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BANKS IN BAD CONDITION The Statement This Week Was Not Encouraging. THE LOAN CONTRACTION Considerably Reduced Reserve Require mcnts--t-arge Loss in Cash Attrib? uted lo Withdrawals by Trust Companies. (HyARKoclated Press.1 NEW YORK. June fi.?To-day's mnrket !?vna free from liquidation of tho charac Ipr of t|iat In cvldnnco during tho week, uud tito operations worn largely profes Ah slock market loans mnde on ?Friday carry over unlll Monday, the money condition caused no actual pre*?? ?uro during tha Saturday session ana ?onerntlons hnsed upon It nro simply an* tlclpatory. nnd In the mil urn of surmise over futuro effects on tho part of pro? fessional operators. The, bonk statement evidently Imprc-s rd this da?? as threatening a future cur? tailment in loans. Instead of a decrease of not more than f.l.OOO.'iOO, ns wns an? ticipated, the banks showed a ?ledine In ?ash resources of **.,4M,7'?. As the ?argent part of tho gold for export was liol withdrawn until the mlddlo of the ?week. It s eel Im ? ted that It did not figure for Its full effect unon tha weekly' aver pges, so thnt tho eoiidltl?*iu, of the banks Is believed to bo worse than better tnart the showing of averages. The loan con? traction of ?7.S..7.SOO reduced the reserve re.qulromentn confldorably, so that the reduction In surplus was only S4.SC0.C00, nut ibis more than cuts In half tho pre? vious surplus, brlngliiK It below the J.?;. JCiO.fX? murk. ? A further loan contraction seems to be Indicated for n?-*xt week. Tho !nr**?i loss In cash is attributed to ?withdrawals by trust companies to com? ply with the clearing house requirement for five per cent, of cash reserves, which ?went Into effect June 1st. There wa? finis early improvement ot prices which ?...??mor, due to covertili*- by shorts, but the sellini* after the bank .statement car? ried Iho average level below last night. Atchlson and Union Paclflo wore notably proi-Ho-i for sale nnd the delayed plant? ing of the corn crop was the motivo ?assigned for the movement. New York Central also ran off sharply at the last. Amalgamated Conner fluctuated feverish? ly within a fractional range and closed 1-4 cent lower. Bonds have suffered in sympathy with ?stocks. United .State? Fteel 2'e nnd the govern? ment old I'm advanced I-4 pCr cent, and the ,1's 1-2 per cent, as compared with the cloning call of last week. Total rales of stocks to-day were 3OMO0 shares. MONTir AND RXCirANGE-CLORE: Timo money, firn; hlxiy ?laya and ninety davp. 4 l-2'(j,3 per cent.; six month*. e*??/ 6 l-i; money en call, nominal; prime mercantile-paper. *l 3-15 1-4: aterllng ex? change, steady, with actual business In bankers' hill*,, at %4.Wi.Kr$4Vi for de roand; and at Sl.SiVgl.<?.">. 10 for sixty day H-J?*.. O,?~"!-V} ra,es? W?85 1-2?.??-?} and H.t-S 1-2?*?O?; commercial bills. ?4.S4 ?-Iva 4.Kr, 3-S; bar silver, 63; Mexican dollars. WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK. Juno ?.?Tho statement of pverages of the clearing house banks of this city for th? week shows: Ijoane t?lii,] JS.IOO. decrease J7.K?7 ?00 Pepoilts ?-SS.?;25,?V/?, dccrea-'O $14 406,800. Circulation ?44.H.2...00. decrease $71,1W. ? I^gal tender.-? 172,702,100, decrease J1.207, Specle $lSe.729.8M. <leereiu?e *{g,48?t 700. I'^crve required ?224.?36(..25?, decrease ?, Kurplus Ji.77.*..iwA decrease ?4.*?9.G*??. ereas ?U rsfft?1** depos,ts ?*??*?'*9.!?, de Wall Street Gossip. ?'??-'?.-.??.. ??. Tbe 1"lm*.?.pi?Patch.l ., i0511?? ??u"e 0.??Sugsr rallie?, rather fei), a? It ivas taken Uiat the recent declini; ?lerelj* Indicated the liquidation of ? ire? It bull lecol?ot. possibly for Boston, ?nil bore no rela? tion to trado conditions which aro <-on?ldered fairly g^od for tbo time of th?j year. Canadian Pacific eboived a ratber firmer tone on wliat looked like a moderate resumption of foreign buying. The ?lock Is ?till -carro in th? street, end forelpn hoiiw? admit that tbey hare ?hipped a jood deal to Europe Id tbe recent pant. With retard to the published Maternent that R syndicate had been formed to lake orer 40,000 ?hare? of Dominion Coal stock from Amee ,<t C"o., there 13 good authority for ?aylng thn holdlnit? of the firm and ??uatomera together did not ag t:regato 10,000 shares. Allhoiigh the trading wns not In Terr large ro?ame tbe market acted well In tbe finit hour, Ind some enrlr recession? were rutber well re? covered. It wa? thought that oven If tbe bank. Itntoiiient were ? bad one It had been pretty Veil discounted, and the r*?m trader? ?eemed lo be preparing themselves for a eoverln*? move? ment which ever wiiy the -showing went. After ?omi ?elltng of Atchlson ?vimmon bv Oroosberk, presumably lone ?lock, wa? orer, the price rallied well. Tho general Impression 1? th?f the weak Western holding? havo been liqui? dated nltuoit entirely. Amalgamated Copper acted rather well, a?d It was said that the Standard Oil people have bought It on tho recent slump. The recover? In copper atock? In London wae an ecouraglng feat? ure. Brooklyn luplrt Transit wa? the ?trongest nf the tractions stock?, aud ha? been bought In ?ome quantity In the recent poet liy people In? terested in tho doveloprnent. of Brooklyn. Thn prospecte for ?ummer earning? va eji-eiitlnnally good, and the trafflo to Coney Island In parti? culur Is likely to beat all record? In view of Hie: Important Improvements In that ?llatrlct, anil particularly tlio popularity? of tha New Lud? Turk. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET, Richmond, Va., Juno ?, 1008. SALES. Virginia Centurtes-?l.OOO at 04*?<?. Renbonrd Air Une 4 per cent, bond??Jl,000 ?t 80; tl.OOO nt nit. Vlrglnlu-Ciirollna Chemical Co. preferred?10 ?hare? at 1111. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. common??0 ?bare? at f>T. STATE fiKCUIUTIEB: Bid. Asked, North Carolin? 4'?. C., 1010.... J03 ?.. V?. .Ts, New, C. ?nd l?.. 1032. 0311 ?"?!. V?. Centuries. 8-8, 0, nnd It. 04'i 04*?. ????,???? BONDS: A. O. I/. It. K. Consol. Tr. 4'e.... 0? 04 Char.. Col. and Aug. 2d 7'?, C... 112 ... ? Oeorgla, So. nnd 1??., 1041,. 114 Oeoigl? ?nd Aln. Con. ?Ve. 1041.- 110 retersluir?,' Clous ? G?'?, It. 0. 114 Petersburg Clll?? II <V?, II. 0. 127 H. A. L. Con. 1st 4'?, 10?0. 70K 7!)l>? ?. ?. L. Colliiternl Trust IVs, 1011.. UillS ... BAILIIOAD STOCKS: Par, Atlnntlo Con?! Line pfd.ina 1?1 100 Chesapeake nnd Ohio.1..00 ss On.? So. ?nd Flu. 1st pfd.10O 08 Norfolk sud Western coni.10O 05 It.. P. ?mi l\ ?>lv. Olili?*.1011 ... 22? flpahonrd Air Line pfd.100 Sfili "40 Beiboard Air Lino com.100 231J 21 : Southern Hallway pfd.100 8S BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS: Broad-Street Bank.2? 27 (KSTABI.ISHED 18-33.) MEMBERS New York Stock Ex-ohange, New York Cotton Exohanga, PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS, 5OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK ? ^?*????????*??>$???*????*?-*? $ BALKS: American Can com. 201 American Can pfd . **> American Cotton Oil com. 300 American noconiotlvo com. American Locomotive pfd. ?'? Anaconda. SoO .American Car and Foundry.... STO American Suprar .?., 4tii?V) ?., T. ami Stinto Fo com. USO ?., T. and Samte Ke pf?l. 2101.0 Amalgamated copper . G4O0 Baltimore nnd Olile). 2000 lirooklyn Rapid Transit. 11550 Canadian Pacific . 3?0 Chesapeake anil Ohio . leo Canada Southern . 4(0 Colorado Southern rom. Colorado Southern l*>t. pfd. 40O Colorado Southern 2d pfd. 26700 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul. 141O0 Olii,', Hock Island nnd Pac... fSOO Colorado ?*"\?*;1 and Iron. 12(0 Chicago Great Western. 2"e0 C, C, C. and St. Louis. 1KO Consolidated ?ins . 200' Delaware, and Hudson. 2iO Pel., I^aclt. and Western. Sino Krln com . ISO 'Orle 1st pfd. IfOO Erio 2d pfd . Tin) Oeneral IJlectrlo . ??0 Illinois Central .,.,. VU Jyeather . moo Louisville and Nashville). 1400 Manhattan . 1100 Metropolitan .,. Mexican Central . By Open 44% 21?4 R<1% (?t'?, 121% :to 69 p% 149% 31 *J6*? 19% ?.'?": , 11-4 1?9% 83 Vi 67 ?'?i'/'l 177 134% 112 1.17 127% li'?.i 71 2S ?M% Thomas Branch ?St Co., Bankers and Brokers. Hlr-h. Low. Clos? I SALES; . 6% 1?310 Missouri Pacifln . 44% 4t',*; 4.1 W Mo., Kan. and Terns com.. ?S? JTi 34V(i r/lt> -"*0?? Kttn. and Texas pfd.. 21% {] 21 7'.?? Net?? York Central. . f>0 22? ?, V.. (Jut. and Western,,.. ?.?*. *-??,?<, *-.-,%! 7?0 Norfolk ni-.rl Western. 17S60 Pennsylvania Open. High. 103% 103% 23 23 11* 09 17% 27 H'"{| l-TVi ili 1211* ?ill/, it:'"', 83% 61 19% R.'i 134 1 ?"?*=% *M0 33% C,r,L*. 177 1.14% 111% l.V.K, 127? 100 Pressed Steel Car . Pressed Steel Cnr pfel. 1?? People's (las Trust . "'?l'A Reaellng rom . Reading 1st pfel . Ponding 2d pfd . 2O10 Republic Iron and Steel com... 700 Republic Iron and Steel pfd... Slosi . . 200 St. T,. nnd San Ff?hclac?*. 200 *-jt. 1,. and San Pran. 2d pfd... Seaboard Air Lino com.C Seaboard Air Line pfd. 200 st. L and Southwestern pfd... 4100 Southern Pacific . ?/?? Southern Railway com..?,...... MO Southern Railway pfd. 1125 Tennessee Coal and Iron. ?.?,?? Texan Pacific . CSl?O Union Pacific com. ?4?7 Union PacMo pfd. 10100 United States Steel enm. ?:*evi United State.** Steel pfel. 200 Va.-Carolina Chem. com. Vn.-Ciirollna. Chem. pfel....'... ?<V) Wabash rom". 3100 Wabash pfd . Western Union . Wisconsin Central . Wisconsin Centrnl pfd. 124.% 65 14% 74% 63% 40 HO 2S% wt**. r.i% *?*?% Rl% 87% 8t% 124% 66 99% 47% 40 601?, 63 20 Bl% 31"', sui 44", Low. ?fB% 21% 02% 61% 24 li CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. S. re? fun 4 Ini 2'?, r?? pluf "?? ?. 10d% S. refiinOInc 2'?>. coupon. 100 it*, f?. 3's. rexl>tere4 . 107% U. ?. 3?, coupon . 107% fi. ti. Ne,-?? 4?, registered. 185% ti. S. .New 4'a, coupon. 133V'? V. fi. oiel 4*?, reifl-itcred....HO U. S. otti ?|?, coupon. HI V. *-t. C's, rer-late-red. 102Vt, V. 8. ?'?, coupon. 102ti Atrnl?on. <r"neral 4's . 100 Ate.hl-on. neljentment 4'. W>"4 liiiltltuorn, ?nd Oblo 4's. V''?'? lli.ltlmore end Olilo 3*V?.? ti-TV*, l'altlmoro and Olilo ConT. 4'?. 100',?, naelrt Southern 2el's Central of Georgia fi'? . Central of Georgi? 1st Ine. ???? ? up??? li e, ?nd Olilo ?)!*,'?.. Chicago ?nel Alton 3%'?.... Chicago. II. ?nel Qulnry new 4's... 101 Chlesjfo. norie iFlnnil ?nel Paelflc 4*i. ItoS '.. C? C. lem! SI. lxiiil? gen. 4'?. P7% t'hlnif-e, TiTiuliial -i'-i . 83% Colorado ?nd Koulliern 4> . fi* Dearer nini Itlo Grand? <t'?. to% r.tii prior lien 4'? . ??% Urie ??<????p?1 4'? . S4% .F.irt Worth ?nd PenT?r Cltr Ut'. lo7 lli.-ktiu: Vnlley 4'.'.'e. 107*Vi lAiulsTlllo nnd N??h. Ttnir.eel 4'?. I0iv{ Manhattan e.-on. pold 4'?. iai\ Meejlenn Centr?l 4'? . 77 Meeilcan Contrai 1st Ine. 2 4Vi. Minn, ?nd t?t. Louis 4'? . JO0 MlKonrl. Knn. ?nel Teleta 4'?. 93 Missouri. K?n. ?nd Texas 2d?. 80 N^e- York Centrai gen. 3'V?. 1"2M New Jerncy Ontral Reneerfll S's. 133 Neirthnrn Pncltle! 4's . 102 Northern Pacifions . 72 Norfolk ?nd Western con. 4'?. f??*-?*, ?-iidln*? 'iene-teil 4? . D7% Kt. I., and Iron Mountain con. t,'*. 112 St. !.. en?! San Francisco 4'?. 00H FI. JVnili! Poeilhire^tern 1st'?. fl1v, St. Ixiuls Southwestern 2?G?. KfHij P?n Antonia and Arkansn?? l'arni t?. 7!i Southern, Pacific 4>. SI Southern Hallway f.'? . lia T?;xa? und Pacido lat'l . 113% Toledo, S!. 1? and Western 4>. TIM, t'nton l'afillo 4's . 303 G???? Piiclfio einr. 4's . ?*?% Wabanh Iff? . 11.1 Wabash 2d'?. Wabaah Deb. IV? . T*t Wett Shore 4'a . HO Wheeling and Lnko Erle 4'a. ni Wiiconeln Central 4'a . tei Continental Tobacco 4'? . itov*, Colorado Fuel G?'? . M Rr>ck [aland 4'? . SO P?nnsyltanla 3*-j'a ??, B. Steel f"?? M. and O., collateral trust 4'?.,. P2 Central of Georgia 2d Ino. 3.1 Vlrglnln-Carolina Chemical Co. com., 0(1% Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. jfd. 118 city .M S3 First National.ino 2*v> Men-hunts National .100 ?'? Metropolitan Bank of Va.25 20H Plantera National .100 3.10 State Bank of Vintola.100 1G.9 Southern Trust Co.100 112% union Bank of Blch.52 ,M Virginia Trust Company.100... INSURANCE COUTAMES: Virginia Fire ?nd Marine.23 37 MISCELLANEOUS: Am?r. Toh. Co. pfd.. 3 p. c_10? ... American Locomotive pfd.100 PO Va.-Cur. Cbem. pfd.. 8 p. c.100 1)9 Va.-Carolina Chemical com.100 G? BALTrMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, MD.. June ?.?Seaboard Air Line common, 23*224%: do. preferred, 8P*g30H. Seaboard 4'?, "OegRO. Atlantic Coast Line com? mon and freprerred, no ?ale?. COTTON MARKETS. NEW TORK, June 0.?The cotton market opened aready at an advance of 1 point to a de? cline of G pointa or. local InHuoocea, but rallied to a net gain of 2*35 pointe-, largely on corering by recent aellera who were Impressed by the appearance of buying order? from New Orleans. Tbe fact that there were no cablea led to e*on ?erratlun, while tho weather news waa general? ly regarded na unsatisfactory. Thl? led to Bon-e Increase in the demand for the new crop posi? none? in connection with Indication? of s ?ub eldlug movement. Tubila Intereat w?s ?l?ck. notion future? opened steady ani closed steady. Open. -nigh. Low. Clos? Juno 11.Od 11.06 11.15 July .11.14 11.24 11.13 11.23 August.10.H7 10.74 10.?7 10.73 September ...10.01 10.10 10.00 10.0?*, October .11.49 9.00 9.40 P.S7 November .... 9.31 P.42 P.80 ?.40 December_9.3.1 ?.4if 0.31 0.40 January .0.33 0:42 0.81 0.40 Spot cotton clor.ed f]ulet; middling nplands, 11.50; middling gulf, 11.76; aale?. 268 bal..-.. Cotton, quiet; middling?, 11.50; gros? receipts, 152 bolea; aale?, 283 bale?; stock. 107.020 balea. Total to-day at ail seaporta?Net receipt?. 4.000 balea; export to Great Britain, 0.271 bales; to Trance. 400 bales; atocle, 271,001 bales. Consolidated at nil seaports?Net receipt?, 1,000 bales; export to Great Britain, 0,271 bale?; to the Continent, 100 bale?. Total since September 1st at all seaport*?? Net receipts, 7.001.202 bale?; export to Great Britain, 2,721,$33 balea; to Prance. 757,084 bale?* to the iVmtinent, 2,753,410 bale?; to Japan, 155,100 bales. NEW ORLEANS. June ?.?COTTON?There waa a ?light Improvement in the movement of spot cotou to-day; quotations unchanged. Future? opened quiet. July and August were each 4 point? bighe?? bid, while tbe winter month? were at about last night's closing flg uree. With light Hading thn ?market continued firm to the close, showing net gains ot -! .(,7 point?. Cotton futures steady: June. 12.13? July, 12.38?13.!?; August, 11.06011.08] .S'-piemtx-r, 10.39; October, ?I.1U; November. 0.2*1*30.27; De? cember, 0.20*39.27; January, 0.27**29.20 PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW YORK. June? ?.?FLOOR?Quiet, but Orm. Rye Flour?Htm; fair tn good. ?2.8.'*<2 8,20, Corameal?Dull. Ityc?SteHdy; Nu. 2 Western, 59c. Barley?Quiet; fceellng, 51c. Wheat?Boot dull; No. 2 red. 84c. There waa a aharp decline In wheat this morning in activo liquidation Later tho market rallied slightly covering, but closed VitaVjc. net lower, July closed ut "S'je. Com?Spot oasy; No. 2, ?Stjc. Option? Buf? fered from belter wemhe-r prospects and local unloading. Aftex ? late rarty ou covering clo?i'd ?leaeiy. !?c. net lower. July closed at 5(1 tic; September, 54?ic. Oats?Spot Urin; No. 2. 40'ic. Option? tol lenvcd the other markets and ?vere weaker. Ileef?Easier; family. $10.60*312, Cut Meats Quiet. Lard?Easy: W esteem ?tcumed, $ii.i,*i; refined, easy. Pork?Quiet; family. $18.2*1-3 IS.60; short clear, $18*310.50. Tallow?Steady, llosin?Steady; ?trained, common to KOod, $2.053 2.10. Turpentine?[frai at 40 H *350c. - Butter?Firmi evira creamery, ?'He.; stare dairy. 17(321'-je?. Clieeso?-Irregular; State, full cream, fancy ?mall, colored und ?vhlte, lO^e. Eggs?Steady; nearby e-xtra?. Ige. ? Coffee?The market for coffee future? opened steady anil unchanged, ruled verv nutet all day, closing ?inlet, net uuchunged to 6 points lower. Kales, lO.iWO bag?. Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7 la volco, S'hU?; mild, qulot; Cordova, T-)i*iijl|a4o. Ungar?Raw. stead***; fair refining. BW?C,I cen? trifugal, 90 test, 3 10-32C.; molassi'? sugar, 2 20.32c.) refined l'asy. Confectioners' A, $1.70; mould A, $5.10; rut loaf. $5.45; crushed, S-ft.-J".-, powered, $4.95; granulated, 54.SB. Rice?Firm ; elottieatic, fair to extru, 4i,,(r?7c. Molasse?? Quiet. Pot?te**???Steady: new Southern, 19,25*32.76) old prillili. $2.35*42.60; Jersey sweet?, be/kefs, $1*31.60, I'eunilt?? Steady; fancy hnndplrketl, 4>,*n. I'.'.e.; other domestic. 2? er*4!.jo. Cab? bages-Finn; Norfolk, $ 1 ? I. !.V Cotton?By ateainer to Liverpool, 12c. CHICACO, ILL., June 0.?Wheat nncit'd eveiik. aud illthmigb tho market meudleel Jmioivbat later in lho uesslon, tlie closn ?howi-1 u loen for July of Vie'? Corn closed firm, a ?lindo lejwer. than vimleiduy. (lota close strong ut a gain of HSUc Provision? 7Vj<??|B0, leer. The leading; futures ranged as follow?: Open, High. Low, Close. WHEAT?No. 2. July (old).. T5H 75T*, lt,% 76-i, July (ne?*,). ISM 7M. 76--S 70S Sept. (old). 73)1 7.1*? 73?.*, 73??), CORN?No. ?'. ' July. 4SI.I -IS!? 4SI, 48?i Sept. 47'1, -48 -171? 47% Dec. 4lli,? 40'j 4rt 40 ?3 OATH?No. 2. juiv . am; 37 3t*u na*?; Kepi. 321? 83?; .*12**s ?3*? MESS PORK?Per bbl. Julv .17.20 17.20 18.87 10 00 Kop't. ...!.. 11117 111.00 1?.75 lfl.SO LARD?Per 100 lbs. ? July . 8.8??. 8.87 877 8,81. Sept.8.1)5 8.05 8.87 8.87 SHORT RIBS-I'er /KO lbs. ? ,t,,?? . 9.37 040 9.27 9.3d Sept.0.23 <'---2 I--10 9-12 Cash quotations were ua folio????- Flour-. Wein slemlv. N... ? i-pi'lng wheat. T-'H'?.'.1.' : No. 8. 74(?70o. ; No. 2 led, 76?};???IOH?'? No. 2 corn, ?SV-?.; No. 2 jellow, '40c. No, *.! outs, Bltt (984 ?***?: No. 2 white, ??*3?????.; No. 8 while?, *i(i*U30i,ic. Ne.. 2 rye, 61(<i5Hio. Hood feeding hurley, 43*^4^??. : tali? to choice matting. ?.(?'.? .'.He. No. 1 tiaxseeel, $1.10; No. 1 north? western. $1.14: primo Timothy seed. $3.80*3,3 8.1. Mess pork, per barrel. $11.00: ?aril, per ??Q found?, $?,i0nS.72. short ribs ?Ides ? loose ?. 9H.fe.iO.SO; dry salted shoulder? . (beyedi,. $8*3 B.13U ; ?hoit clear sides (boxndl, ??,??. Whis? key. b??l? of high ?vines, ?1 30 plover- CPU? ?taelo. ?11.&0?311.74. Buttar--Wan fltiu; or?*ra*-ry, 15*322*?.? dslrlor, in-TH?*". Etfirs Flrro ?t If.Hc. Chee?o?Hull st lif?llVie. B?.LTIMOfl?, MD.. .Tune ?.?FLOUR?Qul?t end unchanged. Wheat?Dull; ?pot, ???,'F *?i"iHc; tlie month. SOl.c.; ?outhern by ?ample, 70Q8014C. ?Torn?Steady; spot. M*3!.4Hc.? the month. 04*?.? eoutbern white corn, 51(3)05%?*. Oats?Strong I No. 2 white. 42*342-40. Rye? Firmi No. 2, CO^Seiie. Butter?Firm ?nd tir? changed, figgs?Higher; fres-b. 17c. Cheese and Biigrir?Steady and unchansed. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. WHOLESALE. Saturday. Jon? ?, 1808. LIVE POULTRY. Hens, per lb.? UV,?' 13 . Roosters, old . 30 Duck?, p?r lb. 10 ?5? 11 ' Oees?, each . 25 a CO ! Chicken? (spring!, per lb. IS tit It? Chicken? (medium), per lb. 20 ?a 21 I Chickens (large), per 11.. 22 ?a 23 EGGS. Crate?, nearby, fresh, doz.$ IS Otbcr section?, fresh; do?. 18 Barrels and boxe?, fresh, do?.... 15 <B 13 Guinea, fresh, doz. 12 BUTTER. Fancy, dairy packed, p"r lb... .$ 10 tiXf 17 Choice, dairy, packed, lb. 15 ?Q 1? Choleo, family packed lb. 10 tit 17 Choice, stoco packed, lb. 14 ??J IS Medium, store packed, lb. 13 ?a 14 Common grades, lt>. 13 ??? 13 LIVE STOCK Beef cattle, very best lb.? 5 ti%' 0?? Beef cattle, extra, per lb. 6 Beef cattle, good, per lb. Si-iifS 4 Common to medium, per lb.... 2-4*3 S Sheep, per 10. 2"??*? 4 .Spring lambs, per lb. fi tit nV, Hogs, live, per lb. ? ??J ?\ Bulls. ?<t lb. 2H??i ?-V. Veals, best, per lb. B!4 v.aii, common to prime, lb...? G. NEW COUNTRY BACON. niijj, small, per lb.' IS Q' 18 Laius, p?*r lb. 12 tip 14 Pides, per lb . 11 ?3 13 Lan!, per lb '.. 11 ?8 12 ?Shoulder?, per lb. 10 ?8 12 Dressed hogs, small, per lb. ~?>'i? 8 Dressed bogs, large, por lb. 7 DRIED FRUITS. Apples, bright, ?Heed, per lb_$ 8 ?J 3Vj Bright, quartered, per lb. 2 Q 2ti Hark, per lb . 2 (?? 214 I'e.iebes, peeled, bright, lb. 13 ? 14 Unpeeled, per lb. s ?a ? Cherries, pitted, per lb. 13 ?it 14 Blackberries, per lb. ? ?ft 7' Whortleberries, per lb. 15 ? 10 Raspberries, lb . 10 ? 17 WOOL, Tub-whined, fren of burrs, lb.."" 23 til' 25 Unwashed, free of burrs, lb.... 10 ? 20 Mirino, lb . 12 Q 14 liurry, per lb., 2?????. le??. HIDES. Dry flint, No. 1. per lb.S 12 ?, 18 Dry salt. t?o. 1, per,lb. io *3 il Green suit, No. 1, per lb. <U?, Giecn, No. 1, per lb. fli? Glue, per lb. 3 Q 4 FRt: ITS. Apples, fancy, hnnd-packed, bbl.$4.00 ?7,14.M Chelee, hiiod-packed. bbl.3.00 (? 3.V) Medium, hind-packed, bbl.2.B0 ?0 3.00 Grapo fruit, per box.5.00 Lemons, choice, per box. 3.SO tii 4.00 Strawberries, per quart. 4 ii) 7 Whortleberries, per quart., 10 tii 1211 Blackberries, per quart. s <,t 121? Watermelons, por UJO.30.00 (3*15.00 Cintobjupe?, per bbl. crate.2.50 (?? 3.00 Pruebe?, fniicy Fia., freo stone, 0 basket currier.2.25 ti% 2.50 South Carolimi, cling.,.... 75 St 1. lea l'Ines, each . 25 5J 85 Limes . 3.00 VEGETABLES. Cahlmse. S. C, per irate.S1.00 Cabbage, N. C. per ernte. 75 til 1.00 Touialoe?. per currier, fancy-5.50 it 2.75 Toms toe?, No. 1, per carrier.."., 2.00 (?v 2.25 Tumulo?.?*, small, No. 2. 1.S5 ??? 1.T5 Squash, choleo, per buskct.... 1.00 Q 1.23 i Biete, dioici?, per barrel.3.00 I l'i???, English, per crute. 1.-35 ?3 I.CO l,itliice. per hamper. 1,00 Asparagus, per liuncb. 7 @ .. 20 Celery, lars e per ernte. 3.00 Egli' plant, per crate. 2.00 tit 2.50 I'uiuioe?. new, No. 1. white 2.S0 tit '.'..on No. 2, per I.I.I., white. 3.O0 '<? 225 No. 1, per bbl., red. 2.1.0 ii 2.75 Nn. 2. per bh|.. red. 1.7? tit 2.25 Cukes, per basket. 1.00 ?Ul 1.75 Beans 8. ('.. round. p?-r buiket.. 1.50 Homi?. ?. C? rollini, per linket. 1.80 Onions. 1,00 ?3 1.75 MISCELLANEOUS. Beans, navy, while, Ko. I, lnis.?I.On *ct$2.on While, common. t?us. 1,73 lis 1.145 Colored, per 1ms. 1.?5 ?i 1.00 Pea?, Mackeve, i?N. 1, but.... l.l'O Peas, blacker?, No 2, hui. 75 Ivas, lilaili, per 1m?. DO I'oas, clay, per bus. 75 (?? 85 P)iu?ecd, per luis. 1.20 ill.??,*) llci-mm?*, per lb. 27 Tallow, per lb. 5 .??voilier?, Uve, per lb.,,. 45 li fio*. inlved. per lb. 3.1 <Q 40 fi SS til ?.on mu?s. No. 1. ?? Wire turkey coops. Liei (?J, RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. lllrhiDond. I'll . .Imi.? it, lini,".. QUOTATION!,. WHI.AT? I.nnglieiry .?..... ?2 af:\ Mixed . 82 (?S.'I ShurtbriTy . S2 Sg? No. 2 red . K.'i coii'v.-"" ,0" . ? tt'SJ Whlto (V?:i bag lot?. 5? (ilft.s No, 2 ?hltn . 5S No. 3 wlilto . 57 No. 2 itilxoil . 57 No; S lulled . 00 OATS? No. 2 mixed . R5l4 No. 3 nilsi-ri . 37U UVi: . 5ti catt?STmarket. CHICAGO. II?!?., Juiit?? 0.- CATTLE Market JOHN L mams a sons BANKERS, Deslere In 1HCHMOND, VA., SOUTHERN IHVESTWEIir SECURITIES? MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPECIAL-TY. Correspondence Invitee!, nominal, etedy. Good to prime ?fern, $4.00? 0.80; cow? and heifer?. $1.60(ft5? calve?, $2.50r(i 0.70.? Hog??Mlxe?! ?nd butcher?. $5.e.",f*i5.0.'i. Sheop?Steady. Ooo? to choice wethera, *?4,.50*?? 0.30; native lamb?, $4.50?7. NEW TORK, June ??OAI.VES?etcady. Veni?, $5*30.75. Sboep end Lambs?Sheep -weak to 15c. lower; lambs on?! yearlings d??. lower. Sheep, $3.25*34.70 per 100 pounds; lamb?, ("tij 7.75. CINCINNATI. O.. June 6.?-HOGS?Actl???? at $4.25*30.00. Catti*}?Steady nt ?2.50*3-1.75. Lamb??Dull nd lower ?t 51.25*35.10. TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Vn., June fl, UV?I. The ?ruolntlon? of tbe Richmond tobacco mar? ket are ? follow?: SUN-CURED TOBACCOS. Priming?.' 3.50*3$ 4.50 Lug?, common . 4,50? 8.00 Lut?, good to prime . 0,50? 0.00 Leaf, common . 1.60*3. 8.00 Leaf, medium . 8.50? 9.00 Leaf, fino .10,50? 13.00 Wrapper? . 14.00? 10.00 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smoker?, common .$ 4.50?$ 0.50 Smoker?, medium . 0.50? 8.00 Smokers, line . 8.50? 10.00 Cutter?, common . S.OO? 10.00 Cutters, medium . 10.00? 12.00 Cutter?, fine .12.50(3! 15.00 Cutters, fancy .14.00? 17.00 Fillers, common . 5.00? 7.00 Fillers, common . 7,00? 9.00 Fillers, fine . n.00? 12.00 Wrapper?, medium . 1-3.00? 18.00 Wrapper?, line .30.00? 40.00 Leaf, medium . 5.50? 8.50 Leaf, {rood . 0.50? 8.00 BROWN SHIFPINO TOBACCOS. Lug.$ 4.50?$ 0.50 I.-.if, inulina . 0.75? 7.00 Leaf, good . 8,00? 0.50 LTNCHBURO TOBACCO MARKET./ Lynchburg, V?., June, ?, 3903. Warehouse? of the, city report light receipt? for the pnst week. There ba? been no material Chang? In prices. Owing to tho dry -weather and th? fact tbat farmer? are busy preparine for the new crop, it 1? expected tbat the market will continue dull. Th? quotation? aro as followsi DARK GRADES. PRIMINGS .$ 1,50(3$ 3.00 LUGS? ? CJommon and dark Ing? . 3.50? 4.00 |S DARK STEMMING TOBACCOS. Lug? .$ 8.50?$ 5.00 Medium dark lug.?. 4.00? 0.00 Good dork lugs . 0.00? 0.50 LEAK? Common and dark leaf. 0.00? Medium dark leaf . 5.50T Good dark leaf . 7.00*1 Floe dark leaf . 11,(ni*? Extra One dark leaf.. 11.50?? Black Wrappers . 16,2 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. LUGS? Common .$ 0.00?$ 0.00 Medium bright . (1.00? 7.00 Good . 7,00? S.OO LEAF Common cutters .$ 7.00?$ 0.00 Good cutter?. 0.00? 'Fine cutter? . 11.00? 12.00 BRIGHT WRAPPERS? Common. 6.00? Medium . 8.00<r Good . U Fine . 10.001? MAHOGANY WRAPPERS? Medium . 12.00? 20.00 Good . 14.00? 25.00 WRAPPERS? Common .$ H.OO*??$l2.on Medium . 12,00? 17.50 Good . 17.00? 85.01) Faucy . 35.00? 00.00 Kales of tobacco on the Lynchburg markot for thn two weeks ending May SO, 1003, furnished by John L. Ogleshy, ?>f Lynch'? Warehouse: Sold week ending Mny ?.3*1. 152.5M pounds; sol,I week ending May 80th, 255.200 pounds, l?crense for week ?mrtlng May :10th, 132,700 pounds. Sold from October I, 1002, to ??? BO, Hl(i3, 20,15P,l)ii() pound*! ?old from October 1, 1801, to Msv 30. 1002. 10.0.'IS. 1)00 pounds. lu crema for ions, 1,121,300 pound?. llecelpl? heavier the pan week than for the past tlvH weeks. We have had u good, wnrin, dump senson, ?vltli ?bower? for the past four day?; which put the tobnoeo lo condition for market ?nd which wo? Ihn cause of tbo In? crease. Price? fairly well sustained as reported heretofore? We expect a large proportion of the tobacco iiow In the hand? of the plantera lo Im sohl ivlthln thn next two or three wonka. From Information gotten from good planier*, It up? pear? (hut about onehnlf uf tbo crop ban been planted. , ,, The quotation? nre ns follow?: HARK TOBACCOS. Common lugs?.$3.000$ 150 Medium'lugs . 450? 5 00 Cimil lugs . 0.00? 6.00 Common loot . r..oo? 11.50 Medium leaf . 8.0(1? 7.50 Hood louf . 8.00? 10.00 ???? leaf . 10 iiOrti 11.00 W ru ? pern . 10.00? 2J.uO BUIl.liT TOBACCOS. (?leen liifrs.} 2.00?$ 4.00 (?nod bright lug? . 7.50? 8.50 Common bright lugs . 11.00? 7.50 line bright lugs . 8 50? ??.,'?? ?.'orninoli cutter?. 7.00(3 0.50 ( cutlers . 050? 11.Oil '.'hie cutters . 11,00? 12.50 ?\'u wrapper? offerod, P ET ERS ? G lit. TOBACCO MARKET. Petersburg, Va., June 0. 1003. The ?iiiolntlons for this murkut aro us fol? l'iiiriiion to medium lugs.$3.00?$ ?ioort lugs. 4 00? 11.00 i'nnr ?hcrl loaf . 5.(10? 0 60 Mt'illnni short leaf . 7.00? 7.50 M'lliuni 10 good wrapper?. ?..... 10 00? 15.00 Good to fine wrapper?. 15 ???? 88.00 Fine ?hipping . R-50? 15.00 WISCELLANEOUSM?RKKTS. PEANUT AM> PEA MARKET. N01UOLK. VA-. June ???? The petuiit rourket I? ?lUlet to-iliiy. Tin? Oliy cluing? In price? I? Spanish nuls, wbli'li havo dropped In price to 77 iec. 11 bushel. The pri?es uro 11? follows: G??|???,?, ?lUli'l ?I 3i' I Ulllelly prima, 2->?o.? prim?, ill.?.; low guide?. gu.; nisehtn,. picked -:* '.?',.? : HoetiWh, 77'-.>?. per bushel ??????????.?? lie.?.. ?fS.Sa bug; l.lni-l. ?0?1 ?pecklii peas. $1; clay and red pet?, SOC. I'euiiill bugs In bules H8 ??-, 7 410e. G I-VI" E11.SBU Iti.. VA . -''"i" ? PEANUTS ? Sfiinl?.!i, new, iiisilirl very--(Irin .-11 7"i..e.; ?teilen uskluj loore. Virginia's Q.|l?t ut ?le. ntiV liiuins ????G.G. NEW VOIll?:. Jim,? il Value? In dir (???* ?G?' nialnUliiHil ami Ih? murltfl leiierallr Is fli-mer ?him ever. *l li? weil? ?"'If? ?? 11 h buyer? noxv "III Ing 10 ?reer.? (he IiIkIhi' t?V.'l ?*????|?????.? ou III? um Inri t.? of ?niiil.n. ilinugb buying 1- [irrvu^u ??*.1 In a Iji?je cileni ??;. .0????'t..?.??)? Jo?'p?r? u?? ?Oit au iudlUcreut deiuaud lioui in? local Review of BlilS JIB? HI IS?FJCTIIIHTEBESTS Sitterding Carnea Davis Go, No. 10 Hrond Street. Manufacturers of nil kinds of Lumber, nnd dealer.?- |n u-n-, Cement, Taints, on*?, etc. THE OflRDWELL MACHINE 00. Mnnufacturcrs TOBACCO ?????????, ELEVATORS, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Richmond, Va. Writ? for Souvenir, GORDON METALE 1*20-32 East Cary St., Richmond, Va., Jobbern of TIN PIATTO. IRON AND STEEL ROOFING. BLOCK. AND GALVAN? IZED SHEETS, TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Stenographers Should List their name?. Wo nre deliy hiudni? call? for operatori lor different make? of machine? t no choree to either. Oil or ??rite ROnTIIKRN RTAMP A BTATIONEHY COMPACT KMI'LOYMKNT BDUEA?. FD-n? ?95? Enti? BM|., Te-elvee-SU M?*??.. Richmond, V?. RICHMOND. VA., Owners and solo mnnufacturetd of thn FAMOUS FRICTIONLF.SS METAL. It is tho best In the world. m??h-GousrtnevCo. RICHMOND, VISIGINI?. Southern ****,'"nts for tho Improved Bato Corllfsn Englno Maehliiory, Pumps. Belt In?-, Steel and Wood Pulleys, Sh.iftln*? and I tanj-ors. Roll road. Mine. Mill and Contractor!!' Supplies, Flint Koto Roofing. r ES 191 Tho Lftrj-er-t Blottlri/** Mill In the United States. Our Rrnntls: "fHniidard," "Imperial," "Sterling," "United States.' RICHMOND WOOD WQRK1KG GO. 14 N. Seventh Street. SHOW CASES, OFFICE FIXTURES. AU Kinds of WOOD ????? for Houso .?il Virginia-Carolina Mftnufnoturni-n of FerllllstpKi, Feftllls?.? Ingr Materials and Chemicals. Importers of Potash, Salts anil Nitrates. CaDacltyt One thousand carloads of Martufacturfti Fertlll?ors par day, Richmond, Va. Richmond Stove COMPANY, 5502-2606 East. Mnln Street." Richmond, Vn. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL, KINDS BTOVES. Wm. J. Anderson, Kohcrt G. Rennolda, Prest. Sec. and Treaa. ioon, Zirkle, Goodali Go., WHOLEAAjLtU DRUCK?tSTS' SUNDRIES. 1420 13. Main Bt.. Richmond, VA. The only houso of Its kind In Richmond. Trunks Repaired. TO HAVE TOUR TRUNKS REPAIR ed como nnd seo me. I do my own work. Which saves you half the profit; no one to pay but my?elf, therefore I can do tli? cheapest job la the city. HENRY SIEGEL, 206 North Ninth Street; Thone 8548. ' FINANCIAL. BUB io lend at 5 per Gent, on OSTY PROPERTY. N. W. BOWE, No. 4 Street. s 300)1 TO LE?D M 500 ? pa 'g pa ''??? ligi Esfate. alo?o I McVEIGH & GLIMM, d,??a" 1112 East Main Street. ; 5Q0 750 1,000 2,000 3,000 MONEY fo Loan on $ 5,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 20,000 Wm. B.PizzIn! Co,, I Oth & Bank Sts. MONEY TO LEND. ON CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ES? TATE. R. B. CHAFFTN & CO.. Ina. trade who ara operating for Immediate sectls onlj?. NATAL STORKS. SAVANNAH. GA.. Ju?e, ?.---T?RP?5NTINB? ?tcael??', ????????. 2?3.:??*4?a?? Sales, 284 casks?, exports, OOP casks. Rosin?Firm; receipt?. 2,782 barrels; sales, 107 barrels; esporta, 0,712 bar? rels. CHARLESTON, 8. C, Jan* ?_TURPEN? TINE?Nothing doing. Roela?SUadj*. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW TORK, June 6.?Cottopaod oil Tras quiet hut fairly steady without Important changes. Prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 84^885Vic; prima summer yello?iv, 41 (341'?c; oft summer yellow, 87V4*S38c.; prime whlto, 40@47c. ; prime winter yellow- 40?47c; prim* meal, |27@27.60 nomi nal. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POUT OF WEST,POINT. June ?, 1803. ,,?, 'i,. , ' AJIRIVED.' Jdnrphj*, Baltimore, paeaerngtni and general cargo. , SAILER Charlotte, Murphy, Rsltlmor?, passcBgers and general cargo. THE MANN LAW IS PROHIBITIVE Steamers Bring Jugs, but the Sale of L?quor on Northern Neck Has Stopped. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) HEATHSVILLE, VA., June. 6.?The wheat crop through the Northern Neck la about to terminato In a failure, Tho stalk and blades have turned yellow nnd the wheat fllfla ara almost as yellow as gold. This unfortunate condition ls said to bo due to the excessive rains during the early months of spring. Tlio operation of the Mann liquor law throughout tho Northern Neck should give the utmost satisfaction to the nd vocates of tho anti-whiskey traille. 'AU of ili? saloons In thn countless of the Nortlieirn Nock have been closod with the exception of those ut Colonial Beach. Of course, numbers of private Jues arrive on ovory steamer from Baltimore nnd Washington, but there is but a small per cent of tho whiskey consumed now that was bofore tho Mann law went Into ef? fect, Tlio steamboats, In spit of the fact that these counties had voted local option, used to sell liquor a? they would movo from one wharf to another, but. now thoy havo refrained from this. Almost ab? soluto prohibition prevails In the Noith cin Nock. The American Mach?n* nnd Kxeelslon Company, of Baltimore, nnil Hon. John M. I.yoll, of Farnatn, will erect at once at filnioiiBon, Richmond county, an ex cclblor mill. 60x10 feot. The main build? ing will bo built of Iron tiding and roof, lug, and will he equpped with the latest anil most highly-improved machinery. ? wharf will also bo eroded on which will be built a largo storage house. This now entorprlsiiv will giv-i employment to a large nuiuboi* Of people, ami will prove a great benefit to the community tn which It Is located. Mr, i.yell will have the management of the business, whle'.h ho enpectn to have In full operation by the first of August. The buildings - will be lighted by elec? tricity. George A. Carter, of Em?rton, Blch moiiel county, wns brought before Justice Klciieihurgor hero recently charged with having sold whiskey In this local option district. Tlio accused plead guilty end was fined i?? and costs. ? Hiroll Harding, of lrvlngton, was re? cently t'.iied J?O on each of eiglit counts for polling "ambrosia" that made ney oral partios drunk? Ml*, ('liarles Kirnt, and Miss Riu--an Bock were recently married at the Baptist parnonag? here by B?v, f|. w. Beale. Bolli ine popular at .I.ottshurg, their fu? ture homo. Squires' nn?! Bellows' tithing ete4m**r? r.tptiuvii abPtlt two million al*-wives last v.-e.u \!.'???.??????? -?* flowing up more abundantly every week. I LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ?ANT BANK OR TRUST ?COMPANY G? THE SOUTH-ATXcANTia STATES Richmond Trust and Safe Deposit Company. TentH and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. ' $ $1,712,188. Execute? Trusts, Receives Deposits from ?1.00 and Upwards. Allows 3 per cent. Interest on>.Dally Balances Subjeot to Check. Accounts Solicited. Correspondence Invited. SKELTON WILLIAMS. LEWIS D. CRENSHAViJ, President Treasurer. JAMES H. DOULET. HENRY L. CABELL. Vice-presidents. ?IR., ( ?ZSXXZZtXiZ?? r'^-^-^HTWHIfftW^^ OurPersevetranceOerftfieafeofOeposit Sixty-seven cents monthly will give you hundred : dollars in ten years; six dollars seventy cents, | thousand dollars, and other regular monthly pay? ments in proportion. Just the thing to acquire a competency easily. Money yours on demand. All other deposits accepted. Interest allowed and com? pounded semi-annuaUy. 911 East Main Street. S. GALESKI, Pr?s!" W. GRAY WATTS ON, Cashier. Capital,.S200.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, . . $628,852.94 Designated State. United States and City Depository. Collections a Specialty, tsr Largest Bank Depository South of Baltimore. JOHN P. BRANCH, president, JOHN F GLENN, Cashier, JOHN K. BRANCH. Vice President Does a General Eanking Business 1117 East Main Street, Next to Hotel Lexington. THE INSTITUTION FOB THE PEOPLE. Deposits In sums ot ONE DOLLAR and upwards received and Interest allowed. Loans made on real estate. Negotiable paper discounted. R. A. PATTERSON, Presldont. L. Z. MORRIS, Vloe-Prosldenli JAMES M. BjUjL-, Cashier. DIRECTORS?Georere L. Christian, ?. D. Hargrove, P. Whltlock, H.* Theodoro Ellyson, W. H. Zimmerman, B. Alsop, R, A, ?Patterson, L. ?S, Morrla, F. Sltterdlne? H. Beldon Taylor, O. O. Owens, John W. Gordon, O. O. Valentin??. 1035 E. Main St. Richmond, Va Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold for Gash or Carried on tho Most Favorable Terms, Investment Securities a Specially. 'Phone 366. BUSINESS AND SOLICITED BY THE OF VIRGINIA, 11 E. Main St.. Richmond, Va. $50,000 TO LEND ON ?J, THOMPSON BROWN & GO. Bankers and Brokers xi 14 ?. Main St., Richmond, Va ?? Private Wires to Principal Points. Correspondents?W. E. WOOD?ND. ?**{ CO., Members New York Consol?date"???, Stock Exchange.. - CoriOspnnilL'nce Invited. E. W. TRAFFORD, Consulting ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL Electrlo Lighting, Electric nail? ways, Power Transmission, Chamber of Commer?a Building, RICHMOND, VA. INVESTMENT SECURITIES, -''rglnla Ronds, --? l**101***? G??* Bend?, / -? ;;lcal Stocks, ??---?"' . BOU-U-O Sr BK'O , ?"?A.'iS?titk.?^--??*-*, 1014 .East H&litk >nd, V?,