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jmmwrxr?. ? prore or more of men, most of them with boys of thPlr own, are about to realize an ambition which nQ doubt fired their hearts -when they themselves had much the soroe aspirations ns they find manifested In the youthful minds of tho lads who form a part, of their house? hold. In other words, tho tables are to be turned, and the fathers Will dress In the garb of the clown nnd caper In the sawdUSl ring, while their sons, with envy In their heart?, sit on the benches and witness the antics of tho respected bead 3f the family. 1! was Mark Twain who said, speaking r>f the boys who lived In the quiet little [own of St. Petersburg! "When a circus rame nnd went. It left us all hum Ing to recomo clowns." Them is no man living In-day probably who knows the boy, tho world over, ns does tho author of thoso Juvenile classics, Tom Sawyer nnd Huckleberry Finn. The hoys' love for the circus is almost second nature with him. With some It lingers until the grny hairs begin to tell that, except In their hearts, they are boys no longer. Even 1hon the old love Is not altogether dead, nnd tho brass band of tho circus will cause bis pulse ,to quicken nnd be will catch a little of tho fever that onco throbbed In bis veins, ns the white tents with their fray banners Hying In tha breeze appear In the dlstnnce. At the amateur circus to he given in the Horse Show building on the after? noon and evening of .Tulv -tth. the cloi Is to be given nn opportunity to regain some of Ills lost glory. Tho features of tho old-time one-ring circus nnd" those of the modern three-ring show will bo pleasingly combined in the two exhibi? tions to be given on tho national holiday. When the big three-ring circus, with Its elevated stngo and hippodrome races, superseded the show which contented Itself with a single arena, nnd tho In? troduction of one act at a time, the clown ceased to he tho personnge who com? manded tbo most respect of his fellow performers, by reason of tho big salary attached to his position and tho promi? nence which waa given him In tho exhibi? tion. ? It was a lament of tho closing days of the late Tin ? Hice I hat the pro? fession of clowning "wasn't what It used to be." A lot of heardless youths, he snld. whose hands and feet wore moro iilmblo than their tongues, hnd usurped tho .place once occupied by the clown who could talk, and upon whose words tho whole nudienco hung. Tho acrobatic clown and tha talking clown will each have an opportunity In tho amateur circus. There aro a score of the former and several of the latter; The entertainment promises to bo is cleyer ns It will bo unique, nnd as re 'pWte with nets that aro really creditable exhibitions as It will bo with those which are ludicrous. BRUCE CHESTERMA.N. The Glffon Company is dead. Tbe organization went out of existence nfter th\ performance last night, and ?" there will be no more Qiffen companies In Richmond henceforth forever. Mnnager Giffen pursued some very high Ideals, and In the space of four seasons he lost in the neghborhood of $25,000. The energetic and enterprising young mannger has left, hut play-goers of this city will remember his achievements, and the Giffen standard In theatrical affairs will not soon be forgotten. Whatever ho undertook to do was ,well done. He would havo nothing hut' the best. His companions were always made up of capable actors., and lnhls productions ho went miles ahead of anything thnt bad been attempted before, He outrivaled and outshone his competitors at, every turn, but ho poured money ont like Water, and tho income ivas ns nothing compared with the outgo. What Mr. Giffen needed was n larger field. The piny-going public of this city is too contracted an clement, or too Indifferent an element, 1o warrant nny such expense as ho undertook. It was a charming bit of sentiment that Induced Mr. Giffen to come to Rhgimond. He has been the pioneer in the stock com? pany revival, and had won his spurs In Denver, while demonstrating its feasi? bility nnd Its worth, an example! that other managers were not slow to follow. It Is a fact that may or may not ho generally known; that Richmond, In the. good old ?lays that the old actors tell us about, roasted,???? of the best stock companies In'' America. Mr. Giffen enmo here to rovi ve tho stock company Fpirlt nnd to revive It on ? scalo of magnifi? cence that our forefathers nevei riro.imed And ho hns failed. Tho fault was not with Mr. f?lffen. Ho did his best' and gave us tho host thnt was possible There was no detail of nny production 'nnt ho made, however insignificant it might havo seemed, that did not ocouny his most careful nttentlon. People who do not understand the theatrical buslnoss will ho very ready with suggestions that might have made Mr. Giffen's fortune but the young manager's Ideas, if they were idealistic, wero always nrtlstlc and beautiful. "Tbo king I* dead: long live the king" N,(l nnd for a Giffen flr,-.?H-|od we have a miton on the spot. The Dalton Stock r.nmnany will fill out the punimor nt tho A?ademv, opening next Thursdnv night with ' Knut ?-?-tino" nnd following this up the Monday afterwards with ? re? vival of "Canto." The Dnlton Company is something that S23 16.;, W?WMCDO r \ box ftlv at Tho following are tho successful numbers, week uniting .Inn? 3ig| 67894. S5.?0 08513. ].i)0 67939. LOO 64169. 3.oo 69193. uto 68358. 3.00 62280. 3.00 66776. 3.00 68521. 3.0? 65000. 1.00 (54000. ].()() 68642. 3.00 6726]. 3.00 68239. 1,00 67632. i.oo 60385. LOO THE TONIC ---$1,00 i G, fi. MILLIB, be., 619 EAST BROAD STREET. frTBMKMWMiiWHWBMBMWBWMi MISS FLORENCE M'NEIL. has to.ho reckoned with, but this much may surely bo said In advance?It is mado up of actors and actresses who are for the most part well-known In Richmond. Somo of them havo beon seen here many times, and have always left a very favor? able impression. As for the productions, It Is promised that they will be mado on a Very elaborato and beautiful scale, nnd It is "perhaps worthy of mention that Air. Dalton. besides his oWn mechanical force, has tho whole stock of scenery and properties of ono of tlio largest theatres In this country to draw upon. Air. Dalton, who has been here for several days, has Issued a statement to tho public in which ho says that ho is well aware of the stock company tradi? tions at tho Academy, and that die pro? poses to maintain the highest standards, to givo the best plays 'ind the most popu? lar plays with tho utmost rare? and to see what each and every- performance Is worthy of tho confidence of tho Rich? mond play-going public. The company Is headed by AIlss Lillian Vi-'lunnii, as leading woman, and that celebrated netas J- T. Tpolo, ns leading man. George Schracder, who is . so well known hero, is also a member, with the following Richmond favorites: Howard Cnhlll, Edward Wright, Alexander Loft wlch and several others. The Dalton Company makes, a vory Aviso move on tho start by reducing prlcos to the popular level; Tho prices will rango from" twenty-five to titty cents. It was tho old Giften standard -when tho manager first came hero. It wns a lucky standard too. The Bijou Aluslcal Comedy Company promises to go on forever... like Tenny? son's brook. What a. wondorful company this is! For four seasons It.has been a veritable gold mine, and it lias gone on' scoring success after success with tho mont perfect equanimity. It Is doubtful If over a company has boon seen hero that has worked so well together, that has In? fused so much ginger Into Its perform? ances, and has mado so much out of plays thnt hnvo not always been the most son satlonal successes beforo this company took hold or them. Nothing will ever stale the Infinite va? riety of Llttlo Chin, tho "darling of the gods;" of Otis Harlan, alwavs there with tlio goods; of dainty Alary Afnrble, sinuous Fanchlonatti; delightful John Dunno, whimsical Tony Hart and nil? tho rest? what a.wonderful coterie It Is, and how their efforts aro always appreciated, not onlv here, but In every city they visit! Tho company Will stnv hero Just ono week longer. After next Saturday they will go to Pleasure pay. Long Branch, for tho summer In the new theatre tr> bo open? ed thorn by AT?'. Wells to-morrow week. l'Or the closing bill tho cnmpanv will present George H. Brnndhurst's delicious farce, "Tho House That Jack Built, with all ports of Internolatlons, 'Die play made a great hit In New York threo sea? sons ago, ai'rt was seen on the road under tho same enthusiastic conditions. It comes in very aptly nt tho present time, for It tolls us in whimsical fashion of the perplexities that beset a man who undertook to build a home for himself, and all the labor complications nnd strikes that he passed through. Thero Is one feature of the piny that It has In common with many farces; that Is. a rnno of mixed Identity. Tho WRV tho characters get mis taken Tor other peonie Is ? leading feat? ure of Its Intridpro, n\ It lends to all sorts of screamingly funny situations, JENNINGS?BROWN Beautiful Home Wedding Solemnized Thursday Evening, Tho rnarriage ?f Mise Bonnlbei Brown to Sir. Barry S. Jennings, Jr., occurred on Thursday evening last at 0 o'clock, el the residence of tho bride's parents, No. Mi South Laurel Street. The wedding was a beautiful home nf fulr, conducted In the presence of a largo j number of the friends of the contracting parlies. The house was decorated lu green and whito and presentici a nn attractive appearance, to which a lai and handsome display of present? added much. The ceremony was performed by the Bev Joshua. B. Hntson, !'). I)., /?stor of the Pine-Street Baptist Church. Tlio brido looked beautiful In tri ho prepe de chine over taffeta, lior maid j of honor was Miss Maille Jtniiii??-. si?? ; ter "f tau groom, whg wore wir?,,, bilk ? mull, Tho groomsman was Mr, ,.\. <;. I Brown, brother of the bruiti, j.?tet tho ceremony a delightful reception- wai teil? dered. :' Mrs. Jennings Is the charming daugh? ter of Mrs, 13. V. Brown and Was through* out t-heciiy a wide circle of /friend.) and admirers, who will wish he/ every ; ?? ? ???.?..'. und happlnoes. The grown is a ;,.? of Mr. H. H. Ji-nnings, th,; ?ell-known merchant, und is very ifipuUr lu the I Wcst-iCnd. ANNUAL REGATTA OF VIRGINIA CLUB The Local team is .Getting in Shape for the Struggle. The annual regatta of the ' Virginia Boat Club, to bo held next Saturday af? ternoon. June 27th, at D o'clock, is tho crowning event of a long season of hard labor and arduous training.? Five days moro of tho same dally grind, then the tug of war, and, win or lose, tha crew will breathe a sigh of relief at tho prospect of a- llttlo rest. Tho Washington and Loo crew will reach Richmond next Thursday after? noon, and will ho (juartored ut the Lex? ington H o toi. They will row tho samo four men who pulled last year and aro known as tho "Albert Sidney" crew. Lait weck, at Lexington, they defeated the "Harry Leo" crew of AVashlngton and Leo by three lengths, and, fresh from that victory, thoy will probably put up a, good race here. The visiting crew Is made up of: Stroke, T. G. Stone; No. 3, AV. G. Pendleton; No. 2. J. P. Walker; Bow, R. ?. Doglas; Coxswain, Mr. Bird. Arrivine on Thursday, thoy will have tho advantage of a day's practice on tlio river hero, thus becoming familiar with tho course. Reports from Lexington In? dicate that they are In splendid condi? tion nnd nre rowing in fino form. The Virginia Boat Club crew will con? sist of: Stroke, Julien IT. Hill; No. 3, William ?? Gordon; No. 2..H, W. Shel ton, Jr. ; Bow, J. Popo Nash; Coxswain, LITTLE CHIPS. ??\ ?. Clalborne. The average weight of thi) "Vlrginlu" crew Is rather light, but they oro all good men, and though they have not been In training for as long a period -is Un? college buys, tho local clubmen nro confident that their crow will l?; th? winners. 1're.cedhig ihe ruce with the 'Varsity crow, there will be u number of events, In which the membors of iho local club will tuke nart. The rano between the Junior crews will be hotly contested. In order to avoid the excessive heat, tho races will not begin until 5 o'clock, nnd the programmo will be carried through without delay. No admission fen will be charged on Mayo's Island, except Ilia customary brldgo toll, and the south? ern shore of the Island will be cleared of shrubbery In order Hint the spectators may havo an unobstructed, view. After the races a reception will he held at the boat house, nnd refreshments served to the Invited guests. Admission to tho houso will bo by tieftet only. After the reception the winning crew will bo presonted with a handsome silk banner, tho gift of Messrs. O. II. Berry & Co. The prizes In tho singles will nlso be awarded. Negotiations am now pending between tho Blchmond club and tho "Ariels," of Baltimore, for a race between these two clubs the latter part of July. If the proposed Southern Bowing Association Is formed It will do much to revivo Interest In boating In the Stato. ?? tho old dnys of (he Virginia Association largo regat? tas wero hold yearly, with crows entered from all parts of this State and Mary? land. REALTY WAS DULL Strike and Weather Against It?Brown and Company's Salce. Local conditions were very much, against reni estate sales during tho past week, brought nbout by the strike and much unfnvornblo weather. Messrs. J. Thompson Brown &; Co. had tho good fortuno to sell all they adver? tised for sale during tho week. Tho two story brick building No. 1519 West Cary Street to R. E. Firth, for $2,000; a lot at tho corner of Cary and Boblnson Street to ,T. W. Daniels for $1,476: tho two-story brick dwelling No. 216 South Cherry Street to Mr. II. Scldon Taylor for $1,500; small suburban farm about six miles northwest of tho city to J. Hull Mooro, Jr., at $21.60 an acre. Tho samo firm will sell at auction Tues? day, June 23d, .at ? P. M., two-story dwelling No. 4M South Laurel Street, belonging to a non-resident, who says ho must sell regardless of tho price, N. AND W. SOUTH A Happy Reciprocal Arrangement With the Southern. (Special to Tim Tlmes-Dlspatch.) MAloOAN, N. C, June 20.?This di? vision of tho Norfolk and Western must be on a paying basis now, for tlio traf? fic over It Is Immenso. Truo, tho pas? senger business Is not great, but tho freight traffic, especially In cool, Is enormous, double-headers, hauling from twenty to fifty loaded gondolas, being tho rule, and not tho exception. And it is a rare thing when one Is not pnsBlng. or Just getting out of sight. Night and day this goes on, for this Is tho Norfolk and Western's only route South, and over It goes every pound they can possibly send. Their Intercourse with the Southern would seem to be quite friendly now, for they havo an arrangement liy which they send ono passenger train clear through, from Roanoke to Charlotte, and tho Southern sends one from Charlotte through to Roanoke. This is a satisfac? tory arrangement to the peoplo along tho line, for it enables them to go through from point to point on tlio Southern and on tho Norfolk and West? ern without change of cars. Aufderheide?Smith. (Special to Tlie Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA., June 20.?An in-, te-restlng marriage took place Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. Joe Shol ton, on White Rock Hill. The contracting parties wore Miss Daley Elma Smith, of Campbell county, and Mr. William Aufderheide, assistant man? ager of the Hughes Buggy Works, of Lyiichburg.' Tho marriage ceremony was performed by the Key, A, N. Perrymnn, pastor of Bethcsda Presbyterian Churoh, of Lynchburg. The couple left lmm-2 d/lately over the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway for Cincinnati, where they will visit tho father of the groom, who Is a retired buggy man of that city. Complain of Rates. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) MANTEO, VA., June 20.?There Is a long continued cry on this railway about tho rates on articles sent by freight. It is tho lust few months that many of tho rates on various classes was in? creased materially. Tho probable reason for this is the same one that wns given BUI Nye by the lunchman when ho charged Nye 51 for a sandwich. "They need the money." As nn example of tho Increase In charges It need only be stated that up to a short timo ago a -barrel of oil was brought from Richmond for 7Sc. The charge now Is $1.08. Sugar from Chicago, over tho C. & O. Railroad Is 23c. per hundred pounds. From Blchmond It is only ono cent less. Tho same road brings It. Tho freight on railway ties from this station to Richmond Is ISc. each. That will amount to from $54 to $85 por car. It Is inferred that this charge Is mado to hold these ties In this locality for lo? cal consumption. When the old canal company sold out they disposed of all "rights and respon slbllltleu." The railway company doubt lesH Ik vvell within tho law, but It Is play? ing tad havoc with the profits of Its cus? tomers along this river, William and Mary. (Special to Tho TImcs-Dispiiteh.) Wli.l,i.\jin?iiKG, VA., June ?? Tho linn! exercise? a( William and Mary Col lego will begin to-morrow ut 11 o'clock A. M., when Dr. Smart, of Norfolk, will preach tho baccalaureate -sermon la tho ?lianat. BLUE-RIBBONERS ON EXHIBITION Mr. H? C. Brauer Brings a Splendid Lot of Cattle from -White City." "With tho growth of Richmond from ? largo country town to an Important man? ufacturing and financial center having metropolitan aire, no problem of expan? sion has been bettor solved than that of providing meat for the Increasing thou? sands of consumere. In arriving at this happy conclunlon Mr. H. C. Brauer, an enterprising busi? ness man of tho city, has rendered an Important part. Just at this timo Mr. Brauer la somewhat in the public eye both hero nnd In Chicago, because of an exceptionally fino lot of beef cattlo he recently purchased In tho Windy City and hns now brought hero to tickle tho palate of Richmond's elite, Many thousands ot cattle aro sold every any In Chicago nnd In consequence the papers sny nothing of them unless the sale Is particularly notable. Mr. Brnuer wan not surprised, hut gratified, never? theless, to find this Item in one of tho great dallies of Chicago: "Tho bunch of primo cattlo that were bought by Moog nnd Greenwald on yes? terday's market woro purchased by I-L C. Brauer, of Richmond, Vs., for hie select Southern trnde. Mr. Brauer han? dles tho choicest goods obtainable." Every hend of this shipment Is a "blue rlbbonor" or prize winner, and ne It Is a reni treat for lovers of stock to see beautiful cattle, -Mr. Brauer has decided to nllow his herd to be on exhibition to? day, to-morrow and Tuesday at tho Un? ion Stock Yards. Tho publie Is given a cordial Invitation to go out to tho yards nnrl see ns line a lot of cattlo as ever came out of tho great West. On Wed? nesday thoy will be slaughtered at the plant of the Virginia Packing Company. .After preparation for market tho public may again seo this delectable rood. The Packing Cinpnny welcomes pcoplo to Visit Us plant, .which Is nt all times kept In npple-plo order of splc-and-span neatness. Tho ofllcers of tho plant and Mr. Brauor aro particularly desirous for their friends to see this forthcoming exhibition of fine meats, the llko of which has nover been excelled In ? Sothern city. WONDERFUL CURES OF CANCER CHRONICLED (Special Cable to The Tlmes-Dlspatch, Copyright, 1903.) PARIS, Juno 20.?Tyro dootors of Lillo claim to have discovered a real cure for cancer by moans of treatment with tho Roentgen rays. The doctors do not wish to have their names published as yet, but they aro said to belong to the medi? cal college of Lille. In applying the X-rays they use a very feeble current, and what are called soft bulbs. By applying the bulbs to tho af? fected part of a woman patient pain was relieved as if by a miracle after three minutes. By repeating the application, each time for only three minutes, a scar 'a Boon formed over, the wound, the.tumor, diminishes, 'and the crust falls off In a few days, leaving the wound entirely cicatrised. In a case whero they treated cancer of tho Internal organs, the patient bolng sixty-five years old, vomiting waa stop? ped on the first application. After seven applications ot throo minutes each the woman was perfectly cured. A number of other patients have beon submitted to the treatment, and tho doctors are wait Ins to see If the cure will be permanent WILL ASK CONGRESS TO BUILD LEVEES (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, June 20.-ChaIrman Richardson, of the Board of State En? gineers; Congressmen Ransdell and Mey? er, and members of all the levee boards of the State, will leave hero on Monday for St. Louis to attend the meeting of the Mississippi River Commission on Wed? nesday next They will urge the com? mission to.solicit the aid of Congress In Increasing the appropriations for levee building In Louisiana, basing the appeal on the exprlonco of the recent flood, when most of the levees in this State withstood the highest water ever known. Remarks About Richmond. Harrlsonburg News: Richmond Is In the throes of a gen? eral streot car strike. And tho weather Is warm enough nov/ to show tho sub? urbanites Just what In meant by hot-foot? ing it down the pike. Brederlcksburg Free Lance: The business people of THIchmond have returned to village Ufe?they walk to and from their places of business. Emporla Messenger;" Richmond has her street car strike after all and now wo shall be able to seo how the leading cltv of tho State will manage It. Claiming that she does all things well. It will bo Interesting to watch and wait for the solution of this trouble and tho example will without doubt prove of valuo to other cities of the State .that may roach the dignity of having strikes some of these days. Charlotte Observer: It la to be regretted that tho Richmond street car Htrlko la no early marked by acts of violence. The right to work Is as sacred ns tho right to quit .work nnd both sldee to all labor disputes ought to leiirn the primary lesson that employes must not bo coerced and employers not bo hindered In conducting their busi none by thoso who do not want to work for them longer. Charlotte News: There Is a street car strike on In Rich? mond. "Old Virginia nover tires" Is not true thlH week. In fact this Is mighty hot weather for a citizen of Richmond to be forced to walk. MR. ROBERT SISSON HAS FINE RECORD Has Carried Mail for Thirty four Years and Missed Only One Train. (Special to The Tlmes-Plspmcti.) MANASSA8, VA,, June 20,-Falrfax county bus a very romarkablo mall-car. rler In the person of Mr. Robert eisson, Mr. Sisson carries ih? mail between Fair? fax Station und Fairfax Courthouse. Ho has been employed hi this capacity since 18?3, a period of thirty-four years,?ana In this wholo time bo has missed only ono trulli und thon ho could not get to tlio station bocauso tho road was blocked with snow. / ?Mr. Sisson makes three tripa a-day be? tween tho station anil courthouse, a d'B tanco of three, and one-hulf miles and Billow ho begun to curry tho mail, ho h .a treveled ovci two hundred and 'llfty-sevon thousand miles, or a distan?a equal to ten limes around tho whole earth. This slaloment scums almost Incredu? lous, but llfcurea will show It to bo. tiuo, Mr. Blason is now soventy-flvo year? of age. lie Is well preserved and In robust health und oxpoetu, he say?, to carry tlio mall twentv-flvo yeara longer, uni?: a Fairfax fioou ? ' gots an electrlo road to Washington. , '?:,;? . , Mr. Sisson offers a challenge to the world to beat his record and If any one **.,. ?la &a h? wisbJM thiim to fcuuuk put. and if you have not one of the " Odorless" make of Refrigerators you had better go to either of our stores and get one. Ask To See The Nickel Covered Dish that wo are selling at 25c. Each. Douglas Cold Tea Sets. Complete with long-handled Silver-Plated Spoons, 33 Per Set. Flinch. That is tho name of tho new summer game. Ton should have ono to take to the coiintry with you. Only 50 Gents. Tlio most complote lino of Hammocks, Croquet Sets, Lawn Swings, Coolers, Ice Chests, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Etc. in the South. r THE E, B. TAYLOR ? ? V ??? I EAST MAIN ST. 3 E?ST BROAD ST. G A V O R I ? E S ALL THIS WEEK THE THAT Best Effort of the Bijou Musical Comedy Co. F A V O R I ? E S PRICES: Night, 1st floor, 60c; balcony, 25?, Matinee, 25? In any pari of Uta house. znwMflrenn3C*i*nEfnBRPW3Mn INSPECT MILITIA OF VIRGINIA Federal Officers Here To-Mor row for that Purpose. Means $25,000 for State. The Important Inspection of tho Vir? ginia infilila by United Btatoa officers will begin to-morrow morning. Fouir officers of the regular urmy will como here to-morrow and durine the day will be engagea in Inspecting the armories and books ot Uie Richmond compinles ot the Seventieth regiment, the Blues' battalion and the Richmond Howitzers. To-morrow evening at 7:!10 o'olock the Howitzers will bo Inspected, nnd at 8 o'clock tho Inspection of the five com? panies of the Seventieth regiment hav? ing their headquarters here will be In? spected. On Tuesday evening the Blues ?will oome In for official attention. The Federal officers who come here'will go to all headquarters of companies in the SUte. Tha dates of their visit are given borei Company D, Charlottesvllle, Saturday, Juno 27th, Company B, Lynchburg, Thursday, June 25th. Company G. Alexandria, Tuesday, June 30th. Company I, Farm ville, Friday, Juno 20th. Company K, Stauntorf, Thursday, June 25th. Company D, Frederlcksburg, Tuesday, June 28d. Company M, Danville, "Wednesday, June 2-ith. All companies uro ordered to assemble In heavy marching order. The allotment of the appropriation? un? der the enactment of the Dick bill la? something over $25.000 for Virginia. DO IT NOW. Now ,1s the time to get ?id of that ccugh, for if you let It hang on no one can tell what tho result may be, Others have been cured o? their coughs very quickly by using Chamberlain's i^ough Remedy. Mr, A. J. Da Costa, of Galnos vilie, Fla., say?; "A friend of mine, painter of tills town, who was nearly dead with a oough, was cured by one bottle of ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He also recommended It to a lady hero', ???? was suffering from grippe and a si-vero cough. She gratified him by try? ing it, and was cured by one small bot? tle," The remedy ie for sale by all drug? gist?.. Mow for the Big Show. eri?? Cole Younger mi Frank James, The World's Greatest Exhibition. The Great Wild West and Far East Now United Hand In Hand. NOTE THE ENDLESS ARRAY OF STERLING ATTRACTIONS. RUSSIAN COSSACKS, 11BDOUIN ARABS, AMERICAN COWBOYS. ROOSEVELT- ROUG H RIDERS, Indians, Cubans. Western Girls, Mexi? cans, Broncos, Overland Stage Coach, Emigrant Train, Tho Siege of Deadwood, unii the World's Mounted Warriors, led by the Great Cole Younger and Frank James who will norsoually appear at every performance, , Two ? rf orm un ces Dully, 2 and 8 P. M., RAIN ORSIIINU. Watch or the Big Free Street Parade at 10 A. M. TUliSDAV, June St), The Oonfederaie Museum* TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens dally from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Admission. 25 cents. Freo on Saturday*. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREET*, OPEN 10 A. M. TO ? ?, M, ? ADMISI?N. ?C. FREE ON SATURDAYS. ? ?