Newspaper Page Text
HELP WANTED?FEMALE. i?~? (COPY LETTERS nt hm-n?i ?IS, pnld 8l?li>t stamped envelope for sample letter. VBB1TBAN CO., .14 Park Rov-, Now York. ???WE WANT experienced saleswomen, unti per raiment |vrt*.lll..n?? punrnntoi'il lo tilt? rieht par? ties; non?? luit flrst-olas*. Intelligent np'ilU-nntn Will be con?ldored. Arply to ?????,?'.?. Mlllor A hhiMnl?. .WANTED, ? COOK. Apply ut Dr. R. A. PAT SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. AV ACCOMPLISHED LADY nnd elegant Musl~ dun of Ions oxperl'tipp will tench fur lirr tavird In ?om? ploneflfll Virginia fmnlly during nuniincr. Address VIRGINIAN, 42s I'enrhti-ep Street. Atlnntn, On. HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTED, MALE STENOGRAPHER; youiiR man about twenty yenr?*; good, rnpld ??????p????t nm) typewriter, ono with experience In tic? counting preferred: state rli'iirly up.?. experi? ence, rpfprpnPe? awl snlnry wnnloil. .tUNIUK, ?? this nfTIco. WANTEd7 Stork Men ?nd Boys. .Apply at ?317 Kn?t itrnnil Streot. WANTED, a sober, cnorgetlc young man as trav? oltili* aa Iceman ; ono ?lin ??p? limi experience Tfllli hardware or aiuto trade preferred; ref oronoo. Address S.. euro Box 388. WANTED, a younr. MAN. not o??or thirty yoars of nfio. n? mi Individuili ix-nik keeper for lunik; only those ?nuli ?- experience nppd npply. Mnko application, In own handwriting, (tifine experience nnd references, to SCHMELZ ??????., Rnnliors. Hiimptoii, Vu. lABORER? WANTED. Ono ?rst-rlass ratlronil prndo FOREMAN at ?7G. por monili. ?In. nm brini- with htm 2? flrnt-class practical grade lnborer?. at ?.t dny. ,T. W. DAWSON, ???. Mgr., Kelly? rrook und Northwestern Ry.. Coder (.rovo, Kannwhn co., W. Vn. WANTED, Drat CLERK, who can and will Work; nono other need npply; must ho com? p?tent, soher, quick nnd correct; single mnn preferred; position permnnent; rare chance for the right mnn. Applications must Mitte experience, covering entire connection with the drop business, pive reference, full particulars nnd reasons for deslrlnp ? change. Address li. Y. X. DRUGS, ??? 748, Roanoke, Vn. LOST. XOBT?Wilt? Setter DOOi iheared, bushy tall, left eye nnd hind lop Injured; he'e no pood to anybody hut mo. Piense return him to CHAS. ?. COOKE. 1107 E. Mnln. LOST?June 2d, a Brown Cooker SPANIEL. Wore collar nnd ll-nfl medal. No. 84G.0. Answers to the name "Prince." Sellable reward If re? turned to No. 117 ?. Orneo Street. ?LOBT?TAN P0CKETB00K, with chain attach? ed, containing nbout ?Mil nrd pair kid plovps nnd trunk check, ?t the C. it? O. Depot yostor dnv afternoon, Juno 2d. Howard If returned to No. ??? N. Twenty-third Street. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. AN EXPERIENCED,'"all-around hotol man is open for auunnnr enpagement. Address HOTEL. 501) Fifth Slreet, Lynchburg, Vn. WANTED, by registered pharmaolst of good standing, position ns mnnnper: host references. Address PHAItMACETINB, care this office. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED, Ocoupanta for three furnished ROOMS, second door, with board; prlvnte fam lly; reference? exchanged. Apply IOS N. Fifth Streot. BUSINESS WANTS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS: 2 QUART, $1.38; 8 quart, ?l.68; 4 quart, J1.98; 6 quart, J2.48. T. J. KINO CO., 60S East Marshall, SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED. Traveling SALESMAN for E*?t Ten? nessee, **fi?trrii Kentucky, Northwestern Vlr? g?nln: ?me ???iiorlenccd In mill nnel fni'tnry supplies; stnte ngc, ?>???t|?-????0, snlnry expect ni eme) reference. THE QUEEN CITY Sill?? I't.V CO,, Cincinnati. O. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE TLACE TO BUY RPR INK!,IN O Linio, Plaster. Cement, etc.. Is at C. B. HARPER HARDWARE CO., f,12 East Marshall. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY?W?e can ?ell your reni estate or business wlinrovor li?onlcd: we Ine-eirpeirnte? nnil liont stuck roiiiniinli?*. Write Its. HOltATin Ull.llKItT ?: CO., RUtcott Square. ?????G???. FOR RENT. 1*0? RENI??Wont Graco-Streot Roildenoc?? will rent tee .1 family ?llliiut children for si mor ninnili?; un elegantly furnished West ?? ?ion.Street ItertldMce, I?or full particulars nelelross P. 0. llnx 14. city. FOR RENT?At 14 W. Main 8trne;t, ?t low rulos fen? tho s'lininer ninnili?, 2, ft, 4 Off fi wi fii-'ilslioil ItOOMSi e'lin ho r.'iiloil together nr separate ly; rewims nri' large nnil ecool, FOR SALE. FOR SALE?Thoroughbred Mare, and Ooldlng, 1G.-2, ? ye-nrs. well in.ili-lii'il, boiilltltlll bright liny?, wpll broke In harness, R.nid fendili.' lieirsos nini semini; man? splendili iMnihlttntlnn lieersc, gelding good Jumper nnd fust; nisei sev ernl Reniti Ponies. DUNCAN WItlliHT, Pe? tersburg. FOR BALE?Twenty (20) gallons of MILK per ?lay. Address WI11TH? STOCK FARM, llox 170. city. F***-**t SALE. FOR SALE?New No. 10 BAR-LOCK, little, used, for beat offer. Address nt once ?. ?., care this ?fri??*. ROOMS FOR ReNtT^ FOR RENT?At Fot-est Hill, two furnished ROOMS hi irinth'tni'ii. or furnished Flat, fe'iir rooms, suitable for housekeeping; pnrly with out children. JAMES, care this office. SUMMER BOARDF.RS. depot; ?lincei telephone |n house. Address Mr?. C. W. IH1NNAI.I.Y. t/'Ulsn. Vs. WANTED. RUMMER BOAttDERS by private family i delightful tubi.?; tnrg.?. nlry res.ins; one and ? half miles from e-ololirnti'il Farmvllle I.lthln Springs; dully rmuej alice to ili'iml; nilnlls prefcrii'il. Miss AOD1B V UN? ARM', Fniinvllli?. Va. SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED In the suburbs of the city; Itirgo. shndy yard and porch; ??>??? fan?; no I'lilbhen; ????? roomi! $0 ?veek. Apply lo Mrs. .1. II. lll.ACKLKY, 28 Wlllthtop Street, Stniinton, Vil WANTED. WANTED, to rent for one year, with option of purchase, truck G???, Mi to 12.*. seres I near lllchmniKl prefnired, but not nhsnliilply nevi'? snry. State price, ternis, buildings, nitida and all particulars. It. I. M., llnx 607. Rich? menni. Vn, WANTED, to buy a good second-hand BICYCLE ? for a Indy; alato make, price nnil condition? Albires!? f. O. llnx SS.'I, city. WANTED, Washing to do nt home by good liiuiulrese. No. 1?10S West Leigh Street. These roosters helonp* to Farmer Smith. Do you see him? Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Times-Dispatch: The mule is formed hy the white space between the two Usures looking from the 'op of the picture. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A lady or mnrrled roupie to tnko chnrfi-o of a strictly rirst-rlnpf Iioiipo near Olii Point Comfort, for fmir month*?; Is Ihnr oiighy furnlRh??!; has excellent servants; accommodates tlilrtv i?iipsIi; hnnlt nnil pcrsotinl reference*? exchanged! Interview on thn premises ri?nuesioil. Auilt?ss Box ?If., Old Point Comfort, Va. Ask at this office for circular. WANTED, to buy Household Effects, Foi Beds. Mer.'hnn.llse; state quantity, tlox WANTED, HORSES for pasturage! prie?, to pet month. Address BARNEY, ?lamento??.,, Va. WANTED, Furniture to atoro. Addres? STOR? AOE, enrn till*, office. WANTED, to buy FEATHER BED8 In Poter?? burp and Hlchmond; cosh pal?!. 'Phone ?781. Adiircss rJABPBR BROS., l205Mj W. Mnln St., city. BUSINESS WANTS. DON'T THROW AWAY your old book?, pamp-i? Irle, paper?, etc., I buy them. ?. ?. Il-i>. 7M Enst Cary. _. ??G? CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPP'B, 110 ?. Ninth Street. ITAXENE, the only durable Boor polleh.TAN. NBR PAINT 4 OIL CO.. Ut? ?. Mnln Streot. T?D??S7 COLUMN".'_ SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'B, UO N. Ninth Street. BETETR than (looters nnd mod loin*??DANIELS mptliral of deep breathing anil ,phyelcnl Citi" ture. ? coats nothing t" luvcellgnte; Q-.7 E. Prend _ _ MISCELLA? EOUST_ SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Stroet. . MORPHINE, Lauaanum, Oocalno and Liquor hnhlis permanently nnd painlessly run?., nt home; no detention from business; notion ?ni nielliate; louve* patient In nntnrnl, ??-iiltHy condition without desl?e for drugs; cure ?iinir nntPcil for $10.00. Write for particulars, ?r. I.ONO CO.. Atlnntn. On._ TO BE An Aotor or Actress Take THe'iBhMtjjit ronil to the atnge vln DANIELS' S0H00D 01 ACTING; roost complete school In the South, private liipntre In connection: 027 13?. Broad. POULTRY NETTINO. 2C. PER YARD nt C. B. 1IARPBR HA It DWARK CO., 51?. East Marshall. ?SCREEN DOORS CO.MPL-ETE, WITH iilnups, 7fic; Window Screens, 23c. at J. T. KINO OO.. 60S East Marshall. SHEPHERD'S "Bpoolal." You Eat and Drin* It. HARRY Made Porco With His Mother-In-Law by taking her to DOYLE'S CAFE, whero thoy servo the best drinks In city to ludica and gents. Eevonth Hnd Ilrond. AWNINGS AND TENTS. OUR PRICES Aro the Lowest; 'Phone 8570 and we will cnll. M. O. COPELA.NI) CO., 1US N. Ninth Street.? BARGAINS. ARE YOU looking for BARGAINS In Clothing 1 Try the BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE, 108 East Broad Streot. Cauli or Credit Clotblns no?ise. BICYCLES, AC. JOE, JOE,The Bloyolu Mi-n?Always eomethlng doing In lowest, prices, Inrgest stock, best workmanship; ?Ovcrythlni* up-to-date In 'Bicy? cles, etc. BICKEttSTAFF'S?One Store?1803 Enst Mnln. LEWIS' (See MAIN) NEW SHOP. Clean Hlinv??. Try LEWIS. NEW SHOP. TH?TbEST SERVICE. At LEWIS'. 828 Mnln. BREAD. TRY THE PULLMAN 1,0 AF. The Jefferson nnd other prominent chilis, hotels, etc.. uso It; also Hoine-mnelo French, Vienna unii {?or man Uve Prend, fnkes and l'Ics made by MIJEl.L'ER'fl NBW YORK ???????. No. 410 Weift Rrnnil: 'phono 2580? freo delivery. CASH OR CREDIT. WE OAN SAVE you money and sell you Men'?, Ileiya' nnd Children'? Clothing, lints nnd Fur? nishing (limila on easy torma. Do not com? pare our price trilli other ensh or credit storca, hut with the cheniieat spot ensh atom In the City. BALTIMORE BARGAIN HOUSE. 108 B. innati Street, muli or Credit Clothing llemse. DENTISTRY. H. V. DES PORTES. D. D. S? 625 E. MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 200. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS?Jameatown Island Can Re Rent? ed for excursions. For terms, etc., apply to (j. J. UAItNEY. Mondowvlllo. Va, EVERYBODY'S COLUMN,_ WINDOW SCREENS, fficTi DOOR Screens complete, with hinges, 75c. C. B. HARPER HARDWARE CO.? ??12 Enst FLOOR STAIN8. FLOOR STAINS, All Shad.TANNER PAINT He OH, CO., 1*10 Bunt Mnln Street._ r ???G?^??????????. pop "sale-blue- "flame 2-BURNER Oil Stove, ?fi.70, at J. T. KINO CO.. 60S Eant Marshall. $2.60 BUYS A ?3.50 LAWN MOWER; quality guaranteed. C. B| HARPER HARDWARE CO.. 512 E. Mnrshnll. GENTS* COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING That Now 8ult oome and boo the nice ?Suriment lit Sixth and Mnln. Suits, tlfi up: Trous-?*, ?5 up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Clint. A. Spence, Manager. HAND-MADE SHOE8. VICI, PATENT Leather or Kid Shoe? Made to order; hand stltcheel; beat material: work mushlp nil perfect fit gtiiirniiteed, for J8.B0. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE. 1110 East Main. LAWN MOWERS. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and Repaired at N. FI" BLI'N'NKR'S, 810 N. Fifth Street. OXFORD SHOES. LADIES' Fine Oxford Tie? at ?1.00. ALBERT STEIN, corner Fifth and Rrond Street?. PERSONALS. SOFT OREAM CANDY. AT KAEMPF'B, 110 N. Ninth Stroet. HAVE YOU TRIED Doyle'? Deviled Crab? The he-st you ever touted. DOYLE'S LADIES' * GENTS' CA1*E. comer Seventh and Broad. LADIES' Chea ta and Bust? Doveloped (no mat hiikci; re-iulta iioaltlvtely f-tinrniitet-di beat city reference: lndy nlwnye In attendance. DAN? IELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE, 627 E. Broad. ? PRINTING. CHEAPEST Printing Houao in Rlohmond; Work strictly flrst-clMI nnd U|i to-.late. Telephone a.1-11 if you hnvp any rfoubta, nnd we will convince you that wc can save yon money. Tliia affect? your pocketbook, ?o keep ua In mind. HARRIS PRINTING CO., 1803 Bust Franklin Street. PASTURAGE. FINE PASTURAOE, Wator and Shed*, ?J8 per month! $2 for rccclvlii-r nnd delivering In Richmond. Address 8. MASON, Dry Bridge, Vn. PAPER NOVELTIES. PAPER FLOWERS. DESIGNS, FAVORS, HATS, etc. Mr?. PULLEY, ?20 Vf. Broad St. Ph. 872*1. SPECIAL NOTICE. BOFT OREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'B, 110 N. Ninth Street. LADIES' Dlnlng-Rooom at DOYLE'S Cafo (Oor? nor Rroid and Seventh), where, hhst drinks In the city served to Iniilcs and gent?. ' MENS SHOES HALF SOLED. 7*0.1 Indies, 00c.? restii cborl, no nnlls. no pen?, best leather. DREW'S .? ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main Street. 'Phone ZWT. Will call and de? liver. This Advertisement Rood for 10c, SHEPHERD'B Ice Cream Parlor??405 E. Broad. SUITS TO ORDER. 'EVERY STITCH Mtde In Richmond." Nice assortment of Suit?, fir. up; Trousers, $5 up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Sixth and Mnlu. Charlea A. Bpencc, Manager. TYPEWRITERS. tYPEWRITERB?THE COMMERCIAL VISIBLE, MODEL NO. 0; price ?50; discount to agent?! nil other make from fio up; Items, and Oliv? era $40 up. VISIBLE TYPEWRITER CO., 12.? K. Fayette Streut, Baltimore, Md. NOTICE. .-.?.??.?-?.?'?> ON AND MONDAY, JUNE 1ST, freight forwarding vili Clyde line will be re? eolvcd nt 0. * O. Ilnllwny 8tntl*,?i, Sevan toenth ?nd Bromi Street?. fi?.iith-bound TO KEEP COOL. TRY FRAFPE?Ti OU EAT IT. At ALLEN'S?NlhO-Sltteen Main. BHEFHERD'A Pineapple Bnow Refresh??^ UPHOLSTERING. c. c. I-kv'y, no, m imnoK avenue. Upholsterer nnd Muttreas mnker. Old Hair Mattress made ????? as new. 1 ?nck and hiiIji liiiptiiiir. : nlsn mob*! ushlon and Slip Covers to order. 'Phone 1038. , _ WAQON8, THE ?I. T. KINO HARDWARE CO. ARE nijmiU for the best?Mllhurn Wagons; Cos EnBt ?Mnrshiill. WANTED?DA | _? AND ..WEEKLY? ' WANTED, one BULL, any breed, to long as he 1* In good flpsli; gond, kind disposition; not ?ver olghlecn month- old. Ho mire to givo full nnrllcnlnrn In nnswerlng- this nd. (IF.O. W. IlEIIELL, Cnlinnn. Ilenrlcf. cnnntr, Vn. YOUR MARKET BASKET. FRESH BUTTER, EOOB AND CHEESE. ' ' nATCIlKlt I'l'b. IM?.). Hlxtli-Streot Market. BUTTER. TRY HATOHER. BUTTER Kgge. ('Ph. 1844.) Hlith-Htreet Mkl. Eggs. Beat Orooerle?, Reasonable Prlo?>, Best Attention At Any AUOt'ST OltO. CO. HT?1IIHS. Center City?OU B, Marshall Btreet. West End?.120 W. Cary Street. East End?17.11 E. Main Htreot. LITTLE LECTURES ON A BIG SUBJECT. TALK NO. 5. TEE-DEE WANT ADS are business getters for thoso who uso them intelligently and persistently. INVESTIGATE! Phone 549? SAY RATES ARE UNFAIR Fnceed-ngs Brought Against Chesapeake and Ohio. FIRST CASE OF THE KIND Process Made Returnable June 16th When the Corporation Commission Will Hear the Matter?Many Charters Granted,, As forer-ast by Tho Tlmes-Dlspateh, the firm of [Brown & Loving yesterday In? stituted proceedings before tho Corpo? ration Commission against the Chesa peuko nnd Ohio Railway Company be? cause of alleged discrimination In rates by that company against shippers on other lines of railway. The complaint is that of E. S. Taylor & Co., of Pros? pect, Vn., and tlio Stamford Manufac? turing Company, of Lynchburg, vs. the Chesapeake,J.*rnd Ohio, Tho Stamford Company,',? plant ''Is on the Southern Railway, near Lynohburg, and that of ?Taylor & Co. not far from tho same city, and on tho samo lino of railway. The two firms nre engaged In tho purchase, ?sale and manufacturo of tan bark and Its producrts, lumber, etc., and claim that the Chesapeake and Olilo Company offers similar Industries anel flrnm preferential rates on such freights from G?? to 100 per cent, lower than those offered Industries on other roads. Bailiff Williams, of the commission, served the procesa of the commission on President George Vf, Stevens, of the rail? way company. It Is made returnable June 15th, at which time the matter will como up for further hearing under tho matutes recently enacted for carrying Into effect tho work eif the commlslon. This is tlie first case involving rates that has come before the new commission. A number of charters were granted ??yesterday liy tho commission', limoni? them tho following; The Newton Floral Compnny, of Norfolk, it commercial cor? poration which proposes to carry on a business In flowers and planta. Tlio Tannor'a Creek Social Club, of Norfolk county, wna also Incorporated, with L., AV. Bright. J. M. Thomas, Bamuql Bray, Alexander Morris, It. c. Bmltli, R. A. Portlock. Jeffroy Keeling nnd others as corporators. The maximum capital Block Is $35,000. Tho J. 8. Moore's Sons Company, Incor? porated, headquarters and chief place of business at Eighteenth and Main Street??, Richmond, Va.i grocery business; maxi? mum capital, $2?>,?G10, The Newport News Social and Athletic Club, nf Newport News, Va., wns Incur? poraied Monday, with J. M. Walsh, J. .1. ?Thomas and IliiUIgh Nori'-worthy as cor? porators, Capital not stated. Mere memoranda of these charters were filed with tin- commission. The charters vili In- returned for recorr?a lion later. At present tin* commission has no facili? ties fur i-.iriniirig charters. MORE JOIN STRIKERS Army of Idle is Augmented by Some 0,000 Workmen. I Dr AmieU'laM Prime,.) ????-?????.?????. Juno 2.?The strlko of the t.-x ni.? workers e.f piiliadelplidi for a (5-hour week spread to-day to the hosiery mills, ililiiK up ilm textile In? dustry tighter than it ha.? boon slnre lho great suspension wan iiM.Ugiirated. Fully tatti) persons Joineel il?, alre?uly large urmy of i?iln workers. Muet e,t tli?-s<? trece iwe.m-1, ?ml children employed In tli.i hosiery mills In the?. Kensington district. These workers are ori-anliced, bul tiny decided to Ji.ln the ranks of the unionist in other bram-lioa e.f the textile trudo when they say th?? magnitude of tho movement for a Hhorter week, It win? ?Ivon ?nit by the executive l-mtnl Of the le-xtlle; worker? ti?-hlirht tliat leu addition U firm? hud agreed te, give their employes th?- 65-hour week. This makes fiftv -eight tirine that hud conceded tlio demands. H la ?stimate?] that upwards of ?ow) persons are now working on thu ??iidttiont. demanded by this unions, SUMMER DRINKS Lime Juice, Rasberry Vinegar, Unfermented Grape Juice, Imported and Domestic Ginger Ale and Sarsaparille, ...Bottlers of... Virginia Claret and White Wine. Catalogue Mailed on Application. R.L CHRISTIANS. CO. We aro buyers of 'WOOL all year through and pay highest market prices and save you expenses. Ba-cks furnished free. Write us for prices. ?' ? WALLERSTEIN PRODUCE CO., 19 and 21 South 13th St. TANNER PAINT AND OIL CO., 14J9 East Main Btreet, RICHMOND, VA?, COLD WATER PAINTS, FLOOR STAINS. BRUSHES, and PAINT? ERS' SUPPLIES. SCHOOLS. St. Albans School for Boys. Near kadford, Va, Session Opens Sept. 10, ? On a fiO-ncro tract, 2.000 foet nbove sea level, In the blue Brass region of A'lrglnla; fitted with every mtidern convenience; eleven years of successful wark; on main line ? of Norfolk and Western, Address for Information and catalogue, AV. H. RANDOLPH, Headmaster, Itadlord, Va. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSO? CIATION. Boston, Mass,, July 6-10, 1903?Re? duced Rates via R., F. ?Se P. R, R. One fare for the round tri?,) to Boulon, plus $2 membership. 1'Vo of twenty-five rents charged for validating each ticket at Boston. Ticket? on sale July 3d to Uth, Inclusive, gunil, leaving Huston returning July Bill to mh, 1903, Inclusive. Final limit will hu extended to leavo Hi.htnn uniil September 1st. Inclusivi.?, by rioposlt of ticket with Joint agunt. uud upon payment of fee of tifty cents per ticket, which will Includo charge for vull ?l.illcu. Stop-overs not exceeding ten days will be? permitted at ?????????????, Baltimore ?uni l'hiiiiiieiphia, without additional charge, o'n going trip within transit limit, July (?th, and on return trip within final limit of ticket. Stop-over permitted at New York mi return trip within limit, ujioii payment of fee of $1 for each ticket. Tickets must he personally deposited for stop-over with depot ticket agent; Wash? ington. Baltimore ami Philadelphia, and With Joint agent No. Kt "West Twenty fourth Street, New York, Immediately upon arrival at stop-over point. Apply to ticket agents, Tlyrel Street, F.I im mu? Main Street Stations, or Richmond Transfer Company, No, mu f?an\ Main Street; Jefferson Hotel and Murphy's Ilo. tel. Vf. 1*. TAYLOR, Traillo Manuger. VIRGINIA SUMMER RESORTS On Norfolk anil Western Ry. Greatly Reduced Ratos., Tickets to iho mountain and eeaubore resorts ?m, and leiu-bnl via, thn Norfolk iuifi Western Railway, aro on ????? now. ?nl until H.pteiiil.ei .Intli good for return pusougu until Octolier SI, lii-?. .-.t very low ratea. Ticket* will I.?- ?old Bat unlays good until Monday following date of ?ale, ai one straight fare for tin* round trip. Pamphletu giving complete ii-i and de ucripiion o? sumiller resorts now road/ fur free <.li*tribuli>'ii nl Hie company'? ?if, lice, No. ?!?. East Main St reel <?. ii. nUiSi,i:v, LLuici P(in?eiifc't-r -:_-.i.L SUMMER RESORTS. Ocean View Hotel, Now Open. Bathing and Fishing Unusu? ally Fine. Sea Food of All Varieties at Hotel and Restaurant. Booklets at All Railroad Offices. Write J. HULL DAVIDSON, Mgr. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS, THE HOMESTEAD HOTEL will mako special rates from Juno IBth to August loth to parties staying one month or longer. AMUSEMHNTS-Golf Links and Club House, Tennis nnd Squash Courts, Swim? ming Pool. Fine Saddle Horses and Liv? ery. Casino for Dancing, Royal Polnclana Orchestra. Table unexcelled: Is supplied with fresh vegetables and milk from Homestead gar? den and ?Inlry. Luxurious baths and most curative wa? ters known for Rheumatism, Gout, Obesi? ty and Nervous Troubles.. . FRED STERRY. Manager. HOTEL WILTSHIRE, HOTEL MAJEBTIO. Ocoan End, Virginia Ave., Atlantici Cltv, N. J. Within u few step? of tho famous Boardwalk, plert, nnd nil nmiiHcmi-ntH. TUB WILTSHIUI5. moelorn In every dotali; rooms en suite with private hiithn, elevutor from atreet level; i.'l per day unii upwnri',a, $17.00 per week and upwards. THE MAJESTIC, all modem appointment?, excellent tiihle nnel service; J2.B0 per day und!?, $12.BO per week and upwards. Iioeilr. leU mulled ou application.' S, B. PHOEBTJB. Proprietor. "THE CHILDREN'S PARADISE." Mothers havo no cause . to worry at-the MYLES STANDISH 8PRINQ-. HOTEL, SOUTH DUX BURY. MASS. Seaside and countrj? combined In historic Plymouth county. A long vacation?Juno 20 to September IB. L BOY Elf ? SONS, Owner?, WILLARD WII-SON, Manager. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In tho Alleghanles, 2,300 feot above sea level. Elegant swimming pools; cool rilghta; fino mountain Bconory; strongest Iron nnd carbonated water In America. " Write for booklet. Q. F. EAKLE, Manager. WARM SPRINGS, Bath County. Va.. aro now opon for gunsta. For circulars anil terms uddi-usB KUHANK &GLOVBR, - Warm Springs, Hath Co., Va. MOUNTAIN TOP. Coolest Resort in Virginia. Only -VA linurs from Ttlohmonil, Cheap reiiiinl-iriii tickets ovory ??????.. Gootl llvenv anil ???????*?. Writ? for biiiiklet. Alture.,?, T. It, GAKY, ?, O., Ait?n, Vu. Manager, 11 Variety Springs," Va. (Hie Allc|?liunlcs.) New ?????????????-iit. You will llku lt. Write ut ??nee lor houli let. Atlilro?U HANAU KR, Variety Springs, Va. liR.'NSWK'K INN, AVAYNKBIJORO A'a., Hlienuiid'iah Valley; ?l?vation l.tttw feot; lltlilu wuter; ?nodelli cuiivoiiluncos. Tenni?. i"?"l. bowling, fishing, Wrlio fur booklet. Greenbrler White Sulphur oprino*, W. Va (The "OLD WHITE" Sulphur, oputia June 24. Famous fur its sulphur bathe. Modern Improvement*, with privato baths. Orchestra of 15 pieces. Terms, S15 to ?'? week, lid) to I'.w per iiiuntli. Will? for lllus U?lied booklet. Aildnns uuiil June I, GEO. ? .Ml I ?3.1-1, Jr.. Mur., Tlie Oiaftou, Wauli-, i.e. ????.1??. HATES EOU JUNE AN? JULY AT THE HOTEL IBLEHWOHTH, Pir.i.iiv uu ? lit- in????!, nt Virginia Avenue, ? ??????????? City, N? J ?.?,?,???- 1???|,G??????????????. KvwodeUxl unii ?,? ???,.?,,?,.?? e?elisili??, ?'ui'uiiiy wh?. um limi i-old ..-u ?vuU*r III ull Luti.?. Ciuf? inni ???? iwiui. Orc?ii-.lfa. Aiurrlruu nuil Kuru|.<.-uii uliut. Will?? fw'ljwlilrl ,oaa<??WE ?J*. rAlMXWi . / AMUSEMENTS. UNDER THE RED ROBE. THE GBFFEN COMPANY. MATINEE TO-DAY. I J o -? . TO-T-.IUHT. The Fawcett Company ? in THE LITTLE MINISTER. Noxt Week. CASINO. Opening Scats on Salo AT BIJOU Box Oflice. LECTURE .BY REV. DR. W, M.. SCOTT, Subject: "??? ??AhVEBTON DISASTER." FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1003, THIIID PKKSBXTBRI'AN .CHURCH. AelmlHttlnn?AdullH, '?He. Children, 115c. The Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. OpenH dally from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Admission, 25 cents. Freo on Saturday?. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ~u ADMISI?N. 25C. FREE ON SATURDAYS. FOR RENT THREE VERY DESIRABLE Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIME8 DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janitor service. For price and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH ottico. Only three left. pon RENT, 030 WEHT QRACE STREET; 11 rooiiia; brown .stono front. J. JJ. CARNEAL & SON, 12t 1100 East Main Street. FOR SALE. COR RENT. ????????G?. HtlRURRAN RK8I iloiici-, 12 rooms and bnth, furnnoit, ilou lilfi cotillon, niable, orchard, Karden und flllU Hpl'llIK' T. M. WORTHAM t? CO.. 18 North Ninth ? treat. poll SALE, . Farm 4 miles from city, house 11 rooms, jiiiH, t-tttli. eXc.y.s aeres of land, about 30 In wood. young- orchard; possession ut T. M. WORTHAM & CO., IH North Ninth Huoot. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I1AV1NU QUALIirlBP AH ADMINIS t inten? ??. t. a. of R. J. Edelen, (Ipooast-fl, nil persons Indebted to said estate are re? ijuenti'il lei in.?,li,, settlement with mo,? and nil person? having clnlms n-mlnut Hnld estillo inn present the saino, duly proven, to inu fur iiavinont. . . O, J. ?1? I.LORY, Adniliiiatrator. SOI EUat Marshall Street. EXCURSIONS. Dutch Gap and Return. Moonlight Excursion? Steamer Pocahontas Auspices Y. M. C. A? Tucstluy, Jmip 9th, 8:30 I?. M. Tickets ut A smu'lution HliU'HiJg hu-'? JJruii htjOas-Ucutloi?Wi ??"?-i laxalo?, ?too. RAILROADS. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. UTE 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. LUAV'K UICtlMOND?EASTUOUND. 7:45 A. M.?Week days?Local to Newport Now? uud wu? Htutlnns. 0;00 A. M.?Dally?Limited?Arrlre? Williams bur,? 0:150 A ?., Newport News 10:80 A. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M?. Norfolk 11 ?? ?. M. 4:00 P. M.?Week day??Special?Arrire? Wll? . llamsburg 4:50 P. M?, Newport New? 8:80 P. M-. Old Point 0:00 P. H-, Norfolk 0:25 P. M. 6:00 P. M.?Dalli??Local to Old Point. MAIN LINE?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Week day??Local to Clifton Forge and way station?. 2:00 P. M.?Dally?Special to Cincinnati. LouIhtIIIc. fit. Louie and Chicago. 5:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Doswell. 10:30 I?. M.?Dally?Llmtted to Cincinnati. Loulsvlllo. Bt. LouU and Chicago. JAMB niVEIt LINK. 10:20 A. M.?Dally?Express to Lynchburg. Clifton Forge and principal station?, 5:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Bremo. TRAINS Ah HIVE ?G?????-? FROM Norfolk and Old Point 10:0b A. M. unjly. 11:45. A. M. Ex. Sun., and 0:80 P. M. dally. Newport New? Local 7:20 P. M. Ex. Sun. From Cincinnati and Went 8:15 A. M. dally and 8:80 P. M. dally. Main Line Local from Clifton Forgo 7:15 ' P. M. Ex.- Bun. Doswell Amim. 8:35 A. M. Ex. San. Jamos UlTcr Line Locnl from Clifton Forge 0:35 P. M. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. Sun. O. B. DOYLE, W. O. WAnTIlEN, Gen'l Manager. Dl?t- Pass, Agt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st. 1902, Cars leave corner Perry and Spventh Streets. Manchester, ovory hour <on the hour) from C A, M. to 10 P. M_, it_t car 11:60 P. M. Cars leave Potoraburjr, foot of Syca? more Btreet, every hour from 0:80 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. B0 CENT8?ROUND TRIP?SO CENTS. NOI ICE. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Office of Collector of. City Taxes.. City Hall, niclimon?l. Va. THIS OFFICE WILL RE READY TO RECEIVE ALL OR ONE-HALF OF CITY TAXES, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL,, FOR THE YEAR, 1903, ON JUNE ?.??G.' The wholo tax is due. but tho ordinance provides that one-half. may ha paid In Juno and tho renna Irilng half In Decomber. Failure te> pay all or one-half In Juno In? curs a penalty of f? per cent, on the whole amount, which Is duo at once; anel If not ?mid before 8EITHMW3R 1st the Collec? tor ls roqulred to levy, with coats added. (See Cha liter XIV., sec. 7.) ALL MALES, 21 years of age, ALL PERSONS (MALE OR FEMALE) who own personnl proporty, or hold .personal property as fiduciary, and nil parties con? ducting biiBlnt'HH In tho city of Richmond (of whatever nature) nro assessed, nnd will plesso call and eottlo, so as to avoid delinquency. Grading, Paving, Pipo and Sower Con? nection Hills ara payable In the same manner as Taxes, ana nt the Hamo timo. Ol ve name In which property stands, nnd Hoo.that you get all your bills, This being th? only notice provided for by law, pleas? give It prompt attention, us under the new ordinance 5 per cent, penalty Will have to bo added to tlie whole bill after .Tuno With. Office open from 8:80 A. M. to 0 P. M. P. W. CUNN1NOHAM, Ju3-to30 Collector of City Taxes, Dog Taxes?Henrlco County. ?1??? P .?MISONS IN ?'ENRICO COIJN ty iwHe.iHed with doga, take notice that Unlust? the tax on same for 1D0.? 1b pnld before lat July ?in additional 2fi cents will Uu charged on each dog, accordili*? to law. W. II. BRAUER, my 30-7t , Treasurer of Henrlco, NOTICE! TAKE NOTICE, MANCHESTER MER chanta. Lawyers, Doctora, &<?.: AH huel nesH and profesaliinnl Ucenaes expired April DO, 1903. nml inider the proaent law the CoinmlRaioiier of Revenue la required to report to the Corporation Court all delhit-pioiit?, who fall to procure their llcimse hoforo. the July torni of court. No time to loso: at toi id to thla niattor at once. S. R. OWENS, CiiiiindHtilouer of Revenue for Maiiclies tor, Va. June3-10t SEALED PROPOSALS. SCALED PROPOSALS will bo received at tho "ill?.? of Trt'iiburer Kotttlu'rii llruni'li, Nutloiml Home, KlleulietU City County; Vlrululu. mull 12 u'c.wk in mi,- unii Jl'.Vi;, jw,:i, unii llien 0|ii'iieil, for ritlimrlli?* hui Mini:?. pli uilihii*, ???????* walls, iti?.. In ui'Cor'I.IIH'O with i-huiH ami ?piclflcii lluus, cuplL'? uf wlil.-li. with lilituli prupotfiils, und min?!- liiiiii-iii-iili,ii. mu?- Uo bud Uyuu UHUll?' vutlvu lu tUc 'i'l-eusuri;??, ? RAILROADS. RE ? ? Richmond, Frederick? ? ? ? O? G? burg &. Potomac R. R Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:51 A. M., dally. Byrd St. Through. 6:15 A. M., dally. Main St. Through. 7:15 ?. M . week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. S:00 A. M.. Bunday only. Byrd BL I'hrough. 8:40 A. M., week dnys. Byrd St. Through, u:>A noun, weeK days. Byrd St. Ttirougn. 4:00 P. M? week days. Byrd St. 1-red? ericksburg accommodation. ' 6:06 P. M? d??ly. Main St/ Through. (:2S P; M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:06 P. M.. dully, Ilyrd 8t. Through. 11:10 P. M.. week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. Tra?ne Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 ?. ? , week days. Elba- Ashland ac? commodation. 8:16 A. M., week days. Byrd St., Fred erlckubuni accommodation. 8:35 A. M., dally, Byrd St. Throufth 11:65 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2.06 P. M? dally, Main St. Through. 0:00 P. M.. week days. Elba. Aahland ac? commodation. 7:15 P. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through. 9:00 P. M? dally. Byrd St. Through. 3 0:29 P. M., dally. Main St. Throii*;h. 11:00 P. M., week days. lSlbo. Ashland ao? commodation. Note?Pullman Sleeping" or Parlor Carl on all trains ?except local accommodation*?. W. DDUKE.C. Vf. CULP.W. P.TAYLOR, Gen'l Man'r. ?iss't G-sn't Man'r. Traf. Man'r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 24, ItOJ. THAU'S LEAVE BIOHUOVD. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Locai lor Charlotte. 12:60 P. M.?Daily. Limited. Buffet Pull man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. ?:00 P. M.-Ex.1 Sunday. Chase City lo? cal. 11:06 P. K.-Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 9:80 V. M.. for all the South. YOER 1UVER ?,???. The favorite route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 5:00 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 2:15 P. M.-Locnt for "West Point. 4:30 P. M.?Except Bundny. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings. TRAINS ARHIVE BIOHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and 6:26 P. M.-From all th? South. ( 8:28 P. ?. v 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:15 ?. M.?Baltimore and West Point. 4:60 P. M.-From West Point. I C. H, ACKERT. . S. H. IIARDWICK, ?. M. O. P. ?. C. W. WRSTnUItY, D. P. ?.. niclinioiitl, V?. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT. 8:00 ?. ?.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Slope only ot pHtorsliurK. ?'averli' and Suffolk. 9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Puiemi.urg to Lynchburg und Roanoke. Pullman Slcupera Roanoke to Columbus, Uluedold to Cincinnati: also Rnanoko tn Knoxvllle, nnd Knoxvllle to Oliatilinooga atM Memphis. 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Fiirmvllle, Lynchburir ?nd Roanoke. 8:00 P. M.? OCEAN'SHORE LIMITED. Arriv?e Norfolk 6?V!fl P. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Waverly und Suffolk; Connects with stonmi'ii? to Boston. Providence. New York, Baltimore rtrid Washlneton. 7:26 P. M.. for Norfolk nnd all stations ?duHt of Petersburg. 9:*t0 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullinnii Bloopers. Richmond to Lynolihurg and Roanoko: Peter?burg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattunooga, Mumplils and Now Orleans, Cafe Dining Car. Trains arrive from tho West 7:35 A. M?? 2 P. M. and 8:B5 P. M.: from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M, Oltlje No. 1-38 East Main Street. Vf. ?. BEVILI.? C. H. BOSLEY. ,' Cien, Puse. Agent- Dia. Paaa. Agent. ATLANTIC COAST UNE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY BVRD-STREET STATION, EFFECTIVE BUNDAY. MAY ?TH. 9:05 A. M. A. C, L. Expresa to all points South. ?.?? A. M, Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. Welt, 8:00 P. M. Petersburg mid Norfolk. t?:10 P. M. Ooldaboro Local. r.:65 P. M. Petersburg local . 7:25 P. M,. "Florida and West Indian Limited," to nil points South. 9:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West. U:ao P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 8:43 A. M., 7:85 A. M., 8:25 A. M?, except Sunday, 11:25 A. M?. 11:00 A. M.. 2:00 P. M.. 7:20 P. M., 7:45 P. M.. 8:55 P. M. r Except Sunday. C. S. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pass. Agt. CW. 3, CKAIU. Qen, P-W.B. Agt, ttAlLROADS. SEABOARD Air Line R-ajlwav TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.-Seaboard Mall?10:35 P. M.? Seaboard Express? To Savannah, Jack surivllle, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. C:3G A. M.-No. 84-4:55 P. M.?No. 06 From Florida. Atlanta and Southwest. 5:30 P. M.?From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office 830 Eaat Main Street 'Phono 403. STEAMBOATS. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. SteaBiship Libo. Direct lioute to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I. Bteamors leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wodneedny, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at ? P. M. Pajrengera and freight taken for all New England points. Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W. Ry. offices and No. 819 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT. Agt.. Norfolk, Va. Clyde Steamship Co.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM? SHIP LINE. Frolgbt received and delivered dally at C. & O. R'w'y Co.'?' depot. Seventeenth and Broad Streets. ^STEAMSHIP GO. T5- Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M., stopping at Newport Newa in both directions. Dally except Sunday by C. and O, Rail? way, 9:00 A. M., 4 P, M,. 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. by N. and W, Railway; all lini? connect at Norfolk with direct steainei? for New York, sailing dally except Sun? day. 7 P. M. 8teamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash Strpot) Rockettb. K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agont. 1212 13, Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent. Wharf Foot ol Ash Street, Richmond, Va, II. ?. WALKER, V. ?*. & T. M., New York VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. ' , Btoainer POCAHONTAS leaves MON; DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A M. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Cluromont and Jnmes River letnrll?.kh. ami Connecting at Old Point fur Washington. Baltimore and tim North. State-rooms reserved lor thu nlaht at moderate' prices. Eloctrlo care direct to wharf. Pare only 11.(10 and *1 to Norfolk. MubIc by Orand Orchestrion. Freight received for iihovo-named places nn?l all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEISIOER. General Manager. E. A. Barber. Jr., Secretary. BAY LINK TO BALTIMORE Via C. & 0. It ivy. une] Old Point. V. B MAIL BOUTE. U'iiiii llli'liiiiiiiiil vlu ('. & 0. iliill) exeunt Snudili', ut 4 ?, ?., eon? iH'i'lliiK at (Hit l'iiliit ?villi uti'Unien of Old Dny Uni?, leaving 7:10 I'. M., arrivimi llultlinoru 11:8.0 ?. M., cemnci'tlng North, Hunt und West, For ticket? und information ii|i|>ly to 0, & O. Rwy., Iticti ihoikJ TmimfiT Ceuii'iuny, or 830 Rust Main St. BEACH PARK, . WEST POINT, VA. Special ciuiricii-d trains' leaving So. ? Ky, Depot, Fourteenth St, DAILY TRAIN'S RXCRr-T SUNDAY, JVvo Rloliii.onilfi:801'.\M. Ruttimi**'' luavo West Point 10:1)0 P. M. SUNDAY TWAINS. I/vo Rii'.luiioiul 0:ttO A. M. & l P. M. L'vu West Point ? H 1-\M. ?Se K):!iOJP. M. 50C.-RO?H? TRip,M.50o,