Newspaper Page Text
The month orf June lias arrived and the roses have come In Its wake. June, by preference of brides, has long held lmportnnt rank In the social calen? dar. Its preis? hns been sung by the poete. Burns declaring: "O. my luve's like a red, rod rose That's newly sprung in Juno." And James Russell Lowell being the author of the now famous lines: !*What Is so rare as a day in June! Then. If over come perfect days; Then Hfcrwon tries the earth If It bo In tUlKV And over It softly her warm ear lays." Juno marks the delightful intermediate link In Richmond between spring nnel summer. Tho rush of tho season Is past and gone, but the pleasant aftermath of weddings, lawn parties, country club re? ceptions and luncheons furnishes a round of enjoyment for the ratlonally-mlnded contingent, who continue to enjoy June In the? city. The roso is essentially tho flower of the.month as It has always been the flower of poetry, passion and romance. In ??vldenco Nathaniel P. Willis writes. quaintly: "It Is the mvont*3 of June. The month of leaves and roses. When pleasant sights enlute the eyes, And pleasant scents tho noses." Indeed, the color and the perfume of the rose are Just as much a part of June as Its sunshine and balmy breezes. The month takes its name from Juno, the queen of heaven, whose symbolical flower ia tho rose. Treasurer's Report. Mrs.-iKata S. Wlnn, the treasurer of the Confederate Bazaar Association, In ac? cordance with the wish of tho association, and of those who have so heartily, here and elsewhere, given their interest and support in the work, has submitted the following flnaixcial report of tho aggre? galo amount made at tho bazaar, held from April 16th to May 1st of tills year: Receipts from Stato tables, restaurant am: door as follows! Virginia..-.f 8.27S.C6 Solid South.-.J. 1.K50.71 South Carolina?. 1,051.4S Tennessee.. .,452.60 North Carolina. 1.805.20 Kentucky. 1,300.00 (Of this amount Ohio gavo $355.) Missouri.-. 1,205.2.1 Georgia.... ...-._.. 1,040.63 Florida. 1,002.25 Louisiana. 1.001.50 Maryland.;. 1,000.00 Alabama. ?sn.OO Arkansas.... .... 005.71 Texas. 060.50 Mississippi. 619.30 Restaurant. 1,004.34 Door. 1.476.73 From tho paper, tbo badges, sea? son tickets and private contribu? tions. 1,781.72 - ; ] . Total receipts......ff23.180.42 Less expenses. 1,325.23 Balance In bank June 5, 1903.S21.S65.20 Hiss Logan's Marriage, Miss Lena Logan, tho daughter of Gen? eral and Mrs, T. M. Logan, will be mar? ried to Mr. Douglas Forsythe, of New Orleans, La., Thursday. Juno 18th, nt "Algoma," General Logan's country place. Owing to recent bereavement lri the ffjmily of the groom, the wedding will be very quiet, with only the Immediate relatives present. The announcement Is nevertheless ono possessing much Interest for Miss Logan's many Richmond friends end ? relatives. Tho freinds of Miss Sara Vf. Coloman will be pleased to hear of a very suc? cessful reading given by hor In Fair? mont, AVest Virginia, Miss Coleman well deserves tho un? stinted praise bestowed on her by the Fairmont press. She combines a pure -and trueji-fnetho?*] with a pleasing per? sonality w-hlerli will iiiHiiro her a hearty welcome wherever sho appears, she hav? ing graduated with the? highest faculty cndorsatlon from tha Boston School of Oratory? A very pleasant association links Miss Coleman with Richmond, Sin? was, dur? ing tho session of 1!W1-11?02, a member of tho facility of tho Richmond Fornaio Seminary. Tlinle-r hor careful training her siudiniii attained In the? school ow ex? pression a high grade? of distinction. After a successful year at Westover School, Fairmont, Miss Coleman wui return to Richmond ?bout the middle of MISS IDA" BEVERIDGE, ? Full Graduale in the Class ot' l'JO:?, Richmond Female Seminary. Juno, when she hopes to moot tho many hero who know and esteem her moat highly. ? ? ? The Mecklenburg Hotel, Chaso City, Is becoming quito a summer resort. Among the guests now registered It'h?re are: Mrs. S. H. Hawes, Mrs. G. Percy Hawes, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Taylor, Mr. und Mrs. Georgo ?Bryan, Mr; ami Mrs. John 13. Etchlson, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. C. ID. Gra br.wskl. Messrs. T. F. Jeffress, F. B. Nolan, W. O. Riddici,, George \V. South all and John B. Pinder, all of Richmond, Vn.; Miss Osb'orne, nf Petersburg; Colonel A. W. Archer, of Buffalo Llthli?. Springs, Va.; Mr. Samuel Watts, of Lynchburg, Va.; Mr? Georgo P. Morso und Mr. ?. F. Parker, of New York city; Mr. J. L. Ccok, of Louisville. Ky.; Mr. 1?!. I?. ?Smith, of Philadelphia; Mr. ?T. G. Ander? son, of Bock Hill, S. C; Mr. .T. O. Brum flold, of Charlotte: Mr. H. Tyler Smith, of Raleigh; Mr. Carl Lorenz, of High l'oint, and Mr. C. L. Lewis, of Stovnll, N. C; Mr. C. S. Johnson, of Rochester, N. T. Weddings This Week. Quito a number of -weddings nro on hand for this weok, Jun? ,being ever a fsvorlte month with brldijs. Monday begins the celebrations with the marriage of Miss Virginia Chiles, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Win free, to Mr. Edward Lawrence Gibbon, of Baltimore. The ceremony will tako pince In tho homo of tho brido, No. 0 North Twenty ninth Street, nt it P. M., tho Rov. M. Ashby Jones ofllclatlng. Tuesday evening at R o'clock, Miss Clara do Gnaffenrold Boswell and Dr. Hugh Benjamin M?hood will bo married In tho homi; of tho brldo's mother, Mrs. The? Garland Boswell, of No. 000 Fast einy Street. As usual, Wednesday eomes up as the favorite day of Ihe week for th?: matri? monially Inclined, and Interesting nup? tials on that day will bo thOBO of Miss Anno White to Dr. George Crawford, of Miushulltown, Del. "Dewberry." Va.. In Hanover oounty, thu nhcestral homo of tho brldo's family, bus 1.? chosen aa Mi.? soeno of the ceremony? Miss Elige,? ?Stolli?.*), Miss Lucy -Mason ?ml Misa Evelyn Bridges ?-ill all bo present. Miss Whlto MISS ELIZABETH CAKY WILLIAMS, Full Gradu?t* iu the ?ll#| o? 11*03, lUchinond 1 cumie ? ? n ??..-i _, Id very popular und well, known In Rich? mond. Tho wedding of Miss Alice Lillian Barnes to Mr. .1. Stuart Hopkins will be :i fore? noon event of Wednesday, tho ceremony to take plae:ej at 11 A. M. on that day In tlie home of the bride's parents, Mr. .?nul Tilrs. Robert Leonard Barnes, of No, till Floyd Avenue. Tlio Rev. J. li. Hawthorne, of Grove Avenue Baptist Church, will officiate. Bavna.) De France Boioe, ?-Chose name car? dos with It the assurance of everything delightful. The programme will be most egreer.bry varied by a number of musical selections, in which the club will have the pleasure of hearing for the first time Miss Nlnn Smith, a brilliant graduate of this year in Professor Kahn's music class. A social event of AVednesday will be the Mfanly-Morrlson wedding- to be cele 1 luted at 6 P. M. in the home of the bride, No. IS East Frnnklln Street. A letter received from Now York, mid dated Friday, Bays: The International Mercantile Marine Company's Red Star liner Kroonland, which snlls from New York for Antwerp with a full comple? ment of cabin passengers to-morrow morning, will carry out a number of well known people, among them Baronets Mufiiehlmuson; Conti and Comtesse Henry de Snint Seine; Commander L. L. Reninovi IT. S. N.; Professor L. F. Ward, of Washington, and Lleutennnt-Com mi.nder W. de Bordlsco. of tho Russian A Richmond pa.rtv sailing will Include Miss Margaret E. Lee. Mis? Mary ""ford, Miss Margaret Shields nnd Misa Lily Urepiliiirt. - Miss Leo's partv will hind at Antwerp, go up tho Rhine, visit Cologne, Hlielms. Mavehce, tour Switzerland nnd Italy, go to Violina, Berlin, Paris, ami then to England nnd Scotland. The party will sail in v/iturnlng from Southampton, Eng? land, und roach Richmond about Septem? ber 23d. They havo most delightful pros? pects for tho months they will spend nbroud. Lat?mer??Bentley, A specially Interesting society an? nouncement ls that contained In thonewe of the engagement ami rapidly approach? ing mtirrlago on June 17th of Miss Eliza? beth Mae Bentley, Of tlie Woman's Col? lege faculty, to Mr. Elmer C. Latlmer, of Cherry Hill, Penn. Miss Bentley, who a Boston Conser? vatory graduate, nnel originally from Cherry Hill, Pa., has been associated with the musical faculty of the college for six years. During the past year she has been the director of the musical de? partment, and bus dime most satisfactory and successful work, putting Into It great zeal and Intelligence?. Indeed, teio much cemld bo scarcely said in professional praise nf Miss Bentley, lier high' stand? ards have been emphasized by tlin de ?i-clopmeiit of many of her students into excellent teachers, the exemplars of her methods and careful training. Out? side of her college life, she has won for herself a largo circle of friends, who will regret seeing her leavo tho collego and the olty. Mr. Latlmer ls a railroad man of fine reputation and sterling qualities, who has Ihe confidence of all who know hlm. The rnarrlgo. on Juno 17th, will take place In the homo of Dr. J. A. C. Chand? ler, of Richmond College, Mrs. Chandler being a most intimnto friend of the bride elect. Tho ceremony will be performed by Dr. Nelson, of the Woman's College, and will be witnessed only by Dr. and Mrs. Chandler. Mr. ahd Mrs. Robertson, of Petersburg, and a friend or two of the groom. The young couple will leave at once for u Northern trip before Reilng to tholr fu? turo homo In Pennsylvania. The Association for tho Preservation nf Virginia Antiquities will meet Wednes? day, June 10th. nt 5 P. M., In the rooms nf the Virginia Historical Society. Every member ls entltle?d to attend the meeting. MISS FANNIE BLAND, Honor Graduate In the Class of 1003, Mi<n Hliuid also won tho highest average for Scholarship in Richmond Famulo ?oniiiiary. Miss li.??? G&rtrudo Barnes will bo 1???? nifit.r'H muid of honor, und Mr. L. IS. Gllofi the best man, Th?? luido will be gowned. In a traveling i costumo O?' l?lu?? ??1)????1????. Mastors Hor? ace Barnes and Stuart Hopkins, Jr., will I not as ribbon holders, Afi?;r tho eere ' mony thero will he on Informal reception foi t 11.- bridal party and tho families of bride mid groom, ? Misa i-jelonn .Viuktne, tho daughter of I Mr. and Mis. John B, ?iones, and - Mr. I Mas?.p Kniest Maddux will bo married at '-1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon In Jones born ?'.,-,???? Church, Hriinswlok, Va. Frlendi?ln Welimorid will bu Interested to heur that tha dato of Miss Klllo Car mlchuel'a murriiigo to Mr. Charles Hay dock ??- ?? lb Itob 'iv. ?i for June ??th. ini iiccounl of Mise i'unniotait? l's recent ?lh .?.- : and the death In IreluinJ of her grandmother, Mrs, Graham? ihu mavrluge il ii?.? home of? her undo In Cincinnati Will I?? ?xli 'I'l.-ly quint N"' 1)11 I'd a havo i?, ? n sent oui, ami the oorernony will be wiini- soo only by the Immolate friends o| tlio contracting parti???. . ? ? A wrildlng of the w>*?-k around which hai been wovon au uttrnctlve romance is ? ,i uf Mr. .Monroe Levy und Miss Roson lorr, of Boston, to ?T celebrateci Juno Huh, Miss' Ro?ontlor? ?.mo to Kl-liiiuitid to itend th?? recent wml'lii.'? of MM Luvy ? ? liriithor, Mr, Bamuel Hoseudorf" ,? *?room-to?UO met her thou, and iho ? ..iiM-iit |e tlio celebration of Wednoij* ? :-? next. Woman's Club, Mi ?beio of the \V?.mail's I'lub will fil? ini lioi.r of n-i.-iutioii and muslo to 1101 1U'.V. UVl-lil.lg. lb. (uUtuUoiis will Lit given by M.lfc? No further notice will be sont to mem? bers. Hag Dance, Under the uin-ploes of tho ladles of the Ascension Guild nnd thu direction of Mr. George ?,*?,'. Bklpwlth, ft lla*? drill will bo Blven in Norihsiiie'JrTftil Tuesday ovening at 8:30 O'clock, lu the etili! M?as aimfoi-will bo captain. Right fiutile Miss Frittoti, with Misses Dabney, Uvesuy, Croxton, Ford, Four? qurean, Cross Emily Cross, Doyle, Mar? shall and Wlngfleld; Left Guide -Miss Leila Wlngfleld, with Misses Mosby, Crump, Blair, Sale, Pettus, CJarke, Royal, Ryland, Kuyk, Elizabeth and Kat? Lewis, Tlio drill will be followed by a one-act fan?.;, "Betsy Halter/' with tlio following cast- of ehuructers; , Mr. Mauser.Mr. John Tyler, Jr. Mrs. Monter.M?as Constane? Mutton. Mr. Reicher lionne.Mr. Chewnlng. Betsy Baker.Mrs. Clarence Llvosay, Refreshments wilj bo served, nini tho In in mi ot th evi :iing's entertainment will lj{0 to Ascension I'linpel. Tlio patronesses i ??" lia? affulr wilt Includo Mrs. Enslow, 'Mrs. Garland Clarke, Mrs. Roucncrantz, | Mm. \V, II. Tyler, and Mrs. Clarence l.ivesny. ? ? ? Annuii the notable weddings of this week la thnt of Miss Moylor, a Peters? lung beut] t y ami belle, t<- Mr. W. R. Car I'Liiiti-r, a young lawyer "f Hallliuore. 'The wedding is scheduled for ?? o'clock i I*. M., .lune?, luth, in Grape Episcopal Church, Petersburg, thu Rov. John Hldout oflielttting. On account of the prominence of tho ci'iilini'tihg parties, both of whom be? lling lo thu 11:.-: fuinllM at Ylitilnte u"d Maryland, ti.u event Is looked forward to With interest by their many friends. The William,, Memorial Circle o? l?ln???. ..,??... The vastreductiona of the Juno ?Sale indicate its tremendous strength and success. We buy more than other concorns, because wo have to meet the' demands of the Lwholesale as well as retail trade ; thus wo secure the newest things at a less price than smaller buyers, and the vast selling at lower prices follows. ?ad?es' i?hite Summer J'uits. <fti $2.98 'Tin well to call attention to two styles JuBt recolved, on account of their par? ticularly low prices nnd their excellence: White India Linen Bult, with waist mado of six broad hem? stitched tucks in front and pearl button trimmed* flare skirt has throe hem? stitched tucks down ench seam. And at a dollar moro we show a White Oxford Suit, doublo-breiiBted, waist trimmed In pearl buttons and tucks;. Bklrt ls a full flare and trimmed In stitched bands. Tho prloe le.$3,93 Tlie better grades aro composed of fine Lawns, Oxfords and Embroidered Linens, trimmed elnborntcly In handsome embroideries and laces, and tho variety of Colored Bummer Bults are displayed In Lawn, Madras and Linen, prettily trimmed. Priced from $5.00 to $17.50. <&ow if eck i?aists with &lbow Sleeves aro shown In fine White India Llnon, several styles, mnde low neck, square or round effect and elbow Sleeves; In some tho fronte are formed In clusters of small tucks and laco Insertion, In others of Mexican drawn-work or herringbone stitching and laco Insertion; the backs and sleeves are tucked In clusters or with lnce Insertion and seiveral rows of drnwn-work. Val. lace In neck and ruf fle-s on sleovee, apon front or back, rang? ing in prloe from $1.75 to $F.38. Tfes/i Caps for infants. A.pretty stylo Is in the Flat Cap effect, of hemstitched mull, with shield of em? broidery and trimmed with lace. These are priced at. 590 And at seventy-flvo cents we have some dollar values in Mull Caps, with full double ruche of lnce and ribbon. Children's Bonnets, with Dutch orowns, aro very popular, rnndo of all ovor embroidery, puffed silk fronts and trimmed In white or colored ribbon; ?2.B8 values for. $1.25 Children's Pique J$ats and Sun ?onnets. The summer calls forth each year the Bun Protector Hats for the little ones. We havo tho Duck and P, K. Tarns and Round Hats at a quarter, and the ever popular Button Crown Washable Pique Hats for the tots, priced at 50C Also Bun Bonnets, In PIquo or Muslin, some plain, others with button oro\yne, 25c. 62c, 75c. ?Special fiosiery for the Summer pays. Something extra thin, lighter per? haps than the dropstttch or lace, are tho Gauze Lisle Hose for lndlee, Just re? ceived, of extra quality, perfect fitting and stainless, ?25c per Pair. ?Trimmed Jiats f for this i?eeki $5.00 fiats for $3.50. $7.00 fiats for $4.98. $8.50 fiats for $5.98. With two hundred to pick from. Each well and stylishly trimmed, allowing d?Htinetly moro fashion than those sold ???? Avlioro at far creator price??included in the lot can be found made Fancy Straw Hats, French Chips, Tucked Silk Hats. Tuelln Hats and pleated Chiffon Hats ornamented with tho best of material. Your opportunity to get tho best valuo of the season is this wook?Oome. 5,000 ?fntrimmed ?Shapes At jialf Value. Plain or fancy Straw Hats in fifty different shapes, all tho best styles in black or colors. June Prices at 62c, at 88c.; at 08c. worth from $1.25 to $2.00. i?hite Silk Shirred fiats Requiring littlo trimming. Four shapes in black or white to choose from. Regular valuo $2.00 ; June price. $1.38. Jucked Chiffon fiats. Fine quality, black or white, six shapes to pick from. Regular value $2.25. June Price $1.50. Special in Aadies' Sailors Just received, 84 dozen now style sailors, Jumbo Straw, in white, trimmed with black bands of silk grosgrain rib? bon. Worth 08c. j June Price, 50c. Children's Sailor fiats In plain Milan or fancy rough Btraws, whito mixed or col? ored, with band and streamers of eurah ribbon, 25c. to 98c. All of them reduced in price. Ribbons Ifnder price. Once more wo are enable to offer another extensive lot of that Satin Taffeta Ribbon of best grade, such aa all women purchase by the dozen yards for summer dress purposes. Jhe Price Jo-morrow is Just One-Quarter Below Value. 4-inch wide, worth 25c, for...........~..~.......~.......... JQq 5-inch wide, worth 38c, for...?._....,. 25c White Louieine Ribbon, 6 inches wide.~~.......~... ?5c 3-inch Brocade, all silk, Ixraisino Ribbon, several designs, in pink, light bine and white, per yard. 9C Dresden and Pompadour Ribbon for graduation \ ??c sashes and othor purposes. The newest fad,, in rich ? go-? shadings and colors.-.?~~.~.. ) go-g Sashes Made free of Charge. $15.00 l?a Ik ing Suit at $7.50. / Thoy are cut in the smartest style of Eton, made of medium weight covert and cheviot, in attractive shades?gray, tan, blue or black ; skirt unlined. Suit throughout beautifully tailored. They won't last long at this price. fourth and ?road Streets. Daughters will meet In the home of Mrs. Young Jones, on Grovu Road, Tuesday, June 17th, at 5 o'clock P! M. Kvery mem? ber Is urged to attend this Important meeting. Birthday Party, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of No. S12 West Cary B(ro?t, gave a delightful party Thursday night in honor of tholr daugh? ter, Miss Muy Robinson. Games entertained hostess and friends during the opening. At its close all were summoned to tho dining-room, whero an elegant supper was served. Tho tublo was tastefully decorated with cut flowers and ferns. Among those prosent wero Dora Pierce, Nottie Stowo, Myrtle Al friend, Lizzie Jones, Francos Oinohiuulro, Mary Whltmore, Lillian Ornoliuiidro, Mny, Julia and Holou Robinson; Messrs. Grovor Cooko, Claude Grlflln, Jacob Dauge, Hnr i ry JarvlSi Gfover Floyd, Shirley ltoblw ? ?son, Henry Robinson, Willie Brown, | Slowart Thorpe and HeiiryUtcnvhutd. Annual Exhibition, [< The first annual loan and sale exhibi? tion of tha Newspaper Artists' Associa? tion will open to-morrow at the Crenshaw building, No. 11 West Main' Btreet, and ooiilinuo until Juno lath. ? n? leading urtlsts In the ?United States are to bo represented In this exhibit and the collection Will be ono ?of the f.lieat eypf shown In Richmond. Such names appear In tl>o catalogua aa those of John ?MivWoy, of the Now York World, whoso contributions liu-liulu nudi Uno examples as lil.i woll renioin l.ercd sketch, "Tbo Arrlfi'al of the Coach" and thu "Spirit pi Summer." J.tmcs Pr*8t0n will be seen through "A Ladye Fuyro" and "Tho G-oose Turnier." Albert Levering, of Now York, through ? tha "Invention of tho Kiss" and the "Car? nival of Destiny." Buw?U Collins, of New. York, through his "Herto" and "Sou? brette." John Cecil Clay, formerly of Virginia, more recently of New York, through "Sweet Sixteen" and "Good Night, Sir." Charles Kompc-r, of Baltlmoro, through "The Lady In Green" and "innocence." Edward Jackson, of tho Now York Mall and Express, through ?'The Favorite Daughter's Christmas Presont." Harrington Fltzgorald, of tho Item, Philadelphia, through "A Spring Morn? ing" and "Among the Hills." Elizabeth Shlppen Green, through "An Only Child." E. M, Ashe, through "TaUy-Hti" and "At tho Hunting Lodge of the Duke." Tho virile touch of Mr. C. P. Roatrup will ha easily discernible through his spirited sketches of Miss Eugenio Tiiylor, Miss Mary Johnston, General Robert E. Lee, Goneral J. E. B. Stuart, Debutante and a number of others, ah characteris? tically line, and all possessing local in? terest anil color, Patrons of tho exhibit Includo among others, Mosars. Thomas Atkinson, H. E. Baskorvlllo, Stanhope Boiling, .John K. Branch, Joseph Bryan, James H. Dooley, J, Taylor Ellyson, Honry Fairfax, Eppa Huntoii, Jr. Egbert G. Leigh, Jr., James MaeDonuld. S. T. Morgan, E. T. P. Myers, Lllburn Myers, J. Scott Parrlsh, Allen Potts, James T. Rutherfoord, Preci AV. Scott, J. C. Shafer, Henry C. Stuart, S. W. Traivers. R. L. Traylor. E. R? Wil? liams. R. L. Williams, T. C. Wil? liams, Jr., Governor A. J. Montague, T'rs. Georg?a Bon Johnston, Stiifut McGuIro, Hugh M. Taylor, Christopher Tompklns and J. N. TJpshur, General Pitahugh Lee. Personal Mention. Mrs. M. A. Martin, whoso fl%ely drilled chorus uttruuted so much attention a,-" thu annual ooncurt of thu Woman's Col? lege, will loavo In* about two weeks for New York.-city, wliuro s h ? will pursue thu study of ?-peal muslo during? tlie Bummer. Professor Mnrtln will remain at the col lego, whero any one wishing to see him on business will bo able to do so from 10 to 2 and from 4 to 0 dally. ?.? .. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris left yes? terday for Bon Air, where they will spend the ?nimmer. ? ? ? Mrs. Richard 8. Allen, now of New York, ls the fc-uost of her nleoo, Mr?. Levin Joynes, of No. 200 West Franklin Street, ? ? ? Mrs. ISdgar Ounn, children and mold, have returned from several weeks spent at Hardware, Va. ? ? ? Mrs. Mann S. Valentine left yesterday to spend a few days at her country seat, In Powhatan, Va. ? ? * Mrs. Preston Le l'toy Roper and Mis.? Annie Wlllson, ot Petersburg, and Mre. Vf. R, Parker, o? Hampton, Va,, wer?? the guests of Mis? Ruby Bodeker ytw terday. ? ? ? < Mr. Harvey C, Brown left the city yes? terday for Boston, ?to attend the com? mencement exercises at the Massachu? setts Institute of Technology, where hi* brother, Prank Z. Brown, receives a de? gree in mechanical .and eleotrlcol engin? eering. ? ? ? Mr. und Mrs. Hoffman Allan, after n, pleaaant visit to Mrs. Pryor. of New York, have returned to Hotel Marlbor ough, Asbury Park, N. J?, where they will ?pend the rest of the summer. ? ? ? ? Mrs. R. R, Reiberta will spend the sum? mer at tho Mecklenburg Hotel, Chut) Olty, e? ? ? Miss Ida Beverldgo will attend tho cnmmoiicemont oxm-clsea ?t liuincdwi" ?ldne*? xiext week?