Newspaper Page Text
Second Week Of This Suit Sale of Powerful Values The price is small?the values are great?and value is what makes the bar? gain really a bargain, Therefore, we underscore this state? ment : The suits offered in this sale are worth up to $18. That's what they were made to sell for. That what we guarantee them to be. And this guarantee of ours? covers every point that makes for Suit satisfaction? quality, fit, fashion. It is an exceptionally well assorted lot of Suits?embracing Serges and Thi bets, as well as Fancy Cheviots and Home s'puns and Cassimeres and Worsteds. And they are made up in the styles that are in most demand. Because there are all sizes?full lots ?adds materially to the strength of the offerings. Remember, that every Suit is a guar anteed-by-us Suit?choice is unprece? dented at TEN ?OLLARS. WILL BE EVENT IN MUNICIPAL CIRCLES The municipal Investigation which will begin before tho joint Council committee In the City Hall to-morrow afternoon will bo the event of tho week, If not, Indeed, of the year In local circles. Tho first meet? ing will be only for the purpose of or? ganization, and then tho body will bo called for business a few days later, pro? bably Wednesday night. It Is expected that night sesiona will bo held, and that ,'the matter will be pressed with much vigor. Mr. John B. Minor will presido at all the meetings, and Is expected to be vig? orous in his examination ot witnesses. "There Is no power on earth," said Mr. Minor last night, "which could Induce me to sign a report exonerating any one who may be found guilty, or ilxlng responsi? bility upon any one who may not bo convicted. I believe this Is the feeling of the entire committee," MILITARY GUARD STREET RAILWAYS (By Associated Press.) DUBUQUB, IA? June 20.?Militia com? panies from Independence, Waterloo and Maqulketa arrived this evening and are now guarding the property of the. etreet car company. Operations of cars will bo ""feTiUmed to-morrow. People thronged the streets to-night, but there was no demon? stration. TO EXTEND HAMPTON'S CORPORATE LIMITS (Special to The Times-Dlspntch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., Juno 20.?The cruiser Topeka returned to Old Point to? day from Baltimore. A movement is on foot to extend the corporation limits of Hamp? ton, to take in the Hampton "Normal Institute and the National Soldiers' Homo, and thus gl've the town a population of 12,000, sufficient to make a city. S. S. Cost?n, of Crisfleld, Md., who con -trols a large crab factory there, and an? other at Morehead, N. C'? has decided to move his Crlslleld plant to Hampton. KILLED BY LIGHTNING IN FREDERICKSBURG (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) FRBDERICItrSBURfl, VA., Juno 20.? During a eeVere'electrlcal storm this eve? ning lightning struck a tree at "Sn?w den," the handsome estate of D. Clark, Just outside the suburbs of the city, part of which fell on and instantly killed Thornton Blackwell, a well-known and highly respected colored man. ' ? Marriage in Manchester, Mr. Wirt A. Rowe and Miss Mugdalin Wlgand wero married Wednesday eve? ning at 8:K0 o'clock by Rev. Father John, of St. Mary's Church. The bride was at? tired in a suit of pearl gray, with hat and gloves to match. Mr. Daniel Wigand, brother of the bride, and Mr. Charles Rowe, nephew of the groom, acted as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe will reside in Manchester. SHOOTING TOURNAMENTS Ashland Club to Hold One Next Week At Waynesboro. Tho third annual tuurnament of the Ashland Gun Club will bo held nt Ash? land on June 21th. The shoot will be under the rules of the Interstate Asoclatlon. The Handicap Committee: W. C. Saun ders, W. A. Hammond, T. M. Tlgnor, J. A. Anderson and W. S. McLelland. There will be three events and a large number of valuable prizes. The Waynesboro Gun Club will hold Its second annual tournament in Waynesboro on July 4th. There will be six events, with many prizes. RICHMOND DEFEATED Stopped Playing in Eighth Inning Owing to Decision of Umpire. (Special to the Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., June 20.?The local base-ball team defeated Richmond here nnd Old Point at Soldiers' Home, this afternoon, tho games being called at 2:30 o'clock nnd 4 o'clock. The Richmond men sotpped playing in tho eighth inning on nccount of a decision of the umpire. ?core: R. ?. E. Newport News. I) fl 1 Richmond . 0 2 4 Score: R. H. B. Newport News. 7 10 5 Old Point. 3 3 5 Fines for Car Rides. The Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Work? ers' Union, an organization of but thirty five members, met last night nnd appro? priated $100 to aid tho striking car men. A fine of $5 will be Imposed on any member riding on a car during tho strike. The Typograpliical Union, No. DO, also provided a line of $20 for members riding on cars during the strike. Money for the Strikers. At a meeting of the Richmond Typo? graphical Union, No. 90, yesterday at Concordia Hall $100 was appropriated to aid tho striking street railway employes. No notion was taken by tho union as a body, with respect the demonstration by organized labor planned for to-dav, the members of No. ?0 being left free to act on their own Individual Initiative. Arrested in the County. County Policeman Euhank yesterday arrested a whito man named Oliver on tho charge of assaulting him with a brick, using profane language and resist? ing arrest. Oliver, It Is said, had been drinking, and meeUng Euhnnk threw a brick at him. The officer closed in and after a struggle, during which he struck his assailant with his billet, succeeded In taking him in custody. Two negroes who had failed to assist the officer when summoned to do so were nlso arrested. Oliver wns placed under a peace bond by Justice I,flwis, and the negroes wero ad? monished with a warning as to their duty In future, Waif for the Big Show! The Only One This Season. Society ?OO Performers 100 50 Starling Acts 50 A score of Clowns, Inoludlng such well-known names us Charles II. Phillips, Albore O. Hoshon, Krank W. Cunningham, T. ?. Hicks, Harry O. Glenn, George Pollock, ?. ?. Davis, William H. Allen. W. T. Hart, Donalo Wilson. Loo Lorraine, S. h, Kolly, Isiiao Hold. O. O. Su villo, Harry Tucker, Hugh Mercer, Tom Farley, William ?. Thomp? son, Journey Porter, Luther O beat wood, Herbert Huloe, ?am Cook, Leonard Nool. 12 RIDEK3, Including Madamo Tuttlfructl, tho Queen of tho Arena. A Mighty, Monster Show of Surpassing Mag? nitude. A Collossal Aggregation of the World's Greatest Artists. Aerialists, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Equestrians, Wiro-Wulkur? (aud wire pullers), Contortionists, Jugglers, Equilibrists, Trapeze Performers. See Miss Grace Street, the Only Lady Clown in the World, Hear the Clown Brass Band, ltd by I'll lu ? Zuza. Captain Harry BonavltaTuckerlta, the Lion Tamer, in ? Thrilling erhibltlon of tbe power of man over beast. See WEE WORRAINE, the WONDERFUL! IZARD, ?AMrt The crowning oven t of the.exhibition?THE GREAT HIPPODROM ? RACES. CONCLUT BAND OF THIRTY FlfciCiiS. Two Performances -July 4th, Afternoon and Night, AT THE HOUSE-SHOW BUILDING. aa Immense amphitheatre with a seating capacity of 12,000, every seat so arrange that a perfect view of the Ajena It obtained. d 25c. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY 25c? Excursion^ on all railroads to Richmond. Doore open J and 7 P. M. Performance commen?ai at !3:??0 and 8:30 P. M. Bi?*s Band Concert of an hour Udore euch performance. Como early, hear tho mualc and avoid the rush. ' NOTE?This circus for tho benellt of tbe Home lor Needy Confederate women. ?nM?j? fch* only ehow carrying Its own uawdust, We show, raiu or thine. POLICY MAN SENTENCED Given Six Months and Fined a Goodly Sum. BIG SHIPMENT POTATOES Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars' Worth of Tuber? Leave Norfolk in a Sin? gle Day?Negro's Mangled Re? mains Found on Track. (Special to Tho Hmes-DIspatch.) NORFOLK, V.V.. ,1'uno 20.?Slowart Whltehurst, Charged with running a game of policy at No. 60 Washington Street, was sentenced In tho Police Court this morning for a term of six months in jail and to pay a fine of $230 and costs. That is a sentence of the samo dimensions as that Inflicted on tho other policy-player In the same court yesterday. There wore appeals In both cases to the Corporation Court. 1 Tho cases of tho two marine engineers, Wood Downing nnd A. C. Mceklns, ac? cused of assaulting and boating S. D. Priest, who does not belong to tho asso? ciation, was called In tho Police Court by Justice Taylor this morning and con? tinued to Tuesday for tho purposo of ob? taining witnesses from North Carolina. Tho two men wero released on tho sume bonds of $300 each for their appearance. GREAT SHIPMENT OF POTATOES. This Is the height of the potato season and this Is the greatest day of tlio har? vest. Tho steamer Princess Anne, of the Old Dominion line, will leave here to? night with a full cargo of truck, Includ? ing potatoes, benns nnd cabbage, but mostly potatoes, of which there will be 16,000 barrels. Tho Cape Charles route will take all It can carry, or about 7,000 bar? rels and ?,??? barrels will go by the Mer? chants' and Miners' boat to Boston. As the prices are $3.50 to $4 a barrel, the ship? ment of potatoes alono from here to-day will represent a money value of over $100. 000. The Old Dominion will run the Guy andotto as nn extra boat to-morrow night to accommodato the trafile that Is offering at Its docks to take advantage of prices that have not boon realized for trucie since 1S93. This is the Urst season that large ship? ments of truck have been sent to the West. One day last week seventeen car? loads of potatoes wero sont and to-day and yesterday each there wore shipments of 2,000 barrels over the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. These are consigned to Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland and De? troit. NEGRO MANGLED BY TRAIN. The horribly mangled body of Wil? liam Bain (colored) was found early this morning on the Atlantic Coast Line bridge, just beyond Port Norfolk. Bain was sixty years of ngo nnd employed by Joseph Cotton as a farm hand. Ho left the farm on Thursday and came to the city to draw his pension. This fact was known to Bain's son, who called at tho farm yesterday to Inquire if hi3 father had returned, and on being told that he had not, loitered around tho premises nnd was last seen near tho railroad about nightfall. Early this morning Mr. Cotton found Iho mangled remains of the old man. One leg was missing, and this ? was found near Bruco's Station, nearly two miles from the bridge. It Is suspected that Bain was killed by his son and robbed of his pension money and the body afterward, placed on the railroad track In order to cover up the crime. An Inquest oVor the remains was held by Coroner Bunt? ing and the verdict wns that tho man enmo to his death by being run over by ? train on the Atlantic Const Lino track. OFF TO V. M. I. COMMENCEMENT. Judge Waddill, of the United States District Court, came In from Virginia Beach this afternoon. Issued several orders In court and went to Lexington to attend tho commencement, where his son. Cluverliis. is to graduate next week. Judge W. B. Martin, of the Court of Law and Chancery, has gone to attend the commencement. Eddy Bnrtley, the ten-year-old son of Mr. A. Bartley. who keeps a Jewelry store nt No. 52l> Church Street, was run over by a trolley car shortly after noon to-dny and two toes were cut off his right foot. Married in Baltimore. : (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BALTIMORE, MD., Juno 20.?Miss L. Rosa Jones, daughter of Mrs. Martha E. Jones, of Cockeyesvlllo, was married to-day to Thomas Campbell Colemnn, of New York, formerly of Virginia, a.t Grace Protestant Episcopal Church, by Rov. Arthur Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Cole man left for a trip for Europe. Dr. Bagby in Boston. Dr. George F. Bagby has gone to Bos? ton tn attend a meeting of tho ?., O. and L. Society. Will bo back on the 22d of June. OBITUARY. A. V. Irby. ' The death of Mr. A. V, Irby occurred about 12 o'clock Friday night at Ills home, In Henrlco county. Mr, Irby was well known In this city, where ho had many friends and rela? tives. Ho was about sixty years of ago and hud been In HI hnnlth for somo timo. During the war he fought gallantly In the Confederato service, and at the bat? tio of Sharpsburg he lost his right leg. Mr. Irby leave.? his widow und sis chil? dren. The funeral takes placo at 11 o'clock this morning from tho Springfield Chris? tian Church. Mrs. Virginia H, Henning. Mrs. Virginia 11. Henning died yester? day morning at her home, No. 10 South Third Street. She was the widow of Mr. Robert Henning, and had been 111 for several weeks. Tho remains havo been taken to North Carolina for Intf-nnent. Mrs. F. W. Scott. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Scott, relict of F. W, Scott, died at G:22 o'clock yesterday morning at her residence, No. 20101-2 ? Street. Sho wns In the seventy-fifth yeur of her age. The funeral will take placo at 3 o'clook to-morrow afternoon from tho residence. The interment will be made In Oak wood. R. G. Baughar, Mr. R. G. Baughan died at 11:35 o'clock last night ut his residence, No. 2109 East Marshall Street. Tho funeral will tuke place at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at Hewlett's, Hanover county. Infants Dead. Mary Ellen, infatti daughter of William Lewis and Carrie O Bowles died at 10 o'clock Friday morning ut tho residence of her parents, No. 1430 Ashland S?reet. Tho Interment will bo mude In RI vor View Cemetery. Tho friend? of Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Ed? wards ??'this city will regret to learn ot the death of thilr slx-iinonths'-old son, John Kleber Edwards, who passed away In the homy of hla parents, near West point, Friday. . Tho funeral took place yesterday afternoon and the burial wua TRUNKS. ????-CARRIAGES. CARPETS. SYCLE & New Summer Material, Soile de Chene, 20c Fabric, Special To=Morrow, 10c Yard. We'll Gladly Charge Your Purchases. Hundreds aro daily ndopting this plan of easy buying and easy paying. In making your buying plans always romombor that you can purchase all you wish and pay in small amounts at future dates. Is there any good reason for you denying yourself tho privilege ? A Whirlwind of Bargains in Tailor=Made Suits, Silks, Shirtwaist Suits, Spring Wraps, Silk Waists and Dress Skirts. . An Immense Sale of New Spring Dress Goods and Silks. Qreat Silk Jale. $1.25 Fancy Waist Silks, pongees, In stripe, lace-strlpe silks. All of our $1 nnd $1.25 silks for ?l>c. roc Taffet? Silks, all shades, for ?Re. $1 Satln-Flnlsh Foulard Silks, EO different patterns to select from; spe? cial to-morrow, 6f)c. $1.25 Crepo do Chine; special, 78c. 75c. Figured Bilk Hcrnnnl, 2Bo. yard. $1.50 and $1.75 Grenadine, 40 lnchca wide; special, OSe. $2 Grenadines, 40 Indies -wide, to bo sold for 91.2ft. Curtain Stretcher. The Gllroy Curtain Stretcher, liest made; special, ?1.50, CJreat Press (foods Sale. 7?C and 80c, Dress Goods, black and all colors; special for to-morrow, BOo, yard. $1.30 nnd $1.25 Dress Goods, black and all colors; special to-morrow, $1. $1.60 and $1.09 Blnck and Colored Dress Goods, black and all colora, for $1.28 yard. Jilk &)ai$t Sale. $7.50 Silk Waists, all colors, well mndo, newest style; special, ?8. Mall-Carriers' Shirt-Waist Flannel, all-wool, regular 50c. grade; special, afte, yard. Pearl Shirt-u?aist Sets. 50c. Pearl Shirt-Waist Sets, 25c. (four pieces.) Shirt-i?aist ?inen. 50c. Shirt-Waist Dlncn, yard wide; special, ?f)e. yard. 80c. Shirt-Waist Linen, one yard wide, for 2Bo. $1.60 Linen Sheoting, 2? yards wide; special for i?1.2B. l?ash Cjoods. Sensation salo of 1,500 pieces Drago Batiste, In stripes and figures, whlto and colored grounds; roal 20c. grade; special, for IS^c. 10c. and 12y?c Wash Dress Goods, with satin stripes; special to-morrow, for Be. yard. Xadies' propstitch ftose. 2??c. valuo, ICc. 12???. Fancy Hose, plain and drop stltch, all colors, three pairs for 28c, Silk Qauze fans. Sensation sale of 100 Silk Gauze Fans, spangles nnd flowers; actual valuo, $1 ; special to-morrow, BOc. Joitet Soap. ss Wild Violet To 500 boxes Wild Violet" Toilet Soap, ono cake in box. selling all over tho city for 10c.; special to-morrow, fie. oako. fancy Jilk Belts. ' Ladles' Black Silk Belts, with fancy buckles, nnd ring 'effect front nnd buckles In tmok; also postilion back; In this lot will be found tho best 75c. Belt; special to-morrow. BOo. Whlto Duck Belts. 1??. 1 J'aie Domestics. 30-4 Unbleached Sheeting; special, ICc. yard. 17c. Brown Shlrt-Walst Linen; spe? cial, 12i?c. 25c. Brown Shlrt-Walst Linen, one yard wldo, 17c, 10c. Bed Ticking, S 1-??, IG 2-.1C. Bed Ticking, 12'Ac. 25c. Whlto Wool Flannel, 20c. aoc. All-Wool White Flannel, for 25c, Ribbon Sale extraordinary, Bow-Knot Taffeta Ribbon, No. 00, regular valuo, 25e. ; special Monday, 10c. yard. No. 22 Brilliant Taffeta Klbbon, In all colors; special Monday, Oe, yard, 1,000 yards, In stripes and figures, 4 to 5 Inches wide, nil new spring col? ors; worth to BOo. yard; special Mon? day, 18c. ' Satin Tnffeta Ribbon, nit shades, 4 to 5 Inches wide; real valuo, 29c; Mon? day, special, 20o. JZadies' ?Wrappers. 2? dozen Fino Light nnd Dark Col? ored Fercnlo Wrappers, nicely trim? med, all now, beautiful patterns, deep flounco on skirt, cut extra full; value, $1.25 and J1.50; salo price 80c. Corsets-Steel Boned. 20 dozen American Lady, J. S. Gir? dle, made of fine quality batiste, boned with steel, tailor finish, special to-morrow. 60c. 39c. Corset, well mndo, sizes 23 to 30; special, 21c. Special salo Ladlee' Gotham Hoaa Supporters for 25o, In tho family burying ground In King William county. Deaths in Phoebus. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PHOEBUS, VA., Juno 20.?Two deaths havo occurred hero this week, tho first being that of Mr. Georgo E. La Bane, wno died In Dixlo Heupital Tuesday morning at the ago ot forty-four years. Ho was a prominent enterprising citizen, a leader In all public matters, was con? nected with tlie Elks, Odd-Fellows, Red Men, Firemen and Phoebus Band. Tho funeral was held Thursday after? noon and wns well attended. The services were conducted by Chaplain Barry, of Fortress Monroe, at tho Emmanuel Epis? copal Church. All tho orders to which he belonged wore represented at the funeral. Tho re? mains wero Interred In Oakland Ceme? tery. Mr. La Barre leaives four young orphan children, their mother having died about a year ago. | Thc other death was that of little ? Mytrle, three years old, eldest child of ' Mr. and Mrs. John G. Savage, who died ? Wednesday morning. ? Charier A. Farrar, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) I SKIPWITH, VA,, June 20.?Mr. Chas. A. Farrar died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. John A. Bugg, Wed? nesday night. He was about thirty-eight years of age and leaves a wife and six ? small children. Ho had been sick for some time. Ho was a member of tho Methodist Church. The funeral was held yester? day In the presence of a large crowd and tho Interment was had In tho family cemetery nearby. Mrs. Hattie Harris. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., June 20,?Mr3. Hattlo Harris, wife of Mr. K. W. Har? ris, died at. tho homo of her husband, on Harrison Street, this morning after a brief Illness. Captain James M. McGowan. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WILMINGTON, N. C, June 20.?Cap? tain James M. McGowan, a prominent citizen of Wilmington, died suddenly at his home In this city at 4 o'clock this morning after a painful * lllnes with chronic bronchitis and asthma. He was a native of Raleigh, having been born In 1S38, and was a son of the late Patrick McGowan. Ho was a brother of Mr., P. W. McGowan, of Raleigh. Captain Mc? Gowan belonged to probably more repu? table secret organizations than any man In Wilmington, nnd gavo much of his timo to tho different orders. Among the orders in which he carried active membership wore the Masons, Knights of Pythias', Knights of Honor, Odd-Fellows, Red Men and Junior Or? der of Mechanics, ills funeral to-morrow afternoon will bo attended by representa? tives of the several orders in bodies. lie is survived by his wife nnd ono son, W. A. McGowan, of Wilmington. DEATHS. BOSCHEN.?Died, at. 7:30 P. M. yesterday, nt tho residence ot lier bou, Ed. ?. Kuraleliu, No. H'?i -N'unii Second .Street, Mrs. HEN? RIETTA BOSCHEN, In lief eighty-fifth year. Funeral t" tuke place MONDAY, June 22, 10?3, ut 4 P. M., from St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran Churn?. Eighth and Marshall Streets, Friends and acquaintances Invited to attend, EOZE.?Pled, suddenly, at his residence, 210 West Marchall Stritt, Juno 14, 1003, JOHN T. liOZE, In thu forty-seventh year of hie uro. He loaves a devoted wlfo, brother and two BlstorH to mourn their loss. Ho wus a mew? . her of Jr. O. U. A. M., No, 2?. He was ? merchant lu the Second Market for a cumber of years. Ills funeral took nlace from Second Pres? byterian Church MONDAY, June lfi, 11)03. BAUGHAN.?Died, at 11:35 P. M. yesterday, at the residence of Mrs. John Tyler. 2100 E. Marshall, It. ti. UAEGHAN, of Hewlett's, Va., aged tblrty-slx years. Funeral at Hewlett's. HENNING.?Entered, Into rest, nt No. 10 S. Third Street, Richmond, Va., on tho inondili; of June 20th, VIRGINIA HAKHISON, wlfo of thu late Robert Henning and daughter of James Cassldey, of Wilmington, N. (.'., In the sixty-third year ot lier age. Interment i" Wilmington, N. c. EDWAIIDS.?Died. In West l'oint, Va.. Friday, June JUth, ut L' 1?. M., JOHN KLEBER, In. faut son of Thomus H. aud Dessin M. Ed? wards, aged six mouths. SEIFERT.?tiled, at tho home of its parents, 70S North First, CATHRINE ELIZABETH, Infant daughter of Frank aud Carrie Seifert, aged ten mouths. Funeral to take place from St. Mary's Church THIS (Sunday) AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock. MARRIAGES. WALOTT-JAMES.?Married, on ovcnlng of June ?tuo 17th. at the home of the bride, Mr. AN? DREW J. WAU'1'?'?. of West Point. Va., to Miss CARIE l?. JAMES, of Richmond. .Ya., Rev. R. I,. Goodwill officiating. SUMMER RESORTS. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In the Alleghanles. 2,300 feet above eea lovel. Elegant swimming pools; cool nights; fine mountain scenery; strongest Iron nnd carbonated water In America. Write for booklet. B. F. EAKLE, Manager. VARIETY SPRINGS, VA. Six varieties of Mineral "Waters: Hot and Cold Baths; modern Improvements; large Swimming Pool; Telegraph, Tele? phone and four dally malls; on main line C. & O. R. R.; new service. You will like It. Address MANAGER, Variety Springs, Va. Millboro' Springs, V&.. (C. & O. R. R.) Waters?Sulphur, Alum, , Alkaline Mineral. Chalybeate. 2,200 ft. elevation ; cool nights; swim? ming pool; terms reasonable. Booklet on application. J. QRAHAM DAVIDSON, Mgr. OPENS JUNE 15th. CLOSES OCT. 1st. SEASON 1903. Buffalo Lithia Springs Hotel, COTTAGE SYSTEM. On Danville Division Southern Railroad, Mecklenburg county. Va., sixty-two miles east of Danville, Va. Round-Trip and Excursion Tickets on sale at reduced rates from all principal points. Hot and Gold Mineral Water Baths. For terms for Board apply to A. W. ARCHER, Manager. THOS. F. GOODE, Prop. Dr. B. K. Hayes, Resident Physician, WARM SPRINGS, Bath County, Va., aro now opon for guosts. For circulara and terms address EUBANK & GLOVER, Warm Springs, Bath Co., Va. MOUNTAIN TOP. Coolest Resort in Virginia. Only 414 hours from Richmond. Cheap round-trip ticKcts every week. Good livory and golfing. Write for. booklet. Address, T. R. GARY, P. O., Afton. Va. Manager. QUEEN ANNE COTTAGES, v,k?Kch. va. Open 1 be year round for tho roception of guests, Luncheons and ulnnors. Unsur? passed sen bathing. Apply, Mrs. LISTER! Hotel Chamberlin,01d ^???,??n?ort Most magnificently situated and comforta? bly furnished hotel on Atlantic coast. Summer Rates, Juno to Oct., W per day up. Special Weekly Rate?. Orchestra, boat. Ing, bathing, sailing, fishing, tennis, golf. Largest military post In tho country. Ren? dezvous of North Atlantic Squadron. New management, 1903. Booklets con bo had at offices C. & O. Ry. GEO, F. ADAMS, Mgr, Montgomery Montgomery County, Va. Having purchased this famous sum? mer resort, I dosilo to Inform the public that It will bo conducted on u strictly first-class basis, The waters have long been celebrated for their curative quali? ties and need no recommendation. First class curslnei music, tennis, hunting and fishing, Season opens June 20, l!)C?. For booklots, ternis, etc., apply to JAMES G. CROCKETT, OLA?MOYANT Palmist. Prof. West. POSITIVELY The Dast Week of This Great Offer.. 32 S C Regular $2 (lie Headings, Parlors OH (Jnpitol Street ???????^^ -BY THE GRACE-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday-School SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1903 Train Leaves C. &0. Depot 8 A, Mi Adults, $1.00. - - Children Under 16,50c. SUMMER RESORTS. THE GREENWOOD HOUSE, On Blue nidge Mountains, the nearest Mountain Resort to Richmond In region noted for scenery, healthfulness, water, and fruit. Modern Improvements. Re? duced rates. Christian management.1 Mnny attractions. Send for circular. DINWIDDIE UROS?./ Sun,tue,lhru-lm Greenwood, Va. OLD SWEET SPRINGS, WEST VIRCHNIA. Magnificent Mountain Resort. 2,200 feet elevation: days mildly warm: nights cool and refreshing: no mosqui? toes: no malaria; fino Golf Links, Tennis Court: Pleasuro Pool, Plng-Pong, Bowl? ing. Excellent Livery and all out-door pastimes, Newly equipped Culinary Dp Eartrnent. Intcrlar Phones, Electric ?iKhts and many Improvements. For rates, apply to J. W. BELL, Manager, Sweet Springs, W. Va. VIRGINIA BEACH. THE LODOE?Open for summer board? ers; two minutes' walk from steam or electric car station; surf bathing; fine cuisine. Terms reasonable. MRS. H. C. KINSEY, Near Twenty-fourth Street. Randolph Cottage, Virgin a Beach, Va. Desirably located, wihin three minutes ?valk of hotel ; pleasant rooms ; largo porches ; excellent fare. Terms Moderate. Mrs. B. B. JONES. The necklenburg Why do you take a vacatlonT To rest, or to work herder thsn yon do at home! If the former, and you want real Test and health giving OhlortdeOalolum and f.Uhla water to drink, balmy breeze, from tbe ?Iney wood, to breathe Into your unga, and a beautiful nev: hotel and sanatorium, with all modern ?oDtenlenoe., to enjoy while you are resting, aend for a, booklet and let ua show you what we have. No malaria, no nay fever, historio sur? roundings,oucof the finest hotels In the South, epeolal Summer rates, ad.TheMeokleoburg, C haue City,Vs. Atlantic City, N. J. Absolutely fireproof. 'No wood used In Its con? struction. Kuropeun riluu. Open nil tlio year. The ouly nbsolutoly fireproof liotcl In Atlantio City. Fnclng tliu Ocean, directly on tbe famous Boardwalk, near Young's Pier. 2S0 rooms, 120 privato battis, with hot and cold salt nnd fresh water, 1'iire drinking water fruni our own Ar testa]] woll. Hesttmrunt equal to any In New York. Celebrated Chef from tbo -Clubhouse In Saratoga In charge of cuisine. JAMES R, ??????, Fropr. Also, HOTEL O0RDON, Washington, D, 0, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BEACH FRONT OF AlARYLAND AVE. 100 OOUAN-FltONT 1?OOMH WITH Sl'LBN. DID VIEW OF BEA. Kl.liVATOU, LLF.CTHIt: I.IfJIlTS IN ALI. ItOd.MH. HOT AND (01,11 ?ATMS ON KVKUY ??.0????. MUSIC. IIAIUIllll SUOI?, JJUI'KBT, FINK LADIES' CAFI5, AND ? VERY MO DR? N LU X U ? Y OF A FIRST CLASS HOTHL. ? Front ol the Finest Rathlng Ucucli; oppo slleStcel Pier, Cmtrcuf All Attractions. Klc-Kunt suites of connecting Ocean-Front Rooms ?villi privato bsth. for larga parties und familles ut moderate ?voekly rutes. Seventli year under personal inunagement of owner. Coacb ??lib porter morts all train?. Wrllu for llluslmted booklet nnd terms. ALFRED VVYMAN. PIANIST, experienced in playing danco music, will play for board at first -eluse summer ru? sort. Address PIANIST, care this office. COLD SULPHUR SPRINQS, VA. NOW OPEN FOR GUUSTS. This ?spring hug long been known for the remedial and restorntlve properties of its waters, especially In Kidney and Liver troubles, whore It has proved to' be a specific. Chalybeate and Freestone Waters on draught. Terms moderate. Address J. ?3. CKAIO, Proprietor, * ?? Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. Blue Ridge Springs, Va. On Norfolk and Western Railroad? Address PHIL. F. BROWN, Prop. Greenbrler White Sulphur Springs, W. Va (Tho "OLD WHITlS" Sulphur) opens Juno '?4. Famous for Hh sulphur hutha. Modern improvements, wltli private baths. Orchestra of 15 pieces. Terms, f 15 to J25 week. ??0 to {90 per month. Write for lllus- I tmted booklet. Adrlrese GEO. A, MILLS, Jr., Mtsr., Greenbrler Willie Sulphur SprlDsa. W. Va. SUMMER RESORTS. UTLflNICITUJ., AND THE HOTEL DENNIS. The Favorite Resort of Many Well-Known Richmond Families. Atlantic City offers every known sum? mer amusement and attraction. De? lightful bathing beach; deep'sea and bay fishing and yachting. Champion? ship Golf Links, ote, oto. THE HOTEL DENNIS is delight fully situated, directly on tho beach, with unobstructed ocean view. Noted for tho select class of Its patronage Hot and cold sea water in private baths. Wrlto for booklet. WALTER J. BUZBY. Hotel Wachapreague (near Cobb's Island.) Just Opened Everything New, Modern, and First-Glass. Spend one penny to see what I have te> offer. If It was known that there waa such a hotel and location on the Eastern Shore. Virginia. I would not be able to take care half who would want to come. Nice, oulet place, and specially suited to families and all tjersons needing rest and recreation. For further Information, booklets. &c. apply to A. H. G. MEARS. Wachapreague. Accomae County, Eastern Shore, Virginia. . "TH? WILLOUGHBY," Willoughby Beach, Va. The above Hotel Is now opon for the re? ception of guests. Tho undersigned prom? ises the Tahlo as well as everything olsa appertaining to the Hotel shall be Flrst Thc Bar has boen supplied with the best of Wines, etc. Apply for rates, J. A. KENNEDY. JOHN C. WOODLEY, June 12-lmo. Proprietor*. Ocean View Hotel, Ug\? Now Open. 1 ally Fine. Sea Food of All Varieties at Hotel and Restaurant. Booklets at All Railroad Offices. Write J. HULL DA VIDSON, Mgr. VIRQINIA HOT SPRINGS, THE HOMESTEAD HOTEL? will make special rates from June 15th to August 15th to parties staying ono month or longer. AMUSKMENTS-Golf Links and Club House. Tennis and Squash Courts, Swim? ming Fool, Fine Saddle Horses and Liv? ery. Casino for Dancing. Royal Polnclana Orchestra. Table unexcelled; Is ?supplied with fresh vegetables and milk from Homestead gar? den and dairy. Luxurious baths and most curative wa? ters known for Rheumatism, Gout, Obesi? ty and Nervous Troubles. FRED STERRY, Manager. "edge ???LL, Montv?xie, Va., on line of Norfolk and Western Railroad1, ouarter mile of station and village, ten miles Peaks of Otter. Large shaded yurd. First-class fare and service. Freestone Iron, Llthla Waters; conveyance, Car? riage, Wagpnette, Terms, apply to MRS, JAMES H. READ, Rare Opportunity for Summer. Great accommodations! Excellent farei Low Rate. THE HEIGHTS, In heart of Virginia mountains. Mag? nificent building, electric lights, steam heat, ideal rooms, suites with bath, ex? perienced hotel manager; hoard with baths, ner month (except aulles), $20 and $25. Beautifully Illustrated folder. Opens June 16th; Buena Vista, Va. WANTED. Summer boarders, on farm near statloNj have lar?e house, beautiful grounds, pure water and cool mountain breezes. Ad? dress j "WAVERLEY," Madlso? Run, Va, ? AMONG' THE MOUNTAINS; ATTRAC tlve grounds; shade; large, airy rooms! milk: fine social burioundings; dally mall; telegraph. MISS BOYDEN, Clsmont. Albemurl?. Sun,Tue.?'?mrs-7$,