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TRADING SLUGGISH Disappointing Statement Car? ried Prices Downward. DEALINGS PROFESSIONAL All tho News of tho Day Was of an Un? favorable Character, and Effect Was Depressing on Prices?Bonds Were Sympathetic. (By Associated, ?????.) NEW YORK, Juno ??.-To-day's stock market made some headway against oar Jj? depression, which seemed to bo re? flected from London, but tho disappoint? ing banks' statement carried orlen to below lest night'.? level all around. '.Tlio trading throughout was languid, uno the movement of prices very sluggish, ifory few transactions were of an origin ''^ut Bide tho board room. Some support ?.till? ed to bo accorded to tho United til .ties Htccl stocks and tho coalcre. The con? tinuance of tills year's schedulo of price? for steel product? and tho announcement of tlio placing of largo ordere for steel rails helped tho steel stocks, and was nn encouraging factor for tho whole mar? ket. There wore some special point.? of weakness, notiibly smelting. Its decline of 2 f,-s was due to disappointment over the failure of dividend action at tho recent director?' mooting. The weather reports from tho corn belt and the firm? ness of tho cereal markets as well as the rally In cotton had an unsatisfactory effect on ?loci:.?, and the reports of tho danger of a passenger war In tho north? west wore not liked. Tho new stops taken in tlio suit of minority stockholders In ?Southern Pacific against tho Union Pa? cific interests dlspoced of tho supponl tlon Hint this disputo liad been com? promised. Reports from Boston of a cut in copper, by a leading competitor depressed Amalgamated. Colorado fuel was hurt by tho vague rumors of a renewed outbreak of international dlsscn ?lons over the control of the company. Instead of the expected increase of $6.000, 000 In tho cash in tho banks, tho weekly statement shows a gain of only $1,863, Suo. Bonds have moved in sympathy with Stocks. United States 3's, coupon, and the new 4's advanced 1-4 per cent., as com? pared with the closing call of last week. Total salc'3 o? stocks to-day were 211, 700 shares. MONEY AND B-YCHaNOE-CLOBE: Money on call, nominal; time money, easy: sixty days, 4 per cent.; ninety days, et 1-2; six months. ? per cent.; prime mercantile paper. &g? l-?; sterling ex? change, fairly ?toady, with actual hlnd J1CK3 In bunkers' bills at S4?T7.75?14S7.875 for demand, and at $4S5.25'<.l4S?.37? for six? ty day bills; posted rates. $4&? 1-2f4&5, und SISS 1-2; commercial bills. $164 l-2fl>l&i; bar silver, 63; Mexican dollar's, 4L WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. <Hy AsHocIntoil Frees.) NEW YORK. June 20.?The statement of averages of the clearing houso banks of this city for the week shows: I^ans $904,821.100. Increaso $1.459,100. Depoi'lt? $SV.'.77!?.300. Increase $2.849,600. Circulation $4t,OOS,S00, Increase S2.700. Legal tenders $74.084, decrease $954.500. Specie ?ir?s,45,'i.70n, increase $2.314,300. Reserve $23,254.400. Increase $1,859,800; Reservo roqulred $222,444.825, Increase 5737.400. Ex-Unlted Btatcs deposits ?19,425,000. in crease ?A?6.S25. Surplus $10,OS?,575, Increase $622,400. Wall Street Gossip. (Special to Thc Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NKW yOItK, June 20.?The opening of tho Mock market wn? tame nnd feature!???. Th? I-ondou price?, which wer?? lower, had little effect, except I" check onleldc Intere?!, and tbe tradora for the nw*t pert were operating rery lightly In view of the uncertainty aa to the hank statement. C. F. I. EOM) OFF: Colorado Fuel and Iron w?a Inclined, to eel 1 off. ns the ktinrt Interest which h?d been Ita best support appeared to haTe been eliminated in the reeent rail.??. It 1? thousbt llkeljr that a clearer rlew ot the company'? financial affair? will he obtainable by Wednesday. ????????? STOCKS STRONG: The anthracite Mock? showed a ?Mr amonnt of ?trength, eepoclally as th?re la a fairly etrong section of the professional element operat? ine on th? bull, n ta claimed Hint the ?how Ini for May ?ill be particularly good. 8TEEI, STOCKS. HARP: The l'nlled Hiatos Steel lentie? opened turd. probably on the entering of >twk? sold In Ten? don. The licit opinion mound the street la tint the price Ik ?k Ime ?? much moro Horlous traile conditions would warrant, while the outlook for btablllty und ?etlrlty In the corporation's buJinrK? 1? good for an Indefinit? timo ahead. FIRST HOUR'S TRANSACTIONS: Thu rollili? of transaction? In the first hour were ?mailer limn lu tho corresponding period for ? very luus lime pout, and trader? who lind hitherto ticen willing to do a little ?comed tired of buying nnd ?wiling to and from each other. The changes wero of very trifling character. LONDON SOM) KRIKS: Korne I/indon selling wa? reported In the Erie 1 Miles, nnd although It wa? not In considerable robinie, had Hie effect of ehceklng an attempt to hid Hint ?lock up. Tliern done not ?ecm to In? nn yaotlvii hull necount In Krie's at present, apart from operation? by the Hoffman house crowd, who aro opt to change their positions at nny moment. Tin: sr.coND not;rt: in the ?iec'ind hour the market waa dilli, un. til the bunk Maternent brought .In n. few ?ell lng order*. The stntement wa? leni fntoriihle thon the preliminary ratiiniitea, the Increase In loan? cutting down the gain In rcserro, RICHMOND STOCK MARKET, Richmond, Va,, June 20, 1903. STATE SECURITIES: Kid. Asked. North Carolina 4'a, ?.? 1010,... 103 Va, S'a, Now, C. and n., 1032.... P31? 0i? Va. Centuries, 2-3, 0, and It. P3}5 03*' CITY HKCUniTIEB. Wei <?Jty 4'a, ?., 1 ?20-1030.... 108 lt.. ????? BONOS: ?. C. ^. It.. Con?ol. Tr. 4'?.... 93!, PflU Char., ??), und Aug. 2d ?'a, O... 114 ,., ' Oniglii. So. nnd Ha., ??4G?. 114 I-elerMiurg Clime A f>'a. ?. 0. 114 Petersburg ('lana II U's, ?. I!... .127 Western N. 0, lat C?. 0,, 1914. 118 ?????,????? STOCKS: Par, Atlantio Coast Une com.]on ... jo? Norfolk end Weatern com.loo ??,? 04 Southern Ueilwuy pfd.100 fifi Southern Itiilliniy com.300 23 ,,, BANK AMI TI?U8T CO. STOCKHl Brosd-Stroct Bsiik .2? S? City .?5 31 ,,, Vint Nntlonnl .100 200 MeiChutiU National ..,,.100 300 ,,, NatioLiil lia u If of Virginia..,,,ino 128 Petersburg km?, ?ud In?. Co.20 70 fitf. Plantera ???????? ,,.100 810 ,,,' ?nutherr Vrust Co.100 112(4 .,, INS!' .? NCI! COM PAMES! Vlrglnli fire and Marine.39 ST .,, ?Ilh't i:i.l.A.M'.tjL't?: Amer. Tob. pfil,, H p. e.100 ... HS aiiierleiiii TjOCOMoIIyb pfd.100 00 tjl (ESTABLISHED 1839.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange), PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS. Investment Securities O ?O3O$0t0KHO?O$O^0?O^K>$O?O?0$0^?O*0?C^ ?? | OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK S ? totx>*o?o?O?ot<yso?<yso$<y?Crio?o$o?<iy&^ BALES: American Can corn. 400 American Can pfd . 43 American doss Twine. American Cotton Oil com. 900 American Locomotive com..... 23 American Locomotive pfd..... ... Anaconda . ??0 American Car and Foundry.... !(4% GOO American Sugar. 320% 18000 ?., T. and Raute Fo com. (57 W) ?.. T. and 8ante Fa pfd.?. !M% FmiO Amalgamated Copper. f>i% IfrOO Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 57 1900 Canadian Pacino . 122 29?0 Chesapeake and Ohio. 87? 100 Canada Southern . 06% Colordo Southern com. ,.. Colorado Southern 1st pfd. 100 Colorado Southern 2d pfd. 28 75G? Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul. 160% f?00 Chi., Rock Island aud Pac. 33% 8*AI Colorado Fuel and Iron. 02% 100 Chicago Great Western. IS,?* C, C. C. nnd St. Louis. loo Consolidated Gas . 304 822 Delaware and Hudson. 171 200 Del., L?ick and Western. ?HO Jfil.7) Krlo com .... 32% 3G/?0 Erie 1st pfd .-. <WS DIO Kilo 2d pfd .~. K-% (ienentl Klectrlo . 300 Illinois Central . 134 400 Leather . ? , 2G? ]/)iiIhvI11o and Nashville. 110? ?40 Manhattan . 2??* 200 Metropolitan. SI % 100 Mexican Central . ?life By Thomas Branch & Co., Bankers and Brokers. Open. High. Low. Close. 6% 84% ism, em ?l'A M? 67% 122% fi 101% 31 63 1S% i 9? 171% 2G.0 S3 WH t?% ini ri 110% mu 124% 21% 31'? HD1? GG4? !?'-? ?:% r>7 37% 05% 1?% li? 32% 65% DO ?? ? 9 no',4 124'.; 21% so S3 84 110% 06? 01 ?','? f.7% 121*? 87-l? r.,% p li os fi 02 33% 80% }?)? 173V4 260 82% nf4 177 13.1 8% HO 13.M.1 ?a?. 21% SALES: Open. fcOO Missouri rodilo . 103% Mo., Kan, and Texas com. Mo., Kan. nnd Texas pfd. P"0 New York Central . 320% 2ooo ?. V.. ont. and Western. 2514 ?'-ift) Norfolk and Western. H3% 12200 Pennsylvania . 325% Pressed Steel Car . Pressed fi tel Car pfd..?. People's Ons Trust . IS240 Reading com . 49% 100 Reading 1st pfd. 82% 2oo Reading 2d pfd . o7% ' Republic Iron and Steel com... 300 Ropubilo Iron and Steel pfd... 200 Kloss . HI. L. nnd Ran Francisco. St. L. and San Fran. 2d pfd... Seaboard Air Line com. Seaboard Air Line pfd. St. I,, and Southwestern pfd... 3O00 Southern Pacific . 2100 Southern Railway com. Southern Railway pfd. Ton Tennessee Col nnd Iron. Ufi Texas Pacific . 6V*1 ITnlon Paclflo com. 100 Union Paclflo pfd . 12W) United States Steel com. ?700 United States Stool pfd. Va.-Carollna Cham, coin. Va.-Carolina Chem. pfd. IVO WabMh com . 2411 2000 Wabash pfd . 43% 337 Western Union . S4 200 Wisconsin Central . 20% Wiiiconsln Central pfd.? ... High. i03% 126% ?SM, Low, 102% Hi 4SJ4 23(5 *fVi% 20 80% 'i?% 70%, 120% 120?% 49& 40 82% 82% 97% 67% '?4% '?;(% 40 29% 4S% So'.? '21% 43% 84 20% 4f-% ?3% 23% 4.3 20% C?es? 102% 20 40 12?;'i 25% 08? lg% M 87 ?7% 49% 82% on 15 74 30% 70*5 01 21% 3'>% 88 4K% 2.3% 87 40% 87.. 29% 79% 64% 117 24% 43 W% 20 40 CLOSINO BOND QUOTATIONS. I). R. refunding 2'?, registered.... 0. 8. refunding 2'?, coupon. U, f!. 8'a, registered. U. ft. P.'?. coupon . ?, S. New 4'?. registered. II. H. Nwf 4'?, coupon. IT. H. old 4'?, registered. IJ. H. old 4's, coupon . U, H. G,?, registered. U. 8. B'a, coupon . Atchlson, cenerai 4'? . Atchlson. adjustment 4-?. Ilnltltnorn and Olilo 4'a. niiltliaorn and Ohio 3%'a . Baltimore and Oblo Coot. 4'?. Canada Soulhern 2d'a. Central of Georgia C'a . Central of Georgia lit Ine. Ctietapeak? and Oblo 4%'? . ('Meato and Alton 3^'a. Chicago, B. and Qulncy new 4i.. Chicago. M. ond St. Paul gen. 4 ?.-. Chicago and Northwestern con. ? * io.-,% 100 % 107 vi 101 11)5% 186? HO 111 102'/, 102?, 100 W% 101% 101% 100% io.->% H>4% 72% 1"3?1 70 03% loo 130% 103 Chicago, Hock Island and Pac. i'?..~. ()., ?., C. ?ud fit. Louie ?en. 4'a. Chicago Terminal 4'a . Colorado nnd Southern 4'a . IX'iiTcr nnd Ilio Grande 4's. I'.rlo prior lien 4'g .'. Uric General 4'a. Tort Worth nnd Denver City lat'e...._ Iloclilng Vnlloy 4Vj'a . IOT'4 Jyoulsvlllo and Nosh. UnMcd *'a. 101 Manhattan con. cold -l'a. 101% Mexican Central 4'a . 77 Mexican Central 1st Tnc. 2:i". Minn, and St. Louts 4's. 100 88% 84? Missouri, Knn. and Texas 4's. Missouri, Kan. and Texas 2d's... New York Central ?en. 3>/4'?. Now Jersey eCntrnl central 6'?.., Northern Paclflo 4's . Northern Pacific ?'? . erfolk and Western con. 07 M RO ini i:?2 loiM 71 % IteadinK General 4's . 07',? Bt. t,. nnd Iron Mountain con. 6's.lll!.-j Bt. I/)Ul?i and San francisco 4'a. 08',-i St. Louis Southwestern l^t's.? 02% Ht. I.nuls .Southwestern I'l'n. 70 Ban Antonia and Arkansas t'ots 4's. 70 Southern Poetile 4's . 87% Southern Railway G-s' . 31? Texts ami Pacifie, lat's . 110 Toledo, Bt. G?. nnd Western 4's. 77ai Union Pacific 4'a . 1?2J? Union I'aclllc conr. 4'i.,. (!.">'t Wabash let's .i. 114% Wahiah 2d'.?. ini?/. Wiibn-h Deb. It's. 7.1% West Shore 4's . 100 Whtellp? and G?? Erie 4'a . 1)1 Wisconsin Central 4's . 00% Continental Tobacco 4'a. 00% ('?olorudo Fuel .Vb . K0!4 Rock Island 4's'.?. 7li-?; I'entu.vlTiinl.'i .'?'?!,??. 0-'>% U. 8. Steel 2d r,'s . km,(, M. nnd O., rollatemi trust 4's. 02 Central of Georgia 2d Ine. 82% Vlrglnla-aCrollna Chemical Co. com. 54% Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. pfd. 117 Va.-Car. Cheui. Pfd., 8 p. c.100 ... 110 Va.-Carolina Chemical com....100 64% 05 BALTIMOHE STOCK MAItKET. BALTIMORE, 1ID? June 20.?Seaboard Air ommon. 21*4 bid: do. preferred, 8?1}4??37. Soatioard 4'a, 78"4i(g78??. Atlantic Coeet Line, common and preferred, not quoted. COTTON MARKETS. NEW VOHK. June 20.?The cotton market opened ?tendy at nn adrante of 1(38 points on better cablea and talk of too much cold; weather in tbe cotton belt, which led to covering wluth mit stimulating new speculative ncCvvlty on the long side of the account: the public. If unytliing, being Inclined to ?ell the new? crop mouths on any milles. This morning (bo principal Bcllcra uere profit-takers, however, and tho market rarled but little from the figures after tbe first call. Cotton futures opened steady at tho advance end closed weak: Open. High. Lovr. Close June . _ .... 12.14 July .12.20 12.25 12.20 12.20 August .11.84 11.87 11.75 11.74 September ...11.00 11.03 ??.?? 10.80 October .10.20 lo.?.?? 10.01 10.00 November ... 0.P9 10.00 0.73 . fW77 December_0.02 0.03 ?.7G TT.71 January .ft.SO P.O'J 0.72 P.71? February _0.S1 0.8T 0.81 0.03 Spot colton closed dull; middling upland?; 12.40; middling gulf, 12.03; salea, 601 bales. Cotton, dull; middling, 12.40; net receipt?. 100 bale?; gros?, ;!,??1 balea; sales, COI bales; stock, 184,454 bale?. Total to-day at all eeaport??Net receipts. 2.112 bale?; eiport to Great Ttrltaln, 2.9?1 bale?; to tbe Continent, 3,037 bales; stock, 247, 002 bslcs. Consolidated at ?II ???port??Net receipts :,142 bale?; export to (Iront Britain, 2,001 hale?; to thc Continent, 3.037 bales. Total ?Ime September 1st at all seaports Net receipts, 1.03,123 bales; export to Great Britain, 2,742,041 bales; to France. 705,7 "" balea; to the Continent, 2,770,718 bales| Japan, 135,100 bale?. NEW ORLEANS. June 20.?COTTON?Spot cotton market to-day was quiet; quotations un? changed. Tho future market was very quiet Id eplte of thc fact that Liverpool was sensationally fav? orable .reporting an advance of 10 point? In npol? nnd 13S?1 7poUlt? In future?. In the local market the roum trader? wer? iti? oulr partic?? panos. At tho opening price? were V'IO ptlnts higher than yesterday'? clone, but almost Im? mediately commenced to ciiao off on the winter month?. At noon the close compared with Fri? day's closing; .luly showed ? gnln of 5 points, August unehHiigi'd, while nil the other optimi? ?howod net loste?; June G, September 5 itud the winter months )?'??- poluta each. Cotton future? steady: July, 13.404118.50! August, 13.!I4(*13.35; September. 11.45WU.40; October, O.OAtf/.O.PQ; November, n.fVlftO.tjl; De? cember, 0.01510.82: January, O.G3(%9.U4. PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW YORK. June 2?j.-~KI.0UH? null, but firm; winter' patenta, $3.850.4.20; Minncsotn patent?, ? Rye Flour?Steudy; fair to good. $2.834?3.20. Cernmcul?Quiet. Byo? Quiet. Parley?Steady. Wheat?Spot ensy; No. 2 red. 84c. Options had on easier opening on ralna In the North? west, rallied and eventually yielded to unload? ing, closing te'?'ic. net lower. July closed Ot 82',ic; September, 70??e. ; December, 70!4c. Corn?Spot dull: No. 2, ?7'<??. Option? open? ed lower, but rallied, after which It eased back again, closing practically unchanged. July closed at 67ijo.; September, fill Vic.: December. ?G?,??. tints- Spot firm! No, 1!, 43',??. Options Opened linn, but eased off. neef?I'lrra; family. ???.??'??; mess, iS.Wtgn.fiO! beef ham?, ?1?.???81.00. Cut Heat?? Firm; pickled brille?. ?'??10?,;?.; do. shoulders, So. ; do. liaras, 11G?<??1&. Lard? Easy; western steamed, ?9.10: retlned, ensy; Continent, . ?U20: compound, JT.r.oQS. Pork?? Firm; fuinll.v, ?1S.50Q10; short clear, $17.5oQ 10.25. Hinter?Firm; extra creamery. 21 Uc; Strft? dairy; 17?21c. Cheese?Sternly; Stnte, full cream, fnncy ?mall, colored nnd white, 105^0. Kggtt-?Olriu; Stale nnd Pennsylvania, cxlnis, IS'V Coffee- The market for coffee future? opened ?tendy, 5 poluta higher under covering and batter Ruropcun cables, but turned easier as a result of continued full receipt? at primary point? and selling by Importers, closing dull'at u decliuo of 5 point?. Salo?. 11,0(hi hags, Spot Rio, quiet ; No. 7 Invoice, Oir?c. ; wild, quiet; Cordova, 7U'illille, Sugar?Raw, steady: fair refining, tuie.: cuti? trifugal. Oil test, Il 1902c,! mollisse? ?ugni?, 3 2U-32C.; retlned, steady; coufeo.tlouera' A, .14.70; cut loaf, $5,15: powdered, ?1.H5; granulated, $4.85: ciihea, ?5.10. Hire?Firm; domestic, fair to eslrn, 4'int7c.; Japan, nominal. Mo. lusse??Firm; New Orleans, good to choice, 01 ?40c. Tallow?Dull, Rosin?Firm : ?trained, com. mmi to good, BQQOO?C. Turpentine?Firm at ?2.10. ._ CHICAGO, ILL., Juno 20.?Trading In tho grain pit? wi? of ?tualler volume to-tlny and less bullishueas was manifested than of late, although September wheat closed '?c, higher. September corn wns a ?bed? higher with imts unchanged; provision? 10. lower. Tlio leadliiK futures ranged as follows: Opon. nigh. Low. Close, WHEAT??". 2. July (Old)., 77',t 77U 7??? 77 July (new?. 7rt',? ???? TB? 70S Sept. '(oidi. 751.? 75t! T4^ 7G.>i Kept, (new) 761? 75!i Til? 75 couN-??. a. June. ?? ?? 4!"u July . ROU Roti <tO*i 4QI?. ?.? roil r.oi7. .101/. Jill/. Dec' '.'.'.'. OATH -No. ., July . ?1*4 40?? BOU 40 Sept.m KW ?3a? 88V4 Dee. ??!*? ???? W, 8314 JJFSS l'OHK?Per bbl. July .10.II21J lfl.02<i 10R7',4 in.?7'i 8ept.17.00 17.00 10.00 ltl.00 LARD?Per 100 lbs. Julv .8.82'A B.82'4 8.77?,'j K.7T',i Sept.8.07 ti 8.07'.S e.OO 8.92 BIIOUT UII1S?Per too lbs. Julv .0.30 0.?10 0.271,4 0,30 Sept.9.30 0.80 0.23 0.27 % C'usi) quotations were ?? follows: Flour Qulot sud uiieriiinged; winter patent?, f :: Met o.70; Htruigbls >'3.20(rl3.36. No. -J spring wheat, 77<?t,T?ie. ! No. 3, 730 77c. ! No. 2 led. ?'???,? 77'?,e. No. S corn, 4iHi?&(><?. ; No. -J yellow', 5(irrt63Uc. No. 3 oat?, IlO^e.; No. 3 white, SO'???tI??? No. 2 ry?. Mile, Full? to chole? malting bsrlo.v. 5??4(52?.. Nu. 1 nuxsred. mull? we?lDiu. iSl.ti2(?i'l.i?3; iiiimc Tltuotliv scud. S::.?'i. Ileus polk, pu? l'iiiiel. $iOS7U?; l?r<l, per Dm pound?; $s.7$'?io-78>.-?; short rltm siile? (lout?), lu,lf>'f(0.50! dry nulled slioiildcr? (hosed ?, JS.lg'jil* ?'">! ??ori cleur side? (boxed), S'.m?:.1' 010 75. Whisk??, bssls of high ivlpei. 11.80, Clyrcr, contra,r gride. $11 ,G.???/; 11 75. Huiler . E??> ; creameli??, Hi it20?ic, ; dairies, )8?(fl .my . wivi n??* <""< ?'??Ji Sent. Mil 501, 4??,? h? Dec. 4S1.? 48!. ?7',i 48!? ISe. Cheese?Steady at 10%<311iic. E^gs? Easy at mark, casca Included, \-\.'<0' 9 '? BALTIMORE, MD^ Juno 20.?FLOUR?Innc tiro and unchanged. Wheat?Dull anTl easy, apot and the month, 7D'.?i??S0c.; 'aoutryru hy sample, 75'3B0c. Corn?Quiet and lower; ?pot and tho month. 55?56%C.; southern while com, 01<fj57%c. Oats?Firm; No. 2 white. 4c.r>. jtye?Firm; No. 2, 57?. Butter, Eggs, Cheese aud Sugar?Steady and unchanged. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. ntchmond. Va., June 20, 1003. QUOTATION& WHEAT? Longbcrry .-.82 (283% Mixed ..82 ?S8V* Shortberr? .82 ?.S3V) No. 2 red .83 ? 88% Va. bac lots.75 @83 CORN? White (Va.) bag lots.'. 50 @G0 No. 2 ?hito . r.n No. ?I white . OS Ko. 2 mixed .,*.... r.s No. 3 inlied .57 ??? S? No. 2 mixed .44 No. 3 mixed . 4S No. 2 white . 40 BYE . 50 CATTLE MARKET. CHICAGO, ILL., June 20.?CATTLE?Re celpts, 3G?) bead; market etcady. Good to primo steers, $0?5.45; poor to medium, $4@4.S5; ?lo.;kers? and feeders, ?30?.75; cows and heif? ers. Sl.iWffi4.75; canner?, $1.00(<I2.8O: bulle, ?2.r,0?/4.50; calves, $:?ff?6.50; Texas-fed steer*. $l.50'tf?.5O. Hogs? Kecciptn to-day. 47.000 head; to-morrow, 42,000 head; left over, 2,000 head; market steady to 5e. lower. Mixed ?lid butcher?. (?.???a.??; good to choice heavy. SO.Hi?'i?.20; mugli heavy. .<.-?.0"'?0.10; light. $0ff? 0.20; bulk of ??le?, $?.05<?10.15. Sheep?Re? ceipts, 2,000 hood; rnsrliet steady. Good to choice wethers, 54.50ii5.25; fair to choice mix? ed, $3<?4.25; native lambs, $4(26.75. NEW i'OUK, Juno 20.?BEEVES?Receipt*. 85 head, nil consigned direct; no salee reported. Dressed beef steady. City dressed, nativo side?, 7(i/..s'.jc. per pound. Calves?City dressed vcu'/, S'i/llc. per pound. Sheep and Lambs?Receipts. 5.71,0 bead; sheep lower. Reponed ??ales of sheep at $3.25C(t5; lambs at $n.50i37.50. Dress? ed mutton, general sales, 7<&lii'?t?. per pound. Dressed lambs, general sals. ll?l?/7 pr pound. UogH?Receipt?, 2,841 head; none reported on salo alive. EAST LIBERTY, pA., June 20.?CATTLE? Steady. Cholee, $5.40??5.50; prime. S5.15ii5.lI5; good, $4.S5??r5. llega?Lower. Prime henvy, merllum. heavy yorkerc $il.30ffJ0.r.5: light york era and pigs, $ii.40i?<.(i.45: roughs. $4(!? 1.75. Sheep?Steady, Best wether*. $4.S?ffi.'; culls and common, $2(.?3; yearlings, $30.5; veal calves, $7'4:7.25. CINCINNATI, O.. .Tune 20.?HOGS?Actlv and higher at $?50(30.60. Cattle?Dull at $2.50 ""00. Sheep?Steady at $2.25?4.10. Lambs j at $-1.20<fr.?.75 MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT AND PEA MARKET. NORFOLK, VA., June 20.?The peanut market Deans, B. C, round, per batiket.. 1.50 Is milet today. The ony ehnnge In prices Is Spanish nuts, which havo dropped In price to "7'i|C. a bushel. The price? urn a? follow?: Fancy, ?julet at 3c; strictly prime, 2%c. ; prime, 2i.e.; low grades, 2c.I machine picked, 2':i2',e.; Spanish, 77%c, per bushel. Blnckeyo peas, $2.25 bag; hlhck and specillo peas, $1; clay and red pena, toc. I'cauut bags In balea? os In., 7 -1-lOc. PETKItSBURO, V?. June 20.?PEANUTS? Spanish, new, market very lirm ut 77%c.? sellers asking more. Virginia's?Quiet at 3c. DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK, .Tun? 20.?Tho dry goods market ?lotea quietly for tho week with operations of buyers restricted lo bara necessities, 'firn ten? dCDcy of price? is higher, but tho buyer la not to bo eajoob'il Imo speculating by th? prospects of bel?g obliged to pay mom lu tho near future. Curtuliment Is increasing In cotton mills throughout tbe country, and although no agree? ment la being entered Into, Individual curtail ment la becoming very generili. NAVAL STORKB, WILMINGTON, N. C? Juno CO.?SP1RITR TIJIU'DNTINK?Firm at 47c.; receipt?, 03 casks. Rosin?Nothing; doing; receipts, 3S0 barrels. Crudo Turpentine?Firm ut $i,75@3 and $3.25; receipts, ?J? b?rrela, Tar?Firm lit $l.i!5; receipts; 51 barrel?, SAVANNAH. (JA., June 20.--SPIRITS TUR. PUNTINI?:?Firm at lTc; receipts, 73!? casks; ?ales, 055 casks; exports. 9,800 ivuaks. Itoslu? Firmi receipts. 1,551 barrel?! sales, ?1,251 bar? rels; exports. "05 barrels. CHARLESTON, B. I.',, Juno BO,?TURP?N? TINE-SUaily at -lUl?e, Roslu?Steady. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW YORK. Juno !?),?Cnltonurnd oil quletor, but steady williuul noliiblu change. Prim? ?nule. f. o. b. ?????. :il?t32e.. now erotti primo uiiiiiHT yellow. 42',s(ii, IftV. ; off hummer yellow, ???aiSe.l off ?umilici' yellow, 07?37%C,? primi) while, 4iie. ; pilme winter yellow, 4Uc.? prime meal, $27^27.00 nominal. mari?e~??telugence. PORT OF RICHMOND, JUNK 20, 1003. ARRIVED, Steamer Poeuliontas, Oruvo?. Norfolk tnd Jumes River landing*, inenhandlse aud pussun? Iter?, Virginia Navigation Co, Klenuier Binliclcy. Guy, Norfolk, mcrchnudlss and passengers, old ??.,????????? lino. Usigli Sharon Hill, Ilattcrhy, Ilulllmore, coal, Cruuip und West Co. KAILEI). Steamer Rorkelny, Guy, Norfolk, merebnudle? and pussi'iife'crs. Old Diunliilon Hue. Schooner Juliet L. llopklus, Colllson, Jnnie? River, light. Tug Ruiliuut. Biillliuura, two oil barges. llai'gu Ami Thomson, Conner, .lames River, light. llaigo Perryvltle, Morse, James River, light. PORT 01' WEST POINT, JUNE 20, 100.1. ARRIVED. Charlotti), Murphy, Uullluiuro. passeugera and gfticru! ein'u'i. ?? I LEI). I','. ..Inlie. Murphy, llultlinore. passengers aud geijoiMl larijo. pout NEWPORT NEWS. Jini; 20, u>i';i. Aitili VEIL Ste.iiLii'i? Cuslsuo. I.i'IkIoh. Schooner j. ?, Usrgeit. New York. SAILED. Sleiiuier Orlon, Ui.iini. tiebwurr Cora F, CrcilJ, Uostou, ROME'S TENDENCY IS TOWARD THE FRIARS (Spec|al Cable to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. Copyright, 1003.) ROME, June 20.?Father Vatmann has bren In Rome for three days and is leav? ing Immediately for the United States. Ho has been received by Cardinals Sa? tolli and Rampola and by tho Pope. Ho (??ays that he has been received cordially everywhere, but It Is believed that he has not made a good Impression generally on the ecclesiastical authorities. He has spoken ungererously against the friars of the Philippines, whereas the tendency In Rome Is distinctly In favor of retaining them as far as possible. Tho Sacred Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, which Is the chief authority on the religious situation In the Philippines, contains a majority of cardinals belonging to the religious or? ders. All tho cardinals are growing more and more concerned about the fato of the church In the archipelago, owing to tho fact that there Is not at present one-third of the number of pilosis neces? sary for tho islands, and there Is little prospect of finding them slnco the supply of regular clergy from Spain has ceased. It Is announced hero that Mgr. O'Con ncll, rector of Washington University, Is omlng to Rome nt tho end of the schol? astic year to rorort progress to Cardinal Satolli, as Prefect of the Congregation of Studies. Cardinal Satolli has become Bishop ot Frascati?ono of tho six suburban dio? ceses of Rome. It is likely that Cardinal Serafino A'fenrmtolU, hitherto ?icnorally regarded as among the most "palpable," Is to ba appointed vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, succeeding Cardinal Pa rocchi. This position Is commonly re? garded as sending Its occupant Into re? tirement, although technically It Is the highest oflice In Rome. TRACK TO BALLAST BEDS Platinum and Gold Prospectors?Ex? perimental Macadam Road. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) REIDSVILDE, N. C, June 20.-Thc Southern is building a track to a point out from Stacy's, five miles north of here, where a very large supply of ballast will be obtained at a nominal cost. A large forco of men have been at wark nnd In a short time the lino win be complotedi The Southern yesterday gave an ordor to the St. Clair Construction Company, of St. Clair, ?. C, for a huge rock crusher, which will crush rock for Ihn btllnst on the new double tracie lino, l?uc.y's la a splendid point, being right at any f??? llty of rock nnd In easy reach of a long stretch of mileage on each side. Colonel Stilli, representing a wealthy platinum and gold-mining com.op.',y, of Ariaonn, is spending a fow days m Pel hum, Inspecting oros recently found on the lands of T. J. Coloniali, Raspue Deck and M. R. Fitzgerald, Hnmplss of this oro were recently sent Colonel Stlth and ho seems very much Impressed with the same, Heneo his visit there to Jnspoct with a view to purchasing either the lands or mining rights. A representative of the Southern Ral] wuy has boon In Polham for several r?uys trying to purchaso land upon which to orcct an Immenso coul chute, The county commissioners soems to ho In earnest in their efforts to havo Rock? Ingham ronds put in good simpo. Tho doubling of tho lovy will enublo them to havo two snuads of convicts nt work and it is moro than probable, that a macadam road will bo built us an experiment, As It was contended by ilio opposition to the bond Issue that the proper way to macadamise roads was by direct taxa? tion, tho commissioners will not moot with any position In tho work they are plan? ning. A MEMORIAL SERVICE Honor to Be Done the Late Cnpt. M, W. Cosby tltis Afternoon. A memorial service in memory of Cap. tuln Maurice W, Cosby, who recently lost bla lire by falllnir beneath his traini will bo hold, In the Rail way Y. M, C, A. Hull at the Main-Street Station this nf lernoou at ? o'clock, Cnplnln W. U, llal? lis will preside end tho muslo will lie un? tici? the charge o? Prof, J. L, Mitchell, The Programme, will be ns follows: Bung, "lliiw 1'?p?? a Foundation" ? Prayer, Mr. J. li. W'pod; Duet, Mr. niut Mrs. AV. ?j. Hallos; Scripture Reading, Mr, AV, M. Dicker?; S<nig, "Rode of Age?"; AddresH, Rev, Pr. .?nini ilimnou; Solo, Captain F, W. Cunningham; ?????? gles, by friends of tho deceased; Sun;;, "'Sha!) We Qntliei' at the Hiver','"; Heue diction. mm i, wiluams & sons BANKERS, Dealers In RICHMOND, VA., INVESTMENT MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPKCIAIVI'Y. Correspondence invited. Review of 'S JU Sitterding Garneal Davis Co., No. 10 Broad street. Manufacturers of nil kinds of Lumber, nnd dealers in Llrno, Cement, Faints, Ulis, etc. THECARDWEUM?CMNEGO. Manufacturer? TOBACCO MACHINERY. ELEVATORS, AND FARCINO IMPLEMENT8, Richmond, Va. Writo for Souvenir. GORDON METAL E 1426-32 East Cnry St., Richmond, Va., Jobbers of TIN PLATE, IRON AND STEEL ROOFING. BLOCK AND GALVAN? IZED SHEETS. TINNERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Friclionless EM Company, RICHMOND, VA., Owners anil solo manu facturera of tho FAMOUS FRICTIONLESS METAL. It is the best In the world. II Smith-Courtney Co. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Bouthern agents for the Improved Bate Corliss Engine. Machinery. Pumps, Pelt? ing, Bteel and Wood Pulleys, Shafting and HanKcrs Railroad, Mine, Mill and Contrnctors' Supplies, Flint Koto Roofing. II Tho Largest Blotting Mill In the United States. Our Brands; "Standard," "Imperial," "Sterling," "United States.' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, Manufacturers of Fertilizers, Fertili?? Ing Materials and Chemicals, Importer? of Potash, Salta and Nltratta. Capacity, ftnri thousand carloads of Manufactured Fertilizers per day. Richmond, V*. Richmond Stove COMPANY, 2?02-2&0O East Main Stroct, Richmond. Va. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS STOVES. Win, J. Anderson, Robert G. Rennolds, Prest Soc. and Treas. Moon, Zirkle, Goodall Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES? 1420 E. Main Bt., Richmond, Va. The only house of ita kind in Richmond, FINANCIAL. ?U??t???*.FFFF0F? Consulting ELECTRICAL & MESHAN.GAL ENGINEER, leclrio Lighting, Electric Rail? ways, Power Transmission. I?_ Chamber of Commerce Building, RICHMOND, VA. T. Pb, Bankers and Brokers, Mombere New York Consolidated Stock Exchange, 1. and 43 Wall Street, Hew York. STOOKB, BOKDS, ?????, COTTO?. Orders eiecnted for investment or marginal ac? counts. KABKET LETTEB OK APPLICATION. SEND FOE OUR SPECIAL LETTEB OH THE LAUNCHING IS TO BE DELAYED (Continued from First Page.) the winding up of the affairs of the Wil? liam R. Trigs Company in tha hands of tho receiver appointed by tho Chancery Court of tho city of Richmond. Tho nttorneys for the petitioners In tho caso Just decided t?-oro Muntord. Hunton, Williams & Anderson and? Stem & Stern. Messrs. J. Jordan Lenke and Frank W. Christian wero the attorneys for the respondents, in whose favor the court decides. Government to File Bond. WASHINGTON, June 20. ? Attorney Gonorul Knox had prepared to-day a stip? ulation In the naturo of a bond, wnlch on Monday will bo filed with Judge Grin nan, of tho Chancery Court of Richmond, practically covering tho government's in? terest in tho Galveston. This emulation or bond, it !?; assumed, will more than covor tho claims of tho creditors nga'.nsl the Trlgg Company for work dono and material used on tho ship. After the stipulation Is filed it la bollovcd that Judge Grlnnan will Immediately release tho ship to tho government. It was learned at tho Navy Department to-day that far greater interests are in? volved in tho decision of the question of the possession of tlio cruisers Galveston and Chattanooga than are represented by the actual onsh value of thoso boats. It Is regarded us absolutely essential at this stage to establish a sound precedent and determine the question of tltlo to war vessels under construction in ordpr to protect tho government's Interest In tho ownership of at least a dozen ships, Including battleships worth nearly five million dollar? each. Similar action will lie taken in tho case of the Chattanooga, building at KUlzabnthport, nnd it Is there foro probable that no further delays will be encountered In tlio completion of tho Galveston and the Chattanooga, while any show of'force or duress on tlio part of tlia national government wlU be avoided. It Is fully expected that, similar' nctlon to that about to be token In the case'of these two cruisers will bo noens sary in tlio case of some ' rntioh lhr?cr warships now. on tho stocks. ?.EET ON SATURDAY Much Interest In the Selection of the Library Committee. Tho State Board of Education will meet for Important business on Saturday next at the Stato Library. It will bo the first meeting of tho hoard 8t> at present constituted. The members aro Governor A. J. Montague. Superin? tendent of Publio Instruction Joseph W. Southall, Attovnoy-Genornl W. A. Ander? son, Messrs. Charles R. Kant, Lyon O. Tyler, \V. ?. Howies, E. C. Glass and jQhn ?, West, The chief business up will bo to elect a stato library committee, which In turn will obooso a librarian to wuceeeii Mr. W, ticott, who will shortly resign. ? ./oral mtperliitonclonts of county schools arc to bu elected to (111 vucaiu'iert caused bv death, aud Heine action win likely bo taken with reference to the IjnoU con? tracts, which expire on July 1st. They will likely all be renewed BOY BADLY HURT Samuel Scott Gut and Bruised by the Falling of an Elevator. By tho falling of an elovulor in Murphy's Annex early yesterday morn? ing, Samuel Scott, a negro boy, was se? verely cut und 'bruised, The accident was dun to tho parting of a c'alile, whin tho car was at til? fifth Ihm'', it f*ll to \\\0 bottom, i m-' ?rinitis above tumbling on It. The car was badly broken up, ??V.iit wa:, intruded by \)r. Hex, uf Ilio Ambulance l'iirp:i. Dull Week Ahead. Outa|do of usual commit to'? meo (111 ge ti,p-.! will ?? nothing of sneclu) moment m tin? pity Hall tills week except the municipal invi .Hennin, which is creeled tu overshadow everything el???. 1 he rmiiriilltco on Ordinatici) will meet to-morrow night, and that to nominato the I'luiubine Hoard ut the same lima. LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ??? BANK OR TRUBT COMPANY IN THE SOUTH-ATLANTia STATE? Richmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company. Tenth' and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capita! and Surplus $1,712,188.69 Executes Trusts, Receives Deposite from J1.00 and Upwards. Allows 3 per cent. Interest on Dolly Balances Subject to Check. Accounts Solicited. Correspondence Invited. JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, LEWIS D, CRENSHAW. HU , President Treasurer. JAMES H. DOOLEY. HENRY L. CABELB, Vice-Presidents. A. month will assure yon hundred dollars ? i ten years ; six dollars seventy cents a month thousand dollars and other amounts in pro" portion, through our Perseverance Certificate of Deposit. It is always. a\'ailablo and money yours on demand. All other deposits received and interest allowed. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Capita!,. $200,000.00 Surplus ant! Undivided Profits, , , $628,852.94 Designated State. United States and City Depository. Collections a Specialty. ta?? Largest Bank. Depository South of Baltimore. JOHN P. BRANCH, President, JOHN F GLENN, Cashlsr, JOHN K. BRANCH, Vice President Does aGenernl L'arkine Business 1117 East Main Street, Next to Hotel Lexington. Deposits In sums of ONE DOLLAR and upwards received and Interest allowed. Loans mado on real estate. Negotiable paper discounted. R, A. PATTERSON, President. L. ?. MORRIS, Vioe-Proslden? JAMES M. BALL, Oashier. DIRECTORS-Oeorgo L. Christian. N. D. Hargrove, P. Whttlock, H. Theodore Ellyson, AV. H. Zimmerman, B. Alsop. R. A, Patterson, L. Z. Morris. F. Slttording, II, Seldon Taylor, O. O. Owens, John W. Gordon, O, G. Valentine. THE RAY-T0N0PA3I MININO COMPANY. OF NEVADA, One of Our Gusmntocd Stock?, ' Tim holding? of till? company compri?? ?????? nilnliitr preparile?, running moro than p,???? foot on thu ramo lodge uh lim filinomi Kay inni d'Ittioli Mino, nnd S,??? foot on il contact ledi,?!', which ferina tha Identic?! mineral licit on which arc lociiieii io ih?- South tlio famous Montana? Tomopiih. Tlio Boliiiout, tin? Mlapali Golii Mill? nini II..1 Cullfoiula Tiunopah, which coimtltutu ilio RinntoHt aggregation of gold ?ml al/'ir Ulilioa ill tlio Wflfld. TU10 ItAY-TONOI'Ail Un? ??? nt I In? very surfaco which inns from J1H.00 to Jl.lTn.OO per (nu ledgie (rom !l l'> t fi-ct ivlile. It nillolu? tlio town el lit of Kay nn liait nuil VlVM nnd la i'inl nn lo tlio fainOlla Hay and ii'Urlou, which Ima ?l.uQU.CU ore nnd I* n regular alilpprr. Judge liny hliiuiolf I. preslilout of our company, Wu Inno oro thrown out from a half duaen pruipocl hhnCla, wlik-h nm IS&U.UU por ton, und n? mliiu, not oxoujitlns 111. allupali Ulne llaelf, urcr lind ilio hliowlng nt surfaco Hint ltiiy-'l'uiii'|inli lian. ?'????????? Is Ilio coaler o? tlio rlolieht minina fi?!?! on em til. 'Ilio MU? puh ninno Ib raid to Inno $?0?,????>.???10.???? In ?Mil, 'ilio lli'ltiii'iit Inn. un RI!,foot v.?In timi inviasi?* SlU'Uin por ion. und Ilvo foot of which runa fS.IHQ ????? Ion, lining Um largo?! ani lieh oit li'il?u .'VIT ????,.'???????? In Ihn world. Wo offiT you stu?li '" ? company which, I? n uttni? nl Um ieri? atip/ecn. Montan??l'ouopiih, lioliimut und MUpiili und Dull'onilu-Ti'iioioli llave modo ?!3 iiiillliuialrcn (neldo Olli) year, Wo ???????? a Dominili ?!??? of Um i'uUfornlii-Tonnpiili in 2'J days. Il hud U" allowing of oro ut ilio ?urfacr?; non' |u on- run? M.. on pot' Ion. We will iiiiil.u Ituy.'l viiii.pnh ?? greater mino fino any lu Um ????????? IMitikl, from every um?? rni'o lti.tlt.-nt lo?. Ilidp Un.ululiti: buy? don-lop tliidr prop? erly ami aliare In ??> w calili. HAY-TONl.l'.MI Wild, III: ? NMIITKll 01" I?oo.?q ont: i.'iHii'i: or pu ha?s, mui-u our prouhi??. No mine In Tonnpnh ever hud mien a allowing, They vaut money to dcwlop li. money lo put up ni... .m..? holiiu inni orni pull?lufl?, Write ful' .luili?o ltn.v'a report. lOundeia' price for stool; IS emit. This Moot will go up by leaps und bulimia us soon aa lu valili? la under Blood. Writ? or wire roacrvntlon. ?lloliiiful limited. BANfOHW MAKEEViai AND COMPANY, 111 Walnut Street, l'hlludolphlu, Vu.? 81 Adam? 8t? Chleuiio, 111. 17(1 llroiulwny, New York, journal Mils., lloatoo, liuti, lim National iiauk |iidg. l'ittaburg. iiend to Niaienl urtleo. SI Virginia Bond?, .. Richmond City Bonds,' Chemical Stooks. WVNDJiAM ?OLUNU St BHO., . Tiione <?2. 1018 liant Main, Richmond. ?'?. ?INESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED BY THE lank HUE, Main St., Rlohmond, Va. iti.i ?, Main St., Richmond, Va -, Privato Wires to Principal Points. Correspondents?W. E. WOODEND. & CO., Members New York Consolidateti Stock Exchange.. / Correspondence Invited. RICHARD- IV. MAURY, BANKER fiifl? BROKER. I0I5 E. Main St. Rlohmond, Va Bonds nnd Stocks Bought and Sold for Gash or Carried on the Most Favorable Terms, Investment Seourities ? Specialty? 'Phone 308..