Newspaper Page Text
mmtmimte ? whole number, 16,339. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0,1008. PRICE TWO CENTS. SUMim OMMY'S NEWS. THE WEATHER. WABH_N<JTON, ^ept 8,?Forecaut for Wednoeday and Thursday: VIrtlrHa-Cloudy Wodnesday; showors ln northi portlon. Thursday ehowcrs', llght to fresh east wlnds. ? North Carollna-Partly oloudy Wednoa _ny, eho-ere ln oentral portlon. Thurs? day ahowers; varlable wlnds. Very pleasant wentber wns that of yes terday, and the prophet scetns to bo of the oplnlon that thero wlll bo no heat to ?mount to much heroaftor. Durlng the laet few nlghta coverinB, dlscardcd dur Ihr the Bumnujr, has agaln become faeh lonable._ BTATB OF TKB THERMOMETEtt, ? A. M. jr* 12 ? P. M.1.?.? 6,P. M. . '0 i'r.M._? 12 mldnlght. & Areros'o.?.C91-0 Hlgheet temporaturo yesterday.76 Lowest temporature yesterday. w iMoan temperaturo yesterday............ w Normal torapcrature for September.... a _>ep_rture from normal temporaturo.... w Procipltatlon durlng past 24 houra. iw MINIATURB ADMANAC. _?_-, Sept. 9, 1908. Suii rlses.6:47 I HIGH TJDE. ? flun sets.6:24 Mornlng.?;03 Moon rlses.7:64 | Evening.B.zi RICHMOND. Questlon of great lnterest rcgardlng the leaue of bonds, and the managernent ot the slnklng fund agltatos the Councll, etatcment made by Clty Accountant McCarthy?Protty marrlage ln Hanove. county-Teat of tho power of the Cor poratlon Commlsslon to be made by the rallroads-Unlon Theological Semlnaiy to open to-day-Corporatlon Commleslon to make a Hour of the Southern Railway -Suddon death of Mrs. Thcmiaii Whlte j.e_<_-Rogret at tho defeat of Hon. 8. ?Wllklns Matthewa ln Accomnc-Hushann of Mrs. C. E. Oeoghcgan wrltes concern Ing the case of Doc Bncon?Damage to erops ln the State by flooda durlng the past week-A system of detecllng elec trolysls-Govornor Montague to del\er ?n addresa to-morrow ln Pntrlck?Kion nioners return from cnmplng party-? Rlchmond Eaglea returr, from New ^ ork -Large number of brlght young men ln comlng I_?1slature?-So-callcd prophet predlcu a great foshct?-Stephen Put ney and Co. to remove to Hermltoge Goir Club's llnka and to ercct an Inimenso factory and warehouse?-Republ can Com mlUoe mcots and paesos rosolullqna? Vlrglnla's mlnerol exhlbit at St. l*>?>'? ?Rlchmond horBe makes a good record ln Chicago-Judge Buchanan ?TWrtea^o he Improvlng?A llne sale mado by a real estnte flrm to leadtng Jewflers-^orpora tlon Commlsslon allow8 the N. Y. P. and N. to retaln lts low rates?-Presldent John Bkelton Wllllams Inspecta the llncs of the Beabonrd wlth a party of frlends? Presldent Wllllams goea over the Sea l,oard, and a rumor of some new movo arl*e*-Republlcans plan to got thelr membors to rcgister and to Induco Domo ?r_ti t??fraln from blndlng ^*mi_elvo Jn prlmorioa-Man takes an eyerdose of JaVdanum-Move to ro*lst0L-^ tn TtvT vote_Rev, Mr. Jlepburn co?'"*,!0*^11 tS^ptlet Churoh. MAWOTCTfe V?vi-? RMRlon of tho Councll to-nlpht? THrnlvThat JudgeClopton wlll succecd li?_.>U__ihort rneot Ini of Clty Councll. that clMxens shall register-?Mr. Moore^ Piicoesaor?'Major Cutchlns to nddress R^al Arch Maso'ns?Olympla Club. VIRGINIA. Tho second day of the Vlrglnla trap shoot at Lynchburg very Interesting; H_tcher .wrests tho State ohamplonah P from Dantei: Rlchmond man wlna gun hV^ir-iio?- Negro in Staunton kllled tho nX5whSnThVcharged wlto wnjuring hlm -Norfolk merchnnts dectar? P"^8,.1.0 flght rallways on t*?m**_% Mj?.t^w_ ?irfl_Fireman scalded at j^etersDurg Po^o7 House?-Dastardly attempt to wreek Southern passenger traln near Manassas?The mmtQtg&M fijgg of Lynchburg, PWtate*7T_i?"Virpatrlck Moore aecures a large majorlty ln "triCK . ,..ii^i Tf -Pulton of Orayson, for tho ft_n?.i"BA F 'Cys succeeds hlmsolf for fh" Houso in Patdck; flie Rermblleans have a man ln tho flold to opposo Moore __N?v?| Y, M. C. A. secretary rescues a badlv beaten and Inoffenslve negro ln Norfolk nnd causes the nrre.: of two men ;_Young mnn stabbed ln tho hnck at FVee TTnlon-?Oame wardens appolnted for the cltv of Frederleksburg-Mr. Tiraxton denl'es nnv knowledge of a com Snatlon a^.ns. Senator M?rtln and | Ite.-ates the hopc that he wlll see Unlted States senators eiected by [prlmary?-A ^eavy wlndstorm nlmost rdestroy.-the ?nrnlval tenta nt Roanoke: the Movint Peelre exhlhlt blo^-n do^m?-The Unl vP'iltv sesslon. whlch opens ln a wenk, nromlsee o be the largest In Tn hlstorv of the school?-A negro cuttlng affray near Portamouth nearly ends ln n lynching. _ NORTH CAROLINA. Women prayed nnd church bells rang durlng ? prohibitton election at Ellzabeth Clty; the town goes dry-Doputy sherlff opens fire on alleged desperado on jUjht at Morgantown ond kills hlm?-Ruther? ford P Hayes olected presldent of the Ap nalachlan Park AssociatlOn and the nama ls changod?Two hundred pounds of dy Ifamlto oxplodes at Sallabury?A boy ao eldentally shoots hls RalPlgh, S wlth grlof perslstently tries to Wll hlmsolf-The Tabernacle ilartlst Churoh stands by lts prencher Rev. J. C. Massle-A Sallsbury woman throws a man lna dltch and unn:,:rcifully beata hlm. _ GENERAL, Federal grand Jury brlngs ln seven ln dlctmenta in.connectlon wlth the Post offlce Investlgatlon, but na-me-a of thoso fndlotek are not made pub Ic^-Tho slt Jiatlon ln Maeodonla. appalllng and war ?eems Inevttahlo', refugeea dylng ln tho womla by tho thousand-Serseant Petor len who was to have married.Mlss Froe man, "f Phlladelphla, kllled whlle belng compllmented by hle colpnel?Further rloTlng at Belrut and natiya Chrlstlans, Mohammedlans and aoldlers kllled?Plck it "he wlnner of thls year's Amorlcan Derby, also eaptures the September rnXue*?-Now Jersey leads In the Natlonal Trophy match belng shot at Sea OIrt?? Rlchmond delegates arrlv. n Boston o ittend the drugglsts' tnestlng?Orand ?tand BlVM way at Fort I?avenworth Suring a shnm battle s.nd twentv-tour, S nro injurefl?MR-hlntat., at Mrooji strlke because ndvance wne refused them, though grantnd nt Savanna.h?-Cotton c?op ln Alabama and other States shows _eterloratlon?The pteamer Deutsch and lowers her record bv ? mlnutes?Cre? ceus lowers hls reoord a half seeond. MONUMENT UNVEILEDv AT LAKE GEORGE (By Assoclated Press.1 fcAKE GBOROF, N. T., September 8.? In the presonco of thousands of excur Jlonlsts the Govornors of Now Voi'k, Vermont. Massnnhusetts and Conneotlcut, ?tatloncd at the four corners of the battle monument, puiled tha fastonlng whlch un velled the bronxo memorlal of the Balle of Laka (Vporglal. The bronze fIgurea of the mount were deslgned by Albert Eln ?r? sotiU'tor, nnd- reprosent the Indlun ohioftalnT 'Klng Hendrlck, demonstrntliig to fSenei-Al Joluison the futlllty of dlvldlng >,ThfeIoratlon of tho day was dellyered by Unlted ^tatea Senator Chauncey. M, De MOORE'S MAJORITY IS LARGE ?" r H6me County Gives Very Large Vote. OVERCOMING FULTON IN OTHER COUNTIES One Preclnct ln Patrlck Not Yet Heard From. A. F. MAYS SUCCEEDS HIMSELF IN tHE HOUSE John Qreon, of Trout Dale, is the Re? publlcan Nomlnoa for ihe Sen? ate?A Cltizens' Meeting and a ^ Republlcan Meeting to Tako Place at Chatham at the Same Tlme. (Speclal to The Tlrrrei-Diapatch.) STUART, VA., September 8.?Tho latest newa atlll unolllclal and ono preclnct to ho heard from ln the Patrlck county aenatorlal prlmary glves John R. Mooro 963 votea, and J. K. Fulton, 10. The vote cannot be offlclally announced untll tho 12th Inatant When the chalrraen meet at Ulllavllle, Va., to can-vaaa the re turnS. Judge Moore te undoubtedly the noml nco frorn the Slxth Senatorlal Dlatrlct. In tho Democratlc county conventlon held on the 6th. tho followlng were nominated for county oflices: W. H. Waller, treaa ureri J. R. Bocze, aherlff; J. M. Bppker. Commonwealth'a Attorney, and A. r. Maya, for Houae of Delegates. ORAYSON COUNTY Give*. Fulton a Good Vote?The Repub? llcan Nomlnee. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspalch.) V TNDEPENDENCE. VA.. September 8.? Orayaon county givea J. X..fulton. ?n didato for the Senate. in thia^the> Slxth B>,iatodni Dlrtrlct.-oompoaed of .the coun II. ?f Grayaon, Carroll and Patrlck, 372 majorlty over the Hon. John- R. Moore. ItSta rcportod that Carroll county haa. Klvon Fulton 300 major ty; whlle Mr. Mooro haa carrled Patrlck .tar 80CI ma Jorlty, glvlng hlm the nomlnatlon by 1-* B1Th?erltR'epubllcan9 have already mado thelr nomlnatlon for tho Senate ln thla dlstrlct. Mr. John Greear, of Front Dale. this county, haa been nominated by ac C!lHhenbemocratlc Prlmary held here on the <th. betwoen Colonel E. T. Itlr.P> and Hon. Thomas L. Gwyn for tha I Houae of Delegates, Colonel Klrby de? feated Mr. Gwyn, 34 majprty. Tho followlng have been declared the nomlnees of tho Democratlc 'Pa?'ty^?or county offlces wlthout a Primary. thero belng but ono name flled, to wlt:! .Treaa urerf D- C. Mallory: sheriff, Boyd Os borne: Commonwealth's attorney. H,, a. Cox; commlssloner of rovenue. Old Town Dlstrlct. Warwlck Murphy; Elk CreeU Dlstrlct. Emmet Vaughan. The Republlcana will hold a moss meet? ing here to-day to nomlnate a full county ticket._ A DOUBLE CONVENTION Republicans and Temperance. Demo crats Meet the Same Day. (Speclal to The Timos-DIspntch.) DANVILLE. VA., September 8,?The re? markablo colncldence that . a citlzon'a meeting will bo held In Chatham at the eamo tlme that tho Republlcana wlll hold thelr conventlon haa been the occaaion of all klnds of rumbra here of a coalltlon botween tho Roptibllcana and prohibttion lata tendlng to defeat the regulnr Demo? cratlc nomlnee. Nothlng of a deflnlte naturo 1b pro curablo, but there la open talk on tho atreets of Mr. H. G-, Moseloy, of thla. clty, belng tho nomlnee of tho cltlzena meeting, and that hla advooaoy of the Mann blll and cthcr prohlbltlon measurea wlll perhapa provent the Republlcana from puttlng a man up ln oppoaltlon to Colonel Rlaon. Thla of courao, are rumora nnd there LUNG OPENED TO CURE G0NSUMPT10N Operation Performed Upon Mlss Grcmmel wlth Pros pects of Success. (By Assoclatod Preas.) STAMFORD, CONN., September 8.?A remarkable operation for the oure of tu berouloals haa Juat been'performed upon Mlaa Lizzla Gremmel, of Hampton, N. H., at tho Stamford Hoapltal. Tho operation was to eatabllah a draln age through the cheat wall. Three and a half lnchea of the aecond rlb waa put, flvo lnchea of the thlrd rlb and throe' and a half Inohea of the fourth rlb. The pleura was hound down by adhealona, brought lnto the wound and atltohed there. The lung waa explored by an aa plratlng needle nnd both catvltles located. Tho ploura wna then opened and the absceaa waa thoroughly olaaned, aa woll ns the cavlty ln the apex. Thla dralned the cavltlea, and tho wound waa olosed wlth the exceptlon of an openlng aume|?iij for dralnage. The cheat wall waa atropyaH nnd dreeaed wlth a dry antlaeptlo drass 1PMlaa Qroromel wlll eat nothlng. but. her preacrlbed dlet, and wlll also ho glyen salt aolutlons. Complete recovr^y la loofe ed totr la hothlng of a rellable nature that enn be gotton' from elther alde. The talk of a oomblne betweon the Republlcan and pro hlbltlonlatfl has tended to brlng about a oloaer hnrmony among the Detnoorata, and In caae a Jolnt ticket ticket la nomi? nated the Demcorata wlll make a de? termlned flght for thelr man. Tho matter la lookod upon by the Demo? orata as dlaloyalty, aa the Mann blll la o. Domooratlo meaaure and the movemont ls rogarded aa, mora to persona.1 ftg grandlaemont of aome polltlclana than *ny hope of perpetuatlng the Mann law. INDEPENDENT MOVEMBNT Antl-Saloon People Expected to M*ke Nomlnatlon*. (Speolal to The Tlmea-Dlapatoh".) . CHATHAM, VA., Bept. 8.?Republlcana and prohibltlonlBta wlU hold oonven tlona here Baturday to nomlnate leglala: tlve and county tlcketa. Both partles held meetlnga*. ln Dawville two weeke ago, at which commltteea were appolntad to wnlt upon oltlaena of the couniy ne. to thelr heoomlng oandldatea. Each oom mltteeman of the Republlcana wlll pre aent a name from which the tlolrit wlll be made. The lntentlon of the Republlcana la to put up the atrongeat tloket they have had for yeara, The antl-aaloon peo? ple are very muoh dleaatlafled wlth the Democratlo nomlneea, partloularly for membora of Oeneral Aaaembly, and wlll nomlnate the atrongeat men they can lrreapectlve of party. Tho Republlcana are outapoken atelhrt the Mann blll, and wlll work harf to poU tholr entlro strength. ? The anti-aaloon people are mostly Dem ocrata, and lt la gonerally belleved many wlll acratch tho Democratlo nomlneea. Danvllle wlll be repreaented ln the pro hlbltlon conventlon Saturday by Infuentlal men la the current report. The meeting haa been well advertlaea, and a large crowd la antlclpated. THEY WILL OPPOSE WATSON AND CHRISTIAN It haa already been reported that the llquor interosts of the clty\ and all. the Influeyico they can oommand wlll be swung agalnst Mr. D. T. Chrlat an. he r-ausc ho voted for the Mann blll In the fecent leglslatlvo session. It is now re? ported that at leaat one other of tne seven candldates in tho Democratlc prl marv wlll bo antagonized by the Iquor interosts. though Just why ls not clearly stated. It ls sald the other man agalnst whom a flght wlll be made by the llquor dealers and their frlends la Mr. Harry L. TVatson. Just how formldablo the oppo Bltlon of the antl-Manri blll voters to theso two gontlemen will be can only be con Jecturod. There are many who declare that tho announcement that these two wlll bo opposed by the llquor element wlll rallv to their support all who .endorse thelr course. and that thla wlll partlally or fullv offset the defectton. It ls not belleved that any powerful syatematlo opposltion to the two gentlomon haa been organlzed; Independent Candidate. (Spoclal to The Times-DIspatch.) CHARLOTTESVIL/L-'B, VA., Sept. 8.? Dr. Thomas M. Farish, who ran for tne Stato Legialature ln 1901 and who was defeated ln:tho clty by but a. emall ma lority, haa, agaln announced hlmself a cartdldote for the. Leglslature tor repre the clty of Charlottesville nnd the county Of Albemarle.- ' ' "" ' Ir. ..hls., card, rlsaued to-day, tne .in? dependent candidate suya: ? ? "Recognlzlng the fact that the prlmary plan ls a fallure and that by lte WorK inga groat lnjuatlce oan, haa been and wlll be done, I am opposed to the cor ruptlon, fraud, and preiuilce developed ln tho prtmaries, and prerer to submit my claime dlrectly to the soverelgn power and rights of tho people in genoral elec? tion." , ? The Vote in Carroll. (Speclal to The Tlmes-DisiRitch.) HILLSVILLE. VA., September 8.?The rcturns from the Democratlc prlmary, held on last Frlday. in tho SJxth Sena torial Dlstrlct. aro not all ln yet. but Fulton haa carrled Grayaon county by a majority of about 350. and Carroll by 175 to 200. ?_ Registration In Page. (Speclal to The Tlmpn-PlRpntch.) L.TJRAY, VA.. September 8.?The aecond alttlng of the Registration Board of-thla county, which has Just closed, resulted ln tho registration of about 300 addltlonaj votes, maklng ln all about 2,,00 votes ln Page county under the now Constltution agalnst 2,800 under the old. t_. v . ^.bout 60 negrdes have been reglstored. a THE FIRST DOCUMENT OF THE NEW POPE (By Assoctntad Press.) ROME, September 8.?It has been an? nounced that Pius X. wbuld publlsh to day hls flrst encycllcnl, address to the Cathollc hlerarchy and people throughout the world. but this was Jncorrect. Tho Pontiff publlshed to-day hls flrst offlclal document. conslatlng ot a letter addresaed to Cardlnals Vannutelll. Rampolla. Fer rata nnd Vlvesy Tuto, conflrmlng thelr appolntment by Pope Leo aa a commls nlon to commemorato the flftleth annl versary of the dogma of the immaculato oonceptlon. The letter, which ls vory brlef, ls followed by a prayer to the Vlr jrln Mary, which wlll acqulro Importance ns belng the flrBt to boar the slgnature of Plua X. JUMPS OUTWINDOW TO RESGDE GIRL Whlle ln a Dream Charles Peterson Leaps from a Thlrd-Story Room. (Spoclal to The Ttmoa-Dlspatoh.) NEW YORK, September 8,?When he aprang from the thlrd atory wlndow of hls houae, Charles Peteraon, flfty-aeven yearB old, of Brooklyn, thought lie waa on a dook and that he waa Jumplng lnto the water to aave a glrl from brown? lng. , , ' Laat nlght he waa alttlng by the wlndow of hla room when he dropped off lnto aleep. Then he had a dream. A baautlful young glrl walked down to the end of tlie dock and "dropped qu|etly lnto tha water. Bo vlvld waa the vlalon that Peteraon gave a ory and Jumped aftor her. He waa taken to tho hospltal wlth a brokon arm and aeveral brulaea. TWO MEN KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION (Rv Asaoclated Prass.) BIRMINOHAM, ALA.. aeptomber 8? An oxploalon of looae powder ln tha cpln tiii denartment of the Blrmlngham Pow dir Comwnyl plant to-day reaulted ln the death of V Bargett and (he fatal lniurv of J Goodlet. lioth laborera. No nihJrl wera la the mlll at the tlme. An MPloalJn & thosame mlll two month, ??0 rMUltea, ln tha death of three men. SIX MORE Grand Jury Strenuous In the Postal Cases. WILL LIKELY MAKE ARRESTS TO-DAY Stern Has Been Located and Beavers Surrenders. THE END IS NEAR IN INVESTIGATION Volumlnoue Evldence:WM Lald Before the Gren* Jury?Queatlon of Ex trtdltlng Stern le'Teken Up. ? The Charge that la Brought Agalnet the Fugltive. Beavers' Caae. (By Aaaoolatei Preas.) WASHINOTON, D. C, Septembor 8.? After dellberatlng for'aeveral weeks over a masB of documenta ..iubmltted by the poatofflce lnapectoTB,. the Federal grand Jury ln thia clty to-day returned aeven Indlctments in postal caaea, involvlng slx dlfferent peraona." *AU" the lndlctmsnta were kept off the publlo record, and both the ofllclala of the, dlatrict attorney's offlce' and of the Poatofflce Department refuaed to dlvulge names oir details of the Indlctmenta untll the pertlea indlcted.are arrested. The ldentltydf tbe lndlcted In dlvldudla waa thue. lef t a [matter of con Jecture. It la oxpected ?that arreata- will cccur to-morrow mornlng and that-the Poatofflce Department >rwlll have aome announcement to make'during the forer noon. ' ) ?? The grand Jury'u aotlop probably marka the beglnnlng of the end. of the Inveatiga tion that haa been ln prOgreaa alnce the mlddle of last March. k Volumlnoue evl dence haa been lai'd ?efore the grand Jury-aa the refeult of'the Inqulry,--atid whlle the preaent report of the Jury, dla poses of most of the 'ioaaea, there yet remaln aeveral to be .pasaed upon. -When the. latter are dlaposadvof.-s accordlng to Postmoator-General Pejme,-thV lnveatlga tlon, ap farms the. work-~at "Washlngton Is'c'ohcerned, wlllbe. at an;-end-?for all practlcal purposes. Soveral of- the per sons lndi'cted to-day llve outcide of Wash? lngton. They -wlll be arrested aa aoon as bench warrants can be served. STHRN FOUND 1N-.TORONTO. : :', Two other important ovents occurred to-day ln: the postal lnqulry. ' Leopole Stern the 3altlmore contractor, who dla-. appoared from Baltlmore bofore he could bo arreated ' on an Indlctment returned July 31at last, waa located at Toronto, and the lorig-delayed surrender pf George Beaver8, tho former head of the aalary and allowance division, to the New York authonttes' took place. Tho poatal ofll? clala have been searchlng for Stern evor alnce he dlsappeared, and flnallyrecelved word :"rom the Canadlan authorltles that he la in Toronto. The questlon of extradltlon haa been taken up wlth the State Department. The cnse? has features simllar to.the Oreen Gaynor case. It was then contondod that oonaplracy was not oxtradltable, but the State Department took the view that the ncts themsolves involved alleged, em bralemeht nnd constltuted extxadltable offenses. Stern was lndlcted for con Kiilracv to defraud the government. He was. charged wlth recelvlng full, for satchola. for letter-carrlera, incluoing shoulder-straps, desplte the supply to hlm of theae straps nt govornment exponae. In conslderatlon of the supply of these straps to hlm, for which he waa paid In full, he ls charged wlth paylng suma tp W C Done of this clty, and A. "W. Ma chen,' the deposed head of tho free de li'very servlco. _ BEAVERS SURRENDERS Former Head ofSalary and Allowance Division Under Arrest. (By Aasoclated- Presa.l NEW YORK, September 8,-George "W. Beavera the former head of the aalary and allowances division of the Postofflce Department at Washlngton, aurrendered hlmself In the offlce of Unlted Sta es Commlssloner Hltehcock in thla olty to day and gavo $5,050 ball for hla nppear ance before Commlssloner HJtchcoe.v. on September 16th. Unlted States Dlstrlct Attorney Bur r.ett last wedk notiOed Beavers' counael that a bench warrant had been tseued for the nrrest of Mr. Beavere; that he would be taken lnto custody forthwlth lf he dld not immedlatoly surrender hlmself. The defendant's lawyers then verbally in formed the Fcderal authorltles thnt thoy would produco thelr cllent Tuesday. The lndlotment agalnst the former head of tho aalarles and allowance division waa returned two montha ago in Brooklyn, and charges hlm wlth havlng recelved a oheck for $81? from tlie Brnndt-Dent Man ufacturlng.Company, of Middletown, Wln, whloh, lt la alleged, waa pald to hlm by tho flrm as a part commlsslon on a num? ber of autoinnttc cashlera furnlahed tho poatal dopartment by that flrm. REV. MrThEPBURN WILL COME TO FULTON Fulton Baptlst Church wlna out, Tho Rev Davi'd Hcpburn, of Bnltimora, has deoided to he Its pastor, and for that reaaon the Second Churoh of the Monu? mental Clty laat nlght aooepted hla realg FuUon neonle and the Baptlats of the cltygenerallV wlll h? Interested In the apptnded t9l("fr,ainU,phmnnH v. . "IMmaa-DlBnatch. Rlchmond, Va.: "Tha conaregation of the Seoond Churel, met to-nlBht and accepted the realgha Uon of the^ pa-tor, Rev. Davld Hepburn, who hL decWed to accept a oall to tha Fulton BaP lst Church, Rlchmond." C,? U Mr. Hepburn has been wfveHng l *??? the attractton. of a n7M,,V?.nrt oaatorate and evange lat o worklt app'ara that tha former haa Wn'tli vfotor, which will bo gratlfylng nfwatothUulton people. TWENTY-FOUR HURT IN GRAND STAND FALL (By Assoclated Preee.) IBAVBNSWORTH, KAIf., September I?-A frandstand erected on a knott on the Fort _eavenworth reeerratlon ta-re war thle afternoon durln* ? ehaun ba__a by re?ul?r troopi Injurlnr twentr-four psrsons. None were kllled. Many of the lnjured recelved broken lege. The etand was put up thle __?<*"_"? Fully 1.W0 people orowded upon lt There waa1* hee/ry artlllory ducl wfth elege rind. Three battallons of lnfantry were uslng blaok pcrwder. Some one ann-unoed that the cavalry woro emerglng from ? rarlne to oberge. People on the *i__J?a. ?tand Jumped up to see them t_rou*n the emoke. The entlre etand went down wlth a oraeh. The utmoet confueton followed, toootn* panled by shrieks nf vlottras. It waa found that many wore plnnod down under the boards. Hundreds who were wolkln| on the ground rushed to the granditand looklnt for reletlree. The confuslon wne lndesorlbable ttntil the regular soldlers formed'a llne and kept all back not In jured or oarlng for those Injured, Tha bat. tle whloh wae lte helght on.the opposlte ?ide of the road was ealled off at onoe, and the eoldlere aotlng under dlreotlon of thelr ofneere, began taklng eare of the Injured. Ambulancee were ueed to oowey people to the olty hoepltftle nnd wlthln bp hour after the oooident th?,lnju?ed had. all been remored. . All thoee Injured ar? ?H~?. but lt is believed three wlll dla. A LEAGUE OFJABOR Organlzatlon That Was Per fected Last Nlght. THE OBJECT OF THE BODY lt is to Have Every Worklng Man In the Clty Register When the Books Ar6 Opened on the Fifteenth of September. An organlzatlon to be known as the Labor League of Richmond was perfoot ed last nlght ln Bllett'e Hall. ; The prlme objeot of the body wlll bo to have. every worklng man of the clty register when the books aro opened on the 16th of thls month. The meetlng was preslded, over tempor nrily by Mr. John M.-Ryall and represen tatlves of nearly every trades unlon ln the clty were. present and the lmpresslori was unanlraous among them that1 th? proposed pVahs of the'organlzatlon as do flned were Just what organlzed labor needs ln thls ctty, At a meetlng to be held ln Sparks aind Blacks'.Hall on Friday nlght, .other plans wlll be perfected to accompllsh the re3ults whlch the .league is .deslrous of aocom pllshing. All worklngmen of the clty aro lnyltedJto.'be.ln ,attendance,,on thls ,oc caslon. I';.; ?>; '?''. - - - ?<? .-'?? ???'?".'*'? V ;?? ? >'-? ?_' , Clrculars urglng the laborlng olnoses to reglafer wlll be oirculated tHroughout the workshops of the clty wlthln the next fow days. .. . , . Tho^followlng offlcers were choson last nlght: Presldent,' John M. Ryall; Vlce Presldents, H. G. Granger,. of Lee Ward; T, N. O'Keefe, of Madison; J."W. Powell, of Monroo.' The other ward ivlce-presidmits wlll bo named at the noxt meetings: Sec? retary, W. H. Mullen;-Treasurer, Sldney Cates, and Sergeant-at-Arms, T. V. Rudd. RICHMOND DELEGATES , AT DRUGGIST MEETINGS (Speolal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) BOSTON, MASS., September 8,?Among the delegates who arrlved hero to attend tho nnnual oonventlons of the wholosale drugglsts and Amerlcan Proprletary As socfatlons are A. J. Cavenaugh, Edgar D. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, of Rlchmond, Va. Over 500 delegates nro expected, and as many more ladles wlth them. Among the important questlons eomvng bofore tho two bodles, who aro In ses nlon all thls week, aro. the matter of rato cuttlng and nowspaper advertlsing. An elnborato entertalnmont programme, lncludlng open house' at all the exoluslvo Clubs, has been prepared for the vlsltors, e THREE SCHOONERS LOST BY THE HURRICANE (By Assoclated Press.) MOBILE, ALA.. September 8^-CaptjUn Scott of the Brltlsh schooner, Bartholdl, haH rocolved a lotter from Captaln Fos ter of tho Brltlsh schooner, Emerald, datod Isle of Pmes. telllng of the loss of three vessels at Grand Cayman dur ln- the recent hurrlcnnos whlch havo not been mentlonod ln prevlous dls nntches. These are tho sohooners Gopr Irinna, Actlve and Clyde. The letter also montlons the loss of many jjmall coast Ing vessels. DEATH OF SOLDIER ENDSAROMANCE Sergeant Pedersen, Who Was to Have Married Mlss Free man. Kllled ln Tent. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlepatoh.) NEW YORK, fJoptombor 8.?^Vlth tlio nrrtval of the body of Sorevant Chrlstlan Pederson, Twenty-seventh Unlted States Infantry, on tlie transport Kllpatrlck, from tlie PlilllpplneH, the romauce of Mlss Lotti'e Freeman, of No. ?S_1 Ogd"on Street, Phlladelphla, ends. Pedersen pre? pared to get married, as hls time explrod, when suddonly the government offerod hlm a flrst sergeancy to re-enllst. She advlsed hlm to take it, and ho was liur yled aboard tlio transport boforo they had tlmo to be married. Then eame word that Ped'ersen had been kllled ln tho tent of hls colonel, who was eompllmentlng hlm for bravory nnd talk Ing about a commlsslon. The body wlll be sent to Miss Oroeman's homo. ?-1 i Cresceus Lowers His Record, (By Assoclated Presu.) LINCOLN, NEB., September 8.?Cres? ceus, tlie trotti'ng stalllon, by George Ketoh, broke all records for a half mlle thls afternoon at the State falr ground, lowerlng hls best prevlous record of two woeks ac?, at Dayton. Ohlo, a half seo ond. He covured tho mlle to-day ln 2:08 1-8. Cresceus wats accompanled by 4wo runners and an outomoblle. SITUATION APPALUNG Thousands of Bulgarlan In habltants Massacred. ) REFUOEES ARE STARVING Reported to Be Dying In the Mowrtalngi by Thoueande?Apprehenelon of an Attack on Bulgaria by a Large Army. (By Aeeoolated Preee.) SOFIA, BUTiOXRIA, September 8.-AU reporta from the villayet of Monaatlr ngree in deaoriblng the altuaUon aa ap palllng. Botween thlrty and ftfty thoua and Bulgarlan inhabltants are belleved to ha% been maaaocred by the, Turke, and every Bulgarlan vlllago ln#tha vUlayet has been doatroyed. The ? refugeea ln the mountalna and foreata.ore dylng of atar vatlon by thouaanda. ?*??!? At present lt la Imposslble to obtaln preclse flgures. The revolutionary head quarters eatlmate that thlrty thousand Bulgarlan men. woraen and chlldren. have been kllled, whlle at'least the samei num? ber of refugees are' slowly perlahlng ot hunger. In offlciar clrclea these flgures aro regarded aa an un.der-eatlmate, and offlclala Incllne to the bellef that the num? ber of the massacred oxceeda 60,000. Tho Turks aro apparently determlned to ex termlnate the entlre .Bulgarlan populatlon of the villayet. - In government oirolea here tne s-ituar tlon- ls vlewedv wlth lncreaalng- alarm. It ls rollabiy reported that "the TurWah foroea in Macedohla number a?,000.1 It .,? conaldered lmposalble that suoh a force has been aaaembled merely to oruah the rebellion. It la foared that tho Sultan 1? medlating an attack on Bulgaria. Fighting In Progress. SAIiONICA. TURKEY, September 8.? Twelve battallona of Turklah troops are reported to have aurrounded a large rev? olutionary band near Oatrovo, thlrty mllea from Monastlr. Flghtlng la progresslng. The revolutlonlatB have taken up a posl tlon near Dake Anlatovo, ln the villayet of Constantlnople. Turklah troopai aro now aald to be attacklng them. WarSoema Inevltable. (By Ansoolated Preaa.) DONDON, September 9.?Bverythlng aaema to polnt to' now. and terrlble doyol opmenta In Macedonla. On top of the appalllng rosults of tho Turklah modes of reatorlng order ln the vlllagea of Monas? tlr comea a threat by tho Insurgents to reiort to reprlBals on the mme scalo. The Porte's anxloty to auppresB newa by expelllng nowspaper correapondenta from the area of the operatlona la held to have but one meantng. Thla nyrnlng'B papera commont upon the algnlflcance of the newa flrat publUhod by the Aasoctated Presa that Russla and Aurtrla are aeoklng to perauade tho powera to coeroe Bulgaria aa ahowlng a bellef that war/la Inevltable. m STRIKE OF MACHINISTS FOR MORE MONEY (By AasoclatM Presa.) MACON. GA., September 8.?The ma ehlnlsta ln the shops of tha Central of Goorgia Railroad Company qult work to-day, becauae they were refuBed an ln croase of two and a halr oenta an hour ln wagea. Superlntendant Kline loft for Snvnnnah after fftlllng to reaoh an agreo jnent wlth tho men. , ,. , ?,. The maohlnlata have struck, lt la sald, becauso an advance of wage& haa been granted ln tho Savannah ahopa of the oompany and not here. TOOK POISON TO PRODUCE A NAP ts Thomas Colllns Came Near i Endlng Hls Llfe Wlth Laudanum. Thomaa Colllna, a marrled man, llvlng at No. 1403 Weat Cary Street, took an overdose of laudanum yeeterday after? noon, nnd narrowly escaped wlth llfe. Ho la now at tho Clty Hoapltal, and only by herolo and peralatent efforte dld Drw. Syclo and Rex brlng hlm around. Colllna bought tha polaon ln very amall nunntltloH at dlfferent atorea, ao tho aur geons lenrned. He told them he oould not aleep, and took the oplate to break hla Insomnla. The call for tho ambulanoe came at 1:30 yesterday afternoon. The wlldaft excltemont prevalled at the Colllna homo when Dr. Bycla renohed it. The chlldren were acraamlng. and Mra. Colllns falnted aeveral tlmea while tha doctor was worlt Jng on the huaband. It wns aoon evldent that the?patleiit muBt bo romoved to the hoapltal. and thla waa done wlth oll spoed.. From tho appearance pf the homo Col? llna aeems to be ln comfortable elrctim atancaa. He dentea that he had any Idea Bt lulclde. TOSETTLE THE CITY'S TOTAL DEBT Plan Explained by the Clty Accountant. SEVENTEEN YEARS TO LIQUIDATE IT Slnklng Funl Mistake IsAgaln ln Evidence. FORQBLE ADDRESS BY MR. MH3ARXHY1 The-Bondlasue Propoaed is Refeevad to tha Plnance Oommlttes and BtoJdng Pund Oomnifsdon? The OounoU Is OaHed ?oMeet A_?in Thls Evening. There waa a, protractod meetlng of _? Common Co-ncdl last nlght, and a great deal of busbieea of more or lea lmpor tance -aa dlspcued of. Tbe cale_d_r waa not nnlahod, and there wlll be a speclal meetlng to-nl?ht at S o*o1oe_, There waa, one featnre of tha meet?* whlch partook of great bar_# been a warra dlseuselon of a reaoluttori reported from tha Fln&noei Cotarotttee for the lesuanoe of $401,000 of four per cent bonds to retlre oertaln other bonda now about to fall due. The propositlon einbraced a -feature whloh waa deatgned to chonge the flnanclal polloy of the clty .. so as to keepup the slnklng fund to ? pomt where all bonda can be retlred aa they fall due. The resolutlon was defended by Messrs. Hargrove, Anderson and Crensha'w, and opposed by Messrs. Bloomberg, Hicks and others, and wati flnally rocoramltted to the Finance Commlttee nnd the Board of Slnklng Furtd Commissloners, wlth ln structlons . to ? report. ln detall upon the flnanolal condltlon of ttie,.elty: ' .?:?:r?'-??-: But tho greatest featurs of the dlscus sion .waa; tlie \ywy flery" speech, of,' Clty'; Accountant Carltbn McCarthy, 'who\WJ?aV oalled upon to explaln the new plan, aritt he dld not mince worda as he urged the adoptlon of the resolutlon. Captaln McCarthy spoke wlth hla usual vlgor, ond declared that through elther lgnpranee or neglecf of duty the slnklng fund had been da'pleted from- year to yedr ln the face of the oharter provilslona on the subject. After the transaotton of a great deal of routlne buslnesa the body adjonrned - to meet ln speclal sesslon to-nlght at 8 ' o'clock. CALOJ?D TO ORDEJR. The meoting was oalled to ortlor bjr Presldent Sol. L, Bloomberg at 8 o'clock, nnd more than a quorum of members answered to thelr. names. The ahatr, ln hls usual dlplomatto man ner, urgod the members to glve attentlon to busmess ln -order that the oaJeadat mlght be dlsposed of wlth expedttto'n. - and tho offect of the lnjunotlon waa good. |A resolutlon from the Street Cotn mlttee was adopted transferrlng cortaln . funds for that department from one ao oount to another, and the ordtnanoe oon? formlng the law at to atreet lmprove ments to the oonstltuUonal provtsiona on the aubjeot waa, on motion of Mr. Cren shaw, laid on tho table untll the nest, meetlng, Mr. Petere, subohairman of .the Btreet' ComnrUtoe, deplored thls aotion, and sald that no street or alley hnprovemanta could be made porfdlng the adoption of the ordfaanoe, i A large number of privlleges for the oon? structlon of sewers and other Improve-' monts were granted, and Prealdeint Bloom berg, ln dlsposlng of theae raattora. > showed great faolllty for the rapld dla? patoh of buslneis, . i NBW BOHD ISBUH. A resolutlon from the Comralttoe on Ffnance, reoommendlng the lasuanos of ffiOl.000 of 4 por cent. bonda. was read nnd oaused somo dlsouision. It was defendod by Messrs, Hr.rgro-a nnd Andorson and opposed by Messrs. . Bloomborg (Mr. Pollook ln tha obalr) and IHoks. ? The propositlon waa to laaue the bondj to roplste the slnklng fund after.the re demption of oertaln other bonds, now about to fall due. Mr,. Crenslmw de fondod the resolutlon, and he and Mr. Bloomberg engaged ln a brlef coltoquy on tb* subject, after whi'eh Mr. Pollook spoke brlefly for the reeolutlon, HOT AFTER THEM. Captaln Carlton McCarthy, the clty ac? countant, wns oalled upon nnd explained the reasons for the resolutlon. whose fulluro of adoptlon, he sald, would be - fatal to tho elty's Interests, Ho declared that for tho past twenty. flvo years tha clty had had no flnanclal polt'oy, and snld the slnklng fund wae not only short, but lt was short because the offlcers of the clty had not only lg? nored the ehsrter. but had lgnored tne plalnest and slmpleit methods of bdsl In the faco of tha charter and law* of the clty the slukinr fund had been lootod from time to time, whenever lt sulted the pleasura of the olty authon'ttes, ond now lt was proposed slmply to relleve the communlty from an enormous, and un uecessary debt now hanglng over the C"y' TO IMPROVE CHANEL. The accountant spoke ln hls aceustomed solrlted veln, and declared that lf ln could not demon'strate .every propositlon he lald down ho would resign hls posl tlon wltlin twenty-four hours, . He sald lt dld not requlre so rnueh In telllgonce to accompllab what w?s pro? posed. but It dld requlre Integnty end a proper regard for tho mandates of the charter nnd for the oath of offlce, By, IftlT, lf the plan now proposed was put Into operutlon and properly carried oul, tha olty could hand a eheck to every bondholdor whtn the bonds were due.. an4 by 1SK0 the entlre clty debt could be for evet annlhllatud. The speaker declared that unjess flgurw ,4ecelvod hlm the olty atood upon the