Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES?MONDAY. By The Valentine Auction Co., 612 East Broad Street. WAGONS, HARNESS. BICYCLES, SBAVINO MACHINES. SHOW? CASES, SCALES. FURNITURE, Olir CLOTH AND MATTINO, COOK STOVES, REFRIGERATORS. ICEBOX, &C AT AUCTION. Wn will sell at our auction ware-rooms, l?o. G12 East Broad Street, TO-MORROW (MONDAY) MORNING, JUNK 22D, beginning nt 11:30 o'clock, one good oro ow's Wagon, one set good Wagon Har? ness, one first-class One-Horse Vapon. In perfect condition, cost $165, and has been but little used; oval tnotal frame Show-Case, Counter Scales. Stone Wrap, plx good Bicycles, drop head Singer Sow? ing Machine, in perfect order, with all attachments; one flrst-cass Walnut Do? mestic Machine, with all attachments. two penerai Cooklfti Stoves, In perfect order: Tvpowrlter Desk, office revolving Chairs, several-rolls new Matting. WJ floor Oilcloth, Oak and Walnut. ?hamper Suit.?, Walnut Wardrobes, Enameled iron Beds, several good Refrigerators. Ico Boxes, io foot Oak Extension Table. Par? lor Suits, Sideboards, Reeking Chnlrs. Dining Room Chairs, Uoi> Curtains, Rugs. Pictures, Mirrors. Bed Lounges, Carpet Sweepers. Tbe ladles invited to attend'?* ????. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO Geo. W. Mayo. Auctioneer, 1205 East Mnln Street D ITBBER TIRErTTRAP IRON SAFE, ? SECTIONAL BOOK CASE.-BABY CARRIAGES. BRASS ETRE SET. AND FENDER, VERT HANDSOME OAK FURNITURE. FIELD GLASSEaPIER MIRRORS, ORGAN. DESKS, &.C.. AT A.UCTION. I will sell at my auction house, at 10:30 A' M" MONDAT, JUNE 22, 1903. One 4-Seat Rubber Tired Trap, small Iron Safe. Sectional Book Case, 3 Baby Car? riages. 2 handsome Parlor Suits, 4 Pier Mirrors, Brass Fire Set. Coal Hod and Tender, Field nnd Opera Gasses 2 very fine Oak Chamber Suits. Oak Sideboard and Hat Rack. Extension Tabes. Bridge? port Organ. Roll Top Office and Ladles Desks. American nnd English Encyclo? paedia of Law and Other Law Books, iluslc Cabinet, Bureaus, Wnshstands, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Springs, Chairs, R(>3kers, Tables, Lounges! \Vardrohcs nnd numerous other articles. ' A. R. MATO, Proprietor. GEO. H. VALENTINE, A. P. MONTGOMERY, Sal estnen._ AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. ?.-'?-.?"" By Edward S. Rose Company, Real Estate Auctioneers. On THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1903, upon tbe premises, ftt 6 o'clock P. M., wo will sub? mit to the consideration of a generous public that desirable and well-constructed Frame Dwelling, situated at tho south? west corner of Can" and Short Streets, and known as No. 1300 West Cary Sireei. LOT 44 by 130 Feet to an Alley. Please be on hand promptly at ithe hour named. TERMS-At sole. EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY, Jn 20-tds Auctioneers. By J. D. Carneal &? Son, Real Estate Auctioneers, U06 East Main Street. AUCTION SALE OF A MOST EXCEL? LENT THREE-STORY CORNER BRICK DWELLING, NO. 23 W. MAR? SHALL STREET. SOUTHEAST COR? NER OF ADAMS STREET; ALSO, TWO STORES IN REAR. NOS. 317 AND 319 N. ADAMS STREET, WITH DWEL? LING ABOVE. By request of the owner, who Is willing to sell a bargain, wo will on TUESDAY. JUNE 23. 1903, at G o'clock P. M., on tho premises, offer for sale at public auction the above prop? erty. -?i__The, lots fronts 24 3-4x133 feet to an. alieyJ The corner dwelling has 12 rooms. The whole property Is now renting at JG60 per annum. It Is a. raro thing that such an opportunity as this offers Itself to pur? chase such properties. , This is a first-class locality for renting. TERMS-At sale. tds By J. B. Elam & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. COURT SALE BY-PUBLIC AUCTION OF THE VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDINGS Nos. 733 and 735 Brook Ave. CORNER BAKER STREET. With Lot Fronting 77 Feet 7 Inche ON THE EAST LINE OF BROOK AVENUE. .?I? ?Pursuance of a decree of May 23d, 1903, In the suit styled J. S. Moore ft Sons, ?who sue, etc., vs. O. H. Funsten, Adminis? trator, et als, and A. B. Gathrlght's Guar? dian vs. E. M. Gathrlght, et als, In tho Circuit Court of Henrlco countv. Va. the undersigned Commissioners will sell by publlo auction*, ?n the, premises, on WEDNESDAY ."JUNE 24, 1903. at 6:80 o'clock, the,real estate referred to In the said decree as fronting 77 feet 7 Inches on tho east line of Brook Avenue, and having a front of 152 feet on the south llne_of Baker Street, and having a width pf j, feet on its eastern Une and 154 feet 6 Inches on Ita southern line, and the im? provements thereon, consisting ot a double three-story brick store building, having two elegant stores with granolithic floors and good dwellings above. This property is well suited for a grocery store, and the large grounds render* It valuable ior stable purposes or for a wood and coal yard. The property will be sold as a whole or In separate parcels, as may (?earn best at the time of sale. TERMS-One-thlrd cash, residue In 3 equal Instalments, payable at C, 12 and 18 months from date of sale by notes, with Interest added, and the title to be retained ?until the?, whole of the purchase money ?has been paid and a conveyance Is ordere,! by the court; or all In cash, ut tho option of tbo purchaser. HILL MONTAGUE ALLEN' G. COLLINS, BEVERLY T. CRUMP, - _ ?. . Special Commissioner?. J. B. Elam & Co., Auctioneers, This Is to certify that tho bond In the above styled pulte has been given. J. E. P.ROADbr.'S, Clerk. 'J'l 19-f.t By J. B. Elam & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONER'S AUCTION BALE OF ??? TWO CONNECTING ONE-STORY BRICK FACTORIES NOS. 419 AHD 421 RESERVOIR ST? FRONTING TOGETHER C0X120. FEET. In jursuanee of tho dr-cree of the 11th December, lMw, In tho suit styled "Ernlly ?i. Finnev et als, vs. J. B. Elam, Admin? istrator, 'et als." in tho Chancery .Court tif the city of Richmond, thu undersigned ?Special Commissioner will sell by public auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY. JUNE 23, 1903. ?t C o'clock P. M.. the REAL ESTATE tefcrred to In said decree. It being the above-named WELL LOCATED AND Valuable, spacious and sub 8TANT1AL BRICK FACTORIES, with the lot on which they Btand, fronting 60 feet on the eastern sido of Reservoir Street, between Beverly arid Wallace BtreetH. running hark within parallel lines 120 feet, now occupied by the "Ex-? rr-lsolr'Carpet and Paper ('leaning Com.? oany1 at the rental of f'?> per annum, end being adapted to any Ughi manufac? turing, utorago, shop or warehouse j>ur ^TERMS?One-third cash, the residuo In three equal instalment!! at 6, U and IS months from day of sale, the purchaser lo (rive negotiable notes lor Oie ?redit instalments, with interest added, and the ?Hie to bo retained until the purchase ?n?ney Is /"l'y I)alJ **? a convey. SrVderod by ^^MOKTAGUE, Special C?mmlsaluiier. J. B. Elam & Co., Auction?! a. The bond required of.tho Special Com? missioner by tho ?bove decref has been *a4???01?? PIIA1>.LES O. M)?g *ttl?M ' ^itr* ? AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. Geo. W. Mayo, Auctioneer. BANKRUPT SALE OF LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, GROCER'S WAG? ON IRON SAFE. SADDLE, HARNESS, COMPUTINO SCALES, PATENT OIL TANK, HAY, GRAIN, FIXTURES, ETC., AT ??G????. Rv virtue of a decree entered In th? District Court of the United States for tho Eastern District of Virginia, dated Juno 15, 1IW3, in tho matter of Garland Coleman, bankrupt, I will pell hr public auction, commencing at 10:30 A. fit. at. Nos. P39 and 541 North Second Street, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1903, 1 Iron Safe, ? Grocer's Wag?n, Harness, Saddle; 5 Show-Cases, Fickle and Cheoso Cases, Computing Scales, Counter and Platform Scales, large Coffee Mill, Patent? ed Oil Tank, Fancy Cannlsters, Ice-Box, Store Truck, Measures, Counters, etc. Tw?lvo cases Tea, 15 boxes Soap, 85 _.?es Corn, 19 cases Tomatoes, Good Luck Baking Powder. Salmon, Starch, Maca? roni, Peas, Peaches, Cakes, Borax, Health I Foods, etc., In caso lots. Twelve barrels Vinegar, 4 harrels Mo lasses. 3 barrels Flour, K) hags Flour, Hav, Grain, Mill Feed. Fifteen caddies Chewing Tohncco, SO boxes Cigars, Cheroots, Cigarettes. Smok? ing Tobncco, Pires. Buckets. Baskets, Tubs, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Fancy Cokes, Crackers, Nuts, Health Foods. Chocolate. Cocoa, Pickles, Preserves, Sardines, Oil, Sauces Mustard, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Baking Pow? ders, Canned Fruits. Fish and Meats, Orlatine, Polish. Spices, Eye, Milk, Matches, Lamp Chlnneys, Extracts, Pried Fruits, Citron, Salt. Macaroni, and other shelf goods. TERMS-Cnsh. 3RVTNG E. CAMPBELL, Receiver In Bankruptcy. Geo. W. Mayo, Auctioneer. ?Tu 19,?.21,23 By Sutton & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, Corner Tenth and Bank Streets. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF THAT LARGE THREE-STORY DETACHED BRICK DWELLING, NO. 2913 E. MARSHALL. STREET. In execution of a decree of the Rich? mond Chancery Court, entered May 13, 1908, In the stilt of Lyno vs. Baker and others, tho undersigned Special Commis? sioner, appointed thereby, will offer for sale at publia auoUon, upon tho prem? ises, on THURSDAY', JUNE 25. 1903, at 5:30 o'clock P. M., tho proporty above described. Tho house contains 12 or 14 rooms, with detached kitchen, containing 4 rooms. The lot fronts 65 feet on tho south side of Marshall Street, between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Streets, and runs back bo Uveen parallel lines ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE FEET to a wide al? ley. TERMS?One-third cash, the balance In ?wo equal Instalments at six and twelve months, evidenced by negotiable notes, with interest added, and the title retained until all tho purchase money is paid and a conveyance ordered by the court; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. WM A. MONCURE, Special Commissioner. The bond required of the Speclnt Com? missioner by the above decreo ,has beon duiv given. Teste; CHAS. O. SAVILLE, Ju 20-tds Clerk. By J. D. Carneal & Son, Real Estato Auctioneers. C\ OMMISSIONER'S SALE / OF A HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE AND VERY VALUABLE, TRACT OF SUBURBAN LAND ON BROOK TURNPIKE, A SHORT DISTANCE FROM THE CITY. In execution of a decreo of tho Circuit Court of Henrlco, entered May 7, 1S9S. In tho suit of "City Bank of Richmond vs. B. T. McCue et als.," I will sell, by auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1903, at 6 o'clock P. M., that beautiful and de? sirable tract of land containing about 28 Acres, situated on tho east sido of the Brook Turnpike between the McCue homestead on the south and the lands of tho late Major Glnter on the north. This land lies well, has a good frontage on the turnpike with a well kept hedge along its entire front, and is cut from side to side by a well constructed sewer of large proportions, the free use of which is guaranteed to this land. In view of its fine topography, its right to use the sewer, which crosses it, tho likelihood of a street railway along Its front In the near future, and this like? lihood takes on the hue of certainty In view of the fact that the street railway people have purchased the turnpike, the early completion of the Lombardy-Streot extension, and, by reason of all these circumstances, its adaptability for sub? division, if not now, then assuredly in the near future Into homo sites of reasonable sizes; this property should engage the attention of buyers of all classes. It vili bo sold either as a whole or In acreage parcels as may seem best at the timo of Bale. TERMS?1-4 caah. nnd tho residue on credits of ?. 12 and IS months for notes with Interest added and title retained? or more than 1-4 or all cash, at tho option of purchaser, WM. J. LEAKE, Surviving Commissioner. I certify that the bond required of the Special Commissioner by the said decree has been duly given, Given under my hand this 3d iluv of June, 1903. . ?? ' JOHN E. BROADDTJS. iu 719,11,13,14,16.18,30,21,23&05. Clerk. By X. W. Bowe, Real Estato Auctioneer. (-"?OMMISSIONER'S SALE *-' OF A LARGE AND DESRIABLE BRICK ? HOUSE, WITH BROAD LOT, AT THE Southwest Corner of 23d and Marshall Streets, AT AUCTION.. In execution of ? decreo of the Chan? cery Court of the city of Richmond, en? tered June 11, 1003. In tho suit of "Bettle Watklna vs. E. m. Gathrlght, et als," I will sell by auction, on the promises on TUESPA Y, JUNE 23. 1903, nt 6 o'clock P. M., tho VERY SUB? STANTIAL RESIDENCE above referred to and the lot upon which it etands frpntlng about 3S feot on Twenty-third Street and runninR back along the' south line of Marshall Street about 120 feot to an alley In the rear. With ? moderate outlay upon this ex? cellent nnd substantial dwelling It nan ho inailo a most capacious ami destrame home, It being in a good neighborhood and convenient to street ears. 'TERMS?One-third cash, balance at 6, 12 and IS month for notes, with Interest added, and title retained; or nil cash, at the option of tlio purc.huser. STUART BOWH, Special Commissioner. I hereby certify that tho bond required of the Special Commissioner In ubovo suit bus been given. C. O. SAVILLE, Clerk. Ju lR-tds One Campbell Book and Job Printing Press 37x52 Pursuant to tbe terms of uu agreement dated on tbo Ht h day of March, 1903, on record In '.he clerk's office uf the Chan? cery Court of the city of Rlchrnlnd, Memo. Doo Book 16. page 3'*, will be sold at nubllo auction to the highest bidder at tbo printing office of the Richmond Print? ing Company. 12?S J3Mt Franklin Stroet, city of Richmond, on SATURDAY THE 2?G?? DAY OF JUNE. 1603. AT 12 M., tha ubovo desi-rib?d property upon tlio following terms: Cash lu the exlunt of |31 und such further sum as the expense of sain, and as to the residue of tho pur? chase money, the same shall ho made In monthlv payment? of S30 each, th? first of which Is to bu paid on the 11th of July, 1903. and residue thirty ?lays thereafter until the whole is paid. Negotiable notes to b? executed fur the deferred payments with a satisfactory endorser uno tbo title tu the uro Port ? retained until the last note Is paid and tbo panie evidenced by a written contract executed und acknowl? edged by the nurchMer. RICHMOND TYPE & ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY. ' W. H. BROWN, . Secretary and Treasurer. AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. By C. L. A IT. L. Donoon, Ren] Eslato Auctioneers. C OMMISSIONER'sPaUCTION SALE V" OP A DESIRABLE TRACT OF LAND ON WHITE OAK SWAMP, IN Henrlco County. Tn execution of the decree of the Cir? cuit Court for the County of Henrlco In tbo suit of Martha E. P. Brown vs. Etta O. Goodman et ni., r-nterod -Tune IS. 1003, tho undersigned will sell, by public auction, nt tbe County Courthouse of Henrlco County, on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1903, at 1 o'clock P. M., 116 acres of land In Fnlrflold Magisterial District. Henrlco County, Virginia, about twelve miles southeast of Richmond on the Elko Coun? ty Road. TERMS?One-half cash, nnd tho bnt anco six and twelve months, credit pay? ment evidenced bv notes with Interest added, and title retained until nil the purchase money is paid, or nil cash, at option of purchaser. ALFREDE. COHEN, Special Commissioner. The bond required of tho Special Com? missioner hns been given. Given under mv hand a s Clerk of Court of snld court, June 16, 1P03. JOHN E. BROA.DDUS. , Clerk. By IT. Seldon Taylor & Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 8 N. Eleventh Street. AUCTION SALE " OF THAT LARGE WELL BUILT BRICK DWELLING, ??,T?? AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF MAR? SHALL AND EIGHTH STREETS. A Delightful Home or Good Paying Investment. At the request of the owner we will offer this desirable house and lot for sale, on tho premises, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1903, at 6:30 o'clock P. M. This house contains 16 rooms, two bath rooms and modern Im? provements. Wo will take pleasure In showing you thoso premises at any tN)o before the sale. Posse.ssion August IB, 1903. TERMS?Reasonable, and announced at sale. H. SELDON TAYLOR & CO., Ju 19-tds Auctioneers. By J. Thompson Brown & Co., 1113 Mnln Street. Medium Size 2-Story FRAME DWELLING NO. 404. LAUREL NEAR ALBEMARLE STREET, ON THE PREMISES, TUESDAY, JUNE 23D, AT 6 P. M. A snug llttlo homo of live rooms In a genteel location, with city Improvements, or a 12 PER CENT. INVESTMENT, by a first-class tenant. Its desirability keeps It constantly occupied, and the owner, a non-resident, says we MUST SELL. TERMS?Easy, and announced at sale. Ju 19-tds By Pollard & Bagby. AUCTION SALE No. 1410 West Gary Street, Good 7-Room House. We will sell at auction on WEDNESDAY. JUNE THE 24. 1903, at 6 o'clock P. M., the abo Te desirable little house. It Is in nice order, and will pay well as an investment. Don't foil to attend if you want a bargain. It must go. POLLARD & BAGBY. By Pollard &. Bagby, Real Estate Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE ? OP Handsome Brick Dwelling, Ho. 1105, on South Side of Main Street, Between Beech and Morris Streets. We will sell, by auction, on THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1903, AT G P. M.. the above mentioned property. Tho dwel? ling contains 9 rooms and is a good, sub? stantial, conveniently arranged house. Nice lot. TERMS?One-fourth cash, balance 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. POLLARD & BAGBY, Ju21,23,24,2?. Auctioneers, PUBLIO SALE OF AT BLACKSTONE, VA. By direction of the stockholders of the Plckatt-Stuart Hotel Company, 1 will offer for salo at public auction on Wednesday, July 1st, 1903. at 12:30 P. M. that valuable now brick hotel situated on Main Street, in tho main business part of town, and now being run as the HOTEL BLACKSTONE. The building contains large dining room, kitchen, two samplo rooms, office with large lobby, ladles' parlor and ?0 guest chambers. Tho entire house is furnish? ed and this will bo sold al?n? with tho building. For terms nnd further particulars, apply to tho undersigned. J. D. CRAWLEY, Sec, & Treas. PUBLIC SALE OF NOTED FARM AND VINEYARD. Will be sold at auction nt 12 o'clock M, on Monday, July 6, 1003, In front of Al? berando Courthouse In Churlottesvilie. Va., thu valuable and historic "Pen Park" farm and vineyard on tho Rlvanna River, In Alucinarlo county, owned by tho luto William Botopp, about two miles from Churioltesvlllo, and ono mile from Rio Station on tho Southern Hallway. Ex? cellait dwelling With handsome grounds and good farm buildings on the land; also the noted Pen Park vineyard nnd wine collar, from which the well known llmopp wines have been produced. The farm contains -jio acres, of which nonio GO or 70 aro In ^lneyurd, about 60 in woodland and the balance In .productive und well improved funning land. Sale for partition. Ternis, liberal. For fur? ther particulars, apply to tho under? signed, GEORGE PERKINS, JOHN B. MOON, R. T. W. DUKE, JR., Commissioners. FOR SALE. MONUMENT-AYENVW ?>QT, BEAU, ?fully located, ?JSO foot. Piirk-Avenuo ljuts. near monument, $50 foot. Luo Circle Lot (quadrant); best thing thereabouts for tho money. Broad-Street Lot, near ciiimboruzo, for less ?hun. Its vaino. If bought at once. Have on? lot on Marshall, near Park, which is a speculation. l?. A. CATLIN. pOlt SALE. SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL I.OTB ON West Cary .Street. ft, B. I'ilAFFIN & CO., Inc., Nn. 1 North Tenth Klreet. pon S.U.K. LARGE MANUFACTURING SITE, north end <>f i-ity on railroad Une, BUTTON '& CO., Tenth und Hunk Streets. H,950 WILL BUY TWO GOOD, f,-ROOM Upusos on Twenty-sixth Street, renting' for Sul.Mi per month. POLLARD & BAGBY. "' FOR SALE. It Isn't every day you can buy au elegant, detached, down-town., centrally-located residence at a price like the above. This place has been occupied by the owner as a home and Is In excellent shape. Porcelian-lined bath and all modern conveniences. It is on Marshall Street near Ninth. No car fare to pay, and a short walk to the shopping district. If you haven't money enough to buy it, we will loan you the balance. If this one don't suit you we have others?East, West, North, South, and In the suburbs. COME TO SEE US ! Real Estate Trust Co. 1107 East Main Street.' $35,000.00 TO LEND ON CITY IMPROVED REAL Estate In sums to suit. C. L. & H. U DENOON, S21 Main Street Why Not Have a Lee District Lot 1 30 FEET SOUTH SIDE OF PARK Avenue, near Rowland for $1,200. The owner Is willing to trade for colored property. See us nt once, or you will miss a rare opportunity. WM. B. PIZZINI CO., Tenth and Bank Streets. COR SALE, A E>ESIRABLE STORE, ON MAIN Street near Thirteenth. This Is a good paying1 investment, Owner being a non? resident. Is anxious to sell. H. SELDON TAYLOR & CO., No. S North Eleventh Street, WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy a house for the rent. A large B-room, de? tached frame Residence, .that can be bought on very liberal terms. WM. B. PIZZINI CO., Tenth and Bank Streets. OR SALE, GREAT BARGAIN IN COUNTRY place. R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Inc., No. 1 North Tenth Street. ?$2,E00 WILL BUY A 7-ROOM STOCK brick Residence with Iron front porch, centrally located, .with modern Improve? ments, also brick summer kitchen In yard. WM. B. PIZZINI CO.. Tenth and Bank Streets. 8.250 WILL BUY A VERY DESIRA ble 9 room, modern, brick, dwelling on West Main Street. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, 821 Main Street. HERE IS A MONEY MAKER. $900 will buy two new 4-room Residences In ? good renting locality. The owner be? ing a non-resident, desires to sell. WM. ?. PIZZINI CO., Tenth and Bank Streets. U.OOO WILL BUY TWQ 2-STORY frame Dwellings on Wallace Street. Rents $166 per annum. Extra bargain. . J. B. ELAM & CO.. \ 1113 East Main. To a Quick Purchaser, We Will Sell for $1,250 A 7-ROOM STOCK BRICK RESIDENCE, with modern Improvements, yearly tenant at $150 per annum. WM, B. PIZZINI CO., Tenth and Bank Streets. [TOR SALE, ' NEW BRICK HOUSE, G? LEE Dis? trict. 6 rooms, with latest Improvements. R B. OHAFFIN & CO., Inc., No. 1 North Tenth Street $1,500 WILL? BUY A DESIRABLE, CENTRAL ly located residence on Marshall Street, with lot of 28 feet frontage, routed to a good tenant of long standing, at $15 per month. Parties looking for an In? vestment, we do not know of anything better we can offer for the money asked. WM. B. PIZZINI CO., Tenth and Bonk Streets. pOR SALE, TWO THREE-STORT BRICK STORES on Main near Fourteenth Street. BUTTON & CO.. Tenth and Bank Streets. $3,500.00 WILL, BUT A NEW STOCK BRICK Residence near Lee's Monument, with nil modern improvements and in tip-top or dor. This property Is bound to enhance In value. WM, B. PIZZINI CO.. Tenth and Bank Streets. $2,600 WILL BUY 2 NEAT SIX-ROOM Dwellings, central locution. Rental, $28S per annum. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, ?21 Main Street. pOR SALE, ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST BUILD, ing* sites on Cary Street Road. R. B. OHAFFIN & CO., Inc., No, 1 North Tenth Street. $14 PER FOOT WILL BUY A DESIRA blo building lot on Randolph Street one square from tho school. C. L. & II. L, DENOON, S21 Mnln Street. SSOO WILL BUY A PRETTY BUILD InB lot of 25 foot front, with water, gas and sewer connections within one block of Chimboruzo Park. A bargain. HARRISON HIS ALT Y CO., 3 North Eleventh Street. WEST MAIN-STREET, DETACHED dwelling, $2,600, , PARK-STREET DWELLING (EAST terms;, $1,7?. DETACnED DWELLING (8 ROOMS), Rowland Street, $2,ogo. CORNEIl BRICK DWELLING, ?huroh Hill. ?.?50. -,?_.,,?? DETACHED, BRICK DWELLING, Hanover Htn?et, ?l.OOO. ??,ttt ^ run WEST GR ??'F.-STREET. DWELLING, lot? 00 feet, ?S.2S0. ^ A^CATLTN^ "??.??0. VERY NK'bT?iODERN RESI. denen of s looms, pleasantly situated on TuSSo. ATWO-STORY AND BASEMENT n-Volllng, 9 rooms, modern improve? ments, on Wes', Clay Street, cast of PlOOlC Avenue. ?????? ON ?10,000. A, CHARMING HOME ON Grove Avenu?, 12 rooms, up-to-date, bnuu? n,w. Inlshed exquise y ; mmo dliite possessioni on very-llboiai. teims. ?I ,?00 cash, balance Inn ? ,?l'"er'?v ' nrt *' HARRISON RBAkTT CO?, 1 H North Eleventh btreet, CO It SA I.?, CHURCH-HIIL HOMES. SEVERAL NEW DETACHED RESI DENCEb near CHIMBORAZO PARK. SMALL CA3H payment and bal? ance" on LOIS.G time, GREEN & REDD, 1114 East Main Street. FOR SALE?ONLY $2,800, Modem Detached Brick, No. 10 a 9 West Gary Street. Two stories, 0 rooms ami bnth. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. pOR SALE, $1,200 will buy 9 room dwlg. Barton Heights; C0xl2? feet. $3S por foot will buy SO foot lot, Park, nr. Rowland, I $3,300 will buy) Mod. Brick dwlg. Cen? tral part city. Rental, $330. $55 per foot will buy 28 1-2 ft. lot Grace nr. Allison. A beauty. $1,250 will buy well built dwlg, Church Hill. nr. Chlmborazo. Rental, $150. $750 will buy 2 fr. dwlgs., Jackson Wd. Rental, $120 aim. $140 per ft. wijl buy Franklin St. lot, nr. Ryland. $10 per ft. will buy. Park Ave. Lot, nr. Allison.* ' ? 'phone message will get you fnll rent list. $6,000 will get you 2 story Mod. hr. dwlg. Lot 30x150. nr. Jefferson Hotel. McVeigh & Glinn. pORSALE, ?6,000, A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME AT A SACRIFICE. THIS PROPERTY is located with? in 20 minutes. WALKING distance of tho postofllce, 'has ALL MODJERN IMPROVEMENTS and Is In A1 OR? DER. Electric cars will' pass cljso by, "WHEN THE STRIKE IS OVER." GREEN & REDD, 1114 East Main Street. ? OR SALE, WEST BROAD-STREET LOT, I2SxH0 feot: choice site for a manufactory or warehouse: adjoining R., F. & P. Rail? road. JOHN ? .GODDIN & CO., ? Eleventh and Bank Streets. A CENTRAL, CEW, UP-TO-DATE FIRST-CLASS _ sale. Residence, [sale. Something real hnndsomo and much desired. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. pOR SALE, GRACE-STREET LOTS WITH FULL width granolithic sidewalk, &c. Franklin-Street Lot near Lee Monu? ment. Hanover-Street Lots, near-by: Ivy-Street Lot. near monument. Park-Avenue Lots, adjoining good Im? provements. Also residences on Franklin, Grace and Hanover Streets. _?? N. W. BOWTJ, ? OR SALE, TEN PER CENT. BR8GK PROPERTY. Several small, cozy Residences, containing from SIX 16) to EIGHT (8) rooms each, with all MODJ3KN IMPROVEMENTS, and ? occupied by EXCELLENT TENANTS. Th^se houses are located on WEST MAR? SHALL and CLAY Streets, nnd are REAL BARGAINS at tho PRICE ASKED. GREEN & REDD, 1114 East Main Street. LARGE, BRICK, SEVENTH, NEAR Broad Street, and Brick Store, Seventh, between Broad and Marshall. Both are bargains mid must bo sold. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. NICE HOME. $2,100 for a NICE CORNER HOUSE, 32d and Marshall Streets, POLLARD & BAGBY. ? OR SALE, ? TON HEIGHTS QUEEN ANNE COTTAGE. LARGE LAWN SO FEET, NORTH Avenue, cost $3,&O0. $2,100 gota It, Only $300 cash, balance, monthly. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. ? Goal Eflin? For Sale H?re is an opportunity for Coal dealers and investors who want to buy a Mine in full oper? ation. A fine domestic and high grade steam coal. Write for particulars. "Will not do business through agents. Apply direct. Address H. 5.; , P. O, Box 84, Roanoke, Va East Grace Street, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD Streets, 3 story, detached, brick. Some? thing ^"'^jjompson BROAVN & CO. FOR SALE. LEE DISTRICT HOUSES. $3,000. $4,250. $6,500 We havo recently "nnd placed In our hands for sale, SEVENTEEN (17) Houses, now In course of con? struction, on the BE8T STREETS of LEE DISTRICT. J Thoy will contain from ?6 to 12 rooms, and bo UP to DATE In EVERY PARTICULAR. CAN we put YOU down for ONE? OREEN & REDD, 1114 East Main Street. Lee Monument Residences. TO MAKE SALE AT ONCE, WILL sell a bargain. Possession October 1, 1903. J, THOMPSON BROWN &. CO. TOR~ll?NT.~ THREE VERY OESIRABLE OFFICES. Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES? DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janitor ..service. For price and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH office. Only three left. BROAD STREET. FOR REIMT, An Elegant Store, 528 EAST BROAD STREET, Three .Stories, Basement and Stable. Also Offices on Main Street?Two Rooms for $12. Real Estate Trust Go. pOR RENT. THAT EXCELLENT B U S I NE S S Btand, No. 503 East Marshall Street, with store below and dwelling above, contain? ing ? rooms: all In nlco ropalr. JOHN T. G'ODDIN & CO.. Real Estate Agents, Bank and Elovonth Streets. pOR RENT, ! FRANKLIN - STREET DWELLING, No. 216, between Second and Third Streets. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, No. 1115 East Main Street pOR RENT, THAT LARGE DETACHED 2-STORY attic nnd basement brick Dwelling, 111 Mayo Street, containing 10 rooms, besides detached kitchen, bath, &c., and In good repair. Rent very reasonable. JOHN T. G'ODDIN & CO.. Real Estate A cents. Bank and Eleventh Streets. pOR RENT. FOUR-ROOM RESIDENCE WITH gas and water. No. 2318 Burton Street, Church Hill. Price, J?.E0 per month. Store and dwelling with large lot (cor? ner property) at $20 per month. WM. B. PIZZINI CO.. Tenth and Bank Streele. pOR RENT, THE DESIRABLE COTTAGE RESI dence, 1701 West Broad Street, contain? ing 7 rooms and In good repair; stable In rear. JOHN T. GODDIN & CO., Real Estate Agents. Bank and Eleventh Streets. To Let. BRICK DWELLING, NO. 2704 EAST Main Street. Immediato possession. Brick Dwelling. 3003 East Main, IJbby Hill Park, possession at once. Flnts, No. 6 East Clay Street. Brick Dwelling, No. 213 West Cary Street. Frame Dwelling, No. 728 North Fourth Street. . Frame Dwelling, No. 212 West Canal Street. EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY, Real Estate and Doans, No. 11 North Eleventh Street. pOR RENT. FURNISHED FLAT, FOURTH AND Franklin Streets. Furnished Flat on West Franklin Street, for 3 or 4 montliK. Furnished Dwelling on West Grace, for 3 or 4 months. Furnished House on Lau? rel Street, fronting Monroe Park. Ex? cellent Dwelling on Floyd Avenue, No. 212 South Third Street, 12 rooms, stable nnd largo lot. No. 2311 Venable Street, 7 rooms. No. 307 North Twentieth Street, brand new. No. M0 North Third Street, 5 rooms. No. 1006 Floyd Avenue, 12 rooms and stable. No. 903 West Grace Slrpot, 10 rooms. No. 31? East Cary Stroot, 10 rooms. No. 107 1-2 East Canal Streot, 7 rooms.. No. 017 East Leigh Street. ' H. W. BO WE. No. 4 North Elnvcnth.Street. pOR RENT, West End Dwellings. POSSESSION NOW AND LATER; ALSO 4 room, Graham-Street Dwellings, J7 per month. Three-story Brick Dwelling, 8 rooms, 1918 East Franklin Streot, only $1C per month. See office list. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO. pOR RENT, STORES ON MAIN. CART, GOVERN or and East Franklin Streets; somo largo and others smaller; also several offices, N. W. BOWE, No. 4 North Eleventh Street. FINANCIAL. MONEY! MONEY! TO LEND ON GOOD READ ESTATE In city and country. R. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Inc. No. 1 North Tenth Street, FIVE PER CENT. MONEY. ??? HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF money to place nt onco on Richmond city real estate at that rate. ^^ & Tenth and Bank Streets, "To Lend ...ON... ' 500 700 1,000 4,000 10,000 McVeigh & qlinn. cm PROPERTY. -MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE. N? EDWARD S. ROSE COMPANY. Real Estate nnd Loans, No. 11 North Elevonth Street. AM ANXI?UB TO PLACE FOLLOW In sums on city realty: $7,000, 10 years or under. $6.000. ii??0 *1,?j00? " ' E, A, CATLI?." FINANCIAL. GET LOANS GN YOUR Cin PROPERTY FROM McVEIQH & GLINN. No Delay. ???eG^????t? TO j $3,500 Court Funds LCNU. J S Per Cent.?Long Time. Other sums |SW) to $10,000. J. THOnPSON BROWN & CO. $1,000. $1,500, $2,500, $3,750, , $6.000, $10,000. Wo can lend the above amounts ON CALL or LONG TIME. GREEN & REDD, 1114 East Main Street. REAL ESTATE. CHAP?N & HUME, Real Estate Insurance?Loans. Lots in Lee District for Sale. On Monument Avenue, near monu? ment, $100 per foot. On Graco Street, neer Meadow, at $50 per foot. ?^-???? FLOYD AVENUE 3)/|AUU DWELLING of 10 rooms. Beautiful location and most conveniently arranged. C7 fi(\f\ ?? EAST FRANKLIN .P/,?JUU STREET DWELLING of 12 rooms. A very central location nnd splendidly built House. (j?r) icfl 1250 cash; balance on month f?,??? iy terms. SIX (C) ROOM DWELLING ON BARTON HEIGHTS. Nico location nnd hcnutiful lot of over 100 feet front. V^ry cheap. fl?^ '??? $250 cash; bilance easy f?,??? monthly terms; S-ROOM DWELLING, Fourth Ave., Chestnut Hill. BARTON HEIGHTS and CHESTNUT HILL LOTS at $4.00. $5.00. (6.00 and $7.00 per foot. ACREAGE PROPERTY. Thirty ncres of land that lays benutl fullv, adjoining Chestnut Hill, can be had at a SACRIFICE. Can be sub? divided Into lofs and sold nt ? hnnd'om?) profit. Owner forced to sell. MONEY! MONEY! al ? and fi per cent.. In sums to milt Charges reasonable. Collection of Renta a'specialty. Liberal advances made. Fire Insurance written. 13 NORTH 1 (TH STREET. Farms, Mills, &c. For Sale, GEO. E. CEAWFOED & CO., Catalogue Free. 803 E. Main St NOI ICE. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Offlco of Collector of City Taxes, City Hall, Richmond, Va. THIS OFFICIO WILL BE READY TO RECEIVE ALL OR ONE-HALE OF CITI' TAXES. REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL. FOR THE YEAR, 1S03, ON JUNE 15TH. The whole tax Is dun, but the ordinance provides that one-half may be paid In June and the remaining half In December. Failure to pay all br one-half In June In? curs a penalty of 5 per cent, on tho whole amount, which Is due nt once, and If not pnld before SEPTEMBER 1st the Collec? tor Is required to levy, with costs added. (Seo Chapter XIV., sec. 7.) ALL MALES, 21 years of ago. ALL PERSONS (MALE OR FEMALE) who own personal property, ?r hold personal property as fiduciary, and all parties con ducting business In tho city of Richmond (of whatever nature) aro assessed, and will please call and settle, so as to avoid delinquency. Grading. Paving, Pipo and Sewer Con? nection Bills are payable In tho Hamo manner as Taxes, nnd at tho same time. Give namo In which property stands, and see that you pet all your bills. This being .tho only notice provided for . by law, pienso give It prompt attention, as under tho new ordinance 5 por cent, penalty will have to bo added to tho whole bill after June 30th. Offlco open from 8:30 A. M. to ? P. M. F. W. CUNNINGHAM, Ju 3-to30 Collector of City Taxes. I AM NOW READY TO RECEIVE the city, school and sewer taxes for the yenr 1903, one-half of tho same are pay? able on or before July 1st next, and the other half on or before December 1st, 6 per cent? will bo added to each half If unpaid When duo. Tlio whole tax can be paid July 1st. If preferred. J. W. BRONAUGH, JR., ? reas. City o? Manchester. Ju 21tjy 1st. SEALED PROPOSALS. Office of City Water Works, Room 3. City Hall. Richmond, Va., Juno 11. 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CON ptruotlon of subsiding nnd coagulating ba? sins and tlio work pertaining thereto will bo received hern until 5 P. M. JULY 1, 1003. and then publicly opened. ? The right to reject any or all proposals Is reserved by tho Committee on Wa Approxlinato ostlmate of work to b? done $300.000. c ? BOMJNGi. Ju J4t17,lp,3I,88,25,28, Superintendent. Eastern State Hospital, Wllllnmsburg, Va., Juno 17. 1903. THE UNDKIlSICNUD WILL. I M'lL U o'clock THURSDAY. J"ly 9> ^a, receive ecnled proposals to furnish this Institi!? tlo with fiROOEBlEB. DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS and Other SUPPLIES for the three months ending September SO 1903. A list of articles needed, quan? 1 titles of each, with Instructions how tq bid, dellverv -of goods and other detail, furnished on application to A. BROOKS, Steward Eastern State Hospital. prov months. Blanks' can no hud by applying to G'. M. HELMS, _'_Superintendent?. ~* SPEiCIAL NOTICE^ , Richmond, Va,, Juno 12, 10011. TO THE PUBLIC: I HAVE THIS DAY BOM) to Mr. WILLIAM Q. MAUllY my good will 1| ? the lire butin?e, conducted l>y me muter tin style of JOHN II. OAKY AND SUN, limi th? ?Kuiicy o( the (?irmunlu Fire Insurance Com? nun)?, of New York, lun lieen transferred It Mr. Muury, who umiline, nil llulillitl?. of th< business, und is authorized to collect all un? pajil premiums. Sir. Muury has been In' entire charge of the business for .orerai yours puet, und It -fires lue pleasure' to commend him it. In crery way deterring of a eiuitlnunmo of tha liiiti'onage extended durine tho mist twenty fire yeura to Ihe llrm of J'ohu U. i'ury AND . BOK. ? Respectfully, T. A. CAB?.