Newspaper Page Text
Miller ? Rhoads. Miller ?? Rhoads. A GROUP OF FRIDAY BARGAINS. Nearly 1,000 Yards Cannon Cloth 10c. Yard. Put it alongside a Linen Suit? ing, and you can hardly toll the difference. Full yard wide, heavy, close tveave, and the fin? est quality for | Qo. that's made. 8 l-3c. Bleached Cotton, 63-4c. Only one case of It, and that's In short lengths, hpnce the lot?* price, but look nt tbe well-known names on this Cotton?Androsoogffln, Lonsdale, Hill and Darker Mills. Full j'nrd wide. Men's Negligee Shirts $1.00 Values For 79c. Not printer's-ink values, but genuine dollar ]\fndn.s Shirts, in pretty patterns of hlack and white for 79o. Comparo thorn Tvith other folk's dollar Shirts, and the only difference you'll seo is tv-renty one cents. Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets $10.00, Sold for ten, but worth twelve dol? lars according- to average store vaJues. Only four sets In this lot?100 pieces eneli, with throe different decorations, nnd tho extra, value consists In tho un? usual thinness of tho poroelaln for this priced ware, and the unusually large-sized platter?. Our china mnn says ?they're the best Dinner Sots he ever bought at this price. They look like It vociai and I ?Personal I ???1??^??F<?>??*?'3>F<?>^^ j The Daughters of the Confederaoy are j ??xhlbltlns unusual activity In the line ) ?of geod work nil over the South. As an ?example of this, the Daughters' Auxiliary Ito PlckctHBuchannn Camp of Confed? erate Veterans, in Norfolk, Va?, have ??pledged themselves, through Mrs. Frank Anthony Walke and Mrs. Walter H. ??Doyle, to complete the unfinished Con ?federato monument In Commercial Place, ??Norfolk, by next May, 10O4, on condition ?that the monument is turned over to the jjauxillnry. By Memorial Day of another ?year rthe ladles of tho auxiliary propose Ito give back the finished work Into the ?Kmstody of the veterans. A special meet? ing of the -camp will soon bo held for the Iflefinlte action on the proposition of the Jutuilllary. The Junior Hollywood Memorial Asso? ciation will meot at tbo Soldiers' Home ? to-day to make wreathe for the decora ?tion of the. monuments and graves in the Soldiers' section of Hollywood on Me? morial Dny. Miss Elizabeth Townes nnd Miss Iso? line Moses will be assisted by Misses 'Anne and Delia Gray, Misses Bessie nnd [Leila Hill, Miss Nellie Spence, MJss Ma? mie Baughman. Misses Annie nnd Nellie Tioyktn, Miss Annie Jacobs, Miss Caro? line Kldd, MiPB ?Lucy Wade, Miss Annlo Blanken ship. Miss Lucy Claire Atkinson anrt others. ? ? ? The folio-wing Indies are requested by tMlps M. P. Hnrrls to meet at trite Davis section In Hollywood on Memorial Day, Saturday, tho BOth. at 11 A M?, to as? sist In decora ting tho section: Mesdames John- B. Purcell, Beverly Seiden, R. A. 3-atterson. ?. ?. Wllllnm?, B. S. Bmlth. A. W. Garber, Misses Kathleen Anderson, (Lizzie Patterson Bessie Catlln, MfUtlo ?Mea/ie, L. ?. ???? and ID. M. Harvle. The Annual Concert. The annual concert of tho Woman's jpollege took pince lnst evening nt 8:15 o'clock. In tho presence of a large and jjrllllant audience. The? programme, '?which waa exceedingly fine, waa as fol? lows! Chorus?(Tharlty .Rossini JPlano?By Moonlight .Bendel ). Miss Annlo Laurie Dlllard. JVoloe-r-My Dreams. .Tosti Miss Mae Blnkemore. ?P?mo?Triumphale Polncfm Brilliant, Miss Lila Oaborne, Bahm (?Piano?a, Wlll-o'-the-WIsp .Jenson ? ?>. Air do Ballet, No. G.-Chamlnado Miss Lillie Blscoe. ^?ad?**?-Sleep, Little Baby of Mine, Deunee MIbs Otyo Hancock, jn?nc>?--JKlf.ol?3tt*;.--l,nrnphrnsa .. ....Dlazt G MIbs Nelllo Richards. jQtuurtetta?a. Cradle Song .Zerlett b, Water Lille?.Danza j^Il?ses AcliisB, Williamson, Bowers and , Bracey. Cianci?Scherzoso ."Von Wlhn Miss Mabel Oliver. tr-rio?Rope Waltz .Pinsutl ', Misses Ackiss, Williamson and Bowers. Jptano?Go-uiiod's Paust .Liszt Misa Evelyn Gardner. ^JboTue?Commen<3emont March, Bantlett ' The piano gradutes of thl? yoar, who iwill have tht-lr recital next Mondjiy ?evening, are: Misses Belle WUllnghani, pledge, Read, Mabel Oliver and Nellie {Richards. Miss Bessie Holland will take a diploma tn vocal music und Miss ?Lola Terrell a plploma In art. The elocution claps of tho college, ini? tier tbe able direction of Miss Starr, will ?pive their entertainment this evening, at ?which time will be presented n farce from ith* French of Eugene Veroousln, entitled ?'A Fond Delusion." Tho character of ?"Madame do Cemay In this play will bo Impersonated by Miss Guthvl?; that of Marguerite, her niece, by Miss Edwards, Plastique;.?? with fans by the physical culture class will bo pnrtlelpatPd in by Misses Wise, TJurrette, Powell, EdwnnlB, ?Bowles, Dux-ton, Chaplin, Christian, ptaike, Jacob, Smith, Calne, Turner, Stu? fen, Loekhart nnd Stanton. A comedietta In ono net, "The Minis? ter's Wife," will follow, The cast of characters for tblB Bparkllng jileco of fun will be: Mi's Dennett, principal of Kdgewnnil Seminary..Miss Christian. ?Rose Trenton.Mise Turner. Mildred Ranflolph.Miss Wise. Motiv Campbell.Mi?s 1/n'lshart. Gertrude Roes.Miss Stanton, Mu??? Charles Parsons, tho Minister's Wife.Miss Buxton. The- members o? the Hollywood Memo? rial Association desiring to obtain ?eats In the carriages for the parado Saturday ?Will please send their names nnd address? es te, Mrs. F. O. Townes, of No. SOR East Franklin Street, before IG A. M. of that (day, Ai the- meeting of the Stav-at-Home "Whist Club last Tuesday evening the top pcore was made by MIhs Filza Ilarvle *nd ..Admiral Webster, The club will ne. r-t next week with Miss (Mattlc- Harn- al No. ?U2 Bast Main' Street. ? French livening. The commencement f,f the Richmond "Female Bemlnary will b?-sln this evening at $:80. when the brlgpt lime French ?play, "La. Loterie de Francfort," will be ?prosi-nted by members ??* Miss Claire Quii. Jaume's graduating elasi. There will also be a recitation by llttlo MIsb Mary 1?\ Chalmera, the youngest member of the French department. Friends and -patron? of the se'-hooi are cordially Invited to be present. Tiio iirbt number on the evening's pro? gramme will be u piano duot, Tourget'? "tiviiU?ia \Vu!ues," yjayeej by m.1?>s ?y-^ Parrlsh and Misa Ruth Marston. Miss Chalmers' recitation will follow. Then a piano solo, "En Sourdine," by Miss Vir? ginia Sydnor. "La Loterie de Francfort," from the pen of E. Sotivestre, will close the ove nlng's performance. The young Indies acting will Include: Miss Rose Satterfleld, Fellolte Hoffen, aubergtete. Miss Carey Williamson, Rosette la Cousine. Miss Virginia Carrlngton, Perin?, vielle servante. Miss Ida Beveridge, Madame Goddnrd d'Oberatadt. Miss Rebecca Leigh, Amanda, femme de chambre. ? * ? The fourth nnnnnl commencement of the Richmond School of Expression, un? der the direction of Mrs. W. E. Thurs ton, wns held nt the Woman's Club last evening at 8:80 o'clock. The graduates of this year wore Miss Laura Bates, of "Washington, D. C; Miss Clnrlco Edwards, of West Point, Va.; Miss Lily Heehler. or Richmond. A dva matlc nnd artistic recital was given by the class, nnd Dr. R ,G. Wllllngham de? livered the diplomas. The undergraduates taking part were: Miss Roso Satterfreld, Miss Pearl Lich? tenstein nnd Miss Eulit Bailey. The pro? gramme, which was most attrnctlve, was enlivened by some delightful music. Personal Mention. Miss Jean Christian Morcer, of Wll llamsburg, who is stenographer for the Virginia World's Fair Commission, will leavo on Monday for her home, where sho goes to officiato as maid of honor at the Stone-Jones nuptials, which will be celebrated In Williamsburg on June 3d. Miss Mer?r will remain at home for about two weoks. Mies Antoinette Wilkinson and Mrs. V. V. Baldwin will leave on Monday for Norfolk, to spend the summer with Mra. J. Johnston, of Ghent, ? ? ? Miss Ruby Bodeker will be the guest on Friday Ot Mrs. Preston Le Roy Roper, of Petersburg, Va. ? ? ? Mrs. F. Irby le visiting her sister, Mrs. William Bowman, of Lynchburg, Va, ? ? ? Mr. Leslie Reed will leave on Mon? day for a stay with friends In Alexan? dria, Va. Miss Katherine Hawes is in attendance upon the sessions of the Presbyterian As? sembly at Lexington, Va, Mr?. ?Albert Scott Is the guest of her son, Dr. Hunter Scott, of New Tork city. ? ? ? Mrs. Percy Montague has closed her house and gone with her fa'mlly to Ash? land for the summer. <C!ards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. William Veitch, of Montreal, Can? ada, announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter, Bessie, to Mr. Samuel Louie Cootes, of Dayton, Vn. The cere? mony will bo solemnized on Tuesday, June 2d, at the homo of the brido In Montreal. After June 1Mb Mr, and Mrs. Cootes will be at homo in Dayton, whore tbo former Is a prominent merchant. The marriage of Miss Ruth Hnnnn, daughter of Senator Mnrcus A, Hnnnn, of ..Ohio, und Mr. Joseph Medvllle McCor? mlck, la announced to take pinco June lOtli, at tho home of the bride in Clovo lnnd. Tho mnrriago is of interest to Vlr j ginlans from the fact thnt tho groom-to be Is a descendant of the Rockbridge coun? ty family, mndo famous by their Inven? [ tlon of the first harvesting machine. The ? wlfo of one of tlio older McCormlck brothers was a Miss Hamilton, of Rock bridge. Mrs. T. Hawes and Mrs. Percy Hawes will gw to the Mecklenburg- Hotel Oluisn City, In June for a may of somo woolts, ??'??"'? Mr. and Mrs. Israel, of Chicago, who have been spending etimo weeks In Rlch iinind, left Monday at noon for Astio? ville, ?. C. After a tour through "the Land of the Slty" thoy will return to tholr home. Mr. A. R. Clark will give a lecture In the art exhibit parlors this evening, Which will bo superbly Illustrated by Bteraoptlcon vlows. His eulijert will bear directly on art in all its forms of ex? pression, both American and that of olhor countries, A speoial committee composed of Mrs, ? M. C. Patterson, Miss lle-ssio I'aUIn, Miss j Rassle Seiden, Mr. M. M. Straus and Mr. . A. D. (Turk will meet persons who may wish to look at pictures with a view to ' .purchasing them. 1 Tlio Emma Andrews Whist Club will | meet at tbo residence of the Misses WU? ; lliiniH, East Grace Street, this evening I at 8 o'clock. A FARMER CURED QF RHEUMA TiSM. "A man living on a farm near hero came In a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I banded, lilm a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use It freely nnd if not satisfied after using it ho need not pay a cent for it," says C, P. Rayrtsr, of Pattens Mills, ?. Y. "A few days later he walked into tlie storg ui straight as a etrlng and handed me a dollar, saying, 'Givo me another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I want It in tha house all the time fur it, oured ine,' " yor sal(i by jr-jl flfUBghU)-. j NOW AT REST Engineer Thomas D. Hall is Borne to tlio Tomb. A GREAT MANY THERE Casket Concealed by Beautiful Flowers, Orders to Which He Belonged Woll Represented?The Burial of Fireman Snyder, The funeral services of the lamented Engineer Thomas D. Hall, one of tho victims of the railway wreck near Char? lottesvllle, took place at 4 P. M. yester? day from the First Baptist Church, and was attended by one of the largest con? gr?gations over seen at a funeral there in years. It was a long and sorrowful procession thnt followed the body of the brave engineer from the residence to the churoh and thenco to beautiful Holly? wood, where it wan consigned to the earth. Among those nttendlng tho fun ! eral were a lnrge number of engineers, members of Divisions 20 of the Brother? hood of Locomotive Engineers, and mnny other trainmen and railway olTlclals and employes, the Masonic frnternlty nnd a large outpouring of .friends ;md nelgn hors. Seldom hns ? more beautiful ar? ray of fiorai tributes boon seen at ? funeral thnn on this occasion. Among them were some beautiful designs, sent | by his fellow employes of the railway company nnd others. Roses, carnations, sweet pens nnd other blossoms In great profusion covered the ensket, nnd con? cealed tho new-made grave when they hnd been spread upon It. TOUCHING MUSIC. Tho services woro conducted by Rev. Georgo Cooper, D. D., pnstor of tbo church, assisted by Rev. W. R. L. Smltn, D. D.. of the Sorond Baptist Church. Tho service wns concluded' at the grave, and Included nlso the burial ritunl of the Masonic fraternity. Tbo music was one of the touching features of the funeral. The pnll-benrers from the railway offi? cials, trnlnmcn. Brotherhood, Masonic fraternity nnd fri n "s were: Honorary?M?"**-rn. A. H. HU?, J. N. Un f-hu?. E W Pore. G. r, Nels->ri, AV. (',. Jones. Charles Hagan, "Joseph Smith und C. C. Walker. Acllve-Cn.ptnln J. T. Bnlley. Conduotoi Ellerton, Luther Sony. Harry Funk. W. H. Anthony. A. J. Williams, J. W, Ayres and E. B?ttlghn'er. MR. SNYDER'S FUNERAL. The funeral services of L. Clay Snyder the liremnn killed In the railway wr'ei I*. nenr Chnrlottr-svlHo on Tuesday, tool; place at A, M. yesterday from the resi? dence of J. Thomas Taylor, No. 2"? North Twenty-fifth Street, and were attended by a large gathering of friends nnd rela? tives. Rev. W. S. Campbell, D. D., of the Presbyterinn Church, conducted the and service. Tbe floral offerings, expres? sive of tho sympathy of friends, wero unusually numerous and beautiful, and the service wns very touching. The In? terment was In Oakwood Cemetery. Theso gentlemen -were pall-bearers: S. A. Dif fnbnugh, C. C. Carter, P. C. T?nr'us, ?. B. Clements. M. H, Hughes, B. F. Goorhardt, J. S. Walker. ,T. F, Vaughnn. M. Chlldress nnd Georgo M. Cense. A small wreck occurred in Orleans Street yard Wednesday night In which several curs were derailed and thrown down the embankment. Tbe cars wero empties and the wreck was soon cleared up. It is very likely that Walter Fussoll, a woll known voung mnn of Vurlna Dis? trict will oppose Cyclone Sumuels for the position of constable for Varino Dis? trict. If Mr, Fussell accedes to tho wishes of bis friends tbo fight will be warm from start to finish, ns both gen? tlemen are well known. Mr. Ernest E. Jordan, of Fulton, and Miss Olile E. Burton, of Church Hill. will be married Monday night. The cero monv will be performed nt ft o'clock at the residence of tho bride's parents, on Twontv-slxth Street. Miss Maude An? drews will be maid of honor and Mr. John Burton, brother of the bride, -will be best man. Mr. Jordan Is woll known In Fulton nnd Miss Burton Is very popu? lar on the Hill. Mrs. S. P. Wnddlll left this week for New York to nccompany her daughter. Miss Emily, home, who has been attend? ing college in that city. ?Mrs. Susan Wilson, of King and Queen county, is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Jamos T. Grubbs, of Nicholson Street. Mrs. J. G. Roily, of Burkevlllo, Is the punst of Mrs. Peter McG'overn, of Fulton Hill. Mr. W. G. Hiinklns, of Fulton Hill, Is In Wllllumsburg on business. Mr. George Lane, an employe of the Lower Gas Works, was taken sick whllo nt his duties Wednesday and was re? moved to his homo. Rev. L. E. Barton, of Suffolk, will oc? cupy tho pulpit of Fulton Baptist Church ?it both servico'a Sunday. An entertainment for tho benefit of tho Methodist Bnzanr will be held this afternoon in the tiibornaclo. Mrs. Hugh Rico left Wednosday to visit to hor parents in Gates cojipty, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Kay will ?cavo to? day for tho mrjentniiin to spend the sum? mer. Mr. Kay hns Just rocovored from a spell of typhoid fever. -Mrs. Margaret Gognn has returned from Newport News, where sho bus been at tbo bedside of her nephew, Robert Mac kay, who underwent nn operation for ap? pendiciti?. Mr. Mac-kay la improving nicely. -XXXXXDCXXXXXXXXXXX>DCXX)0O00 ? J>airmount /foies, g <SoCXDCOOOOOOCOOC)OOOCOOCXXXX) The funeral of Llsby Redford, Br., Who filed sinleleiily Monday oveulng on tho fifty-fii'ih anniversary of his wedding, took place Wednesday evening nt 4 o'clock frinii Olny-Htreet Methodist Church. Mr. Redford M'as an ?nelo of Mrs. J. Vf, Rainy, of Twenty-second Street. Miss Laura irvin has loiurned home frnin n visit of several weeks to rela? tivos In North Carolina, Mrs. Salili? Atiibrlzollar, of Wilmington, N. 0., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. diarios Arnold, on T\vi:nty-thlrd Street. Mrs. C. L. Arnold is much Improved from n recent spell of Illness. Mrs. .1. T. Nui-liols ls slclt at her homo on the! Avenue. Mrs. Llppold, lier two daughters and mother have moved to No. g016 Venablo Si ??????. from West Point. They were among tin? sufferers from the recent fire there, and lost all their possessions ex ??e.'pt a sewing machine. Mrs. Vf. T. Fletcher, of Twenty-first Street, Is Improving from hor recent Indis? position, Frances Habcock, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Holland, Is Quite sick. Air. Haley, the aged grandfather uf Mrs. Thomas Teagle, is' very sick. Mr. and Mrs, .33. P. Gibson, of Maddox Hill, havo returned, borne, from a pleus unt visit to friends in Hanover. \\'ai-ren Hobson has just compieteci hl3 new bouse on tho Avenue, and Will movo his family into It this week. Joseph Smith," the baggasomastor on tha Ill-fated train which wat wrecked near Charlottosvlllo Tuesday, lives on Twen? ty-second Street. Mr. Smith was re? ported as one of the deuil, but he escapee! with a fow cuts und, bruises, and is now receiving the congratulations of his many '?. r&MLPJi. MtUHSfBlK jtSg&Uf S??u?!?? Charlea Th-?lmer Ib ?,?* ??? &i hle hem,e on Nineteenth Street. ., . ?_ ?_,? Eva, the little ileimhter of Mr. ??a Mrs. Croery, of Twenty-first Street, le quite sick. . .. ?...???? Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of theiMlwM T. M. C. A. will ?lye <Vn0,?n}>? ?eft ourslon to Dutch Clap, June the ratn. Tickets to be had of Mrs? Georsre Troxler, Mrs. Toblno and ?Mrs. Pi-"'1"? ?,,-? vv At. the tocky party reco!itly J*1?",,! the ladlos of lho Baptist Church a nice sum was realized, and Mr. Dar lo w won Uie gentleman's prize, while the i,a.ay.* prize was sold, tie, lady appearing In tacky costume. , ?. A dog, supposed to be mad, was shot ou Twenty-first Street yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Martin, ?Oth*r of Myrell Martin, of "0?wnrd," ?G?2Jf,!* took place yesterday at 2 :S0 o clock from Fairmount Methodist Church; the burial was In Hanover. , ?, __ ,,,.., The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Eieklol Brauer is not expected to survive through the night, .. ,_. Mrs, T. R. Gary is out, after a short spell of Illness. . ,, ?,,.,,?_ Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Deaellos, Is bettar to-da/. .... . ?,. Mrs. Wllllo Vest, of Philadelphia, la vis? iting her brother, Walter F. Delaney, on the Avenuo. She will also vlelt her mother, Mrs. Delaney. and other relatives In the West End. ??1rs. Joseph Vest, ot Philadelphia, Is also tho guest Of Mr, Delanoy's family. They oxpeot to re? main several weeks. . , . ... , Howard Parish is quite sick at theresi donce of his sister, Mrs. Meyers on Twen? ty-second Streot. , , . Mrs. Thomas Morris Is very sick at her residence on Twenty-first Street, sne has been In delicate health some timo, but Is now confined to her room. Mre. Lena Keck Brauer, wife of Ezeklel Brauer, who has been sei dangerously 111 for some time, is doing aa well as can be expected. Unless complications occur she is thought to bo out of danger. Miss Hnlllo Fidler, of Twentieth Street, In much Improved. , -.? ' Mrs. W. S. Haynes. of Twentieth Street who with hor sister expected to have left Monday ttjr Baltimore, wasM-trletaJneed lieimo by being bitten on the neck by a spider, nnd haa posi poned lier trip until she recovers from the effects. John Welt, who recently moved to Pe? tersburg, was in town last week winding up his affairs, and lias sold his house on Twenty-second Street. Mr. Allie Fore was ? guest at a recep? tion given by Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, of South Fourth Street, a few nights ago. In honor of Mr. Fore's nineteenth birthday. Mrs. L. P. Granger Is visiting her rela? tive, Mrs. Dnlla-s Cooper, of West Clay Street. Miss Leila Fore is vlslling Mr- Llvesay on South Fifth Street. Mrs. Leila Llvesay, of Twenty-second and ? Streets, gave a pio party Tuesday night for the benefit of tlie King's Daugh? ters, and the sum of J!> was realized. Thoso present were tlio Misses Mary Phillips, Nannie Miller. Alleo Ford, Ruth Mnrtln, Hertha Hastings, Lizzie Waters, Kula Hughes. Wilmer Hughes, ?????? Bussen, Willie Miller, W. K. Ovorby, Art luir Ha.rdln, Frank Cook, II. G\ Over bv, Mr. Page. Mr. Mason, Andrew Toney, E. W. Page, Courtney Sharpe, Noie Piller and Mr. Bell. Little Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Gentry, celebrated the tenth an? niversary of her birth Monday night at her parents' home, Nee. 1210 Twenty-first Stroet. Games and other parlor amuse? ments were Indulged In until refresh? ments were served, after which tho little folks wero driven home by tho old sand man tired, but happy. The little friends present were: May Gentry, ?Mnble Pol? lard. Helen Nuckols, Corine Gentry, Ma? rie Nuckols, Louise Lawrence, Mary Nuckols, Gladys Gentry, Janlo Nuckols, Eeina Jones, Anna Gentry, Irene Ford, Avis Heckler, EellUi Gentry and Herman M'oran. A most solemn and Impressive service took place at the Fairmount Baptist Church Sunday afternoon when Messrs. William White and John Garrott wero ordained as deacons, in tho presence of a large congregation. Tho ordination sor man was preached by Dr. Solly, o Emman? uel Baptist Church. The Revs. Joel T. Tucker led In the ordaining prayer and Drs. Solly, Joseph F. Tucker and C. C. Cox. pn.?tor of tlie church, united in tho ceremony of the laying on of hands. Special music was remlered by the choir, led by Mrs. S. R. Gary, assisted by Arcillo Creekmore aa basso and Willie Oxen ham as cornetist. Both Mr. White and Mr. Garrott are exemplary young men. This was tho first service of the kind ever held In the church. OCOOOOOCXX)COCOCXXXXX)CXXXXX) 8 ?arion ?heights. 8 OOOOOCXDCXXX5CCXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Mrs. W. S. Paxton has returned to Fair field, Rockbrldge county, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. L. Ball, of Brookland Park. , ? Mrs. H. K. Klllian. of Harrisburg, Pa., ls visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vf. ?. Lightner. Mrs. Klngsburry, of Missouri, who haa been visiting Mr. and Mrs. ?. M. Moores, Is now In Charles City. Miss Annie Whitlock, of Philadelphia, is visiting her uncle, of Brookland Park. Charley Gregory is quite sick at his homo on Meadow Bridge Road. Mrs. Ciibblns has returned to Georgia, after a visit te> Mrs. Georgo E. Carter. Mr. Hatcher Hollaway, who has been staying at the homo of Mr. J. G. Jeter, has left for Morse Nock, Va. Miss Fannie? Pemberton ls quite sick at her homo near Lakeside. ?Miss Stella Smith, of Rockbrldge coun? ty, ls visiting lier aunt, on North Ave? nue. Mrs. R. D. Hamilton and son, who have been visiting Mrs. Forzey and family, have returned to Portsmouth. Mr. Lewis Croxton, of Florida, will be the guest of his mother, Mrs. N. B. Crox? ton, tills week. Miss Annie Colo, who ha.s boen visiting In South Carolina; will leave this week for Philadelphia, accompanied by Miss Coker. Mrs. Norman Hamilton has returned to Portsmouth, after a visit to Mrs, For? giala. Mr. Georgo ?. FIgnor will leave In a few days for a Northern trip. Mr. Henry Drown lias left for Savan? nah, Ga. _ Mr. Henry Mitchell will leave for Pe? tersburg Monday. Miss Annie Wlngfleld has returned from a trip to Petersburg. Mli-s Lillian Hamilton has returned to Portsmouth, after a visit to Mrs. E. G. Mercer. , Mrs. C. D. Rodd, who has been quite sick, Is improving. Mrs. AV. O. Shelbourno and children hnvo loft for Rlcovllle, N. C, to spend tho Hummer. Mr. AV. P, Conltor, who has beon visit? ing bis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. AV. T, Coaltor, of Urooklnnd Park, lias return? ed to -Newport News, Mr. E. II. Hoonor has returned to $3.50 SHOETO? You can Savo from $3 to ?f5 this Spring by weariag W. L, Douglas $3.50 Shoes, They equal ^{fH?fMimt?MIt?Mi/M thoso tliat,:? havo li ? ? ? ;? costili},' von ig S5to$0. thu IS iroraensesale .s proves tholr 't Buperlority. S ^.,..-,4 ,.,, ? You should j| II?^?n.?. ?/ >. anil suinnii'i? mo n t lis, a pair of hjgh fills and a ?-piwhwyt?i??*?*-;-'/'?^.'?.'?*?; mir of ox- ^-W^WMVAWAW?^ fords, Don't pay $10 to $12 for theso two pairs when you can got as much Bivio, comfort, and service in two pairs nt' VV". I,. Douglas shoes for $7. XV. I.. I)iiii;-l.-iri mull?'?, "ml ??'II* mino iiii-ii'm i*:i,r,ti thUQ-j t bill? any ot ber muii lll'.ll 1 Ilici- in u,,, <voi-ltl. , ? ? HiuIq n/ ?/ia tej? Imported anil American te?thera ?ncluUiiif P?tait Curona Kill ? Patent Corona Colt. Hoys al! woui? W. L. Dounlaaahooa, Pr?2o,$2.00 a??f?.??, I'iist Color L)?let? used ejcliifclvely. PflllTiriM I Samo end Br??e?t?mpfO on bottom. UHU IIU?1 ! i;y- -i'ftl.1.? uu buUlluiU-.-Jia Bhoi a l.y mall,as cent? Wtpt? Catalog of Spring c...,,.. J-. M._ L j .AjJfiJ.A S. lil.H^U t,ii._M->?" .jicHMoir??WT|aoiL?? UL?^ New York, after a vlult to Mr. G"eorge I'M gnor. Mr. Lonnle Gray haa left for Balti? more. Miss Esther Feather, who has been visiting Mina Goldie Dickens, of Dura barten, has returned home. Rev. C. P. Scott, who has been aulto sick, Is Improving. The Girls' Missionary Society of the Barton Heights Baptist Church met tills Week and new officers wero leected. Miss Grace King, who has been very sick, is able to resumo her studies. Mr. Anderson, of Petersburg, Is visit? ing friends In Brookland Park. Miss Myrtle Carter, ot Provldenoe Forgo, is the gu?*st of friends on Mon telro Avenue. Miss . Dona Duncan, of Accomao, hae returned home, after a visit to relatives on Hermitage Road. Mrs. Bowie, who has boon visiting Mra. .Tones, of Lamb Avenue, haa returned to Petersburg. Judge Charles F. Goodwyn, of Notto? way. is visiting his daughtor, Mrs. C. R. Kuyk. Rov. W. T. Hundley will leave Monday for Crozer Seminary, Chester, Pa. Mrs. W. V. Atkins and Misa Eula At? kins, of Blackstone, havo returned home from a visit to the family of Rev. C. R. Kuyk. Mise Lanette ?3-oodwyn, of Louisa coun? ty, who has been vlBltlng on Montelro Avenue, has left for her home. Mie. C. C Batterwhlto Is very nick at her home, Mr. Thomas Armstrong has returned home frome a trip to New York. Mr, Carlton Moffat Is quite sick at his home. Mr. C. T. Wilkinson and family of Brookland Park, have moved to Dan vlllo. Mrs. Parsons Is quite aide at her home on Poe Street. Miss LoulSe Jones, who has been quite sick at the home ot her grandparonta, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee, is now able to be out. Mrs. Hall and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. C. T. AVllklnson, of North Avenue, have left for their homo In Pe? tersburg. ?? ?r?.?**.?***?***!'1. '."*?".?'G"? ?""?*^""."".???*' ?Chestnut J^tit and ? sf?ighiand ?Park \ \ vr*?"? "?*?I??i???'????I',i??i???',i,i,I"?j*i??J"I*']-,I"I?.J'*'I,??"?? Mrs. Kelle, of New York, is vleltliyr her son, Mr. Kails, of Third Avenue, Chest? nut Hill. Mrs. Nellie Booth continues quite sick at her residence, Second Avenue, Chest? nut Hill. Mr. J. T. Goodwin has returned home from Columbus, Ohio, where he went to attend the convention of International Railway Masters and Boilermakers' Asso? ciation. The next meeting will be held In Denver, Colorado. Miss Emma Queries has been visiting Misses Clara and Alice Wllklns, of High? land Park. ?.Mr. John Tatum, of Fourth Avenue, lina returned home, after a pleasant viele 1,0 friends In the country. Miao Hattie Foard, of Clifton Forge, Is the guest of tho Misses Rennie, of Fourth Avenue, Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Fannie Pemberton, who has been quite sick at her residence, near High? land Park, is improving. Last meeting for the season of the' Junior Card Club wa.s held Tuesday night nt tbe resldenco of Miss Gretchen Lewis in Highland Park. Mr, Cow?rden and son, of Avenue A. have returned home, after a delightful trip to Atlanta, Montgomery and New Orleans. Work Is being rapidly pushed forward on the new Sunday-school room of Mlz pah. When finished It will add much to the beauty of the church. Mr. Wirt Chestorman and family, of Park Avenue, Hlchmond have rented for tbe Hummer months the beautiful and attractive hume formerlyy owned by the? lato J. D. Mosby, of Hlghlannd Parle. Mr, Charles AV. Vauglinn, of Highland Park, who has been quito sick, la able to bo out. Mr?. D. M. O'Brlon and little daugh? ter, Ellen, who have been vini ting rela? tives in Baltimore, have returned to their limno on Chestnut Hill. Mrs. McGraw has gone to Alexandria to spend tho summer months with her sister. Master William Catlin continues quite Bide at his resldonce. Mr. and Mrs. Saniuel Mainly, of Bal? timore, will visit tholr daughter, Mrs. D. M. O'Brien, of Chestnut Hill, In a short while, Miss Clara Wilson, of Nottoway coun? ty, ls visiting Miss Louise Ronnie. Mrs. Basil Powel!, of King and Quoon county, expects soon to visit her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Catlin, of Fourth Ave? nue. / The Young Poople's Card Club mot last Monday night at the residence of Mrs. Clarence Llvesay e,n Third Avenue. Pro? gressivo eucliro was played until a late hour, aftor which delightful refreshments wero porvcd. Mrs. Wanton, of Sc.ranlon, Pa., Is vis? iting lier sister. Mrs John Tyler, of Fourth j?,venue. Miss Battle Christian, of Poplar Hill, who haa been quite sick, is now able to be out. Miss Gladys Livesay, of Soul h Third Street, lias been visiting Miss Mildred Clarke, of Chestnut Hill. ^?..J..I.-?^????I^?J..J-l?J-.?..J.,?,.??!..J-.??J?J?J^{.^.?, I . Jfl ihe '?heatres, \ ?^,?..^.?>?-^.?-.v.t-??-J-?^?4??h^-^?^?I???^??-?--I--H???l*?? * Olllelte's delightful comedy, "Because She Loved Him So," was prosonted at tlio Bijou at lwo pt-rformancos yesterday, the hill changing t? this piece for the remainder of tho week. The comedy, Which lias been seen here before, serves as an excellent lesson to young married perniile, anil shows them the folly of petty jealousies, and how they appear in ? the eyes of other people. The picture Is not so overdrawn as one would Imagine, fur thero aro many such women as the "Ger? trude 'West" of Gillette's comedy. Two hairs in themselves seem Insignificant things, but when they appear upon the shoulder of a' man's coat, In a woman's eyes they are sometimes sufficient causa for divorce proceedings, A man who would go Into his wife's presence with two auburn hairs upon his coat, when her own tress?s are not of sun-tinted hue, is- too foolhardy to bo considered a good risk fur accident insurance, in the case of ?, ?ffixfl-'j^at- fogliiiN^mxmmmhim to believe that his cont needed a brush? ing before the searching eyes of his wlfo fell upon it. He was entirely Innocent, lust as many other unlucky men have been, but when a wnmnn sees a thing she sees It. nnd the only thing to do Is to seek shelter and wait until the storm passes over. However, for the purposes of the comedy, Oliver West puts himself in the way of tho storm by following It to tho house of hi? mother-in-law, In It? self a most foolhardy thing to do. How? ever, it In Just as well, perhaps, not to dwell upon the picco. Those who have seen It will remember It very well, for It Is not easily forgotten, while those who hnvo not, will enjoy It all the more thoroughly if th?*v tiro not maele familiar with it beforehand. Tho piece was vory ?well produced, and was splendidly staged. Miss Percy Has well. as the jealous wife wns most con? vincing, while Mr, Frank G'lllmore was all that could bo desired as Oliver West. The John Weatherby of Mr. Alfred Hud? son had in it an element of comedy which proved vastly plensln? to the audience. All of the rolos wore acceptably filled, with the result that a good performance was given. l?. C. The largest audience of the summer season witnessed tho performance?, of "Friends" at the Academy last night. Tlie verdict both as to tho play and the players has been most emphatically fa? vorable, and genuine pleasure has been expressed that a company of such calibre Is to ligure to such a groat extent In tho summer theatricals. There ls not really a weak spot in the cast, and tho per? formance ls simply Idyllic. -- The Glffen Company will he seen next week In "Under the Red Robe," a play that has been much discussed, but never seen hero. It ls ? very ambitious under? taking, and no effort Is being eparsd to make It one of the biggest features of any summer stock season in this city. Another Fawcett Company will be at the Bijou next week In a fine revvol of "The Little Minister." Manager Fawcett ?will Introduce a new star In this part. Tho play s so well known Jhere that It needs no recommendation, its popularity has already been attached by a phenoenal advance sale. CONTRACT FOR STREET PAVING Street Committee Sacheted Over the Gasser Bid, but He Got It. When the Street Committee met at 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon the reading of the minutes had to be dispensed with, because the clerk's books wore In tho Hustings Court for use In the hearing In the King trial. A large amount of routine business wig transacted, and an accumulation of work was disposed of. # A subcommittee of five waa appointed to look into the question of the removnl of the railway tracks from AVest Broad Street. The question of placing water and gas pipes and sewers In tho alloys of Leo District was discussed, and it was deter? mined to hold a special meotlng In the City, Engineer's olllce at ? o'clock next Monday afternoon, at which time tho chairman, City Engineer, superintendent of water and chairman ot the Water Committee will be present, Petitions from Baldwin and Brown, Rountreo and Company and tlio American Tobacco Company for bridge connections woro taken up, In the case of Rountree and Company and the American Tobacco Company, a committee was appointed to preparo an ordinance to report, nnd the petition of Baldwin an?l Brown waa with? drawn, so that it might be Introduced in the Council. After reaching the opinion that the work of lho commltteo could not bo com? pleted, and fixing upon G> o'clock this af? ternoon to meet In adjourned session, tho various i.avlng bids woro opened, Bids had been asked for asphalt block paving on Franklin Street, betweon Third anil Fourth, and for certain granite spall guttering, The contract for doing tho work on Franklin Slreet was awarded to Contrac? tor W. P. Veitch, Mr. Whlttot moved that tho contract for guttering be given to H. T, Hoppe, next to tho highest bidder. This motion was lost on a Up vote, and then It was ?leolded to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, whloh gave it to Charles Gasser, whose bid was olghty four cents. Tim other, bids were C. M, Wolnbrunn, ninety-two cents; H , ?, Hoppe, ninety cents; J. A. Guile, eighty five cents. Tbe committee thon adjourned. Thoso present wero Chairman Allen, Messrs. West, Burton, Bahen, Whlttet, Peters, Allen, Phillips, Teefey, Minor, Huber, AVllllams, Mann and Adams. SPECIAL SUNDAY RATES Between Richmond and Petersburg via Seaboard Air Line Railway. .Commencing Sunday. May 24th, the Sea boarel will sell tlukiUs between Rich? mond nnd Petersburg nt rate of 40 cents for tlio round trip, tickets to be sold on Sunday only, and limited to date of ealo. Boars tlio /? ^'" Kintt Yau llavl) Always Bought A VERY IMPORTANT UIT SALE Desiring to rid our stock of all small and incomplete lots of Men's Suits we shall offer to-day and Saturday several hundred high-Class Suits at the fol? lowing reductions : Suits that sold up to $13*50 at Suits that sold up to $20.00 at $7.50 for the choice. $9,50 for the choice. Though the quality is limited, the assortment is good and represents all sizes from 33 to 46 inches. BIG BUILDING HAS BEEN OPENED Little Waifs Now Have Plenty Room In Which to Sleep and Eat. The administration building at the Methodlat Ophanoge ha? Jui?t been com? pleted and open for ime. The event I? one of no little Interest to the Meth? odists. The children and others have moved out of the cramped qunrters In tho cottages nnd are spreading out In the oapncloufl rooms of the big building. There Is now a kitchen, a laundry, a large dining-room, with a whole ??eat for ?*ch person, two largo school rooms, a recep? tion room and sl??eplng rooms for many more orphans, During the month of June, the Orphsn 8*0 will try to raise $1,000 among the Methodist Sunday-school children of Vir?. ginlo. . CALLED TO GROVE CHURCH ?j Rev. Mr. Morris Takes Charge There fora Year. The Rev. James Morris, of Brazil, who preached at St. Paul's during the absence of Dr. Strange, has been Invited to take charge of Grace Episcopal Church, of this city, for a year. The action Is made ne? cessary by the continued bad health of tho rector of Orace Church, the Rev; Lan? den R. Mseon. Mr. Morris has accepted tho call and has already entered upon Ids work. Tho Rev. J. C. Cornicle, of TVeetovw, baa been call??d to Wlckliffe, Clarke cnun?. ty, Vh-, In succession to the Rev. Robert V. Brooking. 'The Rev. T. C. Dornt, of Fairmont, XV. Va., has been called to the churches at White Post and Front Royal, Va, Wants to Come In, The Burial League of the United States, with Its main office at Pittsburg, ??, desires to enter and do business in this State, and has made application to the Corporation Commission with this end in view. The application, however, was not In proper form, nnd had to be returned to the company for this reason. la on? ?t the CJreatcst Healers of the Sick ?n Bariti. Cui.? nil ilUedki-i? or no Charge. I cura ?11 diseases Unii .ire known to thu human rai-a or no charge, no matter what your dlaenai?, ?lek? ticas, or n miction may be, and rt-ators you to perfect health. I cure the following dlieasca: Heart Disease, Conaumntloii. Blood, Kidney. Liver. Bladder, l'Ite? lu uny form, Vertigo, Quinsy, tknc Throat, Lutins. Dyspepsia, lndlpe?? lion. Constipation; Rheumatism in uny fu.-rn, 1'ilns. nnd AchiM of any kind. Cold?, Jtronehlfil Troubles, Horea. HWIn Uliscum;?. al! Helling Hun. nat I'.in. La Cirlpiie, or Pneumonia; Ulcer?. Car? ImiK-le?, Holla. Cancer, ?he worst form?, with? out the use of knife or Instruments; Eczema, Pimples on face nnd body; DIabetoi of Kidneys, or Bright'? Plaeaae "f Ihe Kidneys. I euro any diseuse, no mutter of what nature. Medicino Bent to any Hilares? liy expresa. For full pur? ticiilur? send a ?-eeiit stamp for nnswor. No. (107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Southeast, Wishing? ton, ?. C. Branch ?tori?, No. 401 West Brund Htrent. Ulohmond. Vn. -_.M-"il But thoro is a difference in tho kinds and a choice. Down under ihe puint and glossy var? nish is tho real vehicle?the thing you are paying your money for, For quality, finish, style and the natural sequence? satisfaction?stick to the. high grade. It is only a little higher. R. H. Bosher's Sons, 15 South Ninth Street, is the place to get then!. Our Repairing; and Repainting Department is First Class. J?T. "JJ'SWWM mm