Newspaper Page Text
SOCIAL NOTES OF NORFOLK How the Society People Are Amusing Themselves There LUNCHEONS AND TEAS Occasionally There Is a Reception and Two or Three House Parties Are Reported?Comings and Goings of Well-Known People. (Special to The Tlnies-Dlspatch.) NCHIFODK. VA., June ?.-Mrs. Harry Aloe was hostess at luncheon Tuesday at her home, In Ghent, complimentary to MIrs Mary Bell White. The table wae de<iorated with white eweet peas and covers wero laid for eight. Mrs. Rice's irueete wore Mrs. J. Lelghton Hubard, ?Mr?. Burruss Corprew, Miss White, Miss Mariun Wilkinson, Mies Ella King, Miss Nellie Tucker and Miss Ruby Reld. The citizen? of the Old North Bute "will bo pleased to learn that their rep? resentatives at the United Confederato Veterans, In New Orleans, were so roy? ally entertained. They -were the guests of honor at several private luncheons' and dinners. Among them was a lunch? eon given by Mr. Preston at the Pick? wick Club. HIb guests were Miss Addle IBure, of Norfolk; Misses P.oborts and Jont?, of North Carolina; Miss Austin, of South Carolina, and Miss Turton, of Texas; Messrs. James and Calven, of Toxas: Generili Carr, of North Carolina, nnd Mr. Smythe, of Mississippi. Among those present nt the marriage Wednesday of Miss Elizabeth Johnston to Mr. Jordan Anthony Tnigh vere: Mr. William Pugh and Mis? Laura Pugh, of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. John? ston. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hlggins, Mr. and Mrs. John Waldrop. Mr. and Mrs, R. Calvcrt Taylor, Mrs. Therma Hoi?; r;ar<3, of Roanoke; Mrs. "William Turner. Dr. and Mrs. Nnwblll. Misses Newblll, Mr. and Mrs. ?. D. Tuckor, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Baker, Mr?. Wlckham Taylor, Mrs. Cliarlcs Johnston, Mrs. Laura de R. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. William 8. White. Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Mlnltreo, Mr. and Mrs. rjarl E. Gratnmer, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Ros? Cooko, Miss Ousslo Newton. Miss Bessie Chamberlayne, Miss Winnie Baker, Misses Katherine, Lulle nnd Bello Heath. Miss Nan Kensett, Miss Anna Johnston, Miss Anne Jordan, Minu?s Mary am!, Maggie Hlggins. Pf'ss C Boush. Miss T/Oiiiso Hunter. Miss Louise Taylor. Miss Mary MInltree, Mina Marlon Munlauiih, Mlns Nellie Little, Miss Elolse Waldrop. MIrs Alino McNalr. of New York; Miss Elizabeth Taylor, Mr. Elliott Heath. Mr. Thomas. Tir. Peter Cnusey, Dr. R. II. Burgess. Mr. Milton Blllott. Mr. Will In.t? Jo?os, Colonel Henry Turner, Mr. J?and Boush, Mr. Harry Keeling, Mr. James Johnston, , Mr. R. ?. Jordan, Mr. Ed ward Hlggins. ' Mr. W. W. Zachi-y, Mr. Richard Wal? drop and Mr. William Griffith, of New York. The house party which has been stay In?? at the Cooko rotta-ge, at Virginia B??ach for ten days, returned Wednesday. Those "who composed this party were: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cooke. Miss Mary Lou Cooko, Miss May Nicholson, nf Washington: Miss Alice TCnlly, Miss Bos Rle Orandy. Miss Josephine Cooke. Mtssars- R. C. and P. Saunders Taylor, Mr. Thomas W. Tannor, Lieutenant J. F. Marshall nnd Mr. R. L Dohle. Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffries entertained their friends Thursday at the Southern Pleasure Club. Those present -were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Culpopr. Mm. M. O. Mullen, of Pennsylvania: Mrs. Hume and Mrs. Miller, of Newport News; Miss Hoghead, of Pennsylvania; Miss Fannie Culpeper, Miss Leslie Jof frles. Mr. Collis, Mr. James Dey, Messrs. Well? and Rowland Culpe-por, Mr. Chas. Cook??, Mr. Hodges and Masters Clarence Pendleton and Carol Jeffries. A merrlnge of Interest In Norfolk Is that of Miss Eleanor Huntington to Lieu? tenant Sayles, United States navy. Tho rnarrlage will occur on Saturday, June ?flth, at the home of the hride's parents, at th? University of Virginia. Miss ?Huntington, whose father Is Paymaster Huntington, lived h?*re serverai years aj-o, and has many friends In Norfolk. Miss Mahfll Allyn will be one of the brides? maids. ? Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess and son, of Elizabeth City, are visiting the Misses Borum, In Freemason Street. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clay and family Will l?pend the summer at tho Greenwood cottage, at Virginia Bench. Mrs. Therma Hogg.ird, of Roanoke, who hns been visiting relatives In Hamp? ton, has returned to Norfolk. Mrs. Robert ?. Williams, who has been In New York, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Hardy loft Tuesday to attond the commencement exercices of the Montroso School for Girl;;, in Orange, N. J. Misa Lucy Hardy la ono of tho graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Woodward have returned from New York. Mi-m. A. M. Hawkins, of North Caro? lina, Is tho guest of her ?laughter. Mrs. Ernest Woodward. In Ghent. Mina Grace Jones and Miss Virale Rogers limi?? returned, after spending a few days at V/JHoughby Club. ? Mlaa Roso Hodgroa, who has been the {uost of Miss Augustine Allen, at Vir? ginia Beach, has returned homo. Mr. and Mr.'i. R. K. Ornile have re tumod to Norfolk from Virginia Beach, Where they spout two months. MJas Martha Pa ? ton left yesterday for ?ier homo, at Natural Bridge, after lin? ing tho guest of her aunt. Mrs. Howard G. Avwy, In Tazowull Street. Miss Alary Brooke Is the guest of Miss JAitzIo Lloyd, In Knst Orange, Now Jer eey. Miss Frances Hodgson has Joined Mr. end Mrs. Alfred G. Klilredge In New York. ? Mrs. James Doy and Miss .Mice White Iiavo returned from Petersburg. Rev, G. W. Bull, who hns been visit? ing Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bull. In Free? mason Streot. hns returned to his home. Jn Atlanta, accompanied by Mrs. Bull. Mrs. Cabell ami Miss Wood, who will bpniiii this summer in Europe, left Fri? day for Now York, whence thoy sailed on Saturday. Tho Misses Blanchnnll went to Rlch Imond to attend tho marriage of their iilof-o, Miss Runica Pegram, to Lieutenant ?Rufus Johnson, U. S. N. Miss Nannie Cooka has returned from b, visit to friends In Charleston. Mrs. T. F. Rogers, Mrs. Zolllnger and (Miss Florence Rogers have returned from (Virginia Beach. Miss Linn Shields, who has been the bueat of Miss Lilly Woodard. in Ghent, pas returned to RIohmond. Mra. L. R. Handy, of Newark, Del., Came to Norfolk to attend the Starke Whlte nuptials on Thursday. Mrs. Handy Is the guest of Miss White. In York etroat. Misa Millie Adderton, of Lexington, N. C, is the truest of Mies Moliese Payne, In Freemason Btroot. M re. Charles Emerlch returned to Wash? ington, aft.?r V.oin? tlio ?uest of Mrs. ? IMIlos Soldon, lu Yarmouth Stroet, A ?oclul olub was organimeli In Borkloy Cuesday night by a number of young ilMAn, fur the plcuLuro ?nil, enturtulnmont; MISS ELYSABETH LOIS CONRAD, ?charming young lady, of Danville, now visiting her aunt, Mrs. ?. O Gentry, In this city. of their young lady friends. The meeting was held at the residence of Captain C. J. Colonna. The organization will bo known as tb?? Columbia K'luh, with the fol? lowing officers: President, Crawford Ro? gers; vice-president, E. H. Colonna; foc retary, Raymond Pritcruird; treasurer, Edward Porter; Hen Colonna, John Loughrldge; Rlchare] Owen, Nathan Jones, Qua Milby, Joe? Bnker. MIhs Elolse Waldrop baa returned from Washington, where elio has beon at? tending school. Miss Emily Adlr.nn, of Richmond, at tended the Pugh-Jotinstem wedding. Miss Blags, of Oxford, N. C, ls the guest of Miss Melissa Payne In Freema? son Street. Miss Alleen Pettlt hns r?-turned from a vlelt to relatives in Suffolk. Miss Florence Brown, who hns been the guest of Mrs. T. L. Drummond, In Duko Street, ho3 r?*tiirned to Acromac. Mrs. T. Arroisteael Borland has returned from a visit to relatives In Richmond. Mr. H.' Callnore Bradford lias gone to tho University of Virginia to visit his brother, Mr. Russell Bradford. Mrs. Louise miliari] and daughter have returneel from New York. Mr?. William Hugcr and son. of South Carolina, aro visiting Judge nnd Mrs. T. S. Garnett, In Ghent. Miss Rosa Smith and Miss McGann. of Lancaster, Pa? left Sunday to visit friends In Charlestown, W. Va". Miss Maini MoKenney. of Staunton, ls the guest of Mrs. H. H. Little, In Ghent. Misa Kate. Brennnn, of Kentucky, Is spending the cummer at Ocean View aa the guest of Colonel J, Hull Davidson. Mrs. Urban nnd Miss Jennie Urban, who hnvo been spending the winter In Nor? folk, havo returneel to San Francisco. Miss Bello Heath has returned from Washington. Bishop A. M. Randolph will preacii the baccalaureato sermon nt the University of Virginia Sunday, Juno 141 h. Colonel Tom Smith, of Suffolk, was the guest of Colonel B. M. Henry, in Bute In Ghent, ls visiting friends In Ports rneiuth. Mrs. George W. Toms has returned from a visit of several weeks In Washing? ton. Misses Blacknnll and Mr. Robert B. Pe? gram have returned from Richmond, af? ter attending tho Johnston-Pogram wed? ding. Mrs. Sedley Ware entertained her friends Friday evening at her homo, in Pembroke Avenue, in honor of Miss Dab? ney and Miss Porter, of California. Mr. and Airs. T. A. Jones have returned from Staunton. Mrs. William Boykln, of Baltimore, Is ?rtsitlng Mrs. R. F. Boykln. at Virginia Beach. Mrs. James M., of New York, who ruas been tho guest of Mrs. B. D. Puller, In College Place, has returned homo. Mrs. Persons and Miss Susie Persons left Saturday to visit friends In New York. ?""Miss Melissa Payne has returned from a visit to friends in Oxford, N. C. ?Mrs. Charles D. Kirk and the Misses K-irk will spend the summer at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Eldrldgo and Miss Minnettu Chapman, of Kiio-allle, Tenn., left here Tuesday to spend several days In New York. Mrs. V. W. Balelwin and Miss Antoi? nette Williams, of Richmond, are guests of Mrs. J. J. Johnston, In Ghent. Mr. and Airs. Jnmee P. Higginson, who havo been visiting Mrs. W. T. Walke, have returned to Now York. Miss Dora Schwarzkopf haa re-turned to AVashlngton after a short visit to her mother. In Ghent. Miss Katherine Fontaine, of Baltimore, is the guest of Miss Margaret Old, In. F-reemason Street. Cecilia Yacht Club. The newly organized Cecilia Yacht Club will meet Tuesday night at No. all North IN D?NV1 Six Days and Nights Given to Commencements. CADETS' SHAM BATTLE The Boye of the Danville Military Insti? tute Gave Their Friends a Fine Spectacle Wednesday Afternoon. Finale at the R. F. O. (SpexrfU to The Tloti-Dlipatch.) DANV1LL13, VA-, Juue ?.?The past weok has been very gay In Danvlllo! so? ciety. The festivities of tho week open? ed with the commencement exorcise of Randolph-Macon Institute on Monday and Tuesday nights. These exerclees were very largely attended and very enjoyable. The event of Monday night was the lout concert of Miss Wlppllnger's class In muslo, anel was one of the best con? certs over glvon at the Institute. On Tues? day night tho graduating exercises wero held, and were largely attended. The graduata were Misses Lucy Anderson, who road tho class history', Miss Ruth Lelnnd Evans. who rend the class prophecy, and Miss Bllnaboth TunBtall White, who, read the class will. The addre-se to the graduates was mnde by Rev. James A. Duncnn, D. D., a member of the fncuty of Randolph-Macon Col? lege, at Ashland. A SHAM BATTLE. On Wednesday afternoon and evening the finals of the Danville Military Insti? tute wero held and were very enjoyable. The exercises at the Institute consisted of a sham battle by tho cadets, which was a One spectacle. After the battle tho ex? ercises wore conducted In tlie Pavilion on tho campus, and consisted ot tbo de? livery of medals and distinctions and the address to the graduating class by Hon. Eugene Withers, a concert by the D. M. I. band and an exhibition drill by tbe cadets. Diplomas were delivered to the follow? ing graduates! ?. M. Herman, Danville; Georgo Barrow, Danvlllo; llannon School field. Dnnvlllo; T. Jeff Rison, Danville, and F. E. Varner, Texas. Built Into the front of the Institute building Is a large marble slab, and the best all-round cadet each year has his name engraved on this slab. The honor this year, which ls one of the most coveted of all those confcrr?ad by the Institute, was won by Cadet George Barrow, of this city. THE. FINAL BALI* The final ball at the Municipal Hall on Wednesday night, was one of the most brilliant in the history* of tho Institution. The hall was beautifully decorated with tho colors of the Institute and the stnga was arranged to repre-aont a military' camp. There were between fifty and sixty couples present. Including a number of visitors, anil dancing did not stop until nearly -1 ?. M. It was the everdlct of every ono that tho G>, M. I. tVnal ball was one of the most brilliant eevents ot the social season. Last night the commencement exercises of Roanoke Female College begun with the linai concert. This was followed by the art exhibit and a reception to-day. The baccalaureato sermon will bo preach? ed at the First Baptist Church Sunday morning by Rev. J. Cleveland Hall, and the commencement exercises will be held at the First Baptist Church Monday night. SOCIAL MATTERS. Miss Mary Drewry, a charming young lady of Richmond, Is In the city, the guest ot Miss Mary Gravely. Miss Annita Penn. of Rcidevllle, Is visit? ing Miss Kathryn Ross Patton at her beautiful homo, on Jefferson Street. Ono of the most pleasant little social affairs of tho week was the "at home," given by Mr. J. Williams White, at the TALENTED YOUNG LADIES OF ! MISS BO ICE'S EXPRESSION CLASS. Students of ?Uiukmuud Female Seminary who, as inembait. ox Miss Seniaj ?oice's Class in Expression, took part in a . Greek play?"'Sappho." Miss Elizabeth Cary Williamson, ?Mina Catharine Henley, of \Villiain>?burg* Miss Nellie Button, of Pqji Air? Mies Ruth Marston, Miss Minnie Holton, Miss Gay Kr.ixton and Mies Mary Welhy Carter. t Stroet, Wednesday. Colonel Smith oamo to attend the presentation of the Confed? erate crosses of honor liy Mrs. J. E. B. Stuart. Miss Fnuii?ea Mayer has returned from Staunton, where she lias been attending school. .Mrs. Richard Walke and the Misses WulUa have returned from Virginia Bench. Mrs, Picot and Mlas Plout, of Littleton, N. C,. spent AVednesday In Norfolk. Mrs. George/V?/. Payne, ori Buffo,!?, ?pent Wodnoaday In Norfolk. ^ Judge Wuddlll,'of Richmond, has taken a cottage at Virginia Beach, Mrs, Wad dill ami family arrived Wodnetiday, und will i'j.)?'Mil the summer there, Mb.m Lena Shields, of Xtt-*hi'*otid, who huit been tho nut??*, of Mist? Lily WowUm/d. I Nineteenth Street, to complote arrange lifsiiiH for the trip down the river Thurs? day night. All nusjubora are reyuoatod to Po presont. AN AMETEUR CIRCUS ON FOURTH OF JULY Much Interest is felt In the amateur circus, to be hold at the Horse Show building; July 4th, Many pvomlnunt peo? ple will take part? Koad the Great Too?l'Jeo Summor Out lntj Offer In this-Pupe??, Head the Great Tou-p?.*- Summo? ?ut Mm Oife-' In tiU? Pup e ?? Imme! of his parents, on Holbrook Arvemie, Friday night. There wore nonrly fifty guests present, mid the evening wan given over to carile und other amusements. Ko llglitful refreshments were served. Miss Helen Jones, of Chlcugo, and Miss Stella Bell, of Wakeiii-Id, Va., are the guests of Miss Mary ?lmpsou on Main Streot. Mtsaea Mabel Lyon. Alice Basnutt and Louise Waitt are the guests of Mina Beulah Ponton, at her home, on Wilson Street. Read the Great Tee-Dee Summer Out? ing Offer In this Paper. Road the Groat Toe-Dee Btun'nw Out-, (1?? 0?W ?A ?ii? VujitW? BROAD AND FIRST STS. E. T. FAULKNER CO., The Daylight Cash Store. We are Agents for Stairdard Patterns. A MARVELOUS JUNE SALE. AN EPIDEMIC OF LOW PRICES. ? HE ruler of low prices haa marched through our atore and left uoirristakable signs of his visit on every hand. Show us your countenance to-raorrow and we will put a smile on it. We commend to your careful consideratiomthotfollowing tremendous bargains: Ladies' Wrappers. Ladles' "Peroalo Wrappers, In ned, blue and black, deop ruf flus at bottom! Rood ae nny $1.00 Wrappers, (\Qn Ladloe' Wrappers, in reti, blue, black, and gray, collars anil ouffs ?()r trim moti with bending, for.. O"-*1 Knit Underwear. Ladles' Gauze Vests, with tapo e?-. In nook; extra quality, for_ ?-*???? Ladloe' Kino Ribbed Gauze Vests, taped neck and slcovesj very RIA.-? good Vests, at. 0/?J*-? Ladles' small uud largo Ribbed i (if-. Vests, full sizes. -- "-? Ladles' Gauzo Vests, with trimmed nook aud sleeves; somo with loco voices, others plain rib- 1 O?/ r bod; extra valuo. 1*/2-' Hen's Department. SPECIAL PRICES. * Men's Balbrlggan Shirts In ICf. cream and white, at. ?*?-'? Men's Striped Shirts, very thlnj Tc? u regular SWo valuo, at....?,... <-*&*> Men's Nogllgeo Shirts, made of good Madras, all neat, pretty pat- "l?ir? terns; a regular oOe value, at ?JS'w Men's Negligee Shirts. In whlto ???* and colored, pleated,?for._... ""? 5c 8c i 0c Men's Neektif-s; a BOo quality, ""> C.. largo assortment, /or. ?ixJL? Men's Hose; a good wearer, at.'.. Men's Hose, In gray and black. Men's Hose, in brown and block. Ladies' Huslin Underwear. nONDAY PRICES. Ladles' Full Corset Covers, trimmed with plat Val. Inserting and hom med-etltohed rufflo In neck "XQr. and slooves, for. ""* Ladles' Full Coreot Covor, mado of fine combrlo, with heinmedetltohed tucks, edged with dainty edge ??? of Vol. and Hamburg for_ *TOW. Ladles' Corset Cover, with three rows of wido laco Inserting, neck and sleeves trlmmod with eclgoto HZir? match, for. JOL? Ladles' Drawers, of flue combrlo, ruf? fle of Hamburg; others strlppod with Inserting and edgo to ? fil? matoli, for. ~VUL? Ladles' Oarabrlo Underskirts, trim? med with Hamburg edge; others stripped with torchou In- HtSr. eerting and bunch tuoks, for ' **-'???' Ladles' Cambric Skirts, deop flounce, stripped with hemmed-stltoh- Q fil? ed tuoko, for. -?-? Ladles' Muslin Gowns, yoke of tuoks and Inserting, neok and sleeves edged with narrow Hamburg, 7*-\r Ladles' Muslin Gowns, with dainty trimmed yoko, hemmedstltehed ruf? fle In ruoli sleeves andaround QQr yoke, for."OL Corsets. Ladles' good-wearing,^icdlum- ?*> ~Z(~ length Cornete..... "-"-*-' Misses' Girdles and Corset?,' extm good boning and Attinga; reg- ^(V? ular nOa.valuo, for. ?.?*C Ladloe' Straight Frorvt Kxtomded Hip Corset, minio of batiste AA** Infants' Caps. Infante' Lawn Cape, Btrlppcd with In? serting and nicely trimmed TCf. around face, for. ***JL? Infante' Lawn Caps, of fine tucka, trimmed with Val. edge and. ??Q.-, baby ribbon, for?..I"-?-? Ladies' Waists. Ladles? Whlte-Madrae Waists, Affo Ladles' Peroale Wulste, with;tuck?and Inserting, in whlto and block *TC/-? Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits. Ladles' Percale Shirt Wale? Suite, mado with wide tuoks ?nd a flre gorcd flare skirt; ostra, good. O Ar* valuo, for ..'?,. "O? Lodlee' Corded -Madras BMrt> Walet Suit, tn whlto and black; <a>| jo ?sxtra qaulity, for ..? .... 4>~.,~tIj Ladies' Qingham Skirts. Ladles' Gingham Skirts, In blue and white stripes, made with two QCr bias ruffles, for. "Ov Ladles' Gingham Skirts, In, plain col? ors and fttrip<efl, nlcoly trimmed and very full; ?sxtra iraolity? Q?*r / White Qoods. REDUCED PRICES. Sheer Lawn. 40 lncheewtdei our C? special price. ****. Checked Muslin, email checks, Cf. good quality; special for. . . ."??fV Plain Whlto Organdy, Bh?jer and Q?, fine; worth 10c, for.J . t-??-? Soft Madras, striped, 82 Inches, | C\r worth 17o, for.* '-,*-' Wash Qoods. REDUCED PRICES. Sheer Lawns for Monday ^TJ?iC Batlsto and Lawn, sheer and ?ne, light and dark colors; worth ST,-, 8 l-8c, for.Dy l'Ine Lawns, eheor and fine, ?10 Inches wide, in light -ground; a ?/\?.(? regular 10o quality, for . . . ?-"-?V-? Sheer Lawns that are the same width as above, but finer, that sold 01/ G at 121-2o. for. /-3 Gingham, in small, medium and Q?~. wide stripes; worth 10?. for. . ?-** Ladies' Hose. BARGAINS. Black Hose, in plain and lace, ?_ etriped, ot.?-*?--? An extra good Hose, well made, a Qr ' good black, at.OL? ? eplondld Hoae, in gray, bol- f (\r briggan and black, at ... . * vi w ? ? Fast Black Hoae, in plain 1 *yi/ r and lace stripe, at ... . *? -^/^tr A. Hose bargain, lace etrlpo, re- i fir, dueedfromiai-aoto.--UL Electrical Engineers for an economical drive of Pumps, Blowers" Hoists, Printing Presses, Machine Tools, etc Washinirton Office: 516 Bond Building. Offices and Works, AMPERE, N. J. Many Visitors Witness the Field-Day Exercises. A DANCE ON THE PRAIRIE Given by the Ward Room Officers Wednesday and Saturday Night Hops Held in tho Summer Ball Room ofthe Chamberlain, (Bpacllll to Tli? Tlim'H-Ilinputi-li.) OLD POINT COMFORT, VA.? Juno ti.? Monday wHB Held day at the fort uml the intereciiliig athletic e?mes which had beon arranged by the officer? fgr tho enlisted men were witnessed hy many spectators. It is intitiiileil thut those li.'lil-elny exer? cises shall bo bold un tlio Kourtii of July and Labor Day. WAltti-IUie'M DANOIS, Tho wai'ii-i'.?)ui oltlcer? of thn U. H. B. Prairie, gave n. da II O? on board Bntuntay afternoon, wlnn dancing wero Mrs, Prunoia W. Brown, Mlas Uditi*, Roberts, of Now York] -Miss I'JtliuI .Mae?-Murray und Misa I'diia. MncMurriiy of Bye, ?. ?.; Misa Isabel Tlioniui nnel .Misa U?'i'iiuilo Tiioinus, of Athens, Qa..\ Misa Margaret Harmon? Mine Butti Cummins u-iu miss Batoli, of Port Mourno; Lleiitoiiiuit Hub? ert Mi'Mllliin, Kruuous Vf, Cooke, Ituli urd Kills and Kdward Hill, of t'ort Mon? roe; Dr. Bofftses, of tlio Jamestown; Lieu tmiants Orlo ?. Knepper? Edward It, Watson, John M. hillloolt, llni-ry ilule und A*hby If. Robertson," of thu luivy, mid Lieutenant Wlllluiii It. Coylo, ?>f tlio Marino Corps. THia 1IOI-B, Tho lio|ia at the Cliuuiburliu on Weilues duy and Saturday night* are now held In tlie summer ball-rooiu, Juat off from the palm Bariliii. Mr?. Davis, the wife of Captain Henry C. Davis, of Fort Monroe, gave two din? neis last week for Miss Boxlo Scott, of lllciluiiond. Mr. and Mrs. W. W Thomas, Miss leu bol Thomas and Miss Qertriide Thomas, who woro guests at the Chamberlin while here, left laut week for their home In Athene, Ga. They expont to return und upend tho month of July at Old Point. Mr. und Mr?. W. 8. Hutching, of Itloh ini'iid, are spending some timo at th? Ohamfcorlln, Mr. JU, D, Hotehkls?, et lllolimond, IS SHOWING THE MOST POPULAR EFFECTS IN Homespuns, Rerges and Worsteds for hot weatherwear. These repre? font tho choicest fabrics from foreign makers, und Include some of the newest dosl/jfns that* art? shown to-day In London,' Paris, and Now York. Prices are vory re-asonublo, because tho work la done here In my own shop. 9 TAILOR TO MEN WHO CAN AFFORD THE BEST. 907 Mean. spent Sunday with his wife and daugh? ters, who aro stopping llt *-le Chamberlin. Mr. Thomas B, Seott, of lllehmond, vlslteil bis motlier, Mrs, Fred Scott, at the Chiimborlln early In the woek, WILLIAH AND MARY Preparations for the Oommoncomont. Guests at Williumsburf*;. (Special to The Times-Dispatch ) WlLLlAMSinmO, VA.', June Q.~-Tho two hundred and tenth commencement ut Wlllluiii and Mary College opona Bun day, June tilst. Already preparations are being Hindu to entertain the many visitor!; expected. Tlie following Is tlio ofttolul programme; The biu'ealuureate sermon will be piuucliod tluiicluy by Itev. H. 1"), Smart, li. 1)., Norfolk, Via. At ? ?*, m,, Ray, t. n. English, d. v., of lUchiiuuid, will preach before the Y. M, C, A. The programme of exuroises Is us follows: Monday, June S??d, 8 ?' ?., celebration of tlie 1-lilloiiiathiiun Literary Society. Tuesday, June ???3d, lu A. M., Senior Cluss culebra t Ion; H 1\ M., uelebrutiou ot the Phoenix Ltturary Society. Wednesday, June g?*..'?,, 11 A. M., ora? tion bufere tlio l-ltorury Societies. 8 P. M., oration before the Alumni Associa? tion, by Hev. (?eorgo 13. Hooker, Peters? burg, Va. Thursday. June ?Oth, 11 ?. ?.? award? ing of diplomas, ????1a1* and scholarship??. 0 P. M., final ball . Among tho guests who weie here to nttuud the Stone-Jones nuptial? were Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Jon,?;?, nf .\'...\v*,i't News,, and ]tev. J. A W. Turner, of F1U gornld, Cl.i. Miss JoAnle Mercer Is nt h ?nie from Richmond to spend a week with lier pa? rents. Mayor und Mrs. John- L. Mercer, Mita Idia Moneare, daughter of tlie lulu Pr, J. 13. Mimouro. is. visiting Cap tain und Mrs. C, ?i. Trevlllan. Misses l.lalu Tyler and Luollo Foster huvu returned frota -Chatham, where they, J have been attending college the poet session. Mrs. L. Henley, Jr., who has been quite HI, Is convalescing. Postmaster T, O. P-aaohy spent Thura day In Richmond. Mrs. Bdloe Morecock, of Newport News, bus been the Kueat this week of Mr?. VI?*" glnla Moreoook. Mr. A, El. Hundloy, who haa been ae rlously 1)1, ts recovering. O. &. O.TOUR TO CALIFORNIA. 804,76 via Direct Routes i $75.75 One Way via Porllrnd, Ore. These round-trip tl**kuts will be sold July Slat to August lath, limited for re? turn October 15th. They ara jjrst-dass, allow stop-over nt and west of (.'oleiinilo common points, und limy be solel enveras route's. Por conditions, detall Information and Bohuqules of routes cell on or address W. O. Waillieu. ?>, P. ?-e & ?*? ?, Rail? way, Richmond. Vu. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES Via R., F. & P. R. R. and Contactions. The Richmond, Kredoilcksburg nuil 1? tiimac Railroad t'tiinpuny will sell until Se'ptember ?ioth. Inclusive, special excur? sloii tickets to principili auuiuiin- resorts Noi ill .nul Last, liiilotlliig liiuny poluis in canuda, ?t greatly reduce?! rates. Tlokeu ???",! until October sist, im. For thi'e'iiKh ile'aiits ttti(| further Information applv to tickot ntfeuts, Ryid Siruat, Kiba ??r Main Street stations, or Rlchuio-icl Transfer C?tnipany, Sto lsast Main Street, jefTerson Hotel and Murphy'?* Hotel w. V. VJtfltOH. Traiti? Mtinseer? Read Ule Qreat- Toe-Dee Summer Out? ing Offer In thl?? Paper. o ,a. 31"? o ass, S! ..-a. ? ?eMie th* j* The Kind Voti Hiif? Ata-ds BtmgU ?Tf^-i*^ Read the Gu'-i 'fcs-i.'.; 9?M?tt?***-**" uijf offer Tn thu ?**??*?,, ?