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THE MARKET VERY DULL Price Movements In Stocks Narrow and Meaningless. NO PRESSURE TO SELL Not Evena Semblance of I ? vest men1 ' Buying Traders on the Fence. But Hopeful of a Rally?Influences Affecting the Market, (By Associateti Press,) NEW YORK, September ?.?The stoek mnrket to-day was even duller end lee? interesting than at any timo for tho past /or ml ?ht, price movements wer? narrow and without meaning, In fact, th6 mar? ket as a whole, was dovold of special filature, and operations were almost whol? ly professional. Thero was no very de? cided pressure to eoli, neither was there even a semblanco of Investment buylijg. Trader? woro "on the fence," committed to neither tide, ?sut rather hopeful of a rally. The news of the Clay waa-not of en encouraging obrtrnctor. Aside from the Increasing seriousness of affairs in Eastern Europe, which brought about a further decline In British consols, the decision of Umpire Wright, favoring tho hard coal operators and re? ports of a probable strike among the cpal miners, were quite sufficient to check any trading that might otherwise have developed. The bank? continue to lerne currency heavily to the Interior, Sev? eral la.rj;e Shipments were made west and South to-day. indication? pointing to a heavy week's movement, ?considerably In excess, perhaps, of that refvohed a woek ago. The Tates for foreign ex? changes were practically unohango? from those of yesterday. The day's business was limited to the better known railroad Bliares and the traotlons, the latter showing marked strength. The activo Issues were tho Pa? cifies. Atchlson, St. Paul, New York Cen? tral, Reading. Pennsylvania, Rock Island, Southern Railway, Erie and Amalgamated Copper. The coalers made no response to the decision already referred to. No definito news wa? heard tn account for tho Improved tono of the traction stocks othor than more gossip of an all-round combination. There was practloelly no market in the early aftornoon, but in the last hour short covering Indicated ? that the market had been oversold and prices were bid up with some degree of ?uc? ease. The closing wan steady. The bond market was quiet, end, ?ft?r early heaviness, rallied slightly, and closed Irregular. Total sale?, par value, 1928,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. , Total sales of stacks to-day were 190, TOO share?. MONEY AND EXCHANGE-CLOSE; Money on call, ?tea/iy, 24?*2 1-2; cloning bid. 2? offered. 2 1-4; time money, steady; sixty days, *?3? 1-2 por cent.: ninety days, 4 1-WH; bIx months, 5 l-2?rg<!: prime mer? cantile paper, fi-jj? 1-2", sterling exchange. dull, with actual business In bankers' bills at %4M.40?4.fA.4? for demand, and nt $t.B3i_>4.M.10 for sixty days; posted rates. It,fil end S4.S7; commercial bills, Xi.f.1 3-4 ??.? 7-8; bar silver. 67 1-4; Mexican dol? lars, 45 1-2, Wall Street Gossip. (Sp?cial to The Tlmw-Dliinteli.) NBW YORK, Sept. 8.?The opining ob tlie Block Bxchanje waa heary, ?a th? London price? ver? lower and foreign house? wero teller* early, whll? the trader* rn.umed their attack of the pwrWu? .afternoon upon A-tchlaon and ?odi of the Granger?, Commission honae ordere were rerr light, but there ?*emod to lie some ?alee from that ?juarter. The early idling of United Statea Rtcel, ex dividend, wa? partly for-T/jndon account.. Tradera were bearlah on A trillion and ham? mer*?*! It i"ly with some success. The loan crow?} ?.he'?-? a considerable ?hort Interest, but It |s argued-that tbe followln* of the Moore Br?-' hare bought a food deal of the ?tock and might poealblj- be forced to reallxe, ERIE AND READING: Door trader? my that the Brie tasuea hull hard and that moat of the homes ln the atreet aro carrying some for their customers. Reading baa been ?old aa ? h?Mfe In pom? eaeee, and la by no means plentiful, but tbe traders bare not mueb difficulty In borrowing what they want. Tbo umpire's .decision In the dlapute between the operato?? and tbo miner? waa considered encouraging, bnt ???G not bring ln any buying orders worth mentioning. CONTINUED HEAVt" The market continued tn ahow a heavy tone in the first hour, and the floor trader? were bearUb. London was a seller tn place?, anil although there wa? aom? erldance of ?tacks be? Ing rnther Bold out, there wus a marked absence of buying power anywhere. Specialists thought the Standard Oil Interest was taking a little Amalgamated Copper, but only on a acalo down, while tbo Boston houses ?eemed to h?Te a fair supply of selling orders, Some trade authorities here bad expected the price.of Amalgamated Copper tn bo carried further if only to help the Trlroountaln-Copper range -consolidation, but tbero seem? to bars' been ?omo trade selling orar (?0.. London was cm? of the early seller? of South? ern Pacific. BATaMED AROUND NOON: The market ahirwed some tendepuy to rnllr ?bout noon, although the volume of trading ?wa? too light to giro the movement much signi? ficance. The weather map was en eon rag Ing, and the ense with which the market became ?old out mad? room tradera rery ready to cover on ?vag sign of ?trength. THE CLOSING : An attempt to eoTer ?hort? In the last bottr Showed tbat the, market had been oversold, and the floor trader? bid up with moderato success. The morement wa? purely technical and bora no reference to any apodal buying anywli????, aa the light rolume of transactions showed. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond. Va., ant, 9, IMS. SALES, VlrBlnls.Csrolin* Chemical Co, pre ferrad??0 ?hares at 05; 10 ?bare? ?t 05; ? ?hares nt Ml 'S ?hare? at DSU* STATU srCCUItTTZKS! Rid. Ask*]. North Carolina 4'?, C.103 Va. 8s, New, 0. ?nd R., l?3?..,. 8014 00 ?Vai Centurici,y8-8. O. ?nd R. MU 00% lUlI.hoAD BONDS: 'A. 0. h. R. R. Con. ?'?. 00% ... Georgi?, Southern and ?a., J01.V. lio ... ?Georgi? and Ala. cou. ??, 1029.. IOS Pet. Class AS'?, II, C, 1028,... lia ... Pot. Cina? BO'?. R. C, 1026.120 II. A, U Con, lit 4?, 1080. T7 78 B. A. h. Collateral Tr. fi?, 1011,..,^401 ?RAILROAD STOCKS: . P?r. 'AtUntie Coast M no "?"..100 111 V ';,-,. . Atlantic Oast Uno pfd.100 108 ;.,.,.;' ?Atlantic Coast Un? ?ou.100 HI lit THOMAS BRANCH & CO IK?TABLISHKD 1833.) MEMBERS Kew York Stook Exchange, Mtw< York Cotton Eiohingo. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS? Investment Securities Official Range Mid Stale of Stocks in New York. By ThomM ?raneh * 0?*? Bnnktri arni Btoker?. Is? Su '?2 116 60% "48 82% 43% 121 83W ?ALES: American Wntiff corn.,,.., loo American smut pfd.,,., -, Amorlohn Cut? com,,.,,..,.,. 400 Am rlcAn Can pfd ?,.,,,,,.., American Cotton Oil com.., CM Americani locomotive com... BOO America? Locotnotlvo pfd1... American Tobaooo pfd,,..,.., 800 American Car and Foundry, ttti American Bug-ar .,,...'.,.,,..*, 84176 ?., T. and Santa. Fe com.., ?., ?, and Ban ta Fe pfd... 16180 Amalgama ted Copper . 6000 Hnltlmoro and Ohio...,..,... 80*) Brooklyn Rapid Transit.,,.. 1300 Canadian Paclflo .,. 600 Ciena peak o and Ohio... Canada Southern ,..,.'<;?. Colorado Southern com.',... 160 Colorado Southern 1st pfd 100 Colorado Southern 2d pfd ?60 Cliloano Mil. and Bt, Paul. 8700 Chi., nock Island and ???.. 660 Colorado Fuel and Iron... 600 Chlcntfo Great Western... C C.. C, and St Louie...... 1210 Consolidated O***?*1. 172^ Delaware and Hudson. Del., Lock, and Western..... 6380 Erie ;Com. 29H 1E0O Brie 1st pfd.?. 67V? ano Erle 2d pfd . 61$ 100 General Flectrlo . 163 497 Illinois Central . 133V4 Leather. 1S00 oulsvill?-' snd Naehvllle. lor>% Vito Manhattan. 1?BV4 1020 Metropolitan .,. 112% ?American Snuff preferred, offered, Opon, tilth. Low. Close 40* 4014 40i? --18*4 86V? '82 ?? '?H 82% 44% 124 2ST4 SS ira 1331,4 10B-?4 137 115 18% 86 '?i 114% D6?4 *47'-4 81 % 43 12.1% 172% 172V? 2914 61 1113 133% i?ti 136 112% ?66 Wi 40 ?0?4 vk. ?i 133 82 116% 60% 111% 4>>% 824? 44 123% ml 00 14 M 22 m 42W WA 74 372-4 ira 237 20% tn% 61'A 162? 183? VA 103% 136% 114 Open. m ?1* 10% 1211< 21 82 SALES! 200 Mexican Central ,,.,,. 3624 Mhsourl Pacino ..,....., 100 Mo., Kan. nnd Texas corn., ?Mo,, Kan. and Texas pfd.. 3100 Now York Centrili. m N, T., Ont, and Western.... 810 Norfolk and Western._ .??. 6161 Pennnylvanla . 124? 8C0.Pres>sed Steel Car. 41? Pressed Stool Car pfd. ??: 430 People's Ons Trust. 81., 12200 Rendine com. 63% Rending 1st pfd. Reading 2d pfd.?> Republic Iron nnd Steel com.... U Republic Iron and Steel pfd. St. L. '?nd*San 'Fran'.* 2?,' pfd,'.'.'. '60% Seaboard Air Lino com. ... Seaboard Air Line pfd. ;ti\ 1200 St, L. and Southwertorn pfd.... 36 42.7) Southern Pacific . 4o^e 100 100 200 ? 41? 27 76% 86% 22 70% 2V43 _._.._. 94?4 Wnbaeh com. 22% Wabash pfd. . 34% 3300 Southern Railway com. 400 Southern Railway pfd..,.. 22(0 Tennessee Coal and Iron... 000 Texas Pnclflo . 1CO50 Union Pacino com. 100 Union Pnclflo pfd . 11763 United States S to el com ? 2036 United Stalea Steel pfd... 700 Va.-Cnrollnn. Chem. com.,. 100 Va.-Carolina Chem. pfd. 100 700 100 Ml-rh. 13% 93% 10% 123 23% 0J!4 126% 41? ''(?4 6-1% 11 am 60% Westorn Union . 83 220 Wisconsin Central . 10 320 Wlseonnln Central pfd. 40% ?? United Btatos Steel com, ev-dlv,, 1 por cent. ' Total number of sales, 187,500 shares. Low. 1st* kW, 10% i?i% ?% 02 124*.; 4l? M% 63?i 11 66? 36 46 i2% 81% 40% 26% 86% 21% m 9-??, 22% ???131 83% 19 40 V, HI refunding St, registered. U. 8. refunding 2?, coupon. t?. ?. 3s, registered.?,,... II. ?. 3?, coupon .,. U. ?. New it, registered. ?!, ?. Near 4a, coupon. ?. S. old 4?, registered. D. 8. old 4?, coupon. t). 8. n?, retrlxtaired.??. V. B. Ot, cotillon . Atchiiwn, general 4?. Atchleon, adjustment 4? .i. Bull? muro nnd Oblo 4? . Baltimore and Oblo A*4*t.,...,,... Baltimore ond Ohio C-,?t. 4a. Canada Southern 2da. Contra] ot Oeorgla fia . Central of Georg!? lat loc. Chesapeake and Ohio 4%a. Chicago and Alton BHs. Chicago, B. and Qulncv new 4?. Chicago, M, andoSt Pani gen. 4?. Chicago nnd Northwestern coo, 7a. 0., C, 0, and St. Louis gen. 4a. 103% 100 101 108 138 IM 100 110 101% ??? M 00*? 1)0 100% 02% 00 104% 103 74 H 102% 73% na 104 KIOK 85% CLOSINa BOND QUOTATIONS. ? Chicago, Bock lalni.d and Pae. 4a. DO Chicago Terminal 4a. 73 Colora/lo end Southern 4e.... 81 Denver and Wo Orando 4a. 0.'!% Krlep rl'.ar lien 4|. 00% Erio Oene?al 4a. 8B Fort Worth and DenT?r City lets. 100% nockln? Valley 4Hs. 100H V>ulsYllle and Nosh. Unified 4a. 08*11 Manhattan non. gold 4a. 102 Mexican Central 4? . 73 Mexican Central Jet Ine. 10*4 Minn, and Ht. turnia 4a. or,".? Missouri, Kan. ami Texas 4a. 08 Mldfcourl, Kan. ond Texaa 2d?. 78 New Vnrk Central gen. 31.4?. 0.114 New Jersey Central gen. 6a.-. 128 Northern Pacific 4a . 10O?i Northern PaelOc .3* . 70% Norfolk and Western con,. 4a. 07 Bending General 4? . I).',!4 St It. and Iron Mountain con. 8s........ Ill Bt, Louie and San Francisco 4s. 02 St. Louts Southwestern lsts. 04% St Louts Ronthweatern 2ds. 72 San Antonio ond Arkansas Pas? 4a. 77% Southern I'nrjflc 4a . S<\% Southern Railway 6a. lia**, Texaa nnd PnclOe lata .lili?, Toledo, Ht. !.. nnd Western 4?. 72% Union Pacifia . Union Pnclflc cout. ?Is.... Wnhanh lati. Wabath 2ds. Wahash Deb. B'a . West Shore 4a . Wheeling and Lake Brie 4i. Wisconsin Central 4a . Consolidateti Tobacco 4e.... Colorado Fuel -la.?. 771-' Hock Island 4s. 7B!-5 Pennsylvania ron. SV4s. '????? ?. ?. Steel 2d 8s ., :,.....-.... 7ft" M. am! 0., collateral trust 4s. Control of Georgia 2d Inc...'.. Vlrgliiltt-Cnrollnn Chemical Co. pfd. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. com. 23% ? ? 04% 11414 ??? TOH 100*4 88 so% 20% Atlantic Coast Une ot Conn...,10O 230 ... Chesapeake and OhJo.....,100 81) ... Ga., So. and Fin. 1st pfd.100 05 Norfolk and Western com.100 02 ... BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS! ? Citi? Benk.23 82 first National .100 100 Virginia Trust Company.100 ... 100 iNstmANcn companies. Virginia Fire ana Marine.25 37'.?*, ... UIBCl'i.LANKOUB; American Locomotivo pfd.100 64 Vs.-Car. Chem. pfd 8 p. e.100 041. OS Va.-Carolina Chemical com. ...100 23 2?3V4 Va.-Car. 0. Oo, Col. Tr. 6 p. c. 93 BAtTIMORB STOCK MARKET. ?????????, MD., Sept 0.?Seaboard Air Line common, 20*320*? I flo? Preferred, not quoted. Seaboard 4s, 7771*378. Atlantic Coast Line common, 111VIt?ill?i do, preferred, not quoted, , COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, Sept. 0.?The cotton market was three-fmirthe an actlre as yesterday's?, salea came to 750,000 bale?. T*b*> general tendency of price was upward, although ??rreral efforts were mado by the bear party to further under? mine the holding? of the leading longs. The opening call dereloped a tir m market at an ad of KgO points; this Improvement wa? In? creased to' 8?8? points, after which there waa a I break of 7(315 pointa, and then a sharp rail of 15*325 points from th? lowe?t. figures, with the market finally very steady at a net sain of 4(_n points. Tha fluctuation? ln price? were almost entirely an affair of ?peculation. New? wa? scarce and of nn Indifferent quality. The bull contingent circulated report? of boll weevil damage ln Texas and claimed that an unusuallr large short Interest had been accumulated on tha late de? cline. This led to covering on the par? of the local talent, aupplmenteil by renewed Investment demand, It alao being openly asserted that tbo leading long Interest remained Intact and that H would continue to do so on the claim that the movement must fall abort of spinners' re? quirements for some time to come. The effect of the decline has resulted In a better buying basta with receipts of cotton addine too slowly to the rolumc of tbe movement tn view of th? uncertainties of the weather and the possibility of an early frost. Reports from Texas are still considerable mixed with mo?t advlcea Indicating favorable weather with accounts exaggerated aa to boll weevil damage and hecelpts rapidly Increasing. Cotton futures opened steady and cloeed eteady; Open. High. T-ow. Close September ...10.68 10.53 10.72 October .0.70 O.SO 0.8S I?.7? November ... 0.B2 0.B0 0,50 0.0S December .... 0.60 0.6S ft.BO 0.07 January .T.?7 0.07 0.40 0.0.1 February ..... 0.B2 0.58 0.62.. 0.02 March ., T.? 0.88 0.4S 0.02 April .'.. .... . 0.62 May . G.S4 0.57 0.50 0.02 Spot cotton closed ?teady; middling uplands, 12.23; middling gulf, 12.B0; ?alea. ?,100 balea. Cotton, ?tetdy; middling. 12.281 groe? receipts. 781 balea; ?ale?, 6,106 bales; stack, 112,610 bale?. Total to-day ?t all seaports?Net receipts, 8,001 tales; export to Great Britain. 2,420 bale?.; ?tock, 144,040 bales. ' IVir.aolldatcd at all seaport??Net receipts, 20,538 bale?; export to Oreat Britain, 7,88a bains; to tho Continent, 840 bale?. Tolal since September 1st at all ???aporte--Net l?colpta, 24,777 bales; export to Grent Britain, 11,211 bales; to tie Continent, 018 bale?. NEW ORIjBANB, LA., Sept. ??? COTTON? Spot cotton remain? quiet and llrm to soil. The lowest prlco at which middling cnttnn has been ?old in this section waa at Wentberby, Mise,, where thirty bnlee of now cotton sold at nti average of 11 Vic per pound. Sales to-day, 1,030 balea, Including.1,000 to nrrlve. Tho Cotton Exchange Committee reduced quo? tations an eighth on all grades. Tbe future market opened steadv and quiet with prices from 7@10 point? higher than the close of yeiterilny. The bettor opening wus caused by more favorabl? Liverpool cables thnn expected. The bear? again bat? tilinga their own way, and tit ulto time In the earlier hours had prices from I1Q12 point? lower than tho close of yesterday and about ao points lower than tho highest flgure? of the mnrtilui*. It Ih now the ?generai opinion that an Immenso ?hort Interest ] exists. In the trading of tbo morning OcloUn ftret advanced 0 point? nuovo the ?'lose of yca urday to 0.68, then dacllued to.0,35 ?nd recov? ered to 0.40; December advanced 11 point? to 0,45, declined to 0.S8. Letor in the day a buy? ing movement set In, which carried price? up gradually to the cloie, when tbe llet for all position?, ?xcept September, ?bowed net gain? of 12@1S point?. Cotton futures ?teady. September. in.82(?} 10,83; October. 0.00*30.61; November, 0,80*3. 0.02; Deccmher, 0.40(30.60; Januarv. ?).?1510.52; Keb-uary, D.6!*@0.B8; March, 0.6*J@D.6Q. PRODUCE MARKET, NEW YORK, Sept. 0.?FLOUR?Stendlor at tho close, clicking business. Ryu Flour?Firm? er; fuir to good, $8.10@)8.*lO. Cornmoul?Steady, fye?Firm, Hurley?Quiet. Wheat-Spot, steady; No? 2 red, 80c. At firs. win-lit advanced on ruin In tho rt'orthwrat, but later tagged oft' for luck ai auunort. in tho uf tei noon price? rallied with corn and on scuro of short?, closing firm, ti??Wo, not nilvnnce. May cltseil at SOc.; September, 87*>t?e. ; Decomber, 8Sc. Corn?Spot, cu?)?; No. 2, 581?e. Opilo? mar? ket during the forenoon was dull and easy, te fltctlng favorable weather, but eventually re? covered ou the pronounced strength lu provi?? ion? ?nil closed is C'? Vie. net higher. ?lay closed at 67Vso.?, September, B8c. ? December, 08c. Oats?Spot, firm; No, 2, 30c. Reef?Firm. Cut Meats?Steady to firm; pickled bellies, DtftlSc.; pickled home. IV'HU?jii?, tini?l'Ir m; Western steamed. $!); reflued, finn; continent, **o.S5. Pork?Firmer; family, Sl7.5>)'*rj 17.75; short clear, 814.76*? 101 mess, $15*210, Tallow??Quiet. Rosli??Firm. CoffeB--The ma>ket fot coffee future* opened ?teady at an udvunce of 6 point?, following ?ead?v Europeau cable?. Ruelu??? wtu moderate? Ir active, and the market ruled generally steady to Arm, closing steady, net .'.ffiKi nnluts higher. Sates, 13,750 beg?. ?pot Rlov tjulet. Sugar Raw, firm; refined, Arm. Ilice?Firm. Mo? losses? Firm. Batter?Firm; extra creamery. 20c. j Slate dairy, 14(818c. -Cheese?Firm; State, full cream, fancy amati, colored. 10"*c.; email, white, 10940. Egg??Firm; State and Pennsyl? vania, fancy mliocl, Silicic. Potatoes?Steady; Long Iiland. 51.02(32: Jcr sey, $1.80(31.75; Jersey sweWs, $2.7r,@3.25. Peanuts?8tcn(Vr: fancy hnndplcketl, 4?<?*"?5<".; other domestic, 8i84?4c. Cabbages?Baay; do? mestic, per 100, S31?0; per bsrrel. ??.??f??. Cotton?By ateamer to Liverpool, 12c. CHICAGO, VjU, Bept 0.?Wheat, after tha first hour, ruled rcry steady, the clone being Arm with December He higher. Corn opened easier, but developed strength, closing %c. higher for December. Oats ruled steady through? out and cloaed with December "?ie. higher. Pro visions were activo nnd exceedingly strong, final figures showing gains of from lOSiC?'.'.c?. Tbe leadlug futures ranged aa fr.llonai Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT?No. 2. ., ; -, Sept. (new) 80?4 80? 70*4 60% Pec. (new). 82% ?2'4 81% 82"J? May. 81 ?i 84? 8.1', 84% CORN?No. 2. Sept.-. BO'? O?? 8ns? G1>H Dec. 81 81?-, 80*4 Bl", : May....... 51% ' 51% BO? 81% OATS?No, 2, Sept. 85% 85? S5\i 35% Dec. 87% ?niii 8H% 87% May. 88% ??? 33% 3?~? MESS PORK?Per bbl. Sept. .12,00 I3.B0 12.00 13.40 Oct. .,.12.07% 13.80 12.07% 13.G0 May .13.30 18.57% 18.50 13.50 LAUD?Per IOO lbs. Sept.0.03 0.20 0.02% 0.18 Oct.8.00 8.30 8.00 8.30 Jan.7.15 7.10 7.15 7.40 SHOnT ?IBS?Per 100 lbs. Sept .V8.40 8.6214 8.40 8.52% Oct.8.50 8.7ft 8 50 8.?0 J?n.0.82V4 0.S1V, <m% B.87% Ciiali quotallona were as followa?FLOUR; Firm. Wheat, No. 2 red, t"*0%<<"?S2%c.. No. 2 corn, M%c; No, 2 yellow, .Viii-c. No. 2 oats, !IIt%?E4T4c.! No, 8 white, 37@87;c. No. 2 rye, t-C%c. Gawd feeding barley, 47040c. ; fair to choleo maltlofl 52"*?.5Sc. No. 1 flaxaeed, 05c; No. 1 northwestern, $1.01; prime Timothy seed, $3.03. Meas pork, per borrel. $1.3.40@18.*>U; lird, ? er 300 pounds. $9.l2u.<3n.15: abort ribs Miles (loose). $S.87l'.'i(9.02??: rtrv ?alted shoul dern (boxed), $0.02'.aiSO.75; short clear aide* Ihoxed), $S.25ltJ8.50. Clover, contract graalo, $0.18. Bntter?St-andy; creamery. 15?10*4c. ; dhlry, 13(217o. Eggs?Firm nt murk, cases included, ??^?d?. Cheese?Steady it lO??tllVie. Receipt??Wheat. 177,600 huihclR: corn, 1.23I.OOO tut-hols: oats, 350,700 bushels; boon. 21,000 bond. BALTIMORE, MD., Sept. 0.?FLOUR?Steady. Wheat?Easy; spot, contrnct, 82@82%e.; eouth ern by sample, 70*282?. Corn?Dull; spot, 58%C 57c; sonthern white corn, 55(tt00c. Onte? Strong; new, No. 2 white, 47l*t47"4c. Ryn?' Steady, No. 2, 68c. nutters-Unchanged. Eggs? Steady nnd unchanged. Cheese?Firm: large, ?',4?11%?.: emuli, 11%?ll?e. Sugar?l'lrm and unchanged. RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond, Vn., Sept. 0, 1003. QUOTATIONS. WHEAT? Longbcrrye .8S @89 Mixed .88 <3)?9 Shortberry .8S (2-30 No, 2 red.SS (380 Va. bag lota . 70 ?387 CORN? White (Vn.) hag lots.tin ?00 No. 2 white.50 @50% No, S white.58%(fi5n No, 2 mixed.BS ?58% No. 8 mixed.574(258 OATS? No, 2 mixed .38%?30 No. 3 mired. 3S tit as ti Winter seed .40 ?50 ? RYB.82 (203 CATTLE M A UK UTS. CHICAGO, ILL., Sept. ??CATTLE?Ro celpts, 18,000 hend; steady to lOc. higher; Tex MiB, 200 head; western. BOO head, Good to primo steers, $5,50(????.05; poor to medimi, ?",2?; atockers nnd feeders, $2.B0ffi4.i5; cows, $].(?0@4.00; helfera, $2(25; cannera. $1.50?2.75; bulla, $2@4.50; calves, $3.B0(fi(1.5O: Tcxus-fcil aleora, $0.25(21.00, Hogs?Receipts to-dny, 15, 000 head; to-morrow, 20,000 hend: stendy; closed en?)', Mixed nnd butchers, 85.40i*te.2nt gnol t? choleo heavy, $5.70(80; rough, henvy, fS.2*?? 5.70: light, $5.70(TtO-20? hulk of sales, $5?5.S5. Sheep?Receipts. 28.000 head: sheep steady to 10c. lower; lnmbe steady to 10c. lower. Gooil to choleo wethers, $303.05; fair to choice mixeil, $2(33; native lsmbs, $3.50<3!,?85. NEW YORK, SepT. 0.?BEEVES?Receipts, 2,700 head! steers Bteudy to strong: bulls nnd medium npil good cows, firm to 10c. hlghor; thin cows, wenk. Steers, <Vl.C0tft5.70: oxen. $4.75; bulls. $3.80134.25; cows, 81,35(34, Oliven? Steady: grasera ami buttermilks, strong, Veals, $5(tffi.7B: culla, $l(24.50? gre ???r H ?nd hinter? milks, $2?8.781 western, $1-30. Olty dressed veni?, firm nt 0(*ll8o. por pound! country dicen? ed, fl@UVjC. Sheop nnd Lambs?Receipts, 0,810 head; sheop steady to IOo, higher;, lnmhs, steady to 15e, lower. Rheep, $2.??1??3.?8: l-aps, $l; leinhs, $5(711.50; choice Stale liunlis. $0,50(??0.7B? Canada lambs, $0.12; mils. f-KT? Hogs? Receipts, 0,771 hend: slow nt $ft.20(S?.85? choice, light weight, exceed quotations. IIURR'S ISLAND, Sept, 0.?CA'ITLE?Steady. Choice. ?n.aOiitC.eO; primo, $G?.10??5.25; fair, $-1.Will-50. Hogs?Active. Primo heavy, $d.2() (??il.25: medium?, $?.??("1?.??; heavy yorkors, $?.-l,*iif?fl.Bil: light yorkers, $0.85410,40! pigs, $(10? 0.10; roughs, $1@5.60. Sheep?Stonily. Rest wethers. $1(??4.2.*?: culls nml common, $|.boh?-, spring lambs, $3.00(00.15; veal cnlrcs, $7.5"?1?(; 7.75. CINCINNATI, 0., Son!. 0.-HOGS?Dull at $4.35@?.20. Cattle?Dull nnd lower st $2fiji.85. Shi op?Steady nt $1.80???3.40. Lanihs?Steady at $3,75(26.78. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. , PEANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, VA.. Sept, . 0,?PEANUTS? l-AJuun.-?' mia-tct dull. Fuihw, ?'?c,? ?trlcily 'prime, 8?8Vsc. ; prime, 2?4e. ; common, 2V?c. Spanish, 00c. pbtersbtjrci, va., Sent, o.?pbancts- ; Spanish, 00*392Vic. Market firm, stock light und few being offered. Virginia's, 8V6c for fancy; market steady. I)Rr GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK, Sept. 0.?Buyers of dry good? are not Bhowing any oro desire to operate and yet the disposition of aoller? 1? -oat a? great to hold firmly for the top of the market. Where It 1? necessary to have the good?, n?? I? tho osse in the majority of cases,.asking prices are being paid, but more of ? tendency to await develop? ments ln raw cotton market la evidence. NAVAL STORES. ????????????, ?. C, Sept. 9.?SPIRITS TURPENTINE? Nothln'g doing; receipts, td caaks. Rosin?Firm nt $1.70(31.75; receipt?, 42 tnrrols. Tnr?Firm at 'il,70; recel?te, 40' bar? iole,. Crude Turpentine?Firm at SI.75, ?3.70; receipt?, 41 barrels, SAVANNAH, GA., Sept. 0.?TURPENTINE? Firm nt B4i??ic.; receipts, OSS casks; ?ale?, 53 casks; export?, 102 conks. Rosin?Firm; receipts, 2.00 Sbarrels; ?ale?, 2,005 b?rrela; export?, 1,270 barrel?. CHARLESTON, S. C, Sent. 0?TURPEN? TINE^?Nominal. Rosin?Steady, COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW YORK, Sept, 0.?Cottonseed oil wan quiet nnd without material ch'ungo on spot or future dcllvory. Prime crude, t. o. b. mills, nominal; prime summer yellow, Jl*341V4o.; oft summer yellow, 37<3!3cS. ; prime wbtto, 43c; prime winter yellow. 45c. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, SEPT. 0, 1003. AT.niVED. 8tcamer- Berkeley. Guy. Norfolk, mercbendl?? and passengers. Old Dominion line. SAILED. Steamer Pocnhontas. Graves. Jnmes River land? ing? nnd Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, Vlrglnln Navigation Company. Steamer Rrekeley. Guy. Norfolk, mnrchnndls? and pnssencers. Oid Dominion line. Barge Swnnsboro, Scott. Jnmes River, light, Barge Chesapeake, Scott, Philadelphia, Pa., wood. PORT OF WEST POINT, SEPT. 0, 1003. Aiuuvrao. / Baltimore, Courtney, Baltimore, passengers and general cargo. SAILED. Donvllle, Courtney, Baltimore passengers and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, SEPT. 0, 1003. AP.IUVBD. Steamer Gaditano, Port Arthur, Schooner Elizabeth Palmer, Both. Barge Cllntonia, Boston. . SAILED. Steamer Gaditano, Liverpool. Bchooner Ida O. Southard, Bungor. Schooner F. nnd T. Lupton. Fall River. Barge Indian?, Providence. Bnrgo Hamilton Fish, Provldonce. lynchbIjrgTadies to help the fair ? Blue Ridge Chapter. D. A. R. to Raise Money fo Virginia Building at St. Louis. Captain W. W. Baiter, of Chesterfield, one of tlio assistant World's Fair Com mlBslonors cm tho part of Virginia hns just Toturned from Lynchbure;, where ho wont to confer with indios of tho Blue Rldgo Clinpter, D. ?. R., with reference to the work which tho Intter proposo to do along tho line of raleln/f money to erect a Virginia nullding at St.. Louis. Captain Baker ?b much ploasotl with the resulte, of his conf?rence, and thinks much will corno of it. Ho did not meet the full chapter, but wns In consultation with the folio?**?? Indies, who nm among tlio most prominent !n the Hill City: Mis. Jumes L, Lewi?, regent; Mrs. it. I. Owens, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Kilon Miller, ?Mrs. Horton, Mrs. W. T. Clarke, Mrs. Vf, M, Strother, Mrs, John H. Christ inn, Mrs. Hila Carrlngton, Mrs. John P. Horsloy, Mrs, B. Q, Ham ner, Mrs. Ii. F? Anderson antl Mrs. J. L, Kylo, The commissioner hadprovlous? ly been asked to recognise the d. A. R? ami especially the worl, of tho Blun Rldg,-; chapter In October tlio proposition to rais? chapter the proposition. to rnlso several thousand dollars for the pur? pose named nbove. Mossrs, K?lner and Bolter were appointed a cornmltteo to take tho iniittoi? up with the ladles, but It so happened that tho former could nqt nccompuny tho latter. The conference was a most satisfactory ono, and the ladles will begin at once to raise money for the building, ' They will ho nU'iwed to namo ? regent for the btilldliiS ?"lfl vlco-rogents to servo from timo to ''""' durine the grent phorv. and tholH foaturo will ?'dd now Intorost to the Virginia building, ?JOHN I. W1LMMM SONS BANKERS, De?|.rs ir? lUCHMOND, VA,, SOu?HEHH INVESTMENT *U SECURITIES. MlTNIClPATi BUNDS A BPJSCIAI/TY. SET OF RULES AREADOPTED Plan Fixed for Disposing of Local Franchises. DRAWN BY MR. POLLARD Olty Attorney Prepares Them with Qreat Care, and They Are Adopted' by the Council?Citizen?' Light Franchise to Be the First, At the special mooting? of the Common Council, held last night, a set of mica prepared by City Attorney H. R. Pollard fot? tho guidance of the body In depos? ing of franohlsoe, aa provided by. tlio now Constitution. The rulee woro proparod ?with tlio utmost care by Mr. Pollard, and thoy oonform strictly to tho statutes end the constitutional provisions on the subjoct. Tho Board o? Aldormon will adopt the rules at their mooting; next Tuosday night, and the first franchise to be dis? posed of under thorn will bo that applied for by the Citizens' Lt'ght and Powor Com? pany, composed of prominent Broad Street merchants, who propose to,light their places of business on tha co-opora tlvo plan. , THB RULES IN* FtlLL,. The rules, as adopted, are in full as follows: Bo It resolvod by tho Common Coun? cil of the city of Richmond that the fol? lowing rules and regulations bo and the same are hereby prescribed governing tho submission before the Common Coun? cil of tho city of -Richmond ot bids for nny franchilo, privilege, leoso or right, of any kind to use any publlo property or oasoment of any kind, and the reception of the samo and tho proceduro thereon. 1, It shall be tin* duty of the city clerk to advertise the ordlnanco proponing to grnnt nny franchise, privilege, lease or right of any kind to the use of any publlo property or easement of any description, except ln the case of a trunk railway, aftor Its terms have been approved by tjio Mayor, once a week for four successive weeks, ln some newspapor published In "the city of Richmond. 2, Such advertisement - ehall publish ln full tho ordinance proposing? to moke the grant and shall Invite bills for the fran? chise, privilege or 'right, proposed to be granted therein, to be dollvored at a day and hour named ln the advertisement to the presiding* officer of the Common Coun? cil, and shall also reserve the right to reject nny and all bids, 3, When such advertisement has been made as proscribed In the, foregoing rule, and the due publication thereof certified by th? editor of the "'paper''In which tho same Is mado, or by affidavit of some other person, the city clerk, Immediately after the reading of the journal o( the Common Council of the preceding meet? ing, or immediately after a motion to dis? pense with such reading has been mode and adopted, shall lay the ordinance and such advertisement and proof of Its pub? lication beforelthe Common Council for Its action ?1. The presiding officer shall thereupon declare the body roady to receive bids In pursuance o? the advertisement afore? said. 6. Any person, firm or corporation- de? siring to bid for the franchise, privilege or right to be granted in tho ordinance, after his bid has been reduced to writing and signed by the bidder, on *a' form to be prepared by the city clerk with tho advice and aid of the City: Attorney, shall deliver tho bid to the presiding officer who shall road tho same aloud, or caur.e the same to be road nloud, for public Information, and tho presiding ofll? cer shall then Inquire If any further bids are offered and shall continuo to ask for and rceelve bids, .which conform to the foregoing requirements, until no furthor bids aro offered; end, where nono aro of? fered, he shall declare the bidding closed. G. Aftor the bidding has been declared closed, the Common Council may refer the said bid or bids as tho case may he to a committee, or may make such othor Investigation In regard thereto as It may see fit to make, or may adopt a resolu? tion or motion accepting any one of said bids, and proceod to enaot the ordlnnnce as advertised without substantial varia? tion except as to the Insertion of the name of the accepted bidder, provided, however, that tho Common Council may by a recorded vote of a majority of the members eleotod to that body, reject the higher and accept any lower bid nnd award such franchilo, privilege or right to such lower bidder where, In Its opinion, some reason effecting the interests of the city makes It desirable to do so, which reason shall be oxpressed In tho body of the ordlnanco granting tha franchise, prlvllcgo or right, and shall be spread upon the record or Journal. THEN TO THE BOARD. 7. It shall be tho duty of the city clerk to communicate all proceedings be? fore the Common Council relating to the advortlsoment, bidding and final notion of the Common Council on the proposed ordinance, to the Board of Aldermen at Its next regular meeting, or sootier should a meeting of that body be called for tho purpose of receiving tho same. S. If no satisfactory bid shall bo mndo, the Common Council may adopt a resolu? tion and ask concurronco therein by tho Board of Aldormen, dlroctlng advor? tlsoment for further bids, which shall bo rocelvod and acted on as horolnboforo required In rogarci Hi original bidding for any franchise, privilege or right, 0. In caso no bid at all Is mado, the Common Council may, It It sees fit so to do, pasa an ordinance granting such fran? chises, privileges or rights to tho person or corporation orlglnully. making appli? cation therefor, 10, No ordinance or resolution shall he adoptod by tho Common Council granting to any poison or corporation, whether by competine* bid? or otherwise any franchises privilege or right herein before mention? ed, unless such ordinance shall contain a provision requiring such person or cor? poration to ox?ente n bond with good nnd suitlclont security In favor of the city In such Bum as la deemed adequalo conditioned upon the construction und putting In operation nnd maintain the plant or plants provided for In tho fran? chino, privilege or right proposed to he grnntod. ?11. Whon tho grant made by tho Com? mon Council shall havo boon con?urrert In by the Hoard of Aldermen It shull he tho duty of tho city clerk to communicate tn tlio Mayor of the olty of Richmond tho ordinance actually mailing such grant, with a dotali list giving the names, n mounts nnd addresses of all bidders fur his Information, aim for his approval or disapproval as In the caso of other ordi? nances. CHARGED WITH THEFT Uzzle Bennett Under Arrest for Taking Things. Detective Wren yesterday arrested Liz slo Bennett on the charge of lulling $30 from J. ?G. Gaff. She startod to Washing ton ou un excursion, hut wound up on Seventeenth Btreet, whore sho was caught "setting 'em" up to a friend. The sum of $19 was it-coveied, besldos a lot of dress goods that t,ho had to t?9 to WjUOto?'???! ?'UH. FINANCIAL. ?4 t ? ? ? M M M ? ? ? t ? ? ?+laa>aa+a+a,aaaa+a.?.aa:a+4 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Capital $200,000, Surplus and Profits $012,445.75 Designated 9tate, United States and City Depository. Mercantile nnd Dank Account? l Largest Bank Depository south respectfully solicited. | of Baltimore. 3 per cant. Interest Paid on Deooslts In Savings Department, Payable on Dentanti? I JOHN P. BRANCH, President. JOHN KEHR BRANCH, Vlee.Pre?. JOHN F, GLENN, Cashier, MMf ??t^4?^????? ?*>???????>???-rfMMe?Tt4 French Cle&ning of Fine Fabrics Fallitici! tor French cleaning fabrics unsurpassed, embracing overy artlolo? from the plume on tho head to the slippers on tlio feet. MRS. A. J. PYLE, Proprietor Richmond Stoam Dyeing, Scouring and Carpet Cleaning . Works. 'Phono No. 2622. . 315 NORTH FIFTH STREET. Send for Booklet, UHESTERFIELD LUNCH ROOMS. POPULAR PRICES BEST SERVICE, , OpenTut-?dny, Sept, 1, 08 SPECIAL 25c DINNER, IStoSP.M. 1208 E. Main St. JOS. LASITTER FILES PETITION Well-Known Horse Dealer's Liabilities $23.000?No Assets Stated. A petition ln bankruptcy has beon filed In the clerk's offteo'of tha United States Court through counsel by Joseph Lnsltter, a trader on commission in horses and mules. It was not necessary to name a receiver, ae thero are no assets returned, though the. liabilities aggregate V23,4S7.23.! Tho assignment was a., surprise to those who knew the assignor. Tho assignor is duo th? city and State 599.49 for taxes. The other creditors nro scattered o\'er Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, among the largest being the fol? lowing: S. H. Loftln. Klnston, N. C. $7,500. W. P. Hnll, Lancaster. Mo., $2,000. J. C. C. Flannery Company, of'Yoakum, Va., $1,100. Pendloton, Son and Company, East St, Louis. 111., $1.973. S. E. Cash, tor UTrwIn, Grant and Com? pany, Kansas.? City, $2,709. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, $050. Joseph B. Grubbs, trading as tho Rich? mond Bazaar, amount overdrawn on ac? count at bnznnr, $2,417.82. Among tho Richmond creditors besides thoso named aro tlio following: It. D. Har low, threo debts, $150, $217.83, $225; S. T, Beveridge and Company, $175; Watt Plow Company, $20; ?. ?. Saunders and Sons, $200; Planters National Bank, two notes, $95 and $375; Dr. N. C. Shepperd, $17.57; J. C. Dlckorson, $100; S. G, Fairbanks and Company, $20; John T.- Anderson and Son. threo notes, aggregating $765; First National Bank, four notes, aggregating $100. Mr. Owen O. Moody, of Lynclibunr, who has been visiting rolatlves at No. SO! East Leigh Stroot, left last night for hlr. home, | jft tho jfcademy. g 09999?999?999%9At999?i?99 Murrav and Mack duplicated their sue. cosa of last season at tho Academy last night, when the best audience of the weok was transported directly to the rush and crush, and light and color, and hurly burly of New York, and spont a glorious "Night on Broadway." Thoro Is no sign of decadence In the company. It Is nil to tho good. Comedy stars as Murray add Muck are, the lesser lights of the aggregation are hy no moans eclipsed, nnd tlie ensemble effect Is ono of harmony, and oneness of pur? pose., namely, to n'muso the throng who pny out sona coin to sit In front of the footlights? Scores of new Jokos Interspersed tho threo acts lust night; two dozon pretty ninldons jlnnced nnd snug In a perfectly drilled chorus, appearing each time In a chango of costumo, which varied from the doniuro white frock to tho brief skirt of the stage wanton; and the mimicry nnd drollery of Murray and Alack kept up tho Interest and excitement, which never lagged, It s a good thing tho brenk between acts Mine, It gnvo peoplo a chance to patch tholr hroalli. Whllo tile curtain was up tlio risibilities .worked overtime, TOBACCO BARN BURNED Mr. William Th?mas Loses a House Full of Tobacco?Storm's Work. (Specilli to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) CHATHAM, VA., September 9.-? barn filled with groen tobaooo, belonging to Mr. William Thomas, wns burned Tues? day afternoon notu? Whlttlo's Dupot. Tho tobacco was being cured and during ? sK.'oio thunder storm Mr. Thomas had to leavo fur his dwelling. During tho storni tho barn was discovered to bo ??,? fire, and it Is not known whether It ornigli, frolli tho l'ir? lu the flues or was struck by lightning. A very heavy thunder-storm, itltonded by a vory heavy downpour passed over a largo area of IMltsylvuitla county Tues? day afternoon, Corn was blown und twisted, but no serious damage has yet been reported. Ordered to Charleston, (By Associated Press.) SAN FBANCIfit'O, CAD, Sept. 9.?Lleu tonant-Colonol lt. P. Potts has Peen re lloved as Inspei-tni-geiuu-al.. Department of California, and fi'ies t?> Charleston, 8. C, to tuke command of tho urtlllory dls trictlu Charleston. Upon his return from the Philippin?? inlands, he was promoted to a. Houtenant-oolonelcy, which took him "??jut of _t]ie Inspeclor-uenoral's department, BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED B? THE State Bank OF VIRGINIA, III IE. Main St., Rlohmond, Va. I ' BALL&WINFREE Bankers and Brokers , 1114 E. Main St., Richmond, Va -1 ' Privata Wires to Principal Point?. 'Correspondents?W. E. WOODEND.;. *''? CO., Members New York ConiolldateO . Stock Exchang?.. ? Oorreepondenoo Invltod, D.W. Brancha Co; BANKERS and BROKERS Members of New York Cotton ??? change and Chicago Board a? Trais New York Correspondente? LADENBURQ, THALMANN &OO PRINCE & WHITLEY, LEHMAN BROS. (NEW YORK, Private Wires to { BOSTON, i CHICAGO THE OLDEST HE CHEAPEST GASH ORO GERY STORES IN THE CITY. Best American Granulated Sugar, pound..5o. Lion Coffee, 1-pound papers.9o. Sour Pickles, gallon.....290 Fresh Soda Crackers and Ginger Snaps, per pound .?4V4o. Carolina Rice, per pound.8c. Small California Hams, pound.9o. 8 bars Octagon-Shane Soap for.25c Puro Cider Vinegar, gallon.200? Largo Juicy Lemons, dozen....12c. Best City Meal, per peck.18c. or, bushel.70c. Mixed Splcos, for pickling, pound.20o. Best Cream Cheese, pound.18c, Arbuckleo* Ariosa Coffee, pound.9i,?c. Brown Sugar, pound....;.4e. No. 1 Timothy Hay, hundred....85o. Root Beer (make 5 gallons), bottle...5c. Good Lard, pound, 9c; or 3 lbs. for.,25c Whole Swoet Pickles, quart.10c. Gibson, XXXX, Mt. Vernon, Oscar Peper Old Brands Whiskey, bottle..75c 3-pouhd Jars Home? Made Preserves 18c Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart.. 12c' Enamellne Stove Polish, box.4c Salt Pork, per pound.70 Pound cans Chipped' Beef..150. New Clipped Herrings, per dozen...,10c. Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound....30c 3 cans Potted Tongue and Ham for..10c; Carolina Rice, good quality, pound...So Large Lump Starch, pound.4c Duffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle....800?, . WUHAN'S SON. Downtown Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Uptown Store, 506 East Mar? ehall Street. _" , ?Phones at our two Stores, M. K. PFNDL?TON & ! ?203 EAST MAIN STREET, Richmond, Va. "Factory Hoprosontntivos for com? pioto Linos of Qticenswaro, Glassware, Stonowarn, Decoratoci Lamps, &o. Stop paying jabbers profits and buy lUroct* from factory through us. "Write for not prloo list, WHOLESALE ONLY. Sienorgraphes Supplied. We lt?op experienced open *t our ottico. Nn churge fa?. BtcnocrnplicM ebould k-ar? for imy maculilo. We lteop experienced oner?? ira always 0? call nt our ottico. ?Nn churge fai? 11? eervlccs. Oood Htono^raplicm ebouid W&rt tholr nridruwirs. SOUTHERN STAMI* AND STATIONERY CO*"? 'l'homi 1805. Kiillr? Illil?., Twelve-Six Mala, Rlchnmiul, Va, 75c. Half-Soling Men's Shoes Ladies', 60c. Every pair ".Volt Shoe reatltohed On our KlQotrlu Stitcher; no M? unly new iiiK iirouiiii Ilio sola like a cobbler row? by hand; no nails, no pegs; the only up-to-diito plant for repairing shoea In DRFW'S ELECTRIC POWER ?????? tf SH0E FAQT0RT( 716 East Main Street, 'Phone ?JCUT, will send anywhere and deliver, This advertisement good for IOo. Can Cancer Be Cured? li Can* Without the une of the knife we our? Cancers, Tumors und Carolilo Hor???, chari?lu?; uoUilni,' for examination. Cut patiente ara our bese friends. Come ami see tin? cancers we have removed ana cured from our now happy patients, mi-i are dully curine. Tney are wonderful. If iiu'-n you ure not natlefled, we will pay all your expense*. Kellam Cancer Hospital Twt-iru and Bank SUfi-il?. iUchmonal? .V?.