p ft-wlnit communication and accompanying ?apere from His Honor, the Mnyor, nnd ?hey were re.id by tho clerk amid almost ?re-athless silence: Mayer's Office. Richmond, Vs., June 1*1. To th* Hon. Common Council: Gentlemen.?From Information received through the publio prees, 1 sont a lei lei under date 'May SO, 1MX (copy of which herewith enclosed) to Mr. P. P, Talla? ferro, Afitftftnt City Engineer, nnd here? with trsndmit hi? reply. Both letters I desire to be considered a raft of this officisi communication. I deem It proper to place this matter bifore your honor? able body for your Information nnd guidance. I cannot loo strongly recommend to your honorable? body th* ?iecenslly for n. thorough and searching Investigation of th? matters referred to in thle fcorhmtitil? cation. The people demand and mtift have purity 1n their city government, nnd 1 bold myself In readiness to nsslpt you In tvery way possible townrds driving out corruption In the city government, when? ever and wherever found, Respectfully, RICHARD ?? TATT/OR, Mayor. Letter to Mr. Tallaferro. Following Is Mayor Taylor's letter to Mr. Tallaferro: The City of Richmond, Mayor's oih>e, May SO, 11-03. Mr. G. P. Tallaferro, Assistant City Engineer: Dear Sir,?My Information is to tho ef lect that you stated In court during the trial of John M, King recently that you had been lold hy Captain dapper that i-even member* of the City Council were In the combine with King, or thnt Cap? tain Gnssei- had given you Iho name?? of seven members of the Street Committee who were brlbe-tnkers. An Mayor, I re fpeetfully ai>k you to have the list In my office under your handwriting not Inter than 11 o'clock Monday, June 1, 11)03, for my official Inspection. Very truly yours, RICHARD M. . -?LOR. Mnyor. The reply of Mr. Tallaferro to Mayer Taylor's letter was as follows: Ofllce of City Engineer. Richmond, Va? Mny noih, 1P03. To the Hon, Richard M. Taylor, Mayor of the City of Richmond. Vn.: Denr Sir,?In compliance with your let? ter, received this P. M., asking for the nnmes of the Councilmen mentioned ns being crooked by Captain Qasser to me in his interview, which took place In the City Engineer's office about the 1st of July of last yenr. I herewith give ynti thp nnmes as he gave them to me: They nro In arcordnncA not only with my recollec? tion, but are as shown hy a slip of paper on -which I wrote them nt the time he called them .and which I put In my pocket at that time* hence, I do not see how it ta nnsstihle for rne to have made any mis take In them. ' Your Information ns to my evidence given on this point in court, however, ap? pears to be slightly Incorrect, and there? fore I had possibly better briefly state it here. My original statement to Col? onel Cutshaw. and afterwards given In my evidence In bo'tb trills of Mr. King, was that Captain Gasser, during his con? versation wllh me on this subject, said that there wero seven of them "crooked"; that he called the names ot Ri* and sold "one dead," and when 1, after a mo? ment's reflection, suggested the name of the dead ono, he. with a. nod of asBent, said, "Yes." Ho spoke moro particularly of Mr. King, and left me clearly under the impression that he (King) was the man . through whom the business was transacted, and that the others were as? sociated With him. He did not say that he hnd paid money directly to any of these men. nor did he give me hla reasons for saying that "the others" were "crooked," and ? did not ask him for nny. 1 told him It was a very serious matter; that I would like to talk to Colonel Cutshaw about It, and I would ?dike for him to tell Colonel CutshAw about it: he said he wanted to, nnd would do so, and. as you know, did t?o so. The names of the Councilmen he called to me ns being "crooked" were as fol? lows: King, Mills, Gibson, Glenn, Pol? lock. Rahen, and "one dead," said he. After thinking a moment as to who was dead, I said, "Captain. It is not. possible you mean 'old man Woody?' and, with a nod of assent, ho replied: Yes." I can give you his statement more fully If you desire it. Very respectfully P. P. TALTA.FKRRO. Assistant City Engineer. . Mr, Pollock's Denunciation. Mr. Pollock aroso at once and said the bringing of his name In such a connection /?a as a groat surprise to him. He said be denounced Gasser If be had made any such statement, and he demanded a full nnd thorough investigation. Mr, Pollock broke down and shed tears during the de? livery of his brief speech, and said that to be thus vilely slandered before his people was more than he could stand. "I defy GRSBer, I defy Gude, I defy "Welnbrunj).' 1 defy King, I defy anyone to substantiate any such statement," de? clared Mr. Glenn, with uplifted hands. 5Ie declared that he was utterly surprised, end that he had rather be hung by the meek until dead than for bis people to be mlided by such an Infamous lie and elan der. "If I should go down to hell to-nlgnt II should still protest my Innocence," ho ?"Sid. "Here I am being slandered nnd vll llfled nnd branded by a man who In a per? jurer in the courtu of this State!" "I de?mnn*l a full Investigation, nnd ? floman? thnt King and Gasser come be 'orr, mo and ?ay that ? ever had a talle with either of them, or any one else, on Mie subject. "I will hole! Casser responsible for his flandfr of me, and when ho comes be f.-ir* me there w-tll he? trouble. 1 have a v.'lfe nnd little children, nnd I shall not r"rmlt nny ano to besmirch their fuir name?" Mr. Glenn showed much feeling, nnd he ?wns loudly cheered when ho resumed hie *ent. He r?ld n pretty tribute to the honesty of ih? late? Councilman Woody, Mr. Mills, whose name wns contained In the corresponden,??, had rome In late, end afked thnt the lettern again he read, which was done. Mr. Mills Dinier,, Mr. Mille now arose, and In a deliberate manner, denounced the statement of Cap? tain GiFser. He said that be bad heretofore brand? ed Cesser In the Water Committee and he now took occasion to do so again. He demanded tho fullest Investlgatleui. "Mr. President: Without further de? nunciation of the man," said Mr. Pol? lock, with tear* Streaming down his cheeks, "I offer this resolution," nnd he handed a paper to the desk calling for the Immediate Investigation Of the charges and a substitute was offered by Mr. Crenshaw, and afterwards tempor? arily withdrawn. Mr. Pollock defended the memory of hll deed colleague and said that at bis home was u wife and sweet little children whose good names demanded vin? dication from the slandering charge made ? gainst their husband and lather. He promised to bave a meeting of the Board of Alderman lo concur before, sundown to? day. Mr. Garber und Mr. Peters spoke In the highest terms of Mr. Woody, "mid paid the tendereet trillinoti to hie Iunior and to his memory. Mr. Peters said the city should, spend all her money to probe thc*e Infamous statements to the bottom. In closing Mr. Inters denounced Gasser, and declared ??? Qrtpe, Pain Or discomfort, no Irritation ot the In U?itlnu?-but gentle, prompt, thorough? healthful cleansing,' when you take Hood's Pills boia by all drueuU'.Hr. 20 ceuU ?'Great talkers?little doors." Watch our short advertise? ments every day. WANTS WANTED. Every one has wants and wo want to know yours, for ?we can curo a few o! yours "while you wait." UNDERWEAR-all kinds of linen and cotton mesh. Every new idea gets a fair show here, ? EC KW E AR?the new foulards and grenadines. SHIRTINGS?the new grey and the figured white. ' HOSIERY?mercerized cot? ton, 28c.?grey and white; grey and black and mottled greys. THE TURNOVER COL? LARS will hold us by the neck for one more season? I ours at 10c will hold your trade. amid applause that he should not be al? lowed to bid on city work. Pollock Resolution Adopted. Mr. Pollock spoke for his resolution and Mr. Crenshaw desired the passage ot his substitute. Tho latter was not pressed, and tho former, aftor a speech by Mr. Mills, was adopted under suspension of the rules?ayes, 82; noes, none. Tho Pollock resolution is as follows: "Bo It resolved by tho Common Council (tlie Board of Aldormon concurring), That a committee of three members from the Council and two from the Board be, and thoy are hereby, appointed to Inves? tigate fully the charges mado or sug? gested In the communication from His Honor, the Mayor, and said committee Is authorized to make such expenditure as It may be deemed proper, not to ex? ceed $2,500, the sessions of the aald com? mltteo to be held open to the public; and the Oly Attorney ls hereby directed to render such service as ls within hie power. : The said committee ls authorized to sum? mon such persons as thoy may elect, and | to call for books and papers, and to de? mand tho attendance of such offlolals and employes of the city as may, In the Judg? ment of the said commltteo, be necessary to carry out the Intent of this resolution." The following further resolution was offered by Mr. Crenshaw: Whereas, the special grand Jury of the Hustings Court ot tho city of Rlohmond has made a report roilectlng upon tho conduct of the members of the City Coun? cil, and have also commented upon prac? tices in vogue of a doubtful character; therefore, bo It Resolved, By the Council of the city of Richmond, the Board of Aldermen con? curring! A Five-Year Limit. 1. That a special Joint commltteo of nine, to consist of five members of the Common Council and four members of the Board of Aldermen, be appointed by the presidents of thn respective bodies, and It shall be the duty of said committee to thoroughly Investigate the ofllclal actB of any and all members of the present City Council In connection with any alleged fraud or corruption Bald to exist or to have existed within the last five years with re/card to the giving of contracts for work done for or supplies sold to tho city, for tho granting of franchises to corpo? rations by the said city, and with regard to any and nil oillclnl nets during that period ot timo of nny and all members of the present or former Councils of the city of Richmond; also what methods of a fraudulent nature or tending to prac? tices or conduct of an Improper or doubt? ful character have heretofore been adopt? ed or are now In voguo Intended to Influ? ence or control the determination of ?tucatlons of a public naturo now or here? tofore pending before either branch of tho Council of the city of Richmond or any of its committees. Hold Open Session. 2. The said commute? shall hold open sessions, and it ls hereby authorized to employ a stenographer to assist In this Investiga tlon. S, Tho sum of one thousand dollnrs, or no much thereof as may lie necessary, Is hernby appropriated from the contingent fund, and tho auditor is hereby Instructed to place the said amount tn the credit of an account to be raised and called tho "Ppeelal Investigation Fund," to dofrny any and all expenses to which the said committee may be put; and the auditor Is further Instructed to pay all warrants drawn on said account when authorized for payment by mid commltteo and signed by its chairman. 4. The. said committee Is hereby nuthor l7ctl tu summon such persons as they may elect ?nil to call for papers and to demand tlio attendance of such officials and em? ployes of tho city as may, in the Judg? ment of ihn snld committee, bo nocessnry to carry out the intent of this resolution. f,. All eilllelnls and employes of tho olty are hereby Instructed to aid and assist the said committee In every Way In their power by testimony of all kinds, and to place at the disposal of snld committee ull boreks and papers In their poeiesslon. (!. That It shall be tho duty of tho City Attorney to aid and assist said commltteo la tho investigation hereby orddred. 7. That the Hon. ? ?. Witt, Judge of tho Hustings Court of tho city of Rieh inond, be. and is hereby, reijuested to lay before the nald committee for tholr Infor? mation the evidence taken etenogiaphl ciilly 'boforo tlio special grand Jury and now on file with tho clerk of his court, or permit tbe ^Hy Attorney to have aooens to some. S. Tho said committee Is hereby In? structed to report the result of their In? vestigation to either branch of the City Council and lo make such recommenda? tions as they deem advisable. ? The said committee ? hall not b?nin its Investigations until tbe one appointed by the Pollock rosi.bltlon shall have been reported, The resolution of Mr. citiishaw was adopted ayt-s. Hi; noes, none. Mr. Batklns Chosen, The rulen were suspended, and Mr. Claude L. Baikins was nominated by Mr. Elicit und elected to fill the vacancy In the l.odv occasioned by tbf the C?>uiir,;l from Clay Ward and It wns accepted af? ter expressions o? regret by many of his colleagues. Mr. Miner prcsenterl tho namo of Mr. Tin nin' J. l.nnoe and ne ?vas secom'ed by Messrs. Eilett ???? Bottoni, as tlio unanimous f.holce of tlie ?leleg*itlon, Mr. Ferguson, of Marshall Wnrd, llilineil Mr, Chas. \V? Splcer ahd Mr. .\Iltli Secondjd his nomination. Mr. Crenshaw advocated Mr. Dance Arid thought he should he, oloclcil ns be wns the choice of the people of tho ware!. Ml. Hobson Braci??.- for Mr. Spi. er und Mr Miner declared that it was ? d!scotirlo*?y to Ids people for members Trotn eniesl.it, the wnrd to interfere! with their choice for tho vacancy. ? , , , Mr. Hicks spoke for Mr. Splcer fttid hi ?was elected, the vote ?landing! Splcer 1?, ' On 'motion of Mr. Riletti the body nt 1*3:30 A. M.. adjourned. ????. GIBSON DENIES Saye Charges of Gasser Are Unfounded. Mr, Bohen Out of City. When aroused from his bed at his resi? dence nn West Main Street lnst night, Mr. "William Gibson, Jr., whose name Is mentioned In the sensntlonnl charges, de? nied most emphaticnlly nny complicity In tho Alleged crookedness. Not having been at tho meeting of the Council Mr. Gibson was not aware of the full Import of the charges, but so far na he kpew them, he denied thorn utterly. "I was on the committee with King." said he, "but I know nothing of any wronp-dolng at all. So fnr as I nm con? cerned there wag certnlnly nothing ot tho sort. You may mnlio flat denial of the charge against nie." Efforts wero mado alno to roach Mr, James Bahen, but he could not bo reach? ed. ?Mr. Bahon Is In ?Newport News. He will bo home to-day. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES, "WASHINGTON.?The report of Cap? tain J. V. Bleocker. acting commandant of the Bremerton nnvy-yard at Seattle, Wash?, relativo to the Immoral condi? tions In the vicinity of the yard, has beon received and tn view of Its content.? the Navy Department declines to alter Its decision not to allow any more ships to go to that yard. WASHINGTON.?James C. McReynolds, of Tennessee, lately appointed assistant attorney-general to succeed Mr. Beck, resigned, to-day took the prescribed oath and entered upon tbe duties of his of? fice. "WASHINQTON.-The batteshlp Indiana and the torpedo boat destroyers Dale and Chauncoy have sailed from Norfolk for AnnapollB where this coast squadron is assembling. NEW YORK.-The Old Dominion steam? er Monroe, which sailed from this port on Saturday for Norfolk, returned to-day In tow of two wrecking tugs, she struck some submerged wreckage and lost the blade of hor propeller 'oTf Absecom, on Saturday night. Races at Chicago. (Ujf Assocliited Prese.) CHICAGO, ILL., June L?Results at Hawthorne: First race?four and a half furlongs Ida Davis (10 to 11 first. Handsome Flor ry (13 to 10) second, Badger <31rT (6 to 1) third. Time, :fij 3-5, Second race?six furlongs?Automaton (11 to 5) first, Bard Burns (9 to 5) sec? ond, Aline Abbott (10 to 1) third. Time, 1:17 3-5. Third race-mile anil eighth?Flying Tor? pedo (16 to E) first, Llttlo Scout (9 to 10) second, Favonlus (6 to 2) third. Time, 1:57 R-R. Fourth raco?ono mile?High Chancellor (9 to 6) first, Early (8 to 1) second, Floyd K. (10 to 1) third. Time, 1:44 4-5. Fifth race?mile and sixteenth?Omdur mnnVfl to 1) first, Cogswell (4 to 1) seo? ond, Q'alentus (10 to 1) third. Time, l:+9 3-5. Sixth race?five furlongs?Katlo Powers (7 to 5) first. Play Ball (4 to 1) second, Flrban (? to 1) third. Time, 1:04 3-5. STATUE DESIGNS COME NEXT WEEK Well-Known Artists to Com? pete for Stuart Monument. Will Be 25 Feet High. The Executive Committee of the Stuart Monument Association met last night nt Lee Camp Hall and spent an hour or more talking over the plans of tho monu? ment to bo erected to tbo momory of "Jeb" fltuart, the groat cavalry lender. The designs for the ntatuo will be sub? mitted on July 115th. when tho duelslon of the choice will be made, Captain M, J Dlmmock, chairman of the committee which has this matter In charge, stated last night that some of tho most promi? nent artists In tbo country will enter tbe competition. Two very distinguished sculptors, however, will not- One is St. OaUdene, the othep \palentlne, of Rich? mond. Neither of these gentlemen ever enter into competitions. But tha com? mittee decided lo Rive nil a chance to try thetr bends. It has been decided that the pndestnl will be about ten feet high and Will ba built of Virulilla Brani to. Captain Dim? mot-k will give personal direction of this. If tlio monument be placed in tho Capi? tol Square tho pedeMal will be put upon a mado elevation, IiIrIi aa the floor of the Ospito] portico. The top of the pedeaiul will then be ten feet above this. The horse and rider will be another ten or twelve feel, making tho blaok plumos of the peerless cavalier not less than some twenty-five feet ttbove. the level of tho Square. Thu matter of having the monument elsewhere In the city tvill be taken up a little later on, but some of the committee St. Louis....10 30 .2.0 NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES YESTERDAY At Pittsburg: Errors and slow ploying put Pittsburg out of tho running In tho second Inning. -,?,-, Score: P? H. -d (3 to 1) second. Ni? nes t'-' l?> 1) third. Time. 4;3fi. Fourth race-seven furl->iigs~.-u?k Itat llltt (3 lo 6) tiret, Sir ???'????-".f <-?> ?'-J'.A0" o,,?!. Aiuti ri8 m 1. thljd.?.Ttot mi 3-8*' ?-?G??, race-une uille--Wallabtu t (6 lo 1) IHM. V/otoli Uli! ?I to li second, Inno? ?-, ,.? du ?-, w third. ????.->..??,1'|; Ifl.,, Sixth race -Uve furlong?-^!!?.?:Akt?.V tiret, Sue W. tir. to It second, Ora ?lilvln lie/ <.- to, l> third, Tin?-?, lit?. TWO FINE Richmond and Petersburg Play to a Stand-Off. TWELVE-INNING CONTEST Pitchers, Battl9 in the Second Game. New Uattery for Richmond Shows Up in Splendid Form?A Big Crowd of Rooters. Standing ofthe Clubs, ClubB. Won. Lost. P.C. Illchmi/nd . 2 5 ,28? peters burg .4 -i ,e?? Newport News . G? 5 ,6'