Newspaper Page Text
-mmi mm ift whole number, 16,344. itICIIMOND, VA.,.;? TOKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,. 1903. PRICE TWO CENTS SUMMARY OMWY'S NEWS. THE VVEATHER, ?WABinNQTON, Sopt. 14,-Forocast fdr THiesday and Wednesday: Vlrglnla?itnironBlng cloiidlness Tuesday, followod by showers. Wodnostny cooler and partly cloudy, probably showers ln north portloni Incroaslng cnst to northcast North "Cnrollna-'Raln TucBday .cooler ln I Intorlor; brlsk to'hlgh oast wlnda, wod nesday falr. Tliero was a sllght drdp In tho tempera turo yostordny, but tho day wns sornewhnt torrld. Aftor nlghtfnll n sllght brcoze Improved mntters. Showers lo-dn.v, wlth cooler weathor to-morrow are tho Indlca tlons, BTATB OF THE THBRMOMETBR. 9 A. M VI M, .. a p. m. 6 P. M, e p. m. 12 rnldnlglit.'..?. 7C Avorago 80 Hlghost temporaturo yesterday..-. Lowost temporaturo yesterday. w Mean tempcraturo yesterdny.... '? K*~_...,.1 tr.,.,.,,..-., t ., ? fr. ,, <J' 11 t f TTl 1,<?T*. '* Nonnal tomperature foi* September, Doparturo from normal tempernturu.... ? i-Preclpltatlon during past 24 hours. w MIN1ATURB AL.MANAC. September 1C, 1903. Bun rlses.F.:52 I HIOH TIDE. Bun sets. 0:18 | Morn ng..U.w Moon rlses.12:00 | Evenlng.u.? RICHMOND. Mammoth warehouso company Is BTant efl a charter-Record-breaklng day for the Corporatlon Commlsslon?Openlng of the publlc schools to-day; examlnatlons done away wlth In all tho dlstrlct schoos of tho clty; asslgnment of teachcrs Is mndc-Commlsslon men to play bau ? C'ongroHxmnn Flood declnres for A. F. uor BUin-Board of Aldermen mcets to-nlglu -Case ngalnHt Sheriff Solomon dropped -No Indlctment In the shootlng of Sel bert Cnse-Henrlco constnblo reslgns-? W. J. Todd asks a rccount of the Henrlco treasureshlpl vote-Mr. Wendonberg re plles to the allegatlons of Mr. Throck morton-Succetsor to Judge "Minor to be chcen to-day?Great interest in the re sult of tho election In Amherst-Brutal attpmpt mnde to murder a mnn wlth an axe; the gullty party stlll at large; the vlctlm llkely to recover?Death of Mr. Augustus Arsoll, Jr.-Railroad peoplo to npnoar before tho Corporatlon Commlsslon (0.r]?v-Work of the Henrlco grand jur> vesto'rdny-Rev. M. Ashby Jones and brother rench Rlchmond from abrpad >es tort|av-Norfolk couple flnd Rlchmoiul mlnlsters hard-hoarted-Celebrntlon ot Patrlck Henry Councll's sixtoenth anni vorsary-A nre-nlnrm nnd burglarj svstem to be cstnbllshed here Minl'tor's brnvc-ry sayes a 11',prr ._New system of exnmlnntion nt tuonr mor.d College?Dlscui'slon of otoctrolysls -Pcnsion ehecks belng sont out at the rate of four hundred a day-Rogtstratior. of new voters to begln to-day?-Colonel Oeorire W. Mlle? glvlng politlcs the go-ro. MANCHESTER-Funernl of Mrs Fer miHon takes place this afternoon-Regis? tration Is -low-No new cnndldates have nniwred-Return of tourlsts-Arrest or ?V H. Koon?Horse with a rocord pur ch'ased-Openlng of the school, to-day _Nlght school has begun-Meeting or jrjUs-Ball for W. L. Buford-Mlss Ol llo Haggard qulto IH. ViRGINIA. Flroman struck by pverhead }$S*M Alexandrla and badly hurt-r?Judge Pren n? ,if.rldcs that the supervlsors of jsor folk county must refund J13.000 takeh for mllengo nnd expenses: they wlllaPPeal-r? Johnny Dev's father summoned In his cnse afNorfolk to testify In the matter of hls boy polsohlng hls ?top-mothar?nr. j. j. TaVlor reslgns hls Norfolk charge to go to Georgctown Collego-Frelght wrecK blocks James Rivor division between Lvnchb-jrg and Glndstone-Tho Bpyd Hotelan hlstorlc hostelry at Wythevlllo. L,1(,_J_judge Hnncock overru es an ordl nance M tho town of Wakelleld and aliows the Norfolk nnd Weatern to apeed its tralns through the corporatlon-Dlamond thievos taken from Petersburg back to Now York-Further returns from Arn hersi show a complote overthrow of the rnmnbell forces-Holel Weaver nt Manas ylV burnbd and guests have nnnrrow oscane_Cnndldates come to blows ln Campbell nnd the Judge Interferes-The shoo ing of Henry Abernethyby hls uncle, C- v. Abcrnethy. doclared Justinable ny ihe rireencsvllle County Court-The Vlr rfnla Lltiuor Dealers' Associatlon In session f,, phirloftr-Bvllle; organlzed flght agalnst i-inn bH Probahle?The Vlrglnla Bible Confercnce nt Salem very enthus nstlc; monev donated to support twonty-two misslonlonarloa. and twelve young men v lu. "er-Tho cruiser Maryland rc slsta a I efforus to ge.t her off tha waya lnto the wator at Newport News. NORTH CAROLINA. F O Slmmons, father of Unlted States Henator F M. Slmmons, murdored in a denso fore'st on hls nwn farm; robbery nrobublc-The Corporatlon Com mlss on or ers the Immcdiato bulldlng of a union donot at Durhnm. tho three rallroads to hear eriunlly tho expenso-New charters ls?uoril by the Secretary 0f State?Ono of tho vlctima of recont rnllroad accldent near Charlotto auos-for heavy dnmngos. GENERAL. The Bulgarlan government apponls to tho groat Posvors to prevent tho continun tlon of massneres, and practlcally says that unless this is done sho will' flffht-? Mlddle and Southwest Florldn swopt by _ llsastrous storm, Involvlng great loss of lifo and damngo to property-?Rev Sam jones has a Ilvoly flght wlth tho postmas ter of Carteraville, On., upon whom ho hiid mado nn attnek for selllng wlnc-? Presldent Roosevelt says compllcatlon about yacht club dlniier nrose from mls t nderstandlng. nnd ho earnestly deslroa tho presenco of Slr Thomns-New York Bi-and Jury hrlngs In another Indlctment imUnst Sam Parks, the wnlklng delegato H?Salvatlon Army lenders to omploy cav ?lrv In fetld dlstrlcts of Kentucky nnd wlll bo cuosts of Senator Hnrgls?-Judge Leeds grnnts wrlts of orror for wtrlkors und"- arrest In Colorado, but Oenornl rmaHo sayB no clvll process wlll be recog KtfSfvWon ln tho Brltlsh Cnblnot andiAfr Rltchle, Chancellor of Exohoq.uer. ind others wlll roslBtl-Hlghball captm'es tho Junlor Champlon Stnkes nt Qrnycs ISnd?-Mnjor Delmnr falls, mainly through poor raco maklng, to boat- I?u Dlllnn's porformnnco?Daninge to crons. ln the Northwost by snow nnd raln smountlng to mllllons of dollars?-McOo han and Huntlngton, lndlcted ln tho postal enses. surrender In New York?-Judge Albert Rltchle, of the Supreme Court of Maryland. dlos at Narrngnnsott. MARRIAOE OF W. M. OARBER A SURPRISE Fulton was vory' mucJi surprlsed l?le yesterday afternoon to learn that Mr, Wll* llam M. Onrber nnd Mrs. Poarl Myers (noo Bchurin) wero quietly marrled ln Washlngton yesterday, Wlthout the knowlodge of any of thelr frlends thoy sllpped off to the Natlonal Capltal yesterday mornlng and wore soon wedded. They returned to the clty lata yeBterday afternoon nnd announccd tholr marrlage. ' Mr. Giirbor Is n popular and well known bUBlnoss man of Fulton, and for a number of years hna been connected wlth hls brother, Cauncllman F.'H. Gnrbor, ln tho general merchnndlse business. Mrs Myers is also very popular ln Ful ion whore sho hns reslded for ypars. Mr. and Mrs. Gnrber wlll reslde at the bride's reeldence on. Nlcholson Street. CHANGE IN SCHOOL JYSTEM Hlgh School Promotion i Plan ls Extended. WILL BE BASED ON MONTHLY AVERAOE New Rules for the Promotion of Pupils. MANUAL TRAIN1NG IN SEVERAL, SCHOOLS Board Adopts Recommcndallons of Commlttee of Prlncipals, Maklng Important Changes ln Regard to Conduct of Clty Schools. Will All Be Reorgsnized About Februarylst. The pupils ln tho dlstrlct tchools of tho clty ,wlll ln future be promoted upon thelr rnonthly average. rather than upon exam inatlona, as heretofore, the prlnclplo ro cently adopted for promotlons ln the Hlgh ychool, havlng been extended to tho for mcr at a meetlng of the board last nlght upon the recommendatlon of a commlttee of prlncipals, appolnted for tho purpose of preparlng a plan on this llne. Pupils In the flrat and aecond prlmary gradea wlll be promoted upon the recom? mendatlon of the teachor, when approyed by tho prlnclpal. Thoae from the th rd prlmary to the Ilfth grammar grade, Iri cluslve, who make an average rnonthly r/taiidlng of 75 per cent., and who are not doflclont ln any subject, shall bo pro? moted. Those ln the slxth grammar grade ahall be examlncd on all subjects and for graduatlon shall be requlrcd to mako an average of at leaat 75 per cent. wlth not less than GO per cent. ln any subject. together wlth a comblned per cent. of not less than 75. All unpromoted pupll}.- who deslre lt shall have the prlvilego of an examlna tlon on all subjects ln whlch they are deficiont, excopt that no pupll whose av? erage standlng is.below G5 por cent. shall bo examlned.' SB3BION OF THE BODY. The abovo are tho prlnclpal lhnovatlons upon tho old system, except that It is further provided that the schools be ro organlzed on or about tho flrst of Feb ruary of each year. The board. way ln Besalon for over three hours last nlght dlscusslng tho resolutlon, whlch w safln ftlly adopted, the followlng members hav? lng been present: Mcbjts. James H. Ca pers, chalrman: R. B. Shlne, W. M. Tur pln, Dr. F. W; Stlff, Charles Hutzler, F. C. Ebel, R. Burton, A. L, Phillips, W. F. Fox, superlntendent, and C. P. Walford, clerk. The board adopted the teachers' plan book for use of all the teachers ln the publlc Bchools, and resolved to establlsh manual tralnlng In the three lowetl prl? mary grades of tho foljowlng schools: Nlcholson, Sprlngfleld, Bellovue, Mar shall, Central, Lclgh, ? Madlson, Blba, West End and Randolph. The meetlng was a speclal one and waa called to conslder the new plan. THE PLAN IN FULL,. Major James H. Capera presldcd, and shortly after, tho meetlng was called to order, tho followlng communlcatlon from the commlttee of prlncipals, togother j wlth the accompanylng plans, wore sub mlttod nnd the lattor flnally adopted: Rlchmond, Va.. September 4, 1903. , Major James H. Capera, Chalrman Clty School Board: Slr,?Your commltteo, appolnted to for mulate a plan for tho promotion of pupils ln the dlatrict schools of the clty, recom mend the accompanylng plaa and further recommond that the schools be reorgan iaed on or about the flrst of February of each year. Respoctfully submltted. i S. I>. Tl/KNER, chalrman, I A. H. HILL. | J. H. BINFORD, H. Q. CARLTON. Commltte. Plan for tho promotion of pupils ln the dlstrlct achoolB. 1, Mark on all subjects nt loast once, but not oftener than four tlmos a month, using tho subjolned achodule of H-alueu; THIRD AND FOURi'H PRIMARY. Readinging.4 8 lt Spolllng.4 8 16 Phonetics.2 4 8 3 P Langunge.5 10 20 4 P Oral Oeog.1 2 4 Langunge.4 8 16 Arlthmetlc....4 8 16 Forma.2 4 8 Nature study.2 4 8 Wrltlng. 2 A. 8 FIFTH, SIXTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH PRlMAuY. Roadlng.3 6 12 Spelllng.? . 8 16 Phonetics.2 4 8 Language.4 8 10 Arlthmetlc.4 8 16 Goography.3 0 12 Objecta nnd forma.1 3.4 Wrltlng.8 4 8 Nature study.'..2 4 8 FIRST GRAMMAR. Readlng.8 6 13 Spelllng.4 8 10 Phpjv.dsjs.1 2 4 - _..,,ge.3 0 12 ?rlthmotlc.4 8 10 Grammar.3 6 13 Geography.3 6 12 golonce...3 4 8 Wrltlng.i.3 4 8 SECOND, THIRP, FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH GRAMMER. Readlng.3 6 12 Spelllng.8 6 12 Phonetics. .,.,.1 3 i Language..., .,.8 6 12 Arlthmotlo.3 6 12 Grammar. . 8 fl 1? Hlatory.. .8 6 12 Geography......? 5 I Solonce. 1 2 4 Wrltlng.3 4.8 YALUH OF MARKING. If four marklngs are made durlng tho month use the flrst column of values; lf two, use tho second column; lf one, use tho thlrd column. g, pupils shall ?9t bo Jnforwod before,.. hnnd on what dny thoy ar to bo tnnrkod on any subject. 8. If a pupll Is deflclont In one or moro subjects, thls fact nhall bo rccorded on Iho register along wlth hls rnonthly stand. Ing, nnd hls parenta or guardlan shall be notlflcd of tho samo on hla rnonthly re? port. i 4. (a) All pupils from tho thlrd prlmnry to tho flfth grammar grade Incluslve, who make an average rnonthly atandlng nf 75 per' cent. and who aro not deflclont In any subject, ahall be promoted. (b) A atandlng lesa than 00,por cent. ahall be consldored "deflclent." (c) Puplla who havo beon abscnt 20 or more ,day? mny be roqulred to take an oxamlnatlon on all subjects for pro motion. (d) Puplla who make an average montli ly atandlng of 70 per cent. and aro de? flclont ln only one subject may bo ad vanced on trlal, upon the recommendatlon of the teacher, whon approved by tho prlnclpal. HAVE ANOTHETt CHANCE. (e) All unpromoted puplla/who deslre It shall have the prlvllege of an exnmlna tlon on all subjects ln whlch they nre deflclont, except that no pupll whoao average standlng Is bolow 65 per cent shall bo examlned. (f) Pupils thua examlned for promotion Bhall bo requlred to make an average standlng of at least 75 per cent. wltli not lesa than 00 per cent. on any sub (g) TheBe examlnatlons ahall bo held immedlatoly after reorganlzatlon ln Feb ruary and September of oaoh year. - C. Pupils In the flrst and second prlmary grades shall bo promoted upon the rec? ommendatlon of the teacher, when ap? proved by the prlnclpal. 0 Pupils ln the alx grammar grade shall be examlned on all subjects and for grnduatlon shall be requlred to make an average of at least 76 per cent., wlth not less than 00 per cent. ln any subject together wlth a combined por cent. of nol lesa than 75. APPEALSTO THEJWERS Plea for Humane Sentlment to End the Massacres, OR BULOARIA WILL FIGHT This the Practlcal Concluslon of the Note ? Revolutionary Leaders to Adopt Only Querilla Tactics in Macedonla. . (By Assoclated Press.) SOFIA. BULGARIA, Sept. 14.-The Bul garlan government, through lts forelgn representatlves, has addressed a note to the great powers, declarlng that the Porte Is systematically devastatlng Macedonla and mossacrlng the Chrlstlan populatlon. Furthermore, lt says Turkey has mobll ized her own army whlch cannot be for the sole purpose of suppreaslng the revo lutlon. Therefore, the Bulgarian govern? ment appeals to the humane sentlment of Buropo to prevent the contlnuatlon of ho massacres and dovaatatlon and to stop tho mobllt-otlon of the Turkish army The memorandum concludes wlth tho plaln fi-tatement that unlesB the powers interfere Bulgarla will be forced to take such measures as she may deem neces sary. Only Querilla Tactics. (By Assoclated Press.) SOFIA, BULGARIA, Sept. 14.?Warned by prevlous dlsastrous experlences, tho ievolutlonary leaders havo declded to adopt only guertlla tactics ln Baalern Macedonla. The pollcy of occupylng towns and villages has proved a mlstake, aa lt has usually reaulted In Turkey re occupylng the villages, deatroylng every thlng and kllllng the lnhabltants, the ln surgents belng hnmpered ln thelr opera tions by the wonien and children. A guerllla warfare ls oxpected to exhaue/t the Turks much soonor, whlle the unham pered bands can move easlly and more rapldly. It Is hoped that the new tactics wlll result In the womon and children be? lng spared unnecessary dangers. The lnsurgenta now have nearly 2,000 men armed wlth rlfle&> ln Eastern Mace? donla and thousanda of poaaants aro ready to Join thelr forces -when a general rlalng haa been proclalmed. This atop Is belng delayed untll the supply of rlflea, cartrldges and dynamlte ls reclved. New band*, aggregatlng 1.G00 men, are reported to be on thelr way to tho frontler, The (Contlnued on Second Page.) DEATH OF JUDGE ALBERT R1TCH1E Well-Known Man Who Mar? ried a Rlchmond Lady Passes Away. (By Aaaoclated Preaa.) NARRAGANSETT P1ER, R. I? Sept, 14-Judgo Albert Rltchle, of tho Supreme Judlclal Court of Maryland, dled thls af ternoon aftor nn lllness of three weeks; aged slxty-ntno years, BALTIMORE, MD., Sept, 14.?Judge Rltchle was born In Froderlck Clty, Md,, ln 1831. Ho was graduated from the law f rhool of the Unlverslty of Vlrglnla ln 1850, and was shortly afterwards admltt?4 to tlio Fredorlck bar. In lel)2 Governor Frank Brown appolnted hlm to serve an unoxplred term us asaoolate Judge on tho supreme bench of the clty. In 1893 Judge Rltchle waa elected to flll the full term of flfteen yeara on the aupreme bench. He was a delugato to the Demooratlo natlonal convention held ln St. Louls ln 1808. Judgo Rltchle wns married about twenty-nlne yeara ago to Mlss Caboll, a fomous beauty of tho South and a belle of Rlchmond, Va. The Judge becamo a,> qualnled wlth Mlss Cahell whlle ho wns attendlng tho law school at the Unl veralty of Vlrglnla. The pourtBhlp waa a brlof one, Biid aftor Mr. Rltchle hnd graduated In law the marrlage took place. They have one son, Albert O. Rltchle, a member of the Baitlmore Bar, who was recently appolnted Asslstant Clty eoUoltotv DEFEAT OF CAMPBELL COMPLETE Every Man on His Ticket Beaten. HIS MAJORITY IN PEDLAR DISTRICT Carried one Precinct in the Other Three. SCOTT'S MAJORITY TWO HUNDRED & SEVENY-SIX The Democrats of'Wythe Reorganize the County Committee and Re-elect Thelr Old Chalrman?Repub- < llcans Flnd lt Difficult to Find Candidates Willing to Make Sacrifice. ' (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) AMHERST, VA., September 14.?Tho full returns of tho voto ln the leglslatlve and county prlmary,ln Amhorst county Saturday aro nbw ln, wlth tho excoptlon of ono precinct, and that will not ciiango tho result. Tho offlclal oount will bo mado by tho commlttee horo to-morrow. The result was a completo overthrow of the Campbell forces. Not a slnglo candldate on tho Campbell ticket wus nomlnated. BY MISTAKE.' Tho only man ' not re-electcd to thaf Board of Supervlsors waa Mr. Valentlno Rlchardson. Under tho belief' that ? he was a Campbell man, he waa defcated by 13 votes. -,. Pedlar Dlstrlct was. tho only dlstrlct in whlch Campbell recolved a?maJority. In tho other threo dlstrlcta he >carrled only ono precinct. , THE MAJORITIES. Dr. Don Scott defeats ex*Judge Camp? bell for tho House by.V majorlty of 276. Ho carried his precinct at Monroe solld ly, recoivlng the entlro 31'; votes east there. Otto L. Evana defeated T. C. Payne for Commonwealth's Attorney by 270 votes. John. C. Beard for Sherlff de? feated R.'H: Drummond by 390 majorlty. A. D. Beard for Commlssloner of tho Revenue ln the Flrst District secured a majorlty of 360, whlle R. N. Eubank, for the same: offlce in tho ^Second DIstrlctj led the ticket wlth 400 majorlty.. THE PARTIES IN WYTHE " Democrats Reorganize Their Commit? tee?Republican Nomination. WYTHETVTLLE, VA., Sept. 14.?Both the polltlcal partiea had moss-meotings here to-day. The T?3mocrats met at noon ln the n__ courthouso. County Chalrman E Lee Tinkle preslded and Alex. For ward acted as secretary. A now county commlttee waa elected. Tho new commlttee met lator and re elooted Chnlrman Trlnkle and elected Robert Snyers, Jr., as lts secretary. The Renubllcnns met to nomlnato can rtldfLtes fr>r tlio House of .Delegates ond for Commonwealth's attorney, but the lat (Contlnued on Second Page.) FIRE AND BURGLARY ALARM SYSTEM ______ New Company Asks Prlvilege of Establlshlng and Op eratlng Here. A sub commlttee from the Commlttee on Streets, composed of Messrs. West (chalr? man), Bahen, Splcer and Mann, met last nlght' and coiiBldored an ordlnanoo char terlng a prlvate burglary and fire alarm company, and nftor going over lt careful ly wlth the clty englneer, clty attorney and clty electrlclan, rocommonded it fuvorably to the full commltteo, whlch wlll meet nt 6 o'clock this afternoon ln resular sesslon. Thoso wlio aro behlnd tho now entor prlso are Capt. A. Plwslnnl, Jr., Messrs. \Vlrt B Taylor nnd Hill Montuguo, and lt 1h sald'thnt back of |t there Ib omplo C1___iea 'ordlnonco propoeea to allow tho lncorporators to lay oondult, conatruot polea and wlrea and eatabllBh a modern system of Iho nnd burglary nlarm and aneclal dellvory tolephonoa. Tho com ffi propoaea to operate both ln the busl n__I nnd resldeiitlnl portlons of tho clty, and to havo flrumen, dotoctives, putrol wiiBona and "ll etiulpmenta nocoaaary to Z* an up-to-date Horvlco in all lts do rfartnients. Mr. Charles R. Wlnsto,, wlll be' ln cliargo nf the oleotrloal departmont, and he la underatood to be a largo stock liolder In tbe new concern. 'Tha neiv Inslltutlon proposos to ns Biimo reaponslblllty for prlvate dwelllngs. lmnks and bualnesa houaos of nll klnds; rn linvo Ihom connected wlth a contral offlco by n ayalem of eleotrlo appllnnooa, whloh can bo imed as apeclal 'phonos by day and fire and burglary alarm by ^AtShe central offlco, whlch wlll bo In nhartra of a cnlot' nn a,nnl? dotoctlve fvirco iiiul flromen wlll bo stutlonod and ?,?,,.,? wlll come In promptly wlienovor ?*",,..?? goea wrong at any of tha hulld fn_a Iri cliarge, It la proposed that tho ___??" Lystam a'"1" suporcode that of prl ,,ntl Vutoliinen for prlvate resldencen rt nlaoes of btifilness, and It Is sald ?w n atrong demand for such ? sorvlco iV,io come fr0.m ths bus|n?s8 >"?n here. ??? ordlnancb, when lt shall have boen * ^nieted, wlll tako Ha usual courso and ? nUibl- tlio Councll to tho hlghest bld deer tliough thoso applylng for Jt wlll ^ikeiy fc'Ot '*? SAM JONES HAS FIGHT WITH MAN HE ABUSED ? (Spoclal to tho Tlmea-Dlapatoh). OAKTERSVILLE, GA., Septeinbor 14. ? Rev. Sam Jones, tho famous Mothoclisfc ovangolist, was' blully brttised in a personal en counter to-clay with Postmaster Walter Akermnn, whom Mr, Jones donouncod for sclling wine and threatened to have reported to President Roosevolt. , , T ... Tho diflictilty aroso over statements made by Mr. Jones athiB tabernaolo meoting last nlght when he used tho oxpression, dirty dog," in remarks said-to refer to Mr. Akorman. Whon thoy mot this mornlng Mr. Akermnn momtionod tho remarks and, hit Mr. Jones m thomouth. Tho ovangolist roplied with a hck in the eyo. Ihough bloeding, Mr. Jones deelared after Mie utfair that the only thmg hu.rt about him was his fist. 'I , , ,,,.__ _1^ During*his remarks last night My. Jones deelared that tne people of Oartorsvillo would "profor a sober, decent negro to hand them out their mail to a dirty dog who was using his offloial position to sell wine and call it dope." Mr. Jones' romarks wero sensational in tne extreme and the fight this morning was not unoxpeoted. # This is not tho flrst timo that the mmister has figured in suen affairs. Several years ago the mayor of a Texas town attempted to cane him and recoived a thorough boating. DEAD IN A BOX CAR Body of Supposed Hanover Man at Charleston. IS PROBABLY A. L. ISBELL Gbrpse in Car Loaded With Water melons, the Skull Crushed and a Piece of Iron- Lying Beside . the Body. (Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.) CHARLESTON, W. VA., Sept. 14,-The badly decomposed body of a'whlte, man of apparently about'thlrty-flvo years of age nnd'flvo feet elght inches in helght and supposed to bo that of A. _. Isbell, of Atlee, Va., was found ln a frelght car at tho Chesapeake and Ohlo yard hero to day. The man was no doubt murdored wlth robbery as a motlvo. On Thursday last n car loaded wlth wa termelons arrlved over the Chesapeako and.Ohlo from the,.East. No way blll ac companied lt, and to-day the lcical agent ordered lt opened. When the doors were forced operi tho car was found to con taln besldes the melon. tho ghastly corpse. The skull wao crushed, showlng murdor had been commlttcd and a bloody plece of iron lying near tho body was no, doubt the Instrument.. The pockets ln the man's clothlng were empty and turned lnsldo out. ,_,,???,. A wayblll was found, showlng the car of molone wns In charge of A. L. Isbell, consigned by; T, H. Isbell, from Atlee, Vn.. to R. L. Isbell at Huntlngton, W. Va. Tho wayblll allowed afopover nt Charles? ton, Hlnton and Charlottesville, and was dated August 31st. Tho contonts of the car had beon partlally.dlsposed pf, and lt was tho money which tho man In charge had on hls person thnt no doubt led to the murder. Tho man wns last seen allve nt Hlnton, so that the murdor must havo occurred at some polnt between Charleston and that polnt or tmmedlately after tho ar rlval of tho car here. ? The coroner took chnrgo of tho remalns nnd ordered them burlod at once. Bfforts nro belng made to communlcato wlth the dead man's people ln Vlrglnla. No clue as to tho murderer hns been found so far, but every effort wlll bo made to clear up the myctery. BANKS DESIGNATED AS GOVERNMT DEPOSITORIES (By Assoclated Pross.) WASHINGTON. D. C September 14.? Secretary Shaw to-day doslgnated about flfty natlonal banks In various parts pf the country as dopositarlos of publlo furids nnd ordered about $4,000,000 deposlt ed wlth them. Very llttlo of this money wont to banks ln the large cltios. the monoy golng chlofly lnto tho ngricul turnl sectlons of the southwost. The banks solected covor the country from Malne to tho Pnclflc cotst, Malno and Florlda each gottlng rolatlwolv a good share. MoBt of tho dlstrlbutlon wns ln tho cotton and graln growlng dlstrlcts. WISHES SIR THOMAS THERE AS GUEST Presldent Denles Any Sug gestlon to kontrary?A' Misunderstanding. (By Assoclated Press.) OY8TEP, BAY, L. I., Sopt. 14.-By uu thorlty of tho Prosidont the statomont wns mndo to-day that the compllcution which nrose over ho Soawanl^iikn-Corln thlan Yacht Club dlnner liad dovolpped from a mlsundorstandliig. Tho Prusldont oxplalned to ColBnte IJoyt, ohnlrmnn of tho Board of Truateos of tho club, that he could not attend a lurgo formul dlnner, as by ho dolng he would bo unjuat to mnny frlends nud organlviatloua, whoso In vltatlons to slmllar nffalra ho had beon obllged to decllno. Tho Prosidont further wlshos It to bo known thnt he dld not ln tho rumotest way object to tho pre3onco of Slr. ThoiiiaB Upton at the dlnner. Mr. lloyt, after seolng the Presldent to day, gavo out a stateinont rjuotlng a letter from Secretary I/oe-b saylng It would he a partlcular pleasure to the presldent lf 8l1'- 1'homas Upton could coiiio to tho dliiiior, that ho has a hlgh rngard for Slr. Thomas and oar nestly doslres that he be present at the dlnner. Mr. Hoyt says nothlng M'us further from the Prosldent's thought thun to bar Slr. Thomua or anyono olso ff<y? >tho dlnuei'i FLORIDA DISASTER Many Llves Were Lost and Much Damage Done. HAVOC AT PALM BEACH Business Houses Unroofed, and the Newspapers Also Heavy Sufferers. A List of the Euildings Injured. (By Aasoolated Press.) JACKSONVILLE, FLA., September 14.?The fate of Mlddle and Southwest Florlda ls only a matter of conjecturo. Thls much la certaln: The storm waa dodtructlvo enough In these sectlons to sweep down tho" wlrea and slop rallroad comiuualcatlon. This, of itself, ls suf llcont to justlfy forobodlngs "of unpro oedented calamlty. Tho mlddlo Florlda sectlon, from whloh not a. wot'd hcard, ia tho most. populons port of tho State. Td that sectlon' overy wlre Is ffown, eryery train Is stoppod, and no ono oan tell what tho nows of tlio morrow wlll tell. ' Begfnnlng Frlday mornlng on tho oast coast and Saturday mornlng on tho west, and lastlng- twonty-four hours at each, South Florlda has been swept by tho strorigest cyclono over known ln tho hlstory: of" that part of tho State. Tho wlres wont down at the beglnnlng, and rallroad aervlce was delayed. On that account no detalls reached thls placo uDtir to-day. Even now they. aro not full. for many placos that were lntlio ccnter of tho path.of the storm havo not yot beon heard from,' and. the wlrea into the storm-swept - dlstrlct are not yot .worklng. LTVES' LOST AT. TAMPA. Two llves wore lost In Tampa, duo to the storm. Louls Baron, the clgar mnker, who was struck by a part of thp cornlce of the Dlaz bullding, . dled the day after. recelvlng hla injurlea. Hls Bkull was frnctured, nn eye knocked out and hls body bndly brulaed. T. Y, Hunnlciit, a motorman, met hls death near the Cuesta Roy clgar factory, at Tampa. Ho attempted to removo a wlre whlch lay across tho track, but dld not know that It was a llvo olectrlo wlro. Ho recelved a ahook whlch provcd fatal. Tho conductor, who came to hls asslst ance, wns also scvoroly' shocke'd. Tho splro of the' Bulnh Baptlst Cliut-oh (colored) wns torn from tho bullding nnd carried across the street. The gnhlo onds of Avory & Owens' bulld? ing, udjnceut to the Seaboard Alr, Llno depot, were torn compiotely away, In Ybor Clty soveral factorles wero badly damRged, The property loss nt Tampa wlll reaoh at least $50,000. Tho orango crop hns beon cut off around Tampa nnd one-fourth on the enst coast. Thero aro no wlres south of Tnmpa and trnlns nro delayed, What hns happened nt Punta Oorda. Punta Rnssas nnd othor 'places ls not known. MANY SEAMEN LOST. Further detalls of tho Florlda storm dls after camo by mall nnd by Pns*engors on an Incomlng traln. Thn steamer InohWva of Llvorpool, ownod by tho Inch Shlpplng Company, from Cnlveslon, loadod wlth lumber and cotton aeod mojil, and bound for Hampton Roads for coal, went nshore near Boynton Frlday nlght at 0 o clock. The shlp's ateerlng gear broke ond sho ftoated at wlll, strlklng tho beach wlth great forco and breaklng Into three plecos, The cnptnln and matea and fourteen of tho crew, wore f-aved. Nlno wore drownod, nmong, thom the englncer. Tha boats hnd n. hard time liuidlng. Ono boat wlth flve mon In It, wns battered to pleces by tho wavos nnd Its occupnnts wore drownod, . ___ Tho flchooner Mnrtha T. Thomns. 7E0 tons, Captaln AVntts, wlth a cnrgo of lumber, bound from Appalachlcola to Bnlllmoro, waa wrocked nlno mlloa south of Jupltor. Tho sohooner lf spllt ln half, Tlio crew wero nll savod. DAMAGE AT PALM BEACH. At Pnlin Bench tha dnmugo wns serl ous. Gnibci-B' Opera Houao wns pnrtl nlly unroofed,. ns woll as hls bustnoss block on Js'nreltsua Streot, nnd hls waro liouso. Tho Somlnolo block sufforod heavlly and tho Palma block to n smaller oxtont. Tho roof of the Troploal Sun bullding Is gono, and all tho glnss In tlie lewnr front blown out, Tho I_iko Worth NewB was also a heavy sufferer. Tlio Musonlo Temple, the Dado County Stato Bank nnd tho new Jefferson blru-k w?>ro also greatly ditmaged, Of tlio Intter a portlon of the roof wns torn off. All the boatB on tho lnnd front. oxcopt three, wore siink, and aro total wreoks. On tho oast Bldo tho loss Is heavy. The Hotel Royal Polnclana wiu nllglulv dum nged. ENTIREI.Y CUT OFF. Mlaml nnd West Florlda aro entlrely out off from tho outsldo world. The traln whlch left thls mornlng for Rlver Junetlon could get uo "further than Groonvlllo. Thoro is no wlro connootlon beyond Drlanton. Both these placea aro npproxlmately one hundred mlles weat of Jacksonvlllo. Nothing Ib known or can be lenrned horo of tho storm whli-h haa swept the mlddlo portlon of the tftate. MAMMOTH COMPANY IS CHARTERED Place Warehouses All Over the South. MILLION AND A HALF OF CAPITAL Is Reported to Have Men of Large Means Behind It RECORDBREAKING DAY OF COMMISSION! Crtartera- Granted to a Large Company1, In This Clty and to a Number of Corporatlons and 8oclal Gluba ' In and Around, Norfolk. Some, Large Feet Qo lnto 8tate'a Ooffera, A gigantlo project waa set on foot jsea tordy wlth the lnoorporatlon by the Cop poratlon Commlsslon of Vlrglnla of thV Natlonal Fldollty Warehouse Co., wlth prinolpal offlces at Rlchmond, and wtth a capltal stock of which' the mlnlmum la placed at $1,200 and the maxlmum at $1, 600,000, This great warehouse company, the pr'ojectors and corporators of which are all Baltlmoreans of wealth and prom lnence, will be backed and suported flnan clally by one of. the large Baltlmore ;trust companlos, and proposes to ' establlsh warohousos at Rlohmond and Norfolk and mnny polnta ln the South for the purpose; of tho storage of cotton, and other goods, morohandlso and' raw products and . frolghts, both for the railway company and for the' conslgnoes' of' slilpment Of', all klnds of bulk, and ls deslgned to find Its fleld by, rellevlng the rolling stock of the rnilways from the straln ,of-havlng. to remaln Idlo for long perlods wlth un loadod frelght thercln. The company' la auutorlzed to hold real estate to the max-l' lmum of-1,000 acres, and of a value not. oxceedlng $1,500,000. '??'?' --?-,? All Over the South. It ls probnble ;that'tho company -tvlll.ln-' crease Its.capltal from .tlme to tlmo and" secure llcense to do buslness ln the vn,-' rlous Southern States, especlally.for baled,' cotton and other bulky. products of the fnrm and factory. T?e plan wlll largely superesede the railway warehouses and Ja designed to relieve. tho, congestlon of frelghts there. Above all , tho ohlof fentures of the concern, Is 'that which proposos to ennblo tho, rallways to haive tho uso of nll Its avallablo'rolling. stock. for tho movement of crops and the hand llng of Its onormous.buslness ln all llnes.' The scarclty of cars hns'be'c'ome a serlous phnse of tho railway situation. at cer-* tain seasons of the year when the orbpa_ nro about moved, and only a few* days ago a statement from Oeneral Paa songer Agent-Henry W.' Fullor," of the Chesapeake and Ohlo Rnllway wns pub llshed ln which that offlclal statod that tho rolling stock of the various rallroada. was lnadequato to the demands upon, lt, nnd thnt the car fnotorles wore montha bohlnd ln-thelr orders and oould not sup? ply the demand for cars.ot various klndB., The warohouso situation wlll-be relleved and llkewlse the Btraln on the roada >b? the establlshment of warehousea.^t va? rious lmportnnt polnts of shlpment and dostl hatlon of shlpments. The oharter foo pald for the lncorporar tlon of tho company Is $600 on this charter alono, the largest sum requlred' of anjr commerolal charter, and of any other savo chnrters of publlo senvlce corpora? tlons. lt ls enslly the largest corpora? tlon of the klnd chartereid since the com-' mlsslon was Inaugurated, The Corporators. ' . . Tho corporators of the comp.any named In tho nppllcatlon for the chartora are all BnltimoreanB, and are Wllllam' Penn Jjewls, presldent and dlrector; Phlllp 8. Small, dlrector; Thomas E.-Wlttell, dlrec^ tor and secretary. Mr. E. B. Thomaeon, of this clty, Is the local attorney for the corporntlon, which will have Its prinolpal oftlco ln this clty. Under tho stock plan of the concer"ij ten thousnnd shares of. preferfed stock and flvo thouaand bf .common stqck wlll he Issued. Tho holders of. preferred stooK hre to draw elght pbr cont. dlvldend an nually out of tho net earnlngs of the com? pany before any dlvldend |s pald on the common stook, and the preferred atocH holders shall bo ontltled to rocelve tbe par value of thelr stock nnd no moro out of Its not assets after the payment of tte debts upon tho dlssolutlon or llquldatlon of the corporatlon, boforo the oommon Btockholdors nro ontltled to recelve any? thlng to 'voto nt stockholdors' meetlngv, unloss othorwlso provlded for In tho by laws of tho corporatlon. The corporntlon ls to be a perpetual one. Commerclal Roalty Company. Among the large corporatlons ohar tored yeBterdny by tho Corporatlon Com mlsaion was tho Commerclal Realty Company, of Norfolk, which Is glven large powors In tho mattor of deallns ln estate, Tho capltal stock of the oorporatVn ls *10,000 mlnlmum nnd $50,000 nuiximum, ln shares of $100. Tho ofllcors of Iho compnny nre: Nnthanlel Boamon, preBldont; II. M. Kerr, senre. tary und treasurer; Messrs, Beamon nnd Korr. F. M. Whltehurst. Charles M. Barrett, Thomas H. Wlllco'x, Alvah H. Mnrtln, Thomas S. Southgate nnd Tnan well Tnylor, Aftongruen Sturl. Tho Aftongrcen Stud, Incorpornted. was churtered yostorduy by tho Corpo? ratlon Commlsslon, Its, buslness belng the broeding aml ralalng of flno liorsee, and Its locatlon Culpeper. This Is the flrst charter of the klnd granted by the oommlssion, nnd tho capltnl, $1)0,000 Diliilmum nnd $100,000 maxlmum, tmll. cuto that It ls golng to be a Btock farm on a large nnd pretentlous ecale, The company Is glven authority to hold * Im-go tnu't of land. The corporators ?re Hon. Wllllam T. Townes. of Culpeper, formerly of Plttsylvanla. Inte Conanl Oeneral of tho Unlted Stutea at Me Janelro, who ls presldent and dlrector; ?Cforb'o II. Townes, sl%retary and trea