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Miller ? Rhoads. Miller _ Rhoads. White Dress Goods For Summer, Wo sold more "White Cotton Dress Fabrics on Monday and Tues? day than in any other two days in our history. "Why? Because wo have what people want aud at prices to suit. FANCY STRIPE PIQUE. 2" Inches wlfle, open work. 10c., FINK STRIPE AlAURAS. 10c, 83 inches -wide. In plain and fancy -weaves. FINE PERSIAN LAWN. 25c. 41 Inches wide. ???1?? LAWN, lS'l-Se., 40 Inches wide, extra fino and ver}- sheer, SEA ISLAND HATISTE. 19 1-2?,, ?o Inches wide, a superb quality. CANNON CLOTH. 12 l-2c, Se Inches witlo, linen finish, shrunk. Remember The June Sale of Muslin Underwear. Our Salespeople aro as busy as bees in the Muslin Underwear Store because Bichrnond folks long ago found out that this store is the place to get- the best in Musliu Underwear. It's proven by tho generous ?espouse to our advertisements. fl.SO, Skirt of fine cambric, um? brella ruffle of fine lnwn. trimmed with tucks, dust ruffle. A dainty drop skirt for thin dresses. $2,00, Skirt ot cambric, lnwn ruffle, trimmed -with hemstitched tucks and ruffle of embroidery and dust nifflp. BOc., Corset Cover of fine nainsook, full front trimmed with Val. lace. 91.00, Gowii of Nnlnsook; low neck, short, sleeves, chemise style, trimmed with Val. Lnce insertion nnd wnsh ribbon. 7?5o, Drawers of fino nainsook, um? brella ruffle of lawn trimmed with hemstitched tucks and Val. lace. ? Sonai and I ? ?Personai\ Miss Bratsle PegTam. tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W?st Pegram, and ?leutenant Rufus Z. Johnston, of tho United States navy, were married at 0 o'clock last evening by tho He v. Dr. Rob? ert B. Strange, of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The ceremony was performed In the bomo of the bride, Ko. SOS Park Avenue, and was witnessed by the relatives nnd ?friends of both brido and groom, Tho ?square hall and the drawing-room wer? ?a mass of gold and -whlto 'lowers tbe "sunshine flower," or coreopsis, and white ?carnations carrying out the color tones. Dr. Strange took bis stand In the bay ?window of the front dra-wlng-room, which ?was massed 'w)th palms and ficrwers. "White taper.?? aud altar candlesticks add ?cd to the Inipresslvoness of the marriage service. The beautiful bride camo In on her father's arm. She wore nn imported crea? tion of white panno crepo de chino em? broidered in white orchids. The skirt was t-lashed with plaltlngs of chiffon, and the corsage was covered -with band-work and veiled In Duchesse lace. The bridal vail vyas caught with heirloom pearls and the bridal flowers were a shower o? Ulllcs ot the valley. Tbe. maid of honor. Miss Lily Pegram. was gowned In nun-plaited whlto liberty Fllk. Her bouquet was of white sweet peas held with gold-colored ribbons. Major M. Bannon. of the United States Sfurine Corps, was best ninji. The groom ?was further attended by Mr. Edward Watson, the son of Admiral Watson; Mr. O. Knepper, Mr. P. II. Brumby, of tho United States navy; Naval Constructor ?William Grosbeck, of this city; Mr. P. ?T. Dashleil, of Annapolis, and Mr. W. A. Lamed, of Summit, N. J. Tho entire party was In full naval uniform. The white and gold color scherno ob? tained In the dining-room as elsewhere. The center piece wns ? lovely plaque of white roses. Candelabra had gold-col? ored shades, so did lamps and chandeliers. Ices, marrons glace and othor bonbons wero harmonious tone accessories. Mrs. Scott Parrlsh and Mrs. Robert M. Blu-n Itrnshlp i-erved punch. Mrs. Arthur Bcrlvenor, who assisted in receiving the guests, had on gray crepe de chin??, trimmed In applique and chiffon. The elegant array of wedding gifts was received by the young couple, who both belong to prominent families, the bride numbering among her ancestry many distinguished naval mori and possessing a most attractive personality. Lieutenant Johnston fought in the Span? ish-American and Chinese wars and Is Forvlng at present a? an aid on the staff of Admiral Barker. He Is the son of the RtsVT Dr..'*'Robert Z. Johnston, of Llgon, 'N. C. ' Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Richard Walnwrlght, Mr. Richard-Wnln ?wrkiht, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. W, 8. Turpln, of Washington. D. C; Miss Mabel Mur? ray, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. George Pegram, of Petersburg; Miss Elisabeth Taylor, the Misses Blackwell, Mr. Bur russ, of Norfolk: Mrs. M. L. Holt, Mr. M. McCormlck, Mr. Knox. Johnston ajid Mr. H. E. Yornell, of tho United SUitcs navy, Amongi the Richmond guests Invited were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryan, .Misses Stewart, Miss Mabel Walkor. Mr.- and Mrs. Aubrey Young, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace S. Hawes, Miss Claudia Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Cotesworth Plnrknov. Mr. and Mrs. James B. TClam. Mr. and Mrs. T. William Pemborton. Mr. ami Mrs. Virginios New. ton, Mrs, Lewis W. Burwell, Miss Bur? well, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parrlsh, Mr. Edward Mayo. Mr. Wllllnm Noland, Mrs. Joseph R. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Arc.h ?f-r Anderson, Misse* Anderson, Messrs. Anderson, Mr, and Mrs, St, George Brvan, Dr. Teple. Lieutenant-governor and Mrs. Wlllnrrt. Miss Adele Minor, Mr. Alexander Weddoll, Misses WeiUI.-U. Messrs. Fair lie end St. George Took, M'usas Beirne, Mrs. John Addlson Mr. Pouf-la- Gordon, Miss Evelyn Gordon. Miss Edna Forbes,. Mrs. John A. Coke, and Mrs. John A. ?Coke, Jr., Mr. and Mit Corydon Button, Mrs. Tonnant, Miss Ann??? Tfiinatu. Miss Berta Wellfnrd, Misses Gray, Messrs. Bryan. Miss Mary Donnan, Misses Mary and Phronle. Pegram. Mr. John Walker, M If-* Annie Rose Walker. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Guit-on, Miss Ashlev Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Millar. Mr. and Mm, .lullen HID, Mr. ami Mrs. William Hill, Col. Jo Lane Stem, Mr. and ?Mrs. Geo, El SNAP, PUSH AND GO Is What One Should Get From Food. A young Bt. Louis lady learned a food JebBSOn she won't forgot. She says: "I Buffered from indtge&tlon for nearly ten yetsrE, and although I tried all kinds of joode for breakfast, I r-ould not eat any of them, until one elay I discovered Grape-Nuts, ?md now G wonder how I ..-ver did without it. "I am ?. monographer In a business ?office, and none! all the energy possible, but I formerly ?p?-?t the gratar pa?*, of every morilu*?. I hud gone with? out brea-kfaet, ft.r I way. uontlr.-inlly re? minded of It by thi uncomfortable din? trenm-d i-tate of my etoiniic'r,. How much ability i lost through Dili? % could not tell you. but now all ls different, for ? eat some fruit ?nd a of Grape Nuts, and worit harei all the morning and never think ebout my stomach until lunch time oome? "I feel the good ?f/?*-tj of Grape-Nutii In ?a sharpened brain, better memory and Increased thinking Capacity. The only diftioultr I bave about It ta that I never ?W-M?? to limit myielf to th* required ?mount, ior I love It eo." Neme given by Postutu Co., Bstti* Crebk, Midi. - Thwe is a reseon why Orape-i'utB ?sharpens the brMn. It'? fun to make new . and dellcloua drsskdrtn by ths recipe book found in eioh p*olu*e of Orsr-e-Kiut. Hott. Dr. nnd Mrs. H. Calici 1 Tabb, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton Jackson, Mr, and Mrs. Chiles Mason Ferrali, Mr. Sidney Daven? port, Mr. Randolph Holladay, Miss Anna Leo Alfrienr?. Mr. Otis Alfrlend. Miss Katie Blankenshlp. Mr. Fra nit Blanke.n shlp. Miss Lily Urquhart, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Arrlngton, Mr; and Mrs. F. H. Deane, Dr. and Mrs. Stewart McLean; Mr. Georgo Bldgood, Mr. and Mrs. Stc phea Putney. Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Jones, Misses Loulie and Adele.AVllllams. Williams?Hutson, Tho wedding of Miss Margaret Susan Hutson to Mr. Byron Bernard Williams will be celebrated at 3:30 P. M. to-day In Pine-Street Baptist Church, the pastor and uncle of tlie bride, the Rev. J. B. Hutson, officiating. The gtroom'f? best man will bo Mr. Pen-in; his groomsmen, Mr. Oscar Phil? lips, Jr., Mr. Laughon, Mr, Wilbur Oir nev and Mr. II. I. Montgomery, Miss Mnrv Hutson Will ho miud of hon? or. Misses Fannie and Annie Hutson, Miss Bess'.o Beniicn and Miss Bessie Lee will, officiate an .bridesmaids. The bridal party were-handsomely on teitninod In the homo of tir? brido on Monday evening last? . Samuel?-Beazley. A quiet but vory beautiful marriage wns solemnized at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Vf. 3. Klmbrough, No. 009 West Clay Street, yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, when Mr. Philip Samuel and Miss Llllle A. Beazley wero united In tho bonds of matrimony by the T?ev. Carey 13. Morgan. Thoy were attended bv Mr. Edward Beazley, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Alma Samuel, tho groom's sla? ter. Mr. Samuel ls prominent In tho mechan? ical department- of tho Richmond Loco? motive-Works. ' Mrs. Bamtiel is a daughter of the lato A. S. Beazley, of Hanover county. .Miss Wining very artistically rendered the wedding march during tha ceremony. The newly-wedded couplo left on the noon train for a trip to [New York and other points north. They were tho recipients of mtiny beautiful nnd .Substantial tokens of esteem. Upon their retum to Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Samuel will mako their home on Church Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gathrlght have Issued cards announcing the mar? riage of their daughter, Miss Kvolyn Guerrant, to Mr. John Robert Massle. The wedding took placo Wednesday, May 'JT,th. at Dabney's, Vn, BeIton---Trimmer. MiFis Annie Trimmer and Mr. P. A, Belton wore married at 7:.'i0 A. M. yester? day In St. Mary's Catholic Church by the Rev. William Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton left last evening ?for an extended northern tour. Their home after their return will bo nt No. 802 West Clay Street. Personal Mention. Mis? Sue K. Gordon entertained the Whist Club of which she is presiden! very delightfully at her homo on Monday evening, when tho club, met for Liit, Just time this season. Tha highest scoro was made by Mrs. Bland Smith and Miss Klc.'-n.'?? Tyler, Tho club Is looking forward with much pleaeure to its reorganization next fall. Airs. William Garrott will spemi iTidiy and Saturday with fiionils |n Washing? ton. Friday evening and Saturday Miss Nan? nie Pegram will bo tho guest of Dr. nnel Mrs. Wilbur, of tho Columbian Univer? sity. AVashlngton, D, O. Miss Pegram will return in time to resume her school duties on Monday. Miss Mary Drewry, -Miss Mary Drake, Miss Charlotte Miller. Mr. Ott Drnlie nnel Mr. James I'rltchott left Saturday lust to attend the finals of the Danville schools. Mrs. McAllHter, of Hot. Springs, Va., Is ppendlpg some days at No. ?l? Fast Frank In Street. Mrs. Besslo Holmes Clack, of Boyd? ton, Va., Is also a guest at the ?Mount Vor non, The Misses Kidwell will give an In? formal dance at Northslde Hall, Juno ?lth, at 8:80 P. M. Young ladles and gentlemen going to tin? dance will return by ilio last cur. Miss Mamlo Lee, ot New York Is vis? iting her aunt, Mrs. Winn, at No. S'.'O K?st Franklin Street. Miss Besslo Snead, of Fork Union, Va., will arrive In Richmond to-tiny to spend a month with her sinter, Miss Martini Moshy Snead, at No. 320 East Franklin. Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. White, of Co? liitnbia. S. C, are the guests of Judge and Mrs. Wellford. Council Committees. There woro linee Council Committee meetings last night, but none of them dis? posed of any matters of moment. The Committee on JainoH River Im? provement opened bids far erecting tlfty pontoon's and ?,???? feel of pipe, mid ro terred the some to the cit?,- Engineer, with instructions to award tho contraete lo the lowest bidders. The Market Committee ?warded the lollowlng contracts: For the erection of an lion shed 160 feet long at the Second Marient, to .^sa Snyder and Company. Tinning and plumbing for same, to J, E. Rose and Company. Carpenters' work, to II, L, .Matthews. Banning, lo A, W. Hargrove. 'ihe Committee on Cemeteries held Its regular semi-monthly meeting and up. proved the pay-roll of Its employes. Went toths? G-.-.???. Governor Montague accompanied the Hoard Of Plreptor* of Uta penitentiary and Superintendent HoIiiih to ihe State Farm yesterday on a tour of inspection. Ill? Excellency returned lest night much pleased with hie trip. Did Not Act, The Subcommittee on Water hold a meeting yesterda?? and considered ublde for the Lee District standplpe, but noth? ing ? a definite natur? was determined upon. JiEATII MAKES HIS REPLY Says Tulloch's Charges Are Lies Out of Whole Cloth. URGED TO REINSTATE Told lhat He was Collecting Evidence of Improprie, es?Machen May Be Indicted by Grand Jury To-Day. (Ih- Aneoclnted Prese.) WASHINGTON, June 2.-Tlifi investi? gation of affairs n t. the Postoffice De? partment Is proceeding as rapidly as pos? sible. nn?l the Investigatili**; olllclnls hope to closo their influirles by August 1st. Postmastor-Generni Payne sale! to-day that all tlio salient points of tho investi? gation probably would he disposed of hy thn en?! of this month, but thnt the rest, of the work might continue for a consid?rable time. The only development announced at the department to-day was the promulgation of the letter of former First Assistant Postmaster-Gonoral Ileth, who enters a denial of tho Tulloch charge?. The go-betweens, two, It Is alleged, figures In transactions which led to the arrest of August Vf. Machen, the for? mer general superintendent of the free delivery system, nie unilerstoo?? to be members of the Arm In Toledo. O., the for mer homo of Mr. Machen, nlthouRh It ls known authoritatively that there are sev? eral parties whose arrests may bo de? cider! on at any time. Postmaster-General Payne said to-night that so far he ',s advised no Immediato arrests are In con? templation. Tho preliminary hearing of Mr. Machen before a United States commissioner, which Is scheduled for next Friday, may be rendered unnecessary in caso the grand jury should report an Indictment against him. The case, will bo presented to that body to-morrow. KNEW NOTHING OF IT. Mr. Heath, In his letter says that If Mrs. Wlnans, the Ohio woman who was reported n s saying she was carried on the rolls with' tho understanding that she was to ilo no work, did not. render ser? vices pnuivnlent to her compensation, her superior offlcorp were deceived. Mr. Heath denies that he had any personal interest. Ho says: "I never appointed nny person to any position or retained any one In nny posi? tion, at nn ytlme, with any sort of notion or Idea thut he or she was not to render full nnd honest service to tho govern? ment for the pay received. Tho Intimation that, there was an 'honorary roll' upon which persons wore placed for political or personal or other purposes than good service, Is a pure Invention. It Is a lie out whole cloth, as are most of the Imputa? tions of Tulloch. If any persons were | so appointed or retained It was through their own dishonest designs." Mr. Heath says his visit to Porto Rico and nnd tho Pacific, slope were made In the government services, and for every dollar expended ? ? account was made. Mr. Heath refers to Gllmer's alleged dis? courtesy to clerks In tho PostoIHee De? partment, anil says he asked that Gll mer be instructed to act like a gentle? man. Mr. Heath snys Tulloch's friends asked him to Intercede fpr Tulloch's reinstate? ment, advising Heath that "Tulloch had been colecting evidence of Improprieties in tho postonico, and that If ho were not reinstated he would expose them, thnt I woulel bo mndo to suffer, and McKln ley's administration would bo scandal? ized." Mr. Heath says that Inasmuch ns Tul? loch did not roport any of the alleged irregularities ho could not recommend him for any position. Tulloch subsequent? ly had these matters, Heath says, pub? lished. Mr. Heath adds: "The man against whom allegations were rilrecteel has refused to pay tlie price of proposed secrecy." REV. MR. MORRISON COMING Missionary from the Congo Will Preach Here Sunday. Tho pulpit, of tho Second Presbyterian Church of this city will bo lllloel next Sunday morning by tho Rev. W. II. Mor? rison, the Congo missionary, who has recently created such? a Hcnsntlon by his recital of conditions among the natives of the South African country, from which ho romes. Tho visit of Mr. Morrison Is looked forwarel to with tho liveliest internst. A Hugo congregation will, in all probabili? ty, hear him speak. He will preach f?>r Dr. Cecil, who goos to I?ewlsbur*r, Vf, Va., to preach a bnccalnureate sermon, AIR. E. W. TRAFFORD A Well-Known Electrical Expert Has Opened an Office Here. Mr. E. Vi*. Trafford has opened an oflice in the Chamber of Commerce build? ing ns a consulting olootrlea) nnel meohan lcnl engineer. - Mr. Trafford ls well known in the com? munity, having hail lho supervision ?if jienrly nil the eleotrlo lighting nml power Interests in this cliy for moro than four t?t? years. In addition to a wide, practical ox perlcnci) in thB field of electric lighting, New Tork Announcement. Homer's Furniture. All tho fasliionnblo designs in Furniture, including &-- woods and fiuiehos, and in unequalled assort? ments, with everything marked nt convincingly moderalo prices, aro tho manifold attractions presonted at our establishment. White Enameled Pcdroom Suites, plain nnd decorated-Bedroom Suites In bird's-eye maple, birch, oak nnd maho- ?. g.-tnv-Brass Bedsteads in exclusive patterns?Enameled Iron Bedsteads with brass tfimmlngs?Dining Room Suites in the Colonial and nil other fash? ionable styles-Exclusive designs in Parlor nnd Drawing Hoom Furniture -Empire Furniture In all lines? Flemish and Venetian Carved Furniture for libraries, halls and dens?Mission Furniture In Settees, Arm Chairs, Rock? ers, Tables, &c-Couches, Settees, Easy Chairs, Rockers. Dressing Tables, Cheval Glasses, Writing Desks, ? all prices-Special display of Eight day Chime Clocks by Elliott of London, . and notable American makers. R.J. Horner& Co., Furniture Maker? nnd Importer?, 61-6i> ??. 23d St., Now York (Attjotnlne i;?len Mueee) electric railway nnd power transmission work nnd tho dopigli nnd erection of plants for these purposes, Mr. TrnlTord has tile advantage of :i thorough tec'ni!? cnl trnlnlng, and his ability has been recognized by tho American instituto of Electrical Engineers, the highest authori? ty In electrical matters, of which he Is ono of tho few .G?ill members resident In tho Southern Stntes. INTEREST INO EXERCISES Altar of Ivanhoe Lodge to Be Dedicated nt Lee Camp Hall. Interesting ceremonies will be hold to? morrow night upon tlio occasion of tho dedication of the new altar of Ivanhoe Lodge, K. of P., at Lee Camp Hall. All visiting Pythlo.ns will be welcomed. Mr. Jefferson Wallace will presido nnd Cap tnln Cunningham will sing the ode, Tho dedication address will be mado by Rov. John H. Dickinson, the grand prelato of Virglnln. A FAN DRILL Pleasant Event at Northside Hall on June 9th. A fan drill will be given at Northsido Hall, Highland Park, Juno flth by tho Indies of Ascension Guild for the honelit of .Ascension Chapel. Refreshments will be served. Tho occasion will be an ex? ceedingly pleasant one. An Alleged Faikr, A short and thjn very dark negro with a slight mustache has been for some time past and at tho presont timo Is engaged In going from houso to houso (sometimes saying somo" one sent hltn there, using the name of somo ono in tho Immediate vicinity) with a long tale of woe of hav? ing been burnt out, losing everything, In? cluding his homo, will? h he describes as being in the country, near the city. He carries a basket and solicits contribu? tions of money, clothing or anything you wish to bestow. ;IL has been proven that this darkey is a fraud, and has been working this scheme In different parts of the city for some timo past. Enjoyable Time. Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hi? bernians, will spend on enjoyable evening on June lot.h Bit Lee Camp Hall. An ela? borate programme Is being arranged and a feast of mirth and music will prevail. To Send in List. Captain F. W. Cunningham, collector of city tuxes, will on Friday send In the list of delinquents to the I'ollco Court for action by that tribunal. INSPECTION OF POLICE FORCE Large Number of Officers to Be Elected by the Board This Afternoon. Richmond's "finest" will be on roview to-day. The semi-annual inspection of the Police Department will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The olllcors will bo Inspected at the three stations bv the commisloner.N of tho various districts. Immediately after tho Inspection the board will meet In regular monthly ses? sion, at which iline one-third of the mem? bers of tho forco will come up for re-elec? tion. No other business o ispe?la.! noie Is Hablo to com?? up. As there are no charges against any of the Incumbents, there is no doubt that all of thorn will be re-elected. Those whoso terms ex? pire this month are: Major Howard and (.'lerk George Pollock, at headqunrtorse; First Districi ?Sergeant Korso; Privates Brown, Duggins, Pendleton, Ogllvr,"? Criunp, Bailey, Vest, Talley, Robinson. Lamichi, Minor; ?Second District?Sergeant Talley; Privates Nelsz, Toler, Bitfelds, Polticux, Sweeney, Cox, Wiley, Walton, Bryant; Tlilnl District, Sergeant McMo hon; Pr?valos Thomas, Mattern, Pillow, Maiithows, Krouse, Keith. Tho members of tho board In their in? spection will ba distributed ns follows: First District?Commissioners Wolsh anil Manning; Second District? Commlsionors Bosher nnd McCarthy: Third District? Commissioners Whlttett, Jacob and Lan derlcln. orrhloBB ceiniplexloQ pondere ?nd 10 Hone, contn liilni,? jiolaoiih nnd other Injur?eme enl?stame. ? your fume Is ilitllKuroil with l.lnck hearts und pimplas, nr .min? ?ekln is red, rough or <>11y, I cnn Bend yen n recipe thut I? ? positive cure. It Ih burinions ?nil you ?an prepare it nt u coat of 10 cent?, It draws and tlghloiiu tha sVln. Recipe, 85 cents. GRAY KAIlt MADE BLACK OR BROWN, 2. If y?.ur hair ls gray or turning gray ?ve have a formula feir ? preparation Ihn I Will ???? ti?eiy restore the kr?y hairs to iiiclr natural coliir; alto miikeia Ihn hair grow anil leiok i-'ft ?ud gle.-sy. Il riininln? no sulphur, migar of itati, nitrato silver, or poison? of any kind. It will not rub off, la not Blick}?, ellrty or gummy. You ran propere it at post P? a 'ow cent?. Mo c'lpo. 25 renia. FACE BLEAOIC. 3. l'or U5 c?-nt? 1 will sonel the furmulu for a face blocb. Wo guari,atee It lo remove freckle? and all iltti'?!u-.itli.u? (itiin ?-kin I'm ite|?!? for u few ri-uta. r'ACIAL CREAM. 4. A uirat ufrueiiiiil r.i'.d doligbtful preparation liny and bsautltjin*? thu ukln. uovmu \ 11?-? Ijm, 25 111 |l flr.l!li|:, BUST DEVELOPER. ?. Tfcei formula for i'iilsrgliig t"e huat ?nd fill out hollow? lu chest, nack a'irt f,."? ls ?luipl?, Ii,. . ;.".?!?? ?.nd HUrn. III'-,;?'. 25 ?OUti. HAIR GROWER, ?. Tim simplest thing DU carlo, iiinkun tt grow at one?, ?tenie lu fulling oat, pi?ve>ntH dandruff and tialdntas. i.'iu pi'?|/aru 1*. fjr a few cenle. ItCClp?, ?Kl c?fit?. WRINKLES, 7. lliii prouurutloa ls an luf?ll?ble> wrinkl? romeiror, turf.-'-tly l.'rn.Vi? und lue-x'ponslvei. After once lisina It you will not lio without lt. ltcclpe, ?G. cent,., PRETTY EYEBHOWB. S. Alni long, drooping lashes muy ho grown and thickened, itucipe, 25 cants. DISCOVERED, 0, A face watli thnt will remoro that greasy. Illlny look from tlie ?kill und li'uvo It soft emit white In five mitin ? c-a lifter ?ashing. In a week roPIOVOS all discoloretlontl huiuless; cost ? cunts to preparo enough to hint six months, Itcclpe, 25 cents, 8U1?ERFL0US HAIR, 10, On faco neck une! arms quickly dissolved and removed iilihout pain or discoloration; ali? solute removal lu .'I minutes, ltecipn, 25 conte, BLONDINE, 11, Kor ?5 cents we ?end safe recipe to bloif dine the hair, making tho hnlr any ?hade, soft a? ?HU nini orinimi; inexpensive. BOIT WHITE HANDS. 12 Tbc ro?-rlirat, hardest or reddest hand? nnd? "Mie In ?. few night?; inexpensive. Ite J.' liixees.hti ? .-rsolruilin of tho feet ond arm? pits positiv*,))- ? urtiti without closing poroe?. liusis u few Cunta to pre.psre It. Heclpt), 85 cine?. 11 1 or 85 cent? I will ?end you ? recipe feir m?kln; n hnlr e,;rllug liquid; will keep hair in crimp In all kinds of wuntber: inexpensive?. Rtt-lri-.-. nut l.i pl'iln scslaS envelop?, price ";. centi neh, :; for 00 cent?*-, *1 for ffl, all for I lf2; stain?.? mu.-c or I*. 0. ordor. Tbosu re j cip??, simple, ??tu ilo ell we elaiua for them. All i (Ivueglstf, kell Un?? lngiedie'iils. Recipe? all "liiffureiit. I Addite? all ordert 802 ?. Carey St., Baltimore, Md. HONORS FOR FAIR GIRLS Medals.Diplomasand Degrees to Woman's College Students EXERCISES AT ACADEMY Pretty Sceno and Most Interesting Fea? tures Mark the Close of an Excel? lent Session?Fine Address by Dr. Cecil. Tho last acts in the Woman's College commencement of 1003 wero played last afternoon and evening, Tho curtain was ring down, tho lights turned off, and the sweet girl graduates may now bo thought of as having passed from the portals of their alma mater to the big world which lies outside of nnd beyond It. The conferring of diplomas, medals and degrees and tho delivery of tho annual ad? dress by Rev. Dr. RtisHoll Cecil, of tho Second Presbyterian Church, nt tho Acad? omy of Music yesterday afternoon were Impressive nnd Interesting to the last degree. A very largo nudlonco flllod the building, nnd the curtain rose with Dr. Nelson, the principal of tho coll?ge, the degree students, tho trustees, Dr. Cecil and others sentcd upon the platform. DIPLOMAS AWARDED. The orchestra burst Into harmonious strains, and the applause was spontnne ous unii sincero. Rev. Dr. Cooper, of the First Baptist Church, made the opening prayer, Then, after a few remarke from Dr Nelson, the dean of tho faculty, Pro? fessor C. B. Garnett, delivered tho diplo? mas to the students who wero entitled to them. The young ladles filed to the front of tho stage, stood up In their pretty white gowns, received tholr diplomas and their flowers, then passed out to occupy tlio boxes and logo chairs to the right of tho entrance. The boxes opposite were filled by Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. Candler nnd members of tho faculty. Friends ot the graduates occupied tho upper boxes. The awarding of medals caino next. Dr. Whltsltt, of Richmond College, presented tho modal donated by the faculty of the college to Miss Mabel Walker, of King nnd Queen, for the best poem published In tho Chisel. Tho remarks with which Dr. Whltsltt graced his presentation were exceedingly well judged and appropriate. Mr. Frank P. Brent delivered to Miss Madge Irene Bowie, of Caroline county, the medal given by Mr. John Garland Pollard for the best essay contributed to the Chisel during tho pa-st year. Mr. Brent considered authorship In Its truo sonso the finest of the arts, and eloquent? ly pointed Miss Bowie to Homer. Dante, Shakespeare nnd Ralph Waldo Emerson a:, worthy exemplars of youth. The elocution medal, donated by Mr. ?T. D. Crump, president of the Board of Trustees, was presented to Miss Ruth ?T. Turner, of Emporla, Va., by Mr. D. C. O'Flahcrty in some especially neat and well turned sentences, which fell most aptly on the ear. The medalists were all remembered most handsomely In floral -offerings by tholr friends and admirers. Tho degrees were next handed Dr. Nelson by Mr. C. B. Garnett. The Doctor In his turn bestowed them upon tho graduates, saying somo kind and pleas? ant thing to each one as he did so. The giving out of the degrees was the signal for flowers, roses white and roses red; carnations, sweet peas, baskets, bou? quets and showers, so thaf the lino of grnduatcs had the stago In front of their scats well heaped with fragrant mounds. DR. CECIL'S ADDRESS. Tho. flnnl feature was the delivery of tho annual address, a masterpiece ' of sound philosophy and splendid rhetoric on tho pnrt of Dr. Cecil. Then the or? chestra's glad strains were heard again, and the girls went slowly out from the scene of tho greatest triumph of their young lives. At tho reception, which was held in the college parlors last night, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson, the faculty nnd tbe gradu? ales received the mnny visitors who came to offer congratulations and fo.eay good? bye. CROSSES OF HONOR FOR THE VETERANS This evening at 8:30 o'clock tho Rich? mond Chapter, Daughlt,.?* of the Con? federacy, will meet at Lee Camp Hall for tlio purpose of conferring the crosses of honor upon thoso veterans who havo not yet received them. Seats will bo reserved for tho veterans of Leo nnd Plckett Camps and tho Sons of Veter? ans nlso members of all Confederate organizations who wear ttm.r badges. Bishop Ke.lley. of Savannah, .ya.. Is on?' of tho out-of-town visitors expected. This is the programme to be rendered: Prayer by the chaplain. Music?Solocted, In charge of Captain Cunningham. Rending of Confederate bazaar report by Mrs. Stephen Putney, associate presi? dent. Informal address, Judge Georgo L, Christian, Advisory Board, I. D. ?.?. Reading of rules governing Crosso? of Honor and call of tho roll of veterans by Adjutant J. Taylor Strntton. Crosses presented to veterans by pres? ident of chapter, assisted by presidents of memorial associations. Muslc-Slocted. Informal speeches by visiting veterans. Auld Lnng Syne, Captain Cunningham; chorus by the assembly. YOUNQ ??? LICENSED Meeting at East Hanover Presbytery Held on Monday. At a meeting of East Hanover Presby? tery held Monday morning In the Second l'resbyterlan Church, Mr. Michaux Baino, of Dnnvillo, was licensed 10 preach. Tho young candidate was received from the Roanoke Presbytery. He was ex? amined on personal piety, motives for entering tho ministry, Latin, Greek, He? brew, natural and exact sciences, men? tal and moral philosophy and ethics, theology, church history, Ihe sacrements, church government, English Bible, popu? lar Ioduro and sermon. Mr. Ralno will tako charge of the Niim ozene Church, consisting of two congre? gations, one in Amelia and one in D|n wlddle. Tho churches are a portion of the chargo of the lato Dr. T. T, Jones. Richmonders In New York, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspalcli.) NEW YORK. June 2.?Waldorf, W. II. Parrlsh; Albert, T. Hutzlor; Now Ann-tor. dam M. J. Reynolds nnd wife; Hoffman. S. ?. Morgan: Holland, V. Newton nnd wife; Grand Union, T. W. Shopherd. THE PARKS NOW GETTING POPULAR The Amusement Features j Are. Now Running at Full Blast. All of the narks in t-nd around Rich .mond ae well aa Ferndale Park, In Po? tei ?burg, now have on their full summer regallft, and hundreds of people evory eve? ning Book shady nooks In their bound.? to ro?f, pick flowers or enjoy tho fresh air and exercise. The amusement features at the ?teeorvolr and Forest Hill parks Vare now running full blast. We Carry in Stock, ready for prompt delivery, everything necessary for formal or somi-formal occasions? Swallow Tail and Tuxedo Suits?Princo Albert Coats and Vests, with suitable trousers?White Dress Vests?E. & W. Dress Shirts and Col? lars? Fownes' and Dent's English Gloves, and everything else that is high-class and correct, inclading Hats of the celebratod "Knox" make, in Tuxedo, Silk and Opera Shapes. Ready - made, does not aptly express our Clothes?they are Tailor-made, but ready to wear. Wn?~ CHARGED WITH RUNNING POLICY Charlie White and Tom King will Tell Their Story June 10th?Police Court Sergeant Sowell and Ofllcer Wyatt had an alleged policy case before. 'Squlro Graves in the Pollco Court yesterday morning, but for further evidence it went over to June 10th. Charlie Whlto and Tom Kin**?, colored, n-ro the men accused, They urn satisfied they cun provo their Innocence, and tho ofllcers arc satisfied they can provo tho guilt. Kd. Beasley and George Elllnger, two young white men, wero placed under bonds for thirty days as suspicious char? acters. Alberta. Cook and Radio Howard wero treated In like manner on a similar charge. ? John Thomas, alias John Grlnnagc, wan sont to Jail for four months on the charge of taking a bicycle belonging to N. E. Woods. B. Pollard beat Alex. Lipscomb, and It cost him ?10. Albert Harris was dlsorderlv $2.&o worth. KWmanucl Ross paid ?2.L0 for being caught In a gamo of craps, and Jnmes Ron was charged ?10 for being disorder? ly In tho street. Prossor Taylor and Martha Anne Tay? lor were each fined ?2.B0 for being disor? derly on the street. A. few drunks wero disposed of as us \Chesinut jPiii and | Jiighiand !Par/c \ \ ?:~r"i'i"i"r"i"i'.i-i"i??-i?-i^?^^~j~|~i..]_',?..|..?,?^^ The <*-h!!dren's day exorcises were cele? brated at Mlzpah Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock. A very Interesting programme was arrang-.d which r-onslsted of music and rocitat onti. Among tho young people who took part ?nay bo^ montlone-d Misses Hattle ami I? lora Goodwin, Carrie Rennto. Janio Gaines, Llzzio and Ruth Bowman, Roy and Emily Cross; Meters. Clavtor Holla day, Roy Bowman, Frank Rennlo and Ernest Warrlnor. A very Interesting ad? dress was made by Mr. England, which was enjoyed by all present. The rehearsals for tho drill to be given on June 8th, at Northslde Hnll, nie being continued with much success, under tlio skillful management of Mr. Georgo Sk p wlth. Tlie next rehearsul will bo nt tlio hall on Thursday afternoon nt d o'clock. All those, who expool to tako part aro earnestly requestod to bo present. Miss Emma Redford has returned homo after a pleasant visit to her cousin, Sirs. Charles L. Eubank, ot No. 411 Seconel Avenue. Rev. Mr. Bruner and? family are spend? ing tho summer months with friends on tho hill. Mrs. AVllllam B. Catlin, who has been visiting her ?Laughter, Mrs. Tuck??-?, will* return to her home on Fourth Avenuo In a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence S. Ltvesay, of Third Avenuo and Willow Street, hnvo moved into their new homo on Soutn Fifth Street, Richmond. Miss Annlo Von Levorin. who spent the month of May with her friend. Miss Blanche? Tiller, has returned to her home, In Philadelphia. Miss Grace Frltzsche, of Fifth Avenue, who has been quite sick, continues to Improve, Mrs. Jeihn Spratley, of Surry, is visit? ili? her brothor-ln-law In Highland Paik. Mrs. R. Y. Mexico will bo lho guest of Mrs. William Spratley, of Highland Park, this week. Misses Nettle nnd Beulah ???-k. of .Gloucester, are visiting tlie MIfhos Wat kins, of Third Avenuo anil Al?i?-r Streot. Mrs. Charles Lambert, of Fifth Avenue, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Justice, of I'owhatan county, has ro? ttimeli homo. Mr. Hoi-aco F. Baker, formerly with M. Rosonbaiim ??-, Son. has accepted a po? sition aa drummer with M. Cohen & Co., and will leavo the city in a few einys. Rev. B, A. Potts, former pastor of Highland Park Methodist Churoh, now of WJlllam?burg, paid a visit to friends on the "Hill"; Monday. Miss Fllppln. nf Farmvllle, Is the guest of her cousin, MUss Elizabeth Boggs, of Highland Park. ???? Tho members of Highland Park Church havo decided to hold their annual plcnio Juno '.'(?th, at Wewst Point. Miss Crowder, of King AVllllam. Is tho guest of ln.T aunt in Highland Park. ?"Mrs. Benjamin R. Catlin, of Fourtli Avenue, who has beon sick. Is convalesc? ing. , :'." ?J. ? ' . l'ungi midweek services at Mlzpah Presbyterian ChurCh to-morrow (Thurs? day' "night ut 8:15 o'clock, conducted by the paator. tho Bo v. D. K. Walthall. Rev. J. B. Askew has returned after a pleasant visit te? his old friends In Car. olino county, Mr. Moore, of Gloucester, who has been visiting his friend, Mr. Tom Wat? klns. of Third Avenue, has returned tc 1 Mjy Frank and Mr, John Paul, of Tox ??, are visiting their aunt. Mi's. ?.. 1;. Mosby of Fourth Avenue. Chestnut Hill. Mr. Charles W. Wlngfleld. of Illglilni.d Park has returned to his home, after a visit to frieiuls In Now Jersey. Mr J. C. Howinttn, of Fourtli Avenue, manager of tho Arllantic and Pacific ? a store had the misfortune to sprain hi.-i ankle at the Masonic Temple. delegatIsto t. p. a. convention On Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Richmond delegation to tho National Con? vention T. P. A? ? will leave over the Chesapeake and Ohio for Indianapolis where tho convention will ho In. session .from Juno 9th to ,11th? ,, - ,, ? In the will be: Mr. and Mrs. H. Eoe Lorraine, Colonel John S. Har wood, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ????, H. L. Harwood, Joseph Wnllersteln. Mise , Ella Gibson with Mrs. Lorraine. Robert S. Crump, C. H. Harris. ,? ? At the various points the party will be Joined by other Virginia delegate'??. In? cluding Messrs. W. T. Baugh. 8. W. Pi ich. I ard and T? S. Beck with, of Petersburg; Hairy Kirk, of Alexandria: D. L. 'Irayn- | ham, of South Boston; John Oldsby, of ? Lynchburg; Croes, of Suffolk. The -Richmond party will carry two Pullman cars through to Indianapolis. At < Gordonsvlllo the Maryland delegation will Join tho party and at Clifton Forge the I North Carolina party will Join. FRANKLIN-ST. HOUSE CHANGES HANDS GranvllleValentlnePaysSlO.? 500 for 114 E. Franklin. Other Realty Sales. ?Mesera. McVeigh and Glinn, real estate agents, yesterday closed the deal by which they sold rcsldonce No. 114 ICast Franklin, owned by Mr. John K. Jones, to Mr. (Jranvlllo G. Valentine. The prl?o wa-a ?,10,600. It Is understood that Mr. Val entin? bought the houso as an Invest? ment. The Real Estato Trust Company recently eold 26 feet on tho north sido ot Floyd Avenue, between Cherry and Lin? den, for Mr. A; J. Dodnmoad, an out-of town client, to Mr. J. E. Etchlson. But a. short while before that Mr. Etchlson bought another piece of property close by. Ho will at once erect two residences to cost about JIO.O/J. Tho Real Enlato Trust Company a few ?leys ago sold for tho Wendlinger estate a brick store at tho corner of linker and Third Streets. Tho Mechanics Sav? ings Bank bought it. Mr. W. T. Hancock has ?old through tho Heul Estate Trust Company M feet on the northwest corner of Grove Road and Mulberry to Mr. Shelton W. Davis, who buys as nn Investment, as tho prop? erty sold nt i3ii a foot; hns water, sewers, street and all convenience?. This wu.s ixinsidored a reasonable price for this property. The well-known Westham granite ?mar? ries, on James Illver, In Chestorilr-ld coun? ty, will bo offered for sale by the Real Estate Trust Company ?omo time this month, tho exact dato of which has not yet been announced. BOND ISSUE FOR GOOD ROADS VOTED DOWN ?Sc.Ttil tn Th. TlineK-ni.'intrh.) ORANGE. VA?, Juno 2.?At the good roads' election hero -Monday tho question of Issuing bonds to the amount of one hundrr;d thousand dollar? for macudamlz ing the public roads of tho county wae overwhelmingly defeated. Orange gives ~, 2maJority; Hallo, (O; Union villo, f2; La? hore, 73, and (?ordonsvlllo, !>2 against It. ii RED TAG SALE ! Messrs. W. M. Gihnoro, Geo. Atkin? son, W. W. Abernnthy, W. K. Robertson, A. T. Harris and other Salesmen: Gentlemen?Attach ? Red Tag to the attached list of (roods found upon your respective floors, and dis? pose of each article at reduced prico ny allowing 33 1-8 per cent, off regu? lar price. If any article does not move readily, out to such price as will movo it. You muy circularize to the public to reasonable extent in order to moke quick snles. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY. Messrs. Sytlnor?? Hundley: Gents?Aro you aware thnt you have ordered Red Tags put upon many goo?l values and in a nuinber of cases goods recently received. W. M. GILMORB AND OTHERS. Mr. W. M. Gihnoro nnd Others: Yes, wo know what you sny is true, but wo wish tho ?took reduced ior the summer season without ro? garli to valuo. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY. To the Public : Tho list of articles referred to nbos't; is too large to publish. It in? cludes every variety of Woods, and is largely composed of line goods, INCLUDING: 6 Fine Mahogany Suites, 3 Walnut Suites, 8 Nice Golden Oak Suites, 2 Birdeye Maple Suites, 1 Curly Birch Suite, About 100 Beds, 25 Bureaus, 75 Wash-stands, 20 Tables, 12 Wardrobes, 50 Rocking Chairs, Odd Chairs, 50 Pieces of Parlor Furniture 12 Hall Racks, Library Tables, Folding Beds, Reed Rockers, Shaving Stands, Qo-Carts, 12 Dressing Tables. Chiffoniers, Sideboards, OiningTables, OlningChairs China Cabinets, Combination Cases, ?i Glass Top Iron Hospital Tables. Library Suites, Settees, Chairs, Ladies' Desks, Brass and Iron Beds. Cellarettes, Davenports. Couches, Folding Crib Beds, Etc., Etc., Etc. BEGINS MAY 18th. W. M. GILMORE, GEO. ATKINSON. W. W. ABERNATHY, W. Ti. ROBERTSON, A. T. HA H It IS.