Newspaper Page Text
HELP WANTED?FEMALE. .WANTED an aceomplished, tnistworthy lidy CANVASSER; warned ?like for Richmond. Manchester, Peterstmrg. Norfolk and other elite?, to foil n no?. )?>n)c. lust out; ? tinlntie, tltrBotlvc. quick foiling, rooney-cnilni* book, ?nfl ?Muret ns ?ho ?oil?; nn active, fosotulo worker ought to soil 2.1 fo Mi onplo? of this beautiful book cl.-.lly. renlMng from I0.2JS to llS.cW on?h per ?)ny for services. Tor Inter? view sddros? SUCCESS. M till? office. SITUATIONS- WANTED?FEMALEr WANTED. Stenographie position, preferably with Uwj-er. for half the ?lay. morning or evening! references furnished. Address IMPORTANT, ftp this office. HELP WANTED? Ni ALB. ?,,..?.?.,.??. .. ,-. CARPENTERS WANTED (it Canton Elevator No. S. Rnltimore, Md.; wages, $3 por Jay ol 10 hours. WANTED, ttood flour and meal SALESMAN; one Competent to handle tho country trade nnd not afraid of >>npgv work: fond reference. BOOTON AND I.YNE, Orange. Vn. WANTED. FOB U. B. AHMT: Able bodied, unmarried men. between ages of tl and 85, citizens of United Stntes. of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 110 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va, WAKTED, a young Man. who ha? had soma experience in plnno pollstilng nnd would llko regular work assisting; must have experience. Apply by letter to PIANO HOUSE, euro this office. WANTED. CANVASSERS: attractive! proposi? tion. Applv fas B. Main Street, from 1 to fl o'clock Friday, I). M. ANPERSON AND CO. WANTED. A MAN to work around rid?e; must understand garden Delivers and herpes and milking n cow: pood wngos to the right party. Apply to Mr. COOKE. 1107 East Main. WANTED. In wholesale jobbing office, a bright BOT, about seventeen years old; must he no tire nnd willing: good hnhlts. Address. In own handwriting, stating clearly ago. exper? ience, references and snlnry wanted, JUNIOR, ??are this office. MACHINISTS: flrst-clas? marina hands. Apply to BALTIMORE SHIPBUILDING AND DRT DOCK CO., Locust Point, Baltimore, Md. "WANTED, half rtowti BOY and GIRL, Apply to Dr. MILLER. Barton Heights. MOLER'S BARBER SCHOOL, NEW YORK CITY. More students wanted; eight ? weeks completes: wages Saturdays; $10 to $15 week? ly ftuarnntecd graduates; can earn free schol? arship, honrd and transportation before enter? ing; special Inducement? now. Write for e.a talogue. v? MANUFACTURER wants reliable, man to de llTer and collect; horse and wagon and $150 deposit necessary: $21 a week and expense?! pertnaient. FRANKLIN, Box 78, Philadel? phia, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED, by a young man, H years of age, work of some kind, either in ofTlee or whole , sale business; I hnve n fidr echoollnj- and can write on a typewriter: can give good refer? ence if required. Address YOUNG MAN, care this office. BOARD WANTED. WANTED, BOARD by a gentleman and two grown sons; Grace or Franklin Street prefer? able; would also prefer private family; refer? ences exchnnged. Address D. X.. caro this office, advising terms for two rooms or two rooms nnd hall room. SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, two first-class Piano and Organ SALESMEN for middle North Carolina. A;-uly to GEO. A. MINOR. Ilroad Street Bank, or DARNELL AND THOMAS, Raleigh, K. C. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, in three State. If you con pell or Advertise grocery specialties with straight salary, traveling o.vpensos nclrnm-i cl, ?rite "s. TRIUMPH CO.. Dallas, Tel. ?8 TO $12 PEU DAY possible for an active?, trustr.ortliv CANVASSER, n"\v ??unfed iiHko few lilehmond. M?ftcbftMPf, Petersburg, Norfolk und .ithor cities, to cell a bow, mili?]?, find nt tin a-live rc.-ulv.selling honk luid collect IR thrv ?ell! nn nctlve, resolute worker ought to foil ?23 to '.-ici ooplos of this beautiful book dallv. ri'iiIIMiiR from ?d?? to S11!..Ml per ?lay Cash for services. Address SUCCESS, at till? otTloe. _ THE ONLY authorised life of Popo Loo X1I1, Written with the onreiiiriigomont. approbation und bleMln? of Ills Holiness, by Mer. Her nnrd IVKrllly. D. P.. Lb. IL. who for .'1ght tears lived In tho Vatican nn Domestic Pre? Jute 1o the Pope. This distinguished Ainort can author ?eis summoned to Rome find :i|i polnteil !<>? the Pope as his nnTolnl biogra? pher. Approved nncl roonpiiizecl bv Cardinal Olbbons nml nil Church authorities as the onlv official biography of the Pope; over SOD pupos, iniigniflcently Ulustratcil. L'npnr.-illed opivirtiinlty fen- agenta! host commission; ele? gant outfit tree. Soud 15 cent* (or postage. Till: .lOIIN C. WINSTON CO., 71S Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ~~ FOR RE?t7~" TOR RENT?Lovely country HOME. Hallsboro, Yn., on Southern road. The house Is large, containing nlioiil nine rooms with ?vide pr.rchcR extending full lonpth house; house newly pnlnteil nnil wnlls kalsonilnoil; large, shady yard, good orehnrd, excellent well -.vntor; one or two inllc-h cows furnished'If de? sired. This plnc-o Is nhout 10 minutes' walk from station. Apply ROOM NO, 10, Times lliilldlnp, between '.l and 12 A. M. TOR RENT_Desirable, Store and Dwelling, corner of lironk Avenue and Clay Street; pos session at once. Apply 13. Vi. CO.U.E, 20S East Franklin, POR RENT_large pleasant HOUSE, furnished; pcod location for boarders. Address Mrs. II., care this office. FOR SALE. GERM PROOF Water Filtert, capacity 10 gal Inns Tier hour, onlv $li.00: ran \<r nltnchecf to. any faucet. MOUNTCASTLIJ AND CO., 8 E. Broad Street. FOR SALE?A young .TACK, or will exchange for Cattle. WIIITBY STOCK FARM. P. O. Box 170. BRAND NEW Remingtons, Smith Premiers, Underwood's nnd Rir-I.ocks; nil latest model?. at 20 (o 40 per cent, under regular cri?es. See us nt once: also rebuilt machines $20 to $1*0. SOUTHERN STAMP AND STATION? ERY CO., Twelve-Six Mnln Street. MONEY FOR ANY MAN who wants to farm or speculate. 10314 neres of good land, with nil necessary buildings, two tennnt houses, well of ?vnter In ynrd, pood locality; church, school and mill convenient. I will sell for the price realized lor Inst year's crop; .I14 miles south enst of Rnskervllle Depot. '<, mlfe from Gypsy P. 0. If sold in July full possession will tie given, otherwise It will be subject lo nay contract 1 may make with renters. Respectfully, R. L. NEWMAN, Gyp"!', Va. BUSINESS WANTS. SOFT CREAM CANDI" AT KAEMPF'S, HO N. Ninth Street. OUR RELIABLE gn.B kitchen Boiler HEATERS furnish hot water o\or the entire house. Ask to see (hem. M0UN?CASTL1* ANO CO., B .BOARDERS WANTED. CHEAP PRINTERS. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR PRINTING CO., 7 South Ninth. WANTED. COUNTRY MERCHANTS to try us TAYLOR AND TAYLOR PRINTING CO., 7 South Ninth, Richmond, Vn. WANTED, to rent a Broad-Stroct STORE, south side, between Second und Fifth, Address I"., euro thin office. Can you find the two fencing masters? Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Times-Dispatch: The -white space botweer* the men forms a bear's head, looking from rigbL WANTED. WANTED, responsible party to take part of '/?To,?" WoBt-Kn<J House. ArPly *'t 111)7 West Avenue WANT TO GO on the Retreat Excursion to Natural Bridge July S'.'? Less lhan half reg? ular rates; limiter! number; brilliant 111?"1' nation. For pnrtlc-ulnrs Inquire nl the H? TRKAT. WANTED, for summer months. e",;'0<T. HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished. Address J. M, F., No. 711 Enst Gr?ce Street. ?MtlDg terms nnd location. WANTED, to buy (traft) ?ielllatlng D-J^nO1* MACHINE for ensh. Address DUPMCATOR, care this office. WANTED, by a gentleman and wife ?ad daiif-li? ter, two uiifiiriiistiod large, (econd-storj rooraa, with board, locnled on Grnrc or imakim Streets. Please address Poslofflce Bo* SS?< Richmond, Va., slating references. _; WANTED, a HORSE and BUGGY to keep for its board during summer months; v,rv, , , KJ? '-slness work and best of attention. Address 7... o.ire Ibis office. LOST. LOST OR STRAYED?Red Irish Setter BITCH. Answers to "Lucy:" in habit ol laying down when spoken to. Liberal reword for ;" re? turn. WM. H. ZIMMERMANN, (03 hast Broad Street. _ LOST?Fcmalo Fox TERRIER: tan head and ears nuil Ian spot on base of tall. Howard If returned to 310 N. Sixth Street. _ LOST?A pair of Gold-Rimmed EYEGLA8SEB In n blnck leather case, betwi. Leo Monu? ment ?ml comer Ivev and Meadow blroets. Liberal reward If left nt this office._ LOST?Tuosdoy momlng. from 16 East Clay, Tub DOG. "newer:" medium sl.e, "0,f,oUn,r' perfect specimen. T.lbernl reward. ?A. LL BROWN. 710 Enst Once Street SUMMER BOARDERS. TOURISTS IN NEW YORK will find a comfort ?lile home with the Susses Pilier, nf Virginia! 117 nnd lfiO East B7th St., N. Y. WANTED, & few seloot Boarders nt 'Belmont," Louisa county, near Gordonsrllle! telephone In bouse; terms, $20 per month. Address Mrs. S. L. GOODMAN. Wnlclrop, Vn. FAMILIES DESIRING ploasant home for ?urn. mer; famous mineral waters; twenty aeren of shady lawn: cottage svstem. excellent far?. Write for booklet. nnd terms. IIAMPDEN WILSON, Blnck Wnlntit, Vn. AWNINGS, TENTS AND FLA08. WE MAKE THE BEST AWNINGS. 'Phono and we will call nnd give est?mate?. J. RO JONES AND BRO., 902 En?t lirond. OUR PRICES aro tho lowest. 'Phone. 2576 and we will enll. M. O. COPKLAND CO., 108 N. Ninth Street. BARBERS. THE NICEST, oloanest barber shop in the city, LEWIS', 828 EaBt Main. IT'S GOOD-A shave at LEWIS', B28 E. Main. FIVE OF THE BEST negro barbers in tha otty can be found at S2S E. Mnln; LEWIS'. TRY IT ONCE and you will try It ?nain, Eleo trie Fnce Message at LEWIS', S2S B. Main. 800TT (4 N. fl). ELECTRIC FACE MASSAGE. BARGAINS. WE ARE OFFERINGS groat bargains in Tin? ware nnd House Furnishings. See our Bve nnd ten cent counters, they will Interest you. MOUNTCASTLE AND CO., 3 Dust Broad Street. WATER HEATER. HUMPHREY'B LAB.GE SIZE Instant?neo*? Water Heater, ?15. A bnrgnln. MOUNTCAS? TLE AND CO., 3 East Broad Street. THE TEE-DEE j Daily Business Directory. ? CARDS under this head aro taken on three months' contract, Dalli and Sunday, at $1.50 per month. BICYCLES AND TOYS. TOMPKINS' 'CYCLE STORE, 311 West Broad. PLUMBING AND MANTELS. W. F. MAHONEY AND CO., 707 East Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS. THE DAVIS GALLERY, 222 East Broad. MINERAL WATERS. THAW AND GRANT, Richmond, Va. ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. E. DREW AND CO., 710 East Main. SEWING MACHINES. THE NEW HOME (Ph. 1446), 002 East Broad. SHIRT-BUILDERS. 3. E. BISHOP. 702 East Main. t7n-PLATE AND STOVES. HARRIS HARDWARE CO.. 400 East Brofid. BOOK-BINDING AND PRINTING. MAGAZINES, DIBLES, oto,, Rehound. 8. E ADKINS AND CO.. No. 0 Governor Street. GENTS' COLUMN. FRAPPE?YOU EAT IT?FRAPPE. ALLEN'S?Nlnc-SUteon Main?ALLEN'S. POUND CAKES. IT'S A FACT?Our 25o. Pound Calms largest and best In city. DRlNKAKD'S, 423?A North Slith. "WE HAVE MADE a great hit," so lot the good work go on. Seven kinds Fancy Layer Cakes, inc.; our 2fie. Pound Cakes are great sellers; Ginger Snaps. .fVic. pound. DRINKARD'S, 423V4 NnrQi SUt h._, lawn-mowers; .?..-.? LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and Repaired at llLENNl-R'S, :tlO N. Fifth Street._ m ? NT les~X?d~gas"fi xtlTresT SPECIAL REMOVAL BALE. One-third oft on Mantles and Gas Fixtures. MORGAN B. MILLS .t CO., 2S N. Ninth. MISCELLANEOUS. BOFT CREAM CANDY AT HAEMPF'B, 110 N. Ninth Street GOOD PRINTERS. TAYLOR AKD TAYXOR PIUNTING CO., 7 South Ninth. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR PRINTING CO., 7 South Ninth. QUICK PRINTER'S, TAYLOR AND TAYXOH PRINTING CO., 7 South Ninth. FOUR-BURNER GAS RANOES, with ovon 10V4x IS Inches, only $10.50; fully guaranteed. Coll and ace them. MODNTCASTLB AND CO., 8 East Broad Street. PRINTING CHEAPEST Printing; House in Richmond; Work strictly flnU-dSH and up-to-date. Telephone 8311 If you liovo any doubts, and we will convince you that ?ve can save you money. Tbla affecta your pocketbook, ao keep us in mind. HARRIS PRINTING CO., 1303 East Franklin Street. LADIES' COLUMN. BOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, HO N. Ninth Srreet. OXFORD SHOES. LADIES' Fine Oxford T'f at $1.00, ALBERT STEIN, corner Fifth *A. Broad Streets. PERSONALS. SOFT CREAM OanIdITAT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street. WE HAVE THE handsomest donhle-oven stamped steel Gns Rangea in the city, of standard make, for $1(1.00. Small Gas Stoves In grl-< variety. MOUNTCARTLE AND CO.. 3 East Broad Street. WILL HOT DISAPPOINT YOU. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR PRINTING CO,, 7 South Ninth. REMOVAL. WE ARE going to move. Btook inlllng one? third off. MORGAN R. MILLS & CO., 28 N. Ninth. SPECIAL NOTICE. SHEPHERD'S Ice Cream Parlors?405 E, Broad. BOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street. MEN'S SHOES ITALIC- SOLED. 73C.I ladies, 60e,! restitnhed, no nnlls. no pess, brat leather. DREW'S EDECTKTO I'OWER SHOE FACTORY. 710 E. Main Street 'Phono 20G7. Will enll nnd de? liver. This advertisement Rood for 10c. DENTISTRY. DR DORSET, <08 W. Main Street. Teeth ex? tracted without pnln; sets of teeth $ri.nn; Gold Fillings from $1.00 up; Silver Fllllng9 frota PLUMBING GOODS. WATER FILTERS, Latrobe Stoves, Plumbint goods almost nf rent. Removal Snle. MOB ?)AN It. MILLS A CO.. 2S N. Ninth._ sho*?"s"repa?red. WE REPAIR BHOE8 nt a low price? men*, half soled, Sfio.; heels. 15c.; nil work Kunr an teed. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, 1710 K. Mnln. TO KEEP COOL. SHEPHERD'S Pineaim!? Bnow tefreshai. YOUR MARKET BASKET. FRESH BUTTER. EGOS AND CHEESE, Hatcher cph. ihm?, sitth-stteet Market. BUTTER. TRY HATCHER, BUTTER Eggs, ('Ph. 1814.) Slith-Street Mkt. Eggi. Best Groceries, Rcaaonabl? Prices, Best Attentlea At Anv AUGUST ??RO. CO. STORKS. Center Cttv?011 E. Marshall Street. West End?.120 W. Cnry Street. East Bad?1731 E. Mnln Street. ARE PAYING OTHERS AND WILL PAY YOU START RIGHT AND THEN STICK 8AMPLE NO. ONE. ?3.90 WILL PAY for a Tee-Dee Want Adv. like this, Dally and Sunday, one month. SAMPLE NO. TWO. RUN EVERY other day. for one month, a Tee-Dee Want Adv. like this, costs $1,05, 8AMPLE NO. THREE. TEE-DEE WANT ADS, oan be run Dally ?nd Sunday, every other day, Sunday only, or any way you please. This adv. Sunday only, one month, $1.00. SAMPLE NO. FOUR. BET THIS way, Sunday only, one month*00o. SAMPLE NO. FIVE. THIS ADV. has fifteen words, and cost?, run Sunday only, for one month, 00c. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE TEE-DEE Dally Business Directory on this page Is good value. See term? under heading In another column; $1.50 per month. BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY! NO DELAY AS TO PETITION President Wishes Matter Dis? posed of at Once. (By Associated Pioss.) WASHINGTON, July !).?Secretary Hey was In further consultation to-day with gome, of the Jewish leaders and com? municated to them the President's desire that they should call at Oyster Bay next Tuesday to consult respecting the disposi? tion to he made of the Jewish petition to Russia. The Secretary took occasion to emphasize the President's, desire that there should be no further delay in the submission of the. petition so that It will be ready next week. It Is probable that ti.o course to be. pursued will consist In the dispatch of cablegrams to Mr. Rid? dle United States charge at St. Peters? burg-, directing him to Inquire of the Rus? sian government whether It Is willing to receive a petition, the nature of which will be briefly outlined by Mr. Riddle, and further proceedings will be governed by their answer. . The PresreVe'nt hf\s decided that the mat? ter of th' e-fletlon must ho Anally dis? posed of before any further effort Is made here to compose the issues arising out of tho Mancburlan situation. There? fore, it is now said that nothing Is likely to be done In regard to Manchuria until next September, by which time according to the last.Russian engagement, the evac? uation of Manchuria by Russian troops, ?ave railroad guards, should bo complete. It Is understood that the Russian goi' ernment' has set up as one reason for not pantionlng thf- opening of new ports In Manchuria, the necessity of allowing her first to complete the evacuation of Man? churia, and although tho reasoning Is rather obscure on that point, It Is under? stood that our government is willing to ?wait Until September before making the next move. ?-????-r HENRY WALTERS CHOSEN TO SUCCEED BELMONT ?By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. July D.-At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Louisville' nnd Nashville Railroad Company held lo day, August Bel m ont resigned his po I tlon as chairman of the board. Homy ?Walter was unanimously elected in Ills place. The directors declared the regu? lar .semi-annual dividend pf 2 1-2 per cent. The report for the year ending June BOlli ?showed a .surplus, after charges und divi? dends have been deducted, of $8,126,409, an increase of $1,276,152 over I bo previous year. The eins.-' earning were $35,413,3S9, an Increase of !l,lo3.J32; operating ex? ?ienses, $23,850,565. Increase of JJ>.n^*i.]27; net norease, $11,4114,824;, $1,655,005, .Mr. Belrnont announced some time ago bis Intention to sever active connection with the Louisville and Nashville, pleading press of outside affairs Market Committee. The Committee on Markets last night passed 'he pay-roll bills and ordered tho purchase- ol hose tur cleaning tho markets, and Important alt?ration? and improvements at the First Market. The Lody requested the Committee on Health to have th? garbage removed from the markets by the- superintendent "t street cleaning in accordance with 'in <-*lnlon of the City Attorney. Few Charters. The Corporation Commission yesterday granted the following ?"hartera Ragle Athletic Association, Norfolk; Kentucky Land Company. The capital Htock of the Chapln-8acVs Manufacturing Company was increased to $-?25.000. NOTICE. TI1K l'AU'l'NEitSlllI- HEllKTorOUl-: EXIST. Ire between uk. known .a?, 'I III: lilcli: STABLES, m 410 S. I Iftn Street, 1? dli dved by mutual connent. All niopejr due ?"I be i>?ld Thiiiux? Q. laUtnulilD, Maneger m;Mtv i-1 v.viciha:?', it. h;m<iK ?i?-jia:'. tur u*. AMUSEMENTS. B J O T0-N1QIIT "A Great Hit." ?SUMMER PRICES:? 10, i 5, 25 and 35c. The Confederate Museum? TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens dally from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Admission. 25 cents. Free on Saturday! The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ADMISSION 25C. FREE ON SATURDAYS. It has Just, come to our knowledge that there was a rumor current on the stre-'t that, the Geo. D. Witt Shoe Co. had notified their employes, who are members of the Lynehburg Honre Guards, now on duty in Richmond, unless they returned their places would be filled by other**. We wish to make a public, dental, and t<o state that the rumor lias no founda? tion ,ln fact whatsoever. We venture the assertion there are no fleer nol dlers in Richmond than our boys, and when the State has no further uso for their services they can return tu resume their duties, which they laid down to answer the call of the Gov? ernor of their State. Geo. D. Witt Shoe Co. ? Jno. C. Dabney, Sec'y find Trena. EXCURSIONS, GO WITH THE I30YSI CAR MEN'S BENEFIT EXCURSION TO WEST POINT JULY 10TH, Train leaves Southern Depot (Four? teenth and Cary Streets) at 0:30 A. M. Leaves West Point nt 7:30 P. M. ROUND TRIP, 50 CENTS. Laurel Street Sunday School ANNUAL EXCURSION AMD PICNIC I r Tuesday, July Train leaves 0. & O. 8 A. M. Train leaves Beaoli 7 P. M. Adults. SI. Children 12 and under, 50c. Southern Female College PETERSBURG, VA. A lieitiitifiil tcbool for iMrls. After the Wiche?! vir l'lciu Kundin da. Mr?I rliiimn- ?nil ItMiaUon. .Mi ?In am lut?--. .Murii-nn'icii I'""m liliiMmiiril.'atalogue?riio. Ali I III U KV1.1. IIA VI b, .\. II., I'risia.iil. s, \\<- il,-,ni' t.-, receive fur cxuwlDatlun MSS, i'f -II Ideas; aborl atarle? i.i.-ii i-n-.i We >vii| ?:;r,.- d ii?>- . ?m, ..I report ou meryibluj: tub Wu ire ?veieblusf 'for "Tue ?'.cm Amerl au Korel " Have ??.I %u\ It? M ?*>. loi tvard ul once, Wt .vill i iii'iii-n ii fer ron A uuatal .liriii:;? oui l>e?utlful circular in..I ull,l,,,i. ol books AUdre?? BE04DWAY PUUUSHIKO COMl-ANY, IK i bas Bruailway. JdOSTHKAI.-NEW YOltK-LONDON, SCHOOLS. [ ElliGoft Gity, Md. A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. Special attention to Modern Lan? guages, Science and Commerce. Courses?Literary, Scientific, Com? mercial. A thorough Preparatory Coursa for boys not under twelve years. Send for catalogue. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. RICHMOND COLLEGE Instruction Is offered In languages, sciences, philosophy, history, and Juris? prudence. Courses of study lead to the degrees of B. S.. B. A., M. A., and Bsch elor of Ln\?*. Modern and well equipped library and laboratories. Next session begins Sept. 24. Address President T. W. BOATWEIOHT, Richmond, Va. St. Albans School for Boys. Near Radford, Vn. Session Opens Sept. 10 On a 50-acre tract, 2,000 feet above sea level, in tho blue grass region of Virginia; fitted with every modern convenience; eleven years of successful war't; on main line of Norfolk nnd Western. Address for information and catalogue. "W. il. RANDOLPH. Headmaster. Radford. Va Nolley's School for Boys, PINK STREET, Between Qruce nnd Franklin. George Merritt Nolley, Principal. Tho fifteenth session of this school will begin Wednesday. September 23d; New pupils enrolled .September 23st and 22d. Prepares boys for colleges nnd univer? sities. School limited to fifty boys, Catalogues at the book-stores and Chelf's Drug Store. Address of principal, No. 112 North Fifth ?street. Woman's College, RICHMOND, VA. one of tho great schools of this country for tho education of young ladles. Terms moderate. Send for catalogue. JAMBS NELSON, Pros. Tilla REGULAD ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF niipliciint? f'ir the position of TEACHERS In" Ilenrlco county will occur (at County School Office) on llitli nuil HUti liibtiint for White, und mi 17111 unc? 18th instant for Colored, the exercises to commence ut 0 o'clock A. M. on each of uliovu cintos. JOHN K. FL'SSELL, Supt., etc. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC! INSTITUTE (Stuiu Aiu-U'uliiinil and Mechanical College) AT BLACKSBUHO, VA. A SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. forty-live Instructors. Thorough!'' equipped Simp?. Liilioriitorli'a nuil Inllruiiii'y. l-'urin of four hundred acres. Steam heating and cloctiTe lights In dormitories. Degreo courses In Agri? culture, Horticulture. Civil. Mechanical and Electrical Engluecrlm*. Applied Chemistry und General Science-. Shorter courues In Practical Agriculture awl l'racticui Mechanic*. Totui cost of session pf Nine Months. Including Tulilou unc? other fees. Bourel, WaUiing, Text ltu..k>. Modlcal Attendance, etc.. iihout ?05.OQ, t'.ist In Slate sluilenra uliout $105,00, Next ses? sion beglu? Sept. 21st. 1003. For rutulogiit! und other Information apply to ,T. H. M'URYDE, Ph. D., I.LD., Prosident. MEETINGS. ft MASONIC .notice.?The members of Yy HOVE LOI If! E, NO. M, A. F. AND A. '?V M., will attend the alnted coinuiunlcu ili.n uf their lud?*e ut the Masonic Tiuiple on THIS (lrlcluv) EVENINO. July 10th. at 7:30 o'clock, Members of Bister lodge? and tiunsleiH liiell.reii lire fruternully luvlted. l)y order of the W. M. PEN T. AUGUST, Secretary. Till* ltEOlLAJt ANNUAL MEETING OP THE BtockUoldem of the RICHMOND I'Al'Elt M KO. CO, ??111 I.e.- held ut its office on TUESDAY, Julytilst. 1003, ut 12 o'clock M. A. II. CHUISTTAN. Jr., Prcgldeat. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Otllcc Vu, Fir? und Murlno Ina. Co.. Rlcltinond, Va;, Juno 86, 1003. DIVIDEND-?TUB unu:cn;ni(S OK THIS com pany lu\c declared u Seuil-Animal DIVIDE."?) of Fin It PEU cent, (free of tin), payable en J t I. Y 1.1 nc?i to KiiickhoMrra of r? a-.,r.l pu June '-'"Hi, 1903. from which ?lute lu July ;;.l following the Trunsfvr Hoolfs will hu I'loM-d. cheekb tor ' this dlvideud ivll? *.-? uiulli'd to Stockholder?. Changea of uddreaa ?al.'.aulil he t..llli?il 1" Die Couipuny. \V. 11. M CAI'THY, Sccrttaiy. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE conducting the Wholesale Grocery and Liquor Business at Nos. 102, 104, 104 Vir? ginia Street. Richmond, Va., under the firm namo of L. C. YOUNGER, In which Gustavus Mlllhlser nnd tho late Moses Mlllhlser were the special partners and L. C. Younger tho general partner, has expired by limitation. Tho said L. C. YOUNGER has bought out the interests of his late partners abovo named In the good will, stock of merchan? dise and choses in action of said partner? ship, and has assumed all its liabilities. All debts due to said late partnership must be paid to the said L. C. YOUNGER, and all debts owed by it are to be present? ed to him for payment when due. L. C, YOUNGER. GUSTAVUS MILLHT8ER. GUSTAVUS MILLH?SER, Executor of Est. of M. Mlllhlser, Dec'd. Referring to the above notice, I will, on and after this date, as successor to said late partnership of L. C. YOUNGER, conduct the Wholesale Grocery and Liquor Busi? ness Individually and for my own account at the same place and under the same style. I will continue to carry a full and complete Uno of Staple and Fancy Groc? eries Liquors, Tobaccos and Cigars, and sollclti the continued patronage so liber? ally extended the old firm. Ju30-10t L. C. YOUNGER. SUMMER RESORTS. "THE W.LL0UGHBY," Willoughby Beach, Va. The above Hotel is now open for the re? ception of guests. The undersigned prom? ises the Table as well as everything else appertaining to the Hotel shall be First class. The Bar has hepn supplied with the best of Wines, etc. Apply for rates. J. A. KENNEDY. JOHN C. WOODLEY, June 12-lmo. Proprietor?. Greenbrler White Sulphur Springs, W. Va (Tho "OLD WHITE" Sulphur') now open. Famous for Its sulphur baths. Mildern Improvements; with prlvntn baths. Orchestra of 15 pieces. Terms, ?15 to 525 week. $M lo |90 per month. Write for Illus? trated booklet. Address GEO. A, MILLS. ,Tr., Mgr.. Greenbrler White Sulphur Springs. W. Va. Blue Ridge Springs, Va. On Norfolk and Western Railroad. Address PHIL. F. BROWN, Prop. Millboro* Springs, V??.. <C. & O. R, R.) Waters?Sulphur, Alum, Alkaline Mineral, Chalybeate, S!,:.'00 ft. elevation; cool nights; swim? ming pool; terms reasonable, Booklet on application, J, (IkAtlAM DAVIDSON, (Mgr, VARIETY SPRINGS, VA. Six varieties of Mineral Waters; Hot and Cold Paths; modern improvements; largo Swimming Pool: Telegraph, Tele? phone and four dally malls; on mnln line C. & O. R. ]<.; new service. You will like It. Adilr.'sa MANAGER, Variety Springs, Va. MOUNTAIN TOP. Coolest Resort in Virginia. Only I': hours from Richmond. Ohcaii rouml-trip tickets every week. Good Uvery and golilnif. Wrltu for booklet. Addross, T. R.GARY, T. O,, Aflon, Vit, Manager. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Up In the Allfghanles, 2.300 feet above sea level. Elegant swimming pools; cool nights; line mountain scenery; strongest Iron and carbonated water in America. Write for booklet. B. F. EAKLE, Manager. A l'lI.lfiHXFlJirs?MMEH HOME for ililiii .-.. , s,, Hie inouiitiilus. 2,300 feet above (be ., BimcloU? veranda?, larfe, ?haded in?ii, uiiy rwiiu- reason?*-!0 ''-t1-'"- Mtams ' Uli? 1AUBA KHOiirr. SUMMER RESORTS. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS, TH? HOMESTEAD HOTEL will make apecia.1 rates from June 16th to August 16th to parties staying one month or longer. AMUSEMENTS?Golf Links nnd Club House, Tennis and Squash Courts, Swim? ming Pool, Klne Saddle Horses and Liv? ery. Casino for Dancing, Royal Polnclana Orchestra. Table unexcelled; Is supplied -with fresh vegetables and milk from Homestead gar? den nnd dairy. Lttxurious baths and most curative wa? ters known for Rheumatism. Gout, Obesi? ty and Nervous Troubles. FRED STERRT. Manager. STOCKTON HOTEL, Cape May, N. J. Facing directly on the ocean. Largest and moat ar loua on the coast; $20,000 expended in Im pi .ementa this year. Cafe and Palm Garden with full orchestra till midnight. Dancing every evening. Bowling alleys, billards, pool and plng peng. Kates from S2.S0 to $!i per day. Special ratea by the week. Reduced rates In July. Infor? mation and booklet address H. M. CAKE. SPECIAL HATES FOE JT/NT AND JUXY AT THE HOTEL ISLE8W0HTH, Directly on the Beach at Virginia Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Extensive Improvements. Remodeled and newly furnished erchnngc. Capacity 500. Hot and cold aca water In all baths. Cafe and crlll room. Orchestra. American and European plans. Write for booklet OSBORNE & PAD?TEH. HOTEL SCARBOROUGH. Beachfront of Maryland Avenue, Atlantic City. N. J. 100 nceun-front rooms, many with private hnth. Elei-ator und every convenience of a first-class modern hotel. Special weekly raU-s for lurge parties mid families. Coach meeta all trulns. Illustrated booklet. ALFRED VcTMAN, GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL, Virginia Avenue and Beach. At? lantic City, N. J. Tho largest and finest; U50 rooms. Central location. Terras r o a ? o n a. b le, --?~. Write for book CHARLES E. COPE. ATLANTIC HOTEL, Ocean City, Maryland. NOW OPEN. Many newly furnished rooms, Single und en suite, with hath. Venetian doors to ever*" bedroom. Excellent cuisine and service. Select patronage. Hock Spring water served at tuple and rooms. Kino golf links. tcnnlH, fish? ing, sailing, und (running. Music. Finest hath lug beach on Atlantic coast. Lots for sale and cottages for rent. For booklet, rates etc., nddress WALTER BURTON, Mgr., Atlantic; Hotel, Ocean City, Md. RAILROADS. U'KAiNtj LEAVE HlOHMUNLl UAJ.L1 HVUL-STREET STATION. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, MAY MTU. ?f:0o A. M. A. C. L. Expresa to all points South. U:ou A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. ?fe W. West. 3:uu P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 14:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 6:65 P. M. Petersburg local . 7:26 P. M? "Florida and West Indian Limited," to all pointa South. !):lu P, M. Petersburg and N. & Vf. West, 11.?o P. M. Petersburg locul. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:? A. Mi, 7:85 A. M., 8:25 A. M? except Sunday, 11:25 A. M.. 11:00 A. M., 2:00 P. M., 7:20 P. M? 7:-i5 P. M., 8:66 P. M. t Except Sunday. C. S. CAM PRELL. DIv. Pass. AgL W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Agt. mWMorfol?stern LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 3:00 A. M.. NOREOI-K LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:20 A V Stops only a? I'c-teislniru. Waverly and outTolk. _ S:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car. Peiersnurg to Lynehburg and Rounuku. Pul I mar, Sleepers Rounoke to ''oliiinluis, Muerteld to Cincinnati; also Roanoke to Kndxville, and Knojcvlllo to ChattanooKu and Memphis. 12:20 P. M. ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvlllo. Lvnchburir and Roanoke. 8:00 P. M..- OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only M Petei.sliiiiv Waverly and Suffolk. Comieuta with ?i.'iniiVn,- to Hostun. Providence. New Yiuk. HiiHlmore and Washington. 7:26 p. M., for Norfolk and all static east of ivinrutiiire. ? Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A- M.. 2 P. M. nn,i S 55 P. M.; from Norfolk 31:00 * M. and 7:20 P. M. We? n?'fiif Kust Main Street . W. H HKVILL C. H. ROSLBY. r:Mn. psw, Axe-vA. V>i?. I-s-ss. Agent RAILROADS. June 14. 1003. Chesapeake )UT 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk, LJ-AV? mcU?lO.NO?KASTUOUM). 7:45 A. 11.? Dully?-Local to Newport New? and wuy station?. 0:00 A. M.?Dully?Limited?Arrive, Wllllamis burg 0:50 A. M., Newport New? 10:30 A. M., Old Point 11 :00 A. M., Norfolk 11:23 A. M. 4:00 I'. M.?Week diiy??Special?Arrive? Wll flamaburg 4:50 P. M., Newport New? 5:50 1'. M., Old Point 6:00 P. M.. Norfolk 0:25 P. M. 6:00 P. M.?Dully?Local to Old Point. MAIN LINE?WESTBOUND, 10:10 A. M.?Local?Dally to Cbarlottcsrille. except Sunday to Clifton Forge. 2:00 P. M.?Dally?Special to Cincinnati. Louisville, St. Louis and Cblcago. 6:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Gurilonsrllle. 10:30 P. M.?Dally?Limited to Cincinnati. Louisville. St. Loiil? and Cblcago. JAMES RIVEB LINE. 10:20 A. M.?Dally?Express to Lynchbnrg, Clifton Forge and principal stntlona. 6:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Warren. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND PROM Norfolk and Old Point 10:05 A. M. dally. 11:45 A M. El. Sun., and 7:00 I'- M. dally. Newport New? Local 7:55 P. M. dally. From Cincinnati and West 7:45 A. M. dally and 3:60 P. M. dally. Main Line Local from Clifton Forgo 8:10 P. M. Ex. Sim. from Clifton Forge, dally from Cbarlottesvllle. Gordouavlllo Accoin. 8:30 A. M. Ex. Run. JameB River Line Local from Clifton Forso 0:35 P. M. dally. Warren Accora. 8:10 A. M. Ex. Sun. C. E. DOYLE. W. 0. WARTriEN. Gan'l Manacer. Diet, T'as?. Atrt. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 24. li-Jt IKAiA'b Lt.jxVL. iiiUiiiuu.iD. 7.?U A. il.?Dally. Local tor Cnnrlotte. 12:60 P. M.?Daily. Limited, Buffet Full man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. ?:00 P. M,?Ex. Sunday, Chase City .lo? cal. 11:06 P. M.?Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M., for all the South. YORK RIVER LINE. The favorltt? route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P. M. Dally. exceDt Sunday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Sunday. Local mixed for West l'oint. 2:16 P. M.-Local for West Point. 4:30 P. M.?Except Sunday. For "West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and 6:25 P. M.?From all the Bouth. 3:25 P. M. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City. 9:15 A. M.?Baltimore and West Point. 4:50 P. M.-From West Point C. H. ACKERT. . S. H. HaRDWICK, Ci. M. O. P. A O. W. WESTD?RY. D. P. A.. Richmond. Va. RE Q O Richmond, Fredericks . IiCK T? burg ?S- Potomac R. ? Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 3:51 A. M., daily, Byrd St. Through. 6:45 A. M., dally. Main St. Througn. 7:16 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd 8t Through. 8;40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through, 12:05 noon, weeK days. Byrd St. Througn. 4:00 P. M-, week days Byrd 8t. l'red erlcksburg accommodation. 6:06 P. SI., dally. Main St. Through. 6:25 P. M., week dayB. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:05 P. M., duily. Byrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac> commodntlon. 8:16 A. M., week days, Byrd St? Fred erleksburg accommodation. , 8:36 A. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through 11:65 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:0? P. M., dally, Main St. Through. 8:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 7:16 P. M? dally, Byrd St. Through. 6:00 P. M? dully. Byrd St. Throuyli. 10:29 P. M., daily. Main St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cam on all trains except local accommodations. W. DDUKB.C. W.CULP. W. P.TAYLOR. Gen'l Man'r. -ues't Oen'l Maa'r. Traf. Man'i SEABOARD Aiu Luve Railway TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M.-&euboaril Mull-l0:3o P. M. Seaboard Exprese?To Savannah, Jack? sonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A. Iv_Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:S5 A. M.-No. 31?4:65 P. M.-No. 66 From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:30 P. M.?From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office S30 East Main Street ?Phunu 405. RAILROADS. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st, I?02, Cars leave corner Perry and ?events. Streets, Manchester, every hour 'on th? hour) from t? A. M. to 10 P. M., last car 11:60 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, every hour from 0:30 A, M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. EO CENTS-ROUND TRIP-? CENTS. STEAMBOATS. Hight Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M? stopping at Newport Newa in ?soth directions. Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail? way, 3:00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. by N. and W. Railway; all llnf? connect at Norfolk with direct steamei? for New York, sailing dally except Bun day. 7 P. ,M. Steamers sail from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rocketts. K. P. CHAL1CLEY, City Ticket Afjent. 1212 E. Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER. A?ent. Wharf Foot of Ash Street. Richmond, Va. H. 13. WALKER. V. P. & T. M? Now York. ?merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lino. Direct Boute to Boston, Mass., and Providence,ft? It Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at C P. M. Passengers and freight taken for all New England points. Tick? ets on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W. Ry. offices and No. 819 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT. Ast.. Norfolk. Va. Clyde Steamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINE. , Freight received and delivered daily at C. & O. R'w'y Co.'s depot. Seventeenth and Broad Streets. BAY LINE TO UAILTIMOUB Via O. & 0. Rwy. and Old Point U. S MAIL HOUTK. Leave lflchiooucl vlu 0, & O. dallj except Sunday, at 4 V. M., con? necting at Old Point with uteamer? uf Old Huy Line, leaving 7:15 I'. M.. arriving Baltimore. (1:30 A. M,, connecting North, Hunt and AS'est. l'or ticket? und Information u|c|>ly to C. at 0, Ihvy.. Itlch ciiuud Transfer Cuinimuy, or i>30 Enst Main tit. TAKE STEAMER SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 11, 1903. 10 O'clock Sharp. ?75c Round-trip to Norfolk.75c 75c Round-trip to Newport News.75c 5?c Children [Inder 13 Years.50c Tickets good to return the following Tuesday. W5ST POINT, VA, Special chartered trains leave So. Ry. Depot, Fourteenth St. DAILY TRAINS EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Richmond 5:30 P. M. Return? ing, leave West Point 10:30 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. L'vo Richmond 0:30 A. M. & i P. M. L'vo West Point 8 P. M. & 10:30 P. M. 50C-R0UN0 TRIP.?50c