HIS MEMORY IS HONORED rieptasophs Pay Tribute to Dr. Joseph Charles. ONE RULER SUES ANOTHER | Libel Suit Grows Out of Expulsion of a Negrd from the B. P. O, E.?The Board of Fisheries in Session. Confederale Reunion. (Special to The Times-Dispatch,) NEWPOBT NEWS. VA., September B.? Impressive memorial exorcises in honor of the memory of the late Dr. Joseph Charles were held at tho Academy of Muslo to-nlght by, tho James Blver and Joseph Charles Conclaves of Heptasophe. One of tho features of the programme t?? the unveiling of a llfo-sl_ed portrait of Dr. Charles, presented to the Joseph Charles Conclave by Mrs. Charles?. A tremendous crowd attended the exer? cises, almost every seat ln tho Academy bolng taken. The memorial address was delivered by Mr. Bobt. G. Bickford, and an interesting programme was rendered. Among the well known mon of the order who were here to attond the exorcises were Stato Organizer J. P. Brown, Su? preme Seoretary Samuel Sattersall, Su? preme Organizer John W. Crustt, Supremo ?Provost Thomas Hicks, Supromei Counsel Olin Bryan and Supreme Medicai Exam? iner Dr. Bubert. CONFEDERATE REUNION. Among tho prominent men who have been Invited to attend tho reunion of tho ? Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans of Vir? ginia, are Generals Fltzhugh Leo nnd Btadley T. Johnson. The Confederato organizations are making every effort to get things In readiness for the reunion. It Ib expected there will be fully twenty-* five thousand guests ln tho city. A number of the riders who are to par? ticipate ln the Confederate tournament to be held Saturday on the Casino grounds ?spent to-day practicing in tho list*??. INSPECTOR NAMED. The State Board of Fisheries held a meeting at Hotel Warwick hero to-dny. As the oyster season hns Just opened, the hoard had a busy session. The hoard ap? pointed J. F. Seward oyster Inspector for tho upper Warwick county district, set? tling a lively factional fight, which has been going on for some time. SUBS GRAND EXALTED RULER. Suit for ?1.000 damages was entered in Hampton to-di.y by M. D. Meekins, col? ored, of Norfolk, grand exalted ruler of the Independent Order of B. P. ?. E., against B. F. Howard, grand exalted ruler of Improved Order of B. P. O. ?. The latter order Is holding Its annual con? vention In Hampton now, and the Institu? tion of the suit caused a sensation among the negroes. The ? plaintiff charges that the defendant libelled him, calling him a "fake." "a robber," etc. Meekins wnf expelled from the Improved Order somo time ago for thirty-nine yenrs, and Imme? diately proceeded to establish another or? ganization. SUES FOR BUILDING. Einstein Rrothers, ,of Baltimore, have enternd suit against T, W. Dyson, ot. als,, to obtain possession of tho Dyson build? ing, at the corner of Twenty-fifth Street and Washington Avenuo. Dyson was de? clared a bankrupt recently, and when the building was sold at auction it was bought by Einstein Brothers. Mr. C. A.vlntt Ashby, one of the lead? ing young attorneys here, announced this afternoon that, he would be a candidate for tho Democratic Committee from the Fifth Ward. There will be a lively scram? ble for the places on the committee in all of the wards, nnd the primary, which will be held on September 24th, will decide tho fights. ; THE NEWS OF CHESTER Successful Revival?Regislration in Pro? gress?Schools to Open. (Special to The Tlmes-Plspfttch.) CHI?ST?A. VA.. Sept. 9.-A revival has been In progress at Ivy Memorial Church for the jaast two woolrs, the Rov. J. T. Be-well in charge and a number o? con? versions are reported. The meeting will bo closed this weok at that jjolnt and continue at other churches, cm, tiie circuit till about the 1st of November. Rev. Mr. Ribble, of Petersburg-, preach? ed at St. John's Episcopal church here last nlgln, Tho registration hoard of Bermuda Dis? trict ls In session here and will pit for two days longer. Thoro are very few offering to register. Tho primary which., will come off on tho 21th Instant, Is like? ly to be hotter attended than common, owing to the rivalry of a number of coun? ty and dlsrtlct men, and no ono can at present foretell the results. Mr, Jamos A, Robertson nml Mr. Vf. S. Diiviil and poaslbly a third party are In the race for supervisor, and tho candidates for Com? monwealth's attorney and the Legislature are more than one for each place and all, no doubt, have special Mends and adher? ents, so that the vote will not at all be s"!ld. The publie schools nf this district will open on the ?Sth day of September, Miss Bplerfl and Miss Ivoy will teach the school here. The pickling business -,yns a great failure here thi?-- season, and Mr. Dlcltol-.son la now shipping away all surplus barix's and mntorlal ho bought for the business at ? great i-ih?. The soason la reported a failure at nearly all points of the plcK llng business. Miss Helen Btghelherger. nf Baltimore. ls the guest ot Ullas Mabel Robertson, and Mrs. H. D. Bicholberger, her mother, Is expected O bo here to-morrow for a shore stay. Mr. K. C. Fisher, ot the locomotive Works, spenl a couple, of days here I Ills week with his friend. Mr, Vf, 1!. Knol.i er. Miss Xona Burton, nf tbis place, hn? been vliltlng friends at the Courthouse the past week. Mrs. Maule Perdue Is on a visit to rebut!ven a? Sklnquartor. MR, FOSTER WILL RUN He Dec;des to Enter Race for House* Fredc-ricksburg News. (Spelai to The Times-Dispatch.) j-'Kiii'KKK'icsBi'?G. va.. September d.?Mr. charles i>- Poster, a prominent young lawyer ?,f thl? pity, has b?-en urged ?, become a candidato i?y th?; Hepubh ran parly for the House of Delegates from ? lie city "f FredorlcjiHlmrK and fcpotsylvonla county in D*Vjjps|l|?n lo Hon. j. ?. him'i??. the prese.])' delegale, who Is the Democratic nominee for re-elec? tion, has now determined not ?? run. Mrs. JameH A. lth?me, who was para \itea at her home In Stafford county Sunday night, but? been taken by her husband to Pennsylvania for treatment, Mr. j?. H. Dojernette. Jr., has been appointed, py Judge ?. ??;. Waller i" act as Commonwealth's attorney of Spotsyl'? vanta county during the Illness "f Mr. Lee J. Graves, who holds thai position and Is critically ill with typhoid fever. Mr. DeJarnetle lias annoiunr-il his can, dldac> for tlie office at th?? approaching c-lertlon. pr. L. M. Webb, of this city, hud a nar? row (scape from death by taking an over? dose of aconite under "> perlty. The members of the congregation feel that It would be a great loss to the church, should he remain firm in his de? cision to accept the Petersburg call. "Dr. Taylor was married last May to Miss Jones, of Suffolk, Va. His wife Is exceedingly popular with the church mem? ber--, who are as reluctant to consent to her departure as they are to agree to Dr. Taylor's." THE CHAMBER AT WORK. ?Reports from the committees made to tho Board of Governors of the Chamber of Commerce at their meeting last eve? ning show that there Is every reason to believe that much good will result from the. Chamber's recent work. The commlt tcemen are all at work, as. shown by the reports made to the governors. Bon Ployed, a colored shoemaker of till? city, who went to Norfolk on an excur? sion Monday, ls serving out in jail a hun? dred dollars fine Imposed upon him be? cause ho threatened to shoot a man In thntj city. . . , Mason and Mason, as Rudolph and Adolph, will be the attraction at tho Academy of Music Saturday night, Maggie Golden, an eighteon-year-old girl, begged Police Ofllcer Heelnn to take her to the policestation lnst night be? cause she was- drunic. Sho approachod the officer at Sycamore and Bolllhgbrook Streets, and rather than creato a scene the ofllcer with much reluctance took the young girl to tho station, where sho was kf.pt till this morning. There being no charge against her she was discharged, a Dai-go crowds patronize tho lawn party given In tho yard of St. Joseph's Cath? olic Church. Mr. William Wilson ha5' been critically HI all day from tho effects of a conges? tivo chill. He was takon suddenly 111 on his return from work yesterday ovonlng. FODDER-PULLING CONTEST IN SUFFOLK (Speclnl to Tho Tlmes-DIspatch.) SUFFOLK, VA., Septombcr 0,?Last, Sundny thoro was a fodder-pulling con-1 test in Nnnsemond county, and whnt'R more, it wns for a wager. A Suffolk busi? ness man wont out to soe a kinsman r.nd found at his house another relnt've fiom Norfolk. Tho threo began bragging nbout their hny-grabhlng prowess, and a bet. was made. When a few rows hn?l been pulled tl)0 Suffolk man wus declared tho wiiiner. QORDONSVILLE AFFAIRS New Stores Oponed and Improvemsnts Made. (Sprelal to Tin? Tlnics.Dispatch,1 GORDONS VILLE, VA., September 9,~ Gordonsvlllo, It is lnderstond, is to have severa] new business enterprises In the near future. lt Is reported, on what sooms good nuihorlty, that Mr. Bibb, of t.oulsa efiunty, will open a fancy grocery store and also a millinery establishment here, Mr. L. M. Doweil hns moved lits ton Horliil parlors to tho room opposite whore WOiS "I write to let ynu know how I appreciate your ?atoaren. 1 cimiuencod taking Hum lost Novem? ber ami took two ve u cent bine? ami neaned a tup,?? warn) H (l. Inni; Then I couiiuaiiueil luklni; tliuiu suala unii Weiliieadny, April 4th, 1 pasboil urn,Hut tape worm ??8 ft. lone uml over ? tlumaaiul ?mull Wurm?. Provimi, to my tukiin.- 11a???a?????? I didn't km??? I had u tape-worm, lalwuya had a .mall appetite." Win. F. Ilrown, IU rraukltu St., Brooklyn, N. V. Beat For ' r ^^?AW The Bowels j* mdmtm. CANPYCATIiAATIC Pleatant, Palatable, Potent, Taato 000*1. ??flood, Nuvur b ckeii, Weaken or (Jrlpe. 10i?. '.'5o, 60c. Never sold ln bulk. The ,,-uiiutue tablet .tumped U brldnl pnrty ontered. The beautiful flowers, the cnndlos burning, the kneeling figures, with p roll nnd horseshoe overhead, mado an effective scene. The bride was becomingly gowned In mousseline de sole nnd lnce. with picture hat nnd gloves lo match. She cnrrled nn elegant bouquet of Bride roses. Tho rnnld nf honor was ? ttired In white organdy and pink ribbons and cnrrled a lovely bunch of La iFrance roses. Tho bride's golng-away costumo was of brown broad? cloth, with suitable gloves nnd lint. Mrs. Eagle is the daughter nt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hall, of Greyburn, Va., nnd Mr. Engle an Enlscopnl minister of Lou? drum. Ho is rector at Mineral, Va. They left on tho oast bound .train amid showers of rice nnd nttended by (he best wishes nf friends "Who nccnmpnnlod thorn tn the depot. They will visit Richmond, Washington nnd other places, Among those present from a distance worn Rev, nnd Mrs. J. R. 13111s, of Oor donsvllle: Robert -Pendleton Ellis, of Blchmond! Chirlo? Lewis Kills, of Win? ston, N. C.I M1?? Mary Wills Guy, nt Rtnunton; Miss Rebecca Hnmlltnn, of Birmingham" *-Irs? O?n?e Harrison, nf Talladega; Miss Adele Davidson Ellis, of Alabama; Mr. William Paxton Hall, of Tazo well: Mr. Glen Taylor, of Lynchburg, and many others. ^-J_ SIY.ITHFIEL.D MARRIAGE Wcddln?*; of Mr. Maddux and Mlrs Oompton a Notable Event. (Special to The Tlmes-Blspntch.) SM1THF1BLD, VA., Sept. O.-On'e of tho prettiest weddings that Smlthfleld has ever witnessed took place Tuesday at roiqi when Miss Francos Compton became Mrs. P. II. Maddux. The ceremony wns j.er i'orimxl at tho Smlthfleld Methodic Church by Dr. J. II. Moss, the pastoc. Tho church, which waa very prettily de? corated for tho ocoaa.'on with palms, fern? and polled plant?, was flllod with the friends of tho bride and groom. The weal ding inarch was rendered by Miss Ruth Comutun, sister of tho "?rioo, who aUu CASTORIA for Infante and Children. Castorla is a harmlos? substitut? for' Castor Oil. Pare Korlc, Droite and Moothlng Syrup?, lt is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hubs tunco. It destroys Worm? and nllays Fevcrislihess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. It relieve? Teeth? ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It refrulates tlio Stomach and Bowels. glvitiK healthy and natural sleep. The Children'? Panacea?The Mother's Prienda The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over 30 Years. THE ______) it-m ..HI. ?? WUHWAV ?TfltlT, Hrv> VOU?, CITY. sang "Oh, Promise Mo" very sweetly. Mrs. Physloc playing her accompaniment, The bride, who wa? given nway by hor father, tho Rov. Robert A. Complon, pastor ot tho Isle of Wight Circuit, was attired in a handsome traveling gown of blue broad? cloth. All. of the ladles of'the party woro handsomely gowned and presented ? charming picture. The bridal party, consisted of Mr. C. Hiuiklns, ot Clmse City, best man; Miss M. Luna Complon, of Smlthfleld, maid of-honor; Mrs. Frank D. J/mos. of Black stone, a- sister of tho bride, who wns ma? tron of honor; Mr. ?. N. Phillips, of Wil llanisburg, (lrst groomsman?. Misses Anulo Compton, Ives Harrow and Virginia Un? derwood, nil of Smlthflold, bridesmaids; -Messrs. Godfrey L. Smith, nf Newport Now?; Calvin P. Jones nnd Dr, Sain'l A .Rlddlck, both of Smlthfleld, groomr; men, nnd Messrs. llnrrv \J, Hbbnrd, of Nowport News, and Carlton Slmonson, ef Smlthfleld. ushers. Miss Mary Jnvnes and Master George Compton, ot Si/ltli fleld, were ribbon holders. Immediately after tho ceremony, the bride and groom and those of the bridal party who lived out of town took tho Old Dominion steadier "Virginia Dare," Mr. and Mrs. Maaidux took the Old Dominion steamer "Prl'.cess Anno-for New York, whence, after a short stay, they will tako ?an oxtended tour through New England nnd Canada. On their return, they are to visit Mr. and Mr?. Phillips, brolher-ln law and slaier of tho irroom, at th/y homo In "Wllllnmsburg, Vn., after which thoy will return to Chnse City, where Mr. Maddux is a' p/omlnent and popular drug? gist. Mrs. Maddux lins a host of friends In Newport News, Smlthflold and ChaAi City. During the past year, she hns made thu lattei- place her linni", and her mnny friends thero are delighted nt tl,e prospect of her return among them. C,n Monday night,there was tendord a reception to tho bridal party a reception bv the Rev, and Mrs. R. Al Compton and Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Moss, nt the residence nf | Dr. .Moss. 'Be*idei the party thero wero present -Mrs.? V. Vf. -Jeynes. Min. Samuel A. Rlddlck, M'ss Maud Underwood and Mr. A.sbury Compton, all of Smlthfleld; Mrs. H. N. Phillips, of WlUlamsburg; Mr. hnd Mrs. W. E, Cottrell nnd Muss Ethel Cottrell, nf Nowport News; Mr. nnd Mrs. Physloc. nf New York; Mis.-* Car? rie Fhllllptf. of Portsmouth and Miss Mary Jordan, of Suffolk. -? LEXINGTON WEDDING Mr. Bryan, of Jacksonville, Takes a Virginia Bridge?Other Marriages. (Siiecl.il to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LEXINGTON, VA., September ' 9.-? pretty homo marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Preston Allan, on upper Main Street, Lexington, to-day, at 1 o'clock, whon iMIsb Janet George Allan was mar. rled to Mr. William James Brya/ii of Jacksonville, Fla. Hev. Dr. Thornton Whaling, pastor of tho Lexington Pres? byterian Church, officiated. The parlor M'as decorated with red roses and holly, tho library with golden rod and ferns and the dining-room with pink and white. ?s tho bridal party entered the parlor Mrs. Andrew B. Estlll played the wed? ding march from Lohengrin, and during tho ceremonv a wedding hymn, "O, Per? fect Dove," was softly sung by Br. nnd Mrs. Reld White, Miss Lara Lylo Preston and Mr. Frank Hnmllton Anschulz, The bride Ib an attractive brunette and Is exceedingly popular In tho social cir? cles of Lexington. She Is a daughter of the leite Colonel William Allan, who for some years was principal of McDonogh School, near Baltimore. Sho was ins'.e fully gowned In white chiffon over taf? feta, with duchess laco and pearls, and carried bride roses, Her attendant.was her little niece, Miss Prlscolla Snead Powell", of Arkansas, who was dressed In white chiffon and carried bride roses. Masters Preston and James Whlto anil Thomas and Edmund Preston, cousins- of the brido, wore ribbon boys. Attor a wedding trip to Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will make their home- In Jacksonville, Fla_ where the groom Is a rising young lawyer. .He graduated a few years ago from Washington nnd Loo University. Miss Mamie Eugenia Trlbbett, daugh? ter of Mr. J. P. Trlbbott, of Riverside, Rockbrldge' county, was married to-night nt 8:30 o'clock at Riverside Chapel, to Mr, Claude Henkle Mackey, of Riverside. Rev. J. E. Booker, of Lexington, offi? ciated, a . The maid of honor was Miss Olile Wise, of Rlvorslde. nnd tho best man was Mr. John Mackey, of Timber Ridge. The bridesmaids were: Misses Julia Mackey, of Rlvorslde; Leila Rlcheson, of Buona Vista; Nellie Woodroof, of Roanoke; Liz? zie Shields, of Riverside, The groomsmen were: Messrs'. William Wise and John Wlso, of Rl\*ersldc; John Woodroof, of Roanoke, und Archibald Alexander, of West Virginia. \ . . The bride, a protty and attractive young lady, was dressed In whlto ?????! silk over white taffeta silk, and carrlod bride roses. Tho maid of honor was dressed In whlto organdy and carried whlto car-' nations. Tho bridesmaids wore dressed, ln white organdy, nnd carried white car notions nnd ferns. Tho chapel was taBtofiilly decorated with ferns and pottod plants. As the bridal party entered the chapel, Mies Carrie Shields, of Riverside, played the wedding march from Mendolssnlm. Little Misses Fannlo Mackoy and Daisy Trlb? bett wero the flower girl?. The bride and groom left over tho Nor? folk and Westorn for a trip to Norfollc and the seashore. Yostordny morning at 9 o'clock ot the homo of Mr.- and Mrs. Aduni ?tollman, of near Lexington, tholr daughter, Miss Carrie Lucy, ?tollman, was mnrrled to Air. Charles Henry Swink, son of Air. Adam Swlnk, of Alurnt, Rockbrldge county/ Rev. Robert E. Huttnn, of Lexington, officiated. Air. E, Sidney ?tollman, of Roanoke. brother of the bride, played the woddlnp* march. Tho maid of honor was AIlss Boasle Norther, of Richmond, and tho best man was Air. Georgo Vf. Rajer. of Alurat. The bridesmaid was Miss Alnry Northern, of Richmond, and the groomsman was his brother, Mr. Lacy Swlnk. The bride was dressed In whlto organdy nnd satin, and the maid of honor ond bridesmaid In white or? gandy, After a wedding breakfast, the bridal couple drove to Lexington, where they took tbe train for Richmond, Va,, to visit friends. PENNYBACKER?THORNTON Wedding of Beauty anJ I terest Occurs In Charlotte, (Special -to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHARLOTTE COURTHOUSE, Sept, 9.?At high noon to-dny the olito of Char? lotte eountV assembled to witness tha marriage of AIlss Alatile Lacy Thornton to Mr. Thomas J. Pennybacker, The hride, eldest daughter of Air. and Airs. J, S. Thornton, is a young lady of rare - pontonai charms, hltjlily intellectual, whose fascinating manners have endearc, hqr to a host of friends, The groom ls a prosperous merchant o? Broadway, Va? Tho church was beautifully decorateti with palms and ferns and mnny shaded lamps, shedding a mellow glow over this fair scone, \ Promptly at the appoint?e! hour Miss May Daniel sounded the Taithausor's wed rling march to tho strains uf which the bridal party entered, First camo Util? Misses Mary fllbbs and Jnnnlo F.gglcston. who, robed In white, opened the floral gate**. Tlio ushers, Messrs. D. L. Egglo ston, Jonk Watkins. E. F?. Daniel and John D. Shepperson, all married mon, antl pnrtlculnr friends or relatives of? tho bride, entered next. Then followed the waiters, the gentlemen dressed In black, with whlto vests; the girls, looking un? usually lovely, In white dresses, wltU white ribbons. First came Mr. Ed. Dan? iel rind ?Miss Fannie Thornton, Mr, Hob son Norrell and Miss Mattlo Shopperson, Mr.-TJnskle Norrell nnd Miss Bossio Mnr tln, ?Mr. Robert Spencer and Miss Bessie Daniel. Mr. Scott Martin and Miss Annie Norrell, Mr. Hugh Gait nnd Miss Lucy. Eggleatori, Mr. J. E. Williams and Miss Mary Sheppcrson, Mr, J. J, Pugli and Miss Lucy Watkins. Then came the malti of honor, Miss Lucy Thornton, who look? ed unusually stylish and pretty In a. white silk mull over blue taffeta and black chiffon l'?it. The brido entered with her father, handsomely gowned In white silk, with luce trimmings and whlto chif? fon lint, carrying white roses. The groom came in with hi? brother, 'Mr. Howard Pennyhacker. Tho couple, met at the altar, whero the marriage ceremony was Impressively per? formed by Rev. Mr. McMlller, After the ceremony a handsome lunch? eon wa? served, tho attendants at the home of tho bride. The happy couple left on tlie I o'clock train for an extended Northern toun. The presents were num? erous nnd costly, attesting the popu? larity of both Mr. and Mrs. Pennyhacker. FREDERICKSI3UR? BRIDES Captain Hart Wtrries'ln Washington O'her Weddings, .(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.l * FUKDERrCKSBUttG. VA.. September 9.?Captain R. !.. Hart, of the Weems Dine or steamers, which ply between tins city and Baltimore, and M'x 'inlet one. The couple left for Cu4U?*? ?? spend their honeymoon,