Newspaper Page Text
HOSTESSES ANDGUESTS Summer Social Courtesies Many In Norfolk. MANY HOUSE PARTIES Mrs. Killlam Entertains in Honor of the Guest?Lieutenant Read and Bride Visiting Relatives in Newport News. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA., June 20.-Mre. Fred? erick M. Killlam entertained at cards ?londay afternoon at ber home, in Duke Street, In honor of her guest, Miss Bevan, of Baltimore. There were two tablea of elghtrhand euchre, and a prize for each table. They were won by Miss Anna Taylor, who received a set of collars and cuffs, and Miss Elizabeth Wlnn received a pair of cuff pina. Miss Lillian Kensett drew the consolation, a pocketbook. Mrs. Killlam's guests were Miss Be? van, Miss Nellie Little, Miss Anna Tay? lor, Miss Faith Farquhar, of Sandy Spring?, Md.; Miss Portia Baldwin, of Berryville; Miss Mary Lloyd, of East Orange, N. J. : Misses Belle and Cor? nelia Truxtun, Miss Josephine Cooks, Miss Alice Old, Miss Helen Taylor, Misa Alive Kelly, Miss Bessie Grandy, Miss Lillian Kensett, Miss Elizabeth ?Winn and Miss Mary Lou Cooke. Miss Lucy Baylor was hostess at a ] luncheon, given "Wednesday at tho Coun? try Club. The guest of honor was Miss Mary Lloyd, of East Orange, N. J. Cov? ers were laid for fifteen and the guests ?were: Mrs. A. M. Agelasto, Jr., Mlus Lloyd, Miss Portia Baldwin, of Berrv vllle; Miss Faith Farquhar, of Sandy Spring, Md.: Misa Belle Truxtun, Misa Bessie Grandy, Miss Alice Kllby. Miss Alice Old. Miss Helen Taylor, Miss Jos? ephine Cooke, Miss Mary Lou Cooke.: Miss Lillian Kensett, Miss Janle Gresham and Miss Mary Baylor. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lee, of Hampton, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their merrlage Wednesday evening at their cottage at Buckroe Beach. Amone those? present from Norfolk were: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Her? man Stlckney and Misses Annie and Car trie Volght AT OCEAN VTEW. Mr. Tom Page entertained at Ocean View Tuesday evening. His guests were Miss Balrd. of Washington; Miss Ken iett, of Baltimore; Miss Mildred Kensett, Mr. Lloyd Freeman and Mr. George Kelly. Hon. "W. W. Sale was host at a supper Tnes?ay evening at Hotel Neddo. Among \%, 'se present were Hon. E. C. Jordan, Hon. S. Wilklns Mathows and W. D. Cardwell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chamberlain and son, of Baltimore, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Chambcrlaine, In Duke Street. Misses Bessie Dey. Hattle Williams and Elizabeth Scott are guests of Miss Madge Stokes, at Willoughby Beach. Miss Janle Gresham returned to New !?"rX News after being the guest of her ?Tint, Mrs. Malgne, In Bute Street. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pegram, of Richmond, are stopping at the Chamber lln Hotel. Miss Katherine Tonge. of Richmond, is the guest of the Misses Old, In Freemason Street. Mr. and Mrs. Thornhlll, of Lynchburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Waddill, ? In College Place. Miss May Nicholson, who has been vis? iting Miss Josephine Cooke, In York Street, has returned to Washington. Mrs. Samuel A- Riddlck, of Smithfield. Is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Griffin, in Court Street, Portsmouth. She came to attend the Bagley-BUlsoly wedding. Miss Nellie Tucker, who has been visit? ing Miss Belle Harrison nt Brandon, has returned to Summit Point, Mrs. Rowland Baylor Is visiting friends In Washington. Miss Ida Wells, of Petersburg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Bowden, in Duke Street. Miss Baynle Taylor has returned from Washington and Is visiting friends in Norfolk. SEA SHORE VISITORS. Miss AsHton Ramsey, of Baltimore, is the guest of "her sister, Mrs. R. A. Doble, In Bute Street. Mrs. Mary Garnett, of Newport News, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Thomas Starke, at Pinner's Point. Mrs. E. M. Henry is visiting relatives in Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Anthony Pugh left Saturday to spend the summer at Ocean View. . Dr. Trlgant Burrow has returned to Baltimore, after a visit to his mother, In Ghent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Battle Dnncy, of 'Atlanta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dorsey Pender In College Place. Mrs. Dudley Mayo nnd daughter, of Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Jos. L. Peebles, In York Street. Mr. and Mrs. Turner M. Johnston will Fpend thp summer at Ocean View. Mr. J. Paul Johnston, Jr., has returned te New York, after a visit, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnston, In Granby Street Mr, and Mrs. William M. Orubb will spend the summet at Virginia Beech Mr William H- Hendron. of New Or? leans'. Is visiting his father, Mr. W. Hardy Hend'ren, in Bute Street. Sir. II. C. Tyler has returned from a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. G. Pauldlng have return? ed from ? trip to Japan and nre guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. S. Reld, In York Street. Mr. Westfall, who has been the guest of Mr. Robert I/. Payne, Jr., In Free? mason Street, has returned to his home, in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Townsend and little MIps Dorothy Townsend, of Rich? mond, nre at Virginia Beach. Miss BevnfT. "who has been the guest of Mrs. F. Mi Kllliam. in Duke Street. has returned to her home. In Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Salomonsky nnd the Misses S?l?rhohsky nre at Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pender, of Texas, are visiting relatives In Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mende and son, who have been 'lisltlng Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dnvls, In Ghent, have re? turned tc Danville. Mrs. Dont hat and Mr. John Douthat have returned to their home. Weyanoke on-the-.Tames. after a visit to Mrs. Harry C. Tyler, in Ghent. Miss Victoria Peed has returned from a flip to Washington. Mrs. Vail, of Baltimore, is the guest of Mrs. Rowland Walker. In Ghent. Mrs. P. J. P?mpsey, of Alexandria, Ts visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. Armlstead Carter. In Ward Avenue. Mr. Frank Baxter, of Holyoke, Mass., passed through Norfolk Wednesday to spend his vacation with his parents, In Elizabeth City. Mrs. Pleasants, who hns been the guest of Mrs. Luceln Merrltt, hns re? turned to New York. Misses Ella and Augusta Thornton are at Virginia Beach. ? Mrs. A. M. Osborne nnd Mrs. W. T. Duncan have returned from New York. Miss E. M. Henry has returned from a visit to relatives In Smlthfleld. Mrs. S. T. Wood has returned to her home In Lynchburg after a visit to Mrs. C. C. Waddill In College Place, and Mrs. Coke Smith at Wllloughby Beach. BROUGHT HIS BRIDE. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Read. Jr.. nre visiting relatives In Newport News. Mrs. Read was formerly Miss Marguerite Wal? ters Burruss, of this city, and was mar? ried In Santa Barbara, Cnl., on June 2d to Mr. Read, who Is a lieutenant in the United States army. Later Mr. and Mrs. Read will return here. Mrs. Paxton, who has been the guest Miss Roberta Y. Winfrey. Miss Winfrey is the oldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Winfrey, of Culpeper, Va. She was educated in the public schools of Culpeper, the Culpeper Female Seminary and the Rawl ings Institute?a full graduate of the session just closed. She proposes to join the noble army of teachers. of Miss Clark, In Ghent, left Monday for Virginia Beach. Mrs. George Rose, of Gloucester, Is vis? iting her sister, Mrs, Holt W. Page, In Yarmouth Street. Miss Biggs, of Lexington, N. C, -who has been the guest of Miss Melissa. Payne In Freemason Street, has returned home, accompanied by Miss Adderton, of Wash? ington, N. C, nnd Miss Payne. Miss Bessie Doyle attended the V. M. I. finals and led the opening figure at the ball. Miss Elolse Hayden has returned from a visit to relatives in Baltimore and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. James Borum, of Ports? mouth, have opened their 'cottage at Ocean View. Miss Mary Zolllnger, of Batlmore, -who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. F. Rogers, In Bute Street, left Wednesday for Elizabeth City. ' Miss Louise Jones and Mr. Ralph Jones attended tho finals at the V, M, I. Miss Louise Smith, of Lynchburg, Is the. guest of Mrs. J. Sidney Smith, at Ocean View. Mr. Arthur Stras, of Roanoke, Is visit? ing Mrs, C. A. Nash, In Gninby Street. Mrs. R. Calve'rt Taylor has returned after a visit of two weeks to her mother, Mrs. Dellhaut, In Randolph, Md. Miss Miriam Moss, of Washington, D. C>, Is the guest of Miss Susan Priest In Freemason Street. Mrs. Campbell Groner Is at the Hot Springs. SOCIETY OF DANVILLE Bell and Bow German the Event of the Week. GIVEN BY YOUNG LADIES They Invited the Men and Did All the Honors?Hall Beautifully Decora? ted and the Figures Grace? fully Danced. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DANVILLE, VA., June ?0.?One of ine most delightful germane given In Dan? ville for a long time was the Bell ami Bow gorman given tho young men of the city by the yo-jng ladles on Wednes? day night. The scheme of giving a ger mnn originated with Misses India Wat? son and Mary Gravely, and to them is due In a great measure the splendid suc? cess of the affair, but they were ably assisted by Misses Bessie Watson, Mabel Robinson, Annie Salzman, nnd to the other young ladle of the city who so generously responded and contributed their charm? ing presence. This was strictly a ladles' german, and the order was reversed. The young ladles invited the young men, made tho engagements and Im? personated tho sterner sex as best they could. During each figure the couples went to the table, where the young ladies pinned on a bell nnd tho young men a bow, thus indicating tho number of dances each had. The decorations wero beautiful. In tho center of the hall at ono end was suspended nn Immense bell and at the other a bow. The sides were decorated with flags and flowers, and the stand for the musicians was curtained off and decorated with ferns and ban? ners. No little credit Is dun to Colonel J. Stanley Oliver, than whom there Is none better when it comes to piloting Miss Fannie Bailey Kendall. Miss Kendall's home is with her parents, near Nason's, Orange county, Va. She is an unusually brilliant and intellectual young lady, a full graduate of the Rawl ings Institute, at Charlottesville, the past session, and will devote herself to the work of teaching. the many couples through the mazes of the Intricate german figures, and last night he Introduced a number of new figures, which were very beautiful in? deed. THE GUESTS. The young ladles present were Misses Mary Gravely, India Watson, Kathryn Patton, Elizabeth Conrad. Lucy Cosby, Annie Snlzman, Mary Hunter Botholl, Henrietta Anderson, Annie Lee Penn, Grace Conrad, Happy Hall, Empsle Wooding, Lillla Wemple, Myrtle Conrad, Sadie Harvle, Bessie Watson, Ethel Lips comb. Lula Graves, Kathrlne Reew?3, Mabel Robinson, Mary Drewry, of Rich? mond; Annlo G. Mullln, of Martinsvilhi; Annie Tucker, Miss Robertson, of North Carolina; Annie C. Berkley, Christin MI11 ner, Fannie Cnvlngton and Nannie Graves. The young gentlemen present were Messsrs. Walter V'inl?l A. H. Drewry, of Richmond; Kenneth .'.nel, Ellis Penn, W. T. Gravey, J. .1. Long, O. AVemple, Jr., Edward Young, Frank Ferrell, Hunt Wimbish, Campbell Aeree, Jules James, Ro?coe Anderson, Richard Prltchett, Wil? liams White, John Jordan, A. F. Patton, Henry Pntton. E. II. Miller, Jr., Clalrhorn White, Rolnnd Hill, B. Green, Jr., J. M. FoatherstOii, C. G. Holland, Kyle Jones, W. M. Chalmers, Kenneth Wlmblsh, War? ner Doutlmt, L, M. Walker, Harry Rob? ertson, Dr. H, W. Cole, Jr., George Wnltte, W. T. Swnnn. W. White, Jeff. Rlf.on, J,, T. Catlln, Jr., Theo. Skinner, Fancy Figured Lawns to be Put on Sale To-Morrow?Every Piece at Half Value?Similar Reductions in Other Departments. Dress Goods At such prices as to strike for first-class bargains. m 1 C?r *or Imported _ for Figured and Solid Color C 12'/?c. Lawns. _ for Solid Color Lawns, worth C 16 2-3c. Swisses and Lawns, small figures, worth l?.c, ? ??/ c t0T Flne Quality Figured I **/'2S' Lawn?, every yard worth ?D\f and figured, the 60c. values. Ig for Imported Oxfords, best DC ohirt-waJsl suit materlaj, worth 35c. a yard. ??. for CHOICE 50c., ?9c AND 76c ?VC Bixac MERCERIZED DRKBS FABRICS FOR MONDAY. The ?? for Cannon Cloth, C eet," worth IS'/ic. ? An tor one-yard-wlda Percales, l?/iC the lWtO- quality. ?I/4C ?125. for all ?c, SHU C Ginghams. Shirt Waists That will make you buy them at prices offered. ?3Q- for Madras and Percale Striped ?3"^ Waists, the 76c, ones. ilO#* ior Wlllte Lawn Tucked Waists, tV? the OSc. ones. ?Or? ?0G TUOKetJ Front and Bmbrold 0"l< ered Waists, the $1.49 ones. 1Q for Mercerized Madras y Walste, the $2 once. in for Figured Bilk Mercerized t*\y Waists, tho $2.50 ones, ff-i ir\ for China Bilk. Waists, the 4)a.*tV $1.50 ones, . ?CIAL PRICES ON BELTS AND BHIRT-WAlST BETS. Mattings. Every piece in stock marked down 1-3 of their value. ?i OI/ - for 1? ?-8?, and 19c. China 1?7_?_ Mailings. '"* i. for Extra Heavy Mattings, _,>>L checks and stripes, 85c. valued. $1 $1 for Japanese Mattings, carpet patterns, the 25c. and 29c. 18c values. ~1Q_ for 40c. Japanese Mattings, the */v best Unen warps, SPECIAL MONDAY PRICKS ON ALL LACKS AND EMBROIDERIES.I THIS SEASON'S NEWEST PRODUC? TIONS. Silks. Reduced to the lowest notch in selling prices. for choice of 98c, $1 and $1 25 Foulards, figured and striped. for 49c, Striped Corded Wash Silks. fur Polka and Striped Summer Weight Silk worth 50c. fcr Black Perspiration and Spotless Proof Black Silks, 75c, 59c 23c 29c 49c quality ACr for Black and Colored Taffeta HOC silk, worth double. 2/j0 MORE MEN'S NEGLIGER SHIRTS, WORTH WC. AND 76C, FOR. 39c Raymond Hall, Mav Coleman, Fred Noell nnd C. M. Flynn The chaperones were Mrs. W. D. Wat sor,. Mrs. W. R. Cosby, Mrs. O. Balaman. Captain and Mrs. Jj. C. West, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hagerdon, Mrs. F. P. Wil? liams, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williamson. Tho event of the evening was the bell and bow ligure, which wns danced at 13 o'clock and led by Colonel Oliver and Miss Mnry Hunter Bethell. This was a new figure, and was one of the prettiest or tho evening. When tho strains of "Home, Sweet HCrme" were nt lnst wafted to the breezes tho young people reluc? tantly took their departure, but will re? tain in their memory the bell and bow german given by the young ladles. The marriage of Miss Mabel Hill, of this city, to Dr. Charles Roberson, of Greens? boro, N. C, Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock wns one of tho events of the week. The ceremony took pince in the parlors of the bride's?mother, on Broad Street, where the color motif was green ' and white. The parlors, dining-room nnd hall wero carpeted with white canvas. An arch of tall palms was formed before the mantel, the background being ot ferns nnd small palms. Under this arch the soemn words of the Impressive marriage sonico of thc Methodist Church were spoken by Dr. J),. W. Crawford, of Greensboro. The bridal party entered from tho dining room, which was also deco? rated with palms and forns through an aisle formed of ropes of smilnx. Miss Anna Meado Michaux, of Greensboro, and Mise Bessie Holland leading, followed by Mr. A. V. D, Smith, of Greensboro, and Mr. George D. Boyd, nf Charlotte. Then came Miss Bessie W. Miller, of Goldsboro, and Miss Mary Roberson, of Chapel Hill, followed by Messrs. Richard Crawford and Z. V. Conyers, of Greenshoro; next followed Miss Mabel H. Knse. first brides maid, with Mr. A. L. Goodloe, Jr., of Culpeper. Tho dame of honor, Mrs. Nel? lie H. Miller, of Greensboro, sister of the ? bride, dressed In reseda crepe do chine and carrying a bouquet of brido roses preceded the bride, who entered with her brother, Mr. William B. Hill, and was met nt. the altar by tho groom and his best man, Mr. Wescolt Roberson. Tho ushers were Messrs. Jnmes I. Pritchett and L .W. Clark, of Spray. Tho bride wore a golng-away gown of navy blue taffeta and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids wore gowns of soft, white silk and white picture hats, trimmed with long plumes, carrying white silk parasols, the gift of the bride. Miss Dakota Guerrnnt rendered Men? delssohn's wedding march as the bridal party entered, and "Call Mo Thine Own," during tho ceremony. Mrs. Hill entertained the bridal party and a few friends Tuesday evening at an Informal reception. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Halrston, of Oak Hill; Mrs. A. B. Roberson. of Chapel Hill, mother of the groom; Mr. nnd Mrs. Mel? ville Jeffries, of Durham; Miss Mildred Hill, of New York; Miss Ethel Hall, of Fayettoville; Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. Mlchnux, of Goldboro; Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Mlchnux, Mrs. J. W. Lindau and Mr. Clarence R. Brown, of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Clark, of Spray. CREWS-HOLT. A pretty wedding wns solemnized at Epiphany Church Wednesday aftor noon, when Miss Saille T. Holt was united in marrlnge to Mr. James D. Crews. The church had befn prettily decorated for th? occasion with ferns nnd cut flowers, and presented a very pleasing spectacle. Miss Annie Wheeler, of Buffalo. N. Y,, was maid of honor, and Mr. Charles Crews wns best man. The bridesmaids were Misses Rosa Crews and Katie Wool folk. Mrs. Henry B. Watklns, of Rich? mond, was dame of honor. After tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Crews left on an extended bridal tour. SOCIAL LIFE IN CHARLOTTE Several Marriages of Inter? est?A Dance at the City Hall. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHARLOTTE, N. C, June 20.-Mr. W. R. Robertson and sister. Miss Julia Rob? ertson have returned from Glenn Springs, S. C, where they went to be present at the marriage of Miss Mary .Smith to Mr. Henry Holmes, of Union, S. C. On Wednesday night Mr. D. KIrby Pope of this city, who Is assayer in charge' of tho Unitted States mint here, was married to Miss Isabel Faucette, of Mount Airy. Miss Bertha Lewis, of Now York, who has been spending several days here, left Monday for Durham, to bo present at the marriage of her sister. Miss Ethel Lewis, to Mr. Richard Bolton Arrlngton. Mrs. E. D. Latta entertained most pleas? antly Monday evening at tea, her guests being Misses Mary and Lucy Martin, of Davidson; Miss Mary O. Graham and Mr. E. K. Graham. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Gardner entertained a few friends Monday night at their homo at Piedmont Park. Their guests were: Mr. and Airs. B. A. Southerland. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Farrlor, Misses Prances Moore and Bettle Nash and Mr. Fred Nash, Jr. Mr. R. L. Bou Is, manager of the O. L. Barringer Printing Company, gave a stag supper to the employes of that con? cern Tuesday night. On Wednesday night, Mr. Richard Mooro and Miss Mario Sandlfor were married, Rev. W. R. Wotmore officiat? ing, immediately after tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Moore left on an extended bridal trip North, nnd on their return will occupy their handsomo now resi? dence In Dllworth. Miss Lottie Caldwell loft Tuesday for Lynehburg, Va., where sho will be tho guest of Mrs. Glllesple Sadler. Mr. George Van Echop, of this city. Is spending the summer In Paris, wiiero he was born. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. Orr havo arrived safely in England, and will spend the summer there. On next Monday night Miss Lonle Jones will give a dance nt the City Hall, com? plimentary to tho members of her house party?Miss Belle Nash, of Tarboro, and Miss Ethel Secondorff, of Washington; Mr. Albeit Cox and Mr, James Thorpe. Mr. und Mrs. J. D. Northoy have is? sued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Nannie Frances, and Mr. Louis L?mar Ledwell, on Wednesday evening, June ?iith, at S:S0 o'clock, Miss Norma Van Landlngham will leave In a. few days for South Haclley, Mass,, whero she will visit Miss Isabel Maison, Miss Louis Wadsworth Is entertaining a few friends nt a house party. Her guests are Misses Nell Battle, Janle Davis and Mamie Martin. Mrs. J. S. Archbell entertained the members of her Sunday-school class on Wednesday afternoon. Each member of the class brought a friend with her, "and the sixteen little girls had a merry time. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sexton returned Tuesday from Flat Rock, where they at? tended a house party given by Captain nnd Mrs. Smytlie, On Tuesday afternoon the delegates and visitors to the Sunday-school Convent Inn were given a trolley rida by Mr. E. D, Latta. ? ? ? A SEA TRIP G? BOSTON, MASS. National E lucatlonai Association via C. and 0. Route. For the National Educational Associa? tion, tlio Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company will sell tickets from Richmond, Va., t? Boston Mass., and return July 1st to July nth, inclusive, at rate of tlO.fiO, whifh includes meals and state? room on the elegant steamers operated between Norfolk and Boston and also membership to the association. Tickets good leaving Boston <not later than. July l?th, subject tu extension by deposit In Boston and on payment of fifty cents duriusit feo lo September 1st. A charming sea trip for maintenance or restoration of health. For stateroom rt.sorvalions or further Information apply to W. O. Warthen, D. P. ?., Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 603 East >***?.! Street, Richmond. Va, _ _ _ I Bind It Up. Ever since men became weary and women ministered to them, it has been the custom to bind up any weak par't of the body as the best pre? ventive and relief for fatigue. Now the " Dorothy Dodd " Shoe is made in such a manner that it " binds up " and Supports the weak part of the foot, which is the arch. It strengthens and sustains the overworked muscles there which stretch at every step. But it does not itself yield! Examine a "Dorothy Dodd" after two months' hard service and you find the shank has lost none of its curve. Examine any other Shoe after only two weeks and see how the shank has lost its stiffness and bends at each step. No support to the arch there ! And the result is that long walking becomes wearisome. Sincerely yours, Oxfords $2.50. Boots $3.00 Specials 50c more. Fast color eyelets do not wear brassy. SOCIETY OF BRISTOL Items About People You Know in the Southwest. AN APPROACHING WEDDING Mr. Joseph J. Eakin and Miss Vannie Delle Rader to Be Married at the Home of the Bride's Parents on Wednesday, June 24th, (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BRISTOL, VA., June 20.-Mlss Georgia May Mooney, the talented Knoxvllle vo? calist, after a pleasant visit to Miss Irene McDowell, has returned to her home In Knoxvllle. While here she sang on several occasions, to the delight of her many friends. Miss Maragret Douglas has returned to her home, at Nashville, after visit? ing Miss Willie Otey. MIrs Douglas grad? uated In elocution at Stonewall Jackson Institute, Ablngdon, Va., this spring. Dr. D. Cabell Henlng, pastor of the First Baptist Church, spent a part ot tho week In Richmond, attending a meet? ing of the Virginia Baptist State Edu? cational Commission, of which he Is a memher. . Mrs. Hlram Tyree and \chlldren are visiting relatives In Johnson' county and near Bristol./ This Is Mrs'. Tyrec's first visit to her native home In twenty-one years. Rev. Samuel Benter, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, Knoxvllle, visited homo folks here this week. Colonel Samuel V. Fulkerson, of this city, attended the commencement at the University of Virginia this week. Colonel Fulkerson Is an alumnus of tho law de? partment of that Institution, and went particularly to participate In the alumni reunion. Miss Christine Earthman. after a pleas? ant visit to Miss Flckllng, on Alabama Street, has returned to her home, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Miss Blankenbeckler, after a delight? ful visit to Miss Ethel King, on Seventh Street, has returned to her home at Mountain City. Mr, and Mrs. A. N. Sloan and daugh? ter, who were guests of Mrs, Martha Stoffner for a week or two, returned to Chattanooga this week. Mrs. Joe P. Davis and children and Miss Kate Wheeler, of Staunton, Va., after a visit to Bristol friends, are guests of relatives at Rogersville, Tenn. Mrs. F, A. Butler, editor of the Wo? man's Missionary Advocate, was the guest of her sister, Airs. R. L. Gaut, this week. Rev, Dr. J. S. Kennedy and wife, of Knoxvllle, were guests of Bristol friends this week. Mr?. J. W. Parrlsh is attending the Georgia State Normal School, at Athens, Ga. APPROACHING WEDDING. Tho marriage ot Mr. Joseph J. Eakln and Miss Vannie Delle Rader Is an? nounced to take place on Wednesday eve? ning, the 21th Instant, Mr. Eakln has been associateli with the Western Union tele? graph olllce here for a number of years, and now occupies the position of chief' dispatcher. His bride-to-be Is the pretty daughter of ex-Mayor W. A. Rader. The u-arrlage will be> solemnized at the home mmam "Moore" Quality, "Moore" Quantity .TO BE HAD AT..... J. S. MOORE'S SONS Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Corner 18th and Main Sts. 'Phone 507. Come and see us and get confidential prices of choice Groceries, Feed and Liquors Goods Delivered free. of the bride's parent's, on Commonwealth Avenue. Miss Estelle Carter Is the guest ot her sister, Mrs. A. S. McDowell. Miss Carter Is a talented actress, and la star? ring this year with Otis Thayer in "Sweet Clover." Mrs. C. J, White gave an enjoyable re? ception on Wednesday evening In honor of her cousin. Miss Flora Carter, of Gate City. Va., who has been her guest for a week, Clifton (Farles, of Tampa, Fia,, la the guest of Bristol friends for a few days. Mrs. J. F. Terrell and little daughter have returned from Warrenton, Vu., where they spent several weeks with Mrs. Terrell's parents. Miss Lucy Hobson has returned from Waynesboro, Va., where she taught school the past year. Mrs. Alexander Smith and children and Mrs. H, F. Henderson are spending tho summer In Hawkins county, Tenn., tho former home of the Smith family Mrs, John Garner and little daughter, of Buffalo. N. Y., are guesta of Mrs. M. R. Klrby, on Moore Streot. Hon. and Mrs. I. C. Fowler have re? turned to Ablngdon, Va., after a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Llndsoy. Mrs. T. W. Shelton and daughter, Miss Fannie, of Cincinnati, are guests of Mr. W. H. Cox and family, on Alabama Street. SOCIAL LIFE IN SALEM Mr, John Lee Logan, of Norfolk, to Wed Miss Louise Logan. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SALEM, \rA., June 20.?This morning at the home of the bride's parents In the county. Miss Laura Moomaw, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Moo? maw. m-.d Mr. Robert Lee Shafer, on extensive and prosperous fruit grower of Boonsboro, Md.. were united In mar? riage. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer will make their home In Maryland. j One o? the moat Interesting society events of the season will be the mar? riage on Wednesday evening of Mis? Louise Logan, the daughter of Mr. G. W. Logan, and Attorney John Lee Logan, of Norfolk. Va. The wedding will ink? place in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and It will, indeed, be a pretty one. Guests are beginning to arlve at th? Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs. Tho sea? son this year promises to be a very successful one. Miss Leta Watts has returned to her home in Staunton, Va., after visitin* Miss Mary Harman, on Broad Street. Miss Emily Tallaferro, of Washington, D. C? is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Doyerle. on Main Street. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. HUdreth have gone to Boston, Mass, where they will spend tho summer. ,'-'?'-,-,_ Misses Lucy Biggs. Lucy Johnston, Jane Johnston and Mattle Henderson attend? ed the finals at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg this week. Miss Mellta Wilson has returned to her homo in Radford, Va? after visit? ing Miss Lucy Biggs, on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. J. S. Baer has left for Harford county..Md., where he has purchased a valuable eBtate and where he will make 1 Mr.? Alex. Shlpman, of Bedford Cltyt, Va., la visiting relatives here. ANOUTINQ PARTY The Town Council to Sell Franchise al Auction. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHATHAM, VA., June 20.?A party oi young people enjoyed a delightful outlnj Friday at Novelty Mills. Games, flshlnii and target shooting marked the pleasurei of the day. The Town Council, in recent meeting decided to offer the- town franchise to erect a local telephone exchange at pub? He auction. An out-of-town gentleman has beon looking into the matter of erecting an ex? change and it is earnestly hoped the pro? ject will materializo and not end. ?is th? attempts made In the past which wort very much agitated at the time being, bufi have neve? resulted In anything vislbl?,