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VIRGINIA'S GAME LAW The Full Text of the Measure Just Adopted. A MOST EXCELLENT LAW |t it Thought That ft Will be Generally Satisfactory?Us Passage Due to the Efforts of Delegate L. T. Christian. Many amendments have been made to the name law of the Slate, 1he full text of which Is given beluw. It Is believed that a most excellent law lias been framed ?one that will protect? the birds from extermination, and at tbe sume time not Interfere with reasonable sport. H Ir due la a large part to the efforts of Dole gate L. T. Christian, of this city, that tbe measure wns adopted. It reads as follows: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That Chapter ninety-five of the Code of Virginia, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, bo amended and re enacted so ns to read as follows: Section 2070 (ti). When and bow un? lawful to bunt, et cetera.?1. It. shall bo unlawful for any person to shunt it, kill or capture any wild water fowl or wild turkey nt any timo during the night in this state, or nt ony time to enpture them In traps or nets or other contrivances, or to uso reflectors or other lights, or sneak boats or artificial Islands in detecting or enpturing or shooting ofvwiI?l fowl or eamo of any kind, or to hunt or shoot muskrnt.s at night with ? light in tho tidewater sections of ho State, or to shoot it any game on laud or water In this state with a gun larger than nn eight llore. All sneak bouts, nets, traps or re? flectors or other unlawful uppllanccs so | jeed or found In tho possession of any | j?rsoii shall be seized by any game war fen and bold by him ns evidence, but tho Kitne shall not bo destroyed except by he order of the court or Justice having urlsdiction, upon warrant.? duly Issued, .vhlcb said court or Justice shall, upon satisfactory evidence of the guilt of the mrty, or of the unlawful nature of the irticle seized, order the same to bo de? stroyed. Tbo possession of any of said ?uns, sneak boats, nets, traps, roflectors ir other unlawful appliances shall bo irima facie evidence of tbe guilt of the jersoii In whose possession they are ound. ?2. It shall bo unlawful for ?any person o hunt, kill or capture in any manner, or Bay, offer for sale, or have In possession my wild turkeys, pheasants or grouse, luall or partridges or woodcock east of ho Blue Ridge mountains between Feb uary the first and November the first, nd west of the Bine Ridge mountains letwcen December the thirty-first and iovembor tho first, or to track any of hem in snow except wild turkeys, or to rap or net them at any time, or to de troy their nests, eggs or young nt nny ime, or to kill. chas.? or capture, or buy, ifter for sale, or have In possession nny vild deer between January the first and Dctober the first, or to track or hunt .hem In snow, or to kill or capture, ?r ?ttyj ot?er for?sale, or have In possession, any winter wild water fowl between April the first and October and fifteenth, or summer or wood ducks hetween Janu? ary the llrst and August the first, or any rails, mud hods, gallljiules, plovers, surf birds, snipe, sand pipers, wlllets, tatlers or curlews, between January the first nnd July twentieth, or robins between April the first and February 18th. The possession of any of said gamo birds or game animals, or parts thereof, protected by the laws of this state, during the sea? son in which It Is unlawful to hunt, kill, chase or capture the same, shall be prima facie evidence of the guilt of the party in whose possesBion they are found. 3. It shall be unlawful to, shoot or oth? erwise hunt any wild water fowl or any game birds protected by the laws of this state later than half an hour after sun? set or earlier than an half an hour be? fore sunrise, or to shoot or hunt any game In this state on Sunday. 4. Any person violating nny of the provisions of this section shall be deemed gultly of a mlsdeameanor, and shall be punished by a fine or not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, or impris? oned in Jail for not more than thirty days, or both fined and imprisoned, at tho discretion of tbe Justice or Jury "trying the case,? ? 5. A.11 a.cts or parts of acts In con? flict with this section are hereby re? pealed, but tbe board of supervisors of any county shall bave the power to shorten the ?jpen season in their said county and may permit the shipment of wild water fowl from said county or out of the State, and by regulations, not in? consistent with the provisions of this sec lion, may further protect tbe game with? in their said county. i. Nothing In this section ??hall be con? strued to refer to the bird known us soni. Sec. '_i>70 ibi. Game wardens, their ap? pointment duties, etc, It shall be tho duty of the- city or corporation courts of the cities, or the Judge?, thereof In vaca? tion on tbe application of five resident freeholders of nny city to appoint two suitable persons in such olty us game wardens, whose Jurisdiction shall be con? fined to their respective cities und where the Board of Supervisors of any county ??????. by resolution of record in tbe min? ute? of said Board, request the judge of the Circuit Court of said county so to do. the isnld Judge shall, upon the application of five resident freeholder? of any magis? terial district in Bald county appoint on? suitable person In such magisterial dis? trict as gamo warden, whose Jurisdiction shall be confined to sain magisterial dis-. trlct where the said appointment Is mail?? by the Judge In vacation, h?? Mull certify the name to the dork of his court, who shall enter thn sam? in the order book, of bis court In the Rame manner as If made In term. 2. Tbo said wardens shall bold ofllce for the irrm of four years from the date of their appointment, unless sooner re? moved from ofllce, and ?ball qualify ac? cording to law. :; It shall be the duty of snld wardens t.> enforce ?11 statutes of this state, nnd Of the United Stales, now In force or hereafter to be enacted for the protection and propagation of wild water fowl, same birds und game .mimais or song or In? sectivorous bird?. The said wardens shall have power, and It ?ball be their duty. to nil??-:.., nny |,(-rson delected by them in the ,t<'t of violating any of the aforesaid I'iwk, or any person again?! whom a war? rant shall have been duly keyed upon tin- information of any other person for (moil violation, .?nd forthwith to .carry such person before t) Justice or court.hav? ing Jurisdiction r,ver the offene?., who ehall proceed without "?r? isonabla delay or hear, try owl determine the charge against such person, No game warden shall have any right under this ict to go upon ih? (end o? another person with? out the consent of such other person nu? lli and uniese such game warden ?hall have procured ? search warrant In ?son? formlty with ,he provisions ot subsection five of ?bis seotiiiu. or shall have a wm rant for the urresi of some person th.? on: provld'-d, 'i.ow,.??,?. r, thai ?. '. game warden indy without a warrant irres-1 ?ny person who violates nny of the pro? visions of th1? cljapter In the pi such game warden, und should any per? son violate any of. th.. provlsojim .?! ii;i cluipu-r In tbo presence of tucl. gam.?, Cfhe popular Millinery Is always Mint which hns como from Kauf mntin's, not only because you havo bought ? frltained Hnt at loss price than vnlno, (which Is also very often Mio case,) hut because there is always thnt Instinctive touch of stylo nnd originality that yon cannot And elsewhere nt almost any price. The fnct Is, it takes an nrtlst to produce popular designs In Millinery, as It docs In nny other scientific, brunch. Wo havo ihn right designers miti thoso who know how to t?aiilp?lntethe liions. Hero's something nobby in Jala Priced Jrimmed tfats. ?. f j, (yn Muelo lints of fancy itti 04\??0 straw, with silk pop? py wreath ? nel liberty satinribbon rosoti os; also Tuscan lints, bout Into droop shapes nnd trinimeli with sprays of colored dnsles anil many loops of tiny velvet ribbon on brim. These nro marked down irotn $o.50. JYt r>? ?? Flower Hot of purple s?? ? O ? UU viol?is nnd leaves, tho tinderbrlm being of contrasting chiffon anil bandeau of violets. These arc mnrked down from $0.00. J?//C Suits for ?Summer. Shirtwaist .Suits, some cull thum, but they aro really more dressy than Garments of that nppcliitton. Hero wo specify ono which, if not lho lowest prlco wo carry, ls nn exceptional value ami well worthy your attention. It is of extra heavy taffeta In either check or stripe, in whlto anil black, with waist piped In black, and laco and medallion trimming. Tho skirt Ik cut with panel front, graduated flounce anil medallion ornamentation, The price of this demi-toilet ls.$17.50 -Shirtwaist Suits In linen, damask, chamhray or lawn, arc again tho attractive Garments for street wear the coming warm months. Thoy arc so cool looking, are nobby, and above all arc so inexpensive, that they havo token the pince of the dressmnkors' garments for smart dressers. Take, for In stance, tho following nobby styli m $3,93 Mudo of figured whlto damask, with waist, tucked and trimmed in straps and buckles; a so ven gored tiare Skirt made to match waist. White. ?Summer i?aists. India Linon, is tho ono material for this su miner's Waists. Some aro tucked pro? fusely, others aro handsomely embroi? dered?the designs generally are very hnmi? s?me nnd the great sales illustrate fully with what favor they are held. Wo havo them at every price, from 50c. to $5,08, but hero we particularly mention ono, just arrived, that is ? regular $1.50 value, but will besohl at ?1.12 ns long as thoy last: Of whito India linon, with front formed of clusters of tucks, bands of lnce Insertion nnd medallions, tucked collar and cuffs. The price Is.$I.IZ Jhe Parasol display Is very interesting. Hero you can see every conceivable color and combination. Stripes and checks, in black and whlto, arc very popular, and theso have nntural wood or carved handles. For this week wo will sell a ?5.00 value for $8,9S. It is of lino quality "taffet?, In black und white stripe, tho edge trimmed with two whito spool silk ruffles, This week's prlco is.$3.93 Ribbed Wndermar for ?adies. The Garments found in this tlopartment are worthy of special recommendation. They arc not the elusa of goods bought for special sales und which sound presumably chea]), but they are actually valuable, nnd ilcservo your attention as Garments that you can wear arid bo satisfied with. Our low grade at 10c. is ono that wo can recom? mend, for thoy aro bought with euro ami from reputable mills. /> . ? cn Wo havo fifty dozen each &J\ ??OG. Vests nnd Punts?lisle thread gauze, silk taped neck and arm. holes?all sizes, ulso extra large, Other grades In hotter quiiliilos, fit..38C? SUC, 75C. Ribbon Opportunity, Special Kiih) of fifty pieces of our 18c. anil Sic Silk Fancy Glncu ami Plain Taffet? million, ii unii lija inches wide, suitable for neck wear nnd mil- /<-)_ _ J / _,^ llnory purposes... JU C, Ct bjfCtlQ. Fourth and ?road J?s. Wftrd?n, such game warden may lawfully follow suoli person ?mywhere In the of furl to arrest. i. Th,? several commanders of the oye? lor police boat-, of thin commonweiKh aro hereby constituted game wardens of this slut.', wlu.sei Jurisdiction us auch wardens shall extend over the lands and waters of this coniinoinvivUlli within their noverai jurisdictions as commanders, They s?mil enforce the statutes of this state and of the United Stales, for tiv protection of name or other animals or birds protected by law, and render i-e? ?ma to Urn bourel of fisheries of all prose? iiiiiNii.-. and the said board ?t fisheries shall publish th- same in their -ninnai report a* Information, The command? ers of tho said i.y.-te?,? police boats shall receive'' no additional compi nsutlou foi ih.? performance of those duties, ?*? . in in <?;?."? "i pnrivletlon, thoy muj recelye the fee provided for in subsection 11 of ens section, '.-Any court JU'Juu or justice ha\ini: in ir ??? iluu e,v.T tin- pffenl?e, If satis fli-d upon affidavit thnt there \u roasoti? ll b|p causi tu belleyp that any wild water fowl, b"ii!i" birds, ?amo animals or sun/! ni Insectivore ? birds, or parta there lught, taken, killed, shlj.d, or ihout ?a be shipped, or ln>tr?nelt, contrary to Ihe lawn ..? this Htati-, nr ol tho I'nllol ?Hi ? toi ari? beiti? concealed or stored.Jn : pi i'"?, ? '" !'? Issue larch warrant und cause search therefor la tie made an} .-m-?. place, and ? ? that and may, itt-r den ? ? ancj refusal, cause nny building, cue?]., in.- ot car - ? be ?nt-ered,?' ?lid nny : n.( In which, it Is. bo? ll? ri a ili?) ii con .:? j t? i?. . ?t, limljivd by any. ol --aid iwiiavi*. fir uthtv officer* executing thn warrant: provided, that the Issuance nnd execution of such search warrants shall be in accordance with tbo Issuance nnd execution of search wnrrnnls in other cases ns provided by ?, All game animals, wild water fowl find birds, protected by law, or parts thereof, found under such warrant, shaM be prized by the warden or other officer mnklng the'search, and shall be disposed of ns the court, Judge or Justice having Jurisdiction may direct. All guns, gun? ning or hunting appliances found In such search shall be seized by said warden or other officer, and held subject to the payment of the fine prescribed by law Tor thn offence charged and the cost of prosecution. If any of the nrticles so found be such as nro not atitl.orlifid by law they shall, upon the order of tho court, Judgo or Justice having Jurisdic? tion, bo destroyed, ami nil other of such nrticles shall bo sold at public auction after the lapse of twenty days from the thn?. of seizure, find after such notice as tho court, Judge or Justlco having Juris? diction, may prescribe, unless the reputed owner appears nnd acquits himself of Hie charge or pny tbo fine that may bo Im? posed by the court. Judge or Justice. ?. Any person or persons Interfering with any of said gamo wardens In the discharge of I heir duty, or resisting law? ful nrrest, shnll bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollnrs. S. All fines nnd penalties Imposed nnd rolloote-d under the provisions of tills chapter shall bo pnld to tho common? wealth, nnd in addition to said fines nnd penalties there shall be assessed against the offender In every caso of conviction under Hin provisions of this chapter a fee of Iwo dollars and fifty cents, which shall be collected ns fines are collected under the genernl provisions of law, and be paid to tbo warden who shnll secure the conviction. 0. Tf any warden appointed under this section shall refuse or wilfully neglect t? prosecuto nny person violating ?any of Its provisions, or nny of tho laws of this stato relating to wild water fowl, gime birds or game animals or song or In? sectivorous birds, his nppolntment shall be revoked by Iho court having Jurisdic? tion, nnd such warden shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con? viction thereof shnll be fined not ex? ceeding twenty dollars, nnd the vacancy thus created shall be filled by the court or Judge In vacation. 10. All money pnld to or collected by' clerks of courts ns hunting licenses shall constitute a fund tor tho payment of the said regularly appointed gamo wardens of this Slate as heroin provided, and tbo clerk shall, after deducting a feo of fifty cents for issuing such llconso, on first of April of each year, pay in equal amounts to tbe said warden or wardens of his county such sum ns may be In bis bands arising from tho Issuance of such li? censes: provided, that no one warden shall receive more from this source than three hundred dollars In any ono year, and shall make return to his court a de? tailed statement of such receipts and dis? bursements: provided, that In the coun? ties of Aceomac nnd Northampton the Circuit. Court for said counties shall ap? point on the recommendation of the Eastern Shore game protection associa? tion the game wardens of the said coun? ties, who shall make report at regular Intervals to said association as its ?a?\e shall provide, and the said clerks of tho court of said counties upon the order of snld association, shall distribute among the game, wardens for snld counties, or as may have been agreed upon by con? tract between the said association nnd said wardens, or in proportion to the services which In their Judgment have been rendered by them, respectively, the fund arising from tho license of non? residents provided for In this chapter, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Should there be any. surplus, remaining after providing an efficient system of ??nine proteetoln In said counties from the licenso on non-residents above mentioned, said association may uso It for restocking said county with game. Tho clerk.shnll pay to tho treasurer of said association such sums ns may bo thus expended, pay? ing any amounts not needed for the pur? pose .above mentioned to the Auditor of rubile Accounts as provided in section twenty hundred and seventy c. Section 2070 fc). Non-residents to ob? tain hunting licenses; when nnd how game may be exported, ot cetera.?1. It shall bo unlawful for any person, not ? resident of this State, to hunt or kill wild water fowl, wild turkeys, pheasants or grouse, woodcock, partridges, quail or other game birds, or deer, within this Mate until he shall havo first secured a hunting licenso as hereinafter provided; provided, however; that tho non-resident children of resident owners of land In this State, shall bo allowed to hunt on the lands of his parent ns though he were resident of this State, nnd tho non-resi? dent guest of ? resident land owner shall bo allowed 1o hunt on the lands of his host ns though he were ? resident of this State, when accompanied by said host, or a member of his host's family: provid? ed said host receives no compensation di? rectly or Indirectly from said guest. 2. Upon the personal nppllcatlon of nnv non-resident to the clerk of the Cir? cuit Court of any county In which ho first begins to hunt, such clork shall, upon tbo payment of ten dollars, Issue to such non-resident a hutlng licenso, using a form to be prescribed by the Auditor of Public Accounts for that pur? pose, entitling him to bunt nnd kill wild water fowl, deer, wild turkeys, pheasonts or grouse, woodcock, partridges, qunllj and other game birds during the open season In tbe six months next following, nnd subject to any restrictions now ex? isting against or which mny hereafter lu? Imposed upon residents of this State. The cleri? shall retain fifty cents oh Ills no for Issuing such license, and the resi? due he shall account for to tho Auditor of Public Accounts, unless otherwise pro? vided for by law. Such licenso shall not be transferable,? it, It shall be unlawful, except ns here? inafter provided, to ship or transport, or ? cuise to im shipped or transported, from this Slate, whether ulivo or ?lend, wild water fowl, wild turkeys, pheasants or grouse, woodcock, partridges, quail or other game birds, or nny deer or venslon, killed or captured wllbln this State, nor shall thn same bo killed, captured or pos? sessed with Intent lo ship or transport from tills Stnte, 1. Any person authorized to bunt un ,|? r the laws of Ibis Stnte may, during the open season, fil?? with him out of the Slate, either In his personal possession or as his baggage, on the sanio conveyance ullh bini, noi in a closed package, but exposed to view nnt exceeding thirty wild water fowl, fifty quail or partridges, ten pheasants or grouse, three wild tur? keys, one deer or plovers, salpo, snnd plpers, wlllnis, tattlers or curlew, not exceeding twenty-five of ench or not ex? ceeding one hundred In the aggregate. lawfully killed or captured by himself; provided tho earno .shall i.n plainly la? idled "r tagged with the name nnd ud rlress of such poison; nnd any citizen of ihls Btnte may. during tho open sn.aspn. ship or hive transponed from this State, is a nift nnd not for market or salo, so tilting on lb" shipping tag, one deer dur? ili? th,? scusimi, and not. oxoeodlng three wild turkeys, fix pheasants, twelve wild water fowls, eighteen partridges or quail; provided, thai such game shall 1m shipped exposed to public view nini unconcealed, and each, parcel or package shall bo plainly labelled or lagged with the natilo and address of tho donor and of the donee, and that number of eich of such game so ?hipped. This secilon shall not apply o sors, or rabbits or hares, .". It, shall be deemed ? violation of this? section for any person to deliver nny of the game herein mentioned to nny common carrier or person for -shipment ,,r transportation out" ?>f tho State, or for any common carriel? or person to curry pr transport or receive for shipment or transportation of any &ucli game In any other manner than Is provided in this u. Nothing in this, ?jec.ti.on ubali be con-, ?trued to prevent common' carriers from ?uros tczema THROUGH Heals Agonizing, Itching Skin Hu? mors, Soabs and Scales. Car? buncles, Cancer, Blood Poison. Purchase price Returned If Not Cured B?tenlo Blood Balm Is now recognized me a certain and sure cure tor Eczema, Itching Sklh, Humors, Scabs, Scalo?, IWatery Blisters, Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Bolls, Carbuncles, Pricking pain In the Skin, Old Bating Sores, Ulcers, Cancer, Blood Poison, etc. Botanlo Blood Balmr Is1 taken Internally,, aind cures the worst nnd most deep-seated cases by enriching, purifying and vital? izing th?, blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to tho skin. Botanlo Blond Balm destroys the activo poison In the system which causes these awful sores. Cures after all elso falls. Heals every sore or scab or scale, stops nil tho Itch? ing, scratching and heat, making a per? fect never-to-return cure. Blood Balm ha-?? made thousands of euros whore ev? ery known remedy has utterly foiled. ENDORSEMENT FROM THE MEDI? CAL JOURNAL: For Curing Eczema, Blood Poison and Cancer "Botanic Blood Balm .has been thor? oughly tested' in hospital practico and ?haa cured hundreds of tho worst forms of eczema where tho body was a mass of scabs, scales, itching humors, nnd of Blood Poison,' with ulcers, pimples, sup? purating ?swellings, with excrutlatlng aches In hones and Joints. Blood Balm also cures Cancer, Eating Sore. Persist? ent Pimples, completely changing the entire body Into a clean and' healthy condition, leaving the ekln free from ev? ery evidence Of tainted, Impure blood, healing up even the worst eating sores perfectly." ?.UV ? lurcc botile? Dir iSl, of nny .lrilCKlnl, tiiltc c.? illi'i'c'tc.l. Jtntnnle lllnod Jtillm ( II.?. II.) iilwny? cure? when tlio riebe ?munti?.-? ?? tuken. If lint cnroil j-oiu' iiKiiicy.wlll __out ?irgiimeut! (JoxsVOU OjaEiAA?St Botanic Blood Balm (?. ?. ?.) is Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 80 years. Composed of Puro Botanlo Ingr?dients. Strengthens weak kidneys and weak stomachs, cures dys? pepsia. Complete directions go with each bottle. Sample of ?. ?. B. and Pamph? let sent free by writing Blood B?lm Co., 418 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga Describe your trouble, and special free medical advice, to.suit your case, nino pent In sealed letter., ft carrying or transporting any of the game herein mentioned in unbroken packages from beyond the confines of this State through tho same to some point in an? other state. -_.,t . 7. Any person or corporation violating any provision of this section shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and bo liable to a fine of fifty dollars for each offence, or imprisoned 1n Jail for not exceeding sixty days. 8. 'T?o person charged with' an offence under this section ?hall within the mean? ing thereof be deemed a resident of this State who shall- not have resided within the .limits of the ? State . twelve months next precedlrtg the time Svhen the al? leged offence was committed, unless he shall have, bona fide taken up his resi? dence In this Commonwealth, and has ills bona fido domicile therein, and in any prosecution for such offence tho burden of proof ns to residence sholl be upon the | defendant. Section 15071. Unlawful hunting, tres? passing, ct cetora, on another's lands.? It any person without the consent of the owner or tenant, shoot, hunt, range, fish, trap or fowl on or In the lands, waters, mill ponds or private ponds of another,, which are eneloosed, or the boundaries of which or the streams adjacent to which constitute a lawful fence, or on nny lands, waters, mill ponds or private ponds of another, east of tho Blue Itldi-5 moun? tains, or In tho waters on slid land, he shall be deemed guilty of ? tresspass and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollirs nor more thun fifty dollars, and in addition there? to shall be liable In an action for dam? ages; and If any person aftir being warned not to do so by tho owner or tenant o{ nny premises shnll go upon th? binds of the said owner nr tonant, be shall, In addition to the liabilities Im? posed under this section, be deomeo guil? ty of a inlmlemennor, nnd upon convic? tion tberrnf, punished by a fino not ex? ceeding fifty dollars or .ImprlsDred In the county Jail not exceeding days, or lKith, In the discretion of the Justice or Jury trying thn case, Section ?072. In certain counties.?Tf | nny person shoot, hunt, ranga or fowl on the lands or In the water courses com? prehended within the survey of any pro? prietor of lands In tbe counties of Alex? andria, Fairfax, Prince William, Stafford and King George, and within five mllcu of navigable tidewater, without license In writing from tbe owner or tenant of salrl lands, ho shall, besides being llnble to such owner or tenant In fin action for damages, forfeit to the Informer three dollars for the first offence, six dollars for the second offence, and nino dollars tor each succeeding offence, the forfeiture In each caso to be double If tho offence be committed In the night or on Sunday; and he shall likewise forfeit to tho In? former In each Instance his boat or other means of conveyance, his guns, dogs and all his shooting nnd hunting apparatus used In the ?omrnlsslon of tho offenen, and be liable for all costs and expenses Incurred in apprehending and prosecuting him for the recovery of said forfeiture. Section ii)7.'l. Punishment of offenders.? Any person violating either of the two preceding sections may bo arrested, nnd tho property forfeited under the last section may bo seized with or without warrant by nny sheriff or constatilo or any game warden of tho Commonwealth within their respective Jurisdictions, and held to await Judgment. Tho ortender shall bo carried before a Justice ot the county In which tbo offence was ????? inltted, nnd a report be mudo lo him of tho property, if any, seized. The, Jus? tice shnll proceed to try the case nnd givo Judgment thereon. If ludguion?. ho rendered li?-*.hist the offonder, It shall bu for the foi-fol lures, pecuniary and nthcrwlso, nnd the costs nnd expenses In? curre?!, and nnv property seized, adjudg? ed to be forfeited, shall bo delivered to the person entitled to tho forfeiture In part satisfaction of tho Judgment. If tho offender dues not satisfy the Judg? ment In full, tho Justice shall eomiiill him to Jnil for ono month, unless such sntis faction be sooner, mude. If tbe olfoiider be acquitted, nny proporty seized shall bo released. Section 3074, proceeding when convict? ed ,i third lime.?If a person bo convict? ed a third time of any of the offences mentioned in this chapter, th,. Justice rendei ine Judgment therefor shall re ipilro him to give- 8 recognizance, with sufficient surety, ffr his good behavior for a year; nnd if he-fall to givo such surety commit lilm/to Jail for ono month, unless he BOoner0?(.ve It. Such recog? nizance shall be ieeined to be forfeited if such person c?/mmlt uiiy of the said off.-nces within Uie time limited In the recognizance. I Section ':07S. tfamngca for shooting or killing tamo deer.?If any person shoot or kill a tame deer having a boll or col? lar on Its neck he shall pay to th? owner tho value of such doer. Section 2070, Concerning the protec? tion of certnln wild birds other than game birds, tti^Ii- nests and eggs.?It ehall he unlawful nt nny time to kill hr cap? ture tho turltey bufznrd, or black bit ft* fc?frd, or to kill or ship nllve out of the State the mocking bird, or kill or cap? ture tho thrush, gold finch, oriole, wren, rain crow, cardinal or red bird, wood robin, bluo bird, martin, starling, or nny wild bird other than tho gamo birds named In this chapter, or to destroy their nests or eggs, or to purchase or offer for snle any puch wllel bird after It ban been killed or caught, or any part thereof, ahd the possession or salo, or offering for sale, In this Stato of any bird so protect? ed shall be prima inde evidence of guilt: provided, that nothing herein contained shall bo construed to apply to tho Kng Hflh sparrow, great horned owl, sharp shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, crchv, crow black bird, or rico bird. Section 20SO. Penalties for violating preceding section.?If any person violate any of tho provisions of the preceding section ho shall be guilty of a misdemean? or, and shall be fined not less than two dollars nor moro than twenty dollars, nnd lmprtnoned In )nll until the fine Is paid, but not exceeding thirty days. Sections twenty hundred and seventy five, twenty hundred nnd seventy-six, twenty hundred and seventy-seven, twen? ty hundroel nnd elghty-ono, end twenty hundred and eighty-two of the rode of Virginia, and nn net entitled nn act to provont tho extermination of partridges (or email) In the State of Virginia, np proved January twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred nnd nhiely-slx, ns amended by nn act entitled "an act to .amend and re enact section ono and four of an n?t en? titled nn act to prevent tlie extermina? tion of pnrtrldges (or quail) In tho State o? Virginia." approved January twenty seventh, olghteon hundred nnd nlnety-slx, In force since December fifteenth, eigh? teen hundred and ninety-seven, and all other acts or parts ot acts |n conflict with the provisions of this chapter as hereby nmende-i nnd re-entieted are here? by repealed: provided that nothing In this net shall be construed as repealing a specific act approved March 8, 10*2, re? stricting the shooting Of wild wnter fow! In Olack bay nnd Its tributaries In the county of rrlnqess Anne. This act shall bo In force from Us pas? sage. ? ' ? ? IN FARHVILLE . J^KSSHBaBB Very Little Tobacco is Now Offe d on the Fnrmville Breaks. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.) FARMVTDK VA.. May lit.?The Fnrm vlllo and Powhatnn rtnllrond authorities submitted a proposition to tho Town Council, which has been nccoptcd, to wit: Thnt they would grado the street leading from tho Norfolk and Western track to their depot and furnish tho ne? cessary gravol at a cost of fifty cents per ton for the gravel. It is estimated the cost would not exceed $100, Tho First National Bank has bought the store-house so long owned and occu? pied by Mr. II. C. Cruto as a drug store, nnd Mr. Crute hn.1? bought the property now Used by tho Anderson Drug Co., and will pull down tho old structure and build a new ono, It Is said. Tho Farmvllle tobacco market In grow? ing weaker and weaker each day, and scarcely any tobacco Is seen now In tho market. A good season will probably bring In a few more londs, but after that all of the crop worth speaking of will bave been marketed. Prices con? tinue good. The pretty weather that has prevailed for tho past ten days has enabled the farmers to preparo their lands for next stolon's crop. Tho ground, however, Is very dry, but can be worked, to. bet? ter advantage when dry than when It Is wet. A fire engine and reel houso will be shortly erected on High Street. Miss Patteson, of the Normal School faculty, will sail from Now York early In Juno for an extensivo European tour. Captain S. Vf. Pnulott left last night for Now Orleans to attend the Confed? erate Reunion. Soldiers' Home Improvement. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., May 16. Extenslve Improvements will bo mado at the Soldiers* Home, near Hampton, this summer. These Include new quar? ters for tho post chaplain, to cost $4,(500; a combination barrack for old men, to cost $7,000; a general store nnd refrec tory, and band stand, tho combined nf which will amount to $4.000, the latter Item to be paid out of the post fund. This fund I? maintained by profits from the home store, tho hotel and the can? teen. It averages In tho neighborhood ot $?.G>,??? a year, and enables the man? agement to give thn 2,000 veterans housed nt the Home comforts and little luxuries which otherwise would not be procur? able, except at great additional cost to the general government, ... ? . . SALOONS, BRIDGES AND BETTER ROADS Saloon Men Secured Neces? sary Signatures, and Peti? tions Were Granted. (Special to Thee Tlme-B-Plspoteli.i BRR1?YVILX.E, VA., May 10.?The three eiuestlons now of most Interest aro sa? loons, bridges over ?ho Shenandonh Rlvei and roads. Many persons thought that the passage of the recent liquor law by the Legislature would practically close the iraloons In the country districts. This has not beon the caso In this county. The liquor deniers han'e beon circulating pe? titions, and at the May term of the County Court, each appeared with a petition signed by the requisite number of voters, nnd licenses havo be?n Issued accordingly to nil of thi ise who formerly had saloons, In tho town of Berryvllle two parties frM not ngnln nek for licenses, but others havo been granted license, It Is safe tc predict, however, thnt they will stick closely to tho letter of the law In the future, as tho Good Order Leugne, com? posed of the best citizens In tho town, are determined that tho law shall be en? forced. Tbo County Court has appointed a com? mission of five cltlzene to assess the damnges to contiguous landowners fot Die property necessary to be used in building tho now bridges over tho Bhen andoah TUver at Custleman's and Borry's Ferries, In this cotmtyi tlie plans for the bridges will ho In tho hands of the proper authorities In a few days, and it Is hoped that tho work will ba pushed to comple? tion this .summer. Clarke county Is Justly noted for hoi lino turnpike roads, and In consequence when recently one road was reported not to bo In the proper condition, tho County Court at once ordered an Investigation and directed that toll-gates should b? removed until the road was put In good ? condition. This, It Is though will bo done at once. Mrs. Marshall McCormlck hns return? ed front a visit to Norfolk, Vn. Bho waa accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. JT. J. McCormlck, of that' city. Mr. Herbert B. Wordo has returned from a trip to Jamaica. ? Tho Misses Lewis, formorly of "Audley," In this county, are iti tV.f county for the slimmer. Tho Town Council of Berryvllle, ha? iviinod tho prlco of liquor licenses tc }?W, tho former price being ^?W, HISTORIC RELIG FORI, S. OVERMAN North Carolina's Junior Sen ator Uses Inkstand Belong? ed to Daniel Webster. - (Speelnl to Tlie Tlmes-nlsriiiteli.) SALISBURY. N. C, May 10.-Senntor Lee S. overman Is In receipt of a gift which ho prizes very highly: it Is an Inkstnnd which was once tho property of Daniel Webster, and it was presented to him by Mr. .loslah Bardwell, a weatlhy cltlzon of Boston. While on ? recent visit to Salisbury Mr. Bardwell mot Mr. Overman, nnd wns much Impressed with him. and his attachment for tho Senator Is expressed in tho gift of this historic relic. Jailer Krlder, of this county, wag nt tncked a few elays ago by James T). Ennls, one of the Inmates of tho county asylum. Tho jailor wns entering thn Coll of the unfortunate mnn whon tho attack was made, and which, but for the superior strength of tho oflicor. would per? haps havo resulted seriously. Tho weapon used wns a Inrgo lock, which bud been found nbout the cell, nnd II was neces? sary for tho Jailer to club his nssallnnt with his pistol In order to subdue him. Tho Salisbury fire departments nru making preparation for tho Stato tour? nament, to be held In Durham. ? now hose company Is being organized, which will bo equipped with ? now wagon and outfit completo. Sheriff Julian went to Raleigh yester? day, taking with him Lee Cowan and Joe Patterson, who wero sentenced to throo and twenty-five years, respectively, In tho penltentlnry. Patterson BUbrnittejfl to murder In the second degree nnd Cowan was convicted ot manslaughter, Tho Southern Railway Is contemplating a change of schedule on tho Western road nnd tho placing on of an extra passenger trnln on this line. In order tc accommodate the heavy travel. Tho people of Salisbury and other points west of here arc very much Interested and proposo to manifest their Interest by petitioning the Southern offlclals to put tho extra train on at an early dato, Next week being a red letter day In the history of Salisbury and surroundlng communlty, everybody Is getting ready for tho grand carnival which will open Monday, tho 18th Instant. Arrangements aro being mado for a grand, gala lime, and thousands ot visitors aro oxpectod. Already people ore placing contracts for decorations. Mr. T. II. Ennls, of the Shcrwood-HIggs Co., Raleigh, Is hero conferring with local business men with referenco to this matter. Captain J, F. Oaithor, of tho Rownn Rifles, Is In Greensboro, whore ho. went to completo arrangements for th? reappearance of the Hntch-Adams Company during the carnival. Many other big attraction? will also be hero during the week. Bov. T. A. Bikes, of Sponoer, return-d home yesterday from Winston, where he lias been for tho past ten daye assist? ing In a revival. Mr. Henry Plount. of Wilson, N. C, lectured to a large and ap? preciative audience at Spencer last night, giving his version of Rip Van Wlnklo and Solon Shlnglo. Real estate ls on a boom at Spencer. Prices of lots havo advanced about 100 per cent, in the last thirty days. A largo deal waa closed hero yesterday by Maupln Bros., agents, for seventy or moro lots on Newton Heights. Thero are scores of houses now In course of erection, and many others will bo built this summer. ? , IN LEXINQTON Herbert Welsh, of Philadelphia, Ad? dresses Washington and Leo Students. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspateh,) LEXINGTON, VA.. May 10.?Mr. Her? bert Welsh, of Philadelphia, delivered an address Wednesday morning before tho University Assembly. His theme was certnln dangers In reference to American national life and certain oporrtunltlee that run along with them. Mrs. Charles H. Welles, of Scranton, Pa., le the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Lewis Howe, at Washington and Le? Uni verslty. Hon. John M. Qulsenberry, membor of the Houso of Delega-ten from Rockbridgo, arrived homo Tuesday. Mr. William B, Smith, of the editorial staff of the Central Prcebyi*-er!an, Rich? mond, was in Lexington this week. Colonel Robert Catlett, Commonwealth's attorney for Rockbrldge, hns roturnod to Richmond to assist in the ofHco of Attor nov-Oeneral Anderson. Mr?. Robert J. MoBrydo has gone to Maryland to visit her son, Mr. Caldwell McBryde. Mr. Arthur Gerhard, of Philadelphia, Is tho guest of Mr. John L. Campbell. Rev. C. H. Buchanan, of Buena Vista, nnd Rov. J. H. Light, of Lexington, ex? changed pulpits lnst Sunday. ? MEMORIAL EXERCISES The Day to Be More Generally Observed In Frederlcksburg. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspntch.) FR15D13RICKSBURC-. VA., May 10.? The Ladles' Memorial Association of this olty has selected Thursday, May 21st, for memorial day hero. The day Is to be more generally observed than usually. All ot tho organizations of tho city have been Invited to unito with the ladles In this, beautiful tribute to the memory of ho dead Confederate soldiers. The or? ganlzatlons taking part will be thn Con? forate Veterans, Sons of Confederate Veterans," tho Washington Guards, Daughters of the Confederacy, tho be? nevolent and charitable orders, tho school children, and the Grand Lortgo of Itod Men of tho State, which will bo In ses? sion hero at thnt time, will nttnnd In full uniform. Judgo John T. Goolrlck lins been selected to mnko tho atldl'OSI at tho cemetery. Muslo linn been provided and the services will be of an Interest? ing character, The procession will form In the heart of the city and the march will bo made to tho cemetery, whore tho graves of tho Confederate soldiers will bo decorated with flowers, at tho con? clusion of tho exorcises. NEW STAUNTON BANK Organization Due to Skillful Manage? ment of John B. Cochran, (Speclnl to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatoh.) ' STAUNTON, VA? May lll.-lt Is stated on good authority thut a new bank Is bolng orgnnlaed to do business In this city, having back of It tho strong? est financial support of Staunton and Augusta county. It Is understood that Mr. John B, Cochran will be tho presi? aent of the now Institution, and tho boai'd of directors will bo composed of tho host nuanciere of the city of 8l?un ton and wealthiest farmers of Augusta county, This organization ls due to the skillful management of Mr. Cochran, who Id a young man of undaunted energy and who enjoys the confidence of our people. Mr. Ih a son of the late George M. Cochran, who descended from a long lino of ancestors, celebrated throughout tho country aa stuteimien and financiers. Though quito a young man, Mr. Cochran ls one of the best financiers and abl?st Lawyers In this part of tho State. Gone to Chicago. Dr. Morohouao loft last night for Chi? cago, where ho will tako a spoetai course In electro-therapeutics. Upon hU return he will opon an Electro-Therapemlo San Itiirlum at No. 815 East FiankllirStrget, Only Thero is only ono largest munii facturer of tho finest Pianos and Organs in tho world, and that is , The Cable This, coupled with tho fact that wo employ tho mighty sum of $2,000, 000 to prosecute our large and growing busi? ness, should dispel any doubts that might bo en? tertained by a prospectivo pim?o customer regard? ing tho instrument to buy or tho place to pur? chase. It costs but little more to buy tho artistic kind, only a short while longer to pay. See tho Conover, Cable, Kingsbury, Schubert and Wellington Pianos, and mako your selection. They are tho highest grade and best known in? struments sold in llich mond. ACCOMMODATING TERMS given if desired. Edison, Columbia and Victor Talking-Machines. Lots of fun and amuse? ment at a small cost. The Cable Company, 213 East Broad Street. J. O. CORLEY, Manager. YOUR EYES. OUR CARE. Esport iwrvlce and lowost charges guaranteed. Completo optical manufacturing plant on tho premises. Prescription Work Our Specialty. THE S. GALESKI OPTICAL CO.. Ninth and Main Sts. S>xcuj\ine tfour &yes! Pin or tack this newspaper upon the wall, and stand a few feot away. Every net of bam In this ad is of the HA.I.1E DEGREE OF IU.AC1CNESS! If they do not appear bo to you, your eyea -peed attention! Some people are able to see perfectly only one or two sels of tlio four?the other sets appearing to their eyes blurred or gray, on account of defec? tive vision. We can correct this defect by furnishing proper glasses! Aumsden, 781 East Main Street. Stenographer-- List Your Application With our employment bureau. You are also Invited to cull and Ubo un y mako of tipewrlter In our urmot-lo? room?. SOUTHK-IN STAMP * ???'G?????? <?>., fining 18t?. Culli? Mug., l?li. SU lUlu, lud.iavu4.Vfc