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WEAKNESS WASJCIJ?E Volume of Sales More Than Double Recent Avorago. NEW YORK CENTRAL WEAK The Continuad Pressure to Sell Steo Slocks Was Another Disturbing Faclor?Bond Market Weak and Some Sharp Declines, (Ity A??nclat?d Tre-?.) NEW TORK. July n.-The ?tpek mar? ket developed lather ?ictilc ?ve.iktioi'H lo? ony, nnd Hie volume of ubIch tone to ?nom than double'the recent average The Icnild.-iil.ii, |? Nnw York Cefltral an?, lim continued pr?agure to ? prii united eta to? Steel were the ?llnlurlilii?? factor?. iiu.i-n wan no dcrinite new, m account for Hie niniitr.l WoakltCS? of. New York Central, bul the tn,.o. wan regarded hr giving ground for onormoiiB conjuncture?. 1 lio^n look form Hi VBrlOU? miitiiIfcb as to measures to be adopted iw the cor? poration to aecuf? the capital "which will be rocfii I red to (.?any on the vast termi? nal und other improvements which havo been imderliiken. The ?not of thin cap? tul requirement la well known, and the variation? In in-riny?. rumor? hud lo do ??imply with the manner of raising It. Tin re were rumor? of ?i projected |M-ue or new stock of a bond Ikhiic and of a temporary loan on the security of note;,. The rumor wh? that a tonn of feme thing like $18,000,000 would be negotiated, tii?-? rumor, n.i circulate?!, carrying the futllier deliiii of on Internal rate to be pale" ?t fl p<r cent. The downward plunge of nearly 4 points |u New York Central wan Ihe event upon which Hie Whole market hinged. Selling of the Hteoi Block?, ?un Hggravnled by the Iron Age'? allowing or Increased blast furnace capacity on July ist. the increasing rate of accumulation Of pig iron and Ihe Blow recepci?n In the steel market. The ou tlOUnCOmOnt JUSt before the cloito of the market of the engagement of $2,000,000 In gold for export of Saturday helped the late weakness. Decline? of 1 to 2 pointa were ?iiilte general, and St. Paul, Rend? ing. Norfolk and Weclern. Colorado Fuel and Tennessee Coal suffered even more severely. The bond market was heavy and sharp declines wore scored III come Inactive mortgages. Southern Railway. St. Louis Division 4's dropped 2 3-4. Total ?nice, par value, $2.'i55.000. l.'nlted State 2'a ndvanced 1-S and the S's ami old i's 1 1-4 per cent, on the last call. Total pales of stocks to-day wore 465, 400 chares. MONET AND EXCHANC.'E-CLOKF,: Money; on call, steady at 2 !)-if,3 1-2 per rem.; eloping, 'i U2Q<t', time money, ?tcadj*: Blxty days, a i--' per eetit.? ninety flav?, 4 per cent.; six months, '6 per cent.; prime mercantile paper. MK. 1-2 per cent,; r-tcrllng exchange, easy, witii actual bus!? neatf In bankers' bliU, al M.8T.30 for de? mand and at $1.85 for nlxty-day bills, ported rates! M.S5 1-2^.86 and Jl.Sfs 1-2; commercial bills. $t.M .t-lT/t.Si T:S; bar ?ll.vcr, W; Mexican dollars. 11 1-2. Wall Street Gossip. (Special In Ttie Time?.Dispatch.) NEW ?ORK, July 0.?The opening w?i ?x trnnelv Un?*, ?ml tbc ailfaure In 1/indon had ?err little influence. There ?eemed to be a rcry llmllcd profe?. ? clament, whose effort? were confined in a few storks, to ?bl'li Missouri racine ?-na one. There was ?cry llltle commission hou?? order? for the opening! but I-ondon ?eemed to be buy? ing a llltle. In Hie r.r-1 hour the market derelopeij some weakno??. lu placea, but particularly In New York Central, and the whole list wo? Inclined to ?ag. The foreign business was disappoint? ingly small, but ?linn of (he larger traders Here In ?be msrk?t again nnd bualnesa waa conse? quent!? a llltle more active. The weakness In New York Central wa? ae rompanled by thn uaiial muter? of an early Issue of new dock. Tho celling came from Ihe Well parir, who made no aecret of tlielr opinion that Ihe "price of ?lo?'lc win relatively much to?> high compared with Pennsylvania. -' There ?eemed to be sonic resumi>tlon of the ?l??*<lal liquidation In United State? Steel com? mon, which has marked the. late trading of Tuea day. There was some Krlo coming out from small bulls who bought on the expectation of acilon on the illrldeud ?t the meeting of tho Eiccutlro Committee It ha? bc?n pointed out by ?Indent? of the Culled Stales Steel raining? (bat with the additional faclllllc? of the $45,000.000 Cnlon Steel plant Ihn showing ought to hare been a good ?leal larger than It was. It la said, bow erer, that these mllli haie not been working more than two inmiiti? at most. Total ?ale? of ?lock? at noon, 101.000 ?hare? ?ml jSTB.aoo bond?. The weakness In bond? hud probably a? much lo do ?rlth the hcarj- lone of stock? a? ;iny thing else. The IbpiMatlrm In ?urn hlgh-ciasa UlUCS a? New Vork Central 3V4'e. and the fall tire of the 8t.-lx)iil? S?iuthwe?tern underwriting ???ndloate to ?llslrlbute the refunding l>onds nl anything like the prb-e they look them at, had very dlseoiiraglng effect. Some rainer heary selling In the United State? tV? came from a house which was rreillted with the liquidation for President Schwab In the re rent p?s?. It I? net Improbable, however, that the bond underwriting ?radical* I? ?'onllniilng Its conversion plan, ?nil the bonds sold may rep resent some of the recent purchase? of preferred ?lo,-k. During Ihe last p?rt of the session the mnrket developed a Terr we?k ?ngglne tendency ami ?loeu? ?old off throughout the lint. The I/inl?\il!ft and Nashville directora met rnd declared the usual semiannual dividend of 3? per cent., parable Augu?t 10th. The liooka of the companr will rlose July 2Kb and reopen August 10th. Surpltia after dividend? for year pndlnt: June SU, llin.T partly .'?tloiatrd at ?3, 12fl.4r,n; Increase, ?l.?'.', .????. : Total ?ale? of ?locks today, 430,200 share? and $2,.N61,00O bond?. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond, Va., July 0, ino*. STATE SECURITIES: Rid. Asked. North Carolina 4'a, C, 1010. J02 Va. tV?. New, 0. and R. 1032.... 01',, 02 Va. Ccnliirle?, 2-3, C. and R. 02 0214 RAILROAD BONDS: A. 0, L. II. 11. Consol. Tr. 4'?..., M". 01 tj Georgia, Ro. mid ITa?. 10-1.1.'.. 112 fieorgln and Ala. Con. n'a, 101?- IM ret. ci??? a r>'?, n. c? 102?.;.. 112 Pel. Clasa 11 0?, It. O.. ?020..,. 123 8. A. L. Con. l?t 4'?, 10.10. 701, T0?? RAILROAD STOCKS: Tar. Atlantic Coast Line pfd.KV) )fir, AllaiKlc Coast !.. end Conn_100 2.'i0 Chesapeake and Ohl?.100 M Oa., So. and PI?, lat pfd.If?) US ??.. So. and lia. 2d pfd.100 T-l p., I\ and P. filv. Obllg.ion 2tn 2'.'3 Seaboard Air Lin? pfd.100 37 3<t eabonrd Air Line com.100 '.'a '.'3 HANK AND TBl'ST CO. STOCKS: f*lty .2.1 33 .... rirtt National .100 inn ... Plantera National.100 1330 INSURANCE COM PAN'IBS: Virginia Klre aud Marine.21 8T Virginia State .2,1 ... 31 MISCELLANEOUS: Va.-Car..Chem. pfd ,, a p. <*...ion ... nnu Va.-Carolina Chemical com....100 ?,2?. 'fill BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORE, JlIP,, July 0.?Seaboard Air THOMAS BRANCH & GO (ESTABLISHED 1833.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS. Investment Securities I OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK | Branch & Co., Bankers and Brokers. PA ??00 GOO ?w?o 1400 1.VI70 "BOO 7500 iV/iO 2000 100 1?,". ICI? fil f?V>0 fA) 1100 24400 S4O0 poo 700 1100 22O0 i:'/r0 wr, 1M0 By Thomas laES: Open. Hl?h. A morios n f'nn mm. Ainc?t"loiiii Oui pfd. 42l"4 KVi Ametlonn fliap** Twine. 0 9 Amerlotin r.'oltnn Oil com. American Locomotive com. ?2*4 ?2"? American Iyocomotlvo pfd. Wi Anaconda. AtiiMlcnit c-tr niul Foundry.... 87*}i Amoi k-fin Sugar . ll"'.?j A., T. ?nil K.'intn F? com. 08% A., T. and Bftnt? Ff I'M. D2U Amalgamated Copper . Ki\ Paltlmore ?ml Ohio. 88y<j Utooltlvn Rnplrt Transit. !>7j4 Ontiadlan Pacific . L'-'i Cheaapeiikn *nd Ohio. 37% ('?linclB. Houthorn. f'olormlo Southern com. 17(4 colorado Rotuhern ist pfd. t'oIor?c1o Houthotli 2(1 nfd. t'hliago. Mil. mid St. Paul. IM "I, ('hi., Hock Island nnd Pac. .'M'i Colorado Furl ?nd Iron.... DUji Clilengo Qrcftt Western. low i'., ('., C, nnd fit. fiouls. t'c-insolldfiled Gnu . 101% Tlolitwnro nnd Hudson. Del., I/Hck. and Western. 2.V, Erlo com . 3.1-H Erin 1st pfd . T.'i/a Erlo 2d pfd . Mli d?notai RleOtrlO. 175 Illinois Outrai . i:?'4 leather . ?"i Loulsvlllo nnd Nnshvlllo. Ill}], Low. Clos? ? BALI?.??: t'f) Me fiat* 87?! IK'!-; ir.iH 34?? 82? wX ifi'lTi ?Vi 11T**-. 123? 8714 i.t.i::-a? Mc Mc Now in Cenital . url Pacific . Kan. and Toxoi? com.... Kan, ami Texas pfd.... York I'ontrn). Out, ?nil Western. Manhattan . Metropolitan 123 111'i 18W? 1228 18% m ?Ait 173 132M M? 110 18 lie1? PI'S m W tit 17 f>7 2ft U 88 00 IM, KM IPO? 172? 2?2 82?t 8$ M 171 182H 8? ?owi 13 ia>fi m V4 4H10 N. V.. ., ???.?. 8*14 ! amo Norfolk und Western.... '.:i 3&40O Pennsylvania. a7tt r-:.'^ Pressed Steel c.-ir . ?-- ' IM Press Steel Car pfd. 4M People-.?, (la? Trust. ?i'io Reading com . MOO RpndliiK let pfd . 100 lloftdliicr 2d |,fd . 1200 Republic Iron a,K] Htoel c-om.... 400 Rtapuhllo. Iron nnd Stool pfd.... 100 . Ht. T.. nnd Ran Francisco. 800 Ht. I/, nnd Han Fran. 2d ptd.... Seaboard Air Line com. HeallOftM Air Lin" pfd. 400 Ht. I,, nnd Heui1.h*vo>sl.orn pfd.... 4900 Southern PrtClfle. 2000 Southern Hallway com. VQ Bouthern Railway pfd. 3200 Tontiessco Coal and Iron.... id::;, Texan Pacific . 2|cr/) Fnloti Pacido com. Union racine pfd. 621*00 United Hiatos Bt?el com. 12210 t'nltocl Flatos Hlool pfd. 210 Va.-Carolina t'Imm. rom. Vn.-Carolina Chotn. pfd. 700 Vnbasl? rom .? .WO WabBSh pfd . Vostorn Union .?> loo Wisconsin Central. 100 Wisconsin Central pfd. Open. Hlqh. Low, Clos?. 22 Zl :i'j 21--, 168?4 in.;*, I02H lo-."-, I?M? r ??-, : , 121*5 PO M " .70 14% 71 40 'filH 85 r?o 2t|,4 F9 r?2 29!i 82 88 70 ??,'4 24H 4.1-f, 20M 41 lli at* M 4?i 23}4 42(i 2iW, 41V4 CLOSING BOND QUOTATIONS. H. rcfnncllnir 2?. fo?Mored. 100H H. rrfundlnB ?i coupon. loi1;') fi. H?, ref-lnUred. 107?i fi. 31, rtnipon . "-"U S. Nrtr 4>, roclstcrcd. IB'Vi fi. Now 4'?. coupon. 13."iV4 fi. oie) I?, toKlstcarort. 111 (i. old 4", coupon. R.NM, rettlslored. ir,o c. r.? upon . Atciduoti (tenifsl ?4?. Al.-Ilici?n, inljimlincnt 4'? . llcilllmoro nnd Otilo 4?. Hnlihnori. nnd Ohio ::':??. Baitimor? sud Oblo con?-. 4?. Cnnmlit Hodtheft? ?dK . ivntinl of Oeor?is r.?. Central of Oeorcl? ist inc. Chicago ?nd Alton :t'jic. i-Meneo, II. and Quine/ n?*v 4s.,.. t'lileago, M. ?ml fit. I'nul r?i>. 4?... H 103 mn 100 K? 112 ion 14 ?no 10114 10.-. I?, 74'i DI H 10.- cji, i--';i 101H 83& IOS 104 M I ?.'Iiloniro ?nd Nortlirrpiitern con. 7....... CllIcigO, llork Inland and Pac*. 4'a.... '.. i'.. C. nuil fit. Loti? gen. 4. Clilrcuro Terminal 4?. I 1 clorado nnd Koulh?rn 4? . IViivcr ?nd lain 1.1:1. idc 4?. r.rlo ?onri-al 4* . l-ott Worth and llonrer Cltr 1?l. Ilc-kliiK Valley 4Ha . I.'.iilf.Tillo and Nndn-Ille Dalfled 4a. m Manlinltan Coil, (told 4a. 100*4 Movlcan t'entrai 4a. 70 Mexican r-ontrnl lat Ine. 22M? Minn, finci Hi, I/iula 4a. IOOU, Mliaoiirl. Kan. and Tfxna 4?. ?0 Mlauiii,-!. Kan. and Te*?? 2da. fil New York l'entrai con. .*IHa. 01 Now JlitPtf Contrai con. na. 120 Ncrlliorn i'aoino 4'k. l"l% Northorn I'arlfi" ."la . "2 Norfolk and Welt?rtl ron. 4a. PI H Iloadlni! Oonoral 4a.? M_ fit. I,, nnd Iron Mountain ron. Oa. Ill fit. Loula and San Kronclaco 4'a. V0\_ fit. Imilla Po'ithwoaforn l'la. (1214 fit. I/inla Hoiithwoatorn 2da.......j.. 77 ficm Antonln and Arkama? I'mm 4,. 7Tii fioutherti Pncljtd 4n . R?J5 fi-.'ithorn Itniln-ar tin . 1i:i*)? Tox?? nnd Pnootlo lata. 11(1 Toledo, St. la. and Woatorn 4a. 7t Union I'aolDc 4a . loot* 1'nloii PDMfle ennr. 4a . riM.i Wnhaah Uta . 110 W?lin?h 2d? . l"n \Viilmali Iioh na . 711H , Went Shore 4a . 10S Wheeling and I.nk" Krle 4a. PoVj Wlaonnnin Conlrnl 4a . (10 r-otitiiiMitnl Tobaoco 4a . 00% Colorado I*iio1 con. .la. ^7 1'. S. Rtonl 2d 0a. *:i Kork laland 4a . seat, I'c'niivylrnnln .'i'?a . Oui; M. nnd O., collntornl tftlst 4a. 02 Central of Georgia 2d Inn. .'IL'ii Vtrcinln-rnrnllna Chemien! Co. rom. t,2% Vlrcliila-Cnrollna Chornleal Co. pfd.;. lia Lin? common, 2l'?".'2; do. preferred, 3(Ti?37. Seaboard 4s, 7fi~<-'7l'i"?,. Atlantic Const Line, common and preferred; no ?ale?. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK. Julv n.?The cotton market opened firm et an advance of 13 i>olnt? to a de? cline of 1 point, the hi?? being cnuflticl to tho January OUI toll. The gain? were due to further bull lUppOH mid firmer cable? th?n expected, particularly In regard to ?i>ot not ton. rthleh waa 10 (?lints higher In tho English market with ?ale? reported ?f 10,000 bale?. The bear? were In no way disheartened apparently by thla showing, however, and with favorable wealher ?II over the belt they Immediately attacked (bo list vigorously, selling price? down from about 5? 11 point?. Then their offerings, diminished, and (he i.-ill, begnii lo appear more prominently In the dealing?. From that time to the nnlati the eoilreo of value? wa? nlmwl uninterruptedly upward. At first the rally w?? slow and la rd the violence and activity which h?? recently marked (he movement of price?, but finding tin resistance of ihe linar? becoming less agir?? alvo Ihn hull? bought more ?nil more frrcly until ?t lssi iicnrby short? rendered ?lili leu? confi? dent by the apparent poworlcssness of the Wnll Street syndicate nnd reports of damage by boll weevil In Texan "ere In full retreat. In the Inn hour the market hecame very so tlve and excited, and the near position? wore ad? vanced in cpiltc a ?sensational ,? manner as baa yet been witnessed ?urine the bull enmpslgii. August had reached 12.07! then 12.21 hid nnd no sale; finally a seller was found at 12.30; then 12.S5 ?va? reached, tula being an advance of 07 poinin over the closing of Ihe preceding day or nearly $."? a bale, July, while lea? active, wa? no le?? firm, reaching 12.55, net gain of 110 polilla over yesterdav'? tlnal quotations, while Sepiembcr reached 10.SO. October 0.H8. December 0.74 and January 0.70. In (lie laut few minute? rcallilng eased off from 2frl.') point? on (he nctlve months. July closing at 12.10, August at 12.2... and September at 10.77. The market wa? finally steady, net SiiO.1 polnis higher. Sales were estimated at oOO.UOO balea. Cotton, future? oponed ?toady nnd closed a toady: Opon. r?igh. !,ow. Close Julv .ll.f).-. 12..'..-. 11.02 12.10 August .ll.til 12.88 11.40 12 2.1 September ..l10.52 10.ll in.77 October _. 0.7!) ?I.9S 0.7.'! 0.06 November ... 0.05 11.7.1 ft.01 0.74 December_0.02 0.74 (1.56 0.7) Jauiiiirv .?I..1H 0.70 0..12 0.67 February _0.55 0.5?* O -'.2 O.ill March .i'.O'J 0.00 0.0? 0.03 Spot cotton closed qnlct. 60 point? higher; middling uplands, 12.20; middling gulf, 12.45; sale?, 175 balea. Cotton, quiet! middling, 12.20; gross receipts, IS? bales; sale?, 17.1 bules-, slock. 103,341 bales. Total to-day at all seaport*?Net receipts. 003 bales; i>s|v>rt to the Continent, 3,871 balea; stick, 215.80:1 bales. CtmBolldattd at all seaports?Set receipts, 13,302 bales; export to (?rent Britain. 654 bides; to France, O.OlO balea; lo tho Continent, 5,210 bale?. Total since-.September 1st at nil seaports?cNt receipts. 7,076,817 bules; export to firent Britain. 2.71?.,",71 bale?; to France; 700,234 hules; to the Continent, 2,705,103 bale?; to Japan, 13,'i,133 bale?. NEW ORLEANS. I.A., July 0.?COTTON The s|wt cotton market remain S'pilet and ?tendv; quotations unchanged) Responding lo favorable Liverpool cubic? and the upward turn In New York, futures opened a'? 12 points bisher. Liilor lu the day, after numerous, fluctuations, an upward movement i/t in, which continued to the close, when Ihe 11*1 ?howed net gains over yesterday's closing of ?10 points on Julv. August 15. September ?15, October in, November 12 nnd December and January 11 each. The volume of business was fahir large. Cotton future? sternly: July, 13.11 bid: Au? gust. 12.fKif(i I?1.00! Soptomtbor, 10.87cai0,6S! October, 0.MCi?0.8.-? November, O.nKit!>.',<); Do"* comber, ?O.U2130.0.1; January, o.tio^A.tii. PRODUCE MARKETS. Ni;\V YORK, July f).?FLOUR- -Active and higher. Minnesota- patents. $1.400-1.70, Use Flour?Dull. Cornnical--Quiet. Iliuicy?.Stc.idy. Wheat?Spot tlrni; No. 2 red. 8&Ho. (iptlons had an easier opening on account of raitis In the northwest, but Immediately rallied. Tho close was "r_@*.?o, net higher. July closed ut 85%c. ; September, 82\o. : December, 82",c. Corn?Spot steady; No, 2. 581,0. option mar? ket oponed easy with wheat, bill nflrrvrnrils turned firmer. Tho close wn? steady at a part? ial >.c. net advance. July closed at Mi-.; Sep? tember, 58c; December. 67*?c'. out??Spot quiet; No. 2, 43c. Options quiet, but steady. Beef?Weak. Cut Meats?Steady to linn; pickled shoulder?. 7*:;e. l.urd?Knstor; western slrnnied. $8.15; refined, cany; Continent, $8.30; compound, $7.50<?8.on. Pork?Knsy: family, $18: short clear. $10.50(818; mess, $17'o 17.50. Tallow? Dull: lily. lUc; country, r>(ii5i,o. Itoslii?Steady; strained, common to good, $2<it 2.0214. Turpenl Ine ? Firm. Coffee--Tho market for coffee futures opened ?tc?dy at uiniinnged prices to a decline of 5 pointa lind dosed stonily 111 11 net advance of 10 Cd 20 points. Sale?, 27,500 hug?. Spot lllo, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 5^c.; mild, quiet. Sugar? Raw, steady; roDnod, sicaily. Rico?Kasy. Mo? lasses?Finn. Hut ter?-Steady to tlrm; extra creamery, 20i?e.; Slate dairy, 11)'.",rtT20c- Choose?Weak; Slate, full CT00in, fancy small, colored, 101,0.; ?mull white, 101 e. I'ggs?Irregular: Stute und Penn? sylvania, firsts to extra, 17? IS Vie. rotateos?Steady, anuihern $2.00 iff 3.25; t/ing Island. S3,OO^S,00? Jersey ?worts, basket, $1 1.26, ronnuts?Hteadv; fanev hsndplok'd. -H? 4*ijC.; I'thor ilomostlc, XH\ l'-jc. Cabbages Slondy: Long Island, I'd- inn. $ITi0; Baltimore, .?rates, S1.50Q2.00. Cotton?lly Steamer to LI?. orpool, 12c. sing CHICAOO, ILL., July 0.?Tho wheat market ?vas again untlve and strong, .Soptcinbor closing ]??c. higher; September corn was tie, higher, mid outs were also up i'c, limp revision? wc,*? weak, tho Seplotubor produce! from l'-'lj'n, iJc. lower, Tho letdluf- futures ranged as follows! upen. High, l/ow, Close, WUEAT?No. 2. July (old).. 70 70()i 7S?i 70W July (now). 70 70':, 78?; TOW Sept. mid). 77U 7ST, 77?T 78fa, Sept. mow) 77U 78?; 77 v. 78&? CORN?No. 2. m 's July ....... 51 511!, . ni Mr. Sept. (.Hi 52'? 51?. flit. Doc. .-.? cou 6iij tvi?; ni?,; OATS?No. 3. , 7" July .? 4(l"i 41 40U 40i,i Kept. Bil? 85 Bis. 84*. Doc. 81*1. 85U SJ'5 ?si! MKSS rORK?Por I1I1I. " July .15.121,:, 15.17? 11.75 11.75 - fiept.15-10 15.50 15.00 15.00 LARD?Per 100 lbs. July . 7.85 'i.R5 7.80 1,R(\ Sopt.8.15 8.15 7.05 7,!)5 SHORT R1R8?Per 100 lbs. jui? ,-. 8-nau, sxiiK. g.oo 8.?o fiept.S.70 B.76 8. .1.1 8.D7U, dot.8.25 S. 2T, 8.25 8.2.1 Cash quotations were as follo?vs? Flour? Steady. No. 2 sprlnp wheat. 7SiZg7no.; No. A. 7.V.'i7?.o.; Na.. _ rod. 7Ri): c?/,7fi';(,e. No. 2 corn, .-?t';Ti,r,2e.; No. 2 ytdlnw. hi *i',fcf>'.'e. No. 2 nata, 40UCa| NO, 2 while. 4.'CU44e. : No. .*) white, 88 ?? t*II2e. oN. 2 rye, 51 Vic. flood feeding barley, WfiMSOa) fiilr to Choice malting, 4fl???.11c. No. 1 tiiixsecd. fiflc: No. I northwestern, *$1.02%; prime Tltnothv nee,], J3.40. Mesa pork, per >mr |e|, SM.7.rci7l l.S7Hj; Inrd. per 100 pounds, 87.SO ?T.80? fliort ribs ?Idc? (1oose\ ?=..10T??-,02i4 ; dry salted shoulders (hosedi, *7.S7H.c?ls.Oii; abort olear ?Idea (boxed), $8.7568.77%, Whla ker. basis of high wines. $1.30. Clover, con? tract grade, <ll.C0311.70. Butter?Easier; creameries. ir,ca20o. ; dalrlea. 14c31Sc. Eggs? Steady ?t mark, eases Included, 13igi4%e. Cheese?Eaay at 10(g,llHc. BALTIMORE. MP? .lulv 0.?FLOUR? Steady, unchanged. When! -Firm: apot, fi0*Jicj?SIt;. ; southern by ?ample, o.TcIsois.e. Corn?Firm: apot. .17 ??, (ft .17 a,'o.; ?nut hern white cnrT* rw'iono. OAis- iSteady, n/e?Dull. P.ntler, Eggs, Cheese ind Sugar?Steady and unchanged. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. (Wholesale prices. Quotationa corrected Tuende!.?-? and Friday.) TOBACCO?Dark fired Tobacco? (border? ed).? Market ?pilot, light receipts. Tobacco not In keeping order soli? considerably below price? quoted. Bright??Receipt? continue fair and market quiet. film-Cured?Receipt? mod? ?rate nnd market continue? fairly active ot un? changed quotation?, FLOUR?Receipt? continu? light, hut tho market very dull. It YE?Continues v WHBAT?Receipt? contlniioH active. CORN?Continues active. OATS?Stcndv fit quotation?. HAY?Receipt? continue licht, ?nd the better crudes lu piod demand nt quotations. Ei'CIH?Receipts liberal nnd market rather vreati. cvecpl on nearby (took. HUTTKR?Fair receipt? ?ml In good demand ?I price? quoted. POU?.TR?? Heiil active, largo chickens ?nd largo yoimc duck? In pood demand; other ?tock quiet, nnd very small chicken? not wanted. VIRGINIA BACON?Fancy ?lock continue? In demand: Other irnile? quiet nnd weak. POTATOES?Not ?o activo as lost week; re? ceipts heavier. CATTL?MARKET? Beef cattle, hop? ?nd sheep aliout ?tend.?-; lambs nnd calves lu good activo demand, coving to light receipts. WOOL?Receipt? light; market strong and active. RECEIPTS FOR LAST WEEK?Wheat, OS,001 bushels; corn, 113,210 bushel?; oata. 84,080 bushels; flour. 2.215 barrels; hay, 300 ton?; mill offal. 121 tona. .STOCK IN ELEVATOR?Wheat. 780 bushels; oats, 22.000 bushels; rye. 1.7S7 bushel?. POULTRY?LIVE. Chicken?, ?prlng, ?mall, lb_$ 14 8 Chicken?, spring, largo, lb..., 15 Hens. live, lb. 12 llin-ks, old. lb. in c3 11 Duck?, young, lb . 14 fil in Roosters, piece . 2." (it: 30 Geese, piece, live. 23 c'a 60 B otter; Choice family packed.f II Wi ir> Fancy dairy packed. 14 fin 1.1 Choice clshv packed. 14 ?j 1.1 Choice store packed. l:i' *.if?l 14 Medium . I" i?i Common to fair . 12 cj} 13 EC OR. Crates, nearby, fresh laid....8 1? Crates, fresh stock_. 14 (?? IB Barrels und boxes. 14 Cuines . 12 VEALS, LAMBS AND SHEEP. Veals, pec lb.$ 0 cfT$ 8 Lambs, per II. la (it 01.4 Sheep .per lb. 2V4S? * 4 r FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. APPLES? Summer, per bbl.. fancy.$ 2.50 (3$ ,",,00 Summer, per bid., choleo.... 1.00 @ 2.25 OHANOKS - California navals .8 2 7.1 c?$ 3.2.1 Seedlings . 2 00 (3? 2.fi0 LEMQNS? Per linv. . 8.00 c-7) ' WHORTLEBERRIES Qt. ... 8 ?S 12 BI.ACKBEItlill'.S Crate . 1.2.1 (ft 1.00 KASPRERItlCS-PInt . n & 5 PLI'MK-'j bus. lins. 70 PEAKS?Per barrel. 3.00 (?ffi 4.00 PEACHES? Por ilbiisket carrier, PI?,., 1.60 T? ?.a Por bushel box, 8. C. t'ai (Tu 1.60 WATERMELONS?Per 100.... 1,1.00 (?i 20.00 CANTEI.OUPKS? Per ernte, fancy . 1.5" (if 2.00 ni.Ai'K PEAS . nominal. BLACK EYE PEAS? Prime to fancy. nominal.. Common to good . nominal. CLAY PEAS, per bushel. nominal, MIXED PEAS . nominal, Nn'vv . 1.78 til 2.00 Mixed, per bushel. 1.2.1 Git 1..10 Colored . 1.23 ij 1.60 'OTATOES ? No. 1 per hit?. ion t?_ j.o.i Virginia, per bus. SO (it) ? Rf, Ne?v Hit., per bbl..I No, 1..., 2.71 c,i> n.2.1 New So., per bbl., No, 2..., 1.71 (it. 2.2.1 0?IQN8?Per hbl. 2.00 (_? 2.50 TOMATOES? Per crate, fancy No. 1..., 2 00 Per crate, No. 2. 1 no (it 1.2,1 CUCUMBERS?Per basket.,., 1.75 (ft 2.00 HAY. 1 Tlmothv. 20.60 (it 21.CO No. 2 Timothy. 111.00 ?? 20.00 No. S Timothy . at in no No. 1 Clover, mUed. is.csi a? in.ho No. 2 Clover, mlvi'd. 11.00 c3i 15.00 No. 1 Clover. nominal. No. 2 Clover. nominal. Virginia Timothy, No. 1. 10 00 c-f? 20.00 Virginia Timothy, No. 2. isoo eft ni.oo Virginia mixed . 10.00 (fl> ltl.00 (Torc?. Virglula. iiomlnal. SHUCKS ? Baled, dry. neiv. 0.00 <?J 0.50 ST.AHW Compressed . 11.00 " npae-prciueil, Urge boles.;, 11.00 at 12.00 . nnd your cars so that bay nt iIooib luprc tents contents, and thus avoid rejections. FLOUR. 1'nmlly .$0.30 <a$ 8.60 Family, funey . ?too <ft 3.70 Fainlly paient, cliolce to fancy. 8.00 (if .J.oo Choice xotm :. 2.00 (it) 8.00 Hitra . 2.70 (?f? ???so Superfino. 2.60 effl 6 ?q COKNMEAL-t'lt.v, nicked.... (1.1, (>_ ?7 uintr.v. bolted, sacked.... 00 MILL FEE!? ? SiilpslutV, tun, sacked. 20.00 cjj- 21.00 Bran. ltl.00 <?j? ".o.uQ lllliKS. Dry Flint, per lb. 12 Dry Bulled, per lb. 10 Oreen .?aIted. per lb. 7 : Green', per lb. fi Dry Qlnt caUHIn?, per Ib.... .11 di jo Sheep skins. 65 r,j g,?, Oreen ?sited calfjkln?... ?.. 65 (a go Lam?? sklus. 16 <<$ - 60 MISClvll.ANEOl S. BUCKWHEAT, ntr bus.8 ? _% _u. Lire goose, p?r lb. 45 ? 50 Mixed, per Ib.w. 80 ? 40 SKKI.'S clover, wholesale, per hn?.. 7.10 raj 7.50 Timothy, wholesale, bus_ l.wi f? l.Rfl Orcbsrr era?? . 1.50 fia 1.75 ?Buckwheat, per bus. 8", ai l.nn ?-?crtnan millet, per bu?.... 1.15 C?! 1.30 BEESWAX?Per lb. 20 ? 27 DRIED APPLES? Slice?, per lb. ? ?i at?. Quartered, per lb. 2 ? 2? ?'ommon lo good, per lb,.. 2 f{ 2? DRIED PEACHES? Peeled, per lb. 12 r<? 14 Peeled, ?lark, por lb. 10 (S; Il Vnpclled, por lb. f) ?5 9 CHERRIES? Pitted (new>, dry order.... J3 d} 14 RASPBERRIF.H?Per bus. 10 (5 17 BLACKBERRIES . ?1 (?? 7 WHORTLEBERRIES . IB ? 16 WOOL? Tub-washed, free of burr?.. 24 ? 26 Unvfaahcd, free of burr?.... 21 ? 22 Merino, unwnahod. 13 ? 15 Rurry, 3 to 5c. per lb. less ROOTlJ ? Olnseng, per lb. 8."(I (its 4.25 S?nica, per lb. 48 (ft 50 Vlrclnla ?make, per lb. 12 ??? 15 May apple, per lb. 214? 3 True pink, per lb. 10 ??* 13 Wild ginger, free of flbro., 0 ?a 12 Wild ginger, nnturnl. ft fcj 7 PEANUTS?Per lb, farmers.? 3 if* \ 8',4 BACON? Hams, small, smoked.? 14 ??? 16 Hums, large, smoked. 12 Hi 14 Sides, smoked. 12 ? 14 Shoulders, smoked . 11 fit 12 LARD?Country prime. 1! (it 12 FI.AXSEED?Per bus. 1.20 ? 1.40 TALLOW?Per lb. 5 WALNUT KERNELS?Per lb. 12 (?) 1.1 CHICKEN COOPS. 85 (75 no TURKEY COOPS. 1.00 (id 1.10 EDO CRATES. 18 (ft) 50 BUTTER BUCKETS?Per do*. 2.75 (?2 S.00 RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Vn., July 0, 1003. QUOTATIONS. WHEAT? i.ongberry .82 (383 Mlxoil .82 <fl83 Shortbcrry .82 ?83 No. 2 red.S3 Va. bog lots . 73 if S3 CORN? White (Vn.) bag. lots. 00 No. 2 white . 00 No. 8 white . 50V4 No. 2 mixed . nny, No. ?1 mixed. B7?A OATS? No. 2 mixed . 43 No. 3 niliod . I2ii No. 2 white . 40 / Winter need . 55 (fJOO RYE . OS CATTLE MARKET. NEW YORK. July 0.?BEEVES?Receipts, 82 head, consigned direct; no salo? reported. Piv-scil beef steady; city dressed, nntlvo sides, H\ (il.Sf ,jc. por pound. Calves?Receipts, IDO hood; markets nearly nominal. A few roars? veals sold at $3.51. City dressed ven?s sold .?.t 7'ii K'Uo. ,1Pr pound. Sheep nnd Lambs?Re? ceipts, 5.770 head; ?hoop slow nnd weak; lambs, averaged slightly lower nt $2.75(U4.10 per 100 pound?! lambs at *.V.?i!.t'.V, two ci*,?! nt $0.70. Dressed murt?n, general sale?, - ?OC/S'-jC. per pound; dressed Inmhs, S'?r?? 11 '.fjc. per pound. Hogs?Receipts, 2,520; no sales reported. CHtOAOO, ILL., July 0.?CATTLE?Receipts, T.600 bend. Including 600 Texaits; market ilesdy. I()c. higher. Good In prime steers. $5(8! (1.50; poor to medium, $3.0()f(i-l.00; stocker? anil feeders. $2.5O@4.R0: cows and heifers, $1.50? ?1.50; canner?, $1.50412.75; bulls, $2.2.l4'i I.m); calvos, ?2,5000.00; Texas-fed ?tocrs. $<3.5li'r'. l.n.V Hogs? Receipts (O-dsy, 20,000 head; cstlinntocl to-morrow. 18,000 henil; loft over, 4.000 bond; 5 a 10c, higher; closed steady, Mixed mid liutiiuTS, $5,43ffi5.75! good to choice heavy, Sf5>.il???ii.-i.T0; rougli heavy, $5.25?'i5.rni; light, f-.'..ili"<i; bulk of sales, $3.55?,;,.,.(|.->. Sheep? Receipts, fi.ii'Si head; sheep and lambs sternly. Good to choice ?-other?, $3.75c?71.(in? fair lu choice mixed, $:?.nn?.;?.5i: western sheep, $2.."i0k 4.23; nativo lambs, $3.00(?jU.5U. EAST LIBERTY. PA., July 0,?CATTLE? Sliiiily. Choice, $5.0008,18! prime. $-1,70514.00; good. $4.4(iiM.m>. Hogs-Slow. Primo heavy, $5.7('(fl5.75: 1110.1111111?, $5.P0(BI6,05? heavy york rsc $-.l).-,ioi;.iiO; llglil yorkers, $t). Iii(ijii?.25? plus. $?i.2."'1|'i.35: milch, $l.?i5ifi,l.2.-i, Sheep ? Slcndv. Best weihet?, ?'.?jcl.-Ju: cull- und coiiun'i'ii. $l..'.li4i-J.2.-i; yearlings, $3,u0'li,-i.uo; voal calves, if0.3110(,_ TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va., July 0, 1003. Tho quotations of the Richmond tobacco mar? kot aro as follows: SUN-CLitED TOBACCOS. Priming? .?.$ ,'l.8i?$ 4.80 Lug?, common . 4.nurd) 6.00 Lugs, good to primo. 11.50? 0.00 Leaf, common . 6..-?0?? ti.50 Leaf, medium . 8.5(1?;? 0.5? Leaf, flnn . 11.511(0) 18.00 Wrappers . 14.00? 10.5U 1 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smokera, common .? 4,K<>?$ 6.0(1 Smokers, medium . 6.80(2} 8.00 Smoker?, fine . RIMi? lO.l'l cutters, common . s.ooa 10.00 Cullers, medium . 1210 Cutlers, line . 12.50? 15.00 Cutlers, fancy . 14.000 17.ini Fillers, common . 6.00? 7.10 lillois, common . 7.00? O.OO fillers, . 0.00? 12.00 Wrappers, medium . Kl.OOia IB.OO Wrapper?, fine . 80.00? 40.00 Leaf. ineiUiin. 8,50? U.50 Leaf, cood . 6.50? B.OO DROWN BWITINO TOBACCOS. Lugs .? 4.50?$ 5.50 Loaf, liiclum . 8.75? 7.50 Leaf, good .'?<?! 8.00? U.50 LVNCnilUltn TOBACCO MARKET. ? Lyueliburg, Va., July 0. 1003. Warohnusos of the ell/ report light receipts for ihn past wook. There ha? been no material chango lu prices. Owing to the dry weather and the fuct that farmers ?ro busy preparing for tho now crop, It Is ???.peeled that thu market will continue ?lull. , ? The quotations are as {.?lows: DARK ??HADES. PRIMINGS .* i.50?$ 8.00 'c?iui?on and dark "ig?,.,.,... 3.50? 400 DARK BTEMMINO TOBACCOS. f.UKS .? 8'80?$ 5.00 ...... 4.00? 6.0U . 5.00? ?.50 . BOO? 6 00 . h l.iK,? tjM) . 7 nu;' 8.O0 . 11.00? 12 01 i - ll.i.uM? 1S.W JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SONS BANKERS, Denier? tn ttlCI?MOND, VA., SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL. BONDS A SPTCCIAL.TT. Correspondence invited. Black Wrapper? . 10.20(0 20.00 BIH0I1T TOBACCOS. Ijt'Gft ? Common .8 5.00*?$ (VOO Medium bright. fl.ooc??) 7.00 Good . 7.00<?? 8.00 LEAF? Common colter? .8 7.003$ Good cnttor?. B.00c?{ 11.00 Fine cutter? . ll.OOfi 12.00 BRIGHT WRAPPERS? Common . n.oof? B.00 Medium . 10.00 r*o<>d . 12.00(3 is.oo Fine .,. ir,.00(U 20.00 MAHOGANY WRAPPERS? Medium . 12.0011)20.00 Oeod . 14.00CC? 2.1.00 WRAPPERS? Common.S 8O0i?l$12.O0 Medium . 12..10? 17.60 flood .,.,. 17.50(3 35.00 Fancy . 85.O0<a 65.OP PETERSBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Petersbttr**, Vs.. July 0, 1003. The quotation? for thla market sr? ?? fol? low?: Common (o medium lue?.$ .*l.oflrfl$ 4.00 (land lug? .,.,. 4.00(3 Poor short loaf. B.0O1? 0 60 Medium short loaf . 7.00? 7.50 Medium to good mappers. lOOOra 16.00 Cood to One wrapper?.,.... lO.nO?f 2S.00 MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT ANO PEA MARKET. NORFOLK, YA., .Inly P.?The peanut market la quiet to-day. The ony change In price? 1? Spanish nut?, which bave dropped In price to 77',5c. n bushel. The price? are n? follow?! Fancy, quiet ?t .'le. ; strictly prime, 2?/4e.: prime, 2t,c; low gradea, 2c: machine nicked. 2'i2i?e.; Spanish, ?7i?,e. per bii?b?l. Biackcjn pea?, 12.25 bag; ldiiek and ?pockle pea?. ?I; clay ?nd rod pea?, 80e. PeBnut bag? In bales CS In., 7 4-lOc. PETERSBURG, TA., July 6.?PEANUTS? Spanish, new, market very llrm nt 77J4tt.| ?cller? asking moro. Virginia'??Quiet dt 8c. ORT COOPS MARKET. NEW YORK. July 0.?The dry good? market Is In n quiet and waiting altitude. Buyer? aro not operating with sign of Internat In the sit? uation ctocpt In the esse of ?pot good?, which may be wanlec*. for Immediate requlrament?. The curtailment policy, which I? Increaalng and the aearclty of cotton at the mills la causing a maintenance of the Independent ?plrlt that ha? characterized manufacturer?1 dealings tor aorao time. NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, N. 0., July 8.?SPIRITS TURl-BNTINE-Stendy nt it\.e.; receipt?, 77 casks. Rosin?Nothing doing; receipt? 210 bar? rels. Crude Turpentine?Firm ?t 11.70(?T.I nnd ?.t.2?; receipt?, 67 barrels, T?r?Firm at $1.05; receipt?, 23 barrel?. SAVANNAH. OA? July p.?TURPENTINE? Firm ?t 47040.; receipt?. 1,140 cask?; ?nie?, 825 cask?; exports. R2I cask?. Rosin?Finn; 4-c celpt?, 2.000 barrel*! ?ale?, 68 8barrel?! ex? porta, r,,l7fl barrel?. CHARLESTON, S. 0., July 0.?TURPEN? TINE?Steady at 40">io. Rosin?Steady. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW YORK, July 0.?Cottonseed nil ???* Arm, but business wa? transacted at the old ngure?. Prime crudo, f. o. b. mill?. Sl(??.'t2c., new- crop; prime ?ummer yellow, 43S}48"?c.; ofr summer yellow, 1)7 M fit nSe.; prime while. 47fi? 47?i: prime winter yellow, 47e.? prima moni, $27.00(227..10 nominal. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OB' RICHMOND, JULY: B, 1B03. ARRIVED. Steamer Berkeley, Cuy. Norfolk, merchandl?? ?nd passengers, Old Dominion line. Steamer Pocahontas, Gravea. Norfolk and lame? River landings, merchandise and passen ecrs, Virginia Navigation Co. SAILED. Steamer Brekeley, Ciuy, Norfolk, marchandise and passengers, Old Dominion line. TORT OF WEST POINT, JULY B, 1003. ARRIVED. Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. Elm City, Hayne?, Mattaponl River lan|lng?, passengers and general cargo. SAILED. Charlotte, Murphy, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. Elm City, Haynes, Mattaponl River landing!, passengers and cenernl cargo. AN APPEAL FOR BATTLE ABBEY Dr. J. William Jones. Secre? tary. Issues Circular to Camps and Friends. The officers of tho Confcdorato Me? morial Association, which Is building the Buttle Abhy at Richmond, is making a strong -?r>poal for contributions froin irlcnds of the memorial, Following is tho circular being- sent out by Dr. J. William Jones, uccrotary ntul superintendent of tho association: THE CONl'-I?JDiailA?K MUMOI?IAD A9 S?CIATIQN?ITS STATUS. x'DANd AND PltOSPKCTS. Tt has boon a great gratification to out- comrade!* and friends generally that at tho roccnt LI. C, V. reunion In New Orleans tho Board of Trustees wore uble to report Unit our treasurer li-ul In hund ?10I.-I71.UI. safely Invested and yielding In? terest, und that ihn balajicjo of the Bonn? donation ($40,000), $&o,ooo ?ppt'Oprintod i?y the city of Itlchmoiiii, and olhoi sub? scriptions atnountliig to $10,000, mado the mini of $20,171.01, which moro tlmn incuts tho original liberal offer of Comrade Huu?-?, and will enable tim board to go forward at once in erecting tho "Memorial Hall." 01' "Uattle Abbey' as it has boon called. Rut tho board decided that, in view of the increased cost of building, nnd In Its desire to nmlio tho hall a worthy nio iiinriiil, wlillo reserving $100,000 as u per? manent 'endowment; at loast $100,01? should bo added lo this fund, und in? structed tho secretary and superintend. cat to vigorously push an effort co se curo this amount at the earliest day possible. It will bo nn easy task to accomplish this If OKr Confederate camps, the chap? ters of llio Daughters of the Confederacy, tho camps be tho Sons and our friends generally win tul;? hold of ami> Hj iiio to the enterprise. Wo earnestly appeal, then, for help In one or more of tiie following' ways! I. Let camps of veterana, mid sons, and chapters of the Daughters ?uako us a donation? II. Let Individuals maleo lis contribu? tions, large or small, as they may bo able. 3. Del: tliea uunies and addresses of par? ties able, and probably willing to help, bo sent to the secretary, 4. Lot arrangements he made for tho secretary to deliver lectures for tho pene. fit of till? filial -dividing proceeds with spine local object when desired, ?A,, cordially congratulate our friends, generally that after years of disappoint? ment we uro at last within reach of the beautiful memorial which was found? ed by our lamentad comrade, Charles B. Ho Usa and We confidently appeal to them to help us make It worthy of our Confed?ralo cause, our leaders, our nelf Kaorlflolng, devoted women, and our con. federate people generally, Wo have erected monuments to Individ* uals and to classes Of our liemos. J,ot us make H'1? il monument to them all, as well as n great library and clopost tnrv from whence tho future historian may draw material with, which; to (ell 11,. true story of our great struggle .-,?? ,.stltutlonal freedom. Ml checks should bo madn vmya-hlo to tIm order of (?corgo la. Christian, treas? urer C M- A.1 and sent to J. William Jones, ' .secretary and superintendent, Klolnnond,, a. ^ ^ ^^ evory.dollar now contributed to this fund goes lntci the ireusurv without tho deduction of u <i?i\l for nala-les, commissions, or cx nonses of any kind wlial.-ver. I'l.UMKNT A, EVANS, Pie.-h!ent, Board c?f Trustees, C. fll, A. ROBERT Wlll'l'W. Chairman, Ejecutiva Couiu-h-tc*. C AX. X. FINANCIAL. LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OF ANT BANK Ott TRUST COMPANY IN THE BOlrTH-ATnANTTOtTTATE3 Richmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company. fertth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capital and Surplus $1,712,188.69 Executes Trusta, Receives Deposits from $1.00 nnd Upward?. Allow? 3 per csnt. Interest on Dally- nnlanees Subject t? Cheek? Accounts Sollelted. Correspondence Invited. JNO. 8KEI.TON -.VII/LIAMS. LEWIS D. ORENSHAW, JR.. President Treasurer. JAMES H. DOOT.Er. HRNTIT L. CABED!* Vlc?-PrMI dents. lAIWIUailliWfflMWIBW Our Perseverance Certificate of Deposit assures ft competency In ten years, through trfnilnr mnnthly pavings, small or largo. Particulars cheerfully furnished on roqnest. Trust funds anil nil other deposits received and Interest nllowcd. i 911 East Main Street. S. GALESKI, Pr?s. W. GRAY WATTSON, Cashier? 'Sullivan Successor To G. N. GAUBERT, 12 North 19th Street. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF BARRELS. We buy and sell every? thing in that line and now have on hand for prompt shipment 10,000 No. 1 Truck Barrels, 5,000 Whis? key Barrels in First-Class Condition, 1,000 Pickel Barrels and 600 Molasses Hogsheads, Correspondence Solicited. _.?-._ L. J. Hayden Manufacturer of FORE HERB MEDICINE, I? ono ot too Greatest Healers of Ihn Sick on Earth. Cures nil Diseases or no Charge. I cum ?11 diseases tliut lire known to tlio lmitmn race or no charge, no mutter what your disease; sick nous, or uffUctlou may bo. and restore you to perfect heulth. I euro tin? lolloivlng diseases: Heart |i|-i':ihi', Consumption, lHoocf, Kleine*', I.lver. Bladder, riles in tiny i?rin, Vertigo, QuInR**. Koro Throat, Lung?. Dyspepsia, Indices. tIon. Constipation, Itlieiiinntlsni In ony form. 1'alns, nnd Acliu? ot any kind. Colds, Bronchial Trouble., Korea, Skin Dlsonaes. all Itcliln? Son Battons, fcn Grippe, or Pneumonia; Ulcers. Car? buncles, Hulls, C'aneer. the worst forms, with? out the use oflsnlfo or Instruments; Eczema, Pimples on face nnd body; Diabete, of Kidneys, or IlrlKlit's Disenso of the Kidneys. I cure uny diseuse, no mnttcr ol what nature. Medicino sent to any address by express, l"or full par? ticulars send a 2-cont atamn for answer. No. 007 TonnaylTflnln Avenue. Southeast. WashliiR ton, I). C. Branch more. No. 401 West Broad Street. It I chain-ad. Va. I jft the XShoatres. I I % i-?x?Xi "?^? >?'?- S*?*? ?*>?? H -$*?-?? ?&$?$??$&$*?< "Arabian Nights" Sidney Grtmdy's piot tv comedy, presented by the lrarrlson Adams Company at tho Bijou yesterday, matinee und evening was a great lilt. It Is a charming play mid it was well staged, it is full of tlio wit, (?race nnd charm that distinguishes all tlio works or tills master playwright, nnd It. Is a lino example of that huiro craft which has been a factor In malting Ihn nanio and fume of the great satirist of tho English stage "Arabian Nights" Is nn excollent me? dium for Hie Harrison-Adams Company lnc-aiiHO It gives each member of the company un opportunity. Hu?pil Cum? mliigti hns a charming rolo lu .Arthur Huinmlngton, ono of those touch-and-go light eomedy parts .so admirably suited to his talents. Miss Edltha Kofchuni Is seen to advantage as Rosa Colombier and tho other members of tho company all distinguish themselves. Tho company will play tlio samo piece to-night and to-morrow nuitineo and night, and will then leave for other thea? tres of the Well? OlrOUlt, Tho liljou will bn closed after riiln woelt, and tho alter? ations, will bo started hi tho near fu? ture. Tlio stago Is to bo enlarged and some changes are to bo made In tho palm garden, while It Is possible, that gomo altera lIons may also bo made In tho sealing arrangement of the gallery. Captain Featherston to Retire, (Special to The Tlmos-Dlspateh.) laTNOHimna, VA.,. July ?.--Captain J. C, Feathoi'ston, who bun for a number of years represented i'umpboll county In the Legislature, to-day gave out a state? ment Baying that, owing to ihn pressure of his pr?valo business. It will be Im? possible for him to Bland for re-eloctlon to tho L?gislature. In speaking of tho matter, Captain Koathurston ?aid that his l?gislative Oft? reur had already cost him as much as he could afford, nnd that his business af? fairs demanded his personal attention. Answer 111 Compress Case. CBv Associated Press., WASHINGTON. July 9.-The. Interstate Commerce Commission to-day received, answers lu the Planters' compress cabe from tho Now Vork Central, Luke Shore and Michigan fcSoulhurti, Atlantic Coast Lino und Contrai of Georgia iiuliroiuis. The roftda deny the Imposition of unjust i-e discriminative I'tltes, aiul also deny ether allegations of tho Cyliuilrical Com? pres? Interests. . Mr. L'rhiiul McLaiiehbin, chief engine-r of thei AtnerlcHii Ether Company, who was bo badly lmrned by acid, Is Improv? In? ?m jauldly aij could be ?u-?.;.J. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED BT? OF VIRGINIA, UM E. Main St.. Richmond, Va, Ei Wi v urn i vu?) Consulting ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Electric Lighting, Electric Rail?" ways, Power Transmission. Chamber of Commerco Building, RICHMOND. VA. ?-- ?--< INVESTMENT SECURITIES. .Virginia Bonds, Richmond Gity Bonds, Chemical Stocks. ?WYNDHAM BOLDING & BRO., 'Phono 412. IMS East Main? Richmond, Va, J ? II I 710 Main Street. Blue-Flame Oil Stoves* Gas Ranges, Gasoline Stoves, Ovens for Stoves, Steam Cookers, Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Hose, Hose, Hose, Sprinklers, Filters, Filters, Cooking Utensils, Garbage Cans, Oil, Oil, Oil, Gasoline. All Kinds of Stoves Repaired. Orders from the Country (liven Prompt Attention. J i n i 710 Main Street. Wo aro buyer? ?>f WOOL all ynt through hihI i>h>' highest market prtoss? and aavo you r-xpens.*?. Sacks furrtUhft?. (reo. Write us (or prices. WALLERSTEIN PRODUCE CO., .19 and 21 South 13th St.