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INSPECT SOUTHERN Corporation Commission. on Two of the Railroad Lines. MANY CHARTERS GRANTED Mr, Stuart Unable lo Qo with Commis ?lon, Oavlng to His Wife's Illness. Corporations Granted Charters', Social Clubs Incorporated. ?7--? , fho Corporation Commission yesterday started on their tour ot the properties of tho Southern Railway, which will oc? cupy throo days. Mr. Stuart, one of the members, woe nnablo to make tho trip, owing to tho serious Illness of Mrs. Stu? art, who Is a patient at, the Memorial Hpspltal. The othor two members, Messrs. Crump" and Fairfax, left in a spe? cial car over the Richmond and Danvillo lino yesterday morning, aocompanlod by , Assistant General Freight Agent James H, Drake and Vice-President A. B. An? drowp. From this city the commission went to Danville*. Inspecting not only the main line to that city, but the Keysvllle branch southward to the Carolina lino. From Danville they will take tho Atlan? tic and Danville division from Danville to Norfolk. Thence they will go to Wash Ington by boat, and thence ' down the main Uno o? tho Southern from Alexan? dria to Danville, Inspecting main line snd branches. , CHARTERS GRANTED. The following charters havo boon grant? ed by tho Corporation Commission and en? * tered for record: Tho Worden Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, of Salem, Va.; ?. M. Wor? den, president; V. C. Hansbrough, vlce prosldent. Capital .stock, from $28,000 to ?0,000. The White Star Steam Laundry, of Lynchburg, incorporated,? with Floyd L? Knight, * president. Capital stock, 100,000 to $75,000. Augusta Manganese Company, Incorpo? rated, of Staunton; G, B. Rosenberger, president. Capital stock, ?5,000 to $25,000. Tho Byrd Telophone Company, of Ha dtnsvlllo; president, Joseph J. Anderson. Capital, $000 to 15,000. -, These social clubs wore chartered". Norfolk County Plensure CJub, with William F. Vincent, president. Capital, 1500 to $5,000.' The Port Norfolk Blue Social Club; Wil? son Brumley, president. Capital, $500 to $5,000. The Nonpareil Athletic Association, In? corporated, of Portsmouth; Joseph J. Rlley, president. Capital, $300 to $5.000. Tho Prospero Pleoeuro Club, Incorpo? rated, ot Norfolk county; B. F. Long, president. Capital stock, $300 to $5,000. Tho Caliban Pleasure Club, Incorporated, of Norfolk county; Samuel L. Bridges, president. Capital, from $300 to $5,000. , The Riverside Athletic, Social and Lit? erary Association. Incorporated, of Ports? mouth; Carroll K. Carhart, pesldent Cap? ital, from $300 to $5,000. The Home Social Club, incorporated, of Elizabeth City county; William ??. Orms t>y. president. Capital, $500 to $2,000. The'Hampton Social Club, Incorporated, of Hamptoo. Va.; A. J. Wood, president. Capital, $5C0 to $2,000. The Southern Railway Company has Is? sued; a circular stating that, "effective this date, Mr. S. D. Cushlng Is promoted to signal and- electrical englneor, with office at Washington, D. C., In charge of electric block signals and olectrlo power plants." REQARDINQ PASSES Test Case of State Against Trevett Not Yet Heard. The case of the Stato ve. Trevett, a test of the constitutional prohibition against Stnte officers riding on passes, which came beforo Judge Witt In the Hustings Court last fall, has never yet been finally disposed of. It will bo reraem hered that In advance of the making up of this test case Attorney-General An? derson had rendered an opinion ln re? sponse to Inquiry that no State ofllcer could under the Constitution hold ofllco and use a pass of frank on any railway or accept a frank of any kind. Mr. Tre? vett, an employe of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, la also a notary, and was admittedly riding on a railway pass. The notary made the plea that the post' was not a free pass, but that he was in the employ of tho railway, and submitted evi? dence that the pass wa? not a gratuity, but was a part ot his salary, and was ln no sense a free pass. The Common? wealth demurred to this* plea, but the court overruled the demurrer, The case has never since come up on Its merit?. It Is regarded as an extreme one and not fairly testing the constitutional prohibi? tion. No date has been sot for the hear? ing of the case, and It Is not expected thot It will ever bo heard of again. It ls a matter of general Information that many persons aro violating the constitu? tional Inhibition*^ among them many city olllclals, who ride on street cars without paying faros. Heptasophs to Meet To-Nlght. Virginia Conclave, Improved Order Heptasophs, will hold a largely attended meeting to-night at Lee Camp Hall and many matters of Interest to Heptasophs will be discussed. There will be a wholesale Initiation, as there are over fifty candidatos, who will be put through tho mysteries of this ever popular and growing organization, and nearly all the supremo officer*.! of the order will be present on this occasion, Including Supreme Archon M. G. Cohen, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Supreme Secretary Samuel H. Tattorsall, of Baltimore. Md,; Supremo Treasurer Charles II. Ramsay, Insurance h esi?y obtained on your ?li? veware ?bt the G?RHAM. * trade-mark insures It tobe of sterling quality, artistic design, and sound Work? manship. Yet the premi? um paid for this insurance does not add to the cost. All Mipon.lbl? Jeweler? keep It of Boston. M??s,? Sunrnmo ?loilloal Di? rector Charles H. Bubcrt, of Baltimore, Md., Supreme Provost T. B. Hicks, of Richmond, Va. ? Supreme Or gftiilzer John W. Cruett, of Bal? timore, Md.i Gonoral Counsel olin Bryan, of Hnltlmore, Md.; Membor Su? preme Committee on Laws Henry Fleg enholmer. ot Richmond, Va., and J. P. Brown, deputy Btnto organiser, of Rich? mond, Va. ' Refreshments will be served and ell Heptneoplm nre Invited to attend. CONTINUANCE DAY, IN POLICE COURT 'Squire Lonnie Had an Insig? nificant Docket on Yesterday. No grand Jury cases cropped up boforo 'Squire Craves yesterday, but what did lino up wero dealt with according to law. Lewis Burch was charged with assault? ing I. Cohen, ana the details will bo heard to-day, Willie Jefferson and Mnmto Jackson are alleged to havo had a fight, and It will be discussed on the 12th. James Roane paid $10 for assaulting and striking Calile Scales, .William Nichols, charged with tres? pass, will tell about it on the 15th. Ola Wood went down for sixty days for being disorderly on the street. J. W. Jones was forced to put up se? curity for thirty days for being drunk. A. A. Ktndall was cruel to a horse 95 worth. Lottie O. Hill is said to havo taken a suit of oJothcs from John Brown and lt will be settled on the 12th. Annie Qoode was' disorderly on the street, and had to pay 12.50 for It. Charles Johnson paid $2,50 tor shooting craps.. Tho case of Robert Coleman was fur thor continued to tho 12th. He is charged with selling liquor without a license. Benjamin Bland and Joel Tucker wero each sent down on thirty days' security, on the charge of taking a lot of solder from tho Southern Railway Supply Com? pany. INVESTIGATION MAY NOT GO ON TO-NIGHT It is not certain that the municipal In? vestigation will bo proceeded with to? night, as the committee adjourned to meet subject to tho call of tie 'chairman, not earllor than September 10th. So far Mr. Minor has issued no call, und It Is possible that the next meeting will be held during the comnig woek. Messrs. Minor and Pollard have been conferring as to witnesses, but the list has not yet been completed. Tho next matter to be brought up Is that relating to the methods of securing street railway franchises through the Council. So far the Investigation has cost the city only about $200 of the $1,000 appro? priated. Governor Wanted in Chicago. Governor Montague has received an in? vitation to tho one,hundredth anniversary of the city of Chicago, which will bo fittingly celebrated with Interesting exer? cises, the celebration extending from Sep? tember 26th to October 1st. The Invita? tions are handsome specimens of the en? graver's art nnd are valuable souvenirs of an Interesting event. It is not prob? able that Q'overnor Montague will bo able to attend the celebration, but If he can arrange to do so he will. He Is now absent from the city in Southslde Vir? ginia, and will probably not return before Friday night or Saturday morning. 'Squire Lewis' Court, In Henrico county yesterday Squire James T. Lewis gave a hearing to Clove Brothers, Olile Brother? and Clarenoe Brothers on the charge of raising a dis? turbance on tho Seven Pines car line. Tho fli st-named case was dismissed and Olile Ei'others was fined $2.50 and costs, and Clarence $5 nnd costs. May Not Contest. The time for filing contosts, arising out of the recent Henrico county primary will expire on Sunday, Up to this time no move In this direction has been made, and It begins to look as If the suc? cessful nominees for tho various offices will not bo disturbed. . Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses wore Issued yesterday In Henrico'county as follows: Eddie Vincent and Miss Emma Polntor; D. D. Vaughan and Miss Mary W. W. Shark. _ For Insulting the Emperor. / (By Aesociated Prese,) HALLE, PRUSSIA, September 8. Throe men and two women have been arrested hore, charged with Insulting Em? peror William. Tho precise nature of their offense han not been disclosed. Rheumatism * ^"-w* ?THE? I^eVIIN- KIIVO.? Those who have ever felt its keen, cutting pains, or witnessed the intense suffering of others, know that Rbeumatfstn 13 torture, and that it is -right? ly called "The King of Pain." All do not suffer alike. Some are suddenly seized with the mo$t excrucia? ting pains, and it seems every muscle and joint in the body was being torn ?sunder, Others feel only occasional slight pains for weeks or months, when ? sudden change in the weather or exposure to damp, chilly winds or night eli' brings ou a fierce attack, lasting for days perhaps, and leaving the pa? tient with a weakened constitution or crippled and deformed for all time, ?. An acid, polluted condition of the the cause of every form and variety of Rheumatism, Muscular, Articular, Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory end Sciatic, and the blood must be purged and purified before there is an endto your aches and pains. External applications, the use ofliniments and {'lasters, do much toward temporary relief, butsuch treatment does not reach he real cause or cleanse the diseased blood ? but S. S. S,, the greatest of all blood purifiers and tonics, does cure Rheumatism by antidoting and neutrali? ing the poisonous acids and building up the weak and .sluggish blood, It is safe and reliable in all forms of Rheumatism. It makes the old acid blood rich, and the pain-tortured mus? cles and joints are relieved, the shattered nerves are made strong, and ?he entire system ?s invigorated and toned up by the use,of this great vegetable remedy, If you have Rheumatism, write us, and our physicians will furnish with? out charge any information desired, and W8 will mail free our book on Rheumatism. WE SWIfT SPLCIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm HURRYING THE WORK S?aboafd Air Urie Officials Pushing Birmingham Link. CEMENTING ALLIANCE President Willlame Gone to New York on Butines??Seaboard Ap? pointments Announced ?Many Excursions In Town, Mr, John Skolton "Williams, president ot the Seaboard Air Line Railway, arrived In the city Tuesday night and left al? most Immediately tor New York. He has beon on a tour oC tho lines o{ the Soa? board as far as Birmingham, Ala., being accompanied by Vice-Pr?sident and Gen? eral Manager J, M. Barr, and several other prominent officials of tho system. The chief object of their trip was to In? spect tho woilt being dono on Uio link being built to Birmingham, and to Inirry the work on the completion of this line now building, thus cementing the Soa? board and the 'Frisco system Into n great through lino. The work of completing thu branch to Birmingham will be pushed with all practicable speed In order to effect tho Junction of the., two groat systems now wedded and welded Into ono trans-continental lino, Jimt what other officers made the trip Is not stated. Mr. Barr was in the city Tuesday night, but both he artd President Williams left tho city before tehy could be sees by a reporter. At the office of'To?m JJ. Williams ana Sons yesterday, It was stated that the officers' tour had to do only with the com? pletion of the Seaboard'? Birmingham link, and the Inspection ot the properties of the line generally, There Is reason to believe, however, that the through route from El Paso and Denver and other points west and southwest la about to be opened, and through trafilo inaugurated. The road Is reported in most satisfactory condition, physically and financially. Yesterday waa a day of excursions to this city over tho various railway linos, threo large parties being among the num? ber. The Norfolk and Western brought In an excursion ln two sections from Southwest Virginia, arriving here Tues? day night and remaining until 0:-(0 P. M. Friday. There were twenty-eight or thirty car loads ot excursionist-?, numbering Tn all over fifteen hundred. The Seaboard Air Line Railway yes? terday brought In from Raleigh a large party, numbering several hundred persons. They arrived here late ln the afternoon and scattered all aver the ? city. The Southern Railway brought in a largo ex? cursion party, coming from points be? tween South Boston and Keyevlllo, In? clusive, arriving hero Tuesday night and , leaving at 6:35 yesterday afternoon. Thoro iwere several hundred In the party. The Southern Railway will run another excursion September 21st from points be? tween Chase City and Jctersvllle, reaching Richmond at 10:30 A. M? and leaving here at 6 P. M. the same day. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway e*fc> peot to carry from this city to Newport News next Saturday to witness the launching of the cruiser Maryland a crowd numbering fully one thousand people and are arranging to handle tridri comfortably and promptly. The train will leave this city at 9:15. A. M., running, through without stops, and Ieaivlng Old Point returning at 6:30, and Newport News at 7 P./M., thus enabling thoso who desire to attend the launching banquet at the Chamberlain and return on this train. It Is probable that the Governor and staff will go down, as well aa many otner officials. General Manager J. M. Barr, of the Sea? board Air Line Railway announces the appointment of H. C. Macklln as pur? chasing agent, vice Newton Heston, re? signed on account of 111 health. The ap? pointment ls effective September Sth, and the headquarters of the agent will be at Portsmouth, Effective September 1, 1903, Mr. "Walter. L,. Frye ls appointed traveling,, freight agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with headquarters at New York. HON. J. C. WYSOR MAY RUN FOR CONGRESS A private letter received In this city from Hon. J. C. "Wysor, one of the -most prominent member? of the Constitutional Convention, and widely known'throughout the Southwest, conveyod the Information that Mr. Wysor Is considering the matter of becoming a candidato for the Demo? cratic nomination for Congress in the Nin'th District next year. He has not yet positively decided that he will bo -a candidate, but may enter the race. Mr. Wysor ls one of the most effective speak? ers on tho stump ln the State, and took high rank as a debater ln tho convention, If ho decides to enter the congressional race he will sot a fast pace lor his con? testants. yT.W Negro to Open Big Store. (I. J. Miller, a well-to-do colored man, formerly of Columbia, ?. C., will in a few days open a department store for colored people at No. 528 Easit Broad Street. Th!? will bo tho first department store In the South, It Is said, which Is owned and con? ducted by ? nogro. Miller says his at? tention was attracted to Richmond hy Giles Jackson. He declares further that ho will stielt to his business and lot poll tics alone. -r~?? Elevator Completed. C. H. Hnll & Coi" have Just completed the elevator work at the Chesterfield Flats, and are now at work on tho eleva? tors at Murphy's Hotel Annex. The firm does a whole lot of work here and else? where. Will Elect Officers. The Clay Ward Actives will hold their annual meeting nt Belvldera Hall on Sat. urda y night, Inasmuch as officers for tbe ensuing year are to bo chosen, a full attendance nf members is doalred. Church Hill Physicians, A meetlnir of the Church Hill Medical Society will be held this evening In the offices of Dr, ??. II. Parker. No. 2601 East Broad Street, when "Report of Cuses" will be tho subject for discus? sion, Contract Signed. The contract for building the settling bnsln has been signed by Mesure. Winston & Co,,- contrnntor?. |The contractors gave a bond for $?2,000. which Is about 20 per cent, of the amount of Ihe contraot. Had a Pleatunt Trip, Mr. Thomas J. WonoV Sfcrito vice-presi? dent for Virginia of National Associa? tion of letter Curriers, accompanied by his wife, lias Just returned from Syra? cuse, ?? Y.. after attending the conven? tion. While away they visited Wash? ington, New York. Thousand Islands and Canade ' '"& '^^Hf' ? THEDELINEATOR TTp/^\ U j ? _f^1T^?^T?7"l3 and its issuance answers squarely the question JP V-F JA. V-/ XJ L? V / Ij ??/ G\ of supremacy among the magazines for woman / , and the home. In your selection of a magazine you may choose from two classes?those you need and those you read for recreation?or else you take THE DELINEATOR and combine both. If the word "necessary" is susceptible of a superlative, THE DELINEATOR is beyond all question the "moat necessary'* of all the magazines published for Woman. Nine hundred thousand families proved this to be so la?t month; and each month brings its new thousands of members into the ever growing DELINEATOR FAMILY. Among the fashions it is the "mo?t necessary" because it is all the fashion magazines in one, with their mistakes eliminated, their exaggerations corrected, and the really successful novelties stamped with the seal of authoritative approval, for if it is pictured in THE DELINEATOR it is "good form." It is equally the "most necessary'' in the Nursery, in the Sewing-Room, in the Kitchen, throughout the whole house and out-of-doors, in city and in country. The partial list of contents below can only hint at the interest underlying every line. The Evolution of a Club Woman, by Agnes Surbridge, begins in this number. It is an autobiography and is the predicted success of the year. J. G. Hemment, the world-famed camera expert, begins one of the most remarkable series of photographic articles ever presented. They relate to his personal adventures at home and in foreign lands. The Silent Partner,by Lynn Roby Meekins ; A Florida Cracker, by Virginia Frazer Boyle, are prominent among the fiction features, while die departments are fuller than usualof good things, with especial interest centering in the children's pages. If the "mo?t necessary" of the magazines for-Woman is that one which helps most in every hour of "her" day and brings its ??p. after-hour of fascinating leisure-reading ? ; ^_? _. when the day is over, then, surely A\f Of your newsdealer or any Butterick agent at 15 cents a copy, or of the publishers, $1.00 for an entire year, THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD., 17 Went 13th Street, New York We are Richmond Agents for The Delineator and all Butterick Publications and Patterns. FOURQUREAN, TEMPLE & CO. COMMITTEES FOR DUTCH GAP TO-NIGHT Many Prominent Citizens to Act on the Elks' Moon? light. A meeting of the excursion committee | o? Richmond Lodge of Elks was held yes? terday afternoon at tho Commercial Hotel, and the following? committees were appointed to officiate on tho excursion to Dutch Gap this evening. Tho commit? tees are requested to report at the boat promptly at 7 o'clock to got credentials. The committees are: Committee on Moon?Chnrles W. Splcer, W. W. Morton. Flashlight Committee?Zoph. Lamkln, Joe Zimmer, Claiborno Epps. Clear Water-Morgan ft. Mills, Julian Eossleux, John Mann. Soda ? Water and Peanuts?Crenshaw, Hobson and Siili?? Shady Spots?M. Vf. Lawrence, Henry Cramer, Ben Metzger, Charles Brown, Henry Leach. Dance?Mayor Taylor, Governor Mon? tague, John Epps. Singing?Charles H. Phillips, JT. W. Cunningham, Tom Hicks, Harry Glenn, I Gilbert Pollock, Luther Cheatwootl. Clouds?T, B. A. Burko, Jako "Wolls, Sam Cohen, Tom I.ealh, Mark Davis. ' Winds?Billy Maun. Lewis Glsselbreclit, | L. O. Moore, Dave Connell, Fnlrfa.?; Christian, ?. F. Jahnko. Tides?Jako Crono. Juan Pizalnl, John, Baffo, Cornilo Johnson, Charles Hungor fard'. Light itofresltmenls?Tilomas Boudar, Preston Belvlii, Pltll. Kelly. Heavy Refreshments?A. G, Anthony, Si?,, Jamos Hartley, William Biiogor, P. M, Frye. __ Convi?rnatlon-Oliilhnnio J??ppsj Archie Burke, Tom Hicks, Harry Glenn. Concert?Frank Harms, Moses Stein, Gilbert Pollock. Tickets?Charles t.afow, TJarny- Myrre, Harry Smith, J*"llls Wendenburg, Roger Atkinson, Sam Cohen, John Epps, Transportatlon-l'VltA Sltterdlng, C. U. BLE*0PLESSNESS.-Youicau't sleep ln tha stillest night. If youi; digestion is bail. Take Hood's Sarsup.'iill a?It streuethens the stomach and establishes that conditimi In wliloli sleui' regularly conies and is sweet and refreablnff?_ Mcfiulre's Unlvorslty goliool, Sept. S, luiu. man nin ueu'n p.:.. V; ' '"" school-room during fno approaching sos? Sion On Hi? contrary, an ? Instructor has ??^.S?*?*??? chlelly In j, 1'. JMCGIHRB, JB., ?*.ssoc, Prlnc, Williams, .James Hartley, Henry Orini? meli, W. C. Armitage,; William Zimmer? mann. Executive Committee?A; J, Montague, P. M. Frye, John Murphy, Jr., E. F. DeWitt, Hnrry Whit let. . "Manchester ? Judge Ingram, Ernest Wells, John Moore, Lee Latham, Eugeno Llpscomb, Bon Owen, William Bradley, Robert Owen, W. H. Washington, C. L. Pettlt, 03. E. Early, W. R. Beattle. lardella1? band was Instructed to report at 7 o'clock, and a concert will be given until the boat leavea at 7:30. The boat will go rain or shine,... WAS A GOOD JUMP Gentleman Saves Himself from Injury by a. Car. A well dressed, portly ?ontloman, wear? ing spectacles, had a bare escape from Injury by a atreot car yesterday aftor noon about 2 o'clock nt tho corner of Tenth and Main Streets. Ho wns attempt? ing to cross the street diagonally, not ob? serving Main Street car No. 6T, westbound. Ab ho reached the middle of the track the car was so closo upon him that escape seemed impossible. Realizing his perilous position, ho leaped upon tho fendor, alight? ing thereon in safety, anil grasping the front of the car Just as tho motorman brought It to a stop with a Jerk, The car was blowing down to stop for a pas? senger, or tho pedestrian would not have been so fortunate, Tho Incident was witnessed by a dozon op more people, all of whom commented on the close shave, hut no ono know the gentleman's name. He himself declined tn give his namo, asserting that he .did not deslio publicity, nnd that nothing had happened worth printing, Greeting From Mr. Hlgglns. Mr. John M. lllg-glns, ono of tho best known men of Richmond, who Is travel? ing In Italy this summer, sends a hand? some throe-fold postal card to The Times-, Dispatch. The eruil Is (lated Messina, Itnly, August tilth, and wtw mailed two days later. Beneath p beautiful bird's eye view of Messina, Mr. Hlgglns wrote: "With compliments and best wlshos to ycni and my Blchmond friends from this historio city." Henrlco Schools. Tho schools In Brookland district, Hen? rlco county, will begin their session on Monday, Soptembor lltli nnd not on tbo IStli, as ban been published, The teaoh ers In this district will meet Saturday nt 11 o'clock at the courthouse. The county School authorities huvejibollshod the ses? sional examinations, nnd will, m tlio fu? ture, promote Ihe pupils on tholr monthly average. Tho county peonie feel flat? tered thnt Hlcihmoiul so quickly fol? lowed their example lu this mutter. Barton Heights School, Tho Barton Heights school will opoli ?lonrtay, Soptoinber Hth, tit 9 o'clock. The newly-appointed principal, Mr. W. S, Hough, will have chnrgo ot the Interine dlato and senior grades of the Wl-fh school department. It la hoped that the pupils will register promptly, ?nd that tho session of 1903-?4 be ono of the brightest in th? history ot tho school, Mr, Walsh Back, Mr. James J. Walsh, of this city, who has boon In Washington for sovoral weeks under tho treat nient of several special? ists, bus returned, muoh imjirovwi U? heulth. A Cool Trip to Norfolk By the New Steamers "Berkeley" or "Brandon" OF THE OLD DOMINION LINE. Leave Riohmtind Saturday Night, 7 P. M, RETURNINO, LEAVE NORFOLK SUNDAY NIGHT, 7:00 P. M. T~' NEWPORT NEW?, dlSO P. M. / ARRIVING RieHMOND 6:00 A. M. MONDAY. Fare, Round Trip, $3.00, Including Stateroom Barth. LIMITED TO THESE DAYS ONLY. OTHER DAYS IN THE WEEK REGULAR FARE WILL BE CHARGED. H.B.WALKER, K. F. CHALKLEY, JOHN F. MAYER, V. P. &T. M.New York. City Ticket Agent. Agent, Richmond, V?, PLATE MMEBfiS. OHLY 4 LEFT Last week wo advortlscd 0 Plate Cameras at different prloe?! four of these are all we have left, Don't loso this opportunity to got a high-Brad? Camera below cost, Cat Prie?, Sal? Price. PONY PREMO, No. 2, 4x5.?11.00 ?7.00 PONY PREMO, 6x7.26,00 17.00 CYCLONE, 3!',x4>i..*. 7,00 4,00 RAY, No. 1, 5x7. 25,00 17.00 ALBUMS, Brownie Camera size.,.40 .13 Also a general assortment of different size ARiuma at aame reduction, Mat CnrdH, alnele photos. 12c. dozen? double, 2So. donen. Roohester Carrying Cases at one-half Hut prloe, THE S. GALESKI OPTICAL 00. Ninth and Main SU. A FINE T.INH OPTHBJ LATEST DESIGNS IN Runabouts, Traps, Victorias. Carts, 6c? Now Is tho time to eeti ready for tho HORSE SUOW, Weoa-J* ?x you. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, IS S. Ninth Street, REPAIRING AND REPAINTING ? ?