks nini uni happy Indenti t? I?? ?blu to miy that I am entirely cured. Perfect health once more I? the best thing 1 could wish for, and thnnks to Penimi I cuu enjoy Hint auw,"?Minnie l?. I McAllister. HOT WEATHER NERVOUS WOMEN. Pe-TU-na Is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the Ner? vous Depression Incident to Warm Weather,' Nervousness Is very common among women. This condition Is elue to anaemic nerve cvntors. The nerve centers uro r?servoir? ut nervous vitality. Thoso centers heeomo bloodless for want of proper nutri? tion. Till? Is ospedali}? true In the wurm scu? eon. Every summer u l"ft ut Invalids uro prei? ducrd us tbo direct result or vvoak. nerve?. Tille could bo euslly obviated by thu uso ot I'oruim. renimi strikes "I <bu root of the illf lleully by correcting the digestion. llli-eHlou furnishes nutrition for the nervi? runter?. Proporli- ejlge'stcil food rurulsbes (heno r?ser? voirs of life with vitullty. which lenels to strung, steudy nerves, nuil Huh nourishes, life. Pc-ru-na Cannot be Imitated.? There la no uso try lug to linltutel'urunu. It bus been tried many times by nun skilled In phuriuucy and ?;l-e-iiitstry. but they have ulwuys fulled. Till? Initiator? of l'erupa tlou't fwl "iiy one who tius ever taken Penimi or who beiH evi't wlines.;cil the goi?-) ll'K",ta "' I'VTI-??? IVruuu ucts so promptly, Us beucfltu ure su lusting, uuU It Is so biiru to reuch l'uts/a-b where ver located In tho body, thut uu (i*JU ???% ot ?'?????, sau ?mwi? .^.^^.^^., Mrs. Margaret tittle, 47 noyt Street, Brook? lyn, N. T., writes: "t hare been troubled with constipation and Indigestion for over a year, my completion waa ruined nnd 1 true nervous and losing flesh every day. The doctors advised thnt I go to ? sani? tarium, hut ? number of people, advised me to try Peruna befori? going lo thnt pipeline, and I did so. t found that tbo first bottlo regu Inted my bowels, clenroil my complexion, nnd by thn time 1 had taken sii bottles my stomnch ?nd digestion was In perfect vrorklug order and baa remained so ever since, "As this wss very much cheaper than going; tn ? sanitarium, t havo every reason to be grstetul."?Margaret Llttlo. Mra. Mary A. Engelhard, 2825 Madison Street, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I hnre been a hard worker all my llfn, and rery often 1 neod a tonic. Nothing does me so much good as I'erunu. It acts like ? charm and 1 feel like a new woman. I do nil my own work sod ? lot of other work besides. I will give I'eruna all tbe credit."?Mrs. Mary A, I'ngeihiiril. Peruna Prevented an Operation, Mrs. Minnie Rteeves, President Illinois Wo man's Alliance, writes from 42 Dilavare Pince, Chicago, til.! The Peruno Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen,?"Ever alnce my son, now grown, was born I bore suffered with ionie peculio?! woskneaa of the p?lvlc organs which no medicine seemed to reach. "My physicians finally suggested an op?ration, which I was considering, when my sister asked me to try Peruns ns ? lent resort. She hnrl ti?ed It nnd been greatly helped. Perlina simply worked wonders with my whole system, nnd In u few week? the? pnlns began to go awny, I felt so much better thnt I kept on taking It nnd em now In perfect henlth. 1 give great praise In this splendid medicina ami certilDly ntlvlse suffering women to try It when all else falls."?Mra. Minnie Steevcs. * ^MRsTL??CY^ArCLARK; This prominent lady writes the following letter to tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., In regard to tlielr medicine, Peruna: "Peruna his for some time been tbe only medicino I have used for myself nnd family. I bar* found It very good In cases of la grippo, as It seems to throw the Illness quickly and effectlrely ont of tho system, tn cases of ex? treme weariness or frequent bnckncho It die pois the uncomfortable feeling, nnd by occa? sional use It maintains the body In ? healthy condition."?Lucy A. Clark, Postmistress, Farm lngton, Utah. Mrs. Lncy A. Clark, Postmistress of Farm lngton, Utah, has held mnny prominent positions in her State. She Is vice-president of the Utah Stnte Council of Women, chnrter member Utah Women's Press Clnb, wne vice-president ? Lady Managers of Utah Columbian Exposition, and wns a delegate to National Woman's Associa? tion st tho convention at Washington, 11. 0. Why Suffer Longer? It would be well-nigh Impossible to enu? merate nil the consequences to a women's life which naturally result from a neglected enee of pelvic catnrrb. Wbntovcr thoy are there can be no doubt that in most casen It is en? tirely unnecessary for them to continue. An Intelligent course of treatment with Peruna will, In most cases, effect an entire cure, 99 Eleventh Street, Milwaukee, W,ls. "A short time ago I found my condi? tion very serious. I had headaches, pains In the back and frequent dizzy spells, which grew worse every month, I tried two remedies before Peruna, and was discouraged when I took the first dose, but my courage soon returned. In less than two months my health was re? stored."?Mrs. M. Brlckner. HISS LOUISE BERTSEU MRS. EVA BARTHO. ?Mrs. ?t? Bartbo, 183 E. Twelfth Street, New York city, ?. Y?. writes: "I suffered for three years with female wonkness and ulc?ration of tbe ports. The doc? tor advocated nn opcrntlon, which t dreaded rery much, and strongly objected to go under It. Now I am a changed worann. Penino cured me; It took nine bottles, but I felt so much Improved I kept taking It, SB 1 dreaded an operation so much. I am to-day la perfect health and havo not felt so well for fifteen years."?Mrs. Era Ilnrtho. Miss Mamie Powoll, Lake Charles, La.,' writes: "I sincerely bollero that. Peruna Is woman's best friend, for it has certainly been that to me. I bad had headaches, backaches and other aches every mouth for a long timo, but shortly after I bogan taking Peruna thin was a thing of the* past and I haro good reason to bo grate? ful. I take ? bottle orery spring and toll now, and that keeps my health perfect, and I cer? tainly nm moro robust now than I have been before and am weighing moro. I do not thlnU any one will be disappointed In the results ob? tained from tho uso of Poru?a."?Miss Mamie Powoll. Mrs. E. It. Drown, 829 Elliott Btreet, Mem? phis, Tenn., writes: "I suffered for several years with hcadacho, brought on by nervous prostrutlon. I was also nflllcted with Insomnia. I would get up In the morning moro -weary than when I retired nnd used to dread tho approach of night, renimi ennui Into my homo aa a welcome guest, and within three short months I wns like another woman. I havo now enjoyed for over a year, and those who have ?offered as I did will know how happy I nm."?Mrs. E. I.? Brown. M?SS ?. BRICKNER. Dr. litirtmuu racelves many letters front suffering women who havo been cured of soma cutarrhal derangement by the use of Peruna, The following letter speuke for Itself: Tho Peruua Medicine Co., Columbus, O.i Gontlemcn,?"My health was excollant until? uliuut six months m(. wheu I seemed to have a collapso from overdolug socially and tho doc? tor ordered un on tir..? chaut??! of scone and cli? mate. As this wus un absolut? Impossibility at this time, I had to try und regain my health In another wuy, ami wns Induced by a friend who guvu Peruna such a good recommend to try Peruna, 1 cannot toll you the condition of my nortea when I began lo uso It. The least inline Irritatoli me und I felt Ufo waa not worth living, but Penimi soon cliungml me Into a, well woman, unit now I do not know 1 havo nerves." ?Loulso Hcrtsel, lOVj Second Street, Brook? lyn, N. Y. What used to bo cillled female diseases by the nii'dlotil profession Is now called pulvlu culurrh. It lias been fourni by enpurieiico that entum?a! diseuses of tbo pelvic organs uro the cttu.ii of most cuses of female disumo, fir. liiii-tiiiitii wit-, among thu mai of Amer? ica's grout physicians to uiakc this liiseovury. For forty ycurs he has been treullug diseases peculiar lo women, tutti lung Ugo ho reached thu conclusimi Unit u woman entirely free from ca?an ??.? 1 tilTeclloit of the.-.,? organs would not he subject to female disenso, He Jlit-refnru be? gun ruling l'ennui for I lie-o cutes ami. found It m uiliulriibl.v adapted to their periusiwiit eur? 'Inn I'm Una bus now lieculue the fatuous it-titfdy for foiiiule dlsusse? ever Icuiwu. It you do not derive prompt ami satisfactory results from the use of Puruns, write at ouco .to Dr. liuriinan, giving a full ?tstrniont ot your cose, and ho will bo pluutij la give you his vu 111 a!) lo uilvlcu glut??. Ad-Uuis lu?, IlwlBJUU, J'roldvul ?? itu Jl.ii ??? HliutUb'l-UOi. OdlWBliMi. 0? ? - - v.