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GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Lively Discussion Over Re? ports on Education. ?DR. J. P. SMITH'S POSITION Mobile Selected ns the Next Place of Meeting?The Reformed Church Ask for Closer Relations and Organic Union. (Speclnl to The LEXINGTON, ?\?., May 28.?The Gen? eral Assembly of the Southern t-r?sbyto rlnn Church this morning nelopted the re? port upon theological seminarlos, which came up and waa adopted. The report rdiowed ? p enrollment nt the Uve Institutions of Clnrksvllle, Union. 'Southwestern, Kentucky and Central to foe l&S, which Is a falling off from lust year of four. Tho faculties woro on ?dorsf?d for their faithfulness and ability. I The committee recommended thnt nil con ' trolling hoards unite In a representative :oonferonc!o on tho basis of ono member ;of the faculty and one member from the board of each Institution, for the purpose /of creating and conserving doflntto rolo lions of oomlty among the noverai theo? logical (seminaries. It was further recom ?KVfsnded that ? non-resident post-graduate I course bo established for the dogrec of ? doctor of divinity. Tho report was I adopted. MVEXr-Y DISCUSSION. ; The llvlest discusi?n of the dny was ?provoked by calling up the unfinished (business, referring to tlio consideration of Ithe Joint commltteo of tho standing com jjnlttecs of Publication and Sabbath ? Schools. Two reports woro submitted yes 'terday by this comndttee, tho majority j favoring that the secretary of Publication and superintendent of Sabbath Schools bo I combined In ono ofllco with one secretary. i The minority offered as a. substitute that | (the two offices bo not combined, and ro ' commended that tho Executive ?Comnilt ?teee of Publication bo Instructed to elect In general superintendent of Sabbath 'Schools and Youuir People's Sociotles. Dr. James P. Smith addressed tho As pombly on behalf of tho Executive Com ?mlttee of Publle-atlon, and advocated the i combining of tho two ofllces. Ho cited 'the working of tho Publication Commltteo ?of the Northern Presbyterian Church, lo? cated In Philadelphia, which was doing itefllclent work and which was divided i Into threo departments, one having charge i ?of business matter, a second of editorial ? or literary matter, and tho third superln : tondent of Sabbath Schools. Tho com? mittee thought It desirable to formulato their plans and work similarly, except ; that thoy would bo unable at present to havo a man at tho head of each depart? ment. MAJORITY AVIN. It wns evident that thoro was consider? able opposition to the plan suggested by tho majority report, and some lively tilts wore Indulged In by various commission? ers. The business manager of the com niitteo, R. H, Maglll, was called on for a statement ot financial conditions, AA'hen the voto waB taken tho minority report was, adopted by tho voto of 105 to Gl. Sev? eral amendments woro made to tho re? port. Mr. M?glll was elected socretary and business manager of the Commltteo of Publlc-atlon. Tho consideration of the superintendent of Sabbath Schools wns made the order of tho day for 11 o'clock to-morrow. The report from tho home and school Bt Frederlcksburg, Va., for the children of foreign missionaries and of deceased ministers was mado by Dr. AAr. D. Mor? ton, of Rocky Mount, N. C. Thoro are In the school and orphanage about fifty orphans and thirteen widows. Superin? tendent Somervllle followed' with, a state? ment as to the valuo of property. The buildings are worth over $10,000. CLOSER RELATIONS ASKED. A communication was received from the General Synod of the Reformed Presby? terian Church, from tholr annual meet? ing In Philadelphia to-day, asking for closer relations and organic union of all tho Presbyterian churches In the United States. The assembly was asked to send delegates to a meotlng to bo hold In June. An Important resolution was adopted with reference to the rights of mission? aries In?,tho Congo Free States, us fol? lows :v ... . ?'' ? "Resolveftd, by tlie Qenoral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In the United ifitatee, *diat a committee consisting of | four members, of which Rov. AV. M. Mor? rison shall bo chairman, bo appointed by ithe moderator, whoso duty shall be to pro? spere and present to the President of tho ! United States a memorial setting forth ?the rights of missionarlos In the Congo | Free Slates under the treaty ot Berlin, , and how those rights are disregarded by ?the government of the Congo Free States, ?und urging the government of the United ??States to tako suoh action as may bo necessary and proper under the olrcmtn-, ' stances to ascertain and corroot the ! wrongs complained of nnd to eecure the ''rights to which citizens of the United ?States who are missionaries to Africa 'nre'entitled; and tho Senators and Rep? r?sentatives fur tlio States under tho Ju? risdiction of this assembly are earnestly ! rerjuested to give to the commltteo ap? pointed under this resolution nil the aid it may bo In their power to afford." MOBILE CHOSEN, Two cities were put hi nomination this afternoon Tor tho next place of meeting? Mobil?, Ala., and August?, C!u. Dr. Planck, of Mobile, nominated Government Street Church, of that city, and reminded the assembly that lust year when Iaix lrgton wus selected there whs a tarlt un? derstanding that Mobile should bo se? lected this year. Dr. Phinlu-tt Invited the assembly to Augusta, where the assem? bly was organised, and next year weald celebrate the one hundredth year of the Organization of that church. He mild they would glv? tho visitors a cordial welcome, not second to what they had received In Lexington, and nothing more than that could be suld. The vote was taken and Mollilo was selected by the VOtO of ninety to seventy-six. The? standing Committee on Education reported through the chairman, Dr. C.'en v,?>>.?, of Louisville, Ky.? that during the post year tlie? collections amounted to over ?20.000, an Increase ovor the post year of m arly fifty per cent, The committee recommended the raining of for tho beneiit of candidates for tho ministry, ?,nil each presbytery is requested to rulsu iu proportionate enere, The Bible training school at Laredo, Texas, was reeognl?ed us a school for the training uf Mexicans for the ministry, and Die assembly authored tho committee to assist needy ?tueleiits In uttenduuee there. The Executive Committee we? Instruct? ed to appoint faithful men lo vlHlt each college and university wlthli. thei bounds of the (assembly ami confer with young ruen on personal piety, (MINIHTEItlAI, HKI.IJCF The standing committee on Ministerial ?Relief made? lis report to-day, in ploslnt* ?ill?? ??? ?: in II I, ., BliyH'. AVhlle wu congratulate the Assembly ;tipon tho neivaiiee made |n this vwuk ?ur ?lielovcd Church I? Hill .,?> far behind many others In tha provision it muk**s ,for those committed to tho cure of ih. l-MlnlHU-rlal Ue lief Kniiil. hiiliail (,f the [average j,<-r family being }I,00, double ?bis nmount should be considered a very Liimll allowance, und we- recommend that our Church be requested to contribute for the tnSUlng yenr not lens than $30,000 for this muse. Wo recommend that the prosent sec? retary. Rev. ?. T. McElroy, D. D., lie re eleoted, and thnt he, with the Revs. Rus? sell Cecil. 15. P.. ?Tere Wltherspoon, D. P., J. Cnivln Stewart, 1>. 1-.. Messrs. B. R. Wellford, J, N. Ciillliigworlh, Ooorgo R. Canhon, John 9. Munco, William R. M'Her, C. G). LnniR, John A. Colte and 8, )I. Ilnwes, coiiPtltute the TSxecutlvo Committee on Ministerial Relief for tho ensuing yenr. DR. LT-MPKW RE-ELECTED. Dr. ?T. W. Lnmpkln wns re-elected sec? retary of the Executive Committee. Tho Stand I tig Committee on Home Missions reported more money contributed, more missionaries nt, work nnd moro churches established In the past year thnn any yenr for fho decide. Tho Assembly ndjourned nt ? o'clock to accept nn Invitation of Odierni Shlpp to Visit the Virglnln Military Instituto nnd witness ? spccinl biittnllnn drill In their honor. The distinguished visitors wore mueb pleased with the fine sol? dierly bearing of tbo cadets of tho "West Point of tho South,?' A populnr mentine; wns hold to-night In tho Interest ?if colored evnngoltzntlon, with nn nddmss by Dr. G). C. Lilly, of Tuscnloosn, Aln., tbo secretary. From the nmonnt of Important busl ess yet on thn docket, It Is hardly prob, able thnt the Assembly will Ret ?? rough to-morrow, although that Is the dny on which they expect to adjourn. FRANKLIN COMMENCEMENTS The Franklin Male Academy and tbe Franklin Female Seminary. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FRANKLIN, VA., May 2.8.?Tho Frank? lin Malo Academy, J. II. Mnrtin, princi? pal, and M. H. Watts, assistant, closed Friday. The annual address wns mado by Professor S. C. Mitchell, of Rich? mond. Tho scholarship medal was won by Master Vnughan Camp, son of Mr. R. J. Camp, of this place, this being two sessions in succession in which ho has won tho samo medal, Tho declnlmer's medal was won by Mr. G. AV. Hayes. The Academy next session will bo under the ?management of Professor ,TT. G. Noffsinger, formerly of tho Windsor Academy, ns principal. The closing exercises of the Franklin Fornaio Seminary were hold Saturday evening to Tuesday evening, Inclusivo. The haccalnureate sermon was prenched at the Baptist Church Sunday morning by Rov. A. B. Dunnnwa:>*, D. D., of Churcbland. Vn., nnd the annual address wns mndo by Rev. J. K. Jnlllff, of Nor? folk, Tuesday morning. The Seminary hns hnd the most, successful session In Its history, under the control of Professor John B. Brewer. The number of mntrl culatcs has Increased by 25 per cent.; tlio number In the boarding department bos Increased by ?? por cent., and the gross Income from tho. school hns In? creased by 87 per cent. Misses Besslo Lawless nnd E'-sle Council received diplo? mas equival?nti to the A. B. diplomas of tho colleges, nnd Misses Mary Story, .Tunic Parker, Mnmlo Joyner and Cnrrlo Scott received dlplomns equivalent to tho Bachelor of Science diplomas of tho colleges. A number of other young Indies graduated in tho respective schools In which they were applying for gradua? tion, and received diplomas In those schhols. Professor Brewer will continue as principal of the Seminary. The annual mooting of the stockholders of the Seminnry company wa? held on Tuesday, nnd officers for tho ensuing yenr elected ns follows: President, J. C. Pnrker; Vlce-President, J. L. Camp; Sec? retary, W. T. Pnce; Treasurer, R. ,T. Cnmp, and a board nf trustees composed of theso four ofllcers and Messrs. C. C. VniiRhan, Jr., I. K). Howell. A. L. Gard? ner, D. A. Holland, Dr. J. F. Bryant, Dr. R. H, Cobb and J. R. Knight. MECKLENBURG COURT The Bones of a Hog In the Solid Wood of a Large Tree. (Specilli to The Tlmr-s-Dlspntch.) (BOYDTON. VA., Mny 28.?Tho Circuit Court of Mecklenburg began hero yes? terday. Judge Hundley presiding. A suit for fivo thousand dollars was brought by L. J. Williams against tho Southorn Railway for being ejected? from tho enr by ono of its conductors, and was decided in favor of the railroad, A. P. Thorn and ex-Congressman Thorp represented tho defendants and ex-.Tudgo Charles Alexander and If. C. Smith the plaintiffs. Marion Taylor, who owns and operntes a saw mill on the south side of Roanoke River, made a curious discovery a few days since. He was'sawing a poplar log, which grew very large, and tho snw ran through the bone of a hog's Jaw nnd also through a bono of the shoulder bludo of tho animal. Tlio lione was burled about eight Inches In the troo. Emory and Henry. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) EMORY, ?'?., May 28.-Blsbop H. C. Morrison will preach the baccalaureato sermon at tho commencement exercises of Emory and . Henry Collego Sunday, Juno 7th. Hon. Harry St. George Tucker will make the literary address Tuesduy Morning, June Oth. "D EOPLE look to this store as thoir supply contor in Men's and J3oys' Wearing Apparel, Thoy look to it for greater value, greater satisfaction, greater all around results than anj'Avhoroelse, and thoy invariably liuti it. Thoy find it in the excellent and thorough doponclability of tho garment, in the elogauco of fabrics, goodness of tailoring, aconraoy of lit anil coiToetness of fashion, and thoy l?mi it in the matchless niaker-to-Avoitrer prices?the Avliolosalo proposition which does away Avith tho various profit lovios of agents or jobbers, and which advances quality and lowers cost continually? CHOICE SUITS, *^9?^?4?>???????^???a'??????^^????^^^^F^6>^^??a-?^^^?&a????^?,??^? ENGINEERS TO STRIKE Will Not Agree to Arbitrate Their Differences. CHINESE CASES IN COURT A Site Chosen for the Portsmouth Post office?Captain James Brown Cel? ebrates His 97th Birthday. Emmett Felson in Luck. (.Spccinl to The Tlmes-Dlspntcli.) NORFOLK, VA., May 28.-E, W. Bray, president of the Marino Engineers' Asso? ciation, who recently notllled tho steam? boat companies In this section of their intention to demand an Increase of wages of from 15 to 20 per cent., Is authority for tho statement that Ills organization will reject tho proposition made by the companies affected to submit the proposed wage scalo to a board of arbitration. Tbo Chamber of Commerce has tendered Its services In reaching a solution of tbo problom thnt Is regarded hero ns serious, but It now looks a? though their oiler will also bo rejected. The Cbesapenko and Ohio and Atlantic Coast Lino have agreed to the now scalo conditionally for thirty days. Unless the matter Is adjusted, steamboat men pre? dict a tlo-up of business from Juno 1st, the date tho now scalo is to go Into effect. CHINESE DETECTIVE ITERE. Charllo Kce, tho government Chinese de? tective, who was activo In tho recent de? position cases of Chinamen living in Norfolk, Is back In tills city, accompanied by his young son. Uo appeared beforo United Slates Commissioner George E, Bowden to hear further ovldeneo In the deportation cases. Tho four Chinamen whoso cases woro to come up wero pa? roled until the 80th, because District At? torney Lowla telegraphed from Rich? mond (hat ho Is engaged in a suit thero mid is unable to leave. POaTOFFICE SITE CHOSEN. Assistant Secretary Taylor, of the Treasury Department, Washington, to-day settled the contest about the site of the postonico In Portsmouth. Ho waa hero a few days ago and practically decided that tho last sito proposed, the property of Nolllo J. Mllllgan, lu Court Streot, at the corner of King, should be the place. Ho said, howovor, he would not announce tho choice till ho returned to Washing? ton; Tho price put on the properly Is $ir,,ooo and It Is the only site that was largo enough and still within the appro? priation. The situation is central and convenient. PORTSMOUTH'S OLDEST CITIZEN. Captain James Brown, Portsmouth's oldest citizen, yesterday celebrated his ninety-seventh birthday nnd received con? gratulations from his friends. Captain Brown was born Mny 27, 1S0G, and has spent his Ufo in Portsmouth, whero ho is respected and beloved. Ho Is still ipilto etrong In body and mind nnd reads with? out tho aid of glasses. GOVERNOR WILLARD'S GIFT. Master Emmet Faison, of Portsmouth, popular in Richmond, whero he served ns pnge in the Stato Senate and In tho Con? stitutional Convention, has received through Hon. Charles T. Bland from Su? perintendent of Public Schools John C. Ashton an appointment ns a State scholar In the Collego of William and Mary, in Willamsburg, and will enter there for tho fall session. Lieutenant-Governor Joseph E. Willard Is a warm friend of tho boy, and has ofiered til? for his collego expenses. TANGLE FROM THE STORM Roads Almost Impassable from Falling Trees?Old Hickory Base-Ball Club. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) THU1TT, VA., May 28.?Tbo wheat crop In tlilH section wns dnmnged to Buch ? a extent Sunday by the wind and ball-storm that many farmoru will plow up and plant tho land In corn. It Is almost impossible to travel the county roads on account of their being blocked up with trees blown down by tbe storm. All crops nre later than for mon;; years. Every one reports bad stnnds of peanuts, cotton and corn. This has been a bino year for tho farmers. Messrs. Ponrch & Best, of Stony Creek, have moved their sinv-mlll near Peanut, Sussex county, having purchased a largo tract of timber at that place. A dally mnll will soon bo In operation between Alnlrind nntl Jarrntt. At pres? ent tbey hnvo only three mails per week. Miss Molilo J. Wyntt has been ap? pointed postmaster at Atnland to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of her brother, John Wyutt, several weeks ngo. The old Hickory naso-Hall Club Is In the field again this scaso?, but, aa usual, can't get a club to pl?y "gainst. This club wns organized nbout twonl.y-threo years ago, and hns suffered only two or thro,? defeats, ono In Petersburg nnd another time at Blnckstone, both times ploying against a plok team. This club ?will piny somo club on the Fourth of July for 11 Kol<- medal, If team cnn bo found that will agree to play. Mr. H. J. Rldout Is hnving his dwell In*? remodeled, which adds greatly to Ha appearance. Miss Florence Irvln will leave Trultt for her home, near I?enms Station, this week. The fruit crop will be 0. very large one this year, despite the damage to orchards liy the recent storms. ? ? ' THE EXPERIA.ENT FARM A Silcer Dollar Paid from Confederate Treasure to a Soldier. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspateh.) DRAKE'S BRANCH, ArA., May 28.?Tho experimental farm located at Snxe, In Charlotte county, under the efficient man? agement of Prof. Helges, ls doing very good work, and will provo to bo of In? calculable benefit to the farmers of this section. ? lite strawberries ralsod and shipped from the farm nro the finest, both as to slzo nnd flavor ever soon hero. The Methodist Church In this place will givo an entertainment "t Mr. Oeorgo P.. Russell's warehouse Friday night, tho 2*11 h. The object ls to rnlse money to pay off ? debt, duo on the parsonage The tobacco br?ales for the pnst few days hnvo beon large, the qunUty very good nnd prices entirely satisfactory. The tobacco season closes here In July, when several of the lnrgest buyers will gn to South Carolina to handle bright to? bacco until tho markets hero open In tho fnll. I wns shown a few days since quite nn Interesting and valuable souvenir of the Confederato War. It was a silver Snnnlsh dollar, dntor 1S15, and owned by Cnptnln Norman I?. Shaw, proprietor of tho "Clif? ton Uouso,*' of this place. Cnptnln Shaw surrendered near Greensboro. Mo Is a North Cnrnllnlan, and commanded Coni? li, Seventeenth North Carolina Regiment. Klrlcland's Brigade?, Hope's Division. When President Davis left Richmond he took with him all the sllvor nnd (gold In the vnults of tbe treasury, which, when it was found Impossible to tnko further than Greensboro, he ordered It to be dis? tributed to Johnson'* army and paid out In amounts according to rnnk: he being rnptaln wns entitled to ?.DO. The bnlf dollar ho spent on his return tn Chapel Hill, N. C, -where his family were refug? ing, for a (second-hand coffeo pot, the dollar bolnFT tho onlv thing left of value, except tho marks of a wound, to? remind him nf those dark, troublesome days. Several hundr?d dollars were paid out on that occasion, nnd ho woiilel like to know how many of them have been kept and guarded as safely as ho has protected his. Virginia College Verse, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspateh.) SA LEM, VA., May 28.?A handsomo vol? umo e.ntltled "Virginia College Verse" has Just beon Issued by thee Sentinel Pub? lishing Company, of Palem, Ara., Its editor being Mr. F. 13. Walters. This work ls a collection o? representativo verse select? ed from the magazines of tho Arlrglnla colleges nnd universities. Many complimentary notices of the publication have appeared in a number of the college magazines, nnd, Judging from these. It ls evident that this vol? umo will meet with the hearty 'approval of all the friends of the Virginia col leges. The work will be put on sale at the book stores throughout the State. Teachers' Meeting. (Speclnl to The Times-Dispatch.) TAZEWELL., ArA., May 23. ? The teachers' meeting for the Ninth Congressional District convened hero Tuesday presided ovor by Superintend? ent Stem, of Roanoko county. Among tlio number present Is Superintendent Russell, of Bristol. Ara.; Professor Fltz ualrlck. of Cate City, and Professor Ed mondsnn, of Liberty Hall, Washington county, and many othor leading educa? tors from tho Seiuthwest. The first meeting wns on Tuesday night, with an address of welcome from Pro? fessor G. L, Byrom, of Tazewell High School. The first of tho week Mrs. S. M. B. Ciiiilliig und her four children left for quite ?in extended visit for Norfolk, Rich? mond and I'ul.iskl, while Judgo Coullng is In attendance on tho courts o? Buch? anan county. AMHERST CIRCUIT COURT IN SESSION Three Slander Suits?Verdict Against Railroads Severe. Unaccommodating Policy (Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.) AMHERST, VA? May 28.?Circuit Court has been in session in this county slnco last Tuesday, and will continue through tlio week. Thero nre quito u number of cases on tile ?locket which were expected to bo tried ut this tonn of court, three, of which are? slander suits, In which ? number of witnesses had buon summoned, but for one reason or another all of these cuses have beon continued, by reason of which tills Is regarded us a very tame court and hits brought much disappoint? ment to spectators and litigants. Thoro were eight suits brought by clt zens of Lyiichhurjs and vicinili' ngalnst tin Southorn Railroad for $250, on account of being left by ono of thu fast train? on tills road after tho agent llore bad sold them tickets from this point to Lynchburg. The only defense made by tin? attorney for tho coniivny was that tin dispatcher had a nervous headache Unit day ami forgot to give tlio order,, The Hulls wore hunched together und tho Jury allowed du muges to the extent of 550 III OUCll ease. There Is g reut complaint In Amherst against tha Southern Railroad Company on iiccouni ci tbe utter disregard shown by ibis mail for thu accommodation of Iron! Havel ami trafilo. Seventeen pausen? gcr trains pass Amherst every twenly fi-iii? hours, orni only throe of this nuin lii'i' make any stop. Amlieist is wll bin fi i,itti ? inilos of Lynchburg, but there uro no Indus by which passengers can go from here thoro and return Ilio same day, Hy pursuing tills coursa tbo rnll ronl company antagonizes the Juries, nnd llieli- verdicts aro much more, severe than they would I?.? If a llttlo moro nceoinnio dnlinn was shown by theso public ser? vants. Tlio agent hero says that morn tickets tiro sold hen? than at any point on the mad between Washington a nil Lynch? burg, stivo Alexandria and Cliarlottes vllle. Some of iho Jurors who tried theso eases referred to wero heard tn say tliat bad they thought of the change Unit was li'inle In iho sebecliilo last Sunday thoy would biivu added J1*1 G??01'?? diminues in each ease, tts ? his county had, contributed ?-L'ii.iwi towards building this mint, and on Which? they were now being taxed to pay the till! p si. H Is reported hero tbut.M,.?. S. R, .llnrd Ing, who was t (..?cuter of Mrs. Indiana 1-V Williams' estate ami one ?if the dliee teis of thu Sweet Briar Institu?,?, wns tuned tail of thu directory fit u nu-eilim of Hie board held in Roanoke tills week? li li further stated tliat Mr. Harding feels uggrlov id at the action of Ills osso, claie directors, und |s contemplating bringing suit for heavy damages ayuinst tho liistitutl??., THE CAZELLE SWAPS MEN German Ship Soon to Leave for the South. OFFICERS MADE FRIENDS A Negro Jail Bird Confesses to Being an Escaped Convict?-A Warwick County Justice Acquitted ofthe Charge of Embezzlement. (Speclnl tn TTie Tlmeu-Illf-pnteli.) NEWPORT NBAVS, VA., May 28.?The Gorman steamship Pisa, Captain Fendt, of tho Sloman lino, arrived hero this morning from Hamburg, bringing U32 men and a large supply of equipment for the German cruiser Gazelle. Tho ship went directly to the ship-yard, nnd tho men and equipment will bo transferred to tho cruiser at once. The prese /? crow of the Gazelle will bo transferred lo tho Pisa, to bo taken bnck to Germany. Tho Gnzcllo has been undergoing ex? tensive repairs at tho yard, and durlnir their Btny of coverai months hero tho olilcers and men of tho crew have mado many friends. It Is understood that tbo cruiser will leave tho yard for tho West Indies on June 4th. AN ESCAPED CONVICT. . Joe Poster, a negro who Is serving si ? months In Jail for being "not of good fame," to-day admitted that ho wns an escaped convict. Ho snys thnt ho wns given six years at Clifton Forge In 1R99 nnd that he made his escape aftor sorv Ing four years, The man gave fhe chain gang guards a great deal of trouhlo several days ago, nnd It was not until ho hnd spent two days In the sweat-box and had stood for two hours on ono foot, the other being; hoisted In tho air by a lino over tho cross-arm of a telegraph polo, that ho would go to work. Ho told some of his fellow-prlsonors of his escape from tho penitentiary, and when ho found thnt they Intended to In? form on him, he sent for Sergeant Rey? nolds and "owned up." Tho Sergeant communicated with tho superintendent of the penitentiary to-day. It Is understood that Lieutenant Mc Ceiach's father, the Philadelphia mil? lionaire, hns ndvlsed his son to resl?n. It Is snld, however, thnt the lieutenant will remain nt Fort Monroe and stnnd his trial by court-martial, and tho gene? ral opinion ls that he will get off with a reduction In his standing. I OFFICER NOT GUILTY. In tho AA'arwIck County Court Justice Chnrles Jones, the county mnglstrafo, hns boon acquitted of the charge of em? bezzling State funds. The amount tho Justice was chnrged with embezzling was very small, and It seems thnt thoro wns no evidence to substantiate the charge. Tho Hampton Ronds Driving Club hns nrranged to pull off nn Interesting perles of mntlnen races to-morrow afternoon nt the park at Rlvervlew. The racing will begin nt 2:?0 o'clock. Great preparations are being mnde for tho Confederate hall to be given nt the armory to-morrow night for the benefit of the fund being rnlsed to defray the expenses In connection with the ?rnnd Camp reunion to lie held here In October. The Indies In ohnrge of (he nffnlr have circulated tickets nil over the city, and tho hnll will probably bo croweleel. UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT Bishop Randolph to Preach the Bacca? laureate Sermon. (Kpectnl to The Tlmes-ninpnte-ti.) CHARLOTTESVTLLE, A'A., May 2S.-+ The offlclnf programme of the final ex ervlces of the University of A'irglnla, June 13-17, was announced to-dny as fol? lows: Saturday, June 13th, 9 P. M., annual germnn of tho P, K. Ribbon Society, In the ayerweather Gymnasium. Sunday, Juno Hth, 11 A. M., baccalau? reate sermon, "University chapel, Right Rov. A. M. Randolph, of Norfolk, \ra. 8 P. M., Address before tho Young Men's Ohrlstlnn Association, Public Hal), Right Rov. A. M. Randolph. Monday, June 16th, 9 A. M., morning gorman of the University German Club. 11 A. M., Address before the Literary So? cieties, Public Hall, Dr. Henry Smith Prltchott, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Roston, Mass. 8 P. M., final celebration of thn AA'ashlng? ton anel Jefferson Literary Societies and award of debaters' and nrntors' medals. 9 P. M., Tllka Blhl-on Society gorman, In thn Fayorweather Gymnasium. Tuesday, Juno 10th, 0:80 A. M? annual meeting of the General Alumni Associa? tion. 11 A. M., address before the General Alumni Association, Public Hall, Judge AA'in, Gordon Robertson, of Roanoke, Va, 1 :"I0 P. M., Alumni banquet, In the Fayer weather Gymnasium. 8 P. M., reception to tho alumni nnd gue-sts. In rotunda. President and other distinguish? ed men will bo thn guests nf the Univer? sity on this day and will attend the pub? lic exerclsos lit 11 A. M. and the alumni banquet at 1:30 P. ?. 0 P. M? final gcrman. Wednesday, Juno 17th, 8 P. M., clnslnf exerelsos of the University, award of dl pleimns nnd degrees. Dr. Robert It. Fife, eldest son of Mr. R. Ilorndon Fife, of this city, has been elected to (111 tho chair of German at AVes leyan University, Mlildlotown, Conn. HEAVY LUMBER BUSINESS Much Interest in Proposed Local Op? tion Election In Russell, (Specilli to The TIUH-s-niKiiiitcli.) CA8T?.KWOOD, ??., May 28.?The!dry weather does not Interfere with the big lumber buslnosB which has beon goln?? on vory extensively throughout the southwest for tho past several yeurs. The timber resources throughout tills country soem to bo almost, boundless, New mil Im are constantly coming In and new lumber going nut, Thero will, at the very lowest calculation, between two and threo million feet go from this place alono In the next six months. Much interest Is being wrought up through this district over the local op? tion election which Is to bo held In Rus? sell count}'. The day lias not been ap? pointed, but It will be somo time In June Tho wet man aro going to put up a strong fight anil the dry men will have to wnrk vory hard to swva tho county. AVlse county, which Joins Russell, hnving gone dry only a short time imo will cause the wet mon to put forth every effort, espe? cially thoso who hud bars near tho line, und have large quantities" of liquor left on hnnd und desire to get It off. Russell has been dry for many years, ?md the good citizens wish to seo her remain so. INDICTED, BUT GONE Policeman Walk Will Not Be on Hand to Stand Trial for Murder (Special tei The Tlmes-1 ilsp.iti'li ) BKISTOI,. VA.. May 28.-In tlie pasa of. thu State against fofim-i? l!i-lii-(-niiiu ('int. M. AViilk, l'or tlio murder of Olllcur Hous? ton Children?, the grand jury has re? turned uu Indictment fur murder lu mo first dogroo. Walk. Is will be recalled, Is not on hand to stand trial, having es? caped from the Jail on last Friday night, slnco which time nothing hnd boon heard of him. Wm. Odoll, the o?cd sheriff, who hart WTalk in charge, Is being severely repri? manded for tho lax manner in which ho handled tlio murderer. llov. D. P. Wllcox and S. 8. Jett, of Bllzabethton, East Tennessee, woro seri? ously Injure?! In a runaway near that place this week, Both were thrown from tho carriage, and Mr. Wllcox had his right le*i broken liolow tho kneo and his left hip fractured and bruiHod. Mr. Jett wns Injured Internally. Tho carriage was literally torn to ploces. ELECTRIC BURNING CASES Distinguished Counsel In Chesterfield County Court. ? (?poclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHESTERFITJLD, VA., May 28.-The Interesting ?aso ot Harry J. Rubin against the Richmond and Petersburg Electrlo Railway Company waH begun In the Circuit Court here to-ft-rfy, Messrs. I>. L. Pulllam and P. V. Cogblll appear? ing for tho plaintiff and Mr. William L. Royall for the railway company. Hon. A. C. Braxton, of Staunton, was present In behalf of the Long Dislalico Telephone Company of Virginia, and closely fol? lowed the proceedings. This suit Ie ono of four arising from the burning ot a atore.honro on tho Manchester and Petersburg turnpike owned hy L. Blncker in February of last year. Tho store-houeo wns occupied hy a Hon-ln-law of L. Blacker, H. J. Rubin, tin.? plaintiff In to-day's, and a stock of general merchandise wns lost along with the house. Two suit? have beon brought by each of the parties named, ono against the electric railway company and the other against the telephone company, the ono In hearing to-day being the first of the four to bo tried. The plaintiffs allego that the fire causing their loss was occa? sioned by tho crossing of tho wires of tlio two companies at a point whore tho Richmond and Petersburg Electric Rail? way diverges from the turnpike In order to pass through tbo villages of Cen? trada nnd Chester, There being a nlco question Involved as to whether the elec? trlo railway company or tho telephone company Is responelble If tho flro oc? curred ns alleged, suits were brought against each company separately. Rubin In to-day's caso Is nulng for $2.lv00 dam? ages for loss of stock of goods and In Jury to his business. The attorney for tho railway company is making a determinen fight, and the court room at the opening of the court was filled with electricians, weather prophets, farmore and men of every vo? cation and creed, over sixty witnesses having been summoned to testify in this case. One of tho arguments of tbo de? fense will ho that the storm which caused tho stretching of the telephone wire until It camo In contact with the trolley wlro was tho "work of God," for which hu? man agencies were not responsible, and Farmer Evans wns called as a witness to testify as to tbo unusual severity of the weather conditions at tho timo of the fire In question. About a dozen witnesses were examined to-day, and the case was continued until to-morrow morning. SURRY COURT Two Negroes Sonteoced for One Year Each?A Furnitnre Factory. (Spoclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WA ICEFIELD, VA., May 28.?The Coun? ty Court of Stirry, Judge Timothy RIvos presiding, was In session for two dnys beginning on the 26th.. Ed. News and Low Is Garnett, both colored, nnd from Caroline county, wero sentenced one year each for tho folonous cutting of Frank Shears. It will be remembered that Nol son Smith, tho principal offender in tho Qglit, was nt tbe April term sent up for Ilvo years. Thoro was but one solitary application for a liquor license under the Mann bill and after some little argument the Judge continued this ease until the Juno term. Tho welcomo rain of last Sunday night gave great rollet to the growing crops and garden vegetation and now nil naturo seems to be recuperating from u long and disastrous drought. Tho capital stock for a furniture fac? tory has all been placed and very soon tho necessary building will bo In course of construction. Ill ns short a delay as is practicable, the machinery will be placed preparatory for operation and the manu? facturing of furniture by tlio WakeflelrJ Manufacturing Company. UNIQUE WATER SUPPLY Prominunt Merchant Goes to Canada for a Wife. (Special to Tim T?nios-PIspateb.) HARRISONBURG, VA.. Muy 2S.-A wa? ter pipo Is being laid tl.rough tlio princi? pal street, whleli Is to afford fire pro? tection to tho town, The pipe will ho filled with watPr, which may be reached through "man-holes"? nt different places, with the. flro hose. Thoro Is quilo a fever heat ovor Um matter, us many uf Hi? citizens opposed the measure. Mr. S. L. Cooles, ono of the most premi? lient merchants In tlio town, goes to Mon? treal. Canada, I'hursdny to be married to Miss Volgili, Tho contracting partie? havo only seen each other once. Their first meeting resulted in un oii gugonient. -? Bradahaw - Johnson. (B?iocl'ul to t??- TItnwi'Phpntcli.) WINDSOR, VA.. Muy US,?The Chris? tian Church liera was the senno of a, very Senutlful marrlugo to-night at ?:3U o'cloch when Mis? Josephine Johnson, tho uttruo. tlvo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ci'. J. John? son, was wedded to Mr. Wiley J. Hrud shtiw, Rov. 11. H. Butler officiating. Mr. Willie Godwin, of Port smollili, was boat man and Miss Betsey Johnson, sis? ter of the brido, was maid of honor. Tho church was handsomely decorated, Tho brldo's dress was of bino volle ; the muid of honor was gowned lu white silk and carried pink carnations. ? Coming Wedding. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ALTON, VA., May 2S?The marriage of Miss Relie M?Gheo -Faulkner, of Hallfax county, Vu?, and Mr. Jacob Thoiiius, of Loulsliiirg, N. C, .will take placo at Haiv mnny Church, near this pluce, June 3d, at 5 P. M" Tbo bflde Is the daughter of Mrs. Helen Hall Faulkner and is a very lovable nnd uecoiiipllsned young lady, with licores of friends in and rarollna. The groom is a young gentleman of hlg|| clinriieler nnd prominent lu business cir? cle? of Louistiiji-g, N. C, where bo U engaged In the leaf tobacco business. Our Optical Department Is tho most completo In lllohmond, being ilttod with ovcry sclrntlllo appliance Our Ilr. Kling le noted as ono of tho best optical rofrno tlonlsts In the United Stntes. Wo respectfully solicit tho pat-ronaco of thoso who need glasso? nnd will mnko all examinations absolutely freo of oliarlo. If your oves need relief, come hero, open a charge account and settle! In small payments, weekly or monthly, Schwarzschild Bros., Corner Second &.nd Broad?. Richmond's Leading Jewelers and Opticians. NOT VOTE ROAD MONEY Orango Likely to Walt Until They Are Again Impassable GREAT LUMBER MOVEMENT Vast Quantities of Logs, Ties, Lumbo-.' and Wood Coming Into tho Markot at Fredericksburg?A Barn Burned by Lightning. (Special to The Tlmrii-Dlipiit-b.) EREDBRICKSIiURO, VA., May 28,-A portion of the properly belonging to tho estate of the lato ?. ?. Phillipe was sold at iiuetlon and brought In tho uggru giito over }3,O0O. Among tho purchasers woro Messrs. AV. D. Cartor, J. It. Turner, lu. Vf, Mills, J. Vf. Mosterei Charles J. Oreen nnd J. T. Jone?. Tho ?ale la sub? ject to confirmation by the court. Tlio barn of Mr. O. W. Jones, near Burr' Hill, In Orango county, was ?truck by. lightning, and, together with contents oft fai-mlng implements, a lot of lumber, feed of different kinds and othor articles, was entirely destroyed. The stable and hay house near by were also consumed. ? Thero was a ?mall Insurance on tho build-' Inge, PASTOR RISSIONS. Rev. Georgo T. Cook, of Oordonsvlllc, ha? resigned aa pastor of Zoar Church, I in Orango county, the resignation to tako ( effect In July. Mr. A. II. Tinder, of Orango county, I lost a valuable ox, which wan killed by lightning during a storm. It Is thought that the ?peclal election on I the question of Issuing bonds I to tlio amount of JIOO.GOO for the Improvement of the roads In Orange county will bo defeated. The ronels are ? now In good order, and the people will probably lio content?e] until the bad weather of winter I ?gain makes them well-nl*gh Impassable. Another matter which will deter many! from voting for the bond Issue Is tho | fear of Increased taxation. MUCH TIMBER. More timber Is being brought to this I city from tho surrounding counties than evor boforo In tho history of the city, j Hundreds of cords of excelsior wood. ]um-{ ber, railroad lies, hickory logs for spokes, ', walnut logs, etc., are being brought In I dhlly. l'Ine trees, which were formerly J regarded as only available for cord wood, are now being converted Into excelPlnr wood, which Is sohl nt $3.G0 per cord at the railway stations. Notwithstanding the scarcity of labor, great quantities aro being cut. Rev. J. T. Whltly. presiding elder of the M. B. Church. South, will deliver tho annual address nt the commencement of the Female Bemlnnry at Bowling Greca next week. ?VARSITY BALL SCHEDULE Every Member ofthe Team to Return Except Bacbman. (Apocini to The Tlmoie-Dliiieetcti.) CHARLOTTESVII.LE. VA., May 2S.? Prospects are bright for even a stronger foot-ball eleven at Ihe University of A'ir? glnla this fall than that which represent? ed tlio Institution on the gridiron last ? yenr. Every member of the team of 11H)2, ! Bave Bnchman, who graduates, will return next session. Walter F. Scott, of San Antonio, Tex., manager of tho team, hns announced the following schedule of game?: Friday, October 2d, Washington and Lee University, ait Chnrlottesvllle. Saturday, October 10th, Naval Cadets, ut Ahnapolls. Saturday, October 37th, Kentucky Uni? versity, at Charlfjttesvlllo. Saturday, October 24th, Virginia Poly? technic Institute, nt Richmond. Saturday, October 31st, Virginia Mllltnry Institute, at Charlottesvllle. Saturday, November 7th. Open. Saturday, November 14th, St. John'B (Maryland), at Charlottesvlllo. Saturday, November 21st, Carlisle In? dians, nt Norfolk. Thursday, November 2Cth (Thanksgiving Day), University of North Carolina, at Richmond! Midweek games will ho arranged with St. Albana and oilier school teams of the State. . Candidate for Sonate. (Speclnl to '??, TimesOltpntch.) PALMYRA, VA., Mav 28.?A number of petitions aro being circulated in l'lu viinnii county requesting Mr. Ii. A. C.ray to allow himself to become a candidalo for tlio State Senate from the countici m ?'??????????,?, lluckliigluim, Appomattox and Charlotte. Thu imlltliiiiH are signed by represunta tivo men from ellfforent portions of tho county. Mr. Gray has made? no formal announcement, hut It is understood ho has tho mailer undor consideration. There la no doubt thut Kliiviiiinu will have a candidate In tho Hold, ns she fee's thut It Ih liei" limo to carry off the honor, Appomattox and Buckingham having had the position for the past twenty years, Candidates for the various other county offices are coining out thick timi fust, a Baseball Honors. (Speelal t?> Tim Times-PIsputedi.) CHARI.OTTESVILLE. VA? May 28. The General Athletic Association of the University eef Virginia has awarded "Va'* to Ihe following players of the buso-bull nine who participated In the required number of gumes during tho season "just closed: j. U. Bollard, ot Aylotts, Va. (captain); Unidlo 0, Nulle, of Ciilpepor, Vn,; Charlea 1'. Steams, of Brady, va,; John McG. Stucky. of Lexington, Ky. ; Tuto Mason, of Lahore, Vu.; Walter \\\ Council, of Wanunlsh, N. C; C. Hurtwell Coeko, of Columbus, Miss,; Karl C. Brlehard, ot Huntington, Vf, Va.; Eugene Munger, ot Birmingham, Ala.; Leech IC. Crucralt, Wheeling, W. Vil. Campbell County. (Special tu Tini Tlnit?'.-IUsiiiiU'h.) BROOKNBAL. VA., May 28.? The Campbell County Telephone and Devel? opment Company is moving right ahead with tlio telephone lino from this placo to Lynchburg. Kurni lubor Is very scarce In most places In Campbell, Halifax and fitt sylvanlii counties, Whiskey Is still being handled In this section in ??????? oviuy conceivable way . contrary to law, mid tho good of tho morule und business lu tores* s of ihe com? mun i tv.