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NORFOLK SOCIETY Captain Swinburne Enter? tains on the Texas. CONFEDERATE CONCERT To Be Given at the Academy of Music on Thursday Evening Under the Auspices of the Sons of Con? federate Veterans. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK. VA? May 18,-Capt. Swln i bumo entertained a number of his friends Monday afternoon on board the' Texas, There was a dauco in honor of Mrs. Qulmby and the Misses Harrington. The ? music was furnished by tho Naval Post j Rand and reflioshments were served. ?\mong those present were Admiral and ! Mrs. Harrington, Lieutenant and Mrs. I tjulniby, Mrs. Mtlllgnn, Mrs. Clinton K. ! Curtis, Misses Harrington, Miss Carrie ' Phillips, Miss Molly Mllllgan, Miss Melero, ? of Maryland; M?es Mary Lou Cooke, Miss i Lela Mayo, Miss Rosa Molleo, Mtes Ed ? Hott Enimerson, of; Miss Mar . eia Burgess, of Mobile Ala.; Misses Belle i and Cornelia Truxtun, Miss Victoria P?x.d. 1 Miss Esther Byrns, Miss Bayler, Miss ' Rosa PorkliiB, Paymaster Phillips, Mr. C. ; Whittle Siuns, Mr. ??. W. Zachry, Pay . master Reynolds, Lioutcnant? TUussIg, , Lieutenant Grcenlald, lieutenant Slbley, U. S. N.; Mr. Loornls, Oaptaln Brown, <3aptain Clifford, Paymaster i'otter, Cap ' tain Bootes, U. S. N.; Lloutenant Henry, ? U. S. N. ; Lioutonant Rhoa, U. a N.; Pay : m-oster Leftorney, Mr. Catcsby Jones and I Mr. Carl Davis. Lloutenant Honry Stlckney entertained I ?rlonds at dinner on Mondoy evening on I board tho Texas. His guosts wero Mrs. I Herman Stlckney, Mrs. A. M. .Tone's, I Misses Katherine and Lulle Heath and 1 Misses Annlo and Carrie Voight. ; The Ballod Concert is to be given at the Academy of Muslo on Thursday evening, ! May 21st under tho auspices of tho Sons ! of Confederate Voterons. Tho slogors in? cludo Miss Elizabeth Taylor and Miss | Bond, sopranos; Mrs. George W. Bethell .'and Miss Young, contraltos;' Messrs. Whlddltt and Harlo, tenors, and Messrs. ; Elheridgo and Jenkins, baritones. The i programmo has been arranged to suit the ? artists. Mr. Koerner tho accom I punist. The raombors of the Embroidery Club ? were entertained Monday by Mrs. Klrk '? land Ruiiln at hpr homo In York Street. , Among thoso present wore Mrs. Richard ' Mcllwalne, Jr., Mrs. Charles Webster, ' Mrs. Harry Myers, Mrs. Julius Lynch, Mrs. Llvlus de Bordenave, Miss Lucy Neal, of Danville; Miss Elizabeth Bow doln and Miss Lulle Heath. The house party which was entertained at the Taylors' cottage at Ocean View by Mrs. Charles Drummond has returned to Norfolk. Thoy aro Mr. and Mrs. William H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drum? mond, Miss Florenco Brown, of Accomnc county; Miss Mary Leigh, Misses Daisy and Madgo Drummond, Mr. Willard R. Cooke, Mr. R P. Gago and Mr. Leslie Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stlth Ecklos, of Norfolk, have issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter. Miss Nettle Leigh, to Mr. Robert Pago Burwell. The marriage will take placo on Wednesday, May 20th, at Greensboro, N. C. The brldc eloct is tho daughter of Captain R. S. Eckles, tho conductor on the "Cannon Ball'' train, which runs between Rich? mond and Norfolk. Mrs. J. A. Byrd entertained several friends at tea Saturday opening at her home In Fairfax Avenue. Covers were laid for ten, and Mrs. Byrd's guests were: Mrs. C. F. Blackwell, Mrs. John Francis. Mrs. Margaret de Jarnntto, Mrs. Greonfleld, ot Now York; Mrs. Robert M. Hughes. Mrs. A. M. Ran? dolph, Mrs. Edmund Ruflln, Miss Mae Sheldon and Miss Emily Gardner, of Bal? timore. Miss Lottie Woodside, of Baltimore, and Miss Hatrio Willis, of Cambridge', Md.. who havo been spending' several months with their uncle, Mr, William Martin, in York Street, returned to their homes Saturday fiTternoon. Mrs. Henry Smith and Miss Florence Smith left Saturday to spend a month with relatives in New Orleans. Mrs. ?arah Cooke and Miss Esther Byrnes, of New York, aro visiting Mrs Willoughby Cooke, in Duko Street. Mrs. Louis Hlllard and Miss Elh-abeth Bowdoln havo returned from Richmond Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Gronor are at Virginia Beach. Mrs, F. L. Chew, who has been visit? ing her sister, Mrs. Harry L. Myers In Colonial Avenue, returned Saturday' to Waynesboro. Mrs. C. C. Cobb and daughter, 'Ruth and Mrs. Wainwright, are visiting Mrs! Kilcam In Wilson, N. C. Mr. John Clark has returned from a trip to Boydton. Rev. and Mrs. William A. Burr opened their cottage nt Willoughby Beach last ?week for the summer, Mrs. Holen M. Brown returned Sat? urday from Anbury Park, where she bas beon for two months. Miss Courtney Bridges, who has been visiting Mrs. Adam Treadwell in Boush Btreet, has returned to Richmond Mrs. Korr. ot Baltimore, la tlio g-uest You Know Well, wo Avant lo suggest your buying your porch and lawn rockers, chaire and settees right now while our assortment js largo, irosh and completo, for wo believe, or rathor we KNOW, that our prices tako? all tho way through aro fur lower than ever before. We've gotten extremely low prices from the manufacturer, and we've put a mighty small margin of profit on tho manufacturer's cost. CHAS. G. SO??, -119-21 Tl Broad St., between Fourth and Fifth, Sole Agent for Celebrated Alaska ?^ingQvaiQr^^^&St?&J& ut. ve seasons brone Hrm-Uuit's usi lee bojes und rofrigurators In stock now for (trociera, butcher?, hotels and families froni $n.uQ to $1?d.??. v ' . ? , ??UY n,ow?' huy thu ***? a"a ,)U-V tht; A1'?s??'-? It you can't pay all cash, pay what you can anil wt-'H fc'laUIy trust? ? you for the balance. .... VIRGINIA SPONSORS AT THE NEW ORLEANS REUNION. MRS. FRANK ??????? WALKE, Sponsor for Sons of Veterans from Norfolk. MISS VIRGINIA HOLMES GREEVER, Maid of Honor from Southwest Virginia, only daughter of tho late General ?James S. ureevor, of Smith County, of hor daughter. Mrs. R. Randolph Hicks, on Boush Street. Mrs. Georgo M. Pollard left Saturday afternoon for Baltimore. Miss Lila Willis, of Summit Point, AV. A'a., who Is visiting In Norfolk, spent Sunday at London Brldgo with her cousins, Mr.' nnd Airs. Frank Washington. Miss Willis returned homo on Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Kllllam has returned from Petersburg. Miss Nan Allen has returned to Eliza? beth City, after being the guest of Mrs. F. B. Hope, In Portsmouth. Miss Anne Henry has accepted the appointment as maid of honor to Miss Jane Tucker, who ls sponsor tor the Plckett-Buchannn Chapter. Confederate A'etcrans. Miss Gussla Newton, who has been visUIng Mrs. R. K. Cralle, at A'Irginia Beach, han returned homo. Mrs. R. C. Wlngflelel and Miss Eliza? beth Wlngfleld have returned from a visit to Mr. John Wlngfleld, In'Washing? ton. Mrs. Gellow has gone to Washington, after a visit to Miss Julia Robertson Smith. In York Street. Miss Bessie Smith, of Charlottesville, Is visiting Mrs. Tayloe Gwnthmey. Miss Emily AA'Ilson. who has beon the guest of the Misses Baker, In Ghent, left Sunday afternoon for her homo, In Washington. Miss Elliott Emmerson. of Delaware, left last night for her homo, after bolng the guest of tho Misses Truxtun, In Free? mason Street. Mr. anil Mrs. Mnrvon AVhlte have re? turned from their wedding tour. Miss Meiere, of Maryland Is visiting Miss Molly Mllllgnn, In the navy-yard. Mrs. Zolllnger nnd Misa Zolllnger; of Baltimore, nro guests of Mrs. T. F. Ro? gers. In Butte Streot. Miss Lucy Neal, who has been visiting Mrs. Lcvius de Borrlennve, In Dartmouth Street, has returned to Danvlllo. ? GERHAN IN STAUNTON Personals of Interest About People Weil-Known in the Valley City. (Special to Tlie Tlmes-Dlspntch.) STAUNTON, VA., May lO.-Tho first german given here for several months was given on Monday night by Staun ton's young society mon in honor of the young Indies nnd their visiting friends. Tho merry dancers were led through a number of graceful figures by Mr. J. Lewis Bumgardner, dancing with Miss Mabel Llttlg. Among thoso dancing wejo Misses Helen Bnxtor, with James Grnsty; Florence Tyree, with Frank AA'. Karhesl Bose Harrison, with John S. Grnsty: Gladys Frazler, with A. Er skino Miller; Anno Fltzhugh Lee, with William It. Pllson; Corina A'alz, with A. Vf. Klnnoy; Mamie Grnsty, with Charles M. East; Josle Duncan, with Roger Young; Mabel Llttlg. with J. Lewis Bum? gardner. Mr. linei Mrs. Herbert Smith nnd Mrs. ?Haxter and Hairy Frazler noted ns cha perones. The muslo was fur? nished by tho Stonewall Band orchestra. Miss Bessie F. Miller and Mr. Eugono Grover, of tills county, wero married In Mt. Mcrldaln Thursday. Miss ISlsle; AVllllams and Mr. Georgo Armstrong wore married nt Swoopes, thin county, AVednesdny evening. The brille nnel groom aro from this county. Miss Anne Fltzhugh Loo, who hns been Ilio guest of Miss Roso Harrison, In this city, for somo days, returned to Rich? mond Wednesday. ,. Miss Daisy A'nrbrough, nftor several weeks' visit to friends In Richmond, has returned to staunton. Mrs. AVllllam J. Porry Is visiting In Rlohmond. A number of the young lady students of tho Mary Baldwin Seminary havo left for their homes this week. Mr. O. G. HccjuemlKiurg, of tho A'lr glnla-Cnrollna Chemical Company, of Richmond, Is In tho city.. CONCERT May Queen Party Was a Fea? ture of the Week. SEVERAL EXCURSIONS Friday Night the Pupils of the Music Department of the Fredericksburg College Gave a Recital Which Was Enjoyed by Many. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) FREDERICKSBURG-, VA., May 10. The crowning feature o? the week was the open air concert and May Queen party given on the beautiful lawn of Dr. ?\\ It. Goolrlck, on Sophia Streot, Friday evening, under the auspices of the Junior Auxiliary of St. George's Episcopal Church. Pretty children, fair young girls in beautiful costumes amid flowers and shrubbery, formed the at? tractive scone which delighted the eye of the largo and interesting gathering of spectators. Among those who partici? pated In tho concert were Miss l?ate ?. Doggett, Mr. H. G. Lane, Mrs. Proc? tor, Mr. \V. G. Turner, Miss Mimic Times, with Mrs. C. E. Tnckett and Miss Emma Baseler, accompanists Follow? ing tho concert the coronation took place, tho participants and their characters be? ing-as follows: Queen of the May, Miss Fannie Beale; Sceptre Bearer, Miss Madge Taylor; Crown Bearer, Miss Lena Harrison; Garland Bearer, Miss Jennie Daniel; Ring Bearer, Miss Dudley Pow? ers. Seasons?Spring, Miss Amelia Woods; Summer, Miss Jennie Ball; Au? tumn, Miss Sadlo Tnylor; Winter, Miss Nora Goolrlck. Summer Day?Morning, Miss Bettle Ball; Noon, Miss Mamie Tims; Evening, Miss Mary Lindsay; Night, Miss Lily Woods. Nymphs?Wood Nymph, Miss Kate Montgomery; Water Nymph. Miss Grace Yerby. Rainbow Blue, Lucile Rawlings; green, Jacquolln Smith; red, Madge Dempsey; orange, Elsie Lowls; yellow, Mattle Fltzhugh; violet, Carol Preston; Indigo, Marjory Franklin, Flowors?Flower Sprite, Mu? riel Barber; Forgot-Me-Not, Mattie Lin tlilcutn; Carnation, Elizabeth Cogblll; Tulip, Besslo Taylor; Lily of tho Valley, Miiry Spottswood Carmlchael; Lily, Cora Rowe; Rose, Eiizo-both HUlonry; Pansy, ?Frieda Bode; Daisy, Annlo Favlll; But? tercup, Laura MncBowman; Violet, Lu? cilo Cartor; Rosebud, Lamyru Carter. Zephyrs?Queen of tho Zephyrs, Agnes Smith; Zephyrs, Lucy Garmichael, Viv? ian Daniel, Janctto Stoffregen, Shelby Shackleford, .lanetta Fltzhugh, Bryson Smith. Cupids,Magnus Lewis, George Scott, Stuart -Johnson, Eugene Solan. Pages', Walter Solan. Charles Carmlch'iel. Herald, Miss Annie T-atlmer. ' After tho coronation the May pole was danced by the queen and her attendants, and afterwards by the little girls In their pretty flower costumes. After tbe exer? cises refreshments, strawberries and cream, ice cream and cake wero served, and a largo sum realized, which will be donated inwards the erection of nn Epis? copal church at LowlBton, In Spotsyl viuila county, This has been tho gayest week socially for a long period. Tho excursion season opened up this week In earnest, and two wero given by moonlight on tho Rappa hannock during the weok on the steamer Tourist. The first was under tho aus? pices of tbe Athletic Association of Frcd orlcksburg College, and the large number who went., wore composed principally of the college people nnd their friends. It was a most enjoyable trip. The crowd was congenial, the college orchestra fur? nished music, refreshments wero served, teto-n-totes hold, and a good, social time generally was spont. The steamer left about 7 o'clock, went down as far as Ratcllffe's, and returned here about 11 O'clock. On Thursdny night another ex- | curslon was given, this one by the Peo? ple's Steamboat Company. The crowd | was oven larger than the first ono, and each one of the excursionists spent a pleasant evening. The Lltornry : Club held its meeting at the attractive home of Mrs. V. M. Flem? ing, on Hanover Street, on Thursday af? ternoon and an Interesting programme furnished pleasant entertainment, for the members who were present. Friday night tho pupils of the music department of Froderlcksburg Collega gave a recital, which was largely at? tended and greatly enjoyed, the pro? grammo being an especially attractive one. Miss Margaret Wallace, of Caroline county, ls touring In Europe with hor adopted sister.', Mrs. Dr. Sidney Twynch, of Newark, N. J., has been the guest this week of her aunt, Mrs. Anna P. Green. Mrs. Green has been critically 111, but ls now somewhat Improved. ' I Miss Lizzie Reynolds and Mrs. Empsle Martin havo returned from a visit tb Irvlngton. Mr. nnd Mrs. ?. H.'Wallace have re? turned from a visit to relatives In King Georgo county. Mr. W. D. Scott, Jr.. has returned to Baltimore after a visit to his parents here. Mrs. R. E. Hollowny, who has been visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vf. T. Leavell, has roturned to her home in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. BUlingsley are vis? iting relatives in Culpeper county. Mrs. Andrew? R. Potts is visiting her | daughter in New York. Mt?. nnd Mrs. , Charles Melvllfio, r>f Hugorstown, Md., were the guests this woek of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Melville here. MAIDS OF HONOR The Young Ladies' Afternoon Club Entertained. (Special to The) Tlmes-Dlspateh.) CHATHAM, A'A.. May 10.?Misses Susie K. Moon and Lucy Fontaine Dabney have been appointed maids of honor, to Miss Lucy Hill, sponsor to the Confed? erate reunion at New Orleans. Tho young ladles left for Now Orleans on Saturday, tho 17th, Tho appointments woro mado by Colonel J. M. Neal, Inspector-general of this district. The young Indies aro both beautiful and accomplished, Tho Young Ladles' Afternoon Club was entertained by Miss Lucy Bnllard Wed? nesday afternoon. Tho life n,nd character of William Gllmore Sommes was tho sub? ject for discussion at tho meeting, which was vory Instructivo and enjoyable. De? lightful refreshments were served. A party of young poople enjoyed a do llglitiul evening ut the homo of Mrs. Wal? ter Payne Tuesday. Dancing was tho principal amusement, which was thor? oughly onjoyi'd by all present. Tho oc? casion was in honor of Mr. AV. D. Payne, now visiting his mother. . Mrs. N. 10. Clement attended tho finals of ihn University College of Medicine in Richmond this woek, Mr. Abram ?. Parrlsh, an old and well known citizen of PlttsylvanJa county, died this week ut his homo near Elect, In his eighty-eighth yoar. ' The greater portion of his life was spent In tho lo? cality In which ho resided. Rov. Aylor, of this place, has beon as? sisting In a sirios of meetings at tho Sec? ond Haut 1st Church, In Danville, this week. Tbo meeting, which has beon in progress nt the Methodist Church hero for sovcral days, closed this week, Mr. and Mrs. Leo PIUow. of this placo, woro the happy parents of twins on Wed? nesday morning. _ Tho May terni of Pittsylvanla County Court will convene Monday at which time applications will bo made by tho dis? tillers and retail elenters for llcenso to eoli whiskey In the county. From reportB vory few bur-ruom men will upply, as they havo buon unable to secure tho requisite number of names upon their potltlonw. -Alias Hmma Tate, of Chalk Love],' ls visiting Mrs. Aylar. Mr. D. A. Jefferson, a prominent mer? chant of this place, who is now recupor atlng at tho A'lrginla Hot Springs, is rapldy Improving. , , . . , , AVork dm th,, new brick hotel Is pro? gressing ruplelly. t Pupils' Recital at Hollins, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspntch.) HOLLINB, VA? May 18.?In tho pupils' recital this woek. given by members of tho music clussos of Miss Frost and Mr. Michaelis, the following young ladles took part: .Misses Alleo Farmer. Frankfort, ??.; Mamie Walker, Richmond. A'a.; Alice Maxwell. Anderson. S. C: Bettiq Austin, Pine Bluff, Ark.; Llda Cleveland. Buena A'lhtu. Va.; Sina Leo Harris. Louisville, ICy.: Helen Buone, Corinth. Miss.; Pau? lino Embree, Buena Vista, vu.: -Lola Smith. ?Uttiialo, Texas; John Vivian GUI, Hiinisvllli?. Ala.; Miss Nell Arnoldl, Slier man. Texan,; Sarah AVatson, Ridge Spring, S. C: Mamie AVJlholto, Chatta nooga, Tenn.; Ethel Bell. Chattanooga, Last woek a party of thirty-five young ludi??;, e-h.ipureuied by threo officers of tlie institute visited the Natural Bridge. The weather was ideal and the trip was Bieatly enjoyed, . . .. The Hol Uns party that attended, the Houlbe-rn Baptist Convention has return? ed. Tiny jjivu glowing accounts of Savan? nah utni the; convention. %*&9mM*Mm*Qm*m9&*mvmm9mm99wwwwwmw* A HERRY ESTIVAL WlLL BE THE Chimborazo Hospital Benefit IN ROAD-STREET PARK May 18th to 23d. ? g 1,000 Exclusive Amusement Features. 14 Separate and Distinct Shows. ? j The Original and Celebrated FrankC. Bostock Wild Animal Arena Introducing Madame Pianka, the "Lady of Lions." ? ! 6 Whole Days and Nights of Fun. The Nations and Peoples of the World in Grand Review. The management reserves the right to exclude all ob? jectionable characters from the grounds. Excursions on All Railroads. "DOLLAR SHOW FOR A DIME." SALEM GERMAN OF YOUNGER SET Misses Mary and Nora Shanks Entertained the Social Club at Progressive Euchre. (Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.) BALKM, VA., May lO.-Salem's "young* er set" gavo a germen In Tho Crawforil Wednesday night. The occasion was u thoroughly enjoyable one. Thoso present were Miss Katie Billard, with Mr. J. P. Jones; Miss Roxle DUlard, with Mr. Rob? ert Galloway; Miss Mamie Sheppard, with Mr, Lylo McClung; Miss Lila Sheppard, with Mr. Wytha Peyton; Miss Kugonla Clrlffln, with Mr. Boyal Cannaday: Miss Nannie Logan, with Mr, S. Patterson; Mise Mary Harman, with Mr. Shuckel ford; Mise Inca fj'Jilpinan, with Mr. How? ard Holland; Misa Bertha Altlzer, with Mr, Carl Cannaday. Mrs. Horace Smith chaperoned tho dance. The figures were led by Mr, IJttell MoClune. / Misses Mary and Nora Shanks enter? tained the Socia) Club at the home of their mother, on Broad Street, last evening, Progressive euchre was played and there wore seven tables. The first prlgee were won by Miss Lucy Johnston and Mr. An? drew Ayres. The boohys fell to Miss Annie iJinghorne and Mr. Frank Lee, The refreshments were irom Bowman's, in Bonnoko. Among the most enjoyable fenlures of tho evening was the dancing, which was indulged in by nearly all of tlio guests. Those present wore Misses Annlo Langhoine, Lucy Blgge, Mattle Henderson, Bessie Henderson, Bertha Al? tinor, (Tlaudlno Ferguson, Pearl Ellis, of SbawKville; Orace Wiley, Mabel Bowman, Luey Johnston, Juno Johnston, Mary Kll liam and Louise Logan; Messrs. Georgo Logan, Frank Lee, Carl Cannaday, J. C, Kllley, Kobert Logan, Wtchle, A. Ci. Wil? liams, M. Torioy, H. C. Muson, D. O. Preston, C. B. Preston, A. K. Heckel, Join-. Logan, Andrew Ayres, Snider, Shuc? elford, Al. Bowman, Littoll McClung, Dr. Koontz, Dr. and Mre. R. M. Wiley, Major and Mrs. Wllllnm M. Kills, of Shawsvlllo, Tho next meeting of tho club will be hold at tho residence of Dr. and Mrs. Minor Wiley, on Main Street. An Informal and thoroughly enjoyed hop was glvon at Tho Crawford this ov nlng. The dancers wero Miss Mahal Bow? man, with Mr. Allen Greenland; Miss Grace Wiley, with Mr. Lorlck; Miss Leila Kllllnm, with Mr. R, S. Funk; Miss Mat tie Rowan, with Mr. J. P. Jones; Miss Annie Langhorne, with Mr. John Logan; Miss Margie Logan, with Mr. Roso; Miss Mary Harman, with Mr. Llttoll McClung; Miss Mutili! Henderson, with Mr. Snider. Others present woro Mossrs. Ayres, Pres? ton. Kllloy, Bear, Patterson, Pope, Bow? man, Shaokelford, Mason, Tonoy and Dr. Koontz, Mise Irono Strnyer ,one of tho most pop? ula r young Indies In Harrleonburg socloty, has returned to her home, after a pleas? ant visit of several weeks to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Allemong, on Pennsylvania Avenue, Mr. Moseley Toney, a prominent young man In Salem society, leaves to-morrow for North Fork, W. Va,, whore he has a splendid position. Miss Lucy Biggs Is visiting In Bedford, ford, Vn. She danced In the german thero last night. Entertainment at Matoaca, (Special to Tbo Tlmei-Dlapntch.) PETERSBURG, VA., May 18,?A musi? cal entertainment was given at Matoaca Monday evening under the auspices of Mrs, Maud Z. Harrison, assisted by the Misses Simmons,and Vqugban. The caste was excellently trained nnd the principal character, that of Dr, Curo All, which was Impersonated by Mr, Beverly Wil? kinson, was far above the average amateur. Miss Blanche O'Kennen, as tho wealthy widow In search of a husband, made quite nn Impression with the mi? dien re. A Chlneso honeymoon by Misses Mary Ellen Stewart nnd Grace Lee. was well rendered. In between the acts, Miss Lina BOD?rtHon, of Petersburg, rendered aererai1 violin solos. She was N accom? panied on the piano by lier slstsr, Miss Julia Robinson. FINE WEATHER AT OLD POINT The Guests at the Hotels Spent Most of the Time Out of Doors?Golf and Tennis (Special to Tlie Times-Dispatch.) OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., May 16.? Gorgoous weather prevailed at Old Point l?st week, and the guests at tho hotels spent most of their time out" of doors, Sailing, golfing, walking and tennis wer? very popular. Mrs, J. AV. MocMurray, of Rye, N. Y., gave a sailing party on Tuesday ove nlng for hor daughters, Misses Ethel and Edna MucMurray. Mrs. Churlos Augustus Brown and Mrs, Francis AV. Brown entertained tho Fort Monroe Card Club on Monday evening, Lieutenant Edward Hill, U. S, ?., guv? a tea at his quurtors on Tuosiiay after? noon for Mrs. Earl P. Jossop, wife ol Lieutenant Jessop, of tho U. S. B. Olympia, Miss Mary Lou Cooke, of Norfolk, waa tho guest of Miss Lucy Brown over Sun? day. Miss Cooke ls a frequent visitor aft Old Point, and is* one of the popular young women at the hops. The Pilgrims spent Tuesday at the Chamberlin and visited nearby points ot Interest. They went up to Jamestown on AVedncsday to attend the celebration of tho Society for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities. Two golf parties were given last week by Mrs. Frauds AV. Brown, one on Sat? urday und another on Wednesday, Her guosts for tho latter were Mrs, E. D. Hotchklss. Miss Alleo Hotohktss and Miss Bowie Scott, ? of Richmond; Miss Ethel Solimeli:, of Hampton; Mrs. Euri P. Jossop, Mrs. Carter, of Fort MQurde; Miss AVorthitigton, of AVashlug? ton, and Miss Benhum, of North Curo* Una.