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THREE SECTIONS. EDITORIAL SECTION. ??rfM-M-'.-M.&lSt I WHOLE NUMBER, 16.261. RICHMOND, VA? SUNDAY, .TUNE 7,1003. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GREEK FIELDS OF VIRGINIA Elegant Hotels. Charmingly Situated Affording Magnificent Views on All Sides; picturesque Drives Through Wildwood and Forest. THE INTERMOINT. COVINGTON, YA? This hotel Is situated at Cov?ngt?n, Va., in the heart of the A?eghany Moun? tains, 1,150 feet above the sea level, on the line of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Rail? road, amid scenes of wondrous beauty. In the famed spring region of the Vir? ginias. There are fourteen hundred feet of broad verandas overlooking a beautiful lawn of two acre?, covered with magni? ficent shrubbery and costly flowers. A tennis court, golf grounds, walking, rid? ing, driving, rowing, hunting and Ashing, afford to the actively Inclined healthful anil delightful recreation. ?? excellent orchestra will provide music for the guests during the summer ??.i-son. Lancing every night. THE ALLEGEANT, GOSHEN. VA. High up In the Alleghany Mountains, I,Sf?0 feet abovo sea level, on the main line of the Chesapeake .?nd Ohio Railway, rltuate.d on a commanding elevation, af? fording magnificent views on every side, Hands the Allegheny, one of the most complete summer hotels in the Virginia mountains. The lobby, dining-room, drawing-rooms and hall-room are tastefully finished with natural wood, and it can be safely stated that for beauty and comfort the hotel has few' superiors among resort hotels. There Is a first-clasB orchestra, which Elves concerts during the day and plays for germnns or masquerade balls during the evening. THE MECKLENBURG, CHASE CTTY, YA. There Is no more delightful or healthful S'ctinn In the broad confines of the Old "Dominion State, Virginia, than that* of which Chase City Is the center. Tt ls hero that the -Mecklenburg Hotel nn?: Sanltorlum is located. Tlie buildings, which are entirely new and modern, und whii'h were completed only In the early autumn of 1!>02, stand upon nn elevated j.lriteau fir*.*, feet nbovo sea level. Tho Mecklenburg Hotel nnd Sanltorlum Is not only of modern construction, hut Its Interior arrangements, its public and private rooms, Us sanitary and culinary equipment, all partake of the modern methods of comfort, health and conveni? ence. Extensive verandns and sun parlors add to tho attractiveness and comfort of the building. The cuisine and service of the Mecklenburg are mpintnlned upon the standard of the best city hotels. THE JEFFERSON PARK, ?HARLOTTESVILLE. YA. The Jefferson Park ?lotel Is delight? fully Eituated 0f\ a commanding eleva? tion overlooking Charlottesvillo (two fnlles distant) und the surrounding coun? try, in full view of Monticello, the homo of Thomas Jefferson, and near Pantops? A eademy apd the McCormlck Observa? tory of the University of Virginia. This hotel, wJth extensive vi-rnndas, Is comparatively new, und nus all modern touveuluucesj ?ueh as electric bulls, eleo trio lights, hot and cold baths, etc., and can accommodate 150 guests. Extensive groves of oak and pine in rear of hotel. Cool, shady lawn, with rustic seats overlooking the tennis court and eloping on all sidos so that there la perfect drainage, making tho place un usually dry. Scenery picturesque and enchanting. Atmosphere very, dry and invigorating. Tho views about the "Jef? ferson. Par?s," are charming, The Times-DispatGh Will Fay the Hotel Bills and Will Furnish the Railroad Transportation Besides. THE TEE--DEE OUTINGS FOR SUMMER Fourteen Prize Trips?-Forty-two People---Twenty-eight of the Sweetest Girls' to Be Selected by Ballot?Fourteen Ghaperones to Be Appointed by the Winners?The Young Ladies Are to Be Voted for in Pairs and Each Party to Have a Chaperone. A week at the seashoret A week in the mountains! Two young ladles and a chaperon 1 Fourteen euch parties, or forty-two people. And The ??p???-Diapatcb. to pay the billa. That'? the story in brief. The plan 1? ?simple. The Tlmes-Dlspatch haa mad? turan ge? mente with aovan o? the very boat sum? mer reaorta in the Stato?three at the seaahore and four In the mountains?to entertain in the very best etyle those who go as guests of The Tlmes-DIsaptch. Obvlously, The Times-Dispatch could not extend tbe Invitation to all of the pretty girls nor to all of the charming chaperones In the State, eo it has be?ui found necessary to place Just two restric? tions to this offer. The first and most im? portant Is that the offer ia made only to young ladies who by their own efforts oontribute In part or in whole to their own support by some regular and steady vocation. A POPULAR VOTE. The other restriction is forced in to the plan by reason of the utter Inability of those who make The Tlmes-Dlspatch to decide who are the most worthy, the moat charming, or who most deserre a iveek of Jolly outing. Therefore, It haa been decided, after careful consideration, to leave the selection to a popular vote of the people. The part of The Tlmes-Dlspatch will be to present the plan and to pay the .billa. The part of the girls will be to aee that they are elected, and the part of the chaperones?the ehy and modest chap? erones?will be to wait until they are Invited. As stated above. The Tlmes-Dls? patch has already arranged with seven hotels to entertain the guests of the paper. There will be ?even hotels and fourteen parties, of three people each. Therefore, each hotel will entertain two parties for a week; party No. 1 going one week, and party No. 2 the next week. The voting must all be done on coupons cut from The Tlmes-Dlspatch, or by BALLOT STATIONS TEE-DEE OUTINGS Places In and About Rich? mond Where Votes for the Favorites May Be Cast. Ballot boxee are to be found at any of the following stores, and ballots may be cast at these ata-tlone at any time up to 6 P. M. on July 16th. Collections will be made at regular intervals. Booklets and other literature telling all about the ho? tels on the Tee-Dee Outing's Hat may be secured at The Tlmes-Dlspatoh office and Broad-Street Pharmacy, No. 619 East Broad Street. Blanks' Drug Store, No. 1101 West <2lay Btreet. Pine-Street Pharmacy, No. 834 South Pine Street Blanks' Drug Store, No. 823 Randolph Btreet. Lee Pharmacy. No. 1(117 Weat Main Street. Hageman's Drug Store, Seventeenth and Broad Streets. East's Drug Store, No. 8523 Q Street. Cunningham's Drug Store, No. ?3027 East Aaln Street. Shine's Drug Store, No. 2?V1 Eaet Broad Street. People's Drug Store, Fulton. .Carter's Drug Store, Manchester ce-rrtlflfjate aa hereafter **acplalne?, and th? girls must all be voted for In pairs. WINNERS SELECT HOTEIU Each coupon will contain the place for two names. The two young ladies who receive the highest number of votes will be entitled to the first choies. That Is, they <*an select the hotel which they pre? fer, and can decide for themselves wheth? er they wish to go the first week or the second week. Tho two girls who receive the Becond highest number of votesa will bave the second choice of hotels and weeks. The third, the third choice, and so on down to the fourteenth, which four? teenth highest number, of courso, takes the last prize. The two young ladles who are e.eot?*d in each ot the fourteen pair? will have tha privilege of selecting their own chap? eron, and the party of three thus formed, the two young ladles and their cbap-aron, ? will in eaoh of the fourteen oae?j he fu*? nlshed with railroad tickets to their dese tln&tlon and return, and & receipted ho? tel bill for one we?ik*s board and lodging by The Tl*n**?-Dlspatch. The only young ladles who will be barred from entering this contest will be those who are In any way connected, directly or Indirectly, with this paper, and thoEo who In no way contribute to their own support. No p-irl will be allowed to enter who Uves upon the bounty of any one, be It father, bro- ' ther, mother or any one else. There Is no age limit (and no statement of age will be required either from principals or chaperones), nor are there limitations of any sort other than those set forth above. It ls la simply this: The two girl? -who can got the most votes can spend a w?*-ek at the seashore or In the mountains at the expense of The Times-Dispatch, and the plan Is so enlarged as to extend the Invitations to twenty-eight young ladles, who can select fourteen chaperones. mak? ing fourteen parties of three persons each. Every girl and every young lady can vote for herself Just as often as she pleases, and there ls nothing to prevent her gen? tleman friends from voting for her, too, and ns many times ns he wants to, but when she votes for herself she must vote Mr. Tee=Dee INVITES Miss Richmond TO A Free Vacation IN THB OR AT THB SEASHORE Read the offer carefully, Select your chum and together pick out your chaperone. Then get your friends to vote for you. Vote EARLY and OFTEN .????????,???G I m injjii |, for her chum at the name time, and her friends must vote for two. HOW TO WIN. To tneure eleirtion, and to save con? fusion, and to make the parties con? genial, the young lodlee form from their own combinations. Miss Blue Eye "West End end her chum, ????? Blonde East End, should decide that they would en? ter the race together, and that they would select Aunt Cary or Marshall for their chaperon. Both the young ladles and their chaperon should then begin a vigorous election campaign. Their friends and neighbors should be notified at once that they are partners: that they are In the race to win and that they want coupons cut from the Tee-Dee. If a young lady's daily occupation takos her to the school room she has the soholars and their parents from whom to draw votes; or If she goes to office, store or factory, she can electioneer among her asso? ciate?. ' ?CERTIFICATE OF VOTES. Every copy of Tha Tlmes-Dlspatch, from to-day until "Wednesday, July l?th, will contain a coupon prepared for two names, and each coupon means a vote for two girls to spend a week of de? lightful summer vacation free from all expense. Besides the coupons. The Ttmes Dl8patch will Issue from the, main office certificates of votes In various numbers, which will be counted as coupons, based on the folowlng plan: For each paid In advance subscription, for a person not airead}?-?-*-mit7anriT)'5Tr*'ir''??r1fff?caTe will be Issued for half as many votes as there are cents In the price of the sub? scription. J ? r instance, 12 cents for one week's subscription In Richmond or Man? chester would be equal to six votes. Fifty cents for one month's eubscription would give twenty-five votes. Six dol? lars for a year In Richmond or Manches? ter would entitle to three hundred votes, or $5.C0 for one year out of town would glye 2,10 votes. All who secure oertlti? estos of votes by sending In subscriptions, either In or out of Richmond, will not only receive the number of votes to which they are entitled by the certifi? cate, hut will have the privilege of cut? ting the coupons from the papers ? on which the certificate is based, thereby gaining twice the number of votes. Votes will be received at The Times Dispatch office and various other placea In Richmond, and every possible care and safeguard will be placed about the contest to Insure perfect fairness and accuracy. The polls will close promptly at 6 P, M. Wednesday, July 15th. LIST OF HOTELS TEE-DEE OUTINGS Mountain and Seaside Re? sorts. Their Locations and Attractions. The following seashore and Interior re? sorts have been arranged with to enter? tain the fourteen fortunate parties who will be the guests of the Tee-Dee Summer Outings. All these places are charmingly situated and have commodious, well eared for rooms, clean -and efficient eenvlce, good tables and amusement? galore, The management, in every Instance,, has assured The Tlmes-Dlspatch that the Tee-Dee Summer Outing parties will be the recipients of every care and atten? tion during their stay, and a delightful week Is In store for tho fortunate forty?* two. TEE-DEE RESORTS. The Alleghany, Goshen, Va. Tho Princess Anne. Virginia Beach, Va. The Interroont, Covln?rton, Va. The Ocean View, '????san Vlow, Va. The Mecklenburg, Chase City, Va. The New Sherwood, Old Point, Va. The Jefferson Purk, CLarlottosvllle, .Va. FATHER NEPTUNE': DOMAIN BY SAD SEA WAVES Old Point. Virginia Beach and Ocean View, names to Conjure With. Sandy Beach and Ocean Breezes. Fishing and Boating. PRINCESS AN??, VIRGINIA BEAOH, VA. The Princean Anne Hotel, the South'? most favored oceanslde resort, seventeen miles due easrt from Norfolk, Va., at Vir? ginia Beach, Va. A modernised hostelry, furnishing superior accommodations for comfort, convenience and entertainment of its patrons. Delightfully located upon the finest beach north of Florida. Im? mense, sun parlors, ball room and verandas overlooking the ocean. Being In close proximity to Chesapeake and L-ynnhaven Bays and CaetttxttOL? Sound, famous for oysters, fish and game, and In the heart of the finest trucie section of tho world, visitors are assured an abundance of game, seafood, ir**ah fruit and vegetables. Surf bathing at Virginia Beaoh is un*>s qualled. Fifty miles of unbroken beach make this feature beyond comparison. Riding and drlrvlng, tennis, hunting and fishing are a few ot the many other at? tractions for amuseme*nts. ** OCEAN VIEW, OCEAN VIEW, VA. Everybody knows where Ocean View is. In planning for the eeason of 1903 the owners have decided to continue the man? agement of the hotel In the hands of Mr. J. Hull Davidson. The hotel Is surrounded by over 2,000 feet of wide verandas, and every room ls an outside room. Plenty of air and ven ?"?Tiation everywhere. All modern conve? niences are supplied, and the c?teme ls famous for Its excellence. The finest and safest bathing on the Atlantlo Coast. under the capable management of Mr. Jake Wells, the Ocean View Casino dally offers attractive bills of clean vaudeville shows?thO best to be had In the country. A pleasure pier extending out SOO feet Into the ocean, raerry-go-round, rolle? coaster, scenic railway, ping-pong, bil? liards, bowling and a variety of other amusements, which have caused Ocean View to be dubbed "A Miniature Atlantlo City." Morning and afternoon concerts. In the muslo pavilllon on teh lawn by a large and well trained brass hnnd and or? chestra; music In the dining-room and ball-room; dancing every night. THE NEW SHERWOOD, OLD POINT COMPORT, VA. Situated on Old Point Comfort, a name to conjure with, beshte the wide? sweep of waters so well known as Hmnpton Heads, surrounded hy picturesque scenery, alive with memories of history. The Sherwood is Just. In front of Fort? ress Monroe, the largest and most pic? turesque of American forts, which covern a larso area of ground on Old Point. The manoeuvres of the troops offer ? pleasant attraction in the morning und evening hours, nnd the fort Itself, with Its frowning suns, overlooks tho scena where the famous Merrlmao flestroyed the Cumberland, gave battle to *he Moni? tor, unit revolutionized naval tvarfare. This popular hotel has race/ntly been remodeled, renovated and refurnished, nnd offers a pleasant, attractive aneJ comfortable homo to the pu hilo seeking health or pleasure. Tho table, making a specialty ns it does of ol?l Virginia, cooking, leaves nothing to ho desired. RICHMOND,VA. SUMMER OF 1903 WRITE NAME PLAINLY. M i ss ii ss This Ballot good from June 7th to ?July 15th (Inclusive) and is to be counted as one Vote for the young ladies named above. . Date__1903. An~mtnmmma?mwiim.".ni**<Mimmmmeimmemm^,ty*???.??'-?" J. ?nmmmmvftnyrr ? ? 'F-ktvut