Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. G?????. fi-aSlllen' "WASHINOi pood rrfdrace?. Appi- fil?! (Jltmoro Street. B?s7nIo9"oPPORT?N'?f'?EsT"-! -..,. ; .,._ . , y . (NT OF THE'he-it establlihrd reUll rmslne???--? Liti Ih? rlly! -orntifi? ? partner: muet be * Roo-I kt-mlm-p-in ?*>? ???t? ?orae capital. Address 20, FOR RENT. rOR RENT??OS V?t Franklin Street. G?? THirtldilir. addresi .WET., ?. G??????. ("tut? Bank. FANTED, adult occupants tor four-roem ?.??; Tcry plpusn?t ?nd conrenlentl.-? situated: terms moderate.- Address ".!.," rare Ihls office. FOR SALE. "?RUG STORE fer sal? ?t JLvnehbur?-, Vn.; Ifo, ?I.20O. For further -Vtlculsrs nd ??M SOtTHEllN DRUQ AOENCV, Newport IpSOPERTY for mile: mn?t promising IfMxl proporr?- In Vlruliile, near mil? Jil (Irton-Ater: term.? MV. G_?'G?8, Iftmnster, Ilollndaj-, Vn. lEITAIL Business _ml Store Fixtures: land, eolith side of Prnnd Street; splon P.*?1 fer ron feet loner?? nnd frnlt: rhnnei? fltietlme. Address "QUICK," enro this -Furniture, Loiue and Qood Will of 1 hotel In town of 20.000 Inhib? Ith onlj- nno othor hotel. The. hotel nain h'isinPFs street with ? crow hie 4G> lied room?, newly furnished, her-ltrcd Omnibus Willi (no (rood " arable tenant the bulldlnc will hmnnentl??. furnished or unfur? Bonth free of rent. For further nnd nee for yourself or ad? M.. nnlclKh. N. C. LOST. l*Wn-*th BREASTPIN In Miller fci^en's, or nn mtn- street, on ? Finder will he rewarded on Uo. S N. I.nnrel. h*N SEVENTH AND ^^^^^JTid Manchester, two small |\'7r^^eW'mie addressed D. Wlle> lidersoiiT?atod Wilmington, Del., con IlninR cut for newspaper; also ono lllod up with nn nd.. belonplngr to Pnw IMn Clny Mfg". Co. Finder please re-. '-ii to D. WIEEY ANDERSON, 920 E. jfn Street. r^YEsTEnoAY between 12 and l-pclorlc on Third between Cnnnl and kVnkl?n, or Franklin between Third |1 Fourth, small BUNDLE of pell?n elllj. Finder picase return to 105 N. lurth, Street. ?B LADIES' COLUMN. | bHEAM CANDY AT XAEM-T'S. 110 N, \ Street._ kl?Z GOOD housekeeper should liso Aemo nifi nhd Furniture POLISH. ACME MAN rASTIJRING CO.. nichrnond. Vn. ?ij'& thin doctor? and mcdloine??DANIELS' lod ot deep brenthlnj nnd physical cnl? It cost- noUilne to lDT0.?ti**ate; 027 B. ROOMS FOR RENT. G??, OCCUPANTS FOR NICEI?T Itt-hed ROOM at Fourth nnd Frank Iwlthout board: best location in city. py 105 N. Fourth. WANTED. WANTE3?? tn bit? Household Effects, FMtttiM? ?lodu. >?orcl\sn.lfso.? state trtniiiltr. B?x 17". WANTEIX to buy HOHSE. sound Mid (renilo: ni:?. Iti?00Y nml IIAHXKSS. Apply 0 to SI?. ?., ??? KMl Ix-lKli Strict. WANTRT?. to bny IVathor Bods, hlphcjt rash l?rlror. pnld; nlsn Ventiler? liotinvntort. 'Phono B7M. CAHIT.H BltOS., I?OS'4 West Mnln Blreot. ,-ttv. SUMMER BOARDERS. ME01I0?."8 RIVER: first-cUrt, lourd on roncen ?Mo firms by C II. PIUC'B. A FEW SUMMER Boardeis wanted; nice oool rooms, 1n I'CMt jinrt of cltr; flist-iloss fnro, with pVnty i.f Vnrmvllli- Milli? Wntor. Ail dross Airs. H0I1T. WEST, Vnrnivllle, Vn. BUSINESS CHANCES. SEND HO MONEY?Bet writ? for information rrcnrrllrc nn iiiTosliwiit timi. Is now pnylnir dlvldruds nf 21 PBIt efcNTi ? YEAR, nml . ?-Ill ivi.v still Inrcnr ilivlflonds ?noni Intel?? s,->fii? lmnk ?-????????? ??t??. Till', VvT.LTOT.It ANI? DUNN (???????'???, t? Itrnndwiiy. Non- York llt.r. AWNINGS, TENT3 AND FLAGS. WE MAB'.E THE BEST AWH1N0S. 'Phono ml nnd n?* ?rill cnll nnd ghe ostlmntos. ,T. ItOSS JONES AND HIIO., (102 East Ilrond. OVR PRICES aro tilo lew-cot, "G????? ?57? and ???o ivlll mil. M. 0. COVV.bANH CO., 10.S N. Ninth Sfroot. MISCELLANEOUS. SO^CREAM^AI?D. ??~???'??G5. 110. ?, Ninth Slreel. TO BE An Actor or Aotrrss Take The Shorts-it I-ond 1" the Ktaf-e ria HA Nt l'I.S' SCItOObiOF ACTING; most r-inirilrtn school I" the South! privato thcstre In ronricrtlon: 027 E, Broa,?. ???G ??7.?1?.-0 about tbo strike ard uso Acme l'Inno nnd Furniture POLISH. .WM? ??? tr.wnIRINCl CO., nichniiind, V.l. FURNITURE 1?08?1???,???,?, K?Nds of Furniture, both old nnd new, ?*4uc fcessfully treatd. Hrol-on lep-R, armai or backs f:ei in nent, scientific- manner. Internal Injuries of every dOJcMplJon rndlcnlly cured. Bruises and seratenen healed, and all External Imperfections removed, rentorlii*? ever! the oldest ftir nitare to porfoel youth nnd beauty. Chargea reasonable, consultation ftee, orfico hours from 7 A. M. to d P. M. C. K. LYDA, l?'. D. (F. D. Furndlliro Doctor). No. 419 Went ?Main StreeL Old 'Phone. 2?07. BUSINESS WANTS. SOFT CRE?"m~CANDY AT ?????G'?," 110 ?. Ninth Street. WAXENE, th? only duraolo floor 'pollsh.TAN. NEll PAINT * OIL CO., ?41D K. Mnln Street. "WANTED, to. buy Feather Beds, hlghoit cash prices paid: nleo Feather- llcnovated. 'Phono 87?1. CARl'EIl BUOS., 120G>?. \y, M?|n Street, city. Where-ta the botina master? Solution <^f puzzl? In Sunday's Times Dispatch: Tho faco is formed" by the wo? man's shoulder, her t-m resting on hack of chair. PERSONALS. SOFT OREAM ?OANDY AT KAEMP?"8,T?O??, Ninth Street. LADIES' Chest? nnd Bints PevMoport- (no mas? sifico? : requin positively cunrnii?cod: host City reference; Indy nlvrnys In nttendanei?. PAN IKI.S- SCHOOL PHYSICAL COLTURE, 627 ?. Rrnnil. KILL 'KM-Bod Burs, Ronehos, Ants, Moth?, r|r. Heeres' Inseot Exterminator doe? tho vrnrlt ipilckly. Prepared li}? V. XV. KOENIO, 427 North Slvth. BARBERS. SHAVE RIGHT WHe?TyOU SHAVEI ESTES Im nil rlRhl; 720 Main. STYLISH, HAIR CUTTING AT ESTES', ESTES' nt Keren ty-Tu-rnty-SIx Mnln. PIVE OF THE BERT nofrro barbers in the city enn he found al S2S 15. Mnln; LEWIS'. TRY IT ONCE and you will try tt again. EI*o tide G???a MnPSORe nt LEWIS', 82S fi. Mnln. scott (4 n. 9)._ elfothio face massage. W?'cTk-b?no?nq-AND;;PR1NTIN?i MAGAZINES, BtBEES. etc., Rebound, fl. B, APiKINS ANT) CO.. No. ft Governor Street. DENTISTRY. S. V. DEB PORTES. D. D. 8? C25 E. MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 20S. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS?,7 imcstown Islnnd Can Be Rent ed for eioiirstnns. For term?, etc., apply to U J. BARNEY. Mendowrlllo. Va. FLOOR STAINS. GENTS' COLUMN. FRAPPE?YOU EAT IT?FRArPE. ALLBN'S? Nlno-Bliteen Main?ALLEN'S. ICE-CREAM. IOE OREAM, $1 Per Oullon. Fruit?, Calte?, Delicacies at bottom prices. 'Phon? 2283. WINSTON'S, r,;;7 Brook ?t?????. LAWN MOWERS. OXFORD SHOES. MANTLES AND GAS FIXTURES, SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE, Ono-third off on Mnntlen nnd On? Future?. MOKCJAN R. MILLS ? CO., 2S N. Ninth. POUND CAKES. "WE HAVE MADE a great hit," so let the good ? work fro on. Serin kinds. Vnnry I.nyer Cnke?. IBc.! our' 2!ie. Pound Cultos uro crest sellers; ninnar Snaps, nv?<?. pound. DUINKARD'S, 423 M, North Sixth. I THE TEE-DEE E Daily Business Directory. mnemsm?smsiimBkmm& BICYCLES AND TOYS. TOMPKINS' 'CYCLE STORE, SU West Broad. PLUMBING AND MANTELS. W. F. WAHON?Y AND CO., 707 Eilt Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS, THE DAVIS GALLERY, 222 East Brood, MINERAL WATERS. THAW AND GRANT, Rlohmond, Va. ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. W. E. BREW AND CO., 719 East M-In, SEWING MACHINES. NEW HOME SEWING M'OH. CO., 002 E. Broad. 8HIRT-BUILDERS. 3. E. BISHOP, 702 East Main. TIN-PLATE AND ST0VE8. HARRIS HARDWARE CO., 40D East Broad. CHEAPEBT "Println-r House In Rlohmond- Wark Bfrlctly flrst-clss and up-to-date, Telephone Poll If you havo nny doubts, and wo will convince you that Wn enn ??t? yon monoy. Tills iiffcets your pncketbooli, so keep ua In mind. II.MUtlS PRINTING CO., 1308 East Franklin Street. PLUMBING GOODS. WATER FILTERS, Latroba Stove?. "Plumblns Foods almost nt cost, llomo-al Snle. MOR? GAN R. MILLS A CO., 28 N.' Ninth. REDUCED PRICES. PRICES REDUCED on watok work ?, (Tleanin-f, fi; Main Sprliijfs. i*!l? twenty yeari' expert, enee, WM. TOBIEN, Jr., 408 H. Ilroad SL. Richmond, Va. Spectacles nnd Eveglnsioa, 2G? cte. All work gnnrnnteed. REMOVAL. WE ARE -roln-r to movo. Stooh Belling ono third off. MORGAN R. MIL-LB A CO,, 28 N. Ninth. SHOES REPAIRED. WE REPAIR SHOES at a low price | men's half soled, ??e. ; heel?, life.; all work g_ar? nntecd. BALTIMORE! SnOH HOUSE, 1710 B. Main. SPECIAL NOTICE. SHEPHEHD'S loe Cream Parlors??05 E. Broad. ?OET OREAM CANDY AT KAEMPP'fl, 110 N. Ninth Street. MENS SHOES HALF SOLED, 75C; ladles, 60c. ; reatltrhod. no naile, no pefjs, best leather. DREW'S,? ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 719 E. Main Street. 'Phone 2CC7. Will call and de? liver. This advertisement good for 10c'' TO KEEP COOL. SHEPHERD'S Plne&onle Snow Refresh??. TRY G??GG??YOU EAT IT. At ALLEN'S?Nlne-Slxtecn Main. UPHOLSTERING). D. C. LEVY, NO. 541 I3ROOK AVENUE, Upholsterer nnd Mattress mnUer. Oltt H.ilr Mattress made good ns new. I ?nck nnd siili? fun'imre?. nino Gp??? tishlon and Slip Covers to ordo?. 'Phono 1020. JACOB UMLAUF, 70e? W. Main Street?We do all kinds of upholstery; make nleo Unir Mat? tresses to order; multo orer Unir Maitresse? like new; pack nnd chip furniture. China, ete.| cut and multe Slip Cover?. Trices alwny? right. Bell 'phono 3202. WOOD. 91.85 FOR HALF CORD Klln-Driod Oooklnrt ?nd Kindling Wood, dellvored; onk nnd pine wood, cheapen cook fuol. Seo or 'phono J. H. LACY. NOTIce. IjABRATORY ?nd A?sey Offloe of .'Mining nnd Milling Co., Nollysfr liable Dliemiesl Petennlnntlons ?t reasonable price?. NOTICE IS HEREBY OTVBN 1 COLONIAL ARStmANCn COMPANY! YORK ha? deelded to withdraw fromf of Virginia nnd thnt It hne no outstaj binile??. In sul.I Htnt*, nil pollcle* hn cnnoelled on .inne 13, 1003. Thn cod no pollile? In forre nt tho prosent YOUR MARKET BASKET. FRESH BUTTER, LOGS AND CHEESE, HATCHER ('Ph. 1H44). Blxth-Strcct Market BUTTER. TRY HATOHER, BUTTER Egg?. ('Ph. 1844.) Blxth-Street Mkf.. Egg?. Beit Groceries, Reasonable Price?, Beit Attenti? At Any AtTOtlRT ORO. CO. ??????. ? Center City?Oil ?. Mnmhnll StreeL J West Knd~320 W. Csry Street. Kant End?1731 B. Main Street. Continuous Advertising is the price of Continuous Prosperity. Water rune down hin Try itself, It has to bo pushed up. SUMMER RESORTS. DAN WHITE SULPHUR BPRINOS, Near Winchester, Va. . and Bcick Buildings. Mountain nlr. filli? ,nd Iron Spring?. Moderato "tes. Open to October 1. For circular, etc., addres? 0. M. EDELEN, Mnnnger, Jordan Spring?.,Frederick Co.. Ye. A.ianfto City, N. J. lely nrepioof.1 No wood used in Ita eon Europeni.; plnn. Open nil thn year. Ily absolutely fireproof hotel In Atlantic Lacing the Ocean, directly on the filinoli? near Young'? Pier. 250 rooms, 120 ibaih? "?>'" bn* '-" "??. TEL BEL AIR, NEWCASTLE, VA. OPENS JUNE 1ST, j Under New Management, iclitlful hotel, with every convonl ?'ind first-class cooking. Muslo and li'ig overy ovenlng. Pine Basa E?bIi 1 for terms address :..\ HORACE WELLFORD JONES. ' The necklenburg* : Why do you take a vaoatlonT To rast, or to work harder than you; do at homo? It the former, and you' want real rest and health giving; Chloride Oaloliira and Llthla water! ta drink, balmy breezes from the flney woods to breathe Into your lungs, and a beautiful new hotel I ml sanatorium, with all modern' ?onvenlenees, to enjoy while you Ire resting.send for a booklet and Jet what we have. No Inalarla,'no nay.JLevor. historio sur loundlnf?B.onepf the finest hotel? in the South. Specilli Summer rates, ad.TheMeol:lenbur|;, Chute CI ty,Vn. ?KBR1DOE ALUM SPRING'S, VA., '?lei?rated for WONDERFUL? cures of yspopsla, Stomucii Troubles; Hemor oiris of Kidney, Scrofula. Eczema and Ji-.s-impllon. High altitude (2.000 feet): eo from fogs; beautiful drives and lalkii; magnificent Golf Links, Tennis lour'.!", splendid table. capacity 800. loen .lune Ist. Write, JAMES A. FRA lER for Illustro ted booklet. |n IHiio Ridge Mountains, the nearest unt.iln Resort to Richmond in region ?d for scenery, heallhfulncss, water, fruit. .Modern improvements. r?c ?>d mie?. Christian management. Many action*. Bend for circular; DiNwinDiio nnos-, ,tir.thru-lm Greenwood. Va, "?RGINIA BEAC??T I.ODQE?Open for summer board? ?TO minute?' walk from steam or ? car (dation; surf bathing; flno . Ternie reasonable. AIRS. M. C. KINSEY, ;ar Twenty-fourth Street. KlilNIA HOT SPRINGS, '?IE HOMEBTEAD HOTF,L Nke spoetai rates from Juno 16th Jtust IDlh to parties staying one lor longer. ?????????Golf Links nnd riub 1 Tennis and Kctuash Courts, Swlin Jool, Fine Saddle Horses and Llv Islno for Dancing, Royal i'oinclana Ira. I unexcelled? is mippllod with fresh lies ??nd milk from Homestead ger? ii dairy. llous baths and most curative wa liwn ?'ir Rheumatism, Gout, Obcbl iNcrvous Troubles. FRED BTF.RRY. Manager. hp WILLOUGHBY," l/illoughby Beach, Va. Ibove Hotel Is now open for tho re. ]of guesm. The tindoruigiied prom ' Table us well uu everything else l'ili::;; to the Hotel ?hall he First sir lias been supplied with the be*t ,??. etc, |for rate*. J. ?- KENNEDY-, JOHN C, VVOODLEr, IrtlO. Proprietors. ?pli M1SK BOfDEfi. II t'leaiunt. AlbcaiaiL-, Ya. Illiiir *.?*? ? SUMMER I-ESORTS. ?,???_-||?--?-? vg._-Kag*?i-; Montgomery Canty, Va. Having purchased tlv famous sum? mer resort, I deslro to iform the public that it will be conduct! on a strictly first-class basis. Tho -ntcrs have long I been celebrated for theiicuratlve quali? ties and noed no rccomnndatlon. First class curslne, music, tenti, hunting and I flshin**?. Season opens .Tie 20. 1003. For .??" STT, ? BATHS . eot; arse? nic. Bromide ami'\ Lltliia Vaters; cures Nervous ProstratloVi, Rhonatism. Dys? pepsia, Skin Eruptio>jis. Ivltey and Blad? der Diseases and Foii.'-ole .Tiubles; clears and beautifies the compi'?^tin. Write for pamphlet. J? ? M. C. THOMA?i Manager, Crockett Springs, Va. Ocean View Hotel, Now Open. Sea Food of All Varieties a*\Hotcl and Restaurant. Booklets at All Railroad ifflces. Write J. HULL DA VIDSA. ACCOMMODATIONS for Southern -Vestal largo and small rooms, with llrst class lourd; sum? mer rutes; 20S West *-Orty-tuiirt_ ltreet, Nuiv York. STOCKTON HQIEL, CAPI* ????, N. J. I ?Pacing directly on tho ciconn. I.tir-rost and most spurious on the coiikI; $_i).o?O expiMtrVil ln lm provenant? (hla year. Cafo nnd rulli. Garden with full orchoatrn till midnight. Dniidnu; orery ?renlo*;. Iluwlln*; alleys, billarda, pimi lud ping pong. Rutes from ?2.50 to *?."? per dat.-, Spoclnl rates by tho week. Reduced rates In Juli Inl'or iniitlon nnd booklet nildres? II. M. (AiJiL GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEr., Virginia] Vve and llcii.i liiiulr (lily, The j:\rfiest nnd tlm-i-l M?in H u I nil SPICCIAI, RATES G?? JUNE ? HD JUt?Y AT THE HOTEL ISLESWOHTH, Dlrrcily on tho Hcuch nt Vtrulnlu Avenu, Atlantic Olty, N. .1. Exlenvtre Improvomrnie. llcmodcli-d Jnd newlr fmnlhlii'd osi-hiiiim?. Capacity Will. Wut ?ml cold n>a water ln nil l.atlm. Cafo and (till room. Orchestra. Axaei'lcun nnd l'uroilrtu piar*. Wrlto for booklet. OSBORXE ? G?G??S?? Hotel Chamberlin,old ^$?f,| Most ina'ciiineenlly -situated and comfort*! bly furnished hotel (?n Atlantic; coas. Hummer Hates, June to Oct., J.'i per d?v, up. Special Weekly Hales. Orchestra, hon .' Ine, bathing, suiiini*. ?????????, tennis, ???,? T-urRnst iiiillt;irv post In the country; lton-l dezvous of North Atlanti?? Squudrpn'. New' maniiRement. 1003, Booklet? pan bo bad at offices C. & O. Ry, (TICO. F. ADAMS. -Myr. ?raiij,, AND THE The Favorito Resort of Many Well-Known Richmond Families. Atlantic!'ity oilers.nvury knownbiiin raer,.iiinuseinont nod ut train ion. De? lightful bathing Invanii; cleop sen and bay IMiin;: and yachting. Cliniiijilon? Bhlptiiilf l.iul;s, etc., etc.?. 'I'll? HOTEL MCXNXS Is aoiight iully i-hunlcd, directly on tho heaoll, with unobstniuUxJ ocean viow. Noted, for i In? select class of its pat JO*) age,? Hot and i-old bea vento?? la private. batl.<_. Writ? for bor?Ule-t WAl-TER J. BUZ BY. OtVlDENDS. Virginia Uull ?? ?ad i v-u G/?_???._>?, fu ?,????'?. ?? . June ?, G?'"". TFIK ??? ,'n (,, ;.|;mi,1NS|-A1. MVXDBH? vili te Uli co i,,d ?fl.r .?.? V-l. ? 1 !??-::. 0. 'J'. luZUid feueuu. SUMMER RESORTS. Raro Opportunity for Summor.' Groat accommodations! F,xcellent farol Low Rate. THE HEIGHTS, In heart of Virginia mountains. Mag? nificent building, eloctrlc llghto, steam heat. Ideal rooms, suites with bath, ex? perienced hotel mannger; board with baths, per month (except suites), $20 and $25. Beautifully Illustrated folder. Opona Juno ICth: Buena Vista, Va. !J A SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 413 West Grace Street. JUNIUS E. LKIGIT, Head Master. The eccomi session of this school will begin Monday, September 31, l'Mi. Pro pnres for colleges nnd universities. Pri? mary Department for small boys. School limited to twenty-live, boys. Early regis? tration desirable, 'forms: $100 por year: onohnlf pnyuhlo on entrance and one-halt payablo February 1st ensuing. . Address of Head Muster, 331 W. uraco St. VIRGINIA COLLEGE Fop YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. OpensBcpt. 21,1903. Oneortlieleading Sehoole for y ouuR Ladles In the .South. New buildings, pianosnndequrpment. Cniupusten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley ot Virginia, famed for health. European and American tendiere. Full course. Conservatory advantages In Art, Music, and Klocution. Certificates wellcjley. Students f mm ?0 Pintes. Por catalogue nddresi 1L4.TTIE P. HARMS, President. lioanoko, Va, W oo cl berry Forest School for Boys In front riinU of Southern Preparatory Schools. ToBtimonlnls required of every nppllrnnt. Kor catalogue address J. OAUTKU WALKER, ?. ?., Orange, Vu. EDGEAVORTll BOARDING AND DAY School for Girls, lie-opens September 24th. 1903. 42d year. Mr... II. P. LE FMOBVRE. Miss I?;. 13. HUNTLEY. Prin? cipals; 122-21 West Franklin Streot, Bal? timore, Mil. Select boarding and day school; careful Instructions In nil departments. ALL SCHOOL ROOMS Ai.uVH GROUND, 'Phone No. Xi??; No. !t East Graco Street. Ju 21! tues-fit. Nolley's School for Boys, PIMI STREET, Between Uraco und Franklin. George Mcrritt Nolley, Principal. 'The fifteenth session of tlila school will begin Wednesday, September 23d, Now pupils enrolled September 21st and ?M. Prepares boys for coIIcrph und univer? sities. School limited to fifty boys. Catalogues hi tho book-stores nnd Clioli'.s Drug Store. ? Acltlross ot principal, No. 112 North Fifth Street. ~ DIVIDEND" NOTICE. ~ Tim Havings liiiiii; of Richmond; llli'hiiinml, Va.. June 2(1, IDOS. ??1? ?????'.?????? ?G THIS RANK HAVE DE. blared a Senil-Auuual dividend of ronit ? J'KIt CENT. (Treo of lux) out of tho ?????p?? 1 fur tho past nix month?, payable cm unii after ' JULY 1, lutili. JAMES M, HALL, Coshlcr, Vlrvhil? Stute IiiKuraneo Co., Itidiluoml.-Vit., June 2(1, 1U03. S'il 13 BOAIU) 01?' llIIClTOItS OV THIS COM? ?uny hare this iluy deeliirtid n Kciiil-Aiimul I I Vlliioxn of Tintici; PUB CEN'f, (freo of \\x), nuyulilo tn the Stockholders JULY 1, ?i:?. Check?? will bo mulled. I 0IIA8. K. WILLIS, Treasurer. Orfico Va. 1 Ire mid Murino Ins. Co., niellinomi? VS., Jmiu SO, llitM, dividend.?-tri: niiti:i Kins ok this COM? lliiy Iihvii Qoclnred a Buuil-Auuual DIVIDEVI i|\rot:it PllU IH.NT. (tree ?f tax), puynhlo in'JrLY l"t next to Stockholder? of record ? .Lin,? 20th, IU03, frOUl' which ilute to July i.i fol low Ins ?.'?? Transfer Iloo'/l will ho ??, ,'e.i. Chocli?? for this dividend will lio ? ? (led to Stockholder?!, I'liunges of uddriu? ill old be uotlinil to the Ooiui'iiuy. ?\'. 11. M'OAUTIIY. f ?A-_ W. ?. ??'???'???, Secretary. Tim l>l??tere *>'iilloiial ?link, . Uli'liiuoiid, Vu., Juuo li'J. liiO.t. '?? IKE'.'TOKS O??' Tilia HANK HAVE To? il . ?celuced ilio numi Semi-Annual DIVI. ?? i> OK SI>: l'Hit il.Ni', ?fico of tax) on Ilio. i.upitnl ril'H'k of 11.o DiiuU, pujablu oli und 'CUT JOl.V Ut, 1003. \ RICIUUP lt. EMI TU, Cashier. ; Nutional Hank o?J,'lrsL r^oTi ?1 Richmond, Va., Juno 23, 1903. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS COM pany have this day declared the usual semi-annual dividend of three per cent. free of tax, payable nn and after July 1. 1D03. I?. D. ? Y LETT, Ju21-tiljulyt>. Secretary. THE BOAP.D OF DIKBCTOUS OP" ??? RICH MOND, rilKDEItlllCSr,! 110 AND POTOMAC ?????,????) COMPANY havo declared a divi? dend of FOUlt DOLI?ARS A .SHAKE on the Common Slock nnd Dividend Obligation? of tho Company, payable on the let DAY OF JULY, 100.1, to nil holders of the Hume of record on the 20th dny of .lune, 11)03, from which dato to tbe Otb day of July, 3003, the boohs of trans? fer will be closed. Checks will be mulled to nil holders as heretofore. J. ?...WINSTON, Treasurer. Union Bunk of Richmond, nichmnnd, Vn., Juno -0, 1003. THE DIRECTOR!?? OP THIS ???? HAVE DE elarod ? DIVIDEND of SIX l'Eli. CENT., pay? able to tho Stockholders on and utter JULY 1st, 1U03. J. B. ?EASLEY. Cashier. Kichmond -"Perpetual Ilulldlng, Loan nnd Trust CO., 1013 East Main Street. Richmond, Va., June "-, 1(103. ??? DIRECTORS OP THIS COMPANY HAVE declared the usual Reml-Aunc&l DIVIDEND OK ONE DOLLAR ATs'l) 1'GG?? CENTS per Bharc, cnyablo on undaflcr JULY 1st, 1003. HENRY S, UVJT/-LER, Cashier. The Stato llink ot Vlrj-lnla, Richmond; Vn., June 25, 1003. THE DIRECTORS ?G THIS BANK HAVE DE dared a DIVIDEND of 3>_ PER CENT., pny able on and after JIT.? 1, 1??1.?. WM. M. HILT?,, Cashlor. City ?.ink of Richmond, Richmond. Vn., Juno 23, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS HANK HAVE I1E clarod the usuili Seml-Anniiiil DIVIDEND of THREE PER CENT., payable un nnd utter JULY 1, 1003, J. W. SI ????. Cashier. Merchants Natlonnl Rank, Richmond, Vn., Juno 25, 1003. DIVIDEND NOTICE?THIS HOARD ?G DIItEC tora of thin IlnnU have declared n Boinl-Annunl DIVIDEND of FOVJIt ??? CENT, on tlio capi? tal stock out of tlio net oijrnlitga of the hint six months, payable o:i nnd nfli'r JULY 1, 1003 J, G. GLENN, Cashier, Sontliern Trust Company, Richmond. Va., June 25, 1(103. THE DIRECTORS OP THIS COMPANY HAVE doclnrcd the regular Heml-Annuul DIVIDEND of TWO AND ONE-HALE1 PICK CENT., pay? able jur.Y i, ino.!. JNO. ? TYLER, Treasurer. First Notional Rank, Richmond, Vn. THE HOARD ?G DIRIiCTOn? HAS DECLARED a .Seml-Annual DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT., free of tRX. payable JULY 1st. 1003. JNO. U. MILLER, Jr., Cashier. Old Dominien ?tcarashin Company, Now York Juno 18, 1003. TUB PIETY-FIFTH SI'.MI-ANNl'AL DIVIDEND OP THREE G?? CENT. (.'1'per cent.) on tlio Capital Slock of the company bus this day been declared by Ilio Hoard of Directors, puynblo JULY 1st. 1003, to tho Stockholders nf record nt 1 V. M. Juni? 20tb, 11)03;'that the stock transfer books of the Company ?111 bo closed from 1 1'. M. Juno ?Oth, 1003, to 10. A. M. July let, 11)03. J. G. SA1?W18, Treasurer. SEALED PROPOSALS. Office of tlio Street CleiinliiR Dep't., Office of thn Street Cleaning Department, Room No. I', City Hall, Richmond, Va., June 2_, l?VB. PROPOSALS WILD BJD ItKCKI VKD at this office up to El o'clock noon, W'lOO NliSDAY, JULY 1, 11(03. for the jiiirellnno of MANIIRK from the Rlreot donning Department ?tablea, Fifteenth and Mar ? J1 Streotu. Hlds to be received fpiiSINGX,"*"?. CART fl lior_e) and DOC ULK W'AUON I- horse lo.ula. The contract to begin July 1, 1003, and to extend one year. Rond will bo recialred for tho faithful performance of this contract, Tlio I'oiiiinlltee on Hellt h reserves the to reject any or al bids. IIHNRY J. (??1?, Ju'.'5,:s,.'10. ?up't, Streut i'leaiilnjr. YVANTKD, RIDS TO PjUhNISH SUpT J-LI12S for ,Si?ulliweHler?i Hiato Hospital fur Un? months of July, AiiKust und Sop leinber, V>03. Rida inuijt be eealed and mu iked "Rids to Furnish Blippllie?," and (?ddfCbKod to tho uiiilei.'?iraeil, noeompa Iiied with samples of K?'0dH offered, and 'must be in by 1" (?'clock poon ot' the 13llr ?any of JULY, 1.908, a um of mich goods. Jus are wanted vili bo furnished upo??- (application. All ?i.i.ils must bo dellvenpa 1?. O. l?., Jiitiioii (Va.) PepQt." 'in<' rieht to ae toiit or reject luiy or ail .bids offered Is ji-K'i'ved. Tilia Juno the 89th, 1?! A. 11. (?lHROKtKY, LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND; THE 18TH DAY OF JONE, 1903. J. S. Moore, et als, who sue..Plaintiffs, vs. J. T. Hughes, Trustee; J .J. McGruder & Company; Hurst, Purnell & Company, and tho creditors In tho third class In the deed from Fleming Hay to John T. Hughes, Trustee, ot als.Defendants. IN CHANCERY. Tho objecta of this suit aro to have o settlement of the accounts of John T. Hughes, Trusteo for Fleming Hay, In the deed dated September 12, 1RS7, to ascertain tho amounts still duo on tho dobts In said deed secured, to havo tho property stili unsold taken charge of by the court, and tho sanio sold and tho proceeds applied to tho payment of said debts In the ordor of priority, nnd to havo a receiver ap? pointed to rent out tho real estate, and for general relief. And affidavit having been mado and filed that tho names of the individuals composing the firms of J. J. McGruder & Company and Hurst, Purnoll & Company, and of the creditors In tho third class in the deed from Fleming Hay to John T. Hughes, Trustee, dated September 12, 1S87 (except that of'Drowry & Company), aro unknown, and such partios being made parues in tho bill by tho general descrip? tion of parties unknown, It Is ordered that Bitch unknown parties appear hero within fifteen days after duo publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect their Interests In this suit. A copy?Testo: CHAS. O. SAVHXIJ, Clerk. Wlllougliby Newton; Jr., p. q. Ju IG-lawlw ? ? THE CHANCERY COURT OF THE J? CITY OF RICHMOND: Ellison ? Harvey, who sues, &c., vs. Mnnticello Club & nls. Office of C'om'r. P. B. Sholld, No. CO Cham? ber of Commerce Building, Main Street, Richmond, Va., Juno 23th, 1903, "** Tho court doth adjudge, ordor and decreo that this causo ho referred to one of Ilio Commissioners of this court, who shall tako and report to tho court, with all convenient speed, the following ac? counts and influirles: 2. An account showing tho debts duo by tho Monticeli o Club, and tholr order of priority, if any. All creditors of tho Montlcello Club will tako notici? that I havo fixed on my ortica us abovo and MONDAY, tho 3d day of August, 1903, at 11 o'clock A. M,, as tho timo to execute tho decreo of tho Chan? cery Court of tho city of Richmond enter? ed In tho abovo styled causo on tho 17th day of June, 1903. PITH, B. SHEILD, Commissioner In Chancery for tho Chan? cen? Court of the city of Richmond: Hill Moiilnguo. Lesilo II. Drew, Alfred H. Cohen, Comiso!. MEETINGS. A CKXEIt.U, MEETING OF THE BTOOKHOLD. ers of the SAVINGS BANK OP RICHMOND will be held ut Its Hanking I hum?.. 1117 East Mnln Street, Ulchmond. Vn.. on 'IHUitBDAY. July !i, ion.'!, nt 4 P. M., for the purpose of considerili!; u proposition to l?crense th? cHpl? tul stock of lini tinn?:, and for mich other bue liiesH a? muy como before the meeting, , Ky order of tho Board of Director?. JAMES M. HAU., Oaehler. STEAMBOATS. VIBGINIft NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHQNTAS leaves MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremont and James Hiver landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltlmoro and tho North. State-rooms reserved for the night at moderate prices. Electrlo cars direct to wbnrf. Fare only $1.60 and $1 to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion, Freight received for above-named placea and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina, IRVI ? REISIGER General Manager. ?. A. Barber. Jr., Secretary. ai Transportation Company. Steamship Line. Direct liouto to Boston, Mass,, and Providence, R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Hoston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday und Sunday. For Provldonco Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at C P. M. Puscengers and freight taken for all Now England points. Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N, & W. Ry. offices and No. S19BlCuat Main Street. R. H, WRIGHT. Act.. Norfolk. Va. American Line. NEW VOllK. SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON, Salllu? Wednesdays at 10 A. M. Bt. Paul, July 1. Philadelphia, July IS, ? New ?ork, July 8. Bt, Paul, July aa. Red Star Line, NBA' VOKK?ANTWERlir-PAnia ?Julltug Saturday at 10\A'. M, ??. ? ....i.l.i '.? July i. I in lauti, .July ?Seeland, July IK Vadirlaild. July. Piers ? and 15. Nortlii"' OUlce, ja ?road?ay. " ,Cft\ ?? fj RAILROADS. RI} ? ? Richmond, Frederick? ? lie C? ?? burg fit Potomac R. R Traina Leave Richmond?Northward, 8:61 A. M.. daily. Byrd SL Through. G:45 A. M., daily. Main SL Through. 7:15 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd SL Through. 8:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through. Li:05 noon, week days. Byrd St Througa. 4:00 P. M., week days. Byrd SL Fred? erlcksburg accommodation. E:05 P. M.. dally. Main St. Through. 6:2T> P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:05 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. i:A0 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao commodntlon. 8:15 ?. ?.? weok days, Byrd Bt? Fred erlcksburg accommodation. 8:36 A. M.. daily, Byrd St:" Through H:65 ?. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:03 P. M? dally. Main St. Througn. 0:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 7:15 P. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through. ?:00? P. M., dnlly. Byrd St. Through. 10:29 P. M., dnlly. Main St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cart on all trains except local accommodations. W. D. DUKE, C. XV. CTJLP. XV. P. ?? ??,??, Gen'l Man'r. Ass't Gen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'? IMHorfiiisi! LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M? NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar rives Norfolk 11 :20 ?. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and auftolk. 9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoku. Pullman Sleepers Roanoko to ."oluiiihiiK, P, lu ?.? de! d to Cincinnati: also Roanoko to Kn?xville. and Knoxvlllo to Chattanooga and Memphis. 12:20 P. M.. ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchburcr and Roanoko. 3:00 P. M? OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED, Arrives Norfolk 6:20 P. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Connecta with steamers to Boston, Providence. New York, Baltimore and Washington. 7:25 P. M., for Norfolk and all stations east of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanoke; Petersburg to East Rndford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga, Mempltla and Now Orleans. Cafo Dining Traina arrivo from the West 7:35 A. M.. 2 P. M. and 8:55 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Office No. MS Kaat Main Street. XV. B. BEVILL, C. H. BOSLEY. Gen. Pass. Agent. Dia. Pass. Agent SEABOARD Air Line Railway TRAINS LEAVE niCILMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.-Seaboard Mall-10:35 P. M. Seaboard Express?To Savannah, Jack? son villo, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A. M.?Locul?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 0:35 A. M.-No. 34?4:55 P. M.-No, G8 From Florida, Atlanta and Southwoat. 6:30 P. M.??From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office S30 East Mnln Street ?Phdno 405. STEAMBOATS. Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M., stopping at Newport Newa in both directions. Daily except Sunday by C. and 0. Rail?, way. 9:00 A. M.. 4 P. AL, 9 A. M. and a P. M. by N. and W. Railway; oli linfa connect at Norfolk with direct steanieia for Now York, sailing dally except Sun? day, 7 P. M. Steamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rook?tti. IC. F. CHALKLEY, City TI Mint Agent, ?2?2 E. Main Stroat. JOHN F, MAYER, Agont.\Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. ?. ?. WALKER, V. P. & T.1 M.. Now York. BAY LINE TO Bi?LTIMOHE VU 0, & 0. l?wy. ?n? Old Feint. V. S MAIL HOLTE. I.cnvo Itlchmoud r?a O. &\0. dull]? except Sunday, ut 4 ?'. &?.G cuti. niellili; ut Old Point with ?teamen of Old Hay Lino, leaving 7:18 P. M., arriving Iluitiuiuro 0:30 ?. ??., conncMlna' Norih, Kant and Weat. For 'ticket? and ?nfortaatlon apply to O. & O. Uwy.. Rich? mond Trupffer Corupauy, or 830 Kaat Main at. RAILROADS. Juri? 14. 100S. 2 Hours and 25 LEAVE KICilMj 7:46 A. M.?Dally-J and way statli OlOO A. M.?Dully-f burg 0:5? A. ' M? Old l'alni A. M. ilOO P. M. I-iicsburg 4: G. M.. Old. 0:2S P. BlOO P. M.?D? MAIN lOllO A. M.?Lcl except Buy 8:00 P. M Louisville,' 5il5 P. M.?Wi 10:30 P. M.?D? . Louisville. Si JAMI?H 10:20 A. M.?Daily?* Clifton Forgo 6:15 P. M.?-Week dl TRAINS AKRIYl Norfolk and Old 11:4.-. A. M. Ex. Sun.l Newport News Local T| From Clnchinatl nnd nnd ?:60 P. M. dally. Clifton Forge 8:10 P. '' Forge, dally from Che Accora. 8:30 A. M. Ex. \ Jnmcs Hirer Line I.' 6:85 P. M. dally. W--?! Hx. Sun. C. E. DOYLE. W. Gcn'l Manager. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT A1A_ TUA-NB L__W._ UlCKjuuxtO. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local tor Charl1 12-.?X.I P. iL?Dally. Limited," Buffet man to Atlanta and Birmingham, Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga an the South. 6:00 P. M.-Ex. Sunday. Chase Cltj ? cal. 11:05 P. M.-Dally. Limited; Pull ready 0:30 P. M., for all the South. YORK RIVER X.IN_:. l'ho favorito route to Baltimore eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 ic, M, Dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mire ? for West Point. 2:16 P. M.?Local for West Point 4:30 P. W.?Except Sunday. For We.t Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landing?. TEAINB ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:85 A. M. and 6:i?6 P. M.?From all the South. ' 3:25 P. M. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City, 9:1S A, M.?Baltimore and West Folnt. 4:60 P. M.-From West Foin*. C. H. ACKERT. 8. H. -iaRDWICK, ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. W. WESTKUKY. D. P. ?.. Richmond. V?. i TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND -DAlUHS-c BYRD-STREKT STATION'. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 21TH, !?:(._ A. M. A. C. L. Express to all point* South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. Welt, 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 14:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 6:65 P. M. Petersburg local . 7:25 P. M., "Florida, and West Indian Limited," to all pointa South. 8:40 P. M. Potoreburg and N. & W. West 11:30 P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:43 A. M? 7:35 A. M.. 8:25 A. M? except Sunday, 11:25 A. M., 11:00 A. M.. 2:00 P. M., 7:20 P. M? 7:45 P. M., 8:65 P. M. t Except Sunday. C. 8. ("AMI-BELL, Dlv. Pass. Agt W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Atft. ? RICHMOND AND PETERSBURQ ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st, ?T02, Cars leave coiner Perry and tioventh Streets, Manchester, every hour (on the; hour) iront u A. M. to lo P. ?., last carl 11:50 P. M. | Cars leave Petersbui?;, foot,'of Syea-J more Street, evory hour from A>:3Q A. Ik's to 10:30 P. M. ./ FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSION?. ' CO CENTS-ROUND TRIP-?? CENTS. Wy, Depot] WEST PC^ Special clmrtcrcilj SUNDfJ ?j've Richmond] Ij'vo West Polii!