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Miller G) Rho-dr,. Miller ?S? Rhonda. Room Rugs That Are Beautiful in Design and Moderate in Price Look in our windows at ono of the 9x12 feet Axraineter or "Wilton Velvet Druggets (Room Bug is really a better name than Drugget). They're superior In every way to carpets as a floor covering. Knsy to put down, certainly easier to clean nnd consequently much more desirable from a health standpoint. Thoy are growing more popular every season. The Axministors nro made in well balanced designs of Orien? tal scrolls or garland border pat? terns in tasteful colorings. 9x12 feet, S27.50 and $30.00. Wilton Velvet Room Rugs cannot bo oqtinllnd by any other domestio fabric for closeness of weave, class . of design and delicacy of color. 0x12 feet l?t?gs* $50.00. In Brussels wo have a number of new designs in Room Rugs, colorings to suit any schema of decoration, 0x12 feet, $12.50, $27.00 and $30.00, Smyrna Room Rugs, 0x12 feet, scroll, medallion or Oriental designs artlstlo colorings, $25,00 and $35.00, 7 feet G inches by 10 feet 0 inches in tho best quality All-wool Smyrna, $25.00.. For large rooms?Bromley's Boyal All-Wool Smyrna, 12x1.5 feet, $59.00. We liavo an extensive variety of Revcrsiblo Smyrna Rugs in every usefuL size?and in none but tlio standard makes. 50c For These Pretty Cushion Covers. ART DEPARTMENT. All ready to slip the pillow in?no work at all required on you_. ??art. Beautifully figured velour tops, in Bed, Green and Blue, with tassols in each corner. Best investments in a half-dollar Cushion Top that we know of. ?.'<i*'H><i><S>-3><"?<^^ Scemi and j ?Personai ! The Richmond autumn brido falls heir ? to tlio blessing that goes with tho old saying. "Happy the bride on whom the sun glints," for the autumn months here are so full of glow and brightness that the season seems nn Ideal one for "mar? rying and giving in marriage." .An early November wedding which will ?waken tho greatest Interest in "Richmond and Norflk society Will be that of Mlss Kathorine Michaux and ?Mr. l"??ward R. BaJrd, of Norfolk. It will take pinco In the hernie of Miss Michaux, No. 323 East Franklin Street Iwd will lie one of the most elegant and Tirilila.nt social hap? penings of trie approaching season. The Tirldo-to-bo Is the only daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Michaux. She has always lived In ?Rlohmond, whore she has been admirer*!, not moro for hor lovoly personality, than for her unaffected charm of manne?? nnd her ssyoetnoss of dispo? sition. S?ho helotiRB both through her father anil mother to old and aristocratic Virginia families. Mr. Bnird Is a successful young profes? sional gentleman, ? member of tho Nor? folk bar nnd a grandson of Commodoro Barron, of the United Stntes navy. Dur? ing his visit to Richmond, ho hns mudo many frlonds among the young society people of this city, whoro ho ls almost as popular ne lie ls ln Norfolk. Cleme nts?Richardson. The Broad us Memorial Church was tho scene of a very pretty wedding n.t 0 P. M, yosterday, when Miss Nettle Richard? son, a popular young lady of Church Hill ond Mr. Halsted Maynard Clements, of Lee Hall, Vn.., woro married, tho Rev. Clarence P. Stonly, the pastor of the church, performing the ceremony. Palms and ferns mado tho vory effec? tive altar decoration?. Mrs. Leslie Wat eon presided at tho organ nnd under her touch, the notes of the wedding chorus from Lohengrin sounded ne the wedding party entered. The hrldo was extremely pretty ln whlto mousseline with a plcturo hat. Sho car? ried a bouquet of Bride roses. Her maid of honor; Miss Lynn Moseley, woro white chiffon Will plfik ribbons. Her llowers wero La Primeo roses. A trio of brldosmalds. Miss Ada ?. Cbnlkloy, Kn.tlierlno P. Howorton' and Lillian P. Clements were gowned ln whlto chiffon, They hnd clustor showers of ma-'den hnlr ferns tied with green ribbons. The groom wns attended by his best man, Mr. Thomas P. Clements nnd by his ushers, Mr. Lesilo IT. Peed, Mr. Clar? ence D. Nownwui nnd Mr. Henry H. Rich? ardson. Mr. and Mrs. Clements loft last night for an extended tour to New York Buf? falo, Niagara, Thousand Islands and oth? er points ofv interest. Mrs. Clements is tho danghtor of Mrs. H. H. Rlohnrdson nnd ? host of friends ln Richmond regret tho fnct that her future home will be at Lee Hall Instead of here. Literary and Musical. The literary and -musical programme at tho Woman's Club for tho coming season has been arranged ns follows! November 2.?Musicale, Miss r<oulso Vf 11 linins, chairman. Novembqr 18.?Miss Maria Blnlr chnlr man. Bubjoct: "? Calimoso of Egypt of To-Day." November SO.?Mrs. Lelnnd Rnnkln, chairman. Mrs. Martha McCullooli WIN llams. Subject: "Tho Literary Looking Glaus." December 7.?Mr--. Thomas Cary John? son, chairman. Philanthropy, December 21.?Mrs. Charlen Q, Bosher. r-Nalrman. SubJoot: "Is Our Day to Lack Transcendent Genius Because So Many Authors WrJJr- Well." January 4.?Musicale. Miss Louise Wil? liams, chairman. January 11.?Mrs. Henry ?. Williams, chairman. Mrs. Tyng. Subject; "The Barpeiln Painters." January IS.?Virginia Day, Mrs. Chiles "Mnson Ferrali, chairman. February 1.? Phllanlhroph. Mrs. Thorn? BH Cary Johnson, chairman. February ?",.?Mrs. John Hunter, ehnlr EsUthUshed a Century Ago. Presentation PIECES. STERLING Silver Loving Cups of every size and cost. Sterling Silver Punch Bowls, Pitch? ers, Tea Sets, complete Dinner Services, &c. All corrcspoiidonco given careful arid prompt attontioD. <"oods sum on ap? proval upon satisfactory references, GALT & BRO., t? JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, STATIONERS, UQ7 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C, man. Subject: "Ghosts or Spirits," February 20.?Leap Year Entertainment. March 21.?Mrs. B. B. Vnlentlne, chair? man.* Miss Caroline L?. Sparrow. Subject: "Songe of the Wandering Students of the Middle Ages." April 4.?Art. Mrs. Henry A. Williams, chairman. April 18.?Mrs. W. E. Evnns. chairman, Dr. R. E. Blackwell. Subject: "Nature ana Poetry." Mav 2.?Musicalo. Miss Louise? "Wil? liams, chairman. May IR,?Mrs. Vlrglnius Hall, chair? man. Mr. Evan R. Chosterman. Sub? net: "Current Events." Confederate Daughters. The Richmond Chapter, Daughters of tho Confederacy, met In Leo Camp Hall at 4:30 o'clock lost afternoon. The mooting?the first of tho autumn was most interesting, and wns very- well attended. It was Important in. regard to the business transacted and also in re? gard to the election of delegates to the State Convention In Norfolk, Vn,, during the month of October. Mrs. Norman V. Randolph, tho presi? dent of the chapter, was ln the chair. After thn minutes of the last meeting hnd been rend, and tho roports of commit? tees heard, letters of appeal from tho Columbia Chapter, In South Carolina, and the Eufnln Chapter, In Alabama, wore read. Tho Richmond .Chapter, in response, voted to send flvo dollars to South Carolina towards the Hampton monument, and one dollar to Bufala to help In the erection of ? memorial to the Alabama soldiers of Barbour county. Mrs. Randolph nlso requostod contribu? tions for a box of fancy articles that will bo mado up and sent to a Confetlorato fair, which will bo held In Charleston, S. C? for the Hampton Memorial. Any ar? ticle however small, sent to Mrs. Ran? dolph, will bo packed and forwarded to South Carolina. It was decided that tho Richmond Chap? ter will award a handsome gold, modal to the Richmond school child, girl or boy, who shall, during tho coming school yenr, write the best essay on "Tho Lifo and Character of Jefferson Davis." A corn? mltteo was appointed to settlo all de? tails ln regard lo this mnttor nnd report to the noxt meeting of tho Daughters. It was resolved that at tho State con? vention a motion shall bo introduced for tho appointment of one dologato from each Virginia chapter to make an appeal to the General Assembly of Virginia. The appeal shall he for an appropriation to placo ? ? iron fence around tho Leo monument nnd otherwise put lt In good order, then to turn It over to tho ente of tho Virginia Division of Daughters. In regard to tho representation of Chap? ters, who havo paid tholr dues, but whoso written proxy falls to roach tho Creden? tial Committee In thnn to bo accepted, the following nmtmi'dmc*nt to tho Cliapter rjonslltution wns favorably considered: "The Stato pr?sident or such person ap? pointed by hor to cost tho vote of said Chapter. Such voto to be In accord with' dues on the book of tho treasurer of tho U. D. C." Tho following delegates wore elected to the Norfolk convention: Mrs. Norman V, Randolph, Mrs. C. W. P. Brock, Mrs. J. IT. TJmberlnko, Mrs Wilt or Christian, 'Miss Mintilo Bnnghmiin, Mrs. J. H. Cap? ers, Jr., Miss Salilo Deano. Mrs. Charles 15. Boiling, Mrs. Edgar Taylor, Mrs. B, A. Blenner, Mrs. R. F Hunter, Misa Annlo Gray, Mr? Goorgo A. Lyon, Miss Lucy Claire Atkinson, Miss Manilo Baughman, Mrs. J. R. Vawter, Mrs. Crawford Redd, Mrs. Ijoo Lorraine anil Mrs, Fannlo Potts, Alternates: MIkh Harbour, Miss Bessie Ulli, Mrs, Russell Jo?os, Miss Ana Hoy kin. Miss Lolla Hill, Miss Frances Dlgges, Miss Mnttlo Harris. Mrs. Charlea O. Bosh er, Mrs. Janney, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Luther Warren, Miss Salile Anderson,, Mrs. Stephen Beveridge, Mrs, I). C. Richard? son, Miss Lizzie Townos, Mrs. R. T. Ar rlnglon, Mrs. Frank T. Crump, Mrs. S. D. Drowry and Mrs. Maria Robinson. The railway faro to Norfolk will be one and one-third rates, Delegates will bo entertained. ?.;'?*) Tho many friends of Mr. W. S. Tolei* and Miss Hattio V. Mooro will bo sur? prised to hear of tholr marriage in Wash? ington. Tuesday, September 8th. Aftor a stay of Bovornl days thoy will he glml to hi'o their friends at the homo of Mr. Jantes Boyden, Manchester, Personal Mention. Mrs. John W. Richardson, Master Olln lilohardson ?ind Minaos Kathleen rind Laura Richardson, tlio wife nnd childmn o? Colonel Richardson, of tlio Land Reg? istry olili???, have returned to their home. JNo.iSlS Floyd Avenue, after a delightful visit of two mont lis to Southwest Vir? ginia. Master Oliti Rlohnrdsnn was awarded a scholarship by tho faculty of Richmond Academy, which ho attended last year and, although only sixteen years old. will enter Richmond Collega the 2ltl. of this month. Mrs. William McCarthy nnd Miss Agnes McCarthy nr? visiting Mr?. McCarthy's Hinter, Mrs. Gardiner, at "Cuckoo," Lou? isa county. t Mrs. Joseph Lamar, nf Augusta, On., Die vice-president of the National So? ciety of Colonial Dames, who ha? many friends In Richmond, is also visiting Dr. und Mrs. Philip Harbour Pendloton, at "Cuckoo," Mies Lina Livingston Mayo is the guest of friends in Roanoke, Vn. Mrs. M. Leonard, o? Woodland. Cal., and Mrs. A. Abraham, of Philadelphia, arc Visiting their slstor. Mrs. S. Bowman, of No. 626 North Eighth Street. ? ? . The advent of cooler weather has eorved to thin out Die ranks o /the Richmond contingent autumn Ing at "Liberty Hall,'', Va* Durili?,* tho week, ?.ulte a tnimber heve returned, Including Mr*. Edward Alvey and maid, Misses Floyd ond Lucille Alvoyi Miss Graoe Woods. Mrs. Albort Donoon and son, Mr. and Mra. B. Morgan shepherd, Mrs. Harry IhKftJJt and Mise Gftadya Ing-alls. , Mrs. Clara Hughes and Mrs. Snnyres havo returned from the Cold Sulphur to "Liberty Hull," whoro they will ro? main for the remainder of tho month. Dr, nnd Mrs. A. "ffl, Dickinson will al/o tarry a While longer nt this delightful hostelry, Miss Blanche MoTntyre. of No. D0.1 TOnf-t Leigh Street, loft yesterday for Danville, Va., where sho will spond several weeks With friends, Mrs, ,T. Stanley Reynolds, of this city, left last evening to.spend several weeks With relatives and friends at her old home, near Tazewell, Va. Mrs. Ada W. Jonklns Is quite 111 nt her rosldonco opposite Chimborazo Park, ?? * Friends of Mrs. Henry C. Stunrt, In Richmond, will ho glad to know..thnt sho was reported hotter last night. Miss Denise Louise Harria has returned to tho olty aftor a delightful summer at Virginia Bench. ANIMAL STORIES FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS The Punsters. The partrldgo, passing down the street, oiuno across the tailor monkey, who was engaged on somo work for ono of his customer?. "How aro you gottlng along'," asked tho partridge. "Oh! just so-so, replied the tailor monkey. -*""<SSS>*^" "Sew-so I" "Sew-so?" Inquired the partridge. "Yes, bow-so and so-so, too," answered tho good-natured monkey, as he took another stitch In the cloth. "Do you find tho work hard?" Inquired the partridge. "Tes. but I have Ilttlo ideas that help to mako it easy," replied the monkey. "For Instance, 1 hold tho thread on ray toe to keep It from gottlng tangled. "Toto?" iiskod the partridge, "Yes, toto and toe to, too." "You havo a noose ln the thread now. ' "No, that Is a knot, not noose. "Not-not?" ,'?:-.:???'* "? "Yes, not not and knot not also. "Did you know I was a punster? "Did I know?" No. "No-no?" ?; ,, "No; no no-no; Know? No. And then the two started laughing and thev laughed so heartily over tholr word twisters that It broke up the wholo day's work of the tailor monkey. Properly Transfers. Richmond: 15. T. Blackburn and wife to J. D. .Camcal, trustee, 18 feet on west side of Randolph Streot, 60 feet north of Claiborno, SS07.72. J. J. Montnguo and wife to Holen G. Montague, 23 C-12 foot on south side of Clay Street, 113 6-12 feet east of Eleventh, II."?'. ? , William L., George? Vf. Smlthor, and wlfo and Walter J. Smlthor to ?. T. Blackburn, IS feet on west side of Ran? dolph Street, 50 feot north of Clalborne, suoo. Henrlco: C. C. Beattle to Charles and Annie O. Miller, CO feet on north sido of Cary Street, northwest corner of Cren shaw Avenue, $C0O. Georgo M. Cayco and wlfo to Pauline T. Rynn, 25 7-12 foot on north sido of Mnln Streot. 34C feot wost of Robinson. ?5-12S. F. M. Conner and wife to H. M. Mitch? ell, lot 1, section D, Beechwood Park, $25. R. L, Harrison nnd wlfo to Mrs. Hen? rietta Wagner, lot 33 on the plat of the subdivision of lot 8, plan of Powhatan, ?200. Northsldo Land Company to William H. Dunn and Joseph M. Fournurean, lots 11 to 15. Inclusive, ln square 29, Chestnut Hill. $??0. Bamuel H. Pulllam's trustee, and wife to Joseph Heppcrt, GO feot on west side of Twenty-first Street, Dl feet north of ? Street, and -16 feet on wost sido of Twon ty-flrst Streot, 1S3 feot north of ? Street, SG00. Jo. Lane Stem, special commissioner to Virginia Turnor, GO feet on south side of Beverly Street, GO feet oast of Rowland, ?.6.00. The Old Folks' Homo' of Grand Foun? tain, United Ord?c True Reformers, to Maria Cordon, lots 07 and 98 qp tho plan of Brownosvlllo, SI O?). Teachers' Certificates, Teachers' certificates aro being for? warded by the department of education to all thoso entitled to them by reason of nttendrtiico nnd standing nt the Summer School of Methods. Preparations for the resumption of school work throughout the Stato nro nearly complete, nnd the out? look for a successful session's work Is very bright. COFFEE HEART Barred by Life Insurance Companies. Coffee directly nffocts tho heart nnd many Lifo Insurance Companies now rocognl-se "Coffee Heart" as a wall do flned disenso nnd refuso lnsurnneo to thoso suffering from this trouble Leaving off coffee nnd drinking Postum, Food Coffee regularly In Ita placo quickly remedies this and puts tho heart normal, healthy and steady again. "1 was examined for membership In tho 'Woodmen of tho World' about u yenr ago, and tho examin? physician told mo thnt 1 had 'Coffoo Heart' duo to coffeo drinking, and told mo that I would have to stop or ho could not nnswor for results. Ho snld I would no doubt find It dllll oult to quit tho use of coffee tmlosa I drank well boiled Pobllim Food Coffee In ItH place and recommended Postum to mo which ho said would not onlv aid mo to give up the coffeo habit, but would greatly help my health. My pulso registered over a hundred b?ate u mlnuiia nnd I was not admitted to membership In tho Order, but my application wns hold open for Ihren weeks. ? began the use of Postum according to the doctor's directions und wns highly pleased with It and liked it hotter tnun tho best of coffoo. Aflor throe or four lays the bout Ine of my pulse linean t" diminish and iitVlie end of threo weeks It was normal, and my application und examination papers were again pout to tho Sovereign Physician of ??? Woodmen at Omaha, with the result that I recolTod my policy, "Hundreds of pcoplo havo I hoard ro mark, ?, there's nn harm In coffee.' Now I novor dreamed tho use of It was affect? ing mo lu the least, and consider myself lucky that 1 underwent thi? examination Just when 1 did and found out tho ttutli about coffeo from this physician. I be? llevo that oven when coffeo ls not sus? pected It Is always doing HI and will In time hurl the strongest constitution." Name given hy lN-slum Food Co., Hat? tle Creek, Mich, Look in c.-u'h package for a copy of the famous Ilttlo book, "The Road to WcllvUle.* PERIL ISLAND By SIDNEY DREW. Copyright, ?T03, by W. R, Hearst. CHAPTER x*1?.. . ' Ana wherovor tho flag shall fly, Glorying between son nnd sky, Mntcos the mlBht of Britain known, Britain*", hold your own] "We'll look up tho sconti half of Black ?Ttinh'e Instructions," snld hi? lordship, "For the treasure," read Hector Dane, "anchored In Shrapnel Bay, Beware shark, hie gate, and the Cauldron. To the left of tho flngpolc on tho Hoof. Pull down the stones with enre. The head points straight at four hundred paces. Dig hero, and you shall ?nd, unless tho man-apes havo destroyed, If so, your labor la vain," Clivo lifted a pnlr of binoculars and took a long look nt thn cliff. "No flagpole there," ho said. "But Juan Gaskara may h/.vo meant tho Hind Hoof," suggested the doctor, "Then-why nnchor In Shrapnel Bay, doc?" "Gently," put in his lordship. "I havo got tho map In my head protty well. In tho first place, you cannot expect a flag? pole to withstand wind, weather and decay ior eighty yonrs or more. If Gns lcnra meant thnt cliff wo shall find traces of tho polo choked away under tho follago. If ho Intended tho Hind Hoof tbero can bo no snfe anchorage ln Pearl Bay." Leckburn glanced at his watch. Rising lazily, he struck a match and touched tho priming of the little brass gun._ Thoro wns a puff, a flash and a roar, TlTo time had como for tho men to return to tho ship. Six figures came running across tho sand. As thoy shouldored the boat Into tho water another man shouted. Thoy waited for him. and then rested on thalr onrs, as If reluctnnt to pull to tho ship. Leckburn whistled sharply through his fingers to recall them. Tlie oars dipped into tjie aztiro wnter, and they rowed alongside. "Six missing, Hoc," said Cllve hoarse? ly. '. ; "They'll stay, then," answered Dane. "I'm certain Ned will not go back on his word." There seemed to be no doubt on that point. Tho boat was soon swinging from tho davits, and thn men wero answering to their names. Johansen, Brown, Hag get, all able seamen; Dodley, ship's car? penter; Gondy nnd Burke, stokers, had not returned, Lockburn's Judgment had not been at fault; the gold fever had Indeed got some hold. Peril Island wns a little world in itself, lighted by-Its own sun, heated by Its own natural fires; a kind of exotla hot? house, filled with luxuriant plants and flowers; a land where thero was no win? ter; a fairy lelo set In an azure sea. They could como to no other conclusion. All organic life?animals and plants at least?requires warmth, light and mois? ture. Peril Island had light, but it was a light weak in heat. The warmth must come from subterranean fires. It wns a volcanic' isle, at the peak fitly named Brimstone Hill by tho dead buccaneer, amply proved. And towards evening a gentle roln began to fall nnd lasted until the break of dawn. Thoy rather shied at tholr breakfasts, except tho Imperturbable Leckburn, who devoured tho share of three. Flannels and whlto ducks had talton tho placo of furs and heavy tweeds. When Leckburn announced tho fact that he was going ashore there was delight; when ho an? nounced that only two could so with him thero wero groans. "I mean two of the crew," grinned Leckburn. "I'll take Mumps ond Hoo ton. You'll have to stay with Burnand, doc, nnd go with the next trip." "Why Mumps and not the doc?" asked CItve. "Becauso two officers must always stay. I want the Lascar with mo, and I want Marsdon to remain. Tho others may go on tho same terms as yesterday. Ruby, Marsdon and the Impossible fat thing of yours, llec, -will have to wait. Take your rides, a shot-gun or two, ijnd let Mumps pack some lunch. I should ndvlso you to put on thick boots and loggings. Bring your bathing togs as well. I'm keen on a swim." They wero too eager to set foot on tho enchanted Isle to waste much time. They chafed at the slowness of Leokbttrn, who kept them waiting a good hnlf hour. Leckburn did tiot tell them that ho had boon clearing tho ammunition cases, and carefully scaling them up. Ho took their abuso without a murmur. Ruby, with an expression of resignation on his black fnco, gazed longingly at tho boat ns sho danced away, towing a long spar behind hor. Tho Lnscnr blew a kisa that sounded Ulte tho crnck of a whip. The noso of tho boat touched tho white sand. Leek-, burn leaped out, nnd, seizing tho painter, dragged hor, men and all, waist high. It wns an effort of strength that did even (lie giant credit. "Now, Mumps," he said, "get that spar out and hitch a couple of pulleys to her. Hooten dig a bolo to plant her In. Peril Island may not become a paying colony for a bit, but we're going to add her to tho ono and only British Empire." Tho dripping polo was hauled ashore. They had noticed that the sea round Peril Island wns like tho Mediterranean ?practically tldoless. About thirty :artls from tho edge of tho bay Hooten began to shovel up ??? sand. A pick .-vas soon needed, for a foot below tho,surface thoy enmn to a soupy whlto deposit which de fled thn spmle. Then thoy steadied tho polo into position, and Leckburn inaile fast tlie Union Jnck. Tho twelve-poundor on the yacht fired a blank, and with rousing cheers, Porli iHlnnd wns added to tho long list of British dominions beyond tno sons, p was only ? linio speck of earth, useless probably, nnd shut away from all humnn Intercourse by vast leagues of sea and Ice. "Gentlemen," said his lordship, "you nro now on Ilrltish sell." "Sand you mean, old chap." said Cllve. "I don't think they'll bo .running cheap trips hero for a lilt." ?Hold on," laughed his lordship, -? hnve here lite draft of annexation, you must nil si?m It. I've got my fountain pen somewhere Found lt. You'll notice especially ilio lust clause. I'll rend lt: " 'And, 'further, bo it known, thnt on nnd nfler ihn montoni aforesaid of the annexation of this, Peril Island, to the people, Crown und Empire of ? ?rent Britain, the main laws and rights of iho British Constitution shall bo Imre enact? ed, obeyed, nnd fulfilled, and nny breach of these laws .shull bo visited and pun? ished necordhig to tho constitutional laws of tli?? Ilrltish Empir?. And he It further umlrrstood that the power to try nnd punish any such offense shull ho vested in threo of His Most Gracious Rrliannte Majesty's sworn Justices of tho Pence, whoso signatures are attached to these indentures? vi**: ?'r Clivo Dray ton, Bart., .1. |>.; Hector Dane, Esq., of Dane Hall. In Um county of North.tmp ton, Bugiami, J. P.. and In Leckburn of Leckburn. V. ('., Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Peer of I tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and liilaml, and High Sheriff of tho County of ??-." Hector began to laugh. , , "I'm hanged If t see why you worried yourself to write all that stuff, Ned. "My Hector, 1 havo oven made mm?,. than an extra copy of It." answerr?l Leckburn, "It muy be a poor attempt nt lawyer's language, but in the eye of tlio law of fjreat Britain it la law? and Voulu he upheld In any Hrltlsn court. I'M not fond of work, and ? don't work ?without a purpose, Ono copy Is ntrcady pasted tip on hoard, nnd I shall nail tho second hero. You got on with your sig? natura,'* .LeoUbtlrn had already. added. his sig? nature. Hooton witnessed tlio origlimi dooumont, and Mumps, who could not ?wrlto English, added a scrawl that look? ed like a fight to tho doath botwoon two thin centipedes and a vory fat cock? roach. Tho copy, nlso signed and at tonted, was fnstoncd to tho polo. "Now, Neddy," questioned Clivo, "out ?with lt. What Is lt all about?" "No moro than this, boys. We've got six men ashore, British law Is ns good hero now ns lt Is nt the top of Fleot Street, whore tho London Law Courts hang out their big clock. If thoso fol? lows play lis tricks, we can play tricks with them, and thoy will have tho happy thought of an English prison stnrlng them In tho fnco. We're all magistrates, although we aro not In our particular districts, but wo are on British soil, I'm certain the law would stick up for us whatever measures wo took to put down disobedience or crime." Ho took oft his cap and saluted tho flag. "Which way?" naked Clivo. "Shall wo climb the Horn?" A boatload of men were coming nshoro. "No," said Leckburn, "We'll straight north." "North. Ned?" "North, of course. Wo'ro south of tho pole, aren't wo? It's a bull, I know, for ono can't bo south of tho South Polo or north of the North ditto. Straight ahead Is, thorcforo, north. Wo'U lot tho Horn alone for a bit," ho added, "nnd make for Satan's Hye. Givo ma the twelve-bore, Cllve.. Wu may get a few ducks. And, 1 sny, look out for snakes." They had taken his advice and donned 'stout shooting boots nnd . good pigskin loggings. They mado a queer contrast, with ducks, blnzern, nnd Panama straw hats. After BtruggUng through a belt of grand ferns nnd prickly brambles, they emerged upon a slopo of velvety grass, ns brilliant, clear, nnd soft as tho lawn of any English garden. A little further on they camp to tho edge of a pool where a colony of tho animals were bobbing and swimming. "Tho lake," said Hector. Its blue water twinkled through tho stems of a clump of giant trees. It -was fringed with palmo and great reeds. One or two green islands gemmed Its sur? face. Never had a pinco been so mis? called. Satan's Eye was an Insult nnd a libel, They stood entranced at the fairy picture. "Name it, boys." said Leckburn. "It has got to .bo rechrlstened.". "Fairy Water," suggested Cllve. "Too poetical," snld Hector. "Let's have a dip for a stnrt nnd chisten lt afterwards. I don't think I ever saw anything so beautiful," It was allvo with fowl, but they wero shy. Leckburn brought down a couple of mallards, but he. got no more. They undressed and dived Into the cool, clear water. Mumps swam like a fish, and Leckburn followed him out to tho largest island. They turned into a little cave, a fairyland In miniature ln Itself, and landed. "Wah!" said' Mumps. "Mo lord? here!" Thf\ Lascar's eyes wore wldo with astonishment ns ho turned his head. Ho lay flat on his chest, and pointed down Into a grassy dell. Leckburn tittered soft whistle. Mumps wns pointing nt tho grey ashes and charred sticks of a dead flro. "ThundoTatlon," gasped Leckburn, "those fellows must havo beon horo last night or this morning." "Wnh! how doy gettee across?" ! "Swam, I expect." Mumps dropped Into the dell and peered at the ashes and burnt twigs. He shook his head violently. "Dat not?e yesterday, dat not?e to? day, me lord," ho said, emphatically. "Dnt flroe good chopeo woek old." "Whow!" Leckburn whistled again "I'll look for myself," ho added. Tho nshes wero beat?n down nnd clog? ged together. A single night's rain and a few hours of warmth would not havo converted them Into a semi-solid mass. Ho had to faco tho startling truth. Man is tho only animal who cnn produco a fire. Here was the evidence of humniv handiwork. It could not possibly have been tho work of the deserters. Peril Island was Inhabited I Titey made a closer examination of tho little Island. It was untenantod, nnd their search was fruitless. Leckburn swam thoughtfully back to tho shoro. Mumps remained behind for several minutes. Leckburn reasoned that by pomo chance a few savages had reached the land of treasure slnco Black Juan's escapo. Tho discovery did not nllnrm him In the least. A fow savages more or less mado no difference, It was odd that they had seen nono of them, for ? hey must havo observed tho yacht enter Shrapnel Bay, "Wah! me lord?herol Found this." "Yes," said Leckburn. Tho Lascar hold up something?a wax vestal "Christopher Columbus!" said Leck? burn. through his teeth. "You're not trying a Joke, Mumps?" "Nobber flndoe him, me lord," nn W.LD0U6US *3.i? SHOE K?SE AS GOOD AS SOME $7.00 SHOES. A, II, Colo, Sccriitury of li urn li u Mower Co,, litica, ?. Y,, tmyet " Douglas ?3,00 shoos havo givon me tho liest satisfaction of auv mako; thoy hold 'lieir simpo the host. Thoy uro ns good ns s'iiu?slioo? I havo had that cost mo 87,00," ????? is the reason W, !.. Douglas mu?ais and hells more men'*? tt?.t.oO shoes thnn ?my othor iiiuiiiifuiitiii-iu- in the world. . That Douglas uses Corona Colt proves thoro is valuo iu Douglas $3,60 shoes, Corona Colt ib tho highest grade patent loathor made, '?' a -? a un* unii jxU-o ot? lint mai. Tnke no sulmtlt ine-.-Tia l'ust Color FycIeU used exclusively, Vayn woof W. *-. Oarualum ?/??a?, Prico, $2.aa ana $1,7a* Shoes liy mall, !i rvniitixtra. llluitnUed Catalog free, W. L. ???a?,??, Hroitkton. Hues. RICHMOND: -623 E. BROAD STREET. J CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, Largest Manufacturers, Importera and Distributori of PORTLAND ANO ROSENDALE CF.MENT, LIME AND BUILDING MATERIAL IN THE UNITED STATES. Lowest delivered prices quoted,, on application, on Standard Brands, In car? go lots, oarlond lots, small tots, to any point In America. Full stocks at Interior mltlflj also at Baltimora, Md.? Nowport News,' V?,? Norfolk, Va. ?Portsmouth, Vn.i Wilmington, N..C,? Charleston, ?. C.? Savannah, Qa,? Ferniindlnn, Fla.j Jacksonville,? Fla.? Ponsacolti, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.? New Orleans, La.? Calvoslon, Tox, ! Birmingham, Ala,, and Atlanta, da, Wrlto for our prices. , ' Bwered Mumps, solemnly, "Flndeo him bohlndeo a stotioc. Die noteo fust chopeo alice rlghtco." "Mumps," growled Lockburn. "Keep your mouth shut." Tho Lascar nodded and churned on ahead. Lockburn kopt his own counsel. Thero was a remoto chanco that ono or moro of tho deserters woro responsible for what they had scon and dlBcovorcd. But his lordship wns compelled to dis? miss the Idea. Tho condition of tho ashea was too convincing. Besides, what would havo tempted nny of tho dosortors to swim tho Inko, and how would thoy have cnrrled matches ovor? And would this man?or men?provo friends or foes? Did thoy know of the cxlslonco of the Satan's treasure, and, If so, hnd they already socured It? Lockburn was moody, though Clivo and Hector were In high spirits nnd as merry ns schoolboys, ^Vhllo Mumps col? lected wood for a flro, his lordship shoul? dered a rlflQ and tramped away. Ho peered Into every Ilttlo crook, hoping to discover a boat or canoe, but failed. Thon, llko a wlso man, ho decided to trouble no moro until ho had finished his lunch. Hooton shouldered the' gamo ond Mumps tho lunch basket, Leckburn took a last and somewhat uneasy glance round him, -?to wondered whothcr vessel wns anchored on tho other sido of the Island. Hnd some whalor, pearler or sealer been swept south by a suc? cession pi gales similar to thoso that bad driven Black Juan and his filibusters to Peril Islo? He was aware that two expeditions had sailed for tho Icy South, an Itallnn nnd a British ono. Could the man who kindled tho fire bo one of those explorers? Leckburn felt that ho could not rost until ho hnd examined nil the coast. Of course, five duys, or por haps a week, had passed slnco the fire had been lighted. Tho vessel might havo left the lslnnd. The sea came ln sight, tho Bun shin? ing brightly on tho yacht, "??colland!" cried Clivo. "What's hap? pened to tho Hag?" It hnd vanished from tho pole. "Thunder." ronred his lordship, "who's hnd the Impudence to do thnt? I'll' thrnsh somo senso Into him when I find him." Mo rnn forward nnd "halted In amaze nnd perplexity. The Union Jnek lay nt the foot of tho pole, neatly folded nnd weighted down with a stone. Who had dared to haul down tho British I'.ng? Leckburn could not swallow a Jest such as this. His faco flushed with rago. "Wall!" Tho Lascar's guttural monosyllables had a hundred Inferences nnd a hundred meanings. This time It denoted utter astonishment. Tie wns. bending almost double glaring at tho sand with pro? truding eyes, In a moment they were round him, staggered at what they saw. Even Rob? inson Crusoe could not havo been more astonished when ho found tho naked print of a savage's foot on tho beach of Juan Fernandez, This was the print of ? boot, long nnd slender, nnd clearly defined at tho heel. Nono of tho sailors woro such boots, nnd their own clumsy "shooters" could not havo left nuch an Impression. The prints led westward and then trended north. Then they wero lost and lllcglblo on the hard ground. "Tho doe. must be nshoro," said Cllve, bluntly. "I know Burnenti would not leave the ship." "Of course," said Lockburn. "Of course." Ho whistled for tlio boat, and Ruby and Olalsher pulled It across. As they neared tho yacht they saw Ferguson's Panama. Ho was dozing In a deck chair. "Who's been ashore. Ruby?" asked Hector. "Why yo' fo' shuah, nnd Massa Sah Clivo, Sah. Den de men, dey go sonn nfter, but dey nil back." "But I mean slnco we left from the yacht?" "Doro wns ? pigeon," said Ruby. "Ho sit on dn yard a bit and don go. I flsnln" nil de time out oli do boat, and If nny coon go nshonh, 'cept dat pigeon, him elder swam or ho fly, and dat do solemn truth." (To be Continued To-morrow.) BURNETT'S EXTRACT OF VANILLA Used exclusively by nil loading hotels and clubs.? DAILY FASHION HINT CHILD'S PETTICOAT. This Ilttlo petticoat is an entirely now model, and every mother will appreci? ate Its good lines. It Is made with pointed yoke, front nnd back nllko, and closes on the shoulder with button and button-hole. The garment Is riiaped so ns to givo freedom nnd comfort to tho arms. With this design may bo used any of tho skirting materials. No. 4,4-11?Slues one-half year, 1 year, 2, 3, 4, 6, ? years. On receipt of 10 conta thla pattern will bo sent tn any udtlress. All ordere must bo dlreoted to THE LITTLE FOLKS PATTERN CO., 78 Fifth Avonue, New York. When ordering please do not fall to mention number. No. 4,441. FIze. Name,.,.,,,,,,,,,,?? Address.? ? -^HE MAN ABOUT Town I ? By f tlARRYTUCKER % .*}*' ?*1.-,*y 1I"-rt n-"11 Mr. Arohlft William. alAStho'?Hi.hV W*1 th0 foslJvo boara Biirke-ri . '"f'iuartors at Mooro ?c dont?ny'. thcy ro*-Jrr'J<- t? the trip i?c|? ,?"??!at* rldo lo P'nner's Point from Port*, mouth was a sight," said Billy ? ,l^,B?,V0'-.11 ?-*'*l'V- ??Hi Archie, of" u"* two -aUghod at momorl?S of happy ?cenes, and tl10 rest "f the oro<vd yawned Including Cdimrttfnin Fer" guson und Aldorm?ri Hooker. "Ha, lui, hai"?Blllv, . Ha. ha. hai"?Archie. 'Haw, haw. you, you ?"-both. Iho lost of tho crowd got uncnsy and ?AS"111"^ -A?fflo f.t?^ln^o "As Shakespeare says?the shortest wav llnT? 'S Va10?,8110""?031 ?? and that s low It happened at Pinner's Point We took a car at Portsmouth, afte? pay? ing five cent? round trip from Norfolk ne,r's.l?W l U "nU" l? pU'" "? oft et ???: ?ivl??0 ??-ld *'a.'.',a 5?t. UH ofr totora wo got there, if wo didn't look out" _ 'Then l looked out," said Billy, "and the wind blew off my hat." ,?.,?0 ?????<*1 the car and mndo tho con? ductor walk back about two blocks and K?? h,H hat." said Archie. Then we started on again," sold Billy ?".0 tn,wn l0,?Jf?i<l ?'? the dlstanco w? saw a billy goat. "No, It was two billy goats," said Ar "One. I any," said Billy, 'two, ' said Archie. "One," sn'd Blllv. (O?'1!0'" ??;",',?? the "tory?" asked M?. Cornelius Wells. "Mo," said Billy and Archie In one breath. "Well, get together on It or we'll havo to call Allok Wright and Kddle Way mack to quell an Impending riot." Then Blllv and Arohlo went over in the corner and whispered together for it ?second. When they returned to tho crowd, Ar? ohlo started off?: "Wo saw two thousand goats on tho track." "Not two thousand." sold BMIy. "What wns It?" asked Archie. "One goat." "I ?alai It was one goat Just now, and you said It was two,'now what I want to know is was It ono goat or two goats?" "Well, anyway," resumed Billy, ''when wo got In sight of Ocean View wo asked the motorman what time was It. and ho said R:-l!>, nnd we asked him what time the show stnrted, and ho said S:3fl, and we said It couldn't start till we got. there, as wo wero the hendllners, and he'd havo to put us there hy 8:.?0. "How can I evor put you there at 8:30 when It's now S:4f?7" "Pun faster," said Billy. "And the motormnn run fnstPr, and the lights of Pinner's Point looked like streaks of lightning. "Wilton wo got to Ocean View,*.* snld Archlo, "we had gained twenty minutos nnd It wnsn't quito 8:80." "you see. It wns this way," said Bl'.iy, "a sick lnd hnd sent us for somo medi? cine In ? hurry, nnd when wo butt up ? gainst that bunch of goats at Pinner's Point wo forgot nil about tho medicine thnt we hnd In a tickler In our pocket, until after the show, and wc g-ilned time, because the car was going ennt, and when the r-nrth revolves on Its axis, go'ng son by sou, you can alwnys gnln timo by climbing a tree" - ;?. "But as there woro no trees to rllmb. said Ar'dhle, "wo ran up ? ? alleyway." mien fhoy pulled Mr. Wells from under the cable, and gathered up Mr. HOuVer nnd Mr. Ferguson fr,->m beneath the win? dow, and thn circus hand played on. We nre'glnd to tike this opportunity of Informing our neighbors, and others whi*. reside within a radius of half a mllo of our houso. thnt we do not have to knock the chnlr over nny moro, or climb through the window. '?'?';-'?.?'?' ', For weeks we have expected tn he taKon for a burelnr by breaking In our own front window nnd when, wo a dn't; break through the window, wo awoke tlio Six Barefooted Ones by knoek'ng the chair over thnt was nut ??-ninst the door. But Mr. Camille Pllout has come to our rpscue, nnd has put one night ,latch key In trood conflation and now wo foel per? fect"! ? safe, for we can carry around our own'latch key nnd give one to iho Brown ?"ijyed pMrh and one'to the biggest of the Barefooted Ones._ In Secret Session. Tt Is understood thnt Mr. Dabney H. Maury. Jr., tho expert electrician, who hns boen working on the electrolysis mat? ter for tho city for s?me time, will make bis report to a secret session of the Water Committee to-morrow night, ??? report is said to bo a voluminous one, Mr. Ellyson to Speak. Mr William Ellyson. secretary of tho Banllst Stnte Mission Board, will addroPs a mass meeting nt the First African Baptist Church next Mondny night. TWa will bo a groat missionary rally on the nnrt of the colored people nnd a nig ?rowd ls expected. All will ho welcome. Mr. Kolner? in Boston. Commissioner ofl 'Agriculture O. Vf. K?lner has gono to Boston, Mass,, to at? tend tho Bosslon of the American Pomo? l?gica! Society, Ho will probably bo absent soveral days. The trip Is a busi? ness ono, the work, of tlio society being In tho line of the commissioner ? work. Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per . haps a Lifo Saved. "AiSlmrt timo ago I was taken with m violent attack of diarrhoea, and bellovo I would havo died It I had not gotten relief,',' says John J. Patton, a loading cltlKon of Patton, Ala. "A friend recom? mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a twenty? flvo cotit botilo, nnd after taking throe doses of It was entirely ourcd. I consider It the host remedy in the world foi-Jiowol complaints." For salo by "all druggist?. UAUNCHING OF CRUISER MARY? LAND, Newport News. Va., Saturday, Septem? ber 12th: $1.00 Round Trip, vin C. & O, Route. For tho-launching of the cruiser Mary? land at Newport News, Va., Saturday; ?September 12th, the Chesapeake and Ohio ? will have special excursion train to leave Richmond 0: 1U A. St. for Newport News: returning, train will start from 0|d Point ut 6:!'0 p. U? and Nowport News 7:00 P, M. samo date. $1.00 round-trip. No Intermediate etops. Special holiday in tho Shipyard City. Adhesive, Invisible, rellned: Satln-Sktn Powder adds Irresistible attractions?Iles h, whllo or bruiiet. 25c, Miller and Rhoade,