Newspaper Page Text
RALEIGH HAD A GAY WEEK Social Circles Interested In a Fashionable Marriage. CARROLL-BARRY NUPTIALS Miss Conklln Carroll Becomes Bride of Mr. John Alexander Barry, of At? lanta?Many Social Ceremoni? als Preceded the Marriage. (Rpeecliil to The Tlrnfs-Dtsp'tcli.) RALEIGH, N. C, June 6.?Interest In ?octal circles tho past week has cen? tered In the cerermonlnls attendant upon '.he marriage of Miss Conklln Carroll, one of Raleigh's best, handsomest and most popular young society women, to Mr. John Alexander Barry; a prominent young business man of Atlanta. On Tuesday morning a delightful luncheon, tn honor of the -wedding party, wns given by Mrs. O. J. Carroll, mother of the bride. There were present Mr. John Leftwlch Barry, of Atlanta; Miss Conk? lln Carroll; Mr. Eugeno Barry, of New York; Mr. Robert Barry, ot Atlanta; Mrs. Barry, of Atlanta; Mr. King, of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Conklln, of Baltimore; Mrs. J. A. Morris and Miss Morris, of Atlanta.? A RECEPTION. ?' This was followed on Tuesday even? ing by a brilliant reception by Mrs. Wil? liam P. Whltaker at her home on North Blount Street. It was given In honor of the bride (Mrs. "Whltaker's sister) and to meet Mrs. Daniel E. Conklln,' of Bal? timore, and Mrs. J. Allen Morris, of At? lanta, Ga. The decorations were elabo? rate and unique. A huge wedding bell of daisies and ferns was suspended In' the doorway between the reception parlor and tho library. The dining-room ?was In whlto and green, with a lavish dressing of whito carnations and bride's roses. The punch-room was in red, American Beauty roses being used pro-J fusely. The receiving party consisted of the following: Mrs. W. P. Whltaker. in a black spangled gown and bertha of reaLlace; Miss Conklln Carroll, in light blue crepe de chine and whlto applique; Mrs. Daniel E. Conklln. of Baltimore in white silk, trimmed In real lace ap? plique and touches of black velvet; Mrs. J. Allan Morris, of Atlanta, In ? black gown embroidered in white; Miss Sarah Morris, of Atlanta, in white silk mull over white taffeta; Mrs. W. E. Weather ly, of Detroit, In gray crepe de chine, with cluny lace trimmings; Mrs. J. Clif? ford Carroll, of Durham, In Brussels lace over taffeta; Mrs. L. A. Carr, of Durham, in panne crepe, with duchesse lace trimmings; Miss Pattie Carroll, In white organdy. Among those assisting In the various rooms were Mrs. Charles McKlmmon and Dr. Dlxon-Carroll. assisted by Miss Eliza Busbee and Miss Mattye Pace. Mrs. Percy R. Albright and Mrs. Frank Stronnch pre? sided, assisted by Miss Caro Gray, Miss Wllla Norrls, Miss Louise LInton, Miss Ethel Carr, of Durham; Miss Louise Dlxon, of Dlxondale. Va.: Miss Hal Morison and Miss May Latta. Over 200 guests called during the eve? ning. THE PRETTY WEDDING. The Barry-Carroll weddinc: took place under the most tirl'llant auspices on Wed? nesday evening at 9 o'clock In the Church of the Good Shepherd, which wae hand? somely and artistically decorated for the nuptials. Stately palms and potted plants encircled the chancel, while white carna? tions In silver vases adorned the altar, which was Illuminated by a myriad of white wax candles. In their shining silver candelabra. A feature of the music programme preceding the singing of "The Wedding Story " by Miss Louis? Plt tlnger. In her sweet, pure soprano evoice. The ushers, who were the brothers and brothers-in-law of the bride, entered in couples: Mr. Robert Barry,, of Atlanta, and Mr. J. Clifford Carroll, of Durham, and Mr. W. P. Whltaker, of Raleifch, and Mr. L. A. Carr of Durham. Miss Sarah Morris, of Atlanta, one of the two maids of honor, entered with the groomsman, Mr. Edwin Fitzgerald King, of Atlanta. The bride's sister, Miss Pattie Lawrence Carroll, preceded the bride, who entered upon the arm of Mr. Daniel T. Conklln, of Baltimore, her godfather, who gave her away. The groom, accompanied by his best man, Mr. Eugene T. Barry, of New Tork, entered fr/ira the vestry-room and ?waited- the bride at the chancel. ' The bride's gown was of white liberty chiffon, over taffeta, elaborately trimmed with pearls and rose-point lace. Her flow? ing white tulle veil was gathered In with a wreath of orange blossoms, and clasped with a diamond heart, the gift of the bride's godfather. The bride's Jewels were diamonds and pearlB, and she wore s lovely ornament, a pearl heart, the gift of the groom. She carried an exquisite bou? quet of bride's roses, tied with long ends of white tulle. . The maids of honor, Miss Sarah Morris and Miss Pattie Carroll, wore white silk mull, and carried shower bouquets of ping sweet peas, gathered with long ends of white tulle. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the residence of the bride's mother, where an Informal reception was held. The reception lnuted until midnight and at 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. Barry left for Old Point Comfort, before visiting Washing, ton. New York nnd the coast of Maine. They will .be at home at No. 113 Wash? ington Street, Atlanta, Ga., after June 16th. The blrde ls the daughter of tbe late United States Marshal O. J. Carroll, and ls universally recognized as one of the most queenly and beautiful daughters of North Carolina's capital city, She was educated (it St. Mary's College hero, and since her debut she has been a fa/vorlte both In Raleigh society and the popular summer resorts, where she hae been a visitor. Mr. Barry ls the southern manager of the Securities Company, of New York city, with his office In Atlanta. He ls a i-on of the late John Alex Barry, an honored resident of that city, Among the out-of-town guests at Ihe wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Conklln, of Baltimore; Mrs. John A. Barry, of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. J. Al? ino Morris, of Atlanta; MJf.b Sarah Morris, of Atlanta; Mr and Mrs. L. A. Carr, of Durham: Mr and Mrs. J. Clifford Carroll, of Durham; Mies Ethel E. Carr. of Durham; Mr. Eugene T. Barry of New York; Mr. Robert Barry, of Atlanta; Mr E. F. King, of Atlanta; Mr. Krank Ver nay of Baltimore; Mr. R. !.. Carr, of Baltimore; Mre. Vf. E. Weatherly; of P?trole, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lyon of Durham. ' TEHPERANCR CAA1PAION Prof. S-C. Mitchell Opens It in Freder? icksburg?Public School Medalists. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspateh.) FRBDBR1CKSBURG, VA., June ?._ Profeeeor 8. C. Mitchell, of Richmond College, addressed a large audience in the courthouse here last night on the temperine? tiU?*?>Mon. This was the open ***?r ot i&* ->a*-i>Pf?lgn hy the temperance Every... Sensible Economist recognizes the advantage of buying direct from the makers and receiving tho agents' or middleman's margins in tlio higher qualities for the money spent. The mighty woolen deal recently effected at manufacting headquarters, the op? portune privilege of purchasing thousands upon thousands of choicest, select and swellest -woolens in foreign and domestic fabrics way below real worth lends the most extraordinary bargain charm to our phenomenal offer? ings of High-Grade Attire. Men's excellent Suits, mado from fine quality Fancy, Swagger Scotches, Attractive Patterns Tweeds and Elegant Black and .Blue Serges ?ind Undressed "Worsteds^ un? equalled qualities at not less than $15.00 at any other store?this week only m??fG^?SiQRES ?.?????&??^ people here. The local option election ?vili take place In this city on Tuesday, June 30th. Tho publlo schools of this city have closed, after a most successful session nnd the largest enrollment In the history of the city. . Those winning medals in the white school were as follows: Missen Nora V. Ballurd, Flossie B. Garner, The? resa McCoid, Ada P. Bro-wn and Selma Ulman, Lloyd T. Knight. Ben P. Pitts, J. A. Broaddus Dlllard, Margaret Shen ton, Elise Genther. Circuit Judge J. E. Mason has granted ? divorce to Mrs. Sarah A. Monteltli, of Stafford county, from her husband, Thomas Montelth. A commission'of lunacy has- declared Mrs. G. "W. Llndsey, of this city, Insali-). ?She recently nttempted to poison her family, and afterwards tried to end her own Ufe. She Is now being treated at the Mary Washington Hospital. ?Judges Designated. Governor Montague yesterday desig? nated Judge W. N. Portlock, of Norfolk county, to hold court for Judge B. D. White, of Princess Anne, the latter be In*- lncapaclted to sit In a certain pend? ing case. Por the same reason Judgo Henry ??. Holt, of Staur.ton. was designated to sit for Judge J. O. Shepherd, of Buena "Vis? ta. Junior Hollywood. There -will he a called meeting of the Junior Hollywood Memorial Association at L?ee Camp Hall nt 11 o'clock Wednes? day morning. Very Quiet Day. Governor Montague spent yesterday In his offlce looking aftor houtlno business matters. His Excellency had but few callers, and disposed of no matter of sweeping public moment. FEW CASES FOR THE GRAND JURY 'Squire Graves Had a Small but Important Docket. Police Court. 'Squire Graves had a brief session yes? terday, but eeveral grand jury cases came out of It. Edward W. Bentley was sent on to the grand jury on tho charge of robbing J. E. Cook of a watch and chain, and also for taking a diamond pin belonging to tho same party. Annie lC?;nt was dismissed of the charge of complicity. The oft continued case of G. Perkins, ehargcel with beating S. S. Scullnck,-was dismissed. Roclietta Taylor, colored, Is charged with taking JO from Jamos Goff, anil the evidence will be heard on the 10th. Lewis Bentley beut Lizzie Winston {10 worth. And a number nf drunks were disposed ol. THE OLD-FASHIOFED MOTHER. She Is Still With Us and Has Come to Stay. To the old-fashioned mother tho mighty manhood of America doffs Its hat ?tlio old-fashioned mother who found ,, timo from her Innumerable duties to look after her children, feeling thut they were Intrusted to her for a short time only; that they In turn were to become history makers, and that she was responsible for their early training. Millions of noble mothers are to-day teaching their children that Dr. Hurl-hart's Vegetable Compound cures ariel prevents disease and makes strong, healthy men and wo? men. Thirty days' treatment can be had from any drug store for twenty-five cents. Read the Groat Tee-Dee Summer Out? ing Offer in this Paper. Tarlai skin wrinkles and ages, lacking proper nourishment, Satin-Skin Cream is tissue-building skin feieeei. Miller ? Rhoads. s???????. Bean the /) 'hB Kind^ "? Always Bought MINERAL WEALTH TO BE EXHIBITED That Feature Will Not Be Neglected at the St. Louis Exposition. Commissioner of Agriculture K?lner stated yesterday that tho story In the Washington correspondence concerning \rlrginla's mineral exhibit at St. Louis is rather misleading. The exposition commissioners were not ahle to accept the proposition made by the geological survey, as they would llko to have done, on account of tho lack of sufficient funds. A great many other In? teresta In the Stato had to be considered besides minerals. He saya that the min? eral Interests of the State htwe heen neg? lected, to the great loss In taxable values of the State, but the St. Louis commis? sion Is now working on a plan which will secure a fine exhibit of Virginia min? erals at much smaller cost than the plan of the geological survey, and one which will be of great permanent value to the State. This exhibit, when collected, will be kept by the State Agriculture Department ns a permanent exhibit, and can be aug? mented nnd displayed at Jamestown. All exhibits for the St. Louis Exposi? tion from A'lrglnla will be collected with a view to their maintenance by the State ns a permanent exhibit of the material products and resources ot the State. The Commissioner of Agriculture, who, Is also president of the St. Louis Com? mission, would bo glad if all persons having mineral properties from which they would like to exhibit specimens would communicate with him or with Assistant Commissioner George E. Mur rell. Richmond. Mr. Murrell Is now putting up cherries nnd berries for preservation for the St. Louis exhibit nnd claims that these will compare with similar products of any other State, even on the Pacific coast. Plans aro now being formulated to pro? vide a completo exhibit of tho fish and (*nmo products of the State, Including shell fish, and Mr. Murrell Is now at work on these plans with gratifying re? sults. It may not be known by many tliat the fish, game and oyster products o? the Suite exceed nine millions of dollars ? iiniiiilly In value. Commissioner K?lner said to the re? porter: "I wish you would state that the commission will endeaivor to give a fair and complete exhibit of the agri? cultural, trucking, mineral, marine, for? estry and manufactured products of the Bt ate. so far ns tho resources of'the peo? ple will enable. I nsk the earnest co-oper? ation of lho people In this work, "Several counties have set ? commenda? ble example In proposing to collect county exhibits, nnd It would be a splendid ad? vertisement for such counties as take this action, 'fliese specimens of the pro? ducts of ? county will be exhibited to I millions of people, many of them home ', seekers ami investors." In conclusion, the commlsloner stated that the St. Louis .Commission was doing I everything possible with the resources ! at its command to collect a complete and ; creditable display of the products, raw ', material? **ttil industrial enterprises of ? the Stnte. Lawn Party Postponed. Tlie lawn party which was to have' been held Friday evening lust at Mrs. ivuiiline Scl.-iter's. No. 2721 Floyd Avenue (Home Place), for the benefit of the building fund of the Church of the Cove? nant, had to be postponed on account of the weather. It will come off to-morrow evening between the hours of 8 and 11, If the weither be good; otherwise, on tho next fair evening, between the same hours. Ladies' Auxilhry ?. O. H. The regular monthly meeting of the ; Ladles' Auxiliary. A. O. II.. No. 1, will take place on Monday. June Sili, Instead bt ihe nth, as previously stated. Cadet. Ford at Home. Cadet Ford, who has-been attending the AlHIorsburg Military Acueleinv. Millers? burg. Ky., has retuiiied homo to spend his vacation with his mother, Mrs. G. J. ?? 9>'?, No. ??? 'AVest Main SligeU A MONUMENT TO UNCLE LA?RY It Will Be Unveiled in the Cemetery Near Ashland Tuesday?Memorial Service. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF REV.J0HNB.LAURENS.1 "UNCLE LARRY." H.31 'CCHCT".RYANe ?R'A*>IJ*UI\ O? THI ROSEBUD MlSSIOHARYSOCimf | OF THI VIROINIA CONFERENCE, M f CMURCH.SOUTM. ente-?eo bv THE ROSEBUDS. 1903. M: L One of the most interesting features of the commencement of Ran dolph-Macon College this week will be the unveiling of the monument erected by the Rosebuds to the memory of the Rev. John B. Lauiens, the beloved "Uncle Larry." Tlie unveiling will occur on Tuesday afternoon at Ashland. The memorial service will be held in the college chapel, beginning at ? o'clock. At 6 o'clock the congregation will march to the cemetery to -witness the unveiling. Uncle Larry's relatives, Conference classmates, comrades and friends, and the Rosebuds generally havo been invited to attend. The Ashland train leaves Byrd-Street Depot, Richmond, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Trains returning from Ashland will arrive in Richmond at 7:15, 0, 10:20 and 11 P. M. At the depots the ushers and officers of the society will be recognized by the Rosebud badge. NO BACK STEPPING ON PRIMARY PLAN People Seem to Be Behind the New Party Declar? ation. The declaring of 'Senator Daniel the party nominee for United States Senator to succeed himself In the absence of Democratic opposition ls another evi? dence of the smooth working of the new system of making nominations, and the plan ls being commended by the rank and lile of the party everywhere. There has been only a partial trial of the new primary plan, and there seems to be a general disposition on the part of all to test It In all Its ramifications. The position of Chairman Ellyson on this matter Is Interesting, and will go a long way toward giving tins plan the confidence of the people. Chairman Ellyson says he believes there' should be the fullest and fairest trial of the plan before there Is any talk of abandoning It. Notwith? standing this, however, there Is a dispo? sition In certain quartern to repeal the plan and go back to the old ward and mass-meeting system, which leads Anally to a. caucus nomination of a Senator. The matter will undoubtedly be an Issue before the Democratic State Convention, and the delegates to this body will likely be chosen with some reference to main? taining or abolishing the system. Mrs. Myrta Lockett Avary has received and accepted an Invitation to visit Shir? ley, the home of the (barters, on James River, while she ts In Richmond. Headquarters for Groceries and Liquors. J. S. MOORE'S SONS, Corner 18th and Main Streets, Phone 507. Wholesale and Retail and Grocers, Feed Liquor Dealers Our goods the best ; our prices the lowest. Come and see for yourself. 'Phone or write for confidential prices. We can save you money. A few articles quoted below as evidence : New Cut Herrings, dozen, toc; or, barrel.,,,.,,., .?f4.oo liest Timothy Hey, per hundred. 1.05 Oood Mixed Corn, bushel.55 liest Creimi Cheese, pound.'.15 Choice Cooked Ham, pound.12?/., Pride of Richmond Flour, barrel, $4.10; or, sack.27 Dunlop Flour, barrel, $4.20; or, sack.27 Good Rye Whiskey, gallon.... 1.50 Moore's Crown Whiskey, gallon. 3.50 7-year-old Rye Whiskey, gallon. 3.50 Pure Old Virginia Apple Brand/..,-, 3.00 ?Moore's Keystone Rye, 3 years old, gallon........ 2.00 Duffy's Malt' Whiskey, bottle.,..'.. .80 Fulcher Mountain Whiskey, bottle-,. 1.15 James E. Pepper Whiskey, bottle.,t i.u Best North Carolina Corn Whiskey,- gallon. 2.00 H. WHltLOC?i, 703 E? Main Street, will offer his entire stock of Imported ? and? American WOOLENS For the next Sixty Days, to be MADE UP AND TRIMMED In the best style ot very low prices for cash in or? der to make a Change in Business. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSO? CIATION. Boston, Mass., July 6-10, 1903?Re? duced Rates via R? F. & P. R. R. One fare for the round trip to Boston, plus 12 membership. Feo of twenty-live cents charged for validating each ticket at Boston. Tickets on sale July 3d to 6th, Inclusive, good, leaving Boston returning July 8th to 12th, 1903, Inclusive. Final limit will be extended to leave Boston until September 1st. Inclusive, by deposit of ticket with joint agent, and upon payment of fee of fifty cents per ticket, which will Include charge for vali? dation. Stop-overs not exceeding ten days will be permitted at Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, without additional charge, on going trip within transit limit, July 6th, and on return trip within final limit of ticket. Stop-over permitted at New York on return trip within limit, upon payment of fee of Jl for each ticket. Tickets must be personally deposited for stop-over with depot ticket agent, Wash? ington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, and with joint agent No. 13 West Twenty fourth Street, New York, Immediately upon arrival at stop-over point. Apply to ticket agents, Byrd Street, El? ba and Main Street Stations, or Blchmond Transfer Company, No. 819 East Main Street; Jefferson Hotel and Murphy's Ho? tel. Vf. P. TAYLOR. Traffic Manager. SPECIAL'RATES TO ATLANTA Via the Seaboard Air Line Railway. On account of the National Convention B. Y. P. V. of America, to be held In Atlanta, Ga.. July 9th-12th, 1003, the Sea? board will sell round trip tickets from all points on Its lines at **. rate of one fare for the round trip, plus twenty-five cents. Tickets will be placed on sale July 7th. 8th, 9th and 10th, and limited to return July 15th, 1003. Tickets may be extended If presented to the special agent between the hours of 8 A. M. and 8 P. M. before July 15th, upon payment of fifty cents, to August 16th. 1903. Bate from Rich? mond for the round trip, ?15.75, and from Petersburg same rate. For folders. Pull roan reservations, and all other Informa? tion, apply to any agent of the Sea? board, or to Richmond Transfer Co., No. 819 B. Main Street, ticket agents at Jefferson Hotel, Murphy's Hotel, Main Street station, or to city ticket oflice. No. 830 East Main Street. 'Phone 406. Z. P. SMITH. W. J. MAY. District pass. Agent. City Ticket Agent GO WITH THE SOLDIER BOYS To Beach Park, dune 12th. Special fast train will leave from South? ern Railway, Fourteenth Street Station, 1 P. M. Friday, June 12th; returning, leave West Point 9:30 P. M. Faro for round-trip 50 cents, open to the public. Stein's orchestra will furnish muolc. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Line. Direct Route to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at 6 P. M. Passengers and freight taken for all New England polntR. Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N, & Vf. Ry. offices nnd No. 8G9 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT. Agt.. Norfolk. Va. Clyde Steamship Co.'s PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP LINE. Freight received and delivered dally at C & O. R'w'y Co.'s depot, Seventeenth and Broad Streets. STEAMSHIP CO Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M., stopping at Newport News in 'both directions. Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail? way, 9:00 A. M? ? P. M? 9 A. M. and J P. M, by N. and W. Railway; all Une? connect at Norfolk with direct eteameis for New York, sailing dally except Sun? day. ? P. M. Steamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rocketts. K. F. CHALKLEY. City Ticket Agent. 1212 E. Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. Wharf Foot of Ash Street. Richmond, Va. ? ' ?. ?. ??'ALKER. V. P. & T. M., New York. BAY UNE ?? BALTIMOBE Via O. le U. Rwy. and Old Point, ti. S MAIL ROUIE. Leave Kldimoiul ? le? O. (? O. dally fxcepl Blindar, at 4 P. M., con? necting at Ole] Point with ateumera ot Old Buy Line, leuvlnj: 7:15 1', M.. arriving Hiiltlniur?! U:80 A. M.. connecting Nortb. East anil Weal. Fur ticket? and Information apply to 0. e& O. Hwy., Itlcb mond Transfer Compnny. or 83*> Kail Main Bt. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS' leaves MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY und FRIDAY at 7 A, M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Clsremont and James River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington. Baltimore and tho North. State-rooms reserved (or the night at moderate prices. Electric cars direct to wharf. Fare only J1.50 anil ?1 to Norfolk. Music hy Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for abbve-named places and all points in Eastern A'irglnla and North Carolina IRVIN WEISIOER, ' General Manager. J E. A. Barber. Jr., Secretar};? HAILROAD3. LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT. 9:00 A. M? NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:20 ?A. M. Stops only ai Wtersburc. Wnvorly nnd Suffolk. _ , 9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet I-nrlor Car. Petorstiurtf to Lyncnnurg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluorleld to Cincinnati: also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllle ta Chattanooga arTd Memphis. ??..?? . 12120 P. M., ROA NOK ? EXPRESS for Farmvllle. Lynchburi* nnd Roanoke. 8:00 P. M.. OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only r,% Petersburg;, Waverlv and Suffolk. Connect! with steamer* to Boston, Providence. New York, Baltlmoro nnd Wnshln*?ton. .. 7:25. P. M,, for Norfolk and all stations riict of Petftrebur?. ; 0:40 "P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond fa Lynclibura* nnd Ronnoke; Petersburg to Kant Hnd ford; Lynchli-ir** to Chnttanooga, ?Memphis and New Orleans. Cafo Dining Car. .iTtnlns arrive from the We*-t 7:*, ?. M., 2 P? M. and 8:55 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ?&?0t,:<?p$?, ?ast Maln Street. WT B. BEVILL, C. H. BOSLET, Gen. Pass. Ag-ent Dis Pass. Atrent. RE ft D Richmond, Frederick? ? ?? ? ?< burg & Potomac R. R Train? Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:51 A. M., dally, Byrd St. Through, 6:46 ?. M., dally. Main St Through. 7:15 ?. M., week days. Elba. Aehland ao? eommodallon. 8:00 A. M?. Sunday only. Byrd 8t rhrnufth. 8:40 A. M., -week days. Byrd St. Through. mm, r.oon. wecK days. Byrd at TtirouKa, 4:00 P. M.. we?k days. Byrd St. P-ed? erlckHburg accommodation. 5:06 P. M.. dally, Main St. Through. 6:25 P, M., -week days. Elba. Aahland ao? commodatlon. 8:05 P. M., dally, Byrd St Through. 11:10 P. M., week daya. Elba. Aehland ne. commodatlon. Train? Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 ?. M., week daya. Elba. Aihland ac? commodation. 8:15 A. M?, week days, Byrd St, Fred*. erlekeburt* accommodation. - 8:35 A. M?. dally, Byrd St. Through 11:56 A?. M. week daya. Byrd St. Through, 2:05 P. M., dally. Main St Through. 8:00 P. M.. week daya. Elba. Aahland ac? commodation. 7:15 P. M.. dally, Byrd St Through. 9:0? P. M., dally. Byrd St. Through. 10:29 P. M? dally. Main St. Through 11:00 P. M.. week daya. Elba. Aahland at? commodatlon. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Car? on all trnlnH -xcent lornl accommodation*. ~V. D. DUKE.C. W.CULP.W. P. TATLOR. Oen'l Man'r. ???? Oen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'i |pt#% Chesapeake *^ J & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. JUliAVi?. itHJUMO.SD?EASTbOUND. ? :45 A. M.?Week diira?Local to Ktwport New? .and waj atatloua. 0:00 A. M.?Dally?Llmlted-ArMr*?-? Wllllams? burg 0:50 A H., ?Newport Now? 10:30 A. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M? Norfolk 11:23 4:00 I?.' M.?Week day??Special?Arrlie? Wll. Ham.t.urg 4:5? ?. M.. Newport ?Newa 5:30 P. M?. Old Point 0:00 P. M., Norfolk ?:23 P. M. 5:00 P. H.?Dally?Local to Old Point MAIN UNI;?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Week daya?Local to Clifton Fort? and way ?tallona. 2:00 P. M.?Dally?Special to Cincinnati. i-oulf-rlllc. St. Loula and Cbtcngo. 5:16 P. M.?Week da/a?Local to Doawell. 10:30 P. M.?Dally?Limited to Cincinnati. Loularllle, fit, Lou!? and Chicago. JAME niVER LIN?. 10:20 A. M.?Dally?Eipreia to Lyr.chbnrg, Clifton Forge and principal elation?. 5:15 P. M.?Week daya?Local to nremo. TRAIN8 ARRIVE RICHMOND FROM Norfolk and Old Point Id ":> A. M. dally, 11:45 A. M. Ex. Sun., and 0:30 P. M. dally. Newport Newa Local 7:20 P. M. Ex. Run. - From Cincinnati and Weat 8:15 A. M. dally and 3:30 P. M. dally. Main Line I?ocal from Clifton Forge 7:15 P. M. Ex. Sun. Doawell Accom. 8:35 A. M. Ex. Sun. Jamea Hirer Line Local from CHfton Forg?. 0:35 P. M. dally. Bremo Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. Ran. C. E. DOYLE, W. 0. WAItTHEN. Oen'l Manager. Dlat. *"ae?. Art SEABOARD ?Air Line Railway trains LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT. 2:20 P. M.?Seaboard Mall-10:35 P. M.? Seaboard Express?To Savannah, Jack Bonvllle, Atlanta and Southweet 9:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham? let TRAINS AKRrVE RICHMOND DAILT. G:35 A. M.?No. 34?4:55 P. M.?No. 60 From Florida. Atlanta and Southwest. 5:30 P. M.?From Norllna and locaj points. City Ticket Office 830 East Main Street 'Phone 405. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st, 1902, Cars leave coiner Perry and Seventh Streets. Manchester, every hour <on the hour) from C A- M. to 10 P. M,, last car 11:50 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from 6:30 A. M. "to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. 60 CENTS?ROUND TRIP-?? CENTS. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 24. liWJ. lKAi-NS lutt -UUll.uiO.MD. 7.00 ?. ?1.?ually. Local tor ??narlotte. 12:50 P, M.?Dally. Limited, Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo cal. 11:05 P. M,?Dally. Limited; Pullman ready ?:S0 P. M? for all the South. yohk arvEB. ?owe. The favorite route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 2:15 P. M-?Local for West Point 4:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For Weal Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore arid river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. C:55 A. M. and (i:?i5 P. M.?From all th? South. ?"?? P. M. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:l? A. M.?Baltimore and West Point 4:60 P. M.-From West Point. C. H. ACKERT. 8. H. HARDWICK. G. M. . O. P. ?. C. Vf, WESTBURY. D. P. ?.. Richmond. Va. Alltu?TiC COAST UNE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY-. HYRD-STRKET STATION. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 24TH. 9;05 A. M. A. C. L. Expresa to all pointe ?ti"iw'A. M. Petersburg and ??0r-?0lHi,?.. 12:20 ?, M. Petersburg and ?. & W. Weat 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t4:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 6:55 P. M. Petersburg local . 7?'-5 ? M "Florida and Weat Indian Limited,'" to all pointa South, 0'40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 11-30 H, M. PeiernbuiT local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3-43 a. M., 7:35 A. M? 8:26 A. M., except Sunday 11:25 A. M.. 11:00 A. M?. 2:00 P. M. 7:20 ? M., 7:45 P. M., 8:65 P. M. flSxcent Sunday. C S. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pasa. Agt W. J, CRAIG. Pen. Pasa. Agt. STEAMBOATS, WEST POINT, VA. Special char ereil trains leaving So. Ky. Depot, Fourteenth St,_ DAILY TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY, L'vo 1-???.1??????5:80?. M. Returning leave West Point 10:80 P. M. . SUNDAY TRAINS. L'vo Richmond 0:30 A. M. & 4 P. M. L'vn West Point 8 P. M. & 10:80P. M. ^B?tv..ROUHD TRIP....500.