Newspaper Page Text
HELP WANTED?FEMALE. -KVBT have tho CLEVERER "7ud~BEST EDU CATKI1 t?oni-iii ?trnoj-rni.hcr In Richmond, tho Jmstn???*. require? II nnd lite wtlnrv rnmniniid-l It; operator of Smith-Premier Typewriter pre? ferred. Af1dre*?s EXPKItT, euri? this office, WANTED. Two Youm* LADIES eiperlencod In Mndery work. Apply tit once In MITCHELL ?.- lluTt-HKlsS. 0-8-10 N. Eighth Street. WANTED, a COOK) also NURSE: ?ood home. Apply ?nor, Grof* Avutine. WANTED, rt NURSE, competent to mannte en Infilili; reference rriiiilrt-.l. Apply inrji Went Ornen Street? SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED, hy refined nntl Intelligent votine lnrty, ? |??*????? ?Ft uletii.??p?????t In the city; ? fiilllifiil wurker. Address Mini A. S. J., enrc till? ..fri.?.?. .HELP WANTED?MALE WANTED. Cook and Man for House Work; Hus? tinnii nini wife preferred; comi wiirom nntl uf party employitienii liest reference required. Aililre?? .1. W. CALIlWI.I.r,. Me.-tilnwTllle, Vn, WANTED, Young MAN to assist book-keeper; niti-l li.timi.- nml write legible hand. Finie ??>? inni ?lure lust employed. Address WHOLESALE, cure this fifTlce. WANTED, immediately, ten first-class CARPEN TEUSi im in? oilier? neeil not to apply. JOHN T. Wll ??si ??. BOY to clean up store, carry out needs and multi? lili?wU useful. Apply nt oneo SOUTH? BUN STAMP .. STATIONERY CU.. Twelve? Six Multi Slreel. 1ABORERS WANTED, Ono flrst-clns* railroad ?mile FOREMAN ?it ?"? per month, who can bring .villi hint 2G? flrntolnss grntlc Inbori-rs nt ?1.G.0 per tiny. ... W. DAWSON, Oen. MfT?, Kellys Creel; and Northwestern Hy., Cedar (.rove, Knutnrhn eo,, XV. Vn. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED, light sot of hooka to keep, evonlngs, by experienced book-keeper j A-l reference. Ad dreas "?I. P.," cure this office. WANTED, hy Muter of Arte, University of Vir? ginia, to tench Latin nntl English during sum? mer month?, h. P. CHAMIIEI.LAYNB, Pe? tersburg, Vn. YOUNG MAN of S\i years' jiraotlcal ?xperlenoe desires poni tlon ns dniK clerk; beat of refer? ences furnished. Aildrens D. C., caro tills of? fice. LOST. LOST?Sunday morning, wire-hair fmale) Fox TERRIER; ???hite with lilttck ?pots on enr nntl nrcunrt eyes, Reward, "-??? Ventilile Street. LOST?Whlto Sottor DOG; nhonred, btiehy tall, left eye and hind leg Injured; he's no good to nnyhorly lint me. Please return him to CHAS. 11. COOKE, 1)07 E. Main. LOST?Betwonn Jefferson Hotol and Harrison nnd Ornee Streets, ? Violet Wreath BROOCH. Reward If returned to 100(1 W. C.rnce Street. LOST?In moving on Orovo or Eloyd Avenues, between Lombardy and Short S?rcela. TOP to Grandfather's Clock, with ??p??? knobs, Ho? ward if returned to 121.1 Kloyil Avenue. LOST?Saturday, In or near Monroe Park, a Bnbv'a CAP. Reward If returned to 100 N. Linden Street. ROOMS FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT?Opposite Chimhoraio Park| four unfurnished moms (second Door), with modern Improvements. W. U. W?, No. 8318 East Broad Street. FOR RENT. WANTED, Tenant for the Randolph Residence, corner of SUlh and rirnco Streeta; twelve rooms. Apply to PRESBYTERIAN COMMIT? TEE OF PUBLICATION, No. 12 Governor St. I FOR RENT. TO LET FURNISHED?Borough of Brooklyn, ?! Y. oily, 717 President Street, on Prrspect i'nrk Mope, modern 2-story and basement HOUSE, In exc.-llenl condition (newlv fur nlsheill. from .tune 1st or .Inly 1st to October let, nt $68 per month, lo private family of adult?. Address A. W. F.. I'ostoatco Box 543, nicliiriofiil. FOR RENT?Ten rooms of my furnished house to ? party .fitting to honM owner. Address Mr WALKER, Box (12-1, city. FOB RENT?Several ROOMS; rome with eottth and well windows; cerner of First and Canni Streets. No. int. Applr nt residence. FOR SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE T?T sale ohoap; 2310 East Orfico, WANTED TO SELL Saw-Mlll, Eight Head Good Stock nnd Wagons' two lull??? of depot; clenr pine limber. ?Ill run llfl per cent. ..f No, 1; large boundary. GARLAND MORRIS, Sut? ton, Va. I* PAY MORE for TYPEWRITERS. The NEW COMMERCIAL VISIBLE. MWH.I, No. <.. lathe otilv all visible writer on lite mnrket; price. ?r>n; till other makes, New No. ,*! ?Hivers, $150' Nu. H Remingtons, $fll> to .?pun; rebuilt and re nickeled machines, nil Inn kos. guiiriinteeil (1 months. $ln up to $?,. VISIBLE TYPE? WRITER CO.. 1211 E. FAXCltO Street, Uniti more, Md. WANTED. WANTED, to leaso a 10 or 12-room HOUSE; modern Improvements, $500 to $7i>0 per vpnr; would take nnexplrcd louse, provided same Collld be renewed; Cruce or Franklin Street preferred. Address RENTER, care this office. MORPHINE, Laudanum, Cocaine and Liquor hntilts porniniientl.r nnd painlessly cured nt li?me; no detention from misinos*! action lin rnctllntel leaves patient in natural, healthy condition without desire for drugs; cure guar? niticeli for $10.00. Write for particulars. Dr. LONG CO., Attillila, Gil. WANTED, To Buy FEATHER BEDS In Rich? mond nuil Polorsliurg for ensh. Address CAS VER linns., 21S S. Lniirt'l Street. . WANTED, To Buy Some GOATS tld! good order. Address GOAT, care this offlco, etntlng price. WANTED, HORSES for pasturage; price, $6 per month. Address BARNEY. Jamestown, Va. WANTED TO DUY. WANTED, to buy good working MAHE, with wagon and bnriicss; also fresh milch COW; must bo cheap for cash. Address ROBERT, care this office. WANTED to buy a HOUSE; oentrally located or West End; to cost between $n.?WI nnd $?,?00. Address RAS0K, can? Ibis offlco. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED, Gentleman to Occupy Pleasant Room, with board; bulli convenient; comfort? of homi;; two blocks nbove Monroe Park; r?f?r? enc?e exchanged. AddrcBS A. W. ?., cure Ulta office. BOARD WANTED. WANTED, BOARD for two conti em on and sev enteen-ycnr-old boy nt Ashlnticl or sume other place within twenty miles of Richmond; two lnrge rooms required! bright, cheerful placo desired. Address D. ?. J., care this office, advising rates. SUMMER BOARDERS. BOARDERS Wantod In a cool, convenient and comfortable country home, on main Une of C. *fc O. R. ?.; good fun?; teephtinc lu house; terms moderate. Address Mr?. J. N. M'COMB, Swotipe, Augusta county, Va. BUSINESS WANTS, $ WARRANT?) Drow Shoe,..If tie ?ole don't vein- Hue?? nnmlli? ?ill Imlfsoln then fror, nr If th? ?,????|?? lirf-nk Umiligli lipfore the? first nolo ?Mvirs ?n(. ??-111 (live? you n new pnlr InsC-iiil. IlltIiV."8 HTuECTlltO l'OWKIl 8HO.I9 FACTORY, "HI Keiit Multi. DON'T THROW AWAY your old book?, pamph? lets, ? finer!?, etc., t lmy tlieni. 1). II. HEY, 788 Edit Ceiry. BOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Stretti WAX ENE. tho only eltiraM?) ???? polieh.TAU ??? PAINT ? Off? CO,'? 1410 13, Mnln Btfefsb LADIES' COLUMN. SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Rtrret. BETETR than doctor? arid mi-dle-lne-i?DANIEL8' in.'tliorl of tloep bn-nllilnp miel pliynlcul CM? tiirc. It costs notliliitf to lurcntlento; 027 E. Broad MISCELLANEOUS. SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Slfeote TO BE An Actor or Antri?? Tako Tlio Shorlse-t rond te. (he? ??????' vin DANIELS' 8(??????, Ol?' ACTING! iiiiiKl Completo Bcliool In Ih?? Smith; privat,? (heulte In connection ? 027 i:. ntonil. SHEPHERD'S "Special." Yon Eat ?nel Drink It. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY.?Tlio VlrRlnl? Leather Company, llliliuinnil, nre? Ilio only nininifiinturorR of (Ink T?mne?l Uniting miei llfi?v-IIielo Lnce Leather 111 the Stillo. Ite? piiIrlnR work nently ?lone. MISCELLANEOUS. HARRY Made Poneo With Hid Mothor-lnLnw by fnkli.r? her to DOYLE'S CAFE, where they servo the host drink?. In ?'Ity to ladles nntl gents. Eeventh nntl Flrond, F-ERSONALS. HAVE YOU TRIED Doyle's Reviled Oraba The t?-at you ever tnstrd PO VLB'S LADIES' & GENTS' CAFE, corner Seventh nnd Broad. WRITE FOR ???????-?G? Hit of Oak Tanned Delfine und Itnw-IIIrt"?- Lace Leather. Tlie only manu facturera In the State. Repair work neatly done. TUB VIRGINIA LEATHER CO., Richmond? LADIES' Chest? and Busts Developed (no mas angel; results imsltlvel? guaranteed! tient city refi-rene.?; lady always In ntti'iulriiio*?. HAN IKLS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE/ 027 15. Dromi. SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street, AWNINGS AND TENTS. OUR PRICES Are the Lowest; 'Phone E576 and we xvill call. M. O. Cnl'l-.I.ANII CO.. IOS ?. Ninth Street. ANTIQUES. SPECIAL SALE for ton days of several flne pieces of Antique Fundliire nml Brlc-B-Rrnt?; Ml and Bit North Eighth Street. BELTING AND LACE LEATHER. BEST Oak Tanned Bolting and Rnwhlde Lao? Leather. TUB Villi.1?? LEATHER CO., Illchmonrt. the only manufacturers In tho Stnte. Repair /work neatly done. "I do wish Tom would conic; I've been waiting an hour for him." Solution of puzzle in yesterday ? Times-Dispatch. Polo match. BARBERS. SCOTT (4 ?. ?). ELECTRIC FADE MAS8AOE, LEWIS' (82J MA??7~?EW~ SHOP. Clean Rlinrn. Try LEWIS. SCOTT (4 N. 0). "ELECTRIC FADE MASSAGE. NEW BHOP. THE BEST SERVICE. At LEWIS'. 82S Mnln. BREAD. TRY THE PULLMAN ?.??G, The Jefferson nnil ?ether preeminent clubs, hotel?, etc., une it; nisei Ilomi'-infnle French, Vienna nnel (1er mini Ilye Ilrond, Cuke? nini l'Io? umile by MUELLER'S NKW YOIIK ILMCKHY, No, 410 Went Hrofe.l; 'phono 2">.S0; freo dollTory. BICYCLES, AC. JOE, JOE,Tlie Blcyolo Man?Alway? ?omethin? eleiliin In lem-eiet prleefl, largest sleicU, bent lrnrkninimliip; eterythlni' up-to-date in Wc.?"? cien, etc. IlICKKItSTAFl?"??One Store?1803 Enst Mnln. BARGAINS. ARE YOU looking for BARGAINS In Clothing 1 Try the BALTIMORE IIAIKIAIN IIOUBH 1?S Einet Mrond Streot. Cn?h or Credit Clntliln* House?. CASH OR CREDIT. WE CAN SAVE you monoir and ?ell you Men'?, Hoy?' nnel Children's Clothing, lint? ?nil Fur? nishing (Jonds on ?ja?y teruiR. I>ee not ??????? pure our prloe with other cash or ereellt r?(eire,i?, hut with tho chen|ii'Ht ?not ensh ?tore In the Clt/. HAI/TIMORI. ItAIKiAIN ?10G8?. K?8 13. Ilronel Stroot. Cr?Ii or Crcellt Clothing House. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS?Jamestown Island Can Bo Rent oel fur excoriions. For term?, ote?., npply to L. J. HAHNF.V, Menrtcmvllle. Vn. FLOOR STAINS. FLOOR STAINS, All Shaele?.. .TANNER FAINT & OIL CO., 1411) Eiiflt Mnln Street. FOR SALE----BARQAIN3. KEEP MONEY In Circulation at Homo by Using the VIRGINIA LKATHBIl CO'H Oak Tn.d Hilling miei Itawhldn Lace I>n(her of Illch nieiii'l. Tlie only lunniifacturcra lu tha State. BntlHfnctlnii frtinrnntced. e ' ? ' ? ?' CENTS* COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING That Now Suit come and ?ee the nice esortment nt Sixth ?nil Main Suit?, ?IB up; Trousers, $3 up. RICHMOND TAILORING? CO., Clin?. A. Kpence, Manager. HAND-MADE SHOES. VICI, PATENT Leather or Kid Shooi Made to order; hnnd Rtllehed; boHt material; worlr. mimhlp nil perfect (It guiiriintccd, for $3.60. BALTIMOltB SHOE II0U8B, 111U East Mnln OXFORD SHOES. LADFES' Fine Oxford Tie? at J1.00. ALBERT STEIN, comer Fifth and Ilroml Btreeta. PRINTING. CHEAPEST Printing Houae In Richmond: Work Btrlctly frtnst-clHR nnil up-todiito. Telephone 8841 if you have nny doubts, and ivo will convince yew thut we cnn ??t? you money. Thl? iiffectR yeiur pocketbook, so keep ue In tulnd. HARRIS PRINTING CO., 11103 East Franklin Street. PAPER NOVELTIES. PAPER FLOWERS, DESIGNS, FAVORS, HATS, etc. Mm. PULLEY, 020 W. ?road St. Pb. 37211. PHOTOGRAPHS. DAVIS ???,?,??? IS STIM, ? ?13 MOST rell.-ilile pince for nhotof?rnphfl. Compare our work nntl priced. From 25c. up; 222 nnd ?17 Urenti. REDUCED PRICES. PRICES REDUCED on wntoh worki.Cleanln-f, $1; Main Sprlnrts. $|; twenty years' experi? ence. WM. TOfllEN, Jr., -IOS E. Pronti St., Richmond, Va. Speci.-icles nnd Eyeglasses, 23 ct?. All work guaranteed. RUGS AND CARPETS" C L???ID. CARPETS and RUGS cleaned and stored, The MODEL IIVEINU * CI.CANINO WORKS, 412 West Droad Street. 'Phone 2011ft. SPECIAL NOTICE. BOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. LADILS' Dlnlng.Rooom nt DOYLE'S Oafe (Cor ner Dromi nml Seventh), where best drink? In Ihn city served to ladles nnd gents. SHEPHERD'B loo Cream Parlors?405 E. Broad. MEN'S 8I10EB HALF HOI,ED, 75C.; hullo.", COc.; i-fRtltchc-il, no imlls, no pegs, best leather. DREWS KI.ECTIUC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main Street. ?????? 21107. "Will rnll nini de liver. Tills nilvprt.HOinent booiI for 10c? BU ITS TO ORDER. "EVERY STITCH Mado in Richmond." Nice assortment of Stilts, ?lfi up; Trousers, $.'? up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Sixth nnd Main. Charlee A. Hpence, Mnnnuer. LAWN MOWERS. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and Hepalrod at HLENNBR'S, ?110 ?\ Fifth Street. NOTICE. TO''WHOM IT MAY fiONCERN: Thi? I? to certify thn? the firm or MORGAN. A OIIERHANT bnve dissolved partnership. I will not be responsible for nny debts tunde by this concern after this dale, Mny 20, 1003. G. I,. SMITH Bit. PALM GARDEN. THE WEATHER Is Oettlng Warm Every Da*f, hut the lee Is still cheap mid we nre always ready to furnish you with the coolest ?I'lnk In town. LUCCHESI IIIKiS., next to the TO KEEP COOL. TRY FRAPPE?-YOU EAT IT. At ALLEN'S-Ntne-Slxteeii Main. SHEPHERD'S Plnoapple Snow Refreshes, TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS-THE COMMERCIAL VISIBLE, MODICI, NO. 0; price $5H; discount to agent?! ?11 other mnke from ?in up; Items, ?nil Oliv? er? ?111 lip VIKIHLB CO.. Ill L. Fnyette Rtreel, Baltimore, Sid. UPHOL3TERINQ. c c. levy. no. r,-n imooK avenue. ITplioiBierer nn?l Mattress tnnkcr. Old Unir Mnttrcea mndo good o g new. 1 pnek nml ship furniture! nlso mnVu Cushion nnd Slip Covers to order. 'Phone 1030. YOUR MARKET BASKET. FRESH BUTTER. EGOS AND CHEESE. HATCHER CPh. 1814). Sixth-Street Mnrket. BUTTER. TRY HATCHER. BUTTER Egg?. ('Ph. IMI. ? ?Ml. Street Miti. Lggs. LITTLE LECTURES ON A BIG SUBJECT. TALK NO. I. If you know?to a certainty?that TEE-DEE WANT ADS would increase your business you would invest, wouldn't you ? INVESTIGATE! Phone 549. WILL MEET Counsel for Machen Claim His Innocence. NO MORE ARRESTS MADE Said that There is a Possibility that the Intermediary May Turn State's Evi? dence?Probing Into Irregu? larities Still Continues. (Ily Associated Pre?-?.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Muy 28.-A large corps of Inspectors, Including somo of the veterans of the service, were at work probing Into tlio alleged lrroffularltlea at the Postonico Hepartmeiit to-day, but no further arrests were mudo. It Is hhJUI' to bo possible that the Inter? mediary "?'..?, It Ih alleged, figured In transaotlona which lod to tho arrest of August Vf. Machen, the former general (superintendent of the free delivery ser? vice, may turn State's evidence His Identity has not yet been disclosed. Mr, Woollen's counsel Issued a statement us ' tjertlng his ability to fully disprove all the charges. The Investigatore ure equal? ly conlideiiit. The sovenimunt ls anxious to cxp<-illto tho trial of Machen as much as possible!, consistent with tho proper handling of tho case. It is arranging to have its witnesses at Mochen'H prelimi? nary hearing? Juno Bth, The preliminary IicartiiK of the Oro ft Brotliors, the prollts of whoso firm Machen la ueeiused of shar? ing on a forty p?er cent, basis, has been set for Juno nth, THIOIUQ IS THIRD PAUTY. Postal ofllclals roiut-??, to ulve any infor? mation respecting tho go-between who, It In alleged, figured In the transactions thut causi-d Machen's nrre-ht. It in snld there 13 a possibility, if not a probability,/that he would be ust-el as u witness for the tovernmont The Postuiuater-uencral 5ald to-nlglit: "That thero la n third party In this mat? ter I have no doubt, but I cnnnot say anything further," Ilo was uslteel whether the delay In making nn arrest was dun to failure to locate ilio num. The Post? master-General replied In the negative, and udeli-il that sometimes there wore other reason?, He significantly suggested that sometimes it waa funnel bent nut tu be too precipitate In taking action, and there wns nn Intimation that tho depart? ment might desire the go-between to turn State's evidence, A report wns published here to-day that George \v, Beavers, the former superln? tondent of division of (salaries nnd allow, anees, wns In tin? city, but the depart? nu ut denied having any oticli Information, Mr. Payne wns asked as t<> the nature of lia- charg?s ?m ill,? ?igalnst Mr. lienv jers. Ho replied (bat they plight be summed up as Urn payment of extrava? gant prices feir materials nnel supplies used in i;is division, including time clerks ::i.,I stamping marnine??,. He said there was only one charge Unit Mr. Doav ii.? had ?.Ivert ? commission on these supplies, This charge, he sold, Is under Investigation, ? . li mene rigid over Iiniiliiii* e,f t|:,. affnire ?f Mr Heavers' foiiiiiii? olllce uill beg!,, shortly. ahi-; STILI, l'in iHi.vrj. The Investlgatlrin of il?> affaire <>f the free delivery division, It l?- stated, ba? nnt been interrupted by tbe- iirn-st e,f Machen. Tie..? Inspectora who brought about that ?,-suit ure continuing their In? quiry, and will probablj probe into pUier Chargea against Mr. Mm hen. ?,, (?,?3 connection l'ostniaster-t lenei -,| Payne t?? ?luy salii that one of ilm charges'under investigation was mi allegati m that Mr. Machen limi forged tin? name ei'r iinijih.r man on the pay-roll ubi,?it ten years jigo, He said that Mr. Machen liri.-v. ,,f this ?liiii'ie-e? aml bad Informed blm (the I'e^t master,Genernl) tluit ho (Machen) was ready ut any time ??? bring conclusive proof that Ii,? wits Inn? ,???:?( ,.r lb,? time?. ?.??lion, (?tiier cbaiges Involve letter box *fc?.ilr?iula. Bum? of the: chara??, aie ul ? similar nnturo to those on which yes tenlay'H arrest was based. The overhaul? ing of the free delivery branch will be thorough, nini Postmnstcr-Gencriil Payne to-dny declared, with emphasis that the Investigation will not end until all Irreg? ularities hnvo been thoroughly Inquired Into and eradicated. He snld tlmt he did not know as yet when it would be possi? ble to clowe the Investigation, and that he would not ntteuipt to approximate the dato. Ho wild there linn been a few charges ngnlnst several other ollicers of tho depnrtmont, but the complaints of Irregularities were confined practically to tho free delivery service; tho salary und allowances division, and the ofllco of the Assistant Attorney-General. CONFER AS TO PROCEDURE. Asslstnnt Attorney-General Robb, of the Postofllce Department, hnd a long con? ference to-day with United States Dis? trict Attorney Beach regarding tlio pro? cedure in tlio Machen caso. It is the wish of the Postmnster-Oonernl that the trial of tho case be expedited as much as possible. Tho eivldence In the caso has al? ready beon reviewed by Attorney-General Knox, Solicitor-General Hoyt and District Attorney Beach, nnd tbo prosecution now rests with the Department of Justlcn. The Federal grand Jury Is in Hession, nnd It la said thnt tlia enne of Mr. Machen will bo presented Immediately to thut body. Tlio civil suit and attachment pro? ceedings to recover the amounts alleged by the Postonico Department to havo been obtained from the post-box fnstenei contracta will bo Instituted at once. This phase of the cuse Is now In the hands of the District Attorney. Tho proceeding? will be similar to those Instituted in the Green-Onynnr cuso. WILL MEET TIIID CHARGES. Charles A. Douglas?., of counsel for Mr. Machen, to-duy jtavo out the following statement. "Mr. Machen has been a long time in tbo public porvlce, nnd he Is widely and favorably known throughout tho United Statos, and it Is duo him thnt the public should not prejudice bin caso, but should patiently await developments., "whloh nre suro to come. Mr. Machen Is ready to meet, in tho dearest nnd most satlsfac ??tory way, tlio ehnrgos now specifically mndo ngiiiiifit him, nnd ho now generally and publicly Inn-ltcH tho most rigid Inves Hiititlon in every net nnd transaction connected with his olllcin] life. Moro thnn this should not now bo snld." Mr. Machen, under advice of counsel, refused to discuss the caso. Dlller ?. Groff, Keillor member of tha Uriti of Groff Brothors, managers of let tor box fasteners, who wus arrested last night for alleged bribery of former Su? perintendent ?. ??. Maohen, of ihn free delivery system, appear.??! before Uniteti States Commissioner Taylor to-dny, but the preliminary hearing was postponed until Tuesiliiy, June Dili, ?ur. Gl'off renew? ed liU bond of ???,??? given last night. Hainucl ?. GrtilT. the .Iunior member of the firm, who was arrested last night, Charged with the name offense ns bis brother, will appear beforo Commissioner Taylor to-morrow. Ris preliminary hear? ing will bo for Tuesday, Juno Oth, ?-? , Richmond Collego Notes. President ??\ ?\'. Boat wrlglit has Just returned from Chuso city, whero be do? llverod an address nt th.. closing ?-??t c-ls.-s of KontliHlili, Academy. This nrail etny Is mn. of tbo numerous iiiKtllutioiiH in Virgili la conducted by Richmond Col? lego, Many of III.? professore me In di? minu? as commencement speakers, Dis. Kotishee. ?nul Mil.lull have been lately called on tu ?perform similar dallos. Dr. Vuushi-f? delivered the commencement ad? dress at Bethel mil Institute. N\ p? on tho '.'Mb, Instant, In- Mit.-hull delivered. thu address ut (ho Franklin Insilimi; ??; th.- -.'Sil. There was a called meeting of tho Ath 1,-lii' Assorbitimi yt-stniliiy to consider n reqwest by the l' College 10 be admitted. Into the leagu?? of tho Eiust era Division of Virginia. Mr. J. Q, Bragg was eloeled delegate to represent the Richmond College At-soojatlon In wwe hucIi a meeting n< nulled. Manager Alley lum engaged Mr. Fred. C. Vull. of Urn I'ntvnsliy of l'uni,sylvu Itia. us beati coach l'.,r 11,,? fo?rt-bal| leant Ol l'.e? ??. Mr. Vull rumi s highly ri-rum mended, both as a ilia? coach and strict 'disciplinarian, Ile bua Irt-i-n couching for lim past four yeais, serving part uf the Ulne as assistant couch to*Mr. Curl Wil? liams, head coach of the University o? G ? t..-v?vanla. The tuli, g.? I? 10 be epl| ? 1 -l.iliil on serurhiK so valuublo a Brudshuw. uf l?lu of NS'ly'lit, bus returned from his home, where he nt temlod tin? funeral of hin mother. . Prof. Gaines ?pent yesterday 'n com? pany with Mr. W. V. Thraves, at Amelia Courthouse, in search of a saddle horse. The Professor Inspected many Hue steeds but found none to suit hlm Managor Alley, of the foot-ball team, loft yeutorday morning for his home in Norfolk, on a sick leave. SUMMER RESORTS. 11 Variety Springs, "Va. (The AHeghnnles.) New management. You will llko it. Write at once for booklet. Address HANAUER, Variety Springs, Va. WARM SPRINGS, Bath County. Va., aro now open for guqsts. Forclroulars and terms address K?BANK & GLOVER, Witrni Springs, Bath ?o., Va SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In the Alleghanles, 2,800 feet abovo sea level. Elegant swimming pools; cool nights; fino mountain scenery; strongest iron und carbonated water In America. Write for booklet. B, F. EAKLE, Manager. MOUNTAIN TOP. Coolest Resort in Virginia?.. Only >IV? hours from Richmond. Cheap round-trip lionets every week. Good livery nnil golfing. AVrlto for booklet. Address, T, It. GARY, P. O., Afton. Va. Miiiingor. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS, THB IIO.MBHTl?AD HOTEL will mnko special rales from Juno IDth to August 15th to parties staying ono month or longer. AMUSBMENTS-Golf Links and Club lliniNe?, Tennis und Seiuiisli Courts, tlwlm mliiK l'oe,I, D*|ne Buddie Horses and Liv? ery. C'usino for Dancing, Itoyal Poliiclanii Orchestrai Table unexcelled: is supplied with fresh vegetables and milk from Homestead gar? den nnd dairy, Luxurious lialhs und liioMt curativo wa? ters known for Rheumatism, Gout, Obesi? ty and Nervous Troubles. Fi?isD sTKitny, Manager, Ocean View Hotel, p?^.? Now Open. ally Fine. Sea l-owl of All Varieties ut Hotel und Kcstuuruiit, Booklets ut All Uullroud Offices. Write J. HULL DA VIDS?N; Mgr. THE RUTLAND, HU miles fremi Richmond on the Chesa? peake mut ('bio Railroad; Hot unii Cold At'uli-r; convenient mull train mid tele? phone sen lie. Good Boating und Bathing, OPENS JU.N'ltl liVi'U. Moderino terms; first-class fare. Address "RUTLAND," Hnx (IS7, Richmond, Va. HOTEL BEL AIR, NEWCASTLE, VA. Ol'KNS JUNIO 1ST, Under New Wiinugemont, U?aiilirul hotel, with every eonvoiil ?iii??? mid ilrst .-class cooking. Muslo unit dancing every evening. PTno Huas Fish lug. l'Or terms address MHS. IIOltACl?. WKI.LFOUIJ JON KB. Greenbrler White Sulphur SprlnuK, W. Va (The "OLD Wlll'l'ir Sulphur) opens Jim?- ?i. Kiiiinnis for Its sulphur liatlis. Muile-rn Improvement?, wit Ii private baths.. Orchestra of id pieces, ??-? mv, $15 io ,25 Week, ?.? to ?'? per month. Write for illus? trated booklet, Aihij'et-K mull June 1, 0BO: A. MILLS, Jr.. Mgr., Tlio Grufton, Wnsli.. 1). C. WANTED, the publie? to know that I liuve op#i|. ill my l-e.ttucto III Vlriilllli, H.-ue-ll. Vii., f?r Ihu .imiiieuir; urn t.||u:ite,l right OU lieu ucmii from; lineili ?Mtf ImileliiK OU Ihu reumi; ???,,,! ?uieillj fail?; terms uienlrrut?-. Apply (u Mm. i._ ?l M?-**?W^Jlrii1i;-?L*u!,.i'.'1'?1? j*t SUMMER RESORTS. "THE CHILDREN'S PARADISE Mothers have no cause to worry at the MYLES STAND1SH SPRING HOTEL, SOUTH DUXBUIT?, MASS. Seaside und country combined In historic Plymouth county. A long vacation?Juno 'JO to September 15. L. ROVER'S SONS, Owners, WILLARD WILSON', Manager. HOTEL WILTSHIRE, HOTEL MAJESTIC. Ooetn End, Virginia Ave., Atlantic Within n few steps of the 'numus pler.H unti till timiiseiiieiits. Till. "\V mullera In every detall; roblan en privine hiitliH, eli-valor from street 1 day end upward?. $17.50 per week a Till?: MAJESTIC, nil modern u| excellent tuble .1 servlei.?; $2.G.? r upwards, $12.00 per week nntl iipwii leta mulled on iipplli'iitlnii. S. S. PHOEBUS, I Olvr, N. J, l?oardwitli, II.T8HIKK, ?ulte with ?vel; ?3 per id upwards. piilMtllll-litrl. er day und rds. Iltxili roprletor. SCHOOLS. VIRGINIA ?MILITARY INSTITUTE, Lexington, Vu. file Board of Visitors; at their Annual Meeting ou the 2Otta dn/ ol next June, will appoint STATE CADRTS to fill vucaucles in tlic .'Id, 8th. Oth, 3 8th, lOtli, 2+th. 2Gtb, 2Glh. 32d. B4th. 38th, 30tta trienstortnl Distriets. snd four vucanclc? AT law,?. These appointments carry freeboard nnd tuition. Applications should be ad? dressed to the undersigned on or before June ?Otli, on forms that will be sent upom re? quest. SCOTT SI1IPP, Supt. KIXil-lWORTH HOARDING AND DAY School for Girls. Re-opens September 24th, l.*i3. I2tl year. Mr.?. II. P. LE FEBVRE, Miss E. D. HILNTLEY, Prin? cipals; 122-24 West Franklin Street, U.U tlmore, Md. EXCURSIONS. Via R., F. & P. R. H? Whit Monday, June ?, 1903. Round Trip, $2,50. Train leaves Hancock und Brond Streets Monday morning at 9 A. M.j loaves Wash? lngton Tuesday at C P. M, Train stops at all regular stations. J. M. THOMPSON ?& CO. FOR RENT. Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES? DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat und janitor service. For prlco and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH office. Only three left. COR RENT, 030 WEST ORACH STREET; 11 rooms; brown .stone front. ?I. II. CARNEAL & BON, lilt HOU East Main Street. SEALED PROPOSALS. BlCAl.t.Jj VimpoiJALS Will -"* Kuoeivuil ?t tho olTIci? ..f Treiiwirer ef Southern llfiiin-li Nntiiiiuil ti.iiiiii-1-a? liun.e. rciiziibeth City county. Virulilla, ?Mill ?li o'clock, utwii', JUNB l), 101111. nml then opened, fur tl?. euiutructloil of II STOH?) ?I'll.Il? INO. l'Iati? niel u|iefini!iitloii? culi ho sera ut llie ufTIei! ot Uto (inveniur of tilt) Home. BHALWR l'ltiil'iiBALS will bo received ut Um uffici) of Treasure?' Soutliorn Ui'iinch, N'allunai limito, uj||-ealiuth ?'-Iti' Ciiuiity, imtll Vi o'clock noon. 3d JUNI-., l'.i'?i. und Hum .ipuiied. for a Frame UiilHI Inii (offlcors' ipim-ters). In accordance with plans ami itpeclflcatlfine, copies of which with blank proiinsulu and ollior inforinu tion, ntiv ho had upon itpplloutlon to Ilio Tieauiiivr. The ?tock and the Calendar, A Lecture by Rev. Carey E. Morrjarti FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 29, AT 8l1S P. M. UNION STATION CHURCH, Under tho Auspice? of ? rulli. T? Ilute?.' fhinuuy Bcboul Ulasa. Adiiilsslun, i? -Ait-? y 13? AMUSEMENTS. The Giffen Co. ?J! MATINEE TO-MORROW. Next Week "Under the Red Robe. O o T0-NIC1HT. Percy Haswell 'and Frank Gillmore ...In... Because She Loved Him So Next Week FAWCKTT COMPANY ...In... THE LITTLE MINISTER Scats on Salo, BASE-BALL. Richmond vs. Newport News, May 29th and 30th, Admission,.10c. and 25c. Ladles Freo. Game Called at 4:80. PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE by dlatinifulBlied American Artists, under the ausplcc-B of tho RICHMOND ART CLUB, MAY 18th TO 30th, INCLUSIVE, PROM 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M., No. 11 West Main Street. Admission, 25 cents. Children under 12, 10 cents. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETB. OPEN 10 A. M. TO ?P.M. ADMISI?N. 'AC. PRISE ON SATURDAYS. The Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS; Ope'iiH dally from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. Freo ou Saturdays. N011C3. City of lllchniond. Va., Mayor's Office, City Hall, May 28th, 1?KXI. SATURDAY, MAY SOTTI, 1903. HK1NO Memorial Day, it is hereby mdored that tlio varloiiH offices of tho olty l?o closer! on Unit day, mid work sus|iorieli?d In thn various depnrtroonts, so ins as it cnn ho dono without detriment to tho Interest?! o? tlio city. RICHARD M. TAYLOR. It Mayor. May 28th. 1903._ ??G?a?te?G Wo nro buyers of AVOOL nil year through and !??>' highest marlcet prices and savo you exponsrs. Sacks furnished freo. Write ua for prices. WALLERSTEIN PRODUCE CO., IB and 21 South 13th St. STEAMBOATS. ? ^ Night Una for Hor.olk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P, M., stopping at Newport News in both directions. Daily except Sunday by C, and O, Rail? way, U'.OU ?. M., 4 P. M.. 8 A. M. and i P. M. by N. and W. Railway; all linee connect at Norfolk with direct steamer? for Now York, sailing dally except Sun? day. ? P. M. St?*amers suit from company's wharf tfuot of Ash Street) Rockettb. K. V. CllALKLlSY. Olty Ticket Agent, 1212 IS. Main Street. JOHN F. MA Y EH,' At?i-nt. Wliiirf Foot of ???? Street, Richmond, Va. II. U. WALKER, V. P. & T. M., New York. RAILROADS. y?".~~~ LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rive? Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Petersbum, Waverly ami Suffolk. 9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Potershur?; to LynchburB and Roanoko. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluerielel to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to Knoxvllle?, nnd Knoxvlllo to Chattanooga arid Memphis. 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle. Lynchbure and Roanoke. 3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only ut Petersburg; Waverly and Suffolk. Conn-sets with steamer?? to Boston. Providence. New York. Baltimore and Washington. 7:25 P. M'.i for Norfolk and all stations cast of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchbunr and Roanoke; Petersburg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Cafo Dining Car. Trains arrive from the West 7:3?. A. M.. 2 P. M. and 8:55 P. tit.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Office No. SIS East Main Street. WT B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLEY. Oen. Puss. Agent DI?. Pass. Agent ATLANTIC COASTLINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DA1LY BYRD-STREET STATION. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 24TH. 9:05 A. M. A. C. L. Expresa to all points South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. ?Sr W. West 3:00 P. M. Petersburg nnd Norfolk. tt:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 5:55 P. M. Petersburg local . 7:25 P. M.. "Florida arid West Indian Limited," to all points South. 9:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. ?ft W. West. U:au P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:43 A. M.. 7:35 A. M., 8:25 A. M? except Sunday, 11:25 A. M? 11:00 A. M.. 2:00 P. M.. 7:20 P. M.? 7:45 P. M.. 8:55 P. M. t Except Sunday. C. S. CAMPBELL. Dlv. Pass. Agt W. J. CHAIO. Oen. Pass. Agt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st, 1002, Cars leave corner Perry und Seventh Streets. Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from ? A. M. to 10 P. M-, laut car 11:50 P. M. Cars leavo Petersburg, foot of Syca moie Street, every hour from (i:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. 60 CENTS?ROUND T1UP--CO CENTS. STEAMBOAT8. BAY LIKE TO BALTIMORE Via 0. Ic 0. llwy. und Olii l'oint. U, ? MAIL ltOUTE. beavo niellinomi vin <!. & o. dully except Suini"}-, ut 4 V. M? con? necting ni Old Point with eteuiner? of Olii lluy Mue?. ????????? 7:1 G? G ?., iirrlvliig Iliiltlnmr? U:II0 ?. M., connecting N'orili, Emit ???,,? West. I'.ir ttckctH mill I n forum Hem lipply to C. fi 0, llwy., Itlvh? inolili TiiiiiHfiT I'limpm?', or KHI? l?iint Mull? St. Clyde Steamshto Co.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NOKFOLIC STEAM SHIP LINE. Appointed sailing days: Every TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY, at daylight. Freight received daily till ? P. M. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY, AVEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M; for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claioiiiont and Jaincis River landings, nnd runnei'ting tit Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and the North. Slate-rooms reserved for tho nielli at moderate prices. Electrlo cars direct to wharf. Ear? only $1.50 and U to Norfolk. Mush; by O rumi Orchestrion. Freight received for nbiive-minied places and all points in Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. 1RV1N W'EISICIER, General Manager. E. A. Harbor, Jr.. Secretary. Transportation Oompany. Steamship Lino. Diront limito to Boston, Mass., and Providence? R. I, (Steamers leuve Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at U P. M. Passengers and fr??lKht tuken for all New Enalund points. Tick? et's on sale ajl'C. & O. Ry. and N. fk W. Ry. offices arid No. 81!) Enst Main Street. . a. il yvniQiiT, Am.. Normiu. vu. , HAILROADS. 2 Hours and 25 Minutos to Norfolk. LEAVK IUOHMOND?BA8TCOUND. 1:415 A. M.?Week days?Local to Newport hew? nud wij elation?. 0:00 A. M.?1'alljr?Limited?Arrives Williams? bur* 0:6U A U., Newport News 10:30 A. W., Old Point 11:00 A. 11.. Norfolk 11:23 A. Mi 4:00 P. M.?Week days??pedal?Arrive? Wll? Ilauuburi? 4:58 J\ M.. Newport New? 8:30 V. M., Old Point 0:00 1*. il:, Notfollt 0:29 P. ?M, 0:00 P. M.?I>allr?Local to Old Point. HAIN LINK -WI.HTIIOKND. 10:10 ?. II.?Week days?Local to Clifton Fors? and ?-?t itstious. 2:00 P. ?I.??Dally?Htwelsl to Cincinnati. LoulaTlIle. ?St. Loul? and ('hlcafo. B:10 P. M.?Week il....,? ?...?-sl to Doswell. 10:30 P. M.?Oallj??Limited to CluclnnaU. LoulaTlIle, Bt. L'iuta and fhlcif-o. JAMB HIVER LINK. 10:20 A. M.?Dallr?Expr?s? to I.yr.t-hburt. Clifton Fonie and principiti ?tatloas. 8:10 P. M.?Week day??bocal to Ilremo. TRAINS AllUIVE ItlCIIUONO FROM Norfolk and Old Point 10:03 A. M. diOl/. 11:43 A. II. Ex. Sun., and 0:30 P. M. dally. Newport News D-cal 7:20 P. M. Ex. Hun. From Cincinnati and West 8:1.'. A. M. dally and 3:30 P. M. daily. Main Line Local from Clifton Forge 7:13 P. M. Ex. Hun. Doswell Accoro. 8.83 A. M. Kx. Sim. Jame? ?trer Line Local from Clifton Fono? ?-35 P. M. dally. Ilretuo Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. ?Sun. C. E. DO VLB. W. O. W A RTF! EN. Oen'l Manacer. Diet. l'as?. Act. RE ? ? Richmond, Frederick? ? I ? 4X G? burg & Potomac R. R Trains Leavo Richmond?Northward. 3:61 A. M?, dally, Byrd St. Through. C:45 A. M? dally, Main St. Through. 7:1S A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 5:00 A. M., Sundny only. Byrd 3L Through. -i:40 A. M? week dnj-H. Bryd St. Through. 12:0G? noon, woek days. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. M., week days. Byrd SL 1'red? erlcksburg accommodation. 6:0? P. hi., dally, Main St. Through. 6:'<B F. M., week daya. Elba. Axhhind ac? commodation. 8:03 P. M.. dully, Byrd St. Through. 11:10 P. M? week dayH. Elba. Ashland ac? coiniii?datlon. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. C:tO A, M? week day?. Elbu. Ashland ac? commodnllon. 8:15 A. M? week*days. Byrd St.. Fred? ericks bui tr nccom moda lion. 8:35 A. M?, dally, Byrd St. Through ?';66 A. M. week day?. Byrd St Through. S;lO P. M., liully, Main St. Tnrougn. 3;,0 P. M., week dnys. Elba. Ashland ne roniinodntloii. 7:15 P. M., dully, Byrd St. Through. ?:i?i I'. M? dally. Hvr?l SI 'I'hroilgll. 10-.2H P. M., daily. Main St. Through. 11:00 P. M., week day?. Elba. Ashland no? commodatlon. Note?Pullmitn Sleeping or Parlor Cum on nil train? ?xcent local nccominorlntlonn, W, D ??G?13, C. W.OULP.W. P.TAYLOR. Oen'l Mnn'r. .?ss't Oeon'l Man'r. Traf. Man'?. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 2t, 3903. TKAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. 7.00 A. M.-Daily. Local tor Oluirlott?!. 13:50 P. M.-Dally. Limited, BuiTot Pull? man lo Allanta and Birmingham, New OrleuiiM. Moiuphlu, Chattanooga and all the South. .'? ?,. , 0:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo 11:05 1;. M.?Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 8:30 P. M.. for nil the South, ' YORlt KIVEK X.INE. l'ho favorito route to IWltlmoro and eastern iiolnts. Leave Blchmoud 4?30 P. M. Dnlly, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M. -Except Sunday. Loc-ul mixed for Weal Point. 2:16 P. M.?Local for West Point. 4:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. Eor Wes? Point, connecting; with steamers for Bal? timore nnd river landing?.. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. C:.16 A. M. and 11:25 P. M.?From all the South. 3:25 P. M. 8:10 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:15 A. M.-Biiltliuoro nnd West Point. 4:50 P. M-From West Point. C. II. ACKERT. S. H. IIARDWICK, ?. M. O. P. ?. O. W. WKB'rnimY. ?. ?, ?.. niehinon.l. ??. SEABOARD ?? it Line Ilajlw?w TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.-Soabourd Mull?10:33 P. M.-. Seabourd Express?To Savaiiuuh, Jack? sonville, Atlanta and Southwest, 0:10 ?. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham lot. TRAINS ARRIVE 'RICHMOND DAILY. 0:35 A. M?No. 34?4:55 P. M.-No. 60? From Florida. Atluntu and Southwest. 5:30 P. M.?From Norllna and Ideal points. City Ticket Ottico 830 Bust Main Street. 'Plumo 103.