Newspaper Page Text
HHLP WANTED? FEMALE, ?AJrirED. TEACHER for pttfcttd toho?l tarra, ( mooUia. commencing Srptfmber 3*. 10081 on* thai nn leach Mtiale. Addtee* B., Bprlng Orova, V*. _ _ ^JJTTED, a good COOK. Amilr to-day at 627 ' North Eighth ?!"**? ;.'.' ? ;_ WOMEeTwANTED to aall * neeaaettt to mothers) |l",Vk dear. Dept. M.. Bos 78, Phlladel. phla. _ WANTED, A WOMAN to do general hous* work, Apply lOOfl Well Main Street, ajr ANTED, In my family,** experienced TEAON. "1Bnt 'Smpetent la ffenftlUh, Utle, Frond.. gmtr and Math*_?tle*. VdrStV^*T if' reference nnrt experience. A. h. PITTH, Ar vonia, Buckingham county, '?-_ WANTED, at once, a WOMAN that can oook, wash nnd Iron for family of alt; pood wages end pood home; reference* rwinlred. Apply 81(1 Enat Clsy._i WANTED, a white WOMAN who understands care of Infant! (rood homo to rleht party. Ap* plr to B. A. CONSTfNK. 217 fisat Broad Street._ , WANTED, In Richmond hy Beptember 16th, two white r.inl.S. rook nnd hoase Klrli only three In fatally good *mn nnd we3-he~r Appfr by tetter, with references, to B. n. i., caro J. W. Bell, Bwwt Springs. W. Mi._. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED, poaltion a? companion for elderly ladv or Invalid; reference exchanged. Ad drc'ee Mlaa It.. Pox -af>a. city, _ WANTED?A young woman of anooeaaful ex? perience desires a position aa teacher In a private family. For particulars nddreaa Box 44, Brandy Btatlon, Va. WANTED, poaltion aa oompaalon for elderly lady or invalid; referonco exchanged, nd? dreaa ttlae IU, Box 4.12, city. WANTED, by a young lady, a full graduate of t*o Richmond School of EtxpreaMon, a posttlou Jto teach Elocution and Physical Culture for tbe doming seaeion. Address TBAOHBH, Box 1_1, West Point, Va. A TEACHER OT experience and beet recom? mendation dealies a poaltion aa teacher In graded school or private fnmlly; nnnllflnnttons, 3n?-li?h, French, t*tln nnd Mathematics Ad? dreea "TEACHER," care P. M., TabscotOa. A B&tTUED WIDOW doalrea poaltion aa oom panlou for alderty lady or invalldi matron, booV*)ra*per or nuraa for Invalid. Address Box 25, Kcawlok, Va. HELP WANTED?MALE. WASTED, young man Etcnographer. koep books and do general office work! board fumlshod: ?tate In first letter salary exoer>.t*d. Address leek Box B, lietianon, Va. CAN YOU READ THIS QUOTATION! Solution of mizzle In yesterday's TImes-Dlspntch; Looking from th^top. of. the picture'the apron of tho little girl with the black dress forms tho teacher s hcad.^ HELP WANTED?MALE. PERMANENT POSITION for a man of good ? hatiltn nnd energy to represent large rnnnu rnotrrlnB ealnbllshnieilt known to every hunk In tii.' United States; salary $DOp per year and expenses; opportunity for advancement. Apply, stntlng age nnd qiinllOcat oils, to MAN AGBR, Pept- K-4, Box 82-1, Philadelphia, l'n. WANTED, O00D CARPENTERS; best of wago*. W. A. OHESTBttMAN, Chesterfield b'lnts, flhnfer nnd Franklin StreotH. WANTED, A YOUNO MAN with oxperlonce as clerk In retail Jewelry store: iimat have good hnblts. Address JBWBIjBU. cam Ilils orflce. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. SPECIAL MIDSUMMER' PRICES on roupholster . Ing Parlor Furnlturo, Couches, etc. OHARuBS 0. JURGBNS' SON, 419-21 E. Broad Street. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED, position by ox'porionood blacksmith, or good location for carriage nnd wngon re? pair shopa; entirely sober nnrl willing to work. Address E. B. M., J22 Garrett Street. Char lottesvllle, Vn, .-:.?:?_ WANTED, n swift, aobor and Tollable maohlne tilnotypo (1PBBATOK; prefer from nine to ten hours n dny's work; send references and state wngos, P. P. GOLD IMJI1L1SI1I.NG COM? PANY, Wllnon, N. 0._ WANTED, by graduate University of Virginia, with many ycara' experience, n position ns superintendent or prlncliinl of public schools. Address PRINCIPAL, earn this office. LADIES' COLUMN. FRESH CANDIES ovory hour at KAEMPF'S, 110 North Ninth Street. FOR RENT-My MOUSE at Bon Air, **&?& ,'.'??l.?or unfurnished. APUl-r ?lr"' vrmw PBPLOB. FQR sale. OR BALE-COTTON PLANTATION on Hoanjke "Ivor, M, rj"X ??,?, front rferff k V All nmymary houses .\,,,h^t, l,t ?n 'and gcod order) noo acres under 6 lit VIHO? ?n<i 101 ncraa tlmbort etentiilKjet '^'V^mnqtiin laes: gient bargain. It. C. HAHKiNainr.. Pnlmyrn, N. 0. _ HOME-MADE CARAMELS AT KAEMPF'S, ltU N, Ninth Street._. FOR BALE-Ptotty dark~bny MARK. ?*u?c M* gentle| suitable for Indies. ?M??.?* ?'??? noaa purpose* | stands without hitrhIng; pried $110. Apply JtYOMA STABILES- Hfth Btreot. BALT WATER DAEPY AT KAEMEP'fl, 110 N. Ninth Slreot. FOR BALE, OHEAP-FABM, two hundred and clghty-tlirce acres; eighty acres limber', largo houao nnd all other buildings: ???,' orchards; miming streams; convenient to KIchmotuL A. W, CLARK, A*lllnud, Va. WANTED, STENOORAPHY?Wantod pupil* for private, Instruction In ahorthand-Pltainn System?by teacher who Is graduate of " largo BouUieni school, nnd una a bin taken a post-emirse n Enntmnn College and Packard's, New iork. Address 8, 0. M? imx HMt. city._. ?WAN MUELLER'S Now" York Bakery, 410 W. Itrond Street, between Monroe nnd Henry, Richmond, Va. First-class Home-Mad,* .Bread, French, Vienna nnd German Rye Bread. Hot Brend delivered at your home, take* and Plea n specialty. Restaurants and Private Fami? lies supplied dnlly. Telephone 21180. MISCELLANEOUS. 0. M. MOORE'S collection Antique Mahogany Furniture; a large assortment of rare pieces. Call nftor 4:80 P. M-. I"1" Sornmes Street, Manchester. CURES IN LESS time than 10 minutes? BLANKS' Honilnclie and Neuralgia Tablets. Sold by reliable druggists; price 10c. YOU CAN FIND Acme Piano and Furniture Polish at WM. 11. KIPD'S, 1201 West Cory Stroet. _ HOME-MADE CARAMELS AT KAEMFF'B, SBo, n pound. ^_" BUSINESS WANTS._ THEY HAVE DONE good where others failed? BLANKS'. B. nnd S. Dime Liver rills. Sold by reliable druggists; price 10c. JUST THE THINO?Night Cold Cure. Sold by reliable druggists; price 10c. I THE TEE-DEE I | Daily Business Directory, I CARDS under thl* head are taken on three months' contract, Daily nnd Sunday, ?t fi.oo per tunnth. BICVCLB9 AND TOYS. TOMSKINB' 'CYCLE STORE, 811 West Broad. BICYCLES AND AUTOMOBILES. BICYCLES AND AUTOMOBILES, new and aea nnd-lmnd. B. A. BLBNNBR. 810 North Fifth Streot, PLUMBING AND MANTELS. W. F. MAHONEY AND 00.. 707 Eait Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS, THE DAVIS OALLEHY, 822 East Broad. MINEHAL WATERS. THAW AND ORANT, Richmond, V*. ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. W, E. DREW AND CO., 710 Eaat Main, SEWING MACHINBS. THE NEW HOME (Ph, 1445), OOP. Eaat Broad. SHIRT-BUILDERS., S. E. BISHOP, 708 East Main. tTn-PLATE AND STOVES. HARRIS HARDWARE CO.. 400 Eai,t Broad. NEW BICYCLES. AT BLENNER'S, 310 N. Fifth Street, FEATHER BEDS, WANTED, to buy Feather BEDS; highest cash prices paid; nlso Feathers Renovated. 'Phone ?7Rt. OASl'ICIl BROS,, 1205*4 West Main Street, city. _ COLD CURE. NIOHT COLD CUBE goes straight after the cold nnd cnn be relied on to cure quickly. Sold by reliable druggists; price 10c. BOARD WANTED. WANTED, HOARD for couplo In private family by October 10th; references exchanged. Ad? dress Z. H., enre this office. "FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, SPECIAL MIDSUMMER PRICES on reupholiter lng Parlor Furniture. Ooiicbea, etc. CHARLES G. JUHOBNS' SON. 410-21 13. Brond Street. candies] FOR FRESH CANDIES go to KAEMPF'B, 110 North Ninth Street._i_ FRESH CANDIES AT KAEMPF'B. 110 North Ninth Street. PIANO BARGAINS. 1400 UFR10HT PIANO, butt wtlnut cue, for jtsnn. Tcrma, 110 caah and $<1 per inonCt.; used only a short lime. A very fine V*.?nn, eaay, action, .handsomely carved ease, all mod? ern Improvements: stoot and scarf free, Ttfn CABLE COMPANY, No. 218 Kaat Bfoad Slreot. $376 UPRIGHT PIANO for |M0| fine tone in? strument, 2 airings, patent repealing action, full octave*, 8 pedals; guarantee fnr five ycnr?| atool nnd soevC free; $10 cnab and IT per mouth. TUB QABLH COMPANY, No. 218 Enat Ilrnntl Street. I860 UPRIGHT PIANO for flM Term*. 18 cash and *.(! per inontht mahogany case; looks like a new plane i taken In eaehango on high amide Cable; stool nnd scarf free. TUB OABLW COMPANY, No. 218 East Broad Street. FOR BALE?An elegant Square PIANO j coat 1500, will sell for $00. TUB CADLI3 COM? PANY, No. 218 Bait Broad Street. WE HAVE TWO eaoallent second-hand Upright TIANOS of a woll known makes that we will BOll chenp for cash. THE CABLE COMPANY, No. 218 Ka*t Broad Street. PIANOS?Elegant seven and third (7 1-8) oo tnves. mahogany Upright Grand Pin no*, slrndnrd make, three pedals, latest style, used n short time. A Real Bargain. TUG CABLE COMPANY, No, 218 East Broad Street. $15.00 TO $160,00 BttUARE PIANOS, We have the largest stock nf Sipiaro Plnnos ever shown In the South. They must be Bold to mako room for a largo shipment of upright*. This lot Includes some of the highest grades? Stolmvay, Kranleh and Bach, Chlckerlng and Groat Union, and n number of other fa irons makes; will be sold on easy torms and ex. changed at any lime for new uprights. THE CABL13 COMPANY, No. 213 East Broad Street. _ L08T. _.J-.? LOBT?On the N. and W. Cannon .Ball train, arriving In Richmond yesterday 'evening, a , gold open-faced WATCH, with Initials It. U D. on back; black silk fob with gold seal. Keanonnble reward If delivered to W. T. WIC8T, Superintendent, Southern Bnllway, Richmond, Va. LOBT?Monday while driving in the West End, or on road to GInter's, Wrist BAG. containing papers of value and a sum of money. Re? ward for the papers If returned to St'THEH LAND'S STABLE, No, 1 N. Cherry, or 1410 Grove Avenue. STRAYED?From corner of Mosby aiid Venabio, u BULLDOG! nine months old. white with liver spots, ears cut; unsworn to namo of Joker. P.eward If returned to above address, SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED. DLLIOHTFUL COUNTRY BOAED and sport, Virginia Mountains, noar railroad; horses, liunllng and shooting, tennis, golf, swimming pool; circulars. V. M. RANDOLPH, Keswick, Va. , NOTICE. I HAVH) TRANSFERRED TO MY NBPHBW, JOSEPH M. KA1N, of tbla.cltr. ?h? ??*?*???? of Undertaker, Kmbnlmcr and Funeral Mf?6tof, so long conducted nl First and Broad, and how at No, 400 W. Broad Street, Mr, ttalti by* been associated with mo for aevafal yeat* I* thn innnaBement of aald btislneia, and can eo?> mend him for hi* gfl,I?l*>nejr. Thiuifclb* ??' frlenda for thnlf kindness In Ih* paat, t remain very truly, ,,?_ JOB. W. fcAUR*. N. B.?All persona Indebted lo tne will pie*** close account, with Mr. Kajt^ ^ ^^ Referring to tho above notice I beg ta **f that I win continue thn hnslne** ahore at* Honed at No. 400 W. Broad Streak 1 ? respectfully solicit the consideration of W ff lends nnd n continuance of that nccord*dIt* my predecessor, and will give anmo my prompt and personal attention, Very respectully, .. ?.4? Aug. Jd-1mn _ JOB, M.KAIW. WEWILL 8Bt,Ti AT PUBLIC AHOTtON. A* thn Itlchraond Stock Enchango SATtlltnAT, September 12tb, at 12:15 P. ' M.^-^Meuitt of whom It may concern. $2,000 niOHMOND AND MECKLENBURG FIU8T MORTOAGB * PER CENT. BONDS. ' - t . ^ DAVENPORT AND CO. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.?Thn pnblte t* hereby notified Hint the bankruptcy proceeding* Instituted by Mr. JOSEPH LASITTRR doe* not in any way affect the business of the RICHMOND BAZAAR, but relates solely ?* Hie business formerly conducted w Mr. Laalt ter on hie own account. Mf. Lasltter will con tlnue with me ns Manager of my said bnslnew. RICHMOND BAZAAR. Uy Joseph H. Oruhba, Prdprleler. ? Sept. 0, 100,1. DENTI8TRY, BR. WILFRED W. WbOD, DENTIST. ' ? NO. 104 A. EAST MAIN STREET. _^ HOtmS: 0 A. M, TO (1 P. M. 'PHONE ?9T*\ RICHMOND, VA; DR. DOEBET, 181 East Broad Street Teeth extracted pnlnlo^slv; Oold Crowns, $5 Up; Oolel Fillings, $1 up; Silver Fillings, fBOc. up; eeta of Teeth, 55 up. SALESMEN WANTED, AT ONCE?Thirty bright, nustltng SALESMENi magnificent new maps fiom late survey; apeclat proposition; must apply promptly: state ag* and eicperlence. I1UDOIN8 PDBLI8HINO CO.. Atlanta, Cla. ! | ' REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE WILL Bell, Rent or Exchange your prop? erty In Oil parts of United States;1 no com? mission charged. Send for pamphlet. RBATJ ESTATE REGISTER, 571 Fifth Avenue, New York City. _'.' BUSINESS WANTS. KAEMPF'B CANDIES are pure and fresh. Hav* you tried them? OREAM OANDY AT KAEMPF'B, SO, pound, MOVING FOR CHEAPERCAS Two Resolutions Are Offered on the Subject. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Body Expresses Sympathy for Police Justice Crutchfield and Gives Him Leave of Absence Until He Re covsrs?Account of Meeting. The Common Council held a special session last night to dispose of the un? finished business left over from Tuesday night, and It was dlspatchod with great facility. Two resolutions were offered and re? ferred to tho Light Committee,, reducing; the pricp of gas to the consumer, and there was a good deal of routine matter disposed of. One of the cheaper grae resolutions was offered by Mr. West, of Madison Ward, and made a flat price of SO cents por 1.000 feet for all purposes. The other, was by Mr. Crenshaw, of Clay, and his flxoB the price at 75 cents for manufacturing, heating and cooking purposes, and }1 pec 1.000 feot for lighting. A resolution was offered by Mr. Pollock and unanimously adopted, expressing the ?ynipathy of the body for Justice John J. Crutchfield in his sickness, and grant? ing him a leave of absence until ho shall have recovered his hoalth. There was some other business transacted, but for the most part, It waa of minor Impor? tance. C&LUED TO ORDER. The body-- was' called to order at 8 o'clock by President Sol L. Bloomberg and a quorum of members answered to their names. The calendar was taken up where It was left oft on Tuesday night, and the first resolution adopted was from the Committee on Grounds and Buildings, gWlng some magnolias and other plants from the city nursery to tho Memorial Hospital. There were some other resolutions from this committee relating to the regulatln'g of the salaries of certain employes et the olty, nnd they wont to tho Commlttoe on Finance. Upon roll-call, Mr. "West, of Madison Ward, offered an ordinance, which was referred to the Light Committee, reduo ing the price of gas from $1 to SO cents per thousand feot to consumers. JUSTICE JOHN'S LEAVE. Mr. Pollock offered the following reso? lution, whirl) was unanimously adopted: "Whereas, the Council of the city of Richmond hae learned with sincere regret that it Is necessary for tho Hon. John J.. Cnrtcrrflelrt, tho faithful and efllplont Ppjice Justice, to a?aln visit Now York to put himself under medical treatment; therefore, be It "Resolved, By the Council nf the city of Ri'chmond (the Board of Aldermen concurring), L Thnt the Council of tho City of Richmond hereby extends to the Hon. John J. Crutchfield Its cordial sym? pathy and expresses Its sincere hnpo that he may soon he restored m health, nnd be agajn enabled to enter upon tho discharge nf his official duties. "2. That leave of absence Is hereby gr.-nitc-d Hon. John J- Crutchfield for pueh time ns may. In tho Judgment of his physician, he necessary for his recovery," TOR CHEAPER CAR. Mr. Grimes offered n resolution, which went to the Finance Committee, appro. printing )1,0QQ tn Improve the road from Chlmhnrazn park to Fulton, and Mr. Hot 4ntHH offered one, which was referred, fixing the hour of meeting of the Council at S o'clock Instead of 7:30 o'clock. Mr. rYeriHhuw presented an ordinance, which went to Light, fixing the price of gas for manufacturing, heating '"id conk? ing purposes at 7"> cents, and for lighting at II per thousand feet, and a few mo? ments later the specie] session adjourned. GREAT SENSATION PROMISED Man of National Prominence to Be In? dicted for Postal Frauds. (Hy Ajstoclated Press i WASHINGTON, fiept. 8.-One of the persons Indicted yesi&rduy by the Fedora] grand Jury in connection with the postal Investigation, is George \V. Weavers, t <rm erly chief of tho division of Ktlurli:* qn(J allowance** It Ik uiidurt>i?u>] that thu charge i* conspiracy. Another of the. indictments is against .August W, on a new .set of facta, Involving him with Hoavers, The charge Is ooiihi> While the cillcWb recuse-to dl.v.-io<,t u,? names of the four romalnJji^ persons who were indloted yesterday, It is said that nono of thorn Is or hag .been connected with the Postofllce Department and that one Is a. man of some prominence. It wss stated at the City Hall to-day that the ollmajc of tho Investigation is to como shortly whon n person not connected with the Department, but. equally as woll known as the Postmaster-General himse r undoubtedly will ho Indicted for compli? city In the postal frauds. The grand Jury hegiui hearing the evi? dence in this particular caso tp-duy and it is stated that when a report Is made It will In all probability conclude the Inves? tigation In Washington. Dr. Magruder Sick. Dr E. W. Magruder, chemist attached to the office of tho commissioner of ag? riculture, Is detained at Charlottesville pv reason of Illness. He Is suffering from rrialaria and while his condition Is not serious he will not be able to resume work for some days yet, It Is feared. Dr. Southall Here. Dr J. W, Southall, superintendent of public Instruction, has returned to the city, after'a few days spent In Amelia county, and other points In tho State. Ho was in his office as usual yesterday. Tho Doctor's health Is now very good. TWO RICHMONDERS LEASE COAL LAND D. A. Ritchie and B. J. Wysor Secure a Valuable Tract In Kentucky. Two well known and popular Richmond gon'tlemen have Just consummated the lease for an Indefinite term of a largo nnd valunblo coal land tract in Kentucky, sltuatf i along the Big Sandy River and directly on the line of a railway. The gentlemen are Mr. A. D. Ritchie, private secretary to Governor Mon'taguo, and one of tho most popular men In the Capitol, and Mr. B. J, Wysor, book-keeper to tiro Corporation Commission, and also widely known and popular In this city and In tho southwestern portion of tho State. The loase, which has Just been consum? mated, consists of a tract of about six hundred acres In Pike county, ICy., with two seams of coal, one eight feet wide and 'tho other five and a half foot. The coal Is a fine grade of bituminous, and there Is a vast bed of it easily accessible nnd easily transported to tho markets of tho world, Tho location of tho properly i.- along tho railroad in tho Big Baudy Valley, near Lanesville, Ky. The annual ren'tal of the';property Is $1,000. The lease Ip- "a running one, with option to buy or lease, to run until coal seams are ex? hausted, which means indefinitely. The two gentlemen will develop tho property and their friends are hopeful that It will prove a handsomely paying Investment. ST. BERNARD PUPS of Imported and Prize.Winning Stock, for sale. For particulars address E. F. HENKENIUS, Tyler, Hanover County, Va. SEALED PROPOSALS, TORT M ON ROB, VA., Sept. s, 1W>3.?Seal? ed proposals, in triplicate, for Installing Hot Water Heating Plants In 33 buildings hern will Ixs received until |8 M. OCT;. *. 1903, V'- S, reserve* right to accept or ro Ject any or all proposals or any part thereof, Information furnished on appli? cation. Envelopes, containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Heat? ing," address O. P. TOWNSl.HV. Q. M. MEETINGS. n A BTATBD COMMUNICATION OF MB' YV I'HOPOMTAN LQPOB. NO. 11, A, !?-. /VN Slid A, MASONS, will be held in Uin Masonic Temple this (Thursday) kvkxino. September loth, hi 7 o'clock, Muster Masons hi good |<iun<lliiK urc Invited to alU-ml. jiy order c( u,e w. m. S. H. JACOBS. Secretary. TUB ANNUAt. MI'CTING of- THIS STOCK. bolder* of the WATKtss cottiu:i.i. com I'ANV will lie belli al lh,- otrico or n.,< emu puny. No. 1811 Bast Mul? Street, Itlchiimnd, Va., on THUltblJAl, September Pith, 1WKI ul IS o'clock, W. B. UOUKItTSON, July 81^(1_President " ?UMMER RESORTS. HOTEL WACHAPREAGui^ Nfc'AH OOBB'S ISLAND. All-ycur r.'iitui resort. Kuur-ainry liiiiubm; ! thrie?iiTy porch; seventy-dye large, airy room*. <i?. .<J llslilng, shooting und Bulling, only place, | <ui ilic (.,.,181 which olTcr* SO inaiy nnir.rnI un ' vnntuges mil iu-i .-lnhn uvcoinwoduttuus at ,, >i ? ernlu price*. '.Vriti tor references, booklet*, en. * A. 11. O. MEARB. Prop., ",Vauli,t;.n.-s.guu, y*., AMUSEMENTS. To-nighb and ? To-morrow Night, Tho HilurioiiR Musical Comedy, HAPPY HOOLIGAN 60?PEOPLE?50. SEE Tho Bower of Trnnscendant Beauty. Tho Glaro of Muguitudo, The Jewolotl Dressos. P1HCES?25, 85, 50 7oo, $1.00. BIJOU THEATRE, EVERY EVENING AT 8:30. LIGHTHOUSE BY THE SEA. By Owen Davis. The piny which packs tho house at every performance. Matinees Thursday and Saturday. Popular prices. The Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens daily from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Admission, 25 cenu. Free on Saturday*. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAT STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO B P. M. ADMISSION 25C. FREE ON SATURDAYS. DIVIDENDS. Virginia-Carolina Chcinlcnl Company, Itlchmond, Va? Sept. 8, MOD, THE BOARD OF DIUEOTOllS HAVK THIS DAY declared a IJIVIDKN1) of 2 PER OENT, (two per cent.), the unnia being quarterly dividend No. 82, on the Preferred Stock of thla Com? pany, payable OOTOBBIl lOtb, 1003. when clieekfl will he mailed to nil Preferred Stock? holders of record at the close of buslneas Sep? tember, 80th. The hooka for the trimafcr of Preferred stock will bo closed from October let to October loth, both days Inclusive, S. W, TllAVliilK. Treasurer. 8CHOOLS. fnyjiM^iMtgijmi'jiPU^ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE SWSKSK JytEPICINE-PENTISTRY-PHARMAtV Member of Association of Amorl run Medical Colleges, of Southern Medical College Association ?'"*.'"? Nations) Association of Dental Faculties,, v RoglBtored by Board of Regents of New Vork. Record nf Oraduntes before State Exnmlnlng Hoards speaks for It? self: Doforc Virginia Medical Exami? ners. Ten von rs?278 nppllcations. Ul per cent. successful. Tills your? 31 nppllcations. 96.77 per cunt, sue ce/kuful. Before Dental niifl Pharmacy Ex? aminers. Kc|Uitlly good, For 10S page cutalogun address WILLIAM R. MILLKB, Proctor, THE MONUMENTAL ^KINDEROARTEN, NO. lS3i EAST HHOAll, WILL BKiilN ITK ailCOND .SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER E1BT. WITH MISS AHA h. AUl.'M-lEU. IN CHAItOR. RICHMOND ""COLLEGE Ipttruclloi) U ofTerea t" languages, scknoea. philosophy, lilalnry. ar.d Jurlaprii dcnco. Courses ?t ?tudy lead to the degiei'H of 11. S., B. A., M. A.? and Bachelor of Law. Modern and well e<pilpped library arid laboratories. Next tuition begin* Sept. 24. Adilresg J" W. BOATWRIQHT, Kiehuiond, Vu. SCHOOLS. PDABODY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, HAROLD RANDOLPH, DIRECTOR. Mt. Vernon Plnce and Charles Street, Baltimore. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, MAY OAimETTSON EVANS, Superintendent, S3 nnd 28 East JIT. VERNON PLACE. REOPENS OCTOBER 1 for instruction. Apply In September, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. . The Peabody offers advantages which mnke It a OREAT MUSIO CENTRE AND UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER CONSERVATORY IN THE COUNTRY. Faculty of 40 European and American Masters, Including PROFESSORS BARKWORTH. BOISE, BROCKWAY. GOODWIN, HEIMENDAHL, HUL STEYN, HUTCnESON, MINETTI, WAD. etc. Advanced and elementary Instruction given. Scholarships, Diplomas and Teachers' Certlflcntef. TUITON FEES, $15 TO ?60 for scholastic year, according to grade and brunch of study, ciaan and Private Lessons. Kreo Advantages to Pupils. Circulars mailed free. ...The... Virginia Mechanics' Institute, Nlsht School of Technology, will begin Its twentieth session on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of Septem? ber, 1903. The scholars of last session will bo given tho exclusive privilege of enlortng until tho 10th of September; after that date all applications will be considered in turn, until the limit of each olass Is reached. Apply to secre? tary at Institute, 1014 East Broad Street, daily from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M? and from 4 o'clock P. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. MANN S. QUAP.LES, Chairman School Committee. THOMAS S. ELLETT, Secretary. ATLANTA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Free Dispensary; only college operating an actual drug store. Greater demirtid for our graduates than we can supply. Address OEORGE F. PAYNE, Dean, , 21 W. North Ave., Atlanta, Oi. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY, TInlversity Col lego of Medicine, Richmond. Va, pile drug store, for teaching and prescription work, In actual operation during paat ten years; two more added last session. For catnloguo address WILLIAM It. MILLER, Proctor. HOLLINS INSTITlimVirginia Established in 1SU Tot the Higher Lducjtlon of Younj Ladles Faultily .18 gentlemen nnd S3 ladles, Enrollment, asa pupils from ?2 states. Korlllustrateil catalogue,apply to MATTY L. COCKE, President, Hollins, U ...THE... II1FM Lombardy St. and Park Ave, Prepares bovs for college or university. Seven teachers, nil men. Largo play? ground. Gymnasium. Limited to ninety pupils. New building now being erected. Becond session opens SEPTEMBEU 28th. For Information apply 1? J. A. C. CHANDLER, Dean, Richmond Colicae, MS. PAULINE L1BB1BEE BOBEBTM Teacher of Piano, Voice, Harmony and Theory. Graduate New England Conwrvotory, Pupil of Curl Knolten. Car Staany. O. Vt. Chndwlck. Louis C. Elson, C. A. White Pall Session opens Monday,- September Hth. Two resident puplla dealt oil. Foj- Catalogue address MKS 13 A. ROBERTSON, 159 S. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va, 'diono 000,_ INDUSTRIAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. The demand for practical chcniUU, gradual,, of tho Schools of Cboml-tr? of the University of -- ccl, tho supply- All who have thu. .vlihli, thu pa?t few >??<"" 1,uv" '>""" .._._.. rnr Iron furnar,.,,. J, M, P*0E' ?b?lr^"l,,? .11, H.a.lon, C^lota'?v'??. V. Miss ColM?M^WWrten and IPrimary School, 13 North Fifth Street." opena October M. ^''"'''tSa&a^v;, """" HT- Wi/r jonks via 'V M&wivm THE ART SCHOOL OF THE ART CLUB OF RICHMOND. Session of 1003.'04 Opens October 15th. Miss Annie C Fletcher, Instructress; Mr, M. Mi Strause, Arts and Crafts. Apply for circulars of MRS. B. LORRAINE. Treasurer, 1400 Hanover Street. MISS ^ ORRIS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 8 EAST GRACE STREET. Opens SEPTEMBER 23D. MISS SUSIE P. MORRIS. Principal. Miss Margaret Lee. Assistant. For Information apply to the principal. 412 West Main Street. McGuire's University School, OPP. MONROE PARK, RICHMOND, VA. UPPER SCHOOL,?six University Men tone part of day); LOWER SCHOOL.?four Ladles. EXTRACTS from U.S'IV. and COLL. RE? CORD.? Univenlty of Virginia: 1805-6, four de? grees; 1000-1, alx; 1001-2, four. In 1002-3; Univ. of Va., three degrees; Univ. Coll. of Med., three;' Cornell, two; Mass. Inst, of Tech., one. U. S. Naval Acad. : 180(1-7, first 'entrance'; 1800, flrst 'stand'; 1000. third; 1002-% two re? presentatives, both successful. Thirty-Ninth session. Enter. Sept. 18, 10, etc. Assemble; Sept. 22. Hoarders limited. Principal at 7 N. Delvldere after Sept. 5. For full College Record. Teachers, etc., see catalogue at Ixiolt and drug mores or by mull. JOHN P, M'GUTEE, Principal. J, P. M'OUIBE, Jr.. Associate. MISS STANARD'S SCHOOL, 102 North Monroe Street. Tho next session will begin on tho 17th of September. MISS JANE S. STANARD, 102 N. Mnnroo Street, Richmond, Va. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Had fifteen of her graduates at tho Johns Hopkins University During tho Last Session. For tho coming session the authori? ties of Johns Hopkins have granted to Randolph-Macon men six scholarships', one fellowship and ono nsslstantshlp. Railroad tickets from Richmond to Ashland for the session, $30. Session opens September 10, 1903. Adrjresfi tho president or the secre? tary, Ashland, Va. Nolley's School for Boys, PINK STREET, Between Grace nnd Franklin. George Merritt Nolle/, Principal. The fifteenth session of this school will begin Wednesday, September 23d, New pupils enrolled September 21st and 22d. Prepares boys for colleges and univer? sities. School limited to fifty boys. Catalogues at the book-stores and Cbelf's Drug Store. ? ? -, ? Address of principal, No. 112 North Fifth Street. _. Miss Ellett's School for Girls 112 East Franklin Street. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Bryn Mawr Kxnmlnntlons will be held In Richmond In 1004. There Will be Spoclal Classes Preparatory to Travel In Europe, r.essons In German wRI be given with? out extra ohargo to pupils of six or The number of pupils In every depart? ment will bo limited. The fee for tuition from October to June varies, according to ago and to class, from twenty to seventy dollars. Circulars at 112 East Franklin Street and nt bookstores, Kindergarten and Sub-Primary, J4 West Main Street October 1, 1903. MISSES TALCOTT AND SCOTT. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. It Is the Capstone of the Public School System of the Stuto. FREE TO VIR? GINIANS In the Academlo Department. LETTERS, SCIENCE. LAW, MEDICINE, ENGINEERING. Session begins 15TII SEPTEA1BKR. For Catalogue address J. M. PAGE), Chairman, Charlottesville. Va, * WESTMINSTER SCHOOL, ? 705 WEST GRACE STREET. MISS CARRIE LEE CAMPBELL,, Principal. . Faculty of Ten. Course from Kindergarten to Gradua? tion. Carriage calls for Children. Hoarding Department next session bg- , gins September 3-Ril, RAILROADS. RC Si D Richmond, Frederick* ? ?? Ot It burg &. Potomac R. H Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 8:61 A. M., dally, ByrU Bt, Through. 0:4-5 A. M., dully. Main St. -Through. 7:15 A. M.. week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:00 A. M.. Sunday only. Byrd 8L Through. ? ?."' 1:40 A. M., week days. Byrd 8t. Through, l*:Oo noon, weeK days. Byrd SL Througn. 4:00 P. M.. week days Byrd Bt. Fred? ericksburg accommodation. 6:06 P, M? dally. Main St. Through. i:'& P. M., wuok days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:05 P. M.. dully. Bvrd St. Through. Trains Arrive Richmond?Southward. 6:40 A. M.; week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 8:16 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Kred erlckshurt: accommodation. 8:J* A. M., dally. Byrd Bt. ThroURh 11:66 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. M.. dally. Main St. Tnrough. 3:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. 7:16 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through. f?0 P. M? dally. Isyrrt St. ThroiiBn. 10T29 P, M.. daily. Main St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or I'nrlor Can on all trains ?.rcet)t local accommodations. W, D- DUKE. C. W. CULP. W. P. TATLOR, Gen'l Mjin'r, ?ss't G?n'l llan'r. Traf. Man's Jun? H, tana. l^WNorfolkAtssWesten? ?;^."~ oosstn LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. ?:00 A. M., NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar. rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only ut Petersburg. Wave.-ly and suOoik. 9:05 A. M.i CHICAGO EXPRESS. Burfot Parlor Cur, Petersburg to Lynchburg und Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluerield to Cincinnati; also Roaooko to Knoxvllle, and Knoxville to Chattanooga and Memphlo. 12:10 P. M.i ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmvllle, Lynchbure and Roanoke. 3:00 P. M., OCEAN SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 5:20 F. M. Stops only rA Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connects with steamer* to Boston. Providence. New York. Baltimore and Washington. 7:26 P. M.i for Norfolk and all stations east of Petersburg. ,?. ? 9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SWORT LINE. Pullman Sloepers. Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanoke: Petersburg to East Radford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga. Memphis und New Orleans. Cafe Dining Trains nrrlvo from tho West 7:33 A. M.. 2:CG P. M. and 9:10 P. M.i from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Office No. 838 East Main Street. W. B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLEY Gen. Pnas. Afcstnt. *>!s Pass. Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT AUG. 12, 11*03. 7.uu A. M.?Dally. Local tor Ctiurlottc. 12:50 P. M;?Daily; Limited. Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga und all the South. ??; 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo? cal. 11:06 P. M.?Dally. Limited; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M., for all tho South. YORK RIVER LIKE. The favorltb route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 ft M. Dally, except Sunday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Suliday. Local mixed for West Point. ^r 2:16 P, M,?Local for Went Point > 4:30 P. M.-Except Sunday; For Weal Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 6:65 A. M. and 6:25 P. M.?From all tha South. .' ? 3:26 P. M.?From Charlotte nnd Durham. 8:40 A. M.?From Chase City, ' 9:15 A. M.?Baltimore and West Point. 5:10 P. M.-From West Point. C. H, ACKERT. S. H. JiARDWJCK. O. M. O. P. A. 0. W. WKSTBUUy. D. P. A.. Richmond. Vn. RICHMOND AND PETEBSBUflO ELECTRIC RAILWAY. fceitniiinfc April Ut, IUU2, Cars leave corner Pdrry und Seventh Streets, Manchester, every hour <on the hour) front tj A, M. to 10 P. M., iiut car 11:60 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syco more Street, every hour from 6:30 A. 14 to 10:80 P. M, FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. CO CENTS-ROUND TRIP-fiO CENT8. SEABOARD . Am Line Railway TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY, 2:20 P. M.-sjeaboard Mall-10:H5 P, M. Seaboard Express?To Savannah, JacK sonvllle, Atlanta and Southwest. 9:10 A, &..-Local?For Norllna and Ham? let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND OAILY. " A. M.-No. 34-4:55 P. M.-No. ?6 From Florida, Atlanta and Southweat. 6:80 P. M,-From Norllna and local P<c'l'ty' Ticket Office 830 East Main Street 'Phone 405. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HAVING QIMLR"1S|> AS AiJiHNISTBATOr, Of tlu cilnto of OliOHOB K. TAVLOJt. deceased, all persons haying clulwa against milil **}&\* will present tueiu to m.' fur pajtur-it an., nil ludebteil to the rabite will settle with mo. OAKLAND ?? TAVJ.OR, | Boytli Nlcth Street, RU'bmouu', Va. RAILROAD8. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. 2 Kcun and 25 Minutes toNorfolk i,iiA?u .nuiijiy.iu?jjAOI'IIUU'ND. 7:4u'A. 41.?ijuiIj?Local to Newport Newa and way a la lions, 8:00 A. M.?Dally?Limited?Arrives William*. liurg t?:60 A. M.. Newport News 10:30 A. 11., Old 1'ulut 11:00 A. 11., Norfolk 11:21 A. II 4:00 I'. M.?Week days?Special-Arrives Wli Iltuiaburg -t.30 P, M.. Newport News 0:40 I'. St., Old Polot 0:00 ['. M? Norfolk fl:2i P. M. 6100 I'. JI.?Dally?L?a] to Olil Point. MAIN LINE?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.?Local?Dally to Charlottesville. except Sunday to Clifton Forte. 8:00 I'. 11.?Dally?Special to Cincinnati. Louisville St. Louis and Chicago. 6:16 P. M.?Work days? Local tn GoMonsvllle. 10:30 P, M.?Dally?Limited to Cincinnati. Louisville St. louls anil Chicago, JAMES IIIVKP. LINK. 10:20 A M.?Dally?Express to Lynchburg. Clifton Forge and principal stations. 6:16 P. M.?Week dnya--Local la Warren. TRAIN8 AltHlVE IttCIIMOND I'ltOM Norfolk and Old Point 10:0(1 A. M- da y. 11:1.1 A M. Ex. Sun., and 7:00 P. M, daily. Newport Newa Local 7:Wi P. M. dally. from Cincinnati and Weat 7:43 A. it. 'Jails' and :i:Bn l>. II. dally. Main Line Local from Clifton Forge SlIOj.P, M. Ex. Sun. from Lllftea Forge, dally from fliarlottcsylll*. Oonlonsvllla Aceoru. S:.'t" A. II. Ex. Sun. Jiimes Itlver Line Local from Clifton Poff? 0:3.r> P. M. dally. Warren Aceom. 8:40 A. at. Ex. Sun. ATLANTIC COASTLINE uwl.Na LliAVK lllCHMUNL" LAii.x'-' Ulitu-ii'lUKJST a'l'AXlOW. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. AUO. 2D. 1:05 A. M. A. C. L. Expteas to ail point* fioutu. \wv A. M. Fctemburg and Norfolk. ' 12:10 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. V/eaU 3;vo P, M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t4:10 P, M. Goldsboro Local. D:o0 P. Mi Petersburg Local. 7:25 'P. M., "Florida and West Indlam Limited." to all points South. 9:40 P. M. Petersburg und N. & W, Wot. 11..AI iJ. M. Petersburg '01:al.-?.??,... TRAINS A?R1V0 RICHMOND. 1:43 A. M.. 7:s3 A. M.. 8:24 A. M. oxcepl Sunday, 11:25 A. M.. 11:00 A. M-. 2:05 P. M., .7:20 P. M.. 7:45 P. M., 9:10 P. M t Except Sunday. _ , . C S. CAMPRELL, Dlv. Pass. Agt W. J. CRAIO. Gen. Paua. Aet. STEAMBOATS. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Night Lim for Norfolk. Leave Richmond dally (foot of Aal? 6treet) 7 P. M. Steamers stop at Now port News In both directions. Fare $2.50, Includes stateroom t berth!, meals, BOo. each.-_ FOR NEW YORK. By Chesnpcalte and Ohio Ry? 0 A. **?*'! 4 P. M.; bv Norfolk nnd Western By.. ? A M.. 3 Pi m. AH lines connect ut Norfolk w'lth direct steamers for New lork. sail-. Ing dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. K. F. CHALKLEY. City Ticket Agent, SOS E. Main Street. JOHN F MAYER. Agent..Wharf Foot of Ash Street, Richmond, Va. HB WALKER, V. P. & T. M., Now YorH. VIRGIN!* r/AVIGAT.QN COMPAMf JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON- . DAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 AM. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point. Newport News. Clarernont and James River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and tho North. Stute-rooms reserved for th; night at moderate prices. Electric car* direct to wharf. Fare only 11.60 and *l to Norfolk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points in BMjjrn V rglnjaand North Carolina. WV^^I^aKj.^ - B. A. BARBER. Jr.. Secretary. BAY LINE TO BALTIMORE Via 0. * 0. Rwy. und Old Faint. I/. B MAIL ROUTE. Leave lllcl.moml vlu 0, a O. dally except Sniidiiy. ut 4 I'. M., con. nectliiB it Old Point with steamers of Old Bay Line, lenvliiK 7:16 IN u m., nrrtvliif Baltimore ?:30 A, M., connecting North. Bust and West, For tickets and Information apply to O.'.&O. Rwy,. nicb. inund Transfer Coon'uy. "i 830 Past. Msln St. Clyde Steamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LIN*. Freight received and delivered dally a* C & O. R'w'y Co.'a depot, HevetUeenisi and Broad Streets. __-?-??-V" * Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. SteaRishii> Line. Direct Route to Boiiou, Mass,, andProvidenoe.H. I. Steamers leuvu Norfolk for Loslon Tum day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday- fOt Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur. duy at <i P. M- Passengers and freight taken for all New England points, lick. eta on sale Ot C. & O. Ry. and N, & W? ?.y. offices and No. S19 East Main Street, *l. H. WRIGHT, Aaft,. Norfolk. V*